i c and pulse and digital circuits lab

 IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II  Experime nt No:1  LINEAR WA V E SHAPING  AIM :  a) To study the response of RC Low pass circuit and to determine  rise time for a square wave input for different time constants. i)  RC>>T ii)  RC = T iii)  RC<<T  b) To study the response of RC Hih pass c ircuit and to determine   percentae ti!t for a squar e input for differe nt time constants. i)  RC>>T ii)  RC = T iii)  RC<<T. Components Required :  1. Resistors - 1!"# 1 !"# 1M"  $. Ca%acitor - .1&'  Apparatus Required :  1. (read (oard. $. CR)  *. 'unction +enerator. ,. Connecting ires. THEOR:   LINEAR WA VE SHAPING  e %rocess o0 ere b2 te 0orm o0 a non-sinusoidal signal is altered b2  transmission troug a linear netor! is called 3  L"#$%R &% '$ (H%"#*+. a! RC Lo" Pass Cir#uit :  R 

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IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II   Experiment No:1


  AIM :

  a) To study the response of RC Low pass circuit and to determine  rise time for a square wave input for different time constants.



ii) RC


 RC<<T   b) To study the response of RC Hih pass circuit and to determine   percentae ti!t for a square input for different time constants.







Components Required :

  1. Resistors - 1!"# 1 !"# 1M"  $. Ca%acitor - .1&'  Apparatus Required :

  1. (read (oard.$. CR)

  *. 'unction +enerator.

,. Connecting ires.THEOR:


 e %rocess o0 ere b2 te 0orm o0 a non-sinusoidal signal is altered b2

  transmission troug a linear netor! is called 3 L"#$%R &%'$ (H%"#*+.

a! RC Lo" Pass Cir#uit :


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  'igure 1: RC Lo Pass Circuit.

e circuit %asses lo 0re4uencies readil2 but attenuates ig 0re4uencies because tereactance o0 te ca%acitor decreases it increasing 0re4uenc2. 5t 6er2 ig 0re4uencies teca%acitor acts as a 6irtual sort circuit and te out%ut 0alls to 7ero. is circuit also or!s asintegrating circuit. 5 circuit in ic te out%ut 6oltage is %ro%ortional to te integral o0 tein%ut 6oltage is !non as integrating circuit. e condition 0or integrating circuit is RC 6aluemust be muc greater tan te time %eriod o0 te in%ut a6e 8RC99  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II   Experiment No:1


  AIM :

  a) To study the response of RC Low pass circuit and to determine  rise time for a square wave input for different time constants.






 RC<<T   b) To study the response of RC Hih pass circuit and to determine

   percentae ti!t for a square input for different time constants.





iii) RC<<T.

Components Required :

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  1. Resistors - 1!"# 1 !"# 1M"  $. Ca%acitor - .1&'  Apparatus Required :

  1. (read (oard.$. CR)

  *. 'unction +enerator.,. Connecting ires.THEOR:


 e %rocess o0 ere b2 te 0orm o0 a non-sinusoidal signal is altered b2

  transmission troug a linear netor! is called 3 L"#$%R &%'$ (H%"#*+.

a! RC Lo" Pass Cir#uit :




  V$  'igure 1: RC Lo Pass Circuit.

e circuit %asses lo 0re4uencies readil2 but attenuates ig 0re4uencies because tereactance o0 te ca%acitor decreases it increasing 0re4uenc2. 5t 6er2 ig 0re4uencies teca%acitor acts as a 6irtual sort circuit and te out%ut 0alls to 7ero. is circuit also or!s asintegrating circuit. 5 circuit in ic te out%ut 6oltage is %ro%ortional to te integral o0 tein%ut 6oltage is !non as integrating circuit. e condition 0or integrating circuit is RC 6aluemust be muc greater tan te time %eriod o0 te in%ut a6e 8RC99  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 


  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II Let  Vi alternating in%ut 6oltage.

i   resulting current 

5%%l2ing irco00ps Voltage La to RC lo %ass circuit 80ig.1.

T   1  '   iR

  i dt   .

i   q

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  C o

 Multi%l2ingtrougout b2


  T   C' 


  i dt   .

i   q o  T 

  5s RC >> T # te term i dt   .ma2 be neglected



  C' iRC 



to T  on bot sides# e get  T 

  T   C' dt   .

 RC i dt   .


          T   t   1   1  i dt   .

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  ' dt 




      T   1  ' 


  i dt   C   t   ∴

  1  '   .

  ' dt   i


e out%ut 6oltage is %ro%ortional to te integral o0 te in%ut 6oltage.E(PECTE) GRAPH:


  t  *$+,!V$










  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II Let

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  Vi alternating in%ut 6oltage.i   resulting current

 5%%l2ing irco00ps Voltage La to RC lo %ass circuit 80ig.1.T 

  1  ' 

  iR  i dt   .

i   q   C o 




  C'   iRC   i dt 


  q o

  T   5s RC >> T # te term i dt   .

ma2 be neglected  o  ∴

  C' iRC   i

 Integratingitres%ectto T  on bot sides# e get

  T   T 

  C' dt   .

 RC i dt 


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  T   t 

  1   1  i dt 


  ' dt   .

i  C 

   RC       T 

  1  '   .

  i dt   C   t 


  1  '   .

  ' dt   i   RC  

e out%ut 6oltage is %ro%ortional to te integral o0 te in%ut 6oltage.E(PECTE) GRAPH:









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  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK 

k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II 0! RC Hi12 Pass





  V$  'igure: $. RC ig Pass Circuit.

e iger 0re4uenc2 com%onents in te in%ut signal a%%ears at te out%ut it less  attenuation tan te loer 0re4uenc2 com%onents because te reactance o0 te ca%acitordecreases it increase in 0re4uenc2. is circuit or!s as a di00erential circuit. 5 circuit inic te out%ut 6oltage is %ro%ortional to te deri6ati6e o0 te in%ut 6oltage is !non asdi00erential circuit. e condition 0or di00erential circuit is RC 6alue must be muc smaller tente time %eriod o0 te in%ut a6e ,RC<<T).

5%%l2ing irco00ps Voltage La to RC ig %ass circuit 80ig.$

  T   1  '   i dt   .

iR .i

  q  C o


trougout b2R 


  '   1  i   i dt 

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  .q i . R

   RC o

  5s RC << T # te abo6e e4uation is modi0ied as

  T   ' 

  1  i   i dt 

  . R

   RC o 


e4uationitres%ectto T .1 d 

  1  '   i

  . R dt i


  d    RC   ' iR

  dt i

  '   iR  d 


  ere0ore  '   .

'   ∝  ' 

   RC   'i

  dt   i  dt 


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK 

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  '   1  i   i dt 

  . R   RC o 

Di00erentiatingabo6ee4uationitres%ectto T .1 d 

  1  '   i  .

 R dt i

   RC   d    RC 

  ' iR  dt i  '   iR

  d   d   ere0ore  ' 

  .'   ∝


   RC   'i  dt 




  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

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    IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E(PECTE)




  V-  V   t







  1.Coose 1msec.

$.velect C .1 &'.*.'or RC w select R.,.'or RC 99 w select R.x.'or RC yy w select R.z.I0 RC yy # te ig %ass circuit or!s as a di00erentiator.{.I0 RC 99 # te Lo %ass circuit or!s as an integrator.PROCE)%RE:

  1.Connect te circuit as son in te 0igure1 |$.$.Connect te 0unction generator at te in%ut terminals and CR) at te out%ut

  terminals o0 te circuit.*.5%%l2 a s4uare a6e signal o0 0re4uenc2 17 at te in%ut. 8 1

  msec.  ,.

)bser6e te out%ut a6e0orm o0 te circuit 0or di00erent time constants.x.Calculate te rise time 0or lo %ass 0ilter and tilt 0or ig %ass 0ilter and com%are it te

teoretical 6alues.z.'or lo %ass 0ilter select rise time 8tr $.$ RC 8teoretical. e rise time is

  de0ined as te time ta!en b2 te out%ut 6oltage to rise 0rom .1 to .= o0 its 0inal 6alue.{.

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  } tilt , T-RC ) ~ /00 8 teoretical  } tilt = 1 , '     / 2 '/ ) - , ' - ) 3 ~ /00 8 %ractical  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E(PECTE)




  V-  V   t







  1.Coose 1msec.

$.velect C .1 &'.*.'or RC w select R.,.'or RC 99 w select R.x.'or RC yy w select R.z.I0 RC yy # te ig %ass circuit or!s as a di00erentiator.{.

I0 RC 99 # te Lo %ass circuit or!s as an integrator.PROCE)%RE:

  1.Connect te circuit as son in te 0igure1 |$.$.Connect te 0unction generator at te in%ut terminals and CR) at te out%ut

  terminals o0 te circuit.*.

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  5%%l2 a s4uare a6e signal o0 0re4uenc2 17 at te in%ut. 8 1  msec.  ,.

)bser6e te out%ut a6e0orm o0 te circuit 0or di00erent time constants.x.

Calculate te rise time 0or lo %ass 0ilter and tilt 0or ig %ass 0ilter and com%are it teteoretical 6alues.z.'or lo %ass 0ilter select rise time 8tr $.$ RC 8teoretical. e rise time is

  de0ined as te time ta!en b2 te out%ut 6oltage to rise 0rom .1 to .= o0 its 0inal 6alue.{.} tilt , T-RC ) ~ /00 8 teoretical

  } tilt = 1 , '     / 2 '/ ) - , ' - ) 3 ~ /00 8 %ractical  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II RES%LT:

  1. Rise time 0or lo%ass 0ilter en RC yy  eoretical


  $. } tilt 0or ig%ass 0ilter en RC .eoreticalPractical

  Res%onse o0 RC Lo %ass circuit is obser6ed and rise time calculated.Res%onse o0 RC ig %ass circuit is obser6ed and %ercentage tilt is


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

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  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II RES%LT:

  1. Rise time 0or lo%ass 0ilter en RC yy  eoretical


  $. } tilt 0or ig%ass 0ilter en RC .eoreticalPractical

  Res%onse o0 RC Lo %ass circuit is obser6ed and rise time calculated.Res%onse o0 RC ig %ass circuit is obser6ed and %ercentage tilt is


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK 

k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II   Experiment No:2


  AIM :

  To study the c!ippin circuits for the fo!!owin reference vo!taes and 

  to verify the responses.Components Required:

  1. Resistors - 1"  $. I,{ Diode ‚ $o.

Apparatus Required :

  1. (read board.$. 'unction generator 

  *. CR)  ,. Poer su%%l2 -*V  x. Connecting ires.


 e non-linear semiconductor diode in combination it resistor can 0unction as cli%%er

circuit. Energ2 storage circuit com%onents are not re4uired in te basic %rocess o0 cli%%ing.ese circuits ill select %art o0 an arbitrar2 a6e0orm ic lies abo6e or belo some

 %articular re0erence 6oltage le6el and tat selected %art o0 te a6e0orm is used 0or transmission.vo te2 are re0erred as 6oltage limiters# current limiters# am%litude selectors or slicers.

ere are tree di00erent t2%es o0 cli%%ing circuits.

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$ egati6e Cli%%ing.* Positi6e and egati6e Cli%%ing 8 slicer .

In %ositi6e cli%%ing circuit %ositi6e c2cle o0 vinusoidal signal is cli%%ed and negati6e %ortion o0 sinusoidal signal is obtained in te out%ut o0 re0erence 6oltage is added# instead o0com%lete %ositi6e c2cle tat %ortion o0 te %ositi6e c2cle ic is abo6e te re0erence 6oltage6alue is cli%%ed.

In negati6e cli%%ing circuit instead o0 %ositi6e %ortion o0 sinusoidal signal# negati6e %ortion is cli%%ed.

In slicer bot %ositi6e and negati6e %ortions o0 te sinusoidal signal are cli%%ed.I+ Positi5e C6ippin1

  1    ' 

  I ,{  '   i  0


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 


€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II   Experiment No:2


  AIM :

  To study the c!ippin circuits for the fo!!owin reference vo!taes and 

  to verify the responses.Components Required:

  1. Resistors - 1"  $. I,{ Diode ‚ $o.

Apparatus Required :

  1. (read board.$. 'unction generator 

  *. CR)

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  ,. Poer su%%l2 -*V  x. Connecting ires.


 e non-linear semiconductor diode in combination it resistor can 0unction as cli%%er

circuit. Energ2 storage circuit com%onents are not re4uired in te basic %rocess o0 cli%%ing.ese circuits ill select %art o0 an arbitrar2 a6e0orm ic lies abo6e or belo some %articular re0erence 6oltage le6el and tat selected %art o0 te a6e0orm is used 0or transmission.

vo te2 are re0erred as 6oltage limiters# current limiters# am%litude selectors or slicers.

ere are tree di00erent t2%es o0 cli%%ing circuits.


$ egati6e Cli%%ing.* Positi6e and egati6e Cli%%ing 8 slicer .

In %ositi6e cli%%ing circuit %ositi6e c2cle o0 vinusoidal signal is cli%%ed and negati6e %ortion o0 sinusoidal signal is obtained in te out%ut o0 re0erence 6oltage is added# instead o0com%lete %ositi6e c2cle tat %ortion o0 te %ositi6e c2cle ic is abo6e te re0erence 6oltage6alue is cli%%ed.

In negati6e cli%%ing circuit instead o0 %ositi6e %ortion o0 sinusoidal signal# negati6e %ortion is cli%%ed.

In slicer bot %ositi6e and negati6e %ortions o0 te sinusoidal signal are cli%%ed.I+ Positi5e C6ippin1

  1    ' 

  I ,{  ' 



  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 


ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II Vi  V

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  V„  t  t 

'igure: $8a. In%ut a6e0orm

'igure: $8b)ut%ut a6e0orm.'i is a in%ut sinusoidal signal as son in te 0igure $8a . 'or %ositi6e %ortion o0 tesinusoidal te diode I,{ gets 0orard biased. e out%ut 6oltages in te 6oltage across tediode under 0orard biased ic is cut-in-6oltage o0 te diode. ere0ore te %ositi6e %ortionabo6e te cut-in-6oltage is cli%%ed or not obser6ed in te out%ut ,'0) as son in 0igure $8b.

II+ Positi5e C6ippin1 "it2 Positi5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e

  1    I ,{  ' 

  '   i

  0  VR   'igure:*.

Vi  V  VR8 V„  t  t  'igure:,8a. In%ut a6e0orm

'igure:,8b. )ut%ut a6e0orm.

ein%utsinusoidalsignal8 'i  in 0igure ,8a can ma!e te diode to conduct en its

  instantaneous 6alue is greater tan 'R. …% to tat 6oltage 8 'R) te diode is o%encircuited and te out%ut 6oltage is same as te in%ut 6oltage. 50ter tat 6oltage 8 'R te out%ut6oltage is 'R %lus te cut-in-6oltage 8 ' „ o0 te diode as son in 0igure ,8b.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II Vi  V  V„

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  t  t 

'igure: $8a. In%ut a6e0orm'igure: $8b)ut%ut a6e0orm.

'i is a in%ut sinusoidal signal as son in te 0igure $8a . 'or %ositi6e %ortion o0 tesinusoidal te diode I,{ gets 0orard biased. e out%ut 6oltages in te 6oltage across tediode under 0orard biased ic is cut-in-6oltage o0 te diode. ere0ore te %ositi6e %ortionabo6e te cut-in-6oltage is cli%%ed or not obser6ed in te out%ut ,'0) as son in 0igure $8b.

II+ Positi5e C6ippin1 "it2 Positi5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e

  1    I ,{  '   ' 

  i  0

  VR   'igure:*.Vi

  V  VR8 V„  t  t  'igure:,8a. In%ut a6e0orm

'igure:,8b. )ut%ut a6e0orm.

ein%utsinusoidalsignal8 'i  in 0igure ,8a can ma!e te diode to conduct en its

  instantaneous 6alue is greater tan 'R. …% to tat 6oltage 8 'R) te diode is o%encircuited and te out%ut 6oltage is same as te in%ut 6oltage. 50ter tat 6oltage 8 'R te out%ut6oltage is 'R %lus te cut-in-6oltage 8 ' „ o0 te diode as son in 0igure ,8b.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II III+ Positi5e C6ippin1

"it2 Ne1ati5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e

  1    I ,{

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  '   i  0


  'igure: x.V  V  t  i  V„ 4VR 




In tis circuit te diode conducts te out%ut 6oltage is same as in%ut 6oltage. e diodeconducts at a 6oltage less b2 'R 0rom cut-in-6oltage called as ' „. 'or 6oltage less tan ' „# tediode is o%en circuited and out%ut is same as in%ut 6oltage.

IV Ne1ati5e C6ippin1 Cir#uit

  1    '   I ,{  '0  i  'igure:{.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  


  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II III+ Positi5e C6ippin1"it2 Ne1ati5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e

  1    I ,{  '   '   i


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  VR   'igure: x.

V  V  t

  i  V„ 4VR 



In tis circuit te diode conducts te out%ut 6oltage is same as in%ut 6oltage. e diodeconducts at a 6oltage less b2 'R 0rom cut-in-6oltage called as ' „. 'or 6oltage less tan ' „# tediode is o%en circuited and out%ut is same as in%ut 6oltage.

IV Ne1ati5e C6ippin1 Cir#uit

  1    '   I ,{  '0

  i  'igure:{.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II Vi  V  t  t

  -V „ 


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'or tis %ortion o0 te in%ut sinusoidal signal ,'i)# te diode gets re6erse biased and it iso%en. en te out%ut 6oltage is same as in%ut 6oltage. 'or te negati6e %ortion o0 te signal te

diode gets 0orard biased and te out%ut 6oltage is te cut-in-6oltage 8 4' „ ) o0 te diode. ente in%ut sinusoidal 6ariation is not seen in te out%ut. ere0ore te negati6e %ortion o0 te in%utsinusoidal signal ,'i) is cli%%ed in te out%ut signal , '0 ).

V+ Ne1ati5e C6ippin1 "it2 Ne1ati5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e

  1    I ,{  'i  '0  VR   'igure:=  Vi

  V  t  t  4VR4V„ 


In tis circuit# te diode gets 0orard biased 0or te in%ut sinusoidal 6oltage is less tan 8 2'R. 'or in%ut 6oltage greater tan 8 2'R# te diode is non-conducting and it is o%en. en teout%ut 6oltage is same as in%ut 6oltage.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II Vi  V  t  t  -V „ 


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'or tis %ortion o0 te in%ut sinusoidal signal ,'i)# te diode gets re6erse biased and it iso%en. en te out%ut 6oltage is same as in%ut 6oltage. 'or te negati6e %ortion o0 te signal tediode gets 0orard biased and te out%ut 6oltage is te cut-in-6oltage 8 4' „ ) o0 te diode. ente in%ut sinusoidal 6ariation is not seen in te out%ut. ere0ore te negati6e %ortion o0 te in%utsinusoidal signal ,'i) is cli%%ed in te out%ut signal , '0 ).

V+ Ne1ati5e C6ippin1 "it2 Ne1ati5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e

  1    I ,{

  'i  '0  VR   'igure:=  Vi  V  t  t  4VR4V„ 


In tis circuit# te diode gets 0orard biased 0or te in%ut sinusoidal 6oltage is less tan 8 2'R. 'or in%ut 6oltage greater tan 8 2'R# te diode is non-conducting and it is o%en. en teout%ut 6oltage is same as in%ut 6oltage.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 


ˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II VI+ Ne1ati5e C6ippin1

"it2 Positi5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e

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  1    I ,{  'i  '0


  'igure:11.Vi  V  VR4V„  t  t 



'or in%ut sinusoidal signal 6oltage less tan 'R# te diode is sorted and te out%ut6oltage is 0i‰ed ar 'R. 'or in%ut sinusoidal 6oltage greater tan 'R te diode is re6erse biasedand o%en circuited. en te out%ut 6oltage is same as in%ut 6oltage.

VII+ S6i#er

  1    I ,{  I ,{  VR1  VR$  'igure:1*.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II VI+ Ne1ati5e C6ippin1

"it2 Positi5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e  1    I ,{  'i

  '0  VR   'igure:11.


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  V  VR4V„  t  t 


'or in%ut sinusoidal signal 6oltage less tan 'R# te diode is sorted and te out%ut6oltage is 0i‰ed ar 'R. 'or in%ut sinusoidal 6oltage greater tan 'R te diode is re6erse biasedand o%en circuited. en te out%ut 6oltage is same as in%ut 6oltage.

VII+ S6i#er

  1    I ,{  I ,{  VR1  VR$  'igure:1*.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II V  Vi  t  V„8VR 

  t  V„4VR 



  1. 'or %ositi6e cli%%ing at ŠVp 6olts re0erence select VR V.$. 'or negati6e cli%%ing at ŠVp 6olts re0erence select VR V.*. 'or cli%%ing at to inde%endent le6els at V1|V$ re0erence 6oltages select

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  VR1 V1# VR$ V$ and VR$ 9 VR1.PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in te 0igure 1.$. Connect te 0unction generator at te in%ut terminals and CR) at te out%ut

  terminals o0 te circuit.

*. 5%%l2 a sine a6e signal o0 0re4uenc2 17 at te in%ut and obser6e te out%ut  a6e0orms o0 te circuits.,. Re%eat te %rocedure 0or 0igure *# x# {# =# 11 and 1*.RES%LT:


 Cli%%ing circuits 0or di00erent re0erence 6oltages are studied.9%ESTIONS:

  1. at is a cli%%er‹ Describe 8i Positi6e cli%%er 8ii (iased cli%%er 8iii Combinationcli%%er.

$. Discuss te di00erences beteen sunt and series cli%%er.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II V  Vi

  t  V„8VR 

  t  V„4VR 


  1. 'or %ositi6e cli%%ing at ŠVp 6olts re0erence select VR V.$. 'or negati6e cli%%ing at ŠVp 6olts re0erence select VR V.*. 'or cli%%ing at to inde%endent le6els at V1|V$ re0erence 6oltages select

  VR1 V1# VR$ V$ and VR$ 9 VR1.PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in te 0igure 1.$. Connect te 0unction generator at te in%ut terminals and CR) at te out%ut

  terminals o0 te circuit.

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  *. 5%%l2 a sine a6e signal o0 0re4uenc2 17 at te in%ut and obser6e te out%ut  a6e0orms o0 te circuits.

,. Re%eat te %rocedure 0or 0igure *# x# {# =# 11 and 1*.RES%LT:


V„  Cli%%ing circuits 0or di00erent re0erence 6oltages are studied.9%ESTIONS:

  1. at is a cli%%er‹ Describe 8i Positi6e cli%%er 8ii (iased cli%%er 8iii Combinationcli%%er.

$. Discuss te di00erences beteen sunt and series cli%%er.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II   Experiment No:3


  AIM :

  To et positive and neative c!ampin for sinusoida! and (quare wave  inputs.

Components Required:

  1.Resistors - 1!"

  $. I,{ Diode  *. Ca%acitor -1&'  Apparatus Required:

  1. (read board  $. 'unction generator   *. CR)  ,. Poer su%%l2 -*V  x. Connecting ires.


  C6ampin1 Cir#uit  “A clampin circ!it i" one t#at ta$e" an inp!t %a&e'orm an( pro&i(e" an o!tp!t t#at i"

  a 'ait#'!l replica o' it" "#ape )!t #a" one e(e ti#tl* clampe( to t#e +ero &oltae



ere are 6arious t2%es o0 Clam%ing circuits# ic are mentioned belo:  1. Positi6e Clam%ing Circuit.

$. egati6e Clam%ing Circuit.

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  *. Positi6e Clam%ing it %ositi6e re0erence 6oltage.,. egati6e Clam%ing it %ositi6e re0erence 6oltage.x. Positi6e Clam%ing it negati6e re0erence 6oltage.z. egati6e Clam%ing it negati6e re0erence 6oltage.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II   Experiment No:3


  AIM :

  To et positive and neative c!ampin for sinusoida! and (quare wave  inputs.

Components Required:

  1.Resistors - 1!"

  $. I,{ Diode  *. Ca%acitor -1&'  Apparatus Required:

  1. (read board  $. 'unction generator   *. CR)

  ,. Poer su%%l2 -*V  x. Connecting ires.


