i- '- i sttueti. · est try his bologna sausages.-v-s oot.ft-8-continental and colonial...

.1; i V '' hUPP Cv v SJ. m ft !- -' . fc i f .... v" x.. . i-- JJ !j. imuimmMit i miinaa ' I " II1 I1 saHanaessaaM f "V r. '- - .. NS. "' i !.. i . viJl "'& ' sFif$g&i v- - P5flfi i if SttUeti. n ' ' ' . , PMcniuJt Vol. XIV. No 2150. HONOLULU, II. I., FRIDAY BVENTNO, JANUA11Y 25, 1889. CO OENTQ 6UD80RIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed und published at the olUco Queen Street, Honolulu, II. every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - 60 cents per Month. Addross all Communications Daily Bulletin. Advertisements, tc enjuro insertion, ahould be haudedjn bofore one o'clock P. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor IAS G. CLEVIOn Managor Bulletin Stoam Printing; Office. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorable tonus. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 2GU THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary, Au interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 23 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a complete resumo of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper published iu the Kingdom to send to friends abroad. HubMcrlptlon: Island : : : $4 00 year foreign : : : 5 00 " Commission Meronants. j I do Co., General Commission Agents. 07ii ly Honolulu - G. W. MACZABLANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. 1 Queen Btieet, - - 1018 GONSALV1DS & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 0 Beaver Block, Honolulu BBEWEB at COMPANY, ' C '. . . (Limited) - EtruiUIj AlKECANTILli 'AND Commission Aobmu list or orvicKua: r ... J omks,' Jr.... President & Manager i U. Caetkh Treasurer & Secretary . dikkctoks: Hon. O. It. Bisuor. S. C Allen, 11. WATK1UIOU6E. Jia ly T. WATEBHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, CJueeii st., Honolulu. 1 S.N. Custlo.-- J. B. Athorton-- G. P. Castle a UOOKK, ClAaTLB Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in Uoneral Merohaadise, No. tfO King St., Honolulu 1 Cla Hprcckcu. Wm. Q. Irwla. IBWIN & COMPANY, WCr. Factors und Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 & GO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Faints, Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materials of 'evefyklnd, cor. Pott ami ijueun sti., Honolulu. ' 1 GRINBAUM flj CO., MS. Importers of General Mer- - obaadiHeuud Couiuiisuiou Merchants, and I'M Cullfoiniu street, . " Sun FranclBCo, Cal. Lowers, F. J. Lovrrey O: M.Cooke. &OOOKB, (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) raporters and Dealers iu Lumber und all kinds ot Building Materials, Port street, .Honolulu J FRA.NK.J. KltUGER, Practical Watchmaker & Repairer noy.O 3d O L.USO HA.WAIIANO. persons who want to com mun I ALL with the PoitUL'ueso, uitliur (or business, or for procuring workmen, lervanls or any other helps, will- - Und it iuo most prolltablo way to advertise in the Luso Jfawaiiaito, tho now organ ol the Portuguese colony, which is pub. Ushed on Hotel street, and only charges reasonable rto for iidvcrilHwumit H. C. CRABBE, DEALER IN HAY and GRAIN, ,81 King Street, opposite the Old Station House. Dlutuul Tolophouo No. 1. '' B7tf rpHE BEST PAPER to "l.crll.u . ior.U the "Dally Bulletin." CO cents per month. ProfeB3ionalB. JM. MONSARRAT, ut Law & Notary Public 149 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf J Alfred Maqoon, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant. street. Honolulu, 'ly PIONEER, STEAM CANDY FACTOBT F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. T3JJ32T Telephone 74 Mrs. L. C. Pray, Genuine Massage Roman Batbs 1G0 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard. dec7t8 I" H. SOPBR.M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. V. Corner Sixth and Market opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 23 HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Strcot, William's Block, Hono. 216 Honolulu, U. I. if. M. BENSON. O. W. SMITH. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Boericke & ScccUlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rick ecker's Perfumes and Toilet lteuulsiti-s- , i2) WENNER & CO. Muuafactui'init JowclIerH. NO. OS XOXIT H'X'XtJdaUT. Constantly on hand i largo assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watche Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly MBS. M. B. CAMPBELL, Drossmalclne, &o., fco.. Has commenced tho business of Dress, making, Culline; and Fitting, at her i ev- idence, No 73 Beretania street, oppositej the Hotel. The patronage of the ladles Is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. scpt-H-l- y Alex. 'xHI Flohr, Lock &, Gunsmith. Bethel St., next to Gcneial Post olllce, Honolulu. All kinds of Safes &. Soalos repaired. Also, Motrins Machines at reason- able raleo. Belt Tel. 424. P. O. B. 400. Sanders' Baggage Express Go. M. N. SANDERS,! PrPrl6lor- - F. I. CUTTER, Ofllcc, 84 King street, Telephone No 80 Residence telephone No. 'JOa. Gon'l 32a:pro8ulnr X Xra.ylnir Piano and Furniture moving a specialty, ' Wagons meet all incoming steamers. July 25 ly Hustace & Robertson; DRAYMEN. a LL orders for Cartage promptly at. jl tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other inlands, Also, Black and White Sand tn quantities to suit at lowest prices. Olllce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'t. miction room. 982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukul Jewelry a Specially. King Street, Honolulu, II. I. Nest do.ir to the Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Olllce. tST Pellicular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. ' Jan.l9-a!- ) 'SPTO!.rP . BEAVER SALOON Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours The Finest Branl of Giiarsl L Mich A.l-vtiy- on lluntl. II. J. NOLTK, Proprietor. House Restaurant King Street ib Near Alakea. Board S4 50 Per Woo Blnglo aionl its CcntB Kncli. A flrst-clas- s Cook has been engnged to succved tho ono heretofore employed Tho Tables arc Marble top and Clean; th Walters attentive. C. 11 UN IIEE, 2072 3m Proprietor. THE K39iJ53fcXir Metropolitan Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholosalo & Betail Butchers AND NAVY CONTKACTOBS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton ! Beef, Pork, Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCandleFs), So. a ((uecn Ht., : : 1'Inlt ainrket, Honolulu, 11. I. BS"Family and Shipping Oiderscarc- - fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8 JOS. TINKER, JIUTUIIKIl. City IVIarket, Kuuanu Street. Beef, Bi Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Freeh Every Day. tS?"Hls noted Sausnges are made by the every best machinery, and all orders eulruntcd to lils care will be delivered with promptness and dispatch, and his prices aro as 'low as anywhere in tho city. EST Try his Bologna Sausages.-V- s oot.ft-8- Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Hue doDunkerquo, . . . Paris. Uxccutes Indents for every description i f French, Belgian, Swis", German, anl English Goods, at tho best Manufacturers' Lowest Price-- . Commission, Two-and-- a Half per cent. All Trade and Cash Discounts allowed to ClientB. Original Invoices forwarded when requested. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or direct to the manager. The Agency Represent, Buys, and Balls, for Homo and Colonial Firms. I'lcco Goods, Cashmere:, Cambrics, Silks, Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes, Muftlfn-t- , Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, I.aces, Gloves, Frlugee, ParusolH, Haberdashery, Gold and Silver Lace, Flannelf, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Glu-- s, and Ohlna.waro, Clooks, Watches, Jowollry, Fancy Goods. Electro-plat- e, Mimical Instrument, Fans, Ecclesiastical ami Optical Goods. Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, Ac, Oilmim's Stores, Books ATtistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromos, Machinery. fcc, &c. IHUIV Tho Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Bteam Family and Blacksmith Coal Hud a geueral assortment of Mi5. Bar Iron. THIS SPACE Is Reserved For The opiilar Millinery House ! .104 Fort Street," IV. S. SOHCS , THF DALY - - OPr oprietar. -- OIHJrJ'IOEJ- ULLETIN " and JOB PRINTING Every Description of look and General Print! Executed with NeatncHH aud Dispatch. The "Bail" Bulletin .rtui !$ Weekly Summary," Royal Insurance Company, Accumulation ol Fundi, $28,602,205.00 Fire rifks taken at current rates and settlement made In Honolulu. JOHN S. "WALKER, Agont. July 20.88-l- y Union Flro A. ainrlne Insurance Company of M. Z, Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Flro and Marino risks, taken at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agont. july2f)88.1y -- HUN- Insurance Co. of San Francisco. Marino risks on IIullc, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions at current rates. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july n2GDX!BTJRO General Insurance Company. Marine risks oh Hulls, Cargoes, Freight and Commissions at current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent july 2C85.1y A. II. BASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. 13 Kaahumnnu street. Up stairs. HONOLULU IRON WORKS. iStcam engines, sugar mills, boil ers, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 WALKER & REDWABD, ContraotorH : BulUlors. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phon- o No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap 5.1y GEORGE LUCAS, -- KjKrk. and Builder, '117 Honolulu'Stcam Planing MillB, Jtspla nado, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other Is-- ! amis solicited ' NTERPRIS PLANING MILL. E Alakea, near nccn 8U Tclcphono 55. Bolster & Rupprecht, House and ggiFresco Painters At Cnyforil'N Slioelnc Mliop. No. 81 v: : lCINCf STREET. 135 2w lielt Tel. 34H. mutual Tel. Ilia P.O. It ox 4 IS. Office 88 Merchant - - St., Honolulu General Business Agency. NOTARY PUBLIC. Convoyanclng a Specialty Itecords search- ed and abstracts of title furnlshcd.on short notice. Copying, Translating, and engrossing In all langungcs in general use In tho King, dom. Cuitom Haute brokerage Fire and Life Insurance rccelvo prompt attention. Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnishod. X&enl 3Ett;e bought, sold aud rcntod. Sovcrol valuable properties in and around tho city now for sale on crsy terms. Convenient Cottages iu desirable healthy locations in and near the city to let or lease at reasonable rates. FIRE, LIFE, D MAEINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assots, $5,288,000 Commercial Insuranoo Co, (Fire and Marino) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Novad- a Assuranco Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Eire and Marino Int. Co Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Lifo Insurance Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agont, Haw'n Islands. lCCKJly EQUlTABIiE Life Assurance Society, or tlio United States. THE LEADING COMPANY. Now Business In 1887 - $138,023,105 Applications refused (or 23,729,317 Total Income - 23.240.849 Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,255 Gain In Assets during year 8,868,432 Etc., Etc., Etc., In the above and most important point the Equitable heads tho list of Life Companies. A. J. CARTWRIGHT, General Asont for Uavr&liaa Island. June CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine Insur'oo Agents. AGENTS 7011 The New England MUTUAI LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The iEtna Tire Insurance Go. of Hartford, Conn. Tlio Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Francisco, Cala. Prussian National Insurance Como'v KSTABLIBUED 1845, Cpltl 9,000,000 Relchsmidct undersigned, haying been np. polnud agent of tho above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., ou the most Favorable Terms Loues Promptly Adjusted tnd Payable Honolulu. II. RIEMENSOHNEIDElt, Jly-8- 7 ly at Wilder & Co's. Pioneer Shin Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma SL Tho undersigned begs to inform the public of these Islands that he is making SliirtH by Meatnii'onient t Directions forsolf.measurcment will be. given on application. White Shirts, Ofersblrts & Night Gowns v'l1 .p ': . i' '. . 4..r.. 1 ' r-- ,i t S.t a m 1 a m vA Employment Wan ed- -by several men and A flt guarantco hy maklng a sample boys, who will make themselves use. Shirt to every order S and chores required by private faml. lInd order sollclled Bell Telephone 410 fgH Will bo Issued on January 29th. ,les ?im . Full particulars given on appllcstlou 'Z MSMflq. JM atthengency. rpHE ONLY READABLE PA- - SW Orders from tho other Islands prompt. A. pR n the Kingdom Tht 1Jwm. o.i .28 Columns of Interesting News. The Best Paper to Abroad. ,y altonded to. Dally Bulletin." 60 cents ncr month. i t - i t . Tmc1i1V tf m A.

