i: i · 2015-05-30 · hock, cotii, sand and boll for silt) in any nuantl v apply al tlio law...

m,f, v i: I - tftttSvvtas 0 ijyTwtfni''''fr' ts. s SAW ft'.il'i? mWw Lv .w4!lk r fin t j SSJtof f? BjivTHUMimni intim "Vol. XIV. No. 2375. HONOLULU, II. L. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1J. 1S89. so oenrann QUBBORIPTION month r r i rr TEE DAILY BULLETIN la prmtift uul published at tho ofttcu, Queen Street, Iloaolulu, II. ovcrj afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - 50 cents pot Month. Addross all Communications Daily Bulletin. Advertisements, tc ensure insertion "hould bo handed ' before one o'clock r. m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotoi Bulletin Stoam Printing Office. Nowspipcr, Rook uud Job Printing uf all kludB done on the niobt favorubli terms. Hell Tolephono No. 250 Mutual Telephone N o. 25b THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 33 columns of rcudlng matter on local topics, and a comoletc resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper oublUhcd n the Kingdom o send to friend broad. iitm'i'ltittu : Island : : : $4 00 ye.v fc'orelun : : : " On ComtaidSion ifloionantB. HVOiiL'-ldl-i- O &. Co. II. Qeueral Commission Agenta. Honoi.uu Q. W. JflAOFAELAJSE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. 1 Queen street, - - 1648 GON6ALVJSS & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merchant lienver Block, Honolulu. ditawisa & company, o (Limited) GK.SEHAL ilKll ANTILK AMD COMMIBSION AQENTb LIST OF ODfK'KKB: P. 0. Jones, lr.. .President iz Manager i j. tJAurtiu . .Treasure! A Secretary uiuectous: Hon J. it liiauor. &. O. ALLEN 11. iJo ly T. WATERHOrjSIC, JOHN Importer and Dealer in Genera. Merchandise, tueen it., Uoiiolulu. 1 B. N. Castle -- J B. A.thorlon-- U. P. Caath a UOOJSU!, CIABTIjB Snipping and Cotnmusiub Merchants. Importers and UettturB lb iuueral Mer;Ua idse, No SO King nt hlouom.u. 1 CJlam sprccteu. Wm. O. Irwin. lawiN Sb Company, Wa. Sugar Factors and Commission cnts, Honolulu. 1 'ILDBR St OO., Dealers is Lumber. Faints, Oils, Nails, Sail and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. i . Lewori, F.J.Lowroy O. M. Oooke 65 UOOiE, successors to Luwers & Dickson.) luiportera and UttaierB in Lumbpr and all Binds ut Building Materials, Fort etroot, Honolulu ' H. G. CRAB BE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, i King Street, ippu-dt- the Old Btaum House. MuLuitl Tulepliouu No. 1 17 tt VETEIUNAKV. ROW AT, Vetorluary Surgeon AH, and pharmacy at Hawaiian Hoiel Stables, cornor Hwtel and U chard Bireuts. Scieniltlc treatment in all di. oa-.e- s of demesne animals Orders fm plantation and ranch tock promptly attontt-- d t. Mutual Telephone 8i P. O. Hox32H. mil 18 80 O LUSO UAYVAIIANO. i LL perrons u want to rnmmuni A. cato with h PoitiiBueso, .'ttliei for business, or for procuring orkm n servants or any other helps, will dud it the most protltablo way to advertise In the Lnso Hawaiiano, tho new organ of tho rolony, which is pub llshod an Hotel street, and only Charge- rs H.rininlr ttr advnpUrtnmNl BEST PAPER to subr-rlb- THE ''Daily. Bulletin.1' 60 eats ror mouth. ProtoBSlonalB. JM. MONBARRAT, at Law & N'oUry Public 140 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf J ALFRED MAQOON, Aiiorne) at Law it Nolan rubllc 178 12 Merchant street. Honolulu, lv David Dayton Will practice in the lower tourtB of the Kingdom as iiltcirmy, iHond to collect tug in all Its brandies, rtnttng of househ and any other buslncs entrusted to him Oulce 01 King Btrett Upstairs. Fob MO PJONEEK STEA1 CAM FACTO!! AN1 UA1LJSRY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- B Telephone 74. HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Street, : William's Block, 216 Honolulu, H. I. ir M. DKN'SOD. a. rr. smith. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honnlulu Depot for Boerioke & Soeohlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rlck'ecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, 1 2j WEOTER & CO. Jluiiuittrturiiiu Jowellern, SO. 3 iTOItT rntJi:T. Constantly on hand i large assortmeD 'f overy desLrlptmnot Jewelry, Watcher Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, ilanafacturiog Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukul Jewelry a Specialty. King Street, Honolulu, II. I. Noxt door to ihe Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Office. :T Particular attention paid to all ind- - nf repairs j in.li)-- 0 Hustace& Robertson, LL orders for Cartage promptly at c. leurled to. Particular attention paid to the Storing 8c Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, next door to Jas. V. Morgan'? auction room. 982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. . II. RASE 1 ANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Merchant street. Up stairs, oct NEW YORK LINE ! gA-- X Al Vessel will bo dcpilchcd for AN linn lulu ti leave Ni-- York in all November For futihorlnfjriutuion apply to tho Agents, Mitssns. W. H. CROSSMAN A BRO , J7 & 70 Hroau ai , New o.k City. Or CASTLK A COOKE, 327 lm l"n lu'u IT. I. New Zealand Jams I f UST received a cun ignmcnt of Nnw l Zealand J uns aborted casos. For sain at low prif"- - bv J E. IHIOWN & CO., 227 If 28 Merchant fetieot. DAVID KAAIIIUE HAS tlio bent and rheapet Blnclc Hock, CotiI, Sand and Boll for silt) in any nuantl v Apply al tlio law otllooof Wllli.uu O Avhl, No. M Mer olmut KtreU Uooolulw, Ij. J. a(4 Bm BBAVER A SALOON - Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Ooffce at ill Hours Tho Flnost Brand of Ciprsiaf&T Alrvityw on Jlnud, II. .1. NOaFK, Proprietor. THE mr r vo1! 1 Metropolitan Meat Company 81 KINO bTREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTOBS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton I Beef, Pork, Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCandlecs), So. O queen Nt., t : Flth 3IarUet, Honolulu, II. I. tSTFamlly and Shipping Oiderscare. fully attended to Live Stock furnished o vessels at short noiice. my 17-8- 8 JOS. TIKEi?, BUTCUUIU Nuuanu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Pork. AI SO Cambridge Pork Sausagos ! Fresh Every Day. tSTHis noted Sausages aro made by the every best niachinory, and all orders entrusted to his oare will bo dollvured with promptness and dispatch, and his prices are as low as anywhere in the city. 2TTry his Bologna Sausages." oct.S 83 Anderson &Lundy, Xenristej. Artlflolal Ttitth from ono to an entire set insirttd on gold, silver, alluminum and rubbei base6. Crown and Bridge Work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which arc a constant source of Irritation to the mouth ami throat, wo would recommend our Pro. phylactic Motal Plate. All operations performed in accordance with the latest improvements iu denial science. Teeth Extracted without pain by tho use of Nitrous Oxide Ga. EgyOffico t Old Tregloan Residence Hotel stiect Feb-20-rJ- WRI&HT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill, W. W. WRIGHT, Nos. 79 and 81 King Street. Carriage Builders, Ship's Dlackimi lilng, Drayi, Carls & Wanon Building at specially. Every description of work In thb iibnvo lines performed iu a first-clas- s manner and cxiouted at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. (ST Orders fioui the other islands olirltd. ill be pleated to sro all our old customers ac v oil as new ones Mutual Telcphono No 070. finr.inftfl Pioneer Shin Factory 104 Fort 9t, Upstairs. Tho widcrMgnnd lois to Inform the public of those Islands that ho is making SliltM iy l :Mitromout X Directions for -- olf.miasnrement will i bo nlvprt on application. Wlilto Shirts, Oyerslilrts & Bight Gowns A IU guarantco by maklug a earn pi o Shirt to overy order. Island order solicited Bell Tolephono 410 1 rMy A. U, 31 EL MB, Ladies' Hats ! Ladies' Hats ! Largest Assortment I Latest Styles ! AT THE POPULAR MILLINERY - - HOUSE, 104 Fort Street, Honolulu, 3ST. . A-OHs- - - Proprietor. WE LEAD IN STYLE & PRICES ! -- LATEST liaren s STYLE OF- - Received by every steamer. We have just received another lot of our well-know- n " SPAR' HAT l' IN BLACK & WHITE. Unt rimmed Hats in all Shapes ! IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF Ladies' 8e Oliildreii'sTriinuietfi JOJatis At very low prices A full assortment ot Satin - Edge - Gros - Grain - Ribbons, Iu all widths and tliadcs Silk Buds, Flowers, Eeathers, &c, &c. A NEW ASSORTMENT OF Children's Muslin Bonnets & Chambry Hate, LATEST Infant's Embroidered Sill: JESoainets AT VERY LOW PRICES OFFER AT BED ROCK PRICES o California Hay, Oats, Bran, Oil Calce Meal, Linseed Meal, Barley, Itolled Barloy, Middling Ground Barley, Wheat and Corn Flour. FLOUR Golden Gate & Salinns-- a FLOUR Telephones, No. 175. EC H- - Boll Telephone, OO -- JS HAWAIIAN WiHE GO Ho. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street. -- Havo on hand and For STYLE a3 Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Ste. IVXutunl Telephone, 871 Solo a Full Assortment of- - AT LOWEHT HATES by FRANK BROWN, Miwnc". All Brands of American Whiskies, BOURBON, RYE and MONONGAHELA, In Bulk or Case; SSOOTTOJO: and IBIE "wjbljk: V, In Qlass and Stono Jura; Very Fine A Very Cheap Qualities tin uro wiintpd ; GBNS; in Large & Small Bottles; (White or Black), also, 8TONE JUGS; Old Tom Gin, Best JBruud iu the JMurJcotj EUROPEAN SHERRIES and PORT ! In Bulk mid Onse. All HiaiiiU of American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, BtcM In Pints Hint Qunrtd, Finest Brands of Champagnes, Iu Piuta and Quurtd. JMttern, LI quern AbHluluc, Apolllnur Water, Kttinmeltf, Very Superior CALIFOEFIA WIN ES, AH l'OLLOWfi: Zini'andel, Malaga, Tokay, Madeira, Port, Sherry, Riesling, liooku, Eta,, VAt Eft" XV. ol ivnlcli will 1m) hold 2170 NTERPRIS PLANING MILL. Al niton, near Cnccn Mt. I Telephone (15. WALKEK & REDWARD,4 Contrnotont vt Xlutltlurs. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; given. Jobbing promptlv at- tended to. 70 Klug Btrtct. Bell Tele- phone No. 2. 1. O. Bos, 42a. np50y GEORGE LUCAS, and Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, fcspl ruulo, Honolulu. Manufactures all Linda of Mouldings, Brackote, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Baud Sawing. All Muds of Sawing and l'lin-ln- Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited iPrffl HONOLULU IRON WORKS, afesiaSaStcam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. J ob work exe. cuted at short notice. 1 J.E.BB0WN&G0.. OH 3(erliniit H Uouelulu. U.I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ACCOUNTANTS, Conveyancers & General Agents REAL ESTATE FACTORS & COLLECTORS. Bole At;onts for tho Burlington HotiU. Across America, apd to the Aon. Sole Aaonts for Pitt & Scott's Koreigu Parrels Kproas & General Snipping Agency. bole AgcutB for Suniiv South Acrnteil Waters. Solo Agents for Mnscfleld Brof.' New Zealand Mullet and Canned Goods. Special Agents for Leading New Zcu lnuit and Aus'raliau Mercantile Kiruis Special Agonts forthuUiilifornla Land Association. Special Agents for the Honolulu Busi nos Directory. AIho, Other Special Agoacica. Sf Customs' Entries Passed. Pro peiuua Managed. Assigutts and Audi tors' Work done promptly. Ilousei Ltnacd and Rtnts Collccttd. New Business Solicited Bojl Tole. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360. Dcc-- 3 Post Office Box 469. 88-l- y l O. Uox .131. -- ei- Hell Tele. Jt7. Hawaiian Busks Agency Corner Poit&Slorchanl Strerts, Honolulu, II. I. GENERAL AGENTS. ArooiiutnntH &. ;ollolors KOltTHK Hawaiian Boll Telephone So. Maiiager of Advertisiufr Dopurtuient FOR THE "Mupepa Kuokoa.M DEPARTMENTS of UU8INE98: Collecllons ulll rrrnHt) Pii' lul uttvil-lio- n unit ntuniH promptly niadr. Real Ettate limiRht, stul leaied. Tax Paid and prnpi-n- siifily tnciirtl llouiei, Cotlanes, Roonn and Orflcei, liail mid rui'.td, and rriiln rollit04l. Fire and Lite Insurance rtlectttt iu tlrM. f.lnss linuraneo (JompaiilcH. Conysyanclno a Specially ncrtitu av'utclitd uu.t Ldtrict AU.tnairt ot Title riirnUlrrU Legal, Docunicnli and Papers of c.vuy (ittilplioti ctnifully iltinvu and hind Bninfly pujiri'svl Copylmj and Translathin In iM lnuu.-iyi-- i In ueuet'tl u-- o In tliU hludotn. Cuttoni tlouso Business tnii-wita- ! utrurary and dUpituh. Loans neuoibitil at in'tablu tates. Gold, Silver and Ccrtillcatos buuul,t mid nll. AdkcrlUot.tents ar.d Subscriptions full ( Itrd for publbli'Ti' Shitted and Unskilled labor fiimi-hci- l. Any Artic'c puri'lius.d or s Id Inter. Island Orders Mill nielvc t ti cuhr nltfiititm To Let. Furnished and Unlurnithort Col-iag- in desirable locnlilifHiti luiswmbln rcninlh. Several Valuable Properties iu mid around the city now for eulu mid Nmfi' ou euny lei nth. icAVU ImibIi wt (iilnuiul to our uir.i will riftivo piMiipi uinl fultljftil mtiu lion n mndi rta (ImijiuA Folnl (til SAAJiMMi.,, iOW vMWSMtfcft. ... jx & j tsh&a,' ... cti-ii. tti hsf .tSie A.- -. JMSA iA terthJtii&&!&f4H NEW YORK Life Insurancfr COMPANY. Assets, : : $95,000,000,00 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At tiery age, on every pieiuiuni trtble, and iu overy year, the AC-- 1 VA.L RESULTS of Tontine Policies of the New York Life Insurance Co. hae been LARGER than thos OF ANY (TIIER COMPAXi' issuing similar polieieH. gjB" For particulars apply to C. O. 11KHUKU, Gen'l Agent Unwaiiaii lolnutU. 233 tf FIEE, LfFE, AMD MAK1JSE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Intnrone Oo. Assets, $4,888,000 Commercinl uuara&ee Co, (Fire Knd Marlue) Auets, $4504)00 Angle-Neva- da Assurance Corporation (Fire and Murine) CnpiUl, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $95,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. Genernl Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE. Lifo, Fire & Marino Insur'oo Agents. AOBNTS (Oil Tlie Sew Knslaud MUTUAI LIFE INS. COMP Y of Boston. The .Etna Fire Insuranoa Co., of Hartford, Conn. Tlie llaiou Ftro ana Marine insurance Co., of Ban Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance ComD? KarABLIiHKD 18d3, ' CaplUI 9,000,000 nlchsnarJus . TI1K undersigned, having ben aent of the above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, ,1s preparedttt a cept risks, against Fire, on. Building. hurnlture,Mcrehahdle, Produce.flucar UUa etc., on the irwt Kavorabje IVnu Utf Promptly Adjusted and PayaW Honolulu. U. IlIKMKNrJCUNKIUlUJ, Jly,7 Jyt at Wilder A tV4. FILTER PRESSES 1 I'uuitwj I'lAvrvruii, ) Hawaii, March ',, lb. f Itlmlun linu A l.oromutlvu WOI-SL4- , Nan h'raui'lxfo. Olnilksikn: Webase iwswl ho of vour 30.CligmUrd Filer Ptetses tht fvAcoii. Ttiey uiti Muvenlent, eusll-bnndl- ed .iud .ire vsniLlngc'iititely to our mtisfuctlou. I on u rcconitnend no them. Vnyuspcc fully youifl. (hlKiiml) A. MOORK, .Miiii.tKt'i' l'iinuli.iii 1'luntiition, TlirH) Pivm-i- j .ne niaitu exlra kutf for b'Ah ptcrtnreH, urcupy u Uoc-- r -- pue II feet by I f ut. and present u IllU'tin;: utrfiicii of 240 njuaio teet. A lltiilted nuiiibur In Moek It) Hono- lulu and u ri' mild ut ycrjr low prices. Bisdon Iron A Loo. Works, Snts Krunclsco. Mir Tor lurttciihnt. piiciulre ol JOHN DYER, Honolulu, lloom No. it fiprcctkcU Htoei. 3850 tf W. O. Irwn & Co, Aso if. m

