i semi iinyx.uky.edu/dips/xt70cf9j4p0x/data/0641.pdfi semi=weekly interior journal j vol xxxi...

i SEMI = WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL j VOL XXXI STANFORD KY FRIDAY JULY 10 1903 SAM NO 38 KINGSVILLE MUi Elllo Carey who has boon serv ¬ lOll for two seasons In Lexington has opened a drcti making citabltihmcnt here and eollctti patronage on Childrens day which was to have been observed at the Mothodtit church the fret Sunday In July has been poll posed till the first Sunday In August The glorious fourth was celebrat ¬ ed hero with several jolly plcnlo par tics beside a fishing exhibition In J which five or six couples participated catching any number of fish Quite a disturbance was created while Rev Thompion was holding ser vlcei at the Methodist church Saturday evening Besides several other roll demeanors several itonci were thrown at the church door one going through ed the church Cal Padgttt who seems to be a monomaniac on the disturbance ui tiof the miscreant but made his escape for the time being Constable Murphy captured him tbo following day and with Squire Bentley took Padgett to ed the county jail- J K Carson of McKlnney was hero Sunday Mr Carson and family will leave about tbo 15th of next month for Hood River Ore Mine Edith Walk er of Danville aid Katherlno Well of Junction City returned homo Sun- day after a pleasant ylilt to Misses Lu ells and Virginia Johnson Mln Ocr tie Davidson bat returned from a visit at to friends at McKinney Mliioi Dora and Lena Rlgncy aro visiting friend at Junction City Mri F M Howe Miss EJoa Daker and Willie Baker ore vlillliig relatives In Cincinnati Mr and Mrs U R Hall of Lexington were here recently Mrs James O Rov aDd ion of Frankfort are spending the mramer at Hotel Penoybaeker homer Wray of Stanford was here a few days since looking alter his tel e phone business Maek Williams will leave soon for Hot Springs to spend the summer GOSHEN W H Pepplei bai about recovered t from a spell of fever The blackberry nobler days have come tke gladwt of the year Farmers aro through stalking wheat and all report the amps to be very light Cholera or tame other disease U playlig havoc with the turkey In tbllI vicinity Mr Kerr bought 96 barrel of corn of Josiah Anderson and M of Dave Stephen at IS Jolla Gooehi pet dog showed symp ¬ 1 toms of rabble and he very MBilbly put a quietus on him with a ibot gun Eld J G Livingston succeeded In raising tlO for county mission work tail 3rd Sunday This will be supple melted soon as many members wore not present The house of John Johnson bad a narrow escape from fire a few night dace Some how a flro got started In the kitchen but fortunately a coal oil jug exploded and woke Mr Johnion who luooeodtd lu extinguishing tbo flames On Friday evening July 31 an enter ¬ tainment will be given at Gosbcn church for the beneHt of the Sunday school The program will consist ofrp y speeches by several talented young ladles sod tome good pieces on a cou- ple ¬ of good grapbophoncs A ama fee will bo charged spectators LAND STOCK CROPS ETC C C Coyer sold to a Tennessee part 11 twoyearold mules dt ISl J M Cross delivered to Saundors Walker 40 230 pound hogs at 6c- Twentyfive tons of good mixed bay for sale Mark Hardln Stanford W S McGuire Is back from Jack eon county where ho bought 200 ebne at about 150- Geneva Wilkes 214 by Bartholo ¬ mew Wilkes was struck by lightning and killed at Columbus led D N Prowltt cold this work to T L Carpenter of Lincoln a bunch of fine Southdown owes at Iii 40 Advocatu Brutally Torture- dA A came to light that for persistent and unmerciful torture has perhaps nev- er ¬ been equaled Joe Uoloblck of Colu sa Cal writes For 15 years I endured insutlerable pain from Rheumatism and r nothing relieved me though I tried every ¬ thing known I camo across Electric Bit ten and its the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble A few bottles of It completely relieved and cured mo Just as good for Liver and Kidney trou ¬ bles and general debility Only 60c Sat if ctlon guaranteed by all druggists Atlanta And Return via Queen ft Crescent Route Ono faro round trip plus 25o Tickets on sale July 7 8 0 returning until July 15 with privilege of extonelon until Aug 15 dcDOilt ticket and payment of 500 Joint Agency at Atlanta ASHEVILLE AND URNODO faro t for the round trip We Juno 11 12 13 July 22 to 27 va Queen d Crescent Routo Aik ticket agent for particu ¬ lava CRAB ORCHARD I Miss Annie Broaaugh