hydrometeorology - technology applied to meteorology, hydrology and the environment

Hydrometeorology Technology Applied to Meteorology, Hydrology and the Environment [email protected] - www.adasasistemas.com Hydrometeorology Peru Development of Flood Risk Profiles of the most Important Basins (Inter-American Development Bank). Honduras Modernisation of the Environmental Monitoring and Civil Protection Equipment (COPECO - Permanent Commission on Contingencies). Spain Maintenance of the Weather Radars Network (15 for AEMET, State Meteorological Agency; 4 for SMC, Meteorological Service of Catalonia; 1 for Basque Government Meteorological Service). Maintenance of Automatic Weather Stations (AEMET – SMC). Automatic Hydrological Information Systems (MAGRAMA, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment Affairs – ACA, Catalan Water Agency). Romania Flood Risk Maps and the Plan for Prevention, Protection and Mitigation of Floods in Dobrogea-Litoral Hydrographical District and Crișuri River Basin (Apele Române). Morocco Hydro-Climatological Telemetering Systems for Preventing Floods (Loukkos, Moulouya and Oum Er-Rbia River Basins Agencies). Mexico Installation and Commissioning of the Doppler Weather Radar of Mexico City International Airport (SENEAM - Navigation Services in the Mexican Airspace). Monitoring and Dissemination of the Meteorological Information for Mexico City (Water System of Mexico City). Republic of Moldova Automatic Weather Stations System for the “Disaster Risk Mitigation” Program (State Hydrometeorological Service. World Bank Project). São Tomé and Príncipe As Part of the Early Warning System, Commissioning of a Weather, Hydrological and Agrometeorological Stations System (Institute National of Meteorology - Directorate General of Natural Resources and Energy). Venezuela Upgrade of the Hydrometerological Forecast System (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources).

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HydrometeorologyTechnology Applied to Meteorology, Hydrology and the [email protected] - www.adasasistemas.com



•Development of Flood Risk Profiles of the most Important Basins (Inter-American Development Bank).


•Modernisation of the Environmental Monitoring and Civil Protection Equipment (COPECO - Permanent Commission on Contingencies).

Spain•Maintenance of the Weather Radars

Network (15 for AEMET, State Meteorological Agency; 4 for SMC, Meteorological Service of Catalonia; 1 f o r B a s q u e G o v e r n m e n t Meteorological Service).

•Maintenance of Automatic Weather Stations (AEMET – SMC).

•Automatic Hydrological Information Systems (MAGRAMA, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment Affairs – ACA, Catalan Water Agency).


•Flood Risk Maps and the Plan for Prevention, Protection and Mitigation of Floods in Dobrogea-Litoral Hydrographical District and Crișuri River Basin (Apele Române).


•Hydro-Climatological Telemetering Systems for Preventing Floods (Loukkos, Moulouya and Oum Er-Rbia River Basins Agencies).

Mexico• Installation and Commissioning

of the Doppler Weather Radar of Mexico City International Airport (SENEAM - Navigation Services in the Mexican Airspace).

•Monitoring and Dissemination of the Meteorological Information for Mexico City (Water System of Mexico City).

Republic of Moldova

•Automatic Weather Stations System for the “Disaster Risk Mitigation” Program (State Hydrometeorological Service. World Bank Project).

São Tomé and Príncipe

•As Part of the Early Warning System, Commissioning of a Weather, Hydrological and Agrometeorological Stations System (Institute National of Meteorology - Directorate General of Natural Resources and Energy).


•Upgrade of the Hydrometerological Forecast System (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources).


• Analysis and setting out locations and coverage of weather stations, hydrometeorological stations and weather radars.

• Hydrometeorological dynamic studies.

• Specialised technical assistance for the installation of meteorological stations systems.

• Advice on hydrometry and hydrology.

• Hydraulic, hydrological and meteorological modelling.

• Analysis, monitoring and forecasting of meteorological and hydrological phenomena.

• Customised training on the operation of meteorological networks and meteorological products generation.


Adasa stands out for its strong expertise and experience in meteorology and hydrometeorology, from consulting,

engineering and operation, as well as the product generation, fitting customer needs and

international guidelines.

Engineering• Design, manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning of:

– Weather radar networks. – SNOTEL stations. – Weather station networks. – Hydrometeorological station networks.

• Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems.

• Information systems (SGI, BO, GIS).

• Web services (web portal, smartphone, emailing).

• Customised solutions: – Integration of meteorological and hydrometeorological stations. – Integration of weather radars.

OperationMaintenance services for weather stations, weather radars, SNOTEL stations and hydrometeorological stations, including:

• Preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance and predictive maintenance.

• Data operation: – Monitoring and alarms and events management. – Data treatment to ensure data quality (data validation – data

invalidation). – Reporting (technical reports, network status and data status). – Indicators of the quality service.

Product• Integration of heterogeneous information from different data sources.

• Development of new added-value information, which are required for decision-making:

– Temporal aggregation products: accumulated rainfall, average temperature ...

– Spatial aggregation products: by surface (basin, municipality) or point of interest.

– Combination products from different sources: rain gauge and weather radar combined with rain field.

– Forecasting products: hydrological modelling, flood forecasting, nowcasting, etc.

– Geographical alerts according to established emergency levels for any of the data sources or generated products.

Technology Applied to Meteorology, Hydrology and the Environment