i t j nb ticnini - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt77pv6b405c/data/0022.pdf ·...

i r n j 1 L l r i j t nb tn ticnini VOL XXVII NO 8 PAbUCAB KY TUESDAY EVENING JANUARY 4 1910 TEN CENTS PER WEEK RULES OF BOARDS WILL BE REVISED TO MEET CHANGES Both Branches of Oeneral Council Will Meet on Same Night r Board of Public Works Will Reorganize CITY HUPimVISOHH1 MKETIXO UetfnnlnB next week a oommltico romiKjfvd of the I prcnldeiiU of both thr lower and upper boards of the bnl rat council two ooundlmen and two aldermen together with City So Holtor James Campboll will at tumble or the purpotw of ratting new riilfe governing the general t couiwll Thl change IB necemlUiUd I owing to the fact that the upper- and I lower boards have separate as I Minbly halls and writ meet on the I same nljrtiiw during tho month tatl night PrwMonl Foreman of t the council appolntcd C C Duvall and OlUe lAJltti with 1ilmelf to act a n committee from that boned Not t until after the aldermen meet can a- i I committee be appointed from that i board as a prvrident will have to bo chof n grit Alderman Will Farloy Is the lioimbllcan choice l for pratt ¬ I dent Tim Democrats will piaco the name of Alderman Kd llannan In I nomination for reflection I After tbo fun committee has been I appointed work will be begun at ogee to draw up new laws one thing I to tn> figured on Is the date for the moctlngw each month A day most I ntfefactory to tie members wilt be adopted The committee will ftltQt t havnto provide for an awtetant o- t the city clerk to take the proceed t t Inn of tho aldermen aa tho council will occupy the clerks time J Jt hM boon suRsetted that the city elect vn td sant who on also lw I utility men around the city halt AI utility mitt Is needed as nil of hI time will be occupied He probably I wit take caro of tho aldormenn i ro cr dings have charge of municipal affairs coming before tho board consideration sad abx amit City I l MlabIl r IebUbo Ie t bIHsSome other plan may bo adopted by the committee They will meet a I roon as poiiJbto to that the rules Can bo ptaced 1 in the hand of the printer and submitted before theI council for adoption Tho nljormanlc chamber Is now almost roads for oc ¬ cupancy with the rxcoptlon of tho Installation of benches chairs and lights noun of Public Works Annual election of onicors of the board of public work will be held the afternoon when the board willI I bo reorganised for the new year AllI the od members will be n tolnudI I President Richard Rudy who has I taken a great Interwt Jn tho improve HM > ntB made by tho board Is tipped for ro election and Mr Louis IolbI It I Is pr1l tcd will be reelected bee rfltati llr Flute lack who filled out the unexpired term of F W Kat terjohu I is the third menvbor of the boardThe cWctlon of street inspector will be held by the board No opjto rltlon to Krnest II Dell has been hoard of and to will be reelected Mr UoM has made an efficient street I Jnirjiector and well qualfled for the portion lloanl lit Supervisor The hooks of City Assessor J W Orr are now In tho heads of the city hoard of supervisors who assembled for their annual work of reviewing the assessment on real estate and personal property for IOIK I Before tho board got down to work organiz- ation I was effected lrE 0 Jloono I was made president George Emery wcretary and James Glauber trent urer Both Mr Glauber and > lrt t Emory have charge of the figures while President Uoono and Assessor Orr are on tlio spot to render any nttrtetanco It whit reQuire between two and three weeks Ito complete the work Aeseisor Orr 1 1a firmly convinced that the total asswmont for 1910 will exceed that of 1903 although thitrq will be a Klcht drop In the pprsbnallmmedlahTatter the books are completed they will by turned over to Cly Clerk Maurice f SMntyre who will begin nl king out the tax bills for the first and last malt of tho year Tho first collections will be made In Juno The dork will be provided with an assistant as the work is tedi- ous ¬ and require between four end wlx weeks dally flouring Mr John Ile- ac t returned to St Louis today aftlr spending Christ niai at home I J Ship Subsidy Bill is Introduced in Lower House of Congress Today by a Washington Representative Railroad Steamship Lines Are Cut Oil From Benefits and Tonnage Construction and Availability Washington Jon 4Clngress convened after two week recess at noon today There was only a brief session of both houses On account of tho death during the holidays of Senator McLaurln the senate ad ¬ journed In nine minutes after It con ¬ venedTho administration bhlp subsidy bill was Introduced In the houso to- day ¬ Representative Humphrey of Wathmgton prf ntcd tho bill Tho measure I Is the result of a compro mlio between disputing factions favoring the fiibsldy idea The bill provides for the payment of a mall subsidy tho exaction of heavier ton ¬ sago tax on foreign vessels and the admlsMon of foreign vessels to Amor ¬ lean registry for foreign trade only Router from the Pacific coast to China Japan Philippines South America and Australia where the outward voyage Ie over 4000 miles tq j got the proposed advances of mall lUbddlcs Ships must bo built of alIobleDt States and cannot bo Mid without tho written consent of the secretary of tho navy No ship owned by rail ¬ roads or to which railroads give preferential rates can receive the proposed benefit A change In tho schedule In Taft martfORC was announced from the whit houro today Since tho con- ference ¬ with railroad lenders yester- day It hal boon decided to make some etiangtts In the Intenitato com inerco ruewngo It Is now announced that the metcege will sot bo ready until some tltno next week The motrage euggating changes in Abe Siicrtnan anU trust law nnd the mes sage dnsllnp with l IJio Balllngcr Ilnchot controversy dud tho mUll rase on federal Incorporation law aH are expected within tan days Humphrey dlmitcing tao bill said If the people know tho facts there would be no opposition to the bill I have frequently sold I still expect