  C6ampin1 Cir#uit

  “A clampin circ!it i" one t#at ta$e" an inp!t %a&e'orm an( pro&i(e" an o!tp!t t#at i"

  a 'ait#'!l replica o' it" "#ape )!t #a" one e(e ti#tl* clampe( to t#e +ero &oltae



ere are 6arious t2%es o0 Clam%ing circuits# ic are mentioned belo:  1. Positi6e Clam%ing Circuit.

$. egati6e Clam%ing Circuit.

*. Positi6e Clam%ing it %ositi6e re0erence 6oltage.,. egati6e Clam%ing it %ositi6e re0erence 6oltage.x. Positi6e Clam%ing it negati6e re0erence 6oltage.z. egati6e Clam%ing it negati6e re0erence 6oltage.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 

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;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II Ne1ati5e C6ampin1


  V5  8






  i  '0

  4  'igure:1 

e in%ut signal is a sinusoidal ic begins at t. e ca%acitor C is carged at t = 0.e a6e0orm across te diode at 6arious instant is studied.

During te 0irst 4uarter c2cle te in%ut signal rises 0rom 7ero to te ma‰imum 6alue 'm.e diode being ideal# no 0orard 6oltage ma2 a%%ear across it. During tis 0irst 4uarter

c2cle te ca%acitor 6oltage '% = 'i. e 6oltage across C rises sinusoidall2# te ca%acitor iscarged troug te series combination o0 te signal source and te diode. rougout tis 0irst4uarter c2cle te out%ut '0 as remained 7ero. 5t te end o0 tis 4uarter c2cle tere e‰ists across

te ca%acitor a 6oltage '% = 'm.

50ter te 0irst 4uarter c2cle# te %ea! as been %assed and te in%ut signal begins to 0all#te 6oltage '% across te ca%acitor is no longer able to 0ollo te in%ut 6oltage. 'or in order todo so# it ould be re4uired tat te ca%acitor discarge# and because o0 te diode# suc adiscarge is not %ossible. e ca%acitor remains carged to te 6oltage '% = 'm# and# a0ter te0irst 4uarter c2cle te out%ut is '0 = 'i ‚ 'm. During succeeding c2cles te %ositi6e e‰cursiono0 te signal Œust barel2 reaces 7ero. e diode need ne6er again conduct# and te %ositi6ee‰tremit2 o0 te signal as been clam%ed to 7ero. e a6erage 6alue o0 te signal is ‚ 'm.

Positi5e C6ampin1 Cir#uit:


  8  8




  '   )


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  Positi5e C6ampin1 Cir#uit:

  'm  8



  4  C

  '   )






It is also called as negati6e %ea! clam%er# because tis circuit clam%s at te negati6e


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II Let


in%utsignal be 'i = 'm sin t. en 'i goes negati6e# diode gets 0orard biased and conducts. e

ca%acitor carges to 6oltage 'm# it %olarit2 as son. …nder stead2 state condition# te %ositi6e clam%ing circuit is gi6en as#

' ' Ž 8 '   Ž     i



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E4.1  ' q ' 


  m Duringtenegati6eal0c2cleo0 'i# te diode conducts and C carges to ‚ 'm 6olts# i.e.#te negati6e %ea! 6alue. e ca%acitor cannot discarge since te diode cannot conduct in

te re6erse direction. us te ca%acitor acts as a batter2 o0 2'm 6olts and te out%ut 6oltage isgi6en b2 e4uation.1 abo6e. It is seen 0or 0igure $# tat te negati6e %ea!s o0 te in%ut signal are

clam%ed to 7ero le6el. Pea!-to-%ea! am%litude o0 out%ut 6oltage 'm# ic is te same as tato0 te in%ut signal.Ne1ati5e C6ampin1 "it2 Positi5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e



  'i  '0  'R

  'igure:$  vince 'R is in series it te out%ut o0 negati6e clam%ing circuit# no te a6erage 6alueo0 te out%ut becomes ,4'm 5 'R ).

vimilarl2# te a6erage o0  

i egati6e clam%ing it negati6e re0erence 6oltage is ,4'm 5 'R ).

ii Positi6eclam%ing is q 'm.

iii Positi6e clam%ing it %ositi6e re0erence 6oltage is 'm 5 'R.

i6 Positi6e clam%ing it negati6e re0erence 6oltage is 'm 4 'R.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II Let

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  tein%utsignal be 'i = 'm sin t. en 'i goes negati6e# diode gets 0orard biased and conducts. e

ca%acitor carges to 6oltage 'm# it %olarit2 as son. …nder stead2 state condition# te

 %ositi6e clam%ing circuit is gi6en as#' ' Ž 8 ' 

  Ž     i




E4.1  ' q ' 

  i  m 

Duringtenegati6eal0c2cleo0 'i# te diode conducts and C carges to ‚ 'm 6olts# i.e.#te negati6e %ea! 6alue. e ca%acitor cannot discarge since te diode cannot conduct in

te re6erse direction. us te ca%acitor acts as a batter2 o0 2'm 6olts and te out%ut 6oltage isgi6en b2 e4uation.1 abo6e. It is seen 0or 0igure $# tat te negati6e %ea!s o0 te in%ut signal areclam%ed to 7ero le6el. Pea!-to-%ea! am%litude o0 out%ut 6oltage 'm# ic is te same as tato0 te in%ut signal.

Ne1ati5e C6ampin1 "it2 Positi5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e



  'i  '0


  'igure:$  vince 'R is in series it te out%ut o0 negati6e clam%ing circuit# no te a6erage 6alue

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  •  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II C6ampin1 Cir#uit


 It states tat 0or an2 in%ut a6e0orm te ratio o0 te areas under te out%ut 6oltage cur6e

in 0orard direction to tat in te re6erse direction is e4ual to te ratio 8 Rf - R). %

   R   f    f 


 %   R

  r   ere %f   area o0 te out%ut a6e in 0orard direction.

 %r   area o0 te out%ut a6e in re6erse direction. Rf and  R are 0orard and re6erse resistances o0 te diode.I+ Ne1ati5e C6ampin1

  1&'  C

  1    '   )


  i  '0

  I ,{  'igure:*  Vi 







 'igure:,8a.In%uta6e0orm'igure:,8b)ut%uta6e0orm.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK 

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k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II C6ampin1 Cir#uit


 It states tat 0or an2 in%ut a6e0orm te ratio o0 te areas under te out%ut 6oltage cur6e

in 0orard direction to tat in te re6erse direction is e4ual to te ratio 8 Rf - R). %



   f     .


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  r   ere %f   area o0 te out%ut a6e in 0orard direction.

 %r   area o0 te out%ut a6e in re6erse direction. Rf and  R are 0orard and re6erse resistances o0 te diode.

I+ Ne1ati5e C6ampin1  1&'  C

  1    ' 



  i  '0

  I ,{  'igure:*

  Vi   V.






 'igure:,8a.In%uta6e0orm'igure:,8b)ut%uta6e0orm.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

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€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II II+ Ne1ati5e C6ampin1

"it2 Positi5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e+

1&'  C


  I ,{  ' 


  i  '0

  1    'R  'igure:x  Vi 


  'R  t 

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'igure:z8b)ut%uta6e0orm.III+ Ne1ati5e C6ampin1 "it2 Ne1ati5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e+

1&'  C


  I ,{  '   R 

  i  '0  1    'R


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

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€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II II+ Ne1ati5e C6ampin1

"it2 Positi5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e+1&'  C


  I ,{  '   R 



  1    'R  'igure:x  Vi 





 'igure:z8a.In%uta6e0orm'igure:z8b)ut%uta6e0orm.III+ Ne1ati5e C6ampin1 "it2 Ne1ati5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e+

1&'  C


  I ,{

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  i  '0



  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

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ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II  Vi 





'igure:‡8a.In%uta6e0orm'igure:‡8b)ut%uta6e0orm.IV+ Positi5e C6ampin1+

1&'  C

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  1    '   )



  '0  I ,{  0igure:=  'm  Vi 






'igure:18a.In%uta6e0orm'igure:18b)ut%uta6e0orm.V+ Positi5e C6ampin1 "it2 Ne1ati5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e+

1&'  C


  I ,{  '   R 


  '0  1    'R


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

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ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II

  Vi   V.




 'igure:‡8a.In%uta6e0orm'igure:‡8b)ut%uta6e0orm.IV+ Positi5e C6ampin1+

1&'  C

  1    ' 



  i  '0

  I ,{  0igure:=  'm


  'm  V.



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'igure:18b)ut%uta6e0orm.V+ Positi5e C6ampin1 "it2 Ne1ati5e Re7eren#e Vo6ta1e+

1&'  C


  I ,{  '   R 

  i  '0  1    'R


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

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<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II  4'   V 

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  'igure:1$8a.In%uta6e0orm'igure:1$8b)ut%uta6e0orm.VI+ Positi5e C6ampin1 "it2 Positi5e re7eren#e Vo6ta1e+

1&'  C

  )  I ,{  '   R 


  '0  1    'R

  'igure: 1*  Vi 


  'R  t 



  1. Connect te circuit as son in te 0igure *.$. Connect te 0unction generator at te in%ut terminals and CR) at te out%ut

  terminals o0 te circuit.*. 5%%l2 a sine a6e and s4uare a6e signal o0 0re4uenc2 1!7 at te in%ut and

  obser6e te out%ut a6e0orms o0 te circuits in CR).,. Re%eat te abo6e %rocedure 0or te di00erent circuit diagram as son in0 0igure x# {# =#

11 and 1*.

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  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

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<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II  4'   V 






 'igure:1$8a.In%uta6e0orm'igure:1$8b)ut%uta6e0orm.VI+ Positi5e C6ampin1 "it2 Positi5e re7eren#e Vo6ta1e+

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  1&'  C


  I ,{  ' 

  R   i

  '0  1    'R

  'igure: 1*  Vi 






  1. Connect te circuit as son in te 0igure *.$. Connect te 0unction generator at te in%ut terminals and CR) at te out%ut

  terminals o0 te circuit.*. 5%%l2 a sine a6e and s4uare a6e signal o0 0re4uenc2 1!7 at te in%ut and

  obser6e te out%ut a6e0orms o0 te circuits in CR).,. Re%eat te abo6e %rocedure 0or te di00erent circuit diagram as son in0 0igure x# {# =#


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II RES%LT: e clam%ing6oltages 0or %ositi6e and negati6e clam%ing circuits are noted.


  1. E‰%lain te o%eration o0 a clam%ing circuit 0or a s4uare a6e in%ut.$. Di00erentiate te cli%%ers it clam%ers.*. +i6e te a%%lications o0 clam%ers.

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  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II RES%LT: e clam%ing6oltages 0or %ositi6e and negati6e clam%ing circuits are noted.


  1. E‰%lain te o%eration o0 a clam%ing circuit 0or a s4uare a6e in%ut.$. Di00erentiate te cli%%ers it clam%ers.*. +i6e te a%%lications o0 clam%ers.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK 

k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II 




  To study the various !oic ates by usin discrete components.

Component Required :

  1. Resistors - 1!" -1# 1 !" -$  $. I,{ Diode ‚ $ no  *. ransistor $$*z=  Apparatus Required:

  1. Poer su%%l2 -*V  $. (read board  *. Connecting ires




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  (  vM()L  1


1 1   AN/ GA0E:

  e 5D gate as a ig out%ut en all te in%uts are ig te 0igure 1 sos  one a2 to build te 5D gate b2 using diodes.

Case 1: en bot 5 and ( are lo ten te diodes are in te saturation region ten tesu%%l2 0rom VCC ill 0lo to te diodes ten te out%ut is lo.

Case $: en 5 is lo and ( is ig ten diode D1 ill be in te saturation region andD$ ill be in te Cut-o00 region# ten te su%%l2 0rom VCC ill 0lo troug diode D1 ten teout%ut ill be lo.

Case *: en 5 is ig# ( is lo te diode D1 ill be in te Cut-o00 region and diode D$ill be in saturation region ten te su%%l2 0rom VCC ill 0lo troug te diode D$# tere0orete out%ut ill be lo.

Case ,: en bot te 5 and ( are ig ten te to diodes ill be in Cut-o00 regiontere0ore te su%%l2 0rom VCC ill 0lo troug 'out  ten 'out  is ig.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II 




  AIM :

  To study the various !oic ates by usin discrete components.Component Required :

  1. Resistors - 1!" -1# 1 !" -$  $. I,{ Diode ‚ $ no  *. ransistor $$*z=  Apparatus Required:

  1. Poer su%%l2 -*V  $. (read board

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  *. Connecting ires  THEOR:


  5(     5      5.( 

1   (  vM()L

  1   1

1 1   AN/ GA0E:

  e 5D gate as a ig out%ut en all te in%uts are ig te 0igure 1 sos  one a2 to build te 5D gate b2 using diodes.

Case 1: en bot 5 and ( are lo ten te diodes are in te saturation region ten tesu%%l2 0rom VCC ill 0lo to te diodes ten te out%ut is lo.

Case $: en 5 is lo and ( is ig ten diode D1 ill be in te saturation region andD$ ill be in te Cut-o00 region# ten te su%%l2 0rom VCC ill 0lo troug diode D1 ten teout%ut ill be lo.

Case *: en 5 is ig# ( is lo te diode D1 ill be in te Cut-o00 region and diode D$ill be in saturation region ten te su%%l2 0rom VCC ill 0lo troug te diode D$# tere0orete out%ut ill be lo.

Case ,: en bot te 5 and ( are ig ten te to diodes ill be in Cut-o00 regiontere0ore te su%%l2 0rom VCC ill 0lo troug 'out  ten 'out  is ig.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  


IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II  R GA0E:


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    5 q (  ( 

1 1  vM()L  1

1  1

1 1  5n )R gate as to or more in%uts but onl2 one out%ut signal. It is called )R gate

  because te out%ut 6oltage is ig i0 an2 or all te in%uts are ig.e 0igure $ sos one a2 to build )R gate 8to in%uts b2 using diodes.Case 1: en 5 and ( are lo ten te to diodes D1 and D$ are in Cut-o00 region. en

te 'out  is lo.Case $: en 5 is lo and ( is ig ten te diode D1 is in Cut-o00 region and diode D$

is in saturation region# ten te 'out is ig.Case *: en 5 is ig and ( is lo ten te diode D$ is in saturation region and diode

D1 is in Cut-o00 region# ten te 'out  is ig.Case ,: en bot 5 and ( are ig te diodes D1 and D$ are in saturation region ten

te out%ut 'out  is ig. NR GA0E:



  5 q (  q  5  6 

   %   7



1   1

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  5  1

1   6  % q 7


  v2mbol  )R gate is re0erred to a ) )R gate because te out%ut is 6  % q 7 . Read tis as

  ) 5 )R ( or com%liment o0 te 5 )R (. te circuit is in an )R gate 0olloed b2 a ) gate )R in6erter. e onl2 to get ig out%ut is to a6e bot in%uts lo.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  


IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II  R GA0E:




      5 q (  ( 

1 1  vM()L  1

1  1

1 1

  5n )R gate as to or more in%uts but onl2 one out%ut signal. It is called )R gate  because te out%ut 6oltage is ig i0 an2 or all te in%uts are ig.

e 0igure $ sos one a2 to build )R gate 8to in%uts b2 using diodes.Case 1: en 5 and ( are lo ten te to diodes D1 and D$ are in Cut-o00 region. en

te 'out  is lo.Case $: en 5 is lo and ( is ig ten te diode D1 is in Cut-o00 region and diode D$

is in saturation region# ten te 'out is ig.

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  Case *: en 5 is ig and ( is lo ten te diode D$ is in saturation region and diodeD1 is in Cut-o00 region# ten te 'out  is ig.

Case ,: en bot 5 and ( are ig te diodes D1 and D$ are in saturation region tente out%ut 'out  is ig.




  5 q (  q  5  6 

   %   7

  1  ( 

1   1

  5  1

1   6  % q 7

  (  v2mbol 

 )R gate is re0erred to a ) )R gate because te out%ut is 6  % q 7 . Read tis as   ) 5 )R ( or com%liment o0 te 5 )R (. te circuit is in an )R gate 0olloed b2 a ) gate )R in6erter. e onl2 to get ig out%ut is to a6e bot in%uts lo.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II   NAN/ GA0E:


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  5.(    5  6 

   %. 7

  5(   ( 

1 1  5  1

1  6  %. 7

  (  11

  v2mbol  5D gate is re0erred to as ) 5D +5E because te out%ut is 6  %. 7 read tis as   ) 5 5D ( or Com%liment o0 5 5D (. (2 tis gate te out%ut is lo en allte in%uts are ig.

 N0 GA0E:


  5    5   %    1  1    v2mbol 

e In6erter or ) gate is it onl2 one in%ut and onl2 one out%ut. It is called in6erter because te out%ut is ala2s o%%osite to te in%ut.

e 0igurex sos te one a2 to build in6erter circuit b2 using transistor 8CE modeen te Vin is lo ten te transistor ill be in te Cut-o00 region. en te su%%l2 0rom VCC  ill 0lo to Vout. en te Vout is ig. en Vin is ig ten te transistor is in tesaturation region ten te su%%l2 0rom VCC ill 0lo troug te transistor to te ground# tente Vout is lo.

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  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II   NAN/ GA0E:


  5.(    5

  6    %. 7  5

(   ( 

1 1  5  1

1  6  %. 7  (  1

1   v2mbol  5D gate is re0erred to as ) 5D +5E because te out%ut is 6  %. 7 read tis as   ) 5 5D ( or Com%liment o0 5 5D (. (2 tis gate te out%ut is lo en allte in%uts are ig.

 N0 GA0E:


  5    5   %


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  1  1    v2mbol 

e In6erter or ) gate is it onl2 one in%ut and onl2 one out%ut. It is called in6erter because te out%ut is ala2s o%%osite to te in%ut.

e 0igurex sos te one a2 to build in6erter circuit b2 using transistor 8CE modeen te Vin is lo ten te transistor ill be in te Cut-o00 region. en te su%%l2 0rom VCC  ill 0lo to Vout. en te Vout is ig. en Vin is ig ten te transistor is in tesaturation region ten te su%%l2 0rom VCC ill 0lo troug te transistor to te ground# tente Vout is lo.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II CIRC%IT


  D1 I,{  D1 I,{  5 

  5    1   1   (  (  D$ I,{  D$ I,{  AN) GATE




'igure 1'igure $

  qx  1     D1 I,{

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  1   5  =N=>?,

  1   (

  D$ I,{  NOR GATE

  'igure *  VCC 8@V

  1   1     D1 I,{  5  =N=>?,


  (  D$ I,{  NAN) GATE


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II CIRC%IT


  D1 I,{  D1 I,{  5    5    1   1 

  (  (  D$ I,{  D$ I,{  AN) GATE


  qx  qx

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 'igure 1'igure $

  qx  1 

    D1 I,{  1   5  =N=>?,

  1   (  D$ I,{  NOR GATE

  'igure *  VCC 8@V

  1   1     D1 I,{  5  =N=>?,

  1   (  D$ I,{  NAN) GATE


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II  qx  1 

    1   5  =N=>?,


  'igure x  PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure 1

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  $. Veri02 te trut tables o0 6arious gates 0or di00erent conditions o0 in%uts.*. Re%eat te ste%s 1|$ 0or 0igures $# *# , | x.TR%TH TALES




  A A A A A


































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  W2ere @V is represented 0B 6o1i# -+


)i77erent 6o1i# 1ates are studied and t2eir trut2 ta06es are  5eri7ied +


  1. Reali7e 5D# )R# ) gates using 5D | )R gates  $. 2 5D | )R gates are called uni6ersal gates.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II  qx  1     1   5  =N=>?,


  'igure x

  PROCE)%RE:  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure 1  $. Veri02 te trut tables o0 6arious gates 0or di00erent conditions o0 in%uts.

*. Re%eat te ste%s 1|$ 0or 0igures $# *# , | x.TR%TH TALES





  A A A A A








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  $  -















  W2ere @V is represented 0B 6o1i# -+


)i77erent 6o1i# 1ates are studied and t2eir trut2 ta06es are

  5eri7ied +


  1. Reali7e 5D# )R# ) gates using 5D | )R gates  $. 2 5D | )R gates are called uni6ersal gates.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

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  •  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment No:@


  AIM : a) To desin and test performance of an %stab!e 8u!tivibrator to

   enerate c!oc9 pu!se for a iven frequency.

COMPONENTS RE9%IRE):  1. Resistors  $. Ca%acitors .1 &0 - $  *. ransistors $$*z= ‚ $  APPARAT%S :

  1. CR)  $. Poer su%%l2 -*V  *. (read board  ,. Connecting ires  THEOR:

   An A"ta)le m!lti&i)rator #a" t%o !a"i-"ta)le "tate" an( it $eep" on "%itc#in

)et%een  t#e"e t%o "tate" )* it"el' No external trierin "inal i" nee(e( 0#e a"ta)le


  cannot remain in(e'initel* in an* o' t#e"e t%o "tate" 0#e t%o ampli'ier" o' an a"ta)le

  m!lti&i)rator are reenerati&el* cro""-co!ple( )* capacitor


 5 collector-cou%led astable multi6ibrator using n-%-n transistor in 0igure 1. e or!ing

o0 an astable multi6ibrator can be studied it res%ect to te 0igure1.VCC -=V
















 Let it be assumed tat te multi6ibrator is alread2 in action and is oscillating i.e.#

sitcing beteen te to states. Let it be 0urter assumed tat at te instant considered# 9= is ON and 9- is O&&.


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  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment No:@


  AIM : a) To desin and test performance of an %stab!e 8u!tivibrator to   enerate c!oc9 pu!se for a iven frequency.


  1. Resistors  $. Ca%acitors .1 &0 - $  *. ransistors $$*z= ‚ $  APPARAT%S :

  1. CR)  $. Poer su%%l2 -*V  *. (read board  ,. Connecting ires  THEOR:

   An A"ta)le m!lti&i)rator #a" t%o !a"i-"ta)le "tate" an( it $eep" on "%itc#in


  t#e"e t%o "tate" )* it"el' No external trierin "inal i" nee(e( 0#e a"ta)le


  cannot remain in(e'initel* in an* o' t#e"e t%o "tate" 0#e t%o ampli'ier" o' an a"ta)le

  m!lti&i)rator are reenerati&el* cro""-co!ple( )* capacitor


5 collector-cou%led astable multi6ibrator using n-%-n transistor in 0igure 1. e or!ingo0 an astable multi6ibrator can be studied it res%ect to te 0igure1.








  C=  C-







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 Let it be assumed tat te multi6ibrator is alread2 in action and is oscillating i.e.#

sitcing beteen te to states. Let it be 0urter assumed tat at te instant considered# 9= is ON and 9- is O&&.


€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II i vince $ is )#ca%acitor C$ carges troug resistor RC1. e 6oltage across C$ is VCC.

ii Ca%acitor C1discarges troug resistor R1# te 6oltage across C1 en it is about to

start discarging is VCC.8Ca%acitor C1 gets carged to VCC en 1 is ).

5sca%acitorC1 discarges more and more# te %otential o0 %oint 5 becomes more and

  more %ositi6e 8or less and less negati6e# and e6entuall2 V5 becomes e4ual to V„# te cutin 6oltage o0 1. 'or V5 9 V„# transistor 1 starts conducting. en 1 is ) $ becomes)''.


re%eaten1 becomes ) and $ becomes )''.

usit 9- ON and 9= O&& ca%acitor C1 carges troug resistor RC$ and ca%acitor C$

discarges troug resistor R$. 5s ca%acitor C$ discarges more and more # it is seen tat te %otential o0 %oint ( becomes less and less negati6e 8or more and more %ositi6e# and e6entuall2V( becomes e4ual to V„# te cut in 6oltage o0 $. en V( 9 V„# transistor $ startsconducting.

en $ becomes )n# 1 becomes )''.

It is tus seen tat te circuit !ee%s on sitcing continuousl2 beteen te to 4uasi-stable states and once in o%eration# no e‰ternal triggering is needed. v4uare a6e 6oltage aregenerated at te collector terminals o0 1 and $ i.e.# at %oints C and D.


