i on historic fihjs - eservices of prince william...

© VOL. X. NO. 13. i RTIBERS Want tt)e Best, ^tlilii 8«rvte« ti) etyl*. 9tv ON HISTORIC FIHJS THE SCeaES OF THE FIRST BAT TLB OF MANASSAS. HOW THE' BATTLE WAS WAQEO AT ; EVENTFUL DAY. MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY MORNING, AU(;U lie wm, disiiilt: i«<l Ail liiii Ijooex tUv.v COBM nitd iB«i<iti ik« L'nt«)i linet, and n inicrn'il tbuoiTa Ai>ia4 lingloD NtilinniUU«»ot*r]r. AiUt« ebeckt'd liy Stonewtil J^ckiion on tiiit Btind>> in July, ISfil. Mn'. D<i;{«n Miiw ihi« tiatilc. U)^«0^4Tll«»T KKEAKrillTKD TUKBlt. Mri. l)0|t*B ««»»n iru|iorUnt wit-J line* of Ute 0|))>q»la« •rwM* wff' am ID tbe FilE Jofao I'urtar tilal. i lik|jpe(]. t o u y CoBfl'd«^lkl>^ aoMitr* 8be U'tliflcd iliat LongKtreet and i war* girtn borial I* Uncle Sam'i kit ataff ate break fait'at b»r liouae, burying groanii. oo tho Durning of th* 99(Ji of Au- Dawn in MAna^xaa C«mrt«jy, {usl, 18C2, and tbnl bli troopi wer« tlieir last rvstiag PUL'«, marked by oouiiojt down tba pike from Uaine*-1* abaft of Jilan>iia> it-d Mi.datone, ville wliile be waaat boi taUe. Tbe!are Interred tliuae Bien »1)0 loH, ^ pontenlion wa* that tbera were BojUicir live* rtgdtint (or itie S<»»ib in THAT|*«opji ill front of Porter wlion be ibe fip*t (.utile /I'iju ia lito o»l« •aid ttiere was, and be wai convicted; CojiMrmlc iiioiiuiiieiik^ i<i V'i^;,'iMa^*^ T i 19. 1904. •1.00 PER ANNUM. Mi.ri: eowk liiva b«e« kilUd by ^ Ire of the railroad iystxm S/lftrt^ ' : •iii-uiMUe Su.ivbern Hallway at ero Virginia situated*t llwjurinion < joir.t aboui one hundred ya|-d» ul U^ 8<f"( *«ijth«ra Itatiway Siiuih of •'me t l B l ^ at UaaaaM* route, co»!llfe<1tig WaahtagtoA *itb : . .;j nt atij othet place on tfa« Ryi-; inoliinurd «n'l the l|aaa«MM CUp :• :ii Tbi* waa A » caac frooTlSaS I Rallrua*. leading to the great Sb«n. '111:1 conipar»U**ly recentty, when :«B<toalr Vallej* Tlie old ©range '.he ro^d «a» iea.MA and the t><»-' and Alexandria Railroad, running viii.s could not rlatc tbek Uvea on fro* Alexandria to Oiange Court- iiie tiaek. , UouM, waa tb« Ban* jfivea to what Un titu a6>b.«r, Auguat, 18t3, U »»«r tb« tioutbaro R»iiwVi-"bieh stonewall JaCkion, moring from a rno* on fron Orange to Cbarlottea i'oiiii near OprdoaanRa,got in iba TUU, aad Lynuhbarr. /ear of Gen. Pope'a jirny and de-j The troo^ lAieh will take part r-iroyed eaoraiotMttortaofauppltea. |ia tbe maBocuvre* at Maoaaaaa U id aaiil there were two mile* of | could ht gaided through tbe woodt, ^leigbt card, loaded with every im-. and oornSeld* of the battlefield by H-inuble variety of (ooii for the I tbe topographic map* uaed by Beau- •^u.dicra of Qon. Pope's arniv on tie'regard and Johnston In 18*1. TBitresCB BY WHKH JACtSfm POPSHT, HI, wiootb aa a parade ground, and frfqiiencetevatioua iMfgvgt Jucatiooa fot b«turia* of artiUarv. Strip* of Wf^laad aliould ba«« keen attract- t«* 4# aito who irH^d to Mcapa fiyla(*bM ad «b«U^ and iklrnlab- «ra dUr abarv-ahgotKlxbould have alio foirad tbem gooij plac«* for it4- work. At leaat, it alt looks thai way to a mas wb^gat iat« tbU ^(|»»Tenil fmf «|ter.AppoiMt. t«x .Mpi «lw>M k**^le4g* of war go>L«« fortber tkt««at«klag drill* aiuilliMa paradea^ and litteatDg to of U* j^n «bo, on wu ib« ol&tr.Jlmfc part io tbe struMl«.ba»vc*a Ua 8iat*s •la VmUm. m »IHT aSAl. FIUllT. be ftn* battle of ManaiMa—tbe ;eBwaily iwrBod Bail Ron ,tkM*M*>i1ilc:i I M i ^ W r t n ^ B f t h e ' |SN.,Jfh t«eeiv*J in'ira*. li prob<. ' biy^lid tbe North ksoro good than ,iv4<d the South, fuiUba reason thai tba .\ortb was hu«i;HaUd, and wade to realize tbaC it hula moat >erb«a iWdertaking on ita l,aad« in qnsllia^ tbe "rebellioB.'' wUile the BoKtb, 4k«ugb tbe Federal truope fougbt bravely in tb« batlic^ was ^ t o un errale tbe agfc(iUK|<)»Utl«a of th* 'Itortbsrii aoidier. : ,. VwjJjiia bad^ot lieen out of tb« fatua butaboatib.fknioatfa* wbbn >b*. first battle Af MaaaMae wu tuuglit. There bul^ot been much fighting bitbarto. Tbe battle ol Utg BetbeL. which « ta a very tame aMr, and of saall» Bsequoace, bad fought: Qiiii\nl McClellan THB KEBTRY-HOrSE. Manassas. Anioag. There has been very little cbange •<1 carloads of salt, wrought in.tbe appearance of the point»onieth.ing]country. Hall BUB, an inslgnifl- Soatbof where cant stream but for its naoe, al- 1 B()w .iaaLds. itfa all the Taa^ on .4be trascr »r. I lozar}- -ad ^thi» •*y of " ^ ..eritj wUb ibeiriMcJS ;'Tbe salt Mrlb^fHaaatsas is one ^•! tJ;e mostcingibla reminders to a 11' w generation of the great Btrvggls . iwecn die State* that I know ot. .:JI: AiruoACumo MAiwwVbB. itn tbe fifth of September about •-•"U soldiers will be eamped on •. - brittle field of Bull Run, and for ' :./rtr.iglit or more they will march ; • i coiintermareb on tbe bistorie - i. working out in mimic warfare . aiigluy problems which their way* maddy, flows laiily. .frtom. out the ftiJI Run Uonbtaina. to Aqnia i^ai*. The same farmer* or their vDlMaes own tie farms that trem- jb|ea__benea*k. tltfi^ «*<«d^ of strug every side and tbe four Chimney toieotion»Iy,.oi>po»«d to tb^'i^ate llouac, McDowcll'ii headquarters at begiunlRg "to appTqariato fanit* for the brat battle, and l&e bouse which I the erectivn of so«*ifonumoaM,!^» was Pope'* beardqoarters in the lit irould set a ba'if-'f r«ceilenf;*H|: second battle, are itilL standing, i be <ouW ftei-bjjin; Kimself lovjt* Blackburn's Kord is three miles from agninst tbaTiiil Ceutrtville, ancl the appearance of I There is a hegUcled looking tbe country bas changed but little-burying ground at Orovetoo, wbtre >a UtTly ytara.- ! bnndreds of Confederates wbo.fcU The government bas erected two in the second battle aie sleep;ag,;aa monumentson the field,but tbe prop-.aw££tly as thonj^b tuns of n>«yMe erty on which they stand is owned I mirtked tbeir laslc resting ^ce. by private individuals. The monu-1 They lie within mtisket shot »t Hit ments will eventoally be destroyed spot on •which thev gave their Hies by relic hunUrs, unleas the govern-] for th*ir coontry.' j ment. purchases tbe land on which! THE TH-O i-.A-rTLEs they stand and take steps for thci^; Tiie'saeond battle of Manss.is, or. protOtttion.. , ^ Bull Run, was by far the most im- The celebrated, Henry house is ' porttint, if t::e mun j^i ; f tr.jops.'eii- owned and occupied by aneptiew of s«g<^'i Le taken ii.to e.iisi.K-ration Of cowardice- Certainly Pop* did;iiuilt with state, aid. Ueiieral Wil. not know until late in the day that j Ham C. Wickbam, one of the bravest Longstrcet apd. Jnckson had united »oldi*rs who <Jr6W e w o r d ' f o f ib* their force*. jConfederaov, left the Senate cl>atos - . _ Centrcrilte bas an4ergone scaroe-1 ber ralber than vote itfitlasl tb*ibf}f Ml%klBed one or i\ o vie'toriea for ly any change since the war. Old I making the ajipropriation fbfltbta ^**«Northern arms it W**t Virginia, bi-eastwijrks snrronnd the place on I monument, It is said, lie wa»*^B-''ttarper'si'erry bad been taken by 041onelJavksoo,;iti< there bad been ^ome nkirmlstatn^ i i the country between Uanaasaa tad Waahidg- ton. Tbe Confetlen te* bail lieen bilixing at Uau seas, General Joseph U. Johasto- was at Win- (iheai,^. , .^the Valk r of Virginia seventy miles away, ninfrouted by General Patterson, ritb a greatly snperior force. Oen iral Jobaston bad only eight Uipua md men while Patterson's force nau beredeigttteen tboosand The North w%% poJring iroupi In to Washington. C(Jngr«.*s was in se^sioot and atepe had been taken to *aUe a Iwge aimy far the anbja- gktioaof ^|e BMtbem states. A call for llni^aMlted Uioa*snd men to serre thifle. 'Jfttn, hikd been aa< tliorixed. Oiootll Itshi IkDowell was selectad^ to letf^M tkri^ to •' «n Chttni £«auro- bis brigade up on th* bank of the *tr««m and began to fire across tbe stream. While be wa* thus en- gagsd a torue of Confederate* oroesed over, and hit Tyler's left flank so bard that tbe troops fied In a (lauiu. McDowell sp^ut tbe nest 1*0 days lu recoaBAiterlog. He distioversd tkat tbe ford at Hudtey Sprittg *a* unguarded. Tbte ford is to tbe N«ftb of tbe Varrentoa tnrnplk«j abont a mils B»d a hall distant. Qsneral Beauregard did not haw say troop* totb* Ngftbof tbe toad. Ko Ueneral l l « D o « « l de- termined to leave Colosel lllUa in reserve at Centerville, and wUb RieUardsun'* brigade to make a faiee altaek atBtocfcbum'sford.aMl thus engage tb« attsntiM of tfas Confeileratiis, . Xbs first Division, under Tjflcr. .w>a to way* .BP.Itfcs. «* *i»]Ut««aa, sM^e iTismrn»*ii(<SiL and at tbe proper lime to Uke It, if tlie Ciinferttratea'were driven off by the movement ptaspsd front bigber up ibe stream. Meantime, the chief eolumn, consisting of two divisions under lieinUselusn. and Hunter, afgregeViag 13,000 mcu, was to di- verge from tbe turnpike a mile be- yo«d 0»nt«rvilie, itad reaohiag Bind- ley Ford liy a detour was to ortMS Bull Run, and marching down tbe lel.t bank was to Uke the defense at the Stone bridge in reverse. Au- tbdtities are agreed that tbe ptaa of battle was excellent. COiirKDEBaTEB NOT lOLS. But the Confederates were i:ot lylnc Idle a41 tbio tune. Oeneral Beauregard bars aet*d withsoeriqr and attacked In full foro* at once it look* a* tbonth be would bar* been able to have crushed Ivans, but be put ia on* alncl* rsRl- ment at first, which wa* soon iaapretty bad fix. Tb*a,*rt*r adelayofaa hoar «r mora, a brigade wa* asatacaiast tbe Beathsrasn'* lia*, sad il was pn*b*d back below tb* Btos* bridge, and Iba eaeay oa tb* other Bid* of tb* *ln*B, who bad *S(at*d Evan's attention earl l y '"-"Hi "••'• '»«»» CO**!*!. (Meael W. T. Sherman. afMrward* in eoea- Btaad at th* force which mad* a marab from 0«»g<a to tb* *•*, wlAoit «»- <>fBBl«-lac BMiteierloa* rtetaiaacatbaB Ikat oi old BMB aad WCSMB, oomuand- *d a MgiBMat ia tbis battl* aadfeoad * , . ? ^ . »•* '" •*»»• »*• *»*dt*, by wbioh h* act hi* oo*aau«d aens* be- fore the hrblfe itseU was nawveied be prsssiag beak ol IVSM'S snuJl feces. Kerss's bricade el tbo viS also got Mtoes eeoa after «lmaa7( tectmeatdU. Br tb* UBM ttelloM bfMa* was rsaohed by tb* CoaMitsIss, •" loscad b*ek, fully iMofr •aitaC tf^mC'Z^ - Evan*, bet wh«a tBrii . la^ aMitkel tbe««niBlfr Vw naebed, tb* Coafedttat** w e r t n l l M ufi they piooeeded to itahe * gaikai Maad a«al&*t aior* tbaa tea ttaes tbeir BBBbcr. biaadVoder I eteaMsIa^ Bicbjf <li>troyed m tb« battleor bave, aa « ^t*. boeo. Te- IJMltl- Maajr .»< yrnae i*a.<tbe .»*•«**» or \mn KoB I ia 4 aquarf marked by CantVertlle on the East, Qroretoh and GainesriDeon tbe West, Sndley Springs oa the North, and.Hanas- sas OB tbe Sootfa. Sadley Springs, ao bigger or no smaller than #ben MeDowcH, with tbe corpsof Hanter and Heiotaleman, cros^d B'bll Run there in an attempt to take Bean- regard in reverse in I86I, is almost exactly as it was on that day. The place wag tbe right of Jackson's line in the second battle. In ante- bellum days tbe place wM a snmme'r resort, there being aaulpbar spring WHERE COL. CAMERON WAS KILLEa' "_'!l"'=?^!l-''^'!""y'..''''°°'"'«daBd but it did not stir the- South like lived in it at the time of tbe first: tbe first battle. The Confe'derMJ battle, « . d w « kiUed by a »bell|uaed to butles and w«. to vtctorTw ^»e^fh-^H r; *^''^'^<"^ t the but the. war waa a w » thing when Onti,.H , w u t''*a™"»Weof Manassas «^urrrf. On the Henry farm sUkes have; and -'— y^^uirm.. "' THE SIONE HOUSE. ' i .1- ^1 hc«piUl by both anaiea ia both the battlasof oecopied as a resideaec.) rs, wearing blae or -grmf, I 10 the accompaniment at tbe o! cannon and the shriek of Tbe United States baa r :ia<l as many men to lake part It is still Marby, bat aobady goo* tk«r* aow to take the water. OrovetoB it, if possible, changed feaa than Sodley. People are still liviag there who lired there in 18(1 « ia Mr*. La*BJal>sysB, ^ inxjvres as will participate ia and 18<a. Oa« of <e to be held at Maaaeess UialLa^aia !>*•*«,<» vaasaaM, e^o and th»r*h»f«%a*«aksMsrMeh I-waa ordered froa ber booaa by as uttract so BMch BUcatioa.; oOeer from 0»cral Jackson oa tbe - ^ -Ine not alone l« tbe napre- atoraiag of tbe »t«oti battle. Af- l e i y large aaaaber of maa to ter tbe withdrawal of Seaeral Pop* -./a^ed, but largrtj-becauee the Mr*. Vofum retoraed to the field «.m.nt9 are to be oa a real ba»-!aad aasistecl ia th« barial o< U e r one of tbe SMS* eelcbratod'dead. "" I "Dead men ware so thick down r two battle* w.re foogfat at| there by tbe old railroad oat I .-'^<. one. pr*oUcatly the first coaldn't walk witboat rtaHilig oa ' <rar between tbe Sutee, oa'a corpse," aba laid. r I-«6l,aBd Iba other OB the Thiscat,ia whichsomcof tbebard- ' August, 18Ct.. Coatcdcrate eat fifh(ta« of the war waa doee, H cave UM me that at the markrthe lia* of tbe ladepeadeat i taiile they etood aearly ia j RaUroad, projected te raa from ->nie tracka thoyoeoaptodat tbeitho IC*a**eaa Oap Railroad at - :.iiiie, but ahoi ia the opposite I GaiacsTill* to Leeebarg. No iroa -. ::<->n. It i* oa* of tbe pecaliar was ever laid oa it, and tbe rood •:irf of the war that two graat was never nearer completion than ' .<• « boa Id bava beaa foaght, at' it was in August, 18M, wbea Stoae- r terval ol more Ihaa a yaar, at | wall Jaekaoa aaed it aa a Hae of de- - i.tile town of Maaaaeaa, tbe | (eaee OroTetoo is a Mile Weet, aloag the Warren ton Pike from the centre «f the field of the first bat- tle of BoU Raa, aad oae ataadiag «a a bill a tiw rod* Itom tbo Dagaa booM caa eec the Heary hoaae aad tha Heary UU whm thafcakiaf been driven in the earth to mark the spot-where Colonel Cameron, com- manding the. Seventy-ninth New York Regiment, was killed, where General Bee was mortally wonnded, and where Ricketts' Battery waa cut to pieces by tbe Confederates. In a piece of wood on tbe field a board nailed to a tree has tbe in- scription, "Generals Wilcox and Kirby Smith shot here." WUSR« "BTO-XIWAtL" JACKSOS STOOD. But to me the most interesting ol all the spots on tbe Held was one Uen tbe list of dead and woooded were printed all over the country, North and South, tbe fsarsomeness of war was, for the first «me, perhaps, fully realized bv tbe people... . * The first battle also abounded In more that bas been impressed upon history^tbe refusal of Gen- eral Joseph B. Johnston to take over the command when he reached the field and found Qeneiar Bean- regard bad pUnned tbe battle; tbe christening of Stonewall Jackson, make the ^f jgitrd at M I cot. w- - 1 ari.l .n r»vo5«- ''^1. uj'c^ide. tbflt ao 'a^.ii North IbongVit tl. would-ha easy to rocit the Confedihatea, whose infe rior fo.roe was irifll Onderf tbod. The suoieess which bkd attended Oenerul McClellan in the West Vi grnia campaign, had greatly iaapirited tbe people of tbo \North, and it was tboDgbt that McDowell would have a picnic at '-.Manassas. Tbis was literally the popular opinion, for when at last bis army marched away from Washington, it was followed by inany of picnickers, male and BesarHanl aad Johnston »% tbair headqaacters, bad diaooverad th* at- tain oa tbeir left flank, bat war* wait- '"A J"^''*" the*o»nd of the atUck which Ewall had been ordered to make on tb* l*ft flaak of tb* (aemr at C*a- trevlll*. Bat jB*t at tbi* Moie Beaate- lard Isaraed that bl* oidet* for this at- tack bad mieoarried aad be bad to **t U> work to obanjte hi* order of battle. Tb* iiBieka*** with wblA Osneral Bcanrsgard worked oat new eombiaa- tions and tbe final snco*** which tb*v achieved, juetirylpx them, mark a aktlf- bridf*. TB*i* wa* little aaoia i th* w*r of reapbag IhefraMs W i CLOSaO TBI VOTOiUC. G*B*ral Joseph E. Jokastoa said aftst tb* war, ia di«:as*iBg the fiis* battUol Maao****: "Th* keyyofaM mas a dat, barectMt. It was has* that Ike Adsr- al* mad* their atMefcs. Bat the* w«m made by a brigade at a tiae. f i e aa- sMoB was haidl* tsaahia, aad had So attack bssB m*«* la force, will llB* of battle, saeh ss aar , sral la ^ Uadlsd gm*a**HI»as»eaiit »>» wik*, we oeald aot have hsM M half aa hear, lor they wA have sa- ve! oped aa aa hath ^ , QeaMisl BssarsasBd . war that bad ha hare iti aflat the vateraM ta*l**d*l *aMI***«rbk jSTdJS^Ffe^nj^^As whaa ther -•te wUpyed, aa kept oa •ghtlDg. Not ioiif after the battto ^^ sas, iheCoafedsralss "^jr frir fiimi fna . FEDERAL MOmr|CENT •. HENRY HOUSE. the bad aaaumad that Boll Ban would be the real dsfenslvo line, so he Had sta- Itoaed his l-rigades at the vajion* forda between tbe railroad and the Stone 4<idx^ Ewell and Holmes, on ibe lail- :iued hia richt, tben came tta* M jToCdalMSat ly sa MUiSaB^' lea LoBcsueet md Jaenoa at ^_^ -, b«»n'* Font, aad P-nbatf* bri«- rWemtC'^trtUf- ad* at Hitchcir* FoH. Cei^aaeI%T«u -..>;. t>v*m£t held the S*oa« hcidga wUi Aall * bii« colnlSate^'^'«iJ*' TbeCoaieaarateUnnli^^tS* oc rnaoe. "<n..«_T,MiJafth«Wid«*,andltha7 that tbe Fetfcral* w*re pli ' etapi the livet at Badlai aad take OoafBdairata to aaak liSd Oeoaral Joaeph B.JobaStoo azrired OB th* field oo t ha af tamooa of tiM SOth, He had *«^«aed«d in getting- away from Fatteieon, who had be*a ordered to >e- tum froai Pennsylvania and bang ea the Uon federate rear to preventreiBrotse- ruestofBeaaregaxd. But Patterson a*-, aured tbe department at Waaliiagtoa that Johnston had t 'rtj thousand men. He did aot have but abo-it one-fifth thai nuiuber. Johneton expected to have five thousand men at M anaasaa to help Bean- regard .by the night of tbe 2Uth, Imt 1. - ... *•''* ^'folo death of General Bee tk« .:ict?The"e";l/'?:„V"f %^"" '*,'"•"* " ' "•« B ' « k H - Z ca'v'a S exactly wbere tUc fence stood on r of so manr nit><>»a nf .,.<iii..i the »lst of July, 1861, along which \ wedged Tn a V m ^ , " U T l ? , Jackson s \ irgin.ans were drawn up Stoa. Brid«, the ^llTrni^^ Jnd w^7r? ^"^ "••-<lero«s union Brc llighl of the" FederaFwmy t ^ w " h . when Uenera IJcc .ai-i -There is'ington-all these are ao^tac^r Jackson standLn.^ !.ic> .. <tone wall.", r«^.,,e* of tbe ^ . t ki^tt^h^^e tjlT/ r^' ''" ''^' -l^ere absent in the .reTterfl^a o^X^^ Ueoeral Jackson was stinlmg - gn,t ]s62 "•. •«« Tbe farmers are cor..,t.i;;-^ i;, 1,:,^ Tl'ic batlicReUI of Mwias.Has strikes .-. ^sion of which woald appear ../ noQ-military maa to be oif ao o .mportanaa. r.i.:. cvaa tbalayman after *ta<7- ,: the campaigas of the war, reiU- ^ Kt once th* stralagia iayoiV .0 of the pboa, vkiahvaatba mm- f al commander. He M t Ewell. Jon**, Longatrtet aad Boaham at their po*i- tleos at tb* ford* to pre rent the niemr in their front going to rslaforoe He- Do a ell* right, bat ^ ordered dptb* reserves, Early's brigad*. Holm*'* two reRlmenta and a baltary and two of Bonham^ regiment* and a battery. Jackson, with bis brigad* of five reel. meat*, had been in raseiv* all tb* mmk- lug, not far from the Stone bridge. He moved hi* luen forward. Jnat aa the Confederate Ima wblob had been r formed on the plateau waa giving way. He wonld bav* been too lat* bad be been a few minot** later. H M Oonhd- eratn, attacked in everwhelming nam. ben, were Kivbig away at every point. Evana and Be* and Bartow were exert- ing themsalv** to rally tbeir men, hat it waa impceslbi* to make tbem elaad. Oeneral B**, riding ap to Jackaon and pointing to tbe shattered remnants, of his oi«B oommaad and the remaiahiK fragments of tbods of Evaoa aad W- £». •«lafa»*d. "Oaaeral, they fere beatiagBsbaafc" ;'8«r, well gir* them Ibe bayonet." said Jackson in a manner men aflsr- ward* learned to know meant a deter- mination wbion only death eoald break. Oeneral Bee nubed back to bia men and pointing te Jackaon'* Tirginia bri- «?*>, exoIaTmed; "Tbere is Jackaea, standing tiae a stonewall. Let as de- termine to die bere and we will eoa- qner." Tea spuuT OF' jicxsos. JacksoB'amaaooavinuadtesta«dUk* k stonewanmt the m*n.j -hotad bean inactjoj Bo long leer* harder to raiiv, aad II reqaired tbe oniud eftoru of Oeneral Johaeon aad Oenetsl Beaocs- gard to uiake tb* mi-D stand. I h * Coa« or'MiMK *f**(fg j;*"*" tt» VIrgiaU shaia'irith^ new of obsbraotlBg Baviaatlea. amd te Oetober, 1861. the flag o t k a r o l the Federal flotilla oa theTutemac leport- sd that the river was otossd te aaV lloB. Th* hnmlUatlag ~ aBBoaoc*m*nl was fell I Hortb, and Ihsa* i*as«alk it __ laupi being made to hd» th* "-nniiiji ate eatrtaohmeats TfiiiinillaB Ifc chief of tbe engiaasts a r h a h a d T S S of tb* defenses aiaaad wSkSgSZ wa* oppessd le saeh a aiersmaatTaai It was aever aiad*. (cdcrste liae or'S afttr lalateiee- THE JIM R0BIN80H HO0SE female, who want, oot ia carrtage* to wit^sa tha root af th* Ooafsd- arate*. - THE STONE BRIDGE rtmindcrs of the bloody batllee tbe visitor of to-day—these days fOBght oa tbeir farms arosnd Ma- when there is no war nearer tbaa naaeaa. GBB barrels, bayoaeU, bul th* othar side of tb* earth, aad the lets canUens. shells, grapeebot, belt war for tb* Union is history—a* ba- liaeklea, are exposed at every plow- iag a fine place for a dght Ther* lag. It ie aaid that haBter* hare are few higher ahrapt hill*. Th* frsqacatly fooad husaan skeieloas is country is gently railing, wooded oc- tk* woods, tar removed from tbcioaaioBally. with bere and ihara a aftar oaaionaliy, -ra^Ka^^^da^— jTbaraaraaa MCDOWBLL'S FLAIT Of BATTLI. General MeDow^ moved his arnay from Waabington on the after- noo* of Jnly Ifith. It ceit*>*ted of diviiipos under Generals 'Tyler, 2?"ljJ). Heintslman and Colonel , ' ^ i H i s entire force aggregated *•""» 53.0W men. Tbe army marched by s r ^ ^ Fatrtkx Court- house, whore a Booth Oar«Haa bri- gade hid bad an oat poet, aad whara tbe first man to tbll oa tho Coafed- erate side bad been klHod on the Sd of Jane. This waa Captain Marr, to wboee esemorr a moaumeat was unveiled at Fairfax last aaonth. Tbe place was deserted on tbe afleraooo of tb* nth, when tbe Federala vBUred tbe tows. The troops did not reach CeotreTtll* aotil tha next day. Centenrilte ie oa the Warrea- tAn tarnpike, about five mile* from Ball Run battlefleM. I RIB not' learn that General Beanrcgard k-new ! of tbe character of tbe movement! MaDowell waa makiag agaiaat him oatil tbe afUraooa of tbe iStb. Qeacral Tyler waa put la romiand of a rcconBOiteriag force, wbicb wa* e*at out ia the direction of Black- barn's Ford, a point on Ball Kan about four miles fVsm Maaaaaa*. Ua was ordered to ob«er>a tbe road* to Ball Ran, bat not to bring oa an eagageaeat. Bat Tyler tol<l on* of bla oiHears that "ths great man of tha far wahiH hi bhaoa* «bai|a« •HM^*a«»,"vwl that t* k««i,i loi aci«a<Ma«»**a*lcval aad |««thi«B(h thai M^hk" • * b* IIBKII Ibey did not arrive antil the next day. JehastOB, wbea he arrived, foand that Osasfal Beaaiecard had mads all hia dlsfssHiuus for the battle and I ho^ ^ohaeloa raabed aim, ha waald aot BB- dertake the dtiBctioaot ths battle. b«t directed tbo easoatioB o( Ike pUaa aa- der Oeaeral Beaaregard. Qeaeral Baaoregard'B beadqaartMS wer* in a brick boo**, aboai two milr* from she town of Maaaasa*. in a Nortbweelerly direction. The boos* is stiU (taadiag. Early on Sunday moraiog, th* llat. General Beaaragar,! learnad that a boa- tile force, th* b«sd of Tyler's ooluma. had appeared in frantof Colonel Evaaa at the htouo bridge. Qoneral Bnanre- aaad at once forrned the conclaaioB that iSi^'!LT^!^ * " '° •>* '"»»^« ** thja ppiat aad h* sews n i i _ _ , F_«r » ^3=r3SLt:v'2riHS born Povd, aad Boabam. at ViSeboII^ Tb*** order* aid not rtech tb* brigad* oommaadw* for roar k.>an aftar th*v ^•'•K'r'a. Tb**t*C emaaiaatioa af ^b* Confederal* army was not aear yea good «• It »a« later in Ike war. MMBwbile, Colooat Boabain. at Ih* StoB* hridge, became oooviaoed ibas tbe attack on him was a feint The eneni]'. formed on the other *!.«• of Ball Ran. kept ap a constant SM aatil baM- paat 8 o clock, which waa sssossifgl in •orcoaiag tbeflaabiag movemeal beiag ezicatcd b; th* Federal* by way at Sadley. But wbon Evaa* b«Ma« eared that Ibta movemaBl waa bei«« mad* be l«rt a ikiriaiab lia- it th* bridge, and advanced hi* 4*mi briiiade aONi* dwtsoer U'rss of tb* tsrapifca, mov'iag moet lb* coluoia of the *B*my. So wh*a tb* b**d of Baatar's e o l a a a appaarad ia lb* epea ooaater aoiitb ol tb* ford, tbe Ihla gray Ihse was drewB ap la Iha* of bald* r*ady to Me«««BBamaa^ .Bit*aii«a*ab<«.> slatad *< aai^ta* Mk aoapeaiea mm oerdiac to .HenbMa whsm. wbtte mraUarriv<KiAMasuW of «,M0 men, thirteen pieoesVif artillq^ ud two paaia* of Stadrt'* cavaby. •ab«^i ' totbe|( maathave beem^ OM *4 great. Tbe Coals ji amy alttfwands ooaqaered in the- oijl??*^ ?**> *^^ this,hat ea* < aot help admiriaa tha pLaofc of gn«B •oldlas, who bad never b**e aad*r flie Mor*. fresh fioaa tha farms, th* '""^ PL "*•"' "rt^ly opposlag the mahof thn*liaBssthsiraaWb<Kv Th* spbrit of Bt«aewaU Jsohsoa was in the botom of many a Ooafedsrata soldier that day. The plateaa on which the flgbUas waa taking place baa changed bol little abiee the battle. It riaee to as etevatbia of a hnndred feel al the bridge, bat falls ett in gentle slope* to tbeTev*] of streams which anclo** il on three ltd**. II *tends al right aagla* to Bali BOB. There are still atandiiig on it olampe of tree*, wbioh aflotded ezoelleni cover for Confederate aharpabootera. Tbe Federals, having aboat gained possession at the crest of ths plaleaa, BtteaspMd to tnra the Coafedsrata left. Two baitesies of aittUmr were thrown forward, bnl Ibey were barely bi posi- tion wbea they were gobbled ap by the Thirty-third Virginia, whleh Jackaon mahad forward, llaay of Ibe eaaaoa- eera w*>« shot dowa aad the horass kUled. E^eah foroes, howevn-, was* broogbt ap, aad tbe gans wer* rstak«a. OaiMral Beearegard then, advanced lite right of hi* liae in aa attempt to retaka tb* gaaa Oeaeral Jokastoa waa dowa at the raiiroed. barrylng forward tha r»iaforeem*au whiob w*f*ooiBiBg in from bU army ia th* TalUy. The tide of battle aorged beck aod forth, lb* Federala bringing forward finally every man that oonld be pat ia IbM of balde. II waa abOat S o^lock in the afteraooa that fr**b troop*, ea- dar 0*B*ral Kirby Smith, raaehed lb* field. Tb* freeh eoldian war* at oaea on the Federal llB« The battcrie* weia eaptarod at oaoe, with ooa^derable ii«s to the Daioa side. Shortly after the gaaa were flaaily lafcen by Ih* Coafad- *ntMOea«»al Carlj's biitad* arrived oa the field from staaaesas Joaetioa. K*riy'saMaoharg*d theFadeeat right fiaak, doablad it ap aad drove It hook ia eoafaaiaa, whiob preaeaUy iavolved the whol* Uae. Tho eatlf* PMsrsl fotee was drivaa hook aemss Yeaeg's Braaoh. Tb* oaeese were atteriy aa able to tally ibeir oaaa. evea I tb* reach of th* Oeafadisat* Every maa wa* trying la got Bali Run. A battaltoa of ragBla* troop* made a stand for tha aaipaa* e< allowing tbe flying v«iaale*nto erees tbe tVarrentOB road. DXOEN'EBATED IRTO PaKlC. I* tail offlcial report, l.eneral Mc- "»w«l aata ik* retreat soon degenera- B?l B^.'.'Kitr^.r^.Sl.'"*' ""^ Iba -- -"'- " " * • sasife. aad oao* on twmlaglM, am all aaabaae* of a^ gaalaatloa wa* leal. Armv tralaa a>4 ai«ll*r.v. M«>kiag tb. rJd!odM to HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLDI AU peraooi wiabiag «a bar or (at borsss of sayolsas aoaid do MB to eafl oatbeBad«|^M.d; iZSoiS^S. baylag or seUiac direct. •—— naaHptsUMOoa given i* all eaSifet reterfaaty sscrtee. S-80«a. W. JOHn. Uiaitwiag, Va. FOR SALE! Wythe County, Vs. a-i»-»' Hsymarfcot, Va, COUNTIYttOKSI NOWHBiK ah. wM joa tad .Kb agtaat variety ol daairabh, yrt ianpeoain, for eoaatrr koi— Maaj of the _ CIAL PUCBi aad BEDUCED PJtlCES tlw gooda are marl-H at BPE- •" -" "•' ICES. MWMI - *J" an parefeaas* aomaaHac 88.00 or aora w« win HgEPAY FBEIDHT to aav polat iritkhl IM Bile* of Waabiniitoa—tlO or aarate Iw Hia Minai aaj poiat aaat oi tha Hbalialppi rtv< danag tha aeauaar aoaVw. iMi m CqHPLKTE B m U n H S B n Ik briglit,*nra.-«iT» ds>*ntiaM>anite(~ Ma tor aeiamiif bemaa>a< low pii^-ea. OPE.V XnCK tbari WABB^ eelBDriBiaa . Tb* *tnaa, derabhrl attnctivaij. BILVn PIATUD WAKE Irom tba y* ?'«aM« aiakats. flaaraalMd- for aarviea-reqrhupMalv*. wiit daabllma eoalamama* ai**alr t o j w idsaa of ahat a iintai Tj, ° habia aoSMaaton aeaaaaleA— Frioia, 8«.18 ap. ——«— a.'S^.iSL*"'<>"«^ •'^- •-*• BOUJiJiflaTIJlCO., "•"•ems to M. W. BrratUHa- Pottarr. Porealaia, Chiaa, Olan, Stnt db n»rsniikaifM.isiiki«, WASHINGTOlt> n. a '*TBXI>BB WATABBAA'*. T^SMari FlMfi elH Qeaaral (b* ooaf*ai*a *f tba gigbt. acDoweira armv, wUeb bad _ to ann htlat* tb* CeB(*4*i%(* fose*,did noi stop aatil tb« baakaef th* Potomac war* reached. Kaay of Ibe •Dtdl*t*did not fe*l aaf* ,«tii , h ^ ^ ^ aelaally "'""i. '^ A<ia*ila«t bridge aad ea t«r*d Waabiagton Tbe paiaali of lb* F* leral* wa* set P"'"il- for •ooM reaaoa which be* aevw b**a made clear. It Is entaia that Stoaewall Jarkron chafed BBd« Ibe laactiTiij that marked tbe coodect ot JobaatoB aod Beaaiatard after tb* baitl*. It aa* bi* d**i»* to threw for- ward lb* aatir* Coaf*d*rau fore* aad oaptare roa**d *my ftyteg baah aloag tb* <Md ea WnShiatcSna A ly •! eavalQ folleaad the nd- *rai* •* far ae Oeb Raa. shaai tbraa mltaa from tb* Sioae bvn^. aMi.ih« B»jek Bar** oavaky. aad** Oaataia (aftssaaads U*a**al)irttH<m 8. Kvaa, a >aimrW l i l i g 'SUm Twetoechafi BPP*al te (laerie* of Fooataia Peaa. <1) A atroaa toa-leakaM* ink )olat la tbe mtddk of th* barrel sway from th* fiamt grasp. Makea a cleaa p>« wbee la uae ii) A ftaare at BMiotb n| * » » » that lis aaagH lata «»ajd* .^^—" •* « ^ r***** "b* •waadM or riafc Vkha* ^•Mtaaa^ nna#->» 8 liM 4 l*.«8 AkwtlBi* •wMBsibm taar- Oar ow* petaoaol , M*h*hlad*v*iy*al* fan aad aima . „ . «( ih««* PsM aa hwd. Shannon's Pharmacy,

