i twashington ii · the board step down and out the board voted to postpone considera-tion of the...

OF QUALITY LARGEST MORNING 9 CIRCULATION NO 454 WASHINGTON D C SATURDAY JANUARY 4 1908 TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS I t II I 1 s TWASHINGTON HERALD SWAMP MYSTERY EPS IK ARREST JJew Jersey Victim Is Mrs C T S Wliitmore TIP H V 15 olb 1JSJt- rJMiee Suspect Dead Womau Husband of Crime Take Brooklyn Motorman Into After Hearing of Threats to Kill and Ills 111 Treatment of His Wife lied Dress Gives Clew that Detectives to tIe Solution 6f the Problem Brother on Way few York Jam S Whit fpe an exconvict was locked p in the Harrison N J jail tonight after liaif a domes persona had identined the lofty C the woman found in Limp Black tiwam the day after Christmas as that of Jail wife Lena Elisabeth Whitmore- A private detective after several days work found that the red dress which had been ripped otC the murdered woman WIt Mid bjr OMMNfeeim and Collins in 9 1tsMf street Brooklyn and delivered by them to a fwjtioheoroom house at 3 Adams street Brooklyn kept by Mrs Wtdtmere She had Vera mistm it was learned 4 oclock on Christmas lor Stiff cr Glcarn Mystery Then it was discovered that Mrs Itanie- Sefemttter of m Bast imh street was a staler of Mrs Whitmores The police took Mrs Schmitter to the Harrison morgue The instant the saw the she sftti It was her sister She Identified the red ise and the furs positively Her hatband Michael was equally certain and a frkmd of the family Mrs Edith at the anise time there ceiM s no doubt that it was Whfc- m rt Sehnitter aM that Whitmore who wept mexormaa on the Third Avesne Elevated running a snwtUe train bejfeween Chatham 9a are Bfd the Broek Ijra Bridge at night married her slater Lena Salter fifteen years ago in Albany She said that Whitmore m treated his wife constantly and had beaten her at so that her body w Mack and line Mrs Schmitter declared that Whit i ere tease said to his wWe- sna U I shooid kill you some time tokfd dry arrest me on a charge of l pwrfty Brother on llln Way KtW Jar fcWilHam It- S Mer a baker of this city who Mvas at 51 Behenectady street sad urn William Hughes who lives at SI Victory avenue pesitivety Identified pictures of the woman whose murdered body was found n the swamps of Harrison N J as of a sister Mrs Theodore S Whit more Brooklyn Mrs Wbltmor whose maiden name was Lena State vrac assent thfrtynve years of age During their residence here according made today by the brother ndateter of the dead woman Whitmore and Ms wife quarreled freQuently largely bceauae of the husbands dissipated habits The Whitntores were here Jut hi the when they spent a week with the Slitters Wttnam Salter loft tonight for Harrtaos to identity the body of his slater SHAW AFTER PRESIDENCY ItxSocrctary Confers wIth Gov CtiinminH of Iowa Dot Moines Iowa Jan 1 For the first in years former Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M Shaw and Gov A B Cammhea met in a beartteheart cpa funmoe today and discussed the Iowa pefitfeai tMttkm and possible bear lag national polities Aa to pst what conclusion these two leaders of opposite factions reached nef tiler wW make a dennlte statement at this time but the intimate friends of eacs that war tend peace meas- ures were both discussed Secretary Shaw wmtfd like to be a candidate for the Premdaucy and be would like to the race backed by a solid Towa He knows he could not do this without Cummins consent as the latter controls the north halt of the State It te claimed that Shay sounded the governor as to whether be would agree to stick to the Senatorial fight and offer no obstacle to Sfcaws securing the Iowa delegation- It te further reported that Oov would make no promises until after a eettference with his political advocates Mary Iowans would be glad to support Shaw for the Presidency if it did not in- volve Senator Allison but they declare they will not enter into any agreement which might give Cummins an advantage as against Allison ENTOMBED A MONTH LONGER 3Hnarj jM Ely Learn It Will Take that ItonK to Reach Them I5tjr Jan S After weeks nearly 1CM feet under the ground and tbd thn 0i pipe the three miners mtambed in the Gtroux shaft learned to Jay that they moat remain their prison a months longer Tko rescuers ire down nearly 401 foot The three entombed men when told it would probably te four weeks before jtoey- mld he released appeared satteifed that everything possible was bains done The intombed men are in good health and teem cheerful i Veteran Editor flea Carlisle Pa Jan 1CoL H Thomas editor and manager died at Mecltftntes burg today aged seventyfour years He- w as a member of the National and State Editorial Associations and served in the Are You Drawing an Income On your surplus money Begin the new year by opening a bank account with Union Trust Co isth H Interest paid uq all accounts Under govt supervision 1 Cus- tody Of J twisty c hiss II at of to ltattIJ JIll admit cIeIepLtIoa L live part a In Jeast It chi anti IFl- a s T pads 3 Theodore 1 i ghee body aid Mrs till weedy these I tit ie Its apse en- ter Cum- mins 1 rev st war ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DECLARES FOR CANNON Champaign County III Wants the Speaker in White House Champaign 111 Jan 8 At one of the largest and most enthusiastic gatherings ever hold in Champaign the Republicans- of the twentyoight townships of the county unanimously passed the following resolution amid ringing cheers Resolved by the combined organiza- tion of the Republican party of County and its twentyeight town- ships lid others atteadtig this meting that we declare our unswerving loyalty and adherence to the Hun Joeeph G Cannon of Illinois as the Republican candidate for President of Ute United States and do hereby pledge ourselves to tose all our personal efforts to fav- orably presets his candidacy to the next national convention of the Republican party Congressman W B McIUnley of the Nineteenth district of committee having Uncle Joes in charge was noisily greeted and the mention of his name and that of Cannon was the signal for applause Ekigene B Fletcher of Chicago having- in charge the campaign of former Sena- tor William E Mason to succeed Sena tor Albert J Hopkins was also present TWO IN DEATH PACT Wife of Illinois Bank Exam- iner Receives Shot STORE CLERK HER COMPANION Latter Dies UK Result of Tweedy In 1uMIu Park Leaves Note Saying Their Love Prompted the Deefl and ARklnsr to Be Buried Together The Police Find a Letter Chicago Jan S The unconscious bod- ies oC a man and woman found lying on the ground in Grant Park title evening by people attracted by two rrmtver shots that were Aged m rapid succession The woman M Mrs Ruby C Ptssak wife of William Piaaak a State husk examiner who lives at SOC L ke avenue Site hi shot Jut beneath the nearu and hi m a condition Police Find Iottur Gilbert Broekott C fill Jnstia street a department store employ was the man and he died shortly after reach iHfSt Lukes Hospital where both were hurried by the police A letter found in the mans met told the story It read Dr Sadie De Wilt P t fty aid I kf- We Ohr Mt fe we f nu fate BBRR This is supposed to be for Crocketts sister and her husband who