It visiting bliss Annie Evans at Danville V Very little patriotism was displayed the 4tb tbo weather was typical and everything quiet a The cottage of Mr and Mrs Eites U about completed and FrankI that part of tbo town Mr Bowen Cover of was with relatives hors this week Mrs W James Is quite 111 Prayer meeting was conducted at tho Baptist church Wednesday eve ¬ ning by lire McClry of Stanford Wish we had him every meeting There was preaching at tho Baptist cbuich Sunday by the pastor Ono united with the churnh and was baptiz ¬ at Cedar Creek In the afternoon Our unkaown rouilcal friend gave another rare musical treat of beau ¬ ful statical music lat evening Wo aro under many obligation Come again The sprinkler for the fair has arriv ¬ and everything Is being arranged for the pleasure of the largo crowd which li expected Crab Orchard ti a title city and too much must not bo expected of ices She will do her belt P for all who wilt attend Mr Jeff Steenburgen surprised all hli friends last week by calling at B their homes and Inviting them out to hoer him preach Ilo held hli series the Christian ohuroh Tom Wat ion Is clerking at Perkins store since John Chadwlok Is off for a good time Col Welch was with friends here a tow days ago Misses Clara Collier and Mabel Mo Wborter made a ibort visit to Paint Lick last week Mies Vlrglo Richard son of LonUvlllc U a guest of Mrs Chat Singleton Mice Jean Dloki name was unintentionally left out o t my last letter She returned from Rockford III with her mother Mrs Robert Collier of Brodbead was with frlondi hero last week John Buchan ¬ an of Loulivllle ipent Sunday with the boroefollci Mrs J W Cook of Indians li with her mother Mrs GormUy Little Misses Robinson ant I Doyle are up from Loulivllle at Mr J W Guests They brought their beau ¬ tiful little pony turnout with them Mln Margaret Culton li entertain log this week at a house party She has for her guests Misses hassle Ann itrongCbrlitlne Gilbert of Richmond Minnie Cotton of Danville and G Bailey Chadwlok of Crab Orchard Mrs J G Carpenter and daughter were with relatives here Sunday Mrs Jus Grant Is a guvit of hiss Mary Bunter Mines Curter of near Sian ford are greet of the Misses Redd Mrs Martha L Barrie Mlttn heal Harris Jean Buchanan Sallle Mo WborMr and many others are 111 this week alto Mr Chas Redd and Mau rloe Parkin Mrs Basil Manly and daughter of Greenville S O aro boarding with Mr and Mre D W Kd mlslon Very Remarkable Cure For D arrhoea About six years ago for the first time In my life I had a sudden and severe at- tack of diarrhoea Bays Mr Alice Mil lor of Morgan Texas I got tempos repel but it same back again and again and for tlx long years I have luf fered more mtery and agony than I can IIte1 It wjs wove than death My him band spent hundreds of dollars for ph iloiani prescriptions and treatment wit out avail Finally we moved to Boeq u dayy of Chamberlains Colic Cholera nnd Dla r shoes Remedy with a testimonial of a man who had been cuicd by it The case was to similar to my own that I conclud- ed ¬ to try tho jomcd The result was thatp I woe or eau eo after having Buffered so long but that one bottle of medicine costing but a tow cents cured me For ulc l y Craig t Ilocker FAIR DATES The following li tho list of fair dates fixed for this year Kirksville July 17 sad 18 Crab Orchard July 224 days Georgetown July 28 4 days Cynthlana July 29 4 days Hustonville July 29 3 days Danville August 4 4 days Madisonville August 4 days Hrodhcad Aug 03 days Lexington August 10 0 days Fern Creek August 18 4 days Lawrenceburg August 18 4 days Liberty Aug 20 three days Shophenlivlllo August 25 4 days London Aug 20 three days Somerset Sept 1 4 days Bardstown Sept I 5 jays Ellzabcthtown Sept 8 4 days daysat Sep ¬ tember 21 0 days To The Lakes Summer Touriit Tickets on sale via Queen ft Crcace Rputo Juno 1 to Sept 30 Ask tick agents for particulars NEWS NOTES j Gen James Longstrcet is dangerous 111 at Gainesville Ga The Remington Watch Company of Appleton WIs has been thrown Into receivers hands on sequestration proceedings Joseph B Graham a prominent law I yer and educator and Miss Jeanette Joiner were killed by a freight train at Talladega Ala The county court at Fayette Mo has fixed a tax of 1200 a day on all pro ¬ sentations In Howard county of Un ¬ do Torts Cabin 1 George A Wyraan a motor cyclist made the trip from San Francisco to Now York on his wheel In 60 days colliding all stops Gov Beckbam has refuted to