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© VOL. X. NO. 13.


RTIBERS Want tt)e Best, ^ t l i l i i 8«rvte«

ti) etyl*. w« 9tv





l i e wm, disiiilt: i«<l Ail liiii Ijooex tUv.v COBM nitd iB«i<iti i k « L'nt«)i linet, and n inicrn'il tbuoiTa Ai>ia4 lingloD NtilinniUU«»ot*r]r. AiUt«

ebeckt'd liy Stonewti l J^ckiion on tiiit Btind>> in July, ISfil. Mn'. D<i;{«n Miiw ihi« tiatilc.

U) «0^4Tll«»T KKEAKrillTKD TUKBlt. Mri. l)0|t*B ««»»n iru|iorUnt wit-J line* of Ute 0|))>q»la« •rwM* wff'

am ID tbe FilE Jofao I'urtar tilal. i lik|jpe(]. t o u y CoBfl'd« lkl>^ aoMitr* 8be U'tliflcd iliat LongKtreet and i war* g ir tn borial I* Uncle Sam'i kit ataff ate break fait 'at b»r liouae, burying groanii. oo tho Durning of th* 99(Ji of Au- Dawn in MAna^xaa C«mrt«jy, {usl , 18C2, and tbnl bli troopi wer« tlieir last rvstiag PUL'«, marked by oouiiojt down tba pike from Uaine*-1* abaft of Jilan>iia> it-d Mi.datone, ville wliile be waaat boi taUe. Tbe!are Interred tliuae Bien »1)0 loH,

^ pontenlion wa* that tbera were BojUicir live* rtgdtint (or itie S<»»ib in T H A T | * « o p j i ill front of Porter wlion be ibe fip*t (.utile /I' iju ia lito o»l«

•aid ttiere was, and be wai convicted; Coj iMrmlc iiioiiuiiieiik^ i<i V'i^;,'iMa^*^

T i 19. 1904. •1.00 PER ANNUM.

Mi.ri: eowk liiva b«e« kilUd by ^ Ire of the railroad iystxm S / l f t r t ^ ' : •iii-uiMUe Su.ivbern Hallway at ero Virginia s i tuated*t l lwjurinion < joir.t aboui one hundred ya|-d» ul U ^ 8<f"( *«ijth«ra Itatiway Siiuih of •'me t l B l ^ at UaaaaM* route, co»!llfe<1tig WaahtagtoA * i t b : . .;j nt atij othet place on tfa« Ryi-; inoliinurd «n'l the l|aaa«MM CUp :• :ii Tbi* waa A » caac frooTlSaS I Rallrua*. leading to the great Sb«n. '111:1 conipar»U**ly recentty, when :«B<toalr Va l l e j* Tlie old ©range '.he ro^d «a» iea.MA and the t><»-' and Alexandria Railroad, running viii.s could not rlatc tbek Uvea on f r o * Alexandria to Oiange Court-iiie tiaek. , UouM, waa tb« Ban* jfivea to what

Un titu a6>b.«r, Auguat, 1 8 t 3 , U »»«r tb« tioutbaro R» i iwVi -"b ieh stonewall JaCkion, moring from a rno* on fron Orange t o Cbarlottea i'oiiii near OprdoaanRa,got in iba T U U , aad Lynuhbarr. /ear of Gen. Pope'a j irny and de-j The t r o o ^ lAieh will take part r-iroyed eaoraiotMttortaofauppltea. | i a tbe maBocuvre* at Maoaaaaa U id aaiil there were two mile* o f | could ht gaided through tbe woodt, ^leigbt card, loaded with every im-. and oornSeld* of the battlefield by H-inuble variety of (ooii for the I tbe topographic map* uaed by Beau-•^u.dicra of Qon. Pope's arniv on t i e ' r e g a r d and Johnston In 18*1.


HI, wiootb aa a parade ground, and frfqiiencetevatioua iMfgvgt Jucatiooa fot b«turia* of artiUarv. Strip* of Wf^laad aliould ba«« keen attract-t«* 4# aito who irH^d to Mcapa fiyla(*bM a d «b«U^ and iklrnlab-«ra dUr abarv-ahgotKlxbould have alio foirad tbem gooij plac«* for it4- work. At leaat, it alt looks thai way to a mas wb^gat iat« tbU ^( |»»Teni l fmf «|ter.AppoiMt. t«x .Mpi «lw>M k**^le4g* of war go>L«« fortber tkt««at«klag drill* aiuilliMa paradea^ and litteatDg to

t» of U * j ^ n «bo, on w u ib« ol&tr.Jlmfc part io tbe struMl«.ba»vc*a Ua 8iat*s

•la VmUm. m »IHT aSAl. FIUllT.

be ftn* battle of ManaiMa—tbe ;eBwaily iwrBod Bail Ron

,tkM*M*>i1ilc:i IMi^Wrtn^Bfthe' |SN.,Jfh t«eeiv*J in'ira*. l i prob<. ' biy^lid tbe North ksoro good than ,iv4<d the South, fuiUba reason thai tba . \ortb was hu«i;HaUd, and wade to realize tbaC it h u l a moat >erb«a iWdertaking on ita l,aad« in qnsllia^ tbe "rebellioB.'' wUile the BoKtb, 4k«ugb tbe Federal truope fougbt bravely in tb« batlic^ was ^ to un

errale tbe agfc(iUK|<)»Utl«a of th* 'Itortbsrii aoidier. : , . VwjJjiia bad^ot lieen out of tb« f a t u a butaboatib.fknioatfa* wbbn

>b*. first battle Af MaaaMae w u tuuglit. There b u l ^ o t been much fighting bitbarto. T b e battle ol Utg BetbeL. which « ta a very tame a M r , and of s a a l l » Bsequoace, bad

fought: Qiiii\nl McClellan


Manassas. A n i o a g . There has been very l i tt le cbange •<1 carloads of salt, wrought in . tbe appearance of the

point»onieth.ing]country. Hall B U B , an inslgnifl-Soatbof where cant stream but for i ts n a o e , al-

1 B()w .iaaLds. itfa all the Taa^

on .4be t r a s c r

»r. I lozar}-

-ad ^ t h i »

•*y of " ^ ..eritj wUb ibeiriMcJS

;'Tbe salt M r l b ^ f H a a a t s a s is one ^•! tJ;e mostcingibla reminders to a 11' w generation of the great Btrvggls . iwecn die State* that I know ot.

