i sale 10bse eal state to begin july 30 · 2014. 4. 3. · tow^iship iveiuud club and—has. just1...

I Late $esjrs By Telegraph FOURTEENTH YEAR. NO, U-L ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, .MONDAY, JULY' 23, 1000. I EVEN I NO EDJTJON—PRICE ONE CENT SALE A splendid1 properly on Asbury Avenue,: second block from ocean. A decided bargain for some- body. CaTljjhrid get particulars. '' ^ ; ; D. C COyERT V 208 -Bond Strest, Aabury Park,-N.J. Miss Jones of London Entirely Disappears From the Stage, MORE” WOEFUL CREDITORS. ^ - Not Kvuu a .Smell <>f .Riilpluir: KuimiliiH, Only^thp Aroma of l/njtalfl DfllH—TIn* ' Un gall aijtE xaiiiiiin of .tlio Itooreaut Manajfer Wlio Ijftft SnmtvDaytf. Ago Fol- lowed W ItlFFri 111 if iiIi T oh H/ r "* .: “Miss Junes of. London” Is no more. The AHBTJUY PARK and OOKAN tJROVH { HotAl Rrnnhwlafc, . . Railroad Depot and, 1214UanRaAvenuo, Prlunfpal Onico.. .............. 300 MAIN STREET Clooda Ptorod at renfloimblo'rates, . Telepliono connection. P. Q. Box«17, - ABBtra? PARK, YOU ARE For otherwise V could not -ljolp your fai 11 Dtf.eyesight with Hpoo- fables or eyeglawtefl.’ But the pa- tient, ludpFu I nose Is barbarously ' T, rT/r^T 7 ’T r F r<'nt4Hl* hnd the French name for LUL> iy Y eyejjIaKse.s, pinee-nez (pfneh-nose) tans well f*olect(xU Let me ahow you a new thing In .EYEGLASSES... TO HAVE A n o s ^: which was contrived for nose comfortr When you wear a pair of niy eyeglasses your noso will bo as lucky as your eyes, CLAUDE J.W ISEMAN , - — JewelernEfsrd OpticiaH ~ . 645 Cookman Ave; SIMMS, watches and- Jewelry repaired with promptness and skill. —ON- Bond and - Mortgage .-.In'sums ranging from WM. H. BEEGLE, 226 MAIN STREET, ' Asbury Park. MARY'S DILEMMA Mary, Mary, (jiilto contrary, RulTeriiipr nclius and pains: All the trouble that you havo Is 'cause your eyes you strain. '' O c t u j i a l f in RliSBHffl; Fitted (food and I rue, You never will lm happy Mary, till you do. A lartto pfnporilon o f lleaSnekn, nervous- ness, hysteria anil ItiAomnla Is caused hy eye strain—l ’ho removal l ot tho 'causo of feds a permanent curo. Willard C. Wiseman ORADUATR OPTICIAN Asbury Park Optical Parlor, 803Cookman Avenue. Car.^EmoryStroot. -S Capital $50,086 8o,? « f i " a 550,000 'MlrarytariraniTilKairtrovc Corner Mattison Ave.. and Main St., ASBURY PARK, N. J. Corner Main A tcauc and Pilgrim Pathway OCEAN QROVB. liypfrdtistUiaH performed an entirely now feat. Not content with simple liortcl soaring : bI ic yanishhtl entirely.. Tlie disappearing act was not oh tlm regular program SO the creditors of the-proprietor were not ap - prisedoftlie change in time to lie present to take some part In* tiin sedlie:- Not long n^o Miss Helen Whil e; tins pur- ported owner of. tho show, uhexjnibtedl.v iefCfor-partsiuiknownihijt-tlu'lMH'fvYnu- RRo^husjwoiF^ntimi^ lei\ Tim Mujio'wunaziiig tricks Jmvciift- wildeml the spectators and the same mys- terious influence has carried .Miss Jones into the air. The 1same iron ring has *boen passed about her .body to, show “thealb senee of any \vh‘eR>upporUng iter,’’ a s. the nhuul aiinolineenieiits win. ’Time(in^j again B^e Jms.beon brought out of hcrmes- jnerlst le. state to’ t he astonishment of TH present and the pooplo havcML^eiaiined tiiat winders wi 11 never cense. The same inlluonco which drew. Miss Jones in the nir seems to have -pervaded her company iii its business.relations and; enodgli to clot he jind support the. manage- ment was dnutVn from the mereluuitis; who. were .paid with promises. yUny after day this charmed mystery gradually iriereasejl •her credit,until the star nuniber wus sec- retly arranged to fake place on Saturday night. The event jwas kept a secret through fear of an over erowdeil house, which would not conduct! to a good per- formance. ~ * -! ’Burly in tlie eveiilftg tlie’first patron ap- peared. A lady stopped up in the, box of- fice and after depositing her top cents ami mrtd v lhgirl Ji1 lf*trbfinnhi^idTTwmrfiTfmanT ed that the performance would open again ia_ahaut—Bi-m i n u to*—Th**—htdjMvbttrncd' In ample time mul \y«s. toldithat the show was then in progress aiul she would lmvo to ennui n found in time for the next imtv formnnce. 3:i about siuminutes the nd- mirorof hypnotic fonts returned ami tills time another excuse was offered, but. did hot go with the Indjvaiul 'her nibney;wns returned ami silo disappeared also. -The real thing, however, took place some time in ib»! course of’the night, and t his morn- ing the proprietor of the hnjhliug is ex- plaining that Mr. Kuplerhds gone some- where nml that he himself is running a restaurant In the place. >The creditors are mourning their losses. '' BATHER’S CURIOUS INJURY James Wells of Itrootclyn Strikes Hard Siihstnnee am) Dlsloeates Two Toes ami Sprains- Ankle. James Wells of Brooklyn mot with a pe- culiar accident while fmthing 'at Fourth 1 venue Sat unlay afternoon, ile was wail- ing.about near the last posf, when his right font struck something hard and ren- dered this member unite useless. With assistance he rebelled the shore and was helped to Dr. F. F. Coleman's ollice. Upon examination it was nmiul that two kle wrencficd. The dodor‘set t^p* dis- placed memltejs and Mr. Wells was re- moved to lluv home of Mr. Faitoute, Oil Asbury avenue, where he is a guest.( MAUHIiUiKS. *: AVoodlielfl-l'uttersnii. Otis H. Wooilfleld of Lakewood and Miss it os; i'“M r F attR'SDll Of IhirFW illlL^.V^Ll were united in marring*! Sunday ey**nlng by Uev. W. il, .Moyer nt tlie parsonage of the West drove M. K, tdiuinth.' Ileiiitetl-K oriicr. John It. lh'imett of Jacksons Mills anil Miss I)um Horner-of VanhisevilleJ N; J., were united in marriage at. the juirsoiiage of the West l’.-jVk M. li. ebtireh,-Thursday •jilng last*, by Hev. t*. K.1 ,Hiuicoek, jnis- tor of the (ditireh. • A Y altiaiile A ulm itl. Mrs. Ii. I'D Mayo of lln alley Dench Is the pnmd possessor of n-eiirly haired St. Der- nartl dog of the"Swiss breeil, valued nt £*AVi. II is about, six jnoiitlis o ld "anil weighs Its pounds. I t is. reg)j<fer*Hl in tin* Asbury Dark, Drmlloy Jlcacu aud-Noptuiie Tow^iship Iveiuud club and—has. just1 been, enrolled in tlie Ameriean Kennel club. Tliennimal at tract s considerable attention. Likely lo l.ost* filght Vir'Mye.! * .- ^ Dr. J. T. Huso of West Park, tho attend- iug pKvsielau to May Matthews of Uamll- lon, who was injured nt tho Corlies uvt- nue- rail road crossing, paid his charge a Visit yesterday. She is’now tilde lo walk uul; run about., but Is likely to.luse.the sight of the left- eye with wldeh .she can now see miUililgi 'i'lie girl—rcmumhorrt- mithlng of the accident. 0 . WIHBOU. VresWrrit. ' HKO. W. KVAN8, Vlcrt-I»re8Hont. EDMUND E. DAYTON, Cashier. JE88E MINOT,.AsalptnntCuahlor. DXURcrona: T. FRINK APPL1DT ■DR. J. A. W. HETRICK* Hi R- CUOHANON JOHN IIUlinARD 0. 0. OIJIVTON ' ' -LEW IBRAIN CAR . (JCO. W. KVANS 1 OSO. W. TREAT „1. B. TEOOUSOH . AKOS TILTOH HSNRY 0. VINSOR Kxeelleiit Con fort Tonight* An imibrtulnnieiil of exeontlonnl m erit Will bo romloml’in the Westminster l’ros-^ hyterlan clihi’ch t.onlght. Thivconcerfc will’ be I11 charge of Mrs. timce Uiulerw*»od, a well known singer of .thls-pUy. Tin* list J2£-aULVJJilRlUJJ^iULCwiIl^piaAar-Anaiud*iH. nuiuy nmnes prominent In musical circled. Accounts He apootful 1 y Soil o1 fc aa V Deposit Boxes to Rent. * We Ia«uo*Foroign Drafts ana Let- ere of Credit. . . , .1 .. ,_.Oooppr llmiks the Ucronl. ...- 'I’lie sale pf ice ercxini at Cooper's eslab- Hshments 011 BatmMdy was a record breaker.’ (The sales far snriiasKcd those of any previous .years, -An nbfmdnnt testi- monlaV as to tho esteem In which the dainty is hold. m . • ”* —UomidMno^jnrofl-lndlgesttou- Tho PRKRft gives more roaillng ma'ftor fo on(j<ient. rluin nny. other newspaper in As bury Park. . ./ TWO BRUTAL ROGUES ASSAULT CONDUCTOR When Prevented From Hoarding Trolley Car In Drunken Itage They* Seize . Money and Fight F iikuch. Two hold rogues brutally assaulted Ilijn jumin Goodrich,.conductor on one of tin TMeasurn'IJny-trolloy"dTrk7j'est«!r*luy"dflcr noon. Thpy were drunk, and disord(f?ly amF lmd been.jm t ijlT sdveral .cars when they attempted to board Conductor fJood- rloh’s car near Cedar avenue, West End. Inspector Herbert, who was on the cur told the conductor not pJ alhjw tliciu tb enter. One, however, jumped oil the run nIng hoard and as the* conductor burred .hfM-lwiswigo-t!ie~folloW"Sei'/.<Nl~liiK'-money pocket and tore it from.Ills coat add also digging Goodrich .from thirear. • As they lay struggling Ihe man’s com- panion struck Ihe conductor in tlie fac* with a stDiin but lu; pluckUy retained hi> grasp upon tlid money. The rogues^Unal- ty iied before ^lotorinan William Tnntmu or tli*! pjisscng(!i*s could i-e.Luril to tin*scene of the fight, "leaving in! the possession of Conductor Hood rich the coveted money -podkctr Ntj - - action ^has" been' hvougHT against the men.* -HLIN’D TOM. TlfF M(LSIUAL DFNIUS. W ill. Appear in the Anbury Park Audi turliini Toulghtl . -This c'veAlng Jtllnd Toin, .the musical phenomenon, will give one of'his inusical uml mcntiil entertalnnicnts in Jlie AslunV Fjirk auditorium, ile. is Without e.\c»*p- tiou dmi of 1he mysteries of the jiresen't age. Tin* ehlld nf iioor slave panmts? blind from Ids birth, with a mind elouded and an intellect, without force or develop uient, he has for’ afc quarter' of a century been the • wonder mul admiration of Europe and America. *, There Is no art. a bout. him. Wit hou t 11i 1 - derstandlng a singhs rudiment of writ fan music he composes artistic gems of a ldgb order and sp great is his naturalaidlity (hat he peVfonns the most classical com- positions with all the skill and' excellency of tlie most, distinguished artists. Jlis wonderful ineinory. und nmiarkalih* fat ally for locating sounds enables him to imitate upon the piano almost every known instrumimtmnd to-repent- wlthoutriiHdor7 standing their meaning the speeches of most-falLle fill accuracy. A program of unusual cx eellency lias be*'11 prepared for this ev*!»- Mig’s entertainment.. .................. LOCAL ^HAPPENINGS The city council meets again tonight.* Tonight tli** band plays at tlie Asbury avenue pavilion. Ten employees of tlu* SymplumUm eoi\i- pany have s**curecl hoard at llradley Reach. Miss ti race Davis of Red Hank Is visit- ing Miss TyplieiuifcDoty of Fourth avemic. Ten white glr\<Tam wanted nt. once, w^p- ply Opera House block, Hangs avenue and Emory st iv**t. ^ _ Charle.s Marten.,spii of I)r. Marten,.pastor, of tluTFlrHl HapilsV churcli, is at liome for the suiniiii.'r vacation. Miss Jennie. Iiavis, who .has been Visit- ing relatives in Trenton, has returned to her home on Hangs nvenui!. Judge Hurdeti Is entertaining bis'daugh- ter Mrs. ,S.-S. Rrown of Fhilntlelphla anil her little son H ary for a few weeks. J. X. Shurtv, is still cbnllned to Ids rotmi by the injuries lie sustained iii tlu* railroad .accidental Red Hank on Tuc>*luy last. The hearing of Smith -Gould und Thomas Turner for assault 011 Joseph Jack- son will be hulil1tonight before Justice l)odd. , The large thive-fpeed town clock In the tower of the Symphonlim- company's fac- to ry is 111uc||_an 1 )rpclaJ.cdr bv-JJiTi-LesJiIajxl^ TTTTcTiTTgTiT7o rh u 6 d. 'i’he passengers on one *if tho trolley «irs last night were much alarmed overa sliglit. lln* eause*l iiy temporary ’disorder in the electrical ■meelmnism. ( AVI11 him Hitch, representing a largi* iMiiliuUilpUla (ir 111 , ono of the jolt lest of the jolly army of traveling meii, is a visitor in Ocean.Grovo for a few tlliys. •• Deputy Supervisor FCxtoii of Coast City KayiU-A-i^vwHnT-i vml-W—G-r-H ;ri'- -sin-\v(ll-iiiaktraii 1 Lodge, 11. A.j of jjukcwoud on Thursday night. 1 Mrs. Clayton, the. well known contralto of Red Halik, .will appear ill. 'the compll n l a i-.v t'o n c c r t tm rrtetTTFM rr;. G r a c e t i l - denvood at the W estm inster church to- night. ^ ( . Thu threetlays' icecream nnd cake fes- tival of the Pioneer Fin; Engine company iif Hrndle.v-Heaeh was very successful aiul 1 (nmsideralilit sum wasatldMi it) the fund lor tin* purchase of an engine house. ___ JYAVafil-Richardson, editor and pub- lisher oL the Urhlgetou Evening' News, Hrhlgetnu. N .J., was a visit*)!* ut,’the Pltcss olliet* on Saturday. He is making Asbury Ihitfk Ids hom e as long as duty w ill perm it.-- . M rs. M ^t.llrover llam m on d . 1iniT» H ergli stiviit, liiisjiiKt. ret.tirmsl tu this city after a nine months’ visit to 1 j 6 s Angtdes, Jhui- sadeua and other places of Interest In southern California. She'rt^ports that in crossing the Arizona desert the •t.enipura- ture was 1*1 ilegrees but that hy the li- beral use of le*! the passengers made tlm journey In safety if not in comfort. 1 Christ Ini) anil iUisHlomiry Alliance. The sciamd aiinual convention of the Christian and Missionary alliance of New Jersey will lie luild in this ojly beginning Wednesilnyof this week and ending Sun- day. Tlm week day sessions will be-held in t.lm Hapt-ist -chnvidi mul Lhe_r.in.slng meetings pp Sumlay jii tho Asbury ihiTk auditoriiim.v Among the HjHiakers will bo many well known missloniiVles, Drunk .Again and Sorry for It, - Charles WJiltlug helped to swell the list’ of police cases before Judge Cross Satur- day night. He was arrested for being Idm&Fuiul costs, which amount Whiting paid'to keep himself on ‘the outside of the county jail. **. ( • . Frank ll. Tubbs of New* York, tho vocal, fenohur, editor of liUisJo Life ami vocal.ed- itorof the Musician, will Ihj pleased.to, re- ceive' calls at Ills house,-iibh SpioF avenue, AUonluirBt, during Ju^y and August. - , ‘-J .153-81... Allenhurst*Lots. . . , - ^ i x ^ o t ^ b ) r * ^ r f e - -a t ;AilcnbTTTKt:—G reat” bargain. Must be sold at once. Address IK O. Hex D0J1, Asbury Park, N. J. ITOetf Read THE D ahat T?U ebs. 10BSE Much adverse comment has appeared In the- different newspapers eonkeriiliig th'* -rulo-of-tln*-()eean-Grovi* nssonlHMairhTr bidding tin* bathing. priviFges t*i those in white bathing costuuw'ait'd the recent en- forcement of tlie regulation in^the ease Of one female bather in, that: pHToe. Not having kenti.tlic bnf!ii|ig robe In ((uestloti It is impossible to comment upon thi* justice of the act, blit judging froui numerous otla r wliite eostiinies se*m at. ditTerent.Unies at thu Asbu rv Parkbathing groumls, the rule Isan eminently jifstone, and almost hivariably-obj**ct ion has justjy been nutde on tills side tin* lake. And It is equally true tlmt tho wearers.df the gar- ments after thi;!r first’cxperieneo'in tbe water discard them of their own IVcO will.’ xT'be objections' arc not far Tetehcif *or supercilious ones imposed for 1he* 1ilea sure tin: simple imposition might -give fo those, in authority, as it. has been claimed, Imt uxtriuisonablo-ji nd-jusfoiknnyonowlllai*': prceldle who has hrnl experience with tin* talxiod robes or-who has an uuwiirped Idea as to what constitutes imwlcsty. ^ Thi! shade of lloratlus wriggled uneasily nptm Us golden throne in t.inr,a/aire Idue iiuLhls sword and armor.a;In 11 ked dismal- ly. Mmirnfully the disronsolai.h -spirit niutt**red, “Thus t’o feel assured of fanu* ihrnughall eternity and wAvtn find my Ijrav*! resistance plagiarized, is hard, is hard imh'ed. Trbe, they are t hree,', while 1 alone did hold the bridge and tliat with blond sweat sword, but the past has dimmed my glory and they nr** In the sun- light of the present. / “Hy Haechiis;it.indeed dot lrroll fny blontt mil stirs me tin'to deeds of violence. “What, ho, my shield! I’ll return to earth andtoross t he bi*idge and w«* shall see on whom shall rest the laurel wreath of vie- tory. Jhit no, the Ignominy of their posi- tion to stop theAJiadow trembling sons t»f civil life forone small paltry c**nt. is punish* meat enough. Rather will 1 stay and th*; ibsurdity of the fight shall aiTurtl hie pl*!as- ur«.V . . Her d(*llcat.e little face, usually so smil. lug a thi rosy, was drawn nnd whltekfndj 10 . mirth fit 1 dimples could be discovered In tlrelr uhiinl playground, lu*r smootli che**ks. Shu did not know what was the. mat tel*, with her, she could not even Imag- ine, but she knew she was awful ly sick. up co Her duties at the,- bn tiling hardly .bo..attended to but she bravely struggled through the routine. A* last her fellow worker'asked her if ho hud been ruling anything that, would disagree with her. With u shake of her sad IlM-le head she replied: “Nothing; all tlmt I -have had is a plniT'tii' hucktelHirries und some of the clams the linthhigmnsters roast ed on the ocean' front.” ' NOT A FAIR CONTEST So }** 'iiy the Trciitoiiiaii** iu Itcgnial to tin* (lorncr-Carmmly Match — It MUy h e -D e o lured-DU*. :— It. Is, likely that- the contest between Fred Gerner *»f this rity uml Tom Car- lit ody of Trenton, scheduled to hike place during the hqrsc show at West End, will be declared off unless a change is made In the character nf the events. —The Trenton'Times says Gerner -has se- lected tlie following events:.50-yard clash, JtHi-yurd dash, ^Jn-ya^d^lttfrdlL*, running broad jump, running hop, step and a jump, nml three standing-broad jumps with weights. j These, it remarks, do not constitute an all round contest such iis was stipulated and says, “it is dollars, to doughnuis tliat Tommy Carnipdywlll not consent to such' contest.” Then* slum Id bo included. It continues/a polC-YiuiltT-inLLting— lU^punml- 7>|jnt-:i!td-t:hTn\Viirg-li(^m nrd-hin«Th'»er;"' A ONE SIDED GAME I.tM'al/ UunUst- IIo.vk Prov** Kukv VU-Ioi-V* at Daseball OX'**** T lid r Coitim diM til Fault* AfdMiry. ^ A baseball team, eompostul of the mem- bers of. the local Hapllsl; Hoys’ brigade, playi*d tlie Gamp Asbury nine on tln*ir grounds at. Shark river on Saturday. TJm s c o r e ”: : . . ASHPUY PA UK. Smith ...... I | 0 Wt!----- - Hen rniore. . Host.lck.,... Jones .............. . mu SamuelS/.v. . Roniiett... V an D oran. ,. .catcher.;! . .pile!ter.. . first base .second kisc .third base, .short sto[ Held .. ..left Ilehl ( . right. Held Score by innings: - 1 * j •*. •! r. A sb u ry l >m ,fe..d- 1 :J 1 3 Gump Asbury Ji ti U'U 2 UAMl* ASIU'UY 'Cham herJain Higgins :... IV.'J’hcil ..M r Hurneti- ...... ./uihiledeu ......... H. Tayfor It. Chamberlain .. . .. JolHM- .. Herring H !l I! tJ .X — “ P 0 x— 3 Fnliitnlilii Niue Defeat« Lung llrancli*_ On Saturday the Columbia Hotel base- ball toani defeated the Long Branch nine in an exciting game |»y a score of D to 7. A return gam** will he playetl 011 the ath- letic grounds Wed nest lay afternoon. The RrHowfng 1 players, w ill rrprnsunr the t‘o- lumhiir>t**am: W. Giger, F. Glger, Lang1 doii, McGlaitey, Ameli. Ritter, La tlui m, jind the Hart ln:ot lu>rs who will pitch ami catch respectively. A small admission will by cfiurged. , j . .SonnjorSlamm 1)1*1 Nut •Conte, , ----- Senjittif Mareiis A. Ilanna and wife nml WfrB—E hbi-rrrn- on Saturday lmt^tfiey did not niatcria.b/e, Sejtator Ha’mfa. is now at-Canton, ()hi*i, idjs^xpeeted daily. - They will tjceup.v Senator Murphy’s home at West Eipl iliir- Ing the summer. * .. Woman Drowned In u lLU-htuh, Mrs. Catharine Muokel of "Npwnrk .-was fomid drowned in theludhtub atlicrhojue' today, Slio had liran sick sovoral (lays and wen Fi nt**-thtyfntHtroomT^^'lbTr^htr-vVrrr going tbjtake ifrlkatb. Her .bully was-found some tinio afterward, Rehnot-luo cures lndlgoaRon. DETECTIVE HARPHAM LOOKSJJP^A SUSPECT Allegptl to Hnvt* Attempted lo Steal J'aKHenger’H D lanioiul nt Iho Tut«*r- lAeketi StntInn. L«nt Night. As' the P.‘Jii train.; for New York was ablll!},_l*illcavo,thij Intorlakt'ii—stalioiHasti niglit- a passenger .with ono foot, on Mir car plat,TuVin drew back and aimed a" blow wit h bis jiihbrrlla atanutliur miin oil the station.-'. ' Tim train dre\<* atva^'and-bystanders, on the 'platform clhii'ned that the.man for whom the blow was intended had tried, fo snatch a diamond pin from the passenger’s shirt boston.. . . ^.Heelediv*: 1farj)liaiifw; 1 son Hieplatl'orm and immediately recognized tlui suspect, who was taken .Into euslody by Olllcers Nutt and Howland und convoyed to Park hall, wherb lie_jvfi.s locked ti(> for Hie night. There is little doubt litif that the prisoner has u reetuxl, although Diitectivc Ifarphinn is dlsposiMl-to gjve him the beqefit of a- doubt. “IHs nil nil! is’Matt hews,” said Mi*! detective last night. * "Aml Ji*; is n ealile ir driver, I.bear*I a tv*»ar ago-that.In! was doing all right and In’; told jiu* tonight that lie was stiH emtdoyed by a ’X*iw York comiwiny.” . Matthews claims to have‘come here in company with a lady and denies any nt- tempt;at crooked work . ... ( A hearing was given the’ suspect before Judge Borden this morning. The man who directly caused the arrest of ’the.pris- oner wifs not’in ^purt, having departed with the train, aiul the. magistrate, after putting tlm man through a series of cross questions, discharged him through lack of evidence. He gave ids name as Janies Matthews of 2hi^Grcenwiolv street, N*;w York, and claimed lie was cmphiy**d as a wa toll iimn in tiie Washington market. REFUSES TO SUBMIT,. TO FINE OF JUSTICE CbirtlH Mooney LIrIuih Ho Wa* llnlaw- fu lly I’nulKltoti 1>y .fuHlleo M orion .and Says Suit VV'ill bo Itrouglil, F. Curtis .Mooney, Hie huekmaii, who was fined Iiy Justice J. K. Morton for bei ng. d iso rd erly h a d -1 m li 1 t o: lay-tA-pay- t.he fliu* ami costs which were Imposed upon him. He will resist payment*. h*r.Y- T W rrfn iin ias retained Jjaw,v**r W illiam (J. Uyrani who today inform ed M ilan Ibis's, the homlsmah for Mommy, that Judge Morton had exceeded Ids jurisdiction and advised him not to pay the lln*!. Mr. By mm also appeared before Judge Movton this morning and acquainted his honor with the status of the case and of the procedure determined upon, unless Ids. order-to pay is rescinded. Ill re. p ly'Judge Morton said ho was determined to make » test case of the mat ter and unless the dm was paid by it o'clock tonight he would is sue com m i I m en I papers. M ooney says that only nue-sido’of tin* story was told tn FhjM V:.\ysp;>j!ers,jiniLtbat.iL-th*!-*)t!i«rr si*i*' were known the public-would vindicate lilni[entirely. -. •It is likely that proceedings w ill’be In- stituted aga hist tlm justice'and it is said Llic-inaiter w ill Im briujghf,- lu*for*!tlic-at- teiit ion of city council tonight. TOBEGINJULY 30 HELD AN AUTOPSY Death **l' Colored iufaul Ar«)Usos Sus- picion, Itnl lnveHtigatlon l*n»v«H Decease to Have Iteen N'atnriil. G«)ron**r bTock’s attention was ealji'd yesterday to the death of 1 Martha Reetl.a colored, infiin 1 * v b «»■-•<*p a u a i U n *•■>«•■»> l .r.ni*-u>- av**mie, W*!St. Park. The child, about 5 months old, died early. Sunday morning nml Undertaker Lewis MntfclieVys was call- ed in to take'charge of the body. In tilling out the hnrinl perinit he found, that 110 dtictoyJuul bwn called to attend the infant. I l** in formed the coroner of thn fa*it and Dr. J. T. R os*! was directed to hohl nil ;u lif ip s y , _ \ i d ild i_ w a iL _ d o ft i* _ y cs tur<la>v; iC Lu^ Tiomn— Thr'Turrtrboi’lUtmii.i**:! Him ilio.eiditT had been ill nml tliat- no ph.wii^iatt had' been called. The doctor, after ( thi in v est I-; gatlon, buind that, (hifc.liiltl had dual front chohdii infantum and inllammatiun nf the heiirt aud granltul th** perm it f*»r its burial.. ROBBED HIS FRIEND Mm* Whom . ICoberl SCiicurei* It**- IVlem teil L**av«*H L arly hi thcJM orn- ____ Ing W ith AVateh.ami Money.* *_.loseph Scht'jiier, of Seheiir**r A Son-, the NCwprk grocer, Rumim»niig in Mils city.at. 3] I'Eighth avenue, was relieved of a sum of money, a gold watch and chain and also a pocket-book.'in Tepeculiar manner yester - day morning. W A U r lend wlio'ni lie.Iiad_iujnjitt**d to his hems** and with whom he hadeveii share*! his bed was found m issing when Mr. Schemer arose ami with him had gone tjte arliclrs mentioned above and $5 be- lt mging to the servant girl. . Mr. t'cliemvr'says iu* will decline, to' prosecute, Imt is exeedlngly anxious t»» re* cover his watch. The police arc ntaklhg every etVort t*» apprtdiemi the Miief. I’dLAND T{D LEAVi: IIKADI.CY HLAGll. Hus Ail ilin I'rtipj'cty la Tlmt Place Iu thi* M arhct fm* Sale. " On all the prap'crty in JU'adloy Beach owned hy Peter -Poland, ami. it-is saiti to be considerable, is the-legend in glaring lefters “For Sale.” -y For som e 1<lme. past I Vtor haslieen grow- TTigdlssjit-isll*!d w ith Hie i>lae**\ind lid s in eon’iuncLion w ith his nm lrlnu>iii:>r tro.iL) Ides, it Is said, had decided him to pfill up stak**s and leayc. ft is pnulietod by s*mu*, however, that 1 Vter Is working a shrewd lilull’ ami has a surprise upJds sleeve. . ^Oceiiii <ir*iv« OrchcHlra I’iemc. The liieiuliers of tho_Ocean Grovo aiidl- •fcbrium orchestra enjoyed a picnic to Siuirk- river on Saturdav; They wen 5 nqder the' b»;u1ersliip of RPtU^’ali:n. .Al 0 Lgan..AvliitdL is equal t‘»'sayihg the outing- was most ep- j*»yalde. The jiarty numbering about ii.r», leftVarly in the morning and Hid not re- turn until a lute liour ill tlie afternoon, Date Fixed at Meeting of the Allied Commanders in China. _ AMERICA URGES QUICK ACTION High O aii-tii I £ u. vk We W ill Proceed Alone If Prnpipl. .Move In Not Made by • Powers — Lit tie l-hicjitirngeiiieiit FrbVu lbigbind , as I I opined late “Action, . T riiuijle S p read h igto Inti*rjor'ProvJn(*<!H; W nsliiiighm ,- M onday.—Tin* navy de- partment, has received-a despatch-fi’oni Admiral-Ih'tney'stat ing that nit a meet ing • if .llie.allied cu m in n tillers, July*- 3b- w as !lx«*d as tin* day fen* the advhnne oii Pekin to begin. ' A m erica (IrgcH HtiKtc, ^_LliiUJt:!d,-_EnglaiuL=:A-.spi!ciaL-(:oiirier from tlie Ameri**an em bassy arrived here last night with ih!Spat.eh<!S for Lord Salis- bury, who is pow nt.tliu llatfiejd ILmse., 'i’ll*! d**sj);tlclies included a ropy o f A dm iral Remoy’s message L»*\Vashington, relating to t he tie Jay in l la: advance on Pekin, to- gether wjlh a query Iiy Secretary Hay fo Salisbury, as to wiiejJb’L’jhe advance, could not Im cxpediled. *Thc courier, returned to London last night’ /, w ith a .-reply w liloh is belie ye* I to lie In tlie m;gativ**.. 1 . Conlllcting DcHpatclieH. W ashington, tt Tin* following m»*ssag*! w as posted.at thn sbitit d*!partm**nt:! **l)o- parfnudit"' rec*dv**d tlespatch- fronu Mr. .Good n ow, consul general at* S h a n glial« tin tad tndny, saying -I hut J'rine** 'Jbiaii wires thnt. otlicer as follows: ‘Tin! Tsung- Li-Yannm saw ;\11 iniiiisl.ers’on July is and that none were Injured and Hint no iltack at that. I imt? was b*!lhg made.’ ” Tin** tlespatch t<» a eei'tain exUiiit is at variance w itli Hie despatch of Conger which sayS tliat on t hat date Hit! legations wen! licing attacked. . <ln to pel*to nt Due**. ., jju.rLs.'—T h tL -i lo w e r s _ a m _i-eporl*!(L^tDibi*- exchanging views as to t he adAdsability, now thiit.'nn Ghlnest! are left In thu vicin- i frUrien-fM n r o f-n ih a in eiu g T m " I V k i n irr mee with Hie>forces libw available organ- ized as a dying column. It, is stated that Hie i»roposfil originated at, W ashington. United StntcN May Atteoipt Kcnciio AlotTe^ Wnsidngluii.—A high qllicialof the'stat’e .lepavtmeiit Kvid tills, nuivulng that l-lu*. Uniled States will undertake the rescue of Conger iiml his colleagues alone if none of the other powers will join.in the advance. Text of Imperial, Kriirt. Washington.—The- text, of tftc imperial edict issmxl at Pekin on July IT, lias been lransinit.t**d to Mihist**t' W 11 and was handed to the stat** di*par(ment tldk inorti- ing. - T he'**dicl, orders all Hi*?_ gtiyei: 1 .1 brs.ot th e pr*ivlnc*!s, 'J’art-ar. generals aifd the governor.gtsiierdl to look after foreign* m ereliaills and -niisshiuiirics in J-he-oprit jiarlsof the prefect’ures, departments and illstriirts tinder t-ltelr ii!Spective ; ji 1risdie.-. Hun ami to atford them due protection lit accoglance with* the treaty sHpulatUms. Tin* edict -deplores the . death td' t he Jap - anese and German ministers. .Mon* Fighting Near Tien-Thin. St . ... Petersburg,—A Gh****foo desilatch Says that a body of Ghinesi* rec*)iinoi|.ering near.Tlen-Tsin *»m:oiint*!ivd a force of Jap - anese and Cossacks win* muled them, tak- ing many prisoners. • Eight: Japanese and. mil! GossaeU wer*! I;iHell. The British has twie*! fought the Chinese near Wei-1 Ini* Wal, vepulsiug Micin after Veiniqrcements atrlved. T he H iitish eji.pl 11m I “nu ritles. Conger Only- May he Alive; Another 'despatch from Paris says that the theory is being discussed hero ‘that possibly,-in vicw'of Minister Wu’soffer to jmidnee Conger anti t,ho*silence of .the j.i L1 il *L’ . m inisters, -tluit-U ongm ^ U- pOHsthly the only minister leflrnlive In Pekin. Ti'tuihle Spyeaillag .UFAnterior Provinces, Paris.— ;I lespatches from {! nak Hauk*»w say that, the Ghiiieso't-hmldo' is spreading injhc ecu trill ])rovine*!.s of IlpsNaiiantl 1 in- P e i a n d t-iiafc I’o m ig n dri'l 1***1-1’hiiiesc* tr o o p s show a disposition to insult foreigners. : itei»U! 3* <««Iug io Ti«*n-Tslii. Wasliington.—Secretary Jjiing has j y* •iyet I^i_qn [d egm 111. f r* 1m j A* fm I r a I _ H cinc.V- staling llult. tile latter will go to 'j'icti-Tsin in person for the purpose of obtaining i 11- fo v n m t i o n •.regarding tho exact situation there. . - __________________ , HIGHLANDERS CAPTURED 100 of Them and a Supply Train Taken In- to (Jump by Dewct —Ktinning Fight. Witli llm*r Commando. Loudon, Monday.1 ---General K elly-K enny reports to war ollice Dial, the Boers under Dc.wet-captuivd inuof (lie lUghlatulcrsmul a supply train iu*;ii Hotdngspridl. -Another despatch lo the war ollice from Knionstadl in tin* O ran ge ltiv**r G obm y, dated July says: “Col. Hroudwood re- ports that/ lie follow***! t,h** Boer eoirim ando which '-broke- ihe British conhm near -UefhTohont—im t 11 July )> to In, -lightlo-g- Hharply* itll t i n * ‘H im * . On .tlu*. night, of July It», reached. Yaal* Krantz where the enemy doubled back to Pa'ardeUraal dur- ing Mm night-. Wires along the main rail- way have I wen cut north of llimingspriut ami'also Mm telegraph to Pretoria via Potehferstvoom.; F R eal E state I nsurance Mortgages B onds MILAN lioSS AGENCY 203 MAIN STREET . Momnonth Trust -— AND 7 ■ ' ' . Safe Deposit Company MonmoutU Butiaiag, Asbury Park, H. J. CA PITA L,..; ., r . ; $100,000. SURPLUS .................... 25,000. Rxecutes nil trusts known to the law. . Loam* money oivWoml nntt morlRRKe. Receives deposits «nbjer.t-to check and allows Interest on dnliy balances. Acts as Trustee, Registrar and Tranafar Aareht. Psys cojipons. Mnkes demand nnd lime loads bn approved ollMeral. Bate deposit vaults. A. C. TWININO, Pretiident. O. B. M. HARVKY, Vice President, R. A-.-TUSTINr.. ‘^Crclsry. . I>. C. COKNRLL, Trestaren DIRECTORS: O. H . Brown, J. H. Buchanon, DrC.'Corneil, ; ------ W, J. Harrison, Col. <*. B. M. Harvey, George K, Hroehl TIruce S. Keator, M. D., II. H. Vreelsud, G. D. W. Vroom, R. A. Tieiting, Henry Mitchell, M, D. __ John P. O’Brien, I’erry R-. Smith, S. A. Patterson, A.,tL-Twlnlng,-_—— STATIONERY A trial will convince you that we have The Neatest The Best The Most Reliable STATIONERY STORE U... in . this City. ■-•-v; W j (Mery nvorythiiiK to ha found In a wi.-ll HUKikud storoof this kind. 5,000 Novels at 10c HARRYA . BORDEN Stationer ^ Newsdealer Cor. Bond St.and Mattison Ave. Jligll Grade Fishing Tackle Repairing on Rode and Reels. C t G A R S T A N ir IQBAUFO ~ Import*^ Key AVc«t, and Pomnatlc Cigars and all 1 .Hntoknn*’ Articles. ^ The best.cigar tliat 5 cents enn buy. T P 6^*7 1-2 o* t • OLULU, Cookman Avenue ktf k n l.ir^r.irrxq^priuirrrnr K ilieil 11 is \Vif»» llccitiiH** She W aiiietl a 1)1- v*»i*ci*, H e H a v in g .A n o th e r \V ile , Slug Sing, Mum'lay.— Juseph* M ullen, whu-murdered Ids w ife at* .New Ymik’hi June, ISPS, been use she suctl fiiFa dUairc*4, owing in the fact he had mioihc'r wife In' England, was eU'ctvocilLnl ln,,the prison helv thisTmirnlng. TlK—AVr nlb er^ . ■■■■■■ ->—— Wasiiington, Mtiuday.—Partly chmdy t*>nigbt aml Tuesday, pcraUira; light* to <vintld,.‘ wjtii moderate tenf- fresh . southcas tcrlj' I'rolmliiy not, .hut why run the - risk' of scrionsiy injuring your Eyes by' tlie use of- incoryectSy fitted glasses when you can have them skillfully adjusted by. '-L . STILES & CO. I'hltadelphla Eye Specialists :-Y't 222 Main street, Asbury Park, 'every Eriyay. IToun*, K1 lo r> . Frod exumlnalJon apil all walk t'liaVuuleiicl. OF A5B0RY PARK Mattison Ayenne and Bom!- Street Between Pofltoffice and Depot ORQANlZebFEPRUARY.iefl* . OFFtCKltB: . O ROUGE F. KROKifU Preshlont . (>. 11. ItKOWN, 1st Vico Pfosldmit , M. I,. IIAMMAN, 2ud Vtca Froeidont M. H. SCOTT, CaaUlor. Patrons’valuablesreceived rorenfe keepingfreeofoharae. -1 ForelgH exchange bought and irold C3U<setr<Sf\spramptly.acknovi/l«dge(t YOUR BUSINESS FAVORS RB SPECTFULUY SOLICITED. I

