i society news of week - chronicling...

TILE WASHiNGim7 TIMES SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 1905 r 12 THE ENGLISH GRAND OPERA COMPANY HENRYW SAVAGE Ten years ago when Mr Henry XV 1 Savage started his modest enterprise to popularize grand opera In EngUsh i there was little thought that some day It would prow into the most pretentious organization of the kind on this con tinent Still less was it thought that pome day this same enterprise mtzht become such a powerful factor In Amer- ican musical education us to win opera lovers away from their false ot grand opera in a foreign tongue Nevertheless Mr Savages faith In his ideal has made him today the figure among American producers both of native opera anti of grand opera in our language giving romlse of the near approach of day when Amer- ican society art and muplc circles will prefer grand opera In the language of the nation to any other who has observed the contin uous line ot opera patrons reachinc from th box onlco window ot the Co- lumbia Theater nlnco the sale of sent and boxes began Thursday morn In c can doubt the firm grasp on music lovers in Washington of the presenta- tion ot great masterworks by English speaking artists It is easy to believe that the best American grand opera company Is to have the warmest of wel- comes tomorrow night when Conductor Schenck begIns the prelude to The Aalkrrie On Mr Savages part greater things are promised this year than ever productions more elaborate art- ists more capable and orchestra more efficient The opera seems to be the thing and eager Interests centers in the opportunity to enjoy this brilliant repcrtory that Includes not only the first English production of Wagners The Valkyrie but also Verdis bril- liant Aida and florid RIgoletto with the orchestra under the sympa- thetic guidance of Conductor EmanueL The weeks program fairly bristles with attractive features one of the best of which will be another opportunity to hear Puccinis delightful La Boheme a sparkling tone picture of the butter- fly studont life in the Paris Latin Quar- ter seventy years ago Verdis Rlgo letto with its exquisite melodies is other rare treat in English The musical masses will delight in the popu- lar Lohengrin and Tannhauser two of the finest successes of last sea- son together with a revival of the most virile of all French operas Gounods Faust a work that still holds the love of Frenchmen above all others The season also holds bright promise of many vocal treats A host of new artists will he heard here for the first time as well as old favorites of the rgaizntion Several of the best voices hem the company are among the corps of Englishsinging songbirds Kor sopranos there will be Gertrude Rennyson of the silver voice Florence Easton the coloratura so prano Mme Serena fresh from her I od I fore- most one Pam I Car c the be- fore ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = Parts success and Mlllicent Brennan a Canadian The contraltos and mozsos will Include the very dramatic Rita Newman who is j to be the Brunnhlldo In The Valkyrie Margaret Crawford who has b on sing- Ing opera In Germany xjid Claude Al- bright who sang Kundry in and who with Miss Rennyson has a host of Washington friends In Francis Maclcnnan of tho Par sifal company together with William Wetnier and Joseph Sheehan of last years Grand Opera company Mr Sav- age has a trio of superb tenors The baritones are Winfred GolT who is also technical director Arthur Dome and Thomas Richards while the basses In- clude Ottley Cranston and Robert Kent Parker from the Parsifal company and Harrison Bennett of last years English opora company Mr Savage has captured Boston with his magnificent production or The Valkyrie the first of the Nlbolungen Ring dramas to be translated to th American stage Tills master work is the most Important feature of the week of opera The orchestra of fifty sym- phony musicians will be under the au- thoritative direction of Elliott Schenck who will start the descriptive prelude at 730 oclock precisely This will permit the ringing down of the final curtain on the Magic Fire Sceno shortly after 11 oclock The arrangement of formances and casts will be as follows Monday with at 730 p m sharp and Thursday afternoon at 130 sharp The Valkyrie tnrrtlPitp Mltw Nell Schdbley- iiofvctae Miss VlnItred Baldwin irim T le Miss Flora Fitzgerald Conductor Mr Elliott Schenck Tuesday with Verdis Amonaaro Mr AVinfred Colt Messenger Mr Alfred Best Priestess Miss Mllllcent Brennan Conductor Mr N B Emanuel overture at S p m Wag ners Lohengrin rtrud Mips Margaret Crawford ottrrJed ailsa Mathlde Conductor Mr Elliott Schenek Thursday with overture at S1S p m Verdis Rlgoletto CAST OF CHARACTERS Duke Mr Joseph Sheehan MUSICS THE Continued from Third Page rise of the curtain to Its final drop The House of Mystery Is said to be a suc- cession of thrills Moving Pictures One of Mr Shopards big comedy col- lections of moving pictures will be the attraction at the Academy tonight Among the laugh producers Is one en titled The Wrong Poison In which a wouldbe suicide after a very dramatic pantomime in which he the in- tention to cross the great divide drinks by mistake front a large bottle of whisky with the result of a happy Jag In which his evil intentions are forgotten Other comedy subjects in- clude How Jones Saw the Derby Ca seys Goat Pashas Nightmare sung tress I Pun lfal just I er i3 overture at Si4 p m Vednesda Icu I AcademyShepards I expresseS I Aida t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > CAST OF CHARACTERS Siegmuntl Mr Francia Marlennan Hunding Mr Robert Kent Parker Mr Ottley Cranston SJepllnde Mss Gertrude Rennyaon Brunnhllde Mlsa Rita Newman Wotan Frleka Helmwlge- Ortllnde VaUrau Miss Margaret Crawford Miss Helen Davis Mtss Militant Bwnnan- Mira Myrtle Holnnn- Mies Margaret Crawford Mlsa Helen Petre I ffrhllde Slelrune CAST OF CHARACTERS Klnr Mr Harrison W Bennett Amnarls Miso Claude Alright Rbculamee Mr Joseph Sheehan Ramfls Mr Robert Kent Parker Aids Mme Morioara Serena CAST OF CHARACTERS Lohengrin Mr William Wegener King Mr Robert Kent Parker Teinunund s Mr Arthur Deane Herald Mr Thomas D Richards Elsa Miss Mllllcent Brennan SOCIETY NEWS OF THE WEEK Continued from the New Willard Hotel on Thursday evening Harry King is in New York on a short trip Mrs Alcxindcr Wolf was the hostess sit a lumcin Uuujhjj i last week in honor 6ifS 6 iiYe biitfSf Mr anti Mrs Phll King are tempor- arily located at thc Cairo until they move Inlo their apartment The list of patronesses for tho Christ- mas dance at the Arlington Hotel De- cember 27 includes Lady Durand Mrs BaCon Enrollees Rosen Miss Kean Baroness von dear BuszcheHaddanhau son Mrs HemphiH Mrs Qrydon