humphreycommittee flatness and if...

a RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT WHEREAS Au Allwise Provi- dence ¬ has called from his earthly labors to the celestial lodge above our worthy and honored brother Dr Wm Davis Stone January 7 1901 therefore bo it Resolved 1st That Craftsman Lodge No 722 F A AL ex- tend ¬ to the bereaved family our deepest sympathy Ho was o brother and we are deeply wens l ¬ ble of the aching void caused by his departure May the Grand- Master who presides over the lodge where our brother has gone ever have him in his keeping- 2d That we honor his memory by placing a copy of these resolu- tions ¬ on the records of this lodge Also that a copy be sent to the family and that a copy be sent t the Masonic HomeJournal The Adair County News and the Inte- rior Journal for publication J P WILKINSON SIMON WESLEY M R HUMPHREYCommittee Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot reach the seat of the di- sease ¬ Catarrh is a blood or constItu- tional ¬ disease and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine It was prescribed b- one Y of the best physicians in this coun ¬ try for years and is a regular prescrip ¬ tion It is composed of the best tonics known combined with the best bood purifiers acting directly on the mu ¬ cous surfaces The perfect combina- tion ¬ of the two ingredients is whatI produces such wcnderful results iu curing Catarrh Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY CO Props i Toledo O Sold by druggists price 75c Halls Family Pills are the best The Philadelphia Press says theI Enquirer defends the appoint ¬ ment of the sons of Justices Har lan and McKenna to official posi ¬ tions in Porto Rico It intimates that Mr Harlan did not specially need the appointment as ho will sacrifice good law practice in Chicago to accept it and that the Judge did not know of the inten ¬ tion of the President to appoint his son The explanation of the McKenna case is better In his official report to Gov Beck ham of ttc visitor the military to Cor bin to restore order Col Roger D Williams the commanding officer i charges Sheriff Sutton of that county t with having beep hi such a drunken condition during hisstuy there that he was unable to report to him assdircct ed to dOj and says he had to take from tile CircuttJridgeof the dIstrictI With such an official it isnot urpris ing that lawlessness asserts itself Whitley Is one of the strong Republi ¬ can counties Danger of Colds and Lagrippo The greatest danger from colds and lagrippe is their resulting in paeurno uia If reasonable care is used how ¬ ever and Chamberlains Cough Reme ly taken all danger will be avoidedI Among the tens of thousands who lave used this remedy for these disI eases we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous malady It will cure a cold or an at- tack of lagrippe in less time than any other treatment It is pleasant and safe to take For sale by M Cravens who guarantees every bottle of Cham- berlains ¬ Cough Remedy and will re ¬ fund the money to anyone who is no e satisfied attar using twothirds of thet contents This is the best remedy in the world for lagrippe coughs colds croup and whooping cough and is plea- sant ¬ and safe to take It prevents anyt tendency of a cold to result in pneu ¬ monia Grief caused by the death of a young wife caused Robert E Lee Pryor of Eastbank W Va to send a bullet in to his braint Thousands Sent Into Exilerl kEvery sufferers whose lungs are sore andt racked with coughs are urged to go toa another climate But thfs is costly and not always sure Dont be an exileC when Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home Its the most Infalliole medicine for Coughs Colds and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth The first dose brings relief Astounding cures result from din persistent use Trial bottles free atm TIE PaullV Price 50c and 100 Ev cry Bottle IUWna nt dr r 1 Hurray Halls Wooing Mrs Cecilia Prances Lowe Hall the wife of the late Murray Hall who was discovered after death to be a woman was burn in that part of Fairfield Maine now known as Shawmut then as Somerset Mills She was the daugh tor of Wilson Lowe and was educated in the schools of her native town and it the Watervjlle Literary Institute She began the study of medicine with urthe late Dr N R Boutelle this city After two years study with Dr Bou telle Miss Lowe went to Boston Bal timore and New York where sh studied in such colleges as then admit- ted women Her last studying was t n Boston and there she became acquainted with Hall who began a correspondence wit h her as soon as she had returned to her home Later he visited the home of obliss Lowe and passed some time there- In the summer of 1872 he went there 1again and remained for some time where by hIs peculiar ways and man ners he was looked upon as an eccen- tric ¬ character by the town folk To the Lowe family he represented him ¬ self to be a Scottish nobleman and told them he had been deprived of his estates and