human space - magzine.pdf · 3 pakistan successfully test-fires...


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Post on 06-Sep-2019




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➢ The celebration of "Bharat Parv''

concluded on 31st January 2019 at

Red fort in the presence of Shri K J


➢ It was organised by the Ministary of


➢ The Major attraction this year includes

the replica of the state of unity created

by Sculptar, Shri Ram Vanji Suttar and

also a Gandhi Gram in which 10

painting artist created paintings on the

theme ideology of Mahatma Gandhi.

➢ The Ministry of Tourism has been

designated as the nodel Ministry of

Bharat Parv.




➢ Gearing up for its maiden manned space mission "GAGANYAAN" ISRO unveiled

its Human Space Flight Centre in Bengaluru.

➢ HSFC shall be responsible for implementation of Gaganyaan Project which

involves end-to-end mission planning, development of engineering systems for

crew survival in space crew selection and training and also pursue activities for

sustained human space flight missions.

➢ It will take the support of existing ISRO centres to implement the first

development flight of Gaganyaan under the human spaceflight programme.

➢ The Union Cabinet gave its nod for the Rs. 9,023 Croreprogramme recently.




Mechanism for Trade

with Iran

➢ Germany, France and Britain have

officially set up a European mechanism

to facilitate from dollar trade with Iran

and circumvent US sanctions

➢ The EU has been preparing the systems

in effect a clearing house that avoids

monetary transfers in dollars between

the EU and Iran for moon the although it

is unlikely to become operational for

several months due to technical details.

➢ German broadcaster NDR reported that the European Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

would be named INSTEX- Instrument in support of trade Exchanges.

➢ The Idea is for the SPV to help preserve the economic benefits for Iran derived from the

curbs it placed on in nuclear programme under a 2015 deal with world powers.

➢ Europe has been keen to show good faith towards Iran since US President Donald Trump

withdrew from the deal last year.

Six projects 75(1) submarines approved

➢ Defence ministry approved indigenous construction of six submarines for Indian Navy at a Cost

of 49000Crore.

➢ This was decided at a meeting of the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) the ministry's highest

decision making body of procurement.

➢ The project to construct the six submarines will be implemented under the strategic Partnership


➢ It will be the second Project to be implemented under the strategic partnership model.

➢ Construction of six submarines under Project 75(1) will Provide a major boost to the existing

submarines design and manufacturing eco-system in India. 3

PAKISTAN successfully test-fires 'Nasr'

➢ Pakistan test-fired the short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile "Nasr'

which it claimed can defeat any ballistic missile defence system now

available in the country's neighbourhood or any other system being


➢ Nasr with a strike range of about 70-km, is a high precision, shoot and scoot

weapon system with the ability of in - flight maneuverability.



➢ To provide an assured income support to the small and marginal farmers

the government is launching the PradhanMantriKisanSammanNidhi


➢ Under the Programme, vulnerable landholding farmer families, having

cultivable land upto 2 hectares, will be provided direct income support at

the rate of Rs 6,000/- per year.

➢ This income support will be transferred directly into the bank, accounts of

beneficiary farmers, in three equal instalments of Rs. 2,000 each.

➢ This programme will be funded by government to India Around 12 crore

small and marginal farmer families are expected to benefit from this.

Committee to explore prepaid

payments by discoms

➢ The government has constituted a committee under

the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) to explore

prepaid payments by state electricity distribution

companies power plants.

➢ The Government is also simultaneously looking at a

recommendation mode by Cabinet secretary PK Sinha

led panel to put in place a bill discounting mechanism

ahead of elections.

➢ The power ministry has already issued an advisory to

states to shift to prepaid smart meltring for all

consumers in the next three years.

➢ The committee will study working capital cycles of

powers, distribution companies and generation

companies and identity gaps contributing to stress in

the sector.

Government to identify

Nomadic Communities

➢ The union government is planning

to institute and exercise to identify

hundreds of denotified Nomadic

and Semi-nomafic Tribes

(DNT/NT/SNT) who were never

classified as either scheduled

castes (SC) Scheduled Tribes (ST)

or Other Backward Classes (OBC)

resulting in them being entirely left

out of the reservation pie and all

welfare schemes meant for

backward communities. 5


➢ As per the report prepared by the National Commission on DNT, NT, SNT

headed by BihikuRamjiIdate, over 260 extremely marginalised communities

have never been identified or included in any of the reserved category.