  IC ma‰ x m5 w VCC 1$ Vw VCE 8v5 .$V  RC 8VCC - VCE8v5 / IC M5‘  Let C .1 &0 and R 1"

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  .z= 8R1C1qR$C$ .z=8$RC 8 R1R$ w C1C$

  3)q)''  PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure 1.

$. )bser6e te a6e0orms at V(E1# V(E$# VCE1# VCE$ and 0ind 0re4uenc2.*. Var2 C 0rom .1 to .1&' and measure te 0re4uenc2 at eac ste%.,. ee% te DC- 5C control o0 te )scillosco%e in DC mode.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II i vince $ is )#ca%acitor C$ carges troug resistor RC1. e 6oltage across C$ is VCC.

ii Ca%acitor C1discarges troug resistor R1# te 6oltage across C1 en it is about tostart discarging is VCC.8Ca%acitor C1 gets carged to VCC en 1 is ).

5sca%acitorC1 discarges more and more# te %otential o0 %oint 5 becomes more and

  more %ositi6e 8or less and less negati6e# and e6entuall2 V5 becomes e4ual to V„# te cutin 6oltage o0 1. 'or V5 9 V„# transistor 1 starts conducting. en 1 is ) $ becomes)''.

vimilaro%erationsre%eaten1 becomes ) and $ becomes )''.

usit 9- ON and 9= O&& ca%acitor C1 carges troug resistor RC$ and ca%acitor C$

discarges troug resistor R$. 5s ca%acitor C$ discarges more and more # it is seen tat te %otential o0 %oint ( becomes less and less negati6e 8or more and more %ositi6e# and e6entuall2

V( becomes e4ual to V„# te cut in 6oltage o0 $. en V( 9 V„# transistor $ startsconducting.

en $ becomes )n# 1 becomes )''.

It is tus seen tat te circuit !ee%s on sitcing continuousl2 beteen te to 4uasi-stable states and once in o%eration# no e‰ternal triggering is needed. v4uare a6e 6oltage aregenerated at te collector terminals o0 1 and $ i.e.# at %oints C and D.


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  IC ma‰ x m5 w VCC 1$ Vw VCE 8v5 .$V  RC 8VCC - VCE8v5 / IC M5‘  Let C .1 &0 and R 1"  .z= 8R1C1qR$C$ .z=8$RC

8 R1R$ w C1C$

  3)q)''  PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure 1.$. )bser6e te a6e0orms at V(E1# V(E$# VCE1# VCE$ and 0ind 0re4uenc2.*. Var2 C 0rom .1 to .1&' and measure te 0re4uenc2 at eac ste%.,. ee% te DC- 5C control o0 te )scillosco%e in DC mode.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E(PECTE)


  9- O&& 9= ON 9- O&& 9= ON

  VCC  9- ON 9= O&& 9- ON 9= O&&


  VCE 8v5  t

  VCC  VC=

  VCE 8v5  t


  V „  -



  V „  =

  t  I.R C  'igure $  RES%LT:



TO&& 3 T*TON 8 TO&&! 3

  5stable multi6ibrator is designed and its %er0ormance is tested.

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  9%ESTIONS:  1. at is a sitcing circuit‹

$. ’usti02 tat te 5stable Multi6ibrator is a to stage RC cou%led 5m%li0ier using  negati6e 0eedbac!. o does it generate s4uare a6e.

*. at is te di00erence beteen a sitcing transistor and an ordinar2 transistor‹

,. at is te e00ect o0 sle rate on te or!ing o0 an )%-am% Multi6ibrator‹INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E(PECTE)


  9- O&& 9= ON 9- O&& 9= ON  VCC  9- ON 9= O&& 9- ON 9= O&&


  VCE 8v5  t

  VCC  VC=

  VCE 8v5  t


  V „  -



  V „  =


  I.R C  'igure $  RES%LT:


3TO&& 3 T*TON 8 TO&&! 3

  5stable multi6ibrator is designed and its %er0ormance is tested.9%ESTIONS:

  1. at is a sitcing circuit‹$. ’usti02 tat te 5stable Multi6ibrator is a to stage RC cou%led 5m%li0ier using

  negati6e 0eedbac!. o does it generate s4uare a6e.*. at is te di00erence beteen a sitcing transistor and an ordinar2 transistor‹

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  ,. at is te e00ect o0 sle rate on te or!ing o0 an )%-am% Multi6ibrator‹INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment No:?


  AIM :

  a o design and test %er0ormance o0 a monostable multi6ibrator to generate cloc!   %ulse 0or a gi6en 0re4uenc2. 5nd obtain te a6e0orms.

Components Required:

  1. Resistors

  $. Ca%acitors.*. ransistors $$*z= ‚ $

  Apparatus Required:

  1. CR)  $. Poer su%%l2 -*V  *. (read board  ,. Connecting ires  CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:

  VCC -=V



  RC=  R-


  =N=>?, 9-




  4V 4-+@V

  'igure 1  THEOR :

  Š5 monostable multi6ibrator as onl2 one stable state# te oter state being 4uasi-

  stable. ormall2 te multi6ibrator is in te stable state# and en an e‰ternal triggering %ulse is a%%lied# it sitces 0rom te stable to te 4uasi-stable state. It remains in te 4uasi-stablestate INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 

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<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment No:?


  AIM :

  a o design and test %er0ormance o0 a monostable multi6ibrator to generate cloc!   %ulse 0or a gi6en 0re4uenc2. 5nd obtain te a6e0orms.

Components Required:

  1. Resistors  $. Ca%acitors.

*. ransistors $$*z= ‚ $  Apparatus Required:

  1. CR)

  $. Poer su%%l2 -*V  *. (read board  ,. Connecting ires  CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:

  VCC -=V






  =N=>?, 9-

  9=  =N=>?,


  4V 4-+@V

  'igure 1  THEOR :

  Š5 monostable multi6ibrator as onl2 one stable state# te oter state being 4uasi-  stable. ormall2 te multi6ibrator is in te stable state# and en an e‰ternal triggering %ulse is a%%lied# it sitces 0rom te stable to te 4uasi-stable state. It remains in te 4uasi-stablestate INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK 

k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II 0ro a sort duration# but

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automaticall2 re6erts i.e. sitces bac! to its original stable state# itout an2 triggering %ulsep.Prin#ip6e o7 operation

 5 collector-cou%led Monostable multi6ibrator o0 te to transistors 1 and $# 1 is

normall2 )'' and $ is ormall2 ). Resistor R1 and R$ are connected to te normall2 )''

  transistor# and te ca%acitor C is connected to te normall2 ) transistor.It is seen 0rom te circuit o0 te monostable multi6ibrator tat# under normal conditions#

te su%%l2 6oltage VCC %ro6ides enoug base dri6e to te transistor $ troug resistor R# itte result tat $ goes into saturation. it $ )# 1 goes )''# as alread2 studied in teconte‰t o0 binar2 o%eration.

it$ ) and 1 )''# te ca%acitor 0inds a carging %at. e 6oltage across te

  ca%acitor is VCC it %olarit2. It is ob6ious tat in te stable state o0 te multi6ibrator#$ is )

  and 1 is )''.I0 te negati6e triggering %ulse is a%%lied to te collector o0 1# it is transmitted to te

 base o0 $ troug te ca%acitor# and ence ma!es te base o0 $ negati6e. Immediatel2 $goes )'' and 1 becomes ). oe6er# tis is onl2 a 4uasi-stable state as is ob6ious 0orm te0olloing obser6ation.

it1 ) and $ )''# te ca%acitor C 0inds a discarging %at. 5s te ca%acitor 

  discarges# it is seen tat te %otential at te base o0 te transistor $ becomes less andless negati6e# and a0ter a time# e a6e V( V„# te cut-in-6oltage o0 $.

5ssoonasV( crosses te le6el o0 V„# $ starts conducting and gets saturated.en $ becomes )# 1 becomes )''. us te original stable state o0 te

multi6ibrator is restored. In quasi4sta06e state: 9- is ON and 9= is O&&F

 e inter6al during ic te 4uasi-stable state o0 te multi6ibrator %ersists i.e.# $

  remains )'' is de%endent u%on te rate at ic te ca%acitor C discarges. isduration o0 te 4uasi-stable state is termed as dela2 time or %ulse idt or gate time. It is denotedas . e a6e 0orms o0 te 6oltage at base o0 te transistor $ and C 8Collector o0 1  DEvI+:  VCE x.xz6# VCC z6# VCE8sat .*6# V(E8sat# .{6# IC zm5#V' -.*6  Rc 8VCC‚VCE8sat/IC.

Ž ' R

  '    R

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  ' R

  '    R  C$ 8 

  $   77

  1    q   7$ 8 sat   C   '    sat 

  CC   ' 

    1  q   : 


   R q R   R q R   R

  1  $  1  $  1 q R   R 1 q R


  C   'ind te 6alues o0 R1 and R$  PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure.$. it te el% o0 a triggering circuit and using te condition 8trig 98uasi a %ulse a6e0orm is generated.*. e out%ut o0 te triggering circuit is connected to te base o0 te o00 

  transistor.,. e )00 transistor goes into ) state.x. )bser6e te a6e0orms at V(E1# V(E$# VCE1# VCE$

  z. ee% te DC- 5C control o0 te )scillosco%e in DC mode.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 

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†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II 0ro a sort duration# butautomaticall2 re6erts i.e. sitces bac! to its original stable state# itout an2 triggering %ulsep.

Prin#ip6e o7 operation

 5 collector-cou%led Monostable multi6ibrator o0 te to transistors 1 and $# 1 is

normall2 )'' and $ is ormall2 ). Resistor R1 and R$ are connected to te normall2 )''  transistor# and te ca%acitor C is connected to te normall2 ) transistor.

It is seen 0rom te circuit o0 te monostable multi6ibrator tat# under normal conditions#te su%%l2 6oltage VCC %ro6ides enoug base dri6e to te transistor $ troug resistor R# itte result tat $ goes into saturation. it $ )# 1 goes )''# as alread2 studied in te

conte‰t o0 binar2 o%eration.

it$ ) and 1 )''# te ca%acitor 0inds a carging %at. e 6oltage across te

  ca%acitor is VCC it %olarit2. It is ob6ious tat in te stable state o0 te multi6ibrator#$ is )  and 1 is )''.

I0 te negati6e triggering %ulse is a%%lied to te collector o0 1# it is transmitted to te base o0 $ troug te ca%acitor# and ence ma!es te base o0 $ negati6e. Immediatel2 $goes )'' and 1 becomes ). oe6er# tis is onl2 a 4uasi-stable state as is ob6ious 0orm te

0olloing obser6ation.

it1 ) and $ )''# te ca%acitor C 0inds a discarging %at. 5s te ca%acitor 

  discarges# it is seen tat te %otential at te base o0 te transistor $ becomes less andless negati6e# and a0ter a time# e a6e V( V„# te cut-in-6oltage o0 $.

5ssoonasV( crosses te le6el o0 V„# $ starts conducting and gets saturated.

en $ becomes )# 1 becomes )''. us te original stable state o0 temulti6ibrator is restored.

In quasi4sta06e state: 9- is ON and 9= is O&&F

 e inter6al during ic te 4uasi-stable state o0 te multi6ibrator %ersists i.e.# $

  remains )'' is de%endent u%on te rate at ic te ca%acitor C discarges. isduration o0 te 4uasi-stable state is termed as dela2 time or %ulse idt or gate time. It is denotedas . e a6e 0orms o0 te 6oltage at base o0 te transistor $ and C 8Collector o0 1

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  DEvI+:  VCE x.xz6# VCC z6# VCE8sat .*6# V(E8sat# .{6# IC zm5#V' -.*6  Rc 8VCC‚VCE8sat/IC.

Ž ' R


   R  ' R

  '    R  C$ 8    $   77  1    q

   7$ 8 sat   C   '    sat 


  '     1  q   :   C$ 

   R q R   R q R   R

  1  $  1  $  1 q R   R 1 q R  C 

  C   'ind te 6alues o0 R1 and R$  PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure.$. it te el% o0 a triggering circuit and using te condition 8trig 98uasi a %ulse a6e0orm is generated.*. e out%ut o0 te triggering circuit is connected to te base o0 te o00 

  transistor.,. e )00 transistor goes into ) state.

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  x. )bser6e te a6e0orms at V(E1# V(E$# VCE1# VCE$  z. ee% te DC- 5C control o0 te )scillosco%e in DC mode.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;ˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E(PECTE)


  9= O&& 9- ON 9- O&& 9= ON


  9= ON 9- O&&


  V  =

  CE *SAT!


  V „  V=


  I+R C




  CE *SAT!  -


  V „  V-


  'igure $  RES%LT: 



otal8) q )''

  Monostable multi6ibrator is designed and studied.9%ESTIONS:

  1. E‰%lain te o%eration o0 collector cou%led Monostable Multi6ibrator‹

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  $. Deri6e te e‰%ression 0or te gate idt o0 a transistor Monostable Multi6ibrator‹*. +i6e te a%%lication o0 a Monostable Multi6ibrator.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;ˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E(PECTE)


  9= O&& 9- ON 9- O&& 9= ON


  9= ON 9- O&&


  V  =

  CE *SAT!


  V „  V=


  I+R C




  CE *SAT!  -


  V „  V-


  'igure $  RES%LT: 



otal8) q )''

  Monostable multi6ibrator is designed and studied.9%ESTIONS:

  1. E‰%lain te o%eration o0 collector cou%led Monostable Multi6ibrator‹

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  $. Deri6e te e‰%ression 0or te gate idt o0 a transistor Monostable Multi6ibrator‹*. +i6e te a%%lication o0 a Monostable Multi6ibrator.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

; IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II

   Experiment No:4 



  To desin a fi;ed bias 7istab!e 8u!tivibrator and to measure the stab!e state  vo!taes and after trierin.

COMPONENTS RE9%IRE):  1. Resistors  $. Ca%acitors.

*. ransistors $$*z= ‚ $  APPARAT%S:

  1. (read board  $. Poer su%%l2 -*V  *. CR)  ,. Connecting ires  THEOR:

  A 0ista06e mu6ti5i0rator 2as t"o sta06e output states+ It can remain inde0initel2 in an2

one o0 te to stable states# and it can be induced to ma!e an abru%t transition to te oter stablestate b2 means o0 suitable e‰ternal e‰citation. It ould remain inde0initel2 in tis stable state#until it is again induced to sitc into te original stable state b2 e‰ternal triggering.

(istable multi6ibrators are also termed as Š(inar2ps or 'li%-0lo%sp+ 5 binar2 is sometimesre0erred to as 5Eccle"-6or(an 7irc!it8 .







  R-  C







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  &i1ure -

  Prin#ip6e o7 Operation o7 0ista06e mu6ti5i0rator+

Consider te circuit as son in te 0igure.1. e transistor 1 and $ are n-%-n  transistors. e2 are cou%led to eac oter as son in 0igure 1. It is e6ident tat teout%ut o0 INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II   Experiment No:4 



  To desin a fi;ed bias 7istab!e 8u!tivibrator and to measure the stab!e state  vo!taes and after trierin.


  1. Resistors  $. Ca%acitors.

*. ransistors $$*z= ‚ $  APPARAT%S:

  1. (read board  $. Poer su%%l2 -*V  *. CR)  ,. Connecting ires  THEOR:

  A 0ista06e mu6ti5i0rator 2as t"o sta06e output states+ It can remain inde0initel2 in an2one o0 te to stable states# and it can be induced to ma!e an abru%t transition to te oter stablestate b2 means o0 suitable e‰ternal e‰citation. It ould remain inde0initel2 in tis stable state#until it is again induced to sitc into te original stable state b2 e‰ternal triggering.

(istable multi6ibrators are also termed as Š(inar2ps or 'li%-0lo%sp+ 5 binar2 is sometimesre0erred to as 5Eccle"-6or(an 7irc!it8 .

8VCC  I-







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  VCC -=V





  R- -@D   R- -@D 










  =  R 



  4V 3 4-+@V

  'igure: $  PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure $.$. )bser6e te a6e0orms at V(E1# V(E$# VCE1# VCE$

  *. )bser6e ic transistor is in ) state and ic transistor is in )'' state.,. 5%%l2 ‚6e triggering at te base o0 te ) transistor and obser6e te 6oltages VC1#

VC$# V(1# and V($.x. 5%%l2 q 6e triggering at te base o0 te )'' transistor and obser6e te


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  


  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II eac transistor iscou%led to te in%ut o0 te oter transistor. vince te transistors are identical# tere 4uiescentcurrents ould be te same# unless te loo% gain is greater tan unit2. en  "/  increases sligtl2# te 6oltage dro% across te collector resistance RC/ increases. vince'CC is 0i‰ed# te 6oltage o0 %oint C decreases. is as te e00ect o0 decreasing te base currento0 .

is# in turn# decreases te collector current o0 6i7. " decreases# te 6oltage dro% "RC

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  decreases. ence te 6oltage o0 %oint  increases.


o0 '# te base current o0 / increases. is increases te collector current o0 / 6i7 "/.us "/ 0urter increases. "/RC/ dro% 0urter increases# 'C  0urter decreases# te base current o0  0urter decreases# it te result tat " 0urter decreases. us it can easil2 seen tat i0 tecollector current "/ increases e6en marginall2# " ould go on %rogressi6el2 decreasing and as aresult# "/ ould %rogressi6el2 increase. E6entuall2 " ould become %racticall2 7ero# cutting o00te transistor # at te same time transistor / ould conduct ea6il2 it te result tat itould be dri6en into saturation. us  becomes )'' and /  becomes ). It can similarl2 be son tat i0 " increases e6en marginall2 similarse4uence o0 o%eration ould result and ultimatel2  ould be ) and / )''. us en / is )#  is )'' and en / is )''  is ).


  VCC -=V  RC-




  R- -@D 

  R- -@D 














  4V 3 4-+@V

  'igure: $  PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure $.$. )bser6e te a6e0orms at V(E1# V(E$# VCE1# VCE$

  *. )bser6e ic transistor is in ) state and ic transistor is in )'' state.,. 5%%l2 ‚6e triggering at te base o0 te ) transistor and obser6e te 6oltages VC1#

VC$# V(1# and V($.x. 5%%l2 q 6e triggering at te base o0 te )'' transistor and obser6e te

  Voltages VC1# VC$# V(1# V($.

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  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E(PECTE)


  VC1  VC$  Voltage  Voltage  VC$  VC1

    t    t  (e0ore riggering  50ter riggering  RES%LT:


  vtable state Voltages  9%ESTIONS:

  1. at is Multi6ibrator‹ E‰%lain te %rinci%le on ic it or!s‹ 2 is it called a binar2‹

$. E‰%lain te role o0 commutating ca%acitors in a (istable Multi6ibrator‹*. +i6e te 5%%lication o0 a (inar2.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E(PECTE)


  VC1  VC$

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  Voltage  Voltage  VC$  VC1 

  t    t  (e0ore riggering  50ter riggering  RES%LT:


  vtable state Voltages

  9%ESTIONS:  1. at is Multi6ibrator‹ E‰%lain te %rinci%le on ic it or!s‹ 2 is it called a binar2‹

$. E‰%lain te role o0 commutating ca%acitors in a (istable Multi6ibrator‹*. +i6e te 5%%lication o0 a (inar2.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II   Experiment No: 9



  To desin and ana!ye (chmitt trier and to observe the waveforms.


  1. Resistors  $. ransistors $$*z= ‚ $  *.


  1. (read board  $. Poer su%%l2 -*V  *. vignal generator   ,. CR)

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  x. Connecting ires.CIRC…I DI5+R5M:

  VCC 3 -=V



  R-  R







  q  Si1na6


  Vi  Generator


  -  R=


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II   Experiment No: 9



  To desin and ana!ye (chmitt trier and to observe the waveforms.

COMPONENTS RE9%IRE):  1. Resistors  $. ransistors $$*z= ‚ $  *.


  1. (read board  $. Poer su%%l2 -*V  *. vignal generator 

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  ,. CR)  x. Connecting ires.

CIRC…I DI5+R5M:  VCC 3 -=V


  RC=  R-








  q  Si1na6

  V$  Vi



  -  R=


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II THEOR:

  e most im%ortant a%%lication o0 vcmitt rigger circuit are am%litude com%arator ands4uaring circuit are am%litude com%arator and s4uaring circuit. e circuit is used to obtain as4uare a6e0orm 0rom an2 arbitrar2 in%ut a6e0orm. e loo% gain is to be less tan unit2.

I0  is conducting tere ill be 6oltage dro% across R?  ic ill ele6ate te emitter o0/. Conse4uentl2 i0 '  is small enoug in 6oltage# / ill be cut-o00 it / conducting# tecircuit am%li0ies and since te gain is %ositi6e# te out%ut to rise# ' continues to 0all and ?

  continues to rise. ere0ore a 6alue o0 '  ill be reaced ere  is turned )''. 5t te %oint te out%ut no longer res%onds to te in%ut.

ere te in%ut signal is arbitrar2 e‰ce%t tat it as large enoug e‰cursion to carr2 in%ut be2ond te limits o0 2steresis range# 'H = ,'/ 2 ').

e out%ut is a s4uare a6e ose am%litude is inde%endent o0 te am%litude o0 te in%uta6e0orm.

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  DEvI+:  IC$ xm5  8Rc$ q RE VCC / IC$  …..P VE$ xV  V

  ~  E$ 8RE  VCC / 8Rc$qRE  I$ .1~IC$  L..P VE1 *V  R$ ER$i / I$ VE1 / I$ L..P / I$  Rc  ~  1 “8RE VCC / VE1” ‚RE  I($ IC$ / 0e8min  8VCC - VE$ / 8R1qRL1 8VE$/R$qI($

  R   ~  ( 80e RE / 1  'ind R1# R$# RE# Rc1and Rc$ 0rom te abo6e e4uations  PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure 1 it designed 6alues.$. 5%%l2 VCC o0 1$V and an in%ut 0re4uenc2 o0 17 it an am%litude more tan te

  designed …P.*. o note don te out%ut a6e 0orms

  ,. )bser6e tat te out%ut comes to ) state en in%ut e‰ceeds …P and it comes to)''  state en in%ut comes belo LP  x. )bser6e te a6e0orms at VC1# VC$# V($ and VE and %lot gra%s.

z. ee% te DC- 5C control o0 te )scillosco%e in DC mode.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  


  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II THEOR:  e most im%ortant a%%lication o0 vcmitt rigger circuit are am%litude com%arator ands4uaring circuit are am%litude com%arator and s4uaring circuit. e circuit is used to obtain as4uare a6e0orm 0rom an2 arbitrar2 in%ut a6e0orm. e loo% gain is to be less tan unit2.

I0  is conducting tere ill be 6oltage dro% across R?  ic ill ele6ate te emitter o0/. Conse4uentl2 i0 '  is small enoug in 6oltage# / ill be cut-o00 it / conducting# tecircuit am%li0ies and since te gain is %ositi6e# te out%ut to rise# ' continues to 0all and ?

  continues to rise. ere0ore a 6alue o0 '  ill be reaced ere  is turned )''. 5t te

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 %oint te out%ut no longer res%onds to te in%ut.

ere te in%ut signal is arbitrar2 e‰ce%t tat it as large enoug e‰cursion to carr2 in%ut be2ond te limits o0 2steresis range# 'H = ,'/ 2 ').

e out%ut is a s4uare a6e ose am%litude is inde%endent o0 te am%litude o0 te in%uta6e0orm.DEvI+:

  IC$ xm5  8Rc$ q RE VCC / IC$  …..P VE$ xV  V  ~  E$ 8RE  VCC / 8Rc$qRE  I$ .1~IC$

  L..P VE1 *V  R$ ER$i / I$ VE1 / I$ L..P / I$  Rc  ~  1 “8RE VCC / VE1” ‚RE  I($ IC$ / 0e8min  8VCC - VE$ / 8R1qRL1 8VE$/R$qI($  R   ~  ( 80e RE / 1  'ind R1# R$# RE# Rc1and Rc$ 0rom te abo6e e4uations  PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure 1 it designed 6alues.$. 5%%l2 VCC o0 1$V and an in%ut 0re4uenc2 o0 17 it an am%litude more tan te

  designed …P.*. o note don te out%ut a6e 0orms

  ,. )bser6e tat te out%ut comes to ) state en in%ut e‰ceeds …P and it comes to)''  state en in%ut comes belo LP  x. )bser6e te a6e0orms at VC1# VC$# V($ and VE and %lot gra%s.

z. ee% te DC- 5C control o0 te )scillosco%e in DC mode.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

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  ;€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II MO)EL GRAPHS:


  In%ut sin a6e  VM5‘9…P  LP  vcmitt rigger   VC$  out%ut  VC1  V($  RES%LT:

  vcmitt rigger circuit is designed and studied.9%ESTIONS:

  1. E‰%lain o a vcmitt trigger acts as a com%arator‹$. Deri6e its e‰%ressions 0or …P | LP.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 

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;€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II MO)EL GRAPHS:

  …P  In%ut sin a6e  VM5‘9…P  LP  vcmitt rigger   VC$  out%ut  VC1  V($  RES%LT:

  vcmitt rigger circuit is designed and studied.9%ESTIONS:

  1. E‰%lain o a vcmitt trigger acts as a com%arator‹$. Deri6e its e‰%ressions 0or …P | LP.

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  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment No:,


  AIM: o 6eri02 te o%eration o0 te 5dder# vubtractor and com%arator using {,1 o%am%.