title in the old country but that he had learned the profession of being a detective and that bo would soon have all restored again and then he would beta possession of a fabulous sum of money The family of Miss Lowe was much opposed to the mutch but dn Decem her 24 1872 she was married in New York Ciy to Hall and from that time to the death of Mrs Hall they lived on Sixth Avenue New York though In number of different houses Mrs Hall made frequent visits to her Maine home up till 1884 sometimes accompa nied by her husband and at others she came alone Mrs Robt THobbs a sister of Mrs Hall was seen this evening by a spur ter and told all about the life led by jTrs Hall whih living with Hall His j ealous nature and miserly ways a well as general ugliness made the lIre of Mrs Hall a hard one and Mrs Hobbs declares hastened her death Mrs Ilobbs was asked by the reporter it she had ever been told by her sister that Hall was a woman or it any o her family ever knew it to which she saidNever till we read in the newspa- pers of Halls death and the discovery of his sex did we know a thing of it We had never had any reason to be lieve that he was other than a man and never once did my sister give m- any e information about it I think it was from fear of Hall that she never told us about it He had remarks tale power over her and that must have been why she never spoke of it unless her pride prevented her from doing it Waterville Maine Corres- pondent Chicago Inter Ocean- s The Farmers Home Fire Insurance Company Junction City Ky 200000 propertyextcpt Rates reasonable Insures against Fire Lightning and Wind- Z M STAPLES County Director T A MUKRELL Agent A N WELLS for many years with the Continental General Manager The Brides Mixed Which sister did Henry Wilkinson of Alton Ill marry That is the ques¬ tion puzzling not only Mr Wilkinson but another groom and those assem- bled ¬ at the wedding The brides were twin sisters Florence and Rosa Eska When Wilkinson appeared on the scene both fell in love with him He was blissfully unconscious of this at the time but wooed and won Rose Flor- ence ¬ was chagrined but accepted the attentions of another suitor and ar ¬ rangements were made for a double wedding The brides were attired ex ¬ inwhiteandthetrownpart ¬ them apart As stepped in front of the minister guest jokingly remarked Be careful girls you do not change places In a spirit of fun the two exchanged At ¬ the ceremony Florence exclaimed thatshe had wedded Wilkinson as Rose did not change back Rose declared the change was only momentary and that she stepped back before the cere- mony ¬ The guests were divided on the and the minister said that in he confusion he had not noticed The is that two husbands do not- knowwhich their wives are Theycan legally be married a sewed time fear of commitlng bigamy nor can separation be obtained as they do not know which girl to name in the papers J Kelley Gauldln a commercial traveler committed suicide Friday night at the New Richmond Hotel in Paducah by taking morphine Gaul was in love with a Tennessee wo who had discarded him and his suicide was the culmination of a pro is svrt J t < The Kentucksan A Kentuckian kneels to none save woman and ties God These proud words of the heroic Crittonden spoken beneath the monastic shadow of white walled Spanish crypt when or- dered by ties executioners to receive their fire In a kneeling posture express in characteristic words and feeling the pride of State tradition and ancestry which has ever distinguished the men of our soil The spirit at pride and de fiance seems indigenous to Kentucky From the highest to the lowest in by- e paths and hedges it is found and flour isbes The haughty though poor mountaineer at the expense of life and limb keeps his honor untarnished even to the third and fourth generation The equally proud monarch ot the Blue- grass values above all thIng his good name and reputation and will die i n defense But in both sections of nu commonweaUhthereexlstsaseutiiii ut that is superior even to family pi l c and that Is respect and reverence h> t womankind Nowhere are the ladles honored as In old Kentucky 1he lam our of mediaeval romance yet hovers over our sunny clime and we feel to the daughters of our State all the chit alrous idolatry that stamped th knights of yore An exemplification ° of our respect for family which attract ed widespread attention occurred last week in lillluois A KentuckIan undcr a non de plume bravely met a felons death without divulging the secret of his identity for fear of attaching a stig ma and bringing dishonor to an honor- ed name Of such men are our people composed there may be evil in them but the good is uppermost Richmond Climax The claim of other cough medicines to be as good as Chamberlains are ef ¬ fectually set at rest in the following testimonial of Mr C D Glass an em ¬ ploye of Bartlett Dennis Co Gardi- ner ¬ Me He saysHI had kept addtn to a cold and cough in the winter of 1897 trying every cough medicine- s I