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I I VOL c h e I Y LIINO C7 H H NEV YORK THURSDAY NOVEMBER I 0 1884 PRICE TWO CENTS t f I t l j U t 1II r n 1 L IS- I S 1- Ii I I t 4- ii I f I i aA- C I f I d r LI I 11t 4- Le r S r R o IblI 1 o TilE RESUIT J IN DOUlrr And all Hinging on the Vote of New York State A VERY CLOSE CONTEST- An Apparent Plurality of 1643 for Cleveland INDIANA IS DEMOCRATIC West t Virginia DoiiMful but Slant ing Toward Blaine WISCONSIN REPUBLICAN qtdaii t tli Jet tlll Vote uf Virginia Sew Jersey and Connecticut The Halite In ftew York Blulc ALMa M- IrunOne Net of Flcar Shut IMeeU- IlliOn Thc Republican mists he Hlatr and lriruuk In Mr lllalna Ihat ke this Niirely C rrlrilll omo Ilrpnbllcan Talk of a Itepubllciiti Ilurallly In Flolldii Grace Circled Muyar by More than 1OOO- OrlnralllyOkrr Otr Candidate rtecled- Tk Vote In Kina Quern und ICIckmoud The election for the Presidency now lilncos on the vote of New York State Tho battle hOI been evenly contested and tlio result Is Almost a draw Tim rural districts Imvo almost If not Quito overcome the bin majorities for Clovo laud In Now York anti Kings and the result ut this writing II In doubt THK SUNS lieu res given bolow Imvo boon collected with unusual carp Our cptclal correspondent have tulogrnphud tho vote complete from 54 of tlio CO counties and the remainIng counties have bon very closely estimated by oxperlencod news ers and politicians on the spot They Indicate a plurality of 1G43 for tlio Democratic candl dato On tho other hand llgntes gathered by tbo Aftsoolatod Trees Indicate a blight plurality for Mr Dial no Doth tho Itopubltcan nnd Democratic lend- ers eom confident that their party tins boon successful The Republicans have tologiaphed to Mr lllnlno that ho las surely earned tho State by from 5000 to luOOO plurality while the friends of Oov Cleveland assure him that the figures they have collected elect 111 by 1000 or 5010 rite returns collected 1 liy tlio A cltl Press give tbo results by election dlllrlcl Thoro are 11Jl election districts outside of the citIes of Now York and Brooklyn Up to midnight lust nIght 1743 of those dis- tricts ¬ had boon hoard from and thy gave Ulaino an aggregate plurality of 7295 The plurality of Cleveland In Now York and Brooklyn la SH80 loavlnl illume 1514 bohlnd The 252 61 trlets yet to bo heard from gave Oarllcid In 1880 pluralities aggregating 7301 nnd Han ¬ cock pluralities aggregating 3118 leaving a blanco of 4143 In favor of the Republicans to Blaino a loss of onehalf of this he would yet bo elected by G07 plurality upon the returns of the Associated Press Now Jersey Connecticut Indiana anti VIi glnla nro no longer doubtful States They have been carried by tin Democrats Wlscon sin has Leon can led by the Itopublionnu Tim result In Went Vlrulnla remains In doubt but the chances thieve Incline In favor of lllalne Butlers total vole In the Stato will bo ISniiO to 20000 and St Johns 22000 to 24000 In many of the Republican slrollllllli of the State whom a largo vote wait looked for tho returns Indicate that Mr St Johns supporters dasertod him for 1lllno Very few votes for Duller conic publicim counties In AlleKany county M Johns vote was 1100 antI llutlers 500 In St Lawrence Ht John got 267 and liutlur 19 In Erie county St John gn 015 and Bailor 2V Votes CnrtlKauuuulyimeiicit John uUJ votes and DuLler 420 All the counties whoIl tho Stalwart Republi- cans worn Mr lllalno antI Unvldn county where Mr Conkllngs followers are nu- merous ¬ turned u Kopubllcan plurality of near- ly ¬ 2000 in 1880 Into I small plurality for Cleve- land ¬ Cleveland carries only eleven counties out side of Now York nnd Klnea Yesterdays leturns gave the Republicans two moro Assemblymen in close districts in lluffalo The nOt Assembly wl611nd seventy four llonubllcans to Cloy Cleveland had returns telegraphed to him from ovary Democratic county committee- man In the State last night and on their flit uros concluded that he had carried the Stnte by 42UO plurality rks t eIO1 Vole by Slaips- 1o ClelIIU1 For llie- AIb 10 aIlrOola S Arkn olod- o1neelI 5 a Illinois 22- Uslswr I Iwsi HIu Yloridii f KUI 00 I Chalno- JMdhisa I Uisscbueiis 14 Kenlucky Its 5Ilcb5su 13- Jnusliis M MInnesota t Maryland I Nebrisk- allsIslipl A C Xd 1 Iou 18 J ew hSaiphlrc 1- tio N Jrrsey DOlls 23- Vart Carolina ll1orrgnu I 1c uol C luaSIlnl Tnuirssr 12 Ild- T 4 II Vermont 4- It Vlrglnlii 12 Wiseonsln TuhI ItI Tolnl IPIe IM1 Niles New York IU Wct VirgInia 1 trceeeary to choice IfiOl Kixas covxTfs Ulr Tk Hevliel PliurciTke Menialmil MnUe an AIIUOM laU Pwrei- The coi roctcul election returns fioni Klujn county show thin following rell YON rii I ii r Cliitlaiid lilni tic Mxil- Uiillcr I I I M Julin 1401 Cleveland iluralli- 157U 111 POH roMHr eiond IH trlel Kllx lphol i il I 1 i74t0 Tluinm I Shcrlltillln and 1 Mori 17 thCIII belUinuJnrllv ft 7llt Chin lCtrIt0irwlO II IniiirKR I 300M1 Caleb I fcmlth I 111 VI Junui > iiinlirlli I IU > Vnurlh tlUlrlclIVtrr I I I Mnlinnct Nj I I I IXIkVl I H lul IIHIIiICi l illi IJ kk Miolutll Inil I iI vlalioiicyi- ihir il > ri Mr Fifth nutrlMArcMMM M HUM ID I II iwll J > ruli- Wnrtliilt I llnj lllul lcll liii I rll I Him 5lLI rlyIU nrIlrn Ullrlct Wafer 47l i- Lalniheer III I 4U I mil Mini 117- lerund I llillricl Nuklo I ID 7d3 OidenterX ill I7ti0- Talr1 lllilrlrlMlailliD c 21P It I 4154 Vnnrih liiitiletllMirKcriy iln 47JS iiurnn Hi SUM I llld iC- ilIliCrLetCtTey I7H- OHilh Kirth I d I I 24 IJ Oonuvan I Ihd J 1IIIItnl I n 54I l> e Hi 2 M- Cvrt eleventh rutrlt tlinUav ll 0 I 3 bIT ItllJd IK 271W1- S Eighth Ulitrlcl ffinnuli I t U2M Mutiny I I I Mnth DlHrlit VMermR I ni 157 Iielnne 1 H 4717 Tenth IlKlrlrt Tailor II I tlSli i le i ill I a UUfV- Klevenih I e3U- Tltlh Dlitrlctlleaih I I 111 H4J Ink C I i ll lolrldI1 I1 ft Krt I Mill I H 5IS I for MiCtJlflrIy I3i7 ill uiivj Tar I I eCIt- oFarIyeThilorIu For Oily Ju Uv in > ok 11I > 11 k