com¬ mute the sentence of Claude OBrien and Earl Whitney who are to be hang- ed at Lexington July 24 A Florida man hoi been arrested on the charge of holding In slavery aad cruelly beating a 10 gear old white girl He denies the charge Two men were killed four fatally hurt and 10 others Injured In an explo sloe at a grading camp of the Union aclQc railroad at Morgan Utah Vance Wilson who Is alleged to ave shot and killed bli father tn Isw F Odoro near Auburn Tease2 yean ago has Jut been arrested The coroners verdict In the case of the Opponhelmer baby ease at Cincin ¬ nati holds that tho child was poisoned but does not charge any one with tbo crime Mrs A M pagan of Nashville will go to Frankfort to Intercede wltb Gov Jeokhnm In behalf of Earl Whitney the condemned murderer She claims that the has strung proofs of Whit noya Insanity A Southern Railway passenger train ran Into an open switch at RockQeb Va crashing Into a freight train on a tiding Twentyfour perIOD mostly Austrian Immigrants were killed and 13 others were Injured Three victims of the Evansvllle riot died In the hospital making a total o f sine dead Physicians pronounce 35 seriously wounded while tbo total I number of injured Is nearly 60 The situation li still critical Joseph Newland hoe accepted the appointment as town marshal of Jack ion a position that hat been vacant most of the time for several year John Patton bal been appointed prose ¬ cutlet attorney for the town A dispatch from Georgetown says that Caleb Powers denies the rumor that he Is the author of the letter to Governor Beakbam signed by Jim Howard and says be neither wrote nor bad any band in Its composition Twenty throe people 10 of whom are Mid to be Negroes were killed In a collision between a freight and a fan paeeenger train on the Virginia Mid land division of the Southern railway at Rock Fish Va Nine other persons wcro Injured At Owensboro Ju ° 8 VanI ee King charged wltb complicity In burr Ing tbo factory of the Ovrensboro Pants Manufacturing Company Following this action the cease against Hug b Ditto and Ben Clarksoa on the same charge wore dismissed on motion of County Attorney Clements IHUBULE SundayIi of vIsitingI On account of the exceedingly hot weather news Is a scarce article in this olty bliss Blliaboth Walls of Lancaster Is visiting her ooualn Miss Bessie Spoonamoro S M Spoonaniore sold u sorrel horse for 165 D N Prewltt bought eome lambs from John Rankle at 8c Van Keeton recently bored a well 115 feet on his tarn and struck an abundance of Ono sulphur water A number of young people together with tome of the oldur ones enjoyed a plcnlo at the Iron Bridge Saturday Messrs Allen and Pierce Rankln were up from Wayne county last week Mrs Betsy Spoonamoro has been quite 111 Mr A C Carman and daughter Miss Ethel attended the 4th of July celebration at Yosemlto No man or woman in the Slate will hesitate to speak well of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets after once trying them They always produce a pleasant movement of the bowels Im ¬ prove the appetite and strengthen the di ¬ gestion For sale by Craig fc Ilocker Stanford Ky Charles Soden Cozatt son of the la- W D Cozatt died at tho residence ol his grandmother at Parlcavllloof brain lever a For a lazy liver Chamberlains Stom ¬ ach and Liver Tablets They Invigorate the liver old the digestion regulate ti ForA sale by CraigVt HUSTONVILLEr D C Allen shipped a car of bogs to Cincinnati for which he paid 5 The Casey County Medical Society j ii corns Opera House Wednesday and Thunday nights during the fats Pipes Bros bought the new livery 1 and feed stable of W C Greening and now occupied by George E Alford whose lease does not until Jan IMr iteam ono wheel of their phaeton tnrowicg S Mrs Robinson almost under tbo feet of the frightened animate but the eacap ed with only a few bruises A wagonette party consisting of f Misses Camnltz Adams Newborn f bxIlame penter and Bishop will attend a party i TPhillips W B Wright and family will leave C In a short while for Colorado their fu g turo home Tbs conclusion wan reach k- ed upon the adylce of their physician = after a diagnosis of Mrs Wrights en- feebled ¬ condition The wishes of their many friends Is a pleasant journey re- stored ¬ health and an early return He has placed In the hands of W R Wil ¬ liams his splendid farm of 60 acres that will be sold at a bargain Miss Bessie Sutler of Memphis Tone Is visiting the Misses Kewbsrn Mrs Jennie Carpenter