i iil1iuiias shoes - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7v416szz2z/data/0356.pdf · lllk road...

i An Independent Weekly a tl Devoted to the RcvJOfINDODWEllManagcrT H E CITIZEN Interests of 1 I THE HOME 60 CENTS FARM A YEAR SCHOOL j II OIJIII A Family Taper I1EKEA MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY THURSDAY AUGUST 29 1901 Fifty cents n year NO 10I l1IUIiAS Noumn cnn preach ubovu lim life Ddnt you wish you had u patch of cowpciiH flan for next year Only the jtowor thnt nmkoH it world can iimko a Christian J Wllllloy SomocropH Kf potatoes nr > taking nccond growth Bettor look nt yours If you know that tomorrow was to to yrtnr 11 lit lay on earth whit would you do today T- Take i r Notice Vo will IHHUII n npixMnl number of of TUB CITIZHN nit Thurwlny A iimttor of nt11 moment in din w < 1111 thl School1 column thus lllk Road it everybody ijtxt Saturday 1111 p m Imflidnut t lrolll will preach nt Mallory Springs Oo mid hear n practical Hormon TUB CrfizKX would npprcclnln oo ciiHiotml Hhort nowiiy lulKom from Ih + ron HtudiMitfl who urn teaching i UKWH about your pchoata FROM THE WIDE WORLD Thin hnrvrol of cur 8IN this year ill IliiHHln will 1m the largwt for many yuan punt Then Czar in an autograph letter definitely ncccplfd Emperor Will itimH invitation to attend tlm naval inaneuvern nt DantzU1 In 11100 thorn vn I721817fW postal iickagra delivorwl in Great Britain nod Iruland and tlio public deported in tho Savings banks 22- 5rsi iso Itlfj currently reported In Kuamiin circlwi LIllie tho CZAr liaR decided to brooch SoutUAticaiu Intervention to KtnjMtror William anti 1nwident LoiriKil lo roiwidorfl the time op Krtiino for friondly tmliiition jI = 1 o 41M Olfri OWrTCOdHTRT Nearly 17000000 hits lxm fluh dcribod towards tho otiisiaim Pur chaw Exposition to Iw told at St Loumln IlKW The oiliwniB of Cnntrnlin III mot in nabs mashing Monday night and denounced the Mayor and City Coun ¬ cil for collusion with the saloon keep urn Thorn nro in tho Unllwl States au forest rwMMrvationn covering nearly I7KXK0 acres Most of thowj roo bomw arc In tho Rocky Mountain Region and in tho Pacifio Coant State JamtH Mhitford Hanliford PaHi t dent of Ohio Vwdoynn University a has lrnetlrhosen Prt Hidont of North weHUirn Uniformly 110 wan offered t tilt jHwition Saturday on hm arrival in Chicago from California Tho Montana land nalo will lx gin September 18 Throo million IIcr AI of State hunts am to 1o offenxl publld auction No land will ho sold for lows than 30 111 aero und if not sold will INI leaned to the hlghoht bUldor H COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY Chief of Polloo John Mel Ross of Lexington waif dismissed1Irom of ¬ fice Fridar last Uelwoon ro and 1X1 ciwoa of typhoid fovor nio mPortKI in Newcastle anti IMtwmulvillo floury county ThqWnyno county oil boom con tinum unabntad Thn Standnrd Oil Company fa distributing largo piles for u now lino Mrs Bikjkham wife of tho Govern ¬ or id roiwrtod IM being much hoUr PlijHiciaim say sho in nuirering from malarial fever Tiio allegtxl inunlorerHof Mrs Hall P nUll 11IIOIJ in LolchorCo aro grant ¬ ed a change of vonuo from Whites t burg to Pinovillo- It is predicted that 21000 minors in Kentucky will soon bo idlo indoli uitoly IwcaiiHft of the differences bo tweon tho minors and operators About tUXX pornons attended the South District Baptist Association at Doctors Fork Church Perryyille which concluded its session last Fri ¬ day irbreodvvo Hurl county is alainied by the appimranco of spinal monin h gitis Will ICngland n prominent cilium was takun sick Tliurwhiy mud diml Friday Last Friday a largo wife whiih was Ptboimg moved in tho Louisvillu Court II fell from thn second story in the rotunda and narrowly mused du i straying thu statue of floury Cloy State Sundayschool Association Tim State Sunday school Associa ¬ tion mot in convention at Danvillo last week Madison county sent wov ¬ en delegates Rov Dr Burgess and ROY C A Van Winklo represented tho Suudny schools at Berea Dr Burgess says the convention was a splendid success and that upwards ol threo hundred delegates wow in at teudnnco Many Sundayschool spa ¬ cialists from Louisville Cincinnati and other prominent places wore present and took active part in the meetings It was assorted that eighty por tent of all church ad ¬ ditions como from tho Sundayschool ihlT0 A Vanwinklo is vicopresident of the