H I Oilran lir l 32M Van j rk i ninlorm In t 1- 7tr CniuplrnllrrHrinkrlion I II I i IKI > 31 llfrirtn- MM2S Hrlnkirliin iiujnrnv471- fur J AuilllorVr II J il2 Itllld II S77IH- Vovgtt majority 2I4- t Iisi biqr J suIe Cl Lrc ILd 4 Ioultlj1 I S fnt want Iifkln I V Fnnrlli wardt Onrl n I Rltth wirdi i OKtilo I Lliihtli j nartli i lCsIlgIlr I Wi I T iuli Wfirli i lltmirlt liijl Twflrih ill Fnur firiitn wanti l i Maurcr I H Klxt I CII rIIhl Ulauclilfld I ID Ilnlilruntli nardl i W U i llellliein H Twentieth ninli Hnktrlll Twcnt peell l vmnli Twenty fniirili nanlt 1 t 11101 I III YII lorrlOI II ill I Nsw I trrrliti ill ilravtmiili I II 101 ilinl I Ncv lim itfiitr 7 IK tlatlanili ulr lel XOltK HTATK- 1HIIO lIuuaIles INH4 llniKiirk unritld rlryMii ninlnr 1011 PL Ihi j itttl 5 CNII AIIniiy d11iI 7i9 Allgini- yllroiie 3 rt i ri UU Iattaranxim lirt jm- Cayima llfm JIK- ILhautaintna 11 l 4 7- riiernntic 170 ij- Clitmanro 1210 I no- fllntin ijoo 7 Columbia f91 K- Iorllamt IV3 I2J Delaware vt I nmoiiiu Nl uro lias Erie MJI hr ino iu imi- rranklln lavt 111- rnllnn and llainl Slid IHJ l llellllee IJ34 Wf- lllrtene UD I- VIlirkhner lfl HIS J ITroii SBEI 6- MllKl 2 9311 IMIT- OICMln TOJ 7- 4IUInirliii USD Ml- Uadlliu 3110 a nu- MoilKomiT Monroe C3Hj 62 > 2 211 New York IliJ 4TO- 3Mvara Ml mi- Onella 10K 19 OnulidaKa 4IM r Ontario 11 7B- iDrauito 4li 1U- llrleani 1177 tills lwtfii JIO 244- 1rmnam 11tC20 25 BJ < QUI WO lJ3- Itvliltdacr Ml 3- Ilkliinonil I31 IiA- lincklainl 77 IM- Mr Lawrence 7913 74 Haratoita 2eti AA folienntaj G 14- 6Mluihurle I lolii I I IW- 7fUiujtor 4H7 Mi- stiifca 4M sa- MmUfli 12M W6- MlXutk IM Ml IIul 179 I3U- HHKK I im IHI- TiMliklni 940 IO- Iliter Ul I- IWnrrm 712 7M- vviiniiinxtnn iat jus- Wajne SJJJ V1- UWeMrlinter 481 1249- W onilliz IV6- Vulii I 52141 UV 12V Totals CI7U WJ6 12 r WWI iletliiinr > rlurallty liUa T1IK KLRCriOX IX XKW JKllSKf- llililiii from Viiiloii < alaEC anil- lUtlnuiletl XliOurlllci- lu Hudson count which includes Iprfrpy City tho Democratic majority Is about 6200- Forillmind Ilulntre for SlierilT fouls McLouch- lln fur County Clerk nnd George 11 Fielder for Itiirhtur all UmnociatH nro elected fcln KSSOJC counl which Include Xovirk illumes was 12W or 1500 loss tluin- iardolds Iohlbacli the lloiiubllciu nominee for Concrie wits elocted by 325 plurality over hauler Democrat whoso majority two yonrs nao WIts over 1000 Tim Itopubllcan canduluto fur Sheriff Wi Stalnsby 1 was Hcratcheil I be oauso of record ho made as Aldor mll of Xovrnrk antI was beaten liy DomoLTiulo candidate William 11 Drown ruin plurality ol the latter Is lf 70 Alt the other llupubllcan candldatps woio elected ns followv V S Fish State Senator 1100 plurality JouIh U Munn Surrogate HOO Emi Lonrfnff Illlltor 2300 throe Coro- ners 150 Tho Buler In the county was 500 750 The total voto wa the largest ever poled In EAex and the mol of the return midnight Morris county gave Pholns for Congress maJoriVlnll elmted Charles A flllhn Sheriff Tho Independent and Irohl ¬ bltlon voto was very IlKhj Kll nbeth olocted drier for Mayor by U22 ma- jority ¬ nnil Democratic rrrilioldcrHby SOD ma- jority Thu City I Council stands U Itupiibllciius to 7 UcmoiratB There wan a large lYolilbitlon nnd Independ- ent ¬ vote In SOlnrset county Vail i vvns elected Shcrll of Union county by 217 majority over ThoSonato lands Itoitubllcans 11 Demo irats 10 Tho Assembly I Itupublicans 1 5 Uumornl 25 CoevluI Jlurlly 3200- CltntfrI olc I varfll ClrII1 ZlILfA- 1141Ce oG Uen IJ I HurllIOU IG1 211- 4Sliiy 415- 2C4I 0 I 2H- JiUflliIrIitllI 1 lIt 2JU I 10Ieuler b ludn 494 621 Inntrlon 1tJ 675 6C- MTI5ddIe5 131 71- 1lolI01Ih I IO- Jrl est Ill 24- 4I41slc 11 I4S- ftlelll 13 11- 5141ltetet 1 131 SLIHICA 1 I 12I isbn I 0- Wrrn 211J 111 Toll 53331 II 1221 PU lorll 210 THK CUfflfKVTICVT VOTE ALL IV levelonil PluralIty 1IIO4 aid Ma T- 1Uol for llnte Offlcer HAUTIOIlI Nov 5Tue returns for Con- necticut ¬ are now all lu with the exception of one back country town Cleveland has Ct952- lllalne C5734 Ht John 2205 and Duller 1033 Clevelands plurality Is 1304 Tliovoto for Governor and other State officers Is prac Ueally the samn which throw the choice Into the Ixjclalature both branches of which wi bo Hepublican by good majoritlus Tho for 1rohldent by counties was lilaiuf Cfwniiil st fete liuttrr- llartfnra U bOll IDHil 4nK a71 New llaren Illu4 1HH 447 310- e > London lim Bini 27 23fi- VVInlliam 4141 A7M1 IS 44 hatrnelcl 1 2 IJWW 27 2444 Iltrlillrlil 6 inU4 147 SIIldIemex HHllTi 34n 227 12J Tollaild J710 aJOl 117 1- 4Totalt BJ7S8 17012 22IJ5 11U3 illliSt fllVNKTT- SIllaluoa 1llliallly Over Z1O OA Olin or Two Rvpubllcua CoDKr imen BOSTON NovTlse vote of nil tho cRies and towns In this State with the exception of five small towns foot up flame 141DOI Cleveland 117550 Duller 2331 St John 79B6 Illatnntt plurality 23 1880 Our field bldlllllrlily of tiJ240 cud a majority of nl vote which donn not I Include Ito live slll towns mentioned I foots up lobllaol 152812 Knillcott I Item 3IcCIrl 1OjI10122993 Hpnlyellrohlb I 1 hl1 tOOt holier 15022S AlinydVohlb follovvlnir ConLnmsmon are luted TlrHt district 11 T Davit Sicond Joh- nI I loiiir iriupl Thlra IOIf llannny llnp Fourth I 1 A Collins Horn Fifth U I Hay doll tlnli Sixth H 11olorlnl lllciiil Soy COt ii 1 I Stalin i 1Ihlh Cit aml o II IIIn HnpXlnth Fred 1 H Hop Tenth W 110 I Ihol bnvflith VII halo Whllnl I I i I Hop I F Wlfckwollol I Io publican ualnof 1 two lonlrtHsmon IICVIi ILJ4N14- 15letns IMuiiillly slut lc Iknn OOOO- OlCitilIUani 42aln Fu Conwrevtmen 111DrJIUI Nov 5Almost complete froll of C7 counties In the State hhovra net galls for lllalno of 23300 over Oar lleldi vote of 1S80 This would Indlcnto that lllalnes plurality over Cleveland will not I ho less than iooiu file four counties to boar from gave I Hancock a inajnilty of 07 but lllnlntt lies calnod almost uniformly over thin Stats They will te more apt to Increase than decrenso