left Tuesday to spend the hsatod term with Mr and Mrs Allen Burrls In Colorado Mines Mettle Thompson and Katie Simpson of Lancaster are visiting Miss Jessie Powell Miss Ethel Depp of Glae gow Is visiting Mr and hire Chas Depp In the West End Mrs E H Edwards and daughter of Brooklyn I are visiting Mrs C R fII1DD BlalaI The alai It hot nuisance U very much In evidence The several young men of this coun tv who have been attending the medl ¬ cal college of Louisville are at home on vacation Samuel Clements Is wearing a smile of exultant joy It Is a boy tbo first born and tips the beam atnlno pounds Mother sad babe doing well Mr John Wesley the venerable father Mrs J T Wesley of this place and ono of the most respected old me of the Bethel section died recently o old Ole and Infirmities due to same The health of the town and vi clnltr is fairly good considering tbo oppressive weather No serious sick sees Is reported In this sestina F L Jones and George Wesley are on the ailing Hit Rev Joihua Taylor preached at the M E church Sunday Eld Mont om cry tilled the pulpit at the Christian church Sunday morning and evening Rev Ferrell preached ai the EllI burg Baptist church Mr Jeff Godbey and little eons re ¬ turned a tow days ago from Oklahoma City after a residence of about months Mrs Godbey wilt return wit in two weeks It Is bard to forsake the old Kentucky home A bard soaking rata fell bore Sun ¬ day being accompanied by conslder able wind The ground was too wet Lo- bo worked til Wednesday The river was swollen sufficiently to run the ter mill which has been Idle for acre al weeks past Very few of tbe county teachers had the pleasure of opening their school Monday as they had hoped to This was on account of farm work being so late The majority of the schools will open Monday or Monday week There- of aro 80 wblto school districts In Casey Ethel MuWhorter and Miss Blanche the pretty daughter of D G Elliott quietly stole away from the entertain meet grounds lato Saturday evening and by a long and circuitous route reached Klngsvllle where they took a train for Tennessee and were coo e made one Tbo youthful couple have been lovers elate childhood The Casey County Teachers loaf tute was held at Liberty last week be ¬ leg conducted by Supt J C Lay and ProfJC Willis of State College Lexington About 00 teachers were present It has not aa yet been dccld ed where next years session will be held Mlddleburjj and Dunnvllle will both try to get it An eotertalnl moat and Ico cream supper the W C T U at tbe conrt house was largely attended by the teachers Night Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr Kings New Life rilli These pills chango weakness to strength listlessness into energy ebnlnflg into mental power They are wonderful in building up the heath On- ly ¬ 25c per bottle Sold by all druggist- s A HOT TIME I Is bound to come before long Prepare for it by getting some Thin Clothes now before the rush We have n good line of Summer Clothing Low Shoos and other things to make you comfortable during tho hot weather IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE GLOBE Merchant Tailoring Cleaning Pressing and Repairing Your money back If youre not satisfied T o MILLER Danville KB BUGGIES 11 Je R HASELDEN Lancaster Ky PURE VINEGARS impression ¬ adulteration that wholesome vinegars are no longer obtainable This is a mistaken idea however H J Heinz Co aro perfectly reliable and supply pure foods only Their Vinegars fully comply with the Pure Food LImB not onlof every State in the Union but of every country in the world We sell perfectn 1Heinz Malt Vinegar Heinz Pickling Vin ¬ egar Heinz Cider Vinegar Purity In Food Come to IFor I i r eY sSTANFORD KENTUCKY I J rJi Invest In Paint Paint on your buildings adds 10 per cent to painth ¬ an Good paint is always worth more than its cost and tho best paints these days go far ¬ ther nndjlast longer than ever before Mastic Mixed Paint r Hillr covers more paints but you must wait about five years to fully appreciate HsjQUALITY Pennys Drug Store YOUNG MAN Drop in and examine our line of 300Jand3502Low Shoes W Ee PERKINS AMERICAN SEEDING MACHIN- e I 1Ky Crab 1Jy t KentucKy lrttcrchnngeabIeDiskorShoeThtra Detail Design and Conntructlon ol the Ken ¬ tucky DrlU tbat makes It turpau all other H Solves the Old Knotty Problems It runs freely dont clog has grit proof bear iJJI about our Drills It l haudaumef > liluatra ted Write for Catalog SJO uerrtaResstearoE a