Mrs Mrtcalf Madame de Jussomnd Mrs Victor IvMiifCmann Mrs Pcirce Mrs GlJver Sirs Thropp Miss Jones delayed her departure for Yokohama Japan where she ex- pected to Join Jier brother Dr John E Jotics consul at that placp for yie wIn t r owing to yj ftSCOUEse pr gtiiing and will await Ws transfer lo another pAst before sailing Mis Jones wns one- f tiv prettiest and most attractive among the younger contingent who at tinded the White House Friday evening The sprightly Van TuyJIs baron and fi iicj oftlie Xotfifcrlanta m nlpt rs made a short visIt here during tho week hut hay now gone to Ncftv York and wilt soon sail foe Europe Consul General and Mm Wynne re- ceived an ovation truly gratifying upon their first public appearance last Fri- day evening at the WJilte House and found a ctyno await- ing them all tkllncj- Col Mrs Frank lone ef 310 P street northwest arc anticipating pleasure of a vi lt from their Miss Fanny A Barbarin for- merly of this city but now of New York early In the Miss Barlwin stops in Washington si route to Peru for which point she sail on the 17th Inst to Join her fiance Wllllum Henry Donnelly to whom her engagement recently announced The marriage to to take place immediately upon her arrival In port at the little Church at Tolero Mrs Jones and Miss Barbarln will b glad to receive their friends informally- on the afternoon and evening of Wed- nesday of this A beautiful reception was clon In recognition of the wedding of J Ralph Holcer to Miss Amy V Smiinwjn on Friday December 8 at tho home of the groom 321 D street northeast The house was beautifully decorated wiUt palms and cut flowers A trio compos- ed of Miss Carole Hutchinson Kd- Hutchinsou add Frank Hutchinson sang everal selections Coon songs were by Walter Sondliclmer and u baritone solo was sung by E L The Columbia Quartet compos- ed of F Huttfhlnaon E Hutchln A W Lyles andA Trundoll sang selections the accompaniments being played by Prof C Rlcketts Afterward the assembled III the dining room whore an elaborate supper Wit nerved Several toasts were given apd the health drunk to the bride and groom The following were the guests of th evening Mr and Mrp John A Holcer Mr and Mrs J Ralph Holcor Mr and Mrs George Ball Mr and Mrc E L Hutchinson Mrs Anderson Mrs If Sellhousen Mrs G Jeffrey and Mrs and daughter Mrs Ituficy Mrs Weldemttii and daughter Mr nnd Mr B Vrenn Mrs Beach Mr and Mrs J P Wiley Mr unit Page vtn friends i I musicale last h wroiJi tirh the ab must J along f and the grand- niece was week I son Ir Bad n Fi fth has barests cab warn week Episcopal lung Hutch- inson guests ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mrs Horn W Smithson Mr and Mrs W Scherer Mrs Lybrand Mrs Lynch Misses M L Dawson M Knockey J Lybrand C Hutchlnsqn Miss McDer mott Miss Downey Miss Corridon Miss N Beckstedt Miss K McCracken Miss E Davis also Mr and Mrs W W Shelton a bride and groom from Coy ington Ky Frank Hutchinson W Sondhelmer C Lynch J A Trummell V Brooks M S Ashford C H T Littleton George Barry sA W Lyles J Reid C Harris W Davis A Grimes C Payne J L Ostcr mayer C F Gray W Hutchinson F B Jones and C Rickotts Weddings Miss Kate Deering daughter of the late Captain Deering and Mrs Deering and William Barrett Ridgely Comptrol- ler of Currency will married at 4 oclock December 30 at St John Church with only a few friends present to witness the ceremony have been lmm by Mrs Julia L Hastings Mpnrn marriage of her eldest daughter ffoJan to Harry P Barnard The weddlrfg wftl take place at the hOuSe of th TiruV mother Columbia wedding of Thursday December 7 which a a surprise to thefr friends was that of Edward C Hicks and Hnnna A Conner whose mar- riage took place at the residence of the Rev J B McLaughlin O G street northeast at 7 oclock in the evening The ceremony was witnessed Mr Katherine Armstrong mother of the bride Mrs Chappell Gui art who acted a the brides attend ant and Elliott Hough who wa beat man for the bridegroom Mrs Hicks wore a stylish jjoun of dark blue silk with a lace lint Following the ceremony a reception held at the home oC Mrs Armstrong in Brookland when more titan fifty guests greeted the young cou- ple Moth the bride and groom are well knovn to a large circle oC friends in Washington Mr Hick having acted as treasurer for the LaXayette and now for the Majestic Theatw will I home to their friend at tb I deuce or Arrftstrong for the pres- ent A wedding took place Wednes- day night December C at the resMeace of Madame Cecilia Young Smith when he sranddao Wer Clare Mo u Davies youngest daiiehtur of this hate Major FmnciB A DAVtt U SA united in matrimony to Clyde ienneit Kendall In tile presence of relatives and a few intimate friends The parlors were profusely decorated with palms white chry- santhemums The ceremony which was IMsrformed by the Rev D J Staffoid assisted by Fathers MeGuigan and Grif- fith took place in front of the mirror which used at tne of the brides grandmother sixty y Mrs ago Tim bride who is a petite blond was handsomely gowned ip a white lace over silk and carried white chrysanthemums The maid of honor was Miss Florence Unvles sister of bride while Ernest G Hamilton of the Geological Survey the best man After the ceremony a wedding supper was served at a iater hour Mr and Mrs Kendall left on an extended trip North St Aloyslu Church was tho scene ot- a pretty wedding Monday evening t4t 4th of December Mar Boll daughter of Mr Iud William H Bell of UiN My Ixcani ih briii Tha bride who nt altciidul by Groove- V M Cord r I 1 v t be Cards c Heights- A came by Gross lace blouse and- a was Mrs I etty end rube was when Miss Mrs ahtll r hr I Mrs MISS They be- at reid n was spacioUs was mar htge white the and James L onlInc t51Ji4tt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ sisters Miss Myrtle E Bell as maid of honor and Katherine Bell as girl wore a handsome wedding gown of white crepe de chine and carried a large shower bouquet of Bride roses Edward Considine brother of the groom was best man After the wedding ceremony the new- ly married couple a reception at the homo of the parents 610 Mor rls atrcet northeast Here they received the congrutulAtione and best wishes ot- a host of friends and acquaintances The reception room tastefully decorated with palms and terse The evening was very pleasantly Spent by all present and after the wedding supper the brlile and groom left for their apartments 7 S street northwest One erf the prettiest weddings of the week was that at 4 oclock Wcdnes d y when Miss feuoU Llnilsigf Jtijm son daughtiir tlt miral Philip C Johnson T S N was married to Alfred Ernest Steel British consul in Chile On account ot a in faith Mr Steel being an Episcopalian and the bride a Roman Catholic the