heard of without permanent help un ¬ til one day I was in the drug store of Mr Houlehan and he advised me t try Chamberlains Cough Remedy an offered to pay back my money if I we bronchiaf tubes were very sore at this time but I was completely cured by this remed and have since always turned to it when I got a cold and soon Und relief I always recommend it to my friends and am glad to say it is the best of all cough medicines For sale by M Cravens The campaign for a Constitutional Convention in Alabama has been open ed by calls for county conventions to choose delegates April 23 is the day set for the election to determine whether a convention shall be held The object is to disfranchise the illiter ate negro A Deep Mystery It is a mystery why women endure Backache Headache Nervousness Sleeplessness Melancholy Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands iiav proved that Electric Bitters will quick ¬ ly cure such troubles I suffered for years with kidney trouble writes Mrs Phebe Cherley of Peterson Ia and a lame back pained me so I could not dress myself but Electric Bitters wholly cured me and although 73 years old I now am able to do all my housework It overcomes ConstIpa lion improves Appetite gives perfect health Only 50c at T E Paulis drug store Samuel H Warwick aged seventy years Inventor of a root beer and whose wealth twelve years ago was es- timated atover 1000000 died penni- less ¬ in the hospital attached to the Almshouse in Philadelphia Consumption is a germ disease The germs are everywhere but they can- not ¬ get hold of you unless you get our lungs ready for them by neglecting a cold or failing to properly cure a cough The Important merit of Morleys lion ey Pectorial is that while it cures quickly it cures thoroughly Ask your druggist Mrs Ann Lake dropped dead from excessive laughing at Newark N J A movement Is saidto be on foot to colonize a million Chinese laborers in Mexico William Porter was shot and killed by Moses Smith near Dunbar W VI Their families had quarreled A B Carey who made two fortunes at gambling died In the Floyd county Indpoorhouse He ran bars on steam- boats ¬ in the palmy river days Probably tke most important oil dis- covery in years has been made In Jeffer ¬ son county Texas The well is owned by J MGuffey of Pennsylvania and producing it is estimated 15000 bdrflilu 7 tlilpM I Famous old Church Situated at Poplar Flat in Nelson county is a large onestorled log build ¬ fug that has for many years been used- a as a schoolhouse This old structure was originally built as a place of wor ¬ ship for the pioneer believers in Meth- odism ¬ says the Bardstown Standard It is the next oldest church building of that denomination in Kentucky the one antedating It having been built at Mastersons Station near Lexington in 1787 The old church at Poplar Flat was known as Fergusons Chapel and was erected in 1790 Among the distinguished Methodist ministers of pioneer times who poured fourth their eloquence beneath the roof of this old structure were Francis Poythress the first Presiding Elder of the Kentucky district Bishop Francis Asbury Ben- S ¬ jamin Ogsden Peter Massie Wilson- r Lee and others equally celebrated As the denomination in that portion ofte uutry grew more prosperous a haiHsotue brick edifice was erected and the Miic of Jugs abandoned It stood in disu > t r a number of years when it masc ertcd intoapublicschoolbouse rand has been used as such since the close of the war- e During the occupancy of this couuty by Braggs army in 1862 Gen Leoudias Polk an Episcopal Bishop and brave soldier of wide repute occupied the crude pulpit of the old church and dE livered a sermon to one of the largest congregations that ever assembled in that vicinity People were there from wavy miles around and thou ure a number of old citizens yet living iu this community who heard the sermon and refer to it as the mosteloquent effort ever given expression tom u this section of the State Although the building Is over a hun tied years old it is wonderfully well preserved and bids fair to last another century under ordinary care It Is 6still the property of the Methodist Conference Jt Girdles The Globe The fame of Bucklcns Arnica Salve roundd the earth Its the one perfect healer- s 1ut Cuts Corns Burns Bruises Sores Scalds Boils Ulcers Felons Aches OulyY cure a Paull The Evils of Kissing Promiscuous osculation is under Un ban The kissing habit must cease The Demorest branch of the W C T 1II says the Chicago Tribune has de ¬ clared against it The organization admits of no compromise It does not urge temperance It preaches Pro ¬ principlese The kiss is an intoxicant therefore the kiss like the saloon mustgu This decision was arrived at the regular meeting of the Demorest Unlonltes at the home of Mrs Shirley 448 West Twenty third street New York The matter came up in connection with the vice crusade when Dr Anna Hat- e tfeld interrupted a torrent of eloquent apropos of the saloon as the source of all evil to prove that