.:JI: AiruoACumo MAiwwVbB. itn tbe fifth of September about •-•"U soldiers will be eamped on

•. - brittle field o f Bull Run, and for ' :./rtr.iglit or more they will march ; • i coiintermareb on tbe bistorie

- i. working out in mimic warfare . aiigluy problems which their

way* maddy, flows laiily. .frtom. out the ftiJI Run Uonbtaina. to Aqnia

i ^ a i * . The same farmer* or their vDlMaes own t i e farms that trem-jb|ea__benea*k. tltfi «*<«d^ of strug

every side and tbe f o u r Chimney toieotion»Iy,.oi>po»«d to tb^'i^ate llouac, McDowcll'ii headquarters at • begiunlRg "to appTqariato fanit* for the brat battle, and l&e bouse which I the erectivn of so«*ifonumoaM,!^» was Pope'* beardqoarters in the lit irould set a ba'if-'f r«ceilenf;*H|: second battle, are itilL standing, i be <ouW ftei-bjjin; Kimself l o v j t * Blackburn's Kord is three miles from agninst tbaTiiil Ceutrtville, ancl the appearance of I There is a hegUcled looking tbe country bas changed but little-burying ground at Orovetoo, wbtre >a UtTly ytara.- ! bnndreds of Confederates wbo.fcU

The government bas erected two in the second battle aie sleep;ag,;aa monumentson the field,but tbe prop-.aw££tly as thonj^b tuns of n>«yMe erty on which they stand is owned I mirtked tbeir laslc resting ^ c e . by private individuals. The monu-1 They lie within mtisket shot »t Hit ments will eventoally be destroyed spot on •which thev gave their Hies by relic hunUrs, unleas the govern-] for th*ir coontry . ' j ment. purchases tbe land on which! THE TH-O i-.A-rTLEs they stand and take steps for thci^; Tiie'saeond battle of Manss.is, or. protOtttion.. , ^ Bull Run, was by far the most im-

The celebrated, Henry house is ' porttint, if t::e mun j^i ; f tr.jops.'eii-owned and occupied by aneptiew of s«g< 'i Le taken ii.to e.iisi.K-ration

Of cowardice- Certainly Pop* did;iiuilt with state, aid. Ueiieral Wil. not know until late in the day that j Ham C. Wickbam, one of the bravest Longstrcet apd. Jnckson had united »oldi*rs who <Jr6W eword'fof ib* their force*. jConfederaov, left the Senate cl>atos - . _

Centrcrilte bas an4ergone scaroe-1 ber ralber than vote itfitlasl tb*ibf}f Ml%klBed one or i\ o vie'toriea for ly any change since the war. Old I making the ajipropriation fbfltbta ^**«Northern arms it W**t Virginia, bi-eastwijrks snrronnd the place on I monument, It is said, l i e wa»*^B-''ttarper'si'erry bad been taken by

041onelJavksoo,;iti< there bad been ^ome nkirmlstatn^ i i the country between Uanaasaa tad Waahidg-ton. Tbe Confetlen te* bail lieen

bilixing at Uau seas, General Joseph U. Johasto- was at Win-(iheai,^. , . ^ t h e Valk r of Virginia seventy miles away, ninfrouted by General Patterson, ritb a greatly snperior force. Oen iral Jobaston bad only eight Uipua md men while Patterson's force nau beredeigttteen tboosand

The North w%% poJring iroupi In to Washington. C(Jngr«.*s was in se^sioot and atepe had been taken to *aUe a Iwge aimy far the anbja-gkt ioaof ^ | e BMtbem states. A call for llni^aMlted Uioa*snd men to serre thifle. 'Jfttn, hikd been aa< tliorixed. Oiootll Itshi IkDowell was selectad^ to letf^M tkri^ to

•' «n Chttni £«auro-

bis brigade up on th* bank of the *tr««m and began to fire across tbe stream. While be wa* thus en-gagsd a torue of Confederate* oroesed over, and hit Tyler's left flank so bard that tbe troops fied In a (lauiu. McDowell sp^ut tbe nest 1*0 days lu recoaBAiterlog. He distioversd tkat tbe ford at Hudtey Sprittg *a* unguarded. Tbte ford is to tbe N«ftb of tbe Varrentoa tnrnplk«j abont a mils B»d a hall distant. Qsneral Beauregard did not haw say troop* totb* Ngftbof tbe toad. Ko Ueneral l l«Do««l de­termined to leave Colosel lllUa in reserve at Centerville, and wUb RieUardsun'* brigade to make a faiee altaek atBtocfcbum'sford.aMl thus engage tb« attsntiM of tfas Confeileratiis, . Xbs first Division, under Tjflcr. .w>a to way* .BP.Itfcs.

«* *i»]Ut««aa, sM^e iTismrn»*ii(<SiL and at tbe proper lime to Uke It, if tlie Ciinferttratea'were driven off by the movement ptaspsd front bigber up ibe stream. Meantime, the chief eolumn, consisting of two divisions under lieinUselusn. and Hunter, afgregeViag 13,000 mcu, was to di­verge from tbe turnpike a mile be-yo«d 0»nt«rvilie, itad reaohiag Bind­ley Ford liy a detour was to ortMS Bull Run, and marching down tbe lel.t bank was to Uke the defense at the Stone bridge in reverse. Au-tbdtities are agreed that tbe ptaa of battle was excellent.

COiirKDEBaTEB NOT lOLS. But the Confederates were i:ot lylnc

Idle a41 tbio tune. Oeneral Beauregard

bars aet*d withsoeriqr and attacked In full foro* at once it look* a* tbonth be would bar* been able to have crushed Ivans, but be put ia on* alncl* rsRl-ment at first, which wa* soon iaapretty bad fix. Tb*a,*rt*r ade layofaa hoar «r mora, a brigade wa* asatacaiast tbe Beathsrasn'* lia*, sad il was pn*b*d back below tb* Btos* bridge, and Iba eaeay oa tb* other Bid* of tb* *ln*B, who bad *S(at*d Evan's attention earl l y '"-"Hi "••'• '»«»» CO**!*!. (Meael W. T. Sherman. afMrward* in eoea-Btaad at th* force which mad* a marab from 0«»g<a to tb* *•*, w lAo i t «»-<>fBBl«-lac BMiteierloa* rtetaiaacatbaB Ikat oi old BMB aad WCSMB, oomuand-*d a MgiBMat ia tbis battl* aadfeoad * , . ? ^ . »•* ' " •*»»• »*• *»*dt*, by wbioh h* act hi* oo*aau«d aens* be­fore the hrblfe itseU was nawveied b« be prsssiag beak ol I V S M ' S snuJl

feces. Kerss's bricade el tbo v i S also got Mtoes eeoa after « l m a a 7 ( tectmeatdU. Br tb* UBM t t e l l o M bfMa* was rsaohed by tb* CoaMitsIss, •" loscad b*ek, fully iMofr

•aitaC tf^mC'Z^ -Evan*, bet wh«a tBr i i

. l a ^ aMitkel tbe««niBlfr V w naebed, tb* Coafedttat** w e r t n l l M ufi they piooeeded to itahe * gaikai Maad a«al&*t aior* tbaa tea ttaes tbeir BBBbcr.

biaadVoder I eteaMsIa^

Bicbjf <li>troyed m tb« battleor bave, aa « ^ t * . boeo. Te-IJMltl- Maajr .»< yrnae i*a.<tbe

.»*•«**» or \mn KoB I ia 4 aquarf marked b y

CantVertlle on the East , Qroretoh and GainesriDeon tbe West , Sndley Springs oa the North, and .Hanas -sas OB tbe Sootfa. Sadley Springs, ao bigger or no smaller than #ben MeDowcH, with tbe corpsof Hanter and Heiotaleman, c r o s ^ d B'bll Run there in an attempt to take Bean-regard in reverse in I 8 6 I , i s almost exactly as it was on t h a t day. The place wag tbe right o f Jackson's line in the second battle. In ante­bellum days tbe place wM a snmme'r resort, there being aaulpbar spring


"_'!l"'=?^!l-''^'!""y'..''''°°'"'«daBd but it did not stir the- South like lived in it at the time of tbe first: tbe first battle. The Confe'derMJ battle, « . d w « kiUed by a »bell |uaed to b u t l e s and w«. to vtctorTw

^ » e ^ f h - ^ H r ; *^''^'^<"^ t the but the. war waa a w » thing when O n t i , . H , w u t ' ' * a ™ " » W e o f Manassas «^urrrf . On the Henry farm sUkes have; and - ' — y^^uirm..

"' THE SIONE HOUSE. ' i .1- 1 hc«piUl by both anaiea ia both the battlasof

oecopied as a resideaec.)

rs, wearing blae or -grmf, I 10 the accompaniment at tbe o! cannon and the shriek of

• Tbe United States baa r :ia<l as many men to lake part

It is still

Marby, bat aobady goo* tk«r* aow to take the water.

OrovetoB it , if possible, changed feaa than Sodley. People are still l iv iag there who lired there in 18(1

« ia Mr*. L a * B J a l > s y s B ,

^ i n x j v r e s as will participate ia and 18<a. Oa« of <e to be held at Maaaeess U i a l L a ^ a i a !>* •*« ,<» v a a s a a M , e ^ o

and th»r*h»f«%a*«aksMsrMeh I-waa ordered froa ber booaa by a s uttract so BMch BUcatioa.; oOeer from 0 » c r a l Jackson oa tbe

- ^ -Ine not alone l« tbe napre- atoraiag of tbe »t«oti battle. Af-l e i y large aaaaber of maa to ter tbe withdrawal of Seaeral Pop*

- . / a ^ e d , but largrtj-becauee the Mr*. Vofum retoraed to the field «.m.nt9 are to be oa a real ba»-!aad aasistecl ia th« barial o< U e

r one of tbe SMS* eelcbratod'dead. " " I "Dead men ware so thick down

r two battle* w.re foogfat a t | there by tbe old railroad oat I .-'^<. one. pr*oUcatly the first coaldn't walk witboat rtaHilig o a ' <rar between tbe Sutee , o a ' a corpse," aba laid. • r I-«6l,aBd Iba other OB the Thiscat , ia whichsomcof tbebard-

' August, 18Ct.. Coatcdcrate eat fifh(ta« of the war waa doee, H cave UM me that at the markr the lia* of tbe ladepeadeat

i ta i i le they etood aearly ia j RaUroad, projected t e raa from ->nie tracka thoyoeoaptodat t b e i t h o IC*a**eaa Oap Railroad at - : . i i i ie , but ahoi ia the opposite I GaiacsTill* to Leeebarg. N o iroa -. ::<->n. It i* oa* of tbe pecaliar was ever laid oa it, and tbe rood •:irf of the war that two graat was never nearer completion than ' .<• « boa Id bava beaa foaght, a t ' it was in August, 18M, wbea Stoae-r terval ol more Ihaa a yaar, at | wall Jaekaoa aaed it aa a Hae of de-

- i.tile town of Maaaaeaa, tbe | (eaee OroTetoo is a Mile Weet, aloag the Warren ton Pike from the centre «f the field of the first bat­tle of BoU Raa, aad oae ataadiag « a a bill a t iw rod* Itom tbo Dagaa booM caa eec the Heary hoaae aad tha Heary UU w h m t h a f c a k i a f

been driven in the earth to mark the spot-where Colonel Cameron, com­manding the. Seventy-ninth New York Regiment, was killed, where General Bee was mortally wonnded, and where Ricketts' Battery waa cut to pieces by tbe Confederates. In a piece of wood on tbe field a board nailed to a tree has tbe in-scription, "Generals Wilcox and Kirby Smith shot here." WUSR« "BTO-XIWAtL" JACKSOS STOOD.

But to me the m o s t interesting ol all the spots on tbe Held was one

Uen tbe list of dead and woooded were printed all over the country, North and South, tbe fsarsomeness of war was, for the first «me, perhaps, fully realized bv tbe people... . *

The first battle also abounded In more that bas been impressed upon h i s t o r y ^ t b e refusal o f Gen­eral Joseph B. Johnston t o take over the command when he reached the field and found Qeneiar Bean-regard bad pUnned tbe battle; tbe christening of Stonewall Jackson,

make the ^f jgitrd at M I cot. w- • -

1 ari.l

.n r»vo5«-''^1. uj'c^ide.

tbflt ao ' a ^ . i i North IbongVit t l . would-ha easy to rocit the Confedihatea, whose infe rior fo.roe was irifll Onderf tbod. T h e suoieess which bkd attended Oenerul McClellan in the West Vi grnia campaign, had greatly iaapirited tbe people of tbo \North, and it was tboDgbt that McDowell would have a picnic at '-.Manassas. Tbis was literally the popular opinion, for when at last bis army marched away from Washington, it was followed by inany of picnickers, male and

BesarHanl aad Johnston »% tbair headqaacters, bad diaooverad th* at­tain oa tbeir left flank, bat war* wait-'"A J"^''*" the*o»nd of the atUck which Ewall had been ordered to make on tb* l*ft flaak of tb* (aemr at C*a-trevlll*. Bat jB*t at tbi* Moie Beaate-lard Isaraed that bl* oidet* for this at­tack bad mieoarried aad be bad to **t U> work to obanjte hi* order of battle. Tb* iiBieka*** with w b l A Osneral Bcanrsgard worked oat new eombiaa-tions and tbe final snco*** which tb*v achieved, juetirylpx them, mark a aktlf-

bridf*. TB*i* wa* little aaoia i th* w*r of reapbag IhefraMs W i

CLOSaO TBI VOTOiUC. G*B*ral Joseph E. Jokastoa said aftst

tb* war, ia di«:as*iBg the fiis* battUol Maao****: "Th* keyyofaM mas a dat, barectMt. It was has* that Ike Adsr-al* mad* their atMefcs. Bat the* w«m made by a brigade at a t iae . f i e aa-sMoB was haidl* tsaahia, aad had S o attack bssB m*«* la force, will llB* of battle, saeh ss aar , sral la Uadlsd gm*a**HI»as»eaiit »>» wik*, we oeald aot have hsM M half aa hear, lor they wA have sa­ve! oped aa aa hath ^ ,

QeaMisl BssarsasBd . war that bad ha hare i t i aflat the

vateraM ta*l**d*l *aMI***«rbk

jSTdJS^Ffe^nj^^As whaa ther -•te wUpyed, aa kept oa •ghtlDg.

Not ioiif after the battto ^ ^ sas, iheCoafedsralss "^jr frir fiimi fna .



• the

bad aaaumad that Boll Ban would be the real dsfenslvo line, so he Had sta-Itoaed his l-rigades at the vajion* forda between tbe railroad and the Stone 4<idx^ Ewell and Holmes, on ibe lail-

:iued hia richt, tben came tta* M jToCdalMSat ly sa MUiSaB^'

lea LoBcsueet md Jaenoa at — ^ _ ^ - , b«»n'* Font, a a d P-nbatf* bri«-

rWemtC'^trtUf- ad* at Hitchcir* FoH. Cei^aaeI%T«u -..>;. t > v * m £ t held the S*oa« hcidga wUi Aall * bii«

c o l n l S a t e ^ ' ^ ' « i J * ' T b e C o a i e a a r a t e U n n l i ^ ^ t S *

oc rnaoe. "<n. .«_T,MiJafth«Wid«*,andltha7 that tbe Fetfcral* w*re pli '

etapi the livet at Badlai aad take OoafBdairata to aaak liSd

Oeoaral Joaeph B.JobaStoo azrired OB th* field oo t ha af tamooa of tiM SOth, He had *«^«aed«d in getting- away from Fatteieon, who had be*a ordered to >e-tum froai Pennsylvania and bang ea the Uon federate rear to preventreiBrotse-ruestofBeaaregaxd. But Patterson a*-, aured tbe department at Waaliiagtoa that Johnston had t 'rtj thousand men. He did aot have but abo-it one-fifth thai nuiuber. Johneton expected to have five thousand men at M anaasaa to help Bean-regard .by the night of tbe 2Uth, Imt

1. - . . . — *•''* ^'folo death of General Bee tk«

. : i c t ? T h e " e " ; l / ' ? : „ V " f % ^ " " '*,'"•"* " ' "•« B ' « k H - Z ca'v'a S exactly wbere tUc fence stood on r of so manr nit><>»a nf . , .< i i i . . i the » l s t of July, 1861, along which \ wedged Tn a V m ^ , " U T l ? , Jackson s \ irgin.ans were drawn up S t o a . B r i d « , the ^llTrni^^ Jnd w ^ 7 r ? ^"^ "••-<lero«s union Brc llighl of the" FederaFwmy t ^ w " h . when Uenera IJcc .ai-i -There i s ' i n g t o n - a l l these are a o ^ t a c ^ r Jackson standLn.^ !.ic> .. <tone wall.", r«^.,,e* of tbe ^ . t k i ^ t t ^ h ^ ^ e

tjlT/ r^' ''" ''^' -l ere absent in the .reTterfl^a o^X^^ Ueoeral Jackson was s t i n l m g - gn , t ]s62 "•. •««

Tbe farmers are cor..,t.i;;-^ i;, 1,:,^ Tl'ic batlicReUI of Mwias.Has strikes

.-. ^sion of which woald appear ../ noQ-military maa to be oif ao o .mportanaa.

r.i.:. cvaa tba layman after *ta<7-,: the campaigas of the war, reiU-^ Kt once th* stralagia iayoiV .0 of the pboa, vkiahvaatba mm-

f al commander. He M t Ewell. Jon**, Longatrtet aad Boaham at their po*i-tleos at tb* ford* to pre rent the niemr in their front going to rslaforoe He-Do a e l l* right, bat ^ ordered dptb* reserves, Early's brigad*. Holm*'* two reRlmenta and a baltary and two of Bonham^ regiment* and a battery. Jackson, with bis brigad* of five reel. meat*, had been in raseiv* all tb* mmk-lug, not far from the Stone bridge. He moved hi* luen forward. Jnat aa the Confederate Ima wblob had been r formed on the plateau waa giving way. He wonld bav* been too lat* bad be been a few minot** later. H M Oonhd-eratn, attacked in everwhelming nam. ben, were Kivbig away at every point. Evana and Be* and Bartow were exert­ing themsalv** to rally tbeir men, hat it waa impceslbi* to make tbem elaad. Oeneral B**, riding a p to Jackaon and pointing to tbe shattered remnants, of his oi«B oommaad and the remaiahiK fragments of tbods of Evaoa aad W -£ » . •«lafa»*d. "Oaaeral, they fere beatiagBsbaafc"

;'8«r, well gir* them Ibe bayonet." said Jackson in a manner men aflsr-ward* learned to know meant a deter­mination wbion only death eoald break.

Oeneral Bee nubed back to bia men and pointing te Jackaon'* Tirginia bri-«?*>, exoIaTmed; "Tbere is Jackaea, standing tiae a stonewall. Let as de­termine to die bere and we will eoa-qner."

Tea spuuT OF' j i c x s o s . JacksoB'amaaooavinuadtesta«dUk*

k s t o n e w a n m t the m*n.j -hotad bean inactjoj Bo long leer* harder to raiiv, aad II reqaired tbe oniud eftoru of Oeneral Johaeon aad Oenetsl Beaocs-gard to uiake tb* mi-D stand. Ih* Coa«


*f**(fg j ; * " * " tt» VIrgiaU sha ia ' i r i th^ n e w of obsbraotlBg Baviaatlea. amd te Oetober, 1861. the flag o t k a r o l the Federal flotilla oa theTutemac leport-sd that the river was otossd te aaV lloB. Th* hnmlUatlag ~ aBBoaoc*m*nl was fell I Hortb, and Ihsa* i*as«alk it __ laupi being made to h d » th* "-nniiiji ate eatrtaohmeats Tf i i i in i l laB Ifc

chief of tbe engiaasts a r h a h a d T S S of tb* defenses aiaaad wSkSgSZ • wa* oppessd le saeh a aiersmaatTaai It was aever aiad*.

(cdcrste liae or 'S afttr lalateiee-


female, who want, oot ia carrtage* t o wi t^sa tha root af th* Ooafsd-arate*. -


rtmindcrs of the bloody batllee tbe visitor of to-day—these days fOBght oa tbeir farms arosnd Ma- when there is no war nearer tbaa naaeaa. G B B barrels, bayoaeU, bul th* othar side of tb* earth, aad the lets canUens. shells, grapeebot, belt • war for tb* Union is history—a* ba-liaeklea, are exposed at every plow- iag a fine place for a dght Ther* lag. It ie aaid that haBter* hare are few higher ahrapt hill*. Th* frsqacatly fooad husaan skeieloas is country is gently railing, wooded oc-tk* woods, tar removed from tbcioaaioBally. with bere and ihara a


oaaionaliy, • -ra^Ka^^^da^— jTbaraaraaa


General M e D o w ^ moved his arnay from Waabington on the after-noo* of Jnly Ifith. I t ceit*>*ted of diviiipos under Generals 'Tyler, 2?"l jJ ) . Heintslman and Colonel

, ' ^ i H i s entire force aggregated *•""» 53.0W men. Tbe army marched by s r ^ ^ Fatrtkx Court­house, whore a Booth Oar«Haa bri-gade hid bad an oat poet, aad whara tbe first man t o tbll oa tho Coafed-erate side bad been klHod on the Sd of Jane. This waa Captain Marr, to wboee esemorr a moaumeat was unveiled at Fairfax last aaonth. Tbe place was deserted on tbe afleraooo of tb* n t h , when tbe Federala vBUred tbe tows. The troops did not reach CeotreTtll* aoti l tha next day. Centenrilte ie oa the Warrea-tAn tarnpike, about five mile* from Ball Run battlefleM. I RIB not' learn that General Beanrcgard k-new ! of tbe character of tbe movement! MaDowell waa makiag agaiaat him oatil tbe afUraooa of tbe iStb. Qeacral Tyler waa put la r o m i a n d of a rcconBOiteriag force, wbicb wa* e*at out ia the direction of Black-barn's Ford, a point on Ball Kan about four miles fVsm Maaaaaa*. Ua was ordered to ob«er>a tbe road* to Ball Ran, bat not to bring oa an eagageaeat . Bat Tyler tol<l on* of bla oiHears that "ths great man of tha far wahiH hi bhaoa* «bai |a« •HM^*a«»,"vwl that t* k««i,i loi

aci«a<Ma«»**a*lcval aad |««thi«B(h thai M^hk" • * b* IIBKII

Ibey did not arrive antil the next day. JehastOB, wbea he arrived, foand that Osasfal Beaaiecard had mads all hia dlsfssHiuus for the battle and I h o ^ ^ohaeloa raabed aim, ha waald aot BB-dertake the dtiBctioaot ths battle. b«t directed tbo easoatioB o( Ike pUaa aa-der Oeaeral Beaaregard. Qeaeral Baaoregard'B beadqaartMS wer* in a brick boo**, aboai two milr* from she town of Maaaasa*. in a Nortbweelerly direction. The boos* is stiU (taadiag.