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Page 1: i: I · 2015-05-30 · Hock, CotiI, Sand and Boll for silt) in any nuantl v Apply al tlio law otllooof Wllli.uu O Avhl, No. M Mer olmut KtreU Uooolulw, Ij. J. a(4 Bm BBAVER A SALOON



i: I


tftttSvvtas 0 ijyTwtfni''''fr'ts. sSAW ft'.il'i?mWw Lv

.w4!lk r fin t jSSJtof


BjivTHUMimni intim





la prmtift uul published at tho ofttcu,

Queen Street, Iloaolulu, II. ovcrj

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, - 50 cents pot Month.

Addross all Communications DailyBulletin.

Advertisements, tc ensure insertion"hould bo handed ' before one o'clockr. m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotoi

Bulletin Stoam Printing Office.

Nowspipcr, Rook uud Job Printing uf

all kludB done on the niobt favorubliterms.Hell Tolephono No. 250Mutual Telephone N o. 25b


Weekly Summary.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, contains 33 columns ofrcudlng matter on local topics, and a

comoletc resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is the best paper oublUhcdn the Kingdom o send to friendbroad.

iitm'i'ltittu :

Island : : : $4 00 ye.vfc'orelun : : : " On

ComtaidSion ifloionantB.

HVOiiL'-ldl-i- O &. Co.II.Qeueral Commission Agenta.




Honolulu. H. 1Queen street, - -



Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merchant

lienver Block, Honolulu.

ditawisa & company,o (Limited)GK.SEHAL ilKll ANTILK AMD



P. 0. Jones, lr.. .President iz Manageri j. tJAurtiu . .Treasure! A Secretary

uiuectous:Hon J. it liiauor. &. O. ALLEN


iJo ly

T. WATERHOrjSIC,JOHN Importer and Dealer in Genera.Merchandise, tueen it., Uoiiolulu. 1

B. N. Castle --J B. A.thorlon-- U. P. Caath

a UOOJSU!,CIABTIjB Snipping and CotnmusiubMerchants. Importers and UettturB lbiuueral Mer;Ua idse, No SO King nt

hlouom.u. 1

CJlam sprccteu. Wm. O. Irwin.

lawiN Sb Company,Wa.Sugar Factors and Commissioncnts, Honolulu. 1

'ILDBR St OO.,Dealers is Lumber. Faints,

Oils, Nails, Sail and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. i

. Lewori, F.J.Lowroy O. M. Oooke

65 UOOiE,successors to Luwers & Dickson.)

luiportera and UttaierB in Lumbpr and allBinds ut Building Materials, Fort etroot,Honolulu '



i King Street, ippu-dt- the Old BtaumHouse.

MuLuitl Tulepliouu No. 117 tt


ROW AT, Vetorluary SurgeonAH, and pharmacy at HawaiianHoiel Stables, cornor Hwtel and U chardBireuts. Scieniltlc treatment in all di.oa-.e- s of demesne animals Orders fmplantation and ranch tock promptlyattontt-- d t. Mutual Telephone 8iP. O. Hox32H. mil 18 80


i LL perrons u want to rnmmuniA. cato with h PoitiiBueso, .'ttlieifor business, or for procuring orkm n

servants or any other helps, will dud itthe most protltablo way to advertise In

the Lnso Hawaiiano, tho new organ oftho rolony, which is publlshod an Hotel street, and only Charge-rs H.rininlr ttr advnpUrtnmNl

BEST PAPER to subr-rlb-

THE ''Daily. Bulletin.1' 60

eats ror mouth.


JM. MONBARRAT,at Law & N'oUry Public

140 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf

J ALFRED MAQOON,Aiiorne) at Law it Nolan rubllc

178 12 Merchant street. Honolulu, lv

David DaytonWill practice in the lower tourtB of theKingdom as iiltcirmy, iHond to collecttug in all Its brandies, rtnttng of househand any other buslncs entrusted to him

Oulce 01 King Btrett Upstairs.Fob MO


AN1 UA1LJSRY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. --

B Telephone 74.


Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo--t Street, : William's Block,216 Honolulu, H. I.

ir M. DKN'SOD. a. rr. smith.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honnlulu

Depot for Boerioke & Soeohlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rlck'ecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, 1 2j

WEOTER & CO.Jluiiuittrturiiiu Jowellern,

SO. 3 iTOItT rntJi:T.Constantly on hand i large assortmeD

'f overy desLrlptmnot Jewelry, WatcherGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

ilanafacturiog Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukul Jewelry a Specialty.

King Street, Honolulu, II. I.Noxt door to ihe Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Office.

:T Particular attention paid to allind- - nf repairs j in.li)-- 0

Hustace& Robertson,

LL orders for Cartage promptly atc. leurled to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing 8c Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, next door to Jas. V. Morgan'?auction room.

982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.

. II. RASE 1ANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchant street. Up stairs,oct



Al Vessel will bo dcpilchcd forAN linn lulu ti leave Ni-- York inall November For futihorlnfjriutuionapply to tho Agents,

Mitssns. W. H. CROSSMAN A BRO ,J7 & 70 Hroau ai , New o.k City.

Or CASTLK A COOKE,327 lm l"n lu'u IT. I.

New Zealand Jams I

f UST received a cun ignmcnt of Nnwl Zealand J uns aborted casos. For

sain at low prif"-- bvJ E. IHIOWN & CO.,

227 If 28 Merchant fetieot.


HAS tlio bent and rheapet BlnclcHock, CotiI, Sand and Boll for

silt) in any nuantl v Apply al tlio lawotllooof Wllli.uu O Avhl, No. M Merolmut KtreU Uooolulw, Ij. J. a(4 Bm


- Tho Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Ooffce at ill Hours

Tho Flnost Brand of

Ciprsiaf&TAlrvityw on Jlnud,

II. .1. NOaFK, Proprietor.

THEmr r vo1! 1


Meat Company81 KINO bTREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Retail Butchers



Choicest Mutton I

Beef, Pork,

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCandlecs),

So. O queen Nt., t : Flth 3IarUet,Honolulu, II. I.

tSTFamlly and Shipping Oiderscare.fully attended to Live Stock furnishedo vessels at short noiice. my 17-8- 8


Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.


Cambridge Pork Sausagos !

Fresh Every Day.

tSTHis noted Sausages aro made bythe every best niachinory, and all ordersentrusted to his oare will bo dollvuredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices are as low as anywhere in thecity.

2TTry his Bologna Sausages."oct.S 83

Anderson &Lundy,Xenristej.

Artlflolal Ttitth from ono to an entireset insirttd on gold, silver, alluminumand rubbei base6. Crown and BridgeWork a specialty. To persons wearingrubber plates which arc a constantsource of Irritation to the mouth amithroat, wo would recommend our Pro.phylactic Motal Plate. All operationsperformed in accordance with the latestimprovements iu denial science. TeethExtracted without pain by tho use ofNitrous Oxide Ga.

EgyOffico t Old Tregloan ResidenceHotel stiect Feb-20-rJ-

WRI&HT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,

W. W. WRIGHT,Nos. 79 and 81 King Street.

Carriage Builders,Ship's Dlackimi lilng, Drayi, Carls &

Wanon Building at specially.

Every description of work In thbiibnvo lines performed iu a first-clas- s

manner and cxiouted at short notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.(ST Orders fioui the other islands

olirltd. ill be pleated to sro allour old customers ac v oil as new onesMutual Telcphono No 070.


Pioneer Shin Factory104 Fort 9t, Upstairs.