Glado District Ho promises to hold n convention at an early date Y M C A Greeting- To all young mon who are coining to Uoroa this Fall Our doors are open wo bid you wel como and extend to you the right hand of fellowship and brotherly lovo The regular meetings of our associa ¬ lion are hold on Sunday evening at the vesper hour when wo gather for praise and prayer Wo earnestly desiro and cordially invited your attendance at all our meetings Como thou with us and we will do theo good Memlxirs of our association will bo oil tho excursion by which you come to Berea Look for the badge Any information you need will ho gladly given by these brethren Hoping to meet you at tho opening of Jlio Fall Term Faithfully yours Boron Y M C A By Request republish tho following bills of faro suggested by tho Housekeepers Club and published in TilE CITIZEN Aug 8 1001 BILL or FARE No1 LViNmNT OR me VARIABLE OR Tin Itrc RATIOS WORK RATIO ft Ibs Hour 12 lbs hoof 10 HM graham liIe mutton 3 IIoat tnwij IIe bacon 10 IIcorn uioal 2Ie heed liver 0 II hominy 1 Ieeal 2Ie butter 1 IIIlOrk 2 Ie8uot 10Ie potatoes 3II cabbago 2II carrots 2II onions 2 14 sugar Cost 1 x > rnon 30 days Sltti I u 1 week85f II ° I day 121 BILL UF FARE No 2 Constants same as in No1 VARUKLU OR Tag WORK RATION 10 His boor or mutloii 2or 11 doz eggs 8 IMMIIIR mud peas lliU fikimniod milk 2 IelIIot Cost 1 jxirson 1X1 days 1350 U Ie 1 week 819 Ie Ie 1 tiny 117 BILL OF FARE No3 Constanta same as in Nos 1 and 2 VARIAKIni OR Till WORK RATION 10 Ibs hoof or mutton 2 Ie8alt codfish Iiu fresh fish 2Ie cheese 2 IesnIt pork 2 IIIIUOt Cost 1 portion SO days S3r 2 to Ie 1 week 82 II Ie 1 day 117 How Berea Looks After Her Students Householders Permit Ono of the chief glories of our Col logo is Itearo for tho reputation tho morals the manners and tho char actor of its young men and woman Our young people not only learn how to keep accounts sing and tint first class certifrnllflthny also loam how to bohuvo A now rule hook or Students Manual is now being printed which is shorter and simpler than tho oltl one hill contains some now informa ¬ tion and one or two now regulations Ono of these now regulations is that students who do not live at home must Iward in College buildings or with such families as have from the College authorities a householders permit to hoard students Mr Os borne the Treasurer is Chairman of tho Committee which gives those per ¬ mits and those who wish to have student boarders should consult with himAt London and in fact most schools the plan is to bare all students lire in College buildings whore they can bo looked after by their teachers But Borua has room for only a small part of its students Tho Collego aNo while it will try to got moro buildings for warding students pre¬ fers to help tho citizens by letting them board a large part of tho young peopleBut itlR quite a business to boar students anti it is not everybody who can do it- Thera has boon more or less trouble in the matter New students some ¬ times engage board with people who care nothing for thorn or for the Col ¬ loge except to get their money and naturally such students got homesick are tempted into bad company and go wrong On time other hand young people occasionally find their way to Berea who do not know how to treat their ImnrdinghouBO keeper as ladies and gentlemen should and thoy make unnmsoiyihlo complaints waste food injure furniture disturb peoplo in time hoiiso need go off without paying thoir loan Now thn householders permit is a kind of contract showing tho duties of Iwth parties Tho householder agrees to koop nn orderly house and tho College agrees to admonish and if necessary oven expel any student who wrongs a householder Ri ally a family that koops student lK> nnters is in partnership with tho College and the householders per ¬ mit will help lolls parties to under ¬ stool each other und assist each other Our citizens are helping in the OtJUCl ton of tho hundreds of young men and young womon who como to Bo ¬ ron ns truly as tho toncuora And wo urn mull proud of our work rf- Wo nro uol disposed to overlook the fuel that the inUtrraji or tim bank nuil those of thn jxxplo aro cloudy bound together Thoy cnnnol hj any moans ho soparaled Tho Borra Hanking Co Repair That Loom Homespun is coming into fashion again and our girls should koop up the art of spinning Boron College is fouling n markot for the products