  1. )%erational 5m%li0ier &5 {,1 IC ‚1o.$. Resistors 1" - x# $$"

  *. Poer su%%l28 -*V

  ,. Multi meter   x. (read board  z. CR) 8$M7/*M7  CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:

  -+ A))ER:

  Ra1   V$  R   qVa  0 1   Ia

  I  R   '  b 1   qVcc  qVb  I  $  {  b  Rc1 

  -  qV  z  c  I ≅  ($   V   R

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  1  {,1

   :    : 

   :   Ic  '      Ž  '   '   ' 

  a q  b q

  c   q   R   R


  I ≅   a  b



  *  ,  -V  R         EE  )M 8Ra  Rb Rc R'  RL  &i1 -a! In5ertin1 Con7i1uration

  R1  V$  R'  Vcc  -     R

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  '   '    : 


  a q b q c   R   V  {,1  ' 1     q   



  q  qV     1   R


  *    a  R   qV  V  RL  b  EE  R   qVc  &i1 -0!Non In5ertin1 Con7i1uration


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment No:,


  AIM: o 6eri02 te o%eration o0 te 5dder# vubtractor and com%arator using {,1 o%

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  1. )%erational 5m%li0ier &5 {,1 IC ‚1o.$. Resistors 1" - x# $$"

  *. Poer su%%l28 -*V

  ,. Multi meter   x. (read board  z. CR) 8$M7/*M7  CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:

  -+ A))ER:

  Ra1   V$  R   qVa  0 1   Ia

  I  R   '  b 1   qVcc  qVb  I  $  {  b  Rc1   -  qV  z  c  I ≅  ($   V   R   R   R


  1  {,1   : 

   :    :   Ic  '      Ž

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  '   '   a q  b q

  c   q   R   R   R

  I ≅   a  b  c



  *  ,  -V  R         EE  )M 8Ra  Rb Rc R'  RL

  &i1 -a! In5ertin1 Con7i1uration  R1  V$  R'  Vcc  - 

   R  '   ' 




  a q b q c

  R   V  {,1  ' 1  

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  &i1 =: Su0tra#tor


  q1xV  -  {

  $  LM{,  z  1  * q  ,  R 1"  -1xV  RL 1"  R 1"  V RE'

  V I  &i1+>*a! In5ertin1 #omparator


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II =+ S%TRACTOR:

  R   R   qVa  qVcc  -  R   {,1  V Vb-Va  q  qVb  -VEE

  R   RL  &i1 =: Su0tra#tor


  q1xV  -  {  $

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  LM{,  z  1  * q  ,

  R 1"  -1xV  RL 1"  R 1"  V RE'  V I  &i1+>*a! In5ertin1 #omparator


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II MO)EL GRAPH:

  Vin  Vin  V%  V%  - Vre0   V

  t  V  t  -VRE'  - V%  - V%  V  V  Vin 9VRE'  Vin 9VRE'  qVv5

  Vin 9VRE'  qVv5  V  t  V  -V  t  v5

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  -V  V  V  in yVRE'  Vin yVRE'

  in yVRE'  v5  &i1+>*0! i7 Vre7





Vre7 is ne1ati5e


  -+Summin1 amp6i7iers

  *A!In5ertin1 #on7i1uration

  'ig81a sos te in6erting con0iguration it tree in%uts Va# Vb# and Vc .…sing in%utresistors Ra# Rb# and Rc. e circuit can be used as eiter a summing am%li0ier# scalingam%li0ier# or a6eraging am%li0ier. e circuitps 0unction can be 6eri0ied b2 e‰amining tee‰%ression 0or te out%ut 6oltage Vo# ic is obtained 0rom irco00ps current e4uation rittenat node V$.

Re0erring to 0ig81# Ia q Ib q Ic I( q I'  vince Ri and 5 o0 te o%-am% are ideall2 in0init2# I( 5 and V1 V$≅ V.



  '   '   a  b

  c  o  q  q  Ž   R



   R  a

  b  c   : 

   R   R

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  ' Ž  : '   '   ---- 1  o

  q :   a

  q :   b 


   R   R  a

  b  c

  Summin1 amp6i7ier:  I0 in te circuit o0 'ig81a# Ra Rb Rc R# 0or e‰am%le# ten e4uation 81 can bereritten as INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II MO)EL GRAPH:

  Vin  Vin  V%  V%  - Vre0   V  t  V  t  -VRE'  - V%

  - V%  V  V  Vin 9VRE'  Vin 9VRE'  qVv5  Vin 9VRE'  qVv5

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  V  t  V  -V  t

  v5  -V  V  V  in yVRE'  Vin yVRE'  in yVRE'  v5  &i1+>*0! i7 Vre7




Vre7 is ne1ati5e


  -+Summin1 amp6i7iers

  *A!In5ertin1 #on7i1uration

 'ig81a sos te in6erting con0iguration it tree in%uts Va# Vb# and Vc .…sing in%ut

resistors Ra# Rb# and Rc. e circuit can be used as eiter a summing am%li0ier# scalingam%li0ier# or a6eraging am%li0ier. e circuitps 0unction can be 6eri0ied b2 e‰amining tee‰%ression 0or te out%ut 6oltage Vo# ic is obtained 0rom irco00ps current e4uation rittenat node V$.

Re0erring to 0ig81# Ia q Ib q Ic I( q I'  vince Ri and 5 o0 te o%-am% are ideall2 in0init2# I( 5 and V1 V$≅ V.


  '   ' 

  '   a  b



  q  q  Ž   R   R

   R   R

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  b  c   : 


   R   R

  ' Ž  : '   '   ---- 1  o

  q :   a  q : 


    R   R   R  a


  c   Summin1 amp6i7ier:

  I0 in te circuit o0 'ig81a# Ra Rb Rc R# 0or e‰am%le# ten e4uation 81 can bereritten as INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II R:   ' Ž  ' q ' q ' 


  8 a b c    R

  is means tat te output 5o6ta1e is equa6 to t2e neati&e sum o7 a66 t2e inputs timeste gain o0 te circuit R'/R: ence te circuit is called a "!mmin ampli'ier

*!Non in5ertin1 Con7i1uration:

 I0 in%ut 6oltages sources and resistors are connected to te non in6erting terminal as

son in 0ig 81b# te circuit can be used eiter as a summing or a6eraging am%li0ier trougselection o0 a%%ro%riate 6alues o0 resistors# tat is# R1 and R'.

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  …sing te su%er%osition teorem# te 6oltage V1 at te non in6erting terminal is   R   R   R


  $    '   $  q  ' 

  $  q  ' 

  1  a

  b  c   R   R


   R q   R q   R q  $  $  $  '   '   ' 

  ' q ' q ' 

  a  b


  a  b  c

  '   q  q    ---- $  1  *  *  *

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  *     R

  ence te out%ut 6oltage is Vo 1   : 

  q  '  1        R



   R ' q ' q 'c


1 : 

  q  a  b   

     R  *     1  Summin1 amp6i7ier:

 5 close e‰amination o0 e4uation 8$ re6els tat i0 te gain 81qR'/R1 is e4ual to te

number o0 in%uts# te out%ut 6oltage becomes e4ual to te sum o0 all in%ut 6oltages. at is# i081qR'/R1 *. 8'rom e4uation 81#

Vo Va q Vb qVc  ence te circuit is called a non invertin summin amp!ifier.

=+ Su0tra#tor:

 5 basic di00erential am%li0ier can be used as a subtractor as son in 0igure $. In tis

0igure# in%ut signals can be scaled to te desired 6alues b2 selecting a%%ro%riate 6alues 0or tee‰ternal resistorsw en tis is done# te circuit is re0erred to as scaling am%li0ier. oe6er# in

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0igure * all e‰ternal resistors are e4ual in 6alue# so te gain o0 te am%li0ier is e4ual to 1. 'romINSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II R:   ' Ž  ' q ' q ' 


  8 a b c    R  is means tat te output 5o6ta1e is equa6 to t2e neati&e sum o7 a66 t2e inputs times

te gain o0 te circuit R'/R: ence te circuit is called a "!mmin ampli'ier*!Non in5ertin1 Con7i1uration:

 I0 in%ut 6oltages sources and resistors are connected to te non in6erting terminal as

son in 0ig 81b# te circuit can be used eiter as a summing or a6eraging am%li0ier trougselection o0 a%%ro%riate 6alues o0 resistors# tat is# R1 and R'.

…sing te su%er%osition teorem# te 6oltage V1 at te non in6erting terminal is   R   R


  '   $    '   $  q  '   $  q  '   1

  a  b  c   R

   R   R   R q   R q

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   R q  $  $  $  ' 

  '   ' 

  ' q ' q '   a  b


  a  b  c

  '   q

  q    ---- $  1  *  *  *  *     R

  ence te out%ut 6oltage is Vo 1   :   q  '  1   




   R ' q ' q 'c


1 : 

  q  a  b

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     R  *   

  1  Summin1 amp6i7ier:

 5 close e‰amination o0 e4uation 8$ re6els tat i0 te gain 81qR'/R1 is e4ual to te

number o0 in%uts# te out%ut 6oltage becomes e4ual to te sum o0 all in%ut 6oltages. at is# i081qR'/R1 *. 8'rom e4uation 81#

Vo Va q Vb qVc  ence te circuit is called a non invertin summin amp!ifier.

=+ Su0tra#tor:

 5 basic di00erential am%li0ier can be used as a subtractor as son in 0igure $. In tis

0igure# in%ut signals can be scaled to te desired 6alues b2 selecting a%%ro%riate 6alues 0or tee‰ternal resistorsw en tis is done# te circuit is re0erred to as scaling am%li0ier. oe6er# in0igure * all e‰ternal resistors are e4ual in 6alue# so te gain o0 te am%li0ier is e4ual to 1. 'romINSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

 IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II te 0igure# te out%ut

6oltage o0 te di00erential am%li0ier it a gain o0 1 is   R8 ' Ž ' 



  b  Ž   R  at is#

'   ' Ž '   b  a

  us te out%ut 6oltage V is e4ual to te 6oltage a%%lied to te non in6erting terminal

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8Vb minus te 6oltage a%%lied to te in6erting terminal8Vawence te circuit is called asubtractor.

>+asi# #omparator: 

'igure 8* sos an o%-am% used as a com%arator. 5 0i‰ed re0erence 6oltage Vre0 

  o0 1V is a%%lied to te 8- in%ut# and te oter time-6ar2ing signal 6oltage Vin is a%%liedto te 8q in%ut. (ecause o0 tis arrangement# te circuit is called te nonin6erting com%arator.en Vin is less tan Vre0# te out%ut 6oltage V is at ‚Vsat8≅-VEE because te

6oltage at te 8- in%ut is iger tan tat at te 8q in%ut. )n te oter and# en Vin is greatertan Vre0# te 8q in%ut becomes %ositi6e it res%ect to te 8- in%ut# and V goes to qVsat8≅qVcc. us V  ≅

  canges 0rom one saturation le6el to anoter ene6er Vin  Vre0# as son in 0igure *8b.

In sort# te com%arator is a t2%e o0 analog-to-digital con6erter. 5t an2 gi6en time te V  a6e0orm sos eter Vin is greater or less tan Vre0. e com%arator is sometimes

also called a 6oltage-le6el detector because# 0or a desired 6alue o0 Vre0# te 6oltage le6el o0 tein%ut Vin can be detected .e resistance R in series it Vin is used to limit te current troug D1 and D$.o reduce o00set %roblems# a resistance R 


  )M R is connected beteen 8- in%ut and Vre0.I0 te re0erence 6oltage Vre0 is negati6e it res%ect to ground# it sinusoidal signal

a%%lied to te 8q in%ut# te out%ut a6e0orms ill be as son in 'igure*8c.en Vin9Vre0# V is at qVsatw on te oter and# en VinyVre0# V is at ‚Vsat.)b6iousl2# te am%litude o0 Vin must be large enoug to %ass troug Vre0 i0 te

sitcing action is to ta!e %lace.

'igure 8* sos an in6erting com%arator in ic te re0erence 6oltage Vre0 is a%%liedto te 8q in%ut and Vin is a%%lied to te 8- in%ut. In tis circuit# Vre0 is obtained b2 using a1"  %otentiometer tat 0orms a 6oltage di6ider it te dc su%%l2 6oltage qVcc and ‚VEEand te i%er connected to te 8q in%ut.

5s te i%er is mo6ed toard ‚VEE# Vre0 becomes more negati6e# ile i0 it is mo6edtoards qVcc# Vre0 becomes more %ositi6e. us a Vre0 o0 a desired am%litude and %olarit2 can be INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

 IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II te 0igure# te out%ut

6oltage o0 te di00erential am%li0ier it a gain o0 1 is   R8 ' Ž '   a

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    '   b  Ž   R

  at is#'   ' Ž ' 

  b  a  us te out%ut 6oltage V is e4ual to te 6oltage a%%lied to te non in6erting terminal8Vb minus te 6oltage a%%lied to te in6erting terminal8Vawence te circuit is called asubtractor.

>+asi# #omparator: 

'igure 8* sos an o%-am% used as a com%arator. 5 0i‰ed re0erence 6oltage Vre0   o0 1V is a%%lied to te 8- in%ut# and te oter time-6ar2ing signal 6oltage Vin is a%%lied

to te 8q in%ut. (ecause o0 tis arrangement# te circuit is called te nonin6erting com%arator.en Vin is less tan Vre0# te out%ut 6oltage V is at ‚Vsat8≅-VEE because te6oltage at te 8- in%ut is iger tan tat at te 8q in%ut. )n te oter and# en Vin is greatertan Vre0# te 8q in%ut becomes %ositi6e it res%ect to te 8- in%ut# and V goes to qVsat8≅qVcc. us V  ≅

  canges 0rom one saturation le6el to anoter ene6er Vin  Vre0# as son in 0igure *8b.

In sort# te com%arator is a t2%e o0 analog-to-digital con6erter. 5t an2 gi6en time te V  a6e0orm sos eter Vin is greater or less tan Vre0. e com%arator is sometimesalso called a 6oltage-le6el detector because# 0or a desired 6alue o0 Vre0# te 6oltage le6el o0 te

in%ut Vin can be detected .e resistance R in series it Vin is used to limit te current troug D1 and D$.o reduce o00set %roblems# a resistance R 


  )M R is connected beteen 8- in%ut and Vre0.I0 te re0erence 6oltage Vre0 is negati6e it res%ect to ground# it sinusoidal signal

a%%lied to te 8q in%ut# te out%ut a6e0orms ill be as son in 'igure*8c.en Vin9Vre0# V is at qVsatw on te oter and# en VinyVre0# V is at ‚Vsat.)b6iousl2# te am%litude o0 Vin must be large enoug to %ass troug Vre0 i0 te

sitcing action is to ta!e %lace.'igure 8* sos an in6erting com%arator in ic te re0erence 6oltage Vre0 is a%%lied

to te 8q in%ut and Vin is a%%lied to te 8- in%ut. In tis circuit# Vre0 is obtained b2 using a1"  %otentiometer tat 0orms a 6oltage di6ider it te dc su%%l2 6oltage qVcc and ‚VEEand te i%er connected to te 8q in%ut.

5s te i%er is mo6ed toard ‚VEE# Vre0 becomes more negati6e# ile i0 it is mo6edtoards qVcc# Vre0 becomes more %ositi6e. us a Vre0 o0 a desired am%litude and %olarit2 can be INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK 

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k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II obtained b2 sim%l2adŒusting te 1" %otentiometer. it te sinusoidal in%ut a6e0orm# te out%ut V as tea6e0orm son in 'igure *8a or *8b# de%ending on eter Vre0 is negati6e# res%ecti6el2.


 Part -: A))ER:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure81.$. 5%%l2 di00erent DC in%ut 6oltages at Va# Vb# and Vc and

  measure te out%ut 6oltage Vo using a multi meter 

  It sould be Vo Va q Vb q Vc Part =: S%TRACTOR:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure8$.$. 5%%l2 di00erent DC in%ut 6oltages at Va# and Vb and

  measure te out%ut 6oltage Vo using a multi meter .It sould be Vo Vb ‚ Va.


  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure8*a.$. 5%%l2 a re0erence 6oltage o0 8sa2 1V# to in6erting terminal o0 o%-am%.

*. 5%%l2 a sinusoidal a6e it a %ea! 6oltage more tan Vre0 to )P-5MPs  on-in6erting terminal.

,. )bser6e te out%ut at %in number z# ic ill be a s4uare a6e it %ea! to %ea!6oltage o0 8Vsat to ‚Vsat.

x. )bser6e tat en Vre0 is less tan Vin# ten te out%ut goes to qVsat#en Vre0 is greater tan Vin ten out%ut goes to ‚Vsat.z. o set anoter re0erence 6oltage and re%eat te ste%s , and x.{. Dra te obser6ed a6e0orms on gra% seet and obtain te %ractical re0erence


  ence te o%eration o0 5dder# vubtractor# and com%arator 8using {,1 o% am% is 6eri0ied.Con#6usions:

  It is obser6ed tat te out %ut Values are 6er2 muc nearer to te gi6en in%uts. vo e canconclude tat 5dder# vubtractor# and com%arator are 0unctioning %ro%erl2.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 

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;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment No:-$



  o obser6e te out%ut o0 an acti6e integrator and di00erentiator using {,1o%-am% 0or agi6en in%ut signal and to %lot teir 0re4uenc2 res%onse b2 6ar2ing te in%ut signal 0re4uenc20rom 17 to 18or $ 7.

–ote: ere te in%ut signal is a v4uare a6e or a vine a6e it a  s%eci0ic 5m%litude81VP-P and a %articular 0re4uenc28va2 17—  APPARAT%S:

  1. )%erational 5m%li0ier &5 {,1 IC ‚$o.$. Resistors 1" - x# $$"

  *. Poer su%%l28 -*V  ,. Multi meter   x. (read board  z. CR) 8$M7/*M7  + Ca%acitors  CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:

  &i1 -: Inte1rator

  6  R1  $  R0 

  i  C0   Vi  1 I( i'  1V  q  {  vignal 

$  q1xV

  V .x 1 1.x  +enerator   -  z  LM  -1V  {,1  qq

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  Vo  t8msec  *  -1xV  5-

  ,  V  4


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment No:-$



  o obser6e te out%ut o0 an acti6e integrator and di00erentiator using {,1o%-am% 0or agi6en in%ut signal and to %lot teir 0re4uenc2 res%onse b2 6ar2ing te in%ut signal 0re4uenc20rom 17 to 18or $ 7.

–ote: ere te in%ut signal is a v4uare a6e or a vine a6e it a  s%eci0ic 5m%litude81VP-P and a %articular 0re4uenc28va2 17—  APPARAT%S:

  1. )%erational 5m%li0ier &5 {,1 IC ‚$o.$. Resistors 1" - x# $$"

  *. Poer su%%l28 -*V  ,. Multi meter   x. (read board  z. CR) 8$M7/*M7  + Ca%acitors  CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:

  &i1 -: Inte1rator  6  R1  $  R0   i  C0   Vi

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  1 I( i'  1V  q  {  vignal

  $  q1xV  V .x 1 1.x  +enerator   -  z  LM  -1V  {,1  qq

  Vo  t8msec  *  -1xV  5-

  ,  V  4


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II &i1 =: )i77erentiator

  DI''EREI5)R   6$  R1  R' 

ic  i'  C'

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  1V  i($  V  {  q

  $  q1xV  -1V  vignal  -  z  LM  +enerator   6  {,1

  1  $V  q  *  -1xV  ,  V  RomR1  i(1 CR)  RL  $V  &i1 >: OP AMP

  PI DI5+R5M:  )''vE …LL 1 ‡ C  IV i/% $ { Vq  ) IV i/% * z o/%  V - , x  )''vE …LL  &i1 <

  &requen#B Response:

  Voltage gain in d(   R: d7   R 1  5'    0a  0b  8,a Integrator 0re4uenc2 res%onse  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK 

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k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II &i1 =: )i77erentiator

  DI''EREI5)R   6$  R1  R' 

ic  i'  C'  1V

  i($  V  {  q 

$  q1xV  -1V  vignal  -  z

  LM  +enerator   6  {,1  1  $V  q  *  -1xV  ,  V

  RomR1  i(1 CR)  RL  $V  &i1 >: OP AMP

  PI DI5+R5M:  )''vE …LL 1 ‡ C  IV i/% $ { Vq

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  ) IV i/% * z o/%  V - , x  )''vE …LL  &i1 <

  &requen#B Response:

  Voltage gain in d(   R: d7

   R 1  5'    0a  0b  8,a Integrator 0re4uenc2 res%onse  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II +ain d(    0   0a 0b  <0! Di00erentiator 0re4uenc2 res%onse  THEOR:

  A!INTEGRATOR:  5 circuit in ic 3te out%ut 6oltage a6e0orm is te integral o0 te in%ut 6oltagea6e0orm˜ is te integrator or te integration am%li0ier.

vuc a circuit is obtained b2 using a basic in6erting am%li0ier con0iguration# i0 te 0eed bac! resistor R' is re%laced b2 a ca%acitor C'.

Ana6Bsis o7 Inte1rator Cir#uit:

  e e‰%ression 0or te out%ut 6oltage 6 can be obtained b2 riting irco00ps currente4uation at node 6$:  i1 I( q i'  vince I( is negligibl2 small#

i ≅  1  i'  Recall tat te relationsi% beteen current troug and 6oltage across te ca%acitor is dv 

i  c  C C dt 

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  v Ž v

  d   ere0ore#

1  $ C  

  Ž   : 

  8 v v  1     R

   dt  1  oe6er# 6  ≅

  1 6$

  because 5 is 6er2 large. ere0ore#v  d 

  in C   Ž   : 

  8 v    R  dt 

  1  e out%ut 6oltage can be obtained b2 integrating bot sides it res%ect to time:

  t v  t 

  d   in dt C   Ž     : 8 v  dt    R

  dt     1   

C' 8-6 q v  t 


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 

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•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II +ain d(    0   0a 0b  <0! Di00erentiator 0re4uenc2 res%onse  THEOR:


  5 circuit in ic 3te out%ut 6oltage a6e0orm is te integral o0 te in%ut 6oltagea6e0orm˜ is te integrator or te integration am%li0ier.

vuc a circuit is obtained b2 using a basic in6erting am%li0ier con0iguration# i0 te 0eed bac! resistor R' is re%laced b2 a ca%acitor C'.