Tho widcrMgnnd lois to Inform thepublic of those Islands that ho is making

SliltM iy l :Mitromout X

Directions for -- olf.miasnrement will ibo nlvprt on application.

Wlilto Shirts, Oyerslilrts & Bight Gowns

A IU guarantco by maklug a earn pi o

Shirt to overy order.Island order solicited Bell Tolephono 410

1 rMy A. U, 31 EL MB,

Ladies' Hats ! Ladies' Hats !

Largest Assortment I Latest Styles !


POPULAR MILLINERY- - HOUSE,104 Fort Street, Honolulu,

3ST. . A-OHs- - - Proprietor.



liaren s


Received by every steamer. We have just received anotherlot of our well-know- n

" SPAR' HAT l'


Unt rimmed Hats in all Shapes !IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF

Ladies' 8e Oliildreii'sTriinuietfi JOJatisAt very low prices A full assortment ot

Satin - Edge - Gros - Grain - Ribbons,Iu all widths and tliadcs

Silk Buds, Flowers, Eeathers, &c, &c.A NEW ASSORTMENT OF

Children's Muslin Bonnets & Chambry Hate,LATEST

Infant's Embroidered Sill: JESoainetsAT VERY LOW PRICES



California Hay, Oats, Bran,Oil Calce Meal, Linseed Meal,

Barley, Itolled Barloy,Middling Ground Barley,

Wheat and Corn Flour.FLOUR Golden Gate & Salinns-- a FLOUR

Telephones, No. 175.EC H- -

Boll Telephone, OO -- JS


Ho. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street.

-- Havo on hand and For



Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Ste.

IVXutunl Telephone, 871

Solo a Full Assortment of--



All Brands of American Whiskies,BOURBON, RYE and MONONGAHELA,

In Bulk or Case;

SSOOTTOJO: and IBIE "wjbljk: V,In Qlass and Stono Jura;

Very Fine A Very Cheap Qualities tin uro wiintpd ;

GBNS; in Large & Small Bottles;(White or Black), also, 8TONE JUGS;

Old Tom Gin, Best JBruud iu the JMurJcotj


In Bulk mid Onse. All HiaiiiU of

American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, BtcM

In Pints Hint Qunrtd,

Finest Brands of Champagnes,Iu Piuta and Quurtd.

JMttern, LI quern AbHluluc,Apolllnur Water, Kttinmeltf,


Zini'andel, Malaga, Tokay, Madeira,Port, Sherry, Riesling, liooku, Eta,, VAt

Eft" XV. ol ivnlcli will 1m) hold



Al niton, near Cnccn Mt.I Telephone (15.


Contrnotont vt Xlutltlurs.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings;

given. Jobbing promptlv at-

tended to. 70 Klug Btrtct. Bell Tele-phone No. 2. 1. O. Bos, 42a. np50y


and Builder,

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, fcsplruulo, Honolulu.

Manufactures all Linda of Mouldings,Brackote, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BaudSawing. All Muds of Sawing and l'lin-ln-

Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly attended to and work

guaranteed. Orders from tho othersolicited

iPrffl HONOLULU IRON WORKS,afesiaSaStcam engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. J ob work exe.cuted at short notice. 1


OH 3(erliniit H Uouelulu. U.I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Bole At;onts for tho Burlington HotiU.Across America, apd to the Aon.

Sole Aaonts for Pitt & Scott's KoreiguParrels Kproas & General SnippingAgency.

bole AgcutB for Suniiv South AcrnteilWaters.

Solo Agents for Mnscfleld Brof.' NewZealand Mullet and Canned Goods.

Special Agents for Leading New Zculnuit and Aus'raliau Mercantile Kiruis

Special Agonts forthuUiilifornla LandAssociation.

Special Agents for the Honolulu Businos Directory.

AIho, Other Special Agoacica.

Sf Customs' Entries Passed. Propeiuua Managed. Assigutts and Auditors' Work done promptly. IlouseiLtnacd and Rtnts Collccttd.

New Business SolicitedBojl Tole. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360.Dcc-- 3 Post Office Box 469. 88-l- y

l O. Uox .131. --ei- Hell Tele. Jt7.

Hawaiian Busks Agency

Corner Poit&Slorchanl Strerts,Honolulu, II. I.

GENERAL AGENTS.ArooiiutnntH &. ;ollolors


Hawaiian Boll Telephone So.

Maiiager of Advertisiufr Dopurtuient


"Mupepa Kuokoa.MDEPARTMENTS of UU8INE98:

Collecllons ulll rrrnHt) Pii' lul uttvil-lio- n

unit ntuniH promptly niadr.Real Ettate limiRht, stul leaied.Tax Paid and prnpi-n- siifily tnciirtlllouiei, Cotlanes, Roonn and Orflcei,

liail mid rui'.td, and rriiln rollit04l.Fire and Lite Insurance rtlectttt iu tlrM.

f.lnss linuraneo (JompaiilcH.Conysyanclno a Specially ncrtitu

av'utclitd uu.t Ldtrict AU.tnairt ot TitleriirnUlrrU

Legal, Docunicnli and Papers of c.vuy(ittilplioti ctnifully iltinvu and hindBninfly pujiri'svl

Copylmj and Translathin In iM lnuu.-iyi-- i

In ueuet'tl u-- o In tliU hludotn.Cuttoni tlouso Business tnii-wita- !

utrurary and dUpituh.Loans neuoibitil at in'tablu tates.Gold, Silver and Ccrtillcatos buuul,t mid

nll.AdkcrlUot.tents ar.d Subscriptions full

( Itrd for publbli'Ti'Shitted and Unskilled labor fiimi-hci- l.

Any Artic'c puri'lius.d or s IdInter. Island Orders Mill nielvc t ti

cuhr nltfiititmTo Let. Furnished and Unlurnithort Col-iag-

in desirable locnlilifHiti luiswmblnrcninlh.

Several Valuable Properties iu midaround the city now for eulu mid Nmfi'ou euny lei nth.

icAVU ImibIi wt (iilnuiul to our uir.iwill riftivo piMiipi uinl fultljftil mtiulion n mndi rta (ImijiuA Folnl (til

SAAJiMMi.,, iOWvMWSMtfcft. ... jx & j tsh&a,'... cti-ii. tti hsf .tSie A.- -. JMSA iA terthJtii&&!&f4H


Life InsurancfrCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $95,000,000,00

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At tiery age, on every pieiuiunitrtble, and iu overy year, the AC-- 1

VA.L RESULTS of Tontine Policiesof the New York Life Insurance Co.hae been LARGER than thos OFANY (TIIER COMPAXi' issuingsimilar polieieH.

gjB" For particulars apply to

C. O. 11KHUKU,Gen'l Agent Unwaiiaii lolnutU.

233 tf



INSURANCE.Hartford Fire Intnrone Oo.

Assets, $4,888,000

Commercinl uuara&ee Co,

(Fire Knd Marlue)Auets, $4504)00

Angle-Neva- da Assurance Corporation(Fire and Murine)

CnpiUl, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

Now York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $95,000,000


Genernl Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE.Lifo, Fire & Marino Insur'oo Agents.

AOBNTS (OilTlie Sew Knslaud


The .Etna Fire Insuranoa Co.,of Hartford, Conn.

Tlie llaiou Ftro anaMarine insurance Co.,

of Ban Francisco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance ComD?

KarABLIiHKD 18d3,' CaplUI 9,000,000 nlchsnarJus .

TI1K undersigned, having benaent of the above Company

for the Hawaiian Islands, ,1s preparedttta cept risks, against Fire, on. Building.hurnlture,Mcrehahdle, Produce.flucar

UUa etc., on the irwt Kavorabje IVnuUtf Promptly Adjusted and PayaW


U. IlIKMKNrJCUNKIUlUJ,Jly,7 Jyt at Wilder A tV4.


I'uuitwj I'lAvrvruii, )

Hawaii, March ',, lb. fItlmlun linu A l.oromutlvu WOI-SL4- ,

Nan h'raui'lxfo.

Olnilksikn: Webase iwswl ho ofvour 30.CligmUrd Filer Ptetses thtfvAcoii. Ttiey uiti Muvenlent, eusll-bnndl- ed

.iud .ire vsniLlngc'iititely to ourmtisfuctlou. I on u rcconitnend no

them.Vnyuspcc fully youifl.

(hlKiiml) A. MOORK,.Miiii.tKt'i' l'iinuli.iii 1'luntiition,

TlirH) Pivm-i- j .ne niaitu exlra kutffor b'Ah ptcrtnreH, urcupy u Uoc-- r

-- pue II feet by I f ut. and present uIllU'tin;: utrfiicii of 240 njuaio teet.

A lltiilted nuiiibur In Moek It) Hono-lulu and u ri' mild ut ycrjr low prices.

Bisdon Iron A Loo. Works,Snts Krunclsco.

Mir Tor lurttciihnt. piiciulre olJOHN DYER, Honolulu,

lloom No. it fiprcctkcU Htoei.3850 tf W. O. Irwn & Co, Aso if.


Page 2: i: I · 2015-05-30 · Hock, CotiI, Sand and Boll for silt) in any nuantl v Apply al tlio law otllooof Wllli.uu O Avhl, No. M Mer olmut KtreU Uooolulw, Ij. J. a(4 Bm BBAVER A SALOON

gl?" ii iwinhrtMM


UttUii $uitfiaftMrljtnTiii "L1 '''lt1lrlllllltMeutgalU.vttfJfltii,nfWl.c

FRIDAY, OCT. 11, 1889.

Tho Advcitiscr, tifter yesterday'sfeat of purloining the Bulletinsiport of the state ttrlal, drops down

to Ut own, leaouroea te-dn- vrith theresult ot affording a very mongre

outline of yosterday's intensely In-

teresting proceedings. That is tho

sheet that lately undertook to lecturethe BciXEra on the subject of re

sectable Journalism 1

arrivals.Oct 11

8chr Kawallani from Koolau


Stmr W G llnll for Lahalna, Maalaea,Koua, Kail aud the Volcano at 10o'clock a m

Star lwa aul for Lahalna and Hauia- -kua at 2 p in

Stmr Kaala lor Walanae, Waialua andKoolau at 0 a m

Sclir Mot Wnhlno for Hamnkua


Nor bk Thor for Puget SoundStmr Pclc for Kona ports at 10 a m


For Maui and Hawaii per stmr W QHull, Oct 11 For the Volcauo: II R IICountess Bardl and maid, II R II CountBardl nnd valet, Bnrouess Ilertllng,Count Zilerl, Couut Luccbcsl, BaronHeydebraud, Job V Robertson and ser-vant, Mrs Newhall, Sr. and Mr New hall.For way ports : Dr Oliver, T C Wills,Mrs R Thompson, Mrs Cutler, 2 Chi-nese, nnd 70 deck.

For Hamakua per stinr Iwnlaul Oct11 J S Bartholomew, Mr de la Nuxand wife, P II Anthon, Mr Schnltz and20 deck.


The tern WS Bowue will leae forSan FrancUeo in about ten days.

The Japanese warship Kongo Is tak-ing in coal from the sclir Ka Mol.

The barks Eskdalc and Mimi w ill itn-I- sh

discharging their geneial freightncit week.

The steamship City of Peking sailedfor San Francisco with cargo iu transitfrom Yokohama at 9 o'clock Inst even-ing.

The stmrs Klnau and Likellke willarrive morning from wind-ward ports.

The stmr Kilauca Hou will take ma-chinery for Papaikou next Monday, conslbtlug of boilers-- , and several 10-to- n

Blake pumps.The bktne Discovery is discharging

cargo near the O S S ( o's whaif.The Norweeian bark Thor w ill sail to-

morrow for the bound.


Am announces his purchaso ofrestaurant.

The Japanese warships will leaveon Monday.

A special meeting of the Trusteesof tho Queen's Hospital will be held

Chiarini's Circus band gave anacceptable concert on the Hotelgrounds last night.

There will bo no circus matineeTho first performance

will be evening. Ticketsare going off briskly at Mr. Levey'soffice.

The circus tents wero erected thismorning three large circular pavil-ions and an oblong awning. A ticketoffice of deals has also been built.The elephants have been holding agrand reception all day.