of fireside industry which may bring education and comfort to many homos Wo can pay for wollwovon linen 40 cents a yard jeans fj cents linsoy f0 emits woll matched bed coverlets 4 to i Talent dyes not accepted oldfashionod indigo preferred For information address JOSEPHINE A ItoniNSQN Homespun Exchange Boron Ky WANTED Cipablo reliable pomoti in every ouuutjr to rcprt8 lIt largo comjiany of Bond flimn Mal rtinitatlnii 1xNi salary per year taynble weekly n tar Jay nlMolutcljr euro and all ex en ac trnlilit IMmafiol dcflnllo nalary no cm mlwlou salary 111111 Saturday and pipeline money advanced each week STANDARD HOUSE 331 DMRHORN ST CHICAOO TO TIlE DEAFA rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in tho head by Dr Nicholson Artificial Ear Drums gave 25000 to his Insti tutu HO that dual people unable to procuro tho Ear Drums nay have thorn free Address No 1314 The Nicholson Institute 780 Eighth Are nuo Now York G20 02 FOR SALE rem Two Fine- Kitchen Cabinets 12 EACH At COLLEGE SHOP I Miettt FOR A SltBtllM IHkKeetlnglusfnessPH TjpeWrlllng Tel graphJ IAddrut WILBUR Re SMITH LEXINGTON KY Pot circular of hti firnoo toil mmnilbla WorldsEzpotuon1Rfen Tuteon Bpecialtiu1IrTh dMlrrtNormcmtlan I oltWILBUR KELLOGG WITHENBDRY Wholesale Grocers Irvine St Richmond Ky A full line of Staple Groceries carried at all times Mail and Phone Orders receive prompt shipment This is the picture of the plow that did such wonderfulexecution in the enormous patch of weeds on the college farm Aug 26 1901 witnessed by S C Mason J M Early J P Bicknell t Dick Voodford J J Bnmnaimn E Moran G Shocklcy J Richard ¬ son andothersif you want to know about it write us or Prof S C MASON Bicknell Early L SHOES We are greatly enlarging our Shoe De ¬ partment and before many days well show the Completest Stock of Mens Fine Footwear ever seen in Richmond Style and quality will please you and prices will save you money Covington Banks t Richmond Ky OUTFITTERS FOR MEN AND BOYS T C LOWRY ATTORNEYATLAWRichmond OFFICE IN MOBERLEY BUILDINGMAIN STREET Collections And Real Estate A Specially u EBMcCOYDentlstBerea C I OGG Firstclass Photography Center Strut Brea Ky MEAT MARKET 1 have reopened the Meat Mar ¬ ket on Main Street Fresh Meats Vegetablesin M B RAMSEY Berea Ky Three Years in Richmond And out of all tho sots of teeth that havo boon made at my office if thoro is ono sot or any sots that show any defects I will mako a now set froo Wo aro making tho best set of tooth in tho world for 7 CO and if delects show in 3vo years wo givo you a new set froo This applies to all tho tooth I have made or am going to make tho best alloy fills in tho world at 7G cents DR HOBSON Dentist Permanently located in tho Hobson Building noxt door to Gov ¬ ernment Building Richmond Kentucky Reference Richmond National Bank Special Price to Students INVEST WITH The Ideal Realty Guarantee Co RESERVE BETTER 1 CONTRACTS PLANS Than any other company doing business in the State Those seeking honest legitimate investments will receivo our most cordial and thoroughattention DR C E SMOOT n MgrJ Capital Stock 10000 HOME OFFICE RICHMOND KY FINE FURNITURE SALE I I It will bo to your interest to inspect our stock before your buy Wo have tho goods and will certainly most your viows as to prices Hardwood Oak and Mahogany Bedroom Suites Iron Beds und Couches at special bargain prices during tho mouth Everything in the Furniture Line Great Sale on Carpots and Rugs for Cash Wo invito all our Boron Friends and all Oitizou subscribers to call and inspect before ranking purchase- sUNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY KyNight I nu A GREAT DISTRIBUTION A Distribution of BARGAINS Is going on from day to day In our Store In Ladles Misses and Childrens Shoes and Slippers Mens Yicl Yallonr and Box Calf Shoes and Oxfords Boys and Youths Shoes In our line of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS UNDERWEAR SUSPEN uptodate ¬ plete and practical waist on the market Our HA rand CAP Department is Uptodate In Our NECKWEAR DEPARTMENT all the latest sensations and our Washable Tics arc the newest and most varied line of this class of goods on the market In this Distribution Everything Goesl If you find Prices Lower than Ours you may be sure the Quality of goods is inferior to that we arc offering DOUGLAS CRUTCHER 207 W Main St Richmond Ky Fall is the Time to Study Fall Term Opens Sept 11 1901 I

