i thb fame - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7kwh2d9b80/data/0675.pdf · theraystands march and just...

I SATURDAY APRIL 0 THB PADUCAH EVENDRS + SUN 1 Fame THAKfi > < c 1 4 I Tie Week In Society r WilY APRIL 11 Fri S Bubblliioer with lilting laughter Butterflies fluttering after April dances fn- t t fingerst and beginJr t For agrowlhg sweeter older M Glaricihj gaily oer her shouder + Downtho backward trodr l Using all hlSnrts tq pease her Thera stands March and just to y tease her j 1 uOails ier baclifx T MceMa o AJlcn fa Llpptneottsz I < 1 < ± j 4Annouiicoincntg 1 The EntroNoua club wilt Co enter tt nedthe comings week t by Miss Blancna HUlsv6f North Ninth street The day Jigs not been decided The bejphlft cubwlU meet on k Tuesday at iO0cpck at the Carne gio library The program for the iitorrflng Is i The j National Sports of Spain I 2 i Mrs 1 Rob6rt Bcqker Phlllpa 2 ArSori T Mrs i Edmund Mf Post 2 PufjfifdeU 91del PradorrMrs Loutlyr rifeUe Mn AlonzoRIleyersls the hos ¬ less of v the FIve hundred club on Wednesday afternoon at her I home l434 Broadway VThe Magazinp club will meet on 1 1Thursday fifternpon with Mrs AS Fifth and Harrison streets op Reports will bo made from the tot ¬ lowing April magazines Harpers 3 North American Review ATlantic Monthly Outlook Hubbards Jour ¬ neys and Literary Digest There wlllbean election of officersI t t t t Mrs Anna Rentz Impersonator < and airs NeUle De Marque Gibbs pi I1nlst will apliear at the Tenth Street Christian l church on Thursday even Jng In fan attractive recital The Kalosophlc club will meet on vEridajjmorning at 10 oclock Miss F a Blanche Hls of North Ninth street r ys s tffo hostess t The progrant to be presented 1st 1 Current Topics Miss Powell I 2 Life of Oliver Goldsmith She + Stoopsitq Conquer Mlss Parjc L 4 i 3 Drataatjg Art of Tennyson Thomas A3ocketMrs Henry j Rudy I 4Cub Study < I I ti I i licfats tai tW aibokKatterjolm Wed v q ding The br of Mfss Jessie Hani rtonHp6fc and Mn William Roy kat- terjbhnvon Wednesday afternoon at 5 jpclock will be a pretty church V ceremonial witnessed by a large number of the frtthds of the popu ¬ I t lar youngcouplo It will bq solemn i IzeditAho First Baptist church The RW Calvin M Thompson will per ¬ t II t form the ceremony The church will i bo decorated with palms ferns and flowers J jaan effective scheme of t whlto and green The Wedding music will be a charmlB g feature Mr Will Reddlck AM nw t it tI ama MOb for OfuW srltI2i v will preside at the organ PlaYInSthcI wedding match Bofo I processional Mrs Albert otI t causelOC 3 J I play Sun beams and SoadoW a tlS a violin nc cotnpanlmont Miss Edna Rook jroungcf sister of the bride will be the maid of hon- Or Mr Louis List will act as tile best man The ushers are Messrs Jon HowardS ucanV r I Tne bride will wearaFeharmin g costjimo of whltd j Paris muslin over llatstie of honor will be prettily gowned In white ails musllh wJtii white lInt and will carry pink carnations The couple will leave at 0 oclock for Chicago Cleveland 0 and other points The brides golngaway gown will be a dark blue stilt costume with hat to match They wilt be at home after May 1 I In their new home on North Sixth street which Is being com ete 1 Outoftown guests expected tot the wedding are Mr and Mrs T F BnrtOn of Chicago Mr and Mrs James Meadows of Lexington Tehn Mr and Mrs Thomas Quinn i of Jackson Teririf Mrtahd Mrs An- derson J Sykcs of Jackson Tenn Mrs I sr P Galloway obftnphls I n A It Chapter g I The Paducah chapter pdughlers of I the American Revolution held the I April meeting tin Friday afternoon with Mrs C H Chamblln at the Ho- tel l Craig The business session was entirely routine A pleasant patriot ci program was rendered usf the lit erary feature The response to roll f call was made with patriotic sent meats Amos Vas sung Miss Emily Morrow contributed delight ful paper on Our National Songs which the chapter oidered published t t- In tho American Monthly Mrs Roy McKinney read some Interesting blographlcail sketches of revolution ary heroes from the American Month 1 lyeMiss Edna Eader and Mr Will Reddlck furnished some attractive music Mrs ChambMn gave as souv enirs of ctliooccaslOD pictures of llirso Clienault of Lexington thestate D V R regent puiich wrfs served dur CharlesKWbeeer a gsvevery happj toasts to Mrs Chen auit whtch were drunk by the chap- ter hTwo Miss Marie Boydof Eddyvilean t tnnd t l p pastor of the First ChHstfan church whoso wife Is an enthusiastic D At R Dr Moore made a graceful little Itta The May meeting of the chapter i will bo with Mrs Ch rlepJK Wheeler Kentucky avenue aria Fifth street t 01 L LUelightful IYux Dance J Mr Charles Roitgerihg was the host of an enjoyable barn dance on j Thursday night at his home flu the Cairo road About twentyJive c < m j r pros wero present and the evening j was pleasantly spent In dancing Re- freshments j were served j 1 i ajoyabe Eveniug i Mlsa Mattle Bellp Cllnard enter ¬ tained a tow of her friends very pleas 1 aptly on Wednesday evening at her home on South Sixth etreet Games land music were features of pleasifro delicious refreshments were served Those present wero Misses Juliete Pace Marsaretto Laveau IdaII Dean Trayner thel13ambergcri hA Theres magic In a pretty foot And we all seem to know t For we who have a pretty top Are pretty sure to show It I Oxford for Ede Bry pn 0 i Mln Woml C oh 4 J FOR rtENilarinan e5 and fath l best steoe mule Stetseo f5f a shaga t of quality co FOR WOMENFoiter Pjegiee and Rcedf 350 I to 5 90 NONE of these slices seed a wOrdotJli l their reputttlols