A Chinaman tried to shoot anotherand then killed himself at Kuhaluu,this island, yesterday. Deputy Sher-iff Robt. Waialealc telephoned thonews to headquarters and then wentto the spot. Nothing has been heardfrom him since.

The Princess de Bourbon, now vis-

iting these islands with the Prince,belongs to tho house of Braganga(Casa do Braganga), Portugal. Sheis the daughter of the Infanto DomMignel, aud is called Infanta de Por-tugal. Her name is Adelgunde deJesus Maria de Braganca and shewas bom Nov. 10, 1858.

The band serenaded Prince andPrincess de Bourbon and suite at thohotel this morning, opening andclosing with the Austrian nationalanthem.' It played again on thewharf at the departure of the partyfor tho Volcano by the steamer W.O. Hall. They wore driven down inthe royal carriages, accompanied byCol. MUcfarlrfno, II. M.'s Chamber-lain, and Mr. J. V. Robertson,

tho latter embarkingwith them for the trip. Mr. II. F.lilado, Austrian Consul: Hon. A, S.Cleghorn, and Mr. Paul Iscnbcig, Jr.,were down to seo the visitors oil'.There was a good deal of cuiiosityregarding tho personages shown bytho crowd.

Eei'oeth of a wholeMilo poisoningat the Catholic Sisters' school somebad it .St. Andrew's Priory werecurrent yeaUrday evening. Our re-

porter wont to tho Catholic Bisters'institution aud found tho facts muchless serious than rumored, A littlogirl had been ill with inflammation oftho brain. On Wednesday one of thegirls brought somo cream calto intotho school and bharcd it with severalof her mates, including tho sickchild, The one that hud been illdied yesterday, Four or fivo of theeaters of the cako were sickened,either from eating too much cako orfrom a deleterious quality in thocako. Their coudition was not seri-ous. Dr. McGrew bad prescribed forthem In good season. Dr. Miner isholding a post mot torn exumtaatlpuof tho ohild's body this afternoon bydirection of tho authorities, An rt

nioy bo held Infer,

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.



order of W L GREEN and Al.EX.BT YuUNG, Is.cutirp of tho latawill nnd testament f Simon llardcisilc,licensed, I urn directed to sell ut PublicAuction nt my Halesroorn on tjueenstreet, in Honolulu,

Oh SATURDAY, Nov. 2nd,at u oclock. noos,

36 - SHARES - 36Of the Capital Stock of the

DPnia Plantation,Par Valuo $100 a Share.

20 - SHARES - 20Of the Capital Stock of the

UNION FEDCO.,Par Valuo $50 Each.

11 Hawaiian Government Bonds

Of ?C0J each beating 6 percent perannum free of taxes.

3 Hawaiian Government Bonds

Of $1,000 each bearing 0 percent per

073 Id

annum frro of taxes.

JAS. F. MORGAN,Auctlnneer.

fi.OO Gent's SHil Fell Hats for $8.r04.fi0 Gent's Slifl Felt Hats for

$8.45; $4.00 Gent's Slitt Felt Hats for$y.0U ate. J. Jtf'isneis. on iw

received Celebrated FoocbowJUST direct from China; asplen.did assortment of tine Teas: The Ha-waiian Mixture, in J lb packages; TheRose Ilrand Tea, in tti packages, de-lightfully fragrant; Extra SupciflnoBlack Tea, IU lb boxeB in bulk; FirstCrop 18B9-1SD- Congou, in 10 lb boxes,ft packages to a pound; to be had onlyof Gonsulvcs & Co , Honolulu. S' 2 tf


SPECIAL meeting of the Board ofA Trustees of the Queen's Hotpitalwill be held at the room of tlio Chamberof Commerce, on SATURDAY, the 13thOctober, 1889, for the purpose of actingupon a proposed amendment to the s

oi the Queeu'a Hospital Corpora-tlon- .

Per order.F. A. SCHAEFER,

becretary.Honolulu. Soot 7. 1680. 34tS td


THOMAS MULDOON has this dayme the entire lot of furm

i ure and fixtures contained in the two-stor-

building, No. 87 Nuuauu streei,the first llobr occupied a a restaurantknown as the "Lelipse Coffee rnlooii"and the upi cr story ns furni-hi- d roumsAll claims ngaini-- t said Thomas Muldoon mui-- t be presenttd to him in person as I nm in no way nspotslblc forhi debt!. AUI.

Honolulu, Oct. 3. lS-'fl- . rf.fi 3


DURING my absence from thisbrother. Dr N. il. limer.

son, will act for me with full nnuer ofattorney. J S. EMERSON.

Honolulu, Oct 10, 1889. U74 3i

WANTEDSTRICTLY' 8(ihr Y'oung Man whoA can make himself generally use-

ful. German preferred. Applv toF. HORN,

Pioneer Candy Factory & bleumi7J tf

Stockholders' Meeting.Mutual Telephone Co.

SPECIAL meeting of tho Btock.A holders of tho Mutual TelephoneCo. will be held on THURSDAY, Oct17th, at It o'clock a. m., at tho Com-pany- 's

building.CO. BERGER,

374 Ct Secretary M.'l.Co.

TO LETCOTTAGE at PalamaA containing kitchen, sta.

bio, carriage house and otherconveniences. For further particularsapply to the undersigned.

C. MANAOLE,Awaroot Btoro, Maunakca street.

863 lm


General Shipping Agency


JPaicel ILacprews.Chief Offieo for Hawaiian Islands: 28

Merchant Street, Honolulu.

URAKCii orirjCE:

Walluku, Maul.. ..W. n. Daniels.Mahukona, Hawaii. ..V. J. Ilrodle.Hllo Hawaii.. Holmes & Willfong.Ktalla, Kauai G. E. Fftlmhlld.Kllauea, KuuhI Kiltuea Wore,Ilaimlei, Kuuui J. C. Long.Wuimeu, Kuual

C. B. liofgauulifc Co.Koloa, Kauai E. btrehz.

Goods purchaFed aud shipped to andfrom any of above porth, aud all partsof.'lho ivorld.

QooiIb recelve'l from abroad rleircdat Custom Hoiibo nnd forwarded to dus.tinntlon ptr blBiul (itcaniois

CffirHttes fuiuhhml on application to

J, E. BliOWN & Co.,78 tf . 88 Merchant street.

DAILY BULLITT HOWOEtrr.tr, S. L, CTOBH R 11, 1666. JllMMiii"n'n'ji


Is iBBuing new form of insurance which piovidcs, In tho event of death, for return of nil premiums paid In ad-

dition to the amount of the policy, or, should the insured survive given nniiibor of years, tho Company ttiltreturn nil the s paid or, instead of accepting the policy nnd profits in cash lln- - leirnl holder


lieu thereof tho amount of policy und profits iu FULLY. PAID UP iusurnuce, annuully in dividends.

thisgest Financial Institution

contract issued oldest Insurnnco Company United States,"World, assets exceeding Hundred Twenty-Si- x Millions Dollurs.

JOT or address

860 lm









j i,

Is by tho Llfo in the nnd theIn the its One of

For full call on




30 2CS 30

B- -

.W vw vii vsy VK LBS"

Our Entire Stock at a Sacrificein


SC2 lm


General the Hawaiian

S3 gga

Sept. 17th, our entiro Seaennahle Goods will Ibat must altrtcimnitdiati- - attention. We need more room piopuily display our European pun liases now way, und Iiiimrohohed, that our presmt stock MUST GO. Cost has not been Pilot's lmo been m.iiktdon the Good

SUIT u! We bound keep Visit our note tho prices, and yoi.think too.

700 pes Perthshire Lawns, 20 ydsfor $1.

Extra Fino Victoria Lawn, 12c peryard.

Tlain Nainsooks 12Joup.

200 pes of Col. Linen Lawns from $2up.

160 doz of Ladies Col. Bord.50c per doz.

Ladies Balbriggan Vests, good qua-lity, 50c each.

Ladies Ribbed Vests, good quality,30c each.

Childrens Jersey Vests, extra good,25c each.

White Linen Napkins, 5e (smallsizo.)

RS.No. lane


very for n256 Cm




J Mr.






i ).. rrn fin

with col. bor.and 10c.


Col Parasols withwot th

14G doz.25c.

We sell thisfew you

will have few you

82 pes

tbo 20yds per

wjt-"- t


Agent for Islands.

V- L. - ,-












of bo aton


are toso


Striped &


aa see


rrr trw






that astonit.li you, buiwant it.

All our of

mean sell 420ed Dresbes, in amtrimmed with

for 50We are and tin

wo you will want muiusilk

25c perofand in-

cludes a full lino ofand Cambric


ube to variety too have cheap, but presont will go for a mere NEWin this will also suffer this week.

C3P" -- a I- - WEE -- a

12 yds WHITE quality, 1 yd for ?1. 15 yds1 yd for $1.

stock of MILLINERY is the in this SAILOR in Black,and 314 FROCK quality, $20, and

we will sell during this salo at $10



MONROE, ladios' uurse, hasto 8, Kukul



tj-- "I7URNISHED Rooms to let.AjSSuPH southwest corner ofIflSiNI and Bcrotanlastreets, would he convenient



Rcsidenco of


Emma street.Residence

Mr. Brown,Kaplolaui Park.

EESIDENCE Mr. Jamos Love,King street,

ResidenceMr. Groen,

210 stroot,

KingB" Apply to

A. CARTWRlGnT,tf Merchant street













quantity toto


yV,VWM.-f-vWT-- '







lA.'STss? 1A.Y- -




YOU, lively

White(extra good)

Ladies juetthing

Lndies laces, 75c,

Whito HhIs,

expectHats within days,

buy when

part wool,Goods, dark shades.

flWo limiteach customer at7c yard.






Not Special Reductions, but SweerDepartment!

Commencing TUESDAY, stock prices

trudo establishment,


Linen Napkins,




Englebcrt, Dress


LACCS Intended to quote priciwouldof tpuce excludes

stock TRIMMINGS athalprice.

g&Ve to Children:White & Colin linenpique, nicely colureiembroidery CENTS EACH

think they pretty, uturiccs quoteLadies Balbriggan Hose, decked

pair.jpSTQur stock

bkirtings,Nainsook, Swith

choice designs.

JERSEYSquote prices, largo, been selling stock song.

GOODS department


good quality, widegjTOur finest Kingdom. SPAR HATS White, GreenBlown. MEN'S DOUBLE-BREASTE- D COATS, extra good former prico $22.50

$25; EACH.

The Leading Millinery House of G. J. Fishel,





LATE Frank








Einbroiderict,Hamburg Edgings


Having purchased from J. J. Motchers, W. Z. Schiedam, Holland, tho solo


' .v. -H 1 J






rigut to use uta

"Bliiit" LUel for Gil ii is iwMxWhich label bears the picture of an elephant, under palm troes, printed In

different colors, and also tho words

"Greatest Gin Distillery of the Mlierlands, registered; J. J.

Melciiers, W. Z, Schiedam,"

And having been granted a Ceitlllcate of RegUtratlon for the term oftwenty years, dating from Ihe 17th day f Septomhor A. D. 1889, undorthe hand und seal of L. A. Thursion, Minister of tho Interior for thoHawaiian Islands, for the use of tho said label throughout thoHawaiian Kingdom, all porson am hereby warned not to use the saidlabel, or auy imitation theieof, under penalty of tho law.

304 lm



TO not





lion iiuo

S - OF - THE -


TontineOF THE

Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOF THE UNITED STATES


Fioui tbe New Yoiik Times, June 2, 1889.

The Equitable Lire Assurance Society lias adopted a new form ofpolicy which, like a bank draft, is a simple promise to pay without condi-

tions on the baik.

From tho Ohicaoo InvnsTiaATort.l

Always on the alert, and ever anxious tn ivo the public tin mostudvantiigeouso'intraetin life the ISiuit.ihto Life Assuranc S --

ciety of Now York hat, in the pant, in ulu nuiiy advances on old luutlnul-i- ,

und has been the means to liberalize tile in a greater decree,uerhtips, than any other org inizition. It is not nt all surprising, there-

fore, that this great company now comes before the people with a newcontract, the like ot wuich has uot hefore been known in life insurance.

From the Kentucky Reoisteh, Richmond, Ky., Juno 28, 1881.