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An Independent Weeklya tl Devoted to the

RcvJOfINDODWEllManagcrT HE CITIZEN Interests of






II OIJIII A Family Taper I1EKEA MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY THURSDAY AUGUST 29 1901 Fifty cents n year NO 10Il1IUIiASNoumn cnn preach ubovu lim life

Ddnt you wish you had u patch of

cowpciiH flan for next year

Only the jtowor thnt nmkoH it world

can iimko a Christian J Wllllloy

SomocropH Kf potatoes nr > takingnccond growth Bettor look nt yours

If you know that tomorrow was to

to yrtnr 11 lit lay on earth whit would

you do today T-

Takei r


Vo will IHHUII n npixMnl number ofof TUB CITIZHN nit Thurwlny

A iimttor of nt11 moment in dinw <1111 thl School1 column thus

lllk Road it everybodyijtxt Saturday 1111 p m Imflidnut

t lrolll will preach nt Mallory SpringsOo mid hear n practical Hormon

TUB CrfizKX would npprcclnln oo

ciiHiotml Hhort nowiiy lulKom fromIh + ron HtudiMitfl who urn teaching

i UKWH about your pchoata


Thin hnrvrol of cur 8IN this year ill

IliiHHln will 1m the largwt for many

yuan punt

Then Czar in an autograph letterdefinitely ncccplfd Emperor Will

itimH invitation to attend tlm naval

inaneuvern nt DantzU1

In 11100 thorn vn I721817fWpostal iickagra delivorwl in GreatBritain nod Iruland and tlio publicdeported in tho Savings banks 22-5rsi iso