Early on Sunday moraiog, th* llat. General Beaaragar,! learnad that a boa-tile force, th* b«sd of Tyler's ooluma. had appeared in frantof Colonel Evaaa at the htouo bridge. Qoneral Bnanre-aaad at once forrned the conclaaioB that

iSi^'!LT^!^ * " '° •>* '"»» « ** thja ppiat aad h* sews n i i _ _ , F_«r »

^3=r3SLt:v'2riHS born • Povd, aad Boabam. at ViSeboII^

Tb*** order* aid not rtech tb* brigad* oommaadw* for roar k.>an aftar th*v ^ • ' • K ' r ' a . Tb**t*C emaaiaatioa af ^b* Confederal* army was not aear yea good «• It »a« later in Ike war.

MMBwbile, Colooat Boabain. at Ih* StoB* hridge, became oooviaoed ibas tbe attack on him was a feint The eneni]'. formed on the other *!.«• of Ball Ran. kept ap a constant S M aatil baM-paat 8 o clock, which waa sssossifgl in •orcoaiag tbeflaabiag movemeal beiag ezicatcd b ; th* Federal* by way at Sadley. But wbon Evaa* b«Ma« a» eared that Ibta movemaBl waa bei«« mad* be l«rt a ikiriaiab lia- i t th* bridge, and advanced hi* 4*mi briiiade aONi* dwtsoer U'rss of tb* tsrapifca, mov'iag t« moet lb* coluoia of the *B*my. So wh*a tb* b**d of Baatar's e o l a a a appaarad ia lb* epea ooaater aoiitb ol tb* ford, tbe Ihla gray Ihse was drewB ap la Iha* of bald* r*ady to

Me«««BBamaa^ .B i t*a i i«a*ab<« .> slatad *< aai^ta* M k aoapeaiea mm oerdiac to .HenbMa whsm. wbtte

mraUarriv<KiAMasuW of «,M0 men, thirteen pieoesVif artillq^ u d two paaia* of Stadrt'* cavaby. •ab«^i

' t o t b e | ( maathave b e e m ^ OM *4 great. Tbe Coals j i

a m y alttfwands ooaqaered in the-o i j l ? ? * ^ ?**> *^^ this ,hat ea* < aot help admiriaa tha pLaofc of gn«B •oldlas, who bad never b**e aad*r flie Mor*. fresh fioaa tha farms, th* ' " " ^ P L "*•"' "rt^ly opposlag the mahof thn*liaBssthsiraaWb<Kv Th* spbrit of Bt«aewaU Jsohsoa was in the botom of many a Ooafedsrata soldier that day.

The plateaa on which the flgbUas waa taking place baa changed bol little abiee the battle. It riaee to as etevatbia of a hnndred feel al the bridge, bat falls ett in gentle slope* to tbeTev*] of streams which anclo** il on three ltd**. II *tends al right aagla* to Bali BOB. There are still atandiiig on it olampe of tree*, wbioh aflotded ezoelleni cover for Confederate aharpabootera.

Tbe Federals, having aboat gained possession at the crest of ths plaleaa, BtteaspMd to tnra the Coafedsrata left. Two baitesies of aittUmr were thrown forward, bnl Ibey were barely bi posi­tion wbea they were gobbled ap by the Thirty-third Virginia, whleh Jackaon mahad forward, l laay of Ibe eaaaoa-eera w*>« shot dowa aad the horass kUled. E^eah foroes, howevn-, was* broogbt ap, aad tbe gans wer* rstak«a. OaiMral Beearegard then, advanced lite right of hi* liae in aa attempt to retaka tb* gaaa Oeaeral Jokastoa waa dowa at the raiiroed. barrylng forward tha r»iaforeem*au whiob w*f*ooiBiBg in from bU army ia th* TalUy.

The tide of battle aorged beck aod forth, lb* Federala bringing forward finally every man that oonld be pat ia IbM of balde. II waa abOat S o^lock in the afteraooa that fr**b troop*, ea-dar 0*B*ral Kirby Smith, raaehed lb* field. Tb* freeh eoldian war* at oaea on the Federal llB« The battcrie* weia eaptarod at oaoe, with ooa^derable ii«s to the Daioa side. Shortly after the gaaa were flaaily lafcen by Ih* Coafad-*ntMOea«»al Carlj's biitad* arrived oa the field from staaaesas Joaetioa. K*riy'saMaoharg*d theFadeeat right fiaak, doablad it ap aad drove It hook ia eoafaaiaa, whiob preaeaUy iavolved the whol* Uae. Tho eatlf* PMsrsl fotee was drivaa hook aemss Yeaeg's Braaoh. Tb* oaeese were atteriy aa able to tally ibeir oaaa. evea I tb* reach of th* Oeafadisat* Every maa wa* trying la got Bali Run. A battaltoa of ragBla* troop* made a stand for tha aaipaa* e< allowing tbe flying v«iaale*nto erees tbe tVarrentOB road.

DXOEN'EBATED IRTO PaKlC. I* tail offlcial report, l.eneral Mc-

"»w«l aata ik* retreat soon degenera-

B?l B .'.'Kitr .r .Sl.'"*' ""^ Iba -- -"'- " " * • sas i f e . aad oao* on

twmlaglM, a m all aaabaae* of a^ gaalaatloa wa* leal. Armv tralaa a>4 ai«ll*r.v. M«>kiag t b . r J d ! o d M to


AU peraooi wiabiag «a bar or (at borsss of sayolsas aoaid do M B to eafl oatbeBad«|^M.d; iZSoiS^S. baylag or seUiac direct. • — —

naaHptsUMOoa given i* all eaSifet reterfaaty sscrtee.

S-80«a. W. JOHn. Uiaitwiag, Va.

FOR SALE! Wythe County, Vs.

a-i»-»' Hsymarfcot, Va,

COUNTIYttOKSI NOWHBiK ah. wM joa tad .Kb agtaat

variety ol daairabh, yrt ianpeoain, for eoaatrr koi—

Maaj of the _ CIAL PUCBi aad BEDUCED PJtlCES

tlw gooda are marl-H at BPE-•" - " "•' ICES.

M W M I - *J" 0» an parefeaas* aomaaHac 88.00 or aora w« win HgEPAY FBEIDHT to aav polat iritkhl IM Bile* of Waabiniitoa—tlO or aarate

Iw Hia Minai

aaj poiat aaat oi tha Hbalialppi rtv< danag tha aeauaar aoaVw.

i M i m CqHPLKTE B m U n H S B n Ik

briglit,*nra.-«iT» ds>*ntiaM>anite(~ Ma tor aeiamiif bemaa>a< low pii -ea.

OPE.V XnCK tbari

WABB eelBDriBiaa

. Tb* *tnaa, derabhrl


BILVn PIATUD WAKE Irom tba y * ?'«aM« aiakats. flaaraalMd-for aarviea-reqrhupMalv*.

wiit daabllma eoalamama* ai**alr t o j w idsaa of ahat a iintai Tj, °

habia — aoSMaaton — aeaaaaleA— Frioia, 8«.18 ap. — — « —

a.'S^.iSL*"'<>"«^ •'^- • -* •

BOUJiJiflaTIJlCO., "•"•ems to M. W. BrratUHa-

Pottarr. Porealaia, Chiaa, Olan, Stnt db n»rsniikaifM.isiiki«,


'*TBXI>BB W A T A B B A A ' * .

T^SMar i FlMfi


Qeaaral (b* ooaf*ai*a *f tba gigbt. acDoweira armv, wUeb bad _ to ann htlat* tb* CeB(*4*i%(* fose*,did noi stop aatil tb« baakaef th* Potomac war* reached. Kaay of Ibe •Dtdl*t*did not fe*l aaf* , « t i i , h ^ ^ ^ aelaally "'""i. ' ^ A<ia*ila«t bridge aad ea t«r*d Waabiagton

Tbe paiaali of lb* F* leral* wa* set P"'"il- for •ooM reaaoa which be* aevw b**a made clear. It Is entaia that Stoaewall Jarkron chafed BBd« Ibe laactiTiij that marked tbe coodect ot JobaatoB aod Beaaiatard after tb* baitl*. It aa* bi* d**i»* to threw for­ward lb* aatir* Coaf*d*rau fore* aad oaptare t « roa**d * m y ftyteg baah aloag tb* <Md ea WnShiatcSna A

ly •! eavalQ folleaad the n d -*rai* •* far ae Oeb Raa. shaai tbraa mltaa from tb* Sioae b v n ^ . aMi.ih« B»jek Bar** oavaky. aad** Oaataia (aftssaaads U*a**al)irttH<m 8 . K v a a ,

a >aimrW l i l i g 'SUm

Twetoechafi BPP*al te (laerie* of Fooataia Peaa.

<1) A atroaa toa-leakaM* ink )olat la tbe mtddk of th* barrel sway from th* fiamt grasp. Makea a cleaa p>« wbee la uae

ii) A ftaare at BMiotb n| * » » » that l i s aaagH lata « » a j d * . ^ ^ — " •* « ^ r***** "b* •waadM or

riafc Vkha* ^•Mtaaa^

nna#->» 8 l i M 4

l*.«8 AkwtlBi* •wMBsibm taar-

Oar ow* petaoaol , M*h*hlad*v*iy*al*

f a n aad aima . „ . «( ih««* PsM aa hwd.

Shannon's Pharmacy,

«be Aana««u Souciuii.

yBbMsbaAHTSTT Friday Motafaw.


'W. H. W..MORAN & CO.

^ . B n b M r i 9 t k m a * t a a : Oa^doUar per aaaam la adraaaa,

' «la«l* aatia* thiae esahi.

•atacedat tba PxMt«*** at rrnsMii Ti . aa •**«u.*U** mJttSSST

jnuDM Mourwo, ADO. I», S*M.

WhM hu bBMHta dIaaarpaUr"

B o a r d of ttHpervloura.

A iiitH tlus of Ibe Boaiil of Bup*rviaor* wasb. l l u-i MoaJay laai. Praseal. O A. Mnipa»ii, ehatrmaa; J. P. Maauel, J V w'X" ,}h "'"• ^'^•^- WttlU""- aod J. F. Oullok.

Th* foJlowlai la a summary nf tb* bualaess transaclad. O W. I/iwe, sup'rrf pnor tSasa Ed Ma:baksr, (jglM rJdlM. ( 0 0 OolumliHB Haruo* >' •• 1400

Orderodibat tb* clerk .of Ihl* board obtain from ih* author 12 oople* of

of tb« "IbU

Tbo aiogaa b la b* Parkaf, aad prosiMrily.

Tba dICaraaaa batwada Kiua^ Saga aad tha editor of TBI JOOUIAI. is Mr. 8ac« waa't ukt a vaoattoa and we oau't.

We slBOdfaiy aoagratBlaU tha Csar of Rasaia, bat trast h* wUl not bav* to ba ooacratabtMl aa many tiaaaa as ao have ba*B.

TJM Ja^a bare oa^arwl Yaag

PHy OT^itr Mr batehan did aot find her aad t»n a* froa tha oM one

Uurai's N»w Oulila" for fouoiv C.E. Nash, se't for l*tl L. B. Ooiawell, Ooia* re*d dist J. T. B«ar*ra, sassa-Wallcr Siroberl - '• F. W. Lyes 0. w. mktt ByB*0B * Co., aoeouBt, B. W. Lowe, Cole* mad dist. Dr. F. W. Sorsbaher, •eowiBt. Dr. WlBo " .. 0 . D, Baker, ooav for paaMr

H.Ab*j,i>.miH«£2rSst * . W. Lewi* •• '• M, F. Williams '• '• ?• J-AiTiagtoa, aoeeaat, J CCdviB " V ?• "•»*«ll"- Haaassai rd dist, J. J. OoaasT " ••^ J. B. Pays*, » •• Jao, Paarsoe, •* '• BobI, P**r*oa " •> BoM. Holair, " F. B. H. nickaea

road diet dist.

ef tb*

8.1* T.8U

11.88 140

ISLOO « « l

10.08 18.88 •0.00 10.00 8100 8,00

*t.«0 8.80 8.00 8,00 8.40

• a 80 8.00 a«8 180

18 80 a8.n 10.80

= 9 R :

ESTRAYED/ \W ANTED I A two-year old balfer, llKbt roa*. An ao«r>*tle vouog aiau wW^a^

Lib*ralrc-prwalses Itat Soaday alght ward for r«oovery.

J. U. JBFFRIBB lUaas, Han< Va

. . - . M... - « . , . . . 1 .1 . . jorst 10 aSfaed colWat la Princ* WlUlau QO^M^^

*ddf**s for parlloulaia - .' 5BO K l a c Ma«a«,

. Al >aai£k '.

L. M.^^oCMsa, fox ssala T, A TbBmssssB. Mtasiia* dist. 88.18 J. L. Bpeakes « IT IS

RepoH of sapsriBlsadsat of ths poor

NOT-ICE! n r A number of good-Saddl* Bursa* ^

will b* Dvedad at Uaamuvr* Camp No, 8, Tborougbfar*, Va., durlni tbe maacsov. >•*. from about Augnat 8Tlk to 8*pl*m-b*r Iktk.

Th*s* horse* will b* fwl aad c«r«d for by lb* gov*rBmeBi.

Aayaa* barisff such horse* to kir* will ] pl*asseommuBleale wltk tbUolBoa. I„ - r - a . . -:~r—; -•" —

J A U I 8 B. VOBMOYLX, L7 _'*•.•*»••. bewwol' of tbe Uie R. r CaptalB aad Qasrtaraiaslsr, V. & Army.


ViBojaia In Ci-rki OIBce Circuit Ct »(*< Pri *,

WtlUsmCounlv. Aiigual 3, IMt. Fl SloDoell, Richard Stonstli ,gid

ira Baiilatl aod C. H. Barilua .

OaorjA^tonsetl, Fannie B Ulalu. j B . Isr, Cora W anlar, Nett is Bniiut.

. Boberu ADntsTtDtbidr, b/hr«* . 'nBtboS sod X. E. WanJer the 1*4 sa Infant aader 81 yrars or'm.

HemI The object of tbla salt ii to M -

B l o _ , stlar 1

., s*ia*d and posasuetl. aad _ the debu, 10 dlMilbuia the

smonng the partie* eniUled ^ ^ — " . WeCeedL wavrwui, ua. ^nxM.. ca,m*g

Farm For Bent I liSIJJli" '*"'~"'* *" '"* "''***'" Waaisd

to work L , . _ . 1808,:ea iharea.


Bgood msa with suflMeat help t k f , ^ " > , 5 * ' ' » « ^•J! ay fsna, asar OalassvUls. for |?„'S.*?'»'Siy»^L''' » iharea. Mast bs wsll leoom- £",'>«f - S T ' ^J^"*-•

WM. H. BBOWN. I BJ'l»*«»«r nalboff aad I H. BBOWN, OabMsville, Vs.

Afildavb having beea mad* and ajad ,-. x . .._ . ^ -vvgrter HeUI*

_ , . . ^ . ^ . » . Anal* TiQtho*, Bylv*sur tlalbaff aad E E Wirdsr at* BOO r*Bid*nis of Ike Stau of Vir. i7. | , U ordand that tb«y appear bait aMklB tfleea days sfler doe pablioalioa of this order aad do what Is aeosmary »> |*ateot


Prof. Starr of the UalTarsUy of Chicago bas deliv«ied binsalf of a lung traatiaa «a b«« * • • aboald part tbe bafr. What Awllahaaaa, Mr. V. J WMreattladtbatqaaoiioD aome t i i t s a ( 0 .

fc A Keoafr, 1

Hersa" fi

Governor Warflald of Uaryland s^ys a womaa abould aot a a H j until aba Is S* yeare old. Tbaia are doubtlee aomj who ara old enough t o be willing for the <>OTU'-nor to famish tit* laaa.

John Sbarp ^ViUiasss sent every newspaper in hi* district 110 for publishing tbe oiBolal aaaotiBca-ment of b i s candidacy. W* s a p . pose iiautber Congrcaaman by tlie name of John ornrloeked foUowUg tbe House leader.

The Preetdent will probably Ti*it the mflncsorre* on parade day. If he iloc*. let every'poesible consider.^ ation aad ooarteey be ebown him. H e is tha preaidaat of oar oooatry. We can oxprcas onr (entlBMBU oa electidn day Mcxt Korembar ia a way that eonats .

Bishop H e a r ; C. Potter asaiatcd recently at tbe opening of a model saloon. Tbe front room baa a aoda founUin and an apartment where beer ia e»ld t<> woaMa. I n tbe rear room t h » ivgolatioB Jobnay Reii-B y e does busioeea. My, bow the world does more I

"•.aS:J*"^' •»»«<'1''« ro«l tax for dWrm Ho. 1 185.00

Berne, rood tax Brentsvllhl dbt 8.00 Msasi iss" g oo

OataissrlU* " 1.00 ^ H. Ropklaa, scot for Jaas. July 8.00 Weir m Bro " fer Boer - «(k> K. CoraweU '• " ' " ^ ' S A. C. Harley. Maaaa*s* disk I48.'a8 B. M. Comwsll, sseoanl. ( oO

•:i.00 p*r moBih. Ordmed that Tho*. Kays h* aUowad

91.00 per MOBtli* J. H. Barb**, oomm'r reads, estead-

lag coanly lax 119,00 SamcColea reed tax, "iM

J2»^'««« •' iOO Ooooqaaa " g,oo

C E Saab, assoaat . i . |g J. T, Fslrfax •' ' • « Will Braiaell :• J } M Haa Beld •> - fe S

£ f, »"»• '• S " • . L a v e , seooaal, afiO J. T. Francis f S 0 . A Simpson '• • * £ J. UEeys ••' J S E. W. Sp*a« •' woo J. P. Maauel L S 1. F.GulIck J J ;

In th* matter of th* pUcalloa ot j i o . •^^^SSTIf'L?" ' " ^ k jaw la a portion of Cotes diatilel. ordered that sstdssl l -Uon be posted s* Ue Uw direeu iaVoe « o a 8 0 4 8 o f t h * 8 a p p l * m a ^ r ^ • 2 l ? - ? ° S ^ * ~ ' ' B»»»«*»lll*nl dUt 88.40 Leskia Psttea, •• ' ink

*"'ti»Wf'"««<»»«>opBsroad. Snm-moos ordered sgainat JMKI owOen to show oaose why aaid road shoobl act be

Honey to Loan! K<»»U 1 ^ OB flW moc^MaoaLl «?•"',*«•'••* !• «hlsSBKsnd that »

asSST^ J B. T T J S S i ? '*' *'».•'*' *• P«hli.b*d ia Tn* TwS J »• T. raoMPWg. »AssA»JoDBiiAi.lerloar«meesaT« * " *«*««»»?• I aadaeriedaltbefniat dear afu,.

GOmiSSlONERS' S i l L E ! ^ - ^ ^ ! ^ ^ ° -VotaiBu:

' • ^,®°'!i!f«*> •''•'•« o' I'flBcr WIl-U ' S . ' ^ T * ^»-' »• »»«k adm't of OvIiU Coosioek. deo'd, Mary J. Oomstook, Berth* FComslock, OUra, F.FIewa««^Fred«lck C. Fieraao*/ P*'" Bf«'t Oom»lock, N. 0 . Oom-Mock, B«ialA Coasatock, OvUl* A. Co.»s|ort, *lb«rt M. Comsloek sad EUa C. Coidiuick. th* )**• six b*bir IB*"" biHlOr 81 years of ago. F, C.

MANASSAS, VA. Uodsr aad by vlttu* of a decree ot the

llaMseal* /^Awas* m.» X»mM^^^ U F t K t _ _ *-• < _ Otrenit Coart of Prince WUBem Ooiiaty . . . . . . . rfj„a,i9oi; . - . . — _ « . , . . . . . . , . , .« ia p*Bdf

'l*d Xallnr vs Baadolph, w*, the o

proaooBoed oa tb* 7tb day of Juaei 1 . ' V - S V ? " ^ S"^*? .taerelB paadlag.

- — ^ n e n , will offer for asla, st paWe aaclioa, to the blghsst bidder, at Ibe float door of tb* eourtboB**, Ik tb* Iowa ot


op—edss piopessdsa thaakMsttyio . grito appeartttt* a.xt m S w y t S s

gr'A^si^zsr-''^** J. P. MaaieT J. L. Eeya H. Beld W. C. Williams J. F. Oallck

80.00 A80 SJO 4.00 4.30 -1.00 8.00

in bi* diatiiet and report to tbla board. Bohinsoa aad others application to

opoa public roed. Report' Wed aad aamnMa: . -"r? agaioal land owners to •ppeer at the oai: a*ettBg of tbla board Mafco^cauaawby said road aboald aot

lOHDAY, ADGUST 29, 19M, at 1 o'ekMk p. m., the followbm properly located oa tb* 0*BlrerilIe road, abaat two SilS? ^"S Maasesss and kaowa as ths FhlUp NaUor property, eanlalaiag

14 Acres, more-or ism, apoa whleh there Is a good dwelling hooee..

TBBMS or BALB :—One-half caab aad balaaes ia ons year from data of sals, Iba porebaser rivtag bond with approved seoority end title to said property 10 be letataMd nalB wbde of purebsse moBcr bssbseapatd.

Tnos. H. LioK, , „ J. Jxaxm DA-rnta. J. T. HABHaBxaoBB, Anotloneer.

PBIBCB W I U J A I I OouxTr, ro wrr : I, E Nslsoe. Clerk of Ibe Circuit Conrt

of Prince William Oonaty, fai tbe State of Virginia, do certify that J. Jaakya Daviaa, oae of the oommisaloBers of *al* In the cbaaoery eaos* of Nailer vs Baa dolpb, bas *x*ealsd Ibe bond reqoiied bj the decree thersia oa tbe 7ih dsy of Jaae, IVvt. J «»«y»ad«r my hand this 28th day of

E. NBLSOB, Clsrk.

TH^SQLDIERS ~ 1 3 ? i ? f u ?A/fe? ? SS:J?. ??i"* ^^ August and all of September. You will want to be WELL DRESSED whUe so many strangers are in our midst; to help you m this we have begun a REDUCTION SALE on men's, ««5 -v5^*° if'®? s clothing. Every fancy oassimere. fancy worsted ana skeleton lined black or blue in the house comprising suits from

^ $6.00 TO $18.00. One-Third off Price I

IMO suits for only $4.00 %%M suits for only $6.00 IfitOO suits for only $9.00 $l64i0 suits for only l|OJUL mm^^^ ^t only Wft

H Y N S 0 N 'S Frailer, 0 « ^ Arri.gtOBT Albert Flecker aad^aa. B. Bdoa, Tmslee.