are too well eMab1IMitid Let ucMeOw ptI ourSpriag and Summer liMArf 17I l I > COCHRAN SHOE CO > 4oiroMdWy 4 C n U c Mary Pearl Robertsbn Madge Grief Muriel tickles Ellen Mansfleld Hen rlclfa Earnhardt Ilav Earnhardt Messrs Well Rodfus Yelser Morgan gUlls Orr Walter Bamberser Joe lincel IJuls Laveau Soda 1 Comi IliHciits to ioin4r Pnda cab 1Spelan I Mrs Victor Volta rlved homo on Friday from a visit tii lipty mother TamsIHarstaY Jlnterrupted 1 pleaalire arid Includes some charming sldQ trips to Houston and other Texas cities J3eau Monde t thee weekly society paper of Dallas i In tho last Issue flays Our society women who visit Houston cone back enthusiastic over the way the prime donnc of jhe Hods t ton drawing rooms entertain Sirs Victor Vorls neo Shelly of Paducah 4Cy RUOj ls visiting her mother Ira 1 T 1L Shely spent a week or more In Houston guest of Mr and Mrs W B Sligrpe who entertained her most delightfully In their palatial new j home Mrand airs Walker Ellis gave a double tbx arid supper party In her holier and MrsJ Wm Jonet who Is famed for her beantlfulfunc tlons entertained durlhg rvisit Saysthe UoustooPost Sirs Will E Jones honored Mrs Victor Voris of Kentucky Mrs W B Sharps guest this afternoon with- a bridge imrty which vas through- put ¬ happily suggestive of tho season Tho entire floral hdornment of tho eeganthome consisted of quantities bf beaiitlful Easter lilies whose dlg I ulty and purityof lentil made them artistically harmonious with the rare and lovely furnishings of the homo I Tile ocoro cards were In handpaint ¬ ed Easter lily designs and tho Ices served wero molded In tho same fasft li ori1 A portion of the meek was spent byt t Mrs Vorls at a house party near Fort t Worth in the beautiful country home of a school friend which Is known ast t liTho Hunter Wilson Place famed for Its charming environments and I pretty chatelaine An automobile t run to Humble the Now Beaumont was a delightful event of the weekp A number of pretty furictlotfs ofp the past two weeks In Dallas at whlchc Mrs Vbrla was a guest are listed by I Beau Monde as follows Evello Mere theew home of Mr and Mrs J H Shelly In Oak Lawn was the scene and settling of an In ¬ r formal but drossy tcapourlrig Wed nesday given by MrsShelly In hon ¬ I r of her daughter Mrs Victor VorIs of Paducah Ky who with her baby girt Elsie Eunice has been hero Jof Lenten visit but will leave next week for home The houso which 4s modeled l after the Inviting English houSes has a most Artistic Interior lii arid with thbhostess1 hand pleastouched bl mswasdecidooli chi rmlng 6n this afternoon Tho flowers were atv I tinged In baskets about the cabi ¬ and casements of the reception iall where the hostess assisted byl l bleand ilesdames E P Turner George No Mrs Franklin of Colorado Springs received the guests The re ¬ ception room where Mrs Vorls In al l Watteau princess gown of Pompadour toss brocade trimmed In chiffon and Mailno roses arid wearing some huget t pearls met her Dallas friends was rQSesoXdir lied by plait shaded lights The toMiss guestof Wore a beautiful gown of rose lire- cadeIrs tho Empire style with some rare old Jowela Assisting In this room wero Mosdames Jrb Smoot i James Cochran Murreli Buckner and i Moore of Denver The dining room 1 with Its soft tones and latticed win ¬ I dows was fragrant with hyacinths Mid tulips and the punch room was perfuniy with violets and dewy Terns The assisting 1att7In i these rooms Whore cream and strawberries wifors and mints and cooling punch were i served Included Misses Elsie and Borthaleo Shelly In the cozy living room with Its pretty garden towwkshelves coterie Ho meet tho guest and d = afterPoon l t lThe week nll > reception of ITsI bf the driSssy JFrankURIIallwaSOrle It was glv en In honor ot Mrs Hooker of Am Temtpletoulasa of Clinton Mo Tho hostess had her hbhio at13C State street dressed u 1 very prettily In spring blossoma the retention Room being adorned1 with sweet peis arid maiden hair ferns and koftly itiu rained bV pink< shaded lights IIIn the library whero M sdamos J H l Skclly J V Vorlg and IV1 E Hinds presided there were large i clusters of f arsenal NeU rotes anti grouping j p lms and thq dining room was aMoow with Gloria carMtlo ii ee twined witb mllu Mod o- xqeaves and i brilliant flowwrf or > w tninttag tit enter ot s asuei- l 1 a kill In ONir UOM tint twtooatbf at charideliers and sCver candelabra 1J Jeweled lamps and roseshaded can I dies lIght dthe room andn two course luncheon was served Miss Aileen Leach of Waco Mlas Joni- IiendersonandrMrs e Howard Vaughun did the honors In the punch roomI which was sweet with llllles and vlo 1 lets and lighted by vlaiet ahade d candles One hundred guests left cards Mrs Stephen John Hay and th Misses Oxford were at home Wedne- day s j April 3 from 3 until B oclock assisted by Mrs Victor Vorls of Ken tacky Saris Sour Club ThoSans Soiicl club emerged from l Its Lenten retirement this week wit l h j a pretty entertainment at t the hom q of Mist Faith Langataff on Kenttic j ky avenue The house was attrac j tlvely decorated with boughs of the dogwood and other sprang flowers The guests were limited to the fly club tables with visitors to flll tl1 e 5 clubvacancies Tho outof tow n guests were Miss Anita Wood ot Wichita Kan Miss Bertha Foley I of Now York Mis3 Carrie Well o r Cleveland A prettily appointed I luncheon was served after the game MrsWilliam lt of Cleveland received the visiting prize The consolation prize went to Mrs Jaines Campbell Jr Pretty Complimentary Card Party RUbeljlwere 1 appointed card party on Wednesday