The Equitthlo Life Assurance Society has, in the past, done more tocreate and mjintnin confidence in life assurance than any other company.Consequently its busino-- B U laijor than that of anv of its competitors.Furthermore, it has now taken a step which praotloally sweeps every ob-

jection of the character referred to out of the way. The result, undoubt-edly, will be that thousands of men who have heretofore lacked confidencein life assurance, will examine the now policy offered by the Equitable,and assure thuir lives forthwith.

fFrom the Boston Post.This company has done more than any other to simplify the assurance

contract, and to maintain public confidence in life assurance.

(From the Pacific Undekwiuter, San FranoNoo, July 1, 1889 J

The Equitable has already established a world-wid- e reputation forliberal dealings witli its policy-holde- rs und for its prompt settlement of allIt'giliinalo claims against it, aud this new policy fail to enhance itsreputation for enterprise and progressiveness in dealing with the subjectof life assurance.

8 For full particulars call on

ALEX. J. CARTWRBCHT,330 lm Gonoral Assent for the Hawaiian Islands.


101) KTltKfrr. IIOKOLVLU.o


Colgate & Cin Celetay Pel fumes & Toilet Soups,

Photographic Goods of All Kinds.


fine PatentCigars. Ojgarettes & Tobaccos.

B. I







-- o-

Dressmaking Department undor management of MISS


NEITHER the captiin nor the nc;entRiiritisli burk "IJanca" w'll

u respon-- . b'e for any debts contractedy tLo otll er-- i or cr w liib- - in port.

F. A. SCHAEFER & CO.,173 Ut Aituntk buriw Uauca,"


THE q'ift'terlv meutinc of tin PubCo,(L'd , will he he'd

on TUESDAY, Oct. IBih. at '0 :10 ..clocki A. L SMITH,

874 td Su letary.


THE annual meeting nf thn Flonokaa' O'lipauy will be held on

WEDNESDAY, the 10th Intl.. at 10o'clock a. m,, at tho otlicu nt K. A.Schaefer & Co. Per order

h. RrNjr.s,871 td "eireiiiry.


T'lE annual meeting of the 1'nclflc"uca Mill will bo held on

THURSDAY, the 17tli lust, ni 10

oi'l k a m, at i lie nice of F, A.bih it ft r& Co, Per orcei

II. RENJES,371 Id "Ltreiitiy.


AT fie annii'il meulng of the Hook,holders of Him II Ho riug'ir Com.

puny held In Honolulu this th day ofOctober. 1H89 thu following milccrwero duly elected to serve dining thujuai:

W. O. Irln , Pro Ident.J D. Spri'Cktl. VicePnsl cnt

iSi'f t"eetiry

nr11. M Wjitnij, .Ir ttn or.

W. M. UIFFARD,73 lw Stcretury U, H. Oo,


Chemiccls, Medicines,



Residence: Cittage 1,Hotel, or at the reuidence of the pupil.

372 lm


2M- -, --11VEN hy Felix Ollcrt attmn VJT No 27 Alakea street orii lliu resilience of the pupils, ao ord.ing to agreement Chnrges mmieiaie.

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order. Apply at341 tf


SAILMAKERS.Col burn & Co's Ruildinfr; 3rd floor,(formnrly occupied by J M Oat & Co),corner Q iei n & Nuu.inu Mreets Workdone wltu neatness and dispatch.

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Photographer.Makes a specially of photographingoddtnepp, intnrlors, gruipj, deenra-ilnn- s

and all kind of nut and indoori iuws AUo, doc primlni: and develop,inu' for amateurs Hnd otliere ut thu

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Page 3: i: I · 2015-05-30 · Hock, CotiI, Sand and Boll for silt) in any nuantl v Apply al tlio law otllooof Wllli.uu O Avhl, No. M Mer olmut KtreU Uooolulw, Ij. J. a(4 Bm BBAVER A SALOON





Tfl 1 of A lb rl Iiuuiiiviik f.irTrdiHon.Tiiuusuay, Oct. lOlli.

Lilly Nott sworn, stated Am adaughter ol John Jiott, live on Kingstreet. On July DOtli iu the morn-ing I was at Mis. Singer's bakery.Have seen tbe defendant at Mrs.Klngsley's. He roomed there. Ianv him on July 30th come to Mrs.Singer's bakery and ask for 2 or$3 wcrth of bread, to be deliverednl the baek of the Palace. The de-

fendant is tbe same man.Qustav Sehumnn sworu, stated I

am a carriage trimmer. Havehere for Ave years. On the

SOth July was on duly as a Hono-lulu Rifle, in uniform and arm d.Was stationed at corner of King andLikeliku btrects. A native on thePalace wall fired a pistol, heard thereport. I got Into a row with thenatives outside and Wihox calledout fiom Palace yard for them tobring the hanle in. They look meiiibiile. I saw Markhain and spukoto him. Wilcox came up and askedmo some questions. He said he wasthe Hawaiian Government, I staidin the yird an hour and was thenlet out by the back gate. I saw thecannon fired. It was dangerous iuthe Palace Yard. I do not knowthe defendant, saw him in the PolicoCourt.

Cross-examine- d Suppose the na-

tives made trouble because I wouldnot let them pass. Do not knowwhat martial law means. I had nocommission as a police ofllcer thatday.

William Larsett sworn, stated Iwas captain of the police on Jul'SOth. Have noticed defendantaround time previous to that dato.Saw Looincns on Hotel street oppo-site Bay Horse saloon on July SOth.He was talking to a Chinese hackdriver. I asked him if his uamewas Loomens. He said it was. Itold him I arrested him for treasonand then searched him. Found abull dog pistol loaded. I asked himif he bad been in the Palace thstmorning, he said he bad. I tookhim to the Police Station. He hasbeen locked up there since.

Cross-examine- d A good manycarried Eims on that day. I tookthe pistol out of his pocket. Hedid not show any resistance. Hewas a little nervous.

S. M. Damon sworn, stated Iwas Minister of Financo on July 80lasc. I remember the disturbancein town on that day. I was at tbeStation House between 6 and 7 inthe morning with tbe Minister ofForeign Affaiis, and the Attorney-Genera- l.

We talked the situationover and what was best to be done.The Cabinet undertook to secure thesurrender of Wilcox and his party.Between 9 and 10 o'clock I wentwith a written demand to the fiontgate of the Palace, knooked at thegate, but was refu-e- d admittance. 1

made a demand to see Wilcox onbehalf of the Government, but itwas ignored. The available forceshad been stationed around ihe blockand Col. V. V. Ashford was placedin command. I was at the gate ashort time, but it seemed long Wil-

cox had possession of the Palaceyard decidedly against the authorityof the Government.

At 11 :50 the Court took a recess.AFTERKOON SESSION.

The Court resumed at one o'clockp. m. The examination of Mr. S.M. Damon was continued as follows

After failing in my attempt tocommunicate with Wilcox I wentinto the Government stable yard. Iheard two shots fired as if from di-

rection of bungalow. Firing soonafter became general from the Mu-

sic Hall and the palace yard. Iheard cannon fired from the palaceyard. I recognized one person inthe Music Hall. Thoie in thatbuilding were there and acting byauthoiity of the Cabinet.

Cross-examine- d Col. Ashfordwas placed in command of all tbeforces to support the authoiity ofthe Government. Not aware of anyorders given to shoot .anyone, theintent was to get back tho authorityof the Government. No martiallaw was declared, am awaro somemen were killed. The Ministersconsidered themselves responsiblethat day. The King said ho wasnot a party to the taking of thepalaoe yard. My commission asMinister of Finance is signed by theKing. I wanted to beo Wilcox asthe head of the revolutionists. Idid ot hear the Bentry say I couldget through the Richards streetgato. I heard shouting from theMusic Hall for me to go away. Averbal authority was given to Col,Ashford. The ono I noticed in tbeMusic Hall was Mr. Brown.

C. W. Ashford sworn, stated Iwas Attorney-Genera- l of the King-dom on July SOth. I did not goto my offlco that morning. Frominformation received I went earlyto the Station House. In companywith Mr. Austin we drove to thoraakal gate of tho Governmentbuilding yard, but were refused ad-

mittance by armed guards. One oftho guards brought bis nQo to port,and would not open the gate. Wobad just been to Ills Majesty'sboathouse, whero we had conversa-tion with him. Wo were acting inaccordance with the King, told him

that wo proposed to get back thoControl of the palace yard, and re- -

ftsesrt tb authority of tbe Governtnent,

Cross-examine- d Tho Cabinet wasaware there was a stiong ftnee inthe palace ynrd and we hesitateduntil our forces wcte stronger. Wedid not expect the King to zo to thepalai'e anil stay there. I was awarothat ho had been sent for to gothere and reiuscd. The King Is notn nervotii man. Ho was

u lien we saw him mid wasplacently smoking a cigarette. Donot icuo lectue ?aUl his life was indanger. Tt-- or twelvs of thoHousehold Guards were stationedin the lower part of the boathouse.We assured the King wo would pro-tect him.

The prosecution here rested.Mr. Rosa for the defense asked

for the discharge of tbe defendunl,first, because the Indictment did notset forth any offense. He then readtbe si'cllon on treason from tbepenal code, and argued at lengththat by the adoption of tho newconstitution there was no tieasouact. In the second place there hudbeen no evidence produced to showth.it the defendant committed anytreason. It had not been .liowuthat lie took part in the levying ofwar. That he was present was notsulllcieut to support the charge. Itseemed blrange that tho foreign jurycases should lie called llrstthis term;it was something unknown.

Mr. Hatch for the Crown said, liedid not propose to discuss the pio-vislo-

of the penal code. It wouldbe left to the Court to say if therewas a section on tr ason. He con-tended that abundant evidence badbacn produced against the defend-ant. He read the definition oftreason and said it had been shownthat the defendant took part in pre-paring and using force.

His Honor overruled Mr. Rosa'smotion, to which exceptions werenoted.

The Court here took a recess offifteen minutes on motion of Mr.Rosa so that he could consult withhis client.


Tho first witness for the defensewas Robert W. Wilcox who, onbeing sworn, stated I know Loo-

mens. Have known him about twomonths. Know R. N. Boyd andGeo. Markham. I remember ameeting at lwilei. It whs a kind ofpolitical meeting at which 1 laid outsome plans. I planned on somepolitical ideas. I saw that someHawaiians were not satisfied withtho affairs of the present Govern-ment. They said the whole powerwas taken away from the King. Isaid we might organize as a societyat once. It was called the LiberalPolitical Association. I was ap-pointed president. Someone sug-gested Loomens as vice-preside-

He ws a stranger. I told him toact honorary Wehad an oatb. It was for a pohtii alobject, to obtain the rights of thenatives by legislative or some firways. Had other mcetinus, onewas on Punchbowl. We talkedabout means at that meeting. Wehad meetings at Palama. The

Rifle Association wasformed, and met at my olilee. TheRifle Association had no meetings atI'ii lama. Loomens was at tbe meet-ings at Puluma by my invitation. Ir member a meeting in July, do notrecollect the date. The la-- t threemeetings natives were admitted. Iexplained matters at the meetings.At Qi st meeting whn natives weret'icre I tiied to see how long theycould keep a secret of the society.They agreed to join as they thoughtit was for the good of them and theKing, and they were willing toswear to the oatb. I told then theoliject of the mteting was nothingbut uphold the King and the peo-

ple, both natives and whites. Theprincipal meeting was the last one.The others were only to feel whatpatriotism they had. Loomens saidsomething at the last meeting butone. Notbtng was sai I about de-

throning tho King. We wanted toget a new constitution and have theMinisters dismissed. I had a newconstitution in my hands allprepared, Wr wanted the Kingto sign it, then tbe old onewould be no eood. We expected to get our new constitutionsigned by a fair way. I had pro-mises the thing would be a successlieforo I came down to the Palacethe morning of the SOth. Did notintend to uso force against anyone.The promise I had was that the Kingwould sign the proposed constitu-tion. Before I matched into thePalace I did not see the King. Ihad a communication from himthrough a person whose name I willnot mention. I went to see HisMajesty at tho Palace on the Satur-day before the SOth. I saw theQueen. I went round the Palaceand the yard, saw where the cannonsand ammunition ware kept, I sawLoomens in the Palace yard on tbeSOth, he came in to 6eo me and talk-ed for a timo. 1 sent him down totbo King with a message, it waswritten on ono of my visiting cards.I hud sent three messages pievlous.1 invited tho King to come back tothe Puluco for the proposed question.I seut a squad with his royal carriage, but ho did not come. Saidho was waiting for the proper oppor-tunity. That was tho first raesaagofrom him. I received auother whichwas to tho effect that as I had thePalace and everything I wa to holdon with my men. Loomens did nottake part in any of the transactionsin the Palace yard. I did not bearLoomens auk Mahaulu anythingAbout provisions. Loomens knowabout' us getting a new constitution.