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Page 1: i SEMI iinyx.uky.edu/dips/xt70cf9j4p0x/data/0641.pdfi SEMI=WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL j VOL XXXI STANFORD KY FRIDAY JULY 10 1903 SAM NO 38 KINGSVILLE MUi Elllo Carey who has boon serv




MUi Elllo Carey who has boon serv ¬

lOll for two seasons In Lexington hasopened a drcti making citabltihmcnthere and eollctti patronage on

Childrens day which was to havebeen observed at the Mothodtit church

the fret Sunday In July has been pollposed till the first Sunday In August

The glorious fourth was celebrat¬

ed hero with several jolly plcnlo partics beside a fishing exhibition In Jwhich five or six couples participatedcatching any number of fish

Quite a disturbance was createdwhile Rev Thompion was holding servlcei at the Methodist church Saturdayevening Besides several other rolldemeanors several itonci were thrownat the church door one going through ed

the church Cal Padgttt who seemsto be a monomaniac on the disturbance uitiofthe miscreant but made his escape forthe time being Constable Murphycaptured him tbo following day andwith Squire Bentley took Padgett to edthe county jail-

J K Carson of McKlnney was heroSunday Mr Carson and family willleave about tbo 15th of next month forHood River Ore Mine Edith Walker of Danville aid Katherlno Wellof Junction City returned homo Sun-

day after a pleasant ylilt to Misses Luells and Virginia Johnson Mln Ocrtie Davidson bat returned from a visit atto friends at McKinney Mliioi Doraand Lena Rlgncy aro visiting friendat Junction City Mri F M HoweMiss EJoa Daker and Willie Baker orevlillliig relatives In Cincinnati Mr

and Mrs U R Hall of Lexingtonwere here recently Mrs James O

Rov aDd ion of Frankfort are spending

the mramer at Hotel Penoybaekerhomer Wray of Stanford was here afew days since looking alter his tel e

phone business Maek Williams willleave soon for Hot Springs to spend thesummer


W H Pepplei bai about recoveredt from a spell of fever

The blackberry nobler days havecome tke gladwt of the year

Farmers aro through stalking wheatand all report the amps to be very

lightCholera or tame other disease U

playlig havoc with the turkey In tbllIvicinity

Mr Kerr bought 96 barrel of cornof Josiah Anderson and M of DaveStephen at IS

Jolla Gooehi pet dog showed symp ¬

1 toms of rabble and he very MBilbly

put a quietus on him with a ibot gunEld J G Livingston succeeded In

raising tlO for county mission worktail 3rd Sunday This will be supplemelted soon as many members worenot present

The house of John Johnson bad anarrow escape from fire a few nightdace Some how a flro got started In

the kitchen but fortunately a coal oiljug exploded and woke Mr Johnionwho luooeodtd lu extinguishing tboflames

On Friday evening July 31 an enter ¬

tainment will be given at Gosbcnchurch for the beneHt of the Sunday

school The program will consist ofrpy speeches by several talented young

ladles sod tome good pieces on a cou-



of good grapbophoncs A amafee will bo charged spectators


C C Coyer sold to a Tennessee part11 twoyearold mules dt ISl

J M Cross delivered to Saundors

Walker 40 230 pound hogs at 6c-Twentyfive tons of good mixed bay

for sale Mark Hardln StanfordW S McGuire Is back from Jack

eon county where ho bought 200 ebne

at about 150-Geneva Wilkes 214 by Bartholo¬

mew Wilkes was struck by lightningand killed at Columbus led

D N Prowltt cold this work to T LCarpenter of Lincoln a bunch of fineSouthdown owes at Iii 40 Advocatu