live in Dav WOMEN STORM SCHOOL BOARD Indiana Slob Demands RcuJKimUoii- sIcinber Injured by Stone KlrHn Ind Jan 8 Fifty women of this place iieaded a mob of indignant citizens last night that called upon the school board while its three members were in session and demanded their res- ignation presenting a petition at the sane time front 198 property owners that the board step down and out The board voted to postpone considera- tion of the petition indefinitely and Mrs Harry Cost leader of women de- nounced the members in unmeasured terms As the crowd reached the street Mr William one of board appeared at the window and was down and badly injured with a brackbat The peo ple of the village wish the board to resign and turn tie school interests over to the township trustees In order to have a new schoolhouse built in the corporate limits NO HOPE FOR STEAMER Mount Royal with KM Aboard In Twentynine Days Overdue St John N Bi Jan STh steamship Mount Royal is now twentynine days overdue and hope is practically aban- doned She had 900 stowage passengers- on which with her crew made a total of nearly 400 Wireless stations along entire At lantic coast have been warned to look out for tho vessel or some trace of her but so far it has availed nothing The Mount Royal when she loft Ant werp board some 2300 tons of coal sufficient tolast her from thirty to thirtyfive days so if she is still afloat she sufficient fuel to last at least ten days yet BRYAN WEAK IN MICHIGAN Intends Openly Say lie Would Xot lie Stronger Candidate There Detroit Jan It appears rfter talks with Democrats in various parts of the State including Grand Rapid Lansing and this city that even the sturdy sup- porters of William J Bryaa in the cam- paigns of 1806 and 1000 are not at ufl that Bryan would be the stionget for the Democratic national convention to name this year Some of Cop Bryans friends say openly that they are convinced that he would not bo the strongest candidate to nomi nate ARREST RUSSIANS AT BERLIN Police Raid Headquarters of Work hitmens Party in Suburb of City Berlin Jan police of this city raided a louse in the suburb of Char lottenburg last night and arrested seven- teen members of the Central Committee of the Russian Workingmens Party The arrests were made under the Prussian law which forbids meetings of secret societies and presumable as a result of information supplied by Russian political agents Wireless Telephony Successful Wiutesbarre Pa Jan I After two years work John Grohowski of King stc twenty years old was today able toi talk by wireless telephone a distance- of JM feet to Baltimore tool Return Saturday and Sunday via Pennsyl- vania Tickets good returning until Sunday night All trains except Congressional Limited the the I enpwt Itt J the the knocked board tote hadon s 3The 1 I Ral1ro d Cham- paign chair n cam- paign were serious Charles poi a ld skis r con- vinced candidate Irlve ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ STATE COMMITTEE Rebels Against Manner of Call for Primaries MAY GO TO LEGISLATURE Will Demand Enforcement of the Huffman Law Only Other Course to Overcome O- bjectionable Decision of Ohio Ile- puullcnnn IN to Call a Rump Con- vention Declare Order ftu 1000 retltloncm for u Ticket Illegal and Unnecessary Cincinnati Jan 3 Senator Fdraker to- day issued a statement declaring that he will not abide by the decision yesterday- of the Republican State mend commit tee at Columbus as voiced in the call for State convention primaries It appears that two courses aro now open to him through this stand A rump convention can be called to name State delegates to the national con- vention on the chance that the credentials committee of the national convention will honor the credentials of the independent Republicans The other plan the most likely one will be to carry the fight to the floor of the legislature in a contest on behalf of Huffman direct primary law with an amendment making this law effective at once If this bill IB passed it will auto- matically rewind yesterdays action of the Republican central committee and give Foraker just what he wants FnrakerN Objections While the RepubUcanTaft forces are not likely to oppose so popular a measure as the direct primary they will doubtless light to the last against making the bUt effective at once statement today Senator Foraker says- I am not sure I understand the call although I have read it several times It I do it is another eC asking for bread mad getting a stone My idea In primaries was to bava the elec- tion of delegates brought home to the peo- ple so that In each ward we could select our immediate representatives This call makes all that impossible- In addition it prescribes requirements- not authorised by the statute and not within the power of the State central committee Some of those requirements- are in meet conflict tt statute iSajne of then are vernbycdtpgomr in vartknilar te the rejoin ne4 that he fore there can be a Tall ticket and a Poraker ticket there must be a petition signed by twenty times the number of the candidates for delegates and alter nates That would mean in this county about 4CGI signers or petitioners The unreasonableness of the require- ment that there shall be 4NO petitioners to authorize a ticket is shown not only by the fact that the law makes no re- quirement but that in ease where the law authorised county bad city ocers to be nominated by petition only IM names are necessary to nominate any county omcer and only ftf ty names are necessary to nominate any municipal officer If in the contemplation of the lax fifty signers are enough to authorize placing a mans name on the ticket for mayor of Cincinnati or Cleveland certainly it to beyond anything contemplated by the law that iWO signers should be necessary to nominate a lot of delegates and alter- nates to merely attend the State Such a condition is unnecessary as well as burdensome It should be enough for each party to select his own ticket and to let the people vote their prefer enceThe counties are not bound to follow the order of the State central committee but whether they will do so or not I am not advised So far as I am personally concerned I shall make no effort to com- ply withsuch uncalled for illegal and ar bitrary conditions DICK LOYAL TO FORAKER Says Fight Is Hard lint Friends Will Not Give Up Akron Ohio Jan 3 With his former strongest supporters out for Taft Senator Dick tonight declared that Summit Countys delegation will not go by de- fault Senator Forakers friends will make the best light they although- it must be admitted that It is a lIt un der dlfflculttwC ho said I am for Foraker first last and all tho time and reports to the contrary that I want to climb into someone elses bond wagon are false Of the State central committees call he said It makes a boss In every if it Is followed He stated he would announce In a few days whether he would be a candidate for delegateatlarge or not Tonight the Taft Club the first or ganized in the county was rpergantzad with speeches by prominent Republicans LIEUT HAZZARD ACCUSED Charged with Forging Name of Col Daniel Gormnn Detroit Jan 8 A warrant was issued today in the police court here charging Lieut R F