the nectar quaff- ed ¬ from red lips was more fruitful of consequences than any alcoholic bev- erage ¬ ever distilled I think kissing is the worst thing a young woman can dosaid the doctor and the amount of hugging and kissing that some girls of the best families too submit to Is literally a menace to our morali ¬ ty I know a young man well who de ¬ dares that he rarely leaves a girl with- out ¬ kissing her good night He says that they not only eurgcrly accede to his request but that several have In sisted on being kissed I have carefu ¬ ly Inquired into the matter and find maay young women imagine this is the way to get husbands It is repre- hensible ¬ These are the supposedly wellbroughtup daughters of rich par- ents ¬ The girls must be taught that it is wrong not only to kiss a stianger but to kiss the men they are engaged to I should suggest that an excel ¬ lent and efficient way to stop the Im ¬ propriety said Miss Thomas would be to instruct the young men in the evils of kissing lint they like it said one woman impetuously Miss Alta Rockefeller daughter ot John D Rockefeller was married iu New York city Thursday at the home of her father to Mr g Parinelee Pren- tice ¬ of Chicago She is heiress to S50 000000 but the wedding yas marked quiet simplicity and absepecof os ¬ ten tatlon rrbccbarleagalnst Mrs Nation the Kansas saloon smasher was dismissed on accotintof her mind being uuhaliinc ed RevIIlraw El Roberts dropped dead last week while delivering sermon to his congregation In New Orleans He waftetIrstneglo to occupy a seat in theU i ltid 8t s behafc c Col Roger Williams and his militia after some energetic work at Corbin Friday restored peace in that town and left at 1150 oclock Friday night for Lexington Col Williams arrested three of the Shots wells and two of their followers the McHargues and sent them to jail at Willlamsburg under esI cort Order being restored he not ¬ fied the Governor and Adjutant Gen ¬ eral that the soldiers were no longer needed Blown to Atoms The old idea that the body some times needs a powerful drastic purga- tive pill has been exploded for Dr Kings New Life Pills wnlch are per ¬ fectly harmless gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter cleanse the system and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache Only 25c at T E Paulla drug store Four children of Benjamin Miller were burned to death near Elkhart Ind Their ages ranged from eight to sixteen years Miller had risen early lighted a lamp and had gone to the barn The lamp exploded setting fire to the house The children were asleep on the second floor Questions for Women Are you nervous J Are you completely exhausted Do you suffer every month If you answer yes to any of these questions you have ills which wouldbe realIud ¬ menStrWldisorders growinto of Cardulused i before the men strual period will keep the female system in perfect condition This nomeThere women enjoy good health It costs only J to test this remedy which is endorsed by cured women LouisHI ofCudul In cases requiring special directions ad LadleAdtdorr ¬ cine Co Chattanooga Teen t PATTERSON HOTEL JAMBSTONCN KV Feed I GER lVIIjjER WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS SflDDliES flatness and Strap Work Fourth Represented VwItOUISVILItE BUCKNER BUOKNER President VccPcnidLotc accrnnd- TressWareous Buckner Tobacco INCORPORATED 313319 CHAPEL ST BET MAIN AND MARKETAND 216220 TENTH ST LovisviLiLe KV SPECIJtL ATTENTION GISLEN PRPL7 sRL6s Foun MONTHS FUSE STORAOJ Independent House Mark your Hhds BUCKNER HO- USLELHUGHESCOMPANY WHOLESALE I SASH I DOORS BLINDS yh MOULDITn OUR new Lumber Warehouse which wo have com being situated on the railroad is well stocked with kinds Dressed Lumber Lath and Shingles REED MILLER Agents Columbia t t Begins the r1l1 qvI growing Anywhere between the plantation and the coffee pot the flavor maybe changed the tf quality spoIled by carelessness inexperience or un scrupulous methods From the time Arbuckles Coffeet leaves the hands of the grower until it reaches the user in sealed packet it is handled with the same watchful care the same thought for cleanliness that you would give any article of food goes on your table Thats the reason it costs the grocer cent pound more than its cheap imitations The extra cent you pay for ARBUCKLES Roasted Coffee buys much more than cents worth quality and strength A pound Arbuckles Coffee will give you more cupfuls pf better coffee than you ff would get from other package coffees Be sure you get Arbuckles Roasted Coffee Other package coffees are imitations of ArbuckJes tlist byhim NoUortDept ARBUCKLE BROS Notion Department NEW YORK CITY NY No letter placu can be found than at ike abovo named hotel It is new elegantly furnished and tlaeta ¬ ble at all times plied with boat the market affords a Stable in eon nectionJ PATTERSON Proprietor a I OF 0 172 Avenue ba I1tiY- J a M BUCKNKk fs it L J M JB TE f I μ = just all of Ky in X r >Y a that a a e S < a C If a of of eta s but r nip the