service was performed In the brides home M Btrajit where n beautiful improvised altar wns erected by a Parisian architect The altar with its green and white floral decorations and quantities of candles surrounding the crucifix made a beau- tiful background for the scene The brides was of white chiffon cloth with trimming of antique point lace with which she wore a tulle veil and orange blossoms She attended by little Miss Kipie Sherman daughter of Mr and Mrs Hobart Sherman of New York and given away by her uncle Eastman Johnson the artist of New York Kdward Danson of London Eng- land served a best man for his cousin Mr Steel Among those present at the reception which folloWed were Admiral Dewey td Mrs Dewey Rear Admiral and Mrs Schley U S N and many other Navy ofltcers who were friends of the brides father Mr and Mrs Steel will sail December 18 for Chile The engagement has just been an nounced of Miss Helen Clubb daughter- of Mrs Samuel C Clubb of St Louis to Pauling Foote Sellers of Buffalo N Y a brother of I eut D C Sellers U S N whose marriage to Mis Anita Evans occurred last month father the late Brevet Major Sellers u S A his mother formerly Miss Foote of Philadelphia being now through n second marriage the wife of CoL W T Duggan The wedding will take place In St Louis early in January Entertainments nile is the season of the year when Washington keenly realises that char- ity begins at home Never In past seasons has there been more of a de- mand upon the public many of the larger charities are represented this month In performances Coming as they do upon the holidays they tax not only the public that finds so many demands upon its purse hint also the ladles who give so generously of their own time and strength in IM halt of the organisation Ladles Aid Association f the National Homeopathic Hospital hiss working membership twelve ofllcers and twentyone additional members who constitute the board of man- agers aided by the auxflaries the Ilatentann and Catherine Blrney chapters It has bten the policy of the associa- tion to make realty hut one general call upon th public durhta the year and liistane while they ri re ent an im nstltutkm they nvi d iiU in rtiirn entertainment in allo iHtthiu iluitd ior AU one wliw was for Miss flow- er bride was r dif- ference gown was I I Cor- a together ry lIlt J held th1 74td Oft Ills was benefit close Tile in- v Iii ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ tunate enough to witness their produc- tion of the Kirmess at the National Theater several years ago will ever for- get the brilliancy of the spectacle It was one of the most successful affairs financially and artistically ever given in Washington While tho Kirmess to be given on De- cember a Is no way n repetition of the former it will be a most delightful arid artistic performajice combines Slower and character dances with the Dance of the Nations Many prominent In society will appear- In specially arranged numbers It Is estimated there will be 100 dancers un- der the direction of Miss Hawkci whose May balls in the early spring are al ways anticipated with much pleasure The scenic effects and lights will sur- pass any previous efforts for amateur performances this together with the dancing of seventylive talented and cleverly trained children will make a veritable fairylike scene and well worth attending If one were not Inter ested in assisting a worthy cause So- cially the klrmess promises to be a brilliant success Among the patronesses are Lady Durand Madam Jusserand- Mndnin Qucsada Sirs Ealrbanks Mrs Hitchcock Mre Oji or Wendall Jlolmis Slater Mnfc Hale Mrs KIklns Mrs Lee Mrs BIddle Mrs Whltehead Mrs Chatard Mrs Hopkins Mrs Dal sell Mrs Rogers Mrs Jennings Mrs Bromwell Mrs Fremont Mrs Phllllpp Mrs Spencer Mrs Wells Mrs Hamil- ton Smith and Mrs Barney Mrs II C Perkins and Mrs T L Macdonald as chairmen of the box committees have charge of the sale of the boxes The December business mooting of the Columbia Heights Art Club mot with Mrs Gibbs on Thursday Mrs Stokes presiding Considerable business of im- portance was discussed The selection and ordering of the new olub pin was postponed until another meeting A committee was appointed to decide about the entertainment that has been proposed Parliamentary drill was giv- en by Neiteon The roll call re- sponded to by fourteen members was att usual on current events Dr Gibbs sang for the club a solo entitled Mis- tress Prue The next meeting will be at the Portner December 14 Mrs Stokes hostess Society generally will regret to learn that Mrs H B F de- cided to spond the winter abroad and will sail early in January to enjoy a muchneeded rest on the Continent The breaking up of the hospitable home of Douglas on G street to make way for proposed gov- ernmental buildings In that location is responsible for the present move and while Commissioner Macfarlands offi In l xCommI8 loner Mrs Miss MacfathntI has ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ cial duties wilt necessitate his remain- ing at his post his wife will take ad- vantage of the opportunity to travel for the next few months Now that the Dog Shelter under the management of prominent Washing- ton women has become an established institution and proved Its advantages among charitable and philanthropic en- terprises In the District the board has arranged for a bridge tournament to be- held at 1716 N street northwest on Mon Cay evening next with the view of rais- ing a fund to defray tile current ex- penses of the winter and place the work upon n firm footing for the early spring at which season most of the active work is demanded Mrs Wallace Neff and Mrs Addison have charge of the entertainment as also the sale of tickets There will be three handsome prizes and light refresh- ments to inspire the players Among the patronesses are Mrs Taft Mrs William B Chandler Mrs Rich- ardson Glover Mrs Stephen RIchey Mrs William B Noble Mrs E G Sinter Mrs Arthur Addison Miss G wynne Miss Josephine Boardman Miss McMillan and Mrs Mary Howe Totten The board includes Mrs William E Chandler president Mrs Ht K F Mac farland Mrs Wallace Neff Miss A P Thomas vicepresidents Mrs Mary Howe Totten secretary and Mrs Fred- erick treasurer MARIO DE CASASUS NOW MUCH IMPROVED Mario the elevenyearold son of the Mexican ambassador Don Joaquin de Casasus was better this morning He has been ill for some days with a mild attack of scarlet fever The quarantine signal Is still posted near the doorbell and the ambassadors other children have been kept awav from their schools The Cameos children line Horace Margaret Mario Leon and SING OF TOMORRO- WIts bettor far better to single The bossoms from out of the weeds Than to look for the tares and manifold