Hazzard of the Seventh United States army stationed at Fort Wayne with forging the game of Col Daniel Gorman to a check for 4 0 Hazzard Is in the guardhouse and a courtmartial may convene to try him Hazzard served with distinction In the Philippines under Gen Funston and took- a leading part in the capture of Aguln aldo Flotilla Reaqlica Para The torpedoboat flotilla preceding the battle fleet on the way to tlfb Pacific left Para yesterday for Pernambuco Brazil according to a dispatch received at the Navy Department yesterday afternoon Baltimore and Return Baltimore and Ohio R Saturday and Sunday All trains both ways both days except Royal Lim ited City 1417 G st andf6I3 Pa FORAKER OPPOSES and the laW Calls It Uurensonable I H- Enry office ave Unreason- able commi- ttees ease re- questing with One such conven- tion can coun- ty In- fantry 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GENTLE SPIRIT WHO ANSWERS LAST SUMMONS I THE LATE REV D J STAFFORD D D 1- c Completely Demolish Street in liuncie ONE MAN FATALLY INJURED One kindred tinder Arrest in In iliana Town AVklle Sixteen Have peen Hurt it llowi A Call for Troops to Quo the Disturbance Jn Munch Ind Jan tThree case to the Indiana Union Traction Company destroyed today by a mob fat sympathy with the striking conductors and motormen aril two f the strikebreakers were so badly betted that they had to be removed to a hospital One of them it ft thought will die The police and deputy sheriffs made nearly ttO arrests The trouble occurred in the factory district Troops Were Not Sent At noon the traction company formally aakoa the governor for troops to protect its property but when Ute governor called up the city authorities they said they had the situation in heist and troops were not needed Five persons in addition to the strike- breakers were injured in the riots today making sixteen injured since the rioting began POWERS JURY STILL OUT Deadlock May Be Broken by Verdict of Not Guilty Georgetown Ky Jan 8 All day Ar- thur Goebel wise for eight years has devoted his whole energy toward the prosecution of the men accused with hav- ing conspired to murder his tfrother Goebel has sat almost alone in the courtroom looking longingly toward the door to the jury room while Caleb Powers has been resting ia his prison cell Goe bel has abandoned hope for conviction and fears now that the verdict If one Is rendered will not guilty When tonight Juror Ronaiker the court to dismiss the jury declaring that they were hopelessly at odds Goebels face brightened Had Judge Morris dismissed tho jury tonight Goebel would have been better plonsed for he fears that if forced to yield tub men voting for conviction will ba the ones who will come over From the boat Indications the jury stands live to seven for acquittal MnelilaH to Be Helmut Mobile Ate Jan 3 The United States Machhw now lying at Pensa cola Fin wilt leave In a few days for the New York navy yard to be rebuilt The collier Hannibal will make the tow A crow of eighteen men arrived here to- day en route to Pensacola to take the vessel nincmont Branch Schedules Southern Railway announces will be withdrawn 134 will dally and 13S weekdays and iW will leave Blue mont 250 p m Instead pf 450 p m as A In Carte Lunch Served Dall- At Ecksteins from 12 to 3 1412 N ll4iiTE Cars f Held the government be bead 11lBY Are Gunboat gunboat following changes i Trains 123 J ov SRIRERS Up by be- longing were try Wil- liam rum non V ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Cardinal Gibbons My feelings are too deep for expression- All I can say at this time is that the city of Washington has suffer ed a great loss by the death of the Reverend Father Stafford Ii ¬ + THE CATHOLIC CLERGY Dr Stafford drank WM pert km Ht to the CMhofie ust pat ti mass He WM Mweirainrf to CMk ne Uilr- tMHy bead br Md glen for H IN- UM itoiKMt rtSB at trig He Meed ntttsnd sad trw BISHOP OCONXKLL Raster of tie Grtboik Uwwnitr Dr Stoiwd bjf with nest kraHrat 8UM sand Md UM than freely tor the read lettghw- inattiiM lniMrtlj The catholic UMMWSkf ia which be tatewtlr MfHfRS OBO OE A rWUOHRRTV 1 wnr of Uw Catholic Uawt j It it dUkolt fur to oprm ta brief Md pace my npreeteUoM of Dr 84Mford A fMBter of oab ta the tnmtt- anqpbttina of tie tout Me mpstiv XM extended to emy htienMt of Us faBow I do Mi MCM a nmwttiMB wtather it be erf Mtin or HiMridwi of rasa or ehid w a eoMem o fck The m4 of Ms work at St I uK is the beam of kiiseoiile The niSBMSt Is too sacred for e to earn aMt spa mt awedHt rHrtioiMhtp ef my- me KIT THOMAS B UeOUIUAX- AemUM St Patrick The death of Dr mad Seine iway the ttfMs Urn s is a Wow to to ed maple of St ratrMci- Hie anew mgncteUba WM ever tannins hto f iithhip a rffrari A kin Mriete I hers bees with xad IB tars ke ha ay and bra RBV WLLIAil J OallKOLU- AleMaMt at 1atridii Nose will the peat km of Dr atof ford mere than hit aHtotaota lie always t Ted MMelf to the triad and ceneW erate pester the perfect gesuemaa hi- aH Mi wbttwM The mueei of our work was 0 earning out of sotto Holy one another His greet charity and lanai wore M dooriy aisociaftd with him JA UtS A 8MIT1- AMMast at St Pitricki w- It I II lie U it t d- el Man el MMe kin a debt ala dIM tit to ot Bftrf ergo steer ions writ tit at tile tbItfth at latpeace seen u to bk hi a beth 10 St feel be sad his goes In belt lilt lie ItS a ails Cards sell a woe aiy was he and dltra be- d and wan nest hif sad ft seelr Asa tae M tsew padeiaK at tla mod help q- etery 4kaaad a sq aWrteae eery bent atar far ted deist 1 kaews wkasta u1o < > > EDITOR FALLS TO DEATH Charles Sunder of York Steps Into BlcvaiorShnft New York Jan 3 Charles Sander editor of tie Hungarian Daily News was killed by falling down the elevator shaft in Ute Presbyterian Building IK Fifth avenue this afternoon Mr Sander with Andrew Sebnoy were in the car and when Mr Sebncy got out at the sixth floor Sender startod to follow Lewis Russell the elevator boy had the gate partly closed by this time The olavfctpr shot up and Sander into the open shaft dropping down sdx stories He died almost Immediately Russell was arrested but later paroled- J H Small Florists WfisMnirtnn York fell Sonar New Troops Called to Quell ing ill Kentucky GOVERNOR OFFERS REWARD Will Pay 5OO Informa- tion of Contemplated Haiti on To- Iiucqu IiiterentK State Aroused Over Deprejmtioiis at IlnsftcHvHIc tend Other Places In County Jan lCbasrmed and disappointed at his failure In efforts to satisfy the growers Gov Wilson again eBl Adjt Gen P V Johnston to his ski and placed the National State Guards m bra bands to restore order in the country of the revolution He prepared a statement concerning the affair in which ta offers a reward of lOt any information given in advance of a contemplated raid s y night riders or the socalled peaceful armies This Is a new feature in the ease and the vernor expects that it will prevent more troubles like the attacks on Prince- ton Hopkinsvllle and RnsseUvllle Governor Makes Statement ills statement part is as follows The RMHeilviiie raid was dearly a of the promises made by the man ager of the association in that part of the State and was made to hinder the prose cation at Hopkinsville by mtimidating tli- ofHqhiis and witneeses