➢ This accounts for 35 percent of the DNT, 64 percent of NT and one percent

of SNT population.

➢ This report has been pending implementation with the Ministry of Social

Justice and Empowerment since January 2018.

➢ There is very little known about many of these communities and the issue

of their exclusion has also come up before the Justice Rohini Commission

for OBC Sub- Categarisation.

➢ The Central banned the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) for a period of five more

years starting February 1 under the unlawful (Activities) Prevention Act.

➢ It is said the organisation was including in activities " Prejudicial to the security of the country"

and disturbing peace and communal harmony.

➢ In its notification the Home Ministry listed 58 cases against members of SIMI.

➢ SIMI was established on April 25, 1977 in Aligash in Uttar Pradesh.


Russia Suspends INF

Nuclear deal

➢ Russia has suspended thecarld war

era-intermediate-range Nuclear

Farces Treaty-after a similar move

by the U.S.

➢ Moscow's relation with the west

have been at their lowest over a

number of issues including Russia's

annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

➢ The raw over the INF treaty is yet another twist in Russia's warscaning relation with the

united statesan the west on the whole.

➢ The United States announced on 1 February 2019 it will withdraw from the INF trealy

with Russia in Six months. unless Moscow end's what it says are violations of the land

mark 1987 arms control pact.

Researchers close to talking

the HIV Virus

➢ An international team of research is

harnessing the immune system to reveal new

clues that may help in efforts to produce on

HIV Vaccine.

➢ SFV professor Mark Brockman and co-

althores from the University of Kwa-Zula-

Natal in South Africa have identified a

connection between infection control and how

well antiviral T cells respond to diverse HIV


➢ According to Brokman, HIV adapts to the

Human immune system by altering its

sequences to evade helps antiviral T cells.

NATO's 30th Member

➢ The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

(NATO) said on 2 February 2019 that

Macedonia to become the allince's Both

member, following the historic name change.

➢ Last months accord with Greece to change the

name of the farmeryugoslav republic to

"Rupblic of North Macedonia" ended one of

the worlds longest diplomatic disputes, paving

the way far skopje to join NATO an the EW.

➢ NATO also called the North Atlantic. Alliance

in an intergovernmental Military alliance

between North American countries and

European Countries.

➢ The organization implements the North

Atlantic Treaty that was signed on 4 April

1919. 7



➢ Drones artificial intelligence and

satellite imagery could be used to

monitor population level of the

Yamuna caused by dumping on

debris at the flood plains of the

river, according to a committee

constituted by the National Green


➢ Far monitoring of encroachments on

vacant land using satellite imageries

the subject was taken up with ISRO.

➢ NGT Chairperson Justice A.K. Goel

had set up the committee in July to

monitor the cleaning of the river.

The committee comprises farmer

Dehli Chief Secretary

ShailajaChantra and retire expert

member B.s.Sajwan

➢ The Panal has also recommended

that an awareness programme must

be organised to make people realise

the importance of the river.

Leh Transmission


➢ The Prime Minister

ShriNarendraModi dedicated the

220 KV Shrinagar- Alusteng-

Drass- Kargil- Leh Transmission

system to the Nation, astep that

would ensure quality power

supply to Ladak round the year.

➢ This would give huge boost to the

tourism sector and enhance the

socio-economic development of


➢ The P.M. has laid the foundation

stone for this project on 12

August 2014 and within 4.5

years the project has been

completed by the power Grid

Corporation of India Limited

(POWER GRID) a Navratna

company of the government of

India, under ministry of power.


➢ Built at a height of around 3000-4000 metres this approx. 335 Km. Long

transmission line has been constructed by POWERGRID.

➢ In this project the four new state of ine Art 220/66KV Gas insulated sub-stations

built at Drass, KargilKhulsti and the ….. help to ensure 24x7 quality power in all

weather condition.

➢ Funding provisions have been in the ratio of a 5:05 (95% of GOI share and

5% J and K State Share). 9

➢ An expert committee of the Union Environment ministry has

deferred " clearance to Rs. 100 Crore proposals buy the

Andaman and Nicobar Islands Integrated Development

Corporation Limited (ANIIDCL)

➢ The project was expected to develop an Island resort as well

as put up " Premium tents" and "tree houses"

➢ Clearances were not issued on the grounds that it does not

take into account the biodiversity of the Island's Coast.