Itlfj currently reported In Kuamiincirclwi LIllie tho CZAr liaR decided tobrooch SoutUAticaiu Intervention toKtnjMtror William anti 1nwidentLoiriKil lo roiwidorfl the time opKrtiino for friondly tmliiition

jI =1



Nearly 17000000 hits lxm fluh

dcribod towards tho otiisiaim Purchaw Exposition to Iw told at StLoumln IlKW

The oiliwniB of Cnntrnlin III mot

in nabs mashing Monday night anddenounced the Mayor and City Coun ¬

cil for collusion with the saloon keepurn

Thorn nro in tho Unllwl States au

forest rwMMrvationn covering nearlyI7KXK0 acres Most of thowj roo

bomw arc In tho Rocky MountainRegion and in tho Pacifio Coant

StateJamtH Mhitford Hanliford PaHi

tdent of Ohio Vwdoynn University

a has lrnetlrhosen Prt Hidont of NorthweHUirn Uniformly 110 wan offered

ttilt jHwition Saturday on hm arrivalin Chicago from California

Tho Montana land nalo will lx ginSeptember 18 Throo million IIcr AIof State hunts am to 1o offenxl

publld auction No land will ho sold

for lows than 30 111 aero und if notsold will INI leaned to the hlghohtbUldor



Chief of Polloo John Mel Ross

of Lexington waif dismissed1Irom of ¬

fice Fridar lastUelwoon ro and 1X1 ciwoa of typhoid

fovor nio mPortKI in Newcastle anti

IMtwmulvillo floury countyThqWnyno county oil boom con

tinum unabntad Thn Standnrd Oil

Company fa distributing largo piles

for u now lino

Mrs Bikjkham wife of tho Govern ¬

or id roiwrtod IM being much hoUrPlijHiciaim say sho in nuirering from

malarial fever

Tiio allegtxl inunlorerHof Mrs HallP nUll 11IIOIJ in LolchorCo aro grant ¬

ed a change of vonuo from Whitest burg to Pinovillo-

It is predicted that 21000 minorsin Kentucky will soon bo idlo indoli

uitoly IwcaiiHft of the differences bo

tweon tho minors and operators

About tUXX pornons attended theSouth District Baptist Association atDoctors Fork Church Perryyillewhich concluded its session last Fri ¬

dayirbreodvvo Hurl county is alainied

by the appimranco of spinal monin

h gitis Will ICngland n prominentcilium was takun sick Tliurwhiy mud

diml FridayLast Friday a largo wife whiih was

Ptboimg moved in tho Louisvillu CourtII fell from thn second story in

the rotunda and narrowly mused dui straying thu statue of floury Cloy

State Sundayschool Association

Tim State Sunday school Associa ¬

tion mot in convention at Danvillolast week Madison county sent wov ¬

en delegates Rov Dr Burgess andROY C A Van Winklo representedtho Suudny schools at Berea DrBurgess says the convention was asplendid success and that upwards olthreo hundred delegates wow in atteudnnco Many Sundayschool spa ¬

cialists from Louisville Cincinnatiand other prominent places worepresent and took active part in themeetings It was assorted thateighty por tent of all church ad ¬

ditions como from tho SundayschoolihlT0 A Vanwinklo is vicopresidentof the Glado District Ho promisesto hold n convention at an early date

Y M C A Greeting-

To all young mon who are coiningto Uoroa this Fall

Our doors are open wo bid you welcomo and extend to you the righthand of fellowship and brotherlylovo

The regular meetings of our associa ¬

lion are hold on Sunday evening atthe vesper hour when wo gather forpraise and prayer

Wo earnestly desiro and cordiallyinvited your attendance at all ourmeetings Como thou with us andwe will do theo good

Memlxirs of our association will booil tho excursion by which you cometo Berea Look for the badge