his plurality Jlunnell leI I Is eloolo111 thio I ifteonthi Con croKN Cut i i In tim Twentieth and Scott I Dom In the Twentyseventh The delegation will stand 20 HepubllcRiis anti 8 ppocrlt a Hepublican ualn of i TAU Logic In turn will bo docldedly Republican In both branched thumjocurlnit the election of a He publican united Htatos Senator to succeed J JJonuldCttinoroii Illalnen plurality In Alleuhony county Is liloiji The full Ilcpubllcan county and Iculi lathe ticket been elocted James I It Hop ¬ IRS kins letn defeated by James H Noifloy- In tile TvvnntyKocomt CoiiLrim district by 3tiKNl majority ThnmAft M llayno Ilnp In the Twentythird district has bon reflected by C 1000 mnjorlty I Ncniiylklli county which has been reliably Democratic for twonlV years Inlll t8HO gave Hancock all majority ulvo tt plu- rality ¬ The lUpubllcans oloct all but two of their louSIly ticket gain four Aa < emblrnicu- roiloot their Senator and Urumtn the Green ¬ back Congressman Complete returns from all the legislative dis- tricts ¬ In the State incept Wayne county show that tho Senate will have 31 Itctmbtlcani and 19 Democrats and this House 140 Uopnbllcanri and 69 Democrnt with two doubtful districts Wayne This will ulvo tho Itopubll cans III majority on joint ballot oven should the Democrat In Wayne county elect their two candidates In the present Ipglslituto the Democrats have a majority of 15 on joint ballot nuntniAIl- cmoerallc tialna nnl 1 Few IniraIka Mlaltt humId for tle rlnnri by HO4IO- HiciiMONi Nov 0 Nearly nil returns re- ceived ¬ show Democratic gains nnd few IOH < OS The Democratic majority may roach 8000 The DflinocratN claim eight of tho ten Con- gressmen ¬ WihitiNOTON Nov 5Thu lIon John S Har ¬ boor Chairman of tho Democratic State Cen- tral ¬ ommlttoo ot VirgInia says ho estimate on the basIs of despatuhes received by him to- day ¬ from all parts of the State that Vliulnla has given tho Democratic electoral ticket a ma- jority ¬ of at least HOOOIII ho thinks It nuiv reach 10000 At lieadiiuarlurR I In Alexandria I thu majority Is est I 11111 ted at from S ono to 810- 0Orclallnd returns tiom liftS and all the cltloiof Virginia ulvo Cleveland 11784 majorlt Thoio lotnrns m brats many of thn luntc Itipnblli countlof and Indicate that tho Stato t will ulvo I loveland 1 from 15005 to 10001 majority H IH now iiulto certain that thin Democrat have elected ultiht 01 tile ten ConurcxHmcn 551sr lIUI IUu > HviMililUiiii 4 > Hln < Tkc Slnle Clntmeil for Illnlnr- WlIKELINd NOV 4IIJ IMIUtltIrri Ofll clal gIve n not Iall of 1000 The same ratio wi carry tho Stato for lllalno by 201111 HOILlcllllln8 are reported thu Interior the Stale was Itopubiioan fill that two Itopubllcnn Con irrcHsmrn mo elected Mulnitllil Via halo returns from eighteen conntloK exactly onethlid ot the State and they give a net Itnpiibllcan cnln of f luiK over tile October emotion liter are tlltyfour coo 51 t hIs I In I thu Ill liCe ThU ratio would ulve the FissIon ticket Illalno nnd llutlnr 1JUU ma- jority ¬ The thrpo strong Domocmtlc counties uhovv no material chanup The close countleH and thoso which give small majorities give treat HOluhlclllllld Wood cOll olllchil I Is itIst It gave I 10plblcII majority of 270 On Tuesday It llan mnjoiityof hlO Tho HopubllciiUH nuio feel very Fanuulne of tho State but buck conn I tics may clianirn I I II I Should t the St I ate co for tile I ftidoit I ticket lllnlnu would have 3 tintS Hul- lo ¬ ri of tho uloctoia votui Three i additional I counties Ill Ill II IowU- ami llraxlon lt I In show i u nut 1 llupubllcnn majority of 21J Jeit I 111f I Tbiiiitnitil fur 4I ol nil llk a < jntlt of ln C unirrvtiftniHn HlillMiiii I II I Nov 3 Tho vcitu of I UmSlnto- outnido of the city gIves n net Democratic nm- jorltyof IbO Tho oto In 101t101 city was tho In tgnet 0101 polled 11001 II rIg t 0 582 I Clevelands plurality I I IK f 71fi 1 majoilty I 5 3ll- Thn Mote for M John wa lJiiifor liutlor 101 Of till nix Coimrotninnn tile J Jiomocrnts olnct live vvhlh Is a IMII of one delegation stadnn FirstliHtrlct Charles II Olbson Sec- ond ¬ district Frank T Shaw Third dlhtrict- Wra II Colo Fourth district John V I thoU lay Fifth IIRtrlctlarnc Compton Sixth dis- trict ¬ 1 011 llunubllcan XOItTll CAHUI1XI The State Ovcrnkelmltixly lleniucrnllcA- Oala of One Congressman iiMiwnoy Nov 5Tho State ha8lon8 so overwhelmingly Democratic that in thu returns lies ceased to exist Tho Demo- crats ¬ hao carried thin First Third Fourth Filth Mth Seventh Elirhth I and Ninth Con- gressional ¬ IAlrlctAln1 tho llopubllcnns car- ne I I thn 1 n 1010crnlolall of ono Congressman It IB till Dumocratb Imvo a twothirds mnjorlty In tho Luklslaturo sllvll rllhtlll1 fear of a ro the I turn work to negro rile In Ih olslorl coutitlea did IlOlllHJJA- CKhONVITiM Nov 5Tho hews 11 1 since midnight confirms that of last nltht that till Democrats have olectnd thoir entire tickuc by 4000 thebes Hep Is defeated In thu Sec- ond ¬ Contrefis district by HOO to lODO TIle uislaturu Is probably Domocratlo in both branches by a small majority lu Madison and Hnmouri precincts In Mad- ison ¬ county negroes or imisked whites It Is not known which raided tho pjlls ami Clip tttred tho ballots and tally shuetr It IB not known hero who was tho origInator of thin raid hut the Democrats lay It to 1ope Itopubllcan Independent candidate for Governor Tho returns show an increase rather than a falling off In tho Democratic majority Tho Democratln State Committee claim oooo nun 101Iy on Qovnmor and the bathe on FlcctorK Pope Independent candidate for lov- nrnor claims the State and chaises fraud on the tart of the Democrats THK RlSVLT IH LOUISIAXJ A llrtaorriitlr Mnjvrlly ol ll OOO nlik P55- of the Mix CuiiKrvtaMen New ORPHANS Nov 5LatCI returns ion Hlderably modify tho result of the election lu this State although still assuring It to the Democracy Tho vote will bo light not much excoedinic 100000 and about the