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Page 1: i- '- i SttUeti. · EST Try his Bologna Sausages.-V-s oot.ft-8-Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Hue doDunkerquo,. . . Paris. Uxccutes Indents for every description i f French,


i V ''


Cv v



. fc i

f ....

v"x.. . i-- JJ !j.imuimmMit i miinaa ' I " II1 I1 saHanaessaaMf "V r.

'- - ..

NS. "' i !.. i . viJl"'&


sFif$g&i v- -

P5flfi i if SttUeti. n' ' ' . ,




Is printed und published at the olUco

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. everyafternoon (Sundays excepted).Subscription, - 60 cents per Month.

Addross all Communications DailyBulletin.

Advertisements, tc enjuro insertion,ahould be haudedjn bofore one o'clockP. M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

IAS G. CLEVIOn Managor

Bulletin Stoam Printing; Office.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing ofall kinds done on the most favorabletonus.Bell Telephone No. 250Mutual Telephone No. 2GU


Weekly Summary,Au interesting and comprehensive

publication, contains 23 columns ofreading matter on local topics, and acomplete resumo of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is the best paper publishediu the Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

HubMcrlptlon:Island : : : $4 00 yearforeign : : : 5 00 "

Commission Meronants.

j I do Co.,

General Commission Agents.

07ii ly Honolulu



Honolulu. H. 1Queen Btieet, - -1018


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants0 Beaver Block, Honolulu


C '. . . (Limited)- EtruiUIj AlKECANTILli 'AND

Commission Aobmu

list or orvicKua:r ... J omks,' Jr.... President & Manageri U. Caetkh Treasurer & Secretary

. dikkctoks:Hon. O. It. Bisuor. S. C Allen,

11. WATK1UIOU6E.Jia ly

T. WATEBHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, CJueeii st., Honolulu. 1

S.N. Custlo.--J. B. Athorton-- G. P. Castle

a UOOKK,ClAaTLB Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inUoneral Merohaadise, No. tfO King St.,Honolulu 1

Cla Hprcckcu. Wm. Q. Irwla.IBWIN & COMPANY,WCr. Factors und Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

& GO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Faints,Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materialsof 'evefyklnd, cor. Pott ami ijueun sti.,Honolulu. ' 1

GRINBAUM flj CO.,MS. Importers of General Mer- -

obaadiHeuud Couiuiisuiou Merchants,and

I'M Cullfoiniu street,.

" Sun FranclBCo, Cal.

Lowers, F. J. Lovrrey O: M.Cooke.&OOOKB,

(successors to Lowers & Dickson.)raporters and Dealers iu Lumber und all

kinds ot Building Materials, Port street,.Honolulu J


Practical Watchmaker & Repairernoy.O 3d


persons who want to com mun I

ALL with the PoitUL'ueso, uitliur(or business, or for procuring workmen,lervanls or any other helps, will- - Und itiuo most prolltablo way to advertise inthe Luso Jfawaiiaito, tho now organ olthe Portuguese colony, which is pub.Ushed on Hotel street, and only chargesreasonable rto for iidvcrilHwumit



,81 King Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

Dlutuul Tolophouo No. 1.'' B7tf

rpHE BEST PAPER to "l.crll.u. ior.U the "Dally Bulletin." CO

cents per month.


JM. MONSARRAT,ut Law & Notary Public

149 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf

J Alfred Maqoon,ATTORNEY AT LAW.

173 42 Merchant. street. Honolulu, 'ly


F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. T3JJ32T Telephone 74

Mrs. L. C. Pray,

Genuine Massage Roman Batbs

1G0 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard.dec7t8


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. V. Corner Sixth and Marketopposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 23


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo--t Strcot, William's Block, Hono.216 Honolulu, U. I.



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Boericke & ScccUlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rick ecker's Perfumes and Toilet

lteuulsiti-s- , i2)

WENNER & CO.Muuafactui'init JowclIerH.

NO. OS XOXIT H'X'XtJdaUT.Constantly on hand i largo assortmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatcheGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly


Drossmalclne, &o., fco..

Has commenced tho business of Dress,making, Culline; and Fitting, at her i ev-idence, No 73 Beretania street, oppositejthe Hotel. The patronage of the ladlesIs respectfully solicited. Satisfactionguaranteed. scpt-H-l- y

Alex. 'xHI Flohr,Lock &, Gunsmith.

Bethel St., next to Gcneial Postolllce, Honolulu.

All kinds of Safes &. Soalos repaired.Also, Motrins Machines at reason-

able raleo.Belt Tel. 424. P. O. B. 400.

Sanders' Baggage Express Go.

M. N. SANDERS,! PrPrl6lor- -F. I. CUTTER,

Ofllcc, 84 King street, Telephone No 80Residence telephone No. 'JOa.

Gon'l 32a:pro8ulnr X Xra.ylnirPiano and Furniture moving a specialty,' Wagons meet all incoming steamers.

July 25 ly

Hustace & Robertson;

DRAYMEN.a LL orders for Cartage promptly at.jl tended to. Particular attention

paid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other inlands,

Also, Black and White Sand

tn quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Olllce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'t.

miction room.982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukul Jewelry a Specially.

King Street, Honolulu, II. I.Nest do.ir to the Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Olllce.

tST Pellicular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. ' Jan.l9-a!- )



Tho Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours

The Finest Branl of

Giiarsl L MichA.l-vtiy- on lluntl.

II. J. NOLTK, Proprietor.

House Restaurant

King Street ib Near Alakea.

Board S4 50 Per WooBlnglo aionl its CcntB Kncli.

A flrst-clas- s Cook has been engnged tosuccved tho ono heretofore employedTho Tables arc Marble top and Clean;th Walters attentive.

C. 11 UN IIEE,2072 3m Proprietor.



Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholosalo & Betail Butchers



Choicest Mutton !

Beef, Pork,

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCandleFs),

So. a ((uecn Ht., : : 1'Inlt ainrket,Honolulu, 11. I.

BS"Family and Shipping Oiderscarc- -fully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto vessels at short notice. my 17-8-8


City IVIarket,Kuuanu Street.

Beef, Bi Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Freeh Every Day.

tS?"Hls noted Sausnges are made bythe every best machinery, and all orderseulruntcd to lils care will be deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices aro as 'low as anywhere in thocity.

EST Try his Bologna Sausages.-V- s


Continental and ColonialAGENCY.

36 Hue doDunkerquo, . . . Paris.

Uxccutes Indents for every descriptioni f French, Belgian,Swis", German, anl English Goods, attho best Manufacturers' Lowest Price-- .

Commission, Two-and-- a Half per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto ClientB. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or direct to themanager.

The Agency Represent, Buys, andBalls, for Homo and Colonial Firms.

I'lcco Goods, Cashmere:, Cambrics,Silks, Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes,Muftlfn-t- , Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, I.aces, Gloves,Frlugee, ParusolH, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannelf, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glu-- s, andOhlna.waro, Clooks, Watches,Jowollry, Fancy Goods.Electro-plat- e, Mimical Instrument,Fans, Ecclesiastical amiOptical Goods. Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, Ac,Oilmim's Stores, Books ATtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery. fcc, &c.


Tho Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Bteam Family and Blacksmith CoalHud a geueral assortment of

Mi5. Bar Iron.


Is Reserved For The

opiilar Millinery House !

.104 Fort Street,"



- - OProprietar.




Every Description of

look and General Print!Executed with NeatncHH aud Dispatch.

The "Bail" Bulletin


Weekly Summary,"

Royal Insurance Company,

Accumulation ol Fundi, $28,602,205.00

Fire rifks taken at current rates andsettlement made In Honolulu.

JOHN S. "WALKER, Agont.July 20.88-l- y

Union Flro A. ainrlne

Insurance Company of M. Z,

Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Flro and Marino risks, taken at currentrates and settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agont.july2f)88.1y

--HUN-Insurance Co. of San Francisco.

Marino risks on IIullc, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july

n2GDX!BTJROGeneral Insurance Company.

Marine risks oh Hulls, Cargoes, Freightand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN. S. WALKER, Agentjuly 2C85.1y

A. II. BASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. 13 Kaahumnnu street. Up stairs.

HONOLULU IRON WORKS.iStcam engines, sugar mills, boil

ers, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1


ContraotorH : BulUlors.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings;

given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phon- o

No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap 5.1y


and Builder, '117Honolulu'Stcam Planing MillB, Jtspla

nado, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other Is-- !amis solicited '


Alakea, near nccn 8UTclcphono 55.

Bolster & Rupprecht,House and ggiFresco Painters

At Cnyforil'N Slioelnc Mliop.No. 81 v: : lCINCf STREET.

135 2w

lielt Tel. 34H. mutual Tel. IliaP.O. It ox 4 IS.

Office 88 Merchant- - St., Honolulu

General Business Agency.


Convoyanclng a Specialty Itecords search-ed and abstracts of title furnlshcd.onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing In alllangungcs in general use In tho King,dom.

Cuitom Haute brokerage Fire and LifeInsurance rccelvo prompt attention.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnishod.

X&enl 3Ett;ebought, sold aud rcntod.

Sovcrol valuable properties in andaround tho city now for sale on crsyterms.

Convenient Cottages iu desirable healthylocations in and near the city to let orlease at reasonable rates.


MAEINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assots, $5,288,000

Commercial Insuranoo Co,(Fire and Marino)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Novad- a Assuranco Corporation

(Fire and Marine)Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Eire and Marino Int. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

Now York Lifo Insurance Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


General Agont, Haw'n Islands.



Life Assurance Society,

or tlio United States.


Now Business In 1887 - $138,023,105Applications refused (or 23,729,317Total Income - 23.240.849Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,255

Gain In Assets during year 8,868,432Etc., Etc., Etc.,

In the above and most important pointthe Equitable heads tho list of

Life Companies.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT,General Asont for Uavr&liaa



CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marine Insur'oo Agents.



of Boston.

The iEtna Tire Insurance Go.of Hartford, Conn.

Tlio Union Fire andMarine Insurance Co.

of Ban Francisco, Cala.

Prussian NationalInsurance Como'v


Cpltl 9,000,000 Relchsmidctundersigned, haying been np.

polnud agent of tho above Companyfor the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., ou the most Favorable TermsLoues Promptly Adjusted tnd Payable


II. RIEMENSOHNEIDElt,Jly-8- 7 ly at Wilder & Co's.

Pioneer Shin FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma SL

Tho undersigned begs to inform thepublic of these Islands that he is makingSliirtH by Meatnii'onient t

Directions forsolf.measurcment willbe. given on application.

White Shirts, Ofersblrts & Night Gowns




. i' '.




' r-- ,i

t S.tam



Employment Wan ed- -by several men and A flt guarantco hy maklng a sampleboys, who will make themselves use. Shirt to every order Sand chores required by private faml. lInd order sollclled Bell Telephone 410 fgH

Will bo Issued on January 29th. ,les ?im.Full particulars given on appllcstlou 'Z MSMflq. JM

atthengency. rpHE ONLY READABLE PA-- SWOrders from tho other Islands prompt. A. pR n the Kingdom Tht 1Jwm.o.i.28 Columns of Interesting News. The Best Paper to Abroad. ,y altonded to. Dally Bulletin." 60 cents ncr month.

i t - i t . Tmc1i1V




Page 2: i- '- i SttUeti. · EST Try his Bologna Sausages.-V-s oot.ft-8-Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Hue doDunkerquo,. . . Paris. Uxccutes Indents for every description i f French,





'&. kjvvrflMa 't i u'"j ,vyr

"5 t

'- - 4


itrtgtwatjfcauMnm'gmfjCrawnai TlWrttMtWtl1HM W M.


gjaiTs iut'TBtinPledged to neither Sett nor Party,But established foi he benefit of all.