The ob}eot of this suit is M to settle the aoeouDt otILC. Borahsnah adm'r al OvUl* ComsloekKi'd ^ * ^ , ••*• , ^ •***pB tbe debt doe by Ibe lateOvllle O O B J ^ , aad to whom, aad tlMlr prioriliai. 1

»rd. To w h ^ m l ,rtals ths s^d OvUl* Oomslwi bad at the time ef bis death, and acbjjet tae same to Ihe pay­ment of his dcliti .

Aflldavlt bsrlag b*«n made and filed, that Bertha F (lamstook, F. C, Frasler. Oaorge Arrlagtoi aad Albert Fleckar are BOB i«*id*ae*a<! Virginia, It is onl*r*d thai they ^ t . ^ h a i a within fifteen dam after das puUUMion of tbia order and do what I* aecamary to protect their la • ' < - • < • • - - - - d t h a t a o .

hi TsB ia this tu|t, aad that a copy oi thbi

PaUldbsd bl TSB Mawaaa^, for fAu'snoeessiaB.'naks, aad

poaled at thsfrooldoorol {Wboartitoass

Oder be.nablUbed JtWBBAL lot f dor

of this ooaaly. A-Oopy—Taate:

_ . E NBLBOX, Clerk. Thornton, p. q. g . ] | 4

Vtaao iu : la Clerk's Ofiks Chrealt Ooort of Piiaoe

WIUfauB Oeantr, Aogast 8, 1801 BladsaEoMasoB.

. TS Tason Robinson, Jemima Harris, Hea-

rictU BobhisoB, Alfred Roblnaon. Jr. riBfanl under 21 years of age), Robert Bobinaon, Jta. O Robinaen, Frank BobinaoB,' Ewell BoUnsoa,' BbMlea Roblasoa, Jr., Jno. BaUnaen aad James RoUoaon.

The object of tbis salt I* to sell the real e s t ^ of w k k h ^ late Buaaa Bbbertaoa dleC, *«lz*d an<rt>ea*i«siil, cooMtiiut of aboataeraaaora*eflasd,lyiagaod betaig

VueiaiA: - I-* . Ia tncrk's Odoe CIreail Ooart of Prince

WllUam Ooaati, Atwnat 8,1804. Robert RoUwoti.

Jaae IMdason ia her own right and aa Adasbdsb^rlx of AlfredlRoldnson,

laaoa ^ittfi


C'<^'»iaan Agnew of the repnbii-^*" » ' * ' * f ^ y * liis pi^rlywill pot

diatrici^f^CattaiaJjr b ^ a - ^ i H i U

etoata in Priaoe WUllam Cooaty, Va.' Ihe^aioe ? ! f c 9 " « ^ 2 * ^ » ^ adieialiigtb;' Afbad Bobensoe lead aBdotbara*

t.he _ yeara of a;, ^

Mem: Xhe ^Mi To settle tbr admlalatratrix ceased.

Soi!. To *f' bit) Alfred asbjer*. llie 1

mon -iaa.-B«Ha*aa, Jr., H*a. BotiosaaaadiUfndBoMiisoa.

Frank ladea Hea-

8rd. To «-»

joi), a a t a a a g g e ^ t h a t M r . VraigB bia present Inent i re try it h iaadC

Thr oae efaante orersbadowing the adminiatration, not less grare than President Rooaerelt'* race theory, i* t U t i t haa Bade a K a g l y otBce oot of the execatire. Gar. tainly tbe k ing of Baglaad ha* aot greater power* tbaa H r . Rooaevalt has usurped nato himself.

'A abort tiaa* a«a I waa takaa irUb a rkii-h»t attaak of dlMriMm «,d kaH^ 1 wo„M bav. dkd B 1 bad «rt , o t U . r^af- « » „ Joba J. Fattoa. a laadiag «iaaB of Pattoa, Ala. "A fiiead neeamaadad (Aambarlala'a Colic, Cbolara aad Diarrhoea Biainlj' I' beogbt a tweaty-dve eeat botti* aad allar tafciasthMadoaaaet it wa* eatiralj eased. l e o a M r it tb* beat raaed; lii tb* worid tar bowel compiaiata. For a*l« bj 8. a. tbapaoa l>ni(ni>«.

AJMavlt hsving been mad* and fil«d U^l Ju .p .RobiaMB. Frank Bobinaon, | » i l B u l * e o B 7 i l a d e n BiUdaaoa. Jao. Robiaeoa, BearietU Boblason, Albed BohiuoB and Bteden Roberieoa, Jr„ are, « , . - , . ™ , , „ UOM raaim

b crdewd that tbey appeer bere within berelAk flfteea days* fitoaa days after doe pabHeaUea of thU tloa of this order wad do 1 oriMr aad do what ia

~,-.» Bfesiof A^paym

-%^i|-'' after - ' 'beSuS' ' ' ' ""•

Mid-Summer Clearance Sale



Summef Clothing A few suite that are in the second season will be sold at 0011-

siderably BELOW COST. They are in perfect oonditloii mean a big saving to our customers. Of course, we c a ^ ^ them at the prices we make. You must call early.

Hibbs & Qiddin^s, G E N T ' S O V N>nF.BA>

, I. ^.tOeparUnsen-fp«rti$B to Uiair rsapeo-titled tb'ereto l a p

tlve iBterest. AlBdavlt baringlbeea made aad filed

2J?,f'!^ ^.- b » » 4 B , Frank Bohinaoa, Swell BoUnaoB, Blhdea RoblaaoB. Jno. BoUaaoB, Hearisttit RobUuon aad Alfred Bobinaea, are BOB HaldeBta of Ibe State

that they wpear after doe pabUcs-

A W l s a r d a t H a r t i e v l t a r a .

I have met reeeatly la a little vine mantled cottage not far from tbe Padfle a remarkable maa, BBkaowB to experts ibronghoot tbe eonaby hayoad, yet oae of least kaowa to the gsaeral pabMc. Mr. Lolber B a i b a k hM evolved mere extraordlaaiy sad iBdsed,mer* menrtov pl ant Ufa thea say other saaa. Wllhoat the tralalag of Ihe eoBsgs sr the aairar-sity, be yet leads la eae ef Ihe subtle aad ihasiea,—B«d themes plez aad hsillag dspartasBta af raseareh.

On a wlady mesa hs flads a wild flower '.r some aalira beaoty, hat lasigalflcaBt insizaand, inthemaia, aaeomsly. He take* tbu flower sad gives il a asw Bfe, increaaea H* aiaa, doables hs rigsr, hea-(ens Us spring time appearing; or, If It fuiis bim, be Iraaafonas II atlcriy, pro-duciac a flower aaiike aaytkiag wMeh baa y*i Meesomed. He fiads twa tieee, oeltber oa*, to kis a iad, flinag Ks Irae place ia <b* world; he prr>docaa a aaw m e piisBissl.g tbe beet of bo(b. Oae e a A tree he k which is aow the aoM rapiAy tree keowa ia tbe TmapsraM lease of tbe world, sad oas of Oe meal pseMflc of all aat pradachg irsss.

He lakes s M B B , aarslauMe fraH, Inferior la slas aad laaklag la Balrittoa, and makea It over lata aaolhsr ITail, targe, rieb, toalbesma, beoalifal. A l!t-•le daiey, aasll sad iaperfeet, appaaied (« him ea* day, sad he def i in l«a« k -riihiCcaal dower iat* B M

t a f ^ * * * T bloom, a haadaeae erastare amoag k* • , H « l i j i a i s nimpulis i , hat bavlag aa eCeaatea adw, sad g i m to M daHests, iragrsM sasat. He has cbaaged the haa ef a yaHow pepiy ta«o silver or .mslbysl orlahy. Bstesdrir <a the pit f iaa tbe plam ead fiBsd Iw Plaoa with sakstiaii i itsh, }a lv Md aweM. U* eiaaled a wstaal a«h tsr tblaas* sh*B—a* ihia, M*sd, ttal th* baagiy htoda eaoid pirab apsa tb* bnaebea, dfHa their hiUs Ihreathbsad rob Iba aat af Ma » M t This aatds^aalh

•JirDBmnifc ARO E»AUuiie, , c e o . D. BAKER, I^inat . IBT C M n . I H M , TL Prompt atlsatloa gleaa aU crdfia

Prices ss low sagood ssrrlee aad^ata rtalwiBlBstify. ^ e C S f « « J ^ saeeaaleBsowerOmBe*. T - 1 8 ^

>«- •^, . « . aauas va uun wcuur »IU2 BQ Whftt i l D6CMMrT

iiiTtaS;^ r,-Skri3r=d'uSiTS?; {ba7.°*S'p,''cftk'ii'X'i'ilbiM .1.. —k • —i_. ^ iha mal daor of


Thoratoap M-4t. ThotBton p q. . XkUMMT, OlaA.


f^OR SALE I 88 good Saes sad » basks for sal*.

Applyto J. W. LATHAM,

^}*-^ Woolsey. Va.

Z « ^ B a t a • x o a r a l o B From S a r r t -a o a b i u v , • » . . t o W a a h i ^ r t o a , D . O , a n d Batora .

The Soatbera Sallwar will eparatt aaoibcT oae of it* pepalar hnr rat* two day exeorsloB* to Waafciagtoa, D. C . aad relara, leaving Harrieoabarg on i ? » ^ J ? i i , » ' » • • •^. Bad iM^^Ing toave WaahiagtOB (Mb aad Marylaad Avenae) 8 p. m.. Aagam « ik . 1804. Boaad trip Hck«r* »J 00 from Barrisoa-i ^ t - " ! - PEJPOrtlo**!* rttca from all Sfi'~Ll!.?r^'«'">" l»cl"<»* Thia Jlli' P ! ? ^ ^ b . tb* la*t *xeat*loa of I T "Tf* ^ '" • ' ^ ^ M «*k* adeaa-^ o f l t . Doao« fo^at th* daMu Bee fiyms for rataa aad aebedHlc Aaali

ag«Bla eoaearaed or wrti* u T C lUOMral Ageal,WaaU^«aa, D ^ ^

In every fair bargain both parties gain. That*s why people buy


( i W [


In order to make a change in m j business I will, within jthe next sixty days, dispose of my entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes at apd helow (Cost. AU new tn^ *Psiral)le goods, and if yon haye ^ny pnrdiasps to m ^ i^ these lines I C4a saye yon inoney. Con e in and let iis show yoB. A Ivge stock V t^e Q^t p^Bcy ta^ Staple Groceries ipways kej t on han^.

No goods dnring this s»le phai^ed.


lUoolBsMlfll, |ta*tt8«,ti

' U tbe OKLV wwiderfal iav«tteB.of ( ^ ^ U,, whleh bring* il witua rnaeh o«tti||^.arwwast pa.

Aa aa edoeator. and a pieaaant ^ome -fTim.ii'- A a TALKING MACHIIfE is wlboot a peer. '^

The ZOUOPHOllE tetest Talking HaeMne

I o r > e will obeertally ."chaig* I t ' aad




- - - - - propoaals wUl be reeelved an to 8 o d o c t . p m . MoBdsy. Sept. s, i»04,

Ibe street eommiltee of the tows of •aa***. Va., for layiag aboat 70aqaare

yaniaof eoaersl* aldawdfc wiU ewWag, oa Fair View areea*. ibe oaamklM re-

' — ^ ^ - T t a a s s s a , Ta. * * * * * K. LracB, L B. Ckwmom, W. J. WaiB, B . F . I a a - ,


We can fnmish yonr table complete in a high-grade, dnrable ware, both in St(me Chiaa aad Heavy Glass, Knives, Forks, Spoons, &c Large Vegeuble Dishes, Cooking Ware, Dishpana, &c

FOR THE MANOEUVRES • We will c»rry a l^rge ftock of Groccnea, Pro-

visioM aad VqKcttOiles,

"Everything for the Table."

J. L. MOSER, ^ - ^^^JMI- 1 S Centre Street Store, Maaasaas, Va. •

Money to Loan I liSB*r to laaa.

^ * w j f i . «• LIFBOOHB.

Handsome China Closet!

Made of soKd, selected Oak, with beat crystal ends; sab-•taatially made aad prt^crly fiaished. Special at

and sdl from tU.00 ap Buke Ihe payments


fna $400 fi $05.00 ^«Nii^fcto$5J0

B. F. ©roop 411; Sons Gp., 935 Ptenn. Avenue. WaBhloftop, P. C.

SMaiea* t»i elker Lfdinq P iaaos .



$15.00 There's a limited aamber of these Chiaa Cloaeu tt thiaj;>ricc Harry ia year order if yoa waat one.

We've other coaspicaoas kaden ia Fnraitore, Carpets, Rags aad Draperic*. It'll pay yon to" fomf IP W"Wa«teB if yoo've aay refaraiahiag to da

W . H. HOEKE, h. lm««MSl8Bgt, WASHINGTON, D. C

Sale! . . ,*f H""* ?"''•*. »e-^*"<>B»rTe..iae. Ginghams So. - 4-4 Uableached ColMa 8e. . a-i ••— • •••lapi \Mmaafa.,

Tb jpaiirf


* ! lf«t"l«w aow SSe. •MBHegl igeeaowWe.

8Ba. Udersklrt aow a .




Beady-mada bbaela 81.00 chiiA BOW te.. l&c. Horiery aow is^e _ nOTIOIt&—Bair Brashaa aad Oomba. T.wk rma, iiaiioaa. Sewtag Mssklas Hasdlss f*r sU " ^' • * *B,Bais riaa,

M M W M I * FCLt. UHB OF anOCBKBL Ikat wU k**p year fratt IBMSSMI^

Weir & Br. Cor. C««i« A W«Bt S»B., M M M B B B , Va*

We like best to caU

SCOTTS EMULSION a food because k stands ao em. plutically for perfect nutrbioe. And yet in the matter ol restor­ing appetite, of giving new strength to the tissues, especially l4 tbf nerves, i u actieo is that o^a iiiodicine.

Itaad tar In, , ± .. -a.aa ur Tra. --nr'f I 'MlSMat ,

>w-aa«^.(«>l a. M—Ymk.

J3! : *^ -^» f t$ !%j_%»»4 |^

See call for pablic maeting Koo-day night next to ooaalder the liqoor question.

ukai loious tronoaa Caraouc a l l

UOBlaa, tarvlai ! ."olglf • Cba»»b. Fatb*r r,

*a« loartb i a i i M . "*»»^"" «•»? •**«*<

Paimwra Birviar.-BIJar J. A Hortoa Prato-hiajc aTH7 (ad Saadaj aad Satardar nafi.ra at 9 p. m. , '''"i'^' EruawHiL tai/atH.—Raetui- Kar Jno MoUUI, D. D. riarrlca.UaaJa, •orDia* ut 11 a. m. Baadar ackuol at 10 o'doi-k •

a. • Csuai:*, SoDTa.—aasaaaa* Tb. P«a»<iakll«v 8*l«]>a K. Cockrall, >1U pr*Mk "*'f • ' " . ' ' M morala* at H o'ciodt mmt crar/ Haadair avaalag « o'aloeb.

Elriawip^Cbarch, Hajatarkat-Bav B. F-Kloaiaa, B**«or. SsrTleaa ia St. Paal'a •Tsrj Saaday at 11 a. as . aad a* Iba Cbsrab ot Uu Harloar. UttI* a*orgtt*B«at 8 p. m.

Paaaanaaua te«aoa:^Vv. J. *--^rrf liauu.r. D D.. eWdnasib (vasr tabbath a* 11 a. m and 8:00 p. m. Chrktba Eadaavor n'ary 8atibath at 7:lSp. aa. Prajar ataatiaa • v«rT Widaaadaj at H:kHJ p. m.

BaTatLLuTaasaaCBDacB—Masda; arbool at ID a. B. Diria* aerTlcas ararjr aaeoad W d 'aMj at 11 a. B : lUao oa tbird Lorda dar sSditO p. m.. aad on lourch Lord's day a t l t e . B . Mass* Oaoaskaa, Pastor.

U g. OaBaca.-a»»-a. w. Paltan, liaator ("faacJiiaa aarviw at Maaaaaa* avaej Maa-day a^omlm at II a. m.; arar; all«raaoa at Joaaa' Chapter at S:M p. B . aad trttj 8«a. dar efaalng at Brialov at 8 p. la. Pra/ar aaatlac Wodoaadaj eveaipf ut Jsaaa' taap.! and Tliaradaj aTeaiag* at Haoaaaaa. | .. "i- IS,-.!'!."?" •"'^•-Bildlar ClrMiit_B*». a. V. ItUdarbraad. patter, lat Raadar 8*4. i r j . l l *.«a., QaiDaarilla, S p. B. , Boaklaad. « u'doek: tad aad a<b BaDdaT* Madltj Il-a. 11 . >air>l*ir, I p. m.; Srd tiuadara,«*ia«a. 'ille, 11 a. B.. Bijcklaad 3 o.a.; Stb 8aad*n (jniueavilie, 11 a. «. , Velliaiito*. « p. » .

Applications are poaHag into town for privllagea for aUdda for all kinds of business purposes.

There will be a meeting of tb* county school board Friday next, Aug. S8. SeeolBolalannouncement

Mr. J . B . T . Tboratoa has pur-chaaed from Mr. John W Preacott the lot and dwelling now iiccopled by Mf. David M.uddlmiR. I'ritie *I.OU0. Mr Thornton ba« deeded the properly to his adoptfd soa, Mr. U. Thornton Daviea Mr. ThorotoB has also puroliaaed the lot adjoining from Mr. C. E. Fisher.

The celebrated Vlrglala ttaartetie "111 g i v e * oil* oigbt eateruiniaent ia Nlool** Hall Friday algbl , Aog-

Troops ars already oaaslng 1B aad-encamping. Ther* ara pntbably more than 1,0«0 mca at aaeh of lUo Soampa.

Tbe members of Trinity Ofaurcb Ouild ara most earaaatly >«que*ted to meet at the ohurcb' Balardav aflerooon at I o'clock.

Hon. A C. Bras lon , who was a guest of Mr. J. B. T Thornton r«-Gently, e x p e e u to be ber* again during tbe «aamnvr**.


B o a r d t o Aaeaas D a i u a c e t ^^ A d j u a t Ulal ia*

Haai>4t;aaTBM ArLiHTic Diviaia.s.l Siraciai, OBOBBS. KO. I&8. '

aovaaBoa'*Ui,aaD, KBW YOBB Ci-n, Augast t t . l«'4.

•< [axtBAOT.]

v.hlslcey Bad Tha I HaDoBovroa.

On Friday eveoinglaat Mr*. Wm, Foot* In passing o a t tbe back doal »f ber b o n e fell orar a box bad re­ceived tareral palafBl bratea*.

Kev. Dr. Bailey of Salt Lake Oily will preach In tbe Pre*byt#-risB Obareh naat Sabbath at $ a. •a. Tb* pablie cordially Invited tb bear bIm.

"fJir •.' * '" ' • Hall l i t aacday ajgltt aud gd Sgada.* Boraiaf; UaUaad and Saa. I l / miralaa and i tb Usadaj lixlkt'; gtb Saaiir al WlUta Qall aad OakUad, aera-!ug and aigbt alt.raaUijr; Ur«aa«iob i*t aad ttb ijaariara, aarcing, id aadid at alaht-^ ill urTittaat tba aaaal lioars, H a. BTaad

M. H Cacaoa Suui-a.-Priaw WHIli^ Cir. ._-nt-R»r J. H.*aikina. poator, 1*1 Rsadar

-bui-T l l » . B..O«Jaod»,ap.m., 9»d Sa*, i-iT uak Ql^ tl nSi, Briatbal p. m., 4rd jJDJajr Aaban, II t St., uriaado, * p. at.,

V, „»-llia.l, S p. at. Oa* ^ a-p. a . Pri, m"Htiogat B<isto«,*rarx W«a**dajr at

There will b* a Parker aad Davis flag raising and grand rally at XIainosville, Saturday, Sept. 8 Mr. D Cologae I* n e w arrangiaf tbe programcae.

Mr. D. J. Arrington is pushing tbb work on the roads of Mansasas and Oaiaeevllle district as raajdly *• ^ '*<»*"' *° woalst of Caputs as possible. This work is being l-^^-*""""• °*'"**'''''''^* ' ^'•"'*' ilone under a Joint o|>propriatiuo ol I ""'"•*'"'''*'*'^^ ^''"'•'"'*«' Advoea Manaaaas and Giioeavllle district—I ^ • * ' ^""f' ""i Capisln TT^omai IS60 te each dietrlcl—and tba War <'"'»<t<>»> o' ihe Gulpeper Hinata Mt Department—the latter approprlal. ^ ' l * " ' * Voluateer Infantry, is bar ij ing $600 on scuouni of tbe manmu- 'PPolnted aa a Land Pamaga Buar,), vres. i whsa* diuy it Is to ****** daasagss i«d|

„ "T •••• { adjust olalau arising on aooouBt ef its Mr. Uecorsey, the engineer who army maomnvrm In tb* vicinity of U

was in the wreck near Cuipeper a few weeks ago and had his leg bro­ken (.Mr. Decuraey bad previously lost a leg in a wreck;, his arm bro­ken, his shoulder dislocated and col­lar bone broken, le now at hi*.bom* li*r*Andc*n be seen aay day sit l iag on bia porch as serenely aa though I p u ' w i i i ^ u e ' nothing bad ever happened.

JtelTOB JOLBjiiL:—Tills is a auottloo lUch aot only lavolvc^ tha p*ac* aad -•— ol our town, bul :*ll our property

II* and our own lirei and tbe live* oor children. We b»Te also a duty to

the lens ol thoutandi of our vltltors whom we havelnvitedUere to spend their time and money. M i a qumUon whiob wU not dews, but Ilka Banquo's (boat, IrilSlas before us and knuit be anawered by »ome prompt ruply '

Voo have very p.-bperly called at-UntloB to the luiporiauc* of tuppraaslag

Ids tha area of the

Bfawa flrom Oeeaqaaa.

lujporca the Illicit jug tralBc la. manoeuvres. I under* ef tbe court hai dire sdwioy a deseo mou aefore* the law oati Is right, bat daas

iefoar lownfwm I s v o d b v e v e r tl -" matter much woi

d that the Judge d lb* BbarlF to

lad pollo*men to th* town. ThU

Hers tb* clll: 111 irwtlw daagar In fact il mala* (Of ut, for alt lb*

will crowd our

Vs. Member* of tbe bosrd not otberwlH

ordersd will report at Hana;avra Csnp No. S.nmrOsiBMvtIl*, Va., Augu*t87<b, IWt, aad 00 oompMloa of tbair dnty. will return In titaU hoau* or ttatb)ai.

