i roadmap to indicators for the german adaptation strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 1 von 14 2nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy - Adaptation indicators at member state level Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy Kati Mattern Federal Environment Agency Germany

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Adaptation indicators at member state level Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy Kati Mattern Federal Environment Agency Germany. I Roadmap to Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy. German Adaptation Strategy 12/2008: Mandate for National Adaptation Indicators - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 1 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy


Adaptation indicators at member state level Indicators

for the German Adaptation Strategy

Kati MatternFederal Environment Agency Germany

Page 2: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 2 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

I Roadmap to Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

1. German Adaptation Strategy 12/2008: Mandate for National Adaptation Indicators

2. Draft indicator set, Manual for drawing up an Indicator based report (12/2008-02/2010)

3. Political accepted Indicator based report and proposal for the implementation (10/2009 bis 2/2011)

4. Adaptation Action Plan of the Federal Government (03/2011)….

5. Establishment of reporting structures 6. ….7. Closing the gaps of indicators and data (2010-2012)

8. Routine Monitoring und Reporting by Indicators and/or Report of Progress by the Federal Government

Page 3: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 3 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

II Requirements

1. Close reference to the objectives and contents of the German Adaptation Strategy

2. Covering the wide range of issues in the 14 sectors of the German Adapation Strategy

3. Highlight the cause-effect-relationships of climate impacts

4. Immediately implementable

» Reducing the complexity» Clearly arranged Structuring of „adaptation“» Reprocucable selection of main focuses

Page 4: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 4 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation StrategyAnforderungenBund und Länder

Key Key Key







Proposed, but not calculatable indicators

Regional indicators

Core-Indikatoren with data only on state level,

L The indicator system offers structured links for the Federal States.



Core-Indikatoren with other data on state level

Page 5: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 5 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

III Methodology

Step 1: Scope „adaptation“

Step 2: Scope of the fields of indication to be reported


Step 3: attribution of possible indicators

Step 4: documentation of indicators

Page 6: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 6 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Step 1: Scope “adaptation”

» DPSIR, but focus on impact and response» Close relationship between impact and response» Give up ambitions for outcome indicators» Clear attribution of indicators to the categories

impact, sensitivity

Page 7: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 7 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Step 1: Scoping of adaptation - assumptions



impacts, that will be influenced

by adaptation measures

2. Presentation of the effects of implemented adaptation measures

Water retention in Wetlands

Drying-up of wetlands

Impacts, that will not be influenced by

adaptation measures

1. Communication of climate impacts

Changed behaviour of migrating birds

Impact- and the referring response indicators should be presentable in a close relation.

Page 8: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 8 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation StrategyIndikationsfelder Methodik

Sector of the GAS



Decreas in yield in several kinds of grain due to shortening of the phase of the corn filling

Increase of yield of plants with long periods of ripening (corn, Hirse)

Increase of damages in the field due to increased frequency and intensity of storms

Thematic part of an aspect

Change in amount of yield

Direct damages to plants

Field of indication

Impacts on yield

Aim of the Structuring: not more than 10 to 12 fields of indication per sector

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Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 9 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy


In In





In In



In In In

Indikationsfelder Methodik

Thematc part of an aspect Field of indication


of the GAS Sub-aspects


In In



In In

In In



In In In

Core 1

wird zum ...

Core 2 wird zum ...

Core 3

wird zum ...

Core 4 wird zum ...

Core 5

wird zum ...

wird zum ... Key 1

Page 10: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 10 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Impacts: 13 x ( 4 to 13) x 1 = 90

Fields of indication and attribution of indicators

Indikationsfelder Methodik

1 core indicator

Selection of fields of indication to be reported is necessary!

Selection has to be done reproducable by clearly defined criteria. It should be able to continue the system.