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WHEREAS Au Allwise Provi-



has called from his earthlylabors to the celestial lodge aboveour worthy and honored brotherDr Wm Davis Stone January 7

1901 therefore bo itResolved 1st That Craftsman

Lodge No 722 F A AL ex-



to the bereaved family ourdeepest sympathy Ho was o

brother and we are deeply wens l ¬

ble of the aching void caused byhis departure May the Grand-Master who presides over thelodge where our brother has goneever have him in his keeping-

2d That we honor his memoryby placing a copy of these resolu-


on the records of this lodgeAlso that a copy be sent to thefamily and that a copy be sent tthe Masonic HomeJournal TheAdair County News and the Inte-rior Journal for publication



Catarrh Cannot be Curedwith LOCAL APPLICATIONS as

they cannot reach the seat of the di-



Catarrh is a blood or constItu-



disease and in order to cure ityou must take internal remedies HallsCatarrh Cure is taken internally andacts directly on the blood and mucous

surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure is not aquack medicine It was prescribed b-



of the best physicians in this coun ¬

try for years and is a regular prescrip ¬

tion It is composed of the best tonicsknown combined with the best bood

purifiers acting directly on the mu ¬

cous surfaces The perfect combina-



of the two ingredients is whatIproduces such wcnderful results iu

curing Catarrh Send for testimonialsfree F J CHENEY CO Props i

Toledo O Sold by druggists price75c Halls Family Pills are the best

The Philadelphia Press says theIEnquirer defends the appoint ¬

ment of the sons of Justices Harlan and McKenna to official posi ¬

tions in Porto Rico It intimatesthat Mr Harlan did not speciallyneed the appointment as ho will

sacrifice good law practice inChicago to accept it and that theJudge did not know of the inten ¬

tion of the President to appointhis son The explanation of theMcKenna case is better

In his official report to Gov Beck

ham of ttc visitor the military to Cor

bin to restore order Col Roger D

Williams the commanding officer i

charges Sheriff Sutton of that county t

with having beep hi such a drunkencondition during hisstuy there that hewas unable to report to him assdirccted to dOj and says he had to takefrom tile CircuttJridgeof the dIstrictIWith such an official it isnot urprising that lawlessness asserts itselfWhitley Is one of the strong Republi ¬

can counties

Danger of Colds and LagrippoThe greatest danger from colds and

lagrippe is their resulting in paeurnouia If reasonable care is used how ¬

ever and Chamberlains Cough Remely taken all danger will be avoidedIAmong the tens of thousands wholave used this remedy for these disI

eases we have yet to learn of a singlecase having resulted in pneumoniawhich shows conclusively that it is acertain preventive of that dangerousmalady It will cure a cold or an at-

tack of lagrippe in less time than anyother treatment It is pleasant andsafe to take For sale by M Cravenswho guarantees every bottle of Cham-


Cough Remedy and will re¬

fund the money to anyone who is no esatisfied attar using twothirds of thetcontents This is the best remedy inthe world for lagrippe coughs coldscroup and whooping cough and is plea-


and safe to take It prevents anyttendency of a cold to result in pneu ¬


Grief caused by the death of a youngwife caused Robert E Lee Pryor ofEastbank W Va to send a bullet into hisbraintThousands Sent Into ExilerlkEverysufferers whose lungs are sore andtracked with coughs are urged to go toaanother climate But thfs is costly andnot always sure Dont be an exileCwhen Dr Kings New Discovery forConsumption will cure you at homeIts the most Infalliole medicine forCoughs Colds and all Throat and Lungdiseases on earth The first dose bringsrelief Astounding cures result from dinpersistent use Trial bottles free atmTIE PaullV Price 50c and 100 Evcry Bottle IUWna nt dr

r 1

Hurray Halls Wooing

Mrs Cecilia Prances Lowe Hall thewife of the late Murray Hall who was

discovered after death to be a woman

was burn in that part of FairfieldMaine now known as Shawmut thenas Somerset Mills She was the daughtor of Wilson Lowe and was educatedin the schools of her native town and