same as In lIMit The Democrats suffer most severely from this apathy and lose one Congressman In- consequence of It Ofllclal figures from thirty nine parishes and unofficial returns from the other nineteen give a Democratic vote of 02 341 and a Republican vote of 42il9a Demo- cratic ¬ loss of 2721 and Hepublican cain of 3 985 or a not llflpubllcan gain of t701 The Dumocrattc majority In the State wil be 1J 717 ThIs may be 811hll reduced returns from tho 1101 The New Orleans 1 the llchtost over polled only 18UJ8 ant Democratln majority only 55r a loss of 4788 ah compared with1881 This light vote oleota llopubllcnn from tho Second Congress district over W T Houston Democrat 1 lute is largely duo to tho car drivers strike which prevented many voters from going to tho polls in tho upper portion ot the city Tho full vote I Is I Halm I 7308 1 Houston 0137 In this FlrstCongrcssdlHtrict I the vote stands louIs St MurtlnlDnm 15830 Carleton limIt Intopwdont 4132 Joseph Acklun Hon Later rottirnb from thin Third district assure the defeat Kellogg i HopI by K J day t Dem- Thlndlntrlctwcnt I Itepuhllinnby I Mind majority In IrW The vote stands lay 1352C Knlloeg- 127C7 OUJH majority 759 cllstilct gives lllalno 15 1110 Qovcliml 10945 lilalnos mil jorlty 4185 Tho neuron laigely broke from Kellogg nnd voted for llnv for CongrosH and Illalnn for 1rvHldent I In tIm Fourth strict N C Dlnnclinrd I Is ro- olectetlllost unanimously only SODMnt vr Inl cast agnlnst him thin Fifth district the voto stands an fol ¬ lows fls far an hoard from J Floyd Ini 1017112 Doatner Dem 3253 I I In tile Sixth district this vote stands A 11 IrlonlDcml I 92870 Swayno lltppl 7IH5 rile lonlslunu delegation will stand live Deinncrats nnd ono Itupubllcnn as II tho pres- ent ¬ oneroKii Tho now memburs Mi Louis St Martin who sat In Congress In an old Creole politician i t Michael I tab Ii t the Hut lie publican lovornor of Louisiana A H Irlon also a Creole who hlleil a hlBh position on the State bench and K J Gay the wealthiest sugnr planter In Louisiana vvtions wealth Is estimated at IGODOOOO Of tile pros- ent delngatlou only IWO King and Illtnchard- arc rotuinod Nel llttniiklrc tur Illnlne COSt > l Nov 5Two hundred anti forty- one towns antI wardt give lllalne 3910ii Cleve- land ¬ 149HHSt John 1125 and huller 507 Ulalnoa plurality tll ThoHame places give Currlir I mi I p I lovornor 38040 huh ileifli 35189 Mason Irol and scattering 1914 Thu remaining Jl I towns in 1882 gave Italn Hop 3115 Kdaorly Porn llflH and 75 scattering Should thn vote bo the snmo title year Currier majority will bo 719 Ho Will Uo sheeted by tho people LITTLE DUVltT AIIOVT INDIANA An Indicated Plnrnlllr r flOOO tar fl Ic T- 4UmlTeii Uemicralle Cngreianen Itovlfusl rctuuiH rocijlvvd atTiir SUN ofTIco from sixteen Democratic nnd fifteen Hopubll can counties ot Indiana therouro ninetytwo counties In tho State show DemocratIc plural- ities ¬ 7002 and Itopubllcan pluralities 10519 The same counties gave Hancock only 0380 plurality and Gllr old 12229 Clevelands net gain Is 3280 The counties cut about one fourth of the vote of thn Slate and Cleveland has flarflelH adverse plurality of OC41- to overcome The Indication no far as It I Is- trustsorthy Is that he has 0000 plurality The- same Indication I Is si von by returns from C03 of the 800 voting places which Increase the lie publlcan pluralities of 1882 by 5574 votes In 1882 tho State wits Domocratlo by 10900 The Democratic Committee of Indiana claim the State by ovt r 8 ooo The llopubllcnns claim It by 3000 but offer no figures INDIAIOUH Nov 5All but fifteen counties have reported to the Democratic Htnto Commit- too showing Democratic gains 5537 Kopuh- llcali gains 5503 This on basis of 1882 when tilt Stilt wont Democratic by 10C84 lame and lessen III llftocn counties cannot poshlbly indiico I tho Democratic majority of I 1882 more than 2IKH leaving Cleveland HOOO Associated press and Itopiilillcan vstlmatoB are based on gains In lpiibllcm proclncu- lov Hoinlileks has ten In receipt of tolo pnnns front various tourens all day but item had nothing front tho National Domocratlo- Coimnlttno sliieo morning Tho followlcg tele- gram ¬ from tho Young Jfens Ind ponil iitoin inlttooof Now Yuil covo Mr Hendrlcks con- siderable ¬ personal uiatltlcatlon but it wits not satisfying ni to the nctual facts H IUvtnff that tie sr Ulii ers 1111 tiulr- pcnilvnt ll iiMlriini4 nf Nrw York liar BlveiMuii the MHI a nnil vi lril in fnvor of iiilinhiiHtratl l i r roriii- I tlrml > IPDI until I ihi ilitvrrnnr Hint I InillMia- ha Koiie IeiiKKTHllo tivhikrlMUu I inajorlt Htnl am in- illn I in oteiiil lily 10111451 ot let niKht- uf 5111 l lu 141011 tst Nw Vork Stats of murk I cannot be s cirlaln Ii- I Hie i Biicliinl I rroHH flifiiroB art torrect ilicy nettle Nivr S ork Slate DKaliKt Clevranil The itt ipiiIi In I tlio I II l innrratli 4 ole I lids belnrun Clereland I and Iliitlir- va > d eti I IllS emplaimciitnl Hi latter 10 work In I Iho IIIerIt jllaliie th rpltin I doubt Hint llutler wan WiTH iiIii fur ttio Keiuitilliaii lltuliaeers At the Dfinorrattr CHIlI iit te room n lnlni I Cs nimle that I the lIe II1ollclI are iloclurliiK tlie return to ile- celve I I tie t te In Marlon county anti the ltl or Indlnnnno lis returns from seventyfour products out of eightyfour show a majority fgr lllalno of inu- Tho Democrats elect nil Iho county ticket ex- cept ¬ ono Senator by majorities ranging from 150 to 1500- Figures hero mere that ton Democratic Con- gressmen ¬ are boltovod to be sure two are In doubt and ono Itopubllcan sun Another estimate gives tbo following Concrosamun as elected First district Kleiner I Dem lap pnrnnllj I Second Cobb Dflin Third Hovvaul Item Fourth Holman Uenti Filth Mutton I Drtin Sixth t Drown liep Sovonlh Ilyniini I Dom Mlghth Lamb Dom Ninth Ward I Dom Tenth I Owiin Hop Kuventb Steel Itip Twelfth Lowry 1 Dem Thirteenth Sti tel y I rett hack I to Illl I a