human resources from a-z for the school district and the

3/5/2014 1 Human Resources from A-Z for the School District and the Bus Contractor STEVE RAMMER, MIDDLETON-CROSS PLAINS AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Session Description Transportation has its unique human resource related requirements. Hear from both a school district that runs their own transportation department and a bus contractor on how they work through these transportation nuances. Your presenters will share best practice and provide time to answer your questions. Covering best practices taken from National Association of Pupil Transportation, Program Evaluation

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Human Resources from A-Z for the School


Session Description

Transportation has its unique human resource related requirements. Hear from both a school district that runs their own transportation department and a bus contractor on how they work through these transportation nuances. Your presenters will share best practice and provide time to answer your questions.

Covering best practices taken from National Association of Pupil Transportation, Program Evaluation



Hiring & RetentionPhysical Qualifications:

1. Bus drivers must pass an annual medical exam designed to test their physical ability to safely drive a commercial vehicle

2. Physicians conducting medical exams are aware of the rigorous physical demands required to safely drive a school bus.

3. Bus drivers’ previous health histories and use of medications are carefully assessed by physicians.

4. Bus drivers must pass a physical performance test designed to evaluate their physical ability to operate a school bus and evacuate students in an emergency

5. Bus drivers and attendants are tested for tuberculosis.

Hiring & RetentionDrugs & Alcohol

1. Bus drivers are tested for illegal drug use prior to driving a bus (during training, as well as prior to transporting students).

2. Attendants are tested for illegal drug use prior to transporting students.

3. At least 10% of bus drivers in the fleet are randomly tested for on-duty alcohol use and at least 50% are randomly tested for illegal drug use each year.

4. Bus drivers who are involved in a preventable accident are promptly tested for illegal drug and/or on-duty alcohol use.

5. A written policy is in place requiring the termination of any bus driver or attendant who tests positive on a drug or alcohol test.



Hiring & RetentionDrugs & Alcohol (cont.)

6. Supervisory staff who have direct daily, interaction with drivers (i.e. dispatchers, mechanics) have received training in ‘reasonable suspicion recognition of drug and alcohol use.

7. A system is in place requiring all bus drivers, before going on duty each day, to have direct personal interaction with a supervisor trained to recognize signs of drug and alcohol use.

8. A drug and alcohol testing service is available for accidents occurring after regular hours.

9. Bus drivers and attendants receive preservice and periodic inservice training about drug and alcohol testing requirements and the dangers of driving or working with students when under the influence.

Hiring & RetentionDriving Record

1. The employment history of bus driver applicants with prior commercial driving experience is checked with previous employers

2. The driving record of bus driver applicants is checked through the state motor vehicle agency prior to hire, and applicants with a pattern of moving violation or accidents (in their personal vehicles or in a bus) are not hired.

3. Once hired, the driving record of bus drivers is regularly checked and drivers with repeated moving violations, convictions for driving while under the influence, or accidents (in their personal vehicles or in a bus) are terminated.

4. An in-house road test is conducted prior to new bus drivers transporting students, including drivers new to the operation who already hold a Commercial Drivers’ License (CDL).



Hiring & RetentionRecruiting

a) Newspaper

b) School Newsletter

c) Websites1. Company/School

2. College/Tech School Student Job sites

3. Craigslist, Monster, other sites geared toward job seekers

d) Radio

e) Sign on a parked bus

f) Referral Program

Hiring & RetentionInterview Process

1. A standardized series of interview questions is utilized when interviewing bus driver applicants.

2. An interview committee consisting of staff in various transportation roles is utilized in interviewing applicants.

3. The job responsibilities of a bus driver or attendant are realistically presented to individuals seeking employment.



Hiring & RetentionPersonal References

1. At least three personal references, excluding individuals related by blood or marriage, are checked through direct contact (by phone or in person) prior to hiring a transportation employee.

2. The criminal records of transportation employee applicants are checked prior to hire and regularly monitored after hire.

Hiring & RetentionStaff Professionalism

1. Dress standards appropriate to working around children exist in writing and are consistently enforced.

2. Transportation staff are strictly prohibited from using inappropriate language around children.

3. Bus exteriors are kept clean; passenger compartments are swept daily and kept in a clean, hygienic condition; driver areas are kept free of clutter.



Hiring & RetentionSubstitute and Activity Drivers

1. Sufficient substitute drivers are available to fill all runs during periods of heavy absenteeism and/or high volume of trips, without having to utilize supervisory or mechanical staff.

2. Substitute and activity bus drivers meet the same hiring and training criteria as regular route bus drivers.

3. Experienced drivers, not rookies, are used as substitutes.4. Drivers used as substitutes are given opportunities to ride routes

before driving them.5. Designated student helpers are appointed by regular route drivers

to help direct substitutes.6. Designated substitutes are on call at the facility on a daily basis.

Hiring & Retention“Occasional” Drivers

1. Only individuals meeting all bus driver qualifications (i.e., license, physical, criminal background, driving record, drug/alcohol testing, training, etc.) are permitted to drive students to or from school or school activities. Teachers, coaches, school administrators, or parent volunteers wishing to occasionally drive students to or from school o r school activities meet all bus driver qualifications.

2. Teachers or coaches occasionally transporting students use approved school buses, not personal vehicles.

3. A system is in place for quickly providing fully qualified bus drivers, utilizing approved school buses, to take home sick students, or students who have been suspended, during the school day.



Hiring & RetentionDriver Turnover

1. Average years of service for bus drivers in the fleet is at least five years.

2. Bus driver turnover for the past 12 months is less than 10%.

3. Exit interviews are conducted to learn why bus drivers and attendants are departing from the job.

Hiring & RetentionEmployee Appreciation

1. Bus drivers and attendants are compensated (wages and benefits) commensurate with their responsibilities and in accordance with area pay rates for other professional bus drivers.

2. An employee recognition program is in place to honor exemplary performance (perfect attendance, accident-free driving, etc.)

3. Employee awards, commendations, achievements, photos, etc. are prominently displayed in the transportation facility.

4. Notices and articles about employee achievements and awards are placed in the school newsletter and local newspapers.



Hiring & RetentionStaff Identity

1. Activities to promote positive morale in the department, such as employee picnics, holiday parties, group photos, charitable projects, etc. are supported and promoted by management.

2. Identifying apparel (shirts, hats, jackets, etc.) is provided to transportation staff.

Transportation ManagementDepartment Handbook

1. A comprehensive, up-to-date department handbook, clearly defining employee responsibilities and safety procedures, is provided to all staff.

2. Employees must sign a receipt indicating they have received and read the department handbook.

3. The department handbook is regularly referenced and discussed in staff development sessions



Transportation ManagementJob Descriptions

1. Accurate, detailed job descriptions for all transportation positions are in writing.

2. Job descriptions are referenced in employee evaluations.

Transportation ManagementEmployee Discipline

1. Employee disciplinary procedures are defined in writing.

2. Due process is provided for employees charged with a violation of policy of procedure.

3. Employee discipline is administered in progressively severe steps.




Reference Material

1. Application including questions

2. Interview questions

3. Job Description

4. Disclosure Statement/Release form

5. Reference check forms

6. Hiring checklist

7. Policies & Procedures Manual/Handbook

8. Agreement with the board

9. Drug & Alcohol Testing Policy & Procedure

Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District FUNCTIONAL JOB ANALYSIS & DESCRIPTION

JOB TITLE: BUS DRIVER JOB SUMMARY: The Bus Driver operates a district vehicle for the purpose of transporting district personnel and students. QUALIFICATIONS: Required:

• High school diploma or equivalent. • Ability to drive with concentration, maintain behavior on bus, and ability to follow route

instructions. • Commercial Driver’s License. • Pass DOT physical. • No more than two moving violations in the past three years from date of violation occurrence. • No Convictions for OWI or DUI within the past twelve years from date of violation occurrence. • Acceptable criminal background check.


• Completes pre-trip and post-trip inspection of vehicle. • Operates vehicle according to policies and practices of the district as well as state and federal laws. • Knowledge of safe driving practices and techniques. • Maintains cleanliness within interior of vehicle according to state statutes and district policies. • Drives assigned route as prepared by the Transportation Services Manager or transportation office

staff • Provides written report to fleet mechanic on defects or malfunctions. • Interacts with students, parents, and staff to maintain positive, professional relationships. • Enforces all bus rider rules and regulations; completes Student Misconduct Reports as needed.


• Performs all other duties as assigned that relate to the functions of the job. TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL FUNCTIONS: Based on percentages, measured in terms of frequency. Occasionally = 0-33%, Frequently = 34-66%, Constantly = 67-100%). PHYSICAL: This is a light job, which involves lifting of up to 20 pounds and ability to drag 125 pounds 30 feet in 30 seconds occasionally. This job primarily involves sitting with a frequent need to move about for brief periods of time. Reaching forward and handling objects occurs frequently. Verbal and auditory communication is frequently involved. Near and far vision acuity and accommodation are constantly utilized.


• Ability to make reasonable independent judgments and decisions. • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision. • Ability to interact effectively with others. • Ability to perform repetitive or short cycle work • Ability to pass a DOT physical and physical agility exam. • Communicate effectively with staff, students, and parents. • Work under specific instructions. • Perform a variety of duties. • Ability to attain precise set limits, tolerances, and standards. • Perform effectively under stress.

ENVIRONMENT: This job involves exposure to various weather conditions and extremes. ****************************************************************************************** The above functional job analysis has been prepared by Allegro, ltd. in conjunction with a representative from Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District. This report has been compiled on the basis of information supplied to Allegro, ltd., by Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District and incorporates Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District’=s reasonable judgment. Beverly M. Massing, Employer, 6/15/98 & Mary O=Connor Drout, Allegro, ltd., 6/15/98 Updated 98/1621/102 ****************************************************************************************** BUS DRIVER APPLICANT I have reviewed the above job description and analysis and understand the requirements of this position.

___________________ Initial here

After reviewing the above analysis, I hereby certify that: I am able to perform all of the primary functions required of this position. _________Yes __________No If no, which primary functions would you have difficulty performing (please list): __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Are there any reasonable accommodations that could be made that would allow you to perform the primary functions above? _________Yes __________No __________Not Applicable If yes, please describe:

______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ________________________________________ Applicant Signature Date Interviewer Signature Date

Section I: Opening Questions

1. How did you hear about the opportunity? WECAN ___ Newspaper ___ Employee ___ Other ______________________

2. Clarify any issues from the application, including reasons for leaving past positions, and explanation of any gaps of employment.

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

3. What made you decide to become a Bus Operator (or School Bus Driver)?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

4. What has been your most rewarding (or, favorite) job so far and why?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

5. How many days were you late for work last year?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

6. What would your last supervisor tell me about your performance?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

Section II: Schedule Suitability

1. We operate (days of the week), between the hours of 6:30-8:30 AM and 2:30-4:30 PM. Are you available to work these hours/shifts? Part-time ____ S/S ____ Seasonal ____

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

2. Let’s talk about what it would be like if you became a driver with us. Normally, you are expected to be at the bus lot by ____AM. Which means you have to get up by ____ AM. How do you feel about that? How much of an adjustment would that be for you?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

3. (If applicable) As a driver at this location your work schedule will be based on seniority. This usually means that new drivers are required to work the less desirable shifts including week-ends, evenings and possibly holidays. Will this be a problem?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

4. What do you think would be the most difficult part of being a school bus driver? (It’s one of the most rewarding jobs you could imagine, but has its challenges as well. It’s not much fun cleaning snow and scraping ice from your car on a cold winter morning, much less a bus. How do you feel about having to do that as part of your responsibilities?)

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

Section III: Response to Stress

1. So, it’s pouring rain, cars keep passing your bus and cutting you off. You’re behind schedule and a customer (or, parent) just read you the riot act for keeping him (or, his child) waiting in the rain. You have a headache and you don’t know where the detour sign you just passed might take you. How would you manage the stress?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent

□ □ □ □ □ 2. Think of a time when you were expected to finish a task, but several issues got in the way. What actions did you take and

what was the end result?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

3. Tell me about a recent work situation where you had to deal with more than the usual amount of stress. How effective were you?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

4. Have you worked under deadlines in the past? What is the most time sensitive situation you’ve ever been involved in at work? How did you react? How effective were you?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

Section IV: Commitment to Safety

1. Tell me about a time when you were asked to do something that was unsafe and how you reacted.

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

2. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a dangerous situation at work, or prevent one from happening (or escalating).

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

3. Rank these three things from the most important to the least important: being on time, being safe, providing excellent customer service.

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

4. As drivers, we all have pet-peeves; what aggravates you about other drivers?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

Section V: Compliance

1. Tell me about a time that you disagreed with rule or policy. How did you deal with the situation?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

2. Describe a time when you witnessed a friend or coworker not performing a task according to the set procedure? What was the situation? What did you do about it? What was the outcome?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

3. When was the last time you shortcut a rule (or, procedure, or policy) to save time?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

4. Tell me about a time when you had to follow a rule at work that you didn’t agree with. What did you do?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

Section VI: Teamwork

1. Tell me about the best team you’ve ever been a part of at work. Why was it so good? What role did you play in the team?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

2. Tell me about a time you had a conflict with one of your co-workers? What was the situation? What did you do? What was the outcome?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

3. Describe a time when you had to do something you felt was not really your job. How did you feel about this?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

4. Tell me about your last manager/supervisor. What were their strengths and weaknesses from your point of view?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

Section VII: Customer Service

1. Tell me about a job you’ve had where you had to interact with the public (or customers). Was that a positive or negative part of the job? Why?

Satisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

2. Tell me about your most challenging customer? What was the situation? What did you do?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

3. Tell me about a customer interaction that you wish you had handled differently? What was the situation? What did you do? What was the outcome?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

4. Have you ever been accused of doing something that you didn’t do? What was the situation? What did you do? What was the outcome?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

Section VIII: Experience with children, the disabled or the elderly

1. As an adult, do you have experience with children as a babysitter, caregiver, coach, counselor, tutor, teacher, volunteer, etc?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

2. In any of these situations, have you ever had to discipline (correct, or give instructions to) a (child, disabled or elderly person). What was the situation? What did you do? What if they don’t comply the first time?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

3. Imagine this situation; you have finished your daily route and you are about to sit down for dinner at home. You have plans after dinner. Your dispatcher calls to tell you that a (nine year old girl, disabled, or elderly passenger) who was on your afternoon bus, has not come home yet. What would you do?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent

□ □ □ □ □ 4. It can be tough maintaining a helpful, sunny disposition with some of the challenges you’ll face. What do you think about

working with (children/the elderly or the disabled) all day long?

Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent □ □ □ □ □

Section IX: Closing

“I asked some pretty tough questions, thank you very much for your responses. I think you can see from the difficulty of the questions, and the length of the interview, that this is an extremely important job and we take the selection process very seriously.”