Centre bans Kashmir clutfit

➢ The Union Home Ministry has banned

the TehreekulMujahideen (TuM) under

the unlawful Activities (Prevention)

Act far promoting terrorism and

radicalising and recruiting youth for

terrorist activities of India.

➢ According to the ministry, Tum

(Which was set up in the 1990's)

Claims to be fighting for the "

liberation of Kashmir".

➢ The Tum carried ceit a number of terrorist attacks besides subversive

acts, namely grenade attacks weapon

snatching incidents, supporting others

terrorist cue lights such as Hizb-

ulMujahideen (Hum) Lushkar-e-Taib

(Let) ek. in terms of financial and

logistic support in the recent past.



➢ Environment Minister Harsh Vardhan-led panel gave nod to the Mumbai- Ahmedabad high speed

train corridor.

➢ The corridor is said to encroach some of the forest land of Thane Greek Flamingo wildlife sanctuary

and the sanjay Gandhi National Park, home to leopards in Mumbai.

➢ The first lot of bullet trains are expected to ply on six high speed- corridors buy 2022-23- Delhi-

Mumbai, Mumbai-Chennai, Delhi- Kolkata, Dehli- Nagpur, Mumbai-Ahmedabad, and Mumbai-


17 PANEL Defers resort project at Andamans.

➢ An Expert committee of the union Environment ministry has deferred clearance to Rs 100

Crore Proposals by the Andaman and Nicobar Island’s Integrated Development Corporation

Limited (ANIIDCL)

➢ The Project was Expected to develop an Island resort as well as put up “Premium tents” and

“tree houses”. 11

➢ Odisha CM unvieled a 19

foot high statue of Guru

padmasambhava at Jigany

in Gajapati district, odisha.

➢ Padmasambhava also

known as Guru Rinpoche is

considered to be the founder

of Tibetan Bud dhism.

➢ The statue is placed in the middle of ' Padma sirover ' a large tank

near padmasambhavamahavihara the largest

buddhist monastery in eastern India.

India's communication satellite GSAT-31

➢ India's latest communication satellite GSAT-31 was

successfully launched from the space part in

French Guiana.

➢ GSAT-31 has or unique configuration of providing

flexible frequency segments and flexible overage.

The satellite will provide DTH television services to

Indian mainland and Islands.

➢ GSAT-31 will provide DTH Television services

connectivity to USATs for ATM, stock- exchange,

Digital Satellite News Gatherning (DSNG) and e-

governance applications.

RBI cuts rates to

Spire Growth

➢ RBI cuts ' Repo rate' by 25 basis pains to

6.25% in a bid to revive economic growth.

➢ The move will unable banks to lower this

landing rates.

➢ The RBI also simultaneously, changed the

stance of the policy to ' neutral' form

calibrated tigetening which indicates that

the central bank remains ready to move in

either direction based on incoming data.


Kerala to get Country's 2nd

longest rail tunnel

➢ The 9.02 Km tunnel mooted by Konkan railway

corporation Ltd. (KRCL) from near the Balance

punctuation on the Kanyakumri-

Thiruvanathapuram railway line, will be the second

longest railway tunnel in the country.

➢ The rail tunnel has been proposed to connect the

upcoming vizhinjam international Multipurpose

Deepeater Seaport to the railway network.

➢ The 11.26 Km- Pig Panjal rail tunnel connecting

Banihal and Hillar Shahabad, is the longest.

E-cigarettes or electronic

Nicotine Delivery system.

➢ E-cigarettes, which dispense nicotine by

healing a liquid, are a controversial subject.

➢ Even though theirs aerosols are thought to

contain fewer carcihoqens than cigarette

smoke experts are divided about their safely.

➢ India's union ministry of Health and family

welfare favours a ban, and has advised all

states to clamp down on the sales and

manufacture of these products.

India to eliminate TB by 2025

➢ PM has said India will fully eliminate tuberculusis by 2025, a

good five years ahead of the global deadline of 2030.

➢ The Delhi End TB Summit was organised by the ministry of

Health and family welfare jointly with the WHO's South-East

Asia Region office and international coalition stop TB


➢ India is also implementing the National Strategic Plan for TB

Climination that is backed by Rs 12000 crore in funding for

the next three years to ensure every TB Patient in the

country has access to quality diagnosis, treatment and


➢ The new strategic plan adopts a multi-pronced approach

which aims to defect all TB patients with an emphasis on

teaching patients seeking are from private providers and

undiagnosed causes in high-risk population. 13

➢ J and K Governor granted Ladakh a divisional status thus reating three

administrative units of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh in me state.