FRIDAY, JAh. 25, 1889.


Tho "Advertiser" virtually "ownsup" in the Klein mutter, butstill dodges the Knknnko question,in doing which it presents a remark-able example of "lame logic." Hereit is: "The .amount of saving is notmaterial to the settlement of the'old score.' If it was only fiftycents, it disposes thoroughly of theBulletin's theory that the Govern-ment estimates wcro away below theprice at which the work could bedone."

The amount of saing in "ma-terial In tin- - settlement of the oldscore." If it is only fifty cents, itdocs not "dispose thoroughly of theBulletin's theory that the Govern-ment estimated were away below theprice nl which the work could bedone." Just exaetlv the contrary.If flfty cents only were saved, thatwould bu a complete indication ofthe Bullliin's "theory." Therewas a wide difference between theGovernment estimate and the lowesttender, and the saving of only fillycents by the rejection of the tenderwould mean an actual cot abovethe estimate equal to the differencebetween the estimate and tho lender,less fifty cents. The proposition isan axiom which would puzzle oldEuclid to make plainer. The "Ad-vertiser's" reasoning is "away be-

low" pur. ll education in the lineof logic has evidently been sadlyneglected.

That is a very courageouschallenge, "to get all the facts andfigures in the case and publishthem." We shall he most happy todo so if permitted. It ib true thatthe "Advertiser" is not "paid to doreporting and news collecting foi theBullltin." Wc wouldn't do it 01

any account. But when the "Adveitiser," of its own accord, undei-take- s

to answer a plain question thaiappears in our columns, we expectit to perform tiie task fahlyandsquarely, without attempting to foolus with its tianspaient sophistry:that's all.


EniTon Bullltin: In reply toquestions by Subset ibeis for Bonds,as to expense of travelling daily toand from Ewa, 1 beg to say, all pur-chasers of lots fioni the company,will be able to make special rates,which will be found satisfactory.Many persons weie very sine the'trams' could never pay at such lowfates. I think they will lie to besuipriaed again at the low latcs itwill be possible to carry propU onthe steam road, and still make itpay well. We all live to learn.

Yours truly,B. F. DlLM.NGIIAM.


Editor Bulletin: I would liketo call the attention of the RoadSupervisor, through your columns,to the dangerous condition of thetwo smaller biidges that cross Jiuklstreet, one of them directly at thegate of the Minister of the Inte-rior's residence. Both ends of thesebridges have rotted and fallen away,leaving pawning chasms overgrownwith vegetation, out of which it isalmost impossible to keep in case oftwo vehicles passing each other atthat point. This condition of thesebridges has existed for severalmonths and it is about timo thatsomething was done.

Should the Road Supervisor thinkit worth while, to expend a little ofhis time, for the benclit of Juddstreet, while up there, he might turnhis horses head down the upper endof Liliha street aud sec the shame-ful condition into which that streethas fallen. It is positively danger-ous to pass over it either on foot orotherwise. "We havo $8,000to build a boulevard mound Punch-bowl, but apparently not a cent torepair what ought to be and couldeasily bo mado tho finest road in theKingdom. Judd Stkket.

.January 23.


II. B. M. S. Conquest, CaptainChas. L. Oxley, arrived in poit tinsmorning, 81) days from Callau, viathe Maiquesas Islands, and anchor-ed in tho naval row. The Conquestleft here in Decembor 28, 1887, andsince then has visited Acapulco, SanJose, Guatemala, Panama, Coquim-b- o,

Juan Fernandez Island andother places. .She left Callao Dec-cumb-

10, 1888, and arrived atMarquesas Ismnd, January Dili,sailing the next day for Honolulu.Was off Kttilua, Hawaii, yesterdaymorning. Thero has been only onechange in her ofllcers, Lieut. II.Neville succeeding Lieut. John Mar-tin. The Conquest will remain herountil the arrival of the Australiawith tho mail and then bail forHongkong.




When the Supreme Court openedthis morning Ills Honor JusticeHickcrton said although he hud hada great deal to do the previous daynnd did not leae the .Court untilone o'clock this morning, Mill he hadbeen nblc to look up the aiithoiitiesand arrive at a conclusion. He hadpassed on nil the pounds of the mo-tion with the exception of the mis-conduct of the jury. All the affi-

davits had been Died. Upon ex-amination of the authorities thoyseemed to be all on one side, andthey were very numerous. When aJury had beforehand prejudged acase, autl then given false answers,which were unknown to the partiesat the trial, a new trial should begranted. That position is given bynumerous authorities. In tho caseof Studley vs. Hall 9 Shipley page201 it says, "Tho juror testifies thathe has no recollection of having ex-pressed such opinion." When ajuror says he has no recollection,that docs not contradict the ullhla-vl- t.

The denial is not positive, it issimply on iccollcction. It does notcontiadict the affidavits of Vivasand Cluney. His Honor then quot-ed fioni the case of the King vs.John Clements, motion for a newtiial heard befoie the late JusticeAustin in 188!), aud which HisHonor said bears closely on thiscase. It says, "No juror should sitin any case, especially in a criminalcase, in which he has the slightestill-w- ill towards any party, and theexistence of such ill-w- ill is principalcaiibe of challenge. Upon the wholecase I am strongly of opinion thatthe defendant did not have an im-partial jury aud that injustice hasprobably been done him and Itherefore order a new trial."

His Honor said there was unlimit-ed authority supporting this posi-tion.

Another authority quoted wasHaync on "New trial and appeal."In chapter V. page MO, it saj's,"and it seems tint it is not neces-sary to the operation of the rule thatthe juror should have been wilfullyfalse in his statement. Thus wherea juror on his examination statedthat he had not formed or expressedan opinion concerning the case, and'flt-- r verdict it was ascertained thatp tvious to the trial he had expres-sman opinion unfavorable, to the"prisoner, the veidict was bet aside,the Com t saying: "Tho expressionmay have escaped the juior's mind;it is not necessary to impute inoialturpitude to him. but he was legallydisqualified; the appellant had thehigh and sacred constitutional piivi-leg- e

of being tiied by men who hadnever at any time prejudged hisease." Moat of the cases in whichthe rule lias been laid down arecases where the disqualification ofthe juror was by reason of some ex-pression of opinion concerning thewise, or by reason of some feeling ofhostility to the losing party. But.tlie reason of tlic uilc extends to allcases where the juror states on hisexamination that he has some qualificatiou which it turns out lie hasnot. In California the rule was ap-plied in the ease of People vs.Pluinnier. In that case it was shownthat two of the jurors who had an-

swered satisfactory and been ac-

cepted, had previously expiesscdopinions adverse to the prisoner.One of them staled that "the peopleought to take Plunimcr out of thejail and hang him," and on otheroccasions expressed a belief that hewas guilty of murder, the SupremeCourt directed a new trial."

His Honor concluded as follows:The whole matter must be regret-ted. When two gentlemen on thejury panel should so far forgetthemselves on a case that was almostcertain to come before them, it doesnot seem like the conduct of reason-able and sensible men. It docs seemstrange that although it was onlytwo weeks ago that the conversationon the Bulletin article took place,they are unable to say yes or no tothe aflldavits ol Vivas and Cluney,hut meiely say "we don't recollect."There is nothing left for the Courthut to grant the motion for a newtrial.

Following are the affidavits filedon tho case:

defendant's affidavit.I, J. R. Robertson, of Honolulu,

Oaliu, Hawaiian Islands, make oathand say :

I am defendant in the above cause.At thu tiial thereof, on January

18th instant, I was asked by my at-

torneys if I had any objection toany of tlie jury panel, and repliedthat I knew nothing against any ofthem, and left the matter eutiiely in.aid attorneys' hands.

Tho opinions and sentiments of alltlie jurymen were entirely unknownto me piovious to the trial and I hadno reason to suspect that they, orany of them, were hostile to me, orhad ever expre&hed any opinionagainst me regarding the matter thenon trial ; aud I had no informationnor any means of obtaining informa-atio- n

as to such facts previous to thetrial of the cause, or at any othertime, except as herein below stated.

On tho evening of Satiuday Janu-ai- y

HUh, Volney V. Ashfoid, one ofmy attorneys in tho cause, camo tome and said he had just received in-

formation of tho misconduct of twoof tho jurymen ; that ho had not yethad opportunity to investigate itfully, but would tell me particularslater on.

On the forenoon of Sunday Jan.20th eald V, V. Ashford again cameto sec mo, and Mated that Black nndBurgett w ho had sat as jurymen intho cause had been heard to usevery violent and abusive language)against ine only a few days ago, andthat ho had full statements fromparties who had heard them. 1 wasvery much surprised at this inform-ation. I had known Black as aspeaking acquaintance, merely, buthad never passed much conversationwith him, or had any differencewhatever with him ; while Burgettwas an entire stranger to me. Iknow if no possible reason whysaid Black nnd Burgett or either ofthem should entertain toward meany feeling of hostility or ll.

(Signed) J. R. Robkutson.Sworn to before me this day

of January, 1889.Henry Smith,

Clerk Supreme Court.


I, Volney V. Astiford, of Hono-lulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, at-

torney nt law, being duly sworn,make oath and say :

That I was at the time of the trialof (lie abovo cause and now am oneof the nllorncsy of the defendant.

That 1 was ignorant, at the dateof said trial, and therefore, exceptas herein below specified, of anythen existing or previously existingfeeling of hostility on the part ofany of tho jurymen sitting at saidtrial toward the defendant, and hadnever heard nct suspected, exceptalso as hcreinhelow specified, of anyacts, words or expressions of thetaid jurymen, or any of them, indi-

cating such hostile feeling; or anyprejudgment of the case against de-

fendant by the said jurymen, or anyof them.

That the first intimation I had ofthe existence of any such hostilefeeling or the expression of suchhostile sentiments, or tlie prejudg-ment of defendant's case by any ofthe said jurymen, was under thefollowing ciicumstanccs:

Having leturned to my office after4 o'clock p. m. on Saturday, Janu-ary 19th, from the Supreme Court(where I had been professionallyengaged all day) I was waited onabout o o'clock p. in. by John M.Vivas, tlie Portuguese Interpreterto the Supreme Court, who said hecalled in regard to .1. II. Black andI. A. Buigett sitting upon the juryin above cause. I answered saidVivas that, as l:n .i- -. I knew, thosetwojuiois were iw prejudiced, andthat they had so worn on their voirlitre. Said Viva-- , teplicd that hehad only a lew days ago heard themboth express the most unfriendlyfeeling and bitter sentiments towarddefendant; and that he was sur-prised on calling in at the CourtHouse, during the progiess of thetiial on January 18th, to see saidBlack and Hurgett sitting upon tliejury. 1 asked him why he didn'tthen notify me; and lie replied thathe was in doubt as to his duty intlie matter being an officer of theCom t. He furtherslated that inthinking the matter over during thenight of January 18th he had con-cluded to acquaint me with thefacts, and that he had called at myoffice several times during that day(Satmduy 19th) but found me ab-

sent.Saiil Vivas then told me the cir-

cumstances set forth in the affidavitnow on file herein.

I then tried to find J. C. Clunybut did not until the morning ofSunday, January 20lh, when he inconvocation with me corroboratedsaid Vivas statement in eveiy par-ticular.