war with Japan Japan has 200 vessels fitted to tarry soldiers tho United States perhaps ten Japan could 200000 soldiers at one time the United States 10000 Japan has built CO vesvelt suitable for trans purls and tho United States none American citizens are not permitted to attend Japanese schools und not permitted to inside except In certain quarters provided for that purpose A short limo ago Japan demanded and was granted those privilege in America 1Vhyt All the rest know our conditions we are deceiving none but ourselves Dninken Ixivrrn DotM Leadvlllo Colo Jan 4Dell Hedges of Kansas City arrived last night Intoxicated and Went to a boarding house to see his sweet ¬ heart May Conroy Ho accused her of unfaithfulness They quarreled and ho shot and killed her and wounded himself lie Is dying to- day ¬ OHIO RIVER BOAT BLOWN TO PIECES rxoiMiit is KILLED WHEN COAL COMPANYS CRAFT mxnvs UI Plttoburgh Jan 4A river boat blew up near Heaver shortly after noon today Several men Are reported killed The boat was tho pump boat for tho Peoples Coal company George Young engineer wan kiLled FOREMAN AGAINi PROFITS BY TIME COUNCILMAN IAT LALLV HAD Till JIONOItS WITHIN HIS UIIASr It might have been President Pat Lally of the board of councilmen but It Isnt Tho clock again played havoc with tho political enemies of President Al Foreman On the occa ¬ sion of his previous election the clerks timepiece and that of Council ¬ man Wanner did not agree Conse ¬ quently tho clerk called the board to Tdcr before Councilman Wanners watch said was meeting time and when ho arrived the election was Over and Foreman was elected This time when votes enough to elect Ijally were there the clerks timepiece and those of omo of tho members again disagreed and It was by sonic be- haved ¬ to bo nearly eight when the board was called to order In the mooting Foremans allies had liter- ally ¬ talked Pat Lilly out of his ambi- tIon ¬ and the Foreman slate went hrough without a bobble MISTOIlie CIIAIU WHICH HIS FATHKIl OCCUIIED Hon Jako Corbett has been pro ¬ rented with the chair that his father Cot Thomas Corbett occupied In tho legislature for 20 years as a rcpre tentative of McCrackcn and Ballard counties The chair has been used In the old legislature but when the talons moved to the new bluldlng tho old hlitoric furniture was abandoned Tho chair was made by hand 76 years ago and today I is as substantial as It was yearn ago Mr Corbett Is ex- tremely ¬ proud of the chair and later will present It to Master Tom Cor ¬ bell tbo ton of Attorney Hat Corhott I LIVINGSTON ECHO IS TO RESUME AT ONCE Smlthland Ky Jan t 1laJ The Livlnsrton Echo of Smith land the Republican paper whose obituary was published In Its eon luinKrari < when the Democrats came Into power last fall will re tune publication soon and will Con- tinue ¬ Its light against the local or ¬ ganization SECOND INQUEST IN SHEDLEY CASE MAY 1 UK KOUtfHT SINCE UlltAM IS SENDING OUT STIUNOE- MKSSYCIIS Attorneys for Hiram Smedley It Is said will ask for another trial for lunacy for their client as the result of his conduct for the last few weeks This morning Col Gus 0 Singleton county court clerk re ¬ ceived a noto from Smedloy In which he said he had been granted a parole by thin board of control and vould like to secure a position In tho office assisting Colonel Single ¬ ton When seen at his cell Mr Bmedley said tho parole hind been granted and that ho would bo re- leased ¬ from Jail In a few days lion John K Hendrick said noth ¬ ing of tho kind had been attempted but did not seem surprised that Smedley had written the note It is said that several notes have been written by Mr Smedley threatening to commit suicide There have been reports that he was addicted to the drug habit again but this has been denied by Mr Smedley General Strike Will Be Announced Shortly Minneapolis Jan 4 Prescient i Ifawloy of tho Switch mcns Union today in an interview declared within a week there will bo a general strike of the organizations in the rail- way ¬ department of tho American Federation of Labor throughout the northwest He snid the statement was his personal statement and not announcement or prediction and could bo taken for what it is worth Tile announcement of hostilities must come front Chairman Porham now in Wash ¬ ington lie said hut this is what I believe is going to hap pen Perham is trying by every means to bring about a peaceful settlement before issuing the call rd an ya c n PEW FIRE LOSSES FELT BY PADUCAH DURING THE YEAR Chief Woods ourteenth An ¬ nual Report is Excellent One Keeps Department Expenses Down to Minimun ASKS FOR XKW FIIIK STATION More fire alarms wore answered during 1909 Ulan any year since the organization of the city fire depart ment while the loss or damage was one of tho tightest In many years These Interesting facts are shown by the annual report of tho department which has been prepared by lire Clilof James Wood During tile year there were 208 alarms wlillo the total fire loss was M39D085 with a total Insurance of 519 SCO This good condition said Chief Wood In commenting upon his re- port ¬ is duo In many respects to tho general cleaning up of the city Merchants have realized the danger of leaving piles of rubbish on their promises and haw lowered the risk by removing 11 Praise la duo the board of health for ita splendid work in cleaning up as It has served a dual purpose one for health and a second to relieve the danger from Ore In the business district we have been able to encourage tho mer chants to clean up and prevent fires but In the outskirts the board of health has done the work of getting the people to clean up XMV Fire Station Chief among tho recommendations of Chief Wood I is n new fire station near Fountain avenue and Dread way EO that fire protection may be afforded some of the finest residences Tho station would not cost much as only a few firemen will bo required while combination hose and ladder wagon would be Installed The new station besides being a great aid to tin department would taro the horses many