it the Watervjlle Literary InstituteShe began the study of medicine with

urthe late Dr N R Boutelle this cityAfter two years study with Dr Bou

telle Miss Lowe went to Boston Bal

timore and New York where shstudied in such colleges as then admit-

ted women

Her last studying was t n Boston andthere she became acquainted withHall who began a correspondence wit h

her as soon as she had returned to herhome Later he visited the home of

obliss Lowe and passed some time there-

In the summer of 1872 he went there1again and remained for some time

where by hIs peculiar ways and manners he was looked upon as an eccen-


character by the town folk Tothe Lowe family he represented him ¬

self to be a Scottish nobleman andtold them he had been deprived of hisestates and title in the old countrybut that he had learned the profession

of being a detective and that bo wouldsoon have all restored again and thenhe would beta possession of a fabuloussum of money

The family of Miss Lowe was muchopposed to the mutch but dn Decem

her 24 1872 she was married in NewYork Ciy to Hall and from that timeto the death of Mrs Hall they livedon Sixth Avenue New York thoughIn number of different houses Mrs

Hall made frequent visits to her Maine

home up till 1884 sometimes accompa

nied by her husband and at others shecame alone

Mrs Robt THobbs a sister of Mrs

Hall was seen this evening by a spurter and told all about the life led byjTrs Hall whih living with Hall Hisj ealous nature and miserly ways awell as general ugliness made the lIre

of Mrs Hall a hard one and Mrs

Hobbs declares hastened her deathMrs Ilobbs was asked by the reporterit she had ever been told by her sisterthat Hall was a woman or it any o

her family ever knew it to which she

saidNevertill we read in the newspa-

pers of Halls death and the discovery

of his sex did we know a thing of itWe had never had any reason to be

lieve that he was other than a manand never once did my sister give m-


information about it I think itwas from fear of Hall that she nevertold us about it He had remarkstale power over her and that musthave been why she never spoke of itunless her pride prevented her fromdoing it Waterville Maine Corres-

pondent Chicago Inter Ocean-

s The Farmers Home Fire InsuranceCompany Junction City Ky 200000

propertyextcptRates reasonable Insures againstFire Lightning and Wind-

Z M STAPLES County DirectorT A MUKRELL AgentA N WELLS for many years with

the Continental General Manager

The Brides Mixed

Which sister did Henry Wilkinsonof Alton Ill marry That is the ques¬

tion puzzling not only Mr Wilkinsonbut another groom and those assem-



at the wedding The brides weretwin sisters Florence and Rosa EskaWhen Wilkinson appeared on the sceneboth fell in love with him He wasblissfully unconscious of this at thetime but wooed and won Rose Flor-ence


was chagrined but accepted theattentions of another suitor and ar¬

rangements were made for a doublewedding The brides were attired ex ¬

inwhiteandthetrownpart ¬

them apart Asstepped in front of the minister

guest jokingly remarked Be carefulgirls you do not change places In aspirit of fun the two exchanged At¬

the ceremony Florence exclaimedthatshe had wedded Wilkinson as Rosedid not change back Rose declaredthe change was only momentary andthat she stepped back before the cere-


The guests were divided on theand the minister said that in

he confusion he had not noticed Theis that two husbands do not-

knowwhich their wives are Theycanlegally be married a sewed timefear of commitlng bigamy nor can

separation be obtained as they donot know which girl to name in the


J Kelley Gauldln a commercialtraveler committed suicide Fridaynight at the New Richmond Hotel inPaducah by taking morphine Gaul

was in love with a Tennessee wo

who had discarded him and hissuicide was the culmination of a pro is


t <

The KentucksanA Kentuckian kneels to none save

woman and ties God These proudwords of the heroic Crittonden spokenbeneath the monastic shadow of

white walled Spanish crypt when or-

dered by ties executioners to receivetheir fire In a kneeling posture expressin characteristic words and feeling thepride of State tradition and ancestrywhich has ever distinguished the men

of our soil The spiritat pride and de

fiance seems indigenous to KentuckyFrom the highest to the lowest in by-

e paths and hedges it is found and flour

isbes The haughty though poor

mountaineer at the expense of life andlimb keeps his honor untarnished even

to the third and fourth generationThe equally proud monarch ot the Blue-

grass values above all thIng his good

name and reputation and will die i n

defense But in both sections of nu

commonweaUhthereexlstsaseutiiii utthat is superior even to family pi l c

and that Is respect and reverence h> t

womankind Nowhere are the ladleshonored as In old Kentucky 1he lam

our of mediaeval romance yet hoversover our sunny clime and we feel tothe daughters of our State all the chitalrous idolatry that stamped thknights of yore An exemplification °