Responses: 15 x (6 to 11) x 1 = 120


Fields of indication


Page 11: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 11 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Step 2:

Scope of the fields of indication to be reported

Development of criteria for the selection of fields of indication

Classification of fields of indication due to criteria, proposal for prioritisation

Discussion of the proposal with experts

•Thematic relevance

• Data availability (first estimation)

• cause-effect-relationship to climate• understandability• Public concernment• Dimension of space• Dimension of time

• Possibility of action

Critera - Impacts:

Priorisierung Indikationsfelder

• Political consensus• Reference to impact• Data availability (first estimation)• Measure implemented due to adaptation?• Directness of effect• responsibility

Criteria - responses:

Page 12: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 12 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Ranking/Classification of fields of indication by criteria - impacts

2.2.2 Sewage management, drainage Criteria














Thematic relevance

(3) Field of indication is addressed in the German Adaptation Strategy. (1) Field of indication is addressed in the literature reffering to Germany and the middle of

Europe regularly. (1) Established indicatorss exist for the field of indication (1) The field of indication will gain relevance in future.

3 1 1


Availability of data

(3) Regularly collection of data (at least for special topics) exist. (1) Connections to methodical established and field tested singular studies exist.

3 1

cause-response-relationship to climate change

(4) Cause-impact-relationship to climate change is relatively close. Other influences do not outweigh as causes based current knowledge.



Easy to understand

(1) The issue is easy to explaine. 1

Public concernment

(0,5) Policy and people feel touched by the issue. (0,5) The issue is in mind due to certain events.

0,5 0,5

Dimension of space

(1) The issue is not only regionally relevant.. 1

Dimension of time

(1) Is the impact irreversible or irreparable? 1

Possibility of action

(6) Possibilities of action exist. 6

(24) 12,5 6,5 5

Page 13: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 13 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Interim result of Ranking by consultants

Mind. 6,5 points



z. T

. erf



t er


Energiebedarf 3,5 2,5 3

Energieinfrastruktur 6 0,5 2,5

Energieumwandlung 6,5 1 1,5

Verfügbarkeit von Primärenergieträgern 3 1 5

Energieversorgung 5 1 3

Energiemarkt 2 2,5 4,5

ArbeitsstandPriorisierung Indikationsfelder

Page 14: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 14 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Evaluation of the Ranking by Experts:

Step 2: Scope of the fields of indication to be reported

Priorisierung Indikationsfelder

Impacts Indikationsfeld Thematischer Teilaspekt


r w











Verstärkung bereits bestehender regionaler Unterschiede in der Wasserverfügbarkeit

Veränderung der Bodenfeuchte

Wassermenge Grundwasserneubildung Veränderung von Grundwasserständen 8 0 0Gewässer-ökologie / Wasserqualität

Grundwasserqualität Veränderung des chemischen Grundwasserzustands 0 4 4

Veränderung der (mittleren) Wasserabflüsse sowie der jahreszeitlichen Verteilung des AbflussesHäufung und Verstärkung von AbflussextremenBeschleunigter Rückgang der Gletscher mit wasserwirtschaftlichen Effekten für gletschergespeiste Flüsse und SeenMurgänge infolge von Starkregenereignissen und Wassersättigung der BödenErhöhung der Georisiken druch Auftauen von PermafrostbödenLawinen infolge von StarkniederschlägenErwärmung von GewässernVeränderung der MeromixisEutrophierung von GewässernSinkender SauerstoffgehaltBakterielle Verunreingung von GewässernBelastung der Gewässer mit toxischen SubstanzenBeeinträchtigung der BadewasserqualitätAuswirkungen auf Sedimenthaushalt und StrukturgüteVeränderung von Zeitpunkt und Umfang von PlanktonblütenVeränderung der Laichzeiten von FischenVeränderung der Phänologie von wassergebundenen InsektenVeränderungen des Vermehrungserfolgs von Artenphysiologische Reaktionen durch Interaktionen zwischen Temperatur und UV-IntensitätVerschiebung der Lebensräume temperatursensibler Wassertiere Verbreitung thermophiler Floren- und FaunenelementeVerdriftung von ArtenBeeinträchtigung der Populationen der GewässerfaunaAusbreitung thermophiler Floren- und FaunenelementeAusbreitung wärmeliebender invasiver SüßwasserartenVeränderung der Zusammensetzung von Phyto- und ZooplanktongemeinschaftenVeränderung der Zusammensetzung von MakrozoobenthosgemeinschaftenVeränderung der Sicherheit der Trinkwasserversorgung - MengeVeränderung der Sicherheit der Trinkwasserversorgung - QualitätEinschränkungen der Funktionsfähigkeit der abwasseretechnischen Infrastruktur (Kläranlagen)Einschränkungen der Funktionsfähigkeit der Entwässerungssysteme ((städtische) Kanalnetze)Stärkere WassermengenschwankungenSinkende Betriebssicherheit von Talsperrensystemen - Trockenfallen von Stauseen