Ana6Bsis o7 Inte1rator Cir#uit:  e e‰%ression 0or te out%ut 6oltage 6 can be obtained b2 riting irco00ps currente4uation at node 6$:  i1 I( q i'  vince I( is negligibl2 small#

i ≅  1  i'  Recall tat te relationsi% beteen current troug and 6oltage across te ca%acitor is dv 

i  c  C C dt 

  v Ž v

  d   ere0ore#

1  $ C    Ž   : 

  8 v v

  1     R

   dt  1  oe6er# 6  ≅

  1 6$

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  because 5 is 6er2 large. ere0ore#v

  d   in C 


   :   8 v    R  dt   1  e out%ut 6oltage can be obtained b2 integrating bot sides it res%ect to time:  t v  t   d 

  in dt C   Ž

     : 8 v  dt    R  dt 


C' 8-6 q v  t 


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II t 

  1  ere0ore# 6

  v dt C  -------  1  in  q   R C   1   :   ere C is integration constant and is %ro%ortional to te 6alue o0 te out%ut 6oltage 6

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at time t seconds.E4uation 1 indicates tat te out%ut 6oltage is directl2 %ro%ortional to te negati6e

integral o0 te in%ut 6oltage and in6ersel2 %ro%ortional to te time constant R1C'.I0 te in%ut to te integrator is a sine a6e# te out%ut ill be a cosine a6e# or i0 te

in%ut is a s4uare a6e# te out%ut ill be a triangular a6e.

In te circuit son in 0igure te stabilit2 and te lo 0re4uenc2 roll-o00 %roblems can becorrected b2 te addition o0 a resistor R$ 8R'. e term stabilit2 re0ers to a constant gain as0re4uenc2 o0 an in%ut signal is 6aried o6er a certain range. Lo 0re4uenc2 roll-o00 re0ers to terate o0 decrease in gain at loer 0re4uencies. e in%ut signal ill be integrated %ro%erl2 i0 tetime %eriod o0 te signal is larger tan or e4ual to R'C'.

™  1  e 0re4uenc2 at ic gain is d( is gi6en b2 0b $ R  š C 

  1   f 

  ™  1  e gain limiting 0re4uenc2 is gi6en b2 0a    R

  š  $  C    f 

   f   ™ e Values o0 0a and in turn R1C0 and R0C0 Values sould be selected suc tat 0ay0b.

™ E‰: I0 0a.10b# ten R01R1.™ e in%ut signal ill be integrated %ro%erl2# i0 te ime %eriod o0 te signal R0C0.App6i#ations:

  e integrator is most commonl2 used in analog com%uters and analog to digital  con6erters and signal a6e sa%ing circuits.


  e circuit son in 0igure %er0orms te matematical o%eration o0 di00erentiation tat iste out%ut a6e0orm is te deri6ati6e o0 te in%ut a6e0orms.

e di00erentiator ma2 be constructed 0rom a basic in6erting am%li0ier i0 an in%ut resistorR1 is re%laced b2 a ca%acitor C1.

Ana6Bsis o7 )i77erentiator Cir#uit:

  e e‰%ression 0or te out%ut 6oltage 6 can be obtained b2 riting irco00ps currente4uation at node 6$ as 0ollos:  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

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  €  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II t   1  ere0ore# 6

  v dt C  -------  1  in  q   R C 

  1   :   ere C is integration constant and is %ro%ortional to te 6alue o0 te out%ut 6oltage 6at time t seconds.

E4uation 1 indicates tat te out%ut 6oltage is directl2 %ro%ortional to te negati6eintegral o0 te in%ut 6oltage and in6ersel2 %ro%ortional to te time constant R1C'.

I0 te in%ut to te integrator is a sine a6e# te out%ut ill be a cosine a6e# or i0 tein%ut is a s4uare a6e# te out%ut ill be a triangular a6e.In te circuit son in 0igure te stabilit2 and te lo 0re4uenc2 roll-o00 %roblems can be

corrected b2 te addition o0 a resistor R$ 8R'. e term stabilit2 re0ers to a constant gain as0re4uenc2 o0 an in%ut signal is 6aried o6er a certain range. Lo 0re4uenc2 roll-o00 re0ers to terate o0 decrease in gain at loer 0re4uencies. e in%ut signal ill be integrated %ro%erl2 i0 tetime %eriod o0 te signal is larger tan or e4ual to R'C'.

™  1  e 0re4uenc2 at ic gain is d( is gi6en b2 0b $ R  š C 

  1   f   ™  1  e gain limiting 0re4uenc2 is gi6en b2 0a    R

  š  $  C    f 

   f   ™ e Values o0 0a and in turn R1C0 and R0C0 Values sould be selected suc tat 0ay0b.

™ E‰: I0 0a.10b# ten R01R1.™ e in%ut signal ill be integrated %ro%erl2# i0 te ime %eriod o0 te signal R0C0.App6i#ations:

  e integrator is most commonl2 used in analog com%uters and analog to digital  con6erters and signal a6e sa%ing circuits.


  e circuit son in 0igure %er0orms te matematical o%eration o0 di00erentiation tat is

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te out%ut a6e0orm is te deri6ati6e o0 te in%ut a6e0orms.e di00erentiator ma2 be constructed 0rom a basic in6erting am%li0ier i0 an in%ut resistor

R1 is re%laced b2 a ca%acitor C1.Ana6Bsis o7 )i77erentiator Cir#uit:

  e e‰%ression 0or te out%ut 6oltage 6 can be obtained b2 riting irco00ps current

e4uation at node 6$ as 0ollos:  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II iC I( q i'  vince I ≅

  (  #

iC i'  d   Ž  C   Ž    1  8  v

  v  v  v

  $    in  $   dt    R:   (ut 6  ≅

  1 6$  V# because 5 is 6er2 large. ere0ore#

dv  v

  in  C     Ž

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  1  dt    R:   dv

  )r v Ž R C 

  in     :   1  dt 

  us te out%ut 6 is e4ual to R'C1 times te negati6e instantaneous rate o0 cange o0te in%ut 6oltage 6in it time.

vince te di00erentiator %er0orms te re6erse o0 te integrators 0unction# a cosine a6ein%ut ill %roduce a sine a6e out%ut# or triangular a6e in%ut ill %roduce a v4uare a6eout%ut.

e stabilit2 and te ig 0re4uenc2 noise %roblems can be corrected b2 te addition o0

to com%onents R1 and C'.™  1  e 0re4uenc2 at ic gain is d( is gi6en b2 0a $ R

  š C 

   f   1  ™  1  e gain limiting 0re4uenc2 is gi6en b2 0b   ere R1C1R0C0   $ R  š C   1  1  ™ e in%ut signal ill be di00erentiated %ro%erl2# i0 te ime %eriod o0 te signal R0C1.

™ 'rom te 0re4uenc2 0 to 0b#te gain increases at $d(/decade.oe6er#a0ter 0b te gaindecreases at $ d(/decade.


  e di00erentiator is most commonl2 used in a6e sa%ing circuits to detect ig  0re4uenc2 com%onents in an in%ut signal and also as a rate-o0-cange detector in 'Mmodulator.


 Part -:)esi1n o7 Inte1rator

  Design an Integrator to Integrate an in%ut signal# tat 6aries in  0re4uenc2 0rom 17 to 17.

1  –ote:velect R0 C0# ere R0 C0   8 in%ut signal time %eriod—

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  š  $ a  1. velect 0a 1 7. 5ssume a 6alue o0 C0 y 1 &0. 8Let C0 .1 &0  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II iC I( q i'  vince I ≅  (  #

iC i'  d 

  Ž  C   Ž    1  8  v  v  v

  v  $    in

  $   dt    R: 

  (ut 6  ≅

  1 6$  V# because 5 is 6er2 large. ere0ore#

dv  v  in  C 

    Ž  1  dt 

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  dv  )r v Ž R C   in


   :   1  dt   us te out%ut 6 is e4ual to R'C1 times te negati6e instantaneous rate o0 cange o0te in%ut 6oltage 6in it time.

vince te di00erentiator %er0orms te re6erse o0 te integrators 0unction# a cosine a6ein%ut ill %roduce a sine a6e out%ut# or triangular a6e in%ut ill %roduce a v4uare a6eout%ut.

e stabilit2 and te ig 0re4uenc2 noise %roblems can be corrected b2 te addition o0to com%onents R1 and C'.

  1  e 0re4uenc2 at ic gain is d( is gi6en b2 0a $ R  š C    f 

  1  ™  1  e gain limiting 0re4uenc2 is gi6en b2 0b   ere R1C1R0C0   $ R  š C 

  1  1  ™ e in%ut signal ill be di00erentiated %ro%erl2# i0 te ime %eriod o0 te signal R0C1.

™ 'rom te 0re4uenc2 0 to 0b#te gain increases at $d(/decade.oe6er#a0ter 0b te gaindecreases at $ d(/decade.


  e di00erentiator is most commonl2 used in a6e sa%ing circuits to detect ig  0re4uenc2 com%onents in an in%ut signal and also as a rate-o0-cange detector in 'Mmodulator.


 Part -:)esi1n o7 Inte1rator

  Design an Integrator to Integrate an in%ut signal# tat 6aries in  0re4uenc2 0rom 17 to 17.

1  –ote:velect R0 C0# ere R0 C0   8 in%ut signal time %eriod—   f   š

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  $ a

  1. velect 0a 1 7. 5ssume a 6alue o0 C0 y 1 &0. 8Let C0 .1 &0  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II 8 0a is te gain limiting0re4uenc2  1  $.Calculate te 6alue o0 R0 using te 0ormula R0    f   š

  $  C   a

   f   *. let 0b10a 8 0b is te 0re4uenc2 at ic gain is d(  1  ,.Calculate R1 using te 0ormula R1  .

 f   š  $

  C   b

   f   z.Coose Rom R1.

z. a!e load resistor RL 1" Part =: )esi1n o7 )i77erentiator

  Design a Di00erentiator to Di00erentiate an in%ut signal# tat 6aries in  0re4uenc2 0rom 17 to $7.

1. velect 0a 1 7. 5ssume a 6alue o0 C1 y 1 &0. 8Let C1 .1 &0  8 0a is te 0re4uenc2 at ic gain is d(  1  $.Calculate te 6alue o0 R0 using te 0ormula R0 $ f š C   a  1  8Result: R01.x=   *. let 0b $0a # 0b is te gain limiting 0re4uenc2  1

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  Calculate R1 using te 0ormula R1  .

$ f   š C 


  1  8Result: R1{=.x   ,. 'rom R1C1 R0C0 calculate C0 8Result: C1.x&0  x.Coose Rom R0.

z. a!e load resistor RL 1"  PROCE)%RE:

 Part -

  1. (2 using te com%onent 6alues as %er te abo6e s%eci0ied design#Connect te circuit asson in te 0igure.

$. 5%%l2 te 1VP-P# 17 vinea6e or v4uarea6e as in%ut

  *. )bser6e te out%ut on CR).,. Dra te in%ut and out%ut vignals on te +ra% %a%er.Part =

  x. Var2 te in%ut signal 8Pre0erabl2 vine a6e 0re4uenc2 0rom 1 7 to18or $7and notedon te am%litude o0 te out%ut signal 8V.

  z. Claculate +ain  o at eac 6alue o0 te in%ut signal 0re4uenc2.



  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II 8 0a is te gain limiting0re4uenc2  1

  $.Calculate te 6alue o0 R0 using te 0ormula R0    f   š  $  C 

  a   f   *. let 0b10a 8 0b is te 0re4uenc2 at ic gain is d(

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  1  ,.Calculate R1 using te 0ormula R1  .



  $  C 

  b   f   z.Coose Rom R1.

z. a!e load resistor RL 1" Part =: )esi1n o7 )i77erentiator

  Design a Di00erentiator to Di00erentiate an in%ut signal# tat 6aries in  0re4uenc2 0rom 17 to $7.

1. velect 0a 1 7. 5ssume a 6alue o0 C1 y 1 &0. 8Let C1 .1 &0

  8 0a is te 0re4uenc2 at ic gain is d(  1  $.Calculate te 6alue o0 R0 using te 0ormula R0 $ f š C   a

  1  8Result: R01.x=   *. let 0b $0a # 0b is te gain limiting 0re4uenc2  1  Calculate R1 using te 0ormula R1  .

$ f 

  š C   b  1  8Result: R1{=.x   ,. 'rom R1C1 R0C0 calculate C0 8Result: C1.x&0  x.Coose Rom R0.

z. a!e load resistor RL 1"  PROCE)%RE:

 Part -

  1. (2 using te com%onent 6alues as %er te abo6e s%eci0ied design#Connect te circuit as

son in te 0igure.$. 5%%l2 te 1VP-P# 17 vinea6e or v4uarea6e as in%ut

  *. )bser6e te out%ut on CR).,. Dra te in%ut and out%ut vignals on te +ra% %a%er.

Part =

  x. Var2 te in%ut signal 8Pre0erabl2 vine a6e 0re4uenc2 0rom 1 7 to18or $7

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and notedon te am%litude o0 te out%ut signal 8V.' 

  z. Claculate +ain  o at eac 6alue o0 te in%ut signal 0re4uenc2.



†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II '   5lso Calculate d( Value o0 +ain $log o .


  {. Plot te gra% beteen 0re4uenc2 8on ‘-5‰is and  '   d( Value o0 +ain $log o 8on -5‰is  'i  ‡. Identi02 te Practical Values o0 0aand 0b 0rom te +ra%s.

8ote: e Practical Values o0 0aand 0b obser6ed 0rom te +ra%s must e4ual to te  eoritical 6alues  Resu6t: ence te out%ut o0 an acti6e integrator and di00erentiator using o%-am% {,1 0or agi6en in%ut signal is obser6ed and %lotted teir 0re4uenc2 res%onse b2 6ar2ing te in%ut signal0re4uenc2 0rom 17 to 18or $ 7.

Con#6usions: e Practical Values o0 0aand 0b obser6ed 0rom te +ra%s are e4ual to te

eoritical 6alues. 'rom tis e can conclude tat te Integrator and  Di00erentiator using {,1 )P-5MP are satis02ing teir 0unction %ro%erl2.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II '   5lso Calculate d( Value o0 +ain $log o .'i

  {. Plot te gra% beteen 0re4uenc2 8on ‘-5‰is and  ' 

  d( Value o0 +ain $log o 8on -5‰is  'i  ‡. Identi02 te Practical Values o0 0aand 0b 0rom te +ra%s.

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  8ote: e Practical Values o0 0aand 0b obser6ed 0rom te +ra%s must e4ual to te  eoritical 6alues  Resu6t: ence te out%ut o0 an acti6e integrator and di00erentiator using o%-am% {,1 0or agi6en in%ut signal is obser6ed and %lotted teir 0re4uenc2 res%onse b2 6ar2ing te in%ut signal0re4uenc2 0rom 17 to 18or $ 7.

Con#6usions: e Practical Values o0 0aand 0b obser6ed 0rom te +ra%s are e4ual to teeoritical 6alues. 'rom tis e can conclude tat te Integrator and  Di00erentiator using {,1 )P-5MP are satis02ing teir 0unction %ro%erl2.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  


  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II 




  AIM: o Plot te 0re4uenc2 res%onse o0 0irst order lo %ass and ig %ass 0ilters using{,1 )P-5MP and to 0ind iger and Loer Cut-o00 0re4uencies.


  1. vignal generator8-1M7  $. )scillosco%e8$/*M7  *. (read board

  ,. Poer su%%l28-*V  x. Resistors 1x" 81 o.# 1"8* o.s  z. Ca%acitors .1&' -1o.

{. )%-am% {,1 IC ‚ 1o.CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:

  -+ Lo" Pass &i6ter

  R1  V  R   $  '

  Voltage gain  qVcc  1"  1"  q1x  -  -$d(/decade  {,1

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  V  R     q  5'

  $ %ot at  -V  R   EE  L  Passband  vto%band  Vin  1x.="  .1&'  C

  1"  .{{5'  're4uenc2  q  -1x6  0  8b  8a  'ig.1 'irst-order lo-%ass (utterort 0ilters. 8a Circuit. 8b 're4uenc2  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 


•ˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II 




  AIM: o Plot te 0re4uenc2 res%onse o0 0irst order lo %ass and ig %ass 0ilters using{,1 )P-5MP and to 0ind iger and Loer Cut-o00 0re4uencies.


  1. vignal generator8-1M7  $. )scillosco%e8$/*M7  *. (read board  ,. Poer su%%l28-*V  x. Resistors 1x" 81 o.# 1"8* o.s

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  z. Ca%acitors .1&' -1o.{. )%-am% {,1 IC ‚ 1o.CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:

  -+ Lo" Pass &i6ter


  V  R   $  '  Voltage gain  qVcc  1"  1"  q1x  -  -$d(/decade

  {,1  V  R     q  5'  $ %ot at  -V  R   EE  L  Passband  vto%band  Vin  1x.="  .1&'  C  1"  .{{5'  're4uenc2  q  -1x6  0  8b  8a  'ig.1 'irst-order lo-%ass (utterort 0ilters. 8a Circuit. 8b 're4uenc2  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 

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IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II =+ Hi12 Pass &i6ter

  R1  V  R   $  '  Voltage gain  qVcc  1"  1"  q1x

  -$d(/decade  -  C  {,1  V  1  5  -V  '  EE  .1&'

  -1x6  RL  1"  .{{5  $ %ot at  R   '  Vin  sto%band  1x.="  Pass band

  dd  0L  're4uenc2  'ig.$ 'irst-order ig-%ass (utterort 0ilters. 8a Circuit. 8b 're4uenc2  res%onse  THEOR:

  'ILER 55LvIv:  -+LP&:

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  'igure1 sos a 0irst-order lo-%ass (utterort 0ilter tat uses an RC netor! 0or0iltering.

 ote tat te o%-am% is used in te non in6erting con0igurationwence it does not load don te RC netor!. Resistors R1 and R' determine te gain o0

te 0ilter.

5ccording to te 6oltage-di6ider rule# te 6oltage at te non in6erting terminal  8across ca%acitor C is  Ž @Ac  v  E4uation 81  1   vin   R Ž @Ac  ere  1  Œ›8-1 and -Œ‘c @ fC 

  š  $  vim%li02ing E4uation 81# e get  v


  in    1  1 q @   fRC   š  $  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

• IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II =+ Hi12 Pass &i6ter


  V  R   $  '  Voltage gain  qVcc  1"  1"

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  q1x  -$d(/decade  -  C  {,1

  V  1  5  -V  '  EE  .1&'  -1x6  RL  1"  .{{5

  $ %ot at  R   '  Vin  sto%band  1x.="  Pass band  dd  0L  're4uenc2  'ig.$ 'irst-order ig-%ass (utterort 0ilters. 8a Circuit. 8b 're4uenc2  res%onse  THEOR:

  'ILER 55LvIv:  -+LP&:

  'igure1 sos a 0irst-order lo-%ass (utterort 0ilter tat uses an RC netor! 0or0iltering.

 ote tat te o%-am% is used in te non in6erting con0igurationwence it does not load don te RC netor!. Resistors R1 and R' determine te gain o0

te 0ilter.5ccording to te 6oltage-di6ider rule# te 6oltage at te non in6erting terminal

  8across ca%acitor C is  Ž @Ac


  E4uation 81  1   vin

   R Ž @Ac

  ere  1

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  Œ›8-1 and -Œ‘c @ fC 

  š  $  vim%li02ing E4uation 81# e get  v

  v  in

    1  1 q @



  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II 5nd te out%ut 6oltage   R

  v 1  8   : 


  v    1   R 1   R

  v   :   at is#


  in  1

  8 q       R

  1q @   fRC   1  š

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  $  v   %     : 

    - E4uation 8$  v  1 q @8 f / f   in


  v  ere  gain o0 te 0ilter as a 0unction o0 0re4uenc2  vin   R

   %  1  8   : 

  q  %ass band gain o0 te 0ilter    :   1   R  0 0re4uenc2 o0 te in%ut signal  1   f     ig cuto00 0re4uenc2 o0 te 0ilter    H 

   RC   š  $  e gain magnitude and %ase angle e4uations o0 te lo-%ass 0ilter can be obtained b2con6erting E4uation-8$ into its e4ui6alent %olar 0orm# as 0ollos:  '    %    - E4uation-8*  'in  › 8   : 

  $  1 q 8 f / f    H 

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    œ   f


    fH  ere œ is te %ase angle in degrees.e o%eration o0 te lo-%ass 0ilter can be 6eri0ied 0rom te gain magnitude e4uation 8*:

1. 5t 6er2 lo 0re4uencies# tat is# 0y0#'

  ≅ 5'  'in  '    %

  $. 5t 00    : 

      {{  .


  'in  › $  '   *. 5t 090   y


5'  'in  us te lo-%ass 0ilter as a constant gain 5' 0rom 7 to te ig cuto00 0re4uenc20.

5t 0 te gain is .{{ 5'# and a0ter 0 it decreases at a constant rate it an increase in0re4uenc2 see 'ig1b. at is# en te 0re4uenc2 is increased to ten0old 8one decade# te6oltage gain is di6ided b2 1.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II 5nd te out%ut 6oltage   R

  v 1  8

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  q  v    1

   R 1   R

  v   :   at is#


  in  1  8 q   

   R  1q @   fRC   1  š  $  v   %

     :     - E4uation 8$  v  1 q @8 f / f   in

   H   v

  ere  gain o0 te 0ilter as a 0unction o0 0re4uenc2  vin   R

   %  1  8   :   q  %ass band gain o0 te 0ilter    : 

  1   R

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  0 0re4uenc2 o0 te in%ut signal  1   f     ig cuto00 0re4uenc2 o0 te 0ilter 

   H    RC 

  š  $  e gain magnitude and %ase angle e4uations o0 te lo-%ass 0ilter can be obtained b2con6erting E4uation-8$ into its e4ui6alent %olar 0orm# as 0ollos:  '    %    - E4uation-8*  'in

  › 8   :   $  1 q 8 f / f    H 

    œ   f



  ere œ is te %ase angle in degrees.e o%eration o0 te lo-%ass 0ilter can be 6eri0ied 0rom te gain magnitude e4uation 8*:

1. 5t 6er2 lo 0re4uencies# tat is# 0y0#'

  ≅ 5'  'in  '    %  $. 5t 00    : 

      {{  .

 %:   'in  › $  '   *. 5t 090 

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  us te lo-%ass 0ilter as a constant gain 5' 0rom 7 to te ig cuto00 0re4uenc2

0. 5t 0 te gain is .{{ 5'# and a0ter 0 it decreases at a constant rate it an increase in0re4uenc2 see 'ig1b. at is# en te 0re4uenc2 is increased to ten0old 8one decade# te6oltage gain is di6ided b2 1.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II In oter ords# te gaindecreases $db 8$ log 1 eac time te 0re4uenc2 is increased b2 1.

ence te rate at ic te gain rolls o00 a0ter 0 is $ db/decode or z db/octa6e# ereocta6e signi0ies a to0old increase in 0re4uenc2.

e 0re4uenc2 0 0 is called te iger cuto00 0re4uenc2 because te gain o0 te 0ilter attis 0re4uenc2 is don b2 * db 8$ log .{{ 0rom 7. )ter e4ui6alent terms 0or cuto000re4uenc2 are -*db 0re4uenc2# brea! 0re4uenc2# or corner 0re4uenc2.


 ig-%ass 0ilters are o0ten 0ormed sim%l2 b2 intercanging 0re4uenc2-determining

  resistors and ca%acitors in lo-%ass 0ilters. at is# a 0irst-order ig-%ass 0ilter is 0ormed0rom a 0irst-order lo-%ass t2%e b2 intercanging com%onents R and C. vimilarl2# a second-order ig%ass 0ilter is obtained 0rom a second-order lo-%ass 0ilter i0 R and C are intercanged# andso on.

'igure$ sos a 0irst-order ig-%ass (utterort 0ilter it a lo cuto00 0re4uenc2 o00L. is is te 0re4uenc2 at ic te magnitude o0 te gain is .{{ times its %ass band 6alue.)b6iousl2# all 0re4uencies iger tan 0L are %ass band 0re4uencies# it te igest 0re4uenc2determined b2 te closed-loo% bandidt o0 te o%-am%.

 ote tat te ig-%ass 0ilter o0 0igure$8a and te lo-%ass 0ilter o0 0igure81a are tesame circuits# e‰ce%t tat te 0re4uenc2-determining com%onents 8R and C are intercanged.