long and hard runt to txtlnguteh email fires Mayor Smith favors tho now station and It Is be Moved that It will be erected during the present year Other recommend ¬ ations of the fire chief are Water main on Kentucky avenue west of Twelfth street fire plugs on Ken- tucky ¬ avenue between Ninth and Eleventh strut new lloor In fire station No 3 rubber Urea on tho Central hose wagon and sIx neV alarm boxes for the outskirts of the city Fire Losses The Itemized statement of the fire losses I Is Buildings Insured 12134 stocks insured 21483 buildings not Insured J442076 tocks not Insured J232210 loss on other than buildings J5SS Tho luwir ince was Buildings 310450 rtocks = 230950 Insurance on other than buildings J79CO A majority of tho alarms were for small fires and ho number was run up during octo- ber and November when dozens of grass flros called the department out to prevent damage to property For burning grass there were 4C alarms while tho next greatest source of fires was sparks from chlm neyvae 24 tires originated la tote manner Defective flues resulted In IS fires Burning rubbish was re- sponsible ¬ for IS alarms There were 10 fires of Incendiary origin and six fires were the result of spontaneous combustion Incendiarism was tho cause of three fires Cigar stumps started six blazes whllo Its brother the deadly cigarette caused only ono fire Dy telephone a large majority of the fire alarms wero received as 135 of tho calls came over the wire The alarms were received Boxes 61 rtlll 11 American District tolo sraph private system 3 false 5 snd calls from outside the mitt 3 October was the record making month as there were 41 alarm re- ceived ¬ while In November there were 35 alarms In order to run tho department luring 1910 Chief Wood estimates that It will take J350M Tills will include salariee and all expenses In the department with the exception if Improvements As a financier Chief Wood proved capable for In 1909 tho department came out with a deficit of onI167 This Included the construction of a concrete floor In the No 4 station out of tho ap ¬ porUonment of 30000 Much of the feed for the department was raised on tho city farm and had this not been done Chief Wood said his de ¬ partment would have been over ¬ drawn at least 1000 The farm has been utilized for several years lor raising the feed for tho department and annually saves a big item of ex- pense ¬ The report is the twentysecond of the department as lr paid organiza- tion ¬ wfallo It 1 Is the fourteenth an Governor Willson Recommends a County Unit Law in His Message to Legislature Which Convened Democratic Caucus Slates Go Through in Both Houses Redistricting Measure Will be Introduced Frankfort py Jan 4 Special The legislature convened al ndon In both houses the Democratic cau- cus ¬ nominees were elected The tmssoge was read The guverngrs In referring to the financial condition of tho state says the de licit will be over one million whe the noW appropriations ore due li e asks the legislature to find some way to meet the deficit He does not urg a bond l Issue but suggests one He goes Into detail about the redistrict Ing measure and submits a report of the commission appointed by him for that purpose lie asks the passage of an extended county unit bill which ho says lie wilt sign if passed Former Warden George Chinn of the Frankfort penitentiary In a cir ¬ cuter letter appeals to the legislature not to reelect McCutchen and Brown as prison commissioners He makes charges against their roanage mcnt The Democrats of the Kentucky assembly In caucus went on record an favoring a constitutional amendment providing for an Incomo tax The Democratic majority of both cauIcuscs ¬ Beltappointed work in rather short orderGeorge S Wilson was chosen speaker of the house by acclamation and so was Conn Linn for president pro tern of tho senate Republicans put leadership paarty upon J W Turper of Palntsvlllo In the house and Nat Cureton of Louisville In the senate George Peter of Louisville was nominated by the Democrats as chief clerk of the senate J M Alverson of Lincoln county assistant B F Pomberton of Shelby county door ¬ keeper Molt Ayres of Fulton ser goantatarms and Miss Jennie Mc ¬ Donald of Frankfort enrolling clerk In tho house James E Stone of Lou ¬ isville was chosen clerk W O Wicker of Crittcnden county assist ¬ ant C W Longmlre of Lexington sergeant atarmr Joe Embry of Lin ¬ coln county doorkeeper Miss AmyI Lyons of Jessamine county enrolling clerkI The Democratic caucus slate wasI I adopted in both houses AiitlClRnret Lair i Senator A J Oliver of Allen coun- ty ¬ Is hero with a bill in which ho seeks to put the dealer In clgarcts out of business It Is framed much after the law passed in Indiana In 1906 but it does not go as far In seeking to have the man who mokes a dgarot arrested Senator Oliver also has a bill to prevent the consoli- dation ¬ of fire lifo accident health and other insurance companion and to protect tho pollcjholdors In the t same The bill framed by State Inspector and Examiner M II Thatcher pro ¬ vldes for the enlargement of the scope of the Inspector and examiner by creating a department of uniform accounting and that tho accounts and affairs of each county city and town In the state and of each office therein which handles public funds of any description shall be regularly ex ¬ aminedSuch measures as this ont also bills amending the state constitution concerning tho methods of taxation tho redistricting of the state for legis lative congressional and appellate purposes for the Improvemnt of prison conditions a new system of school laws tho county unit bill and others will have the support of the governor Still other bills which will help fill the hopper when the call Is made are as follows Making the crime of kid ¬ naplng punishable by death looking to the extermination of tuberculosis In Kentucky new forestry law good roads legislation school suffrage for women and new banking laws In ¬ eluding provision for appointment of qualified bank examiner Full Crew 11111 Laboring