but the only result will b to add new crimes and new crim- inals guilty of open felonies similar to those at Hopklnsrtlle and Princeton and to make it harder for the tobacco growers in that region even to get living prices for their tobacco to further disgrace the State inflict further immense destruction of values of farms and alt property m that district to destroy the tobacco ket there to and grieve people and take away their liberties and to shelve their faith in the protection of the laws and to force capital and valu- able Immigration to slum Kentucky and alt this without the least hope of chance- to help tho men who formed these or any of their tobacco Prison for Some At the end it the penitentiary for the infamous men who formed this conspiracy and for many of their dupes for though their associations number thousands the lawabiding fcn k v1n people number hundreds of thousands and there can be no possible hope that the govern Kentucky and a pos- sible escape from punishment when as It surely must come to pass in a short time the full extent of the crime and hurt is understood and conscience duty and faith of the people resume control and the full and possible power of the peoples law v Gov Wilson was early to- day to receive the following telegram from Rus ell ville NigHt riders burned two tobacco fact tories at this place last night and other property caught from these and was burned We stand reddy to do our full duty in this matter suggest that you send the fire marshHl to summon witnesses and make full investigation immediately W 0 SANDIGO Jndfc J W EDWAIIDS rowity Judge WT GltUEA Sheriff RIDERS Ills Advance torts Ky far In marI Khllrlux can re- store a EAR 0NiGllT for Ace tob- acco vio- lation oppress Con- spiracies moan tit and mitt < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Rev Father Stafford Dies in END OAEEEE Universal Sorrow Occasioned by His Passing Away Soul of Divine Renowned for lug Brilliancy and Intellectual Attain- ments Spiritual Character and Good Deeds Departs and Parishioners and Associates andH Friends Weep Over Their Loss Surrounded and inspired with Q xtha spiritual comfort and eonsolatio xWulca the Mother Church BO lovingly otters her faithful children at and in their on earth Dr Stafford passed away yesterday aft- ernoon at 1JS oclock In the Providence Hospital where tho eminent divine only- a few days before had been taken t undergo an operation which was to havo brought him relief from his sufferIng The end of the beloved pastor did not come unexpectedly since the crisis which followed the operation left him in an weak condition Although strong of frame and constitution the esteeme clergyman who had been patient for a number of months did not rally sufficient strength to overcome the shock Watched at time Bedside Dr Stafford died surrounded by his three devoted assistants at St Patricks Rev Thomas E McGuigan Rev James S Smyth and Rev Wilifcun A Carroll Mr and Mrs Alfred C Whitton and Miss Margaret Stafford Ms sisters arid brotherinlaw- Dr Hosier Bayly who with Dr J B Briscoe had kept faithful watch by the of the distinguished churchman ever since he was piaceiriK the hospital were also present when death occurred as were two sisters each from St Pat ricks Academy St Josephs Male Orphan Asylum and Si Vincents Asylum whf i institutions are in charge of St Pat and in whose welfare Dr Stafford being a great friend of the little one always took the deepest interest There were also a number of Sisters of Charity from the hospital present who with the other religieusee knelt In silent prayer by tix bedside of the dying pastor Alias ttaJnesrrtiMi nurse WBO attend JIG wlfuffntiil the sorrowful scene AH dtirijig aar l g boors telephone message received it hospital inquiring after the condition of Dr Staf- ford who was extremely popular with the people irrespective of their religious suasion Standing in particular high es teem with Cardinal Gibbons his eminonr kept himself posted by making use o the long distance telephone Message to time Cardinal ge yesterday morning informed the Cardinal that prospects were most unfavorable and that little hopes wes entertained of Dr Stafford surviving the crisis The cardinal gave instructions to advise him immediately It any change for th worse should occur He was at once noti Jted of the of St Patricks rector remains were taken to the rectory yesterday evening Funeral arrange- ment will be completed today Realising that his condition was grow lag worse and that death might ensue at any Rev Father McGulgan of St Patricks Church administered extreme unction to the patient Thursday night had prayers for the dying were recited by the priests present The health of the popular clergyman bad been failing for a number of years and fearing a complete breakdown from overwork directly following the erection of the new rectory and school buildings Dr Staffords congregation insisted he take a long vacation and rest Father Stafford was deeply by the JtetteUude and love shown by hits and following their advice he went to Europe where he spent a number Of months recuperating Pits return to Washington was signa i ised by a series of receptions given in his honor by the various societies connected with the church A monster reception at ivnfch prominent citizens irrcsptt live of belief made addresses of wel come was tendered to the rector at the new Carroll Halt Receive Many Gifts The celebrant was the recipient on this occasion f a large number of valuable presents Being of an active mind Dr Stafford could not reconcile himself to a life of quiet and rest which his phy- sicians advised him to pursue He Interested in the complete schemes of St Patricks Church build- ing which Shad always ben the aim of his life It was his wish to s e his church the most beautiful IIOUPO of worship in the city of Washington and he consulted with prominent archi- tects here and in other cities in the mat- ter with the result that plans and specifications were completed which show his church completed with two spirrs and an unusually artistic exterior anti environments- In connection with the other extensile work of the church its various organisa tons the schools the asylums and ho poor Dr Stafford before long found himself again the busiest man in his perish His health again b gan to fail and early last June he b ame ly ill Dr W Sinclair Bowen was d to attend him The rectors sister Mrs tsc peators favorite attended hr broth r faithfUlly from the brat day of his ill until the but moment After treat- ment of K short duration at Providen a Hospital his physicians ordered him to Atlantic City where it was bracing salt air would bring back to hs shattered system much needed strong Stay at the Seaside The stay at the seasick proved bets Peal to Dr Stafford but Ms health was gone too far to bring about a Iompleie Continued on Pose 4 Column 5 DEATH CLAIMS LIFE OF BELOVED PRIEST j f B mes Jag moments a i tick tier t ninth whose par < hearts was always looked upon neSs thought Hospital OF T0 TAB d Lov r ink t par- ticularly ex- tremely bedside 4 him were the f A time touched be- came ser ous sun W Itton whu as the j ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