afternoon at the Standard club- rooms I in compliment to two recent t brides Mrs Sydney Loeb and Mrs Henry Loeb The Easter and Springtime was prettily carried out In the deco J rations of the room A profusion otC I onlthQ t butI ¬ terflies The colorscheme was pink white and green The table had for Its centerpiece a mirror surrounded by green leaves with a hen and tiny chlcnens upon It Tho tunchcon wa- an s attractive emphasis ot the greenI I wasistachio I tIndivIdual t and decorated with pink r seleavesi i The tally cards were miniature chickens Two games Of cards werej played In ono Airs Henry Well and I Sirs James Wemc lied for the head prize an nmond set Mrs Jacob i Wallerstoln won t tjib second prize nI I gilt nat pin recelver and presented j I It td hdr guest Mrs Jullus Walburlf I Of St Louis The consolation prize- a silver ban bon tray went to Mrs Adolph WellIn the second game t Mrs S Folz won the first prize and 1 f Mrs Henry Loeb received the conso latlon There were 11 tables at 1 guests present and many handsome and attractive spring costumes were In evidence < Cotillion Clubs Easter Dance The Easter German of tho Cot I lion club was n delightful occasion of the week On Wednesday evening it the Hotel Craig The german was I led by Dr Victor Voris Mr Wnl 1 lace Well and Mr Charles Cox Sev ernl outoftown visitors added to the charm of the occasion In at tendance were Mr arid Mrs Henry I Utterback 1 ta Kan Bertha Foley of Now York Ruth Kelley of Sprlngflold j p Carrie Well of Cleveland b Ethel Brooks Blanche Hills Llllle f t Mae Winstead Mary Scott Marjorlo o Scott Faith Langstalt Sue Thomp 1 son May Owen Lillian HobsbnBoTIo Cave Frances Wallace Messrs will RlQke David Koger Frank Chat i i pull l Charles Cox Godfrey Hancock I Morton Hand Stewart SlnnottDoug las Bagby Henry Dewey Roscoo o Reed Charlie fiche Fred Wade i Wallace Well John Brooks Grover Jackson Edwin J Paxton Dr J V Ports 3 Easter Party The Easter party given by Misses I Lottie and Katie Scott on Tuesday evening at their home 904 Broad- way was a very delightful affair A pretty colorscheme of white amI pink was carried out In the decora I tlons and In the delicious ices arid I cakes that were served Those pres ¬ cut were Misses May Carter Iosl Owen Btela Moore Moore Ida Collier Audrey Collier Dixie Hester Daisy Underwood Prudence Blari ford Hattie Hicks Nora Bowland + Cora Langston Effle Ashley Addle Fulkerson Fannie Scott Kate Scott t Sallo Farmer Bertie Hester Mr and Mrs Tom Bradley Messrs Charlie Render Tom Fulkerson Ev crott Fulkorson Clarence Perry f Gregory Karl foyer Johnson Wernell Graves Wild Franklin Lester Hicks Guy Holli day John Murray r Adams AN tie Row Kaufman t- AVomanfl me Club Tbe Womans club J1ltt jefu 1 tar meeting on Thursday attend f ooiJ Ilit I IMii t church The ePea rtlar iMi t t- Irlow 4 thd biJtn ic r i L I I under the direction Of the Civics de J partment ot the club A delightful and practical program on civic suit J jccts was presented Judge William Marble spoke on Civic Beauty Dr Doha Caldwell gaffe npaper on Pure hood Mr Saunders A Fowler handled the subject of Practical Gardening The musical numbers 1oIrjEdwin I 18s j departhient and will be addressed by hire Herbert C Mertgel of Louisville 1 I an authority On educational work In the state jj D C Chapter The April meeting of the Paducah United Daughters of the Confedera- cy was Ned on Tuesday afternoon with MrSj Louis M Rieke at 70S Jeiffersbri street Roiftlhe business oc cupfed the attention of the chapter ofe of General Albert Sidney Johnston delightfully given by Mrs Robert descrlpr Joseph Gardner A prettily appointed courselunch con was served by the hostess at the close and a pleasant social time was enJoedI Pionsatit Occasion Miss Nellie Roach entertained very pleasantly on Monday evening at her home on South Fourth street with cards and games The guests were I Misses Nina Barks Geneva Moore Jennie Warten Clara Scott Ida Sox I ton Jessie Colt Mamie Heath Mln c nlo Roaoh Bertha Reed Messrs Claude Ford William Thomas Joe ijGourloux Alison Watts Clarence I Robertson Willie Farrow Cecil Rob ertson Freak Beadles Stanley liar Idlso George McFadden Rawl Nlch olson Oscar Straub iRiiidy King 0 Plcasrint lllrtndny Party titles Henrietta Earnhardt of C20 South Sixth stret entertained most pleasantly on Tuesday evening from I S tintll 11 joclock In honor of her 1 J4th birthday The evening was spent with games Delightful rOo tr reshnlent lure served The guests kerb itlSclEiilii White Ida Dean Trayrier1 Callte Scott Nell Love Laura Tifayrioi OpaJ Brahtfon Madge Grief Elsie Smith Georgia Mae Lee r fit sio Spann Elizabeth Wilson AfttUfl TJelle Cliriard Jticy Harper Ethel Harper Tier Earnhardt Mary Pearl Robertson Robbie Young Well Rodfus Joe Pace Fred Earnhardt Hal Earnhardt 0 Pleasant Social AlTalr Miss Melissa Wilkins entertained I pleasantsy home at Eleventh and Caldwell street Light refreshments wore serv ed Charity Club Ton prettyEaster j from 3 until C oclock at the home of the president Mrs George C Val laco oh North Ninth street The j j house was effectively decorated with spring towers Ah Informal mush cal program was rendered throught t out the afternoon Light refresh nienls had delicious caindloa wero served by pretty girls of the club A free will1 offering was taken for rile clubs work IG Kalosophlc Club KalosophieClubonFriday delightJtlllYleatu1edAtiSS dtequssed Current Topics Miss Fi lth Langstntr J gave a resume ot lames Shorldaii JnoI Ice and his play The iluhfehback Miss Ethel Morrow lied a character schctch of Rlchnrd Brlnsley