Any information you need will hogladly given by these brethren

Hoping to meet you at tho openingof Jlio Fall Term Faithfully yours

Boron Y M C A

By Request

republish tho following bills offaro suggested by tho HousekeepersClub and published in TilE CITIZEN

Aug 8 1001



ft Ibs Hour 12 lbs hoof10 HM graham liIe mutton3 IIoat tnwij IIe bacon

10 IIcorn uioal 2Ie heed liver0 II hominy 1 Ieeal2Ie butter 1 IIIlOrk2 Ie8uot

10Ie potatoes3II cabbago2II carrots2II onions2 14 sugar

Cost 1 x> rnon 30 days SlttiI u 1 week85f

II ° I day 121


Constants same as in No1VARUKLU OR Tag


10 His boor or mutloii

2or 11 doz eggs8 IMMIIIR mud peas

lliU fikimniod milk2 IelIIot

Cost 1 jxirson 1X1 days 1350U Ie 1 week 819Ie Ie 1 tiny 117

BILL OF FARE No3Constanta same as in Nos 1 and 2


10 Ibs hoof or mutton2 Ie8alt codfish

Iiu fresh fish2Ie cheese2 IesnIt pork2 IIIIUOt

Cost 1 portion SO days S3r 2to Ie 1 week 82II Ie 1 day 117

How Berea Looks After HerStudents

Householders Permit

Ono of the chief glories of our Collogo is Itearo for tho reputation thomorals the manners and tho charactor of its young men and womanOur young people not only learn howto keep accounts sing and tint firstclass certifrnllflthny also loam howto bohuvo

A now rule hook or StudentsManual is now being printed whichis shorter and simpler than tho oltlone hill contains some now informa ¬

tion and one or two now regulationsOno of these now regulations is that

students who do not live at homemust Iward in College buildings orwith such families as have from theCollege authorities a householderspermit to hoard students Mr Osborne the Treasurer is Chairman oftho Committee which gives those per ¬

mits and those who wish to havestudent boarders should consult with

himAtLondon and in fact most schools

the plan is to bare all students lirein College buildings whore they canbo looked after by their teachersBut Borua has room for only a smallpart of its students Tho CollegoaNo while it will try to got morobuildings for warding students pre¬

fers to help tho citizens by lettingthem board a large part of tho young

peopleButitlR quite a business to boar

students anti it is not everybody whocan do it-

Thera has boon more or less troublein the matter New students some ¬

times engage board with people whocare nothing for thorn or for the Col ¬

loge except to get their money andnaturally such students got homesickare tempted into bad company andgo wrong On time other hand youngpeople occasionally find their way toBerea who do not know how to treattheir ImnrdinghouBO keeper as ladiesand gentlemen should and thoy makeunnmsoiyihlo complaints waste foodinjure furniture disturb peoplo in time

hoiiso need go off without payingthoir loan

Now thn householders permit isa kind of contract showing tho dutiesof Iwth parties Tho householderagrees to koop nn orderly house andtho College agrees to admonish andif necessary oven expel any studentwho wrongs a householder

Ri ally a family that koops studentlK>nnters is in partnership with thoCollege and the householders per ¬

mit will help lolls parties to under ¬

stool each other und assist each otherOur citizens are helping in the OtJUCl

ton of tho hundreds of young menand young womon who como to Bo ¬

ron ns truly as tho toncuora And wo

urn mull proud of our work

rf-Wo nro uol disposed to overlook

the fuel that the inUtrraji or tim banknuil those of thn jxxplo aro cloudybound together Thoy cnnnol hj anymoans ho soparaled Tho BorraHanking Co

Repair That LoomHomespun is coming into fashion

again and our girls should koop upthe art of spinning Boron Collegeis fouling n markot for the productsof fireside industry which may bringeducation and comfort to manyhomos