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Page 1: I TWASHINGTON II · the board step down and out The board voted to postpone considera-tion of the petition indefinitely and Mrs Harry Cost leader of women de-nounced the members in









JJew Jersey Victim Is MrsC T S Wliitmore

TIP H V15 olb 1JSJt-

rJMiee Suspect Dead WomauHusband of Crime

Take Brooklyn Motorman IntoAfter Hearing of Threats to

Kill and Ills 111 Treatment of HisWife lied Dress Gives Clew that

Detectives to tIe Solution6f the Problem Brother on Way

few York Jam S Whit

fpe an exconvict was locked p in

the Harrison N J jail tonight afterliaif a domes persona had identined thelofty C the woman found in Limp Blacktiwam the day after Christmas as thatof Jail wife Lena Elisabeth Whitmore-

A private detective after several days

work found that the red dress whichhad been ripped otC the murdered woman

WIt Mid bjr OMMNfeeim and Collins in9 1tsMf street Brooklyn and delivered bythem to a fwjtioheoroom house at 3Adams street Brooklyn kept by MrsWtdtmere She had Vera mistm it waslearned 4 oclock on Christmas

lorStiff cr Glcarn Mystery

Then it was discovered that Mrs Itanie-Sefemttter of m Bast imh street was astaler of Mrs Whitmores The police tookMrs Schmitter to the Harrison morgue

The instant the saw the shesftti It was her sister She Identified thered ise and the furs positively Herhatband Michael was equally certainand a frkmd of the family Mrs Edith

at the anise time thereceiM s no doubt that it was Whfc-m rt

Sehnitter aM that Whitmore whowept mexormaa on the Third

Avesne Elevated running a snwtUe trainbejfeween Chatham 9a are Bfd the BroekIjra Bridge at night married her slaterLena Salter fifteen years ago in AlbanyShe said that Whitmore m treated hiswife constantly and had beaten her at

so that her body w Mack andline Mrs Schmitter declared that Whiti ere tease said to his wWe-

sna U I shooid kill you some timetokfd dry arrest me on a charge ofl pwrfty

Brother on llln WayKtW Jar fcWilHam It-

S Mer a baker of this city who Mvas at51 Behenectady street sad urn WilliamHughes who lives at SI Victory avenuepesitivety Identified pictures of thewoman whose murdered body was foundn the swamps of Harrison N J as

of a sister Mrs Theodore S Whitmore Brooklyn Mrs Wbltmorwhose maiden name was Lena Statevrac assent thfrtynve years of age

During their residence here accordingmade today by the brother

ndateter of the dead woman Whitmoreand Ms wife quarreled freQuently largelybceauae of the husbands dissipatedhabits

The Whitntores were here Jut hi thewhen they spent a week with

the Slitters Wttnam Salter loft tonightfor Harrtaos to identity the body of hisslater


ItxSocrctary Confers wIth GovCtiinminH of Iowa

Dot Moines Iowa Jan 1 For the firstin years former Secretary of the

Treasury Leslie M Shaw and Gov A B

Cammhea met in a beartteheart cpa

funmoe today and discussed the Iowapefitfeai tMttkm and possible bearlag national polities

Aa to pst what conclusion these twoleaders of opposite factions reachedneftiler wW make a dennlte statement atthis time but the intimate friends ofeacs that war tend peace meas-

ures were both discussed SecretaryShaw wmtfd like to be a candidate forthe Premdaucy and be would like to

the race backed by a solid Towa

He knows he could not do this withoutCummins consent as the latter controlsthe north halt of the State It te claimedthat Shay sounded the governor as towhether be would agree to stick to theSenatorial fight and offer no obstacle toSfcaws securing the Iowa delegation-

It te further reported that Oovwould make no promises until after

a eettference with his political advocatesMary Iowans would be glad to supportShaw for the Presidency if it did not in-

volve Senator Allison but they declarethey will not enter into any agreementwhich might give Cummins an advantageas against Allison


3Hnarj jM Ely Learn It Will Takethat ItonK to Reach Them

I5tjr Jan S After weeksnearly 1CM feet under the ground

and tbd thn 0i pipe the three minersmtambed in the Gtroux shaft learned toJay that they moat remain their prison

a months longer Tko rescuersire down nearly 401 foot

The three entombed men when told itwould probably te four weeks before jtoey-

mld he released appeared satteifed thateverything possible was bains done Theintombed men are in good health andteem cheerful i

Veteran Editor fleaCarlisle Pa Jan 1CoL H Thomas

editor and manager died at Mecltftntesburg today aged seventyfour years He-w as a member of the National and StateEditorial Associations and served in the

Are You Drawing an IncomeOn your surplus money Begin the newyear by opening a bank account withUnion Trust Co isth H Interest paiduq all accounts Under govt supervision









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Champaign County III Wants theSpeaker in White House

Champaign 111 Jan 8 At one of thelargest and most enthusiastic gatheringsever hold in Champaign the Republicans-of the twentyoight townships of thecounty unanimously passed the followingresolution amid ringing cheers

Resolved by the combined organiza-tion of the Republican party of

County and its twentyeight town-

ships lid others atteadtig this metingthat we declare our unswerving loyaltyand adherence to the Hun Joeeph G

Cannon of Illinois as the Republicancandidate for President of Ute UnitedStates and do hereby pledge ourselvesto tose all our personal efforts to fav-orably presets his candidacy to the nextnational convention of the Republicanparty

Congressman W B McIUnley of theNineteenth district ofcommittee having Uncle Joes

in charge was noisily greeted andthe mention of his name and that ofCannon was the signal for applauseEkigene B Fletcher of Chicago having-in charge the campaign of former Sena-tor William E Mason to succeed Senator Albert J Hopkins was also present