Sheridan Tho club study was The School for Scandal sue Open Social Moling Tho Ohurch Furnishing society of the First Christian church had a very delightful open meting on Monday afternoon with Mrs w A Derry 503 North Seventh street with tho La- dies Aid society for the guests of prosd gram was rehderbd during tho after ll100nlbr Mrs George D Hart Mrs David M Flournoy Miss Ltila Johns Bane durant Mr Edward Skelton Clark and Robert Boridurant An attrneI tlvo luncheon was served by thd host fio ess Arattnro Stagiest Club The regular biweekly meeting of the Matinee Musical club was held on Wednesday afternoon at the parish house of Grace Episcopal church Tho program was a very attractive miscellaneous one and Included se 1 J lections from Wagner Grieg Lleb lIng Scflunianhi > flendel and Smith PJand Numbers were rendered by Misa Virginia Newell Miss Mary Scott Miss Edna E des and Miss Caroltee Ham Vocal selections were glen J firs David Flour Of Itiin Aim Bradshaw Messrs AoiNrs iiiiAl and Richard > Scott fly Howard H Brlnghurit 8HT9 an u I LPLDE 1 Makes delicious hot biscuit 1griddle cakes rolls and i triuffins An absolutely pure cream of tartar powder ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO NEW YORK 5 r + r d f jMertalpIng t account of the Miracle and Mystery Plays The Oratorio The program was under the dlrec lion of Miss Lula Reed and Miss Mamie OBrien Easter null The Easter Ball given by the Ev- ergreen ¬ Circle Woodmen of the World at Red Mens hall on North Fourth street on Monday evening was a most enjoyable affair A largo crowd was In attendance Crescendo Club The Crescendo cllibheld n very de ¬ lightful Mebllng recital on Thursday afternoon at tits studio ofTMiss Vir ¬ ginia Nevcll ort North Seventh street Misses Mat Byrd Eunice Robertson and Mary Bondurarit rendered three jof Entil Lleblliigs compositions Spring SOlig Serenade and Mltrueltc Scherzahdo very attrac ¬ tively Mr Llebllngs life education and work In America wda t tie > Subject of t a club conversazione SIlss e ell read an Interesting letter from Mr Llebllng to the club fi lllrthday Ihrty Mr Fred Bathr of South Sixth street entertained on Monday even- Ing ¬ from 8 until 11 oclock at his home In celebration of his IGth birthday Delightful refreshments were served during the evening Those present were Misses Mabel Enporhelmer Mamie Broyles Robbie liyamlth Ethel flyrd Mary Smith Essie Smith Lucy Gholson Ruby Smith Grace Balir Doris Walters Messrs Claude Ennerhelmar Henry tall Jim Byrd Jima Sullivan Fred Bahr Wilson Broadfoot Roy Bahr Charles Walters Stahl Gholson OljTin Walters 0 Delphic Club The Delphic club enjoyed an Interes lug meeting on Tuesday morning at Carnegie library Barcelona the Key of Spain was attractively feat- ured ¬ l by Mrs Elbrldge Palmer Mrs Frank Parham gave a delightful des- cription of Malaga the Garden of SpainThe Delphic club will be splendidly represented at the meeting of the Kentucky Federation of Womans ohibs nt Shelbyvllle In June The delegates are Sirs Robert lleCker Phillips tho president arid Miss Helen Lowry Mrs Mildred Fpvfiec Davis and Mrs George Floiirnqy are tho alternates 4t About People Mrs Julius Walburt Mrs Henry Levy and Miss Almee Levy of St Louis are the guests of Mrs Jacob Wallersteln of North Fourth street Miss Mary Boiling of North Sev- enth ¬ street returned home this week from a round of pleasant visits In Jackson Miss and Memphis Tennwhere she formerly lived Miss Dolling had a number of charm ¬ ing parties given In her honor The Misses fiche and Mrs Wil ¬ liam Owen Bailey of Louisville have Cabled their safe arrival at Athens this week They found Egypt as fas- cinating as do nitvisitors to the land of the Nile and went from there to Constantinople They will visit Spain after Greece Miss Ruth Kelley of Springfield 0 has been the guest this week of Mrs Saunders A Fowler at her home Edgewood Miss Kelley was ono of Mrs Fowlers bridesmaids at her wedding two years ago and Is pleas ¬ antly remembered here Mrs < George Sweeney of Boston Mass arrived this week to visit Mrs John S Bleceker on North Fifth street Mrs Sweeney tins been In Nashville Tenn for several weeks the guest of Mrs Beeckers mother Mrs Hamilton Parks ot West End Avenue Miss Mildred Terrell who Is the guest of her slater Mrs Leslie Samuels at Bardstown was compli ¬ mented with a pretty reception this week by her hostess The reception room was In pink the dining room In green and the library In red Miss Terrell will return homo In three weeks and Mrs Samuels will accom ¬ pany her r Miss Anita Woodot Wlchlta lan and Miss Bertha Foley of New York who have been the popular guests of Miss Ethel Brooks of North Seventh street will leave I on Sunday for WIchHay where Miss Foley will visit Miss vood Both are extreme ¬ ly brlcht and attractive girls nnd have made a delightful social im ¬ pression in PidUoobi i Miss Lula Johnston of Dallas Tex who has been the guest of Mrs J M Buckndr of Jefferson and Eighth street returned to Dallas on Tuesday She Is a sister of Mrs Murreli duck ner of Dallas and accompanied Mrs Buckner home from Louisville Miss Johnston la a talented musician and sang very delightfully on several oc casonsjwhlle here Mr Blanton Allen left tills week to MlchDuring Paducah Mr Allen had made many friends He was a popular member of the Cotillion and other social clubs The test of a leaders ability for leaderslp Is results J Remember Our Motto < c We Sell- Shoes < fO f f p and Satisfaction n 9r tor r I 1 Mh n foo II 10 We Solicit Your Patronage and Influence Prompt De- liveries ¬ ands thank You