vaeancy nnd Foul Pont for full II term Domociatu lu itt lluhii cins- Tliu 1 Stnte ticket so far as return are In Is yen with I Iho national I tleket electing i Isaac P dray Dent tovurnor over W H Catkin liep Duller I had I 111 1I votes I In Wabauli 1IllItrllnd t St John 1 i 121 I Duller 49 In Hush county I i nnd St John 12 Duller 98 In Putnam eoiinty and St John 10 neither IL voto in Iiporte county I two between tlmm I in Jackson county I liutlor I 11 1 In llarlholomevv county huller UO iu iiant coun ¬ St John Irillo1 Nov 5Tho full vote of tIle countv Is not yet 1 in hIlt I thn Dcinocints havo cnirled tile countv by 1501 n cnlnof iuO over 1 IHMI Steele I Iliop I roll I digress ran tilt tlih his tick Ilt nnd I would hivo Loon defeated I I In t this dltikt had not tIle Democrats trailod off Kldd their l01l r1I1I for I their sherllf In Jay eoiintr St John received nlnn i votes I In t this tovnshit Iniludlng Ihn city of Deeatnr Ills vole In theeonnty Is put at 92 lint tirsi Ito I Is pi tend nt 22 I III tits climtv Tho I Democrats nro j jubilant OWl lie news fiom Now Toil 1 k md Indiana III11iAI- Laiiitg Inillcullitv Ike1 Klerllnn oTtku Ftitlon- IIerlolnl Tlckcl- DrTitoiT Nov 5Tho returns rooolvod this afternoon Indicate the election of tho Stub anti National fusion ticket but later figures may alter this The Democrats now claim tho State Tho Republicans claim the Stato by a clear majority Tho upper peninsular SlaM hon heard from III favor of tho Republicans but tin exact voto is not yet known Tho latest rcpoits on Congressmen ulvo the Fusion ticket six all Democrats Mnvbin > In t Ito Flint district i Comstoek I In t tho I Fifth VI naiis III Ihn SiMh Carluton In the Seventh Tuiniioy In tho Kkhth defeating lion and Flshor in tho Tenth Tho Hepublleans oloct 10111001111011111 I I thin Third district I llurrovss I In t hun Fourth Cutchoon I In t Ito Ninth and MofTit I In tho Eleven I Full I i etui us are needed fiom the Second district to doclilu who is elect- ed ¬ as the vote Is very lose If tho vote of the State I Is decided for the fusion ticket HHBoeniB probablu at I tblx wilting s I I 17 1 Ml I Clovoland will receive I IIi electoral votes Duller and 1 goes for Dlaine In YH lug tho Uieenbnckors voted for the lImn men for twelve electoral places ami for dlflerent men for tho thirteenth Place which allows a chance for one II II I nil elector It was deslrnd- to llnd the relative strength of the Greenback ore and tIle Democrats and iiotie tho veto Is sent separately Tho reports so fur In glee voiy little Information about the upper penin- sula ¬ which Is a I to put leatI stronghold Itt the Indications arc that there urn grout Democratic gains there Tho Democrats lot the Second and Fourth t Congress dlsttlcts mid gained tho Eight nnd Tenth districts The mil majorities however in tho sIc winning districts are vary much larger than thoy were two vunrs ago Tho latest returns In the 1tet 1rrss ofllci Indicate the election of Degolo Fusion over Alger lie puhllcan for Governor Tho ProhibItIon vote Is about 20 000 which was drawn about evenly f i DIII the two old parties 11 1 Mht Is Impossible to say at this hour how Michigan has gone It I is so close that full returns will bo necossarv to doeldo it Mr Diekensan member of tho National Democratic Committee Insists that fusion Is ahead and the free Venn computation based on tolerably lull returns glvea fusion a majority of about 1000 In tho State J11INOV4 Tke MInt K ldeiitly Clone fur lllatn I nnd gtllnt llarrlion fur 4iiivernor- CiiHAiio Nov 5Tho returns horn Illi- nois ¬ como In slowly and wore of a nature to cause doubt as to tho possible majorities but the Stab was generally conceded to tho lie publlcnns both on the State and Presidential tickets The Chairman of SIte Itenubllcnn- Stato Committee claimed thIs afternoon 20000 Itopubllcan majority for Oovuinor and II Itnpubllcan majority III both branches of the Legislature Seven hundred and euvenlyfour precincts I Iniludlng I nil in Chicago for gIve I Oglesby mp1I 1GS134 I I In OIlIIIOIj I lom I 1579113 llobbs Irohlb 4185 antI Harper lUrrionback 12H4 Ogo by ovur 111 4702 ChIcago city gives lllalno 4IOl Loveland 4fi48i St John 47 timid Duller 502 lllalno over all 11119- Of tho Chicago city Conurocsmon tho Itcpub- llcana oloct jIlt a ha in I in I tho Flist i district and Adams In the Fourth ami tile Domocials elect fjnvlerln tho Second district and Ward In tho Thiid The llopubllcnns elect their Congress- men ¬ In the Sixth district W I F Wort hi ngton Dem l Is elected to Con c5ess from thn Tenth district instead ot hturr- HepI I I as ropoitod lost night KOilsa S4ronIy 1IIuhl1n ATCittsox Nov AtchKon comity ituii plot except one precInct gives Martin Hop tot Governor 118 majority over Gllok who eai rind it by 1300 In 182 Col Martin oxtimatoH his plurality In tho Statn at from IIOIHXJ to 40010 Tim Citiin i claims I Ibo State for Illume by over MlUOu plurality The vote for St John was Insignificant Tho complexion of the Loclslnturn will insure the return of u Ho nubllcnn United States Senator- At 8 P M 1 the llipnbtlcan State Contra Com- mittee ¬ estimated lllalnua majority at 50ODD Martin I hell fur Governor 4UOUU llvoiy He publican Conurcnsman elected nnd 1 tho Leg Ulltuio i iS al tao it u n iou tnotlsiy lteIlutl kit U T he Ilttnlt hi Missouri BT Loom Nov 5Tllt returns from llio State are very much scattered but It scorns to bo sill to say that the Domoorats will carry their Stnto ticket by a round majority and elect tlinlr Congressmen In all the distrIcts excoptlng the Fifth and Thirteenth which tho Itepublliuns claim foUrittlo for Klalnc DENVER Nov lluturim from I thn in- terior ¬ of the Htato aro scattering and Incom- plete ¬ None of this large city precincts have yet reported Fnouab is known however to insure tbellepubllcnn aatlooA ticket tue usual majority of about 3000 Eaton tflopt Is prob- ably ¬ elected Governor by a small majority