men from nil over Ken- tucky ¬ are going to urge their repre ¬ sentatives In tbo legislature to vote for the full crow blirthat will be I Introduced In the house byJ II WiU Hams a freight conductor on the Chesapeake k Ohio railroad and the I first Democratic representative from Oreenup county In 20 years Freight Wreck Aberdeen S D Jan 4A mis understanding of orders early this morning caused a freight to hit a work train near Roscoo Threo flub garian laborers were killed null report of Chief James Wood as tblef of the department Chief Wood hlUllbeijun serving his fifteenth year as the head of the ire fighters J 7 r ALLEGED ATTACK ON MAIL CARRIED nirrs MAX ix THOUIITK WITH 1 KKDKIlAh CRIMINAL conn Charged with assaulting a mall carrier Mitchell Canter of Kevll was arrested last night at his home Unitedn bee ¬ exame ¬ ining trial and was admitted to bond In the sum of 200 for his appear ¬ ance In federal court next April It Is alleged In December that Canter attacked Sanders Force who carries the mat from the railroad station to the poatofflce at Kevll im J i > 1iiYou is- THOUGHT TO 11R DYING DrJ D Pryor of Mayfield who was burned several weeks ago by an exjiCosIoo waa resting easy this af- ternoon ¬ at Riverside hospital His condition Is precarious however and ho Is not expected to survive New Cure for cancer Manila Jan 4Great hopes are entertained for tho success of a can- cer ¬ treatment which was announced before the Manila Medical society The treatment consists in making the progress ¬ prepared frojn Ills own cancer L N TRAIN IS SIDESWIPED PASSBNGKH COACHES KNOCKED OFF TIUCK INTO A POND Bowllns Green l yJan 4 Spe- clalTbreo people were Injured one of them M 0 Hughes of thisI I city being seriously hurt In a wreck at Oakland near here The engine I to the fast passenger train from Lou ievllle sideswiped the rear coaches of the Bowling Green accommodation on the Louisville Sc Nashville bound for Louisville The coaches were thrown from the track Into a pond Many had narrow escapes Hughes Is a prominent Equity society man BLIZZARD RAGES- THROUGHOUT WEST STOCK AND PEOPLE KILLED HAIMCOADS ASH WIRES TIED UP I Denver Jan IEIght persons are dead and railroads aro blocked throughout tho west by bllzazrds and floods Avalanches aro reported to- day ¬ A snow glide Is reported to have kited four men near Shenan doah Cot A man was crushed by snow In tho Iowa mUic A man and two boys were frozen to death In New Mexico Wires ate prostrated Hundreds of cattle and thousands of sheep are frozen In northern Colo redo t STATE FARMERS UNION BOARD TO MEET HERE A special meeting of the state board of the Farmers Union win be held hero tomorrow at the office of R L Barnett secretary at tho Three tanks building Mr John Grady of OllberUvUle who is chair ¬ man will trOt be able to attend and It Is probable that Mr Barnett wilt bo absent as ho Is confined to his lied with Illness A representative from Kentucky to the legislative committee at Washington will be electedfTheWeather I I I Korvcust for Padiirali nnd vicinity Unxvlllrtl weather with now tonight Or Wcdnmliiy wanner AVvdnmlnjr Hlnliot tiiiitvrnturo slay was OO Illinois Vaslilii tOIl Jaw 4 Wednesda snow iiiul wan Ill d x JOE WHITBLAUF CONFESSES THAT HE STOLE HORSE Probably He Will be Sent to Reform School as He is Young J Affidavit is Filed hi MurdP Case Today CIRCUIT COURT IltOCKKDIXOS tbismorning JOltthltelauf Jog pleaded guilty and by agreement penitenUary ¬ owing to the age of the prisoner ho may be sent to the school of reform WklteJaut Frank WhJtelauf and way captured captured several days later In Illi ¬ jailPetit this morning In circuit court and now all Is ready for the jury trials Court was adjourned this morning at 1030 oclOCk as all of the docket hall been dlipsed of Tomorrow another small docket is promised as none of the de ¬ fendants in the cases on the docket will bo before the court The trial of J S Futrell and LouIs Futrell charged with murder was continued this morning until Wed ¬ nesday Attorneys for the defense will file an affidavit for a continuance JudgeReed The petit jur6rs are H B list ins Bud Dale L L Phelps D W Vhltls K C Pqtler J S Corbett E Lack IL M Orrae JR Moore V A King L neber E 0 11111 W 5 Fezzor Ike Cohen W II Flour and C C Raper L D Watson T anddeco If Crick W J Boatrlght W P Cases Disposed Of Tho cages disposed of this Morning sere R Rudolph gaming set for ourth day Mrs Sells petit larceny ietfor fourth day Cicero Anderson nallclous shooting set for fourth lay The case against Lillian Russell waglied The case against Charles Gross ardt charged with grand larceny ras continued until the April term The trial of Frank alias Rush Jreen was continued until the April erm I The trial of Eugene Board charged with malicious striking was con- tinued Owing to thee death of W S Walker the charges of obtaining money by false pretenses was dis¬ missed Bob Ford waa fined UO and 90 days In the county jail on the charge of detaining a woman against her will Frank Ross was dismissed of the charge of detaining a woman against her will In County Court The saloon license of J M Cashoa was transferred to Jake Elliott The saloon 1cenW of 0 W Kelly 126 South Second street was trans erred to A F Dagger J W CarrUler qualified as con ¬ stable In the Eighth magisterial dis ¬ trict F F Eaker qualified as coroner and was iworn Into office Fiscal Court Meeting Tho new fiscal court will bo called together for the first time Friday organizing ¬ ¬ uary meeting The custom has been for tho court to meet on the first Tuesday of every month but owing to the change of administration County Judgo Barkley decided not to call tho session until Friday morning at 10 oclock- TOBACCO SALES ARE RESUMED AT AUCTION J I Tobacco sales were resumed thfjo morning at Hemmers loose leaf amwj aplritwIThere pounds were sold at prices rangliJ from HO to 915 averagll 813 A Comparison of the Gin tion of The Sun for TWO Y December 1907 average J December 1908 average I December 1909 average This is the largest circiijl wt of LOuisviiic J