When its blossoms the crying world by far Is the N That rises above the hearts For the wearying load and thorns on the Make sweeter and purer belief Its better to sing of tomorrow Than yesterdays woe anti despair For of tomorrow may banish the sorrow Tho world may look rosy and fair lIcK all range from nineteen to eight or age and are its follows Hector George cares needs years singh ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Artistic Gas Electric and Oil Lamps Effect in illuminating is best obtained by means of modern Portables Many new and beautiful designs in Gas and Electric Portables and Oil Lamps are shown here this season They make handsome appropriate Gas PortAbleJl are priced tM to no- I Beacon Drop Lights complete The upS UtDD BRO CO Units J 432 INTH STREET 4 t gifts front I Z Agents tar TIoich an4 LIndSay l TtlKoletto Spa ra fuel Ir WlnfrM Got Harrison W Bennett Monter f lk Mr Martin U Bowman Mr Alfred vMr Parsons d Florence Easton Mi9 Petr Maddaleno Ml s Claude Albrtrbt Countess Ceprano Mies Milllcwit Brennan Conductor Mr N B Emanuel Friday at S15 p m Puccinis La Boheme CAST OF CHARACTERS Rudolph Mr Joseph Sheehan Marcel Mr Wlnfred Goff Schaunard Mr Harrison W Bennett ColHnrf Mr Robert Kent Parker Jlenolt Mr Richard Jon Alcindoro Mr Stephen Jungman Parplgnol Mr Alfred Best Mlmi Mnie Morioara Serena Musetta Mls MIIKcent Brennan Mr Arthur D Wood Conductor Mr N B EmanueL Saturdays matinee with overture at 2 p m Wagners Tannhauaer CAST OF CHARACTERS Landgrave Mr Harrison W Tanrihauser Mr William TVecener- Rolnmar Mr Arthur Wood Wolfram Mr Arthur Deana Blterolf Mr Joseph Walter Mr Alfred Beet Welnrlch Mr George White Bilzabeth Miss Venu MISH Margaret Shopberd Boy Miss Mllllcent Brennan I Conductor Mr Elliott Schenck Saturday evening overture at 815 p m Gounods Faust CAST OF CHARACTERS Faust Mr Francis Maclennaa- Mvpnlatophele Mr Ottler Cranston Marjoiertte Mme Mortoara Sere Valentine Mr Thomas t RIchard Slebel Miss Claude Albrtcht Wagner Mr Martin Bowman Martha Miss Helen Petra Conductor Mr 1C B Emanuel Tbomna D Beet Count Ceprano Joseph G G YRmm Se ant Bennett D I I Crawford L 1 air Count Mr Uchar4s Helen Parsons j I > > THING THIS WEEK The Fake Cripple and a sensational fea- ture Holding Up His Maejstys Mall Thompson Seton Ernest Thompson Seton the famous author of Wild Animals I Have Known will make his farewell ap pearance on the lecture platform at the New National Theater on Saturday morning December 16 at 11 oclock when he will deliver his most popular lecture Animal Heroes Mr Thomp sons stories have been so widely read by both and old that the many beautiful tales of pathos and humor are familiar to the entire reading public They possess a peculiar charm and grace and exhibit an intimate knowledge of the private life of wild animals that Is almost startling Mr Setons knowledge of has been derived from intimate association with them and all of his tales are stories of actual experiences His animal heroes have all lived loved and suffered The lecture Is profusely illustrated with stereopticon views made from and pen sketches of the author Kentucky Belles One has only to glance at a list of the specialties offered by the Kentucky Belles at Kernans this coming week to know that they are likely to suit the usual Kernan audience down to the ground The troupe includes the four Nelvln Brothers a bunch of acrobats warranted to make even a bald mans hair stand on end the Century Comedy Four comedians and singers Hendrix and Prescott in The Musical Bell Boy and the Military Maid said to be an excellent skit Reid and Gilbert Irish- I comedians and Lillie Crawford a dash Ing soubrette Aside from these there is the Kentucky Belles chorus warrant ed as attractive a bunch of loveliness as NationalErnest photo- graphs Lyceum4The ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ has ever appeared behind the footlights- at the Lyceum The variety turns are preceded by a twoact farce Mistake As a whole the Kentucky Belles are said to be the real In a burlesque way Band The fourth popular concert by th Marine Band which terminates the win- ter series will be given at the Columbia Theater next Sunday December 17 The wll contain Wagnerian music- a new rhapsody the by Liszt and representative works from Tschal kowsky and Weber Second Leader Walter F Smith cornet and Ole J May euphonium will be the soloists up on that occasion Holmes Travelogue With his second travelogue on Swit- zerland Western at the Columbia to- morrow afternoon at Burton Holme will close his season of 13G In Washing ton On December 19 he sails for Naples en route for a tour of the world spending some weeks In Egypt going up the Nile and visiting the Holy Land thence to India From India he will probably EG to Java Sumatra and Ceylon an J thence to China and home by way of Japan Mclntosiu Burr Mclntosh who as official photo- grapher accompanied Secretary Taft on his recent trip to the Orient will give the f t of two lectures on that trip at th New National on Thursday afternoon a 4W He secured over 2000 good nega- tives during the trip very few of whica have ever been reproduced Nearly JtV of these will be shown during the two forthcoming lectures lectures should prove of unparalleled Interest te the thousands who are Interested in the situation In the Philippines and who want to see just what Secretary Taft and those who accompanied him saw and did Christmas Attractions Washington Is to have one of tin biggest theatrical weeks of the season beginning on Christmas night As a rule the Capital City does not get the most important plays at this particu lar season but local managers have manifestly determined that this year be an exception Mrs Fiske will come to the Belasco Theater with her superb production of Leah Kleschna which has been such- a success in New York The National will have Blanche Walsh in the new Clyde Fitch play The Woman In the Case and George Ades successful comedy The College Widow will come to the Columbia ColumbiaMarine ColumbiaBurton NationalBurr u I I to thing 4P ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ CHRISTMAS AT The People With a Reputation For Reliability Established H 1864 A Unique Elegant and Complete Stock of IAMONDS Watches Sterling Silverware Clocks Jew- elry Bronzes Opera Glasses Toilet Sets Silver plated Ware OPTICAL Goods Cut Glass Foun- tain PensTHE LATEST NOVELTIES All especially suitable for Christmas presents and care fully selected that end in view Nothing thats new or rich or desirable that you11 not find here and at easy prices Make a small payment and have your purchase laid aside 704 Seventh Street Northwest I hmedtte rO i- ii I i a L eo r g eo i QtiJ Q QaQ 1 D I I jhmtdlttr- J I I f I ss ¬ <

