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INSIDER INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Birthdays & Anniversaries 2 Birthday=FIT test 2 Calendar 3 Communication 4 Go Red Yard Sale 5 NEWS 6 New Associates 7 NEWS 8 Diabetes EXPO 9 Great Catches 10 Hospital Olympics 11 New Associates 12 Hospital Olympics 13 eHR 14 Back Page 15 Board of Directors Local Medical Staff The trusted provider of rural health care services for our patients and families. FFF Bright Ideas—The FFF Taskforce FFF stands for Fast Fun and Friendly, it is our goal to have a fun, bright, exciting and friendly place to work. Employees can submit ideas for events and activities that will help boost employee morale by submitting a FFF Bright Idea. *Note: The FFF Taskforce has no authority over pay, raises or PTO. To submit your Fast Fun and Friendly Bright Idea, please complete the electronic form or paper form located on the Intranet under “Employee Resources”, “FFF Bright Ideas”. *For ideas and suggestions that will improve patient satisfaction or improve work flow, please continue to submit a Great Catch! AUGUST 2012 Rita Sircy, Chairman Terry Hornung, VP Chairman Sandy Haman, Secretary/Treasurer Jerry Guy, Director Kerry Halde, Director Garret Mitchek, Director Barry Hinkhouse, Director Wayne Hoppe, MD Bong Pham MD James Perez, MD Zach Pimentel, MD Kristin Janssen, PA Candy Campbell, PA Susan Dorman, NP KCCHSD Officers Joe Stratton, CEO Regina Korsvold, Quality Risk Manager Dalene Colglazier, Patient Advocate Linda Wardlaw, Compliance Officer Don Wade, CFO Kandi Kuper, Interim CNO Kelly Ray & Valerie Boyd, Financial Counselors

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I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

Birthdays &

Anniversaries 2

Birthday=FIT test 2

Calendar 3

Communication 4

Go Red Yard Sale 5


New Associates 7


Diabetes EXPO 9

Great Catches 10

Hospital Olympics 11

New Associates 12

Hospital Olympics 13

eHR 14

Back Page 15

Board of Directors Local Medical Staff

The trusted

provider of

rural health

care services

for our

patients and


FFF Bright Ideas—The FFF Taskforce

FFF stands for Fast Fun and Friendly, it is our goal to have a fun, bright,

exciting and friendly place to work.

Employees can submit ideas for events and activities that will help boost

employee morale by submitting a FFF Bright Idea. *Note: The FFF

Taskforce has no authority over pay, raises or PTO.

To submit your Fast Fun and Friendly Bright Idea, please complete the

electronic form or paper form located on the Intranet under “Employee

Resources”, “FFF Bright Ideas”.

*For ideas and suggestions that will improve patient satisfaction or

improve work flow, please continue to submit a Great Catch!

A U G U S T 2 0 1 2

Rita Sircy, Chairman

Terry Hornung, VP Chairman

Sandy Haman, Secretary/Treasurer

Jerry Guy, Director

Kerry Halde, Director

Garret Mitchek, Director

Barry Hinkhouse, Director

Wayne Hoppe, MD

Bong Pham MD

James Perez, MD

Zach Pimentel, MD

Kristin Janssen, PA

Candy Campbell, PA

Susan Dorman, NP

K C C H S D O f f i c e r s

Joe Stratton, CEO

Regina Korsvold,

Quality Risk Manager

Dalene Colglazier,

Patient Advocate

Linda Wardlaw,

Compliance Officer

Don Wade, CFO

Kandi Kuper, Interim CNO

Kelly Ray & Valerie Boyd,

Financial Counselors

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B i r t h d a y s & A n n i v e r s a r i e s !

Happy Birthday Anniversaries

Tina K. 2 years

Amy V. 2 years

Tina W. 2 years

Veronica B. 2 years

Alyssa A. 4 years

Courtney 4 years

Casey 5 years

Karen B 7 years

Allison M. 7 years

Kelly R. 8 years

Brenda B. 13 years

Dr. Perez 13 years

Dr. Pimentel 13 years

Linda 22 years

Dee 33 years

Robin Aug. 8th

Randi R. Aug. 10th

Savannah Aug. 13th

Kale Aug. 13th

Tammy C. Aug. 17th

Victoria H. Aug. 19th

Sylvia Aug. 21st

Nancy G. Aug. 25th

Peter Aug. 28th

When it’s your birthday it is also time for your FIT test and Hand Hygiene!