of our respect for family which attracted widespread attention occurred lastweek in lillluois A KentuckIan undcra non de plume bravely met a felonsdeath without divulging the secret of

his identity for fear of attaching a stigma and bringing dishonor to an honor-

ed name Of such men are our people

composed there may be evil in thembut the good is uppermost RichmondClimax

The claim of other cough medicinesto be as good as Chamberlains are ef¬

fectually set at rest in the following

testimonial of Mr C D Glass an em ¬

ploye of Bartlett Dennis Co Gardi-


Me He saysHI had kept addtnto a cold and cough in the winter of1897 trying every cough medicine-


heard of without permanent help un ¬

til one day I was in the drug store ofMr Houlehan and he advised me t

try Chamberlains Cough Remedy anoffered to pay back my money if I we

bronchiaftubes were very sore at this time butI was completely cured by this remedand have since always turned to itwhen I got a cold and soon Und reliefI always recommend it to my friendsand am glad to say it is the best of allcough medicines For sale by M


The campaign for a ConstitutionalConvention in Alabama has been opened by calls for county conventions tochoose delegates April 23 is the day

set for the election to determinewhether a convention shall be heldThe object is to disfranchise the illiterate negro

A Deep Mystery

It is a mystery why women endureBackache Headache NervousnessSleeplessness Melancholy Faintingand Dizzy Spells when thousands iiavproved that Electric Bitters will quick ¬

ly cure such troubles I suffered foryears with kidney trouble writesMrs Phebe Cherley of Peterson Iaand a lame back pained me so I could

not dress myself but Electric Bitterswholly cured me and although 73

years old I now am able to do all my

housework It overcomes ConstIpa

lion improves Appetite gives perfecthealth Only 50c at T E Paulis drugstore

Samuel H Warwick aged seventyyears Inventor of a root beer andwhose wealth twelve years ago was es-

timated atover 1000000 died penni-



in the hospital attached to theAlmshouse in Philadelphia

Consumption is a germ disease Thegerms are everywhere but they can-


get hold of you unless you get ourlungs ready for them by neglecting acold or failing to properly cure a cough

The Important merit of Morleys lioney Pectorial is that while it curesquickly it cures thoroughly Ask yourdruggist

Mrs Ann Lake dropped dead fromexcessive laughing at Newark N J

A movement Is saidto be on foot tocolonize a million Chinese laborers inMexico

William Porter was shot and killedby Moses Smith near Dunbar W VITheir families had quarreled

A B Carey who made two fortunesat gambling died In the Floyd countyIndpoorhouse He ran bars on steam-boats


in the palmy river days

Probably tke most important oil dis-covery in years has been made In Jeffer ¬

son county Texas The well is ownedby J MGuffey of Pennsylvania and

producing it is estimated 15000

bdrflilu 7

tlilpM I

Famous old Church

Situated at Poplar Flat in Nelson

county is a large onestorled log build¬

fug that has for many years been used-

a as a schoolhouse This old structurewas originally built as a place of wor ¬

ship for the pioneer believers in Meth-



says the Bardstown StandardIt is the next oldest church building of

that denomination in Kentucky theone antedating It having been built atMastersons Station near Lexingtonin 1787 The old church at PoplarFlat was known as Fergusons Chapel

and was erected in 1790 Among thedistinguished Methodist ministers of

pioneer times who poured fourth theireloquence beneath the roof of this old

structure were Francis Poythress thefirst Presiding Elder of the Kentuckydistrict Bishop Francis Asbury Ben-



jamin Ogsden Peter Massie Wilson-r Lee and others equally celebrated

As the denomination in that portion

ofte uutry grew more prosperous ahaiHsotue brick edifice was erected and

the Miic of Jugs abandoned It stood indisu > t r a number of years when itmasc ertcd intoapublicschoolbouse

rand has been used as such since theclose of the war-

e During the occupancy of this couutyby Braggs army in 1862 Gen LeoudiasPolk an Episcopal Bishop and bravesoldier of wide repute occupied thecrude pulpit of the old church and dE

livered a sermon to one of the largestcongregations that ever assembled in

that vicinity People were there from

wavy miles around and thou ure anumber of old citizens yet living iuthis community who heard the sermonand refer to it as the mosteloquenteffort ever given expression tom u thissection of the State