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Page 1: I SOCIETY NEWS OF WEEK - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1905-12-10/ed-1/seq-32.pdf · Among the laugh producers Is one en titled The Wrong Poison In



Savage started his modest enterpriseto popularize grand opera In EngUsh i

there was little thought that some dayIt would prow into the most pretentiousorganization of the kind on this continent Still less was it thought thatpome day this same enterprise mtzhtbecome such a powerful factor In Amer-ican musical education us to win operalovers away from their false otgrand opera in a foreign tongue

Nevertheless Mr Savages faith Inhis ideal has made him today the

figure among American producersboth of native opera anti of grand operain our language giving romlse of thenear approach of day when Amer-ican society art and muplc circles willprefer grand opera In the language ofthe nation to any other

who has observed the continuous line ot opera patrons reachincfrom th box onlco window ot the Co-lumbia Theater nlnco the sale of sentand boxes began Thursday morn In ccan doubt the firm grasp on musiclovers in Washington of the presenta-tion ot great masterworks by Englishspeaking artists It is easy to believethat the best American grand operacompany Is to have the warmest of wel-comes tomorrow night when ConductorSchenck begIns the prelude to TheAalkrrie

On Mr Savages part greater thingsare promised this year than ever

productions more elaborate art-ists more capable and orchestra moreefficient The opera seems to be thething and eager Interests centers inthe opportunity to enjoy this brilliantrepcrtory that Includes not only thefirst English production of Wagners

The Valkyrie but also Verdis bril-liant Aida and florid RIgolettowith the orchestra under the sympa-thetic guidance of Conductor EmanueL

The weeks program fairly bristleswith attractive features one of the bestof which will be another opportunity tohear Puccinis delightful La Bohemea sparkling tone picture of the butter-fly studont life in the Paris Latin Quar-ter seventy years ago Verdis Rlgoletto with its exquisite melodies isother rare treat in English Themusical masses will delight in the popu-lar Lohengrin and Tannhausertwo of the finest successes of last sea-son together with a revival of the mostvirile of all French operas Gounods

Faust a work that still holds thelove of Frenchmen above all others

The season also holds bright promiseof many vocal treats A host of newartists will he heard here for the firsttime as well as old favorites of thergaizntion Several of the best voiceshem the company areamong the corps of Englishsingingsongbirds Kor sopranos there will beGertrude Rennyson of the silver voiceFlorence Easton the coloratura soprano Mme Serena fresh from her





Pam I Car




















Parts success and Mlllicent Brennan aCanadian

The contraltos and mozsos will Includethe very dramatic Rita Newman who is

j to be the Brunnhlldo In The ValkyrieMargaret Crawford who has b on sing-Ing opera In Germany xjid Claude Al-

bright who sang Kundry inand who with Miss Rennyson has ahost of Washington friends

In Francis Maclcnnan of tho Parsifal company together with WilliamWetnier and Joseph Sheehan of lastyears Grand Opera company Mr Sav-age has a trio of superb tenors Thebaritones are Winfred GolT who is alsotechnical director Arthur Dome andThomas Richards while the basses In-

clude Ottley Cranston and Robert KentParker from the Parsifal companyand Harrison Bennett of last yearsEnglish opora company

Mr Savage has captured Bostonwith his magnificent production or TheValkyrie the first of the NlbolungenRing dramas to be translated to thAmerican stage Tills master work isthe most Important feature of the weekof opera The orchestra of fifty sym-phony musicians will be under the au-thoritative direction of Elliott Schenckwho will start the descriptive prelude at730 oclock precisely This will permitthe ringing down of the final curtainon the Magic Fire Sceno shortly after11 oclock The arrangement offormances and casts will be as followsMonday with at 730 p msharp and Thursday afternoon at 130sharp The Valkyrie

tnrrtlPitp Mltw Nell Schdbley-iiofvctae Miss VlnItred Baldwinirim T le Miss Flora Fitzgerald

Conductor Mr Elliott Schenck

Tuesday withVerdis

Amonaaro Mr AVinfred ColtMessenger Mr Alfred BestPriestess Miss Mllllcent Brennan

Conductor Mr N B Emanuel

overture at S p m Wagners Lohengrin

rtrud Mips Margaret CrawfordottrrJed ailsa Mathlde

Conductor Mr Elliott Schenek

Thursday with overture at S1S p mVerdis Rlgoletto

CAST OF CHARACTERSDuke Mr Joseph Sheehan

MUSICS THEContinued from Third Page

rise of the curtain to Its final drop TheHouse of Mystery Is said to be a suc-cession of thrills

Moving PicturesOne of Mr Shopards big comedy col-

lections of moving pictures will be theattraction at the Academy tonightAmong the laugh producers Is one entitled The Wrong Poison In which awouldbe suicide after a very dramaticpantomime in which he the in-

tention to cross the great divide drinksby mistake front a large bottle ofwhisky with the result of a happyJag In which his evil intentions areforgotten Other comedy subjects in-clude How Jones Saw the Derby Caseys Goat Pashas Nightmare

sung tress


Pun lfal





overture at Si4 p m Vednesda




















CAST OF CHARACTERSSiegmuntl Mr Francia MarlennanHunding Mr Robert Kent Parker

Mr Ottley CranstonSJepllnde Mss Gertrude RennyaonBrunnhllde Mlsa Rita Newman




Miss Margaret CrawfordMiss Helen Davis

Mtss Militant Bwnnan-Mira Myrtle Holnnn-

Mies Margaret CrawfordMlsa Helen Petre

I ffrhllde


CAST OF CHARACTERSKlnr Mr Harrison W BennettAmnarls Miso Claude AlrightRbculamee Mr Joseph SheehanRamfls Mr Robert Kent ParkerAids Mme Morioara Serena

CAST OF CHARACTERSLohengrin Mr William WegenerKing Mr Robert Kent ParkerTeinunund s Mr Arthur DeaneHerald Mr Thomas D RichardsElsa Miss Mllllcent Brennan


the New Willard Hotel on Thursdayevening

Harry King is in New York on a shorttrip

Mrs Alcxindcr Wolf was the hostesssit a lumcin Uuujhjj i last week inhonor 6ifS 6 iiYe biitfSf

Mr anti Mrs Phll King are tempor-arily located at thc Cairo until theymove Inlo their apartment