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Page 1: i t j nb ticnini - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt77pv6b405c/data/0022.pdf · 2014-06-26 · i r n j 1 L l i t j r nb tn ticnini VOL XXVII NO 8 PAbUCAB KY TUESDAY EVENING

i r n j 1 L lr

i j





Both Branches of Oeneral

Council Will Meet on

Same NightrBoard of Public Works Will



UetfnnlnB next week a oommlticoromiKjfvd of the IprcnldeiiU of boththr lower and upper boards of thebnl rat council two ooundlmen andtwo aldermen together with City SoHoltor James Campboll will attumble or the purpotw of rattingnew riilfe governing the general t

couiwll Thl change IB necemlUiUd I

owing to the fact that the upper-and


lower boards have separate as I

Minbly halls and writ meet on the I

same nljrtiiw during tho monthtatl night PrwMonl Foreman of t

the council appolntcd C C Duvalland OlUe lAJltti with 1ilmelf to acta n committee from that boned Not t

until after the aldermen meet can a-


committee be appointed from that iboard as a prvrident will have to bochof n grit Alderman Will FarloyIs the lioimbllcan choicel for pratt ¬ I

dent Tim Democrats will piaco thename of Alderman Kd llannan In I

nomination for reflection I

After tbo fun committee has been I

appointed work will be begun atogee to draw up new laws one thing I

to tn> figured on Is the date for themoctlngw each month A day most I

ntfefactory to tie members wilt beadopted The committee will ftltQt t

havnto provide for an awtetant o-

tthe city clerk to take the proceed tt

Inn of tho aldermen aa tho councilwill occupy the clerks time J

Jt hM boon suRsetted that the cityelect vn td sant who on also lwIutility men around the city halt AIutility mitt Is needed as nil of hItime will be occupied He probably I

wit take caro of tho aldormenn i rocr dings have charge of municipalaffairs coming before tho boardconsideration sad abx amit City I

lMlabIl r


other plan may bo adoptedby the committee They will meetaI roon as poiiJbto to that the rulesCan bo ptaced1 in the hand of theprinter and submitted before theIcouncil for adoption Tho nljormanlcchamber Is now almost roads for oc¬

cupancy with the rxcoptlon of thoInstallation of benches chairs andlights

noun of Public WorksAnnual election of onicors of the

board of public work will be held

the afternoon when the board willII

bo reorganised for the new year AllIthe od members will be ntolnudII

President Richard Rudy who hasI

taken a great Interwt Jn tho improveHM > ntB made by tho board Is tippedfor ro election and Mr Louis IolbIIt IIs pr1l tcd will be reelected beerfltati llr Flute lack who filledout the unexpired term of F W Katterjohu Iis the third menvbor of theboardThe

cWctlon of street inspectorwill be held by the board No opjtorltlon to Krnest II Dell has beenhoard of and to will be reelectedMr UoM has made an efficient streetIJnirjiector and well qualfled for theportion

lloanl lit SupervisorThe hooks of City Assessor J W

Orr are now In tho heads of the cityhoard of supervisors who assembledfor their annual work of reviewingthe assessment on real estate andpersonal property for IOIKI Beforetho board got down to work organiz-



was effected lrE 0 Jloono I

was made president George Emerywcretary and James Glauber trenturer Both Mr Glauber and >lrtt

Emory have charge of the figureswhile President Uoono and AssessorOrr are on tlio spot to render anynttrtetanco

It whit reQuire between two andthree weeks Ito complete the work

Aeseisor Orr 11a firmly convincedthat the total asswmont for 1910

will exceed that of 1903 althoughthitrq will be a Klcht drop In the

pprsbnallmmedlahTatterthe books are

completed they will by turned overto Cly Clerk Mauricef SMntyre whowill begin nl king out the tax billsfor the first and last malt of tho yearTho first collections will be made In

Juno The dork will be providedwith an assistant as the work is tedi-


and require between four endwlx weeks dally flouring

Mr John Ile-ac

t returned to StLouis today aftlr spending Christniai at home



Ship Subsidy Bill is Introduced

in Lower House of Congress Today

by a Washington Representative

Railroad Steamship Lines Are

Cut Oil From Benefits and

Tonnage Construction and


Washington Jon 4Clngressconvened after two week recess atnoon today There was only a briefsession of both houses On accountof tho death during the holidays ofSenator McLaurln the senate ad ¬

journed In nine minutes after It con ¬

venedThoadministration bhlp subsidy

bill was Introduced In the houso to-


Representative Humphrey ofWathmgton prf ntcd tho bill Thomeasure IIs the result of a compromlio between disputing factionsfavoring the fiibsldy idea The billprovides for the payment of a mallsubsidy tho exaction of heavier ton¬

sago tax on foreign vessels and theadmlsMon of foreign vessels to Amor ¬

lean registry for foreign trade onlyRouter from the Pacific coast toChina Japan Philippines SouthAmerica and Australia where theoutward voyage Ie over 4000 milestqj got the proposed advances of malllUbddlcs Ships must bo built of

alIobleDtStates and cannot bo Mid withouttho written consent of the secretaryof tho navy No ship owned by rail ¬

roads or to which railroads givepreferential rates can receive theproposed benefit