'or te 0irst-order ig-%ass 0ilter o0 'igure# te out%ut 6oltage is   R   @ š  $ fRC    :   ' 1  8 q

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    '     in


  1 q @  1  š  $ fRC   or   ' 

    @    8 f / fL    %:   'in

  1q  @8 f / fL   R  ere % 1  8   : 

  q  %ass band gain o0 te 0ilter    : 

  1   R  0 0re4uenc2 o0 te in%ut signal 87  1  0L $ š RC   lo cuto00 0re4uenc2 87  ence te magnitude o0 te 6oltage gain is  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II In oter ords# te gaindecreases $db 8$ log 1 eac time te 0re4uenc2 is increased b2 1.

ence te rate at ic te gain rolls o00 a0ter 0 is $ db/decode or z db/octa6e# ereocta6e signi0ies a to0old increase in 0re4uenc2.

e 0re4uenc2 0 0 is called te iger cuto00 0re4uenc2 because te gain o0 te 0ilter attis 0re4uenc2 is don b2 * db 8$ log .{{ 0rom 7. )ter e4ui6alent terms 0or cuto000re4uenc2 are -*db 0re4uenc2# brea! 0re4uenc2# or corner 0re4uenc2.

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 ig-%ass 0ilters are o0ten 0ormed sim%l2 b2 intercanging 0re4uenc2-determining

  resistors and ca%acitors in lo-%ass 0ilters. at is# a 0irst-order ig-%ass 0ilter is 0ormed0rom a 0irst-order lo-%ass t2%e b2 intercanging com%onents R and C. vimilarl2# a second-order 

ig%ass 0ilter is obtained 0rom a second-order lo-%ass 0ilter i0 R and C are intercanged# andso on.'igure$ sos a 0irst-order ig-%ass (utterort 0ilter it a lo cuto00 0re4uenc2 o0

0L. is is te 0re4uenc2 at ic te magnitude o0 te gain is .{{ times its %ass band 6alue.)b6iousl2# all 0re4uencies iger tan 0L are %ass band 0re4uencies# it te igest 0re4uenc2determined b2 te closed-loo% bandidt o0 te o%-am%.

 ote tat te ig-%ass 0ilter o0 0igure$8a and te lo-%ass 0ilter o0 0igure81a are tesame circuits# e‰ce%t tat te 0re4uenc2-determining com%onents 8R and C are intercanged.

'or te 0irst-order ig-%ass 0ilter o0 'igure# te out%ut 6oltage is

   R   @ š  $ fRC    : 

  ' 1  8 q    ' 

    in   R

  1 q @  1  š  $ fRC 

  or   ' 


    8 f / fL    %: 

  'in  1q  @8 f / fL   R

  ere % 1  8   : 

  q  %ass band gain o0 te 0ilter    : 

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  1   R  0 0re4uenc2 o0 te in%ut signal 87  1  0L $ š RC 

  lo cuto00 0re4uenc2 87  ence te magnitude o0 te 6oltage gain is  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II '  

   %: 8 f / f L     'in

  › 81q 8 f / fL $   vince ig-%ass 0ilters are 0ormed 0rom lo-%ass 0ilters sim%l2 b2 intercanging Rps andCps# te design %rocedure o0 te lo-%ass 0ilter is also a%%licable to te ig-%ass 0ilters &ILTER 


  A!LP& )esi1n:

  Design a LP' a6ing Cuto00 0re4uenc2 o0 17 it a Passband gain o0 $.5 lo-%ass 0ilter can be designed b2 im%lementing te 0olloing ste%s:

  1. Coose a 6alue o0 ig cuto00 0re4uenc2 0 8let us ta!e 17

  $. velect a 6alue o0 C less tan or e4ual to 1&0. 8 let us ta!e C.1&0 .  1  *. Calculate te 6alue o0 R using te 0ormula R   8It ill become 1x.=    f 

  š  $  C 


  ,. 'inall2# select 6alues o0 R1 and R' de%endent on te desired %ass band gain 5' using R

   %  1  8   : 

  q  –vince 5   : 

  '$#ten R1 R'. Let R1 R' 1 

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  —  1   R  x.Let RL1 .

A!HP& )esi1n:

  Design a P' a6ing Cuto00 0re4uenc2 o0 17 it a Passband gain o0 $.5 ig-%ass 0ilter can be designed b2 im%lementing te 0olloing ste%s:  1. Coose a 6alue o0 lo cuto00 0re4uenc2 0L 8let us ta!e 17  $. velect a 6alue o0 C less tan or e4ual to 1&0. 8 let us ta!e C.1&0 .  1  *. Calculate te 6alue o0 R using te 0ormula R   8It ill become 1x.=    f   š  $  C 

   L  ,. 'inall2# select 6alues o0 R1 and R' de%endent on te desired %ass band gain 5' using R   %

  1  8   :   q  –vince 5   :   '$#ten R1 R'. Let R1 R' 1   —  1   R


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II '     %: 8 f / f L     'in  › 81q 8 f / fL $   vince ig-%ass 0ilters are 0ormed 0rom lo-%ass 0ilters sim%l2 b2 intercanging Rps andCps# te design %rocedure o0 te lo-%ass 0ilter is also a%%licable to te ig-%ass 0ilters &ILTER 

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  A!LP& )esi1n:

  Design a LP' a6ing Cuto00 0re4uenc2 o0 17 it a Passband gain o0 $.5 lo-%ass 0ilter can be designed b2 im%lementing te 0olloing ste%s:

  1. Coose a 6alue o0 ig cuto00 0re4uenc2 0 8let us ta!e 17

  $. velect a 6alue o0 C less tan or e4ual to 1&0. 8 let us ta!e C.1&0 .  1  *. Calculate te 6alue o0 R using te 0ormula R   8It ill become 1x.=    f 

  š  $  C    H 

  ,. 'inall2# select 6alues o0 R1 and R' de%endent on te desired %ass band gain 5' using R

   %  1  8   : 

  q  –vince 5   :   '$#ten R1 R'. Let R1 R' 1   —  1   R

  x.Let RL1 .A!HP& )esi1n:

  Design a P' a6ing Cuto00 0re4uenc2 o0 17 it a Passband gain o0 $.5 ig-%ass 0ilter can be designed b2 im%lementing te 0olloing ste%s:

  1. Coose a 6alue o0 lo cuto00 0re4uenc2 0L 8let us ta!e 17  $. velect a 6alue o0 C less tan or e4ual to 1&0. 8 let us ta!e C.1&0 .  1  *. Calculate te 6alue o0 R using te 0ormula R   8It ill become 1x.=    f 

  š  $  C 

   L  ,. 'inall2# select 6alues o0 R1 and R' de%endent on te desired %ass band gain 5' using R


  1  8

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  q  –vince 5   : 

  '$#ten R1 R'. Let R1 R' 1 

  —  1   R  x.Let RL1 .


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

••  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II Note:

  It is better to ta!e a Ca%acitor o0 a standard80i‰ed6alue#not a Variable Ca%acitor.I0 e ta!e Variable Ca%acitor Value# some times# te 'ilter ma2 gi6e bad

Res%onse8out%ut.vo in te abo6e Design Procedure#e a6e Cosen a 0i‰ed 6alue 0or te Ca%acitor#not a Variable Ca%acitor#and ten Calculated te 6alue o0 Resistor 0or a desired 0re4uenc2.


  L) P5vv 'ILER| I+ P5vv 'ILER 'RE…EC REvP)vE  1.Connect te circuit as son in 0igure  $.a!e a signal generator and obser6e its out%ut 8sinusoidal signal on CR).

5dŒust te 5m%litude o0 te sinusoidal signal8Vi as 1V%-%.ee% its 0re4uenc2 as 17.$.Connect te signal generator to te in%ut o0 te LP'.…sing CR) obser6e te in%ut and out%ut a6e0orms simultaneousl2.* Var2 te 0re4uenc2 o0 in%ut signal 0rom 17 to 17

  ,. Measure te out%ut 6oltage 5m%litude8Vo 0or e6er2 in%ut 0re4uenc2 usingoscillosco%e.

'   x.Claculatete +ain o0 te 'ilter o . 5lso Calculate its d( Value.


  x. Dra te gra% beteen 0re4uenc2 87 on ‘-5‰is and te +ain on ‚a‰is  on semi -log seet.

z.Calculate te cut o00 0re4uenc2 0rom te gra%.is is te Practical 6alue o0 Cut o000re4uenc2.

–0rom te gra% 0ind te 6alue o0 Cut o00 0re4uenc2#at ic te +ain is  .{{ times tat o0 Pass band gain85'—.

{.Com%are te Practical 6alues it eoritical 6alues.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 

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••  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II Note:

  It is better to ta!e a Ca%acitor o0 a standard80i‰ed6alue#not a Variable Ca%acitor.I0 e ta!e Variable Ca%acitor Value# some times# te 'ilter ma2 gi6e bad

Res%onse8out%ut.vo in te abo6e Design Procedure#e a6e Cosen a 0i‰ed 6alue 0or te Ca%acitor#not a Variable Ca%acitor#and ten Calculated te 6alue o0 Resistor 0or a desired 0re4uenc2.


  L) P5vv 'ILER| I+ P5vv 'ILER 'RE…EC REvP)vE  1.Connect te circuit as son in 0igure  $.a!e a signal generator and obser6e its out%ut 8sinusoidal signal on CR).

5dŒust te 5m%litude o0 te sinusoidal signal8Vi as 1V%-%.ee% its 0re4uenc2 as 17.

$.Connect te signal generator to te in%ut o0 te LP'.…sing CR) obser6e te in%ut and out%ut a6e0orms simultaneousl2.* Var2 te 0re4uenc2 o0 in%ut signal 0rom 17 to 17

  ,. Measure te out%ut 6oltage 5m%litude8Vo 0or e6er2 in%ut 0re4uenc2 usingoscillosco%e.

  x.Claculatete +ain o0 te 'ilter o . 5lso Calculate its d( Value.'i

  x. Dra te gra% beteen 0re4uenc2 87 on ‘-5‰is and te +ain on ‚a‰is  on semi -log seet.

z.Calculate te cut o00 0re4uenc2 0rom te gra%.is is te Practical 6alue o0 Cut o00

0re4uenc2.–0rom te gra% 0ind te 6alue o0 Cut o00 0re4uenc2#at ic te +ain is

  .{{ times tat o0 Pass band gain85'—.{.Com%are te Practical 6alues it eoritical 6alues.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II OSERVATIONS:

 In%utvignal5m%litude8Vin 1V%-%


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  )ut%ut  +ain Vo/Vin


  87  6oltage8Vo  $log 8Vo/Vin  17  $7  ,7  z7  ‡7  =7  =x7  =‡7

  17  1.17  1.$7  1.,7  $7  .





  ence te 0re4uenc2 res%onse o0 0irst order lo %ass and ig %ass 0ilters using  {,1 )P-5MP ere %lotted#and Claculated te iger and Loer Cut-o00 0re4uencies#

'rom +ra%s.Con#6usions:

  e Practical 6alues are same as te teoritical 6alues in bot te cases8ie.#LP'|P' Inte 'irst case#0or te 0re4uencies belo 17 te 'ilterps +ain is Constant and a0ter 17 tereis a decrease in te +ain. vo it is Called as LoPass 'ilter.

In te vecond case#0or te 0re4uencies abo6e 17 te 'ilterps +ain is Constant and belo 17 tere is a decrease in te +ain. vo it is Called as ig Pass 'ilter.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 


•€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II OSERVATIONS:


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  In%utvignal5m%litude8Vin 1V%-%

  're4uenc2  )ut%ut

  +ain Vo/Vin+ain8ind(

  87  6oltage8Vo  $log 8Vo/Vin  17  $7  ,7  z7

  ‡7  =7  =x7  =‡7  17  1.17  1.$7  1.,7  $7  .





  ence te 0re4uenc2 res%onse o0 0irst order lo %ass and ig %ass 0ilters using  {,1 )P-5MP ere %lotted#and Claculated te iger and Loer Cut-o00 0re4uencies#

'rom +ra%s.Con#6usions:

  e Practical 6alues are same as te teoritical 6alues in bot te cases8ie.#LP'|P' Inte 'irst case#0or te 0re4uencies belo 17 te 'ilterps +ain is Constant and a0ter 17 tereis a decrease in te +ain. vo it is Called as LoPass 'ilter.

In te vecond case#0or te 0re4uencies abo6e 17 te 'ilterps +ain is Constant and belo 17 tere is a decrease in te +ain. vo it is Called as ig Pass 'ilter.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 

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•ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment4-=


  AIM: o generate triangular a6e0orm using {,1 )%-5m% 0unction generator.APPARAT%S: )%-am%{,1-$o#

Ca%acitor ‚.1&0 ‚ 1o#


diode ‚x1 ‚$o#

Resistors ‚1-$#1x-1#1x-1#1M-1#

‡.$"-1  CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:

  C .x&'  R$$‡   q1xV  Ri 1,   {  R11   q1xV  $  *

  {  z  {,1  z  *  {  {,1  ,

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  $  V5  ,  -1xV  V(


  1x  V(  qVsat  x  V…  t8ms    1  $

  *  -x  VL  - 1  -Vsat  - 1x  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment4-=


  AIM: o generate triangular a6e0orm using {,1 )%-5m% 0unction generator.APPARAT%S: )%-am%{,1-$o#

Ca%acitor ‚

.1&0 ‚ 1o#

enerdiode ‚x1 ‚$o#

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 Resistors ‚1-$#1x-1#1x-1#

1M-1#‡.$"-1  CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:

  C .x&'  R$$‡   q1xV  Ri 1,   {  R11   q1xV  $

  *  {  z  {,1  z  *  {  {,1  ,  $  V5  ,  -1xV  V(  -1xV  O%TP%T WAVE&ORMS

  1x  V(  qVsat  x  V…  t8ms    1  $  *  -x  VL  - 1  -Vsat

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  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II Pin out dia1ram o7 LM

<- IC

  )''vE …LL 1 ‡ C  IV I/P $ { V q  ) IV I/P * z )/P  V - , x )''vE …LL  THEOR:

  5 basic bi%olar triangle a6e generator circuit is %resented in 0ig 1 . e triangle a6eV5 # is a6ailable at te out%ut o0 te {,1 integrator circuit . e s4uare a6e signal V(# isa6ailable at te out%ut o0 te {,1 com%arator . 5ssume tat V( is ig at qVsat. is 0orces aconstant current 8Vsat/Ri troug C 8le0t to rigt to dri6e V5 negati6e 0rom V… to VL. enV5 reaces VL# Pin * o0 te com%arator goes negati6e and V( sna%s to ‚Vsat. 5nd t 1msec.

en V( is at -Vsat # it 0orces a constant current8 rigt to le0t troug C to dri6e V5 %ositi6e 0rom VL toard V… 8 te time inter6al 1 to $ msec . en V5 reaces V… at t  $msec # %in * o0 te com%arator goes %ositi6e and V( sna%s to qVsat. is initiates tene‰t c2cle o0 oscillation .

&requen#B o7 Operation

  e %ea! 6alues o0 te triangular a6e are establised b2 te ratio o0 resistor R$ to R and

te saturation 6oltages .Ž ' R

  e2 are gi6en b2  1  ' 

   sat     BT 

   R $  ' R 1  ' 

   sat      LT    R $  I0 te saturation 6oltages are reasonable e4ual # te 0re4uenc2 o0 oscillation 80 is gi6en b2 R   f 


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  , R R C 


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK 

k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

•<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II Pin out dia1ram o7 LM

<- IC

  )''vE …LL 1 ‡ C  IV I/P $ { V q  ) IV I/P * z )/P

  V - , x )''vE …LL  THEOR:

  5 basic bi%olar triangle a6e generator circuit is %resented in 0ig 1 . e triangle a6eV5 # is a6ailable at te out%ut o0 te {,1 integrator circuit . e s4uare a6e signal V(# isa6ailable at te out%ut o0 te {,1 com%arator . 5ssume tat V( is ig at qVsat. is 0orces aconstant current 8Vsat/Ri troug C 8le0t to rigt to dri6e V5 negati6e 0rom V… to VL. enV5 reaces VL# Pin * o0 te com%arator goes negati6e and V( sna%s to ‚Vsat. 5nd t 1msec.

en V( is at -Vsat # it 0orces a constant current8 rigt to le0t troug C to dri6e V5 %ositi6e 0rom VL toard V… 8 te time inter6al 1 to $ msec . en V5 reaces V… at t  $msec # %in * o0 te com%arator goes %ositi6e and V( sna%s to qVsat. is initiates tene‰t c2cle o0 oscillation .

&requen#B o7 Operation  e %ea! 6alues o0 te triangular a6e are establised b2 te ratio o0 resistor R$ to R andte saturation 6oltages .

Ž ' R  e2 are gi6en b2  1  '    sat 

    BT    R $

  ' R 1  '    sat      LT    R $  I0 te saturation 6oltages are reasonable e4ual # te 0re4uenc2 o0 oscillation 80 is gi6en b2 R

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  $  , R R C   i



•†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in te 0igure.$. )bser6e te out%ut a6e0orms on CR) and note don necessar2 readings and

  a6e0orms.*. Calculate te time %eriod and am%litude o0 te a6e0orm teoreticall2.,. Com%are te teoretical 6alues it te e‰%erimental results.RES%LT:

  ence triangular a6e0orm is generated using {,1 )%-5m% 0unction generator.CONCL%SIONS:

  It can be concluded tat te {,1 integrator as %roduced a triangle a6e 8V5 and te {,1  com%arator as %roduced a s4uare a6e8 V( it am%litude le6els ‚Vsat to qVsat.eout%ut o0 te {,1 com%arator as gi6en to te integrators in%ut . at means integration o0s4uare a6e gi6es te triangle a6e.


•†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in te 0igure.

$. )bser6e te out%ut a6e0orms on CR) and note don necessar2 readings and  a6e0orms.*. Calculate te time %eriod and am%litude o0 te a6e0orm teoreticall2.,. Com%are te teoretical 6alues it te e‰%erimental results.RES%LT:

  ence triangular a6e0orm is generated using {,1 )%-5m% 0unction generator.CONCL%SIONS:

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  It can be concluded tat te {,1 integrator as %roduced a triangle a6e 8V5 and te {,1  com%arator as %roduced a s4uare a6e8 V( it am%litude le6els ‚Vsat to qVsat.eout%ut o0 te {,1 com%arator as gi6en to te integrators in%ut . at means integration o0s4uare a6e gi6es te triangle a6e.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€ˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment No:->


  AIM: o obser6e te out%ut a6e0orm o0 Monostable multi6ibrator using xxx IC.APPARAT%S:

  (read (oard  CR)8$/*M7  Connecting ires  COMPONENTS:

  @xx IC# Resistors and Ca%acitors as %er te Design  CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:


  V  V  CCxV  i

  R   ‡  ,  ,  $  time  {  rigger i/%  Vo  xxx  LM @@@

  z  z  *  C  1  x  CR)  time

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  .1&0   )  81.1 RC  Pin dia1ram

  +D 1 ‡ VCC

  rigger $ { Discarge  @

  )ut%ut *  z resold  LM @@

  Reset ,  x Control Voltage  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€ˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment No:->


  AIM: o obser6e te out%ut a6e0orm o0 Monostable multi6ibrator using xxx IC.APPARAT%S:

  (read (oard  CR)8$/*M7  Connecting ires

  COMPONENTS:  @xx IC# Resistors and Ca%acitors as %er te Design  CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:


  V  V  CCxV  i  R   ‡  ,

  ,  $  time  {  rigger i/%  Vo  xxx  LM @@@

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  z  z  *  C  1

  x  CR)  time  .1&0   )  81.1 RC  Pin dia1ram

  +D 1 ‡ VCC  rigger $ { Discarge  @

  )ut%ut *

  z resold  LM @@

  Reset ,  x Control Voltage  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€ IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II THEOR:

  E xxx 5v 5 M))v5(LE M…LIVI(R5)R:  5 Monostable multi6ibrator is also called as a one-sot multi6ibrator is a %ulse-  generating circuit in ic te duration o0 te %ulse is determined b2 te RC netor!connected e‰ternall2 to te xxx timer. In a stable state te out%ut o0 te circuit is 7ero or at logic-lo le6el.

en an e‰ternal trigger %ulse is a%%lied# te out%ut is 0orced to go ig 8≅Vcc. etime te out%ut remains ig is determined b2 te e‰ternal RC netor! connected to te timer.

5t te end o0 te timing inter6al# te out%ut automaticall2 re6erts bac! to its logic lostable state. e out%ut sta2s lo until te trigger %ulse is again a%%lied. en te c2cle re%eats.

e monostable multi6ibrator as onl2 te stable state.e a%%lications 0or te monostable multi 6ibrator are 0re4uenc2 di6ider and %ulse

  stretcer   )ESIGN:

  Dersign a MMV using xxxIC to %roduce an )ut%ut Pulse idt o0 1msec.1.Let R1 

  T   $.Claculate te 6alue o0 C using te 0ormula C 

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     R  1  .


  1.Connect te circuit as son in te 0igure# b2 using te com%onent as %er design.$. 5%%l2 te rigger %ulse at Pin no $. )bser6e te out%ut a6e0orm at %in no *.*.Calculate te time during ic te out%ut remains ig8t% or tonor %

  ,.Com%are it it te teoritical 6alue+


  e out%ut o0 Monostable multi6ibrator using xxxIC is obser6ed. It is also obser6ed tat %ractical 6alue o0 te time during ic te out%ut remains ig is same as teoritical 6alue.


  It can be concluded tat#i0 te MMV is once triggered#its out%ut ill remain in te ig

state until te set time ela%ses.e out%ut ill not cange its state e6en i0 an in%ut trigger isa%%lied again during tis time inter6al %.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€ IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II THEOR:

  E xxx 5v 5 M))v5(LE M…LIVI(R5)R:  5 Monostable multi6ibrator is also called as a one-sot multi6ibrator is a %ulse-  generating circuit in ic te duration o0 te %ulse is determined b2 te RC netor!connected e‰ternall2 to te xxx timer. In a stable state te out%ut o0 te circuit is 7ero or at logic-lo le6el.

en an e‰ternal trigger %ulse is a%%lied# te out%ut is 0orced to go ig 8≅Vcc. etime te out%ut remains ig is determined b2 te e‰ternal RC netor! connected to te timer.

5t te end o0 te timing inter6al# te out%ut automaticall2 re6erts bac! to its logic lostable state. e out%ut sta2s lo until te trigger %ulse is again a%%lied. en te c2cle re%eats.e monostable multi6ibrator as onl2 te stable state.

e a%%lications 0or te monostable multi 6ibrator are 0re4uenc2 di6ider and %ulse

  stretcer   )ESIGN:

  Dersign a MMV using xxxIC to %roduce an )ut%ut Pulse idt o0 1msec.1.Let R1 

  T   $.Claculate te 6alue o0 C using te 0ormula C 


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  1  .


  1.Connect te circuit as son in te 0igure# b2 using te com%onent as %er design.$. 5%%l2 te rigger %ulse at Pin no $. )bser6e te out%ut a6e0orm at %in no *.*.Calculate te time during ic te out%ut remains ig8t% or tonor %

  ,.Com%are it it te teoritical 6alue+


  e out%ut o0 Monostable multi6ibrator using xxxIC is obser6ed. It is also obser6ed tat %ractical 6alue o0 te time during ic te out%ut remains ig is same as teoritical 6alue.


  It can be concluded tat#i0 te MMV is once triggered#its out%ut ill remain in te igstate until te set time ela%ses.e out%ut ill not cange its state e6en i0 an in%ut trigger isa%%lied again during tis time inter6al %.


€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment:-<


  AIM: o obser6e te out%ut a6e0orm o0 5stable multi6ibrator using xxx IC.APPARAT%S:

  (read (oard  CR)8$/*M7  Connecting ires  COMPONENTS:

  @xx IC# Resistors and Ca%acitors as %er te Design  CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:


  VCCxV  .z=8R5qR(C  ‡

  R   ,  5  C  *  {  R(  R 

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  x  xxx  (  *  z

  D  CR)  C  $  .1&0   .z=R(C  1  x  Pin dia1ram

  +D 1 ‡ VCC  @

  rigger $ { Discarge  )ut%ut *  LM @@

  z resold  Reset ,  x Control Voltage  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment:-<


  AIM: o obser6e te out%ut a6e0orm o0 5stable multi6ibrator using xxx IC.APPARAT%S:

  (read (oard  CR)8$/*M7  Connecting ires  COMPONENTS:

  @xx IC# Resistors and Ca%acitors as %er te Design  CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:


  VCCxV  .z=8R5qR(C  ‡  R   ,

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  %ositi6e %ulse idt8c.,$1msec and a a negati6e %ulse idt 8d.$z=msec.Let c .z= 8R5qR( C ---1# ere c is te time during ic te out%ut is ig.Let d .z= R(C------------$# ere d is te time during ic te out%ut is lo

  Calculate cqd  1.velect C .1 &'.