The list of patronesses for tho Christ-mas dance at the Arlington Hotel De-

cember 27 includes Lady Durand MrsBaCon Enrollees Rosen Miss KeanBaroness von dear BuszcheHaddanhauson Mrs HemphiH Mrs Qrydon MrsMrtcalf Madame de Jussomnd MrsVictor IvMiifCmann Mrs Pcirce MrsGlJver Sirs Thropp

Miss Jones delayed her departurefor Yokohama Japan where she ex-pected to Join Jier brother Dr John EJotics consul at that placp for yie wInt r owing to yj ftSCOUEse pr gtiiingand will await Ws transfer lo anotherpAst before sailing Mis Jones wns one-

f tiv prettiest and most attractiveamong the younger contingent who attinded the White HouseFriday evening

The sprightly Van TuyJIs baron and

fi iicj oftlie Xotfifcrlanta m nlpt rs madea short visIt here during tho week huthay now gone to Ncftv York and wiltsoon sail foe Europe

Consul General and Mm Wynne re-ceived an ovation truly gratifying upontheir first public appearance last Fri-day evening at the WJilte House

and found a ctyno await-ing them all tkllncj-

Col Mrs Frank lone ef 310 Pstreet northwest arc anticipatingpleasure of a vi lt from their

Miss Fanny A Barbarin for-merly of this city but now of NewYork early In the Miss Barlwinstops in Washington si route to Perufor which point she sail on the 17thInst to Join her fiance Wllllum HenryDonnelly to whom her engagementrecently announced The marriage to totake place immediately upon her arrivalIn port at the little Churchat Tolero

Mrs Jones and Miss Barbarln will bglad to receive their friends informally-on the afternoon and evening of Wed-nesday of this

A beautiful reception was clon Inrecognition of the wedding of J RalphHolcer to Miss Amy V Smiinwjn onFriday December 8 at tho home ofthe groom 321 D street northeast Thehouse was beautifully decorated wiUtpalms and cut flowers A trio compos-ed of Miss Carole Hutchinson Kd-Hutchinsou add Frank Hutchinson sangeveral selections Coon songs were

by Walter Sondliclmer and ubaritone solo was sung by E L

The Columbia Quartet compos-ed of F Huttfhlnaon E Hutchln

A W Lyles andA Trundoll sangselections the accompaniments beingplayed by Prof C Rlcketts Afterwardthe assembled III the diningroom whore an elaborate supper Witnerved Several toasts were given apdthe health drunk to the bride andgroom The following were the guestsof th evening Mr and Mrp John AHolcer Mr and Mrs J Ralph HolcorMr and Mrs George Ball Mr andMrc E L Hutchinson Mrs AndersonMrs If Sellhousen Mrs G Jeffrey

and Mrs and daughter MrsItuficy Mrs Weldemttii and daughterMr nnd Mr B Vrenn Mrs BeachMr and Mrs J P Wiley Mr unit


vtn friends



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Mrs Horn W Smithson Mr and MrsW Scherer Mrs Lybrand Mrs LynchMisses M L Dawson M Knockey JLybrand C Hutchlnsqn Miss McDermott Miss Downey Miss Corridon MissN Beckstedt Miss K McCracken MissE Davis also Mr and Mrs W WShelton a bride and groom from Coyington Ky Frank Hutchinson WSondhelmer C Lynch J A Trummell

V Brooks M S Ashford C HT Littleton George Barry sA W

Lyles J Reid C Harris W Davis AGrimes C Payne J L Ostcrmayer C F Gray W Hutchinson FB Jones and C Rickotts


Miss Kate Deering daughter of thelate Captain Deering and Mrs Deeringand William Barrett Ridgely Comptrol-ler of Currency will married at 4oclock December 30 at St JohnChurch with only a few friends presentto witness the ceremony

have been lmm by Mrs JuliaL Hastings Mpnrnmarriage of her eldest daughter ffoJanto Harry P Barnard The weddlrfg wftltake place at the hOuSe of th TiruVmother Columbia

wedding of Thursday December 7which a a surprise to thefrfriends was that of Edward C Hicksand Hnnna A Conner whose mar-riage took place at the residence of theRev J B McLaughlin O G streetnortheast at 7 oclock in the evening

The ceremony was witnessed MrKatherine Armstrong mother of thebride Mrs Chappell Guiart who acted a the brides attendant and Elliott Hough who wa beatman for the bridegroom

Mrs Hicks wore a stylish jjoun ofdark blue silk with a

lace lint Following the ceremony areception held at the home oC MrsArmstrong in Brookland when moretitan fifty guests greeted the young cou-ple Moth the bride and groom are wellknovn to a large circle oC friends inWashington Mr Hick having actedas treasurer for the LaXayette and nowfor the Majestic Theatw will

I home to their friend at tbIdeuce or Arrftstrong for the pres-ent

A wedding took place Wednes-day night December C at the resMeaceof Madame Cecilia Young Smith whenhe sranddao Wer Clare Mo u Daviesyoungest daiiehtur of this hate MajorFmnciB A DAVtt U SA unitedin matrimony to Clyde ienneit KendallIn tile presence of relatives and a fewintimate friends

The parlors were profuselydecorated with palms white chry-santhemums The ceremony which wasIMsrformed by the Rev D J Staffoidassisted by Fathers MeGuigan and Grif-fith took place in front of the mirrorwhich used at tne of thebrides grandmother sixty y Mrs agoTim bride who is a petite blond washandsomely gowned ip a white lace

over silk and carried whitechrysanthemums The maid of honorwas Miss Florence Unvles sister ofbride while Ernest G Hamilton of theGeological Survey the best manAfter the ceremony a wedding supperwas served at a iater hour Mr andMrs Kendall left on an extended tripNorth

St Aloyslu Church was tho scene ot-a pretty wedding Monday evening t4t4th of December Mar Bolldaughter of Mr Iud William HBell of UiN My Ixcani ih briii

Tha bride who nt altciidul by


M Cord


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sisters Miss Myrtle E Bell as maid ofhonor and Katherine Bell as

girl wore a handsome wedding gownof white crepe de chine and carried alarge shower bouquet of Bride rosesEdward Considine brother of the groomwas best man

After the wedding ceremony the new-ly married couple a reception atthe homo of the parents 610 Morrls atrcet northeast Here they receivedthe congrutulAtione and best wishes ot-

a host of friends and acquaintances Thereception room tastefully decoratedwith palms and terse

The evening was very pleasantly Spentby all present and after the weddingsupper the brlile and groom left fortheir apartments 7 S street northwest