• Do you have any questions for me?

• What do you think about being a School Bus Driver now? Is this something you would like to pursue?

Option 1:

“We plan on having first round interviews completed by the end of the week, and we will review all of the applicants at that time. If you are selected to move on to the next step in the process, we will be in contact. Is email or phone better for you?

Option 2:

a. “Based on your application and interview, I think you’d be a great addition to our team, I’d like to make you a contingent

offer of employment.”

b. Have the applicant sign release form.

c. Make a copy of the applicant’s driver’s license.

d. Congratulate the applicant and walk them to the door.



Name ________________________________________ Name __________________________________________

Address ______________________________________ Date ___________________________________________

Phone ________________________________________ Position Desired ___________ Bus Driver____________

Position ______________________________________ School ________Transportation Center______________ The above mentioned individual has applied for a position in the Middleton-Cross Plains Area Schools and has given your name as a reference. May I take a few minutes of your time to speak with you regarding this person’s qualifications, character and abilities?



Knowledge of position/job

Management of resources


Fulfillment of responsibilities

Rapport with staff and public

Ability to work independently


Applicant reports employment as _________________________________________ from ___________________ to

________________. Is this accurate, or please note correct position/dates. What was your official relationship to the applicant? ___________________________________________________________________ How long have you known the applicant? _____________________________________________________________________________ Is there any reason why this applicant should not be seriously considered for a position? _____________________________________ Given the opportunity, would you reemploy this person without any hesitation? _____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s strengths _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s areas for further development or improvement ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ May we call you for more details? __________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your time and assistance! Person making call ____________________________________________________________


_____________________________________________________ NAME OF APPUCANT

_____________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS

_____________________________________________________ CITY, STATE ZIP

TO: _____________________________________________________ NAME

_____________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS

_____________________________________________________ Thank you very much for your time and cooperation. Steve Rammer, Transportation Services Manager _____________________ DATE

1. How long have you known the applicant? _________________________________________________________________

2. In what capacity have you known her/him? (Friend, teacher, client, minister, etc.) __________________________________


3. What is your general opinion of her/him? _________________________________________________________________

4. How does she/he get along with people? _________________________________________________________________


5. What are her/his strong points? _________________________________________________________________________

6. What might she/he focus on for further development or improvement? __________________________________________


7. What sort of job would be best suited for this person’s interests and abilities as you know them? _____________________


8. Would you recommend her/him for employment? ___________________________________________________________

9. Do you have any reservations about applicant working with young children unsupervised? ___________________________


10. Any additional comments which you think might be helpful to us? ____________________________________________


SIGNATURE ______________________________________________

IMPORTANT We all want to give our friends a ”boost,” which makes the average reference of little value. In fairness to the applicant, as well as to ourselves, we want to know her/his chances of succeeding with us. We believe that your knowledge of her/his strengths and weaknesses can help us. Therefore we would be indebted to YOU if you would give us your honest evaluation of the applicant, as you would want us to do if you were asking for our opinion of someone whom you wanted to employ. Your reply will, of course, be held in strictest confidence. For your convenience in replying by return mail, we have enclosed a self-addressed stamped envelope.

has applied to us for a position as a school bus driver and has given your name as a personal reference.

New Hire Checklist Candidate:

1 Application

2 Interview

3 Disclosure Statement

4 Job Description

5 Driver's License


7 Reference Checks

8 CDL Instruction Permit

9 Alcohol Test

10 Drug Test

11 DOT Physical

12 Fed Med Card

13 TB Test

14 CDL Test

15 CDL

16 School Bus/Alternative Vehicle Info Request

17 Training Records

18 Social Security Card

19 I-9

20 W-4

21 WT-4

22 Driver Information Form

23 Staff Information Sheet

24 Drug & Alcohol Testing Policy (Receipt)

25 Direct Deposit Form & Void Check

26 TC Handbook (Receipt)

27 Field Trip Information Form

28 PAF

29 Added to Random Testing Pool

2012-2013 T$ Group: 1.71%

Bus Drivers

Classification Minimum 13 Months 25 Months 45 Months Bus Driver - Trainer - Regular 16.18 17.09 18.11 18.74Bus Driver - SWD 16.43 17.34 18.36 18.99Bus Driver - All Special Trips 10.50 10.50 10.90 10.90Driver Training Time 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25In-Service 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.52010-2011









1.0 ASSIGNMENT .......................................................................................................................................................... 1

2.0 HEALTH INSURANCE ........................................................................................................................................... 1

3.0 DENTAL INSURANCE ........................................................................................................................................... 1

4.0 LIFE INSURANCE .................................................................................................................................................. 1

5.0 WISCONSIN STATE RETIREMENT ................................................................................................................... 2

6.0 VOLUNTARY EARLY RETIREMENT HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFIT ................................................... 2

7.0 SOCIAL SECURITY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATION ............................................................................. 2

8.0 DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE ................................................................................................................... 2

9.0 JURY AND WITNESS DUTY ................................................................................................................................. 3

10.0 OVERTIME ............................................................................................................................................................ 3

11.0 JOB-RELATED PROBLEM RESOLUTION ...................................................................................................... 3

12.0 EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS ............................................................................................................................. 3

13.0 POSITION POSTING PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................. 4

14.0 TEMPORARY REPLACEMENT EMPLOYMENT .......................................................................................... 4

15.0 MISCELLANEOUS ......................................................................................................... ,' .................................... 4

SECTION II LANGUAGE THAT APPLIES TO ONLY SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS ............................................. 5

1.0 ASSIGNMENT .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.0 PROBATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 6

3.0 REIMBURSEABLE ABSENCE .............................................................................................................................. 6

4.0 RESIGNATION OF EMPLOYMENT ................................................................................................................... 7

5.0 MISCELLANEOUS ................................................................................................................................................. 7

6.0 WAGES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8

7.0 PERFORMANCE BONUS ...................................................................................................................................... 8


1.0 PROBATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 9

2.0 REIMBURSABLE ABSENCE ................................................................................................................................ 9

3.0 HOLIDAyS ............................................................................................................................................................. 10

4.0 VACATION ............................................................................................................................................................. 10

5.0 LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY ............................................................................................................ 11

6.0 GENERAL ITEMS ................................................................................................................................................. 11

7.0 PROMOTIONS, VACANCIES AND TERMINATION ..................................................................................... 11

8.0 MISCELLANEOUS ............................................................................................................................................... 12

9.0 WAGES ................................................................................................................................................................... 12



July 1,2009 - June 30, 2011



The assignment of job duties, workday, routes, and trips will be made by the Transportation Services Manager. The Transportation Services Manager will need to approve all arrangements regarding the number of hours of employment.


All employees who qualify for District employee benefit insurance programs are eligible to enroll. Continuation of enrollment is contingent upon remaining qualified. Health insurance is available to employees under the prevailing District-endorsed group policies. If they so elect, and are eligible for coverage, employees who work the equivalent of one-halftime or more shall receive health insurance benefits prorated on the basis of a forty-hour (40-hour) work week (Ref. Section 11. 6.0. Par. I). The employer agrees to pay up to one hundred - ten (110) percent of the lowest cost premium per month paid for the single or family HMO plan. Under no circumstances will the employer's payment exceed the full premium cost of the family plan coverage selected by the employee from those offered by the District.

For the purpose of determining eligibility for participation in health insurance, bus drivers' regular assignment scheduled during the instructional day and a direct result of the instructional program will count. This does not include trips related to clubs and athletic activities, field trips andlor charters.

Employees are eligible for insurance coverage the first day of the calendar month following initial employment in the group.


Dental Insurance is available to eligible (employees who work a minimum regular assignment of four (4) hours or more daily) transportation employees under the District-endorsed group policy. The employer will pay the full monthly cost of the single or family premium for eligible full-time employees. If they so elect, and are eligible for coverage, employees who work the equivalent of one-half time or more shall receive dental insurance benefits prorated on the basis of a forty-hour (40-hour) work week.

For the purpose of determining eligibility for participation in dental insurance, bus drivers' regular assignment scheduled during the instructional day and a direct result ofthe instructional program will count. This does not include trips related to clubs and athletic activities, field trips and/or charters.

Employees, who are otherwise eligible for participation, are eligible for dental insurance coverage the first day of the calendar month following the 3<f' day after initial employment in the group.


Life insurance is available under the State Group Policy for anyone employed six months in a position that normally requires 440 hours per year. The District pays a portion of the employee's premiums according to the formula provisions ofthe state group po licy as adopted and amended by the District. The District reserves the right to select a different insurance carrier and/or to self-insure if, in its judgment, the terms of the arrangement are as favorable to the employees as currently exists.


All employees working in a position that normally requires 440 hours in the preceding twelve-month (l2-month) period shall come under the provisions of the state retirement plan. Employees become eligible for participation upon retirement provided that the employee has attained age 55. Sec. 40.23, Wis. Stats.

The District agrees to pay each eligible transportation employee's mandatory contributions to the Wisconsin Retirement System at a rate not to exceed six and five-tenths (6.5) percent of the employee's earnings.


A voluntary early retirement heath insurance benefit is available to employees who have completed fifteen years of continuous employment with the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District and are between the ages of fifty­seven (57) and sixty-five (65) prior to June 30 of the first year of retirement. Upon retirement an employee may continue for a period of up to five (5) years in a single or family health insurance plan offered by the district. The retiree will not be able to continue these paid health insurance benefits when Medicare becomes available. The district will not provide duplicating coverage if the retiree participates in a health insurance program provided by another employer. Changes from single to family or family to single may be subject to underwriting requirements imposed by the insurance carrier. Effective with new hires beginning February 1, 2005, upon retirement an employee may continue for a period of up to two (2) years in a single or family health insurance plan offered by the district. All other benefits and language will remain the same in this section of the agreement.

Participation in the Voluntary Early Retirement health insurance benefit and/or continuation of health insurance coverage beyond the benefit period provided herein at the retiree's expense is contingent upon approval of the insurance carrier(s).

The district will contribute the following toward the retiree's health insurance coverage for the period of time covered by this voluntary early retirement health insurance benefit. Part-time employees will have the district's contribution to early voluntary retirement health insurance prorated on the same basis that the district's contribution to health insurance was prorated at the time of retirement.

• 15 years = $175 per month • 20 years = $200 per month • 25 years = $225 per month

Any premium cost in excess of the Board's contribution will be paid for by the retiree. It is understood that the level of benefits provided under any health plan shall be subject to periodic modification through the collective bargaining process.


These benefits are fixed by regulations and are available to each employee beginning with the first day ofhislher employment.

Employees who are injured while working for the employer and as a result, are entitled to worker's compensation shall also receive from the employer an amount of salary which, when added to the worker's compensation payments, will equal the salary received from working hislher regular shift prior to the injury, and shall be deducted on a pro-rata basis from hislher reimbursable leave. When reimbursable leave is exhausted, hislher wages shall revert to the worker's compensation payment. Employee is to have the option if he/she wants to use hislher reimbursable leave in this manner or if he/she merely desires the worker's compensation alone.


Employees may share in this insurance benefit at the expense of the Board of Education consistent with the regulations of the policy as it may be negotiated with the company providing the insurance.



An employee who is required to respond to a call for jury duty or who is subpoenaed as a witness in court cases not involving the Employer or for personal court appearances shall be excused from work and the Employer agrees to pay the difference between the jury or witness fees paid the employee (not including monies for mileage, or for Saturday or Sunday jury or witness fees), and the employee's regular daily rate provided:

A. That such employee gives prior notice to the Employeras soon as practicable.

B. That such employee furnishes the Employer with satisfactory evidence ofhislher service on jury duty or as a witness, and

C. That such employee reports for work each day for the time not needed as a juror or witness.


A. An overtime rate of time and one-halfwill be paid to employees for work beyond forty (40) hours of work per week. All overtime must be approved in advance by the Transportation Services Manager.


If a transportation employee perceives a job-related problem or concern, he/she should follow the procedure outlined below.

A. Make an appointment to discuss the concern with the Transportation Services Manager at a time that is convenient to both parties. The employee should also outline the concern in writing for clarification. The Manager will listen to the concern and reasoning expressed by the employee. The Manager will address the concern in writing within five (5) working days.

B. If the concern is not resolved in Step A, the employee may appeal to the Director of Employee Services.

The employee shall outline hislher problem or concern in writing to the Director of Employee Services. The Director will set up a conference to discuss the concern involving the employee and the Transportation Services Manager. The Director of Employee Services shall address the concern within five (5) working days of the conference.

C. If the concern is not resolved in either Step A or B, the employee may appeal to the Superintendent of Schools, or hislher designee. The employee shall outline hislher concern in writing to the Superintendent of Schools. If deemed necessary, the Superintendent, or designee, may request a meeting involving the employee, Transportation Services Manager, and Director of Employee Services. The Superintendent, or designee, shall communicate a decision within ten (10) working days. This decision will be [mal.


Upon initial employment, an employee must take a physical examination including a tuberculin test or chest x-ray, except that the employee may submit proof of such examination, chest x-ray, or tuberculin test taken within the past 90 days.

The cost of the initial and all other state mandated physical examinations shall be paid by the school district to the employee after the employee submits a receipt to show the amount they were required to pay to the clinic or physician and at no more than the rate equal to that of a District-designated local clinic or physician.

Employees shall be reimbursed at the basic IRS rate for travel to the district designated clinic for state and employer mandated physical examinations including drugtesting.

Should an employee be a positive reactor to the skin test, the employee should have a chest x-ray paid by the school district to the employee's clinic or physician at a rate equal to that of a District-designated local clinic or physician.


The District reserves the right to request that an employee have a physical examination if an employee is suspected to have a health-related problem or condition that may impact on the health and the safety of the employee and/or others. The cost of the physical examination shall be paid by the school district or performed by a District­appointed physician.


In order to provide current eligible employees an opportunity to compete for vacant or newly created positions within the transportation employee group which could provide greater compensation or benefits, the employer agrees to post any newly created position or vacancy for five (5) business days during thf' school year. Drivers will be notified of any positions that are created or become vacant during the summer vacation via the District website, the bulletin board at the Transportation Center and District email to the Transportation Group. Vacancies that occur within 5 days prior to the Welcome Back session will be filled at the Welcome Back session.

During the school year, drivers will be limited to one (1) change per year. Bidding on a new route at the Welcome Back session in August will not be considered the ore (1) change per year.

Seniority will have the most influence in determining who will receive a route; however, attendance may be given merit as well. A current seniority list will be posted in the driver's room. Additionally, administration may consider such things as "wait time", "dead head time" and mileages considerations for those that express interested in posted routes.

During the school year, drivers will be required to complete the Position Bid form located with the job posting. Verbal requests will not be accepted.