➢ There will be a separate administrative and revenue division for Ladakh. It

willcomporiseLeh and Kargil districts, with headquarters at leh.

➢ Earlier Ladakh was part of the Kashmir division.


Conservation of Gir Lions

➢ After as many as 23 lions died in Gujarat's Gir forest since September especially due to virus infection), the Centre and the Gujarat Government have announced a Rs. 97.85

Crore Asiatic Lion Conservation Project.

➢ A key outcome of the project is to have a dedicated veterinary institute " lion ambulances" and back-up stocks of vacancesthat may be required .

➢ The Gujarat Government has envisaged a "Greater Gir' that includes other that existing Gir National Park, sanctuaries in Girnar, Pania and Mihiyada.

➢ Key aspects of the conservation project include undertaking " habital improvement" measures making more sources of water available greating a wildlife grime cell, and task force for the Greater Gir Region.

Startups to be listed for

Angel Tax exemption

➢ We earlier dealt with, articles with regard to Angel Tax and How start-ups were troubled by the so-called angel -tax.

➢ IT department is free to arbitrarily decide the fair

value of a company's share and tax start -ups if the price at which their new shares are sold to investors is higher than the fair value of these shares.

➢ IT officials have a free hand to harass even genuine start-ups looking to raise investment for their growth.

➢ Unnecessary cost were imposed on the weider start-up community to tackle black money.

➢ Therefore the government has set up a committee to recommend provision that make life easier to a certain extent for angel investors and start-ups.


➢ India officially cancelled the Most favoured Nation (MFN) status of Pakistan and warned of

more measures in response to its support of or terrorist groups targeting India.

➢ India liked import duty on Pakistan goods to 200 percent. (India used to important fresh

fruits, cement, petroleum product and mineral are among others).

➢ Slapping an

➢ important duty of 200 percent effectively means almost banning the import from Pakistan.

Vande Bharat Express or "Train

18" launched

➢ Vande Bharat Express or " Train 18", India's

first semi high speed train, was flagged off by

Prime Minister NarandraModi at the New

Dehli railway station.

➢ It can attain a top speed of 160 km per hour.

How ever, its top speed would be restricted to

130 Km per hour.

➢ It is a self- propelled train set and doesnot

have a locomotive.

Medical devices to be treated as Drugs

➢ Centre in a notification said that medical devices

all implantable devices (T scan, PET, MRI

equipment defibrillators, lialysis, machines an

bone marrow, separators, will be treated as drug

for human beings with effect form April 1, 2020.

➢ Majority of medical devices are completely

liregudated in India with this move all

implantable devices and some diagnostic

equipments will be brought into the regulatory


➢ Also bringing medical devices into the regulatory

framework is important from a patient safety

perspective. 15

Person in news:

Dr. Helen Hobbs ➢ Hobbs, who won the 2016 break through Prize

in Life Sciences, discovered a mutation in a

qene called PCSK 9, which particularly protects

African- Americans against heart disease.

➢ The PCSK0 discoveries led to development of

PCSK9 inhibitors said to be the most effective drugs to lower cholesterol- or low density

lipoprotein (LDL)- science stations.

➢ Statins are a class of lipid- lowering

medications. They reduce cardiovascular

disease and mortality in those who are at high risk of cardiovascular disease.

➢ Hobbs opted to look tcer rare genes that

dramalically influenced cholesterol levels

several years of her efforts led to the discovery

fo rare mustations in the PCSK 9 gene.

Kerala takes the lead in the

light against- trans fat

➢ Kerala Health Department has drown up an

action plan to generate public awareness on

the harmful effects of trans falty (TFA) in

commercially available food items.

➢ The actions plan will also encourage the

local food industry to meet the current

statutary limits set for TFA and keep their

food TFA-free

➢ Salt being a major contributor to hypertension and stroke the action plan also plans to address

the high salt content in processed foods, pickles, papads and condiments by encouraging

manufactures to move to low sodium.

Antibiotic resistance genes in High Arabic Region

➢ We had read that a new study had found traces of

antibiotic resistance genes, in the High Arabic region,

including, the superbug" or the New DehliMetalko- befer-

Lactomose - 1 Protein c(coded by blaNDM-qene) Which

was first detected in warbon India in 2008.