I then drew up a(Hdavitsfor said.Vivas and said Cluny, which theyrespectively signed and swore to onMonday morning January 21st, andthe same are now on file herein.

As soon as I had heard the abovestatement from said Vivas, andafter trying and failing to find saidCluny, as aforesaid, 1 went to de-fendant and told him I had inform-ation in regard to tlie misconduct ofcertain of the jurymen. Defendantappealed very much surprised, say-ing most of them were strangers tohim, and that he could think of nocause which would make any ofthem hostile to him, I told him nomore than this, at this time, as Ihail not fully investigated tlie mat-ter ; but the next morning (SundayJanuary 20lli) immediately after in-

troducing said Cluny as above stat-ed, I went to defendant and laid theinformation fully hefoiu him: andsubsequently the same day, to Mr.Neumann, of counsel for defence,to whom I also gave a fulljBtutonientof what I had' learned. Cm themorning ot Monday, Junuaiy 21st,I related the said information toMr. Wilder, also of counsel for de-

fendant. Messrs. Neumann andWilder as well as defendant ex-

pressed great surprise at tlie inform-ation ; and it was decided by andbetween all of the attorneys for thedefendant to take such action in thepremises as the facts warranted.

These proceedings have beenlaken at the earliest practicabledate after tho discovery of tlie in-

formation received as above.(Signed) Volnky V. Asiifoiid.

Sworn to before me this 23d dayof January, 1889.J. 11. Reis't,

Deputy Cleik Supremo Court.


I, Paul Neumann, of Honolulu,Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, being dulysworn, makes oath and say;

That I was and am ono of thoattorneys for tho defendant in thoabove entitled cause.

Th,at 1 examined I. A. Burgett,and J. II. BlucL. after their havint?'been duly sworn on their voir dtraas Jurors in above cause, at .thotrial.

That 6aid Burgett and Brack boththero and then swore thai they res-

pectively had not formed and hadnever expressed an opinion in thomatter of said defendant's guilt orinnocence auel that they respectivelyhad not mid never had any feelingagainst said defendant which wouldinterfere with their rendering a trueand just verdict in the cause ac-

cording to tho evidence adducedtherein.

That on tho morning of January10th I was waited on by Volney V.Ashford also one of the attorney'sfor the defendant, who told me hehad iufoimatlon to the effect thatthere had been misconduct on theparty of the jury, and then men-

tioned the matters referred to in theaffidavits of J. C. Cluny and J. M.Vivas filed herewith.

That previous to hearing theabove report I was ignorant of anysuch act or expression on the paitof said Black and Burgett, or eitherof them, or of any other act or ex-

pression or opinion of theirs whichwould unfit them or cither of themfor service on tho said jury, andthat there were no means open todeponent of obtaining knowledge ofsuch acts, expressions or feelings ofsaid Black aud Burgett, or cither ofthem, previous to tlie time and cir-

cumstances of the said discovery asabove staled.

(Signed) Paul Neumann.Sworn to before me this 23d day

of January 1889.J. II. Reist,

Deputy Cleik Supreme Court.


I, Gaidner K. Wilder, of Hono-lulu, Attorney at Law, make oathand say as follows:

That I was and am one of the at-torney s for the defendant in theabove cause.

That the first intimation I had ofthe misconduct of any of the jury-men silting in above cause was onMonday the 21st day of January,when V. V. Ashford informed me asto what J. C. Cluny and J. M. Vivashad told him, as related in affidavitsof said Cluny and Vivas filed here-with.

That I had no suspicion of Hit, ex-istence of such circumstances as arerelated in said affidavits, relative tothe misconduct of Black and Bur-gett, who sat on the jury in saidcause, until receiving tlie said in-

formation ; and further, I had noreason to believe that any such cir-

cumstances, acts or expressions (asrelated in said affidavits) existed orhad been done or made a use of bysaid Black and Buigett, or either ofthem ; and that I had no means ofknowing or discovering the same.

(Signed) G. K. Wildeu.Sworn to before me this 23rd ilay

of January, 1889.J. II. Reist,

Deputy Clerk Supreme Court.


I, John M. Vivas, of Honolulu,having been duly sworn, do solemn-ly depose and say : That about tendays or two. weeks ago (I fix thedate from the fact that it was shortlyafter tho publication of tliearticle in the Bulletin in re-gard to the Robertson and Haysel-de- n

cases), I was in Phillips' milk-shake premises on Queen street inHonolulu. Four of us weie thensitting together at a table in theback room, viz: I. A. Burgett, J.II. Black, Captain Cluui-- and my-self. The conversation turned onthe Bulletin article referred to, audBurgett remarked, " Robertsonought to be in prison for what he haadone, instead of running at large."Black remarked in icply, "Yes, andhe would be on the reef now if liewas not the Attorney-General- 's

father-in-law- ."

Cluney said, "That's convicting aman before trying him ; you shouldwait and hear both sides of tliestory." Then one of the others(I'm not sure whether it was Blackor Burgett), said "that there wasno doubt about his guilt," and that"his place was on the reef," andother things to tlie same effect.

Black also repeated words to theeffect that the only thing, that kepthim(Robertson) out of jail, was theimproper influence used by reason ofhis relationship to the Attorney-Genera- l.

Cluney denied that assertion ofBlack'B, and there was considerabletalk between both parties; bothBlack and Burgett exhibiting a bit-terly hostile feeling towards Robert-son. I said but little beyond this,viz: "That I didn't believe politicalinfluence had anything to do with it,"for I was interpreter to tiie SupremoCourt. I did not want to oxj rss apositive opinion. At that time I didnot know that either Black or Bur-gett was on the jury panel.

1 was present in Court at Robeit-son'- s

trial, January 18, but not un-til after the tiial commenced, andwas surprised to see Black and Bur-gett sitting on the jury. The firstoppoi Utility I had thereafter, whichwas Saturday, January 19, I calledon V. V. A3hford, one of Robert-son's attorneys, and asked him howit 'was that thoso two men saton the case? Ho replied that theywero' examined on their voir dire,and "sworo themselves in," andthat ho know no reason why theyshould not sit. I then told him whatI have Just above stated.

(Signed) J. M. Vivas.Subscribed and sworn to before

Wthe Ibis 21st day of January, 1888.xienry omiin,

Clerk Supremo Court.AFFIDAVIT OF J. O. OLUNET.

I, J..C. Clunoy of Honolulu, hav-ing been duly sworn, depose and ooyas follows .

That on or about January 7thinstant, 1 was present at Phillip's"milkshake" on Queen street, Ho-nolulu. I. A. Burgett, J. II. Blackand John M. Vivas, were sitting atthe same table with myself, whensome one of the four commencedtalking about the Robertson shoot-ing Incident and the article in theBulletin of January 5th, headed"Why So?" (which was supposedto relate to the said case, and theHayselden conspiracy . case) and acopy of which Is attached, marked"Exhibit A."

That during tho conversation bothsaid Black and said Burgett maderemarks against said Robertson tothe effect that he was guilty of thecharge and deserved to be "on theiccf," and that the only thing thathad prevented it was his relationshipto tlie Attorney-Genera- l. Burgettdistinctly said that said Robertson"ought to be in prison instead ofgoing at large." 1 said to themthey should not judge the man tillthey hoard both sides of the story.Black said "llieie was no doubt ofhis guilt,"' and much more to thosame effect.

The conversation was chietlyBurgett and myself ; Vi-

vas, however,said thafpolitical influ-ence had nothing to do with thomatter." This was said in reply tothe assertions of both Black andBurgett to the effect that Robertsonwould then be "on the leef," in-

stead of at liberty, but for his rela-tionship to the Altorney-Genern- l.

(Signed) J. C. Cluney.bwom to before me this 21st day

of January, 1889.Henry Smith,

Clerk Supreme Court.Affiidavits were also signed by J.

H. Black aud I. A. Burgett the twojurois, stating in elfcct that theyhad no recollection of an- - such con-versation having taken place, asstated in tlie aflldavits of J. M.Vivas and J. II. Cluney.

Auction Sales by Lewis J. Levey.



By order i f the CmnnusltnerR of CrownLuncV, lliu

Leases of the Lands and Fisheries


Ahupuaa of Hanalei, Kauai,

TERM OF FIFTEEN YEARS,From lliu 1st or Fehruaty, ls9, will

lie sold at Public Atic ii n,

On Monday, Jan. 28, '89AT 154 O'CLOCK 'OUV,

At the Salesroom of Lewis J. Levey.

CURTIS IMA UKEA,Commissioner of Crown L.uid.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,Auctioneer.

MS? Particulars may bo obtained attlic otllcu nf the Commissioners of CrownL'iii'1. Alilol mi Hale. 0t td.w

s of

BY order of James Campbell, I willatll ut Public Auction, at my Bales- -

mums, on vjiieen street,On THURSDAY, (tin 7th Han nt VnYi

vuu nu ua ui rcu- -

ruary, 1889,.It lit o'clock noon of that day

The following profeiy distrained forrent from tho store of A. M. llcwett.The properly dLtruineil being

ONE JL,.1GI21 & UFta i

LEWIS J. LEVEY,Auctioneer.

Honolulu Jan 19, U8. 151 td

GEO. A. AMSDEN,Piano and Organ Tuner and Repairer.

Orders left nt Hawaiian News Co.'sSloro promptly attended to. Uotb Tele,plionca No. 1U0. lot lw


A", SING actH for mu under fullof nltornev in nil mntti'rs

of liindweis. IJ5E l'AU.Ho mlulu, Jan. in, 1680 Ul iw


A LATHK, ilmlhir to the ono In theHawaiian Hell TelcnlionuCo..nw

ami in perfect o dur. For fuitlur rnrli.cnlnri.uppl) toHO lm JOHN UASSIDY.


MItS. McGregor having returnedhun after an

of H months wishes to Inform herpuiioiibaml the public in general thatRlia is now piepnri'd to nuumu lierformer position as Ladies Nurse. Applyat Oil notel street. 161 lw

Filie Bred Pigs For Sale.TjPi jrak

152 lw

14 Berkshire and Po.lunil; 2 months old; onlyH left; f 10 each or U for$25 Apply to

Vf, Jt. SEAL,I


Is Reserved For The


Chas. J. Fishel

Propane of Races

TO II B 11KI.1)

March 16th, 1889

Kapiolani Park !

No. -- Running llncc, Ji' mi'e d'isli,Pi z ' For Haw limn bioilll s (, 4 ytnrb ! , to c at ly J 15poun.l.i.

No. 2 Running Unci-- , 1 mile dnsli,rnze Uuwiiiian forulhordes np to (ijraiso.d, to carrjI lfi iioundb.

No. 8.'IVotiitiir and Pacini; Rue . 1

milu ila-- b, 1'ilzi' Foi II i.waiian bred li )i.u-- . :i yourb o d,to lmme-- nnd lo rules.

No. 4. Runninir Rife M nilln i'h.i,Prize For Haw aiinn tiledhorHCs under 7 j tars old, patchweights.

No. --Troltlnir Raee, 1 niil- - m il re.Iieai, Priu ' Double ttnin;.Free to all.

0. -- Running Riieo. if mile daMi.Pilxe Foi Hawaiian bruthor.-e-s, 2 joins old, ca'hweights'.

No. 7.- - -- Bieycle Pace, a mile dnh,Piize Kie.-toi.ll- .

No. 8.- - -- Running Rice, milo dash,i- -i ze er iii.vni atijiuulirfij 4 eii'R old, cuuhweights.

No. 0. Tro'ling Race to Road Oirt. 1

mile dish Prize Fo-- H .waiian rul ho r.. Kieeioall.