Replacement for Leave of Absence

In the event that the District approves an unpaid leave of absence and the District posts a temporary vacancy and hires a person to fill the position for the time the regular employee is absent, the replacement employee will be considered temporary. The replacement employee will be afforded the contractual benefits (when the position exceeds one semester in length) except there will be no guarantee of employment with tr." District beyond the term of the leave of absence or the school year in which the employment in the temporary position commences, whichever comes first. Further the replacement employee will not have transfer, promotion, layoff, recall or bumping rights provided under this agreement. At the conclusion of the temporary assignment, the replacement employee may apply for other vacancies in the labor unit and would be considered as an applicant from outside the bargaining unit. If the replacement employee is subsequently hired for a non-temporary position within the unit during the next semester following the term of the unpaid leave assignment, then:

A. The employee's date of hire for the purposes of seniority will be retroactive to the original date of hire for the temporary assignment.

B. The months of experience accumulated during the temporary assignment will also count toward advancement on the wage scale.

C. If the replacement employee is subsequently hired by the District in the same classification, the person will not have to complete a second probationary period.


A. Any employee injured in the performance ofhislher duties shall immediately report the injury, circumstances, and name of witnesses to the Transportation Services Manager. Any injury not immediately reported may not be liable for compensation. All accidents will be documented on the official accident report form to insure that the employee receives all insurance provisions to which he/she is entitled.


B. Each employee is responsible to report his/her reimbursable leave time off on the current time sheet and to report the reimbursable leave time off to the manager immediately upon return.

c. The District reserves the right to request a show-cause slip from a doctor of any employee after three (3) consecutive days of absence due to claimed illness.

D. No employee is at liberty to employ a substitute in the event of the employee's absence.

E. Personnel policy considerations for substitute help, seasonal employees and emergency help reside completely with the school authorities of the District.

F. All considerations not expressly covered by this personnel policies document shall be covered by the discretion of the Superintendent and that decision shall be subject to the existing policies of the Board of Education.

G. Transportation employees are permitted to conduct meetings in accordance with District facility use policy and procedure but only after, or prior to, the employee's normal tour of duty. Any exception to this must be obtained in writing from the Superintendent of Schools or designee.

H. A fmder's fee of$50 will be paid to any Transportation employee who recruits a driver candidate who is hired by the District provided the newly hired driver is still in the employ at the end of probation (80 driving days).

I. In situations where a valid worker's compensation claim does not exist, upon evidence or claim that an employee's spectacles were broken while in the course of employment, he/she shall be entitled to have spectacles repaired or replaced as necessary at District expense. Each employee will be limited to one (1) repair or replacement per year and all restorations shall be like unto the article damaged or destroyed. All claims shall be filed in writing with the Business Office within five days of the incident, and written approval must be received before a valid claim is recognized.

J. Members of the transportation employee group who transfer to another employee group with the district will retain their accumulated hours of both reimbursable leave and vacation leave. Vacation and reimbursable leave must be utilized under the provisions of the master contract or personnel policies governing the labor unit in which the employee transfers. If vacation leave is not provided for employees in the new labor unit, vacation leave carried over must be consumed within six (6) months of the transfer or be forfeited.

K. Long Term Leave of Absence

The District will hold an individual's position when they are on an approved leave of absence due to medical reason for up to one (1) year from the first day of the leave. If the leave of absence extends beyond one (1) year, the employee will have the right toreturn to an available open position only. Ifthe leave of absence extends beyond two (2) years from the first day of the leave, the employee's right to return will end and employment will be terminated due to inability to return. This provision shall ndl interfere with the employee's retirement rights.

L. Mandatory Direct Deposit

All wage payments shall be made utilizing direct deposit. Employees must complete an authorization to direct the funds to their choice offmancial institution(s). Employees will be responsible to notify the District of any changes to their direct deposit information.



The Transportation Services Manager will develop a time schedule for each route and the bus drivers will not vary from the same. All employees will be expected to obey all laws at all times. Documented evidence of violation can result in discipline including dismissal.


Special Trips will be assigned to drivers in accordance with procedures as defined in the Transportation Services Handbook.


A new bus driver shall serve a probationary period of 80 driving days. If an employee is still employed on the first day of the pay period following the end of hislher probation, he/she shall be considered to have satisfactorily completed the probationary period and no other formal statement will be necessary.

Employees may be granted credit on the salary schedule for work that is deemed by the Transportation Services Manager and the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to be virtually identical to the current assignment. Regardless of placement, however, the first 80 days of employment shall be considered probationary.


A bus driver shall earn six (6) days of reimbursable absence per year. Reimbursable absence time may be accumulated up to 160 days for future use. After a driver has accumulated 160 days of reimbursable leave, each year thereafter, the driver will be awarded six (6) days of reimbursable leave which may be used in that year but will not accumulate after the year has expired. Reimbursable absence is granted for the following purposes:

A. Illness or injury of the employee or a member of his/her immediate family (parent, spouse or child).

B. Illness or injury to parents, children, mother-in-law, father-in-law, or sibling not of the same household maxiOmum days permissible per year- 10 (ten).

C. A death in the immediate family including that of spouse, child, parent, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law or grandchild maximum days per occurrence permissible- five (5).

D. Death of son-in-law, daughter-in-law or grandparent maximum days permissible per occurrence- three (3).

E. Death of the following relatives: brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, nephew, or niece - one (1) day per occurrence.

F. Attend the funeral ofa person not specified elsewhere in Article 3.0 c, d or e up to one (1) day per incidence, two (2) incidents per year- non accumulative.

G. Necessary court appearances for personal benefit other than law infractions: one (l).

H. Personal/emergency Leave. A maximum of two (2) days per fiscal year for bus drivers non-accumulative. Personal leave days are granted an employee to attend to personal business or affairs of a personal nature which cannot be conducted outside the regular school day or to cover situations classified as an unforeseen combination of circumstances necessitating emergency leave not covered under other stated purposes for reimbursable absence. Personal leave days are not to be taken as vacation or shopping days, or for purposes of participating in or supporting any form of work stoppage or sanction whether in District or out of District origin. Personal leave may not be taken the day immediately prior to or after scheduled vacation periods. For the purposes of this section, a weekend is vacation if and only ifit is adjacent to a weekday when the employee has no obligation to report to duty.

Requests for such leave shall be made to the employee's Manager as far in advance as possible. If the specific reason for which the personal leave is being requested is considered by the employee to be highly personal and confidential in nature, the employee shall have the option of certifying in writing that such reason meets the established criteria. The Manager may reject the request for personal leave if in hislher judgment such absence will materially injure the ongoing program of the transportation department. If there is evidence that this privilege has been abused, the Superintendent or designee shall have the right to declare the day(s) without pay and revoke hislher future written option immediately.


1. Emergency School Closing Days. For Bus Drivers, up to three (3) days per year may be utilized in the event schools are closed by order of the Superintendent of Schools and the days are not scheduled to be mare up. The fIrst two of these days will be excused with pay and are not subject to deduction from reimbursable leave. The bus driver may designate the third inclement weather day to be deducted from hislher available reimbursable leave. Emergency closure days not taken during a current year are for;eited. Emergency closure days beyond the three (3) days provided above will be without pay unless personal leave is requested on the time sheet during which the emergency closure day occurred.

J. Upon retirement due to disability, availability of Social Security and/or Wisconsin Retirement, or upon termination of employment as a transportation staff employee after a minimum of twelve (12) year of such employment in the District, an employee shall be entited to a cash payment for unused reimbursable leave which the district shows credited to the individual. The rate of payment will be according to the following amounts:

• 12 years = $23 per 8 hour day • 20 years = $25 per 8 hour day • 25 years = $27 per 8 hour day


If a bus driver resigns employment, he/she is expected to give the Transportation Services Manager a two week notice. A letter of resignation shall be given to the Director of Employee Services and the Transportation Services Manager.


A. "Regular Transportation" is defIned as those trips designed to transport students from residence to school of basic assignment at the beginning of their day and return them to their residence at the regular or designed closing of the school day.

B. A "Bus Route/Run" is defIned as the route which the bus takes from the time it departs the Transportation Center until it returns to the Transportation Center and is parked. An exception to this defInition occurs if the bus is scheduled for a fIeld trip leaving from the school immediately after the start of the school day. In this case, route time will stop at the departure time of the scheduled trip. Likewise, in the PM, a bus driver returning from a fIeld trip or athletic event would not switch to route pay until the trip is complete.

C. Special trips include all other curricular, extracurricular, fIeld trips, activity runs, charter runs, etc. Compensation for these assignments will be at the special trip rates specifIed in Article 6.0.

D. If total time for regular routes or special trips is less than one hour, the driver will be guaranteed one hour's pay.

E. New Unlicensed Drivers - A new driver's employment will be conditional on their ability to pass the written and behind the wheel test administered by a Department of Transportation authorized tester to attain full CDL certifIcation. Upon successful completion of the training program including the full CDL certifIcation and ninety (90) calendar days of employment, the new driver will be paid a lump sum of $175.

F. Experienced Drivers - Experienced drivers will receive two (2) hours of pay at the in-service rate for bus driver licensing renewal involving written and driving tests. Payment will not beissued if the driver fails to pass the test.

G. CDL licensure fees shall be reimbursed to all transportation employees following the completion of the probationary period.

H. In-service Pay - Mandated in-service hours for drivers will be a minimum of ten (10) hours per year. Mandatory in-service sessions will be determined by the Transportation Services Manager. All mandatory in­service sessions will be communicated to drivers with at least a two (2) week notice.


l. Break in Service - Any driver who does not drive for thirty (30) calendar days and the leave is not for medical or military duty reasons will lose their seniority. If they choose to return to the Transportation Department, their new hire date will be effective the fIrst day back in employment.

J. Substitute Drivers - Substitute drivers must drive at least once every sixty (60) days to maintain their seniority unless work is not available. The Transportation Services Manager will maintain records of any substitute driver who refuses work when offered.


Wage payments shall be divided into equal installments payable on the fifteenth (1 5th) and the last day of each

month. If the fifteenth (15th) or the last day of the month should fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the pay date shall be

the previous Friday. If the pay date falls on a holiday, the pay date shall be the previous banking day. No salary payments will be made in July or August. (Except for summer school drivers.) Monthly totals of time to be reimbursed at hourly rates will be calculated to the nearest quarter hour. All drivers will use a time clock to record when duty commences and ceases.

Any driver who has a route indentified by the Transportation Services Manager as a S·pecial Needs route shall receive a $.25/hour incentive. Months as shown in the tables below represent 9 months of service per school year.


Employee Group Minimum 13 Months 25 Months 45 Month or More

Bus Driver - Trainer - Regular $15.51 $16.40 $17.37 $17.97 Bus Driver - All Special Trips $10.50 $10.50 $10.90 $10.90 Driver Training $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 Driver In-service $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50


Employee Group Minimum 13 Months 25 Months 45 Month or More

Bus Driver - Trainer - Regular $15.75 $16.64 $17.63 $18.24 Bus Driver - All Special Trips $10.50 $10.50 $10.90 $10.90 Driver Trainin~ $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 Driver In-service $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50


Experienced non-substitute drivers will receive up to twelve percent (12%) of their gross wages biannually in the form of a performance bonus. The first payment will be included with the February 15 payroll and the second payment will be included with the June 30 payroll each year. First year drivers will be eligible to receive this bonus provided they have successfully completed their probationary period (80 driving days).

The following are the criteria used to determine driver bonus qualifications: A. Driver was not involved in any accidents resulting in more than $750 in damage including parts and labor or

personal injury deemed at-fault by the Accident Review Committee- 4%

B. Driver did not receive any citations while operating a district owned vehicle unless a mechanical defect was found with the vehicle and had been prior reported to the Transportation Services Manager in writing- 2%

C. Acceptable Attendance Level:

1. Driver did not miss more than 3 days of work for non-FMLA or PL reasons - 1 %


2. Driver did not miss more than 5 days of work for non-FMLA or PL reasons - 1 %

D. Driver has a satisfactory employee evaluation with no need for improvement and no written reprimand issued during this bonus period - 1 %

E. Driver maintains a clean bus within district guidelines and has not received more than two (2) unsatisfactory inspection tickets during this period - 1 %

F. Any violation occurring during summer school transportation programs shall bE, carried over to the first semester of the following school year.

G. In the event that the entire 10% bonus budget is not paid out, drivers that have missed no regular school days during this bonus period for any reason other than personal leave will be eligible for an additional bonus up to 2% to the maximum overall budgetary payout of 10% of the total salary expenditures.

H. A copy of the Bonus Payment Rubric will be provided to the employee and added to the employee's personnel file upon completion and payment processing.



A new 12-month vehicle service employee shall serve a probationary period of six months. Ifan employee is still employed on the first day of the pay period following the end ofhislher probation, he/she shall be considered to have satisfactorily completed the probationary period and no other fonnal statement will be necessary.

Employees may be granted credit on the salary schedule for previous work that is deemed by the Transportation Services Manager and the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to be virtually identical to the current assignment. Regardless of placement, however, the first six months of employment shall be considered probationary .


One day reimbursable absence is earned by a 12-month vehicle service employee for each month of service. Reimbursable absence time may be accumulated up to 160 days for future use. After the vehicle service employee has accumulated 160 days of reimbursable leave, each year thereafter, the employee will be awarded twelve (12) days of reimbursable leave which may be used in that year and will not accumulate after the year has expired. Reimbursable absence is granted for the following purposes:

A. Illness or injury of the employee or a member ofhislher immediate family (parent, spouse or child).

B. Illness or injury to parents, children, mother-in-law, father-in-law, or sibling not of the same household maximum days pennissible per year- 10 (ten).

C. A death in the immediate family including that of spouse, child, parent, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law or grandchild maximum days per occurrencepennissible - five (5).

D. Death of son-in-law, daughter-in-law or grandparent maximum days pennissible per occurrence- three (3).

E. Death of the following relatives: brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, nephew, or niece - one (1) day per occurrence.

F. Attend the funeral of a person not specified elsewhere in Article 3.0 c, d or e up to one (1) day per incidence, two (2) incidents per year- non accumulative.

G. Necessary court appearances for personal benefit other than law infractions: one (1).


H. PersonaVemergency Leave. A maximum of three (3) days per fiscal year for :ull time vehicle service employees non-accumulative. Personal leave days are granted an employee to attend to personal business or affairs of a personal nature which cannot be conducted outside the regular school day or to cover situations classified as an unforeseen combination of circumstances necessitating emergency leave not covered under other state purposes for reimbursable absence. Personal leave days are not to be taken as vacation or shopping days, or for purposes of participating in or supporting any form of work stoppage or sanction whether in District or out of District origin. Personal leave may not be taken the day immediately prior to or after scheduled vacation periods. For the purposes of this section, a weekend is vacation if and only if it is adjacent to a weekday when the employee has no obligation to report to duty.