IU did not UVo c part in handingclolhos and arms to tho men. Thonatives acted politely towards him.When I knocked. at the Palace yardgate the sentry said "onl kelu?"I said in answer it is Wilcox. Hesai tail rigbl,this is for mutual bene-fit, iiiid the sentries all ran Into thoPulacc. Did not receive any resist-ance. I called Robt. Parker, theolllcur on duty. I told him my bodyof men was for the King and thepeople. His men and mine guardedthe gates together for a lime. Haduo resistance at the barracks. Askedthe captain for primers. Ho dodgedlound and said the Minister of For-

eign Affairs had them. I told himI knew different. At last be gaveme the prlmess. The men at thebarracks were In my favor, I couldsee that from tbeir looks. CaptainKalmlcwai made a soft speech to hismen, told thi m I was a noil educatedman and was there for tho rightsof the people. Kahalewai was cap-

tain of the King's guards. Weguarded the Palaco waiting for theKing to coind. The cannon rereput there for appearance. Did notgo there to fight. Went to upholdthe authority of my constitutionand the King. Did not see Mr.Damon that day. Hoard tho next,dny while iu prison that lie hadmade a demand. I gave oiders ifanyone wanted to he admitted fromthe opposition party to let me knowfirst. think I know Mi.Schumau.He wis brought in the Palace ardby outside people. I told tho peopleto lei him go. I knew fiom thepapers that seven of my men died.I saw Loika dead in the yard. Icould have taken the Palace if I hadwanted to. I received a message topreservo the uacieduess of thePalace and leave Parker and hismen in there. The message wasdeli vet ed by the same person asthe other one. I never told anyonaI would proclaim mjelf dictatorand proclaim martial law. It wasstreet talk. My only object was toget tbe new constitution. I receiveda message from the same source whoto associate myself with and whonot to. I was to be independent ofanother paily that was getting up.On tbe Sunday before the SOth Iwas in the Palace. On the morningof the 29th Poomaikalani was in the1'niace bungalow, she went down toWaikiki. I do not remember seeingthe young Princes there.

Cross-examine- d I camo backfrom America in April. Had beenabsent over a year.. I was here inNovember and December 1887, mywife was with me. We left in Janu-ary 1888. When I camo with mywife I was returning from Italywhere I had been sent by theHawaiian Government. I returnedin April last because it was mycountry. I left before because theGovernment did not treat me right.I had promises from the formerGovernment. I was recalled with-

out regard to my studies. I did notbring my wife back with me, shedoes not like tbo Islands. I firststayed aKhe Arlington,then was in-

vited to the Piincess Liliuokalani'sresidence. I did not come backwith the intention of fomenting po-

litical disturbance. The plans Ilaid out included a new constitution.It was like tho constitution of

V. Eight to a dozenweie present at tbe meeting at Iwi-lc- i,

only the feelings of tho nativesand kamaaiuas were talked about.Most of those present at that meet-ing are gone away. Loomens wasthere at my invitation, I also invitedBoyd. It was merely talk about theoath being that if anyone divulgedsecret9 they should meet with death.We met on the t ip of Punchbowlon a Sunday a . We dis-

cussed the matter of means, did notsnv much about guns and riflesto help to cany out our object.On the 10th of July natives neicfirst admitted to tho meetings.Testa; Cummings and I thinkCrowningberg did not take the oath.We had lilies there, I bought tbemin the city. They were mine. Ihad pait of them for the Kameha-m- e

ha RiQe Association, the oilierpait to carry out our political phusand to prevent the unnecessaryshedding of blood. I proposed toarm my men and when we marcheddown they had rice guns for appear-ance. I expected attack from thosein opposition to us. My plan em-

braced the expelling of the Minis-ters. I hau the new constitutionwith me on the morning of the SOth.I have destroyed it, I talked withthe Queen ono day when I went tothe palaco to see the King. I toldher very little, told her it was noth-ing against the royal family. We hada meeting ou July 11th, J. T. Bakerof Hilo was present. He promis-ed mo to attend. I did not expectto iiBo the cannons much, for it Idid I would have fortified them, hav-

ing had plenty of time. If the newconstitution had been signed audtbo ministers would not havo goneout, I would havo fought for thiKing. I did not see the King per-

sonally. I first met Loomens in thecity. He was presented to me, howanted to get nork. --He said it wsba fine country but hard fur a whiteman to get work. After, I met himoften and talked with him, with thoresult that he camo to the meetings.Ho knew all Unit was going on. Hewas at my olllco a good deal. Wotalked very little outside the meet-ings, He was at the meetings,came very lato. Tho arras were dis-

played at tho meeting that JohnBaker attended. It was discussedthat wo had better wait until we gutmom arms and men. Had no meet-ing betwoon tho 11th and 29th of

I July, This oauio of no moulings

ltl T firt(Ar1 Ia era mma numn '

lf3 IUAV A nUtH&V fcV jW UiV4 Cl IUU

and men. I gave notice myself oftho last meeting. 1 telephoned toBoyd in Italian to como from Kai-lu- n.

At our last meeting we had 35rifles and about 35 rice biid guns.I paid for them. It ie nobody's bu-

siness whether I had money or not.I saw the King at Ilonuakaha, er

person was present whom Iwill not mention. I received threeverbal mcssaiies from the King.They were delivered by one of thoKing's staff. I believed this mes-

senger told me tho truth, I had con-

fidence iu him and he in me. Themessenger was Colonel Robert Hoa-pi- ll

Baker. Capt. Kaaha took myfirst message on the morning of theSOth. He took tho royal carriageand returning said ho had seen theKing at Honuaknha. I wanted theKing at the palaoe to sign the con-

stitution. It had not been passedupon at the meetings, only passedupon by myself and private friends ;

ono was Judge Pahia, he approvedof it and made remarks. F. J. Testaread it, he thought It good, approv-ed of it and thought that the Kingmight change for the better whenhe got into his new position. Show-ed it to several others, no baoles.I told Col. Baker tho contents ofthe constitution. It was understoodhe would tell the King. I talkedwitli some of the kamnainas on thesubject. Kaaha's message was thatthe King would not come rightaway. Col. Baker took tho secondmessage to the King. It was after6 o'clock in the morning. Ho soonreturned and said ho had seen theKing, delivered my message, andthe King replied that he would comeat a favorable opportunity. He toldme not to put my soldiers in the pa-

lace. I understood I must get moremen before the favorable opportun-ity arrived. The King told Bakerthat I had all the guns and ammu-nitions in tbe palace. I intended toget a large party so as to repel anyattack that might be made by thosein support of the government. I sentLoomens to tho King with a mes-sage. It was written in nativo nndsaid that I was waiting for his Ma-

jesty. Loomens did uot return,next saw him in the police station.I heard rumors that the Ministershad been to sco the King at hisboathouse. The Queen slept atWaikiki the night of July 29th, theprinces were at the same place. Idid not know they were not to he atthe palaco. I found no pnmors inthe magazine, went to the barracksto get tbem. I wanted to get thecannon ready, as I heard rumorsthat there was to ho opposition fromoutside. I did not know I was inthe wrong when my men assembledin the palace yard. Wo waited fortbe King. I was prepared to resistany uncivilized attempt on the partof the government to dislodge us.I experimented with a fuse, it didnot work, then went and got theprimers. Capt. Kahalewai gave methe primers, from a trap door overthe ontrance to the barracks. I didnot threaten bira. Kahalewai afterdodging a little gave me the primerswillingly. On July 2!)th I receiveda message from the King, it referredto a former message. The messagesaid the ministers were going totake the cannon away, they had al-

ready got the gatling guns. I keptsecret these messages from theKing. The message was deliveredto me near my oflio. Think it wasbefore noon and was verbal. I didnot know Mr. Damon was at thegate. I did not think of sendingword to the Miaisters of iny inten-tion to march to the palace. A sug-gestion was made that I should bea dictator a the Kin a was weak.I remember making a statement toMr. Peterson. I do not remember Itold him the King had nothing todo with him, I did not want to sayanything then. When I askedP.irker for the palaco he told me togo to Kahalewai. LoomenB marcheddown with us part of tho way. Hewas dressed in a big gray coat. Weheld up a lot of policemen and madothem fall in line so as they couldgive no alarm at the station house.Loomens saw me experimentingwith the fuso, he said it would onlymake a noise and scare tho people.The flnt message fiom tho King wasabout my idoa of getting up the

Rille Association. TheKing knew I was patriotic and hehad confidence m me. Ho said itwas a good thing to teach the mento shoot straight. He said tho wholecity was talking about it nnd it wasa good thing.

At 5:30 the Court adjourned to9 :30 Friday morning.

Fmday, October 11th,Tho Court opoticd ut 9:30 a. m,The cross-examinati- of Robert

W. Wilcox was coutinued as fo-llowsWhen I was speaking withLoomens in the pulacc yard I bad aroll of paper under my arm. Itwas a plan of the city. I did notexplain it to him, 1 did upon it,but think Loomens was not therejust at tho timo. I was not showingLoomens the streets leading to tbeboathouse. Hu knew where thoboathouse was, bo had been pre-sented to tho King by Charlie Wil-son. Our chief discussion on Punch-bowl was with regard to tho meansto carry tbo project. I think youbad no right to ask mo whether Ibad money or not, After a time woraised the means to get arras anduniforms to carry out tho project.It is nobody's biibiness whero I gotmy cash from. Loomons was at thePunchbowl meeting, ho did not fur-nish me with a cent. He did notpanvass for funds, and did not knowwhoro tho uionoy cmno from. It

took Bane time to tccutuul&to thearms. Did hot have any conversa-tion with Loomens about where toget the guns. I got them myself.The rico bird guns were not for theKatnehamehn Rifle Association.They were for appearances, andwere loaded before wo started onour march. They were loaded sothat it anyone shot at us like ducksiu the palace yard we could respond.I gave tbe command "ready" whenwo arrived at the palace gale. Therifles wore loaded at the gate, Igave the command "ready" for ap-

pearances; "

By Mr. Rosa When we were dis-

cussing meaus Loomens did uot sayanything. At any meeting Loomensdid not say anything more thanthat he sympathised with tho na-tives. The meetings were conduct-ed mostly in Hawaiian. Loomensdoes not understand Hawaiian. Therico bird guns were loaded at Pa-

lama. I saw Loomens a little timeafter I opened tho map In tho palaceyard. I could not say whether Loo-mcti- B

came in the gate with us. Isaw my men but not Loomens afterI came from Robert Paikor. It wasbetween G and 8 o'clock when I sawLoomens again. It was then whenI handed my card to him to tako tolimiting. I. wrote on it, "Eia auianci me na koa, i ka pa alii, ke kaliaku nei i ke Alii," which means, "Iam here with the soldiers at thopalace yard, wailing for Your Ma-

jesty." I signed my name to themessage. The message sent by Ka-aha to the King was a verbal one. Ireceived a message later by tbo staffofllcer about the sanctity of the pa-lace. Col. linker told me ho hadseen His Majesty. I was at thefront of the pulacc when the firstshot was fired, it came from theOpera House. When the firing be-

came general my men responded.We had arms nnd ammunitionenough to have destioyed the build-ing ir the cannon had been fortified.I leceivcd a raeisage on the day ofthe 29th that it wns the proper timeto set to woik and also a messagethat the King had had trouble withhis Ministers about the cannon.

By the Court It was when theycommenced firing tlmt I first thoughtthe King would not come.

By Mr. Rosa Previous to that Ithought he would romc. I heardthu Ministers wanted to shoot me,then tbe war would be ended. I wasfired at all day as if I were achicken, but was not hit at all.

By the Attorney-Gener- al If Ihad seen Mr. Damon and the Kingwould not have come, I would nothave surrendered. I was for theKing and the people.