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Page 1: I SALE 10BSE eal state TO BEGIN JULY 30 · 2014. 4. 3. · Tow^iship Iveiuud club and—has. just1 been, enrolled in tlie Ameriean Kennel club. Tliennimal at tract s considerable

■ I

Late $esjrs By TelegraphF O U R T E E N T H Y E A R . N O , U-L A S B U R Y P A R K , N E W J E R S E Y , .M O N D A Y , J U L Y ' 23, 1000. I E V E N I N O E D J T J O N —P R IC E O N E C E N T

S A L EA sp lend id1 properly on Asbury Avenue,: second block fromocean. A decided bargain for some­body. CaTljjhrid get particulars. ''

^ ; ; —

D . C CO yERTV 208 -Bond Strest,

Aabury Park,-N.J.

Miss Jones of London Entirely Disappears From the Stage,

M O R E ” W O E F U L C R E D I T O R S .^ ■ -

Not Kvuu a .Smell <>f .Riilpluir: KuimiliiH, Only^thp Aroma of l/njtalfl DfllH—TIn*

' U n gall a ijtE x a iii i i in o f . t l io Itooreaut Manajfer Wlio Ijftft SnmtvDaytf. Ago Fol­lowed W ItlFFri 111 i f ii IiTohH/ r "*

.: “ Miss Junes of. London” Is no more. The


{ HotAl Rrnnhwlafc, . .Railroad Depot and,1214 UanRa Avenuo,

Prlunfpal O n i c o . . ..............300 M A I N S T R E E TClooda Ptorod at renfloimblo'rates, . Telepliono connection.

P. Q. Box«17, - ABBtra? PARK,


For otherwise V could not -ljolp your fai 11 Dtf. eyesight with Hpoo- fables or eyeglawtefl.’ But the pa­tient, ludpFu I nose Is barbarously

' T , r T / r^ T 7 ’T r F r<'nt4Hl* hnd the French name for L U L > i y Y eyejjIaKse.s, pinee-nez (pfneh-nose)

tans well f*olect(xULet me ahow you a new thing In



An o s ^:

which was contrived for nose comfortr When you wear a pair of niy eyeglasses your noso will bo as lucky as your eyes,

CLAUDE J. WISEMAN,- — Je w e le rn E fsrd OpticiaH ~

. 645 C ookm an A ve;■ SIMMS, watches and- Jewelry repaired with promptness and skill.

— O N -

Bond and —-Mortgage

.-.In'sums ranging from

W M . H . BEEGLE,226 M A IN STREET , '

Asbury Park.

M A RY 'S D IL E M M AMary, Mary, (jiilto contrary, RulTeriiipr nclius and pains:All the trouble th a t you havo Is 'cause your eyes you strain.

' ' O ct u jia lf in RliSBHffl;Fitted (food and I rue,You never will lm happy Mary, till you do.

A lartto pfnporilon o f lleaSnekn, nervous­ness, hysteria anil ItiAomnla Is caused hy

■ eye strain—l ’ho removal l ot tho 'causo of fe d s a permanent curo.


Asbury Park Optical Parlor,803 Cookman Avenue.

Car.^EmoryStroot. - S

Capital $50,086 8o,? « f i " a 550,000

' M l r a r y t a r i r a n i T i l K a i r t r o v c

Corner Mattison Ave.. and Main St., ASBURY PARK, N. J.

Corner Main Atcauc and Pilgrim Pathway OCEAN QROVB.

liypfrdtistUiaH perform ed an entirely now feat. Not content w ith simple liortcl soaring :bIic yanishhtl entirely.. Tlie disappearing ac t was not oh tlm regular program SO the creditors of the-proprietor were not ap­p rised o ftlie change in time to lie present to tak e some p a rt In* tiin sedlie:-

Not long n^o Miss Helen W hil e; tins pur­ported owner of. tho show, uhexjnibtedl.v i e f C f o r - p a r t s i u i k n o w n i h i j t - t lu ' lM H 'f v Y n u - R R o ^ h u s j w o i F ^ n t i m i ^ lei\ Tim Mujio'wunaziiig tricks Jmvciift- w ildem l the spectators and the same mys­terious influence has carried .Miss Jones into the air. The 1 same iron ring has *boen passed about her .body to, show “ thealb senee of any \vh‘eR>upporUng iter,’’ a s. the nhuul aiinolineenieiits win. ’T im e(in^ j again B^e Jms.beon brought out of hcrm es- jnerlst le. sta te to’ t he astonishm ent of TH present and the pooplo havcML^eiaiined tiiat w in d ers wi 11 never cense.

The same inlluonco which drew . Miss Jones in the n ir seems to have -pervaded her company iii its business.relations and; enodgli to clot he jind support the. manage­m ent was dnutVn from th e mereluuitis; who. were .paid with promises. yUny after day th is charm ed m ystery gradually iriereasejl •her credit,until the s ta r nuniber wus sec­retly arranged to fake place on Saturday night. The event jwas kept a secret through fear of an over erowdeil house, which would not conduct! to a good per­formance. ~ * -!

’Burly in tlie eveiilftg tlie’first patron ap­peared. A lady stopped up in the, box of­fice and after depositing her top cents ami mrtd v lh g irl Ji 1 lf*trbf innhi^idTTwmrfiTfmanT ed th a t the performance would open again ia_ ah au t—Bi-m i n u to*—Th**—htdjMvbttrncd'In am ple tim e mul \y«s. toldithat the show was then in progress aiul she would lmvo to ennui n found in tim e for the nex t imtv formnnce. 3:i about sium inutes the nd- m iro ro f hypnotic fonts returned ami tills tim e another excuse w as offered, but. did h o t go with the Indjvaiul 'her nibney;wns returned am i silo disappeared also. -The real th ing , however, took place some time in ib»! course o f ’the night, and t his m orn­ing the proprietor of the hnjhliug is ex­plaining that Mr. K uplerhds gone some­where nml th a t he himself is runn ing a restau ran t In the place. > The creditors are m ourning their losses. ''

B A T H E R ’ S C U R I O U S I N J U R YJames Wells of Itrootclyn Strikes Hard

Siihstnnee am) Dlsloeates Two Toes ami Sprains- Ankle.

Jam es W ells of Brooklyn mot with a pe­culiar accident while fmthing 'a t Fourth 1 venue Sat unlay afternoon, i le was wail­ing .abou t near the last posf, when his righ t font struck som ething hard and ren­dered th is member unite useless.

W ith assistance he rebelled the shore and was helped to Dr. F. F. Coleman's ollice. Upon exam ination i t was nmiul th a t two

kle wrencficd. The d o d o r ‘set t p* d is­placed memltejs and Mr. W ells was re­moved to lluv home of Mr. Faitoute, Oil A sbury avenue, where he is a guest.( ■

M A U H I iU iK S .

*: AVoodlielfl-l'uttersnii.Otis H. Wooilfleld of Lakewood and Miss

it os; i'“ M r F a tt R 'S D ll Of I h ir F W i l l lL ^ .V ^ L l were united in marring*! Sunday ey**nlng by Uev. W. il, .Moyer n t tlie parsonage of the W est drove M. K, tdiuinth.'

I l e i i i t e t l - K o r i i c r .John It. lh 'im ett of Jacksons Mills anil

Miss I)um Horner-of VanhisevilleJ N; J ., were united in m arriage at. the juirsoiiage of the West l ’.-jVk M. li. ebtireh,-Thursday

•jilng last*, by Hev. t*. K.1,Hiuicoek, jnis- to r of the (ditireh.

• A Y a l t i a i i l e A u l m i t l .

Mrs. Ii. I'D Mayo of lln alley Dench Is the pnm d possessor of n-eiirly haired S t. Der- nartl dog of the"Sw iss breeil, valued nt £*AVi. II is about, six jnoiitlis o l d "anil weighs Its pounds. I t is . reg)j<fer*Hl in tin* Asbury Dark, Drmlloy Jlcacu aud-Noptuiie Tow^iship Iveiuud club and—has. just1 been, enrolled in tlie Ameriean Kennel club. Tliennim al at tract s considerable attention .

Likely lo l.ost* filght Vir'Mye.! * .- ^ Dr. J . T . Huso of W est P ark , tho attend- iug pKvsielau to May M atthews of Uamll- lon, who was in jured n t tho Corlies uvt- nue- rail road crossing, paid his charge a Visit yesterday. She is’now tilde lo walk uul; run about., b u t Is likely to.luse.the sight of the left- eye w ith wldeh .she can now see miUililgi 'i' lie g irl—rcmumhorrt-m ithlng of the accident.

0 . W IH B O U . V resW rrit. ■' HKO. W . K V A N 8, Vlcrt-I»re8Hont.

EDMUND E. DAYTON, Cashier.J E 8 8 E M IN O T ,.A sa lp tnn tC uah lor .




K x e e l l e i i t C o n f o r t T o n ig h t *

An imibrtulnnieiil of exeontlonnl m erit Will bo rom lom l’in the W estm inster l ’ros- hyterlan clihi’ch t.onlght. Thivconcerfc will’ be I11 charge of Mrs. tim ce Uiulerw*»od, a well known singer of .thls-pUy. Tin* list

J2£ -a U L V J J ilR lU J J ^ iU L C w iIl^ p ia A a r-A n a iu d * iH . nuiuy nmnes prom inent In musical circled.

Accounts He apootful 1 y S oil o 1 fc a a V Deposit Boxes to Rent. *W e Ia«uo*Foro ign D ra fts ana Let- e re o f C r e d it . . . ,

.1. . ■ ,_ .O o o p p r l l m i k s t h e U c r o n l .

...- 'I’lie sale pf ice ercxini a t Cooper's eslab- Hshments 011 BatmMdy was a record breaker.’ (The sales far snriiasKcd those of any previous .years, -An nbfm dnnt testi- monlaV as to tho esteem In which the dain ty is hold. m . • ” *

— UomidMno^jnrofl-lndlgesttou-

Tho PRKRft gives more roaillng ma'ftor fo on(j<ient. rluin nny. other newspaper in As bury Park. . . /


W h e n P r e v e n t e d F r o m H o a r d in g T r o l l e y C a r In D r u n k e n I t a g e T h e y * S e i z e

. M o n e y a n d F i g h t F iikuch .

Two hold rogues b rutally assaulted Ilijn jum in Goodrich,.conductor on one of tin TMeasurn'IJny-trolloy"dTrk7j'est«!r*luy"dflcr noon. Thpy were drunk, and disord(f?ly amF lmd been. jm t ijlT sdveral .cars when they attem pted to board Conductor fJood- rloh’s car near Cedar avenue, W est End.