Although the building Is over a huntied years old it is wonderfully well

preserved and bids fair to last anothercentury under ordinary care It Is

6still the property of the MethodistConference

Jt Girdles The GlobeThe fame of Bucklcns Arnica Salverounddthe earth Its the one perfect healer-


1ut Cuts Corns Burns Bruises Sores

Scalds Boils Ulcers Felons AchesOulyYcure aPaull

The Evils of Kissing

Promiscuous osculation is under Unban The kissing habit must cease

The Demorest branch of the W C T

1II says the Chicago Tribune has de ¬

clared against it The organizationadmits of no compromise It does noturge temperance It preaches Pro ¬

principleseThe kiss is an intoxicant thereforethe kiss like the saloon mustgu Thisdecision was arrived at the regularmeeting of the Demorest Unlonltesat the home of Mrs Shirley 448 WestTwenty third street New York Thematter came up in connection withthe vice crusade when Dr Anna Hat-

e tfeld interrupted a torrent of eloquentapropos of the saloon as the source of

all evil to prove that the nectar quaff-



from red lips was more fruitful ofconsequences than any alcoholic bev-


ever distilled I think kissingis the worst thing a young woman can

dosaid the doctor and the amountof hugging and kissing that some

girls of the best families too submitto Is literally a menace to our morali ¬

ty I know a young man well who de ¬

dares that he rarely leaves a girl with-


kissing her good night He says

that they not only eurgcrly accede to

his request but that several have In

sisted on being kissed I have carefu ¬

ly Inquired into the matter and findmaay young women imagine this isthe way to get husbands It is repre-


These are the supposedly

wellbroughtup daughters of rich par-


The girls must be taught thatit is wrong not only to kiss a stiangerbut to kiss the men they are engagedto I should suggest that an excel ¬

lent and efficient way to stop the Im ¬

propriety said Miss Thomas would

be to instruct the young men in theevils of kissing lint they like itsaid one woman impetuously

Miss Alta Rockefeller daughter otJohn D Rockefeller was married iuNew York city Thursday at the homeof her father to Mr g Parinelee Pren-


of Chicago She is heiress to S50

000000 but the wedding yas markedquiet simplicity and absepecof os¬

ten tatlon

rrbccbarleagalnst Mrs Nation theKansas saloon smasher was dismissed

on accotintof her mind being uuhaliinced

RevIIlraw El Roberts dropped dead

last week while delivering sermon tohis congregation In New Orleans HewaftetIrstneglo to occupy a seat intheU iltid 8t s behafc


Col Roger Williams and his militiaafter some energetic work at CorbinFriday restored peace in that townand left at 1150 oclock Friday nightfor Lexington Col Williams arrestedthree of the Shots wells and two of theirfollowers the McHargues and sentthem to jail at Willlamsburg under esIcort Order being restored he not ¬

fied the Governor and Adjutant Gen ¬

eral that the soldiers were no longerneeded

Blown to AtomsThe old idea that the body some

times needs a powerful drastic purga-

tive pill has been exploded for DrKings New Life Pills wnlch are per¬

fectly harmless gently stimulate liverand bowels to expel poisonous mattercleanse the system and absolutely cureConstipation and Sick Headache Only

25c at T E Paulla drug store

Four children of Benjamin Millerwere burned to death near ElkhartInd Their ages ranged from eight tosixteen years Miller had risen earlylighted a lamp and had gone to thebarn The lamp exploded setting fireto the house The children wereasleep on the second floor

Questionsfor Women

Are you nervousJ Are you completely exhausted

Do you suffer every monthIf you answer yes to any of

these questions you have ills which

wouldberealIud ¬

menStrWldisordersgrowintoof Cardulused i before the menstrual period will keep the femalesystem in perfect condition This

nomeTherewomen enjoy good health It costsonly J to test this remedy which isendorsed by cured women

LouisHIofCudulIn cases requiring special directions adLadleAdtdorr ¬cine Co Chattanooga Teen






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buys much more than cents worth quality andstrength A pound Arbuckles Coffee will give youmore cupfuls pf better coffee than you ff

would get from other package coffeesBe sure you get Arbuckles Roasted Coffee Other

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Notion Department NEW YORK CITY NY

No letter placu can

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It is new elegantlyfurnished and tlaeta ¬

ble at all timesplied with boat

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