Schnittstelle: Energiewirtschaft

Gewässer-ökologie / Wasserqualität

2 5 1

4 5

Gewässer-ökologie / Wasserqualität

5 3 1

3 1 5


3 6 0

9 1


2 6 1

9 1 0

Gewässer-ökologie / Wasserqualität

Gewässer-ökologie / Wasserqualität

Gewässer-ökologie / Wasserqualität







Trinkwassergewinnung und -verteilung, Brauchwassernutzung

Bewirtschaftung von Abwässern, Entwässerung










Physiologie und Stoffwechsel

Verteilungsmuster von Arten, Arealveränderungen

Artenvielfalt und -zusam-mensetzung von Phyto- und Zooplanktongemein-schaften


physikalischer Gewässerzustandchemischer Gewässerzustand



Workshop in the Federal Environment Agency, Berlin, 22./23. 6. 2009

Experts from Agencies, Science and other organisations


• gain acceptance for Methodology

• together define main focuses

• collect ideas for indicators

Page 15: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 15 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Lessons learned from the Expert Workshop

» as regards content:» Impacts: Merging of fields of indication Neutral formulation of fields of indication (without trends) Weighing of selection criteria for impacts Additional criterion: intensity of impact More transparence in the relationship between impacts and responses Responses: Lack of knowledge on implemented adaptation measures results of stakeholder dialogues (e.

g. energy, finance, insurances) Criteria for respnses peferred: political consensus, broad implementation in Germany,not only in

case studies, close relation to prioritised fields of indication for impacts, good expactation to available data

» Procedural: Stripping away the predjudices of the experts in the sectors and in science Stripping away the fears of „cuckoo´s eggs“ Continuing and Improvement of participation process communication

» Expected results: Different stages of adaptation in the sectors will lead to differentiated set of indicators in 2011

Page 16: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 16 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Conduction of ideas for indicators (Impacts und Responses)


Step 3: attribution of possible indicators

Pick up existing ideas for indicators /but also critical reflection:

• change of outflow (I)

• forest damages (I)

• Incidence of FSME (I)

• number of death people due to heat (I)

• progress in forest conversion (R)

• Flood protection Investments (R)

• expansion of information services for floods and low tides (R)

Refine ideas for indicators and discuss new ideas:

• Condtions of composition (thermal layering) in lakes (I)

• link-up of local networks in the drinking water supply (networks of waterworks) (R)

• Structure of Energy supply (development of redundances) (R)

• „cooling elements in the landscape (R)

Page 17: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 17 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Message from one member state

» methodological consistency» Effective reporting structures

Page 18: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 18 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Thank you!


[email protected]

Page 19: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 19 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Raw data set 1

Raw data set 2

Raw data set 3

Raw data set 4

Tiered System of documentation


Indicator Factsheet

Documentation of Indicator A Indicator calculated from: Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3

Indicator Factsheet

Indicator B Indicator calculated from: Parameter 3 Parameter 4

Documentation of

Data Factsheet

Documentation of Parameter 1 and the related data sources

Data Factsheet

Data Factsheet

Data Factsheet

Documentation of Parameter 2 and the related data sources

Documentation of Parameter 3 and the related data sources

Documentation of Parameter 4 and the related data sources

Outlook: Step 4: Documentation of the indicators

Page 20: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 20 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Vergangene Entwicklung

Daten aus Messung und Beobachtung

Daten aus Modellierung

Daten aus Modellierung

1. B






2010 1990 2020

Künftige Entwicklung

Daten aus Modellierung

Vergangene Entwicklung

Daten aus Messung und Beobachtung

Daten aus Modellierung

Daten aus Modellierung

2. B







Künftige Entwicklung

Daten aus Modellierung

Vergangene Entwicklung

Daten aus Messung und Beobachtung

Daten aus Modellierung

3. B






Künftige Entwicklung

Daten aus Modellierung



Szenarische Aussagen und Prognosen eines Berichts müssen im Folge-bericht durch konkrete beobachtete / gemessene Daten belegt oder widerlegt werden.