$.calculate R( using E4uation $  *.using te results in ste%s1#$#calculate R5 using E4uation 1  PROCE)%RE:

  -+ Connect te circuit as son in te 0igure.$.velect te com%onent 6alues as %er design.*. )bser6e te out%ut a6e0orm at %in no *.,.Calculate te time during ic te out%ut is ig and out%ut is lo.Com%are it it teoritical 6alues+

x.Calculate te } dut2 c2cle using te 0ormula 8c / ž1. Com%are it it teoritical6alue+


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II THEOR:

  5n 5stable multi6ibrator# o0ten called as 0ree-running multi6ibrator# is a rectangular-a6e-generating circuit. is circuit does not re4uire an e‰ternal trigger to cange te stable o0te out%ut# ence te name 0ree-running. oe6er te time during ic te out%ut is eiter ig

or lo is determined b2 to resistors and a ca%acitor. ic are e‰ternall2 connected to te xxx  timer.

e a%%lications 0or astable multi6ibrator are 81 v4uare-a6e oscillator 8$ 'ree-runningram% generator.


  Design an 5stable Multi6ibrator using xxxIC to %roduce an out%ut %ulse it a  %ositi6e %ulse idt8c.,$1msec and a a negati6e %ulse idt 8d.$z=msec.

Let c .z= 8R5qR( C ---1# ere c is te time during ic te out%ut is ig.Let d .z= R(C------------$# ere d is te time during ic te out%ut is lo

  Calculate cqd  1.velect C .1 &'.

$.calculate R( using E4uation $  *.using te results in ste%s1#$#calculate R5 using E4uation 1  PROCE)%RE:

  -+ Connect te circuit as son in te 0igure.$.velect te com%onent 6alues as %er design.*. )bser6e te out%ut a6e0orm at %in no *.,.Calculate te time during ic te out%ut is ig and out%ut is lo.Com%are it it teoritical 6alues+

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  x.Calculate te } dut2 c2cle using te 0ormula 8c / ž1. Com%are it it teoritical6alue+


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II RES%LT:

  e out%ut o0 5stable Multi6ibrator using xxxIC is obser6ed.It is also obser6ed tat %ractical 6alue o0 te time during ic te out%ut remains ig

and out%ut is lo is same as teoritical 6alue.CONCL%SIONS:

  It can be concluded tat b2 canging te 6alues o0 te Com%onents 8i.e.# R5# R( and

C#te Pulse idts ill be canged.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II RES%LT:

  e out%ut o0 5stable Multi6ibrator using xxxIC is obser6ed.It is also obser6ed tat %ractical 6alue o0 te time during ic te out%ut remains igand out%ut is lo is same as teoritical 6alue.


  It can be concluded tat b2 canging te 6alues o0 te Com%onents 8i.e.# R5# R( andC#te Pulse idts ill be canged.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment:-@


  AIM: o obser6e te out%ut o0 te vcmitt trigger using {,1 | xxx ICpv  APPARAT%S:1. )scillosco%e8$/*M  $. Poer su%%l28-*V

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  *. vignal generator8-1M7  ,. (read (oard  x. Resistors 1"-$o.s#xz"#1"  z. Resistors 1 #x"  {. )%-am% {,1IC ‚ 1o.

CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:  qVC  R)M ≅ R ŸŸ  1  R $  q1xV  $  {  -  z  V

  q  q  -  *  ,  V  -V  1xV  EE  in  RL

  Vlt  1"  R$x"  R11  "  &i1*-a! vcmitt rigger using {,1 )P-5m%  V cc  R1  1!om  ‡  ,  z  *  )ut%ut  Vi  Vcc/$  xxx  In%ut  $

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  R$  x  1  1!om  .1micro 0arad

  &i1*-0! vcmitt rigger using xxxIC  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment:-@


  AIM: o obser6e te out%ut o0 te vcmitt trigger using {,1 | xxx ICpv  APPARAT%S:1. )scillosco%e8$/*M  $. Poer su%%l28-*V  *. vignal generator8-1M7  ,. (read (oard  x. Resistors 1"-$o.s#xz"#1"  z. Resistors 1 #x"  {. )%-am% {,1IC ‚ 1o.


  qVC  R)M ≅ R ŸŸ

  1  R $  q1xV  $  {  -  z  V  q  q  -

  *  ,  V  -V  1xV  EE  in  RL

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  Vlt  1"  R$x"  R11  "

  &i1*-a! vcmitt rigger using {,1 )P-5m%  V cc  R1  1!om  ‡  ,  z  *  )ut%ut  Vi  Vcc/$

  xxx  In%ut  $  R$  x  1  1!om  .1micro 0arad  &i1*-0! vcmitt rigger using xxxIC  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 


€€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II MO)EL


  Vin  V%  - Vut


Vlt  t  - V%  V  qVv5  V

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  t  -Vv5  &i1*-C!In%ut and out%ut a6e 0orms  Vo  qVsat

  qVut  qVIt  Vin  2steresis 6oltage  8Vut-Vit  -Vsat  &i1*-d!Vo 6ersus Vin Plot o0 te 2sterisis Voltage  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II MO)EL


  Vin  V%  - Vut  V 

Vlt  t  - V%  V  qVv5  V  t  -Vv5  &i1*-C!In%ut and out%ut a6e 0orms  Vo  qVsat

  qVut  qVIt  Vin  2steresis 6oltage  8Vut-Vit  -Vsat  &i1*-d!Vo 6ersus Vin Plot o0 te 2sterisis Voltage  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

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  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II THEOR:


 'igure 81a sos an in6erting com%arator it %ositi6e 0eedbac!. is circuit

  con6erts an irregular ‚sa%ed a6e0orm to a s4uare a6e or %ulse. e circuit is !nonas te vcmitt trigger or s4uaring circuit.

e in%ut 6oltage Vin triggers 8canges te state o0 te out%ut V e6er2 time it e‰ceedscertain 6oltage le6els called te u%%er tresold 6oltage Vut and loer tresold 6oltage Vlt# asson in 'igure 81c.

In 'igure 81a# tese tresold 6oltages are obtained b2 using te 6oltage di6ider R1-R$#ere te 6oltage across R1 is 0ed bac! to te 8q in%ut. e 6oltage across R1 is a 6ariablere0erence tresold 6oltage tat de%ends on te 6alue and %olarit2 o0 te out%ut 6oltage V.

en V qVsat# te 6oltage across R1 is called te u%%er tresold 6oltage# Vut. ein%ut 6oltage Vin must be sligtl2 more %ositi6e tan Vut in order to cause te out%ut Vo tositc 0rom qVsat to ‚Vsat. 5s long as Vin y Vut# Vo is at qVsat. …sing te 6oltage-di6ider rule# R  '     1

  q  1a  ut   8 'sat    R 1 q R $ 


V -Vsat# te 6oltage across R1 is re0erred to as te loer   tresold 6oltage# Vlt. Vin must be sligtl2 more negati6e tan Vlt in order to cause Vto sitc 0rom ‚Vsat to qVsat. In oter ords# 0or Vin 6alues greater tan Vlt# V is at ‚Vsat.Vlt is gi6en b2 te 0olloing e4uation:   R  '   1  Ž

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    1  q  1a  ut 

  8 'sat    R 1 q R $ 

)nteoterand#enV -Vsat# te 6oltage across R1 is re0erred to as te loer 

  tresold 6oltage# Vlt. Vin must be sligtl2 more negati6e tan Vlt in order to cause Vto sitc 0rom ‚Vsat to qVsat. In oter ords# 0or Vin 6alues greater tan Vlt# V is at ‚Vsat.

Vlt is gi6en b2 te 0olloing e4uation:   R  '   1  Ž  1b  !t   8 'sat    R 1 q R $ 

us#i0tetresold6oltageVut and Vlt are made larger tan te in%ut noise 6oltages#te %ositi6e 0eedbac! ill eliminate te 0alse out%ut transitions. 5lso# te %ositi6e

0eedbac!# because o0 its regenerati6e action# ill ma!e V sitc 0aster beteen qVsat and ‚ Vsat. In 'igure 8a# resistance R   ≅    )M  R1  R$ is used to minimi7e te o00set %roblems.

'igure 81c sos tat te out%ut o0 te vcmitt trigger is a s4uare a6e en te in%utis a sine a6e. 5 nonin6erting com%arator is used as a vcmitt trigger. en te in%ut is atriangular INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 

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€<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II a6e# te out%ut o0 tevcmitt trigger is a s4uare a6e# ere as i0 te in%ut is a satoot a6e# te out%ut is a %ulsea6e0orm.

e com%arator it %ositi6e 0eedbac! is said to e‰ibit 2steresis# a dead-band  condition. at is# en te in%ut o0 te com%arator e‰ceeds Vut# its out%ut sitces0rom qVsat to ‚Vsat and re6erts bac! to its original state# qVsat# en te in%ut goes belo Vlt.8vee 'igure 1d e 2steresis 6oltage is e4ual to te di00erence beteen Vut and Vlt.

ere0ore#V2 Vut -Vlt. R

    1  –q ' Ž Ž ' 

   sat   8 sat —   R



  'or {,1#te ma‰imum out%ut 6oltage sing is 1,V.at is qVsat1,V and -Vsat -1,V.  'rom e4uation 1a|1b#

1  '   q1, ${ x  .

ut   8   m' 

  x1  1

  '   Ž1, ${  Ž x  .

!t   8   m' 


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  e 2sterisis VoltagexxmV.! SCHMITT TRIGGER %SING @@@:

  e use o0 xxx timer as a vcmitt rigger is son in 'igure81b. ere te to internal '   com%arators are tied togeter and e‰ternall2 biased at  CC troug R1 and R$. vince te u%%er 

  $  $  1  com%arator ill tri% at  VCC and loer com%arator at  VCC# te bias %ro6ided b2 R1 and R$ is  *  *  centered itin tese to tresolds. us# a sine a6e o0 su00icient am%litude  '   $

  '   89 CC   CC   ' Ž  to e‰ceed te re0erence le6els causes te internal 0li%-0lo% to alternatel2  z  * CC   $  set and reset# %ro6iding a s4uare a6e out%ut as son  in 'ig1c. It ma2 be noted tat unli!e con6entional multi 6ibrator# no 0re4uenc2 di6ision ista!ing %lace  and te 0re4uenc2 o0 s4uare a6e remains te same as tat o0 in%ut signal.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II a6e# te out%ut o0 tevcmitt trigger is a s4uare a6e# ere as i0 te in%ut is a satoot a6e# te out%ut is a %ulse


e com%arator it %ositi6e 0eedbac! is said to e‰ibit 2steresis# a dead-band  condition. at is# en te in%ut o0 te com%arator e‰ceeds Vut# its out%ut sitces0rom qVsat to ‚Vsat and re6erts bac! to its original state# qVsat# en te in%ut goes belo Vlt.8vee 'igure 1d e 2steresis 6oltage is e4ual to te di00erence beteen Vut and Vlt.

ere0ore#V2 Vut -Vlt.

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    1  –q ' Ž Ž ' 


  8 sat —   R



  'or {,1#te ma‰imum out%ut 6oltage sing is 1,V.at is qVsat1,V and -Vsat -1,V.  'rom e4uation 1a|1b#

1  '

  q1, ${ x  .ut 

  8   m' 

  x1  1  '   Ž1, ${  Ž x  .

!t   8   m' 

  x1  e 2sterisis VoltagexxmV.


  e use o0 xxx timer as a vcmitt rigger is son in 'igure81b. ere te to internal ' 

  com%arators are tied togeter and e‰ternall2 biased at  CC troug R1 and R$. vince te u%%er   $  $  1  com%arator ill tri% at  VCC and loer com%arator at  VCC# te bias %ro6ided b2 R1 and R$ is  *  *  centered itin tese to tresolds. us# a sine a6e o0 su00icient am%litude  ' 

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  $  '   89 CC   CC 

  ' Ž

  to e‰ceed te re0erence le6els causes te internal 0li%-0lo% to alternatel2  z  * CC   $  set and reset# %ro6iding a s4uare a6e out%ut as son  in 'ig1c. It ma2 be noted tat unli!e con6entional multi 6ibrator# no 0re4uenc2 di6ision ista!ing %lace  and te 0re4uenc2 o0 s4uare a6e remains te same as tat o0 in%ut signal.


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure.$. 5%%l2 a sinusoidal a6e it %ea! 6oltage greater tan te designed 6oltage 8…t.*. )bser6e te a6e0orm on CR).,. ote tat# en in%ut sinusoidal 6oltage is more tan V8…t# te out%ut canges

  0rom ‚Vsat to qVsat..

en Vin is less tan V8Lt te out%ut canges 0rom qVsat to ‚Vsat.x.)bser6e te out%ut a6e0orm on CR).z.Put te CR) in ‘ Mode–In%ut signal on Cannel1| out%ut signal on Cannel$—.en e can obser6e te 2sterisis Voltage Cur6e on te CR).'rom tis ote don V… and VL.ese are te e‰treme %oints o0 te cur6e on ‘-a‰is.8E‰treme Le0t and E‰treme rigt

  {.Dra te a6e0orms on gra% seets.z. )btain te V8…t and V8Lt 0rom gra% and com%are tem it te 0olloing

  teoretical 6alues. 



V8…  1  t    ž8qVsat

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  8  R

   R  1 q  $  



V8L  1  t    ž8-Vsat  8  R

   R  1 q  $  

  {. ote don te 2sterisis 6oltage V2 Vut ‚ VLt.RES%LT: ence te out%ut o0 vcmitt trigger using {,1 | xxx ICps is obser6ed.CONCL%SIONS:

  'rom te 2sterisis 6oltage cur6e# it can be obser6ed tat# te to% and bottom e‰tremesare  qVsat and ‚Vsat.

vo e can conclude tat te 2sterisis 6oltage cur6e is e‰isting# in beteen qVsat and ‚ Vsat on -a‰is.

)n ‘-a‰is 2sterisis 6oltage cur6e is e‰isting in beteen Vut and VLt.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

€†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in 0igure.$. 5%%l2 a sinusoidal a6e it %ea! 6oltage greater tan te designed 6oltage 8…t.*. )bser6e te a6e0orm on CR).,. ote tat# en in%ut sinusoidal 6oltage is more tan V8…t# te out%ut canges

  0rom ‚Vsat to qVsat..en Vin is less tan V8Lt te out%ut canges 0rom qVsat to ‚Vsat.x.)bser6e te out%ut a6e0orm on CR).z.Put te CR) in ‘ Mode–In%ut signal on Cannel1| out%ut signal on Cannel$—.

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  en e can obser6e te 2sterisis Voltage Cur6e on te CR).'rom tis ote don V… and VL.ese are te e‰treme %oints o0 te cur6e on ‘-a‰is.8E‰treme Le0t and E‰treme rigt

  {.Dra te a6e0orms on gra% seets.z. )btain te V8…t and V8Lt 0rom gra% and com%are tem it te 0olloing

  teoretical 6alues. 


V8…  1  t    ž8qVsat

  8  R   R  1 q  $  



V8L  1  t    ž8-Vsat  8  R   R

  1 q  $  

  {. ote don te 2sterisis 6oltage V2 Vut ‚ VLt.RES%LT: ence te out%ut o0 vcmitt trigger using {,1 | xxx ICps is obser6ed.CONCL%SIONS:

  'rom te 2sterisis 6oltage cur6e# it can be obser6ed tat# te to% and bottom e‰tremesare  qVsat and ‚Vsat.

vo e can conclude tat te 2sterisis 6oltage cur6e is e‰isting# in beteen qVsat and ‚ Vsat on -a‰is.

)n ‘-a‰is 2sterisis 6oltage cur6e is e‰isting in beteen Vut and VLt.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

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  Constant  Amp

  current  source

  IV  V4


  're4. Com%.vection-1

  vection-$  'ig1 b: 'unctional (loc! diagram o0 {$* IC  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment No:-?


  AIM: o %lot te regulation caracteristics o0 te gi6en IC LM {$*  APPARAT%S: Resistors {.x " - $# *.=" - 1# Ca%acitor 1 &' ‚ 1# IC LM {$* ‚1#DR(# Voltmeter -*V# 5mmeter -1m5.



  C  Current limit  're4. Com%ensation  Current vense  Vq  IV-erminal  VCC  ) IV-erminal  LM {$*  Vout  Voltage RE'

  V  +nd  C  'ig.18a Pin diagram o0 LM{$*  VC  V  CL  1

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  Vq  V7  D  $

  4  Cv  V  Vq  Re7 

  re08-{V  Amp

  I  Err

  Constant  Amp

  current  source  IV  V4


  're4. Com%.vection-1

  vection-$  'ig1 b: 'unctional (loc! diagram o0 {$* IC  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 


ƒ IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II CIRC…I DI5+R5M:

  Part4- : In%ut Voltage 6ersus )ut%ut Voltage  1$  11  z

  1  $  *.=   {.x   {$* *  x  LM


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  ,  -*V  RL  1*  {

  .x   1&'  'ig 8$-a Circuit diagram 0or In%ut Voltage 6ersus )ut%ut Voltage  Part4= Load Resistance RL 6ersus )ut%ut Voltage 8Vo  Line Voltage  8'rom DC %oer su%%l2  R   1$  11  z  1

  $  *.=   {.x   5  {$* *  x  LM ,  RL  1*  {  {.x   V  -*V  1&'  'ig 8$-b Circuit diagram 0or Load Resistance RL 6ersus )ut%ut Voltage  }R   'ig8$-c RL 6ersus } Regulation cur6e  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  


IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II CIRC…I DI5+R5M:  Part4- : In%ut Voltage 6ersus )ut%ut Voltage  1$  11  z

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  1  $  *.=   {.x   {$* *

  x  LMV

  ,  -*V  RL  1*  {  .x   1&'  'ig 8$-a Circuit diagram 0or In%ut Voltage 6ersus )ut%ut Voltage

  Part4= Load Resistance RL 6ersus )ut%ut Voltage 8Vo  Line Voltage  8'rom DC %oer su%%l2  R   1$  11  z  1  $  *.=   {.x   5  {$* *  x  LM ,  RL  1*  {  {.x   V  -*V  1&'  'ig 8$-b Circuit diagram 0or Load Resistance RL 6ersus )ut%ut Voltage  }R   'ig8$-c RL 6ersus } Regulation cur6e  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

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ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II THEOR:

 it te ad6ent o0 Micro-electronics# it is %ossible to incor%orate te com%lete circuit on

a monolitic silicon ci%. is gi6es lo cost# ig reliabilit2# reduction in si7e and e‰cellent %er0ormance.

E‰am%les o0 Monolitic regulators are {‡‰‰/{=‰‰ series8ree terminal regulators and{$*  general %ur%ose regulators.

e tree terminal regulators a6e te limitations  81 o sort circuit %rotection. 8$ )ut%ut 6oltage 8%ositi6e or negati6e is 0i‰ed.

ese limitations a6e been o6er come in te {$* general %ur%ose regulators# ic can be adŒusted o6er a ide range o0 bot %ositi6e and negati6e regulated 6oltage. is IC isinerentl2 lo current de6ice# but can be boosted to %ro6ide xam%s or more current b2connecting e‰ternal com%onents.

e limitations o0 {$* are tat it as no in built termal %rotection. It also as no sortcircuit current limits. {$* regulator IC is a6ailable in a 1,-%in# dual-in-line %ac!age.

'ig.1-b sos te 0unctional bloc! diagram o0 a {$* regulator IC. It as to se%aratesections.

e 7ener diode# a constant current source and re0erence am%li0ier %roduce a 0i‰ed6oltage o0 about { 6olts at te terminal Vre0. e constant current source 0orces te 7ener to

o%erate at a 0i‰ed %oint so tat te 7ener out%uts a 0i‰ed 6oltage.e oter section o0 te IC consists o0 an error am%li0ier# a series %ass transistor 1 and a

current limit transistor limit transistor $. e error am%li0ier com%ares a sam%le o0 te out%ut6oltage a%%lied at te 1V in%ut terminal to te re0erence 6oltage Vre0 a%%lied at te I in%utterminal.

e error signal controls te conduction o0 1. ese to sections are not internall2connected but te 6arious %oints are brougt out on te IC %ac!age. {$* Regulated IC isa6ailable in 1, Pin Dual ‚ in ‚ line %ac!age or 1 %in metal can.

e im%ortant 0eatures o0 {$* Regulated IC are as 0ollos:  1 In%ut 6oltage ,V ma‰  $ )ut%ut 6oltage adŒustable 0rom $V to *{V

  * 1xm5 out%ut current itout e‰ternal %ass transistor   , )ut%ut currents in e‰cess o0 15 %ossible b2 adding e‰ternal transistors  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

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ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II THEOR:

 it te ad6ent o0 Micro-electronics# it is %ossible to incor%orate te com%lete circuit on

a monolitic silicon ci%. is gi6es lo cost# ig reliabilit2# reduction in si7e and e‰cellent %er0ormance.

E‰am%les o0 Monolitic regulators are {‡‰‰/{=‰‰ series8ree terminal regulators and{$*  general %ur%ose regulators.

e tree terminal regulators a6e te limitations  81 o sort circuit %rotection. 8$ )ut%ut 6oltage 8%ositi6e or negati6e is 0i‰ed.

ese limitations a6e been o6er come in te {$* general %ur%ose regulators# ic can be adŒusted o6er a ide range o0 bot %ositi6e and negati6e regulated 6oltage. is IC isinerentl2 lo current de6ice# but can be boosted to %ro6ide xam%s or more current b2connecting e‰ternal com%onents.

e limitations o0 {$* are tat it as no in built termal %rotection. It also as no sortcircuit current limits. {$* regulator IC is a6ailable in a 1,-%in# dual-in-line %ac!age.

'ig.1-b sos te 0unctional bloc! diagram o0 a {$* regulator IC. It as to se%aratesections.

e 7ener diode# a constant current source and re0erence am%li0ier %roduce a 0i‰ed6oltage o0 about { 6olts at te terminal Vre0. e constant current source 0orces te 7ener to

o%erate at a 0i‰ed %oint so tat te 7ener out%uts a 0i‰ed 6oltage.e oter section o0 te IC consists o0 an error am%li0ier# a series %ass transistor 1 and a

current limit transistor limit transistor $. e error am%li0ier com%ares a sam%le o0 te out%ut6oltage a%%lied at te 1V in%ut terminal to te re0erence 6oltage Vre0 a%%lied at te I in%utterminal.

e error signal controls te conduction o0 1. ese to sections are not internall2connected but te 6arious %oints are brougt out on te IC %ac!age. {$* Regulated IC isa6ailable in 1, Pin Dual ‚ in ‚ line %ac!age or 1 %in metal can.

e im%ortant 0eatures o0 {$* Regulated IC are as 0ollos:  1 In%ut 6oltage ,V ma‰  $ )ut%ut 6oltage adŒustable 0rom $V to *{V

  * 1xm5 out%ut current itout e‰ternal %ass transistor   , )ut%ut currents in e‰cess o0 15 %ossible b2 adding e‰ternal transistors  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK 

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ƒ;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II x It Can be used aseiter a linear or a sitcing regulator.

e electrical caracteristics o0 {$* Regulated IC can be seen 0rom 5%%endi‰.e {$* IC can be used as Lo Voltage 8$V to {V and ig Voltage 89{V Regulators

Current Limit Prote#tion:

  e {$* IC is %ro6ided it a current limit 0acilit2. Current limiting re0ers to te abilit2o0 a regulator to %re6ent te load current 0rom increasing abo6e a %resent 6alue. ecaracteristic cur6e o0 a current limited regulator is son in te 0olloing 0ig.

V  I limit  V Load

  ILoad  Caracteristic cur6e o0 a current limited regulator   e out%ut 6oltage remains constant 0or load current belo I limit . 5s currenta%%roaces te limit te out%ut 6oltages dro%s . e current limit I limit is set b2 connecting ane‰ternal resistor Rsc beteen te terminals CL and Cv . e CL terminal is also connected to teout%ut terminal Vo and Cv terminal is connected to te load resistance .