A change In tho schedule In TaftmartfORC was announced from thewhit houro today Since tho con-ference


with railroad lenders yester-day It hal boon decided to makesome etiangtts In the Intenitato cominerco ruewngo It Is now announcedthat the metcege will sot bo readyuntil some tltno next week Themotrage euggating changes in AbeSiicrtnan anU trust law nnd the message dnsllnp with lIJio BalllngcrIlnchot controversy dud tho mUllrase on federal Incorporation lawaH are expected within tan days

Humphrey dlmitcing tao bill saidIf the people know tho facts there

would be no opposition to the bill I

have frequently sold I still expect warwith Japan Japan has 200 vesselsfitted to tarry soldiers tho UnitedStates perhaps ten Japan could

200000 soldiers at one timethe United States 10000 Japan hasbuilt CO vesvelt suitable for transpurls and tho United States noneAmerican citizens are not permittedto attend Japanese schools und notpermitted to inside except In certainquarters provided for that purposeA short limo ago Japan demandedand was granted those privilege inAmerica 1Vhyt All the rest knowour conditions we are deceivingnone but ourselves

Dninken Ixivrrn DotM

Leadvlllo Colo Jan 4DellHedges of Kansas City arrived lastnight Intoxicated and Went to aboarding house to see his sweet ¬

heart May Conroy Ho accused herof unfaithfulness They quarreledand ho shot and killed her andwounded himself lie Is dying to-





mxnvs UI

Plttoburgh Jan 4A river boatblew up near Heaver shortly afternoon today

Several men Are reported killedThe boat was tho pump boat for

tho Peoples Coal company GeorgeYoung engineer wan kiLled




It might have been President PatLally of the board of councilmenbut It Isnt Tho clock again playedhavoc with tho political enemies ofPresident Al Foreman On the occa ¬

sion of his previous election theclerks timepiece and that of Council ¬

man Wanner did not agree Conse ¬

quently tho clerk called the board toTdcr before Councilman Wannerswatch said was meeting time andwhen ho arrived the election was Overand Foreman was elected This timewhen votes enough to elect Ijallywere there the clerks timepiece andthose of omo of tho members againdisagreed and It was by sonic be-


to bo nearly eight when theboard was called to order In themooting Foremans allies had liter-ally


talked Pat Lilly out of his ambi-tIon


and the Foreman slate wenthrough without a bobble


Hon Jako Corbett has been pro ¬

rented with the chair that his fatherCot Thomas Corbett occupied In tholegislature for 20 years as a rcpretentative of McCrackcn and Ballardcounties The chair has been used Inthe old legislature but when thetalons moved to the new bluldlng thoold hlitoric furniture was abandonedTho chair was made by hand 76 yearsago and today Iis as substantial as Itwas yearn ago Mr Corbett Is ex-tremely


proud of the chair and laterwill present It to Master Tom Cor ¬

bell tbo ton of Attorney Hat CorhottI


Smlthland Ky Jan t 1laJThe Livlnsrton Echo of Smith

land the Republican paper whoseobituary was published In Its eonluinKrari < when the Democratscame Into power last fall will retune publication soon and will Con-


Its light against the local or¬






Attorneys for Hiram Smedley ItIs said will ask for another trial forlunacy for their client as the resultof his conduct for the last fewweeks This morning Col Gus 0Singleton county court clerk re¬

ceived a noto from Smedloy Inwhich he said he had been granteda parole by thin board of control andvould like to secure a position Intho office assisting Colonel Single ¬

ton When seen at his cell MrBmedley said tho parole hind beengranted and that ho would bo re-


from Jail In a few dayslion John K Hendrick said noth ¬

ing of tho kind had been attemptedbut did not seem surprised thatSmedley had written the note It issaid that several notes have beenwritten by Mr Smedley threateningto commit suicide There have beenreports that he was addicted to thedrug habit again but this has beendenied by Mr Smedley

General Strike WillBe Announced Shortly

Minneapolis Jan 4 Prescienti Ifawloy of tho Switchmcns Union today in an interview declared within a weekthere will bo a general strike of the organizations in the rail-way


department of tho American Federation of Laborthroughout the northwest He snid the statement was hispersonal statement and not announcement or prediction andcould bo taken for what it is worth Tile announcement ofhostilities must come front Chairman Porham now in Wash ¬

ington lie said hut this is what I believe is going to happen Perham is trying by every means to bring about apeaceful settlement before issuing the call

rd an ya c n




Chief Woods ourteenth An ¬

nual Report is Excellent


Keeps Department Expenses

Down to Minimun


More fire alarms wore answeredduring 1909 Ulan any year since theorganization of the city fire department while the loss or damage wasone of tho tightest In many yearsThese Interesting facts are shown bythe annual report of tho departmentwhich has been prepared by lireClilof James Wood During tile yearthere were 208 alarms wlillo thetotal fire loss was M39D085 witha total Insurance of 519 SCO

This good condition said ChiefWood In commenting upon his re-


is duo In many respects to thogeneral cleaning up of the cityMerchants have realized the dangerof leaving piles of rubbish on theirpromises and haw lowered the riskby removing 11 Praise la duo theboard of health for ita splendid workin cleaning up as It has served adual purpose one for health and asecond to relieve the danger fromOre In the business district wehave been able to encourage tho merchants to clean up and prevent firesbut In the outskirts the board ofhealth has done the work of gettingthe people to clean up