Syniegdlnjii I for Coiieross will I fall behind tho national ticket but Is probably elocted With two or three exceptions the Hepublleans In this county elect the full ticket The Legisla- ture ¬ is lamely Hepublican H7SCOJVSJV The State fur lllalae hj Not Less ban 1- 440A ode af Tar c < ontriaenJ- UciHON Nov Republican figures Im- prove ¬ as returns como In from rural and lum ¬ boring districts The election of seven Hopub- lloan Congressmen Is settled Luclen 13 Cns well In the First district Itobt M Lafollete the Third Isaac W Van Scblck In the Fourth Richard Ouenther In the Sixth Ormsby D Thomas In the Seventh Win S Trice In tho EIghth and Isaac Stephonson In the Ninth again of three Tho Iel lature Is undoubt- edly ¬ Hepublican securing the election of a lie publican United States Senator to succeed Angus Cameron The lIIalne ticket will proba bly hue not less than 15000 plurAlity MtrWAUREI Nov 60n the strength of the latest returns the pllbllCIIIIS now claim tile State by 12000 plurality Thus returns which will not all bo In for six daw continue to show Democratic gains and the Democrats contend that there I Is ttlll room to carry the Htatn by from 3000 to 6000 majority for Cleveland The Democratic State ticket which run way behind the national tlckot Is hopelessly lost Tho Ho publicans claim large gains In tho Legislature and seven out of nIne Congressmen Tho voto In thn Sixths and Ninth districts Is so close that the ofllelul returns will have to decide tho re- mit ¬ In Milwaukee Cleveland rAn ahead of lllalne nearly 1 000 votes but In the county ho foil behind Thn vote of tho city and county was lllalno 15323 Clovoland 14907 flutter 8j St John 182 Itoturns from 438 towns nnd wards show n not Democratic gain ot 7778 on this Presidential ticket ascomuaiod with 1880 Should a pro pitrtionato galls be Khovvn for tile Democratic tlckot In thn remaining precincts Dlaine will have carried the State by 10000mnjorlty Later returns are showing smeller average Demo- cratic ¬ gain XKHKISK- ALtsroiv Nov 5Tho First IOUKIOSS dis- trict ¬ contest Is doubtful The Democrats claim the election of Drown Fiftytwo precincts hoard from give lllalno 2517 majority which further estimates havo Increased to 1397 Tills Is nearly onethird of tho vote of thin State nnd Indicates a majority of about 17000 For Gov 01 nor Morton Dem runs ahead of his tlckot and Dawut s majority will be below loouo Three ICetnlillciiii fJoiiffrvatmea In ienlte ee- NAHHVILM Nov srhtc following Itepub- llcan Congressmen are elected In this State Tottlbono In the First district Houck In tho Second and Taylor In the Tenth Tho rest of till delegation Is Democratic The Demo- cratic ¬ minority In the Legislature Is consld- oiably 1011 lice Bale Ilomt for Governor Iu- lirobiibly elected by n reduced majority Cnvi rANOoot Nov 5Tue Hepiiblloin ma- jority ¬ in tIlls county for Blaino I Is 1500 and for Kvans Hop for Congress 2100 A colored man goes to Legislature with 300 majority Neal Dem will bu elected to CongrebH by 200 or 00 majority littetl IVum the 1nctflc Ioatl States SAX IltANcisro Nov 5Four IniudioU nnd olchtcon precincts end wards In 43 coun- ties ¬ outside of San Francisco glvo lllaino 28- 7H7 loveland 24091 ngnlnst Garfleld 23GOO Hancock I 21111- 2Oiegon I I Is Itepiibllcanliy front 1600 to 2000 Armstrong I Well I I Is elnctud to Congress In Nnvailn only half tho vole had bean counted up II to 3 1 Mr hilt enough to show that 1 liable lias eai i led thu Stato by about 1100 IIIIIII All Democratic 1 IAI i KM JN Nov 5 Nothing lots been hciiul to change the result already announced The latest returns only incicaso tho Democratic mnjorltles Thero 1 u an unbroken delegation to Conuinss a giiln of two for the Democrats Tho Chairman of the Democratic Kxecutlv- oloniniltlea cltilms the Stnto by a majority of iiiHD Thli is llnul until the ofllclal vote Is rucolved llhln 345005 rr Junio- rtrstnls I Nov 5Vory little attentIon has been paid to Ohio today as It was largely Kopubllcan Tile majority wilt probably exceed SOiOOO and may reach 40000 OC8 of the 2017 proinets In Ohio who a not Hcpubllcnn gain of 12024 over the voto of last month an averngo of 18 per precinct IU4MI Demonill > ln rllv lu Jiciivi arc WlLMIXOTOX l Nov 5 VllliillijtoU elty 0 111111101011Ii Cleveland 4912 DliUne iOll Newcastle county will give a Democratic ma- jority ¬ of from Inn to 500 SUSMIX will glvo IIIH Domoeratlo majority Tho wholn State will glee about JOW Doinocrallc mnjorlty Ttie Vole on Mlitlen Itlnntl The full returns tOm Hlchmond county clvo tile follnnliu C flkiirci I tteidnnd 0131 I Hl > ln iliilI- lllllcr 7i St John tW3 Cleveland pluaralltj I IOlH- Tor ConrtisIrry llehnont iVipsH Jame H 1lat- taan Helnionlii inuj lIlt > I lt M For Aineniblj M X Tan lteml lliui 4 541 K A vOore Dnuocrut 3e- TjiumH niJiirltjr 431 l I lor Artoctate Julg 7iW3 for enrti iati tldato lur tltiinty rkrk C A Hart Demo- crat 5TA2 f A Joii n iulllraii 76 i Starts nia- Jorilv 2 SJJ Kor Siitcrinttintent of Die PnmrWltlloimt lli eu i i Uinmcrat Sinn S ulmli Kiliuhllcan aJJi lImo el s innjoriu I lstii lor HhIII l Commlilonvr Ihrailiire lrean D niorrat 5154 llciiry K rlevelniid lid I iililtoan 3ZH Prt iiis iinijurllv lTnrt FurJuntlcei- C I Sei loli J J Kllllinnn I Urlnocrut SOKO VV V- Vtorli tr Iti iiilitfciin 3222 Kullniani majority IHiH- lor funnier Hr b 4 llerwj lioi VV e Coiiner IIHIt llorvejg nmjoitty I7it4 1or AiiiclKltnvnt 111 Tills KBlnat it Tk Tote In 1sscx County cw Jersey In Essex county which Includes Newark ntaiuci phiraUt was 12lIr 111 I less than iJarfleld- Iehlbacli the Ileinibllcan liuinlnee fur tuiiffreli wai- elfrletl t tiy 525 jliiralfty ovrr Kkdlrr Democrat w hole lilalorlty two j ear aifrt va over 3iiOO TIe HepiiMlca- noanilllatc for tlicrlff Illlniii Ktalii > liy wa icratcludl- iecanie nf Its resort lie matte a Aldrrmnn Newark alit t vvaslifaten by Deinoiratlc candidate Willlmu II llrown Tho Ilurnllt of