Inspector H erbert, who was on th e cur told the conductor not pJ alhjw tliciu tb enter. One, however, jum ped oil the run nIng hoard and as the* conductor burred

.hfM-lwiswigo-t!ie~folloW"Sei'/.<Nl~liiK'-money pocket and tore it from.Ills coat add also d ig g in g Goodrich .from th irear. •

As they lay strugg ling Ihe m an’s com­panion struck Ihe conductor in tlie fac* w ith a stDiin bu t lu; pluckUy retained hi> grasp upon tlid money. The rogues^Unal- ty iied before ^lotorinan W illiam T nntm u or tli*! pjisscng(!i*s could i-e.Luril to tin*scene of the fight, "leaving in! the possession of Conductor Hood rich the coveted money -podkctr Nt j - - action ^ h a s" been' hvougHT against the men.*

-H L I N ’D T O M . T l f F M (L S IU A L D F N I U S .

W ill. Appear in the Anbury Park Audi turliini Toulghtl .

-This c'veAlng J tlln d Toin, .the musical phenomenon, will give one o f 'h is inusical uml mcntiil entertalnnicnts in J lie AslunV Fjirk auditorium , i le . is W ithout e.\c»*p- tiou dmi of 1 he m ysteries of the jiresen't age. Tin* ehlld nf iioor slave panmts? blind from Ids b irth , with a mind elouded and an intellect, w ithou t force o r develop uient, he has for’ a fc quarter' of a century been the • wonder mul adm iration of Europe and America. *, •

There Is no art. a bout. him. Wit hou t 11 i 1 - derstandlng a singhs rud im ent of w rit fan music he composes artistic gems of a ldgb order and sp g rea t is his n a tu ra la id lity (hat he peVfonns the m ost classical com­positions w ith all the skill and ' excellency of tlie most, distinguished artists. Jlis wonderful ineinory. und nmiarkalih* fat a lly for locating sounds enables him to im itate upon the piano alm ost every known instrum im tm nd to-repent- w lthoutriiHdor7 standing their m eaning the speeches of

most-falLlefill accuracy. A program of unusual cx eellency lias be*'11 prepared for this ev*!»- Mig’s en te rta in m en t.. ..................

L O C A L ^ H A P P E N I N G SThe city council m eets again tonight.*T onight tli** band plays a t tlie Asbury

avenue pavilion.Ten employees of tlu* SymplumUm eoi\i-

pany have s**curecl hoard a t llradley Reach.Miss ti race Davis of Red Hank Is visit­

ing Miss TyplieiuifcDoty of Fourth avemic.Ten white glr\<Tam w anted nt. once, w p-

ply Opera House block, Hangs avenue and Emory st iv**t. ^

_ Charle.s Marten.,spii of I)r. Marten,.pastor, o f tluTFlrHl HapilsV churcli, is a t liome for the suiniiii.'r vacation.

Miss Jennie. Iiavis, who .has been Visit­ing relatives in Trenton, has returned to her home on Hangs nvenui!.

Judge Hurdeti Is entertain ing bis'daugh- ter Mrs. ,S.-S. Rrown of Fhilntlelphla anil her little son H a ry for a few weeks.

J . X. Shurtv, is still cbnllned to Ids rotmi by the injuries lie sustained iii tlu* railroad .accidental Red Hank on Tuc>*luy last.

The hearing of S m ith -Gould und Thomas T urner for assau lt 011 Joseph Ja ck ­son will be hulil1 ton igh t before Justice l)odd. ,

The large thive-fpeed town clock In the tower of the Symphonlim- com pany's fac- t o ry i s 111 uc||_an 1)rpclaJ.cdr bv-JJiTi-LesJiIajxl^TTTTcTiTTgTi T7o r h u 6 d .

'i’he passengers on one *if tho trolley « irs last n ight were m uch alarm ed overa sliglit. lln* eause*l iiy tem porary ’disorder in the electrical ■meelmnism. (

AVI 11 him Hitch, representing a largi* iMiiliuUilpUla (ir 111, ono of the jolt lest of the jolly arm y of traveling meii, is a visitor in Ocean.Grovo for a few tlliys. ••

Deputy Supervisor FCxtoii of Coast City KayiU-A-i^vwHnT-i vm l-W —G-r-H ;ri'-

- s in - \ v ( l l - i i i a k t r a i i 1 L o d g e , 11. A . j o f j j u k c w o u d o n T h u r s d a y n i g h t . 1

M r s . C l a y t o n , th e . w e l l k n o w n c o n t r a l t o o f R e d H a l ik , .w i l l a p p e a r ill. ' t h e c o m p l l

n l a i-.v t 'o n c c r t t m rrtetTTFM rr;. G r a c e t i l - d e n v o o d a t t h e W e s t m i n s t e r c h u r c h t o ­n i g h t . ( .

T h u t h r e e t l a y s ' i c e c r e a m n n d c a k e f e s ­t i v a l o f t h e P i o n e e r F in ; E n g i n e c o m p a n y i i f H r n d le .v -H e a e h w a s v e r y s u c c e s s f u l a i u l 1 ( n m s id e r a l i l i t s u m w a s a t l d M i it ) t h e f u n d

l o r tin * p u r c h a s e o f a n e n g i n e h o u s e . ___J Y A V a f i l - R i c h a r d s o n , e d i t o r a n d p u b ­

l i s h e r o L t h e U r h l g e t o u E v e n i n g ' N e w s , H r h l g e t n u . N .J . , w a s a v isit*)!* u t , ’ t h e P l t c s s o llie t* o n S a t u r d a y . H e i s m a k i n g A s b u r y Ih it fk I d s h o m e a s l o n g a s d u t y w i l l p e r m i t . - - .

M r s . M ^ t . l lr o v e r l l a m m o n d . 1iniT» H e r g l i s t i v i i t , l i i i s j i iK t . r e t . t i r m s l t u t h i s c i t y a f t e r a n i n e m o n t h s ’ v i s i t t o 1 j 6 s A n g t d e s , Jh u i- s a d e u a a n d o t h e r p l a c e s o f I n t e r e s t In s o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a . S h e 'r t^ p o r ts t h a t in c r o s s i n g t h e A r i z o n a d e s e r t t h e • t .e n ip u r a - t u r e w a s 1 *1 i l e g r e e s b u t t h a t h y t h e l i ­b e r a l u s e o f le*! t h e p a s s e n g e r s m a d e t lm j o u r n e y In s a f e t y i f n o t i n c o m f o r t . 1

Christ Ini) anil iUisHlomiry Alliance.The sciamd aiinual convention of the

Christian and Missionary alliance of New Jersey will lie luild in th is ojly beginning W ednesilnyof th is week and ending Sun­day. Tlm week day sessions will be-held in t.lm Hapt-ist - chnvidi mul Lhe_r.in.slngmeetings pp Sumlay jii tho A sbury ihiTk auditoriiim .v Am ong the HjHiakers will bo many well known missloniiVles,

Drunk .Again and Sorry for It, - Charles W Jiltlug helped to swell the list’

of police cases before Jud g e Cross S a tu r­day night. He was arrested for being

Idm & Fuiul costs, which am ount W hiting paid 'to keep himself on ‘the outside of the county ja il. **. ( • .

F ra n k l l . T ubbs of New* York, tho vocal, fenohur, editor of liUisJo Life am i vocal.ed- ito ro f the Musician, will Ihj pleased.to, re­ceive' calls a t Ills house,-iibh SpioF avenue, AUonluirBt, during Ju^y and A ugust. -

, ‘-J . 1 5 3 - 8 1 . . .

Allenhurst*Lots. . . , - ^ ix ^ o t^ b ) r* ^ r f e - -a t ;AilcnbTTTKt:—Great” bargain. M ust be sold a t once. Address IK O. Hex D0J1, Asbury P ark , N. J . ITOetf

Read THE Dahat T?Uebs.

10BSEMuch adverse com m ent has appeared In

the- different newspapers eonkeriiliig th'* -rulo-of-tln*-()eean-Grovi* nssonlHMairhTr bidding tin* bathing. priviFges t*i those in w hite bath ing costuuw 'ait'd the recent en­forcement of tlie regulation in^the ease Of one female bather in, that: pHToe.

Not having kenti.tlic bnf!ii|ig robe In ((uestloti It is impossible to com m ent upon thi* justice of the ac t, blit judging froui num erous otla r w liite eostiinies se*m at. ditTerent.Unies a t thu Asbu rv P a rk b a th in g groumls, the rule Isan em inently jifstone, and alm ost hivariably-obj**ct ion has justjy been nutde on tills side tin* lake. A nd It is equally true tlmt tho w earers.df the g ar­m ents after thi;!r f i r s t ’cxperieneo'in tbe w ater discard them of their own IVcO will.’

xT'be ob jections' a rc not far Tetehcif *or supercilious ones imposed for 1 he* 1 ilea sure tin: simple imposition might -give fo those, in authority , as it. has been claimed, Imt uxtriuisonablo-ji nd-jusfoiknnyonow lllai*': prceldle who has hrnl experience with tin* talxiod robes or-who has an uuwiirped Idea as to w hat constitutes imwlcsty.

♦ ^ ♦

Thi! shade of llo ra tlu s wriggled uneasily nptm Us golden throne in t.inr,a/aire Idue iiuLhls sword and armor.a;In 11 ked dism al­ly. M mirnfully the disronsolai.h -spirit niutt**red, “ Thus t’o feel assured of fanu* ih rnu g h a ll etern ity and wAvtn find my Ijrav*! resistance plagiarized, is hard, is hard imh'ed. Trbe, they are t hree,', while 1 alone did hold the bridge and tliat with blond sw eat sword, b u t the past has dimmed my glory and they nr** In the sun­light of the present. /

“ Hy Haechiis;it.indeed dot lrroll fny blontt mil stirs me tin 'to deeds of violence.

“ What, ho, my shield! I ’ll return to earth andtoross t he bi*idge an d w«* shall see on whom shall rest the laurel wreath of vie- tory. Jh it no, the Ignominy of their posi­tion to stop theAJiadow trem bling sons t»f civil life forone sm all paltry c**nt. is punish* m eat enough. R a ther w ill 1 stay and th*; ibsurdity of the fight shall aiTurtl hie pl*!as- ur«.V . .

H er d(*llcat.e little face, usually so smil. lug a thi rosy, was draw n nnd whltekfndj 10. m irth fit 1 dimples could be discovered In tlrelr uhiinl playground, lu*r smootli che**ks. Shu d id no t know w hat w as the. m at tel*, w ith her, she could not even Imag­ine, b u t she knew she was awful ly sick.

u p c oH er duties a t the,- bn tiling hardly .bo..attended to bu t she bravely struggled through the routine.

A* last her fellow w orker'asked her if ho hud been ru ling any th ing that, would

disagree w ith her. W ith u shake of her sad IlM-le head she replied: “N othing; all tlm t I -have had is a plniT'tii' hucktelHirries und some of the clam s the linthhigmnsters roast ed on the ocean' fron t.” '

N O T A F A I R C O N T E S TS o }**'iiy t h e T r c i i to i i ia ii* * iu I t c g n i a l t o tin *

( l o r n c r - C a r m m ly M a t c h — I t M U yh e - D e o lu r ed -D U * . :—

It. Is, likely that- the contest between Fred Gerner *»f this rity uml Tom Car- lit ody of T renton, scheduled to hike place d uring the hqrsc show a t West End, will be declared o f f unless a change is made In the character nf the events.—The Trenton 'T im es says Gerner -has se­lected tlie following even ts :.50-yard clash, JtHi-yurd dash, ^Jn-ya^d^lttfrdlL*, runn ing

broad jum p, runn ing hop, step and a jum p, nml three standing-broad jum ps w ith weights. j

These, i t rem arks, do not constitu te an all round contest such iis was stipulated and says, “ i t is dollars, to doughnuis tliat Tommy C arnipdyw lll not consent to such'

contest.” Then* slum Id bo included. It continues/ a polC-YiuiltT-inLLting—lU^punml-7> |jnt-:i!td - t:hT n \V iirg- l i ( ^ m n r d - hin«Th'»er;"'

A O N E S I D E D G A M EI.tM 'al/ U u n U st- I I o .vk Prov** K uk v V U -Ioi-V* at

D a se b a ll OX'**** T l i d r C o it im d iM tilFault* AfdMiry. ^

A b a s e b a l l t e a m , e o m p o s t u l o f t h e m e m ­b e r s o f. t h e l o c a l H a p lls l ; H o y s ’ b r ig a d e , p la y i* d t l i e G a m p A s b u r y n i n e o n t ln * ir g r o u n d s a t. S h a r k r i v e r o n S a t u r d a y . T J m s c o r e ”: : . .ASHPUY PA UK.

S m ith .. . . . .I | 0 W t!----- -H en r n i o r e . .

H o s t . l c k . , . . . J o n e s ............... muS a m u e l S / .v .

. R o n i i e t t . . . V a n D o r a n .

,. .catcher.;! . .pile!ter... first base .second kisc .third base, .short sto[

Held.. ..left Ilehl ( . right. Held

Score by innings:- 1 * j •*. •! r.A sbury l>m,fe..d- 1 :J 1 3 Gump A sbury Ji ti U'U 2

UAMl* ASIU'UY 'Cham her Jain Higgins: . . . IV.'J’hcil ..M r Hurneti-

. . . . . . ./uihiledeu

. . . . . . . . .H. TayforIt. Chamberlain

. . . ..Jo lH M - .. Herring

H !l I! tJ .X — “ P 0 x— 3

Fnliitnlilii Niue Defeat« Lung llrancli*_On Saturday the Columbia Hotel base­

ball toani defeated the Long B ranch nine in an exciting gam e |»y a score of D to 7. A retu rn gam** will he playetl 011 the a th ­letic grounds Wed nest lay afternoon. The RrHowfng 1 players, w ill rrprnsunr the t ‘o- lumhiir>t**am: W. Giger, F. Glger, Lang1 doii, McGlaitey, Ameli. R itte r, La tlui m, jind the H art ln:ot lu>rs who w ill pitch ami catch respectively. A sm all admission will by cfiurged. , j . ’

.SonnjorSlamm 1)1*1 Nut •Conte, ,-----Senjittif Mareiis A. Ilanna and wife nml

WfrB—E hbi-rrrn- on Saturday lmt^tfiey did no t niatcria.b/e, Sejtator Ha’mfa. is now at-C anton, ()hi*i,

id js^x p ee ted daily. - They will tjceup.v Senator M urphy’s home a t W est Eipl iliir- Ing the sum m er. * ..

Woman Drowned In u lLU-htuh,Mrs. Catharine Muokel of "Npwnrk .-w as

fomid drowned in th e lu d h tu b a tlic rh o ju e ' today, Slio had liran sick sovoral (lays and wen Fi nt**-thtyfntHtroomT^^'lbTr^htr-vVrrr going tbjtake ifrlkatb. H er .bully was-foundsome tinio afterw ard,

Rehnot-luo cures lndlgoaRon.

D E T E C T I V E H A R P H A ML O O K S J J P ^ A S U S P E C T

A l l e g p t l to Hnvt* A t t e m p t e d l o S t e a l J 'aK H enger’H D l a n io i u l n t Iho Tut«*r-

lAeketi S tn tI n n . L « n t N i g h t .

As' the P.‘Jii tra in .; for New York was ablll!},_l*illcavo,thij Intorlakt'ii—stalioiH asti niglit- a passenger .w ith ono foot, on Mir car plat,TuVin drew back and aimed a" blow wit h bis jiihb rrlla a tan u tliu r miin oil the sta tio n .- '. '

Tim train dre\<* atva^'and-bystanders, on the 'p latform clhii'ned th a t th e .m a n for whom the blow was intended had tried, fo snatch a diamond pin from the passenger’s sh irt boston.. . .^.Heelediv*: 1 farj)liaiifw; 1 son Hieplatl'orm and immediately recognized tlui suspect, who was taken .Into euslody by Olllcers N u tt and Howland und convoyed to P ark hall, wherb lie_jvfi.s locked ti(> for Hie night.

There is little doubt litif th a t the prisoner has u reetuxl, although Diitectivc Ifarphinn is dlsposiMl-to gjve him the beqefit of a- doubt. “ IHs nil nil! is’Matt hews,” said Mi*! detective last night. * "A m l Ji*; is n ealile

ir driver, I.bear*I a tv*»ar ago-that.In! was doing all r igh t and In’; told jiu* tonight th a t lie was stiH emtdoyed by a ’X*iw York comiwiny.” .

M atthews claims to h a v e ‘come here in company w ith a lady and denies any nt- tem pt;at crooked work. ... (

A hearing was given the’ suspect before Judge Borden th is m orning. The man who directly caused the a rre st of ’the.pris­oner wifs n o t ’in ^purt, having departed with the train , aiul the . m agistrate, a fter pu tting tlm man through a series of cross questions, discharged him through lack of evidence. He gave ids name as Janies Matthews of 2hi^Grcenwiolv street, N*;w York, and claimed lie was cmphiy**d as a wa toll iimn in tiie W ashington m arket.

R E F U S E S T O S U B M I T , .T O F I N E O F J U S T I C E

CbirtlH M o o n e y L I r I u ih H o W a * l l n l a w - f u l l y I ’n u lK lto ti 1>y . fu H lle o M o r i o n

. a n d S a y s S u it VV'ill bo I t r o u g l i l ,

F. C urtis .Mooney, Hie huekmaii, who was fined Iiy Justice J . K . Morton for bei ng. d iso rd e r ly h a d- 1 m li 1 t o: lay-tA-pay- t.he fliu* am i costs which were Imposed upon him. He will resist payment*. h*r.Y-

T W r r f n i i n i a s r e t a i n e d Jjaw,v**r W i l l i a m (J. U y r a n i w h o t o d a y i n f o r m e d M i l a n Ib is 's , t h e h o m l s m a h f o r M o m m y , t h a t J u d g e M o r t o n h a d e x c e e d e d I d s j u r i s d i c t i o n a n d a d v i s e d h i m n o t t o p a y t h e lln*!.

M r . B y m m a l s o a p p e a r e d b e f o r e J u d g e M o v t o n t h i s m o r n i n g a n d a c q u a in t e d h i s h o n o r w i t h t h e s t a t u s o f t h e c a s e a n d o f t h e p r o c e d u r e d e t e r m i n e d u p o n , u n l e s s I d s . o r d e r - t o p a y i s r e s c i n d e d . I l l re. p l y ' J u d g e M o r t o n s a i d h o w a s d e t e r m i n e d t o m a k e » t e s t c a s e o f t h e m a t t e r a n d u n l e s s t h e d m w a s p a id b y it o ' c l o c k t o n i g h t h e w o u l d i s s u e c o m m i I m e n I p a p e r s . M o o n e y s a y s t h a t o n l y n u e - s id o ’o f tin* s t o r y w a s t o l d tn F h jM V :.\y sp ;> j!e r s ,j in iL tb a t.iL -th * !-* )t! i« r r si*i*' w e r e k n o w n t h e p u b l i c - w o u l d v i n d i c a t e l i l n i [ e n t i r e l y . - .

• I t i s l i k e l y t h a t p r o c e e d i n g s w i l l ’ b e I n ­s t i t u t e d a g a h i s t t lm j u s t i c e ' a n d i t i s s a id L lic - in a i t e r w i l l Im b r iu j g h f ,- lu * f o r * ! t l i c - a t - t e i i t io n o f c i t y c o u n c i l t o n i g h t .


H E L D A N A U T O P S YD e a t h **l' C o lo r e d i u f a u l A r« )U so s S u s ­

p ic i o n , I t n l l n v e H t ig a t lo n l*n»v«H D e c e a s e t o H a v e I t e e n N 'a tn r i i l .

G«)ron**r b T o c k ’s a t t e n t i o n w a s e a l j i 'd y e s t e r d a y t o t h e d e a t h o f 1 M a r t h a R e e t l . a c o lo r e d , in f i in 1 * v b «»■-•<* p a u a i U n *•■>«•■»> l .r.ni*-u>- a v * * m ie , W*!St. P a r k . T h e c h i l d , a b o u t 5 m o n t h s o l d , d ie d e a r ly . S u n d a y m o r n i n g n m l U n d e r t a k e r L e w i s M n tfclieV ys w a s c a l l ­e d i n t o t a k e ' c h a r g e o f t h e b o d y . I n t i l l i n g o u t t h e h n r in l p e r i n i t h e f o u n d , t h a t 110 d t ic to y J u u l b w n c a l l e d t o a t t e n d t h e i n f a n t .

I l** in f o r m e d t h e c o r o n e r o f t h n fa * it a n d D r . J . T . R o s*! w a s d i r e c t e d t o h o h l n il ; u l i f i p s y , _ \id ild i_ w a iL _ d o ft i* _ y c s tur<la>v; iC L u^ T io m n — T hr'T urrtrboi’lU tm ii.i* * :! H im i l io .e id i t T h a d b e e n i l l n m l t l ia t - n o p h .w ii^ ia tt h a d ' b e e n c a l l e d . T h e d o c t o r , a f t e r ( thi i n v e s t I - ; g a t l o n , b u i n d t h a t , ( h i f c . l i i l t l h a d d u a l f r o n t c h o h d i i i n f a n t u m a n d i n l l a m m a t i u n n f t h e h e i i r t a u d g r a n l t u l th** p e r m it f*»r i t s b u r ia l . .

R O B B E D H IS F R I E N DM m * W h o m . IC o b er l S C iic u r e i* It**-

I V le m te i l L**av«*H L a r l y h i t h c J M o r n -____

I n g W i t h A V a t e h .a m i M o n ey .* * _ . lo s e p h S c h t ' j i i e r , o f S e h e iir * * r A S o n - , t h e N C w p r k g r o c e r , R u m im » n i ig i n M ils c i t y .a t . 3 ] I ' E i g h t h a v e n u e , w a s r e l i e v e d o f a s u m o f m o n e y , a g o l d w a t c h a n d c h a i n a n d a l s o a p o c k e t - b o o k .' in T e p e c u l ia r m a n n e r y e s t e r ­d a y m o r n i n g .

W A U r l e n d w lio 'n i l ie .I ia d _ iu jn j i t t* * d t o h is hems** a n d w i t h w h o m h e h a d e v e i i s h a r e * ! h i s b e d w a s f o u n d m i s s i n g w h e n M r . S c h e m e r a r o s e a m i w i t h h im h a d g o n e t j t e a r l i c l r s m e n t i o n e d a b o v e a n d $ 5 b e ­lt m g i n g t o t h e s e r v a n t g i r l .. M r . t ' c l i e m v r ' s a y s iu* w i l l d e c l i n e , to' p r o s e c u t e , I m t i s e x e e d l n g l y a n x i o u s t»» re* c o v e r h i s w a t c h . T h e p o l i c e a r c n t a k l h g e v e r y e tV o r t t*» a p p r t d ie m i t h e M iie f .

I’d L A N D T{D L E A V i: I I K A D I .C Y H L A G l l .

H u s A i l i l i n I 'r t ip j 'c t y l a T lm t P l a c e Iu th i* M a r h c t fm* S a l e . ’ "

O n a l l t h e p r a p 'c r ty i n J U 'a d lo y B e a c h o w n e d h y P e t e r - P o l a n d , a m i . i t - i s s a i t i t o b e c o n s i d e r a b le , i s t h e - l e g e n d i n g l a r i n g l e f t e r s “ F o r S a l e . ” -y

F o r s o m e 1<lme. p a s t I V t o r h a s l i e e n g r o w - T T ig d lssj it-is ll* !d w i t h H ie i> la e* * \in d l i d s in eo n ’ iu n c L io n w i t h h is n m lr ln u > iii:> r tro.iL)I d e s , i t I s s a i d , h a d d e c i d e d h i m t o p f i l l u p stak **s a n d l e a y c .

f t i s p n u l i e t o d b y s*m u*, h o w e v e r , t h a t 1 V t e r Is w o r k i n g a s h r e w d l i lu l l ’ a m i h a s a s u r p r i s e u p J d s s l e e v e . .

^ O c e ii i i < ir* iv« O r c h c H lr a I ’i e m c .T h e l i i e i u l i e r s o f t h o _ O c e a n G r o v o a i i d l -

•fcbrium o r c h e s t r a e n j o y e d a p i c n i c t o S iu ir k - r i v e r o n S a t u r d a v ; T h e y w e n 5 n q d e r t h e ' b » ;u 1 ersliip o f R P t U ^ ’a l i : n . .A l0 L gan ..A v liitd Li s e q u a l t ‘» ' s a y ih g t h e o u t i n g - w a s m o s t e p - j* » y a ld e . T h e j ia r t y n u m b e r i n g a b o u t ii.r», l e f t V a r l y i n t h e m o r n i n g a n d H id n o t r e ­t u r n u n t i l a l u t e l i o u r i l l t l i e a f t e r n o o n ,

Date Fixed at Meeting of theAllied Commanders in China.