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< c

1 4I

Tie Week In Society

rWilY APRIL 11 Fri S

Bubblliioer with lilting laughterButterflies fluttering after

April dances fn-


tfingerstandbeginJrtFor agrowlhg sweeter older

M Glaricihj gaily oer her shouder+ Downtho backward trodr

l Using all hlSnrts tq pease herThera stands March and just to

y tease her j1

uOails ier baclifxT MceMao AJlcn fa Llpptneottsz


1 <

± j 4Annouiicoincntg1 The EntroNoua club wilt Co enter

tt nedthe comings week tby Miss

Blancna HUlsv6f North Ninth streetThe day Jigs not been decided

The bejphlft cubwlU meet onk Tuesday at iO0cpck at the Carne

gio library The program for theiitorrflng Isi The jNational Sports of Spain

I2 i Mrs 1Rob6rt Bcqker Phlllpa2 ArSori TMrs iEdmund Mf Post2 PufjfifdeU 91del PradorrMrs

Loutlyr rifeUe

Mn AlonzoRIleyersls the hos ¬

less of v the FIve hundred club onWednesday afternoon at her Ihomel434 Broadway

VThe Magazinp club will meet on

11Thursday fifternpon with Mrs ASFifth and Harrison streets

op Reports will bo made from the tot ¬

lowing April magazines Harpers3 North American Review ATlantic

Monthly Outlook Hubbards Jour ¬

neys and Literary Digest Therewlllbean election of officersI


ttMrs Anna Rentz Impersonator

< and airs NeUle De Marque Gibbs pi

I1nlst will apliear at the Tenth StreetChristianl church on Thursday evenJng In fan attractive recital

The Kalosophlc club will meet onvEridajjmorning at 10 oclock Miss

F aBlanche Hls of North Ninth street

ryss tffo hostesst The progrant to bepresented 1st

1 Current Topics Miss Powell I

2 Life of Oliver Goldsmith She+ Stoopsitq Conquer Mlss ParjcL 4 i

3 Drataatjg Art of TennysonThomas A3ocketMrs Henry j

Rudy I

4Cub Study < I

I ti I i

licfats tai tW aibokKatterjolm Wedv q ding

The br of Mfss Jessie HanirtonHp6fc and Mn William Roy kat-terjbhnvon Wednesday afternoon at5 jpclock will be a pretty church

V ceremonial witnessed by a large

number of the frtthds of the popu ¬ I

t lar youngcouplo It will bq solemniIzeditAho First Baptist church TheRW Calvin M Thompson will per¬t IIt form the ceremony The church will

i bo decorated with palms ferns andflowers Jjaan effective scheme of

t whlto and greenThe Wedding music will be a

charmlB g feature Mr Will Reddlck

AM nwtit tIama MOb for OfuWsrltI2i


will preside at the organPlaYInSthcIwedding match Bofo I

processional Mrs Albert otIt



play Sunbeams and SoadoW a tlS a violin nccotnpanlmont

Miss Edna Rook jroungcf sisterof the bride will be the maid of hon-

Or Mr Louis List will act as tile bestman The ushers are Messrs Jon



Tne bride will wearaFeharmin gcostjimo of whltd jParis muslin overllatstieof honor will be prettily gowned Inwhite ails musllh wJtii white lIntand will carry pink carnations

The couple will leave at 0 oclockfor Chicago Cleveland 0 and otherpoints The brides golngaway gownwill be a dark blue stilt costume withhat to match They wilt be at homeafter May 1 IIn their new home onNorth Sixth street which Is beingcom ete1

Outoftown guests expected totthe wedding are Mr and Mrs T FBnrtOn of Chicago Mr and MrsJames Meadows of LexingtonTehn Mr and Mrs Thomas Quinn i

of Jackson Teririf Mrtahd Mrs An-


Sykcs of Jackson Tenn Mrs I

sr P Galloway obftnphls I

n A It Chapter g I

The Paducah chapter pdughlers of I

the American Revolution held the I

April meeting tin Friday afternoonwith Mrs C H Chamblln at the Ho-


Craig The business session wasentirely routine A pleasant patriotci program was rendered usf the literary feature The response to roll f

call was made with patriotic sentmeats Amos Vas sung MissEmily Morrow contributed delightful paper on Our National Songswhich the chapter oidered published tt-In tho American Monthly MrsRoy McKinney read some Interestingblographlcail sketches of revolutionary heroes from the American Month1lyeMiss Edna Eader and Mr WillReddlck furnished some attractivemusic Mrs ChambMn gave as souvenirs of ctliooccaslOD pictures of llirsoClienault of Lexington thestate D

V R regent puiich wrfs served dur

CharlesKWbeeer a

gsvevery happj toasts to Mrs Chenauit whtch were drunk by the chap-terhTwoMiss Marie Boydof Eddyvilean ttnndt

lppastor of the First ChHstfan churchwhoso wife Is an enthusiastic D AtR Dr Moore made a graceful littleIttaThe May meeting of the chapter iwill bo with Mrs Ch rlepJK WheelerKentucky avenue aria Fifth streett


L LUelightfulIYux DanceJ

Mr Charles Roitgerihg was thehost of an enjoyable barn dance on jThursday night at his home flu theCairo road About twentyJive c <m jrpros wero present and the evening j

was pleasantly spent In dancing Re-


were served j1

i ajoyabe Eveniug i

Mlsa Mattle Bellp Cllnard enter ¬

tained a tow of her friends very pleas1

aptly on Wednesday evening at herhome on South Sixth etreet Games

land music were features of pleasifrodelicious refreshments were

served Those present wero MissesJuliete Pace Marsaretto Laveau IdaII

Dean Trayner thel13ambergcri


Theres magic In a pretty footAnd we all seem to know t

For we who have a pretty topAre pretty sure to show It I

Oxford for EdeBry pn0i

Mln Woml Coh 4

JFOR rtENilarinan e5 and fath l

best steoe mule Stetseo f5f a shaga tof quality


FOR WOMENFoiter Pjegiee and Rcedf 350I

to 5 90NONE of these slices seed a wOrdotJlil theirreputttlols are too well eMab1IMitid Let ucMeOw ptIourSpriag and Summer liMArf 17I