Jona. Austin sworn, stated Iwas Minister of Foreign Affairs onJuly 29th, SOth and 31sl. On the29lh I was technically in charge ofcertain field pieces and ammunition.On that day thoy were in the palaco.Previous to that time they were un-d- or

my control. Suppose I couldhave got them if I wanted to. Theywere carted from the palace yard tothe Station house after tbe affair.

Cross-examin- Some of themcamo from the barracks.

Albert Loomons sworn, stated Iam a Bolgian. Arrived in HonoluluMay 4th. It was on the lGth I firstmot Wilcox. I was asked by Wil-

cox to attend a meeting of a societyat some place unknown. It was asociety of white men for tho good ofthe country and people. Boyd ap-pointed mo Vice-Preside- I objected. They accepted mo, how-

ever. They wore all Italians, nnd Idid not understand them. Boydtold me what they said. He toldme be had eight or nine hundredacres of land in tbo country and wasgoing to try and form n colony. Iwas to be Vioe-Picsldo- nt of tbe col-

ony. I was at Punchbowl meeting,invited by Wilcox. Did not under-stand much, they wore talking Ital-ian. I was at the meetings at Pa-

lama. Nothing was said about overturning the government. 1 remem-ber tho meeting where wine wasdiunk. It was in the Princess'dinin.r room. I made somo remarks,as ono man took me for a spy, toldthem I was invited by Wilcox as hisfriend. Boyd forced me to take apistol. Did not hand any arras oruniforms to tho men,nover gavo anyorders. They met to talk about thoKing's rights. Did not understandmuch, as thoy talked in native. Istarted with them from the Princess'rcBidenco and when we got to thupalace gato I went to my rooms atMrs.Kingsley's. I returned to the pa-laco yard and talked with Wilcox.Hu sent me to the King's boathousewith a message written on a visitingcard. I delivered It to a soldier.Ho camo back and said there wasno answer. I did not talk with anynative about provisions. Someoneoutside of tho palace askod mo to gofor bread for the pcoplo inside. Ihad nothing to do with tbo guns. Iwent baok lo the palace to toll Wil-

cox there was no answer, and thenwent to my room. I was arrettedbetweon 12 and 1 o'clock. I had apistol on me. On the way down Iwas last in tbo line of march ; wasnot my business to hold up the po-

lice. I saw Boyd and Markhamgiving out arms and shirts. Thoroom was public whero they werekept. Speeches were mado iu na-

tive. Sometimes Wilcox translatedthem for mo, I did not use arms inthe palace, did not direct anything.Did not buy any bread at all thatday, I wus in my room when thofiring commenced and on going outMrs. Kingbley told mo I had bettertake the pistol with me, I did so.The only cartridges I had wore iuthe pistol, had uouo about mo whenarrested,

Croa8'eArolnd I have beentoast of the timo In the hotel busi-ness, I was in Paraguay in 1873.Was six years in the Silver PalaceHotel at Sacramento. After thatI opened a sample room on 2d streetin the same place, then went backto the Silver Palace Hotel. I got aletter f row Mexico to go as managerof n hotel there. I staid there nshoit time nnd then wont to SanFrancisco. 1 traveled around agreat deal for some timo with n gen-tleman. I was in an oyster palaceat Oakland. I came here on.-th-


S. S. Umatilla,-whic- h VefW3auImn-clsc- oApril 26th. Wilcox wa9 not a

passenger, did not know him before.1 met him one or two days beforegoing to the first meeting. I joinedthis society for tho good of thecountry, to get the rights of thoKing; if there is a King, ho oughtto be King. I did uot know exactlythe rights he had been deprived of.That was tho sole object of the so-

ciety. At the first meeting Boydand Wilcox were there, also somesailors. I did not take any oath,never was sworn at any time. Wil-cox never mentioned oatli to me. Iwas there as a representative whitoman. I knew they intended to carryout their objects by good means. Ifrequently met Wilcox ou the street.I intended to return to Sau Fran-cisco on June Glli. 1 was promisedemployment which detained me. Iapplied to Mr. Macfarlnuc once forwork. Did not notice guards postedal the meetings. I did not Btay themeetings through; never had anytrouble in going or leaving. Theremight havo been guards. One wasonce stationed at the dining roomdoor, don't remember if he had agun. A was stoppeu once by aguard at the gate. I called to Wil-

cox, he said all right. Think Wil-cox wore uniform nt two meetings.I went to the meeting because Wil-cox invited me, and it passed tbetime away. At the meetings it seem-ed to me those present were notsatisfied with the Ministers. Theyproposed to put them out. I wentto Palama on the night of the 29that 10 o'clock, got no orders whilethere. A pistol was given me byforce. Boyd did it. I have got noidea that it was unlawful to meetand march with arms. I went backto the Palace to see if the King hadcome. If he had I should havebeen his man. Would have obej'edhis orders. 1 went homo because Isaw the King was not there. It wasbetween u ana o clock, wlieu I re-

turned from the boat house. Wilcoxwas excited when 1 saw him. Firingwas going on when I went for thebread. I never asked anj'one tojoin tho society. Never talked witha man named Worry. Never sawWilcox administer an oath. I at-

tended the meetings after they gotarms, thought it was tho Rifle Asso-ciation. 1 was not the ruler of thebody of men, was with them up tothe PaIa:o gato. I know Lucca. Isaw him at the Station House. Ido not remember whether 1 shoutedout to him in French to keep hismouth shut and say nothing; I wasexcited. Don't know whether hewas at the first raeetiug. I wentwith Lucca to Worry's place at thoHalfway House on Sunday. I nevorwent there again, never talked onthe outside about this business. Isaw a Minister pas Werry's placethat Sunday. Did not ask Wcrryto join the society, or toll him thatits object was to turn tho missiona-ries out.

By Mr. Rosa I talked with Wor-ry at his place. Boyd was notthore.Do not remember him telling mothere was a society.

James II. Boyd sworn, stated It.N. Boyd is my brother. Two orthree months before Julv 29th hewas in charge of ray mother's cnttloranch. Part of it is suitablo for cul-tivation, between a thousand andfifteen hundred acres.

Joe Acn sworn, atatcd I am nbandsman. On Ihe 30th of July Iwas iu Honolulu, ot the corner ofLikclike aud King streets. I wasstopped by a person who had a rifle,he held it against my side. Ho hadon a dark military uniform. IIoappeared to be a German, his namewas Schuman. Ho stopped mo andthe bayonet of his gun touched myneck. I got hold of it and also thotrigger, for it was cocked. Othershad passed him. A crowd collectednnd I heard Wilcox call out fromthe palace wall to tako the gun frombim. Tho crowd closed up and thogun was taken from lulu. I heardthe report of a gun directly nfter-ward- s.

1 was not arraud.Cross-examine- d I do not know

it is the custom to carry the triggernt half cock. 1 was not nt Palamaon the night of Ihe 29th. Never at-tended any meetings. I do not stopat Mrs, Dominis'.

At 11 :55 the Court took a recess.

Tiu: steamer Australia leaves SauKruuciEco to-da- y for this port.

lUnr.ACKS and Koads and Nudgeswill havo n bahcbull match at Makiki


Messkh. J. E. Brown it Co, adver-tise branch olhces of tbeir imrncv ofPitt it Scott'a Express.

Tuk Court while inline; on .1 pointthis morning icmiukcd that it alrnoullooked as if thu King was ou trial.

Tuih evening thero will hu a y

band concert at the Hotel,in honor of His E.tct'lloncy J. L.Stovene, American Ministor, andfamily.

Mn. Jab, T. Shorwood still inns thoLong Blanch baths in cood rbanu.Those wanting a fiut-iat- o surf batharo uutci of all tho acceneorioj forcomfoit at this establishment,


Verdict or Unllty.

Mr. Rosa rested tho case for tbedefense soon after tho opening oftho Court this afternoon. Attorney-Gener- al

Ashford called Col. K. H.Baker in rebuttal, who conlradioledWilcox on several points icgardlngcommunications with tho King. At1 : 10 Mr. Ro&n began addressing thejury for the defense, and at 2: ISMr! Hatch began his addres9 fpr,the Government. Tho roomnacrowded. Chief Justice Judd .had-- J

delivered his charge and the juryretired at 10, and at 3:38 rcturnodn verdict of auiirr with a recom-mendation to executive clemency.The prisoner showed a keen realisa-tion of his position, weeping bitterlyon hearing the verdict.


Complimentary Baud Concert, attho Hotel, at 7:30.

Drill Co. D Honolulu Rifles,at 7:30.

Service St. Andrew's Cathedral,at 7.

Hawaiian Council No. 089 A. L.of H., at 7:30.

Pacific Degree Lodge No. 1, D.of It., at 7:30.

Majoh J. II. Wodehoube, 11. H.M.'n Comiuissionei ; Senhor Caua-van- o,

Portuguese Commissioner;Lieiits. RittenboUHC and Merriaw ofAdmiral Kimbcrly's Staff; and a,

largo number of piomineiit residentwere in Court this morning to hearthe Loomens trial.




-- AND-


TRAINED AIIALSThe Greatest Travelled & Best-kno-

Show in the World.


Saturday Evening,October 12th.

Doom Open at T. Performance con-menrc- H

at H o'clock nliarii.



October 16th.Doom Opm at S. Perroraanre nt

B o'clock.


32 ARENIG ARTISTSFrom tho Leading Circuses and

Hippodromes in Kuiopoand America.

40 HIGHLYTrained Horns & Ponies,

JAPANESEJugglers & AcroMsPerforming Elephants !

Educated Donkeys !

Riding Monkeys !

-- AND A- -


Performances Ever; Evening,

(Except Sunday?.)


Uoxoh (6 Chairs) . . $9 00Singlo ChairH in Box . 2 00Dress Circle, Chairs, 1 002d Clasi., Carpeted Seat 763d Olat-s- , Oallory 500flT"Chihlron under 9 years of ago

HALF l'HIOE to all parts exceptBoxes.

'Tickets may bo had and Boxesecured daily from 8 a.m. to 5 o'clockr. m., at Lewis J. Levey's AuctionBoom, aud at the Tiokct Office of tlmOircus.


CHAS. DRRMER, : General Asnt.uotui

.'sj. 1 . " t. - - . .4. dSvUife KJ1&. - V.l . Ua-w-f. ... t t.., !LL..fn),fllf9tfiirijg ,f)rh utiirtiiJiliMaljfe sJkkMMiiiMf&m,

' 4


Page 4: i: I · 2015-05-30 · Hock, CotiI, Sand and Boll for silt) in any nuantl v Apply al tlio law otllooof Wllli.uu O Avhl, No. M Mer olmut KtreU Uooolulw, Ij. J. a(4 Bm BBAVER A SALOON

WW 'r

.' . - - - n .. jx i i j i n i iiii i mini ;u . n . it. in iimrin, . irsmnW famimm.mmn'imsisctoaai&GhbtoiiMvctMrulif)S ,.- -, n..i,WM, , ,. miii.-.a,.- ...,i .,,..-- ,., .,,.,, ..I .... ,,...-- .. ....... ..,...l.." " "" " " .. " "Bm n h- - . , i

m Oceaii c SteamsniD Gont. hb e. mm ' TIME TAIILK:



Arrivo at Honolulu:Australia October 18Aliuncdii ....Octobor 2G

Australia November IB

Lcavo Honolulu:3Iariposa October 19Australia October 26Zealandm Noveraber 10Australia November 22Alamodn ... .Deoembor 14



ELE"LE!THE "ELELE" Is now being published

both Native and English ontrial for a period of six months. Thisbaa greatly increased the expenses. Tomeet thiB, friends have already addedlargely to our subscript ion lists, and itspublication in English will be con.tinned permanently, if n few hundredmore subscribers can bo obtained. The"ELELE" is a

Thoroughly Independent Newspaper I

Devoted to the interest of all the peopleof Hawaii, without regard to Cliques,

"actions or Political Jitttc$. The"ELELE" U alwns Hnht, Sjat klin?and Sficy! Head it!

IrCall at the Elele Publishing Co ,

. No. 03 King street, for n sample copy.tgySubscriptions received nt the rate

of $2 CO for the six months. MutualTelephone No. 514. !)('.! tf

jTrTrsTwiLUAMSiEngineer & Contractor,

li prepaied to deign :uid contract forall classea of SugJi Extraction Machiuery. Irrigating "ilnchlnery, Evtporot-in- g

Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Enginesof all kinds and for all purposes, Wate:Wheels, Water Conduits, both pipesand flumes, Steam Roilew of variouskinds, Railroad Material and RollingStoek, Etc., Etc.