XMV Fire StationChief among tho recommendations

of Chief Wood Iis n new fire stationnear Fountain avenue and Dreadway EO that fire protection may beafforded some of the finest residencesTho station would not cost much asonly a few firemen will bo requiredwhile combination hose and ladderwagon would be Installed The newstation besides being a great aid totin department would taro thehorses many long and hard runt totxtlnguteh email fires Mayor Smithfavors tho now station and It Is beMoved that It will be erected duringthe present year Other recommend ¬

ations of the fire chief are Watermain on Kentucky avenue west ofTwelfth street fire plugs on Ken-


avenue between Ninth andEleventh strut new lloor In firestation No 3 rubber Urea on thoCentral hose wagon and sIx neValarm boxes for the outskirts of thecity

Fire LossesThe Itemized statement of the fire

losses IIs Buildings Insured 12134stocks insured 21483 buildingsnot Insured J442076 tocks notInsured J232210 loss on otherthan buildings J5SS Tho luwirince was Buildings 310450rtocks = 230950 Insurance on otherthan buildings J79CO A majorityof tho alarms were for small fires andho number was run up during octo-

ber and November when dozens ofgrass flros called the department outto prevent damage to property

For burning grass there were 4C

alarms while tho next greatestsource of fires was sparks from chlmneyvae 24 tires originated la totemanner Defective flues resulted InIS fires Burning rubbish was re-


for IS alarms There were10 fires of Incendiary origin and sixfires were the result of spontaneouscombustion Incendiarism was thocause of three fires Cigar stumpsstarted six blazes whllo Its brotherthe deadly cigarette caused only onofire

Dy telephone a large majority ofthe fire alarms wero received as 135of tho calls came over the wire Thealarms were received Boxes 61rtlll 11 American District tolosraph private system 3 false 5

snd calls from outside the mitt 3

October was the record makingmonth as there were 41 alarm re-


while In November therewere 35 alarms

In order to run tho departmentluring 1910 Chief Wood estimatesthat It will take J350M Tills willinclude salariee and all expenses Inthe department with the exceptionif Improvements As a financierChief Wood proved capable for In

1909 tho department came out witha deficit of onI167 This Includedthe construction of a concrete floorIn the No 4 station out of tho ap ¬

porUonment of 30000 Much of thefeed for the department was raisedon tho city farm and had this notbeen done Chief Wood said his de ¬

partment would have been over ¬

drawn at least 1000 The farm hasbeen utilized for several years lorraising the feed for tho departmentand annually saves a big item of ex-


The report is the twentysecond ofthe department as lr paid organiza-tion


wfallo It 1Is the fourteenth an

Governor Willson Recommends aCounty Unit Law in His Message

to Legislature Which Convened

Democratic Caucus Slates Go

Through in Both Houses

Redistricting Measure Will

be Introduced

Frankfort py Jan 4 SpecialThe legislature convened al ndon

In both houses the Democratic cau-cus


nominees were elected Thetmssoge was read Theguverngrs

In referring to the financialcondition of tho state says the delicit will be over one million whethe noW appropriations ore due lieasks the legislature to find some wayto meet the deficit He does not urga bond lIssue but suggests one Hegoes Into detail about the redistrictIng measure and submits a report ofthe commission appointed by him forthat purpose lie asks the passageof an extended county unit billwhich ho says lie wilt sign if passed

Former Warden George Chinn ofthe Frankfort penitentiary In a cir¬

cuter letter appeals to the legislaturenot to reelect McCutchen andBrown as prison commissioners Hemakes charges against their roanagemcnt

The Democrats of the Kentuckyassembly In caucus went on record anfavoring a constitutional amendmentproviding for an Incomo tax

The Democratic majority of both

cauIcuscs ¬

Beltappointed work in rather shortorderGeorge

S Wilson was chosenspeaker of the house by acclamationand so was Conn Linn for presidentpro tern of tho senate Republicansput leadership paarty upon J WTurper of Palntsvlllo In the houseand Nat Cureton of Louisville In thesenate

George Peter of Louisville wasnominated by the Democrats as chiefclerk of the senate J M Alversonof Lincoln county assistant B FPomberton of Shelby county door¬

keeper Molt Ayres of Fulton sergoantatarms and Miss Jennie Mc¬

Donald of Frankfort enrolling clerkIn tho house James E Stone of Lou ¬

isville was chosen clerk W OWicker of Crittcnden county assist ¬

ant C W Longmlre of Lexingtonsergeant atarmr Joe Embry of Lin ¬

coln county doorkeeper Miss AmyILyons of Jessamine county enrollingclerkIThe Democratic caucus slate wasII

adopted in both housesAiitlClRnret Lair i

Senator A J Oliver of Allen coun-ty


Is hero with a bill in which hoseeks to put the dealer In clgarctsout of business It Is framed muchafter the law passed in Indiana In1906 but it does not go as far Inseeking to have the man who mokesa dgarot arrested Senator Oliveralso has a bill to prevent the consoli-dation


of fire lifo accident healthand other insurance companion andto protect tho pollcjholdors In the

tsameThe bill framed by State Inspector

and Examiner M II Thatcher pro ¬

vldes for the enlargement of thescope of the Inspector and examinerby creating a department of uniformaccounting and that tho accountsand affairs of each county city andtown In the state and of each officetherein which handles public funds ofany description shall be regularly ex ¬

aminedSuch measures as this ont alsobills amending the state constitutionconcerning tho methods of taxationtho redistricting of the state for legislative congressional and appellatepurposes for the Improvemnt ofprison conditions a new system ofschool laws tho county unit bill andothers will have the support of thegovernor