Requests for such leave shall be made to the employee's Manager as far in advance as possible. If the specific reason for which the personal leave is being requested is considered by the employee to be highly personal and confidential in nature, the employee shall have the option of certifYing in writing that such reason meets the established criteria. The Manager may reject the request for personal leave if in his/her judgment such absence will materially injure the ongoing program of the transportation department. If there is evidence that this privilege has been abused, the Superintendent or designee shall have the right to declare the day(s) without pay and revoke his/her future written option immediately.

1. Emergency Closing Days - Vehicle service employees are expected to report to work on inclement weather days when road conditions permit unless vacation or personal leave is requested. Vehicle service employees who work a full shift shall be entitled to either a maximum of two (2) additional reimbursable leave days per year or compensation hours according to the hours worked on an emergency closing day. Any compensation hours must be added to a compensation time log to be used at a later date and the compensation time log must be signed by the Transportation Services Manager. Hours worked in excess offort;' (40) hours per week shall receive compensation time at time and one half in accordance with overtime provisions. The maximum number of hours that can be accumulated on the compensation time log istwenty-four (24).

J. Upon termination of employment due to disability, availability of Social Security, availability of Wisconsin Retirement benefits and/or resignation after the successful completion of fifteen (15) years of service with the school district. Effective July 1,2004 a vehicle maintenance employee shall be entitled to a cash payment of 5

twenty-three (23) dollars per full day (8 hours) for unused reimbursable leave which District records show credited to the individual. Effective July 1, 2006, the employee will receive twenty-five (25) dollars per full day (8) hours) of reimbursable leave which District records show credited to the individual.


Each 12-month vehicle service employee shall be granted the following paid holidays each year: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Day before Christmas, Christmas and Day before New Year's Day. If any of the above holidays should fall on Sunday, the following Monday shall be considered to be the holiday unless the following Monday should happen to be a regular school day. In that event, another date will have to be selected or the employee paid an extra day's pay at his/herregular rate. If the holiday should fall on a Saturday, the employee shall be granted a compensatory day's leave at the Employer's discretion, or the employee may be granted an additional day's pay at his/her regular rate.

4.0 V ACA nON

Twelve month full-time vehicle service employees are entitled to vacation according to the following schedule: 0-12 months = 5 days 13-60 months = 10 days 61 - 120 months = 15 days 121- 191 months = 17.5 days 192+ months = 20 days

A. Vacation may only be taken after it is earned.

B. Employees with less than a full year of full-time service as of June 30 shall have their vacation time prorated accordingly.


c. The specific dates when vacation is desired shall be cooperatively worked out between the employee and the Transportation Services Manager. The specific dates when vacation is desired shall be suggested in writing to the Transportation Services Manager no later than the end of May of each year. Managers will strive to honor the wishes ofthe employee, but the fmal determination after consideration ofthe prevailing circumstances will rest with the Superintendent or designee.

Except for emergency conditions, accumulated vacation time shall be taken during the time span after the last day of the regular spring term and ceasing one week before school commences for the fall term. Requests for vacation at other times than those listed above will be considered on an individual basis.

D. Accumulated vacation time must be used within 10 months after June 30 annually or it is forfeited. With advance written request, this provision may be waived by the Transportation Se.rvices Manager AND the Director of Employee Services and/or the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services.

E. Employees shall submit in writing a form to the Transportation Services Manager within forty-eight hours after any vacation time is consumed, noting dates and any other basic information necessary to assist in keeping accurate records. Forms must be signed by employee.


Requested leaves of absence without pay for a vehicle maintenance employee may be granted by the employee's Manager not to exceed ten days, provided that in his/her judgment the request has a direct bearing on the welfare of the employee, that the privilege isn't abused, and provided that the overall efficiency of the total work program will not be appreciably jeopardized. Such requests must be made by the employee in writing. Leaves of absence without pay in excess of ten days must be requested in writing, addressed to the Director of Employee Services, and must receive approval before considered legitimate.


A. The normal work week shall be considered to be forty (40) hours.

B. Each full-time employee is entitled to two paid breaks of about 10-15 minutes during their regular workday. Employees employed at less than full-time and more than five (5) continuous hours per day will have one paid break of about 10-15 minutes during their regular workday.

c. All employees working five or more consecutive hours per day are expected to take minimally a half-hour and maximally a one and one half-hour unpaid lunch break sometime near the midpoint of their daily tours of duty unless this is further qualified by the need of the specific job.

D. The district will pay for the total cost (up to $250.00) of one pair of prescription safety glasses every two years. The vehicle service employee will supply a receipt for the purchase to the Transportation Services Manager for reimbursement.


A. When promotions from within the ranks are made, the vehicle service employee promoted shall be considered on probationary status for six months in the new classification. However, if the employee cannot assume the responsibilities of the new job, an effort will be made to employ the person elsewhere in the Transportation Department.

B. If a vehicle service employee desires to terminate employment, he/she is expected to give the District 30 days notice. Intent to terminate employment shall be given in writing addressed to the Director of Employee Services and the Transportation Services Manager.

c. The District reserves the right to request personnel to assume the responsibilities of a higher classification for a temporary period, not to exceed five days, without awarding additional compensation. Terms ofthisclause


imply a maximum of 10 days per year. Adjusted remuneration may be retroactive if the temporary change extends beyond this period.


Each vehicle service employee has an obligation to update the skills needed in hislher area of responsibility. This can be accomplished by reading literature, attending conventions and going to meetings. It is reasonable to expect that some of this in-service training be on the employee's own time. A vehicle service employee can be expected to attend up to six hours of in-service group meetings designated by hislher Manager on the employee's own time during the course of the year. Employees will be compensated for any required training outside of the typical work day. Meetings will not be scheduled for Saturday or Sunday.


A. All employees shall be classified as either: Mechanic, Assistant MechaniclDriver, Mechanic's HelperlDriver or Helper. Appropriate job descriptions are available in writing.

B. 2009 - 2010 wage schedule:

2009 - 2010

Classification Minimum 13 Months 25 Months 49 Months or More Mechanic $18.93 $19.73 $21.10 $21.81 Assistant Mechanic/Driver $17.61 $18.41 $19.09 $19.73 Mechanic's Helper/Driver $16.86 $17.23 $17.78 $18.41 Helper $15.61 $16.06 $16.98 $17.55

2010 - 2011

Classification Minimum 13 Months 25 Months 49 Months or More Mechanic $19.22 $20.03 $21.42 $22.14 Assistant MechaniclDriver $17.88 $18.69 $19.38 $20.03 Mechanic's Helper/Driver $17.12 $17.49 $18.05 $18.69 Helper $15.85 $16.30 $17.24 $17.82

C. Longevity pay of 3% of base maximum will be awarded after the 6& month of employment.

Longevity pay of 6% of base maximum will be awarded after the 9<t month of employment.

Longevity pay of 9% of base maximum will be awarded after the144 th month of employment.

Longevity pay of 12% of base maximum will be awarded after the 18& month of employment.

D. For placement on the salary schedule, time is computed in full months' equivalencies as best can be determined.

E. Employees will be given credit for the full month if they were employed on the I ')th of the month or prior. They will receive credit from the first of the following month, if employed after the Ij1' of the month.

Wage payments shall be divided into equal installments payable on the fifteenth (15 th) and the last day of each

month. If the fifteenth (15 th) or the last day of the month should fall on a weekend or holiday, the pay date shall be

the previous banking business day.


DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The tremendous responsibility the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District has to its school children and community necessitates the following information from all applicants regarding convictions*. A record of conviction does not prohibit employment; however failure to complete this form accurately and completely may mean disqualification from consideration for employment or may be cause for dismissal if employed. Applicants must report any convictions that occur subsequent to the time they initially completed this form. Provide all the information requested within three work days to the Office of Employee Services, 7106 South Ave., Middleton WI 53562. Name Other names used Dates of Usage Social Security Number Date of Birth School Transportation Center Position Bus Driver Have you ever been convicted* of or do you presently have pending any violations of law other than minor traffic violations? (In accordance with state law convictions or pending charges will not be used or considered unless they are substantially related to circumstances of the particular job.) No � Yes � If yes, please fill in the information below and attach a letter of explanation. If you have more than two convictions or pending charges, list them on a separate sheet. CONVICTION INFORMATION

1. Conviction Charge

Date of Conviction

Court of Conviction



Amount of Fine

Length of Jail Term


Length and Terms of Probation:

2. Conviction Charge

Date of Conviction

Court of Conviction



Amount of Fine

Length of Jail Term


Length and Terms of Probation:

* CONVICTION means the final judgment of a verdict or a finding of guilty, a plea of guilty, or a plea of nolo contendere, in any state or federal court of competent jurisdiction in a criminal case, regardless of whether an appeal is pending or could be taken. Conviction does not include a final judgment which has been expunged by pardon, reversed, set aside, or otherwise rendered invalid. I authorize the investigation of all statements contained herein and understand that any document relevant to this information may be reviewed by the agents of Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District. I understand that my employment is not finalized until the background investigation has been completed. I certify that the answers given by me in this application are true and correct without omissions of any kind. I agree that the District shall not be held liable in any respect if my employment is terminated because of false statements, answers omissions made by me in this application. In consideration of the school district's review of this application, I hereby release the District as well as all providers of information from any liability and for any damage which may result from the furnishing and receiving of this information. Signature Date This school district is an equal employer and does not discriminate against applicants on the basis of race, creed, sex, national origin, handicap, age or political affiliation.


Administrative Policy and Procedure Manual



Policy School bus drivers shall be subject to the prohibitions included in the District's drug-free workplace policy as they relate to the unlawful manufacture, use, dispensing, possession, distribution, transfer or sale of alcohol, other controlled substances or mood altering drugs or drug paraphernalia. In addition, bus drivers shall be subject to the following specific prohibitions regarding use or being impaired by alcohol or drugs: (1) Drivers shall be prohibited from any alcohol misuse that could affect performance of a safety

sensitive function including: use on the job, use during the four hours before driving, having prohibited concentrations of alcohol (as defined in Federal Law §382.2013) in their systems while driving, and use following an accident.

(2) No driver shall report for duty or remain on duty requiring the performance of a safety-sensitive

function when he/she uses any illegal drug or controlled substance, except when the use of a controlled substance is pursuant to the instructions of a physician who has advised the driver that the drug does not adversely affect his/her ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. If the use of the controlled substance is pursuant to the instructions of a physician, the driver is required to provide such information to the District in order for the District to ascertain if the driver is able to perform the essential functions of the driving position with or without an accommodation. The District may require that the Driver perform a fitness for duty exam at the District’s direction and expense.

In accordance with federal laws and regulations, the District shall be responsible for implementing a drug and alcohol testing program for school bus drivers. The purpose of the testing program shall be to help prevent accidents and injuries resulting from the misuse of alcohol and drugs by bus drivers. The testing program shall be administered by the Transportation Services Manager and/or his/her designee. Bus drivers shall be subject to pre-employment, reasonable suspicion, random, post-accident, return-to-duty and follow-up alcohol and drug testing pursuant to federal regulations and District procedures. These procedures use an evidential breath testing device for alcohol testing. For drug testing, urine specimen collection and testing by a laboratory certified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shall be required. An employee covered by the federal regulations may not refuse to take a required drug or alcohol test or the driver will not be allowed to perform safety-sensitive functions. If the testing confirms prohibited alcohol concentration levels or the presence of an illegal drug or controlled substance, the employee shall be removed immediately from safety-sensitive functions in accordance with the federal regulations. Before a driver is reinstated, if at all, the driver shall undergo an evaluation by a substance abuse professional, comply with any required rehabilitation and undergo a return-to-duty test with verified test results. A driver who is prohibited from performing safety-sensitive functions may be assigned to non-safety-sensitive functions, if available, until such time as the driver complies with the requirements for returning to duty.

522.11 Page Two

The District retains the authority consistent with state and federal law to discipline or discharge any employee who is an alcoholic or chemically dependent and whose current use of alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances affects the employee's qualifications for and performance of his/her job. The District is not required under federal law requiring drug or alcohol testing to provide rehabilitation or pay for substance abuse treatment, or to reinstate the employee. The District shall maintain records in compliance with the federal regulations in a secure location with controlled access. Procedure School bus drivers who operate a motor vehicle requiring a commercial driver's license are subject to a drug and alcohol testing program that fulfills the requirements of the federal regulations. These District procedures reflect several requirements of the federal regulations but are not intended in any way to modify or limit the procedures for drug and alcohol testing specifically addressed in the federal regulations. District personnel will adhere to the detailed provisions of federal regulations in administering the District's drug and alcohol testing program. References to "tests" in these regulations include both drug and alcohol tests unless the context specifies otherwise. "Drugs" refer to marijuana, cocaine, opiates, phencyclidine (PCP) and amphetamines (including methamphetamine) and other controlled substances as set forth in state and federal law. A. Types of Testing 1. Pre-Employment Tests

Pre-employment drug testing shall be administered to an applicant offered a position in the District prior to the first time the driver performs any safety-sensitive function for the District. The tests will be required of an applicant only after he/she has been offered the position. Employment with the District is conditional upon the applicant receiving a negative drug test result.

An employee also may be exempt from the pre-employment drug test if: (a) he/she has participated in a drug testing program within 30 days prior to the application for employment, AND (b) while participating in that program, he/she either was tested for drugs within the last six months (from the date of application) or participated in a random drug testing program in the previous 12 months, AND (c) the District has been able to make all verifications required by law.

In addition to the drug testing required by federal regulations, the District shall require a pre-employment alcohol test to be administered to an applicant offered a bus driver position in the District prior to the first time he/she performs any safety-sensitive function for the District. Employment with the District is conditional upon the applicant receiving a satisfactory alcohol test result.

2. Post-Accident Tests Tests will be conducted as soon after an accident as practicable on any driver who: a. Was performing a safety-sensitive function with respect to the vehicle and the accident

involved loss of human life, one or more persons requiring medical treatment away from the accident scene and/or one of the vehicles being towed from the scene; or

b. Received a citation under state or local law for a moving traffic violation arising from the accident.

522.11 Page Three

No driver involved in an accident may use alcohol for eight hours after the accident or until after

he/she undergoes a post-accident alcohol test, whichever occurs first.

If an alcohol test is not administered within two hours, or if a drug test is not administered within 32 hours after the accident, the District will prepare and maintain records explaining why the test was not conducted. If an alcohol test is not administered within eight hours and a drug test within 32 hours after the accident, the District will cease such efforts and will maintain records of the reasons therefore. Tests conducted by authorized federal, state or local officials will fulfill post-accident testing requirements provided they conform to applicable legal requirements and are obtained by the District. Breath tests will validate only the alcohol test and may not be used to fulfill drug testing obligations.