Mary Pearl Robertsbn Madge GriefMuriel tickles Ellen Mansfleld Henrlclfa Earnhardt Ilav EarnhardtMessrs Well Rodfus Yelser MorgangUlls Orr Walter Bamberser Joelincel IJuls Laveau

Soda1 Comi IliHciits to ioin4r Pndacab 1Spelan

I Mrs Victor Volta rlved homo onFriday from a visit tii lipty mother

TamsIHarstaYJlnterrupted1 pleaalire arid Includessome charming sldQ trips to Houstonand other Texas cities J3eau Mondetthee weekly society paper of DallasiIn tho last Issue flays

Our society women who visitHouston cone back enthusiastic overthe way the prime donnc of jhe Hodstton drawing rooms entertain SirsVictor Vorls neo Shelly of Paducah4Cy RUOjls visiting her mother Ira 1

T 1L Shely spent a week or more InHouston guest of Mr and Mrs WB Sligrpe who entertained her mostdelightfully In their palatial newjhome Mrand airs Walker Ellisgave a double tbx arid supper partyIn her holier and MrsJ Wm Jonetwho Is famed for her beantlfulfunctlons entertained durlhg rvisitSaysthe UoustooPost

Sirs Will E Jones honored MrsVictor Voris of Kentucky Mrs WB Sharps guest this afternoon with-a bridge imrty which vas through-put


happily suggestive of tho seasonTho entire floral hdornment of thoeeganthome consisted of quantitiesbf beaiitlful Easter lilies whose dlg I

ulty and purityof lentil made themartistically harmonious with the rareand lovely furnishings of the homo I

Tile ocoro cards were In handpaint ¬

ed Easter lily designs and tho Icesserved wero molded In tho same fasftliori1

A portion of the meek was spent byttMrs Vorls at a house party near Fort t

Worth in the beautiful country homeof a school friend which Is known asttliTho Hunter Wilson Place famedfor Its charming environments and I

pretty chatelaine An automobile t

run to Humble the Now Beaumontwas a delightful event of the weekp

A number of pretty furictlotfs ofpthe past two weeks In Dallas at whlchcMrs Vbrla was a guest are listed by I

Beau Monde as follows

Evello Mere theew home of Mrand Mrs J H Shelly In Oak Lawnwas the scene and settling of an In ¬ rformal but drossy tcapourlrig Wednesday given by MrsShelly In hon ¬ I

r of her daughter Mrs Victor VorIsof Paducah Ky who with her babygirt Elsie Eunice has been hero Jof

Lenten visit but will leave nextweek for home The houso which 4s

modeledl after the Inviting EnglishhouSes has a most Artistic Interior lii

arid with thbhostess1 hand

pleastouchedbl mswasdecidooli chirmlng 6nthis afternoon Tho flowers were atv I

tinged In baskets about the cabi ¬

and casements of the receptioniall where the hostess assisted byllbleandilesdames E P Turner George No

Mrs Franklin of ColoradoSprings received the guests The re¬

ception room where Mrs Vorls In allWatteau princess gown of Pompadourtoss brocade trimmed In chiffon andMailno roses arid wearing some hugettpearls met her Dallas friends was

rQSesoXdirlied by plait shaded lights The

toMissguestofWore a beautiful gown of rose lire-

cadeIrs tho Empire style with somerare old Jowela Assisting In thisroom wero Mosdames Jrb Smoot iJames Cochran Murreli Buckner and iMoore of Denver The dining room 1

with Its soft tones and latticed win ¬ Idows was fragrant with hyacinthsMid tulips and the punch room wasperfuniy with violets and dewy TernsThe assisting 1att7In i

these roomsWhore cream and strawberries wiforsand mints and cooling punch werei

served Included Misses Elsie andBorthaleo Shelly In the cozyliving room with Its pretty garden

towwkshelvescoterie Ho meet tho guest and d=

afterPoonltlThe week nll > reception of ITsI

bf the driSssyJFrankURIIallwaSOrle It was glv

en In honor ot Mrs Hooker of Am

Temtpletoulasaof Clinton Mo Tho hostess had herhbhio at13C State street dressed u 1very prettily In spring blossoma theretention Room being adorned1 withsweet peis arid maiden hair ferns andkoftly itiu rained bV pink< shaded lights

IIIn the library whero M sdamos J Hl

Skclly J V Vorlg and IV1 E Hindspresided there were large i clusters off

arsenal NeU rotes anti groupingjp lms and thq dining room wasaMoow with Gloria carMtlo ii eetwined witb mllu Mod o-

xqeaves and ibrilliant flowwrf or >wtninttag tit enter ot s asuei-



akill In ONir UOM tint twtooatbfat

charideliers and sCver candelabra1JJeweled lamps and roseshaded canI

dies lIght dthe room andn twocourse luncheon was served MissAileen Leach of Waco Mlas Joni-IiendersonandrMrs

eHoward Vaughun

did the honors In the punch room I

which was sweet with llllles and vlo1

lets and lighted by vlaiet ahade dcandles One hundred guests leftcards

Mrs Stephen John Hay and thMisses Oxford were at home Wedne-day


April 3 from 3 until B oclockassisted by Mrs Victor Vorls of Kentacky

Saris Sour ClubThoSans Soiicl club emerged froml

Its Lenten retirement this week wit lhj

a pretty entertainment at tthe hom qof Mist Faith Langataff on Kenttic jky avenue The house was attracjtlvely decorated with boughs of thedogwood and other sprang flowersThe guests were limited to the flyclub tables with visitors to flll tl1

e5clubvacancies Tho outof townguests were Miss Anita Wood otWichita Kan Miss Bertha Foley I

of Now York Mis3 Carrie Well o r

Cleveland A prettily appointed I

luncheon was served after the game

MrsWilliam lt

of Cleveland received the visitingprize The consolation prize went toMrs Jaines Campbell Jr