No. 10. Running R.to 1 mile clrn.li,Prize to Hartaiii.il bredhotfes, 5 ua o.ii," o e.nj 115p mads.

No. 11. Trotiinit Race, 1 milo dai.li,Prize For all hor63 thatnever brat 3 minutes.

No. 12 Pony Rure, 1 mi'e dasli.IMaFor Hawti a'i bred

ponies, II t ean old, not over 14hands high.

No 18 Trottlnif Race to Koa 1 Cart, 1

milu daub, Prize Free toa'l.

No. 14. --Running Rice, 1J milo dnsli,Prize Free to all.

All prizfB will bo paid lo RllirorDriven-- . Cup lo nuneiv. No Piofes.sioual Jockeys ulli.wvd.

Entries to bo mule before Saturday,March U, lffcO, at 4 v. ix.

t2T Subject to changes.

J. A. CUMMINS.Honolulu, Janimrj in, 18M) 144


WHEREAS, W. S. Luce, of Hono.thUday made fin acBign.

ment of all IiIh properly to thu under,feigned, for thu benefit of his cred torn,notice is hereby given t all pnrtlesowinu said V. a. Luce to muke imme-diate payment, ond any portions havingclaims against V. H. I.ucti urn leqiieutedto prcenl them at once at the iilllcu ofW. S. Luce, Merchant street, Honolulu,


Honolulu, Dec. l l8s, 1!I4 lm

THEO. P. SEVERIN,Photographer ,

Has taken Iho Studio formerly occupiedby A. A. Moutatio, comer of King

and Fort streets, and in pro- -paicd to tako


lrlntluic Done tor Amateurs,Cabinets $6 a Doz. Work Guaranteed,

Entrance on Fort Htreet. -- a

IA.OIiJ,v "S


Hawaiian Tramways Co.,



King Street Line

FARE, 5CEftBTSFor nny Distance.

Tho Cars will commence tunning on thofollowing lime,

On Tuesday, Jan. 1st

Leave Rifle Range. Letvo Chinese Intnl.

!.f0 . m. C.30a. m...30 " 7.00 "c

7.00 " 7.307.U0 " 8.00S.IO " 8.C0 "8.81) " y.ooti.OO ' 9 30 "0.10 " 10.00 '

10.10 " 10.30 "10.30 " It. 00 "11.30 ' 12.00 m.J 1.00 M. 12.8U l M.

M. 1.00 v"1".(0 " 1.30 '"l.:0 " a.OOy.fo " uoo "3.30 " 4.00 'I .'Ml " 4 30 "4.:0 ' 5.05 "5.05 ' 5 35 '"5.35 " 0.05 "C.05 ' 0 85 "

.0.3"i ' . 7 0S "7 05 " 7357.35 " fr.03 "8 05 " 8.S5 "N.S5 " 0.05 "0.05 " 0.35 "0.35 ' 10.00 "

The 7.0'i r. m. from the Rifle Rangowill lcnocomei of Ceritinia and Pu-iwli- o

i ftreit-- i in 7.00 r. it.EXTRA CARS will inn on SATURDAY

as lollons:FltOM Hikmj Kanok 11.00 a. m., 2.00

l'. Ji. and 3.00 r. u.FllOM Cuinebk Tiikathe 11.30 A. M.,

2.30 p. m. and 3.30 r. u.

To insure punctuality, it is requestedthat pastengers will, aa far r e pottMblo,join nnd leave the cars at the corners ofthe blocks.

They tire alh respectfully cautionedugaim-- i attempting to enter or alightfrom the cars whilst in motion.


NOTICE.persons having claims or bills

against Mr. E. B. Thomas, arelequcsted to picsent the same to Mr. D.Dayton at his odloc, 73 King street, overQuong Sam Kee's stoie. All personsowing him any inonev me renueatcd tnpay the same at Mr. Dayton's ofllce.

1I)U lot

The Best Company


Life Insurance Co.,OIT JVEAV YORK.

Richard A. HcCurdy, President.

Tho Largest Company in the WorldThe Oldest Company in the U. 8.

It Gives the Most Liberal PoliciesAnn

Pays tho Larqest Dividends.

Claims paid to policy holders in theHawaiian Inlands, during the

past ten 3 earn,

Over x B 1 0'O.OOO OO.

SQr For rates, apply to

8. I. XtOHE,General Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian

"lands. oct.88.1y


4 ''


Page 3: i- '- i SttUeti. · EST Try his Bologna Sausages.-V-s oot.ft-8-Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Hue doDunkerquo,. . . Paris. Uxccutes Indents for every description i f French,






.vtewira-Tfi- -v


Iiaok stand: Merchant and Fortstreet. Tolophonotf, 886.



FRIDAY, JAN. 25, 1889.


Jan 24Stmr IwalanI from IlninnkmiAm Yacht Casco from Tahiti

Jnn 2iSchr Hnleakala fioin l'epeckeoStmr Kaula from Aalaluu a d WnluunoBchr Mot Wnhltio from llamakuaII B M 8 Conquest 39 days from CnllaoIlk S 0 Allen 44 days from Newcastle



Stmr .1 A Cummins for KonlauBtmr Klnau for Hllo and way ports at

2 p inStmr O It Bishop for Walanac, Wulalua

and Koolau at 0 a in



Jan 2, baikW B Godfrey, 19 daysfrom Honolulu; Jan 3, hark IdeiiHesse, 13 days fioin Kaliulnl, barken-tln- ii

Ella, 13 days from Kahtilul, SchrQuuei.ii. 18 dnj'R from Mahtikona; J nJO, b.irkenline Dlsc-ivurv- , 10 days fromHonolulu; Jan 13, barki-ntln- b N ens-ile, 19 days from Honolulu.


Jan 1'?, Schr J C Ford for Kahulul;Jan 15, Schr Queen for Mahukuna.

I'ROJKCIEU departures:Bark Aldcn Befise for Honolulu; bl.t

DUoovciy for Uonblulu; bkt If rus-tle for Honolulu; Uaik W B i.odficy forHonolulu.

JIONQKONO.Dec 10, baik Ainr Turner from Hono-

lulu; Dec IS, ship Daniel Barnes fiomHonolulu; lirittsli bark John Nloholsoufrom Honolulu.


Jan C, bark tnlanta from ouolulu.LIVERPOOL.

, .. Jan 0, Britl-- h bark Royal Alice forHonolulu. Passed Holyhead Jan 8.

SYDNEY.Nov 2S, bkt Wrestler for Honolulu.


The San Francisco Call of Janu-ary I4tb, has the following: Themarriage of Mr. John B. Hopkins toMiss Julia M. Hogan took place lastTuesday, by Rev. B. Calzia, at St.Joseph's Church, in San Jose. Thegroom is a son of Rev. John G,Hopkins of Abergavenny, Wales.andis manager of the Ookala Plantation,150 miles from Honolulu. He wasformerly superintendent and suigeonof the Queen's Hospital at Honolulu.The bride is well known in Napa asthe daughter of Mrs. Ellen A. Ho-

gan. Owing to recent deaths in thefamily of Mr. Hopkins the weddingwaB strictly private. Miss Eliza-beth M. Hogan acted as bridesmaidand Mr. Sebasticn B. Hogan asgroomsman.

Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins arrived onthe Australia January 9th and leftfor Hawaii on the Kinau two dayslater.



Wednesdat, Jan. 23.In re estate of Charles Brenig, de

ceased. Probate of will. Appealof the widow from flecision admit-ting the will to probate. Decisionis rendered on motion to dismiss ap-

peal. The appeal is dismissed. A.S. Harlwell and Cecil Brown forproponent ; V. V. Ashford and A.Rosa for appellant.

Kahananui vs. Ashford. Contin-ued on oral motion of defendant toMonday next, 28th inst.

Mung Chun vs. Henry J. Nolle.Waiver of jury filed allowed. W.R. Castle for plaintiff; defendnnt in

person.Thursday, Jan. 24.

Kanakanut, administrator, vs. F.L. Leslie. Assumpsit for $1500 andinterest. Tried before a mixed,jury. At ten minutes before oneo'clock this moiningthe jury return-ed a verdict for the plaintiff, twodissenting. Counsel for defendantexcepted to the verdict as contraryto the law and evidence, and gavenotice of motion for a new trial.



Thursday, Jan. 24.

Estate Ah Nee, Chinese. Admin-

istration. Oidered that letters issueto John F. Hackfeld as tempoiaryadministrator under $500 bond, andthat Wednesday, February 13th, boappointed for tho hearing. P. Neu-

mann for petitionerBEFORE PRESTON, J.

Bankruptcy S. K. Kamaipelckane,Said S. K. Kamaipelckane, upon thepetition of II. ilackfckl & Co., isadjudged baukrupt. Monday, Feb.4th, is appointed for proof of claims,etc. P. Neumanufor petitioners.

One of the greatest innovationsin the British House of Parliamentis the introduction of a bootblackin the Common cloak-roo- Ho is

the first of his kind.'

Quick-firin- g Armstrong gun 30

and 100 pounders, discharging tenand eleven shots per minute, havebeen dually adopted by the Britisharmy.

Tho "Ooolong wave" is not a newwrlpklo in doing up tho hair. It is

the latest designation in Washingtonfor the greatly abused afternoon tea.

at!jiCTMijiwiiuMi'r-wL!Ji.uJtiuJ'rMii2i,iywit.'t- tii


Welcome to tbo CaECO and Conquest.

Tun Arcado will shortly rocnivo alarge new slock of goods.

Messrs. Hollister & Co. have anew advertisement is this ifsuc.

Mnp. Dewar will bo "at homo" onHie Yacht Nyanzu this evening at 8o'clock.

Drt. Geo. Trousseau has been ap-pointed port physician in place ofDr. J. Brodie, who hat. gono to theCoast.

News has reached herefrom lloug-kon- g,

by piivate letter, that the brigAllie Kowe with all on board hadbeen lost.

Don't forget that tbo box plan forthe pale of Beats for Patience opensMonday morning at 9 o'clock, at J.K. Brown & Co.'s oflko,

The Hawaiian Band will give acon rt at the Hawaiian Hotel this(tuning, to which tho public is cot-dial- ly

invited to attend.

The pupils at St. Louis Collegearc preparing specimens of penman-tlii- p

for the Paris Expedition, 'iliuirwork in this line is excellent.

Dr. C. B. Wood has celebrated thebirth of a son in a manner that isgrateful to the Bulletin, and lorwhich thanks are hcteby returned.

The literary and musical enter-tainment and bociablc at thu vestryof thu Central Union church lubtevening, was a voiy pleipMiit all'air.

A hewaud of $25 has been offeredby Marshal Sopor for thi' apprehen-sion of h Chinese prisoner Ah Poo,who etcaped from prison last Tues-day.

Wednesday the SOlh inst., will beobserved as a day of special prayerfor schools and colleges. The Ha-waiian Board has voted to observe ita such.

Capt. Hugh Gunu has been ap-

pointed by Col. Ashford to serve onthe commission for revising rules ofthe volunteers, in place of


It is Major Cornwell and a nuui-w- tof other gentlemen on Maul who

vill subscribe to the "Paiadisu of theP.ieilic," being sent to the librariesall over the woild.

A meeting of the Lcleiohokugtiuids. will bo held even-ing to elect a Captain vice W. S.Wond piomotcd, by election to theAdjutancy of the second battalion.

A xtive hackmen fell out of hiscan iago last evening, near the PostOffice, whilo in an epileptic lit, and,but for timely assistance and hishorse keeping quiet might have beenkilled.

No meeting of the Blue RibbonLeague evening, but atemperance meeting for men onlywill be held in Bi ewer's block, at7 :30. All men young" and old cor-dially invited. .