3. Random Tests

The District will conduct tests on a random basis at unannounced times throughout the year. Random alcohol testing shall be limited to the time period during or surrounding the performance of safety-sensitive functions which includes just before or just after the employee performs the safety-sensitive function. Random tests for drugs may or may not be conducted in the immediate time proximity to performing safety-sensitive functions. Once notified of selection for testing, a driver must proceed immediately to a designated collection site to provide a urine and/or breath specimen.

Drivers will be selected by a scientifically valid random process, and each driver will have an equal chance of being tested each time selections are made. The number of bus drivers selected for random testing will be in accordance with federal regulations.

4. Reasonable Suspicion Tests

Tests must be conducted when a supervisor or administrator who has been trained to recognize signs or symptoms of drug or alcohol use has reasonable suspicion that the driver has violated the District's alcohol or drug use prohibitions. This reasonable suspicion must be based on specific, contemporaneous observations concerning the driver's appearance, behavior, speech or body odors. The observations may include indications of chronic and withdrawal effects of drugs. The conduct must be witnessed by at least two supervisors or District officials if feasible. If not feasible, only one supervisor or District official need witness the conduct. Alcohol tests will be authorized for reasonable suspicion only if the required observations are made just before, during, or just after the period of the work day when the driver must comply with alcohol prohibitions. If an alcohol test is not administered within two hours of a determination of reasonable suspicion, the District will prepare and maintain a record explaining why this was not done. Attempts to conduct alcohol tests will terminate after eight hours. An alcohol test may not be conducted by the person who determines that reasonable suspicion exists to conduct such a test.

A supervisor or District official who makes a finding of reasonable suspicion also must make a written record of his/her observations leading to a reasonable suspicion drug test within 24 hours of the observed behavior or before the results of the drug test are released, whichever is earlier.

522.11 Page Four

5. Return-to-Duty Tests

A test will be conducted when a bus driver who has violated the District's drug or alcohol use prohibition returns to performing safety-sensitive duties.

Bus drivers whose conduct involved misuse of drugs may not return to duty in a safety-sensitive function until the return-to-duty drug test produces a verified negative result.

Bus drivers whose conduct involved misuse of alcohol may not return to duty in a safety-sensitive function until the return-to-duty alcohol test produces a verified negative result that meets federal and District standards.

6. Follow-Up Tests

A bus driver who violates the District's drug or alcohol use prohibition and is subsequently identified by a substance abuse professional as needing assistance in resolving a drug or alcohol problem will be subject to unannounced follow-up testing as directed by the substance abuse professional in accordance with the law. Follow-up alcohol testing will be conducted just before, during or just after the time when the driver is performing safety-sensitive functions.

B. Recordkeeping

Upon receiving the bus driver's required consent, the District will obtain any of the information concerning drug and alcohol testing from the driver's previous employer. A driver shall be entitled, upon written request, to obtain copies of any records pertaining to the driver's use of alcohol or drugs, including information pertaining to alcohol or drug tests.

Employee drug and alcohol test results and records will be maintained under strict confidentiality and released only in accordance with law. Records will be made available to a subsequent employer or other identified persons only as expressly requested in writing by the bus driver.

C. Notifications

The District shall take steps to ensure that employees receive the notifications required by federal regulations.

1. Driver Notification of Requirements – Each bus driver will receive materials that explain the

federal alcohol and drug testing requirements (49 C.F.R. Part 382), together with a copy of the District's policy and procedures for meeting these requirements. The District will inform drivers of this information before drug and alcohol tests are performed. Each driver must sign a statement certifying that he/she has received a copy of the District's policy and procedures.

2. Driver Notification of Drug Test Results – The District will notify a bus driver of the results of a

pre-employment drug test if the driver requests such results within 60 calendar days of being notified of the disposition of his/her employment application. The District will notify a bus driver of the results of random, reasonable suspicion and post-accident drug tests if the test results are verified positive. The District also will inform the driver which drugs were verified as positive.

3. Transportation Services Manager Notification of Prescription Drug Use – A bus driver will

inform the Transportation Services Manager if at any time he/she is using a drug which his/her physician has prescribed for therapeutic purposes. Such a drug may be used only if the physician has advised the driver that it will not adversely affect his/her ability to safely operate a commercial motor vehicle.

522.11 Page Five

D. Enforcement

Any bus driver who refuses to submit to post-accident, random, reasonable suspicion or follow-up tests will not be allowed to perform or continue to perform safety-sensitive functions. Refusal to test includes:

• Failure to appear for any test within a reasonable time. • Failure to remain inside the testing collection site until the process is complete • Failure to provide sufficient urine specimen for drug testing where there is no adequate

medical explanation provided as a result of a medical evaluation. • Failure to provide an adequate amount of saliva or breath for alcohol testing. • Failure to permit an observed collection when required. • Failure to undergo a medical examination or evaluation as directed by the Medical

Review Officer. • Failure to cooperate with any portion of the testing process (e.g., refuse to empty pockets,

behave in a confrontational manner that disrupts the collection process).

Controlled Substance: A positive test results in termination of employment. • If the employee tests positive for any drug, the employee will be notified by the Medical

Review Officer (MRO). • The MRO will review the test results with the employee for a possible medical

explanation, i.e. prescription drug or over-the-counter drugs that were taken at the time of the test.

• The MRO may also call the physician or drug store for confirmation. • The district will not be informed of a positive test result until MRO contact procedures

have been completed. Alcohol: If the employee tests 0.02 or higher, employee’s supervisor will be notified, employee will be driven home from the collection site, and the employee will be terminated.

A driver who in any other way violates District prohibitions related to drug or alcohol use will receive from the District the names, addresses and telephone numbers of substance abuse professionals and counseling and treatment programs available to evaluate and resolve drug and alcohol-related problems. The employee will be evaluated by a substance abuse professional who will determine what help, if any, the driver needs in resolving such a problem.

Any substance abuse professional who determines that a bus driver needs assistance will not refer the driver to a private practice, person or organization in which he/she has a financial interest except under circumstances allowed by law. Before a driver is returned to safety-sensitive functions, if at all, the District must ensure that the employee:

1. Has been evaluated by a substance abuse professional; 2. Has complied with any recommended treatment; 3. Has taken a return-to-duty test (alcohol tests must indicate an alcohol concentration level of less

than 0.02); and 4. Is subject to unannounced follow-up tests. The number and frequency of such follow-up testing

will be as directed by the substance abuse professional and consist of at least six tests in the first 12 months following the bus driver's return to duty.

522.11 Page Six

With respect to all positive tests, nothing shall prohibit the District from taking adverse personnel actions in accordance with its authority independent from that conferred by 49 CFR part 382 which are consistent with other policies of the District.

E. Staff Training

The District shall take steps to insure that supervisors receive proper training to administer the bus driver drug and alcohol testing program. The training shall cover the physical, behavioral, speech and performance indicators of probable alcohol misuse and drug use.

LEGAL REF.: Wisconsin Statutes Section 111.35 [use or nonuse of lawful products; exceptions and special cases] Section 120.13 [school board powers, including broad power to do all things reasonable for the cause of education] Section 121.02(1)(i) [safe and healthful facilities] Section 125.09 [restriction on alcoholic beverages on school grounds] Chapter 961 [controlled substances laws] Federal Laws Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 [drug-free workplace requirements] Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 (49 U.S.C. S2717 et. Seq.) Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs (49 C.F.R Part 40) Controlled Substance and Alcohol Use and Testing (49 C.F.R Part 382) Driver Qualifications (49 C.F.R Part 391) Commercial Driver's License Act CROSS REF.: 522.1, Drug-Free Workplace 523.3, Employee Assistance Program APPROVED: November, 1995 REVISED: August 2002 September 18, 2007 January 17, 2014



Policies and Procedures


Steve Rammer, Transportation Services Manager



Table of Contents

Information Directory 4 Clock-In / Clock-Out 4 Video Cameras 5 Tardiness and Attendance 5 Routes 6 Bus Assignments 6 Pre-Trip, Post-Trip & Sleeping Student Inspections 7 Radio Usage 7 AM/FM Radios 8 Emergencies 9 Responsibility to Report 10 Route Books 10 Spare Buses 11 Seating Charts 11 Bus Maintenance 11 Idling 12 Keys 13 Student Management 13 Loading and Unloading Procedures 15 School Bell Times 16 Paperwork 16 Personal Appearance 16 Interference of Assigned Duties 17 Cell Phones 17 Field Trips 17 ID Badges 19 Parking 19 No Smoking Policy 19 Children/Guests in the Transportation Center 20 Business Cards 20 Non-Solicitation 20 Employee Misconduct 20 Employee Awards 20 Safe Driving 21 Employee Training & Certifications 21 Communication in our Department 22 Drug Testing 23


Information Directory

Transportation Center Phone


Office Phone (608) 829-2365 On Call Cell Phone (608) 212-5720

Steve Rammer, Transportation Services Manager

(608) 827-9032 (608) 219-7461

Jean Derengowski, Transportation Safety Manager

(608) 798-4773 (608) 212-1539

Kim German, Transportation Secretary

(715) 896-4653

Randy Zander, Fleet Mechanic

(608) 849-7920 (608) 219-7927

Yvonne Vils Transportation Secretary

(608) 829-2365 (608) 332-1208

Clock In/Clock Out Times Each route has an assigned clock in and a clock out time for each shift. The clock in & clock out times are used to budget for payroll and to track attendance and timeliness. These times are established at the beginning of the school year and will be updated as needed for route changes made during the year. The clock in time is established beginning with the first pick

up time, subtracting travel time from the Transportation Center and subtracting an additional ten minutes to pre-trip your bus. Two minutes additional are automatically

added to the punch in time by the GPS time clock system to account for walking from the break room to your bus. You are expected to check your mailbox in the driver’s room before each route. For example, if you are scheduled to leave TC at 7:00, you should punch in on your bus at 6:50, two minutes would be added,

making the effective clock in time 6:48 when clocking in on the bus.

The clock out time is established the same way as the clock in time; however, instead of subtracting time from the first pick up, time is added to the last drop off. For example, if you are scheduled to return to TC at 4:30, we allow you ten minutes to post trip your bus and anticipate you should be clocking out at 4:40 on the bus. This will vary from day to day depending on fueling and other periodic events, but should average no more than ten minutes per route.

Drivers are allowed ten minutes in the morning to pre-trip their bus. Drivers are allowed ten

minutes to post-trip their bus after each route. Please refer to “Pre-trip and Post-trip” for more information on these two topics.

If a punch in or punch out is missing in the system, Transportation Center Staff will enter the

corresponding ignition on/off time as recorded by the GPS system.


Video Cameras All buses are equipped with a digital video recorder (DVR). The unit turns on automatically when the bus is started and turns off ten minutes after the bus is shut off. Drivers may “mark” a spot on the video when a significant event takes place by pushing the silver button with the red caution symbol:

Such marking makes locating the event easier for staff; however, these are not reviewed on a regular basis. A bus report or other request for review should be made of the transportation office staff. Because the DVR’s turn off after ten minutes, it is highly recommended you turn your key to accessory while loading students at school to capture any events which might occur. If you have an issue on your bus and would like to view the recording, please see the Transportation Services Manager and arrangements will be made for you to view it. For student privacy, recordings are not allowed to leave the Transportation Center. If a school requests a copy of your recording, please instruct them to contact the Transportation Services Manager. Tardiness and Attendance Daily attendance is essential to keeping our department functioning properly. Our students depend on you to arrive in time for your scheduled clock-in each day for each shift. When an employee is absent or late, it causes considerable difficulty in completing bus routes on time. If you find it necessary to be late or absent, you must notify your supervisor directly as early as possible and indicate the reason for being late or absent. If you know you are going to be late or absent for more than one trip or run, please report that fact. If not stated, it will be assumed the call covers one trip or run only. Requests must be submitted using the district’s on-line Skyward system at least three days in advance of the requested absence for vacation, appointments, personal leave, and funerals and approved by the Transportation Services Manager. Further advance notice allows for better planning and is greatly appreciated.

To cut down on paperwork, approvals will be emailed automatically by the system when approved. Do not assume that by submitting a request your absence has been approved. If you did not receive an email in a timely fashion please check with the Transportation Services Manager. . All absences will be tracked by the Transportation Services Manager. Although there are times when you will be unable to come to work for personal, family, or medical reasons, please make every possible effort to be here. Attempt to schedule appointments during the midday break or on non-school days whenever possible. Habitual tardiness or absence may be cause for disciplinary action. Because your attendance is vital for our Department to succeed, it is critical that you schedule your vacations around the school calendar on the dates that students are not in session. In the event that you do schedule a vacation or any other non-FMLA leave, only up to ten consecutive days will be


approved. Any non-FMLA leave over ten working days will result in your position being posted. When you return to work, you will be required to bid on any open positions. Please see the Employee Handbook for additional information. If you believe your absence is due to an emergency or extenuating circumstances, please discuss your concern with the Transportation Services Manager for additional consideration. Routes Routes are predetermined by the transportation staff prior to the start of each school year. Each bus stop is listed on the department website for students to easily find their correct busing information. Drivers are not authorized to make any changes to your route. After you have driven your routes for two weeks, please inform the office staff if you would like a change to your route. Changes must be documented so that parents can be informed, substitute drivers have up to date information and for liability reasons. Changing your route without approval may result in disciplinary action. Keep the most current copy of your routes on the first page of your route book so that a substitute driver has easy access to it in the event of your absence. When driving 4-Year-Old Kindergarten, Pre-School and Special Needs students, you may wait up to two minutes when picking students up and then move on to your next stop. You MUST have eye contact with parent or designated adult when dropping off 4-Year-Old Kindergarten, Early Childhood and Special Needs students. Radio the office if no adult is present to receive the student and staff will attempt to contact the parent/guardian and provide further instruction. When assigning a substitute driver the following procedure should be followed: 1. Substitute Driver will be informed of need by Transportation Center Office Staff and confirms availability. 2. Route sheets may be emailed for review and familiarization in advance. 3. Substitute driver will arrive prior to report time to clarify any questions about route with dispatch or the regular driver in advance. 4. Substitute driver will obtain a printed version of the route sheets from the file, dispatch or the blue binder on the bus. Viewing the emailed copy on a personal electronic device is not acceptable, except in an emergency when authorized by the Transportation Services Manager. 5. While driving the route, driver shall not unnecessarily divert time from the road to view the route sheet. Use time when stopped for traffic lights, stop signs, etc. as much as possible to determine next directions, upcoming stops, etc. 6. Return the route sheet to the blue binder, etc. and call any noted discrepancies to the attention of dispatch. Bus Assignments

Buses will be assigned to routes prior to the “Welcome Back” in-service and drivers will be notified of bus assignments at the “Welcome Back” in-service. In order to keep mileage balanced and for optimal capacity, buses will be assigned to the route. In the event that you bid on a route, you will take the bus that is assigned to the route unless an extenuating circumstance exists. Final determination on bus assignments will rest with the Transportation Services Manager.