H ig h O a ii-tii I £ u .vk W e W i l l P r o c e e d A l o n e I f P r n p ip l . .M o v e In N o t M a d e b y

• P o w e r s — L it t i e l - h ic j i t ir n g e i i i e i i t FrbV u l b i g b i n d , a s I I o p in e d l a t e “ A c t i o n ,

. T r i iu i j l e S p r e a d h i g t o In ti*rjor'P rovJn(*<!H ;

W n s l i i i i g h m , - M o n d a y .— T in * n a v y d e ­p a r t m e n t , h a s r e c e i v e d - a d e s p a t c h - f i ’o n i

A d m i r a l - I h ' t n e y ' s t a t i n g t h a t n it a m e e t i n g • i f . l l i e . a l l i e d c u m in n t i l l e r s , Ju ly*- 3 b - w a s !lx«*d a s tin* d a y fen* t h e a d v h n n e o i i P e k i n t o b e g i n . '

A m e r i c a (Ir g cH H tiK tc ,

^ _ L l i iU J t : ! d ,- _ E n g la iu L = : A - .s p i ! c ia L - ( : o i ir ie r f r o m t l i e A m e r i* * a n e m b a s s y a r r i v e d h e r e l a s t n i g h t w i t h ih!Spat.eh<!S f o r L o r d S a l i s ­b u r y , w h o i s p o w n t . t l i u l l a t f i e j d I L m s e . , ' i’ll*! d * * sj);t lc lie s i n c l u d e d a r o p y o f A d m i r a l R e m o y ’s m e s s a g e L » * \V a s h in g t o n , r e l a t i n g t o t h e t i e Jay i n l la : a d v a n c e o n P e k i n , t o ­g e t h e r w j l h a q u e r y I iy S e c r e t a r y H a y f o S a l i s b u r y , a s t o w i ie j J b ’L’j h e a d v a n c e , c o u l d n o t Im c x p e d i l e d . * T h c c o u r i e r , r e t u r n e d t o L o n d o n l a s t n ig h t ’/, w i t h a .-r e p ly w l i l o h i s b e l i e ye* I t o l ie In t l i e m ;gativ** .. 1

. C o n l l l c t i n g D c H p a tc lie H .

W a s h i n g t o n , tt T in * f o l l o w i n g m »*ssag*! w a s p o s t e d . a t t h n s b i t i t d * !p a r tm * * n t:! **l)o- p a r f n u d i t " ' rec*dv**d t l e s p a t c h - f r o n u M r . .G o o d n o w , c o n s u l g e n e r a l at* S h a n g l i a l « tin t a d t n d n y , s a y i n g -I h u t J 'r in e** 'Jb ia ii w i r e s th n t . o t l i c e r a s f o l l o w s : ‘T in ! T s u n g - L i- Y a n n m s a w ;\11 i n i i i i s l . e r s ’o n J u l y i s a n d t h a t n o n e w e r e I n j u r e d a n d H in t n o i l t a c k a t t h a t . I im t? w a s b * !lh g m a d e . ’ ”

Tin** t l e s p a t c h t<» a e e i ' t a in e x U i i i t i s a t v a r i a n c e w i t l i H ie d e s p a t c h o f C o n g e r w h i c h s a y S t l i a t o n t h a t d a t e H it! l e g a t i o n s w e n ! l i c i n g a t t a c k e d . .

< ln t o p e l* to n t D ue**. ., jju .rL s.'—T h tL - i l o w e r s _ a m _i-eporl*!(L ^tD ibi*-

e x c h a n g i n g v i e w s a s t o t h e a d A d s a b i l i t y , n o w th i it . 'n n G h ln e s t ! a r e l e f t In t h u v i c i n - i frU rien -f M n r o f - n ih a in e iu g T m " I V k i n i r rm e e w i t h H ie > fo r c e s l i b w a v a i l a b l e o r g a n ­

i z e d a s a d y i n g c o l u m n . It, i s s t a t e d t h a t H ie i» r o p o s f i l o r i g i n a t e d a t, W a s h i n g t o n . U n i t e d S tn tc N M a y A t t e o i p t K c n c i io A lotT e^

W n s i d n g l u i i . — A h i g h q l l i c i a l o f t h e ' s t a t ’e . l e p a v t m e i i t K vid t i l l s , n u i v u ln g t h a t l-lu*. U n i l e d S t a t e s w i l l u n d e r t a k e t h e r e s c u e o f C o n g e r i i m l h i s c o l l e a g u e s a l o n e i f n o n e o f t h e o t h e r p o w e r s w i l l j o i n . i n t h e a d v a n c e .

T e x t o f I m p e r ia l , K r i ir t .

W a s h i n g t o n . — T h e - t e x t , o f t f t c i m p e r i a l e d i c t i s s m x l a t P e k i n o n J u l y IT, l i a s b e e n lr a n s in it .t* * d t o M ih ist* * t' W 11 a n d w a s h a n d e d t o t h e stat** d i* p a r ( m e n t t ld k in o r t i - i n g . - T h e ' **dicl, o r d e r s a l l Hi*?_g t iy e i : 1.1b r s .o t t h e p r* iv ln c * !s , 'J’a r t - a r . g e n e r a l s a i f d t h e g o v e r n o r .g t s i i e r d l t o l o o k a f t e r fo r e ig n * m e r e l i a i l l s a n d - n i i s s h i u i i r i c s i n J - h e - o p r i t j i a r l s o f t h e p r e f e c t ’u r e s , d e p a r t m e n t s a n d i l l s t r i i r t s t in d e r t - lte lr i i ! S p e c t iv e ; j i 1 r isd ie .-. H u n a m i t o a t f o r d t h e m d u e p r o t e c t i o n lit a c c o g l a n c e w i t h * t h e t r e a t y s H p u la t U m s . T in * e d i c t - d e p lo r e s t h e . d e a t h td' t h e J a p ­a n e s e a n d G e r m a n m i n i s t e r s .

.M on* F i g h t i n g N e a r T ie n - T h in .S t . . . .P e t e r s b u r g ,— A Gh****foo d e s i la t c h

S a y s t h a t a b o d y o f G h in e s i* r e c * ) i in o i | .e r in g n e a r .T l e n - T s i n *» m :o iin t* !iv d a f o r c e o f J a p ­a n e s e a n d C o s s a c k s w in * m u l e d t h e m , t a k ­i n g m a n y p r i s o n e r s . • E ig h t : J a p a n e s e a n d .m il! G o s s a e U w er*! I ; iH e ll . T h e B r i t i s h h a s tw ie * ! f o u g h t t h e C h i n e s e n e a r W e i-1 In i* W a l , v e p u l s i u g M ic in a f t e r V e in i q r c e m e n t s a t r l v e d . T h e H i i t i s h eji.pl 11 m I “ nu r i t l e s .

C o n g e r O n ly - M a y h e A l i v e ;

A n o t h e r ' d e s p a t c h f r o m P a r i s s a y s t h a t t h e t h e o r y i s b e i n g d i s c u s s e d h e r o ‘t h a t p o s s i b l y , - i n v i c w ' o f M i n i s t e r W u ’s o f f e r t o j m i d n e e C o n g e r a n t i t ,h o * s i le n c e o f . t h ej.iL1il*L’ . m i n i s t e r s , - t l u i t - U o n g m ^ U - p O H sthlythe only m inister leflrnlive In Pekin. Ti'tuihle Spyeaillag .UFAnterior Provinces,

P aris.—;I lespatches from {! nak Hauk*»w say that, the Ghiiieso't-hmldo' is spreadingi n j h c e c u t r i l l ])ro v in e * !.s o f I l p s N a i i a n t l 1 in - P e i a n d t-iiafc I’o m i g n d ri'l 1***1-1 ’h iiie sc * t r o o p s s h o w a d i s p o s i t i o n t o i n s u l t f o r e i g n e r s .

: ite i» U !3* < « « Iu g i o T i« * n -T slii.

W a s l i i n g t o n . — S e c r e t a r y J j i in g h a s j y* • iy e t I i_qn [ d e g m 111. f r* 1 m j A * f m I r a I _ H cinc.V - s t a l i n g l lu l t . t i l e l a t t e r w i l l g o t o ' j ' i c t i - T s in in p e r s o n f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f o b t a i n i n g i 11- f o v n m t i o n • . r e g a r d i n g t h o e x a c t s i t u a t i o n t h e r e . . - __________________

, H I G H L A N D E R S C A P T U R E D1 0 0 o f T h e m a n d a S u p p l y T r a i n T a k e n I n ­

t o (J u m p b y D e w c t — K t in n in g F ig h t .W i t l i l lm * r C o m m a n d o .

L o u d o n , M o n d a y .1- - -G e n e r a l K e l l y - K e n n y r e p o r t s t o w a r o l l i c e D ia l, t h e B o e r s u n d e r D c .w e t - c a p t u iv d i n u o f ( l i e l U g h l a t u l c r s m u l

a s u p p l y t r a i n iu*;ii H o t d n g s p r i d l .- A n o t h e r d e s p a t c h l o t h e w a r o l l i c e f r o m

K n i o n s t a d l in tin* O r a n g e ltiv * * r G o b m y , d a t e d J u l y s a y s : “ C o l . H r o u d w o o d r e ­p o r t s th a t / l i e fo llow ***! t,h** B o e r e o i r im a n d o w h i c h ' - b r o k e - i h e B r i t i s h c o n h m n e a r -U efh T o h o n t—i m t 11 J u l y )>'» t o In, - l i g h t l o -g- H h arp ly* i t l l t i n * ‘H im *. O n .tlu * . n ig h t , o f J u l y It», r e a c h e d . Y a a l* K r a n t z w h e r e t h e e n e m y d o u b l e d b a c k t o P a 'a r d e U r a a l d u r ­i n g M m n ig h t - . W i r e s a l o n g t h e m a i n r a i l ­w a y h a v e I w e n c u t n o r t h o f l l i m i n g s p r i u t a m i ' a l s o M m t e l e g r a p h t o P r e t o r i a v i a P o t e h f e r s t v o o m . ; F

R e a l E s t a t e

I n s u r a n c e





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Page 2: I SALE 10BSE eal state TO BEGIN JULY 30 · 2014. 4. 3. · Tow^iship Iveiuud club and—has. just1 been, enrolled in tlie Ameriean Kennel club. Tliennimal at tract s considerable


T he Da ily Press.J . X . K IN M O N f lT I ,


TROOPS GETTING READYStirring T im e s on Governors

'Island.P O I i n i C A T I O N O F K I C E :

607 Mattlsou Avenue, ABbury Park, TEI.EPUONR CALLS

E d ito r ia l Room B ................... . .........Uuatneea O ffic e ................... ..


T E R M S O F S U H S C IU I1 , • E v e n in g E d i l l n u ,

One year (strictly In advance),.,.One week.....................................S in g le c o p ie s ............... .

M o rn in g K iH U im (.Itllio to Sep tem ber). . • „ *1.0#

i-.T en w e e k a . . . -One-week-.^.

tilngle copies

G a l l a n t M n r in e n A in u L e n v e F o r th e F r o n t - N e t v Y o r k S c e n e o f M i l i t a r y A c t i v i t y I t e o n l l f i i i r S im iita t i ' W a r T im e s — E lg h t U U n c k F r o m C u b a . ^

New York, Ju ly 23.—W ithin the Inst' liny ui* two movements hnve been sot on foot here thu t will result in the almost Immediate dispatch of several thousand troops to China, while New York', lms

A d v e r t luintT -Rute* o n A p p l ic a t io n .

EVENING EDITIONM O N D A Y J u r ,Y a in o * v

THE PEOPLE’S SAY• * %lu»n« Public W ater €mil«*rs.

v KlUTfiit J*RK!*s: —.h e wnler gulore. Only mu* cent a glass’ a t. the penny in-lhe-slot wafer cooler* around the town. Almost as cheap a* ,water is said to be, hut nt-wliat a cost. No way to wash the glass after enoh person used it.a s there is a t the beach - "or tiie railroad station,’ hy running w ater into It, lmt- take it stra igh t aHer some syphilitie i»r eiihceroiis person hit's used It.

If l)r. Mitchell hud l**e» asked his opinion about i t before coin mil had- given their permission. to the proprietor to set them up..he would have put his foot, down on the proposal so hard tlia t tho whoop ot tlie Indian whose profile adorns tlie penny

• the owner of the cooler' expects to girt would have l»cen heard troiu G.oney l.-Jaud

' to Cape May.* iu these ilays of sterilized individual cominuuiou. mips in churches.,where the chance of cnutngjoiis disedse Is^m ^rnc to 1(N) as it is a t this ieo water ,*:( idler. when*

' every person is privileged fb (Vritikr when we have bonnl of health inspectors looking around for every decaying cabbage leaf or rotten banana for fea r 'o f disease, to per*

' m it su ch .a thing, is sltnply outrageous. Tho suffering pf one child frpin.syphylit jc sure mouth froin ail in fee ted glass would be greater than all epidemics orn* justly

•.efficient board of .health* inspectors, have •saved nsfrom . \

I would iiot let m.v dug drink from one of those* glasses. Bah! W hat -was' oiir council thinking of*. S asitauist.

beetr""-iimde the rendezvous o f ginuMits thut arc now on. the.w ay from

Cuhu ami, which arc in the. tiuiin to tuke the. piuce of troops being dispatched from miotis fo its iu the United S ta te s 'tolunu. JTwo companies, E nml F , of.the Eighth

United S tates regulars, 'which arrived from Cuba, started by rail yesterday for Fort Snellitig, Mjiin. They comprised)* 40 men. "'Tliere also started a t the same me 130 marines, bound for the orient;

t\imm:row eight ‘companies of the Kif- teuitth regiment. United S tates infantry,

biclr has been stationed for several months a t Governor Island, will* start. for - San Francisco, to. sail from there Vug. 1 for Manila and thcuee to'Uhim i. The remaining companies of the Eightli

giment were .delayed tiy~a storm off ape l la tle ra s ami,‘tire expected .to nr- ve here this morning and will inimedi- tely * follow tlicir taim rndtfs'toT 'drt Snel-

luig. ...............* '* f : 7 "Governors Island yesterday looked, like

the advanced post of ai>, army on the march. Everything was on the qui vive. The troops, sm art in their new khaki uniforms aud tun colored siloes, were trolling about the grounds, saying fure-

,'Us to thi* girls they will soon leave behind tlic iu ,'chatting with friends and

la lives about their-tteparture or packing HP the equipment of the regiment and- ’ •iiuisliing up their buyouets yud guns, l'he men teemed more alert than they have been for months. There was an air o f ‘expectancy about them us if they were eager to lie on the way to tin* new

jhting gfoilhd of the- world k- armies.....W a r l i k e S e c i ie s . *

Soldiers worp tn-’be, seen at evpry. turn. They gathered in little groups on the Buttery, stood around the dock on Gov­ernors Islam), passed bapk ami forth off the General Hancock, making th a t craft look like an army, transport, anjl

FIGHTING IN LUZON.T w o H u m l ro t I F i l l |i I it on W e r e K H I e iT

i j iN t W e e k . ;•M a n i la , d u l y 2 3 . — It . i s o f f ic ia l ly a n -

i io im c c d r im ! la s t w e e k 2 n d in s u r g e n t s W er e k il l e d a n d K in s u r r e n d e r e d *or w e r e c a p tu r e d .. O n e h u n d r e d t i t l e s w e r e t a k e n . T w e l v e A m e r i c a n s .w e r e k i l l e d a n d 11 w o u n d e d . T h i s i n c lu d e s t i l e c a s u a l t i e s o f

.C’o in n e l W i l l i a m K . B ir lc lie im .e r ’s c n g a g e - . tu .en t w i t l i a fo r c e ’ o f tld -' T w e n t y - p i g h t h

v o lu n t e e r i n f a n t r y , w h o a t t t o d ie d 2U p in ­s u r g e n t s i n t r e n c h e d t w o m i l e s c a s t iff F a n ! . k i l l i n g 3 S .

A d e t a c h m e n t o f tin* S ig n a l c o r p s w h i le r e p a ir in g w i r e s w a s t w i c e a m b u s h e d . *

1 ’n p t a in C h a r le s P . U n b e n t* o f t h e ..T I iir fjM i£ th v o h ii i t t 4 ;r in f a n t r y , ' w h o w a s c a p t u r e d b.v t l i e F i l ip i n o s Ju st .M a y . l i a sa r r iv e d h er a • p a r o le . - H e w i l l n o t ro*

t tu r n to - c a p t i v i t y . - ............S c n o r B u e iir a t n in o ; l a s t T h u r s d a y s e n t

t o 'A g u iin i ld o h y m e a n s o f A g u in n ld o ’s — m otlu :i^ th O -a m n e< L v _ lr_ e so _ ln t.io n s a d o p t e d

h y tlu* m e e t i n g *»t''T T*pn*sei»taffV e F i l i - p in o s h e r e o n .J u n e 2 1 . t o g e t h e r w i t h t Io n - e r a ! M a r A r th u r 's . .- a n s w e r t o t h e m a n d o f l i e r d o c u m e n t s h o im i i g u p o n t l i e r e s t o ­r a t io n o f p e a c e . It i s u n d e r s t o o d t h a t A g u i im ld o w ill- s u m m o n l i is a d v i s e r s a n d t h a t n t e p i y m a y be. e x p e c t e d w i t h in a m o n t h .

F i l ip i n o s h e r e w i l l g i v e a b a n q u e t n e x t S a t u r d a y in c e l e b r a t io n o f P r e s i d e n t M c ­K i n l e y ’s o r d e r o f a m n e s t y .

several huudrejl swuvined itl^out the (iuar- ters of th.e yl^ifteentli regitfmnt,' packing up 'thuir ' tent', equipments aiid helping ;ct together tiie general baggage of the egimeiit. " - \.A ll the .soldiers seemed to be in line

condition and exlliliiniUml’ Ity the prospecF of sooii having a chance in the tielil. They were bitterly disappointed, they said yes*

C o l o n C il |M ii r e d l ij - I t e l i e lH .' Kiiigst.ui, .l.-noai'-u. .1 uly *23.—Captain

Muller of the tjertnaii Mourner Flyndria. which lias arriw d lien- fruin F.ilombin. n-ports that tlie * gntvnmietrl tyun’ps i-u feted (ohm frmn I’aimma »»n JnJ.v lo.»t)n la tter city having fallen imp. the hands’ <*1 the rebels. He also >ayV that I ’oluii iV mnv iii pusse^sion >if.the ndn-ls, having

"Tn-e'ti "1 a k>; TPejTsTT \" oil At uly liv wit tinurr m b t . S a h a j j i l la . - iii t lm d e p a r t m e n t._ iff_ B o l i v a r , P > iu ln iii i> {e il b y . t h e i n s u r g e n t s . T h e ryl.el* . b a r e u f f e t v d a r e w a r d ; o f .<!.* tin il p .r t h e e n p i i i l e . d e a d "I; - a l i v e , o f

- C.u i .in i ‘!'!~; 1 , 11.1 a uf ■>!,. f ■ ii-11 ii ;mi

uitioh bu* tlie garrison. T*tn* *g«ivennnent proiM>>.-il i<i the euplain uf the Fhiudria tit!l1^i*^hh.iUld take l.HUD Siddii'l's t*i Fu-lu i i , b u t ii*- • i»*i*1 iio-!I **ti l i e - g r o u n d t l i a t

, , t p d o n , w a s - i l i - t l o - h a u d s - .q - i l j e - iy .U o l s - a m l . t h a t tin.* t r o o p s . . . id . I n iff la n d .

■ T r o l l e y l i l t s F u n e r a l P a r t y .N e w V o lk . J u l y •2 3 ,’- - A * ’ a e a r r ia g e

c n n t a i id t ig tin - w iili> w if f Sol* 11110.11' S tr a * - - n e r .»f* ff t i W e s t Urn* I l u n d r e d a n d S e v .

.— rm o n n ih _ M iT :i- .t_ .a n d _ i!lh c i:^ i i io u n t ! 1 s .A v ar e t u iu i n i fr o n t t h e I a t r ia l , o f S ir ; S t r a s n et- iu tin* f f . t S i m a n i - e t u e ie r y n e a r M a j i e t l i , I . . I..~7«*sx .;n l a y 1 a f t iu n o u n ! ii w u

: s i m l t c r e d h y a c o l l i> io u w i t h ' a n e j e e f r i . c a r p n t h e N la s p e t h a m i N e w t o w n lim A H i l n i s e in \ \ u • c o a ' l i iv tp e in j u r e d ' l ’h e ' d r i v e r w a s a l s o l iu r t . .M r s . S u a n e r ’ w a s . i n a > cr i«n is e o i id it b a i .h iM n ig h d u e to ,t in * >h<iek. ?

’ 'I'tvii K illed l»y ii T ra in .T i l l i n . J u ly ' 2 3 ’.'—'i ’h e 'w e s t , b o u n d

t r a in o n .the* U a l i i m o r e n n d O ltiu r a i ln .a d s t r u c k a w a g o n ' a t a i ‘f'* iss in g ' iu i tr m il W e s t 11 f l i d s c i t y . U i l lu ig t b e t e a m > t e i

* A ’ii; 1 j’cw -'lv w 1 1 nrrni nI * 11 n 1 s e s -— q 'h re i*j i ie n * i d l i n g ta t t h e l o c o m o t i v e , p i lo t * w e r s t r u c k b y H y in g fr t ig m M it s . W i l l i i i t i r W i l s o n .w a s ’ i n s t a n t ly k i l l e d , C h a r le s .M at l ia d 11 l e g a n d a n . a r m l ir o k e n a n d . w i l l

• • • t l i e . a u d - l i n y P m u a n n o i i V a n in j u r e d All f o u r b e lo n g t o T i l l i n . •

,Dro*v«ed ill M idland J le a e J i .'.New V ork. .1 uly 23.—Tw 1 r men we|'

drowntil at1 .Vlidliiufl i^caeli. S. I., whil Imtbitig. * ihitil tlieir t»r»«li«-s Ibutted 1 i

.witli the tide, tlie authorities were i douht w ild her the report that two. livi had bee tl lost, was eprri*i*t.,. (Jjne of th Viet inis wiis -L. (h Decker and the othr a man uuuied Morgan, both of Now York.

After many Intricftte ox port men t a, hcIpij f lnt.H havo dhwovenjd mothods for obtaining till tho iptfcttral dlgcHiants. These have

Jwon eomblnwl In tlio pronortlQn_foum\ In

^ N e w G o l d I ) la c ? o v e r I e j » .Victoria, B. L\, Ju ly 23.—T he stenmoV

Bristol has. arrived (rom .St, Michael’s af te r a.iuissage jof HM* days. * T he passen­gers report' uow discoveries iu Tnnnnn. Urek creek * eliiitns .are giving from 25 to 4(1 cents to the pun. A stampede to the diggings is expected. Oti June 15 .a cave in of the bank of the Y'ukou buried a boat crq.w .wldeh .is* believed .to mini* bet* from- three to live. Tlireo bodies Wen' recovered, but none lms boon iden­tified. O n ‘June 20 .a. boat containing live passengers drifted out to sea from the*mouth of tlie Yukon, and all .are be*

Jieved- toVhave;-lM’e n ‘ lo s t;" Four bodies of miners drowned from the capsizing of boats have been picked up on. tiie Y’ukou. Hats, A son of 0 . k*>. Laiio is reported to have been shot at Nome in n claim jum ping quarrel. Passengers-report over Bin. i,f not more, cases of- smallpox nt Nome. ‘ The steam ers Discovery, Utopia uui Morning &tat* tiro quarantined tit St. Michael’s.

terday. in*eause they were Tuff sent hi Cuba until a fte r tho fighting was over. The regiment, as yn ..rganizntion, lias iiot yet seen service in.the field, although some of its members arc re*enlistcd men wlio have seen 'lighting in Cuba, Porto Rico, the Philippines or in the west. The majority,! however, .is composed , of re­mits, wliotjo nearest approach to a bat*

tlulirld wasruUieii theS* went into the province of Puerto. Principe, Cuba, last

Jeccmber t«i garrison it.Sunn* J»f them were asked .testerday

if they did not fed a trille nervous about going to China afte r the terrible expe­rience of tbo Ninth avginieiit hefore Tien­tsin. - •

Not iF 'bit,’’ said « sc.rgmifit, •’Tiro more we licur ahoui tin* tmuble the Ninth lunl-wttlr tin?-Chiu Us,-’- the-more- anxious we nre'to i»et-over tliefv and take"a hand iu it.' We don’t fe d revengeful or any*, thing like Unit, but wc feel that * weiimi.ld like to*.he there aud do soihc’of the

lighting.” . • . *Colonel Moirle, wlm commands the F if­

teen th .'is already on liis way" to China, utviiig sailfil from San Francisco ji week

ngo. l ie will probably rejoin his regiment at Nagasaki or Tieii-tsia. Lieutenant

dojid' CoiisVant Willinins is now the enior officer with tin? regiment and will,

eouunund it until Colonel Moab* joins it. The . next in commaml now -is M ajorLe.;Vge"Al..r«7i,iii>ii r — — — - ■.........