Tbe Iraval sajotaed U aecessaqr^for tb«

roufh elem to niaoeatlon'and our perpetual

The fsrmera of the Thoroiighfare neigbborbood are making com-pla inu a* to the extent ot damage* already ^ona by tbe army o a a p at t i M |)t*ce. Fields have been dug up n r pipes a a d drains and ience* torn down. It is reported that tbo damage* have been especially baary OB Mr. Thomas J Chew, who iaoon-daotlng a dairy farm with a herd of 65 c«wa .

nr coKMaao or MVOU e.aaasbooBara: Joaa a. D, KatoBt,

-Lirideniint (Monel, (Jentrtltittf, Vhitf of St^f.

« » i a u i . i

Colensf, itsjistaat A g t a a t OtnertI,

l i b e i

tviae I

C.pt Uathdway of tbe Signal Oorpa baa arrived with it men aod foil eqaipmenta forelgnal aervloe He haa loeated for tb* present at oamp No. I,

i-O^-r - - t aUver broocli l)««wesD tba E .:op#ll - ^ , . _ _ . . . ^ . . . . _ . .. :nicia1 MRS,

'^ I t;hQrcb and tb* Priaitlra aaaUBS. Baa

MtLlfSa, Masamaa, Ta. S-l»^f

•fbis Jiaaat* bs*.l|.Htatirjor**la«)t Ohaa Jrrlain'a folic, ^ d l b t a asd Otonbo** Baa , •:Jr m o I- iato gsasral osa. ' ^ noi iora -UL,...! >hiob att«adfttks Baa at tbtt r«m*dr

oil > ai>«s of b * » a t n » r t t l a t s ia ekiUraa -adt it a tavBiH* d t e i s i y i b t v a l a s baa

Vnows. Fbr s a t t t j S. S, SiaipKin

Tbe Lutheran Sunday School will hold it* aaaiwl baeket plonio SAtnrdsy next, in Mr. Boeley'a grove, oppoaiu HoraeBfaawgrooad'. All are cordletly Invited PA«I«B.

The infant cbi ld'^ Mr. anii Ure, Ira Raid died on Saturday aigbt laat. The remalna qf tbe Utile one were carried to tbe family barying ground oc Sonday laat for Inter­ment



JLV9i S I , 1 0 0 4 . R

Considerable inproTementa sr* liaiBg made on tha etreaia of the tovii. Drala* have beea opeaed on each side and tba middle roaaded op wlUi a llberaT nse of dadwa on all bad place*.

HOB 4- B. T. TborntoQ wa* ap­pointed, at the laat meeting of tbe Sutc Bar Association, a member of tha eommittea to attend tbe Inter-wttional Bar Aasoolatiia to oeaTern ia St. Loaia fit Septaatber.

Mr. Geo. C. Round bas sold for Or. M. C. Bennett a lot adjoining the public school property to Mr.

fig^WbUerUIUotor. Priw »1J5 Mr. -wabtf aiU -ahartlyr tMcgiS f * eireo-t oB Qf a dirailing oa &•>,

.;; wo pair ..jfea.TSaeta S-br-olea; Sllalter.r s«t

. agon aaddl*; ridl -dleai Uabt t«o-aeai

<ag«s aaddl*; rMhaa eat Ualit t«o-aeal*S

Offer.toaaaajiaw; buasr .-nesa; d«f e a r t i » U caotair

. good aaaaviox aart; Tkaal ^—•'ag Wndar.sooa aa a*w;^ar

1 iS^^-.Tf'*' "*?» PlaBUr. «oi« enttMr, -•al-lrator«. I doable ahovel ^tonTt tSSL -.noyal plowa, a raplantine manblaw- tribla. - ; h jEr"" •'•>«'•»«*•.'' toS>a.paSS;tSS?S^ -''t" c tu ln . iasada . coni-alieUar. c a t t l e box. "heatcradlertbrlar Serthet. t m a l t o e b ^ l l.ofs. 1 shoTelv, aaoop, 1 bora* power, ben irk and jrtader. (rrindlnt atoae, wkeat drtU,

- spring tootli karrowa, Bt«el aplke tatoothiiur .•mrrow. 1 A b a m w ; t eioa*-oat aawa, basd -»» . wood aaw ard Uble. wkaeltMieow, (ara '?",- ^"v* !??• £ , " " i ^ *'«"• ' " • • . ""tar i art. (t t u b a l , EO seod eottoa saeta. i kar Knivea lawn mower, gardm plow. K aereaol '• rn offered for aal«ial*o lot of bav. « head of '.-cgs. s ilioats Kay, eova and hoc* to b* --aan. Lot of aeraaa S o o n aad wlBdowa.

Tbe Soatbern has about oom pie ted iu epeclal track work for tbe maaesavrea. 'Cha>^cxteat oLiW* Ff^uaiiaB. • « »SwaBae>l rbea fa Is autad t&ak.Tl^iStoebaa bara been, pat tn and IS mUee of epecial track lauL

MOL-SEHOUI Ai«l> KnTCMBN PURIWrURE: foild walnat parlor salt, aavoi piece*; la ter -r, &n. brand new; marbla top eeater table, walnut book eaae, i rood aarpcts, old t laa maboganr aola, waiaaf aaeietarr. * bediteada, two tiuraaos, two waab*»aada, two leatkw >><>di. 5 matties***, 7 n e k t s a chabs, • eai !"-ated ctiaira, 8 woodflB ebafia, ofllce ehalr. .. -•(uida. 8 l o a u a s aztaasioB teUfr, oak s l4* i-iard. 70 T»*a of aatt lBa. Seloeka, rafrlaar-ar.ir. cook atava, Maa t a a * oil alova.seoSaa u-"^5 ticatlng atovea, lard praaa, saaaafte T rider c t ierr7seed«r .« lan«lrospo<a, .oar >!' t meal cheat, S pair aaalaa. kltehea safe, K.-tt box. 3 kltehara Ublaa, < lard eaaa, lot of v...i>emiilL|>aaaaad la i s . bussard le* e r e a a •Ktii-T e luDpt. ; la a l l raa, aadliaa and - nss, t iiaen eartaiaa. banal of vmaaar rram aeparstor aa* otba* tbjaaa too >***••>•

•r mention. TeR.MS:-On aU aama of t i o j s asd oader

"•- caah wlltbe r««alr*d. Ovar'tbat a a o a a t TediL of a l l Beatb* will IM rtvea. tba

haaer axaentlac lalereat b*arB« note, withMpaovdaaearl lyand)

It Ihe Natloni *r*-v to e _ - mplled wttli.

vf. .*ioui«rr, Al

l o n M S u k ^ rvmovad aal iffi^

•K) - U O Va. SaaO hoaae battdtag.

WE SEU.FARMSI HERE &BB A FEW v n t o i i r u

BABGAIMBi • a i h s Iroa RobavUle.

good baia. Oaa a*«

ectioola aad ibaraeta.

f -.na.-io kcrm, WaterliUI, Va. «-ToeB j 'elllag, atoaaeaOar.etore bar*, old a S I •••'-. Poatoakw. A i o o d t * a l * a a cbaam. Will eichaaga for good (rooar; ( t o n .

»: - 0 0 - 1 7 8 AcTwa aaar WrfHaaton. Ta., s R. R Fair boaaa, aaw bara, aad otbar r-utbnfldiaas. It* aerea - ia orebard. v,\ (Fn< ad aad dtrided Iato daMa. Spla*-

<] arat iBala ia . -PartolMia bat-• J-' groaed-

Booth's Farm Ageney, 10ib u4 ( sa., L f., tkiMkgii,». e.

Dr. U. M. CUrkaon baa been in­vited to dellrer an odgioal poem at the BBBBBI aceting of tbe Joe Ken-daU Camp at Bethel Academy, Satarday next (to-morrow). Sena­tor Daoi^ and other di.tingai.bed spaakers are expected.

Mr. L. A. Larkin, Jr., of this place is at Lynchbnrg this week aasiatiag tbe SecreUry and Mana­ger of the Lynchbnrg Horse Show in working op tbe ezbibito for tbe Show BBd otharwiae aiding ia tt« developnent of tbe exhilritioa.

HatTMt home sarricea will be bebl ta the Lqtbern cbaroh bere next Sunday at S:30 p. at. The rarioaa cropa of tbe MBMB wi« decorate tbe front part of tha ebnicb. Tbe pablic is iuvited.

MosB» GBOWMAB, Paator. ' , 'r- •

The Eighth Virginia Begiment chapter of V. D. C. will giro aa en-tertaiaaeatJOBMr. Omsar C. Hateh-iwn'a lawn, near ^tehorjr Qrora, on Wedneeday afteraooa, Aagnst 8ltb, from 9:30 to iq o'deek^ p. »• Refraabibeata, Barittltloaa, Qrapb-opbi»e 4 c

-« -w ^ It U batiared that a burglar at.

tempted to enter Mr. Oeorga D. Baker's reeidcaee oa Lea araaae on Fridax Bight kak Mr. Baker beard and aaw a maa oa hia pcreh rd«£ bat wbea Mr. Ba|(ar jaft |br hi* gna, the baightr laft o a l j bU abadow babiad him

Hon. C. E. Nicol will appoint IS moanted policemen, under Sheriff F. C. Rorsbsugh, to be on diity i . the mancBuvri' areaduitng tbe i>re.-enoe of thf Holdiens.' It i . very generally understood that tbeee men are to be on Ibe alert not only a* to preaerving peace aod good order, bat with a sharp eye to the fellows who may be on baud to ply tbe i(ig Uvern buiiqes*. • -

The Hopkins Co. »t this pl.ee has installed a ii horsepower boiler, a»d 8 liarse-power engine for tbe OMratlon of their plant. I l is ex. p * t e d to beat the baildiog by steam this wititer, a* well as tun tbe ma­chinery, which inolndes a peaant roaster witb a capacity of lOObusb-aU a day, Tbe extent of Mr. H o p . kins's boslnass can be realiled from when we eay that t b . floor area ii*«d aggregates!S ,000 square feet.

I a the ooatroTerey twtween Messrs Joseph and Ashbv Lewis, represented by Messrs Si'nclair A Son, with the Soatbern Railway company for damages incident to laying tbe double track and spurs across tbe farni. belonging to the 1 Messrs Lewie, tbe matter was. arbi-J trated by the eompany's paying I860 daiiiaaes and patting in a switch fbrMr. Lewis at Ibeomesiag and tub MtabHsbmsat ef a milk d e p o t

U u r H a p o r t e r l a Eaelety .

KlM Ella Ouliek Is visiting her oousln, Mr. J. F. Oullck, aear town.

, Mr. Bobsrt L. Hoasr visHsd hb horns In Calpsper d<uli« the week.

Hr. J. Florsnde visited hi* borne near Oaln**vllie, tbla county, on Saoday.

.vilases Lillian and Olara Eckhart of Waihloglon visited f rieads here oa 8un-dsy.

, MIsae* Ha«gla sad B««sle Bushoag of Woodstook ars gu**u of Mr. M, J. Bush oagot this place.

Mr. A. A. Botboag ut Toms Brook spent several days last week with bis brother, Hr. i n . Buaboag. of IhU place.

Mr. Fred 9. Boormsb of the Baraaa of lagrsviae aad Prbi|lng, Washlagtoa, vIsBad hi* homeber* on Saturday aatl Buaday. ,'

Meatra E K, Conaer, Frauk Faille aad Or. Jones of this place, attaaded a social dance al ClUlea oa,Tbanday eveaiag of laat weak. '

Mtaaes Mary ud Julia Almoad of y«!»k'jf«oa, wbokav*bean vWtlag Mlm Sallja Johnaon, returned to tbeir borne on Monday last.

Cspt and Mra. J. T. Mutja, who have been boarding at Hr. T. O. Taylor's have moved lo QalaaaviU* and are boardlar With Mr. HIte. *

Mrs. Kate Feltus of Lelaad. Mlm., paaaad through Hanaasa* thi* week on her way. to visit her fathsr< OoL Edmand Berkeley, st Waterfall.


sad damorallsatloD, unleaa w* to th* cmerrtaey a* I b*ll*ve w* wUl.

W* who pay tb* taxe* have « riihl to l*aaad that Ibey shall be ezpaadMl to -s*«v* to u* the btemfaigi of life, llber-

aad lbs pursuit of happlne**, Aaoag tb* dull** of the town couacll. ameraled In the charter of Maaaaaa* to abdl* "sulMDoaa" at the expeasa

owaer of lb* groBud wk*(«)a th* may b*; to prevent "hooting." >• or anv erapjayment or spert

I or annoying te persons"; "lo .aaadpaBlshilrunk*nnets";ta"pr*-

S^ *»'»orallty"; 'lo prevsat i.V''*','!'*""''*"'** »»d dlsordsr-

ahlag«*"^ud "lo prti4nt lA* l«od ordsr."

^^ifJ^i:': ""jr5iC6."« lb*: 1 ^ 0 la aueh a v ^ ,IK| a » X ^ , ^ „ • * » » « • • • " ""I caaa* ainBe Sato?*" atlaavils refsrria io . We oaa aol for a moment pretunit that the (owa turns a Mger looae, whlch^baa paid for Ibeprivl-ttgeof roaming tk«„ets aoddaalrsvlat all that clvliliaH-.dfhad built up ,J "'*'» '» "*>' ib# attsoUoa of our au-tborltlM again idha fact that on July « ^ ? * " "TS* * * • ' 0' druaksaaaii *"y"»«' r»"»« *iarln«, vtUgarity. dl»l order snj r l o U . - | ; aoJ, pogiie ^ i ^ of our town. It a fairs whaa we tii at th* Horas 8h we bav* t«n* of Maataovre* f

Bat some one lo have aay Hon Bottobavelm'

f" T ^ f ^ ' ^^ f» >»•* • P«'f«t right

waaibaatal*of*f. a tboosand ttraagar*

»^wbai.wlU It b* when ' J^usaadt at tba Army

weoutibt not or, "waouubt Manceuvrea.

lonerfi „ , ' . Horatlhow," < Bvltei;«eArmy I *«1 | e had s

_ ^ J g k t to Invite ths gov­ernment lo ezpeiAa bnadred IbooMad dollars amoeg out a right to the pn' I believe we will

iple. W* alao have itloB ol the law, aad

.V ,.• , • e l v e II wbsB the an-thorilles per?elTc i« aeccaalll** of lb* imsreenejr <r an ut

>nd cztraordtr<arv U, not rttuirtd ta

case. The preit traordinarv o-tfforl$ mutt be o r d i a a r y t tmei .

I bav* reeeati; .who were preaei fat the West msnceuvre* In Eea cky Isst year

who said to ma, dealer* had leea Poiat . tbey would accord. "Their pi

ProToat Guard.

T»er» J-, bist

Mhfbf Itagener made application to Oen. Corbin tor a - r ^ v » l i - E 5 i ^ ' a n > « ( of at least 100 men t<> bA o n d o ^

rinfr the mancBUvrns to as-town aatb^fntei in pre-

Hirlener was refbrredfo Lisa^ Col. Knight who replied dy aaying that as a general order bad. baen issoed to sU the troops be felt tbie woald "obviate tbo neoeaaity oTaay provost gaard, oertaUiF.aot more thaBaaooca.l6narpatr(d." •

Mr. aad Mr*. Bobt OBliok aad son of I^arctaraed boaMeaBadur laat after spending serersl * 9 s with Mrs. OnUefc's father's family nasr town.

, "IlNLJonic^ at Uharch. ^•^' ^ J - • ' • •

Th» saembersof Bull BunConnoil, Ni lf4, Jr.-0. U. A. H., attended the M. £.. Chnch, South, la a body lut Snaday

Aoethor msa, 4 ted aeverd largi' "The Amerieaa ' quiet dtiscB, b-'-om hcaebegsta-

inr l s topsss t l '


several persons Pofal Only

^ " ' ^ , T . * " ^ iteveif'si' Lurs with IntelJIceBt nciSmmisaioned offliier,

be Manassas liquor bat I.saw at -West

up of Ibeir own . . . •'••m— *"1 I" crowded

™ J J V MB mab nore money on soft ^ n d their eoelonaert

not interfere with a several ban all T drunken soldiers, o great that a regl-

drills and astabla will be orderly s their busfnem. I tntsked to pieces aad Ihe riot beeamt _ „ „ „ . . _ . . mmlof Bwralamli 1 lobe ealledout to «apprua i t "

H a r r o w B M I H M .

While 00 her way to BerryviUe last Satarday, Mise Inez Latham,, dangbter of Mr. R. C. Latham of Hickory Qrove, in company with Mr. John Gant, bad a narrow escape.

When a short way above Aldie, on tbe tarnpike, tbe horses tb tbe carriage became frightened and ran away. Hiss Latham jumped from tbe carriage sustaining severe hnt not Mrions injariee. Mr. Oaat also received painfal braiae* before the rnmway was stopped.

MeaUagr or tnt taeaa a t Mleol's H a l l .

TSa p«st4r: R B V . ' S B W . ^ J . . Cockrea. preached on Ihesnbject. "Brwfc^rfcopd,' and, la haadllog this snbjsci,' ~ veiTforeftfatheiiriBsiBitacf^ aad Ih* ripl tMs o*der had doao I B _ ^ Tiadag abd mabitalBiag ibeae pitad? pise or objecm fer which It waa organised.

In sonelaalOB be ahowed that there w u one grand "BrotbaAaed'? in tbe "JiOd Jeeas Christ." aad whatever good mpUvw there were In any iwdera oolaide ot Ibe cbarcb, was iadtaselly tbe outcome of the Chriatiaa'a iallnence of its ofgaBixers orpromoteiB.

The apaeial programme prepared for tbla service added greatly to l u force aad bnpresslvensas, and was entered Into by the oongragation, ssweU a* Ihe members of tbe Olden-

Mr.-. Cockrell was extended a rising vote of thanks by the members of the order, b> apprseiatioB ot tbe reey excel­lent sermoa aad eCorti in their behilf, npoe their letBra to tbi<iOBncll Ohamber after the asTTlee. A JnWwB.

llian, who ha* vlal-leampmenla, said, Bteer at heme Is a

-hen he gets away blea that the proper ^' around and h*

aad 4a»-, •f lb* de-

- - for


Or. C. LM Stark waalhar, who was aaddaaty eallsd away to hia lara«> boaw in Paaatat-aia last awk, by tba aad daslbal bia Mbv, Mr. 0*aria 4. Surkwaalbar, b**t««ein*d to bla b*a* b«r*.

Tb* Baa)' lileada of Or —r-'i-iatbir lead to bia tk*ir ataatra ayapathy la lb* aad da*(b ol a xood and loviag lathar, to wkoa be aa*d*rot*dly attaebad.

Mr. 8i*rkwsatkar wai aasrly t< year* ol a«* aad bad eiparWsoad la*M* k**]tk for tone tlaa prarioe* to hia daatb. Ba was a well known, higkly atatmad aad dearly k» loved diluB ol hi* haste is Paaaaylraala, whan b* bad llvad lor aasy year*, wMdisa a vide Iniaaece.

In tha Sabbalh Bchsol at hi* boat, orcaa iud by his lather, la the year 1888. ba lUtd •lib distlaeUo* varinaaaaemlroa tb* tia* a< hia aariy aaaboed, aatg prevtatad by U* baaltb.

Dariaa bia vlalta to bia so* al Oecoeaaa, ba Bad* aaay Irlaada, to vboa tb* it*aoi7 afblaatayaatoa^aaiaaaaSals ««llteld, It ba* Wi aa laprlat ol good. A wM tm% Ub i* drawa to a doe*. Aa earthly aaleare. t ba* gone Iroa aaoag aa, to rtaiv* hi Haavaa bit lestly a*rit.d nwaH.

" is year days ar* ,e*absrad ao aball year atnagth be."

Hr. B. W. F. Oaraet, abo baa b**a vi*lti*g at tbe hoaaol Mr. Tyaea Jaaasr at Oce*. qaaa. Va., ba* retaraad So Us baam It Aha-aadria, nsck lo tbaiagiel o(Us awsseaa Irltade, who raaardad kto praaawi* aaoBg tbaa a r*i* Inat.

Mr. Ua^eondaelsd a d«*ply lattfatlag "rvlr**t^AaOceo<i»aa M. acbarabraceat^y.

Mr. aad i ln . 11. C. dya* el aMaNad.W*.. w*tw«a4daaly ealM lo 0e*04Baa tbla waek by theaariee* Ulaea *< tbair iaswbta, Mlm iCall* Lyss, wbn wa* vWUag bar eooaU, Mra. 8. L. held nf Oeeoqaaa.

Mr. aad Hi*. Lyaa ralarsad to tbdr boa* tbia wab, •eeoatpaalad by Mia* Katla, eboa «« ara glad t* stata, bad rteevamd seiW. •ally ta aeeoapaay Ihaa.

Hr. Tbea. L Oaitsr turn ntaraed to Ms borne iaNew Xort.

Hr. Jobs JaBa«y vWtel U* oU boaa* ben u a week.-

Miiai llbetta Jaasey vleited WaaWaatoa tbia weak.

Misan LUllaa HaBBill sad Jeai. Poaald, who la tbe asaat c< Bla HaaaUI. bav* n-really retarned fron a klahly eajoyal^ rialt to Waabi*(t«B.

Hr*. Jeba L. Biadalf, 8r. ol Oeeoqaaa, Mr*. J<riia IboratoB of Kaalaeky aad Ha. q; W. Baater af Oeeoqaaa ai* vWtlag rrimd* aad rttatitM ia Haaaasaa.

BoallBc parUas Iroa Cliltaa aad HI. Pieaaant Ajoyed tbe btautim oi the Oeeo-q**a river oa Taeaday last. Hoen-Ugbt ex-csraioBa, boaUsg partia etc, at* th* order of tb* day.

Hr*. Joha Craaiord aad aoa, Hr. a Craa-foid, vMtad Hr*. Craalocd'a alaa, Hia iaaie Daly, reeeatly.

Tbe Priaitir* Saptiit AaeoeUiloa coa-Teaed at Oak Orove this waek.

As entartaiaBient will be eoadacted at Woodbrldge da Satarday areainc aeit, 1* tb* trore eanosading the Woodbrii^ achool hoaae, bad** lb* aaayiees oi tt* U**o-qaaa H. E. Chateb CoB«, aad



Come to Washiagt^ for yoar clothes NOW* Besides choosing (iron big a s s o r t ^ u of stjUah *VV¥^ yoa also save auiaagr. '^am arc aavisfB

i appreciate.