One erf the prettiest weddings of theweek was that at 4 oclock Wcdnesd y when Miss feuoU Llnilsigf Jtijmson daughtiir tltmiral Philip C Johnson T S N wasmarried to Alfred Ernest Steel Britishconsul in Chile On account ot a

in faith Mr Steel being anEpiscopalian and the bride a RomanCatholic the service was performed Inthe brides home M Btrajit wheren beautiful improvised altar wnserected by a Parisian architect Thealtar with its green and white floraldecorations and quantities of candlessurrounding the crucifix made a beau-tiful background for the scene Thebrides was of white chiffon clothwith trimming of antique point lacewith which she wore a tulle veil andorange blossoms She attended bylittle Miss Kipie Sherman daughter ofMr and Mrs Hobart Sherman of NewYork and given away by her uncleEastman Johnson the artist of NewYork Kdward Danson of London Eng-land served a best man for his cousinMr Steel Among those present at thereception which folloWed were AdmiralDewey td Mrs Dewey Rear Admiraland Mrs Schley U S N and manyother Navy ofltcers who were friends ofthe brides father Mr and Mrs Steelwill sail December 18 for Chile

The engagement has just been announced of Miss Helen Clubb daughter-of Mrs Samuel C Clubb of St Louisto Pauling Foote Sellers of Buffalo NY a brother of I eut D C Sellers US N whose marriage to Mis AnitaEvans occurred last month father

the late Brevet Major Sellers uS A his mother formerly Miss Footeof Philadelphia being now through nsecond marriage the wife of CoL W TDuggan The wedding will take placeIn St Louis early in January


nile is the season of the year whenWashington keenly realises that char-ity begins at home Never In pastseasons has there been more of a de-mand upon the public many of thelarger charities are represented thismonth In performances Comingas they do upon the holidaysthey tax not only the public that findsso many demands upon its purse hintalso the ladles who give so generouslyof their own time and strength in IM

halt of the organisationLadles Aid Association f the

National Homeopathic Hospital hissworking membership twelve ofllcers

and twentyone additional members whoconstitute the board of man-

agers aided by the auxflaries theIlatentann and Catherine Blrneychapters

It has bten the policy of the associa-tion to make realty hut one general callupon th public durhta the year and

liistane while they ri re ent anim nstltutkm they nvi d iiU

in rtiirn entertainment in alloiHtthiu iluitd ior AU one wliw was for

Miss flow-
















th1 74td
















tunate enough to witness their produc-tion of the Kirmess at the NationalTheater several years ago will ever for-

get the brilliancy of the spectacle Itwas one of the most successful affairsfinancially and artistically ever givenin Washington

While tho Kirmess to be given on De-

cember a Is no way n repetition ofthe former it will be a most delightfularid artistic performajice combinesSlower and character dances with the

Dance of the NationsMany prominent In society will appear-

In specially arranged numbers It Isestimated there will be 100 dancers un-

der the direction of Miss Hawkci whoseMay balls in the early spring are always anticipated with much pleasureThe scenic effects and lights will sur-pass any previous efforts for amateurperformances this together with thedancing of seventylive talented andcleverly trained children will make averitable fairylike scene and wellworth attending If one were not Interested in assisting a worthy cause So-

cially the klrmess promises to be abrilliant success Among the patronessesare Lady Durand Madam Jusserand-Mndnin Qucsada Sirs Ealrbanks MrsHitchcock Mre Oji or Wendall Jlolmis

Slater Mnfc Hale Mrs KIklnsMrs Lee Mrs BIddle Mrs WhlteheadMrs Chatard Mrs Hopkins Mrs Dalsell Mrs Rogers Mrs Jennings MrsBromwell Mrs Fremont Mrs PhllllppMrs Spencer Mrs Wells Mrs Hamil-ton Smith and Mrs Barney Mrs II CPerkins and Mrs T L Macdonald aschairmen of the box committees havecharge of the sale of the boxes

The December business mooting of theColumbia Heights Art Club mot withMrs Gibbs on Thursday Mrs Stokespresiding Considerable business of im-

portance was discussed The selectionand ordering of the new olub pin waspostponed until another meeting Acommittee was appointed to decideabout the entertainment that has beenproposed Parliamentary drill was giv-

en by Neiteon The roll call re-sponded to by fourteen members wasatt usual on current events Dr Gibbssang for the club a solo entitled Mis-

tress Prue The next meeting will beat the Portner December 14 MrsStokes hostess

Society generally will regret to learnthat Mrs H B F de-

cided to spond the winter abroad andwill sail early in January to enjoy amuchneeded rest on the Continent

The breaking up of the hospitablehome of Douglas on Gstreet to make way for proposed gov-

ernmental buildings In that location isresponsible for the present move andwhile Commissioner Macfarlands offi



xCommI8 loner



MacfathntI has















cial duties wilt necessitate his remain-ing at his post his wife will take ad-vantage of the opportunity to travel forthe next few months

Now that the Dog Shelter underthe management of prominent Washing-ton women has become an establishedinstitution and proved Its advantagesamong charitable and philanthropic en-terprises In the District the board hasarranged for a bridge tournament to be-held at 1716 N street northwest on MonCay evening next with the view of rais-ing a fund to defray tile current ex-penses of the winter and place thework upon n firm footing for the earlyspring at which season most of theactive work is demanded

Mrs Wallace Neff and Mrs Addisonhave charge of the entertainment asalso the sale of tickets There will bethree handsome prizes and light refresh-ments to inspire the players

Among the patronesses are Mrs TaftMrs William B Chandler Mrs Rich-ardson Glover Mrs Stephen RIcheyMrs William B Noble Mrs E GSinter Mrs Arthur Addison MissG wynne Miss Josephine BoardmanMiss McMillan and Mrs Mary HoweTotten

The board includes Mrs William EChandler president Mrs Ht K F Macfarland Mrs Wallace Neff Miss A PThomas vicepresidents Mrs MaryHowe Totten secretary and Mrs Fred-erick treasurer


Mario the elevenyearold son of theMexican ambassador Don Joaquin deCasasus was better this morning Hehas been ill for some days with a mildattack of scarlet feverThe quarantine signal Is still postednear the doorbell and the ambassadorsother children have been kept awavfrom their schools The Cameos children

line Horace Margaret Mario Leon and

SING OF TOMORRO-WIts bettor far better to single

The bossoms from out of the weedsThan to look for the tares and manifoldWhen its blossoms the crying world

by far Is the N

That rises above the heartsFor the wearying load and thorns on theMake sweeter and purer belief