➢ Researches who look soil samples in 2013 from the kongsfjorden region of savalbard- a

Narwegianarchipelago in the Archic Ocean- found " comparativelylocalised levels of blaNDM-

1, which poses no health thereat.

➢ However, they say the " detectionreinforcs how rapidly Ar (Antibotic resistance) can globalise",

the study states. (Indication) of the globalisation of antimicrobicla resistance)




- According to a comprehensive private

sector survey of 10,000 households.

➢ Only 84% of rural households have

electricity connection in the four states of

Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha and


➢ Only 75% of all households used

electricity from the grid. In other words

several households that relied on off-grid

sources of electricity despite having a


➢ The findings of the survey is in contrast to

the government Sabhagya Scheme data,

which shows that 100% households

electrification has been achieved in UP,

Bihar and Odisha and 99.9% in


ARTICLE 35A - Article 35A deals with providing special status

to the state and people of Jammu and


- The article empowers the Jammu and Kashmir

state's legislature to define "Permanent

residents" of the state and confer on them

special rights and privileges in public sector

jobs, acquisition of property in the state,

scholarship and other public aid and welfare.

- The provision mandates that no act of

legislature coming under it can be challenged

for violating the constitution or any other law

of the land

. It was added to the constitution through a

presidential order of 1954 with the then J&K

government's concurrence.

- National Board for wildlife (NBWL) cleared 682 of the 687 projects (99.82%)

that came up for suiting. Only five projects were rejected since August 2014.

- NBWL is the apex body charged with allowing forest land in protected Areas to

be diverted for industry.

- From 2009-2013, under the UPA regime, NBWL recommended 260 of the 328 that

came into purview or about 80% of the projects.

E 17

- The citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 that had set

off a series of violent protests across the northeaster

states, lapsed as the government failed to push it

through RajyaSabha.

- Along with the citizenship Bill, the triple talaq bill that

criminalises instant divorce in a Muslim marriage has

also lapsed.

CAG Report on Rafale deal

- In previous DNA, we read about key findings of 'domain

experts' (Senior Defence Ministry officials) on the Indian

Negotiating Team (INT)

- Domain expert finding were directly contrary to the two

central claims made by the Indian government of a

cheaper deal and faster delivery of fighter aircraft.

- Domain experts also registered serious concern over the

Indian governments acceptance of a 'Letter of comfort'

instead of a sovereign or government guarantee or bank

guarantees and also acceptance of offset issues and

Dassault Audition's restrictive trades.

India inks contract for

72000 assault rifles

- India Army signed a contract with sig sauer of

the U.S. for 72, 400 SIG716 assault rifles for

frontline soldiers de played in operational


- of the 72,400 rifles 66,400 are meant for Army

2,000 for the Navy and 4,000 for the Air-force

- The new rifles will replace the Indian National

small Arms system (INSAS) riffles.


India, Maldives

reverse visa stand- off - India and Maldives exchanged an agreement

to facilitate visas for travel between the two

countries in a number of categorised.

- "Visa Facilitation Agreement" - This

agreement provides a very liberal visa regime

for Maldivian nationals to visit India for

tourism, business, education and medical


- It also makes it easier for Indians to travel to

Maldives for business purpose.

- Medical visas will also be granted to

attendants to accompany patients. The

government has also agreed to grant visas for

parents and other dependents to live in India

while their children attend school here.

95% of registered realty

firms have no PAN

- Comptroller and Auditor General

(CAG) found that a whopping 95%

of the real estate sector companies

registered with the Registrar of

companies (ROC_ did not have a

permanent account number (PAN)

- CAG says I-Tdept has no

mechanism to ensure all

registered companies have PAN

and file returns.

- Data from the Ministry of women and

child development show that of the

11649 children adopted, 6,962 were girls

and 4,687 boys.

- Female child happens to be first choice

when it comes to adoption.

- The number of female children placed for

in country adoptions and inter-country

adoption between 2015 and 2018 are

relatively higher male children.

- all the figures put together, female

children comprise almost 60% of all in

country adoptions. When it came to inter

country adoptions the number of female

children was even higher 69%. 19

Examples of Competitive population

- Vice president had expressed his displeasure over populist measures which

according to him may have short-term political gains, but lead to long term

economic problems as they are unproductive."

- Ahead of poll, T.N. government has dished out Rs. 2000 to every BPL family

and this post budget announcement to cost the state 1200 rare.


- IAF plane was shot down and pilot has been held

captive by Pakistan Army.