TIiriMf companies, enmmaiided liv Cap­tains Cook, Mitchell and. 1’iixtoii.-.1 luit

now acting ns* garrison ut tiie island will sta rt for San Francisco ut 7 o’clock tomorrow morning. A .fourtli company, under Captain Cotter, which has heeti tatimie.if a t Fort McPherson, Atlanta,

will join those•«at the way to the Pacific. (Mlier enmimhie.N will ' be nicked nn or■w-iU-iiHSeiiible-here -beforo-tho-Cuvornors.-l-^brnrl’ l'iatiuliuu sta rts and tlms make up right^coiupanics nud more thau l.utuj men ^efore thej reljiuieut-' reaches San Francisco. ’ ■"* :

p o r t. Secret a i*y Long went to the train to sei> them off m uH vas mqch impressed, he said, with their soldierly and sta lw art hearing. Ccnc nil Hey wood commnndnnt of the murine corps, also witnessed their departure. The marines were gathered fro n rn ll the im portant navy yards and m arine hurracks on .the A tlan tic sea­board. , ■ _____ _

^ n u s h to E n lU t.Chicago, July .23.—The United States

recruiting offices, representing both the military nml naval branches :of tlie gov­ernm ent, a ie living besieged ■ with appli­cation* from-day; to.day. The statem ent w as made hy the officer in charge o f the m ilitary, branch of the recruiting service th a t Chicago probably would lead the larger cities iff tlie country in the num her of men who have presented themselves for service in Lilian during tlie present trouble. It is expected ^luit the force stationed a t F o rt Sheridan will lit* recruited to ils full (strength before the close iff the present week, and, ns fl m at­te r of fact, the naval end is simply be* sicced with applications. . .

OUR FLAG OVERT HE CITY■ >- r v >, -••

T ie n -ts in _ Jn - Ashes., and W a l ls S tre w n W ith De ad. -


T o " W e lc o m e - S t e v e n s o n H o m e .Bhidtninglou,. Ills., July* 21k—It is n

certaipty th a t when Adlai E . Stevenson returns to his home in Bloomington he will receive uu enormous welcome from his old friends and tfeighbors, irrespective 'iff political assoein'tiom Mr. Stevenson .lias .written th a t he will -arrive by tlie. .’liieago ami*Alton n t,2:30 p. in. on S a t­urday, Aug. 4. .l ie . will be"conveyed at once to F ranklin park,' upon which the Stevenson' homestead faces, and there will bo form ally congratulated. The chairm an o f this occasion will bo Law­rence Weldon, judge of the. United States; Court of claims, iind an address will.Ue delivered by Isaac R. Phillips, reporter for the sta te supreme court, /Both Judge. Weldon nud Piiillips are old legal nsso- eiates^aiHUelosi‘-i>ersouftl-friends--of-Mrr Stevenson, und both.an? Republicans.

B r i t is h N av a l Gnns n n d X y d d ite S h e ila F in a l ly tle m o rn lia e C liineae T roop*, W h o 's te n l Away In* Nlifflit, X cnvinv C ity In I*nn«leii»oniii*ii.Neff Y'ork, Ju ly 23.— Frederick r a i ­

nier, The W orld 's w«\r correspondent In China, cables from Tien-tsin:

.“The Am erican Jhig limits over part of tliisCM tipeso elt v of lJHHUHK) ’people, •mnrny three tildes tlie population of^Ma-

.... . . V ■ •*’•. “The foreign allies iiro exhausted by.

exposure and lihrd fighting. No advance on Peking is possible without rest, * rc- cuperatiou and, l e eiiforeenients.

“General Dorwnrd, British commander of the left wing nf the allied including. A m erican tro o p s , was .incapable .of. di-. i-Ccting the.’ forties. Blit Tien-tsin was taken and’ the battle won by thi* British.lyddite'shells."' 7 "j ’ ......

‘•Repented assaults by American, B rit­ish and Japanese I roups failed,! but the Chinese ffnuliy lied from ’t h e ' havoc .wrought by shells at night. 1

“Tlie N inth regiment was out to pieces because tiie commanding general (Jap ­anese) had no pinff -of attack . *. ■*, “ Imperial Chinese troops (uniformed) fought"w ith1 the Boxers lit Tien tsin..

“The g rea t city emfght fire from tlu* shells and was. nearly destroyed. Ainer-

tiim ps showed ....... . ............discipline. Theri* was no* looting.”

N teh’s Dent li fm illr j i l rd ,The •Bun publishes tlie following dis­

patch, dated Tien-tsin, Jtily Ki. 7 p. in.. iu Chef ii,' '•July 2d. htid Shanghai, Ju ly 2: *“The nflicera com m anding the allied

forces here arc arranging a form of gov­ernment for the Viiy. ' ;

Men .who nre fam iliar w ilh tlu* .Chi­nese . say that* most of tlu* troops who dbfended the native city ^vere soldiers in the employ <ff the salt commissioner, local militia* nml mercenaries.;--G eneral Fukushimn, the Japanese comm antler, says he recognized: among the uniform s worn hy the defenders those df the arm y of w est'defense and the arm y of central defense. v" ' , , •

‘M ajor W aller, w ith 20 fusileers, and Captain Gwynne, with ten marines, have eitpfurffiWn fort west of the nnrtli city. L’lioy "also captured four 4 inch rilled uns. tw o 0-pounders, several small guns

and n large quantity of ainnutnitum. .“The report that- General ‘Nieli. the

Chinese commander, had - been killed' ip* imlirmed. II**"met his deatlf. on the norinng. tlgvt tlu* allies for the, second'

"Dmmoml rlngj

_ S c x a -Ja tH -fvJLilK t o M u r r y .Belgrade, via Seinlin, Hungary, July

23.—T he Oilieial G azette this morning made J t s uppearance unusually early with the astonishing ftiinoiineement, ofi tin* hi’trothal of King Alexander with the ,’Jli-rear-old wi*lmr of n Servian phy­sician, Dr. Masehln. Mme, Mascliin for­merly. was lady lit w aiting to form er IjuObii Nntnjie,' w ith whom for several yearp slie lms been mi lertns o f . intimacy. Gi-m-ral amazement is manifested a t the engageiiH'iit. which Queen N atalie ap­pears to favor, but .the form er King Milan lias cut short his sojourn a t Carls­bad-ami lias returned to Belgrade, u tie- termincd' eneiny ;ti.»--tlumiiatcli,—ft is like- .ly_UiaL-thi*ue-\vas-a_vjulunt_iiitL*iiv.ie\v._bei. tween fiither timl son when the former king arrived. A ‘general am nesty is ex* pect I**! 'wrun'riinf'JmTjvstyTsT nrnrricil,' .

M r . C r o k e r n L i f e S a v e r .—.NVwrYork,. .1 uly-23.—Ric)iard-Ct oker~is a life saver. l ie will m-illier adm it nor deny his cbtipcction witli the incident. As the story goes, Mr. Croker and his friend, nml business . partner, P ete r F. Mever. paid a visit on F riday to Law- ivm r' Deltaoiii* a t City Island. The day w as warm, and a bath in’ the salt w ater was very inviting, Messrs’. Croker and Meyer proceeded to bathe. They had been in the w ater for a few minutes when A1.1- At ever ffim seized witli eyni 1HJS,__IKs.1 loiifed to Mr. Croker; who hastened (»; bis side. Mr. Meyer was. helpless,, but Mr. Tinker got. him to the surface with­out much difficulty nnd started for the shore. It was no eapy task, because Mr. Croker*is suffering from an injured leg, bin In* fought manfully and soon had Mr. Meyer out of danger.. —u • '

_ U i i 1 1 o o t n e w * F o r e i g n C i u m i i p r c e .

LU inu 11-xyere._ili_eXeL*llenf. e<unlituui, tiindy<1 n ip p e d in e v e r y w a y J in d a l l e a g e r f o r

tiiM it. H e s a id t h a t u f e w h a d d e s e r t e d w it h in t l i e lu s t t n o iu l i . b u t t h e y w e r e m e n t h e r e g i m e n t c o u ld w e l l s p a r e , a n d h e Win ltd r u t h e r h a v e t h e m l e a v e in i w tliiTn wiiit” 'uiitil the regiment gets l*T t.’hina. ! : .. 1

'Hie regiment has been ordered” to sail for Miin’ila, the present base of.supplies of the American artiiy in the east.' This has tuuscd S'Miio ftlnrtii in -tl»L hyegsts of tiie soldiers lest' they .l»r*-*-riUeiideil for <eVvice7ur7fin^JMiiji'ppines, but it is uti- liMMnod' bv tlm officers that tlmy will be' hurried right through to Nagasaki, which llm mikado lias offered as a base for tlu*I ’nil*-*1 Slules-troops, and thence to Tien­tsin. '

A battery front*,Fort W adsworth will relieve tlie F ifteenth temporarily at Gov­ernors Inland today,-.. As. soon as tlie Eleventh regiment, reaches' - hen; from Porto UiCn it will lie' stationed at the is­land and at other posts now/occupied by the F in eon th. , -u :

In heavy, marching order ami looking spruce Hi their Uniforms of blue, 13(1 nue rines, the jd'jk iff UTirle^Kaims. lighting force nt flic n m / yard, left yeslcnlay morning for China. .*

For the mitiiiie.4 and the officers who were in the detachment, there was, little out of tlie ordinary in their trip. I t waft all in Ihe linejof their duty. Von tlieir sweethearts and wives, however, it wUs a night of anxious waiting, and sun up

»fonud~. them hurrying to the navy yard to1 say go'Hlby, ibai tuay slmrt ly "iu* follower!by tho m-wR.of a dear one lyju'g death in the litiitl of the far east.*'

"N tn r fn e u S t a r t F r o m W iiM lifn j^ to n .■ - Wasliingtoii. July. 23.—Five hundred 4U :i lines,- under -com mil ml of M ajor Ran­dolph Pickens, left W ashington yester­day afternoon over- tlie Chesapeake and Ohio -railway; for- aii-FnuuHfrco^vhunce Ihcy will sail for Chinn on un urfuy .vruuu*

thu human H6dy and .united with Bub- stancefl tliat- huljd up the digestive organs, niaklncf a coiiqnund called Knilol Dyspepsia Qifre. I t dlgeftta w hat you out and allows

•ajl dyspeptics to eat plenty of . nourishing * food while tho stomach troubles''aro lielng

rudlwdly cured by tlie medicinal agents It. contains. It is pleasant to take and will give quick relief. W . R. Ham, 107 Main street. •••

It has Been* demonstrated by exporlenco that consumption can bo prevented by the early uhr of Ono Minute Cojigb Cure. This Ib the favorite remedy for coughs, colds, crOup,—asthma,’ grippe and all th roat and Jung troubles. Cures uulckiy.. W . R. Ham; 107 Main street. •-

AVashiVitrt on, J uly- 23e—Tlu;-<li 4 vsiun'of- r.-iisionis and insular affairs, w ar ilepiiri* nicnl. lias made pit hi it* ils regular month­ly bulletin mi tin? subject of the trade

f- th«* Philippine Islands for the six liTnidli^ iiidnI~l'mr7_31“ lN!»t). Tin? total•V alin—o f —int»r-«*hundisi»—i m p o r t o d - i i i t o - t l t Kislands for this firriial was* $11,45iJJi7d, of which. J?r»t2,34i» worth, was admitted free of duty. The total uiiiiuint of im port tinty ctillecicd wns $2,1)71.70(5. "Tin* l u l u f i q u i _;thi.*_.iircjiipufiigq amounted to $7.(154,(52*5. Thu export duty collected was $237,850.

S t r ik e I)lNttirl»iiM«*«*M In S t. E n o lu .Si. Louis. Ju ly 23.—Strike* disturlmucps

iiccurrctl again Saturday iiiglit, nml as a result the transit .cd’rs were very poorly pat ionized' yesterday. ~ I lynaniite was- placed under two cars, and the passen g'crs were patiic stricken, tiering to the at reels. In an attack on one of the cars some-one in tlu* crowd ii red a-revolver, and a s,tray bullet struck Mrs. Annie Koehlmeyer, who. wds passing, causing a serious-wound. Deppty Internal Rev­enue Collector Steminens w as ilssuilltod l.y a pmb and -badly’ beaten for riding on a transit ear. ■

TIm» D oer W n r,London, Ju ly 23.—Tlie w ar office hns

received the following .-dispatch from Lord Roberts, dated i'retorui, Ju ly 22" “-The Boers made a determined attack yeslerday to destroy a -p o st a t tlu? rail Item!; 13 miles east of Heidelberg, which they attacked with three gjms nnd ‘pompom* ami surrounded. : They were, lip\vm*er. benteirolT a fte r a sharp engage (limit hefon* re-unforconufuta auminoued from Heidelberg arrived.”

ime captured tlie-wesKnrsenalr”

DlHorcililH f o i ic p r M**hhhi?c,■Rrrl’iTTi 1. J 'tTl7^ 2ff =*W—Nv- Lovn(t—who

ins spent 40 years in the customs st»rv* re in China and is now in this city, de- lanal his ahsolute dishelidf in tlu* uu- henticity o f tin* telegram 'received at W ashington sigiicd by M inister Conger. He Iwlieves the last authentic infornm- ion from any 'of Hhe legatiiunfrs was the. nessage of the German- legation conntei- dgui-'l hy S ir Robert H art and tinted Line 18. Mr. I.ovatt says that S ir Rob it I ln rt was a favorite with the Chinese, mil the fact that no la ter message lias nine froin him means that every fbr* •igner in Peking lias lieeu killed, for j f my oqe could get. a message out «ff IV- iing it would”be S ir ltoliert l la r t . Mr.

iV a 11 Ti IjmTU i>x*’rci 1 i t a j Ji i:2sf o i:.v .tliat the; egatloners fouml’ refuge behind the pal- ,ee wails, • IL '-s iiy s-th ere - was u<> c o l­lection between The legation walls ami be palace wa.lls so the logaliuncrs cmild lot have iti:ti|<* th e transfer unless tliey 'mi ml b r_iuiii lr*- niF ‘tttulergroitiid- iias.^ager )f tin* genera! situation* Mr.. I .ova it says til will de|>eii<l on the attitiid '1 »ff Li Hung Cluing. \Yho has lien* to fore bemi riendly and will probably continue so. .

Advertlaenienta containing • not more than twenty-live words .Inserted under this heading for twenty-live cents first Insertion and fifteen cents each subsequent insertion. No money re­funded under-, any conditions. Errors will bo (node good by additional Insertions, . . "

w A z m t D , v . : .A pi lino player. L Apply 'to Trof, Ll overman,

£03 KmgBley RlreetJ IT-loJfim*

WANTED.lly a neat, Intelligent, reapeetaDlo colored girl

sttuailon nn waitress or chambermaid. Htienii, F. O. box (KI. 17-lfciAiu* *

LOST.A portnionalo, containing u sum of-money.

Llnerat reward. Tlio Ashland, Second avonuo aud Eorgn strtnit. 17le7.rm*

LOST.wide, Hilt ring with cllanihnif

set down tn * Finder plea*© rotura to Mrs. Parker, (K)3 Summer il old avenue. 17-1*0

’ LOST,A gold watch. Finder will ploasorelurn to Mrs

Aslnof, corner McCabe nml nta'ffHon avenues, Hrsdley byaeh, >10 reward wljl lie given. 171 e—- — . w a n t e d . . • —

Ton white girls.a« waifreuses. Apply Opera House Stock, tiungu nvenno and Kmcrv street.

7 ’ 174»i«V:o*

TO LOAN. vf2,:W0,12.000. SI,noi 81,«X),$7oO,iraX),.l«Kl atT.

per. cent, on • lirst bom! omt mortgage. George, w.pjttenger, ltoom 11, Appleby building; Asbury Park, N. J. 1

EMPLOYMENT OFFICE.BflO Main street. Select help furnished. Mr«.

S. Doy. 118-197

INSTRUCTIONIn harmony. - Vfrgfufa Roper, Ifl Sur^avenue,

Ocean Grove, lUI-SOt

DANCING.Mrs. West cot t** dancing glasses; Hotel' Hrun s

wick, Mondays', Thursdays, 10 tkt n. m.; evening ol(i8.s; private hmlrucUons t»y aprointment; mem­ber of American National Aasociation; nia>*»pr ofdancing.

FOIL SALE.1 onjrx soda fountain, complete, new; 1 doz.

soda holderfl, 4 doz. glosses, soda spoonH, scales, candy-'trayB, ice cream boxes, etc. Apply st Hiarry Pufllofd’e, Fourth avenue and rteefc street


‘ THE CROWN)146 Vatn avenue, Ocean Grove. Open al the

Sear. Tbe most homelike boArdlng house In >cean Grove. Steam heat, batha and all Im

provemente. Terms reasonable. i»2tf

GLOVE CLEANER.Ladies, clean your kid gloves with llolle

Glove 01 on ner. It la not a liquid • Leaves nn odor and can bo used while the glove ia on tbe hand. For sale c*ily at Cbadwfck’B pharmacy, 314 Cookman avenue.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.Nino building lots, 50x200 feet, adjoining

Ocean Grove Heights. Price seven! y-flve dollars each; also property Main street, Bmdley Reach. Apply to 608 Fifth avenue, Asbury Park. 14tf

MATT. APPLEGATE,-Contracting Painter-and-Decorator.—Estimated

promptly) given...........P.O. Box 1064, ~ 60tf

K o re a In lln iig rr ,Yokohniuii. Ju ly 23.— A disp.ilch from

M'oul. Korea, savs tlmt tin* government s becoming um*n«.v. Di.mfl'ecteil Chi- icsi* in large, numbers an* crossing the

lered tn nips JI here t«» jin*veiit limit* entry nto tin* country. rVu cngiigi*im*ni has al-

--midy m-oiirn-il. It is state,) tha t some >f tin* foreign cTivoys ail vise, tin* govern-' iii*nl to ii|»[..*nI to Jap an for uui, but the Russian m in istcr 'ob jec ls to this bpijiglone. .

ItuxNlnn Call to Arina,T V tm -J n ir g . JLtllx 2.,|>.— A n in ip i> r ia l

Scaled proposals for tho opipiirig out grad­ing and draining the county road pronosctl tu l>o built under tho stuto aid act, in tho townships of HolturirUmtl Marlboro, In t ho county of Monmouth, leading from Holm- del villa go westerly over tho present lino of road -by Elys Mills, Hillsdale and Bradevolt to th e county road that, loads to Mntawnn, 3.52 miles long, will bo received by the hoard of clicseu freeholders of tho county of Moamouth, n t Dalton’s hotel, Brighton avonue, Wont Kml, on Thursday, A ugust 2, n t 11 a. m.. until 12 o’clmik noon of said day, and then publicly opened. Maps and plans can be seen either a t tho office of Poter For- nuin,--engineer“ Maimlapati;"NrJ;. or“ tlin

“county eolieotoFfl offico In tlio-courtdimiso m Freehold, and copies of tho specifications -aunnecessary forms calf ho’procured Ifi'km application to tlie above named places. The form forLstating proposals will Ho furnish­ed witli each specification. Each proposal must be aceompaufed w ith-the-b idder’s lioud with sureties satisfactory to tho board of chosen freeholders and made payable to them in tlio sum of oiio tlmusatid dollars, conditioned th u t if tho contract is awarded to.hhn, ho will, when thereto required by the board, c x m ire uu agreem ent iu writing to faitbfully perform a ll the work In atxfcv cquforiiilty with Thespians and PpecHiea- tions, and ablde hy all the terms-nnd condi­tions Uieretu named.

The board reserves tho right to reject any a rd all bids.

“ iknsi* orders .the niinistcr-of-win* .to-pro- lnim a-*si:ii»- »ff w ar in the miliinry dis-

,!riets »>f Siberia. Tmki-stan and Semi- •■etidieiisk and tu sumiiuui all the reserv­ists in tlmso ili<tricts to bon the eulurs.

("oR T U rU tiyl_.N. V., Ju ly 23.--T in > 1 »m*glarv

untered tlie pu.-tullice nt Newport. H erki­mer eimnty. blew open tbe safe with dy- lunnite anil gut lmt a few dollars fur their pains, nverlouking $3nu in ^ -iish 'and stamps, 'rhey escaped . lof TT hand •;w* to Herkimer, 13 miles mya.y. JNaqde Ittrneted by tlie explusinii .were eum- jianded tu return to their homes or they would he shut.

Tlii-i*e WoiiicMi D row ned ,— N/!sit >;liJ*.•; J uly 23.:- Ne wa. Jm.s j ea eJie< 1

tore from Hamburg. H aniin en'iirity, of be drowning near tlibre nf tliree ynimg- •*<iincit. • N!i"-es Fora atul Riibv Town e.ntl and. I\»h;| Flael;. •

Tho law holds both m aker and circulator of a counterfeit equally guilty. Tlio dealer who sells ym ra dangerous counterfeit of DeWltt’s WIteh Hazel Salvo rleks yonr life to make a littlo larger profit. You cannot trust him. DeWlrt’s Is tlio only genuine •and original WJtoh Hnzo) Salve, a well- known euro for plies and all skin diseases! See that, your dealer gives you DeWitt’s SalVe. IV.. R. Ham, 1G7 Main street.

^ i iBurlington, Vt., Ju ly 28.*— Hon. Ij . E.

Chittenden, a well knpwn lawyer, Ver­mont’s , historical w riter and register of the United S ta tes treasury under P resi­dent Lincoln, died n t the home of his daughter in this city yesterday a fte r-n sh o rt illness of cholera morbus. l i e -was 70 years of age, and his general health, wfi’n wenkeiled by-an injury receive<l by being struck by a team while crossing a stree t iii New York f ity .

DbW ltt’a L ittle Early Risers are famous little pills for liver and bowels troubles. Never gripe. W; R. Ham. 1G7 Main stree t.

P ress BpeoialtAdvertisemento bring Im­mediate recul^fl.



B t l f l l l T f l j l la t t h e



\r /

S P E C I A L S A L EVast D ie Ba t Wing

■■ ■ • • - t................. ■■ •.,............. - - •


ReaT-Value 25c each • '

; O , .

0 0 5 M a ttiso n A v o n u oNext to Postoffice ! iitjj

W ato li- fo r th e , larffo B la c k a iu l G old A w n iiig —t h a t ’s us.

Read The Daily Press

JOHN (lUIRIi,Director of tlie lionrtl of clioseiv freeholders 1- J.oii'r liriuK.ii. K. j . . i i l-8 i

PROPOSALSRealfd proposals for building a macadam

roiuT in tlie township of Millstone, leadiug f-iffm-Mmmhtpmwdnn^ii-weMtorly-.-b y way-of-BergoTi’s-Milljr-to-thiYlhm-oFMtddlesex- c o u t f f y J-04-100 rn ileH A vill h e r e c e iv e d b y th o h o a r d o f ch n sc m C reoh o ld erH o f t h o c o u n t y o f M o n m o u t h , a t 1 )a t t o n ’s • h o t e l , B r ig h t o n a v o n u e , W e s t ; E n d , o n T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 2 , a t l l a . m . u n t i l 12 o ’c l o c k n o o n o f s a id

Summer NeedsBlauk-Cartrldees —’ • Cannons, Pistols,

Revo IversAmmunition, Etc.,

1 Window Flag Holders

Hammocks at 49c and up to $3.50~Ice Cream'Treezers',

And all other size’s a t rock v ' bottom prices. ’

Ice Cream Coolers, $ h 00 and up


AT, c u r IMUCE8________'___

t>ln»ift-4.van-lHi-sfieH-afr-t!ifv-o!lic(y-<>r—F eto rF or- man, engineer, Matmlapnii, N. J M or a t tlio qffice ot the couuty collector in Freehold, and conics of the KpeciffcationH and forms for bidders can bo proourod tit said jdacpH. Bach protiosal m ust ho accompaniett hy the htddor'fi'bqnd“Svith~Rurntias~BntiHfnctory-to- tho board of chosen freeholder# made pay­able to tljem in the sum of ono thousand dollars conditioned; that, if the contract is awarded to him, he wilt when thereto re­quired by the board, execute and deliver an agreement in writing, to faithfully perform all tho work njid abide by all the conditions 'named iff tluvsaiii ftneciffcalions.- The lioard, reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

Dated July 10, 1000. •JO HNtHUIRE, ;;

Director of tho hoard, of chosen freeholders.- -Long-Brancb,- N . J. 171-83

PROPOSALSSoalwl proposals for tlio cjoimtruction of a

Htomi macadam road Irs tip, lowiwllip of Karitsn' In tl io 'c o u n ty o f Monmouth, known nn tlio Koam>l)urK road, from tho Iron bridge ovor Cliln^orora crook, oaatorly for ouo nillo (or mow), will lm revolved by tdie-eomnritto.obf tlnrboard-o£-cltoseii-ffoe- lirthlora a t DaHon’ahotel, Urli'bton Avpmu-. W est End, ThurHday, August 2, a t ' 11 a. m. un til' 12 o’clock noon of nakl day, nnd then and Msoro publicly optined. Bnncllieallon and information re Kardl!i(t’nijnjtld[ conatruotton may bo bad by applylne.,at the county collector’s ofllce In Eroeliold or to Henry H. Sproul,onglncor, Keypdrt," N. J, All bids nuiot Ijoaccom- panlod by llio bidder’s bond In tbo autn :fflue. th w as ml, Aol Is r°_factory .to tbo board, conditioned th a t If tbrf contract bo awarded to ldm ho will, when reiiulred bv tho board, execute Ida aureem ent ill writliu; to perform all tho work according to plans and.spuclllcatlons. The rlptht to r6jeet any and all bide Is horo- ,by reserved.