Wife of Illinois Bank Exam-

iner Receives Shot


Latter Dies UK Result of Tweedy In1uMIu Park Leaves Note SayingTheir Love Prompted the Deefl

and ARklnsr to Be Buried TogetherThe Police Find a Letter

Chicago Jan S The unconscious bod-

ies oC a man and woman found lyingon the ground in Grant Park title eveningby people attracted by two rrmtver shotsthat were Aged m rapid succession Thewoman M Mrs Ruby C Ptssak wife ofWilliam Piaaak a State husk examinerwho lives at SOC L ke avenue Site hi

shot Jut beneath the nearu and hi m acondition

Police Find IotturGilbert Broekott C fill Jnstia

street a department store employ wasthe man and he died shortly after reach

iHfSt Lukes Hospital where both werehurried by the police A letter found inthe mans met told the story It readDr Sadie De Wilt P t fty aid I kf-

We Ohr Mt fe we f nu fate BBRRThis is supposed to be for Crocketts

sister and her husband who live in Dav


Indiana Slob Demands RcuJKimUoii-sIcinber Injured by Stone

KlrHn Ind Jan 8 Fifty women ofthis place iieaded a mob of indignantcitizens last night that called upon theschool board while its three memberswere in session and demanded their res-

ignation presenting a petition at thesane time front 198 property owners thatthe board step down and out

The board voted to postpone considera-tion of the petition indefinitely and MrsHarry Cost leader of women de-

nounced the members in unmeasuredterms

As the crowd reached the street MrWilliam one of board appeared atthe window and was down andbadly injured with a brackbat The people of the village wish the board toresign and turn tie school interests overto the township trustees In order to havea new schoolhouse built in the corporatelimits


Mount Royal with KM Aboard InTwentynine Days Overdue

St John N Bi Jan STh steamshipMount Royal is now twentynine daysoverdue and hope is practically aban-doned She had 900 stowage passengers-on which with her crew made atotal of nearly 400

Wireless stations along entire Atlantic coast have been warned to lookout for tho vessel or some trace of herbut so far it has availed nothing

The Mount Royal when she loft Antwerp board some 2300 tons ofcoal sufficient tolast her from thirty tothirtyfive days so if she is still afloatshe sufficient fuel to last at least tendays yet


Intends Openly Say lie Would Xotlie Stronger Candidate There

Detroit Jan It appears rfter talkswith Democrats in various parts of theState including Grand Rapid Lansingand this city that even the sturdy sup-porters of William J Bryaa in the cam-paigns of 1806 and 1000 are not at ufl

that Bryan would be the stiongetfor the Democratic national

convention to name this yearSome of Cop Bryans friends say openly

that they are convinced that he wouldnot bo the strongest candidate to nominate


Police Raid Headquarters of Workhitmens Party in Suburb of CityBerlin Jan police of this city

raided a louse in the suburb of Charlottenburg last night and arrested seven-teen members of the Central Committeeof the Russian Workingmens Party Thearrests were made under the Prussianlaw which forbids meetings of secretsocieties and presumable as a result ofinformation supplied by Russian politicalagents

Wireless Telephony SuccessfulWiutesbarre Pa Jan I After two

years work John Grohowski of Kingstc twenty years old was today abletoi talk by wireless telephone a distance-of JM feet

to Baltimore tool ReturnSaturday and Sunday via Pennsyl-

vania Tickets good returninguntil Sunday night All trainsexcept Congressional Limited




enpwt Itt J









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poia ld skis























Rebels Against Manner ofCall for Primaries


Will Demand Enforcement ofthe Huffman Law

Only Other Course to Overcome O-bjectionable Decision of Ohio Ile-

puullcnnn IN to Call a Rump Con-

vention Declare Order ftu 1000retltloncm for u Ticket

Illegal and Unnecessary

Cincinnati Jan 3 Senator Fdraker to-

day issued a statement declaring that hewill not abide by the decision yesterday-of the Republican State mend committee at Columbus as voiced in the

call for State convention primariesIt appears that two courses aro now opento him through this stand

A rump convention can be called toname State delegates to the national con-

vention on the chance that the credentialscommittee of the national convention willhonor the credentials of the independentRepublicans

The other plan the most likely onewill be to carry the fight to the floor ofthe legislature in a contest on behalf of

Huffman direct primary law with anamendment making this law effective atonce If this bill IB passed it will auto-

matically rewind yesterdays action ofthe Republican central committee andgive Foraker just what he wants

FnrakerN ObjectionsWhile the RepubUcanTaft forces are

not likely to oppose so popular a measureas the direct primary they will doubtlesslight to the last against making the bUt

effective at once statement todaySenator Foraker says-

I am not sure I understand the callalthough I have read it several times ItI do it is another eC asking forbread mad getting a stone My idea In

primaries was to bava the elec-

tion of delegates brought home to the peo-

ple so that In each ward we could selectour immediate representatives

This call makes all that impossible-In addition it prescribes requirements-not authorised by the statute and notwithin the power of the State centralcommittee Some of those requirements-are in meet conflict tt statuteiSajne of then are vernbycdtpgomrin vartknilar te the rejoin ne4 that hefore there can be a Tall ticket and aPoraker ticket there must be a petitionsigned by twenty times the number ofthe candidates for delegates and alternates That would mean in this countyabout 4CGI signers or petitioners

The unreasonableness of the require-ment that there shall be 4NO petitionersto authorize a ticket is shown not only bythe fact that the law makes no re-

quirement but that in ease where thelaw authorised county bad city ocers tobe nominated by petition only IM namesare necessary to nominate any countyomcer and only ftf ty names are necessaryto nominate any municipal officer

If in the contemplation of the lax fiftysigners are enough to authorize placing amans name on the ticket for mayor ofCincinnati or Cleveland certainly it tobeyond anything contemplated by the lawthat iWO signers should be necessary tonominate a lot of delegates and alter-nates to merely attend the State

Such a condition is unnecessary aswell as burdensome It should be enoughfor each party to select his own ticketand to let the people vote their preferenceThe counties are not bound to followthe order of the State central committeebut whether they will do so or not I amnot advised So far as I am personallyconcerned I shall make no effort to com-ply withsuch uncalled for illegal and arbitrary conditions


Says Fight Is Hard lint FriendsWill Not Give Up

Akron Ohio Jan 3 With his formerstrongest supporters out for Taft SenatorDick tonight declared that SummitCountys delegation will not go by de-

fault Senator Forakers friends willmake the best light they although-it must be admitted that It is a lIt under dlfflculttwC ho said I am forForaker first last and all tho time andreports to the contrary that I want toclimb into someone elses bond wagonare false