The Kinan left for Maui and Ha-waii this afternoon. Among her rs

wero : Mr. Postlewaitc, C. O.Berger, Majors S. Parker and W. H.Cornwell, K. R. Hind, A. Sinclair, J.Cunningham, A. M. Sproull, AlissesLyon and Chamberlain, F. Burnhamand Rev. E. P. Baker.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hitchcockhave wisely commerated tho mar-riage of their daughter to Mr. II. S.Townscnd by picsenting tho Bulle-tin with a whole cake. Many thanks,and sincere wishes for the happinessof the newly nianied couple and theparents of the amiable bride.


Service at St. Andrew's Cathedralat 7.

Hawaiian Tribe No. 1, I. O. R.M at 7 :30.

Diill Co. A, Honolulu Rifles at7:80.

Public Band Coucert-a- t the Ha-waiian Hutel at 7:30.

Hawaiian Council No. 689 A. L.pf II. at 7:30.

Performance by Bushnell's tiaiuedanimals at 8 o'clock, at Nicol'sblock.


Concert by Honolulu Arion So- -ciely at 8 o'clock p. m.

Temperance meeting lor men onlyin Brewer's Block at 7:30 p. m.



The Hawaiian Band will give apublic concert this evening at IheHawaiian Hotel, commencing at7:30 o'clock. Following is the pro-

gramme:PART I,

Maich lb andenbui gh FaustOvwtuic Caliph of Bnijd d..l!eluldleuChorus Tannhauser WnguiTItcinltiUccnccs of Germany... .Trent ler

aiikauolla, Alna Htm, Kokohl.

PART II.Selection-Gra- nd Duchess.... OffenbachGavotte Trip to Africa SuppoWaltz r ci vliin IvanovlcMarclii'cisiau Strou s

Hawaii Ponol,


Last evening n largely atleiuleilmeeting of Honolulu Engine Com-

pany Ho. 1 was held, Foreman liobt.More, presiding. It was by unuui-moi- is

vote, decided to celebratethe anniversary of tho Hono-lulu Fire Department, by liavipg nparade drill and banquet on Febru-ary 12lU, Coronation day. Com-

mittees on artangementa aud flnaucowere unpointed;



Tho Hawaiian Tramways Com-

pany will luivo an entire change inits tinio-tabl- o which willappear in the Advertiser in thumorning and the Bulletin in theevening. Thu cais wl'l commenceto run to and fiom Waikiki lor thefirst time Tho llrst carleaving Waikiki at 7 a. m., nudhourly thereafter throughout theday. The first car from the ChineseTheatre will leave at 7 : 10 a. in.nnd hourly thereafter.


The steamer Ewa will take peopleto Pearl Harbor next Wednesday,(weather permitting) leaving Brew-

er's wharf at 8 o'clock a. m. sharp.Tickets will he issued free for thistrip on application to J. E. Brown& Co., Merchant street, on Tues-day the I'Pth inst. Parties makingthe trip will have to provide theirown refreshments.

B. F. Dillingham.


Bushnell's trained animal and no-

velty show gives its llrst perform-ance this evening, In a laic water-proof tent in the Nicol's block, Fortstreet. There is a troupe of Frenchnud Russian poodles, wiie walkers,jugglers, knife throwers, comicsingers, clog dancers, comedians andother novelties too numerous tomention. The admission is SI.children 50 cents. The peiforinancccommences at 8 o'clock


The American yacht Casco arriv-ed in port last evening, twenty-nin- e

days from Tahiti. Experiencedcalm and variable winds with pleas-ant woather. The party on bournconsists of Mr. Robert Louis Stev-enson, the uulhor, anl wife, Mrs.Thomas Stevenson, Mrs. Lloyd Os-

borne and maid. The Casco willremain in port time and thensail for San Francisco.


The annual election of staff andfield officers of the second battalionof the Hawaiian Vnlunlceis, washeld last evening; at the armory ofthe Honolulu Riiles, with the follow-ing result:

Samuel Nowlein, Major.W. S. Wond, Adjulaut.L.J. Naliora Ilipa, Quartermaster.F. L. Miner M. D., Surgeon.F. L. Desha, Ordnance Olliccr.Afterwards, the newly elected and

retiring officers were invited by Col.Ashford to partake of refreshments.Adjourning to a sufficiently spaciousapartment of the Armory, Col. Ash-ford, officers of the First and Sec-ond Battalions and a few specialquests, sat down to a dainty spread.W4ien the banquet was fully underway, toasts to "the King" "HisMajesty's Ministeis," "the Hawai-ian Volunteers," ''Our Colonel,""the Press," "the Ladies," "thenewly elected and rctiiing officers,"were made and responded to elo-

quently. The party terminated atan agreeable hour with the singingof the Hawaiian National Anthemand withj three cheers for the Col-



About twenty minutes before bixo'clock last evening the bell fromthe Central tower rang out an alarmof fire. Jt was at the KawaiuhaoFemale Seminary. Some passengerson the slicet cars in passing the in-

stitution noticed smoke issuing fromthe roof of the building. They atonce notified the teachcis at theschool nud an alarm was tinned inby telephone. Assistance was soonnt hand and the lite which had commenced to cet smiie headway wasput out with buikitf ot iwilcr, theservices of the department not be-

ing required. It occurred m theattic, where was u row of fourshelve?, in front of which utood awashstaud. The front of the bhelvcswas coercd nith a curt-.'i- and theflic started on the thud bliclf. Itran up the side of the wall and com-

municated witli the shingles of theroof. Fiiollarshal White made an ex-

amination of the place after the liic,and it looked to turn as if someouuhad Iil'oii smoking a cigaict;, andgetting frightened had thioun it i tothu she If, where it communicatedwith the curtain. Everything wascharred around tho spot where thefire communicated. This 1b thethird lire at the Seminary. The lusttime some dirty rags ami a ciaicttowere found near where thu fire start-ed. On Tuesday Chief liugimerSVilson and Fuo Marshal Whitemade a thorough inspection of thubuilding.



Tiiuiwdav, January 21.All Ntug and Ab Lcong were

each lined SHU and sentenced to sishours' imprisonment for unlawfulpossession uf opjum. Chin Hcoalias Cliu Hco and Ah Ark for thesame offene, were found not guiltyand discharged.

Mikalemi for larceny of one silverwatch, tho property ul Georgo Hal-let- h,

valued at 810, was bcniuuccdto imprisonment ut hard labor forone year and lined 610,

There is in effect no virtue piop-erl- y

d, without victory overselves; and that which costs nothingis north uotlilng,

i BONOMTLU, HM 1 JAinaAjlY M .1MB,

" ..' j.t ir AiTiS.

The investigation into Sainoanaffairs was combined befoie the U.S. Suliate Foreign Relations Com-mittee nt Washington, Jan. 14th.Consul bewail continued his recitalof events on tho island which led tothe war now engaging the forces ofTainasfsc nnd Mataafa.

The Secretaiy of the Navy hasissued iistrticttons to Rear-Admir- al

Knnbcilcy, commanding the PacificStation, to proceed in tho UnitedStates ship Tientou to Samoa, fortho purpose of protecting Americaninterest-- .

The New York "Sun's" Washing-ton special says: A Berlin dispatchannouncing that there was greatsatisfaction in the German capitnlover the announcement by the Am-erican Government that the UnitedStates had no interests in Samoathat warranted it in maintaining acoutioversy with the German Gov-ernment, and that tho latter wouldprobably send toSamoa, had been received. It issupposed here to refor to 601110 dis-patch from Secretary Bayard not in-

cluded in the official correspondencealready made public, and is per-haps, later than nny of the publish-ed correspondence

The activity of the Navy Depart-ment in preparing thieo or fourcruisers for sea service wjtl n mark-ed indisposition oti tho part of theSecretary of tho Navy to tell whatihe service .was to bo, is believed bygentlemen who hnvo boon watchingthe Sainoan affair to indicate that a11av.1l force is to be sent to Samoa,and that Germany will not have no-nce in advance of the departure ofthe ships. There was a great dealmore of the Navy Department thanof the State Depaitment in the dis-patch of marines to Panama inApiil, 1885, and Whitney is moreravoralile '.o a spirited foreign po-licy than Bayard js.

An old bachelor died recently inRome leaving the Pope a millionlire. To his sister he left a monthlyallowance of live livre. She willcontest the will.


Xotlcci unitcr O ii html are chTgcil 10 ctntiner linefor Ihejint inttrltou, and 6 emit per line'icry uiiilitivMil inurhun.


AKZEIGE.SAEM51TLICUE Deutsche wctden

elncm uin 20tcn d.lt. 7iir Fcier des Uelmitslaij-e-s seiner

(liijfbtuct Kuiser Wilhelm's 11 statllln-demle-

Couccrlo freuudlicliut tinge-- I

ail enAufang 8 Uhr Abends

im Lncal155 3t des ' Honolulu Arlon."

WANTEDsecond hand FourA heeled Waiton,

Kcud anil Btronc wiih.If nud Inukf; capacity ul least 1000h- -. Appiy in iilllco of Ed. HoQachlnc.

icr & ( o.. on Monday, Jan. 2"tli. MO 3


WANTED by nn experienced Rook.n position in any Hono.

lulu business, or on a plantation on anyi si unci of the Ilnwaiixu group. Adver-tiser in a good penman af.d well pottedin t;cneial buslines. Addrcsj "M "IIullutin OMcc. 154 tf


'PIIE quarterly and annunl moellngL of ihe I'ucilic UntdMtiro Company

(Limited), "ill ho held ul their office onTHUl'.SDAY, Jiinunry Httt.at 10 o'clocka . F. L. WINTEH,150 id Acting decretory.


OTIVO to ihe intended departurethe Kingdom of II. F. Wleli-ii- .

n, vc Hi cctfiilly nsk that allinioiiiilH du o r m.i firm be elllcd no.;r lieloic th l"i h .f 'cli u.ry ui'XI.

Gu.Mi:S fc W1CIIM.VN.Ho olu'ii, J. ii.Sl. 188Q. 135 10t

A. M. HEWETT,flipping,' Olei'lic,ugtrs and shipped; vessels

d chaigod, entries paai-ci- i and general- ippiu work. All oilier left at Hu.

hi it HobinnmV olllce, Queen Miect,V it ci ite i rsniml mteiiiion and imitt.

i Mi. ii tMH'ii'i tul 152 lm

ftiftRfumimmrn nuuh(Diunioiul Hill)

Warr.inUd Equal-- TO-

Golden Gate FlourKOIl 8ALi: IIV- -

H. HACKFELD & CO.15ilw


IVr Ilktnes "S O. Wl'der," "Planter"and ''Mary Wluklcuun,"

A Large QuantityOF

Feed IKoi riiilo at Low 1'rlers by

John F. Colburn & Co.,5'J (Jueit ritrcet. I'vri F YOU Fl NcTaNYTHING.L advertise it la the Duvf ilcnn.

EUSHftSELL'Si(IreaI Trained Mia

-- AND-

Novelty Show 1

Latoof P.T.Bunum'nGrciUShow.NewYork, U. 8.

Nicol's Block, Fort Street,Ilmlci-- tho (firntiil tVatcriroof

Tent,Will Exhibit for a Short Season Only,

Commencing January 20th, andcontinuing

Every Evening-- ANU-

Saturday Matinee

The Wondurful

Miniature Dog CircusCons! thu; of " troupe of the smalltit

and most beautiful TruiuulDog hi the World.

Wonderful Jugglers & Knife Throwers

Funny Comedian,Champion Clojr Uanpcm.