Pretty Complimentary Card Party


appointed card party on Wednesdayafternoon at the Standard club-rooms


in compliment to two recent tbrides Mrs Sydney Loeb and MrsHenry Loeb

The Easter and Springtimewas prettily carried out In the deco


rations of the room A profusion otCIonlthQtbutI¬

terflies The colorscheme was pinkwhite and green The table had forIts centerpiece a mirror surroundedby green leaves with a hen and tinychlcnens upon It Tho tunchcon wa-


attractive emphasis ot the greenII

wasistachio I

tIndivIdual t

and decorated with pink r seleavesiiThe tally cards were miniaturechickens Two games Of cards werej

played In ono Airs Henry Well andI

Sirs James Wemc lied for the headprize an nmond set Mrs Jacob i

Wallerstoln won ttjib second prize nII

gilt nat pin recelver and presented j I

It td hdr guest Mrs Jullus Walburlf I

Of St Louis The consolation prize-a silver ban bon tray went to MrsAdolph WellIn the second game tMrs S Folz won the first prize and1 fMrs Henry Loeb received the consolatlon There were 11 tables at 1

guests present and many handsomeand attractive spring costumes wereIn evidence <

Cotillion Clubs Easter DanceThe Easter German of tho Cot I

lion club was n delightful occasionof the week On Wednesday eveningit the Hotel Craig The german was I

led by Dr Victor Voris Mr Wnl 1

lace Well and Mr Charles Cox Severnl outoftown visitors added tothe charm of the occasion In attendance were Mr arid Mrs Henry I

Utterback 1

ta Kan Bertha Foley of NowYork Ruth Kelley of Sprlngflold j

p Carrie Well of Cleveland bEthel Brooks Blanche Hills Llllle ft

Mae Winstead Mary Scott Marjorlo oScott Faith Langstalt Sue Thomp 1son May Owen Lillian HobsbnBoTIoCave Frances Wallace Messrs willRlQke David Koger Frank Chati i

pulll Charles Cox Godfrey Hancock I

Morton Hand Stewart SlnnottDouglas Bagby Henry Dewey Roscoo o

Reed Charlie fiche Fred Wade i

Wallace Well John Brooks GroverJackson Edwin J Paxton Dr J VPorts 3Easter Party

The Easter party given by MissesI

Lottie and Katie Scott on Tuesdayevening at their home 904 Broad-way was a very delightful affair Apretty colorscheme of white amI

pink was carried out In the decora Itlons and In the delicious ices aridI

cakes that were served Those pres¬

cut were Misses May Carter IoslOwen Btela Moore Moore IdaCollier Audrey Collier Dixie HesterDaisy Underwood Prudence Blariford Hattie Hicks Nora Bowland +

Cora Langston Effle Ashley AddleFulkerson Fannie Scott Kate ScotttSallo Farmer Bertie Hester Mrand Mrs Tom Bradley MessrsCharlie Render Tom Fulkerson Evcrott Fulkorson Clarence Perry

f Gregory Karl foyerJohnson Wernell Graves WildFranklin Lester Hicks Guy Holliday John Murray r Adams ANtie Row Kaufman t-


ClubTbe Womans club J1ltt jefu

1tar meeting on Thursday attendf ooiJIlitI

IMiit church The ePea rtlar iMitt-Irlow4 thd biJtnic r iL I

Iunder the direction Of the Civics de

J partment ot the club A delightfuland practical program on civic suitJjccts was presented Judge WilliamMarble spoke on Civic Beauty DrDoha Caldwell gaffe npaper on Purehood Mr Saunders A Fowlerhandled the subject of PracticalGardening The musical numbers

1oIrjEdwinI18s j

departhient and will be addressed byhire Herbert C Mertgel of Louisville 1I

an authority On educational work Inthe state

jj D C ChapterThe April meeting of the Paducah

United Daughters of the Confedera-cy was Ned on Tuesday afternoonwith MrSj Louis M Rieke at 70SJeiffersbri street Roiftlhe business occupfed the attention of the chapterofeof General Albert Sidney Johnstondelightfully given by Mrs RobertdescrlprJoseph Gardner

A prettily appointed courselunchcon was served by the hostess at theclose and a pleasant social time wasenJoedI

Pionsatit OccasionMiss Nellie Roach entertained very

pleasantly on Monday evening at herhome on South Fourth street withcards and games The guests were I

Misses Nina Barks Geneva MooreJennie Warten Clara Scott Ida Sox I

ton Jessie Colt Mamie Heath Mln c

nlo Roaoh Bertha Reed MessrsClaude Ford William Thomas Joe

ijGourloux Alison Watts Clarence I

Robertson Willie Farrow Cecil Robertson Freak Beadles Stanley liar

Idlso George McFadden Rawl Nlcholson Oscar Straub iRiiidy King0Plcasrint lllrtndny Party

titles Henrietta Earnhardt of C20South Sixth stret entertained mostpleasantly on Tuesday evening from I

S tintll 11 joclock In honor of her 1

J4th birthday The evening wasspent with games Delightful rOo

trreshnlent lure served The guestskerb itlSclEiilii White Ida DeanTrayrier1 Callte Scott Nell LoveLaura Tifayrioi OpaJ Brahtfon MadgeGrief Elsie Smith Georgia Mae Lee

rfit sio Spann Elizabeth WilsonAfttUfl TJelle Cliriard Jticy HarperEthel Harper Tier Earnhardt MaryPearl Robertson Robbie Young WellRodfus Joe Pace Fred EarnhardtHal Earnhardt 0Pleasant Social AlTalr

Miss Melissa Wilkins entertained Ipleasantsyhome at Eleventh and Caldwellstreet Light refreshments wore served

Charity Club Ton

prettyEaster jfrom 3 until C oclock at the homeof the president Mrs George C Vallaco oh North Ninth street The jjhouse was effectively decorated withspring towers Ah Informal mushcal program was rendered throughttout the afternoon Light refreshnienls had delicious caindloa weroserved by pretty girls of the club Afree will1 offering was taken for rileclubs workIGKalosophlc Club