Dated Ju ly 1!), MOO.JOHN GUIRE,

Director of tho board of olioson frcoholdors, Long Brapcb, N. J . , 171.83

, Tlio IJ!tE8S bos later telegraphic nows than th e eveulngodRlons oTThe Now York' papors which roach Asbury Park. Tho Pitnsa .has all the local nows. Its readers' thus get nil tho nows, both local,niytgni qral, forgone cent. • ;

Fourth of Ju ly fainterns, Hod, w ldto aud Blue, . I

Hotoi Beales, of all dcscriptioiiB, n t city prices.

Kcrenn Doors and Window Screens, A-lLiUJimLnmahle ilutlerv ami Pci'ket

=te^or8rflCisaiiis,nii<!!.7^ai- fUtlucwlprices.

Thu iKsut Bicycle Tiro a t $1.5(1 Irs town.A full lino of Paints, Enamels, .Stains, ote.

J n . N B W I s I N

173 Main StreetA S B U R Y P A R K

1 0 0 , 0 0 0 R O L L a O F

VHLL PflPEHFrom all the leading msauraoturers.

From 5o ROLL upwards

P A P E R H A N G IN G ,12Xc per roll aud up.

W A L L M O U L D IN G S ,


iruanger!54 -543 Cookman Ave.

B R A D L E Y B E A C HBranch Station of the Atbary Peric


For tlie convenience of bur patrons a branch station has been established ot the BRADLEY BEACH NOTfON STORE, Main street, between McCabe and Cook avenues. - *~*—Papers regnlnrlron-Kal e-and^upplled-Urn ews- boys at offioe rate.

The clrbnlattoti of the Da ily PitKfls ffbes fjrw ard fltoddlly and rapidly. ‘ 1


Best and Moirt Economical Furnaoee Made


C R O S B I E ,- 5 0 8 M A IN S T R E E T ,— /


. A t Roduceti l._____...... _j

also, Fine saatlt Bmerican Hair joattressDrawings, very lino, a t very low prices.

Goods bought a t half prlco.lArgo U n a of. R efrigerato rs bn hand

Cash paid for goods’a t any. time- .

M . M . C R O S B IE ,Munroe Avenue

IteftpnTTfllhlft AuoMnnoer. •

— P U B L I C S A L E—ok—


Tho Commltteo of tbo Board of Chosen Free- hold ora will uell at |Uibllo auction qn.

iiit)i^3yrwiy725r^At tb s interlaU ea' B ridg i,

T?io eutiro old plnuklng removed from said bridge.

Terms cash nod material must bo removed Will.In 18 hours. nKY j . nocKArEf.IJCIi,167-71 • ' Chairman. #

ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRINGElectric Qaa LlRhtlnflf. i. g lectrlo Bella and Annuncfatora.Bu rglar Al a r me7 E t o - . ~

W A L L A C E N . B U R RB 3 2 C O O K M A N A V B N U B .,

W«w eatorBlook.

Page 3: I SALE 10BSE eal state TO BEGIN JULY 30 · 2014. 4. 3. · Tow^iship Iveiuud club and—has. just1 been, enrolled in tlie Ameriean Kennel club. Tliennimal at tract s considerable


I tem s oi I n t e r e s t 'F r o m th e M orn ing E d ition

Enticed to Bradley Beach Woods j, and Robbed of $25.

S L I C K S H A R P S S U C C E S S F U LI. ' .

Hud Kolieino W niri.nhJ lei • T rap Tliolr Victim -M en's BeHcrli»tUm FuruiHUml. I’oIIco Bepurlinont—BuhcuIh Hoped In ■Stranger'Iii u Mail nor Tlm t KVcri SnW ]>rlHO«rI{Ihhingcr H hn solf.

Look ou t for tho bunco men.Thorn's n gang of thorn—loan, hungry

and as slick as groused ligh tn ing—right Irani in A sbury 'P ark . .. )

H enry . - Ifislsngor of Jbiihilo touched td bows w ith tin* skirm ish lino on the board­w alk Friday n ight. Kissinger was some th ing of a stranger It bn self, having only ju st arrived front the lake region.

“ How long Is the boardwalk?', inquired a well dressed stranger of Kissinger,whose gd7.it see.nual to Invito ae.qtmintanco.

/D i»i’t kjiow,” n >{)11<‘iI Kissinger. ...“Suppose wc test it,”- suggested tlu

stranger.Kissinger felt loss lonely w ith tho

stranger by his side. They spent the even Ing together and arranged to meet the fid lowing m orning for a trip down tlio coast.

. Tho stranger wns prom ptly on hand a t • the appointed hour mul was soon joined hy Kissinger. Hoarding a - tro lle y the couple rode as far as llelm ar. -The stmnger*sot ’em up and voted Helmar a little slow. On the way. hack'll in stranger

•pulled the rope opposite the ’Bradley Bunch woods, this side of Duck creek, and suggested a w alk to t he beach,ng,it would bo cooler under t’lie’trecs and an easy walk.

Undcr the slpplow of the trees, liinl m\v\ oral hundred yards from, the road, they were m et by a queer specimen w earing a linen ulster.

“Gbi denied ho t!" ho exclaimed. “ I ’ll be jin g swiz/.led if I k in ketch the- right roail to ‘S hark river. Kin ye ketch !t for me, strangers? Heen to -Xew Y ork, yor know, and landed ou t -hem next door to iVdwhore. tin t a load, of m ules toselH YVmTt to buy m ules?; ■" That York’s a hard places stratigers. Say, Shark river rem inds me. Hun up ’g inst a

“ laiid sh a rk in 'Y brlram ribsb a chum § 1 ubT Tough, luck, that, strangers. H ut, say, I learned the trick. Them’s thd koi.qxls th a t did it,”- co n tin u e d 'th e farm er, and he fondled the greasy pasteboards w itli a rue­ful smile. DotYt yon w an t fo learn junv? Gi ve a follow a chance now, will ycr?” •

“ Oh, go long,’ ;rei,orU»d ,KIssi.nge.r.’.B.. friend. “ \Ve’vo got iio time to fool with you.” * • • • /

“ Viet yer even $5 oil the Urst card ,” said • the farm er, with a m osM nslnuatingsniilu.

Kissinger’s frlem l thought he* would stand a . $5 chance on the gamV. Tjie

-latpniaJuuLleiljiULii-ivatLm uLiiut—dm vjtUls numi*yi Tluui_hi£l^vuilleil^tke~e-iiixlslind lost.- : ‘ ‘ "■•“ Got any money?” asked the farm er,

turni'ng to Kissinger.“ Oh, yes, a little ,” the vie11m1 replied, a t

the same t blip-exposing h is wad. The " the immey nnd was ftbout

to move away in the woikIh when a ' third stranger liove in sight.

“Stop there—you. I own* th is ground,” thundered tht* th ird 'co in e rt “ Don’t you know gum bail’s ligln the law. I ketch ed ye., Say* you’re liable to $AU line nnd Six m onths iir ja il;” ‘

Kissinger wns badly,seared. The other Im f|,b‘Miiaji Hm* ttlalmmi.

• tin; jMirty were gam blers IInally compri Uilsed the atfair. by accef tin < the money ju st Illched from Kissinger and the trio separated. They doubtless were all mem- be rs of tho same gapg.

Kissinger hurried sroin Muv woods and was glad to get away so easy. A t, flrs^ he kept the m atter to himself im t was tin-,

U ; I an? tO iy'Ahatthe best plan would I Hi. to, report the m a tte r , to the police depart­ment, which lie did; and* the city oil ice rs

huu\ city detectives .have furnishedw ith descriptionij of the bunco sharps.

—Mr. Kissirtger drentis - to-th iuk^v h a tm iglrtrlpive been Ids fate had he b io ir ijrim sses^ sien.of a large su in (if1 money. The slick strangers had every appearance of profes­sionals, ho thinks, an d he is surprised a t

--hlniMdLfiu,-b(,;liignipciUinr s<)-easll>^dh-a gam e he has heard and read so much about. Kissinger is an i mass inning man of about Ha years mur is eaqdoyetUin. a

. Buffalo prliitlnifestablishm ent. J ie came hero to rest, leaving his wife to -follow' laUMt. > ThiV bunco m en took nearly aHJiltL

' spare uash; so th a t ho had. to send .home for a 'rem ittance, lie Is a guest at. Fees Bros.’ Main street hotel.

F I R E C H I E F IN S A N DArtlnt Taylor Makes-a ICcuIIhIUi Model ol

« FlnV Kngiiic und Mr,.. Hradley - ;.r Makes It More ICeal. *■.••■*•;

Sand A rtist Taylor's live picture Satuiv day n igh t was unusually admired. Tlio artist, w ith the clover inu'nlpu- iat.lnn for which he is nutod

•moulded in -h is m ini — co rn er--"a t tho Aslmry avenuo pavUton a complete lire engine, exhibiting in raised design all tho Intricate machinery with so m u ch ac­

c u ra c y as to excite, astonishm ent. J u s t ahead of this rem arkable piece of work­m anship was the Ilguroof F ire Chief Scott, whoso Napoleonic features wero readily

„recogn i m . i _ | n .fr iends —Bradley ran a vulibor hose under (hesltnd, which w as’deftly raised to the sandy hand of tlio Hre ohlof, and a t ii proper signal the w ater wns turned on. It,w as intended to have a real tiro, b u t a t tlie* last m om ent Founder Bradley: concluded to abandon th is feature of tho exhibitlen.

: • 'Child Dies or Ncgloot? .Coronor Flock held an Inquest yesterday

• nn thu hmlv of a colored child that, died lbW est P ark on S aturday w ithoyjxhavtilg. Iia’d medical attendance. The coroner was of opinion th a t the child had been nog looted. * • • » * *

H A N D S O M E F L O R A L - D A Y D E C O R A T I O N SOcean Grnvo Auditorium Was Picture of

Beauty III Honor of Young Peo­ple’s Anniversary Bay.

The floral decorations in the',Ocean Grovo auditorium yesterday, incident to F loral ^unday wore m agnificent .and a l­m ost balllo description.

In ouch oftho.21 largo windows of tin; g reat build in g _w cro -u lto rn ately—placetl- foroign flags,\ w ith Amorican flags be. tween. • ' • *'„•

The gallery faendo, shaped like a groat horseshoe, Was trim m ed niost artistically. Eighteen clusters of incandescent lights are arranged about 530 foot ap a rt around thifijfacadc,JLiiiUiiuih-clUKicr—was—pm ttily decoratei| w ith whito and .red gladiolus, spiviys of wheat being In tor twiniMl.

The spaces lit*tween theso clusters bore m ot toes, appropriate toifcUo subject of tlu: jOvoning, “ S*)\vtfngnud Heaping.” . Thesi mottoes had bdtjlers of cejdar twigs. They were as follows: ■ u ' • . .

“Hmy penitence—reap pardon;” Iniquity—reap , sham e;1* "sow sin—reap death ;” “sow doubt—reap despair;” “sow deceit—reap dishonor;” “sow- wild-oats— m tj^disgrace;” , “sow to the flesh—reap corruption;” “sow to the spirit—reap ever lasting life ;” “sow hatred—reap strife ;’ “sow.' tlrun'ketimss — Veap \vo6;” “sthv wickedness — reap w ra th ;" sow to- tlu w ind—reap thq w h irlw ind ;” sow disobe­dience—reap rem orsp;” “sow righteous­ness—reap peace.” *

The large pu lp it platform w ith tin raised choir loft of nearly -HHi seats4 taxed tlii‘ greatest skill of the floral decorator

The front of the platform was decorated w ith tlgo'rH I lies* am ong' which were In te r­tw ined ' bpnclijis of cedar. Immediately back of these wei'e several large hydrnngas and fern plants.

Ou the choir gallery facade yellow dw arf sunflowers were arranged In pretty profusion, nnd in the rear of the .choir lu ft and h igh enough to j i ia k e . a hack- ‘gi’ouml for the entire picture of beauty, ■'jjhfi a row of palms, l 'a lm s were^also a r ­ranged In 'f ro n t of the pipti organ, and here, teo, the word “Christ,!’ in large sil­ver letters, each beautifully bedecked with roses, ma<|e U| prett.^reffect. ' :

TiuVomhlettrbC peace was^tlicre also in the shape of ten white doves suspended abnvotht^lfOir^TrlleryTna 1 rei ireserifecPaS- on-thn-wiilK'towarus tTie audience. ‘.

Over the platform, iu large letters was a verse which expressed the thought of sow* ihg-iHi(l-reaphigr--Ifcwas-iM*lnted-roti—fonir connected panels aud suspehded froni the celling. The words were:

"Sow n thought—real) an net.Sow an act—reap a habit..Sow a habit-r-reap a elm racier. # : ■Sow a chai*acter—rciip a destiny.”

The text of .Bm e.veidngV servicd 'was also susiHindul over the platform ' in large white letters, “W hatsoever a nVan yoweth, th a t shall hejilso rca^i.” ~ ^

Froin the m iddle.center of the high coll­ing qf this auditorium was suspended a great cluster of palms, gladiolus,‘ and cedars.

NOVEL M i EParable of the Sower illustrated

at Ocean Grove

AJargii-AmiaEwijiJlagdraiHaHieforedhir p t t l Id F AiTu u jdefced^Xlft^tKlur^ ib nu."~ The whole floral display \yas in excellent taste and caused*great comiuendatlon from all.


Couehimbi Bolton CJelH ln ta theX aw ’ri Clutches for Obeying III*

. l-bii|> I oyer's C'oiiiiiinitd. .Oit, w hat ii lovely pony cart! How

much for a ride?” im piired"a little boy ivigerlyVas he glanced adm iringly a t one of F rank Coo m bs’ pciny carts cm the ■bcrrrh last Srrt urrlay.1 — — .

Proprietor Coombs’ son Ilnrry,'in charge if the rig, olVercd a.half hour ride, for 50

cents (uul a full liour’s fun for | i .The boy accepted the half do llar propo-.

sltlon, but. he was gone a..>vhole dollar’s worth. The lad had only fid cents, and when young Coombs rode to ute youth’s residence on .Seventh avenue to cbilciit the balance r r liiT7 imly~ut^:lnT7'hoi ieged, tlirected her coaehinan, Johii Ijlul* top, to pu t I lurry and his ca rt out, of t lie yard. The coachman; so H arry says,, took liis w hipaiul slashed his b'?iek tin tli a big ridge appeared. ~

Dall7)ii~\Va~s'~;flT('';ltei 1 for assmjitTaml~lkTL- tery ami- was . hold, by Jus tice Horden In ? IPO To aw ait tho aetloii i>f the g rahd jury. H ew as allowe ul/auce. 1

T7Se\V; o'l’feitA TIliSAVEEli,Souhu’h. ojSl Capituii” W ill bo IMayoil ill

; TIciiHiiro Jllny Bark.1 hind m aster >Sousii)s catchy little openi,

“ KrCapitniV,”. w ritten for M r aml d )e-W olf—IIoptKjr,—%vU i~ba~porf or medTirtr Pleasure Hay P ark every iHght th is week, the “ W izard of the Nile” having bebn withdraw n. \Villiam Mandovilie, wlio took Hopper's place in the original pro-, dne.tinn. w ill s ta r w ith Maud W illiam s of the*. “ H ighw aym an” comiwuiy, whose charm ing rend i.l Ion’of Mrs. Hopper’s part hasalready made her a favorite vhlh the |fljb}Ic. The ojieiii will he given will* new scenery and Costumes uml a grand, chorus of 50 voices will support the east, which is taken from tlio [heat metropolitan tidontr Tni lk y im u i d irect---------------------------------

O V E R 11,000 P E O P L E P R E S E N T

■ T \v o -I I« ii ilr D r t-Y o iin g " I ;a jU o s" iIe 1 p e d _T:C!Tit“er Yntiimt) Mnko t b e Seod T im o a u d Harvest Service a Or eat ftiieeeMH—Aud- I t o r ln i n C b n ir Sinks tlm ‘ “ Ilallcliijiib CboraH’’’ Twice.

W heb tbo 1,100 olnct.rio lights (lashed forth Miylr rays fn the Ocean Grove audi- torl un rlasfdven ing they” 'prodiiced'a"Hrl 1: 1 h in t effect. The i>cautlftil floral d isp lay , the audience of more than 1-1,ikki people, the g rea t chorus seated In tbe . now choir gallery a n d ‘thi? big orchestra, nil made a scene, not soon educed from the memory.

The audience1 gathered early and l»y 7 o’clock every sent was filled. W hen the service began a t 7.1 r» crowds wcrp stand- liig all about the building, m any persons

-boing unable to en ter a t all.The subject of t.he service w as “Seed­

tim e and H arvest,” and the text, “ W hat­soever am ain sowelji th a t shall lie also reap, ”-\Vas^ 11 ust rated by 530U young lad Ins. The whole liad been hrm nged by Mr. Yut- n iam an d was a p art of t he annual oxhr- cises Incident to 'F loralS tim lhy. •

A fter a prelude, on the. pipe organ by Prof. Von. Nardrolf Miss Laiirecn Me- Gregoi’ jilaynl on the chliueS. “A Charge to Keep J Have,” th e’tones sounding al­though In the distance.. The choir nnd orchestra,, under Prof. Morgan’s direct ion, gave the “ Hallelujah Chorus,” with great volume and li ih elfeety and after congrcguMonnl singing the clioir chanted the Lord’s prayer. Miss Cecelia Bradford played a. violin jgllni “ Neartjr, M y God to T h ee /' P rayer "fol­lowed. . .

Seven-year-old Miss Hazel P arker Bom;; d iet Sang in her pretty w aya song, “ Floral Day Message.”

The choir rendered th a ant^iiem “Blessed Bo the Name of the Lord.”

Miss Blanche Bennett; sang “ Cast Tliy Bread Upon tin* W aters,’! an d Ale, P a rir sistors-filhyeil a cornet duct, “ The Holy Citv.”: ' . ' ___ _ / ____ L__

100 i j lL S T O V E S , e a c h , 75 c ts .50 G a s o le n e S to v e s , m le a d e r , $3 .92 , 50 B lu e F la m e O i l S lo v e s$ 6 .9 8

5 Ae S rea t TjuHle S tore97fattison five*






M A T T I S O N A V E .. * * • *

Agate Iron Ware. T in Ware.. Everything for. the K itchen. Everything Cheaper than Any Other Store, , A.,: 5,000 Chamber Pails at 19c. Rogers’ S ilver Tea Spoons per set, 75c./ : „ 1 Water Coolers, from 99c. up. Clothes Horses, 49c.

0 l x c * ZM, C ? S i t A r“ 'V S . m . i * S l K B S X T m t H e W o r l d

ThTr“ Hcnd-T’ l^innnn^IInVVi’s t* *" pro'pnf p a rt of the service .wiis. thbn taken up. Miss Margarct^Asay recited the parable of the soever atql th e choir rendered tlie song,‘W hat. Shall the H arvest Be?

Miss Florence Mahol Andrews, qs “ Miss y i i’fcue,” dclivorOd an address based on. the parable. She introduced 11 messen­gers of tru th ,, th a t num ber of young la­dies coming forward and roeltlng toxts on sowing aiid reaping.. The young ladles who .took part w ere :''

Misses Belle. Fields', Imogene McClel­land, Jllllio Huiso. JOlsie Drle.sbach, Blos- sto P ring le , Grace McConnell, DlefehdorT, Blanche Truyis, Florence -Day, Louise Stajdidon, ^lalnd .Vaughn, Lulu Barnes,11 attlo Taylor, Ada Johnson. • 1— Vt—th c-c;o 11c 111 si tnY^of^tlfeir^n ii^aige£jAu^!smJg^lW here A re'tjie R u a p e rsp /'/__

Sir. Y atm an; as .“Jo h n Plow'man,” asked a tten tion to t he text of thtv evening api) in it short address inipresiied the fact th a t whatsoever a man sowotii th a t shall he also reap. J

A pretty eiTeet was produced by the en­trance iu three coinings of “(Hi young Indies who were called seed sowers. , They sang “ Bringing in the •Sheaves” ' as they marched, and wore led hy Miss Imogene Fields hearing the banner “ Faith ,” Miss Myra Belle MeClyJland, the banner “ Hope,” and Miss Blussie P ringle, the banner “ G haiity .” These Kinds of seed

-ideiiH hatrGodTtlmirncd'nr-ftuv o r sarnd~(r few um l th a t the m atter was definitely sett lifll beforehand.

“Tho P ivsbyterian 'doctrine is, .th a t'n o m an pevisbetii \u\less hot elects to perish. I t is a great m istake to suppose th a t God gave H is Son to die th a t He m ig h t mnk.e a bargain w ith H is ju stice ;’ T he one object of Christ’s coining was to prove God’sjlovc to m ankind atul,the. lHyiuey sacrifice was an ac t o ffender compassioii.” -,.v

Dr. Johnson .qiiptiiil num erous passages .from the New Testam ent to jm wtvthis in­tense and alT absorbing-love of God for IBs wayward Children.

In vivid picture tlm preseller ..told What God’s love had already accom plished'for m ankind; how it hud brought salvation

t >*ithin~tlTrn,eaehT)P in n Tuni,Kmi rh<iw tiie

and distributi'd ju.ilnu siMivmiirs of Floml Sunday. . . .

Dr. .S tokes’ hym n, “ I lover O ’er Mt*, Holy SjiirU,” was sung an<U Bishop F itz­gerald, pronounced the benediction. *

The service was one of tho niost unique aiul.noytd ever liehl in The auditorium and will-long he remembered by the f lion sands wh<ratbunl»ML— A . _ — — ------- ——


.Sno\v_J\VT>Ite f f o v e r lm r s S e a r e d _ O lilh lr e iL

Fjiwh «f the Fair Sex. ^Col. N ightingale’s drinking foun tains011

tin* Ocean Grove b o ard w alk u n d erw en t a eiNiiipiete t ransfbrm atlon yostcrdav. Snowy

W O R K O F A M IS S IO NU e lu tQ d n t B e a c h A u d i t o r i u m h y ' i t c o r g o

A . H Im m oiiN a n d S a v e d M e n F r o m ’ • t l i o N e w a r k l t o s o u o H o m e .

A largo audience attended the services In the beach auditorium yesterday . a t -1

one Homo. Tho sorvi’co was given princi­pally to singing and testimonies.

AtlUlOthu mission' folks held a* lioaeh service a t AHhury avonuo. A large gather­ing listenod to tjho testlm ony of many con­verts and to the well addressed n*marks of the suiwrbitcndont, Mr. Simmons. A ftqr the service.the speakers and mission orches­

t r a proccodod to the htidUorluiu for- the evening mooting. This was in charge of Su- porlntondont Simmons, wlio told In detailthe w ork of tho mission, tho good Jit has Tlono an d tho possibilities of tbe future. The orchestra playoil and a fte r moro testi­monies fi’Oiu saved mou tlm sorvfee closed.

whip* sheets concoiilod the naked unrjght* onsness of the colonel’s inachines and

gave thmujLiuiirVif romance and.myjftery. • A t nigjit tho elVeut w as uncanny. La-

dles bushed .wlum they saw the w hite fig­ures and lifctlu children IJcd w ith fear. O-u* liuly -tJiouglir^t.liFUOverod nmcldno n ijght. repTosoiit a / new pfcturi* of Lot’s wife turneil into a p illn r-o t Salt»; I t was suddenly romemlmred, however, th u t Lot had only one wife, w hereat the sa lt theory was ijuiekly abandoned. Certainly the slot 'machines Ipoked very will to. and pure, j iis tn s they ought to look in Ocean Grove. Tmlay they w ill hi* exposed in all their na- ko.l hidcousness. . ‘ • < .

H O R S E B I T E S S T A B L E M A N-A n b onjt-A tta ek H -* B > lu * -B o w 4 b i g h W |» IIe —I t

l u g F e d n n d I iiI I Ic Ih B e e p a m i l ’u h i f u l Wmmd in SUnulUv.r.

John Dowling, employed ns a stableman a t Mulford’s Sewall avenuo livery, ostnli- nient, w asjiadly bitten by a horso S atur­day aft or noon. ' : 1

Dowling was in the a c t -of feeding the anim al when the brute turned and .buriedids m t n q n / H i u htnijumjHii's gnomum1. Dpwllng quickly ran from tlio stall, while tlu* horse gave,a parting, klclc. as a gentle 'reminder th a t luv didn’t lutoiid to be wor­ried. Dowling’s flush.w as badly lacer­ated. Tho bite w as a glancing,one, other­wise the an im al’s tyoth would" havo gone to tho bono. Dr. W ilbur adm inistered tho proper'remedies and no serious rosultsaro appro lien ded.. . ^ "r

Fnr-l)iiEnfl,-injurIe3^pUea-and-flkin>dis^eases use DeW itt’e .Witcli Huzol Salve. I t is the original. Counterfeits may bo offered. Uso 'only Ueyvitl’s. W. -K. Ham, 107 Main stroot.


Br. Ilorrlek JoIniNnn of Chlmiro BellvtirH ». an Iiitei-cKting BIhcoiu-si* From

Text In tlolili p.,10. itcv. Herrick Johnsoii, D.D., professor

in tin' Theological sem inary of.Chicago, and who was . one of the committee ap­pointed t,o revise the W estm inster cmifes- siwpwas Dr. Miirgins’ visiting pn-aclier a t the beach und i tori m u yesterday, morn ing.