Musicial Specialties!Vocal C'elebrltlcn,

Comic A (Sentimental Hlnger,Vuiiny ArtH unit

Htitc-ttnllttli- ij; Afterpiece.

Admission $1 DO

Children 60Mnliuco 35 nnd 50c

105 tf





January 20th & 31ut.


0rr Bunthorne's Bride !

.Usthptlp Opera by W. H. Gilbertand Arthur Sullivan.

Complete with Full Chorusand Orchestra.

Doors Open at 7 :30ajttrCommcnco at 8

PltlCUB as TJSUA-Ij- .

Hox office will opeu nt J. E. UronnCo.'s on Monday, Jan. Zilk, at 0 a. m.

Bfiy-Hoo- ka of Words of the Opera willbe bold in ihe 1'heatre at 10 cents copy.

10U td

Cottage for Sale Cheap.1 STORY Cottage, nearlyJ. new, containing parlor,diuinn-room- , 4 bedrooms, kit- -

rhen, biithionm and WHtvr-ctoict- , vcran-dap- ,

stable, waj;oii.fllicil, chicken houseand yard, Uowcr garden, etc. Lot 90x100 feet and leased lot adjoining 75x75feet. Situate nt Kapnlama, mauka sideof Klne Applv atHAWAIIAN BUSINUS3 AGENCY.

155 iu


jna. ft nHK Lca'e nnd BuildlucfctrPfl - kn iwn a the YokeinituSiSii SHliiiK Hlnk," situ aled on

Quei'u ftrctt near l'.icluird urert. Forfut titer pnuiculars tnply to154 if Tuos. E. WALL.


A.J51X.UOOM Cottaceoppodilo


Uinra i AppU toJ. M VIVAS,

ll;i tf 42 Atcithanl tlreet.

FOR SALE or LEASE(JdTfAUK lutp'y ocr.u.

XX. pitd by Mr l!.i It .

liclistein, hlt'.i u on h'liui. i

street, liutwien lint nmn i'ti ot llw .O. It. fllaliop, Jaiut'S ( ampbr.iDole, ut'iir Kinina 6j mr . No pi "ttanie'l, no diiM, no tm.i n flies. Omya few miuuti'S walk to tlu new situ fortliu C'eni nil Union Church, ho i jintvuycurs wanted. Apply to

E. 8. CUNUA,148 tf Union million.


'piIK Dwelling and Ilcsl.L deuce ol Mr. K. B.

Thomas, corner Klnau andI'uUoi hircLf, coniniunilH iih uiiinter-ruplc- d

view of Ihe M ikiki, l'ulo'o andMinna Valleys, and a minotrn walk totho tronicum on Kln Direct. The mulnbulMInu' Is plas ere d aud Imr.lllulelud,inside Uiiougluiut. The building is U.

story with double parlor, dining loom,vittiug room, ( beirnoins (up atulr),batli loom and every convenience, de.taclicd look house unit puutry, Ntahleand ouUhullilingi complete; fruumgutoPiikoi street 100 feet, to lViiHicolirnircet200 fret, and in Klnau (trctt n'mut 180feet, the prouoiU are nicely luld o,irrUution 4,0 HJ tct pip.-- ami '.Q Unci is.Inspcciiou nny dnj. Fuitliti; parti-culars at the otlliu of

E. B. THOMAS,lCgt t Or to Mr, A. J. OuttwrigUI,




For &


Warranted Fail, jgfji



Eastern French Kid ShoesLadies', Misses' Children.

Lowest Bedrock Prices

Genuine Diamond Dye Black



Boys Fine Jersey Suits $3.50 !

Boys ftlew Assortment !

Ladies Knitted Underwear,

EHRLICH,Hotel & Fort Streets.


S.Dec-1-8- 8


Ladies Hose


miiliwiHmJyr ihIfor the elaborate announcement New-Good- s



-- IMl'OltTKIlS

I. W. S. Kimball

Hotelmeli-2i-8- 7

NOTICE.III'.O lcava in for in my friends and

X pith u that intend luavlni; theklngitfiu the Dili in boabsent nuill r, anil ihai 1 wiltclose my olllce on the Bill of February

M. E. Dentist.1411m No. 08 Hott 1.St.

-- lf ISS HOLTK has opened a selectItX EnglUh and German School foryoung children, nhu will aUo give

in German and French, Inclasses, or In piivate lesions. Itesl-delic- ti

on ho l.'nst bldo of Maklll streetoppojlio thu l.iuubull Grounds

140 01





Superior Quality.



Watch of


THE- -

& CO,


ALL parties indebted to VT. S. Lucthe iiOth day of September Uit, '

are requested to settlo up their accounts'at once V. 8. LUCE,l!y liia attorney-in-fact- , liruwn.


Miss S. R. Patch,-- ov-


Toaclier of Voice & Piano,la prepared to receive pupils.

Uefcrs, by permission to leadlug pro-fessors of musio iu California, and to

experience in teaching iu thatas abovo. HO Sw

American & European Drugs & Chemicals,Pliotou;rujliio SIttterinU,

Perfumery and Toilet Articles I

Agents lor Lorillard it Co.'h Tobaccos, k is. Co.'s

Tobacco and Cigarettes.Aerated Water Works - - - 73 Street.

toH ln Folruary,



English and German






Kawaiabao Seminary.









Page 4: i- '- i SttUeti. · EST Try his Bologna Sausages.-V-s oot.ft-8-Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Hue doDunkerquo,. . . Paris. Uxccutes Indents for every description i f French,



:... if&'


if --

. '








' '



fe? fci

U5 wrwiwmwi


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EA.--r CORNER FORT AND KINO S1REKTS.

New Goods r . ivcd by every Tucket from the Eatcrn States and EuropeFresh California 1' duce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toand Good delivers to any pirt ot the oltv free of charge. orders roll.Cited. SalNfaetlon guiiratiteoJ. 1'ostOlllco Hot 145. To'opnoie Nn, Hi nov.JS'S

Tulophonu HO.- -- "SatolS"

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES & PR0Y1S10HS.Frozon Oystors and Fituli CalHornla Fruit?, Fish, Games and VcgoUblcs on ICE by each

stoamor ol Iho 0. S. S. Co A complete line ol Crotse & Blackwell's andJ. T. Morion's EnnlUh Canned Goods always on hand.

2 IV 33 W O- -

Rldpes' Infant Food, French Mushroom In gins, Ollnnidelll In thu, Ground01km olme. Orosc A, Dhickwvtl Fret.li Fruit .la-n- a In glint. Smiled Olives inguts-- , 'Viiluu't, Almoin', Fllbeit, Fenran fc Uriiiri! Nuts, Foiled Sautige,

Cal. Mild Croam Cheese, Easlorn Choose, Oregon Cream Chocso, Young American Cheese,Swiss Chocio. Edam Cheeso, Topo Can Cioamcry Butter In 31b tins.

Keg-Utniii- m fault Pickle, 1 lulmnii lallc Fruits in glass jir-- , Finest DehcsaTmhV ltal'lii, OjMul Vue Mackerel in Mb tin-- , Kegs Siuci kraut, AmericanOranburr bauec, Cape Code 'Jib Rliitks Codll h, Ai.deison Ccle-bnitc- d

Mince Meit in glusjir, Jacob Dold'a Biitlalo Hams, hittakcrs Starlliiiic, Old Reliable llnmb liiicon, fresh lot of Garden fceeils, Cicil- - Lcmoni,

, Apphh. Yellow turnip, l'iirnlp, New Potatoes &, Onions, Cal. Holl Butter.i:n;, rru. uto, lto., etc., etc., etc.

ap-1- 0


IkIikI Orders Solicited.




' v

-- I. U. Bot 2UT.

O O X ft- -

& Sts.

Kit pMhnnn Ibllio, HUick Codllsh, Stnokeil Iluof, Uiiffnlo Ham .

U it mi. IJoNt" .Snitikctl Ilcrnni;, Tins Nurui'giuii bull Heiring,Midi Cln'isf, Atmoius Mincu ileal, Green Tuitle Soup,'1 boiip, Siiuiu Huisiiis. C'tin unts, Wnlniits, Almonds,Diictl 1 'cm eh c. li tine-- , Dates, Honey, C ereoline Flakes,

'V1I0 COOToinnto Kctdiup, Cii.os b'tigar Corn, Cases Sugar i'cas, Jerseyliluc I'utnloeH. Kut'i Hig.ii Turnips, Cnlnforniu Onions, Crackers,ail kinds; C'lioiie IV is, L"icsh Apples, Saloon Pilot and Mediumlire.ul, Win-- it Butter, I'lim, Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assortment of Canned Meats, Fruits and Other Groceries.

nh-9- J tSr Leave your orders, or ring up 119. -- I 80

Telephones, Wo. 175.

NTT, 1. 8




G-ranit- e,

Kaiiiffl Street





TrWB--IiBVA,- i

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER aad RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND993 Sheet Iron Work.


Civil Engineer and Surveyor,

Fort bluet, . . . Honolulu.ocM!) fc8.Hin



Xmaa or New Year's Present-- IB A- -

Lawn Tennis or Croanet Set

BportBtnen, A'ention! WpIiunp aOnuipletn Lino of

Sportman's Outfits.:tST'Jiiv tih."&5ii,

White & Hew Home Sewing Mines,

'MRS. THOS. LACK,thec-f-i Fort Street. 1688

w -.

;- - ,


"?Cor. Edinburgh. Queen




and Tin Ware

MANUEL INSUNES,Xo. 10 Ilolt'l Mlrt'fl.

diuilnrH &. Sti'lnj; IiinIiiiiiiciiihOf nil kind. Jlndo & Itcpuired

t8r Inlaid Work, mid Initimiiii; inWood a specialty. 2070 3ni

Whale Boats.

XX answ u'l to sevci.il ciniuiilt's fon-cyiul-

Wbalo Itoat Fi nines, mob:io now In cmirfco of construcllou,: Whale Itoat Flames 74 feet by H2 feetlung. Tlii-fc- frames mo bent In onoplci'tt of o ik, and held to shape, tlnmiciiiililiiir lllilo tact to Kit llii'in up nnilbuild. Tim full frame foi such boatH,iui'liiding 1'nnln, 48 M'i'tliiiih in numbiT,1h Mild at Si'3; wild Imgcfileiiih on keel,and leadj to plunk f 10. 'Ihey nie notIntcndi d In bu clinker built, nor as thufiall luipoitcd uluilo bo.UHpiopei, butme intended foi loujjh uo and diuabl-lit..- tt

llghtulthal. for iMiiug andI Hading piupoht':). Wo b.tii sported

thcnii flames and intend doing m, andlllilko tbltl offei to iiuiateuinuiid otheisdi'Mrou nf tijing their baud, withplenty of lcisiiii) ami unnll cai-- to makea biihineds, AVI11 bend fiuiuoi tn anyL'lwn model fiopi 5 to L'C touri. Also onhand for sale Surf and Pleiihiiro Iioats,tStonib, Knees and Tluibeiw. iluttml'I',. !,.,!, niw. Wn Mr.vtviitivnu All' (Sou

DOVEIt & SON.70 tf : Boat Builders.


The Hawaiian Tramway Com'py

Xlmlttul.ON and nf or Monda, thu Hili Jann.

my, the CAR FAUKS will be coblcc'cd by Tickets 'only, which will bosold (bl. or ilngli, or in curds of five lortwenty live cents, by tho conductor.

I 1& Tho Tickots must bo placed by thoPassonpor in tho FARE SOX

provided on the Car.

To facilitate the making of changeI e n bite Hie respectfully rcquc-ti- d topurchase the 25 cent curds where ossl.ble.