IIFFUMION 3IACHIXKRY,In all its branches a specialty.

Plantations supplied with Chemical andAnalytical Apparatus of the veiy bestdescription to order.

t&" Close attention paid to all ordersand satisfaction to the purchaser gua-ranteed. P. O. Rox S30. Foit street,Honolulu. scpt-- 0 89-l-

EOF- -



Imported Direct from Havana.

O. O. :OTE3ES.3-JEE8.- .

803 lm

The Crandall


Change of Type in 5 Seconds !

Writing in Plain Sight!

Simple and Durable !

tW Call and ce sample machine at

HAWAIIAN NEWS CO.,General Agents for Hawaiian Island.


IMteouiked StioDc--

"MARIN"Will ftand at Hfivlce at



RECono 2 22, Sacramento, Bept.15.1887.

PEnroitEK; JJarln was sired byQuinn's Patchcn, ho by Geo. M. Patclien, Jr.; Marln'adam hv Emigrant, hoby Billy McCrackcn; Uilly McCrackenby McCracken'a Black Huwk, 77, (thesire of Lady Dooley, and of the dam ofOverman, 3:1010. JlcCracken'a BluckHawk, 707, by Vermont Bluck Hawk, 5 ;2nd dam by Marshall's Black Hawk, heby Eaaton's Black Hawk. Tlio dam ofQuinn's Patchcn by Htockbriilgo Chief,ho by Vermont Black Hawk, 5.

II. T. Carroll of Ban Francisco, theformer owner of Marin, vouches, thatout of thirty-sl- maroa served by lhlahorse during his last soason In Call,foroia, thirty-fiv- e proved with foal.



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST COKNEH FORT AND KING STREETS.

Jrt rinAilfl KAMnlnnil ltw tlnnUnl T7a&akbFresh California Produco by ovcry Steamer. All ordors faithfully attendedand Goods delivered any nan cf tUu city free of charge. Island oruiTPcited. Satisfaction cu&rantfwd. tvt OftW Pox is. T'othnnp Mo.

i olophono --!4l'.-

tl.A ft t 1 a u .1 TO.. .


' Qfl

ii I f -


LEWIS & CO., HI Fort Street,HONOLULU, H. I.,


B--- ON

By each steamer of the O. S. B. Co. from California

Fresh Gala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala, Fruits,

Fish, Qumo, VeKOtablcH, lStc, lStc.A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hnnd. Also, juat rocoived a fresh line of

ticrmaa 1'ates Jk. rotted 3Icu Jk. Bottled Fruitmliuwis & Co.'s Mftlteso Brand Sugar Cured Hams & Bacon,

New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes,Sicily Lomons & Oala. Riverside Oranges,

Oregon Burhauk Potatoos, Etc., Etc., Etc.

ap-1- 6 Satisfaction. Guaranteed. 87








Kit Salmon Bellies, Block CodfMi, Smoked Beof, Buffalo Ham &Bacon, Boxes Smoked Herring, Tins Norewgian Salt Herring,Mild Cal. Cheese, Atmores Minoo Meat, Green Turtle Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Raisins, Currants, Walnuts, Almonds,Dried Poaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Cereoline Flakes,

CAPK COD CRANBERRIES,Tomato Ketchup, CasoB Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyBlue Potatoes, Ruta Bagas TurnipB, Calafornia Onion9, Crackers,all kindi ; Choice Teas, Fresh AppleB, Saloon Pilot and MediumBread, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assortment of Canned Meats, Fruits and Other Groceries.mh-9- J s&" Leave your orders, or ring up 119. & 8G


JOHN" Cimond Bloclr," Nos.

tiB.S "till it"


Will be IijBued

32 of Nowsl

AMU- -


C..I-- . Hotel A. AluheuOpou every Day aud

The Llbraty consists at tho piesenitime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

Tho Itcadlu? Room U supplied withabout Ufty of tho leadingand periodic ils.

A Parlor Is fornd games.Terms of llfty cents a

jionth, payablo In advanoo.No required In jolnlug exoeptsigning tho roll.

from foreign countries andvisitors fiom tho other islands arc wel-come to tho rooms at all times as guests.

This having no remilarmeans of support except tho dues of

It is that icsldontsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of its and all who feelan Interest In an iustltiitlooof this kind, will put down thoir namesand bocomo rejular

A. J. OAIIT Pros.,M. M. SCOTT,II. A.A. L. SMITH,O. T. M.D.,

umj ana UVrnry



--P O. 2U7

IOE --- B


OS &; &V King- -


Granite, Iron and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER "PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,SHJousa Keeping Goods,


The "Oail Bulletin

Columns Interesting

Honolulu Library

Rcaillnu Association,




providod conversation





members, expected




PARMELEE, Secretary,Treasurer,

RODGERS,CbHlrrauH Comiulttoo


BjaVMgqrggoftgaPBcaiBBajMiJj jjh.wjiw.; juamwn

WeekN Summarv "

on October 8th.

Tho Beat Paper to Send Abroad.


Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.j 36 Hue doDunkerque, . Forli.

Kxecutcs Indents for every descriptionof French, llelgiun,Swls, German, and English Goods, attho best MaiiufccturorH' Lowest Prices,

Cominlfasion, Two-and-- a Half per cent.All Trado and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themunager.

Tho Aceucy Represents, Buys, andSoils, for Home and Colonial Firms.

1'ieco Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Bilks, Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Musi ins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery.Gold and Hilver Lace,Flannelc, Feathers, Peurls,Bonis and Shoes, Glai-B.an-

China-ware- , Clocks, Watches,Joncllry, Fnnrv Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods Mirrors, Tojs.Perfumery, Wines, Ac,Otlmon'B Stores. Books ArtUlioFurniture, Stationery,Ohromos, Machlnoiy. &o., &o.

ICOly &,


Per "Eskdale"123 days from Liverpool

DRY GOODS!Large, Varied & Selected Block.

FANCY GOODS,Dressing Caccs,

Mirrors,Wicker Ware, Etc.

GROCERIES,A full line.

onrl (IIqcdiiTQUQ I


A large assortment.



Carrlngc Lamps,Sugar &Un Rice.



Other Varietiea.


Latest Noreltics.



American andPortugULBe

pcpciiiicpf Icifriiificiii !


Rock,Liverpool and

Hlggin'b Dairy.'

Oils ! Oils !

Rolled & Raw Linseed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc I

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypans, Etc., Etc.

IROIti I BROgy !

Corrugated & Plain.


In all varieties.

Fence Wire !

Annealed,Galvanized Barbed,

Patent Steel Barbed.

Bedsteads of Iron,CUTLERY,



mm BroceriesOf all varieties, always in stock,


Hay, Feed & Flour

Theo. H. Davtes & Co.,HONOLULU.


jrytiigitBW!rcwA vatwyHfr-CTfr- 3Wtt. tritgiiaMaiftts4Wafilffi

HardwareFORT KTKICUrr,







Aerated Waters 1



Depot, 20 Merchant Street.

JTTJSX RECEIVEDEx"Eskdali" fuim Liverpool, a largo

assortment of

PATENT BOTTLES.Ol Assorted Siz-- s.

PLAIN - SODA,40, CO & 75 cts. dozen.


40, GO & 75 cts. dozen.

LEMONADE,40, TO & 75 etc di Z3n.

Etc., Etc.," Etc., Etc.

-- also-



At PO cts dozen.

J. E. Brown & Co.,oct41 Agents. 11B80




TurpouUn. Etc, Etc.


Revere Rubber Co, Boston.


Roler k wire Bnil Hose.

gS(P" Cull uud csamino nur NuwGondi. AllK-3-8- 8



?:a : .ri i?22gggg&ss

FOR SALEWilcox & White Pari.ANEW with (ighwop Suitaiil

for or chinch fine instnmi'iit. Apply at 57 Punchbnvvl Mie 'opMo-i- tf N P. M talon Institute 273

European Billiard Parlors'TMIE Handsome-- t iJilliird Pjrloro i

JL the city, and titled up in thestylo Pour tables with all th

latosv improvKment-.- .

J. P. BOWE1J & CO.,370 tf I'runriHnr


5 Second haml hro.'ij'a Piitent Filtil'ru es, h- - good as new, havli f.

been u td but u few months; a,3, :'0 ChaniberB, 8 dicund.

hand Clnritlers, B(0 allonx capauiteach. Tills miichim-r-j liaw been thr vniout of use by the Diffusion Pik-b-bein-

Introduced; nnd m offered lmsale at veiy low pi ice. For p irticuhin-appl-


Fort St., Honolulu, i .U. iloz san.3S1 lm

Carriage For Sale Cheap.NEW Cotunder Car

riuire lust finishedand handsomely trimmed

in nrsi cnuu- - biyie; miiKt tie lmmeointoisold to cIojii nn Apply to



CONTAINING 1 Urge nnms, vcaniib

wtli hithino.'u. ilinincmonand kitchen dctaclitd, on KekauMkiBtrcet, opposite Hotel stiei-t- . Rvut 1


Cottage To Let.one etory Cottar

on upper pai t of Lillbiistreet, cotiiainlne S looms

n'cidy papeicd and painted, bath room,kite cu, nice lawn, tdiudu ticcs, etc.Will be lented ieasonablo to a Rood ton-an- t.


Spelterine.'pi'EbeatiemedyforI wound, ulcers.

MKE: galls, pi oud flesh andHores of eveiv ilexerln- -

asii tlon to persons or animal". Adopted by leading horse rail-road, club and lively atibles, etc.. inthe United States mid rlfiuvilicra Wbtire prepuied to novo this statement bytestimonials aud lefeieuces to plantersand liveiymen In tills Kingdom.Apl' ".


I Bin ml Views.

A HUGE assortment of ' hotogrnphfimid Stu eokC'iplo Vlcwn of tho

most attractive pemery, buildings, otu,in thea islands, for sale at rc.isonabloprices

HAW MIAN BU'INESS AGENCY.Comw Foit anil oiobuut aueMa.


FOK SAN FKAKOISCO,The new anil flno Al steel steamship

Of tho ccanicSlcamilp Company, willbo due nt Honolulu from Ujdnoy

and Auckland nn r about

October 19. 1869.And nlli leave for the above port withmnlU and pusengrrs ou or aliout thatI'lte....I;'.or r!cB'1' ol PnhsnL,t. Imving bU.PEHIOH A( COMMt HATIONH, npplj

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., AconU.

For Sydney and Auckland

The nev and flno Al steel Btean?lilpti, Zealandia."

Of the Oceanic Steamship Compnny, willbo duo at Honolulu from San

Francisco on 01 about

September 28, 1889.And will have prompt di patch with

allKimd (msBCiigeis for the above ports.For freight or passage, ImvitiK MJ


'7 WM G. IRWIN & CO.. Acenh

4 King st. 74 King st

Importora of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

jiarsos& FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


The Bonutiful Seaside Koort nt Wal- -

kikl (formerly the residence of Col.G. W Mucfarlune;, known as


Park Beach Hotel

The Premises consUt of

A fiflain Building,Containing a

Lanai 40x40, Dining Room, Pantry,

Kitchen & 6 Bedrooms,

A I partially furnibhed

One J3uiliiiig-- Contdining

Bowling Alley, Billiard Room and

Laruo Bedrooms,

One Coitage,With

I Large Bedrooms & Dressing Rooms.

One Building on beach,Containing

Rath Houses, Wash Rooms, Elc.

Large and Commodious

Stables with Carriage House,

UpnT Plror fitted with Largo AiryRooms, suiiublo for servants,

etc., etc There are

Large & Well-laid-o-ut Grounds,

Connected with the Premises on whichciiiild bo erected cottawa for visitorslioulcl tho place bo convened into ahotel, for which It I admirably adapted!

This Hutli jntr facilllin equal the butalong the line of beach.

Pnmlfes will be leased for'i.l,riu .'.'f J'tHr8. tn responsible parties.

further particulars apply to


SpriuRfleld Qaa Machine Unn i- - PreniUcs mi. the pints lead intonil the abovo llnildlngs. Bp20fc9