Pre-trip, Post-trip & Sleeping Student Inspections Drivers are responsible for ensuring that the vehicle is safe to operate by conducting the

proper pre-trip inspection as required by laws and regulations and the district; to include cleanliness of windows, aisles free from obstruction, damage, outside lights and mirrors. It is important that drivers also look for objects inside or out which may have been placed there by unknown persons with the intent to create harm and damage. Any object found that does not belong in or on a vehicle must be immediately reported to a supervisor. Do not touch or attempt to remove the object. When on a trip or the vehicle is parked out it is necessary to inspect for such objects upon your return to the bus.

It is also the driver’s responsibility to complete a thorough sleeping

student inspection each time the bus is believed to be empty, including: 1.) after unloading at school, before leaving the vicinity to continue to the next route tier, trip or return to base, 2.) at the last stop or drop off from each school going home and before continuing to the next tier, trip or base, 3.) after unloading at a destination for a charter, sports or field trip, 4.) after unloading upon your return from such a trip. Search by walking the inside of the bus to the last seat, looking behind and under seats for

students/passengers and any personal items left on the bus. Before exiting the bus when you are satisfied there are no sleeping students or passengers on board, deactivate the Child Minder System, if so equipped.

Leaving a child on the bus after it is parked is a serious dereliction of duty which may

result in discipline up to and including dismissal. Post-tripping your bus includes checking for sleeping students and any articles that may have

been left on your bus as noted above as well as cleaning and fueling your bus. Test the Child Minder System at least weekly to verify it is working by ensuring the horn will sound if the system is not deactivated. Report any system malfunction promptly.

Pre-tripping and post-tripping your bus are two of a driver’s most important responsibilities and

neither is more important than the other one. By conducting a thorough pre-trip and post-trip of your bus, you know that the students are safe while riding your bus and that they have safely departed your bus which means that you can get a good night’s sleep. Radio Usage Each Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District bus is equipped with a two-way radio for communication with the Transportation Center. Radios should be on the channel labeled Transportation, for everyday use. When taking trips out of the area with other buses, please use the channel labeled Transport T/A which has limited transmission distance. You will still hear other communications within range of the repeater, but buses in the district and base will not hear you on this channel. All radios are programmed with a third channel labeled Backup Service. This channel is not typically in service, but may be activated by our radio service provider in the event of a repeater outage. You will be notified if this is the case.

The two-way radio is to be used for emergencies, weather conditions, traffic delays, time changes, and student information. Please plan what you are going to say before you key the microphone, pause for a moment to connect with the repeater, keep your messages brief, and do not use the radio for personal conversations as they will interfere with dispatch operations and may distract other drivers. If you hear a tone when keying the mic, the channel is busy; please wait a few


moments and try again. The display on your radio may also provide you with additional information. The power button on the radio is deactivated; all radios are programmed to turn off 30 minutes after the ignition/accessory power is turned off. Another feature of the new radios is that base may initiate a private call or page individual buses. If you hear a ringing tone, base is attempting to reach you, please check your volume and call the base. If you hear several tones followed by a voice transmission from someone at base, this indicates a private call. Your radio display will also read Individual at this time. You have ten seconds to answer and your conversation will only be heard by base, not by other units. Only base can initiate private calls.

The FCC monitors all radio communications on school bus channels. The unnecessary use of

the radio as well as profanity and jargon are strictly prohibited. According to the FCC, 10-codes are supposed to be used whenever possible in radio transmissions. Listed below are some of the more commonly used 10-codes:

10-4 Okay, acknowledgment of a message 10-7 Out of Service 10-8 In Service 10-9 Repeat 10-20 Location, “What’s your twenty?” 10-33 Emergency, stay off radio until 10-33 is canceled unless you have an emergency 10-36 Time check 10-86 No Show (Special Needs buses ONLY)

Please refrain as much as possible from saying critical information such as students full names, address, or medical conditions for the privacy and security of our students. AM/FM Radios

Some MCPASD buses are equipped with AM/FM radios and they may be used at your discretion. AM/FM radios are beneficial in that they can encourage good student behavior on the bus and they are a tremendous resource for the latest traffic and weather information. At the same time, AM/FM radios can also be detrimental if they are played so loudly that they obstruct communication of the two-way radio or inhibit being able to hear important information on the video camera. Drivers are to use their best judgment when using the AM/FM radio and be cognizant of what is being played or discussed on the radio at all times. Examples of stations which are generally acceptable on all routes

are Magic 98.1 and Oldies 94.9. FM stations 94.1 and 104.1 would generally be acceptable for routes with secondary school students only. However, stations airing controversial content or lyrics may not be played at any time, examples may include 92.1, 93.1 and 101.5. Radio stations of a religious or political nature are not acceptable when students are on board. If you have any questions regarding appropriateness of radio stations, please see the Transportation Services Manager.


Emergencies Panic Button Procedure: Older buses are equipped with two red buttons, the smaller of the two was part of the old video

system and no longer active (see video camera section for description of current video marker button). The larger red button will send an audio/visual emergency alert signal to TC office computers. This button should only be used in case of emergency.

When TC staff receives an Emergency Alert from a bus they will call the bus

on the district’s two way radio, utilizing the private channel feature. TC will transmit, Base to bus ##, do you still need SHAWn the mechanic to

look at your bus after route, trip, etc.? If the driver has accidentally pushed the button, s/he should indicate “No, I must have bumped

it accidentally.” If the driver is in duress and is able to communicate the problem or assistance needed, s/he

should do so. If the driver is in duress and unable to communicate the issue (for example has a hijacker or

person with a weapon on board and further clarification could compromise safety), please answer Yes or “10-4.”

If the driver responds affirmatively, or does not respond to TC’s inquiry, TC will monitor the bus’ movements via GPS and notify law enforcement, as appropriate.

Collisions Nearly all collisions are preventable. In the unfortunate event of a collision, remain calm and follow the steps identified in your Route Book under School Bus Accident. This is a summary: 1. Immediately notify the Transportation Center with your location, the number of vehicles

involved, any known injuries, and amount of damage to the bus. 2. Do not move the bus or evacuate the students unless you are instructed to do so by law

enforcement or the Transportation Services Manager. The exception to this is if the position of your vehicle places yourself, your passengers or other motorists in immediate danger.

3. After you have notified the Transportation Center, begin checking your students for injuries. Update the Transportation Center with any new information.

4. Begin completing the seating chart (found in your route book) of where each student is sitting. This is essential for insurance purposes. 5. Determine if any witnesses are present. If there are, get their name and phone number. 6. Complete a MCPASD Accident Report and assist the Transportation Services Manager with

the completion of any necessary insurance information. 7. All collisions/incidents must be reported to the Transportation Services Manager regardless of

whether passengers were on board, damage was sustained or where it occurs. **DO NOT discuss the collision with anyone other than a school district official or uniformed

law enforcement officer**

A drug test will be administered following any collision or incident in accord with federal regulations and district policy.

If a bus collision does occur, it is extremely important that all other drivers clear the radio immediately and keep it clear unless you have an emergency. Under no circumstances should other drivers respond to the scene without prior approval from an office staff member.


Responsibility to Report

It is the driver's responsibility to notify the Transportation Services Manager of any of the following events (occurring on or off the job) within the time frame stated below:

DUI/DWI Arrest - Immediately Moving Violation Citation - Within seven (7) calendar days for conviction on or off the job. Collision - Immediately if occurred on job/before the next job shift if off the job. Incident - By the end of the business day. Change or status of license - before the next scheduled shift of duty (suspension, revocation)

An employee who fails to notify the District of any of the above occurrences within the time frame

indicated will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Please see additional reporting responsibility in the Employee Handbook.

Route Books Each bus has a route book a/k/a blue binder assigned to it. This book is where all of the vital information about your route and bus are stored. Due to the wealth of information that is stored within the contents, your route book is to be kept up to date at all times and MUST remain in your bus. Please make sure that your route book includes all of the following information: 1. Current AM and PM Route sheets 2. Current Student Roster

3. Weekly Pre-trip Log (until electronic system is active) 4. Pre-Trip Guidelines 5. District Wide Bus Line-up 6. Seating Charts 7. Accident Procedures 8. Important Phone Numbers

9. Accident Report Form 10. Bus Insurance Card 11. Basic First Aid/CPR 12. Specific pupil records, including healthcare records*

If any of this information is missing or out of date, please see the Transportation Center office staff to get it corrected. *Please see confidentiality expectations in Employee Handbook.


Spare Buses Since spare buses do not have a driver assigned to them, they are everyone’s responsibility. When you are driving a spare bus, please make sure that you have the correct magnets identifying your routes with you. You will also need a “Spare Bus Pre-Trip & Maintenance Log.” If the form is full, please turn it in to the office after you have completed your trip, if not full, please leave it in the binder for the next driver. Do not use the pre-trip log from your regular bus. If you have to drive a spare bus for whatever reason, it is your responsibility to return the bus in clean condition with at least ¾ tank of fuel. Since you may not know how long you will be driving a spare bus, it is recommended that you fuel the bus after each trip unless otherwise directed by an office staff member or mechanic.

Spare buses will be checked by a staff member regularly to ensure they are returned in excellent condition.

Seating Charts Seating charts are not required, however they are strongly recommended. Seating charts will decrease student discipline problems, hold the students accountable for their “area”, decrease vandalism, and expedite accountability during an emergency. Blank seating charts are provided for you in your route book. Please make sure that they stay in your route book so that a sub driver has access to it. Bus Maintenance Bus maintenance and cleanliness is the responsibility of each driver. Our district has a very modern and up to date fleet compared to many others, and each driver should take pride in knowing that their bus is in safe operation and clean at all times. Please report any defects to the Fleet Supervisor immediately by filling out a Vehicle Maintenance Request. All defects must be reported in writing (via the GPS inspection system when active). A mechanic will correct all defects as soon as possible.

Fuel tanks on route buses must be kept at or above ½ tank. Each driver is expected to conduct a post-trip at the end of each route for your post-trip which

includes cleaning, fueling, and checking your bus for sleeping children.

It is the driver’s responsibility to keep their bus clean and ready for an inspection at any time. It has been proven that clean buses lead to less student discipline problems, more respect towards the driver from the students, and creates a healthier environment for you and your students. Clean buses also have a higher resale value and a better public image.


You are required to sweep your bus and keep the dash free of clutter daily, and empty the trash regularly. It is recommended that you wipe down the windows and seats at least every other week and mop the floor at least once a month. Buses may be inspected by the Transportation Services Manager or his designee at any time.

The exterior of your bus shall be washed on a rotating basis by the Mechanic’s Helper. If your

bus needs to be washed aside from this schedule, please contact Transportation Services Manager. Because you may not know when your bus will be washed and, due also to birds and bats in the barn, please close all windows on your bus each time you park in the barn. Idling Rationale

Diesel exhaust from idling school buses can accumulate in and around the bus and pose a health risk to children, drivers and the community at large. Exposure to diesel exhaust can cause lung damage and respiratory problems. Diesel exhaust also exacerbates asthma and existing allergies, and long-term exposure is thought to increase the risk of lung cancer. Idling buses also wastes fuel and causes unnecessary engine wear and tear. The Environmental Protection Agency has levied substantial fines against school bus organizations for excessive idling and many municipalities are now adopting idling policies. [Dane County Ordinance, Section 34.26] Purpose

Eliminate all unnecessary idling by MCPASD school buses such that idling time is minimized in all aspects of school bus operation. Guidance

1. When school bus drivers arrive at loading or unloading areas to drop off or pick up passengers, they should turn off their buses as soon as possible to eliminate idling time and reduce harmful emissions. The school bus should not be restarted until it is ready to depart and there is a clear path to exit the pick-up area. Exceptions include conditions that would compromise passenger safety, such as:

A. Extreme weather conditions B. Idling in traffic

2. At the district Transportation Center, limit the idling time during early morning warm-up to what is recommended by the manufacturer (generally 3-5 minutes) in all but the coldest weather. Conduct a pre-trip inspection without the engine running, but with the key in the on position.

3. Buses should not idle while waiting for students during field trips, extracurricular activities or other events where students are transported off school grounds.

4. In colder weather, schools are directed to provide a space inside the school where bus drivers who arrive early can wait.

5. In colder weather, if the warmth of the bus is an issue, idling is to be at a very minimum and occur outside the school zone. The "warmed" bus is to enter the school zone as close to pick-up time as possible to maintain warmth and then shut down. Below are guidelines for idling in cold weather. Where state or municipal standards are more stringent, they supersede these requirements.

If the outside temperature is: Above 20 degrees F: 5 minute maximum

Between -10 and 20 degrees F 15 minute maximum Below -10 degrees F: as necessary

Keys Each bus has one set of keys assigned to it. The keys are expected to be left on the bus when it is parked in the Transportation Center. Do not take your keys home with you.


Keys are not to be left unattended in any bus parked off of the Transportation Center property at any time unless authorized by the Transportation Services Manager.

If you need a spare key, please see the Fleet Supervisor. An explanation will be documented as to why you need a spare key. Lost keys may result in a charge for replacement in circumstances of negligence. Student Management

Student management is often times the most difficult part of the school bus driver’s job. Not only are you trying to maneuver a forty-foot vehicle on narrow, winding, or congested roads, but there are also possibly eighty students behind you who are depending on you to get them to and from school safely.

Effective student management begins at the beginning of the

school year and requires consistency throughout the duration of the school year. Take the time on the first day of school or when you receive a new route to introduce yourself to your students and review the rules and procedures of the school bus and build rapport. Be professional when you’re dealing with the students on your bus by doing the following:

Expect only the best behavior from your students and do not accept anything less. When speaking to your students, maintain a clear, firm voice – an adult voice, not a parent

voice. Never lose control of yourself and “blow” at your students; this will only lead to more problems.

Be consistent with your students; don’t favor specific students. You are in control of your bus; don’t argue with students.

The Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District utilizes a “Zero Tolerance” policy on school buses. Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) based school bus safety rules, i.e. “Be Safe,” “Be Respectful,” are posted on each bus to mirror how rules are being taught to students in schools. The entire policy (443.2) regarding conduct on buses can be found on the district’s website and a selection is included here for your information.

Conduct While On The Bus 1. Students shall obey the driver. 2. Students shall assist in keeping the bus safe and sanitary at all times. 3. Students shall sit in their assigned seats, if applicable, and remain seated while the bus

is in motion. 4. Students shall not throw anything inside the bus or out of the bus windows and should

keep hands and head inside the bus at all times. 5. Students shall never tamper with the bus or any of its equipment. Damage shall be paid

for by the offender. 6. Students shall use PBIS voice levels and refrain from loud talking /laughing or

unnecessary contusion as it can divert the driver's attention and could cause an accident. When approaching a railroad crossing stop, riders shall remain silent.