KalosophieClubonFridaydelightJtlllYleatu1edAtiSSdtequssed Current Topics MissFi lth LangstntrJ gave a resume otlames Shorldaii JnoIIce and hisplay The iluhfehback Miss EthelMorrow lied a character schctch ofRlchnrd Brlnsley Sheridan Tho clubstudy was The School for Scandal

sueOpen Social Moling

Tho Ohurch Furnishing society ofthe First Christian church had a verydelightful open meting on Mondayafternoon with Mrs w A Derry 503North Seventh street with tho La-

dies Aid society for the guests ofprosdgram was rehderbd during tho afterll100nlbr Mrs George D Hart Mrs

David M Flournoy Miss Ltila JohnsBanedurant Mr Edward Skelton Clarkand Robert Boridurant An attrneItlvo luncheon was served by thd host


Arattnro Stagiest ClubThe regular biweekly meeting of

the Matinee Musical club was held onWednesday afternoon at the parish

house of Grace Episcopal churchTho program was a very attractivemiscellaneous one and Included se1J lections from Wagner Grieg LleblIng Scflunianhi> flendel and SmithPJand Numbers were rendered byMisa Virginia Newell Miss MaryScott Miss Edna E des and MissCaroltee Ham Vocal selectionswere glen J firs David Flour

Of Itiin Aim Bradshaw MessrsAoiNrs iiiiAl and Richard >Scottfly Howard H Brlnghurit 8HT9 an




Makes delicious hot biscuit1griddle cakes rolls and itriuffins

An absolutely pure cream of tartar powder


5 r + r d

fjMertalpIngt account of the Miracleand Mystery Plays The OratorioThe program was under the dlreclion of Miss Lula Reed and MissMamie OBrien

Easter nullThe Easter Ball given by the Ev-


Circle Woodmen of theWorld at Red Mens hall on NorthFourth street on Monday eveningwas a most enjoyable affair A largocrowd was In attendance

Crescendo ClubThe Crescendo cllibheld n very de¬

lightful Mebllng recital on Thursdayafternoon at tits studio ofTMiss Vir ¬

ginia Nevcll ort North Seventh streetMisses Mat Byrd Eunice Robertsonand Mary Bondurarit rendered threejof Entil Lleblliigs compositions

Spring SOlig Serenade andMltrueltc Scherzahdo very attrac ¬

tively Mr Llebllngs life educationand work In America wdat tie> Subjectoft a club conversazione SIlss


ell read an Interesting letter from

Mr Llebllng to the clubfi

lllrthday IhrtyMr Fred Bathr of South Sixth

street entertained on Monday even-Ing


from 8 until 11 oclock at hishome In celebration of his IGthbirthday Delightful refreshmentswere served during the eveningThose present were Misses MabelEnporhelmer Mamie Broyles Robbieliyamlth Ethel flyrd Mary SmithEssie Smith Lucy Gholson RubySmith Grace Balir Doris WaltersMessrs Claude Ennerhelmar Henrytall Jim Byrd Jima Sullivan FredBahr Wilson Broadfoot Roy BahrCharles Walters Stahl GholsonOljTin Walters 0Delphic ClubThe Delphic club enjoyed an Interes

lug meeting on Tuesday morning atCarnegie library Barcelona theKey of Spain was attractively feat-ured


l by Mrs Elbrldge Palmer MrsFrank Parham gave a delightful des-cription of Malaga the Garden ofSpainThe

Delphic club will be splendidlyrepresented at the meeting of theKentucky Federation of Womansohibs nt Shelbyvllle In June Thedelegates are Sirs Robert lleCkerPhillips tho president arid MissHelen Lowry Mrs Mildred FpvfiecDavis and Mrs George Floiirnqy aretho alternates 4tAbout People

Mrs Julius Walburt Mrs HenryLevy and Miss Almee Levy of St

Louis are the guests of Mrs JacobWallersteln of North Fourth street

Miss Mary Boiling of North Sev-enth


street returned home thisweek from a round of pleasant visitsIn Jackson Miss and MemphisTennwhere she formerly livedMiss Dolling had a number of charm ¬

ing parties given In her honorThe Misses fiche and Mrs Wil¬

liam Owen Bailey of Louisville haveCabled their safe arrival at Athensthis week They found Egypt as fas-cinating as do nitvisitors to the landof the Nile and went from there toConstantinople They will visit Spainafter Greece

Miss Ruth Kelley of Springfield0 has been the guest this week ofMrs Saunders A Fowler at herhome Edgewood Miss Kelley was onoof Mrs Fowlers bridesmaids at herwedding two years ago and Is pleas ¬

antly remembered hereMrs <George Sweeney of Boston

Mass arrived this week to visit MrsJohn S Bleceker on North Fifthstreet Mrs Sweeney tins been InNashville Tenn for several weeksthe guest of Mrs Beeckers motherMrs Hamilton Parks ot West EndAvenue

Miss Mildred Terrell who Is theguest of her slater Mrs LeslieSamuels at Bardstown was compli ¬

mented with a pretty reception thisweek by her hostess The receptionroom was In pink the dining roomIn green and the library In red MissTerrell will return homo In threeweeks and Mrs Samuels will accom ¬

pany herr

Miss Anita Woodot Wlchltalan and Miss Bertha Foley of NewYork who have been the popularguests of Miss Ethel Brooks of NorthSeventh street will leaveI on Sundayfor WIchHay where Miss Foley willvisit Miss vood Both are extreme¬

ly brlcht and attractive girls nndhave made a delightful social im¬

pression in PidUoobiiMiss Lula Johnston of Dallas Tex

who has been the guest of Mrs JM Buckndr of Jefferson and Eighthstreet returned to Dallas on TuesdayShe Is a sister of Mrs Murreli duckner of Dallas and accompanied MrsBuckner home from Louisville MissJohnston la a talented musician andsang very delightfully on several occasonsjwhlle here

Mr Blanton Allen left tills week to

MlchDuringPaducah Mr Allen had made manyfriends He was a popular member ofthe Cotillion and other social clubs

The test of a leaders ability forleaderslp Is results


Remember Our Motto


We Sell-Shoes

<fO f

f p


n 9r

tor r I 1 Mh


foo II 10

We Solicit Your Patronageand Influence Prompt De-



ands thank You