Dr. Johnson Is a b rillian t urater, anti b counted as one of the learned' men of .tlu (lay. IJIs tex t wiis fallen from Jolm IU,Hi: “ For God so loved tho world that, lie gavi his only begotten son, tlm t whosoever Ik*- -lloveth in H im should not perish bu t have everlasting life.” ’

*j)i\ Johnson’s serm on was, in offect, an arm ingnien t of the 'popular coiicejitlon- vIT thi* Presbyterian doctrine of election. The text, l\o snid, was a .refutation' ‘of the ohl

mnrvi»l()tis: advance ;o f , cl vi I izatioi 1 /w as ■but the rich’harvest of .Uoil’s love to Ills cn m atures. 1 i

The lesson 1 ta iigh t from all th is was tha t a ll good ahdTioticst things lh the world wore tho outcome of God's m ighty love which filled-tlio universe. *■' ■■■■■■

s u m m e r S u n d a y s c h o o l

FooIIhIi (Juextlniirt Might Bo Klimbialutl From .Br. OllaiilnnVi BihlFClusH—Mrs.

Bottomo a t K oIIiii-hh Mooting.The three departm ents of the Sum m er

Sunday school in Ocean Grove yesterday if ir rMeunAuaL .i.lir l;u;>e:sl. iO tamhincu. i d.the season.

Sutiorintoildont George ducted intiuvstiu

W . KYans. eoii- ln ter-exercises foi’ the

mediates,in the tem ple,and Mrs. W . JI. SUirm and her assistants tau g h t the little folks in the prim ary departm ent in tlu; bvhernacle.

Dr. O TIanlon’ri Bible class iii t h e .mid!' ixiriiuuJuuU iiuittiiiulauce—qtiestion box produced m u ch niom’inient. Om* asked, “ How tall was A dam and how old was ho?” to which Dr. O’Hnnlon 4iakl he didn’t knovt, h u t lie said tlia t Aiiam hail 'more sense than the questioner. And ■so-the—Kvl-l—1*-0 Hod—4)ii——Diir-rO“Hu 1 vioi i—fi;i)— Ttwa'tTTgnltu quost lous With gruiit. ’ rapid!,Ty and m ost aptly. I t Is the giihural opinion th a t somo of the “ fool questions” wldeh an* sent up should lio.etiUed .opt, as if is hellev(*d-t.hat-fchey-hhver t;ho-Ktandard-setr hy Dr. tVIIilnioii in the original purposeof the question box.; _______ 1

The holi»n*ss .meeltlng a t J. 15in the taber­nacle wns led*by Bishop Fitzgerald. Mrs; Bottomo.and Dr. O’Uanltinjdolivered short, and pitliy addresses,. T lio, usual testi- inojiials wen* given.-D r. A. l'h B a llard .bad charge of the I leach m eeting n t Hie foot of Ocean P ath­way n t U o'clock. Among the speakers were Dr. A. Wallace, -Dr. 13. B. Loomis, Dr. Hoiilnson, am i Dr. Hhnrpo of Missouri.

N E W C O N C E R T F E A T U R EProf. Pear man Slugs Solo 011 Beacli niiii j

l.uuds People In Popular Hymn.______ Vincent a Orehest in I'luyed,

A new fen tu rn was. inaugura ted -a t tlu

night. T. Wi Hiatus Pea rm an sang “Tlie Palm s,” which is always very popular, anil also led the singing of the hynih “1 Jjov’e to Tell the Story,” irt'w hich the peojile joined heartily. The eiTeet of both AimtU- tions w asqu ite noticeable.. D uring the singing o t tho solo quiet reigned over the whole pavilion mul al tlio end of •ninth verse tho soloist reeel ved an ovation. The orchestra, under Prof. -.V incent/, did ex colUmt WoHt-suul their selectftiis received five encores. .. '


) l

II; 0VEJiisiateveCoopsr'sEM

Ifsar (He aoflilcriumJAMBS f l . SBXrON


Funeral DMot aiid EmhaiiRer159 Main Street, Asbury Park.

Tlio thiRst ami host pqulppoil ftinoral par lors Iii tho state.

Branch Offices—Belm ar, Spring M kc"Onon ilay.anti'niglit.- T.;idy Aaslatnnf.

Reliable. Furniture.

. T o r the next few cjays we Will offer you special r Bargains in * ’ .

MATTINGSChinese and Japanese, Fine selections of patterns and colorings. ■'

ODD 'CHA IRSScattered all over the first floor and’ marked with RED TICKETS so you can spot them at once;

SIDEBOARDSOnerprtWEs, beautiful in design and",finish.

' \


All kifids—marked way down to close out.


Our usua l choice stock of Ch ina ,Cut Glass, Bric-a-brac, Statuary, etc.

'' ' !•


G ^ a n d a n i l C b o k m a n ^ . v e n u e s , A s b u r y P a r k , N . J .

P K F S S i U A I t l N F A L M A N A C .

COM PI LED 11Y P. YU hNRDKKEn:H I^IiT Ido | L oivT U tu. jtiun -Huna tn. I p .™. ) a .m . | p .m la .m .'p .r o ,,

1 S u n . . ......... HUB- .10 10 •I 27 1 10 1 2(t 7 l»*2 Mon — .. 11 1*. 11 (Ll ‘ A (K) 7 2 ) •1 1*7 7 l»

T in*a.. . . . . 121)0 11 n » 5 10 II 00 •127 r i

i t T h ill'S - .... d2-;M»- —1-2-7- -7 -0 0 - ^7-10- -i-ys- -r-l-rfi F l I. . . ■1 20 - 2 20 7.70 - 3 :-l(i -1 ;*1i- -7ID

1 7 R at.............. 2 2 0 2 10 ■ K I0 0 -)0 -1 2U 7-3 aS S u n ........... ;; 2ii I 00 II 10 10 It) 1 20 7 2 1U M o n . ; . . . . •1 :»o •1 .v» .io;!.*, 11 2) -1 21 7-2,

10 T i i r s . . . . . . Jil 2(1 i t H ) 11 27 12 00 1 22 7 2,• 11 n l v . . . . . fi 2o B -IB 12 20 12,20 •1 22 7 3 ,

12 T hu rs . . . . 7 10 7 2.’* 1 10 ' 1 12 i ;ti 7*3.—1 »r-rl‘-r trrrr*. n —iS IH); —K-Hl- —1-70- —2-00 -121- -7-2;

l*i K «*i.....',* . 0 X t n ut) 2 23 n w ) 30 7 3 ,Hi Mon 10 2.7 in m 1 1.7 •I f i t 1 211 7 317 T u e s , ........ 11 la 11 :L7 i t 00 i t 20 137IS W ed . . . . . . 12 1.7 12 00 a a . (1 2*1 1 V S 7-3 fHI T h u rs . . . . 12 20 i1 10 0 70 7 10 1211 7 3 :LN) K r i , . . . . . . , •1 :ir» - tr, 7.70 S 17 I 10 7 3 |2 r s i i t T ; r . . .: 2 n r - : n ir £ , 1 ) iroO 141 7 30-22 S u n . . . . . . . 2 00 :i -io 0 10 10 07 112 7 302-'{ M o n . . . . . . •1 nil i t io 10.70 1 1 10 A 13 7 221 T u n s . . . . , , n i.7 0 0<) 11 l;7, 12 00 1 11 7 2*2*i Wed.'.*..*.. (};r» 0.70 12 ;uf 12 10 t i l 7 ‘F2U T h u r s . . . . 7 20 7;L7 1 17 1 27 1 17 C 2127 F r i . , , ; . . . S(L7 S 1.7 2 0 0 2 to I Hi 7 22

. 2S S a t ‘ S 1.7 . .’S-fsF —2 70. 1 17 -7-23211 S u n . . . . . . 11 20 !) 20 2 17 2 20' i - i s : 7 2.7:;o Mon -------- 1(1 (Nf 10 07 2 70 •UK) •1 <10 7 FHI T ubs hi no 10 35 1 27 - 1 10‘ ■t 70

j N O T I C E . . . .New Shuffleboard, Billiard and Pool Parlor now opeaj ••

COOPER HALL, Cor. Asbury and Cookman AVes.--?r-Sferiffleboards7*"i^--'PoDl- 'a'sd'Til!i5rd- T5BTeS'an,d—l

Cue Bowling Alleys. Something new MR, LA- . . VEIG EN E will give special attention to teaching ladies 1 how to play Billiards and Shuffleboard. Tables reserved for ladies. Without exception this is the finest 'amuse­ment hall along the coast. Open day. and evenings.

• m. m. la v e ig e n e ; i

A . I ! . I ’J'VO m u l w i f i ! o f N i t w u r k ivn>- n '« - I s t o iv i l f o r it p f t i o n g m t s k iy j i t t h o I l t g h - l a m l I I u u s u .

A Rantleiuat) rocantly eiirort ot dyepei.st.i gave ihe following wiiproprljilo'renilerlilif of Burns’ famous blessing;: ."Borne ha'vo moat and eaunob cat, am! soma have none •tlmtavant-tejjbutAve-have-ineat-amt-we-tthe oat,—Kodol Dyspepsia Curo be thanked." Tina preparation will dlKest sflmt you oat. I t Instantly relievos and biilleally cures In- dtgoattnn and all siouinoli dlsortleiW W. lt. Ham, 1 WMfitn httodt."


C o n d e n se d List, o f C o m ln s E v e n ts fo r Q u ic k R e fe r e p c o .

Mondfiy, Ju ly ' iri—Complibientary eomieft/ tcndi'icd fdrs Hnrry Underwood,West­minster Presbyterian church.

Tuesday and tViulnnsday, July '!M rind dfi— Lnwn fi'lo liy ladies of First I’rosbyter- iuil idiureli in urovn of J. M. Riiiston, Gwlar avenue, Allcnhurst, afternoons rind Gvouiiigs

dayi July SU and ill, riiid A ilsust 1 nnd — Colierio liiiv.il- for bencllt Isolation hospital of Asbury I’ark, in beach audi­torium. afternoons nud evenings,

Tuesday, July :u—Piano recital by Fannlo Itlooinlieid-y.elKler n t Colemnn Jlouse.

Wednesday, August 1—Civil snrvleo ejm'p- tnritlou .(or cterk and currier u t Aabury

• Park postritlioo.'Pridoy, August ii—Kuliseriptlon vnndcvllie,

benellt Clmroli of tlio Holy Spirit, Park Opom Houvps ■ --------------

Thursday,. August D—'Will Lyle’s coipo diniis In bench auditorium.

Thursduy,. August. l(t—State Field day, Jr.■O.-U. A. M .,.thtre.ity. ■■

Wciliiesilay, august 'JU—Stittn Flojd day,- Knights Templars,! Parade and review.

Q u i c k e r T h a n L i g h t n i n g i s T h o u g h t

— Z fiit-W e 'repair y o u r r a n g e o r loo vlicst whiletithors'are t l i h i l c i u p r of it. '

q W O O D W O R T H & H A B E R G A H NT insm iths , 712 Cookm an A venue

G IF F O R D & 'S o n P lain and O rn am en tal P la s te r e r s

Bricklaying, Setting of Mantels, Ranges and Heaters, Also Holler Setting nnd Foundations Laid. Tile Setting. 'E s t i m a t e s F u u n i s i i e d f o u A b o v e , w i t h K k p e u k k o e s .

_________ f o s t n i r i o e l i a x 411, H r a d l e y U e a o h , N . J .


, Job'prluting of oypry dosbrlptlon-at tho>. H lo o s , n e w t y p o , i i e w -

p r e sse s ', c o m p o t n n t w o r k m e n a m i c iu r o fn l

p r p u t r e a d e r s . .P r ic e s r l g i i t . , G rill a n d s e e

o u r s a m p le s n n d g e t p r ic e s . .

S pec ia lA dvert isem en


Page 4: I SALE 10BSE eal state TO BEGIN JULY 30 · 2014. 4. 3. · Tow^iship Iveiuud club and—has. just1 been, enrolled in tlie Ameriean Kennel club. Tliennimal at tract s considerable


.* • ; ■

Is the story of our spring offerings In every"

department. W e ’ve all that's new and de

sirable in

fancies o f the season. T h e dem and for wash fabrics w il l ‘be enormous.— .Gha lliesrd iin ities-and lmOusselines w ill, p re va il for mid-summer use. T o select here m eans b u y in g r igh t. ' - ___

^ Is ever at the" front and le a d in g com-’ pe t it ion . I t ’s perhaps lusdless / o dw e ll

IVilllinery on the :comp.l»teticss' o f o u r stock—or the ab ility of our designers and trimmers, -■•■'■ ;'-v . ; '

.fi..Ready-to-wear garments for lad ies m isses and . ch ild ren ,

■from the common house, w rapper to the most des irab le tailor- made suits and skirts in a ll cloths and finish.

f T _ wc pr ide ourselves on-thd stock and styles, . we have to "offer in m ens’ and boys’ cloth-

i ? l u i r 5 in g and hats. T h ey are ertsier shovVn than told of; besides the im pression is more lasting . 7

\ .

There ’s a comfort in our shoe room . Com fort in select-ng, comfort in the price and a comfort in, the w ea r ing , wh ich .can on ly come from proper fitting, wh ich depends on experi­ence and care o f se lection.

i F O R B I C Y C L & R I D E R S 6 , 8 and 10 Do lla r B icyc le So ils C q Q A

.Will Now.Go A t ’


T h e Finest Line ‘of M en 's ; Shirts. 75c and $1. W ill Run T hem for ONE.T _ - W EEK-at/.49c. W aiter's-Goods a Specialty,

cim e u u ie s


T h e S ta n d a r d R a ilro a d of A m e r ic a

V. ' On a n d a fte r J u n e 30. 1900*TIIA IS-q r.tf, VK A.-uirnV P.nr; —in-Vi- n,y.,.

r p iK f i l ' .K, K H F ilf cW 7ERSETAnthracite Coal Dsed Exclusively, Iasa r-

i ' lug Cleanliness and Comloft

Time table In effect 12.C nor.ri Junr :>>. J'lOtl. Frtr N**w Yn*-k v ia pandv Hook route, fi 47, 7 (Vj,7r»r N e w Yn**k v ia S a n d v H o o k r o u te , fi 47, 7 (1

7 50, !» :iO, 10 .J) a i / i , 12 02. 1 ’.•J, *2 52. 5 1 1 p i Sunday-* from . Itltt-rlattun S ta t io n , » 5 5 a j I U>, 5 12, T 55 i) m . l 1 , ■ .

.]'V>r Nnw York iim ldbnvark, u.j.i t MomlavRoniy7 iS l.T U .K *20, ■!) 20 a n i,' 1 20, 2 2.7, " 155./)V.2j jfjrVd' .

' U‘2flpnv. »For ElixHhtU.il, 7,'i‘VW JO.'a m, I 20,• and 0 ‘20 >,ni. .* '

, Km* Ua linay, 0 ill.n m, 1 ‘20. 5 :>"• an.<.UWMi.pat)V • Fo r Dlntnwan, 0 20 jj m, 1 20, 2 iU, o.iVj jui t 0 *Jf) p j

; L'ur_LQn<r Hrnnnli. d A f jj:‘A f .7'20. jh 7 l;;. : n 20. o 20 in - x , in 5;,. • iriT i jaiVir. l 20' i

. 20; 2 ; s 1117, 5 2i. A :i5. 5 12. 0 10, (j 22,7 10/ iUl.iHatn/iin.v***mly> niul.O20 p in . . • ■'’ i

,‘Fo r K»*«l If ink.’ 7--20, 7 11, o ‘2u a in, 1 20, 2 :15, !•‘ilw am 10 20 p-m,, -f5»l--Philadelphia, llro 'id Fr. and' Tr<*iiron,"i> '2-T‘ 1

, \\.,7 —,—i-.‘.F'*r f'a im lnt. viu'rrt»r)f<ni n'liil IJortlqutown, 7 25, !.

007 it in. I2 I>: JUKI .’’ 57 p nw , ' •!For (hinidtvn iuiiI H iiiad idn i'ia , v ia Toms Klver,

t» 52,iunl 11 Id a in.' 2 2.\r.;-jr> p*m. • [• For.Tonw kiver, Islan.d 'Huiglit?and IntennfHliiito’ i

HiafiMTTPtfi 52 and 11.i. itV i:* j25 5 I.i nnd .fi)i2 )un. j For - Foiaf l/loHHanr .uml Ini^rmddinu*' stntiona.

•70*1, 052Tlij5U~ 1 >iv.'r2 25;"‘25S (Satiinlnys-!only), -t 22 1 ,*1. 1 in, 5.1.5, u 02. r, 15 antl.f 00 p in. ‘

Fotr Ninv Brilnswiiik, via Monmoiith SlunnlJcin, ! U 25; 7 52 and in. 12 57 and :7 22 {> n iiT^

- THAl.VHl.KAVK SUV YOUK KOH AB|)LT,V PA UK,rom Wost Tw»-nty .rldrd St rw*r. Station. S 5j a ni, ! 12 10,11(1 ISnturilays 01113-), 2 25.i‘2 55f ;k25, 1 10, : ■1 55 mid 0 55 pm , .Snmlay«,-7 -55'anil 0 25 i\ m, i and -155 p nu '- ;

: ! Fri inl',1 iL-HhttlSSiiA-.Stroel^tat iorTrat'li :>!).; 0 t.Vl'ifTn, I ; 12 20; !• 10 TSuiiiriuiyii on h -) , .2 :)•). :i in.- *l-uo, 1 .5 10 and 7«> p m . Sundays,>- 15, 0 15 a m a off ;

515 p m ,, ;■{•Fi-.iin CoriltuiiU Street;-Station, at 3:10 0 (« a m. » •12.20,; 1 2o.(SivtHrdayH f/nly;. 2..”,o. ;i 10, :i |0, 1 20 !.-

•■•Y •» ld a n d .7 to pm . Snndayss 15. 0 t5 a -111. a m i1- 5 15 p m . «-t)ii .S u n d a y v ill stop ' a t IntHrlakou' mid Avon tn plac- of North4 Asbpry Turk nml |

Asbury Park tp-lut- oft- pitHriepgera-— ‘ 1. TftAiNB-titc.vvit F u h .ahki.i'iiia' ( B road

tTor Ne^v Yn^ir,. N e w a rk a n d E ltjiabeth v ia a l l rati ro u ta . ft* KhM ondaya o n ly 1, 0 17, 7 (XI. (7 28 Now'

. Y o r k o u lv ) , (711:1 i -x c n d ISmv Y ork). H(X),*. 10 . a n i, 1.2.02, 2 10, .4 (X), 7 05 p 111. - S n n a a y a fro lu

Ir.t»*rlftK»<n HtHtfon, 7 47 a m , i 18, S 05 p rn.Fnr pbil/^ lH inhin K nd T rcn fon v ia i*7i/.abethnort,

* \ (j 'iX le.vnypt T n -n P m ) H fiO, I()5d « m , Ji’ ft*. 2 1*1. 4'W—p m . Htittttft3rrr-froiii-lDTcriakrn-»ta»- tto n , 7 37 a m , 4 18 p m . 1 . . '

F or B aiffojn rn ntni W ai(b fn cton . 7 b V 8 OP, 10 50 a ni; 12 <>2. i oq p m . Sun d a y 4 fro m In ter la k en

■ nttt'Jon. 7 47 a in , 4 10 p m .For Eatdon, B o th le h e m . Allentown And Manrh - - r ,V ia l t x .1 7 j 7 S j ' J 10 Y n o j b a s t o n K a m ,’ 12.02,

'2 1 0 , (4 00 to B iw lo fi), }.* in . K undU ya fr o m In- t m a k e n p tutjon . 4.18 p m ,

ForWlikHSpar.ri* and Scranton, s 00 a m , 12 ti“2 p m . F'or BufTeto and Chicago Ift *)., L. & AV. 11. E;,

8 00,10*50 a in . 4 00 p m . 4•■* . J. H; OL»HAUBEN*\ Cfen’l Rupf.

fl .-P nALDwry. Gun. Faa>* A ^ . .

SO C e n t s

Hilanfio Coast Electric I H. GeV ia PLEASURE BAY


.... I" ■<> v.'llllllllll.J’n -IIIIVI.l/<»avu ■NArkHt.. Htr(n)T. ‘>Vluirf, -via ■Jam estm fg, 7 10 si np-HX) p m w w k -d aj-8 , . . . ' . J

WASIljN(iT()N ANI) T ill: SOUTH, •■~ * i.k a v k uuoAii' sTiti:yrrrnm i;arn:i.f h i '

F.or lla lttm n re and W a sh in g to n . 3 50.7 20, S 02.0 12,■ 10 ‘i r i Viilf. i n i : a m - 1 2 : .' i limitniU.’D in ln g f ’ ir ' ,

M ;i: t ' ip li i li iK C ar).:* |:l, J i F i5'2.Y(Yii)*gr«.*’sshitiaL ‘ ltultted,(D lulH K ( hir),i« 0 5 ,0 2o;n'.Y* ( D in in g O ar),

7 31 (D h iln g C ar) i> in . and 12 20 nirrJn vvoyk' “ ■‘diiys.V :Wuiidnyn;':!.50.72(1. !112. 11 2 1 , 11 .*W a . in,-

I t:« (D in in g OOti), 3 1:*,' i 1 1 .(520 l*‘*ingi(‘kH'inmil L iin ito d , D in in g C a r ), 1U 15 5*55'(D in in g C ar),

. 7 31 (D in in g tk ir) i> m2 and. 12 20 n ig h c -*'I’lm i) tatilHHiif a ll titlm r Itiifn s o f .(h r py?irtii

m a y bo ob ta im n l a t tin* tirk rt oHIchs .ir H tatluns, J ? It. W O O D. ( J pi*, l'nsa -A gt. *

-.FrH .-H U T C IlIN H O N , l in n , M unagi’r. •

-John N._BlU£H3_t U N D E R T A K E R

7 0 8 M a t t i s o n A v o n u eCofllnn anil Burial Caalietn o n . hiniil ot furulBliod to onlor.

TIM E T A B L E, JULY 5. ,(Sul-,1n:l to ollailgc). " .

, 'r.KAVU P L E A N L ’ R R . i U y \Vi:ok ili-.ya.. .,7.'20.a. ra„ 2.10, -1.10, o.TO.pTijr

llKTUIlXIf-H} LEAVK NKW Y OHK , ‘Roof. West, IflM rsl. 8.(l», II.00;>11.00 a, in.,

2M0 p. m. • ' . ., •. •tlnt.foryl’arkS-AO.iun.*n.3na. m„ 3 1 0 p.m.

-On Satnnlavh nl'ilv -ll.IK) o't.ltn l.- imaf, - u ' iJill 5T F m itlin liatutry t arif

I.Iii p. in. iiiHti-ml n f j H'Ji n.-m. ■ • •i SUN'DAVh;

Lnavn Plmnnro.liijr.' 1.31), j.-fr,, o.fii n. m. ■ N. Y.,\foof. VV. iai.li st7,f-rt.liO, Si-lo,' i 'J.00'10 10a. i n . . -. ■ .■r/!av(!-BalU)i-y. Park, .s,5'j, u.10, tj.nn, .11.15

.1. 111. ;

Take ear A-hleli leaves Asbury Parle" not later (bun (DiOu. ni. for-7 20a. in. bnat. For an^rnooo bOnfM, tak«imr i)olrlar<?rtlmn-l;j0-fi)r 2.10 boat : 1,1 b*»ai; 1.10 for 5.4i> boat, bundaya:5.:J0. J I*), 1IX) p* in. . . .—tirtggttgtrrnmnt-fw-wltlrttfvtirTigrm:—r—

Ono swallow Ooch not mako miminnr anil olio tulynrUsiniioiit, will not mako your for* tuuo, bu t all dii<t(,*pFHfui- Jmirchatitjy will ogr»‘o tha t St (lays t.) advornHO and to Jmrp •)VcrlkB»ingl a t ft.

F O R C O N G E R ’S -R E L E A S E----------------- , i \ .

Hum ored. D em and on Mr. W u by Secretary .Hay-.,

: ~_____ ' l ;


Par.tunl Kca«t*HC F ro m B m i i m r F o r x Ib o H ld ru t to !*««' HIh (Joort OllUu’f* JW Itli 1‘owcrH F o r H cstoruH oik of O rd e r lieofivojd a t W iw lilngh iii, Washington, .Inly. -1*.—W itli tlu* ox-

coptioii ot ilit? bi'iof (lisptUfh fvonv Ad miiv'il Kt*»u>fl' amioiumjug ihht thivNt'W-' nidi was going to X ngusn lcm n’i*(> Hits' Inion nothingt-roiadv.od in.-Wiishingtijn by tlu* statu or. \\ii\y iloimi'iniont regarding jl’hina. This is also, true of the Ulttnese legation. Minister W u Hiiying a fte r ilin- liyr last jiiiflit th a t .lie. had .not a. word froin Iris -eo unt vy.. • T he'■ la tte r donf bines extreuu'ly:optim islie oif tlie safety of tlu* legations in ‘reiving and hopes- thaU tlie disiValeh ’fiotu M inister Cobger ieeeive.il jfot-i*—I’-uitlii‘,v_iif_butJlip'-mvWn'sur of more. drtailed information of a still* brightereliiinlet(‘r.. _ fniin;. tluY _<’liinese .eapita 1.Many of*Ids callers inquired of litiinibdlU tlie- report-'’tha t' I ’liina ’ had asked the ibiited* S tates ■government to exercise- its goodDllices for hj.s country in tlie present crisis, bfit lu* declined ppsitiveiy-^-m uke any staleiiifdit o n ‘tliusubjeeti

Al t he-Japanese leg<it.i'i)li^—w hielt' Iras been :t 'Source of much of the iiews which lias r/’ccidy come i'roni China, the nilicials ilso were without advices. Nothing-has

been heiiid at.i the leg.ition of dlit* report published in tin* American newspapers tiiat thV*~d a paiit'se gbvernmeiit is ii bout to dispatch a second (iiVislon of I mbps from Yokohama for Chinese territory.