7. Students shall remain in the bus in case of road emergency, unless directed to do otherwise by the driver.

8. Transporting live animals, glass articles, or skateboards on the bus is not permitted because of the potential safety hazard.


9. Students shall keep personal items out of the aisles. 10. Obscene or vulgar language is not allowed. 11. Food or beverages are not to be consumed on the bus, unless it is a medical necessity

and preapproved by the district except as per #13 below. 12. The first three seats on the bus will not be used by students while eating under any

circumstances. 13. Food and beverages not containing peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, or eggs may be

consumed for athletic/co-curricular events occurring during the meal hours. 14. Students shall not utilize the back row of seats except when the bus is filled. 15. The use of tobacco is prohibited.

If a student refuses to follow the rules and procedures, complete a “Student Behavior Report”

and turn it into the Transportation Services Manager prior to your next scheduled route so it can be dealt with in a timely manner. Any student rewards or incentives you choose to give should be trinket-type in nature; pencils, stickers, notebooks, fun erasers and key chains are recommended. Food/candy/beverage are NOT acceptable as rewards. This is done to comply with administrative policies 443.2 (Student Conduct #11, Food or beverages are not to be consumed on the bus) and 458 (Health & Wellness). Also a primary concern underlying both these policies is reducing risk to students who have severe food allergies. Student discipline on the school buses is a cooperative effort between the drivers, Transportation Services Manager, and school administrators. If a student misbehaves on your bus, follow these steps to address a minor problem:

1. Talk to the student and remind them of district expectations for behavior on the school bus.

2. If the behavior continues, move the student to the front of the bus and possibly assign them to the front seat for a period of time. If the offense is minor, and you wish to contact the parent, please notify a supervisor for approval.

3. Complete a “Student Behavior Report” and turn it into the Transportation Services Manager. Be sure that you accurately document the behavior and what types of warnings have been given.

If an offense is major, complete a “Student Behavior Report” immediately. If you have questions whether an offense is major or minor, please consult the Transportation Services Manager before you complete the report. The Principal or designee will determine the length of a suspension of riding privileges. If you need to have the school staff ID a student, please contact base at least five minutes prior to your estimated arrival time at the school. The Transportation Center office staff will contact an administrator or designee to meet the bus at the school. If you are having problems on the bus in the afternoon and cannot proceed on the route, do not return to school unless directed by the Transportation Services Manager or designee. Instead, notify base to request assistance or direction. Often, students will cooperate simply by hearing the driver communicate with base. If necessary, the appropriate law enforcement agency will be notified.

Never put a student off from your bus at any other place other than their assigned stops! Policies related to seclusion and restraint and child abuse reporting must also be adhered to.


More information can be found in the Employee Handbook and District Administrative Policies & Procedures. Loading and Unloading Procedures Loading and unloading the school bus is the most dangerous part of a child’s day. The loading zones at the school are the most dangerous followed closely by loading and unloading at their homes. The speed limit on all school campuses and within the Transportation Center is 10 MPH. In the afternoon, each elementary school has a bus line-up that is put in place at the start of each school year. Line-ups are created so that the students know where the bus is each day and prevents them from wandering bus to bus looking for the correct one. It is important that the line-ups are followed each day. A copy of each school’s approved line-up can be found in each bus’s route book. Once students have loaded on your bus to depart in the afternoon, do not allow them to exit the bus, including retrieving forgotten materials, to use the rest room, or simply to mill about, except in extreme emergencies which must be approved by the Transportation Center office staff or school staff. Children must address these things before boarding the bus and we follow this procedure to ensure students are not left behind when buses depart. Communicating with other drivers is a key part of safety in the loading zones. Indicate that you are pulling into a loading zone using your right turn signal. Let other drivers know that you are departing or ready to depart with your left turn signal. If you are having a problem or need to wait for a student, please pull forward and put your four-ways on to indicate to other drivers that you are delayed. Buses should make every effort to leave together when departing from the schools in the afternoon and should not leave prior to the assigned leave time and/or teacher/administrator on-duty waving at the lead bus indicating all buses can leave, where present. Do not stagger your leave times. Avoid having to back your bus up while on school grounds. If you must back your bus up, seek assistance from another driver, administrator, or teacher. Never back your bus on school grounds unless you have an adult spotter. Students are not a reliable source. School Bell Times The school district will have the following bell times: AM Bell PM Bell Buses Drop off Buses Depart Elementary Schools 8:15 am 2:59 pm 8:00-8:10 am 3:05 pm Middle Schools 8:05 am 3:25 pm varies 3:33 pm High School 7:55 am 3:30 pm varies 3:40 pm 4-K Sites 9:00/11:30 am 12:15pm /2:45 pm 8:55 am; 12:10 pm 11:35 am; 2:50 pm


Drivers should not drop off at school prior to the listed AM times and should not depart prior to the listed PM depart times unless otherwise approved.

Paperwork There are several forms that bus drivers are responsible for completing. Due to the incredible amount of paperwork that is turned into the office, timely completion is required. Below is a list of the common forms that drivers use and when they should be turned in: Weekly Pre-Trip Log: Friday afternoon Field Trip Sheet: Day after the trip Student Behavior: Prior to your next assigned route All paperwork is to be turned into the proper bins in the transportation office. Copies of each of these forms can be found in the transportation lounge. Personal Appearance MCPASD Transportation Center employees must present a neat and clean appearance, appropriate for the job assigned. The benefits of a neat and clean appearance are many, but the major impact on people in our business is that:

1. It demonstrates self-respect. 2. A neat and clean appearance commands more respect from the student passenger and will

help maintain better discipline.

Items that are not acceptable as proper dress on the job include: 1. Bare midriffs, open backed shirts, strapless shirts, tube tops and clothing worn in such a

way that undergarments are visible.” 2. Shirts and slacks that have a "torn off" look. 3. Clothes with holes, tears or unrepaired damage. 4. Sandals, clogs, platforms, or any footwear other than fully enclosed flat-heeled shoes (no

more than ¾ inch). Footwear must be appropriate for the weather conditions. 5. Any clothing displaying wording or slogans which do not represent MCPASD’s image and

employee principles. 6. Short-shorts. 7. Body fit clothing, i.e., spandex and muscle shirts. 8. Loose or hanging clothing, jewelry or other accessories that could become caught on

vehicle equipment or moving parts of the vehicle.


Interference of Assigned Duties Since driving a school bus is part-time work only usually available nine months during the year, we understand that you may have to work one or more jobs. Working for another employer is allowed as long as it does not interfere with your route assignment. If another job or non-medical activity does interfere repeatedly with your route assignment, you will be placed on sub status until you are able to perform the hours assigned to you for a permanent position.

Cell Phones

Phones are useful in the event of an emergency and we encourage you to carry yours if you have one. However, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations prohibit commercial drivers from using a hand-held mobile telephone while operating a truck or bus. Additionally, Wis. Stats. 346.89(3) prohibits composing/sending electronic text

or mail messages while driving. Accordingly, district policy is that phones may not be used except when the bus is parked. Waiting at a red light and while loading/unloading on a home-to-school route are times of operation. It is our recommendation that to avoid distraction you switch your phone to silent mode while driving.

Phones are not “required” except in the instance of a field trip when you wish to leave your group. Group leaders must be able to reach you should the weather turn bad, to retrieve forgotten belongings, or in the event of an unforeseen change in schedule for another reason. If you do not have a personal cell phone on such a trip, you may check one out from the TC office. If you incur expense on your personal cell phone, you may submit a copy of the bill indicating the charges for the appropriate calls and they will be reimbursed. Field Trips Each eligible bus driver will be asked at the beginning of the school year if they wish to drive field trips. The field trips are divided into six categories: Daytime: trips which occur during the school day, Evening: trips whose start time may conflict with afternoon routes and those occurring later on days school is in session, Weekend: trips which occur beginning with Friday evening (as described previously), overnight: any trip which involves an overnight stay regardless of when it begins. Note that these trips typically request a bus with undercarriage and inherently that means an airbrake bus is needed. Drivers restricted from driving airbrakes may participate in this category understanding that limitation. Summer: trips occurring outside the regular school year and Extended Break: trips occurring during the regular school year, but during a break, such as teacher’s convention, Thanksgiving, winter, spring breaks, etc.

At the start of the school year, a rotation is setup for each category based on driver preferences and placed into order by seniority. Each trip is assigned a unique number when reserved by the scheduling software. Ordinarily, trips will be assigned in order sorted by date, time and trip number to the next driver in line for the particular type of trip. The office reserves the right to make adjustments in the best interest of the district to minimize time, mileage and route interference.

Regular route drivers have the option of signing up for any, all or none of the lists and can

change their preferences at any time. Substitute drivers are ineligible to participate in rotation, but may be asked to drive when needed, in cases such as lack of interest and route conflicts. Regular route drivers on probation will only be permitted to drive daytime, in district trips. At the end of the probationary period, pending a successful behind-the-wheel evaluation, they may be approved for


other categories by the Transportation Services Manager. Drivers joining the district with previous experience as a school bus driver may be approved for other trip rotations sooner at the discretion of the Transportation Services Manager. A listing of drivers signed up for each of the trip categories will be posted. Trips are assigned Tuesday for the following week. If you choose to refuse a trip, please turn it in and notify the office no later than end of day Thursday of the same week when assigned. Drivers have the option to refuse any trip; however, if a trip is refused, the driver forfeits the opportunity for a trip until the next rotation cycle. Each driver will have one free pass per semester to refuse a trip and be offered the next available trip. You must notify the office in writing using the Free Pass form at the time you turn in the trip. A Free Pass may not be exercised with less than 24 hours’ notice. If a driver refuses more than two trips during a semester with less than 24 hours’ notice, the driver will be removed from that trip list for the duration of the semester unless the refusals are medical or FMLA leave related. If a driver is offered a trip with less than 24 hours’ notice and the driver is unable to do the trip, they will receive a Pass-Makeup for the trip and be first in line for the next available trip. If a trip is cancelled prior to the driver leaving the Transportation Center, the driver will first in line for the next available trip. If a trip is cancelled after the driver has left the Transportation Center, the driver shall receive one hour of pay and be first in line for the next available trip. Driver overtime is strictly prohibited unless authorized by the Transportation Services Manager. All drivers must make the Transportation Services Manager aware of any hours that they work elsewhere in the district. If a driver comes up for a trip that will put them into overtime, they will receive a Pass and be first in line for the next available trip. Drivers shall complete the information on the “Field Trip Ticket” in its entirety including accurate start and end times, mileage, and student count. Failure to do so will result in the trip ticket being returned to you for completion. Field Trip Tickets have a departure time listed. It is the expectation of the office that a driver arrive at the pickup site ten minutes in advance of that time to allow for loading, etc.; this is imperative for after-hours trips. A trip scheduled immediately following a route is excepted from this requirement; however, every effort should be made to arrive safely and on time. The Field Trip Ticket also lists other drivers who may be assigned to a trip. When multiple buses are assigned, communicate with others in the group who will be the leader, for example someone who is most familiar with the destination and stay within close proximity of one another during the trip, but not so close as to convoy or tailgate another bus.

It is the driver’s responsibility to prepare for the trip during office hours, including familiarizing oneself with the destination and directions to arrive there safety and timely as well as personally coming in, checking the assigned equipment, and picking up related paperwork and a garage opener. The expectation of being well prepared and on time for field trips is particularly important. If your trip runs late due to lack of diligence on your part to these responsibilities, you may be disciplined, including suspension of field trip privileges.

Food and beverage are permitted on trips in certain circumstances, however none should be

consumed in the first three rows of seats at any time, to maintain a safe area for students with allergies. Please see Student Management above, or Administrative Policy 443.2 for additional information. If there are any problems with the bus after the trip, (i.e. vandalized, trashed, etc.) please report them to the Transportation Services Manager. Be polite and courteous to all students, teachers, and chaperones while on the trip. You are providing a service to them and our goal is to provide them with a safe, friendly, and enjoyable experience. If you experience a problem with student behavior while on the trip, speak with the


teacher or person in charge (PIC). If the teacher or PIC ignores the behavior, then you may reprimand the student. If this occurs, please notify the Transportation Services Manager when you return to the Transportation Center. It is imperative that you have a cell phone with you on every trip so you can be contacted in the event of an emergency. You may not leave the group without expressed permission from the group leader and then only after you have agreed on a return time and exchanged cell phone numbers so the group may reach you in the event of an emergency. I.D. Badges Every Transportation Center employee will be provided a photo I.D. badge. It is your responsibility to have your badge in your possession at all times when operating your school bus. Do not leave the badges unattended in your bus at any time. Lost I.D. badges must be reported to the Transportation Services Manager immediately and a replacement cost may be incurred. The district issued ID badge is considered part of the dress code and is to be worn at all times when operating a district vehicle. Parking Each bus is assigned to a row in the garage and drivers shall park the bus within the designated row unless directed otherwise by the office staff or mechanic. Drivers returning to the Transportation Center for a layover between routes and/or field trips may park in the sick bay row. All buses must be returned to the Transportation Center in between routes unless prior approval has been obtained from the Transportation Services Manager.

Bus drivers should park their personal vehicles in the designated employee parking area on the west side of the Transportation Center. Employees are not permitted to park their personal vehicles in the shop or storage areas at any time for liability reasons, including after hours and weekends. Office staff and mechanics may park their vehicles on the east side of the Transportation Center. The north side is reserved for visitors, handicapped and employees who car pool to work, or in special circumstances as approved by the Transportation Services Manager. The district shall not be liable for any damages to personal vehicles at the workplace that may be caused by another party.

Buses are prohibited from parking anywhere on the grounds other

than their assigned parking space, sick bay or parallel to the east edge of the blacktop in front of the barn. Stopping your bus around the Transportation office door is unacceptable unless directed by an office staff member or when picking up your own children.

No Smoking Policy Wisconsin statute, Section 120.12(20), prohibits the use of all types of tobacco products on

school grounds, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and chewing tobacco or snuff. This prohibition applies to all premises under the control of a school board, whether owned or rented. It covers faculty, staff, students, and all other persons who enter school buildings or grounds. The prohibition applies at all times and covers school sponsored athletic or extracurricular events. Please extinguish


smoking materials before you arrive on Transportation Center property/ wait to commence until after leaving the property, including in your personal vehicles. Please also see Employee Handbook.