Wo can pay for wollwovon linen40 cents a yard jeans fj cents linsoyf0 emits woll matched bed coverlets4 to i Talent dyes not accepted

oldfashionod indigo preferredFor information address JOSEPHINE

A ItoniNSQN Homespun ExchangeBoron Ky

WANTED Cipablo reliable pomoti in everyouuutjr to rcprt8 lIt largo comjiany of Bond flimnMal rtinitatlnii 1xNi salary per year taynbleweekly n tar Jay nlMolutcljr euro and all ex enac trnlilit IMmafiol dcflnllo nalary no cmmlwlou salary 111111 Saturday and pipelinemoney advanced each week STANDARDHOUSE 331 DMRHORN ST CHICAOO

TO TIlE DEAFA rich ladycured of her Deafness and Noises intho head by Dr Nicholson ArtificialEar Drums gave 25000 to his Institutu HO that dual people unable toprocuro tho Ear Drums nay havethorn free Address No 1314 TheNicholson Institute 780 Eighth Arenuo Now York G20 02


Two Fine-Kitchen Cabinets



MietttFOR A






Pot circular of hti firnoo toil mmnilbla




Wholesale GrocersIrvine St Richmond Ky

A full line of Staple Groceries carried at alltimes Mail and Phone Orders receive

prompt shipment

This is the picture ofthe plow that did suchwonderfulexecution inthe enormous patch ofweeds on the college farmAug 26 1901 witnessedby S C Mason J MEarly J P Bicknell

t Dick Voodford J J

Bnmnaimn E MoranG Shocklcy J Richard ¬

son andothersif you

want to know about it write us

or Prof S C MASON

Bicknell Early

L SHOESWe are greatly enlarging our Shoe De ¬

partment and before many days wellshow the Completest Stock of Mens FineFootwear ever seen in Richmond Styleand quality will please you and priceswill save you money

Covington Bankst




Collections And Real Estate A Specially



C I OGGFirstclass Photography

Center Strut Brea Ky

MEAT MARKET1 have reopened the Meat Mar ¬

ket on Main Street Fresh Meats

VegetablesinM B RAMSEY Berea Ky

Three Yearsin Richmond

And out of all tho sots of teeththat havo boon made at my officeif thoro is ono sot or any sots thatshow any defects I will mako anow set froo Wo aro making thobest set of tooth in tho world for

7 CO and if delects show in 3voyears wo givo you a new set frooThis applies to all tho tooth Ihave made or am going to maketho best alloy fills in tho worldat 7G cents

DR HOBSON DentistPermanently located in tho Hobson

Building noxt door to Gov ¬

ernment BuildingRichmond Kentucky

Reference Richmond National BankSpecial Price to Students

INVEST WITHThe Ideal Realty Guarantee Co



Than any other company doing business in the StateThose seeking honest legitimate investments will receivo

our most cordial and thoroughattentionDR C E SMOOT

n MgrJCapital Stock 10000HOME OFFICE RICHMOND KY



It will bo to your interest to inspect our stock before your buyWo have tho goods and will certainly most your viows as to pricesHardwood Oak and Mahogany Bedroom Suites Iron Beds und

Couches at special bargain prices during tho mouth Everything in theFurniture Line

Great Sale on Carpots and Rugs for Cash

Wo invito all our Boron Friends and all Oitizou subscribers to calland inspect before ranking purchase-


nuA GREAT DISTRIBUTIONA Distribution of BARGAINS Is going on from day to day In our Store In

Ladles Misses and Childrens Shoes and Slippers Mens Yicl Yallonr

and Box Calf Shoes and Oxfords Boys and Youths Shoes


plete and practical waist on the market

Our HA rand CAP Department is Uptodate

In Our NECKWEAR DEPARTMENT all the latest sensationsand our Washable Tics arc the newest and most varied line ofthis class of goods on the market

In this Distribution Everything Goesl If you find Prices Lower thanOurs you may be sure the Quality of goods is inferior to that wearc offering

DOUGLAS CRUTCHER207 W Main St Richmond Ky

Fall is the Time to Study Fall Term Opens Sept 11 1901I