Vergangenheit und Zukunft

Page 21: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 21 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Welche Entwicklungen werden heute vorhergesagt?

Werden diese Trends quantifiziert?

Unterliegen die Ausgangsdaten der Modelle einer systematischen und langfristigen Beobachtung?

Welche Daten bräuchten wir, um für die Zukunft modellierte Entwicklungen konkret nachvollziehen zu können?

AnforderungenVergangenheit und Zukunft

Zum Beispiel:

Modellierung zur Verän-derung inländischer touristischer Ankünfte in Deutschland infolge von Klimaveränderungen(Hamburg Tourism Model)

Page 22: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 22 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Risiks, Sensitivities, Vulnerability

AnforderungenVergangenheit und Zukunft

Isoard et al. zit. in EEA 2008

Page 23: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 23 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Empfindlichkeit und Verletzlichkeit

AnforderungenVergangenheit und Zukunft

Empfindlichkeit: Ist die aktuell anzutreffende Konstellation geeignet, im Falle des Eintreffens der vorhergesagten Klimaveränderung bestimmte Wirkungen („potential impacts“) hervorzurufen?

Zum Beispiel:

Empfindlichkeit von Wäldern gegenüber flächenhafter Schädigung oder Absterben durch hohe Anteile stand-ortsfremder Fichten in heute bereits warm-trockenen Regionen

Page 24: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 24 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy


Lifestyle demands

Activities,landuse pattern


Emissio-ns of GHG


GHG in the


Climate change


Impacts on Water balance, Water management

Impacts on human health

Impacts on agriculture

14 sectors of the GAS


Measures for the maintenance of


Measures for the protection of

endangered systems, for the development of


Mitigation measures

Recovery Measures

Responses Mitigation Adaptation


Page 25: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 25 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation StrategyAnforderungen

Maßnahmen: „process“ und “outcome“

Durchgeführte Impfkampagnen


Impfrate FSME

Neufassung landwirtschaftlicher Anbauempfehlungen

Anbau hitze- und trockenheitsresisten-

ter Kulturen

Maßnahmen werden durchgeführt Process-based indicators

Investitionen in Biotopverbund-


Anzahl von Querungshilfen

Inzidenzrate FSME

Höhe des landwirtschaftlichen


Populationsgröße von


Auswirkungen verändern sich. Impacts

Maßnahmen haben beabsich-tigte Wirkung Outcome-oriented indicators

durch Impfkampagne

reduzierte FSME-Inzidenz

Erhöhung der landwirtschaftlichenErträge durch den vermehrten Anbau

angepasster Kulturen und Sorten

Zunahme der Populationsgrößen

von Amphibien-arten durch

erhöhte Anzahl von Querungshilfen

Ebenen der Indikation

Page 26: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 26 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation StrategyAnforderungen

Ausbreitung allergener Pflanzen,veränderte Blühzeiten allergener Pflanzen

Zunahme der Präva-lenz von Allergien und Atopien

Differenzierung von Pollenwarn-diensten

Hohe Fichtenanteile im Klimabereich warm-trocken

Zunahme flächen-hafter Waldschäden


Durchseuchungsraten von Zecken mit FSME-Viren

Prävalenz / Inzidenz von FSME

Impfkampagnen, Impfrate

Risiko Impacts Responses

Ebenen der Indikation

Page 27: I Roadmap to Indicators  for the German Adaptation Strategy

Copenhagen, 3. 7. 2009 27 von 142nd Experts workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators

Indicators for the German Adaptation Strategy

Reproducable Scoping of the important impacts and responses for all sectors

(1) Scope adaptation


Prioritisation is carried out at the level of fields of indication!

Sub-aspectsThematic part of an aspect

Fields of indication Sectors of the GAS


Impacts on sediment balance and structure

Chemical state of inland waters

Aim of the Structuring: not more than 10 to 12

fields of indication per sector