Children/Guests in the Transportation Center Bringing your child(ren) is a privilege offered to employees by our school district. If you bring your child(ren) to work with you, they are expected to abide by the same rules as they would in the classroom. Running, screaming, fighting, being anywhere other than the Transportation Center drivers’ room, and sitting at the any office staff member’s desk is strictly prohibited! In the event that a child makes a mess in the Transportation Center, you as a parent are responsible for cleaning it up. When loading your enrolled child(ren) at the Transportation Center office building, please instruct them to be ready and waiting for you when you pull up. When unloading them, you may wait long enough to watch them walk into the building and then proceed to park your bus. Do not park your bus in front of the building or call base requesting that your child(ren) be sent to the bus. If issues do arise, you will be asked not to bring your child(ren) to work with you. Friends and other family members who are not district students or employees are not permitted to ride district buses. Pets are not permitted on district buses expect registered service animals in accord with district policy. Business Cards All drivers will have Transportation Center business cards available to them to use for teachers and parents. The business cards list the Transportation Centers address and phones numbers on them. When you are on field trips, please write your name and cell phone number on the card and give to the teacher or chaperone as they depart. If a parent at a bus stop has a question that you can’t answer, please provide them with a card so they can contact an office staff member. Please see the Transportation Secretary when you need additional cards. Non-Solicitation

Drivers shall not make contact with families for purposes beyond the scope of duties as a bus driver. For your own protection, under no circumstance should a driver provide personal contact information to a student, including address, phone numbers, email address or social networking accounts such as Facebook, or solicit or accept such personal information from students. In accord with district policy number 343.4, drivers shall not photograph or take video of students other than the district video equipment installed on buses. Similarly, drivers should not solicit such materials from students. Please also see Employee Handbook. Employee Misconduct

Please see Employee Handbook provisions regarding this topic. Additionally, various administrative policies and procedures govern misconduct. Employee Awards School bus drivers are heroes for transporting our future to and from school each day while dealing with all types of circumstances ranging from heavy traffic to student discipline. The Transportation Center has two types of awards: Safety Awards


Each driver who has had no preventable collision for the school year will receive a certificate of honor.

Attendance Awards

Each driver who has perfect attendance for the school year will receive a framed certificate of honor. This award is limited to drivers who have regular routes or permanent stand-by and requires attendance each morning and afternoon for the duration of the school year, excluding field trips.

Safe Driving

School buses are a moving target for criticism no matter how minor the offense may seem and school bus drivers are expected to be role model drivers setting an example for all other drivers. All MCPASD school buses are equipped with Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to assist

in monitoring safe operation, timeliness and refute or support allegations of unsafe operation. When traveling on a multiple lane road, buses are expected to stay in the right or middle lane. Be courteous to vehicles entering traffic from ramps by moving over and/or adjusting your speed if possible. Unless you are preparing to turn left, buses are not to be “hanging out” in the left lane at any time. Drivers should try to remain on the thoroughfares as much as possible and avoid taking short cuts through residential areas. Buses are expected to abide by the speed limit at all times and are never to exceed the posted speed limit or 65 MPH, whichever is less. Any citations received by a bus driver while operating a school bus are the driver’s responsibility. The district will not reimburse a driver nor pay for a citation. A citation while operating a school bus may result in discipline up to and including discharge. Employee Training & Certifications Since the student transportation industry is an ever-changing field, training is essential to your success as a student transporter is our district. There are several types of training and driver in-services that you will receive to be a successful employee:

Welcome Back In-Service: This is an event that is held every year prior to school startup. Drivers will receive their route assignments for the upcoming year, complete a dry-run, receive statistics from the previous school year, be introduced to new staff, and get ready for the upcoming year. This event is required for all drivers. Periodic In-Service Training: Periodically, drivers will receive an in-service on a pre-selected topic. These in-services will typically be held after AM/PM routes and will last approximately one to two hours. The dates of these meetings will be announced in advance and drivers are expected to attend. Please schedule your appointments around these dates. In-Service training will consist of discussions about day-to-day items along with a training topic such as collision prevention, student management, etc.


Communication in our Department Communication is an essential part of the success of the Transportation Center. We utilize several methods of communication to ensure that you have the most up to date information: Employee Mailboxes: Please check your mailbox prior to each route or trip for important

notes about students riding/not riding and other last minute changes. Trips offered to you will also be placed here. Mailboxes are private; do not go through materials in a mailbox which is not yours.

E-Mail: Each employee is provided with a district email account. The district will periodically

communicate important information through these accounts. The department will utilize personal email accounts you provide us or your district account if no personal email is available or provided.

Power Point: Please check the power point located in the drivers’ room each day for important

updates and reminders. Bulletin Board: Please check the bulletin board located in the drivers’ room periodically.

Here you will find memos, seniority lists, field trip information, job postings and bidding information, etc. Drivers are not allowed to post anything on the board without first getting approval from a supervisor.

White Board: Please check the white board in the drivers’ room each day for bus and route

assignments and any other messages. Memos: Although memos are a last resort type of communication, they are as important as any other. Memos that are of great significance or notification of a policy change will require each employee to sign and return a supervisor. Two-Way Radio: For unexpected incidents such as a traffic delay or weather issue, base will issue an “all-call.” If you hear base begin a radio transmission with “This is an all-call…” all drivers are expected to pay attention to the transmission.


DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING FOR BUS DRIVERS MIDDLETON-CROSS PLAINS AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Procedure 522.11 Procedure Employees who operate a motor vehicle requiring a commercial driver's license are subject to a drug and alcohol testing program that fulfills the requirements of the federal regulations. These District procedures reflect several requirements of the federal regulations but are not intended in any way to modify or limit the procedures for drug and alcohol testing specifically addressed in the federal regulations. District personnel will adhere to the detailed provisions of federal regulations in administering the District's drug and alcohol testing program. References to "tests" in these regulations include both drug and alcohol tests unless the context specifies otherwise. "Drugs" refer to marijuana, cocaine, opiates, phencyclidine (PCP) and amphetamines (including methamphetamine). A. Types of Testing 1. Pre-Employment Tests Pre-employment drug testing shall be administered to an applicant offered a position in the District prior to the first time the employee performs any safety-sensitive function for the District. The tests will be required of an applicant only after he/she has been offered the position. Employment with the District is conditional upon the applicant receiving a negative drug test result. An employee also may be exempt from the pre-employment drug test if: (a) he/she has participated in a drug testing program within 30 days prior to the application for employment, AND (b) while participating in that program, he/she either was tested for drugs within the last six months (from the date of application) or participated in a random drug testing program in the previous 12 months, AND (c) the District has been able to make all verifications required by law. In addition to the drug testing required by federal regulations, the District shall require a pre-employment alcohol test to be administered to an applicant offered a bus driver position in the District prior to the first time he/she performs any safety-sensitive function for the District. Employment with the District is conditional upon the applicant receiving a satisfactory alcohol test result. 2. Post-Accident Tests Tests will be conducted as soon after an accident as practicable on any employee who: a. Was performing a safety-sensitive function with respect to the vehicle and the accident involved loss of human life, one or more persons requiring medical treatment away from the accident scene and/or one of the vehicles being towed from the scene; or b. Received a citation under state or local law for a moving traffic violation arising from the accident. No employee involved in an accident may use alcohol for eight hours after the accident or until after he/she undergoes a post-accident alcohol test, whichever occurs first. Employees subject to post accident testing may not return to duty in a safety-sensitive function until the drug test produces a verified negative result. If an alcohol test is not administered within two hours, or if a drug test is not administered within 32 hours after the accident, the District will prepare and maintain records explaining why the test was not conducted. If an alcohol test is not administered within eight hours and a drug test within 32 hours after the accident, the District will cease such efforts and will maintain records of the reasons therefore.


Tests conducted by authorized federal, state or local officials will fulfill post-accident testing requirements provided they conform to applicable legal requirements and are obtained by the District. Breath tests will validate only the alcohol test and may not be used to fulfill drug testing obligations. 3. Random Tests The District will conduct tests on a random basis at unannounced times throughout the year. Random alcohol testing shall be limited to the time period during or surrounding the performance of safety-sensitive functions which includes just before or just after the employee performs the safety-sensitive function. Random tests for drugs may or may not be conducted in the immediate time proximity to performing safety-sensitive functions. Once notified of selection for testing, an employee must proceed immediately to a designated collection site to provide a urine and/or breath specimen. Employees will be selected by a scientifically valid random process, and each employee will have an equal chance of being tested each time selections are made. The number of employees selected for random testing will be in accordance with federal regulations. 4. Reasonable Suspicion Tests Tests must be conducted when a supervisor or administrator who has been trained to recognize signs or symptoms of drug or alcohol use has reasonable suspicion that the employee has violated the District's alcohol or drug use prohibitions. This reasonable suspicion must be based on specific, contemporaneous observations concerning the employee's appearance, behavior, speech or body odors. The observations may include indications of chronic and withdrawal effects of drugs. The conduct must be witnessed by at least two supervisors or District officials if feasible. If not feasible, only one supervisor or District official need witness the conduct. Alcohol tests will be authorized for reasonable suspicion only if the required observations are made just before, during, or just after the period of the work day when the employee must comply with alcohol prohibitions. If an alcohol test is not administered within two hours of a determination of reasonable suspicion, the District will prepare and maintain a record explaining why this was not done. Attempts to conduct alcohol tests will terminate after eight hours. An alcohol test may not be conducted by the person who determines that reasonable suspicion exists to conduct such a test. A supervisor or District official who makes a finding of reasonable suspicion also must make a written record of his/her observations leading to a reasonable suspicion drug test within 24 hours of the observed behavior or before the results of the drug test are released, whichever is earlier. Employees subject to reasonable suspicion testing may not return to duty in a safety-sensitive function until the drug test produces a verified negative result. 5. Return-to-Duty Tests A test will be conducted when an employee who has violated the District's drug or alcohol use prohibition returns to performing safety-sensitive duties. Employees whose conduct involved misuse of drugs may not return to duty in a safety-sensitive function until the return-to-duty drug test produces a verified negative result. Employees whose conduct involved misuse of alcohol may not return to duty in a safety-sensitive function until the return-to-duty alcohol test produces a verified negative result that meets federal and District standards. 6. Follow-Up Tests An employee who violates the District's drug or alcohol use prohibition and is subsequently identified by a substance abuse professional as needing assistance in resolving a drug or alcohol problem will be subject to unannounced follow-up testing as directed by the substance abuse professional in accordance with the law. Follow-up alcohol testing will be conducted just before, during or just after the time when the employee is performing safety-sensitive functions.


B. Recordkeeping Upon receiving the bus employee's required consent, the District will obtain any of the information concerning drug and alcohol testing from the employee's previous employer. An employee shall be entitled, upon written request, to obtain copies of any records pertaining to the employee's use of alcohol or drugs, including information pertaining to alcohol or drug tests. Employee drug and alcohol test results and records will be maintained under strict confidentiality and released only in accordance with law. Records will be made available to a subsequent employer or other identified persons only as expressly requested in writing by the employee. C. Notifications The District shall take steps to ensure that employees receive the notifications required by federal regulations. 1. Employee Notification of Requirements – Each employee will receive materials that explain the federal alcohol and drug testing requirements (49 C.F.R. Part 382), together with a copy of the District's policy and procedures for meeting these requirements. The District will inform employees of this information before drug and alcohol tests are performed. Each employee must sign a statement certifying that he/she has received a copy of the District's policy and procedures. 2. Employee Notification of Drug Test Results – The District will notify an employee of the results of a pre-employment drug test if the employee requests such results within 60 calendar days of being notified of the disposition of his/her employment application. The District will notify an employee of the results of random, reasonable suspicion and post-accident drug tests if the test results are verified positive. The District also will inform the employee which drugs were verified as positive. 3. Transportation Services Manager Notification of Prescription Drug Use – An employee will inform the Transportation Services Manager if at any time he/she is using a drug which his/her physician has prescribed for therapeutic purposes. Such a drug may be used only if the physician has advised the employee that it will not adversely affect his/her ability to safely operate a commercial motor vehicle. D. Enforcement Any employee who refuses to submit to post-accident, random, reasonable suspicion or follow-up tests will not be allowed to perform or continue to perform safety-sensitive functions and may be subject to discipline, including termination. Refuse to submit (to an alcohol or controlled substances test) means that a driver: (1) Fail to appear for any test (except a pre-employment test) within a reasonable time, as determined by the employer, consistent with applicable DOT agency regulations, after being directed to do so by the employer. (2) Fail to remain at the testing site until the testing process is complete. (3) Fail to provide a urine specimen for any drug test required by this part or DOT agency regulations. (4) In the case of a directly observed or monitored collection in a drug test, fails to permit the observation or monitoring of the driver's provision of a specimen (see §§40.67(l) and 40.69(g) of this title); (5) Fail to provide a sufficient amount of urine when directed, and it has been determined, through a required medical evaluation, that there was no adequate medical explanation for the failure; (6) Fail or declines to take a second test the employer or collector has directed the driver to take; (7) Fail to undergo a medical examination or evaluation, as directed by the MRO as part of the verification process, or as directed by the DER. In the case of a pre-employment drug test, the employee is deemed to have refused to test on this basis only if the pre-employment test is conducted following a contingent offer of employment;


(8) Fail to cooperate with any part of the testing process (e.g., refuse to empty pockets when so directed by the collector, behave in a confrontational way that disrupts the collection process); or (9) Is reported by the MRO as having a verified adulterated or substituted test result. An employee who in any other way violates District prohibitions related to drug or alcohol use will receive from the District the names, addresses and telephone numbers of substance abuse professionals and counseling and treatment programs available to evaluate and resolve drug and alcohol-related problems. The employee will be evaluated by a substance abuse professional who will determine what help, if any, the employee needs in resolving such a problem. Any substance abuse professional who determines that an employee needs assistance will not refer the employee to a private practice, person or organization in which he/she has a financial interest except under circumstances allowed by law. Before an employee, is returned to safety-sensitive functions, if at all, the District must ensure that the employee: 1. Has been evaluated by a substance abuse professional; 2. Has complied with any recommended treatment; 3. Has taken a return-to-duty test (alcohol tests must indicate an alcohol concentration level of less than 0.02); and 4. Is subject to unannounced follow-up tests. The number and frequency of such follow-up testing will be as directed by the substance abuse professional and consist of at least six tests in the first 12 months following the employee's return to duty. E. Staff Training The District shall take steps to insure that supervisors receive proper training to administer the employee drug and alcohol testing program. The training shall cover the physical, behavioral, speech and performance indicators of probable alcohol misuse and drug use. LEGAL REF.: Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 (49 U.S.C. S2717 et. Seq.) Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs (49 C.F.R Part 40) Controlled Substance and Alcohol Use and Testing (49 C.F.R Part 382) Driver Qualifications (49 C.F.R Part 391) Commercial Driver's License Act (C.R.S. 42-2-501 et. seq>) Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 CROSS REF.: 522.1, Drug-Free Workplace 523.3, Employee Assistance Program Exhibits: No Exhibits Adopted: November 1995 Revised: August 2002 September 18, 2007 August 23, 2011