Shirt Waljtt

,FMa Bntoben' Linen aad

ntoM. Badaced

SeV. W. B. Doaay, paator ol the Onoqsaa H. E. Chan*, j * sarantty eoxaaad ia eoa-dtietiac-Ua asriea of asatiaaa.

l U a Ida Baiaeaaa etnat ly oei*6nt*d a v « T Thaaast Mrthday aaairenary. Bar faeora were aaateroaa aad beaatUal.


Andlting Coramittae. -

m t iir.

m m m m m

t m m m m

'^S:S-^''.UM sadb«

Bsfoale BUM Waist BoBa. • " • g j o a a d w I t h j i a l l S S k -PMka dot. Wai t s .Mda ta !;^UUor«l«AM.Slh!MaS »"•*•• Skirls eat r e a a d

s;s-3.-t-o"-$i.it STJBSalfai UMdOtfift 6falB,$5Ji

A very , re« redaelioa fer soobblgb r'Hdeganaectslhsl ars last sgaia besearimiaM. oemliT. CboleeafTS.IMat JWlm O B " coUsrlM. « a h

caff. tb . other a Plata fly-froal coal style w f f l S S ' ^ S ! * " ' ' " ' * ^

WALKING SKIRTS. Bedacad from

w A ^ ' " MBtB*!with straps at the M M leagtita 8B lo Waist slam 88 to 88. B«la«id fram milSifSM

BlilUaaUBs Skirts, black oaly, wltk tool kUt cti ssbh Bednoedfram 88.88 and WSe to . . . .

.. u. Y^"* Ba'<*«»' I ^ * " Bklrtt ntsde with side kilu,

'^ 'ssJsjs.n&r-r' r".»" "

lili SIM

hatevar tb* ^ b»i § W " J

f « - ^rost'Onsrd. OaSff' "^ laoks , «|J5 elrtl authorities to ""

- - . . ? ^ ' £ ^ .^' "•» '•el »^« he wortd be snhle^Mo Just crldeUm should be be too res*'to use mllhaiy force. I beluvs. bove^w-, he is aa mnqb talereat-ed la the soessm ot tbe maBauvrcs aa aar of n« caa be. His scihm OB the re­pair of tbe public roads shows that be Is willing to meet as half w«y, aad if onr aatboritles go to work In aameat I believe h* will do all that can reaaonabty be ex­pected. But, whether he does or not, lor oar own credit, not only our street* and OOT roads should be put In order, hot tb* saloon* shonia doee volBBtsHlr or la-

TJJ?"^^'. *'««'«>"> the 1st to the Itth of Septsfiber. If there Is aot pow­er enough lb;our'State, eounty, oorvom-tlofl ""'• r.a....i . . . . , — , . j _ _ ' . . '^

oaceRnperintendeatol Schoota,

HeaarrWa. B. «J*wa. J.T.Laatha** and

' •BdldfBis'X'MMiC!^ thi emeaytraaaiirM., u d report tbanaaHSu

'^«ffti|jMaa«aI Um ooaaly ahool aaetieg oa nWH^:

D e a t h od M r s . E l l i o t LyoB.'

A i l e l l B e

Labor D a y PioDia, Bnrka'a S t a ­t ion, V a . , Sapt . 6 , 1 0 0 4 .

.\ccouat IhU ocoasioo Soatbera Rail-" IT Will aell round trip tickats to Barks^s iiailon, Vi.. rsteof oa* far* for tb* roaad rp from Waakiagtoa. Alaxaadrta, Ma-

'. laaa* aad laiermedlau slaH»as,S«pt 8tk. ' crikirnisg seas* dale.

U^arranton, Horaa Bbo-sr, -Warraa-ton. Vs., Atwoat 94-aa, 1004.

:^ntberB Railway, wi l l a*!! dekMs to Warren ton. V s . . AagoM »- l l4-88, I80« 'ram Wsablag loa . D . C . . B l a s m s a t . Va. i iarr l smdarf , Va Lyaehbarg , Va. rrcni K-^sl. V t . sad latariaediale sla-iloaa at greatly reduced r a t a . Sea Uckat areata for full l a f o r a a t l o a .

Tba eoniract for layiag aboat 19S sqnara yards of eoaoreU *idew*lk oa the street by th* People* Na-Uoaal bank ba. baea let to Mr. R. L. Gather at 91^1 per aqaare yard ft>r Btdewalk aad <4 aamta paa ja»Bl fcat tm •.^•B.fla MiblaK f w r t

tmlf two Mda.

At a meetiiig heldThnreday a. m. a eaU wa* rssned tb the'Mtiiens of ^ , ' " T ^ '"^ Tlclnity to meet in Nicol's Hall on Monday night next A.ugast SS, at 8.o'clock, to consider what action should be takei; the people for^ecqring peace'aw| or4er dunag tM ei^traoadiaary e^ergea-oy praeentecl by the doming "Army Maamayrea." Tba qaerttob of tbe ttaAe i« iatexieatiBc driak* wtU ba *HMeiaa7 iMa*idcrled.

- • B. W . FiLnrtB, 8. K. CocKBiu,-OKMMX C . Rocai^


OMiMratlMi B a a k T a x O M a .

I n t a m a t i o n a l Aaaoa iaUoa o f Firo

S e ^ - I9<10 , 10O4 Aceoaat abor* meellag Soatbera Ball-

way will sail foaad trip tlelrsn trea *0 at BtioB* lo Cbeiieaoog*. T^aa., aad ratam at OB* fme pins twsMiy Sw* eeata, S*p-rmber 11-18, UM. good M iBlaaa asBl

•<«r>ti 'V>tta may a a d p a y a s M e C B I ^

ber 11-18, IBM. good >t*ahsr S8, i t S t , e t b a a s l H l a BsM.

- had by * * « « o l . M M

A protraetad maetiBg will be beld at Oaaaoa Braaeb rhareh, oom-

m d a g Satarday night, Ang. 18, at 7:30. Servieea Saaday moralBg at 10 o'clock. Elder L F . Hol-•iager of Xew Bnterprlae, Pa. , will be ia charge of the sseetiaga which ars expected k> laat aboat two weeks.

Mr. W. T. Thomaasea aad Mtsa Sallie K. Coaaer, daagbtar of Rev Abraham Coaaer, wiB ba married aext Tneeday, Aag. I*. Oa tbair retura tnm tbeir brtdal trip, Mr. BBd Mra. Th.mai .oB will raaida at Mr O. W. F lorya Ibrai at Xokaa-rine, Mr Thom«. .ea baviag leased the atme

Seraral day* ago *ome oa* Ired a pietoi or r i l e aad th* ball paaaad throogb oae of the wiadawi of th* rectory lata a bed r a e « . Thie, at beet, ie rather reokleaa shooting While it waa probably aat lataadad to do harm, it might bara rMallad • •r iMaly aa tba raataty M aeaaalad

The corporation bank tax ease came up before Judge Nicol on Monday last. In thds cootrorersy tbe corporation of Manaaaa. asserted l u right to tax U n k stock, which right being denied b j the KaUaaal Baab of Msaasaa*, tb* towa —r-gmwt proeaedad to naka leries to eoUcot tbeasme tharal^ ^ i f l a g tha mat lar lBtoooart lbraaoplBioe . Only one lery agaiaat Mr. T. B. Patsam.

Tbe matter wa* broaght before Judge Nicol by Mr. Thoa. H. Lion, a t t o n e y for the National Bank of Maaaaeaa, aad Mr. Robert A Hateh . laaa, attoraey fbr tbe Town Oftaaeil.

Jadge Nicol's deoioioB a. U thI. caa* eorered three p o i a u :

1 * , That tbe towB bad a right to ••**»» Mr Pataam'. atock.

Sad, That the towa had procee<l-•d ragnUrly U ita aaaeeameat aad M T ; i Iberefor* had a right te oel. loot tbe u x .

«d. That the sergeant shpald have levied oa tbe baak atock ia qneetion for tke U x . aad shoold have levied oa Mr. PaMam'e ether persoaal property oaly after h i . iaabUity to collect U x by laww oa aad a w l * of tbe . look iteelf

The t e a belag eolleeuble, of eoars* tbe U x oa all the stook wiU bs prtmpily paid, tbe oaly qoeetloa W a g oa* aa i« tba Cerparatiaas l a ^ right ta ita fB«lrMaaI^*«oak

fu —

Mfs. Edna Adeline Lynn, relict of ths late Levi C. Lynn, and tbe second daucB-tdr or Thomba Slid ElUa Wmaas. <ie-^arted this pfa Aiinal 11, 18H. at the lealdenee of' her sbeilnlaw. ™- ' *" W v u s ta Wis bsmt'^i^ 6 u - , . M « ^ Fanaaier oboBty. Angnst 1, 1888, ooase. S n f t a ^ mad. her s g ^ S year.

Mrs. Itynn bad bssa ia dellcale health

bad It not besa Tor ker natlring enerrr. * e WOBW have beea an invalid dnifig thai period.

Her laat tllaem was of six weeks' dnra-UOB, wken the end came. Truly it oaa be saU, a good woman haa p«sed away, sad. w* trnat, haa eatersd thai batur tsad wkara there is ao mor««lekna*s,sor. rosr, pata aor death, bat all Is theclorT sad spJeodor of the Father " " " • ' ^

• • " v ' ^ J ! " «» "orelvad by two dansb-} S l * 2 : ? n ^- " " • « ' Mrs. A P . Davla. bolb of wbea reald* hat, aad Iha yeaagml daoghler havtag «ed at the aae <* lea years. ^ ^ . J ^ ' S " ^ servloes took idaoe from the Bapdst Chareb at 8 o 'clock oa Salur

2%,rt,Ti!f'.J!i* »^ •?*«-•, jmt

riowa. latstnMalat

H. W.

Horaea BoM.

Mr. Courtland H. Smith of IlamptoB Farm, Alexandria, baa sold to Alvla' O. Portaer. Aanabnig Farm, Maaaeaaa, ths ikortmgbbred brood maias CoaBlass, a bay, foalad 1888, by Sola*, dam Couat-*rsln, by War Daaca, *ad Qu-cn of Sp*de* Sd, a brown, foalad 1888, by Elk-wood, *oa of Eoln*. dam Leeare, by Lok* Btaakbara. CoaaMm ba* predacBd wlaaart both oa th* track aad la Ihe show rtag. amooit tbe latter bdag the bay maraMim EMllah, by PaUaaras who woe at the Cbieago H«ta lt48.—Alaaaadrla Oasstt*.

aad federal authotltlei to do ao aeoeasaiy aOlag. we had better stop psylag lazes asd rriax lalo barbaristBT^

Our IfaBor dealers bava ahaady made '^*^»^^*'f^*aTboirlu» m ^ oae. and thebrlntsrmtssbonld bow lo Ihe oab^ He Interest, welfbre a a d abeolate s e siiy.

„ I*< 1« g o oat l o the world that BO liqnor Is to be sold ia any manner what . ever, and tbe best class of people, w h o want to come, wi l l come, r*dim focToded Let 11 remain at aU d u n U f a l sad all de-eea( people will s t i j a w « ; . l e i th* ma-" W " ™ ' J O ' b p i t l g b without the disgrace » i « l ' » sttsohed 10 West Point, and there will be a powarfoi movemeat to have the raoampiseBtaMdepenaaaaal and annnal.

H,'!.**"A'*"'»^<'' »<"» •»* wMrtey tklstUse, Manassss. tke great Uatorieal oeiMar. BOW atlraetlu uatvcrsa] atlentiaar will he dttgneed aad no oae wiU oppoae T".^"^ » • ' * « « daeam^eat tksB tbeee of as who are, ia seme Jfcjiii i m e a d U e fer IL The path ef d ^ 1. the paU of saeesm.

Aag. It, 1801 OmMMB C. B o v n .

B z e r e l a e a a d IXet .

In ooslraal to tbe great number of ex-travsgant aad ridhsnlooa rrfriaMa de-tlgned nowaday* to promoU bodily sym­metry, tba weieema advice of Dr. Oraoa Peekbsa Hurray ia the Septeaber D*-itaolor Is refreebiag. I a regard to the extremes of weight, the writer (oea to the heart of the matter and preaerlbea the diau f-ir the short sad thin Includiae for tkaUtwi^ the natural directioe to eat • g ^ ^ ^ e d a l l y milk aad e m - h a l f a M ^ l ^ t . ! ^ " poa*lbl*-*Ito butter,

i » t e R dKr.b:3niii.'^ • • n * of the above, wt t t t h * addMoa a t

Cooaty 'Bebfrt BHWa JJIa^g Oana Sapariataadaat ot Bebooia,

HaraaaxBT, T*.. A o c 18, l»Ot. Tba aaaaat A w w t a . i l l a a ol tbe Prtae*

WUUaaGeaatyacboa lBoudada b e b a U a t tba eoaittaaaaat 11 o'doek a : a . oa Friday,

H i* kopad that avasy tr«*t*a

H. H. C L 4 B K 3 0 5 , Saperiatewtaat a< SAbola.

wUI ba pnaaat.

AJUfYKARCDVRE erineelimUa Di., VA, Sept VW, 1901

The Soatbera Ballway wil l aaO round trip tickets betweea Waahfngtoa, Blne-Bsoat, Harrlaonbarg, Front Boyal , War-renloB, Daavttle, v s . . and latermedUle sUtloas to MsnaaaM Va. , and tbe ma-atenvre eampa, oa aooooat of the Army

S I V ' ^ J T S ^ »* l " ^ ! reduced rataa There will be from SS,dOe l o 80,000 TTal-ted Statea Troopa aad Nathmal Oaard In tbe manceavrm that wW o o c n f v aa area of 65,800 aeree and e r e w oaa ahoold U k e edvaatBfB of the knr rate* eeered

» t e i t * * ? f * ^ BaUway to wi taem tb* iWinag or thU large body of soldiers, rtlch WiU preeea ta g r a d saeclacle . Al l through iralas. of th* Soatbera wIU mop ^ M a u m s s , V a . . dar lag the ma-

a f ' Remember our aiafl order departmeail with its (»rps of ezperieoe£| buyers is alway« ready tty serve you. Purchase*, f $5.00 M- vsotm are sent transpoT^tioa charges prepaid, to rmi-iexUs of Maryland, Vifginia_aad Weak Viuiam,

Lynebburg Horse Show Oetober 11-14, IKM.

Soatbera BaiTway will seU toand trip lickals to Lynefcharc, Vs. , frsm ndats ia Vs., kml^diac W a ; b i a g t o B 7 o . ^ a l oae tar* plaa Sfly eeala almteli i . fee. October 10.11,18. 18. sad Id. Sasl ^ tamUai tOet !«, 1804.


Statiofieyy, Engmvii^ J I Sole AgenU for the Tiffany FHvrileaiaulbrtiM •

District of Coiumhta. T Alio a fan line of pbiUd ware cmmlaH^ of T w S e l ^ C o a w B I B S . Meat •

Diahes.Ve«elsM.TIIabM B—J i v . y . f i i . - j - . . .— ' ^ - ^ • ^ n k s . . . 8 FUl •

ware, bl faot aU the re<i«Isilee for table aac. I '

Hdl docks, French CioAa. sad TrsTcDIagOlBska, tha-ktterta CMS. • speetanymsdcfareoaTanieaeeaadsafe^. I

CreiC woA, bgravtag. Slamptag sad a fall Kaa of Slatlsamy. Baa- I

e U sttealica pski to lavitatkios of aB ktads. ^

DmigBlagsadramodelUMoldJeweiiy. •

OddaadaXGlasiTsdasigBSlBJeweliysadsUverwaie. |

. Aaktossette'«*owBBellyT*apot. 'orlglaaBrdeBteasdl»as. •

I B*l>*lr"oriioraBkiads. Kotkiagtoodiaealb o i d p " — — • - > - ^ " aad aew pteem made to ard«r.

OoaStdarate T a ™ _ _ , L j n ^ b t n a , V a . , a a g * . 1 4 - 1 0 ,

Boatheis Ballway wUl s«U roand trip tktkeu to Lynchburg Sept. 18-U from ia poiata la VtrgiaU rate nf oa* far* alas twenty-8ve eem*. Ilastt S*pl 18, 1801 See Uekel agaala for fall iaforautlea

aaaaber •< lb*brid«a(aa* wotblaa sear UirlepMtwaa takea saddiuly Ul Tharsday *l«bl wnb waap* aad a kind ol cholets. Ble raa waa ao arere that b* had to have tbe aaabera of tin erew was •pnw hHt Md Mr Oi«ord was caOed aDd<-ob aalwd H. told tbe^ be bad a aadl^aa la tbe Iota a< Cbaaberiaia^t Coiie. Cbolaea aad W'Whaa btmady Uat be tboegbt woald kelp k k aat aad aoooedlaa aaveral d«.a ware t f l * a » a i i wltb «b* iB**lt <ba< lb*' hUowwaaaMitabearoaa* B*xt day. Tba! laHlistiinabsqeWeMebly • ! Ht.«aatr*> BidliSaa I»a*si.Uw.,"4rgeB." I

t l i i a m * * BMr laSt X*tp 1. y * . , ' b^»,lfs^aa>»ie. rate*fciyaaiimp-|

m — . S S J i l ^ * ^ exmeto**, wl I ' i ! ! * ^ *• ""• •">«•* Pky*l*al per-fecUoa U not ao maeb a matter of welgbt as of lb* dlstrlbolkm of Beeh aad for local devolopm««i maasage M well M «x-• « * • *• rawmmarfedTbat Dr. Maimy laslstatkm ths meet impcrtal fbetor ta say system of jedaetioa or dmltpmsat l ; » ? * « » e y , far witboat k ' ' « " • * " u a b* of aay beaeBl.

Tbe Virgifiia QoartBtte



My atock has been kept full aad coaplcbe, both ia the MilUaery Departubcnt Ladies' Fonushtag Gooda,

Eri8*| WlH, «a» » (oaa mawT ewbr)

Tb* Qaart*tto I* Boolbera Biagers.

6«tnM»: lOss B*U* BiwwB. T«aor; Hr. E. H. CaMra, Alto: Mm. X. B. Ctow*. B B M Mr. o a a r L e b M B . IssaapsaUt: Hi. Kirk MaMbewa

•MsU OUfcU sad allvsd t^aa ia

I p n ^ t attaaUea, Md sslsa-

BEiif t WlTiOiE eo., F and iith Streets, WASHINQTON. D. C.


i I I I I I I


lUTMi lUUn, .

May a<s, l o a




> ' . t i


Shirt Waists, Belts, Full Uae Fancy Collars, Fans, Hand-kerchieft and Laces. . . .

• r pahBe gaasirily far Aata'ktad fbvan ta tbe paal aad aabi^ a

ef thesass*. I am

Mrs. Ra J. AcUunson.

••V .T!?5»a»

The National Bank of Manassas. MANASSAS, :-: VIRGINIA.

CQitil SHUK aii DiiiTilii Pnfe, limaT Nil Ml TIK K

Umnt F. Lvww. T. a Ptrmaw.

. C A.

•-tnr*- -bgj

P A B K ^ b ' S " HAIR BALQA8S

aoa U(Mi4.JlM tlta M - . „ » )Mii.rtai.l i»x»fc. Q» V « l i te l a a M r * O n

J aOB-p 'flsaaaaa fe hair U U H

raB xouHo Laoisa, BO vbuKii, v.t Op.'na Hrfu. i « . i«Oi. Oaa ul tba laailliiii

SrhoolalorToiiBi Ludiaaln tballualli. Nt-w buildlant, plaaoa aud xioii'Baiit. Caapiit t,<D ui-rwa. tiritad lanuulain »i-eaery h. tba V.illwy '.t Virviiita. larnad for braltli Gar* t paas aad Aaa^rirui) leacbara. I'ult roariw. ] Ciinwi. »l,>r.f •til.niituinx IQ i n . MD>.i<- aad . ElocglioB. r'eriiieetee WallM.I>v. r>lad«Kla irooi SW atalM K o n ilali>r(.e «.liln-«K

HaTTlE I'. U4KI1I.H. I'.e^i'^atii VI-SI ll'iani'ki., Vi,



WILUAMBBDBO VA Two hundred asd *Uv*Bib tieasloa be­

gins tiepiemlicrlhh, IMM TwoC»nrs«s: (I i. CuliiMUlu Course, leadiag to lb* d*< Itrxe of B. A. aad M. A. A). Kormal Ck<urt«: tufilos free sad board at rednoad laioa. BuildlBg* raMvaivd and aewl^ viiulnpud, llabtMl wiib elroirleliy. aag auppliud wbk pure a<i»tlsa walaf.

Mend for Catalogue, LTOX a. TVLBB,

3 M 2m. Vresldrat. M. A. LL. D.

yiriiC-15tSiS"~Miie. (-<iiiix A(tli->iltanilaadK*ahaBis*l Collaa*.)


A Sootb«i>D laotltbtd of Toohoelogy. l O f S t l 6 fiUi-luar laatnietora. TharouahiTaqalp-

iml atupa, Laboralorlii^ and l a t r a a r a ,

i:d'-,2:^'«Tf8BSM8»ir'_:.. i;<>ur*ea ID Aallaaltar*. Hortieallaro, llvB, MtKhaakMl, * M Unitiieal EaainanInK, ap. jilifd Cheaiatryaad Oe«e«ml Helaaa. Bboriar euuraaaia PvaeUuI AxricultBr* *Bd Praetl-inl Hecbaatea.

Total roel e( eaaalun ot l ia* sMatiia ia-Uudlnx laitioB. aod other ffee. Board Waab mK,T»t-bDolia,UaHorB. Kedieal Atteadaaea •-U.. » i 3 9 . .:aat to stale atadaata. 8 l 8 t . .Next aeeaioD begia* Bept.Sl . 1«1H. For eat alvinie and otbar labiaist lua. at pir to /-. M. UiI>KyDIS.P¥rD..l.L D.PraaiiMt. T-8M

WoBd'a ScedB.

Grifflson GloTer SewB st ths last wori(!bif of Ibe Con o* Cotton Cri , can iM plow«d nndar tb* follow! ag April or May in Bm* to plant com or other crop* tbe same aeaaon. Criuiwn Clover prevenU winter l*a«! JoK of tba sou, is equal in fer-tUalsg valii* to a good appUeation of stable manure and will wonder-fi^} Increuae tbe yield and Qual­ity if com or other crop* which follow it. It alao makea aplMldId wtalar and sariag graslBg. flas

.eeriy grseo lead, os a geoif bay <(«#. Even if tbe crop is cat ot, ths action of tbe rooU and stWHils improve tbadand to amaikaade-

WrH*ler»tl«eaad*f*cl*l elh

T.Wa1IIM&Saii,SMiim, Bi«8S888, • VIHMIA

riatLUIlaaii dhoai!





l iy tV. II. SNt iWIiKM.