Its better to sing of tomorrowThan yesterdays woe anti despairFor of tomorrow may banish thesorrowTho world may look rosy and fair

lIcK all

range from nineteen to eight orage and are its follows HectorGeorge













Artistic GasElectric and

Oil LampsEffect in illuminating is

best obtained by means ofmodern Portables Manynew and beautiful designs inGas and Electric Portablesand Oil Lamps are shownhere this season Theymake handsome appropriate

Gas PortAbleJl are pricedtM to no-


Beacon Drop Lights completeThe






Z Agents tar TIoich an4 LIndSayl

TtlKolettoSpa ra fuel Ir WlnfrM Got

Harrison W BennettMonterf lk Mr Martin U Bowman

Mr AlfredvMr Parsonsd Florence Easton

Mi9 PetrMaddaleno Ml s Claude AlbrtrbtCountess Ceprano Mies Milllcwit BrennanConductor Mr N B Emanuel

Friday at S15 p m Puccinis LaBoheme

CAST OF CHARACTERSRudolph Mr Joseph SheehanMarcel Mr Wlnfred GoffSchaunard Mr Harrison W BennettColHnrf Mr Robert Kent ParkerJlenolt Mr Richard JonAlcindoro Mr Stephen JungmanParplgnol Mr Alfred BestMlmi Mnie Morioara SerenaMusetta Mls MIIKcent Brennan

Mr Arthur D WoodConductor Mr N B EmanueL

Saturdays matinee with overture at2 p m Wagners Tannhauaer

CAST OF CHARACTERSLandgrave Mr Harrison WTanrihauser Mr William TVecener-Rolnmar Mr Arthur WoodWolfram Mr Arthur DeanaBlterolf Mr JosephWalter Mr Alfred BeetWelnrlch Mr George WhiteBilzabeth MissVenu MISH MargaretShopberd Boy Miss Mllllcent Brennan

I Conductor Mr Elliott Schenck

Saturday evening overture at 815 pm Gounods Faust

CAST OF CHARACTERSFaust Mr Francis Maclennaa-Mvpnlatophele Mr Ottler CranstonMarjoiertte Mme Mortoara SereValentine Mr Thomas t RIchardSlebel Miss Claude AlbrtchtWagner Mr Martin BowmanMartha Miss Helen Petra

Conductor Mr 1C B Emanuel

Tbomna D

BeetCount Ceprano JosephGG YRmm

Se ant




I Crawford


airCount Mr Uchar4s







TheFake Cripple and a sensational fea-ture Holding Up His Maejstys Mall

Thompson SetonErnest Thompson Seton the famous

author of Wild Animals I HaveKnown will make his farewell appearance on the lecture platform at theNew National Theater on Saturdaymorning December 16 at 11 oclockwhen he will deliver his most popularlecture Animal Heroes Mr Thompsons stories have been so widely readby both and old that themany beautiful tales of pathos andhumor are familiar to the entire readingpublic They possess a peculiar charmand grace and exhibit an intimateknowledge of the private life of wildanimals that Is almost startling MrSetons knowledge of has beenderived from intimate association withthem and all of his tales are stories ofactual experiences His animal heroeshave all lived loved and suffered Thelecture Is profusely illustrated withstereopticon views made from

and pen sketches of the author

Kentucky BellesOne has only to glance at a list of the

specialties offered by the KentuckyBelles at Kernans this coming weekto know that they are likely to suit theusual Kernan audience down to theground The troupe includes the fourNelvln Brothers a bunch of acrobatswarranted to make even a bald manshair stand on end the Century ComedyFour comedians and singers Hendrixand Prescott in The Musical Bell Boyand the Military Maid said to be anexcellent skit Reid and Gilbert Irish-

I comedians and Lillie Crawford a dashIng soubrette Aside from these there isthe Kentucky Belles chorus warranted as attractive a bunch of loveliness as








has ever appeared behind the footlights-at the Lyceum The variety turns arepreceded by a twoact farceMistake As a whole the KentuckyBelles are said to be the real Ina burlesque way


The fourth popular concert by thMarine Band which terminates the win-ter series will be given at the ColumbiaTheater next Sunday December 17 The

wll contain Wagnerian music-a new rhapsody the by Lisztand representative works from Tschalkowsky and Weber Second LeaderWalter F Smith cornet and Ole JMay euphonium will be the soloists upon that occasion

Holmes Travelogue

With his second travelogue on Swit-zerland Western at the Columbia to-morrow afternoon at Burton Holmewill close his season of 13G In Washington

On December 19 he sails for Naplesen route for a tour of the world spendingsome weeks In Egypt going up the Nileand visiting the Holy Land thence toIndia From India he will probably EGto Java Sumatra and Ceylon an J

thence to China and home by way ofJapan

MclntosiuBurr Mclntosh who as official photo-

grapher accompanied Secretary Taft onhis recent trip to the Orient will give the

f t of two lectures on that trip at thNew National on Thursday afternoon a4W He secured over 2000 good nega-tives during the trip very few of whicahave ever been reproduced Nearly JtVof these will be shown during the twoforthcoming lectures lecturesshould prove of unparalleled Interest tethe thousands who are Interested in thesituation In the Philippines and whowant to see just what Secretary Taftand those who accompanied him sawand did

Christmas Attractions

Washington Is to have one of tinbiggest theatrical weeks of the seasonbeginning on Christmas night As arule the Capital City does not get themost important plays at this particular season but local managers havemanifestly determined that this year

be an exceptionMrs Fiske will come to the Belasco

Theater with her superb production ofLeah Kleschna which has been such-

a success in New YorkThe National will have Blanche

Walsh in the new Clyde Fitch playThe Woman In the Case and George

Ades successful comedy The CollegeWidow will come to the Columbia


















The People With a ReputationFor Reliability

Established H1864

A Unique Elegant andComplete Stock of

IAMONDS Watches Sterling Silverware Clocks Jew-elry Bronzes Opera Glasses Toilet Sets Silverplated Ware OPTICAL Goods Cut Glass Foun-

tainPensTHE LATEST NOVELTIESAll especially suitable for Christmas presents and care

fully selected that end in viewNothing thats new or rich or desirable that you11 not

find here and at easy pricesMake a small payment and have your purchase laid aside

704 Seventh Street Northwest


hmedtte rO



ia L eo r g eo i QtiJ Q QaQ 1


I jhmtdlttr-J I