Congratulations! This is your special month, so Employee Health is asking that you

participate in 2 mandatory activities.

You need to sign up for a FIT test. The sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board

across from the Infection Control Nurses' office in the basement. Pick a time that

works for you and remember to avoid chewing gum, drinking diet pop, smoking or

eating for at least 15 minutes prior to the test. This test is an annual test that

must now be done during your birthday month.

You will be participating in the Hand Hygiene Program during your

birthday month.

All paperwork must be turned in to me before the 5th of the month to get

credit for participation in the program.

Tonia Salmans, RN Infection Control Coordinator Employee Health Nurse Patient Education Coordinator

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Page 3

August 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4


6 7


Night Out—In


8 9 10 11

12 13 14

Date of the announcement of the Japanese surrender to U.S. armed forces in 1945, ending World War II. The formal surrender was signed on Sept. 2, 1945.

Birthday Treat Day in the




Blood Drive

16 17 18

19 20



21 22



23 24

Hospital BBQ

at noon


26 27 28 29


Blood Drive

30 31

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Page 5 T H E I N S I D E R

Go Red For Women G A R A G E S A L E

August 25th, 2012

Vicky Kosch Residence

162 Vine Street


Do you have items you would like to donate?

Set a price for your items and drop them off the week of August 20th

at one of the following locations in Burlington:

Vicky’s house

Health and Human Services

Parke Wellness Center

All proceeds go toward the Go Red for Women Gala coming to

you in February 2013.

Love your heart and others in Kit Carson County!

Questions? Call Us!

Vicky Kosch 349-1298

J e n n i e J o l l i f f e 3 4 6 - 0 3 6 6

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S t a r t i n g A u g u s t 1 s t P o p i n t h e m a c h i n e

Due to the price of soda pop is going up, the Fast Fun and Friendly Taskforce

had to raise the price of pop in the downstairs pop machine from 50 cents per

can to 60 cents per can. The FFF Taskforce is sorry for the inconvenience,

however in order to cover costs and still provide FFF events the price increase

was necessary.

T e l l U s A b o u t Y o u !

Part of being a Fast Fun and Friendly Place to work is getting to know your co-workers!

We want to learn more about you! Go to the Intranet and look for the link under Employee

Resources of the screen you will see a link to Tell Us About You!

Fill out the electronic form, or print and complete the paper form and turn this in to Savannah.

We look forward to learn more about you!!

2012 Hospital Olympics! -

Department Flag Contest Flag entries are due to Shauna by Monday, August 20th.

Each department is asked create a flag that “best” represents their department. There are no

restrictions on the size, colors or materials use for this flag.

Once all flags are submitted to Shauna, they will be on display in the hallway next to her office. Staff

can then vote on the “best” flag.

The department with the most votes will win a Goodie Bag to share with the employees in their


Have fun and we look forward to seeing your creative Flags!

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N e w A s s o c i a t e s

Name: Jennifer

Department: Summer Intern

Favorite things

Color: Hot pink, lime green, purple and blue

Type of Music: All kinds of music

Pets: I have three dogs

Interests: Sports, softball, and having fun

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Name: Malaree

Department: MA at Parke Health

Favorite things

Color: Yellow

Type of Music: All kinds of music

Pets: I have two dogs

Interests: Sports, softball, and having fun

Name: Vianey

Department: EVS

Favorite things

Color: purple

Type of Music: Hip-Hop

Snack: Hot Cheetos and pickles

Interests: photography, doing hair and makeup and spending

time with my baby girl

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C e l e b r a t i n g b i r t h d a y s w i t h a b i r t h d a y t r e a t !

Starting in August, each month KCCHSD will be

celebrating birthdays by having birthday treats for

everyone to enjoy. Employees with a birthday or

anniversary in that month will be listed on the wipe off

board in the cafeteria and the second Tuesday of each

month employees can get a birthday treat during lunch.

Whether or not you are eating lunch on the second

Tuesday of each month, you can come to the cafeteria

and get a birthday treat to help celebrate that month’s


This idea came from a several employees who submitted

Great Catch ideas for celebrating birthdays!

- Thank you for the wonderful idea team!