- India has demanded that the pilot to be treated in

accordance to Geneva Convention of 1929.

- The Geneva Conventions and their Additional

Protocols set out how soldiers and civilians should

be treated during armed conflict.

- The Geneva Conventions is a body of public

international law, also known as the Humanitarian

law of Armed conflicts whose purpose is to provide

minimum protections, standards of human

treatment and fundamental quaranteces of respect

to individuals who become victims of armed


NSCN (I-M) appoints

chairman after 3 years

- The Isak - Muivah faction of National

Socialist Council of Nagaland or NSCN

(N-M) has appointed a chief Jal Most

three years after the death of its founder

chairman IsakChishswa.

- QhehezuTuccu was appointed as the

chairman and Tong meth Kongak as



Andhra Pradesh gets new South Coast

Railway Zone

- The Centre announced the reaction of

a separate railway zone in Andhra


- The new zone, south Railway (Scok)

would comprise the existing

GuntakalGuntar and Vijaya Wada

division. Additionally the Walteur

division would be bifurcated.

42 cancer drugs brought under price control

- The government has brought 42 non-scheduled anti-cancer drugs under price control, capping trade margin at 30%, which would reduce their retail price by cup to 85%.

- The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (WPPA) has

invoked extra ordinary powers in public interest under

para 19 of the drugs (Price contra) order 2013 to bring 42

non scheduled anticancer drug under price control.

- As per data available with NPPA the MRP of 105 brands

will be reduced to 85% Intrailing maximum saving of Rs.

105 rare to consumers.

- Currently 57 anticancer drugs are under price control as scheduled formulations.

- Now, 42 non-scheduled anti-cancer medicines have been selected for price regulations selling price

(MRP) upto 30% the notification said.

India bomsJaish camp in

Pakistan's Balakot

- Twelve day after the Pulwama attack, the Indian Air Force bombed

the Jaissh - e Mohammad's "biggest" terror training comp in

Pakistan's Balakot

- The operation was carried out by 12 mirage 2000 fighter jets which

unleashed five one-tonne bombs on the camps, based 70 km inside

the LOC in the Pakistan. Province of Khyber Pakthunkhuwa.

- The aerial attack on a target inside Pakistani territory marks a major

shift in India's counter - terror response, which have thus for been

restricted to around operations across the LOC in Pakistan -

occupied Kashmir. 21

Quick Reach Surface -

to - Air Missiles


- Indigenous missile

developed by the DRDO

was successfully test fired

from the Integrated test

Range Chandipur, of the

Odisha Coast.

- It has a strike range of

about 30 km is capable of

killing aerizill targets,

tanks and bankers.

- The indigenously developed state of the art ORSAM wild significantly boost the defence capabilities of our wimed forces.


Peace Prize (Award in News)

- On Feb. 22, 2019 Prime Minister NarendraModi was conferred the soul peace prize in the South Karean Capital.

Government detects Rs. 20,000 crore. GST evasion, Rs. 10000 crore recovered - The government has

detected Rs. 20000 crore

worth GST evasion so far

this fiscal and will take

more steps to check

frased and increase


- GST evasions worth Rs.

20000 had been detected

of which Rs. 10000 crore

was recovered.

Oscar (Award in News)

- End of sentence - Short

film that profiled

women In an Indian

village who band

together to manufacture

affordable menstrual

part won Oscar award.


Drough less probable this

year according to sky met

private weather


- There's unlikely to be a draught in in

2019 as the EI Nino - a climate

phenomenon linked to poor monsoon in

India - is likely to peter out by the

beginning of the season.

- Indian climate conditions are shaped by

many factors one of them in EI-Nino

southern Oscillation (ENSO)

- The EI Nino southern Oscillation (ENSO)

is a recurring climate pattern involving

changes in the temperature of waters in

the central and eastern tropical pacific


- EI Nino and La Nina are the extreme phases of the ENSO cycle.

Aftermath of the Pulwama

terror attack After revoking MFN status liking

import duty on Pakistani goods to 200

percent following are the other actions

taken by the government of India and

Jammu and Kashmir government

- J&K government withdrew all security

personnel and government facilities

provided to 5 separatist leaders in

Kashmir (Hurriyat Chairman Mirwaiz

Umar Farog Abdul GaniBhat, Bilal Lone)

HashmimQureshi and Shabir Shah.

- Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has approved a plan to charter flights to transport Central

Armed Police Force (CAPF) personnel deployed in the Kashmir Valley.