Brutally Torture-dAA came to light that for persistent

and unmerciful torture has perhaps nev-



been equaled Joe Uoloblck of Colu

sa Cal writes For 15 years I enduredinsutlerable pain from Rheumatism and

r nothing relieved me though I tried every ¬

thing known I camo across Electric Bit

ten and its the greatest medicine onearth for that trouble A few bottles ofIt completely relieved and cured mo

Just as good for Liver and Kidney trou ¬

bles and general debility Only 60c Sat

if ctlon guaranteed by all druggists

Atlanta And Return via Queen ftCrescent Route Ono faro round tripplus 25o Tickets on sale July 7 8 0

returning until July 15 withprivilege of extonelon until Aug 15

dcDOilt ticket and payment of 500

Joint Agency at Atlanta

ASHEVILLE AND URNODO farot for the round trip We Juno 11 12

13 July 22 to 27 va Queen d CrescentRouto Aik ticket agent for particu¬



Miss Annie Broaaugh It visitingbliss Annie Evans at Danville V

Very little patriotism was displayedthe 4tb tbo weather was typical

and everything quiet aThe cottage of Mr and Mrs

Eites U about completed and FrankIthat part of tbo townMr Bowen Cover of

was with relatives hors this week MrsW James Is quite 111

Prayer meeting was conducted attho Baptist church Wednesday eve ¬

ning by lire McClry of StanfordWish we had him every meeting

There was preaching at tho Baptistcbuich Sunday by the pastor Onounited with the churnh and was baptiz ¬

at Cedar Creek In the afternoonOur unkaown rouilcal friend gaveanother rare musical treat of beau ¬

ful statical music lat evening Woaro under many obligation Comeagain

The sprinkler for the fair has arriv ¬

and everything Is being arrangedfor the pleasure of the largo crowdwhich li expected Crab Orchard ti atitle city and too much must not boexpected of ices She will do her belt Pfor all who wilt attend

Mr Jeff Steenburgen surprised allhli friends last week by calling at Btheir homes and Inviting them out tohoer him preach Ilo held hli series

the Christian ohuroh Tom Wation Is clerking at Perkins store sinceJohn Chadwlok Is off for a good timeCol Welch was with friends here atow days ago

Misses Clara Collier and Mabel MoWborter made a ibort visit to PaintLick last week Mies Vlrglo Richardson of LonUvlllc U a guest of MrsChat Singleton Mice Jean Dlokiname was unintentionally left out o t

my last letter She returned fromRockford III with her mother MrsRobert Collier of Brodbead was withfrlondi hero last week John Buchan ¬

an of Loulivllle ipent Sunday withthe boroefollci Mrs J W Cook ofIndians li with her mother MrsGormUy Little Misses Robinson ant I

Doyle are up from Loulivllle at Mr JW Guests They brought their beau ¬

tiful little pony turnout with themMln Margaret Culton li entertain

log this week at a house party Shehas for her guests Misses hassle AnnitrongCbrlitlne Gilbert of RichmondMinnie Cotton of Danville and GBailey Chadwlok of Crab OrchardMrs J G Carpenter and daughterwere with relatives here Sunday MrsJus Grant Is a guvit of hiss MaryBunter Mines Curter of near Sianford are greet of the Misses ReddMrs Martha L Barrie Mlttn healHarris Jean Buchanan Sallle MoWborMr and many others are 111 thisweek alto Mr Chas Redd and Maurloe Parkin Mrs Basil Manly anddaughter of Greenville S O aroboarding with Mr and Mre D W Kdmlslon

Very Remarkable Cure For D

arrhoeaAbout six years ago for the first time

In my life I had a sudden and severe at-

tack of diarrhoea Bays Mr Alice Millor of Morgan Texas I got tempos

repel but it same back again andagain and for tlx long years I have luffered more mtery and agony than I can

IIte1 It wjs wove than death My him

band spent hundreds of dollars for philoiani prescriptions and treatment witout avail Finally we moved to Boeq udayy ofChamberlains Colic Cholera nnd Dla rshoes Remedy with a testimonial of aman who had been cuicd by it The casewas to similar to my own that I conclud-ed


to try tho jomcd The result wasthatp Iwoe or eau eoafter having Buffered so long but that onebottle of medicine costing but a tow centscured me For ulc l y Craig t Ilocker