Conductor 0. Tlilelo will call loundat tue ptlm h nl stores with Tickets lornle on Friday und Saturday, tho 11th

put Villi Junuaty. 141 tf


Hawaiian Transfer Co.

TIIK uudprdgmd having purchnFcdbuMiiLss of J (Jrcuu and the

Amerb an Kxprcss Company, haveunder the II rm name of Iho

Ilnwniinii TraiiNi'er Co.,and are prepared in curry on the Dray.Ing and Kxpress busincBs of all kinds

Telephone Office at No 75 King street,next door to Hobt. Morc's.Boll 1 Mutual 5G5

kinds of ruling fidthfullyand promptly attended to; tmuiturcicmoved and carefully handled; alwajsonhand on arrlnl nt htcnmtM.

If j on want a wagon or dray ou will11ml it to )our advantage to ring upcither of our telephone".

J. W. McGUIHK,150 lm .1. McQUEKN.


AT the iiniiunl meet lug of 'trek,holder'' of the lliu.umi AgrlcuU

tuia (ti lit I ibis tint, the followingpersons weic t licit il ,w nllletiH tor thectirrent jtar:

Hon. (J It. HMiop President.Mr. S. C.Allen Vit e I'rcidinl,Mr P. V. Jones Trtastirer,Mr..l O. Carter Secretary,Mr. Tom May Auditor,Hon. 0. 11. HisLop, t. C. Allen and1'. C. Jones Directors.

J. O. CARTER,hecrctnry, II. A. Co.

Honolulu, Jan. 17, 1S89. 19 lm


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Company.

AT a meeting I the stockholders ofthe.iboei n puny bold January

12ih, lb8i), the billowing olllccis wereelected for the ( year :

( PresidentGodfrey Brow &

( Treasurer,( ceil I'rown t,

J. F. Hrow n Secretary,L.'V. Valentini Auditor,J. Ca'sid ..General Superintendent,Jas Campbell W O. Smith, J. F.lirow n Directors.

.T. F. BROWN,148 lm fcceretary.


HAS Coral Itock, iilnck Stone, BlackW bite Hand and Boll, for sale

in anv qiumtiiv. Appli at the office ofW. C Aehi. Krialiiiiniinii 119 ! m

To Stand tins Season, Jan. 1, '89

At SlokulcJn btncK Jt'arm,Tho Imported Morgan Stallion1

'Glory' 'Glory'TcrmM : sas for Each ainrc.

Mans bred to "GLORY" can remainon the (arm at a pasturage at $12 perannum. Evety cou tiken but no res.pousibility incurred.

tBSy-Mar- cs not proving In foal may be

returned next season free of charge, if 1

still own the Horre. J. JAY.2120 2Ct.taw


f7ROM H, Huckfeld1? As Co.'h yaril u

IKfermes Du'k Brown Mare, alllj feil while nnil right

--- eai stilil. A rewardwill 1 o given to anjone r turnlnp samoto II. HACKFELD & CO.

lul tf

STRAYEDN the Woodlawno1 Daiiy ltandi

since Jan., 88, ThoHortes, not branded.Owner can have samo

by proving property ami pujing ix.pciises II tbii alioe aiilmalh arc nutreilcemed within 10 dajs Tiom date thoright of ownership will 'be forfeiittl.

.1 GRACE,.Mmiiigi-- i ndluwn Dairy.

Honolulu, . I iu. II Iss'i. 140 lot

74 King st. nMd 74-Kl- st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMovtd with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr-1- 0 68



mmtn l

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tS, 1889.

Pacific Hardware Co., LU


2T IBt New Lino of " BAUQ AINB &$

&At Lower Prices than ever




Lamps, Chandeliers Lanterns,

--Just Recelvcd- -

NovolLieM rxuil JTtLixcy GoocIh, In Liargo Vnvloty.aup.88

See 6. F. Ehlers & Oo.'s Stock-- 0F-


rJCoy --Sc Xoll-- ,IWTnsical Albums,

&L0VE & HANDKERCHIEF BOXESAnd a few Choice Carved Ornaments.


In i'uturo, Mrs. E. Small will bo prepared to doCutting and Fitting.

1761 lv ..MO ! IL1I W"fgll II IWPlMJOT M


Ooiicrnl AleutsExpert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire & Lifo Insurance,

Agents, Custom-Hous- o, Loan and Exchnngo Brokers.

departments of Business:Books End Acoount3 ncciiintcli kept and properly adjusieel.

Colletions will receive social attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Rtcunls searched and torrect Ab-ttae- of Title

fuiulshcdLceal Documents and Papers of every description carefully diawn and hand

somoh ciignCopying and Translating in all languages in general uie n this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sidd. Taxes paid and Pioperty safely insuredHouses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and tented, and rents collected.Firo and Lifo Insurance ellected in flrst-clas- s Insurance Compaules.Custom-Hous- o Business tranbacted with accuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at favorabfo rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms..nter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

3J- - All Business entrusted to our care will receive prompt andfaithlul attention atmoderate charges.

UaitiE had an extensive business experience for over twenty.five ytars'inNew Yoik City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anIntricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respcctfulljsolicit a tml.

Bell Telcphono No. 274. JEKavn.iinn. BuisineisN Asroncy.ian. 7--

Australia! Mail Service.

FOK SAN FRANCISCO,The new and line Al steel steamship

it Mariposa,"Of the Oceanic Bleamt-hl- Company, wil

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

February 9, '89.And will leave for tho above port withmalls and passengers on or about thatdate.

Kor fieight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. Q. IRWIN & CO., Agents

For Sydney and Auckland,

The now and tluo Al steel steamship

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic 8teamhip Comp my, will

bo due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

February 16, '89.And will have prompt dip patch withmalls and passengers for tho above porta

For trcight or passage, having SUPEH10R ACCOM MOUATIONB, applyto.17 WM. Q. IRWIN & CO., Agents

J. E. BROWN & CO.HH Herrhuut Ht Honolulu, II.I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Solo Ascnts for tho Burlington JtoutoAeioss Aintrl.'ii, and to the Azores.

Bobs A.'cntt for Pitt & Scott's ForeignPaicels Express & General ShippingAgency

S do Agents for Sunny South AeratedWaters.

Sole Agt nts for Masefleld Bros.' NewMullet and Cuniud Goodf.

Special Auenic for I ending New Zcalaud ami Aus raliun Mercantile Firms.

Special A genu for tho California LandASKOCiulinn.

Spenial Agents for the Honolulu Busi.nes Dlreciory,AIko, Other Special Agencies.

JCQ? Customs' Entries Passed. Pro.peitius Managed, Assignees and Audi,inis' Work ilono promptly. HouseLoused and Rents Collected.

New Business SolicitedDell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tolo. No. 360,Doc-- 5 Poit Office Box 480. 88-l- jr


?..? t.jr . jj " r.jitk .. j A. ' i --J, ,.. .. i ..mmi-- , "fi IT "YirJiffMBT T ii & A JU

whmuesmAAJmm ms&to&sWZim& MMmmm-ixm8s- mr" nmm

befotc. New lnolco of

IIn irhN


Standard Typewriter

Tho Fastest Machine in tho World


Legal & Commercial Work

Result of Special Contests for 1888:

Cincinnati, July 25th Hemlngton 97words per minute.

NewYouk, Aucii-- t lt 'emingionwon ltt, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Pi z s.

Tonoro, Augu t I8ili I'e niniiimiwon (chumplonship of llm world) Go dnnd Silver Aleiialb for highest speed everrecorded OQ words per mlnuto, exclud-ing errorB.

LAKuGKonuK.N.Y. McGurrin broketho record, writing on Iho Hemlnuton108 3 5 wonlb per minute, excludingerrors; writing blindfold 107 words perminute.

ETo bo had with or without Cabl-net- s


Agent for thu Hiwaiian Islands.

N. B. Letters addressed to the Agentco W. G. Irwin & Co. will have promptattention. dec 20-8- 8


FOR i SALETho Entire Plant of the


Is offered For S do. Tho Machineryis in perfect working order

and consUt ofOno 26x48 Mill with Engine,

Trash-carrio- r, Etc., complete,1 Pair ol Boilers Gx20,1 Double Effect 6 and 7 feet Pans,1 Vacuum Pan G feet with Blake Pump,3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine,

Together with lliu U9uai assortment of

Clariflers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Michimry inunllj foundin a well appointed mill.

Alto, a number of


Caue Carts & Gcn'l Plantationft Implt incuts.

Delivery will he given after nexi crophas been harvested, say about July 1,188 f,

tarFor further particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Hawaii.


For Whooping Cough

Let any porson glvo

Dr. Lozier's deny Cordial

A trial, and the most violent coldwill, in a short time bo


HOLLISTER & CO.,115 Agents. 2m

New Zealand Mullet(Star Brand.)


PSiSIn 4 doz. Cases of 1 lb. Tins.

Fresh Supplies by each Now Zca.land Stcntnei. For Snlo by

J. E. Brown & Co.,17 Sole Agents. ftf

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Shoeing Forge,70 A. HI Hints Htreet.

Shoeing, from SI. CO.

Horses and Cattle Treated, foiall Diseases.

Residence: Chnmbcrlnln Ilouec, nextKawaiahao Church.

X. O. BOX. 40H.

BeilTelephoneja 368.

For ConnoisseursJust received a small consignment of

Choice French Clarets,From iho well-know- flim" of Dubos

rrcrcs, nnd I auusso & Paucol,Bordeaux, France:

SIvdoo 3Iompolc,Clialrau X.nrosc,Cliulcnu ieovllloSXai'fraiisc,JJimt Xtrlon,Clitvtuat X.aflte,Also, from the cellais of Romans & Co.

London :

Koch Fils Champagne, 1880;(In Qu trts & Magnums)

Climubci'llu, 1804:Clinmbertln, 1874;Chnteou I'Ytiuetu. 1W5H;lry Ciirueoti. H Years Oltt;

Chutcuu aiarcuux, 1877;Grande Fine Champagne Brandy, 1811.

BSTThe above comprises the ChoicestBrands of Wines uud Liquois ever iro.ported to this market.


MAGFARLANE & Go.'.iov.10.83



Proof Safes !


DiBliold Sale k M Go

Of Canton, Ohio, U.S.A.Having established nn Agency in this

City lor the tale of their manu.facture", which are

Surpassed ,by NoneIn their line in the world, an opportnnity Is offered to ul" requiring protec.tion of their Valuables from Fire' andTheft to supply thenuelvcs on termswhich defy competition. ,

tST For particulars inquire at '

Culick's Agency,No. 33 Mcrriiant st., Honolulu, H. I.

scpt-2- 4 88

Honolulu LibraryANB .

Readinq Room Association,

Cor. Hotel & Ala Iita Streets.Oiien every Day and Evening,

Tho Library consists at the presenttlmo of oer Kite Thousand Volumes.

Iho Reading Room Is supplied withabout nty of tho leading newspapersnnd ppriotlloils. .

A Pailor Is provided for conversationnd games.Terms of membership, fifty cents a

Jiouth, payable quaiteily in advance.Ao formality required in Joining excptsigning the roll.

Strangers from foreign couutrles andvisitors from the other islands are wol-co-

to the rooms at all times ns gnesU.This Association having no regular

means of suppeit except tho dues ofmembers, it is expected that residentsof Honolulu who deslio to avail them-seh- es

of Its privileges, aud all ho feolmi Interest In maintaining an Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand becomo leculurcoiitilbulors.

A. J. OAimVRIGHT, IVea.,M. M. SCO'II', Vice-Preside- nt,

II. A. PARMELEE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,'O.T.RODGERBJ'M.Dj,'

OliRirman Hall and Library Committee,






$, fflB- t, '