the latter l < I070 All the oilier Ueiuibticaii tauUldalm ero elrrted is follow I P H nliMnle Senator lloo I PluralIty Joieph L Munn- Mirnivate NC l EtCh Lorrmr llrftliler 2J lhr e- 1oronerii I IVio I Hie l I HiltlT votiiiii tIle riiimtv WA- Il 5141 and l lohiia wan 7Vi 11 I lie total vole wa I is lrK1- er C ollcil lo KiKex ami the iiioitt of the return were inaitc after niiUnitflit 5lr < Jni field Sirlmlled lint or IO CiuE1ANn Soy 5A confldonco mass Sins raitlid hIs art upon SIr Jarltcld end ilefratiiled her out of a leek fur Oil Yesterday he called at the flar- llfll r l Irnrr and after a little delay wu admitted in- aV M I A joniiir man II o rouirtit II toitrtul loll to tie fund of n it Iniliutlon Mm ilartlrld al IIh l had In Unit d t iliia Miincllilnc lime aCBorlatlon and rllk inliclit- H nil ili it tieti ai ruT > ountl innn ccritinned to n liil ho II rote tile clieck slit an cue honed him lllt he nan 1111 iBlklnir When he had Kone nuciilclo- niok the I ilHC of confidence and ills leleiihoned to the 10m1l15 1 Itus vi I r A this received the reapm040 tilt jio tlflO w ho cond hive called at that Smile had IllS au- tliorit I I M cnlleit ninily for I Hie aooilatlon hhe at- oiue notifleil tile bunk tu refute In cakh t the check tot It u at too bite U hud tel cashed tlhlliiurr Dowltt Clinton Ilontollo a wellknown Ameri- can ¬ SrI lot ho ILlS lived many 3 ear In llethlehetn I Ia dud tuddeuly Isil t velitnK of iiaralyilt of t he luart ur apoplexy in the Cairle Hotel CHIllS Hettileliein while conterblnif with frtcndi Vlr ilnte Its was a meinir o- Hie I vw York Lademy 111 l I hn contrihiited many flne- workn tn Anierlcun art cijUtclnin lluwaH ahonl i7 vcirn nf me nnd wai a nailio of Iroy Ho Cell > two nun nnd u ilniiifhur alt of mature MK- evlexHiiUrit d te hit itlltz I tie fatuous II insist I nuker and railiwi Hnanclvr Udead Ilrnik ofijokn II riunniinn- Mr John H Flanagan died yesterday at his lioin In Ills Horenre aiartment home II va itrh krn with riaralvili In NannHii itrett on list Iris litit sill taken to llu Oak street police eth ion I Hit I ton rtlortcd- at Iullci I tltlarliri t lint tie wa mlninfr lr rlana- Kan wat t the on of 1 silos riaiiinrnn of t tliti iMtj and va 1 V ISIS itS lln racllird law for tIlls jinn I lle- on ii IC of thr ohlfPI inemljeri of the liar oclHllon MI had been rr iMntof ihc I Hunk cf North Mnerlin and a dlrcior uf Hie r einj third urcct niilroud lltMtlllli I biirltdoi f <iliuji filHlilioil her lliiihuud iIth mi 4yter Kiilfr Christopher Farley nnd hIs wife Sarah of 07 Cannon aired liad au altercation late set ivenlnir- n lieu the u fe rnatched an nj iler knife and ctahbed h r- hiiihand I In the Ml breait I lie a ailakentoHellVfnI- tiiMilial where hlf InJurleM Arir 5roplol tel ot rlnilii lie lilactc hiving It Ill ratei I the luni Hie o II < sos loiked tip No lleenic fur stUU flowery rile 1xelse CommUalonertt have revoked the lufiue for the iiorim hou at 334 J Howery knonn ui- lh riiniion I Iftil Ill Fire U t rr- Yostei > day morning the Opera House tIle nay litoitd larrlatf actor and tlmTtltcral i Irknllnif om- I anj I tIllS lii turf fa wire burucd J4l0 IJOIMI AStUSO THK nKUOVHlT- Hptrnlatlai Os l rlnnd > rkuncct at tk- iilltinl > lleiiittimrl About twice us ninny iicoplo ns tIm Demo- cratic ¬ national headquarters could hold tried to got Into the building last night Fnrlv In thn day Senator Gorman sent this despatch to the Chairman of every County Committee In order that tin will of I tie people mar not be defeat- ed II ll neceiarj thai an honest count hall tit lecnred let the canvail I b cl elj Sc Ill tolzeI In evert I OIl 1a5 district sot correct return nf its halloti obtalne1T- OIH ceraditnture Attend la tills at oiue In each elec- tion district A P llORKAX Senator McDonald telegraphed early In the evening that the ofllclal figures ot Indiana would not bo known before tomorrow but from figure received Clevelands majority would not be less than 8000 Cloy Loots Abbett telegraphed that Now Jer- sey ¬ gave Cleveland 7000 majority Chairman Henderson telegraphed that In ¬ diana had given Cleveland and llundilcks 8000 majority- Chairman Eddy of the Michigan State Com- mittee ¬ telegraphed that indIcations pointed to the probable success of the national and Slate Democratic tickets Tho crowd grow wild about Now York Finally alter two hours they gave way to a unanimous and nudity yell Oh give us somothliiB front New York they shouted Now York Is what wo want Now York New York I Let us hear Irons tho Empire State Dot nothing came to relieve their suspense and the crowd hogan to drift out of the room to make room for another crowd on the outside When they got outside they shouted vtn ma whrren mi 11- 14GIte i to tile W hlte dun llat tIll hat Dunlil S Lamont the private secretary of Gay Cleveland telogiaphuu from Albany to S S Cox last night If th reported majorltleH In New VorK and Klnici- icountlet are maintained we have the tile by a lale- majnrlt At midnight Senator Gorman telegraphed to Indiana The vote In nearlv ererr I reelect In lime Slate of New York a announced In tIle poll Ink I lie nhrru Hi vote wai counted tate l teli rfflved iti t fluiua a ninll but Cafe mnjorlty for rievuland and t Hctilrlck Thtrrwlll I be coiintlnif out huh time 1 lIe Cyliet lluurtv ulll bo given ICC oon nfi rrturn nre cninldetc A despatch from Florida rneolved at mid- night ¬ said that a Domocratlo lovurnor had been elected by IIIOO and thn State hInd cone 4000 for Cleveland The despatch camu from the Democratic Comuilttco Chairman In Florida AT ltliVlllItAN UKtlXitrtllTKHiJ- lliitue Illrnda Ilnptty nil llnv Ovrr Ike Iroaprct or Cnrriluff eeu i rU- Cxiov rorncll Col I tOlgo Hllns nnd other prominent Hepublleanq romnlned at the Hopubllean National Headiinatlcrs until 5 oclock yesterday morning When tim report came that Cleveland hind been beaten In his own district tile cheers vvoro tremendous Thin politicians waved