The following li tho list of fair datesfixed for this year

Kirksville July 17 sad 18Crab Orchard July 224 daysGeorgetown July 28 4 daysCynthlana July 29 4 daysHustonville July 29 3 daysDanville August 4 4 daysMadisonville August 4 daysHrodhcad Aug 03 daysLexington August 10 0 daysFern Creek August 18 4 daysLawrenceburg August 18 4 daysLiberty Aug 20 three daysShophenlivlllo August 25 4 daysLondon Aug 20 three daysSomerset Sept 1 4 daysBardstown Sept I 5 jaysEllzabcthtown Sept 8 4 daysdaysat Sep ¬

tember 21 0 days

To The Lakes Summer TouriitTickets on sale via Queen ft CrcaceRputo Juno 1 to Sept 30 Ask tickagents for particulars


Gen James Longstrcet is dangerous111 at Gainesville Ga

The Remington Watch Company ofAppleton WIs has been thrown Into

receivers hands on sequestrationproceedings

Joseph B Graham a prominent lawI

yer and educator and Miss JeanetteJoiner were killed by a freight train atTalladega Ala

The county court at Fayette Mohas fixed a tax of 1200 a day on all pro ¬

sentations In Howard county of Un ¬

do Torts Cabin 1

George A Wyraan a motor cyclistmade the trip from San Francisco toNow York on his wheel In 60 dayscolliding all stops

Gov Beckbam has refuted to com¬

mute the sentence of Claude OBrienand Earl Whitney who are to be hang-ed at Lexington July 24

A Florida man hoi been arrested onthe charge of holding In slavery aadcruelly beating a 10 gear old whitegirl He denies the charge

Two men were killed four fatallyhurt and 10 others Injured In an explosloe at a grading camp of the Union

aclQc railroad at Morgan UtahVance Wilson who Is alleged to

ave shot and killed bli father tn IswF Odoro near Auburn Tease2

yean ago has Jut been arrestedThe coroners verdict In the case of

the Opponhelmer baby ease at Cincin ¬

nati holds that tho child was poisonedbut does not charge any one with tbocrime

Mrs A M pagan of Nashville willgo to Frankfort to Intercede wltb GovJeokhnm In behalf of Earl Whitneythe condemned murderer She claimsthat the has strung proofs of Whitnoya Insanity

A Southern Railway passenger trainran Into an open switch at RockQebVa crashing Into a freight train ona tiding Twentyfour perIOD mostlyAustrian Immigrants were killed and13 others were Injured

Three victims of the Evansvllle riotdied In the hospital making a total o f

sine dead Physicians pronounce 35

seriously wounded while tbo total I

number of injured Is nearly 60 Thesituation li still critical

Joseph Newland hoe accepted theappointment as town marshal of Jackion a position that hat been vacantmost of the time for several yearJohn Patton bal been appointed prose ¬

cutlet attorney for the townA dispatch from Georgetown says

that Caleb Powers denies the rumorthat he Is the author of the letter toGovernor Beakbam signed by JimHoward and says be neither wrote norbad any band in Its composition

Twenty throe people 10 of whomare Mid to be Negroes were killed Ina collision between a freight and a fanpaeeenger train on the Virginia Midland division of the Southern railwayat Rock Fish Va Nine other personswcro Injured

At Owensboro Ju ° 8VanI eeKing charged wltb complicity In burrIng tbo factory of the Ovrensboro PantsManufacturing Company Followingthis action the cease against Hug bDitto and Ben Clarksoa on the samecharge wore dismissed on motion ofCounty Attorney Clements

IHUBULESundayIi of

vIsitingIOn account of the exceedingly hot

weather news Is a scarce article in thisolty

bliss Blliaboth Walls of LancasterIs visiting her ooualn Miss BessieSpoonamoro

S M Spoonaniore sold u sorrel horsefor 165 D N Prewltt bought eomelambs from John Rankle at 8c

Van Keeton recently bored a well115 feet on his tarn and struck anabundance of Ono sulphur water

A number of young people togetherwith tome of the oldur ones enjoyed aplcnlo at the Iron Bridge Saturday

Messrs Allen and Pierce Ranklnwere up from Wayne county last weekMrs Betsy Spoonamoro has been quite111 Mr A C Carman and daughterMiss Ethel attended the 4th of Julycelebration at Yosemlto