W hen Secretary lin y received tlu* Con* or dispatch on Friday, he promptly tele* rnphed tlu* faW to our (‘mhassadors and

ministers abroad, eottpling it w ith .in- tntctious to lay it liefore .tliu respective mveniments to‘ which they .are necretlit- 4 and tu urge upon them .the necessity

for ».o-opefati«»n lor tlie relief.of tin* for­eigners in I'eking.. Several replies have been received a t the-state department: in rsponso to the seerotar.v’s dispatch, lint they aro f' ithhcld from, publication for tin* present. The nilicials here will abate horn* of the efforts .now making tu obtain m ore,definite news ami to push forward tin* reiief ci.liium on its. way to .the .Chi-

*'se capita I.-*: . ■ ’ •I 'p to a l:iie. h(*ur last..-night nothing

h a d ,. been heard from M ajor (lenefai. t ’hiiiiV**,*,. who is to comniand ihe.Am eri- ciim forces in ( ’himi and‘wimse arrival^al Nairiis;;ki"is hourly ex pec ted.^ ' . j

C o n g er's I te le a se . D eim uiiled.A nihnu*- obtained.eirculatinn 'la te -la^t'

night that .S ecretary lin y , had notified Minister Wu "that tins" govenunem; nv v iew , of tin* iissunincf'b received from lu* Olnnese autliorltii's of the .safe ty of

our legation in iVkhig. would expect tin* Chinesi* governm ent'to deliver Mr. Con- gor and. Ins"st:ift‘'"sran* into rlrr-hmrrls-TTf-

x b r i e f (S { E W S _N O T E S .

—Tho Crucible Steel Company of Amor- Jen wns’ incorporated nt Trenton S atur­day with an authorized capita! stock of fol).0lH),000.X A letter lias bt‘i*n received by the. di­rector of the mint from tho United States* assay oftice at Seattle reporting tliiit during the first 11,days of the pres­ent motWIt gold arrivals there from A las­ka a mounted to Several mil-lions a re reported, to, he iii transit.

Count Honi de Casteilane/tvlio married Nliss Anna (iduld of New York, fought a ^lind with , swords on Saturday with ■Cottiit'..Orlowski in the outskirts of I'aris. In tin* (irst assault Count Orlowski wa:w ounded Iu tTio thorax , a m i ~ t 1'wa y Stpjiped t*y: tlu* - doctors.- . Tlu* c a u s e : qt ihe ilucl w as a new spaper a rtic le ree itiu s n q u a rt vi betw een the t\yb.

T bW N E W ON ’T W ITHDRAW .I ' o iH i l l s t K t o K e e p I i i i i i o n

... T i c k e t X V K h I t r y n n .T l i c t r

EV E R Y day is barga in ,day at our establishments, but very frequently our buyers gobble up exceptional' good things in the New York markets and these “ finds” we invar iab ly

feature as special bargain tid-bits. Our buyers have been w ide ^ awake b f late: and tfieTfeatured specials for the balance, of the week w il l inc lude the Standard makes of Shoes, Stylish Bathing Suits and. Ready-tailored Suits for W om en .. • - x 1; \

Lincoln,. Xeji., ♦fttiy - J .—Tlu’ Populists Hay t lutt T«>wne~\\itI He*t-\vi thtlra-yv-iis-t lio vice presidential cnielidut(*'uf thnt .party. Tlu*' ollidai-announcem ent—has-qilit -.-yet been npule, but* it pnthnbly will be i\s' soon as -the* qiationul . com m ittee. meets, sonic tim e during the week. . \Yhon Towiu* left liere, ten difys ago. he was very frank in his statement*'thqt. he did ni»t wish th renin.in..sis. a . candidate, but was wiiliiig to abide by tlu> judgm ent of the paity leaders. ’ : •; .

At that: • ftifu* ( ’hairm an Jones was "Strongly of the opinion th a t Tow-ne v/as l taking*!he right course, ami in .this iipin- ion-luv..wa»Jmt*kt:d;up‘Jby tlu* .other mem­bers--'of. the .executive' enia'mittee here. .Mr. Towiu* said lu* would slo w hnt Mi*, liryan* siiid.'. M r.-Hryun would not say, and it w as liuully 'determ ined to aw ait h e ‘sta te ebnvenlipns o f tlie fusion I'opu-

lis ts l an<l the middle of ’ the ’i-nmh Piqui- lisis.* The sentiment in thp form er was strongly . against substituting Stevensop for .Toivne, and the attend mice a t the* Ihtter "demonstrated,, an alarm ing anti- fusion strength. / • I

T he fac t w as laid before th e-’Demo* erotic national contmittee tlin t -if Tnwue was w ithdraw n and ■Stevenson substi­tuted ft ry an might lose the Jit) electoral votes, represented . by Nebraska, K ansas and tUp two Pakdtns, lp each of. tlie^i* the Populists an* uinmericnliy stronger than the Democrats, and Ihe disaffection liver tfu? substilutitin bf an old line Deni-, derat ami. tlje- one time r.miping m ale of- tJ.rover. Cleveiantl -promiseil. to he of such ju-oitoftioiis as to endanger the- electoral ticket. T he Democrats have tin ally, ac­knowledged .tin* Yofee' of the argum ents, and as a result 'they have -expressed a williqgness to. refer tlu* entire m atter to tin* P<u»nli-tts.'rvCnh p o w e r a c t ' a m i to

» in each sta te jjs they advise, “In N ebraska there-are four Populists,

three Domocriits and a Silver Hepuldiean' nn.tlie fusion electoral ticket. They were not instructed, hut four will be for


r t

Admirai lb'liiey within a periild limited the time necessary for the journey from

the capital to the seaboard.Mr. H ay’s lirguniont, according to 1be

tory in circulatidii. was that .tlu* Clii- nose government could give no hotter evi­dence of its good intentions, which, tlu* secretary Impressed upon Mr. W u, had not* been questioned Iiy • the sta te depart­ment, than by 'finch action. It would, furthermore, thereby‘establish a title to the good otiiecs which it had asked for from the United States. .

A t the hour ut which tho report ob­tained circulation it wus impossible ei­ther to ascertain tlie source from’ which.

“tT7lmd~stii;(ing-oi^<'4Uit4oL4uc.;iccnriii2V._ 1-ti .din* quarter • where inquiries were made it was stated th a t. M inister Wn Ayps.Itmi.self the origiliqtbt* of the plap.to-

invcy M inister Conger, his family iiml the staff of tlu* legatii»n-t(idhe coas.t,- .

Tli e report' published. ;.v es t en lay th a i, an.appeal had licen redeivi*d Iiy the Unii- 'ed Stiites. government, from Cliina is etui- firnu'd by tlispptches from both Wush- ingthn and Canton, where President Mc- Kinley is. stopping. . ’ .

W hatC xaetly is the oliafnetor nf tli.) message is not thdijihel.v l^u.»wn. W ash­ington reports tlfat tlie Chinese govern­ment luls api.K’nled to tiie.fUnitctl Stp^ps “ to mediate-, witli the* otlu*r. ppwecs^* to. I'yriiTgr .iliinu criit—r r siurni i»m 'of

’J'owne and four for Stevenson. A simi- iir division, will he agreed upon in tlu*

other sta tes. • - ,Acting National Chairman Ed mist on of

the Populists said last 'night ilm t, while* it .wits true th a t there w as no hope of electing Towne, yet good polities and :bod faith demanded his retention op tlm,

ticket. T h ere \ was a priheiple involved that|dem anded recogniiion, and tin* m at­te r of otlice was entirely seeondary, Tlm Populists w ere just as strong and en­thusiastic*. fo r Bryan', he added ,/as flu* I'hmioernts, hut they w anted repntsiaitrt-

:on aiul. recognition, nml with such sim- pjo m eans a t hand to meet tlu* situation i t would .he J!(iplish for t be I lemqera ts t o tMiiT^thO^Tlitnger^of—Faxrt't!icing-“elt‘tto ra lr votes for Br.vnn. * ! * •

(lit*‘fe.newai of n*giil:»r* dipionialic ndu- lions.*-' Secretary liny , however, .has given out jur information m r the subject. : \ felc'grnm from Canton stati*s tlmt tlu* appeal was made to the presldeiit per­sonally, . - . . . ’ ‘ •

No reply -has yet been made, imt pur­suant to its policy of acting upon the ground that tlu* Chinese government hasbr-r-rt

l i e kn l t m o f Y e n t i l n y V G n n ie a I n t l i eI > llY c |-O I lt liC U K tlC B .

N A TIO N A L LEA G U E.No games phiyed. . *

/ A M K itiC A N LEA G U E. aAt Chicngo—Chicago, o: ClcYciund,’.ri. A t Milwauk.ee—^Iilwaultee, (i; Buffalo,

A td H’trm t—D etroit, 4; Miuiienpolis, 4. A.t K ansas City—K ansas City, 2; Imli-'

ahapolis, o..LEAHTU:. ■

tint— b i c n - p ti-vfi* l im y ' Ti:ivr If iTpp rTM M Urrn tlrr^ llT lT llrr--p\ KiiigiVim.and tlmt cmisctpiently its ridit* tioiis witli the I ’niteil S tates an* still friendly the sta te department wilt, it ia stated.’ assure M inister Wu of its benev­o le n t in t e n t i o n * . Ill UXstirjre. A t r n ln H o u o r l c d .

A report of tie* massacre of ihe for- ciuiiers in IVkiiig lias reached ' New- ehw.-ing; A China man who has arrived there and who professes tn jujvo hern n Mine.;iut.-ulYa.J-’uropejjji hi Peking sta tes tlmt le* left tlie capital on' July. j ‘2. oh which date tlu* envoys were or htfil licen iuur«f(*rcd.'

On ilieo ihcr hand, there is n new sheaf of. ( *iiitu*siw asstirutivi*' that 'tlm legations are st ill sn rp .Y .ifa irS lti 'K n i,' necorditig .to t*ne ilispatch,- now declares’ that “ tlu* authorities’ an*, drvJsiijg. meahs ;foj,5liu? rescue and itcotection' of the legati«th8.” Oilua*,advices rc*tir(*st*nted; tlu* samt* otli- .cial as wiring tlu* British consul a t Chef.u tlud the ‘legations liad h een attacked, but were safe on J u ly ‘11.

Assnrnnei’s of the safoty-oTThe foreign envoys'were hlso given in London jhy a t­taches (>f the C’iiitiosg legation there*; Sir liAiliday 'M acartney iwcn 'wept ,t»* the length-of declaring that a message might he e.Vpirted at an.v.,.moment from "Sir Claude Macdonald and other -ministers in 1 hd;i ugPtiiii tTiTrTiHwt uM r’tlu7”<a jilier i|LynDTh..<:iioni_ Mu Coneei*. w asM iq brslof* n s e r ie s . : A ii im ilm 8 O o n iin n n ica t ib n

.w a s m ade to t lie F rm ie h g iiv e rh n ie iit .“ In this co n n ec t io n h is. t if.h e in ited- lh a t tt S lu in g h iU (aa’i'esnoiid.i-nt; in a sp e c ia l j l is p a je h p u ld ts lu 'd in th is m orufiYg ’ s I t e r a id;'-puts tlu* d a te at - w h ic h 'M r . C o n p * r ’a n ih ssog i’ w a s w r it te n its J u n e \\ iish - tn g u i i i V d lic ia is , on tin* o th e r h an d , j fG l I m a in ta in t lu ‘ v ie w th a t t lm m e ssa g e w a s ’PTTtfrHy?IS, .’". The stiiry tlmt".the-^ dowager otnprfcss is removing the court to Ilsieii-fu,' fa r away in t lu* lut erior,-is: revived with inucli clr ctinistaiitinl detail.•‘A provisional government has been es­

tablished at Tieii-tsin aiid a. pro’elnnintion Issued hy the allies tlmt they a re not \var n u g 'o n Cliina. A CuM list o f tlie Ameri can easniiltii’s"'’n t Tieu-tsiu is published this lqorning.

P a rtly cloudy;‘Warmer; light to fresh aiutlierly winds. . . •

There ah) no h«t.»or ptil.-rhmdo than D'e WitkVUlttfo Early ItlwrB. Alwuyji promj t nnd certain. W. H. Ham, 1|>7 Mainfttieot.

O u r Shoe s e llin g reputa tion is not confined to. A sbu ry Park nnd. v ic in ity ;•■'Shoe wqarers in a il parts o f the country patron ize ou r stores, for the footwear ' w e s e ll is" the best money, can procure. ^ W e have never hand led phoddy goods and nev7;r w il l ,( .A l l o u r , Shoes arer, rt)a<,le by reputab le m anufacturers and are. guaranteed to be as we represent them W e s e ll ou r footwear on • a narrow j\<profit-margin and These tw o features en ab le us to co n tro l’the Shoe trade in As- • Pb u ry Park. T h is v/eek~we are g o in g to . push the. s e llin g of S um m er w e igh t footwear. Prices a lways fa ir h a v e been, reduced another notch and. new stock has been added to m ake the spec ia l Shoe sa le m ore "tempting. A l l shapes,! a ll leathers, a l l sizes, b u t every p a ir a tr if le cheaper than other dealers. C o m e in and lo o k our Shoe departm ents ov&r. Y o u w,iH b'c surprised at the large stock

- and the low prices." ' •" .

O '

JW eJ ia v e been s e llin g B a th in g Su its anc) brith ing requ is ite s—such as hatsand shoes—for the past 25 years, so we k now ju s t a b o u t what o u r patrons want in th is lin e . O u r stock is now com p le te and is var ied enough , both as to styles and p r ic in g to su it evcrebody . I f you have not yet p rocured you r b a th in g .out*

1 fit; com e in today jand'le t us shovv you ou r com p le te ass6rtm ent. W e guarantee ' the m ateria ls in the better grades, both as to co lo r in g and sew ing . T h e pr ice

tickets we know w il l .please.

i e s L S « i t s


S t

, In ou r lad ies ’- s’u it d epartm en t m ay be had for lit t le m oney the. newest, m akes iq .P iq u e a nd C ra s n S u its , Separate Sk irts and G o lf costumes. These

g a rm e n ts w ere m anu factu re il espec ia llyT br ou r stores, r so w e lm ow the jrra re— perfect in every particu lar . T h e assortm ent canno t be dup lica ted by any other

)' store hereabouts, and the p r ic in g is m ade low e r than s im ila r goods can be b o u g lit ’-for in c ity stores. ,

T h e S p e c i a l S e l l i n g o f S h i r t W a i s t s w i l l C o n t m u e u n t i l t h e

E n t i r e S t o c k i s C l o s e d O u t .

B A S E B A L L S C O R E S . S t e i n b a c h C o m p a r r y/ _ "' ' • ' ’ ‘ U ' '..... . " -'•'•■ ■•;■•. . - '

“ P I O N E E R S E L L E R S O F S U M M E R N E C E S S I T I E S


B o t h o n t h e T r o l l e y

'A t Montreal—M ontreal. 11; Bneiu*8ter, 5). At S.vnTensu—Ss'i’nciifav-ULiliiUCoJilM 4. A t I f rov it i eu ce^P ro vid eiiea,” 0T Ki»ri ng-

fioia, i ’. -h* • •S o l d lo r n W l i o D i i a l I n M ( * t l c o , "

IIoust«m, .Tilly -3 ,—Colonel J . \Y. S illi­ly of the (piarterm aster’a departmeht," U. S. A., iias gom? to-Mexieo to disinti*!* and

m l in liicL-Sxm A nlaiilfL

A s b u ry P a rk

• •l.iie I’oiverH T r ia l .Gpoi'getnwn. ’K,v„ Ju ly 'The ; l*«»w-

»rs m urder eonsianiey trial was resumed irulay. it is said that *the |iro«(?etithm' V i\r im t% allow any «if'.its oyijenee us to who firntl. the shot that, k illed’Goebel lo

iean sohUers whii fell "in tliixlVattle. of Biiena Vista., fought neai* Saltillo. .Mox- too, in 18 Id, hetwoen tlu* Anie'rienhs un­der ’ General Zachary Taylor and tin* Mexicans under S an ta Anna*. The re­mains o f n in nit T0d: Atni.wioiins lie* when* they were buried $iu TIvo ITTTUle{ie 14r^YY new railroad-will go stiuarely siet’oss this pot, and this has caused tlie American

government-to act. :

Yaciuis W e ll $eaUt>reH,City of MexicW-July i!3.—Gencl’al Luis

Torres, gqvuriior of Stumra and com* inander in . chief nf the forces against the Ynquis, has come, to this eit.v to inake a-detnilcd .rc*i>prt of the progress of tlie cjitnpamn to Ih'esidcnl Diaz nnd^Iiu* is ter of. W a r I Teis, From ah interview, with himqlt is gathered Ihjiit tlie Yuiiuis have been pretty'.weil. sealtered-and hro^_ lien up into sjmill bodies mid are n o t su-' riously troniilesoilni.: «Hpres(*n^. ' Several batches of prisoners have been sent to G uadalajara nnd .other jdaces w ith the view of Maaking .iis'C’ful 'citizens out of them . .’ ' ' _

C ihiqm nin S inkx-n Ilurk.Lombm. Ju ly 23.—A dense fog him,

oyer the Irish channel .when the.'. Cuimrd Iii h-vhLi‘jf iush i 11 _Ch hi pa n i tt ,„en _ i.*nn t<L. Hr. UiycrptHii. fjdni.'«N(?w Yqi'ltV'•"struck; t,lu*

:Lirei'|niiiJ' b a rk . Emhlelou, 1 inmuil fo r Noty^Zeaiaiicl. ainidslups, cutting her in twain. T’ht* Enibletpu s a n k hninedhitely; Seven of the crew w<*f‘e res'cttt'd.Tbtif it in believed'-the ."o'tiier- 11 iiieniliers' of' "tlio ?hip’s cpjiipap.v, -incltiffing the* captain; were.dviiAViii-dj . Tlie ihunpania !lupl her bows stove in; but a m v6d.safely:.nt Liv­erpool. . ’ •.* .. -

^mo-out-oiMhisA rial— l'ow ers-is-iad iu t^ ed only as aii-ncccssur;v^l»’l’ore-t.lie fact-, and;a 11 (.f the.evidence as- to the identi­ty ' of the': assassin is apparently to be lu ld in reserve* for the tria l of Jim -llow v .ard. Bei*|ry Howard nm.l o th e rs ' indicted hotlFas pnncipais and ..accessories. Tin*

-prnsecit t ion-~nia j'—einsof-i t lHioL-Uist i--inony the la tte r part, of the wcek.t The lawyers for tl/e 'dpfetise (leelim"? to ’ say’ whether the.def^idan t will he put on the stand. N.

•~T7nTiic*j*e~i7i«triiiit^»i?i»-f)?»yt-oi n*n,( ‘hiciigfi. J u ly -23.—Tlu* Fhinesb popu­

lation of Chicago is p(*rturlicd over re­ports from various parts of the city that liccause of a' 'O m oisjan antipathy, aroti?:-. (*(i h.v;Ug* 1 ronhies iii tlie .Celestinl_enW pire, n boycott against (.Chinese la'undries- aiid truck fsirmcrs inis been ;esialdislied. AVii Sung Leo. a banker m. Chinatown and probably the richest Mongolian ill The city,, says numerous laundries have been forced1 to suspend business during tlu* past week, and Chinese Innmlrymen generally rep o rtra /fa llin g off of 50 per cent in thbii; bnshmss.- .

. F lrc liu g I.onm* :n P n tero ilii,•' ihitevson, -Ny—d ., J iily 23.—A , firebug turned this .towif uysiVJe down last night. Fl«; started sevtuirfires iii rapid succession, causing aroat eojifusioii in tlie ilrci; (le ,1

T ’o r fto to ls, R e'stnuran tSxand board ing Housch you should trj'.flome.

O n ly 25 C e n ts p e r P o u n d .A Good Ja v a .a n d M a rica b o forj 2 0 c

p e r lb. A Good Coffecr fo r 150.

q m V tn tc i li j f • T h e a p p a ra t t is -w e r e , o u t^ a n d • t h e y s c e n t e d V o b e d r i v i n g in e v e r y d f

'im, I’aris, July 23.—Tim world’s nm ateur championship contests in cfinneelioii witli the Baris exposition mVended. Compara­tively few Ainoricuns attended, owing to the fact thiit nply .three or four of-tlieir couutr,vmi*n wore' nmiounced to ’ compete hi flic events which wore for flu? most part. liamU(-!i|>s In.ivliich tlio-XiiiolioaiiH inul roooivoil . ta n ' sovoro trcatiiiont to tempi tiioin Io exlialist'tlioiiisi'lvcK Ip run uiiiK laaiiiK rncps. Six oveiits were ilo fldi'd. Tin. Atifdricnnn compoted in three jrml U'O’ii (ille.' ftTUlr (inly anerrss7 fnr~thtr day. ' *•

reet ion, ivliile the . s tre e ts w ere-th rim ued w ilh oxeited |teVsnns n iitiiinu h illie r and tliitlie r as th i' dHTereiit iilurm s w ere sent in. I ’oliee C lilef; ( I ra n i jind F ire C hiet S tnirc any the sam e person ciuiaod font tires on l ''rid ay .eveniiiL'.

Statk o rO tiio , (3itV oi’ Toi.ttit(), I IdtCAii CtlU.NTV, • f -

Prank J. Clionoy makes .oath tnat iio Is -tho—aimlpn-piuOnoE-al—t4ia-1imi—nf— 1L-.L, Chunoy & Co., (loinj; tmslneps In tho city ot Toledo, •’county and statn atpresahl, and that, said ttrn.- will phy thn sum ot ONU HUNDKI5D DOI.I.AltS for eaoh Jind ovory easo of C a 'arrli t hat cannot. Im cured by thu use ot llAI.l.’tS CATAithtl CmtK. t

PIIA.NK J. CRnMrit to hofo id i

FIRNEY • lisnrtticd in my

presence, this Gtltiday ot Uccomber, A. D, 18HS. '

A. W. Or-EAHON.... Notary X'libllc.] SEAh. |

Onn Mlmtto Cptttth Curo ts tlnr Onlylt.'trm'- lesH re—edv tliat. produiais tmmeitfato ro- sultH. Try li. W. U Ham, 1117 Main street.

Hull'll Catarrli Curo Is taken intorimily

Send tor test.!-mrfacas ot tlio system, monlals, free.— P, J. cnENHY & CO., Toledo,.O

Hold tiv I")rni'eli<t«, T5e,Hall s Piitndy Pills arc tIio_liest.

If Y ou a re N o t A lrffiuly Using; O ur

Special Blend Java and flocha Coffees

td y ears’ experience eiutliles u s to olTer to o u r cim tom eta a n a rtic le th a t will Blvn sa t- tsfactton.



i- nntt moved Its main ofllco from 812 Co ik- mana?nni]ptofldt Afatf.tSmi avotmo—touitorblock.

P atro n age Solleited,


- c ^ O r B Y ” - - : - "


And. all rectal dlHordera'or money refunded. Pfoanant Not n phy«Je. A radical cure. fiOo ut Chaa. J. Black, T. M. fltewart, L; Q. fjreoello. or

Drug Uo„ Phila, l’a, 1'loaao try It.

A D V E R r T l S ^ I N -T H E P R E S S

S te in b a th C om pany natur­a lly insures with, a ll the in su r­ance m en in A sbury Park.

T h e y had a fire F riday , June 8. A sk them who pa id the ir loss first. T h e y w il l t e l l . you G IF F A R D . W e w rite insur- ance—best .compan ies , low est rates, and settle losses at onfce.

WILLIAM GIFFARDI > .i "... V-t'J f; , ■ f- 2

2 2 2 M a i n S t r e e t


B I C Y C L E SD ayton

Yale iJfaAtUW™.

-O rle n tSpalding


/-C lev e lan d

W hite;g Crawford

T ribune Q uaker -S te rlin gThoso aro somo of tlio whoota I am Balling

tills year. .


Mr. Tltad. Vandorvoor Is In ohargo of my rnpalr Bhori. Tills luaurealprompt ‘ aud ro- llablo rejafring. .L c o a , Olven and W blell (or Renting;

M e X r . F E R R I SCentral Hall 7M SUttlron A r.a a s