- Professional counselling would be given to the personnel if they felt traumatised after Feb.

14 attack.

- The valour and sacrifice of military and paramilitary personnel killed in action may soon be

made part of the school curriculam in some states. It will develop a sense of respect for the

martyrs among students and wild develop feeling of patriotism.

G 23

- The black back also known as

the Indian antelope, is an

antelope found in Nepal, India

and Pakistan.

- The Black back is the sole extant

member of the genus antelope.

- In India Hunting of blackbuck is

listed as least concern on the

IUCN Red list.

Animal in News :

Black back

55th Munich Security Conference

- 55th Munich security conference brings

together global leaders and security experts

from across the world.

- Representatives of several countries

unequivocally condemned the attack and

extended their condolences to bereaved


- There was widespread support for India's

concerns over Pakistan sponsored terrorism

on Indian soil.

Policies based against

rainfed agriculture - Three out of fiver farmers in India grow their

crops using rain water instead of irrigation

- However per hectare government investment

on their lands may be 20 times lower.

- Procurement of their crops is just a fraction

of major irrigated lands crops and many of the flagship agriculture schemes are not

tailored to benefit them.

- In other inwards there has been "negligence"

towards rained areas, which is leading to

lower incomes for formers. - Flagship government schemes such as seed and fertilise subsidies and soil health cards

are designed for irrigated areas and simply extended to rainfed farmers without taking

their needs into considerations.


ICJ on KulbhusbanJashwar Case - The international court of Justice refused to entertain Pakistan's

request to adjourn the having in the case of KulbhushanJashare

to appoint a new ad-hoe-judge.

- Pakistan asked the ICJ to adjourn the case, cling the illness of its

ad-hoc judge.

- India urged the ICJ to annual Jashav'sJetuh sentence and order

his immediate release saying the verdict by a Pakistan military

court based on a "farcical case" hope lessely fails to satisfy even

the minimum standards of due process.

BOMB blasts on the rise in J&K According to a repart presented by the National Bomb

Data Centre of the National security Guard.

- J&K has seen a steady increase in IED and other

blasts over the past five years.

- 2018 witnessed a 57% jump in bomb blasts.

- However in areas affected by left wing extremism and

the northeast, the number has gone lown.

Aero India 2019 - 12th edition of the biennial international military and civil expo and air show was held in Bangalore.

- Defense minister rolled out a red carpet of opportunities in local defense and aerospace manufacturing to

global investors during the launch of the Aero

- The Chiefs of the three Armed forces - Air chief marshal B.S. Dhanau Admiral Sunil Lambu and General

Bipin Rawat were in attendance at the show 25

Synthetic fibres contribute to plastic


- Polyster and other synthetic fibres such as nylon are

major contributors of micro plastic pollution in the


- Researchers suggest switching to bio synthetic fibres may

help prevent this.

- Synthetic fibres are petroleum based products, unlike

natural fibres such as wool, cotton and silk, which are

recyclable and biodegradable.

- Mixed fibres that cantain both natural and synthetic

fibres are difficult or costly to recycle.

- In the oceans, pieces of microscopic plastic are consumed

by plants and animals and enter the human chain

through harvested fish.

Facts about Election Ink - Electronic ink, indenible ink, electoral skin

or phosphoric ink is a semi-permanent ink

or due that is applied to the forefinger

usually of voters during elections in order to

prevent electoral fraud such as double

- Mysore Paints and Varnish Limited is the

only company in India authorised to produce

indelible ink which is used in elections to

prevent people from voting multiple lines.

- The company is owned and operated

by the government of Karnataka.

Scientists discover massive mountainsunder Earth


- Scientist have discovered massive mounkinsi

the Earth's mantle an advance that may

change our underlanding of how the planet

was formed

- We know that Earth has three layers crust.

mantle and care which is subdivided who an

inner and outer care.

- While that is not wrong, it does leave out

several other layers that scientist hour

identified within the Earth.


Q.1. Consider the following statements:

NITI Aayog envisaged 800 megawatt

from waste-to-energy (WTE) plants

by 2018-19. It will be part of the

Swachh Bharat Mission.

Which of the statements given

above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only (b) 2 only

(c) Both (d) None

Q.2. Which of the following statements

regarding new Solid Waste

Management Rules are correct?

1. It has mandated the segregation

of waste at the source.