I limit .xV/Rsc  Current 7o6d 0a#:

  In current limiting tecni4ue# te load current is maintained at a %resent 6alue and eno6erload condition occurs # te out%ut 6oltage Vo dro%s to 7ero . oe6er # i0 te load is sortcircuited # ma‰imum current does 0lo troug te regulator. o Protect te regulator one must

de6ise a metod ic ill limit te sort circuit current and 2et allo iger currents to teload . Current 0old bac! is te metod used 0or tis. e 0olloing 0igure sos te current 0old bac! caracteristic cur6e  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ;  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II x It Can be used aseiter a linear or a sitcing regulator.

e electrical caracteristics o0 {$* Regulated IC can be seen 0rom 5%%endi‰.e {$* IC can be used as Lo Voltage 8$V to {V and ig Voltage 89{V Regulators

Current Limit Prote#tion:

  e {$* IC is %ro6ided it a current limit 0acilit2. Current limiting re0ers to te abilit2o0 a regulator to %re6ent te load current 0rom increasing abo6e a %resent 6alue. e

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caracteristic cur6e o0 a current limited regulator is son in te 0olloing 0ig.V

  I limit  V Load  ILoad

  Caracteristic cur6e o0 a current limited regulator   e out%ut 6oltage remains constant 0or load current belo I limit . 5s currenta%%roaces te limit te out%ut 6oltages dro%s . e current limit I limit is set b2 connecting ane‰ternal resistor Rsc beteen te terminals CL and Cv . e CL terminal is also connected to teout%ut terminal Vo and Cv terminal is connected to te load resistance .

I limit .xV/Rsc  Current 7o6d 0a#:

  In current limiting tecni4ue# te load current is maintained at a %resent 6alue and eno6erload condition occurs # te out%ut 6oltage Vo dro%s to 7ero . oe6er # i0 te load is sortcircuited # ma‰imum current does 0lo troug te regulator. o Protect te regulator one mustde6ise a metod ic ill limit te sort circuit current and 2et allo iger currents to te

load . Current 0old bac! is te metod used 0or tis. e 0olloing 0igure sos te current 0old bac! caracteristic cur6e  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II V

  Isc  V Load  I  I  !nee  Load  Current 7o6d 0a# #2ara#teristi# #ur5e



  1. Variation o0 Vout itVin $. Variation o0 } Regulation it RL  VL

  Line 6oltage  )ut%ut 

RL  IL8m5 )ut%ut  } Regulation  8Vin   6oltage

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  6oltage  '   Ž '    #L


  8Vout   8Vout   ':L  $111  1.  1111  $.  =11  *.  {11  ,.

  x11  .,11



  1$.  111  1*.  1  1,.  =  1x.  1z.  1{.  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II V  Isc  V Load  I  I  !nee

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  Load  Current 7o6d 0a# #2ara#teristi# #ur5e



  1. Variation o0 Vout itVin $. Variation o0 } Regulation it RL

  VL   Line 6oltage  )ut%ut 

RL  IL8m5 )ut%ut  } Regulation  8Vin   6oltage  6oltage  ' 

  Ž '    #L   :L  8Vout   8Vout   ':L  $111  1.  1111  $.  =11  *.  {11  ,.  x11  .

,11  .

*11  .

$11  1$.  111  1*.  1  1,.  =  1x.  1z.  1{.

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  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II PROCE)%RE:

  Part 1: In%ut Voltage 6ersus )ut%ut Voltage  1. Connect te circuit as son in te 0ig$-a.

$. Connect te su%%l2 beteen 1$ | { terminals  *. Connect te 6oltmeter to 1 | ground terminals  ,. Increase te in%ut 6oltage and note don te corres%onding out%ut 6oltage  x. Initiall2 te out%ut 6oltage is increasing it an increase in in%ut Voltage  5t some 6alue o0 in%ut Voltage # te out%ut 6oltage becomes constant

  ote don all tese readings 0rom te multimeter.z. Dra te +ra% beteen te line 6oltage8Vin Versus out%ut 6oltage8 Vout

  Part =: Load Resistance RL 6ersus )ut%ut Voltage 8Vo  1. Connect te circuit as son in te 0ig $-b.

$. ee% te 6oltage constant at ic %art 1 is obtained.*. ee% te load resistance 8DR( in te ma‰imum %osition

  8 !ee% all te nobs o0 DR( in ma‰imum %osition  ,. Decrease te load resistance 8RLoad and note don te out%ut current 8ILoadandout%ut 6oltage.

x. Decrease te load resistance till te out%ut current reaces ma‰imum rated current andnote don te corres%onding 6alues o0 te out%ut 6oltage.

z. Dra te +ra% beteen te load resistance8RLoad and } regulation  RES%LT:

  ence te out%ut 6oltage o0 {$* regulator is obser6ed 0or di00erent in%ut 6oltages . andte caracteristics o0 te IC LM {$* are %lotted.


  It is concluded tat te } regulation is decreased it an increase in te loadresistance8RLoad INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ•  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II PROCE)%RE:

  Part 1: In%ut Voltage 6ersus )ut%ut Voltage  1. Connect te circuit as son in te 0ig$-a.

$. Connect te su%%l2 beteen 1$ | { terminals

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  *. Connect te 6oltmeter to 1 | ground terminals  ,. Increase te in%ut 6oltage and note don te corres%onding out%ut 6oltage  x. Initiall2 te out%ut 6oltage is increasing it an increase in in%ut Voltage  5t some 6alue o0 in%ut Voltage # te out%ut 6oltage becomes constant  ote don all tese readings 0rom te multimeter.

z. Dra te +ra% beteen te line 6oltage8Vin Versus out%ut 6oltage8 Vout   Part =: Load Resistance RL 6ersus )ut%ut Voltage 8Vo  1. Connect te circuit as son in te 0ig $-b.

$. ee% te 6oltage constant at ic %art 1 is obtained.*. ee% te load resistance 8DR( in te ma‰imum %osition

  8 !ee% all te nobs o0 DR( in ma‰imum %osition  ,. Decrease te load resistance 8RLoad and note don te out%ut current 8ILoadandout%ut 6oltage.

x. Decrease te load resistance till te out%ut current reaces ma‰imum rated current andnote don te corres%onding 6alues o0 te out%ut 6oltage.

z. Dra te +ra% beteen te load resistance8RLoad and } regulation

  RES%LT:  ence te out%ut 6oltage o0 {$* regulator is obser6ed 0or di00erent in%ut 6oltages . andte caracteristics o0 te IC LM {$* are %lotted.


  It is concluded tat te } regulation is decreased it an increase in te loadresistance8RLoad INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ€  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment No: -


  AIM: o obser6e te out%ut o0 a Digital to analog con6erter using  81(inar2 eigted resistors 8$ R and $R resistors.

APPARAT%S: )%-am% {,1 ‚ 1# Resistors8R 1 " - ,# $"8$R- ,#,{" - 1# 1" - 1# $$"# Potentiometer ‚ 1 o# Multimeter 


  R' 1   b

  q1xV  R 1!   -  {  b  $  1  R/$

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  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II E;periment No: -


  AIM: o obser6e te out%ut o0 a Digital to analog con6erter using  81(inar2 eigted resistors 8$ R and $R resistors.

APPARAT%S: )%-am% {,1 ‚ 1# Resistors8R 1 " - ,# $"8$R- ,#

,{" - 1# 1" - 1# $$"# Potentiometer ‚ 1 o# Multimeter   CIRC%IT )IAGRAM:

  R' 1   b  q1xV  R 1!   -  {  b  $  1

  R/$  LM{,1  z  V)  *  b$  R/,  q  ,  -1xV  b*  R/‡  qxV  R' $$!   q1xV  R 1!   R   R   -  {  $  Vo  LM{,1  $R   $R   $R   $R   $R   *  z

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  q  ,  RL 1!   b  b1


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ƒƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II THEOR:

  5 Digital-to-5nalog Con6erter is used en a (inar2 out%ut 0rom a digital s2stem must be con6erted to some e4ui6alent 5nalog 6oltage or Current.e (inar2 out%ut 0rom a digitals2stem is di00icult to inter%ret.oe6er a D5C ma!es te inter%retation easier.e 0unction o0D5C is e‰actl2 o%%osite to tat o0 5DC.

5d6antages:1It is sim%ler in construction en com%ared to 5DC $It can be used to0orm te 5DC.

2%es o0 D/5 Con6erters:  ere are to t2%es o0 D5Cs a6ailable  1. D/5 con6erter it (inar2 ‚eigted Resistors

  $. D/5 con6erter it R and $R resistors.i.e.#5 D/5 con6erter in its sim%lest 0orm uses an o%-am% and eiter binar2 eigted

resistors or R and $R resistors.-! )A #on5erter "it2 inarB "ei12ted Resistors

  asi# )AC Te#2niques: e scematic o0 a D5C is son in 'ig1. e in%ut is an n-bit binar2 ord D and is combined it a re0erence 6oltage VR to gi6e an analog out%ut signal. eout%ut o0 a D5C can be eiter a 6oltage or current. eor2 o/% 6oltage 

V V'v 8b1$-1qb$$-$q¡..qbn$-n E4-1  ere V out%ut 6oltage  V'v 0ull scale out%ut 6oltage

  scaling 0actor usuall2 adŒusted to unit2

  b1b$¡..bn n-bit binar2 0ractional ord it te decimal %oint located at te le0t b1 most signi0icant bit 8Mv( it a eigt o0 V'v/$  bn least signi0icant bit 8Lv( it a eigt o0 V'v/$n  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK 

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k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒƒ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II THEOR:

  5 Digital-to-5nalog Con6erter is used en a (inar2 out%ut 0rom a digital s2stem must be con6erted to some e4ui6alent 5nalog 6oltage or Current.e (inar2 out%ut 0rom a digitals2stem is di00icult to inter%ret.oe6er a D5C ma!es te inter%retation easier.e 0unction o0D5C is e‰actl2 o%%osite to tat o0 5DC.

5d6antages:1It is sim%ler in construction en com%ared to 5DC $It can be used to0orm te 5DC.

2%es o0 D/5 Con6erters:  ere are to t2%es o0 D5Cs a6ailable  1. D/5 con6erter it (inar2 ‚eigted Resistors

  $. D/5 con6erter it R and $R resistors.i.e.#5 D/5 con6erter in its sim%lest 0orm uses an o%-am% and eiter binar2 eigted

resistors or R and $R resistors.-! )A #on5erter "it2 inarB "ei12ted Resistors

  asi# )AC Te#2niques: e scematic o0 a D5C is son in 'ig1. e in%ut is an n-bit binar2 ord D and is combined it a re0erence 6oltage VR to gi6e an analog out%ut signal. eout%ut o0 a D5C can be eiter a 6oltage or current. eor2 o/% 6oltage 

V V'v 8b1$-1qb$$-$q¡..qbn$-n E4-1  ere V out%ut 6oltage  V'v 0ull scale out%ut 6oltage

  scaling 0actor usuall2 adŒusted to unit2

  b1b$¡..bn n-bit binar2 0ractional ord it te decimal %oint located at te le0t b1 most signi0icant bit 8Mv( it a eigt o0 V'v/$  bn least signi0icant bit 8Lv( it a eigt o0 V'v/$n  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II ¢   q  VR   8Mv(

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  I  b    1  q

  (inar2  D5C  V  b    n-1  ord (  bn 8Lv(  vcematic o0 a D5C  )A #on5erter "it2 0inarB "ei12ted resistors


e abo6e 0igure$ sos D/5 con6erter using o%-am% and binar2 eigted resistors  .5ltoug in tis 0igure te o%-am% is connected in te in6erting mode it can also beconnected in te non in6erting mode# vince te number o0 binar2 in%uts is 0our#te con6erter iscalled , bit 8binar2 digit con6erter .

(ecause tere are 1z8 $, combinations o0 binar2 in%uts 0or b troug b* an analogout%ut sould a6e 1z %ossible corres%onding 6alues .In 'ig$# 0our sitces8bto b* are used tostimulate te binar2 in%uts win %ractice # a , bit binar2 counter suc as {,=* ma2 be used instead .  en sitc b is closed 8connected to qxV#te 6oltage across R is xV because V$V1  V. ere0ore R is xV/1!" .xm5 .oe6er # te in%ut bias current I( is negligiblewence te current troug 0eedbac! resistor R' is also .x m5 #ic #in turn %roduces an out%ut6oltage o0   ‚81!"8.xm5 -.xV.ote tat te o%-am% is or!ing as a current ‚to- 6oltagecon6erter .

 o su%%ose tat sitc b1 is closed and b is o%ened .is action connects R/$ to te %ositi6e su%%l2 o0 qxV# causing tice as muc current 81m5 to 0lo troug R' ic in turndoubles te out%ut 6oltage .us te out%ut 6oltage Vo is -1V en b1 sitc is closed .

vimilarl2 #i0 bot sitces b and b1 are closed #te current troug R' ill be 1.x m5 #ic ill be con6erted to an out%ut 6oltage o0 ‚81!"81.xm5 -1.xV.

us# de%ending on eter sitces b to b* are o%en or closed # te binar2 eigtedcurrents ill be set u% in in%ut resistors .e sum o0 tese currents is e4ual to te current trougR' # ic in turn is con6erted to a %ro%ortional out%ut 6oltage .


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ<  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II ¢ 

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  q  VR   8Mv(  I  b

    1  q  (inar2  D5C  V  b    n-1  ord (  bn 8Lv(

  vcematic o0 a D5C  )A #on5erter "it2 0inarB "ei12ted resistors

 e abo6e 0igure$ sos D/5 con6erter using o%-am% and binar2 eigted resistors

  .5ltoug in tis 0igure te o%-am% is connected in te in6erting mode it can also beconnected in te non in6erting mode# vince te number o0 binar2 in%uts is 0our#te con6erter iscalled , bit 8binar2 digit con6erter .

(ecause tere are 1z8 $, combinations o0 binar2 in%uts 0or b troug b* an analogout%ut sould a6e 1z %ossible corres%onding 6alues .In 'ig$# 0our sitces8bto b* are used tostimulate te binar2 in%uts win %ractice # a , bit binar2 counter suc as {,=* ma2 be used instead .  en sitc b is closed 8connected to qxV#te 6oltage across R is xV because V$V1  V. ere0ore R is xV/1!" .xm5 .oe6er # te in%ut bias current I( is negligiblewence te current troug 0eedbac! resistor R' is also .x m5 #ic #in turn %roduces an out%ut6oltage o0   ‚81!"8.xm5 -.xV.ote tat te o%-am% is or!ing as a current ‚to- 6oltagecon6erter .

 o su%%ose tat sitc b1 is closed and b is o%ened .is action connects R/$ to te %ositi6e su%%l2 o0 qxV# causing tice as muc current 81m5 to 0lo troug R' ic in turndoubles te out%ut 6oltage .us te out%ut 6oltage Vo is -1V en b1 sitc is closed .

vimilarl2 #i0 bot sitces b and b1 are closed #te current troug R' ill be 1.x m5 #ic ill be con6erted to an out%ut 6oltage o0 ‚81!"81.xm5 -1.xV.

us# de%ending on eter sitces b to b* are o%en or closed # te binar2 eigtedcurrents ill be set u% in in%ut resistors .e sum o0 tese currents is e4ual to te current trougR' # ic in turn is con6erted to a %ro%ortional out%ut 6oltage .


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ƒ†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II en all te sitcesare closed #ob6iousl2 te out%ut ill be ma‰imum .e out%ut  6oltage e4uation is gi6en b2  b   1  b  b $  b *  



  q  q  q  '   

    R   R / $   R / ,   R / ‡

  ere eac o0 te in%uts b* #b$ #b1 and b ma2 eiter be ig 8qxV or lo 8V.'ig b sos analog out%uts 6ersus %ossible combinations o0 in%uts .e out%ut is a

negati6e going staircase a6e0orm ill 1x ste%s o0 -.xV eac in %ractice # oe6er te ste%sma2 not all be te same si7e because o0 te 6ariations o0 te logic ig 6oltage le6el .otice tatte si7e i0 te ste%s de%ends on te 6alue o0 R' ere0ore a desired ste% can be obtained b2selecting a %ro%er 6alue o0 R' %ro6ided tat te ma‰imum out%ut 6oltage doesnot e‰ceed tesaturation le6els o0 an o%-am% .'or accurate o%eration o0 te D/5 con6erter %recision metal 0ilmresistors are recommended  )ra" 0a#s: e %roblem it D/5 con6erter is tat it re4uires binar2 eigtedresistors ic ma2 not readil2 a6ailable #es%eciall2 i0 te number o0 in%uts more tan 0our .5nalternati6e is to use R and $R resistors 0or te D/5 con6erter since it re4uires onl2 to sets o0

 %recision resistance 6alues  )A #on5erter "it2 R and =R 

  'ig8 a sos D/5 con6erter it R and $R resistors . 5s be0ore# te binar2 in%uts aresimulated b2 sitces b troug b* and te out%ut is %ro%ortional to te binar2 in%uts .(inar2in%uts can be in  eiter te ig 8qx6 or lo 86 state .5ssume tat te most signi0icant bit 8Mv( sitc b* is connected to qxV and oter sitces are connected to ground # as in 'ig 8a . e6eni7ingte circuit to te le0t o0 sitc b* .e6eninps e4ui6alent resistance R is

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R  –“–8$R $R qR $R—qR” $R—qR  


  e resultant circuit is son in 0ig8( .In tis 0ig te 8- in%ut is at 6irtual ground 8V≅  $  V w

tere0ore # te current troug R 8 $R is 7ero oe6er # te current troug $Rconnected '   x  to qxV is  .$xm5 .e same current 0los troug R' and in turn %roduces te out%ut

  $  "  6oltage 


  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

ƒ†  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II en all te sitcesare closed #ob6iousl2 te out%ut ill be ma‰imum .e out%ut  6oltage e4uation is gi6en b2  b   1  b  b $  b *  


  q  q  q  '  

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    R   R / $   R / ,   R / ‡

  ere eac o0 te in%uts b* #b$ #b1 and b ma2 eiter be ig 8qxV or lo 8V.'ig b sos analog out%uts 6ersus %ossible combinations o0 in%uts .e out%ut is anegati6e going staircase a6e0orm ill 1x ste%s o0 -.xV eac in %ractice # oe6er te ste%sma2 not all be te same si7e because o0 te 6ariations o0 te logic ig 6oltage le6el .otice tatte si7e i0 te ste%s de%ends on te 6alue o0 R' ere0ore a desired ste% can be obtained b2selecting a %ro%er 6alue o0 R' %ro6ided tat te ma‰imum out%ut 6oltage doesnot e‰ceed tesaturation le6els o0 an o%-am% .'or accurate o%eration o0 te D/5 con6erter %recision metal 0ilmresistors are recommended  )ra" 0a#s: e %roblem it D/5 con6erter is tat it re4uires binar2 eigtedresistors ic ma2 not readil2 a6ailable #es%eciall2 i0 te number o0 in%uts more tan 0our .5nalternati6e is to use R and $R resistors 0or te D/5 con6erter since it re4uires onl2 to sets o0

 %recision resistance 6alues  )A #on5erter "it2 R and =R 

  'ig8 a sos D/5 con6erter it R and $R resistors . 5s be0ore# te binar2 in%uts aresimulated b2 sitces b troug b* and te out%ut is %ro%ortional to te binar2 in%uts .(inar2in%uts can be in  eiter te ig 8qx6 or lo 86 state .5ssume tat te most signi0icant bit 8Mv( sitc b* is connected to qxV and oter sitces are connected to ground # as in 'ig 8a . e6eni7ingte circuit to te le0t o0 sitc b* .e6eninps e4ui6alent resistance R is 

R  –“–8$R $R qR $R—qR” $R—qR  


  e resultant circuit is son in 0ig8( .In tis 0ig te 8- in%ut is at 6irtual ground 8V≅  $  V w

tere0ore # te current troug R 8 $R is 7ero oe6er # te current troug $Rconnected ' 

  x  to qxV is  .$xm5 .e same current 0los troug R' and in turn %roduces te out%ut  $  "  6oltage 


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  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

<ˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II …sing te same anal2sis#te out%ut 6oltage corres%onding to all %ossible combinations o0 binar2 in%uts can becalculated .e ma‰imum or 0ull ‚scale out%ut o0 -=.*{x V is obtained en all te in%uts areig .e out%ut 6oltage e4uation can be ritten as  b *  b $  b 1  b    V

  q  q  q  o - R'      $   R , R ‡ R 1z R

  ere eac o0 te in%uts b*# b$# b1 and b ma2 be eiter ig8qxV or lo 8V 

e great ad6antage o0 te D/5 Con6erter is tat it re4uires onl2 to sets o0 %recisionresistance 6aluesw ne6erteless# it re4uires more resistors and is also more di00icult to anal27etan te binar2 ‚eigted resistor t2%e .5s te number o0 binar2 in%uts is increased be2ond 0our#

 bot D/5 con6erter circuit get com%le‰ and teir accurac2 degenerates. ere0ore# in criticala%%lications an integrated circuit s%eciall2 designed as D/5 con6erter sould be used.



Digital In%uts5nalog )ut%ut

  1   $ 1  * 1   , 1 1

  x 1   z 1 1  { 1 1   ‡ 1 1 1  = 1   1 1 1  11 1 1   1$ 1 1 1

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  1* 1 1   1, 1 1 1  1x 1 1 1   1z 1 1 1 1  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

<ˆ  IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II …sing te same anal2sis#te out%ut 6oltage corres%onding to all %ossible combinations o0 binar2 in%uts can becalculated .e ma‰imum or 0ull ‚scale out%ut o0 -=.*{x V is obtained en all te in%uts areig .e out%ut 6oltage e4uation can be ritten as

  b *  b $  b 1  b    V  q  q  q  o - R'   

  $   R , R ‡ R 1z R

  ere eac o0 te in%uts b*# b$# b1 and b ma2 be eiter ig8qxV or lo 8V 

e great ad6antage o0 te D/5 Con6erter is tat it re4uires onl2 to sets o0 %recisionresistance 6aluesw ne6erteless# it re4uires more resistors and is also more di00icult to anal27etan te binar2 ‚eigted resistor t2%e .5s te number o0 binar2 in%uts is increased be2ond 0our# bot D/5 con6erter circuit get com%le‰ and teir accurac2 degenerates. ere0ore# in criticala%%lications an integrated circuit s%eciall2 designed as D/5 con6erter sould be used.



Digital In%uts

5nalog )ut%ut  1   $ 1  * 1   , 1 1  x 1   z 1 1  { 1 1

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  ‡ 1 1 1  = 1   1 1 1  11 1 1   1$ 1 1 1

  1* 1 1   1, 1 1 1  1x 1 1 1   1z 1 1 1 1  INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

< IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in te diagram.$. Connect te out%ut o0 ladder to te in%ut o0 o%-am% {,1 #*. )bser6e te out%ut o0 o%-am% {,1 it DMM.,. 'or eac 6alue o0 in%ut 6ariation measure te out%ut 6oltage it DMM and tabulate

te 6alues.x. o remo6e DMM and obser6e te out%ut on CR).z. Cec! eter te out%ut o0 am%li0ier is a staircase a6e0orm.RES%LT: )%eration o0 digital to analog con6erter is 6eri0ied.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

IC and Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Manual: EEE II/IV sem-II PROCE)%RE:

  1. Connect te circuit as son in te diagram.$. Connect te out%ut o0 ladder to te in%ut o0 o%-am% {,1 #

*. )bser6e te out%ut o0 o%-am% {,1 it DMM.,. 'or eac 6alue o0 in%ut 6ariation measure te out%ut 6oltage it DMM and tabulatete 6alues.

x. o remo6e DMM and obser6e te out%ut on CR).z. Cec! eter te out%ut o0 am%li0ier is a staircase a6e0orm.RES%LT: )%eration o0 digital to analog con6erter is 6eri0ied.INSTIT%TE O& ENGINEERING ' TECHNOLOG

  1 ;<<-< =-$ >?@A B >F GHAJK NOGQSF TUW XYZ GA[\: [] ^_` GA f ThjK 

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k?SF NO?k ?JGK  

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