Of the State central committees callhe said It makes a boss In every

if it Is followedHe stated he would announce In a few

days whether he would be a candidatefor delegateatlarge or not

Tonight the Taft Club the first organized in the county was rpergantzadwith speeches by prominent Republicans


Charged with Forging Name of ColDaniel Gormnn

Detroit Jan 8 A warrant was issuedtoday in the police court here chargingLieut R F Hazzard of the Seventh

United States army stationed atFort Wayne with forging the game ofCol Daniel Gorman to a check for 4 0

Hazzard Is in the guardhouse and acourtmartial may convene to try himHazzard served with distinction In thePhilippines under Gen Funston and took-a leading part in the capture of Agulnaldo

Flotilla Reaqlica ParaThe torpedoboat flotilla preceding the

battle fleet on the way to tlfb Pacific leftPara yesterday for Pernambuco Brazilaccording to a dispatch received at theNavy Department yesterday afternoon

Baltimore and ReturnBaltimore and Ohio RSaturday and Sunday All trains

both ways both days except Royal Limited City 1417 G st andf6I3 Pa





Calls It Uurensonable




































Completely Demolish Streetin liuncie


One kindred tinder Arrest in Iniliana Town AVklle Sixteen Havepeen Hurt it llowi A Call forTroops to Quo the Disturbance Jn

Munch Ind Jan tThree caseto the Indiana Union Traction

Company destroyed todayby a mob fat sympathy with the strikingconductors and motormen aril two fthe strikebreakers were so badly bettedthat they had to be removed to a hospital

One of them it ft thought will die Thepolice and deputy sheriffs made nearlyttO arrests The trouble occurred in thefactory district

Troops Were Not SentAt noon the traction company formally

aakoa the governor for troops to protectits property but when Ute governorcalled up the city authorities they saidthey had the situation in heist and troopswere not needed

Five persons in addition to the strike-

breakers were injured in the riots todaymaking sixteen injured since the riotingbegan


Deadlock May Be Broken by Verdictof Not Guilty

Georgetown Ky Jan 8 All day Ar-

thur Goebel wise for eight years hasdevoted his whole energy toward theprosecution of the men accused with hav-

ing conspired to murder his tfrother

Goebel has sat almost alone in thecourtroom looking longingly toward thedoor to the jury room while Caleb Powers

has been resting ia his prison cell Goe

bel has abandoned hope for convictionand fears now that the verdict If one Is

rendered will not guilty

When tonight Juror Ronaikerthe court to dismiss the jury declaring

that they were hopelessly at oddsGoebels face brightened Had JudgeMorris dismissed tho jury tonight Goebelwould have been better plonsed for hefears that if forced to yield tubmen voting for conviction will ba theones who will come over

From the boat Indications the jurystands live to seven for acquittal

MnelilaH to Be HelmutMobile Ate Jan 3 The United States

Machhw now lying at Pensacola Fin wilt leave In a few days forthe New York navy yard to be rebuiltThe collier Hannibal will make the towA crow of eighteen men arrived here to-

day en route to Pensacola to take thevessel

nincmont Branch SchedulesSouthern Railway announces

will be withdrawn 134 will dallyand 13S weekdays and iW will leave Bluemont 250 p m Instead pf 450 p m as

A In Carte Lunch Served Dall-At Ecksteins from 12 to 3 1412 N




Held the government


11lBY Are



followingchanges i Trains 123




Up by


longingwere try











Cardinal Gibbons

My feelings are toodeep for expression-

All I can say at thistime is that the city ofWashington has suffered a great loss by thedeath of the ReverendFather Stafford





Dr Stafford drank WM pert km Htto the CMhofie ust

pat ti mass He WMMweirainrf to CMk ne Uilr-

tMHy bead br Md glen for H IN-

UM itoiKMt rtSB at trig HeMeed ntttsnd sad trw

BISHOP OCONXKLLRaster of tie Grtboik Uwwnitr

Dr Stoiwd bjf with nestkraHrat 8UM sand Md UM

than freely tor the read lettghw-inattiiM lniMrtlj The catholic

UMMWSkf ia which be tatewtlr

MfHfRS OBO OE A rWUOHRRTV1 wnr of Uw Catholic Uawt j

It it dUkolt fur to oprm ta briefMd pace my npreeteUoM of Dr

84Mford A fMBter of oab ta the tnmtt-anqpbttina of tie tout Me mpstiv XMextended to emy htienMt of Us faBowI do Mi MCM a

nmwttiMB wtather it be erf Mtinor HiMridwi of rasa or ehid w a

eoMem o fck The m4 of Ms workat St I uK is the beam ofkiiseoiile

The niSBMSt Is too sacred for e to earnaMt spa mt awedHt rHrtioiMhtp ef my-


AemUM St Patrick

The death of Dr mad Seine iway thettfMs Urn s is a Wow to

to ed maple of St ratrMci-Hie anew mgncteUba WM evertannins hto f iithhip a rffrari A kin

Mriete I hers bees withxad IB tars ke ha ay and bra

RBV WLLIAil J OallKOLU-AleMaMt at 1atridii

Nose will the peat km of Dr atofford mere than hit aHtotaota lie always

t Ted MMelf to the triad and ceneWerate pester the perfect gesuemaa hi-

aH Mi wbttwM The mueei of our workwas 0 earning out of sotto Holyone another His greet charity and lanai

wore M dooriy aisociaftd with himJA UtS A 8MIT1-

AMMast at St Pitricki


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Charles Sunder of York StepsInto BlcvaiorShnft

New York Jan 3 Charles Sandereditor of tie Hungarian Daily News waskilled by falling down the elevator shaftin Ute Presbyterian Building IK Fifthavenue this afternoon Mr Sander withAndrew Sebnoy were in the car andwhen Mr Sebncy got out at the sixthfloor Sender startod to follow

Lewis Russell the elevator boy hadthe gate partly closed by this time Theolavfctpr shot up and Sander intothe open shaft dropping down sdx storiesHe died almost Immediately

Russell was arrested but later paroled-

J H Small FloristsWfisMnirtnn York




Troops Called to Quelling ill Kentucky


Will Pay 5OO Informa-tion of Contemplated Haiti on To-

Iiucqu IiiterentK State Aroused OverDeprejmtioiis at IlnsftcHvHIc tendOther Places In County

Jan lCbasrmed anddisappointed at his failure In effortsto satisfy the growers Gov Wilsonagain eBl Adjt Gen P V Johnstonto his ski and placed the National StateGuards m bra bands to restore order inthe country of the revolution