'-STlMLij H'.-.>

f '^-'jjgiJfZTf^'*-

Are you ready


WILL SELL ?E«Y tow. e.-2Kil C. B. It ABB A CO., Maaaaaa, Ta

A FINS LOAF is alway* obtatnabl* at Tb* Katerprl** Biikery. We b o w wbat the peopi* like in THE BREAD LINB, aad aatiafy them. Of course It Isat every Tom^ Dick and Harry that kaowa how le make good Bread, Cakes, Plea, etc.

You know that the STAFF OF LIFX haa weUb**a*fpB*d aaaaameof I_ Our Stall U delbdeaa, and will help yoa lo enjoy life.

BELL BROS., ProiMictors, 9 23 ]tA)fA,88AB, VA.

If not,


TMila and



Kears ago it waa kaown as the Grimes Hoase. ThcflA'e i Bvnt is that of . Btarkwsalher'B fcthsr, a notice of whose d«*tb appear* ia mother column. 1

Onr paraoa of Traro parish wss grssp, a lofty amiitli > end a fclgb and doBhtls*. a staeme, saithasiastic, hoasst | strong sense of bskr rhich made tbMi




coLTi k as-tpvBK oaaaifKB IM r a t

coo-NTT. ' Foar difFsraal kfasda—goar-

teed aot to hart Alao tha JC1|M{MI grades.

Our Screen Doors and SU(&ig ' Window


W. M. RICE, lO-d-lS i(AHABB4a.VA,


»iU. profit

honse fSwHa




SPABKUHOOBHS In chaats and arliatlc setttaim from I roremott dsalgaa* aad makera of Ugh class JEWKLBT are aaleeted for « di'crlroinatlBK tastjmMS

Prlces.start at alow dgare. bat then ia almost no limit. Oae caa go as high a lb-: purse permits, hat whatever Ihe pries paid—bell*m*Uor i«rg*—thevalo* wtU be remarkable.

H. D. WBMRIOH, UAXAsaa*. Va.





the fly season.

C ^ u i d see onr

stock bidbre bay­


Davis & Baker«

• ^

olergymaa, tbe *a*aay of tamUlag-, tasteaperaaee aad ntcet of the prevall-lag vice* of his dsy, agaiaat whiob bs w i e ^ book, wblah hsd great popalarity, gelBg throagh many editloBS and be Is said to bava been tbe geniel aad win-Biag advocaU of virtue aad rellgloai tbe warmth of bl* fa*axt and-bis many kindly office* iBdearing him to tbe peo­ple of all elaaass wherever he went, end ptspailng IbMB to give a fond bar to hi.fwvidappMilsfor tralb. Aboveall b . wee an antast patriot wboss enthn-sUsm for the liberties of bis country-aMB was lbs master passion of hieroal. Be wbe no ascetic, sad did not go his way* Btoping aad gioaBlag in spirit.be-.eaaseof tbe ills of.Hfe an>aBd him. HU"odor of aancUtr" that be left with hia vestmeat* lo tb* **cii*ty of-f*nd*d no one.

Of tbe eeemtrio bat w*ll m*aning and striving paraon wboae dust n e U aamarked In tba family burying ground of biatorio BaU Air maaaioa, bat a s h o t distance from Ooeo^aaB, we may perhapa 4 e a k a* did th* poet Oolasn h b of diepreaeherofthe'-Desjrted Village of Anbnm."

"Uaskillfal lie to fawn or kees for power.

By dooMae fashioa'd fn the varyteg hoWr;

Far ether aiat* hi* lieart bad learned to • pria*,

Hora bent, to rai** th* wretohed than

He ehi'd their wanderinga^^bnt re-

msstn mi ads. "Somasubtle oonb&stion of clitnat*,

life, aad tfaoagbt )n local dito <«<«ll, which, Ilk* *aeh tki p b*oeaaa diffi cult ia th* last ai* rti*', aad aadnrt-uaatoly th* VIntlais] i, while tbey araia great makers of h tory, were act writers. Scraps, re M tmd rainaafe •II thai remain of Ih r obiiensandrla-terestlBg dvlliaalini aad fir maay phaaeaof their lib, >e have oaly tbe oseaided oommetita i ^ criticism oa II* SJ

Tbe town of Cel<hAter wss protected lo a .time of peaoe. ijt.far in tbe -Weet tbe war cloud wasi spring of 17S5 tbe ail andflfs of.-the


The Coming: Manoeuvres will bring a crowd that will call for the best in the eating line. We have it, as we are carrying an up-to-date stock of groceries. A full line of Hirsch Bros. Pickles, Mustards, Catsups and Pre­serves. The famous Armour's Star Hams. Cheese, Olive Oil. and ^OQha and Java Coffee.


m k W ^ GOLD MEDAL FI AU goods delivered, and we call for your orders.


Fl l»r JUHNML IIOE MEETIIIt . D. • ; Saaunara. • S T A B U 8 H B D 1830. Jola ». aaalea.

-OF TBB jTlieilobn W. SdmmefsComniy At.BZAIgBIUA.va.

g. Early ia the dia of ths dmm

ing sergeant wsa moaing tbe In-

Belgbborfaood to had b«m eom-

d fleeing tattlers beyond, telling of

the French aad alliea from the

or DInwiddto bad leaned his proctanitlon and call tor{«OBad» troops for the oamn^n defence aad they

the VirgjaU oonn-t highway aad

beard In lis slrt^ti I habitants of towaia arms. Startlii.g n . ing down by coarie from Winchester ai4 hostile locbnloni i tbeir mniderons Iu Ohio valley. Oon

wer* hurrying froi ti** b*low. by tba 'fwry* to ibe Alexandria. Tbe liaaMborK catae chariot, aecompai dock, Com model showy retinoea

Ueved tbeir pata; Tbe long rem*i bis


tendeevoiis at from WU-

hi* vice regal ' Qesazal Brad-

ppel - and tbair ' way to Alex-

I of war wUb


aaim^^iadred thm jtji'— etaimJsUdwva. V^.

^nws^with bis gassis tha good maa leasaed to grow.

And <iai|» foqot.tbeir vices in Unix


CHas. B. Boerr, \ {raoe. w. warn, raasaBBT. f { ea^nxa.


Daalfnaiad Deposttbry of the OaHbd Stated.


FBfWmi, - - - . . . tiio,tOO


f l S ' i f a S S ! ! «!??_*• a« bjgaBBjij. laj^vfffissr •*""*-• : • • «

GOOD BARGAINS I „ Call ami look at my barRataa la ICE B0ZB8 aad RUFBIOEBA1OB8aad all

J , ! " * Bf Fsnilara. ftissBewaia. Tlaware, «*CBSteaad SabySmlWM. • . clieapi Fr

l«ea Baeof Piatarssaad F ^ ^ m

e . W. I.EXTH,

PBOPLB THINK. »Bam «. Vaw aunt BeiLouie, _ . - .1 "• •• 0"' Blag aad Boyal StresH,

SOME 'iiat a drag sisrs ssBs mtg Drag, aad

Jiadlctaea. If M . wer. Ira. Ibme asa man; peopte wbe waaU ael be ewcae-U'Toera becaaM th^ ma aevw siek. We ha.p a Dne liaeed ti'Vk, rmfamm. T.I -1 Articles. Kabbar 0aa«., fbacr Bla-

: -- nrry

W I^rae an Toaaooa.

t y Cxci«a>TB Aaaar t ea iBTaaaa-

MriK A!an

; -11>nded c^

CstelaBr Oea


S. S. SIMPSON, • w


AHo I i m m m c K ,

ALXXANDBtA, VA. H«eJ»boae, 114 Notary Public


"mm aapAim WOBX lor

Bavlag learaed my irede aader Hr. ta. W. n x M a , aa asp«rteae*d baOdar

eH eU ktode e( vehleie*, I am praparal to de a m dMS work of all klads pramptly.

J. BBNJ. LYNN, 8-8S8m. Maoaaaaa. Va

numa were qoatat' tisoea, liaac* o f laqmoMialaadreUgfaMelieeaw. Ths morals were looee asd permitted wide dcpartare fn>m tim awre rigorous stan-daids ef oar straight laoed times. Cbaioh ebservaaees were kept np ia atriet cenforatlty with th* Iradi-jHaaal nsager and faahioa pisvaiUng ta old Baglaad aad the creed aad ritaala af tha chareb w«n aot kwtsight of. bnt beyead this Oeie did a c t saem to be. JBdgtag throagh the lapae of Ume aiaeh fsrveat leUgioa* seal aaaong the laiety or clergy. It wee oastomary after Cntareh eervieee, says Fontaine, in tta aoconnt of the maaaers and eastomaof

eariy times in Vicgiala, for ihe oeagiegatioB to All their p^es with the frsgraat plant and UidBlgs in a frieadly


At that time all tbe clergy SBOB o( the dlfferoBt parishee of the province were appointed by tbe goversor oa -the ree-ommendaUoB of tba biabop of London, aad tha aBnaal atlpend of each ine ot them was sixleen thoasaad pooada of tofaaebo, ssads aad prarided by legiala-. tiva saaetasaat. The vsloe of this aai-ary, howevwr, aras variabl's by rBssois of tbe ehaagas la tha market price eeaae-aaaat oa the taaaHtj drippad to Mrape aadalan on acoeant of tbe «BBI1-tyerkindoftebecoo. Ia seme parishss only "Cteaeoo" coald be ndaed whleh

bBfariorto"*w*eteeeBted.'' Maay a poor clergysBaa'* hoosebold wss filled with joy at tidings of his promo­tion from aa OrmMeo imrisb to aeweet *Nat*dpart*he*tkey are fcsmlbid la the old veatiy books. BaOlbsee wer* «M^r parWies where I ittta orsM tohaoeo o o a l d b e v o s r a t o advaatav. aad thas.

left witboat ragalar mbsistra-

th* other provlnci |D*l*ncy. Shirley, I Keppel 's fleet jmr~ • \ mac from, Baa>p6m j troQps wlaiti •tn"W

-ia-Y^nMaefaVforaes. .1 ' coiqtetlavhtBir wasbeld ia tbaabic ^•'Utr'fltime^' to be airaaged die aeails df thai peeUve campaign wbitAbtferatkacIsee of th* (acoeeding sans&wt wastosad ao disaatronaly to the BritWi and psaeta del ferees. Oaa. company of ths "royal gaards" followed the geaanl •nd Ooveraor and camped by gen«nl orders for a night at Coleheater. Col. Washing:oo hart hern nnniiiilssiuiisd lo •aperintrnd tbe raisiag and egoipmadt of volunteers for the war with head-(laartet* at Alexandria. FromOoUkss-tet weal a company ot rangen not decked cmt ingaadyBalfcrmsof soariet plnmes and gaildtag liksibe "gaards," bat ta hantiag jaokete tad troBMn of pista aad coaiaa asatsrials, bnt each Bsaa had his fltat look market, his bora of powder, bag of-ballets, long kaifs and tomahawk. Little thought brave captain a* liis bsrdr men took np tbeir Itae ot march froia tbe baak. ot tke Oeeoqaaa that hs wa. Mma to Meao Btany of hia eommand fbU be­fore the deadly flie of the Indians U am-basssda sad the bloaderiag British n«-nlara, ta front of the hatUamsate of Fon Onqaasae. Beae b the stmry of tbe slaaghter as teid bi tbe oflMal ae-conat: '-Thecondnet of ths ViigiBta troops was worthy of a better fate. Tbey boldly fonaed aad msrebed ap Ihe Ull, oaly to be Bred apoa by tha frlghtsaed royal troopa. CaptataWac-•Bcr breaght ap eighty maa to taks poesemtoa of a kaoil on ibe top of which a faUea tree was lying, three or tonr feet ta diameter, which he ia-toiided to Bse sa a bnlwark. Bs marched np and took poaaaasion wltk dboaldcnd araia, asd with a lorn of only three mea kUled by (be.*a*ay.|.. As aooB as his aaea l1stb.n.il Ibetr pteee* apoa the ladiaB* ta thesmkas

VIRCIZVZA Tuesday, September 6,1904.


Thursday, September 8,1904 ^IBBT ttACE AT ONE O'VIiOCK P . M.

Five borw* to *ater cad three to start or Ihe race may be declared cff. laBtacpleAasesBebefMA^ cany asofe Ihaa ITSpooads or lam tbaa 180

OverwaigM Iw aay axteel allowed if deeierad 16 mtante. tofbre tke race.

REGULATIONS OF THE COURSE. HoraetMBust be jaddkdta Ik* paddeek .ad matt pmde ta fraat of Ike stead

Bsiem exensed by tbe Olaaad*. . « . S'™".^.^*^"'l!5i"*'L"*tt'** IkBt aay her* aot at tbe alsitiB»past

•i •SS.'i?' * " * ^ " * »B1 apt be aBewed to atari natU the owner haa aaidVflae of $80.00. Taa area ww. sa xram* BanncBD:

Any boras sehooUag avsr tjte tmialar slaepleehMe eoniM, after Ih. flws srs up, will be dlennsllfled - - * A ? ! " ? ^ *• " • « *• •*»"'»«• » d a bt)gle sonnded 8 mtantes befere tbe time Qgaa'Csr tae start,


BADB' dpBS i ^ BAOB v w . AU. AoB*.

Wslgbt far age. 8*K allo<«aao* as by rale. Six FtnuABoa. Parse VIOO, ef wUch SOS Srat, (88 sseond, «10 third. Batraaea Feer.W. TkiBD BAOB—Bpu. Bra SnBn.BCBAsa

For Bnnlera qnallSsd nnder iX. B. awl a. A. Bake. Weights-4 yesr oUs to

. yeareiawceriyUOlb*;! S year olds sad vpwarda, 108 Iha Bex


CatchVdgbU. Funet100. -Jnf^0 aeeood.fOOiTblrdJUA A . TllmOe. Battaaee 'b^JsaatT^ ^ O f

SBooxo/Btloa—brba' FLAT'RiSIf rda

Weight for age. Bex aUowaao* ** by nl*. SIX Ftnuaes. Pnrto SlOO, ot whleh B8S flnl. n o aeoead flO third. BBtreaee, Fee«7J0

TteBp BAOB—BransBs BrBBrLBemasB. For HuBlen qnallfled aader !f. 8. aad

b t e ^ year dda^to

VfUtIt BiMtrt Mil RsiMlrtrt—Vagiit, DtflMfI Swrift aii Harastt.

Tbla cut repreaenis tbe most aaodera maehlae of Iba -ialJr-cold. By in nse we will reset any ordinary lire fOi We tSir ^sd wheels by Hs use. Wheels dtehed backwards we'gamlaaT' ^apei It Is fmpcsslbl* to do by Ibe cdd method ss prntNTW tbis mashlae £s*p*elioB solicited. - -


^^»- tf6 sliowing a fine piano box L^ leather trimmed, at S^4S.0<>*

H. A Botes. lonaUl Welgl cany Its Bis; 8 year e ia to cerry UO lbs;! Cany t-M Ae: I year oMa to carry 190 Ae;

S year olds sad upwards, 108 iha Sex 8 year olds i ' ' '' alfowaaee aa by tale. GmMteetsa ridaia bnsaaee ss allowed? Bis. PaMe,tUe. Seeoid, tflh TMrdrilOi. ' •lO.

FocxTB IUc»-Ors> FLAT Baca roa • FODBTK tUca-OrBB FLAT Raea waa.

First, tUO; Fesi

8 year olds sad apwaids, UK Iba. Bex ee ss hyrate. OcatleaMa riilers 7fts. l>arse,Bl8&. Ftnt,SIOe-.

. BH; Thbdir«ia bWaaee Fbe BIO.


a i o t f • A .

f » » * w l i i a . l i i la^isia

UsMmaaai^teamaaB 88

Tb* VirgtaU **tti*rs wsre eoeial aad coBvivial to a wtadMfald«gie*. Tb*]r had aoae of th* g looay asBmaMy aad

Vtetr S< ltee(*Mr Baglaad perl-Oar pepalar evaagellatag math

adshadaotye t spniBgap amoag them aac wma t b n vexed by the espertala. t loasof oar lemperaaoe secfsHesi No gslhsrlng wastbssa amoagtbsmef aay kiad whether del l or leliKloBS, wh< fctiega or home made drlaks more or Uas l«i«B»isatlag did aot tetas a part of tha pcagiaasme,at the sesalBg pstty.at tbe hoses laes, the fea chaas, th* bar

at ths slecMoa, tha mBetsrlag •vea al Ibe fttaenl. Oa e*<

iaaesd, the Sagea aad thaeap ta eedsr. •"Tbey were a gay,

happy people;«r*e**fsp*r«smea,eeck Sghteteaad foa baatsn . bright, ham-otoa* aad aeelaMa: ia Ibe eaddl* by day aad feeeHag aad daaeiag by Bight; sad we leave them wtlh tbe impree liea that the heaad* sveta alway* bay-iBgta Virginia that theaaaahea* all day Mag aad aU aigbt the 8ddl** *er*ped aad Iha darktee saag. Bet Ibaea men •vers the stiaacmt islsl lsels af tbeir ceatary. With ao prsteastoas aor shew of beak leataiag. they eema to have pemaM'tbaamBlvwataU Iba imiallal

U ilakMiM. I h v bad

ALL ASBS. W e M t f o r ^ Sex aliewaaee aa by

ml*. 0>B H n a . FurM. $100. Ural, •70: Seoood, taS; Tbird, $8. Bateaaoe FeeBT.SO.

F t n a RACB—Orax BtaartacKasa, For loor year tdds aad npwaid*—

Weights—4 year olds to carry IdO Be; 8 year pids 184 Aa; Syear old sad apwssds Ml As. BexaUawsasaastrralo. Oea-tleasea riders a l l aaad lAa Parae,$l88. First, SlOO; Scoaad, $88; Thbd. $M. Batraace.Fes #10.

S a r a Baea—F(» Ouaammuaap O m -

CaUh^Migbla. 0 » - H A V l f i u i l > A n PtUM, $98. First, $80; Bsesad. • $80; Tbtid.t» BatraaeeFec$8.

ALL Aaaa. Weight far sge. Sex sUowaaoe as by

rnle. Oxx HILB. Forae, $10a First. $70: Secoad. 88: Thbd, $8. Batrsaee Fee $7JO. .


For foqr year olds aad npwards.— Weights—< year <dds to eairy 140 As; 8 yesr olds 154 Asj Syear dds sad npwsrds 181 As. BexallowaaeeesbyrBls. (tea-ltemsarld(rsbUew.dTAs. Farsa,$t8S. F tn t ,$ lW;8seaad .«88;Tblrd ,^ >a-trance Fee $10.

SixTB SACB—SoLsiBaa BACB. Oae-haB mU* dash. Ta bs riddsa by

s soldier. Csteh weights. FItst. $8^ Seeoad,«0;Third.$S.



HOTS.—Bex Stalla 93.00. whleb ImeliKlae Btraw.

firirits ffisn it ililshtf Ssitirttr la iM4h


af '


ead* which wee exposed to trin Itom | their poeitioB, aaJ wbea tbe moveaseat mlght,hav*driven.tbe sasmy (Wa their eersees. lbs smsbs of the iHintagf asms »r the Brillsb silWsry a M I flrsd apoa the gallaat little that they were ^ U g e d to leaee IbMr poaitlea aad retasa* dowa the hill wnb a l o a of fifty killed oat of eighty. Some of the'mea who wer* thas saeri-fioad had beea wHh CbleaM Wssbtag teatheyeer bslCs.ta lb* Oreet Headew.. Ospt. Wi bad beea well kaesra by htm far yeas. a* a Belgbber aad tboagh nftaa sseet-t sg tsgetbsr at tbe ooart sssteea. pad ether pablto g a l h w t a i ef tba eeaaly, ead they ireM dMIIaad to threwa log.lhw ta eamtag at the eommiBiimsataf tbeiaeel Coi. Wageaer eemm.adsd a Vbaiata

limea* aad did ittaeatel straggle.

Lansburgh & Bro., - wjimmaKa'KonJkf^o. !^ •BpHnm iiumu tmiL


[OOfriMVWD BBXT wsax.i

FOR .RENT! Tb* .Bderaigaed weald raat to laiiaMs

party tb* rsslaarsat nsaatiug wRh hk


Laces, Dress Goods. fertttetale. I t e t M ^ b i t b .

ilM.d, h a t t a a B etbw

de wMta, aad Aiahl . . ; fOimmi]

te 18B.

Valsaeltaam LBM aad lasertioe to


Bbi^ All-woel Bl.mlsi; a gaed da« •bakar; 88 taeh** wide, Ih* i«a. %%^ qaaHly, IP**!*! at # S C

Btaak Mohair Slcfflaai high laMr: U lB*hm alBs. n * lie. qasiny Is B C ^

Gloves and

BharpTiOasMtaapiliaBlatith i l . Tea eaa aal iflHd M mhs •

London Saddlery IMPORTED HAiKlS^SS

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BAGS. "Ptekiag ap aa'ettect" reqabg a sad-gib » .b« »all drthed-lhe K n k t t BeddtebUatteel

la. aad 88s. aaaBly lUasLMsBNal i

aUksad M*

- l i e dOs. qaaBte Lass aad Flate UsteOtovas

elbew oaaBteLaaaaBi Flal

trblte. I7c qnalHy oae tad two- tesp 1,1

Oloves, ta gnf. met», white sad M L .

•Ok Uas $1.00 qaallty, sibow Hills: vAriterVraam

r leagh $


Tbene. dHatMidtlaaa


Warner Besl-eroof Otrssi, med* ef bettetejowbasl.tim|blpe. Bag T K I

CniMs make by th* lm«rirsa Lady Omasl CaaMsn. a aat. Ugh haab sbait aad Isaf ypTtt's Iba « » • N d e « £ . ibatwflbaeawalal 9 9 0





Havbig bough) oat the bQetaem of Whtulngtoa ft Co . and ealarged tb* .laek, we

*B* pfsparad to wrva the public In a prompt aad satlatactoey aaapact.




Hr. B.D. OajaaM* «M

Vsiy fSipMlMlf f

C. E. N A S H & CO.,