2. All hotels and restaurants will

also be required to segregate

biodegradable waste and set up a system of collection to ensure

that such food waste is utilised

for composting/biomethanation.

3. Municipal authorities will levy

user fees for collection, disposal

and processing from bulk generators.

4. Mandated Integration of rag

pickers, waste pickers and

kabadiwalas from the informal

sector to the formal sector by

the state government.

Select the code from following:

(a) 1,2 and 3 (b) 2,3 and 4

(c) 1,3 and 4 (d) All of the above

Q.3. The treatment method

recommended for the human

anatomical waste generated from

hospitals is -

(a) Autoclaving

(b) Chemical disinfection

(c) Incineration

(d) All the above

Q.4. With respect to Indian Missile

system, which of the following missiles is/are an example of

Ballistic Missiles

1. Nirbhay 2. Dhanush

3. Brahmos

Choose the suitable option

(a) 1 and 2 only (b 3 only

(c) 2 only (d)1 and 3 only

Q.5. India is progressing on acquisition

and exploration of the 'Farzad-B' gas

oilfields. In which country does this

oil field belong to?

(a) Papua New Guinea

(b) Iran

(c) Turkmenistan

(d) UAE

Q.6. Consider the following statements

about Hepatitis

1. Hepatitis is an inflammation of

the liver

2. Hepatitis A and E are typically caused by ingestion of

contaminated food or water

3. World Hepatitis Day is celebrated

on 28th July

Which of the given statements

is/are correct?

(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3

(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3

Q.7. Viral Load Testing is available for

which of the following?

1. HIV 2. Hepatitis B

3. Cytomegalovirus

Select the correct code:

(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3

(c) 1 Only (d) 1, 2 and 3

Q.8. Hepatitis C is a liver infection

caused by Hepatitis C virus. Which

of the following statements

regarding Hepatitis C are correct?

1. It is caused by drinking

contaminated water or through

saliva of infected person.

2. Once infected, a person cannot

be cured.

3. It can spread through sexual


Select the code from below:

a. 1 and 2 b. 3 only

c. 2 and 3

d. 1 and 3

Q.5Consider the following 27

Select the code from below:

(a) 1 and 2 (b) 3 only

(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3

Q.9. Consider the following statements

1. El Nino Modoki is characterized by strong warming in the central tropical Pacific

2. EL Nino and La Nina are the atmospheric changes associated with the warming and cooling of the Pacific Ocean

3. El Nino is associated with the droughts in India, while La Nina is associated with excess rainfall in


Select the correct statements

(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3

(c) 1 and 3 (d) All of the above

Q.10. Which of the following factors

impact the Indian monsoon?

1. Madden Julian Oscillation

2. EI Nino and Southern Oscillation

3. Tibet Plateau

4. Easterly let streams

Select the code from following:

(a) 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 3 and 4

(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) All of the above

Q.11. Consider the following statements:

1. CSO is a premier statistical institution for collecting data in India

2. It presents the national income estimates twice a year.

Which of the above statements are correct?

(a) 1 only (b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q.12. Consider the following pairs

Disputed territory : : Territorial


1. Kuril Islands : : Japan and


2. Guantanamo Bay : : USA and


3. ChagosArchipelago : : Mauritius

and the United Kingdom

Which of the following is/are

incorrectly matched?

(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3

(c) 1 and 3 (d) All of the above

Q.13. Himavad GopalswamyBetta range is

located in —

(a)Bandipur Tiger Reserve and National Park

(b)Nagarhole Tiger Reserve and National Park

(c)Brahmagiri Wildlife Sanctuary

(d)Mudumalai National Park

Q.14. Which of the following conditions

are associated with EI Nino?

1. Weakened trade winds

2. Warm water off the west coast of South America

3. Low pressure around north Australia

Select the correct answer using code


(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3

(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3

Q.15. Consider the following statements

about 'Global Climate Risk Index'

1. It is published annually by UNEP

2. It is based on an analysis of the number of deaths (due to climatic conditions) per 100,000 inhabitants, extent of financial losses and loss per unit of GDP

of countries

Select the correct statements

(a) 1 Only

(b) 2 Only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q.16. Agenda for Action 2020' is

concerned with India and

(a) African Union


(c) G-20

(d) European Union

Q.17. Consider the following statements:

1. Copernicus is the world's largest single earth observation

programme by NASA.

2. India has joined Europe's Copernicus, a mega global

arrangement of sharing data

from earth observation


Which of the above statements

is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) None