C e l e b r a t i n g A u g u s t B i r t h d a y s o n T u e s d a y , A u g u s t 1 4 t h

3 M M e e t i n g N o t e s a r e n o w o n t h e e m p l o y e e i n t r a n e t !

L o o k f o r t h e 3 M n o t e s u n d e r E m p l o y e e

R e s o u r c e s

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KCCHSD hosted the 1st annual Diabetes EXPO on July 14th, 2012 at the Old Town Barn. The evening began with an EXPO, which covered subjects ranging from the definition of diabetes to treatment and management of the disease.

Dinner was prepared and served by "All Of It Catering" and included a diabetes friendly meal of Grilled chicken with apples and leeks, gingered orange carrots, harvest medley potatoes, plum tomato and escarole salad with parmesan balsamic dressing and a pumpkin dessert. Guests of the dinner were given recipes of all of the food served at the dinner as a take home gift.

Guest speakers included Sylvia Hodgkinson, RN who spoke of being a mother of a 10 year old Type 1 with diabetes. Her story was heartwarming and inspirational. Kathy Dowd, RN spoke of the challenges of having diabetes while incarcerated. She is the Certified Diabetes Educator for our local prison, and coordinates their care. Dawn James, RN was our final guest speaker. She included a power point presentation that tied everything together for the evening. Her talk was focused on prevention of the disease, as well with a question/answer session, which opened the room up to several great questions from community members.

Gift bags and baskets were donated from our community:

1 a general diabetes care bag, including a free meter.

2 an eye care kit that included a free diabetes eye exam donated from Dr. McAtee at Vision Source.

3 a foot care kit that included a free pedicure donated by Dana Richards from "Nail'd It".

4 an alternative options basket donated from Health Essentials, which included a free consultation.

The evening was concluded and declared a successful start to informing the public of the disease, that will hopefully become an annual event.

If anyone would like recipe cards of the menu served, call ext. 2506.

1 s t A n n u a l D i a b e t e s E X P O

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Idea: We need a sign put up at the Vending, “Children need to be supervised by adult, not left

unattended”. I see children everyday playing with the coffee machine, getting hot cocoa, or getting

coffee. This can result in severe burns.

Follow-up: Looking into this

Idea: When policies are updated, highlight or italicize the new changes so we know what is different

Follow-up: In progress

Idea: Place hand sanitizer outside of ER for patients and staff.

Follow-up: Great idea! When the new sanitizer is installed we will make sure one is placed in this


Idea: Have drainage pans under the flowers outside of ER.

Follow-up: Completed!

Idea: Have a customer service box in high patient/guest traffic areas. The customer service box would

have marketing items or coupons that we would give if we make a mistake. E.g. scheduling, long waits


Follow-up: Taken into consideration and will go to AC.

Idea: Have information in one location for how to apply for social security number for new mothers.

Follow-up: Savannah is working with Medical Records and OB to create a brochure.

Idea: Have a sign that says no pets.

Follow-up: The pet policy was forwarded via email to all employees

Great Catch Ideas– July 2012

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I N S I D E R Page 11

2012 Hospital Olympics! - Aug 20-24th

Registration is due by August 16th

KCCHSD is hosting their own Olympic games August 20th through the 24th. We will start out

Monday, August 20th with the Olympic torch traveling through each department, and we will light

the eternal flame at 12:40 pm in the classroom. We will then have our opening ceremonies with a

special celebrity guest, making her appearance.

We will have an Olympic game each day and on Friday we will close the Olympics with a FREE

BBQ lunch and honoring the Olympic game winners.

We want to make sure everyone is included in the Olympic games. On Tuesday and Thursday of

Olympic week we will have one game at 7:30 am to involve those who worked the night shift and

have the same game again in the afternoon to catch those who work day shift.

If you don’t think your department or your staff members will be able to make the Olympic events,

but would like the Olympic materials please let Savannah know.

- see the Olympic schedule on page 13

Represent the U.S.A for our Olympics!

On Monday, August 20th for the opening ceremonies of the

Hospital Olympics we ask that KCCHSD staff members wear red,

white and/or blue to represent the U.S.A.!

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Name: Bong Pham

Department: Family Physician

Favorite things

Color: purple

Type of Music: anything

Pets: Border Collie Mix named Minnie

Interests: Cooking, Hiking, spending time with family/friends,

skiing and biking

N e w A s s o c i a t e s

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Name: Abbey

Department: Nursing/RN

Favorite things

Color: red

Type of Music: anything

Pets: Dog named Maci

Restaurants: Mexican food and The Route

Name: Alicia

Department: Physical Therapy/ DPT

Favorite things

Color: pink

Type of Music: country

Hobbies: outdoor sports, cooking and reading

Restaurants: Mexican food and Italian food

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2012 Hospital Olympics! - Aug 20-24th

Registration is due by August 16th

Monday, August 20th

The Olympic torch will be passed around the hospital– an email with the route

of the torch is soon to come.