No man or woman in the Slate willhesitate to speak well of ChamberlainsStomach and Liver Tablets after oncetrying them They always produce a

pleasant movement of the bowels Im ¬

prove the appetite and strengthen the di ¬

gestion For sale by Craig fc IlockerStanford Ky

Charles Soden Cozatt son of the la-

W D Cozatt died at tho residence olhis grandmother at Parlcavllloof brainlever

aFor a lazy liver Chamberlains Stom ¬

ach and Liver Tablets They Invigoratethe liver old the digestion regulate tiForAsale by CraigVt

HUSTONVILLErD C Allen shipped a car of bogs to

Cincinnati for which he paid 5The Casey County Medical Society jiicorns Opera House Wednesday and

Thunday nights during the fatsPipes Bros bought the new livery 1

and feed stable of W C Greening andnow occupied by George E Alfordwhose lease does not until JanIMriteamono wheel of their phaeton tnrowicg S

Mrs Robinson almost under tbo feet ofthe frightened animate but the eacaped with only a few bruises

A wagonette party consisting of fMisses Camnltz Adams Newborn fbxIlamepenter and Bishop will attend a party i

TPhillipsW B Wright and family will leave C

In a short while for Colorado their fu g

turo home Tbs conclusion wan reach k-

ed upon the adylce of their physician =

after a diagnosis of Mrs Wrights en-


condition The wishes of theirmany friends Is a pleasant journey re-


health and an early return Hehas placed In the hands of W R Wil ¬

liams his splendid farm of 60 acres thatwill be sold at a bargain

Miss Bessie Sutler of MemphisTone Is visiting the Misses KewbsrnMrs Jennie Carpenter left Tuesday tospend the hsatod term with Mr andMrs Allen Burrls In Colorado MinesMettle Thompson and Katie Simpsonof Lancaster are visiting Miss JessiePowell Miss Ethel Depp of Glaegow Is visiting Mr and hire ChasDepp In the West End Mrs E HEdwards and daughter of Brooklyn I

are visiting Mrs C R

fII1DD BlalaIThe alai It hot nuisance U very

much In evidenceThe several young men of this coun

tv who have been attending the medl ¬

cal college of Louisville are at homeon vacation

Samuel Clements Is wearing a smileof exultant joy It Is a boy tbo firstborn and tips the beam atnlno poundsMother sad babe doing well

Mr John Wesley the venerablefather Mrs J T Wesley of this placeand ono of the most respected old meof the Bethel section died recently oold Ole and Infirmities due to same

The health of the town and viclnltr is fairly good considering tbooppressive weather No serious sicksees Is reported In this sestina F LJones and George Wesley are on the

ailing HitRev Joihua Taylor preached at the

M E church Sunday Eld Mont omcry tilled the pulpit at the Christianchurch Sunday morning and eveningRev Ferrell preached ai the EllI burgBaptist church

Mr Jeff Godbey and little eons re ¬

turned a tow days ago from OklahomaCity after a residence of aboutmonths Mrs Godbey wilt return witin two weeks It Is bard to forsake theold Kentucky home

A bard soaking rata fell bore Sun ¬

day being accompanied by conslderable wind The ground was too wet Lo-

bo worked til Wednesday The riverwas swollen sufficiently to run theter mill which has been Idle for acreal weeks past

Very few of tbe county teachers hadthe pleasure of opening their schoolMonday as they had hoped to Thiswas on account of farm work being solate The majority of the schools willopen Monday or Monday week There-

of aro 80 wblto school districts In CaseyEthel MuWhorter and Miss Blanche

the pretty daughter of D G Elliottquietly stole away from the entertainmeet grounds lato Saturday eveningand by a long and circuitous routereached Klngsvllle where they took atrain for Tennessee and were coo emade one Tbo youthful couple havebeen lovers elate childhood

The Casey County Teachers loaftute was held at Liberty last week be¬

leg conducted by Supt J C Lay andProfJC Willis of State CollegeLexington About 00 teachers werepresent It has not aa yet been dcclded where next years session will beheld Mlddleburjj and Dunnvllle willboth try to get it An eotertalnlmoat and Ico cream supperthe W C T U at tbe conrt housewas largely attended by the teachers

Night DayThe busiest and mightiest little thing

that ever was made is Dr Kings NewLife rilli These pills chango weaknessto strength listlessness into energy

ebnlnflg into mental power They arewonderful in building up the heath On-


25c per bottle Sold by all druggist-



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