Still other bills which will help fillthe hopper when the call Is made areas follows Making the crime of kid ¬

naplng punishable by death lookingto the extermination of tuberculosisIn Kentucky new forestry law goodroads legislation school suffrage forwomen and new banking laws In¬

eluding provision for appointment ofqualified bank examiner

Full Crew 11111

Laboring men from nil over Ken-tucky


are going to urge their repre ¬

sentatives In tbo legislature to votefor the full crow blirthat will beI

Introduced In the house byJ II WiUHams a freight conductor on theChesapeake k Ohio railroad and theI

first Democratic representative fromOreenup county In 20 years

Freight WreckAberdeen S D Jan 4A mis

understanding of orders early thismorning caused a freight to hit awork train near Roscoo Threo flubgarian laborers were killed

null report of Chief James Wood astblef of the department Chief WoodhlUllbeijun serving his fifteenth yearas the head of the ire fighters

J7 r





Charged with assaulting a mallcarrier Mitchell Canter of Kevllwas arrested last night at his homeUnitednbee ¬exame ¬

ining trial and was admitted to bondIn the sum of 200 for his appear ¬

ance In federal court next April ItIs alleged In December that Canterattacked Sanders Force who carriesthe mat from the railroad station tothe poatofflce at Kevll

im J i > 1iiYou is-THOUGHT TO 11R DYING

DrJ D Pryor of Mayfield whowas burned several weeks ago by anexjiCosIoo waa resting easy this af-ternoon


at Riverside hospital Hiscondition Is precarious howeverand ho Is not expected to survive

New Cure for cancerManila Jan 4Great hopes are

entertained for tho success of a can-cer


treatment which was announcedbefore the Manila Medical societyThe treatment consists in making theprogress ¬

prepared frojn Ills own cancer





Bowllns Green l yJan 4 Spe-clalTbreo people were Injuredone of them M 0 Hughes of thisII

city being seriously hurt In a wreckat Oakland near here The engine I

to the fast passenger train from Louievllle sideswiped the rear coaches ofthe Bowling Green accommodationon the Louisville Sc Nashville boundfor Louisville The coaches werethrown from the track Into a pondMany had narrow escapes HughesIs a prominent Equity society man





Denver Jan IEIght personsare dead and railroads aro blockedthroughout tho west by bllzazrds andfloods Avalanches aro reported to-


A snow glide Is reported tohave kited four men near Shenandoah Cot A man was crushed bysnow In tho Iowa mUic A manand two boys were frozen to deathIn New Mexico Wires ate prostratedHundreds of cattle and thousands ofsheep are frozen In northern Coloredo



A special meeting of the stateboard of the Farmers Union win beheld hero tomorrow at the office ofR L Barnett secretary at thoThree tanks building Mr JohnGrady of OllberUvUle who is chair ¬

man will trOt be able to attend andIt Is probable that Mr Barnett wiltbo absent as ho Is confined to hislied with Illness A representativefrom Kentucky to the legislativecommittee at Washington will be




Korvcust for Padiirali nnd vicinityUnxvlllrtl weather with now tonightOr Wcdnmliiy wanner AVvdnmlnjrHlnliot tiiiitvrnturo slay was OO

Illinois Vaslilii tOIl Jaw 4Wednesda snow iiiul wan Ill

d x




Probably He Will be Sent to

Reform School as He isYoung J

Affidavit is Filed hi MurdPCase Today


tbismorningJOltthltelaufJog pleaded guilty and by agreement

penitenUary ¬

owing to the age of the prisoner homay be sent to the school of reform

WklteJautFrank WhJtelauf and way capturedcaptured several days later In Illi¬jailPetit thismorning In circuit court and now allIs ready for the jury trials Courtwas adjourned this morning at 1030oclOCk as all of the docket hall beendlipsed of Tomorrow another smalldocket is promised as none of the de ¬

fendants in the cases on the docketwill bo before the court

The trial of J S Futrell and LouIsFutrell charged with murder wascontinued this morning until Wed ¬

nesday Attorneys for the defensewill file an affidavit for a continuanceJudgeReed

The petit jur6rs are H B listins Bud Dale L L Phelps D WVhltls K C Pqtler J S Corbett

E Lack IL M Orrae J R MooreV A King L neber E 0 11111 W5 Fezzor Ike Cohen W II Flourand C C Raper L D Watson TanddecoIf Crick W J Boatrlght W P

Cases Disposed OfTho cages disposed of this Morning

sere R Rudolph gaming set forourth day Mrs Sells petit larcenyietfor fourth day Cicero Andersonnallclous shooting set for fourthlay

The case against Lillian RussellwagliedThe case against Charles Grossardt charged with grand larcenyras continued until the April term

The trial of Frank alias RushJreen was continued until the Aprilerm I

The trial of Eugene Board chargedwith malicious striking was con-tinued

Owing to thee death of W SWalker the charges of obtainingmoney by false pretenses was dis¬missed

Bob Ford waa fined UO and 90days In the county jail on the chargeof detaining a woman against herwill

Frank Ross was dismissed of thecharge of detaining a woman againsther will

In County CourtThe saloon license of J M Cashoa

was transferred to Jake ElliottThe saloon 1cenW of 0 W Kelly

126 South Second street was transerred to A F Dagger

J W CarrUler qualified as con ¬

stable In the Eighth magisterial dis¬

trictF F Eaker qualified as coroner

and was iworn Into officeFiscal Court Meeting

Tho new fiscal court will bo calledtogether for the first time Friday

organizing ¬


uary meeting The custom has beenfor tho court to meet on the firstTuesday of every month but owingto the change of administrationCounty Judgo Barkley decided not tocall tho session until Friday morningat 10 oclock-


Tobacco sales were resumed thfjomorning at Hemmers loose leaf amwj

aplritwITherepounds were sold at prices rangliJfrom HO to 915 averagll813

A Comparison of the Gintion of The Sun for TWO Y

December 1907 average JDecember 1908 average I

December 1909 average

This is the largest circiijl

wt of LOuisviiicJ