12:40 pm we will light the eternal flame in the classroom with special guest


First Olympic game– Sticky Note Fencing

Tuesday, August 21st

Baby Swaddling

- 7:30 am in the nurses’ lounge

- 12:40 in the classroom

Wednesday, August 22nd

Wheel chair race

- 1 pm PHC south parking lot

Thursday, August 23rd

Pain Chart competition

- 7:30 am in the nurses’ lounge

- 12:40 atrium

Friday, August 24th

Rubber band archery

- 9:30 hallway by the atrium

11:45 BBQ starts, Announcing Department Flag winner, giving medals to winners

and Closing ceremonies

Sign up for these events and the BBQ on the intranet!

Don’t forget, Department Flag entries are due Monday, August 20th

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EHR and KCCHSD, 2012

Implementing an Electronic Health Record (EHR) is an adventure—you see things you’ve never

seen, do things you’ve never done, and sometimes you hear things you’ve never heard. And you

work as a team.

The federal government, through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, devised

a plan to partially reimburse funds used by healthcare physicians and hospitals for EHR and pe-

nalize them if they make the decision not to use EHR (by withholding Medicare payments). They

describe the plan with the words “Meaningful Use”. Here are the three main components of

“Meaningful Use”:

The use of a certified EHR in a meaningful manner, such as e-prescribing.

The use of certified EHR technology for electronic exchange of health information to improve

quality of health care.

The use of certified EHR technology to submit clinical quality and other measures.

Simply put, “Meaningful Use” means providers need to show they are using the EHR technology

in ways that can be measure significantly in quality and in quantity.

There are many requirements (“objectives”) outlined for Meaningful Use in both the hospital set-

ting and the Clinic setting. To qualify for an incentive payment, hospitals must meet 19 of the 24

outlined objectives. There are a similar number of objectives for the Clinics to follow.

The week of August 6-10, there will be daily webinars to show how the EHR system will work in

the hospital. Several employees will be viewing these webinars to help prepare them for the next

step, to be trained as trainers for the rest of the involved employees. Clinical departments, the

Business office, and Health Information Management are all preparing for this by viewing several

teaching videos individually.

The timeline has been revised again. Now it looks like we will GO LIVE right after Thanksgiving.

This is an exciting time for all of us. We are moving into the future of healthcare, which will be

supported by more and more technology.

We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible sit-

uations. Chuck Swindall

- See the attachment to the email or look on the intranet for additional information!

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K U D O ’ S L e t t i n g s o m e o n e k n o w h o w m u c h

t h e y a r e a p p r e c i a t e d www.kcchsd.org

I would like to say a HUGE Thank You to the

KCCHSD staff that volunteered their time and effort to

make the 1st annual Diabetes EXPO a success! Thanks

goes out to Vernon , Don , Regina, JoBeth, and Kandi Ku

Also, thanks goes to Savannah H Jennifer B and Angel

H for helping me prepare for the event. Thank you to

Rachel F and Cecelia Nor coming and being available

translators, it was appreciated more than you know! We

have some pretty awesome staff! - Tonia S

The G & D Daylight Donuts store has been sold, effective 8-1-12. The new owner is John Revenboer, the Daylight Donut will still be operating the same as usual. I want to thank everyone for your business, kindness and support over these nine years. We have had the opportunity to get to know lots of good people in our county and surrounding communities. Thanks again. Dee R

Kandi K.—Thanks for washing my instruments and cleaning after a delivery for me so I could do paperwork!- Katie D.

Cecelia– The service you provide at PHC is excellence and thank you for your help with the FFF Taskforce.

Thank you to Julie, Sara, Kezia, Tonia, Todd, and Marty for your willingness to help cover the ED, whether picking up an extra shift or covering call. We all need to have a little time away from work to enjoy. It's not said enough, but I truly do appreciate all your hard work and time! Judi

HUGE thank you to all rodeo chow tent volunteers! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!

It is not your customer’s job to remember you. It is your obligation and responsibility to make sure they don’t have the chance to forget you.

—Patricia Fripp

This is why you don’t allow others to

take messages for you.