He prepared a statement concerning theaffair in which ta offers a reward of lOt

any information given in advance ofa contemplated raid s y night ridersor the socalled peaceful armies ThisIs a new feature in the ease and the

vernor expects that it will preventmore troubles like the attacks on Prince-

ton Hopkinsvllle and RnsseUvllle

Governor Makes Statementills statement part is as followsThe RMHeilviiie raid was dearly a

of the promises made by the manager of the association in that part of theState and was made to hinder the prosecation at Hopkinsville by mtimidating tli-

ofHqhiis and witneeses but the only resultwill b to add new crimes and new crim-inals guilty of open felonies similar tothose at Hopklnsrtlle and Princeton andto make it harder for the tobacco growersin that region even to get living prices fortheir tobacco to further disgrace theState inflict further immense destructionof values of farms and alt property mthat district to destroy the tobaccoket there to and grievepeople and take away their liberties andto shelve their faith in the protection ofthe laws and to force capital and valu-able Immigration to slum Kentucky andalt this without the least hope of chance-to help tho men who formed these

or any of their tobaccoPrison for Some

At the end it the penitentiaryfor the infamous men who formed thisconspiracy and for many of their dupesfor though their associations numberthousands the lawabiding fcn k v1npeople number hundreds of thousandsand there can be no possible hope that the

govern Kentucky and a pos-

sible escape from punishment when as Itsurely must come to pass in a short timethe full extent of the crime and hurt isunderstood and conscience duty andfaith of the people resume control and

the full and possible power of thepeoples law v

Gov Wilson was early to-

day to receive the following telegramfrom Rus ellville

NigHt riders burned two tobacco facttories at this place last night and otherproperty caught from these and wasburned

We stand reddy to do our full duty inthis matter suggest that you sendthe fire marshHl to summon witnessesand make full investigation immediately

W 0 SANDIGO JndfcJ W EDWAIIDS rowity Judge

WT GltUEA Sheriff




torts Ky




Khllrlux can















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Rev Father Stafford Dies in


Universal Sorrow Occasioned byHis Passing Away

Soul of Divine Renowned for lugBrilliancy and Intellectual Attain-ments Spiritual Character andGood Deeds Departs andParishioners and Associates andHFriends Weep Over Their Loss

Surrounded and inspired with Q xthaspiritual comfort and eonsolatio xWulcathe Mother Church BO lovingly otters herfaithful children at and

in their on earthDr Stafford passed away yesterday aft-ernoon at 1JS oclock In the ProvidenceHospital where tho eminent divine only-

a few days before had been taken tundergo an operation which was to havobrought him relief from his sufferIng

The end of the beloved pastor did notcome unexpectedly since the crisis whichfollowed the operation left him in an

weak condition Although strongof frame and constitution the esteemeclergyman who had been patient for anumber of months did not rally sufficientstrength to overcome the shock

Watched at time BedsideDr Stafford died surrounded by his

three devoted assistants at St PatricksRev Thomas E McGuigan Rev JamesS Smyth and Rev Wilifcun A CarrollMr and Mrs Alfred C Whitton andMiss Margaret Stafford Ms sisters aridbrotherinlaw-

Dr Hosier Bayly who with Dr J BBriscoe had kept faithful watch by the

of the distinguished churchmanever since he was piaceiriK the hospitalwere also present when death occurredas were two sisters each from St Patricks Academy St Josephs Male OrphanAsylum and Si Vincents Asylum whf iinstitutions are in charge of St Pat

and in whose welfare Dr Staffordbeing a great friend of the little onealways took the deepest interest

There were also a number of Sisters ofCharity from the hospital present whowith the other religieusee knelt In silentprayer by tix bedside of the dying pastorAlias ttaJnesrrtiMi nurse WBO attend

JIG wlfuffntiil the sorrowful sceneAH dtirijig aar l g boors telephone

message received it hospitalinquiring after the condition of Dr Staf-ford who was extremely popular with thepeople irrespective of their religioussuasion Standing in particular high esteem with Cardinal Gibbons his eminonrkept himself posted by making use othe long distance telephone

Message to time Cardinalge yesterday morning informed

the Cardinal that prospects were mostunfavorable and that little hopes wesentertained of Dr Stafford surviving thecrisis

The cardinal gave instructions to advisehim immediately It any change for thworse should occur He was at once notiJted of the of St Patricks rector

remains were taken to the rectoryyesterday evening Funeral arrange-ment will be completed today

Realising that his condition was growlag worse and that death might ensue atany Rev Father McGulgan of StPatricks Church administered extremeunction to the patient Thursday nighthad prayers for the dying were recitedby the priests present

The health of the popular clergymanbad been failing for a number of yearsand fearing a complete breakdown fromoverwork directly following the erectionof the new rectory and school buildingsDr Staffords congregation insisted hetake a long vacation and rest

Father Stafford was deeply bythe JtetteUude and love shown by hits

and following their advicehe went to Europe where he spent anumber Of months recuperating

Pits return to Washington was signa i

ised by a series of receptions given in hishonor by the various societies connectedwith the church A monster reception ativnfch prominent citizens irrcsptt live of

belief made addresses of welcome was tendered to the rector at thenew Carroll Halt

Receive Many GiftsThe celebrant was the recipient on this

occasion f a large number of valuablepresents Being of an active mind DrStafford could not reconcile himself to alife of quiet and rest which his phy-

sicians advised him to pursue HeInterested in the complete

schemes of St Patricks Church build-ing which Shad always ben the aim ofhis life It was his wish to s e

his church the most beautiful IIOUPO

of worship in the city of Washingtonand he consulted with prominent archi-

tects here and in other cities in the mat-

ter with the result that plans andspecifications were completed which show

his church completed with two spirrsand an unusually artistic exterior antienvironments-

In connection with the other extensilework of the church its various organisatons the schools the asylums and ho

poor Dr Stafford before long foundhimself again the busiest man in hisperish His health again b gan to fail

and early last June he b amely ill

Dr W Sinclair Bowen was dto attend him The rectors sister Mrs

tsc peators favorite attended hr broth rfaithfUlly from the brat day of his ill

until the but moment After treat-

ment of K short duration at Providen aHospital his physicians ordered him toAtlantic City where it wasbracing salt air would bring back to hsshattered system much needed strong

Stay at the SeasideThe stay at the seasick proved bets

Peal to Dr Stafford but Ms health wasgone too far to bring about a Iompleie

Continued on Pose 4 Column 5





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