their hats out of tile windows and tIle crowd yelled itself hoarse Several btuiup speeches vvoro made thuio A dozen Democratic roughs came over from the Hoffman House and tried to make trouble They toro the badges from tho coats of Iho lllalne men and n frco light was begun which ended In the expulsion of the Intruding At H < oclock last uvunlng tlie Hepubltrnii managers asserted that lllalnus majority In- tho I countty I had reached anti passed Cleve lii lIlts city majorities t and thin lii at rues elec- tion ¬ was an accomplished flier There weio mill I 311 Hetmhlican ii liLt iltil to lIen from Mr rlklii Theodoio HooMsvelt oxGov Cor- nell ¬ Appraiser Ivotchum Ion JlcCook A- iMinblymanclrct liOlily A lliiniini nnd other llopublioau politicians Moore nt the hcadiiuar- tnrs I I In tho afternoon lv ry ono was I In tho highest spliits I I and t thu good feeling I increased ns thin reports ol iiiiiensed eonntry majorities kept 011111012 In I iov I oiiiill telegrajihod to lllalno thaI Non Yoik was StIle to glee him from 5 ODD to I in ion majority Tho Itnpiilillcnn i National Committee elo nd I Ce doors nt I 12 and I evorvbodv went home rIse State Will then claimed by 1000 mnjnrity I A llepubllctn victory in Floildi vvas nljo claimed iircrnn itirnii Ills PIutaIit IOOOC All ikTiimmnn Ioiin- ly Tlcket f Lrcitt the Ctroi i llealen The complete otu for Mayor anti Comp- troller ¬ Is as follows by Assembly district totals Tilt VOTE roil MAYOR tllMtf tiraitt Grace titMt- HT Grant ftrilf- etiKtci nut Jinn H lint 1f TI Ii- I 7wl 111111 rut I IJ- wi l4i 1732 5114 2 114 154 i I 1- 1H4i 1155 II 2107 1 3 u it ui7 is 2413 453 42111 4 771 41 III StIlt III 44 sc 42- I lii l ii5 VI11- 7tn 271 I44S 4123- II snw HK IH- SWi 101 4222 Iilt 7 l37t iUllll- K lilS Sl Ti 1712 i 77 ii7i jo- i 1171 JLtl 410 i II aii 353 17J it i 21711 2115 4172 III VMul 2 4ISI- ll 22 21211 512 7412 24 1711i in 2j 5ii SoCI C71 12 Ilti7 10411 ill 24 Siltl 2i4t ISli- T Cmii 3l 1011- 1orsees pturnllt l I tn1102- l 1111 l l vorc- llr ron CoSiITflOlLtii- Pllil P1111- ipi I il ill V i0 tltlL 1 in- JO Mil1n Ills lIe 2i I KI4 I 281- iIwi IT 14il4 3334 2444 2 HJJ 3 VI- iii 1275 I 11147 53711 217 11170 i 2711 4t37 1411 4 1017 47S- M ini7 ti I 114 4215 37li 5 1111- IJM W74 MJ- lUn 375 4151 322- 144 41441 l1731l 7 ltd I Jlil- 17ii m- Mtji II lsi3 4i5 stir 3V I 211 2712 i4 1047- I 4JJ- 47J ijli- JJ7 IIIBI 21 4170 1511 2314- I 4121122 51il 525 3107- II rj7 I7H- Ijoai It- 4JJ7 Li rilt 51214 5775 12 I ItT 24 271441 33711 21172 TInt l KltOI 71971 H47UI- ILoiW a pluralit > 77 o This table gives tIm vote for President nf tho Hoard of Aldermen and DUlrlct Attorney Pal T 104 ltD tit illtviti tlI lILT ATt1l1S V Aid Mimor CDCI vniyr Joer tiitttr irti nut K > I run r i n ttr- pIjl Till tin i Ii- I 107 JSJ7 J7IM aeto IJH- 27H 3 7un niri rui4 1871- iu SJ3I1 3 111311 3117 aNs ii 27111 2M7- I4UJ 4 nnj 4IUI 2221 1244 inn ft 1174 uu 2ul 1SII- 1VW LJU 1JM- Iiinj a iut4V- IKIM 3 139 i 141 i SlIm 4JHJ- 4I7J 51411 tins a t ui 17J- 1iiH s ii77- LIJ4 u tt- an Still II- 1O 42 7 4417 4- JOMI 424 5411 2t81 4 US tlei 414 II Slit I4IH- IIHJ 2117 3411 1417 2441 12 SillS 2114 407i- lUll HMD 2213 4012 II 4141 203 4VI4- 1Hil 5225 2i- 27U 14 1442 240 J7JII- ri4 134 21114 lr 23it I 14IF 4 4 3104 150 Ill ct2 i i 5437 3117 5374 17 isss 4111 Is14 1573 4 lll- a7t uvs IHH 5441 nn in 1021 ir21l i 4551 1110 4VJJ- I111 i is1 444 351 4ISIIH 50 107V- UIHO 4111- pii3 J I ll 40I- SJMI Ti7lT- llHII JI41- nio 177t 22 SI u70- HIID 4MHl- 4SMH I 21 K- lSmgir 2 5227 4lll- SI17 ilKI 103 54 279 40IU 2fl2 2443 425 Totall jsi3 74 VI STIoT 15011 71121 WHU- pltirnliiv 1hirallt 1J537 3ttrlitioi IHIO- MI THIS 3012 KOI lOIIONCII- i l MM- uv I 6 Mdi- ltlltl 111 Ii 44 IC 11111 till Ta i n nut s rn I 14- I Itll 5540 J7IJ U 422 HH 35s 2 laVi- S 5135 tin t 11 11 1117- U17 i 210 iri 2113 13l inn 4 wi i47 2t1t 17 Xl 210- S l liiI- UM t 210 2211 ir 112 4WSM 274- Ii I 21111 I I HV- IJJI ICO 7 4111 7 l72 1111 Bll TOT 5 SI I SI- 71 di 13214- U inn I Jl t IM- Ml 11M- II T47- II 1411J ici 4141 f t ml i MII- L1IU 225 Jl Mill Ou1- t2 1777 311 J4 55 2551 30 TnlBll- Vle i 4l 741 eiiiel C llurnllly 1315 IIIU 3 DIE ron IllIL The oto oust for fudges of the Common Ileas wiih Duly i rIm I 771 J I arm i rp nIl 7elll Altrn- If I II I 71 Illl Pattcrum I I 7J 7ij llnlnln Ill i 71077 rule I lit i 77J VViiKtliii H II I 700IS- Mroiulll 7H1U Kliux It l2ui Ilio Hint 111I named art I It OldS hbe lreshsicsuItsl 5liu lii kcv ilk lit rollocisig is the cotrcctnI vote for liasi- delltIl 14111104 III 1115 Lit lj tCailll3 lslrie Ci lot St jll f llnillf hut I 1 It II- I 4512 25 tI 44 400 1 511 51 4 41sT 2153 3 Atti 5 117 4151 4 115 5el SIll 23- S 4IM 2413 17 1Ill ZS- 402 II slS2 3 7 4L2 I I 1l II 12lt tat 44 4521 1116 SIll I 322 44172i l It limO Ill t15 4177122 11 5441- II 1442 1s7 91 1ll- to ti 111154 11411 311- 5Tlids ISINI- i1ei doll IIrtulO er Ill II IC II The Vote It Queen Count Full teturna from QueonA County glee lose unit KfH4i iMftlii N443 HtilItr > 7 M John I IK- nd Lookwoo rjtMlund i IIlreIil3 2V J He- linont for Congrvn fol lOIJa AIM Ilalt tie HeiniMlritn- cani1idat tt7S4 Pflinnnti in Jorltv In 11505 11514- I 5 tli FIrst AfletIll V tIIrlel of QISItU 10011 lv ccii- ttitln of the lowlIs of EllStlIllg 417CtaF Hay inS Nurt- hlitlustsd LouIs bClyilrctl 1 flt 33117 aul Itowirl A Sperry 8 10241 lilurctl tiiiorly 1145 lii tIi 4C Gail hIslrlcl Jaiiiiiea IIellmj414al Newtoii eIll I t llaiiI City1 TlLUIIft5 A 11111 It cut t II td 1 A- Vsrr4Jt 5417 IIOSIsilaJvrilj 114 THE NEWS LXBLAISESIIOMB ZLRSDAI NIGhTS 111ST tV THK nitnf THAT HK WAH KtKcrrn- Tndnia ronfltrlttiB Report Stead to bliss h lif- kU Wife Aluilker Ilitv Estdrd si lIb Inoilll mine Rrporia from New York Ntule- AvittHTA Nov 5Mr lllnlno wont to lied about 3 oclock thli morning Up to that tune the reports from Now York wore of such n na- ture ¬ a to make him certain that ho had car ned that SimIle Connecticut Indians anti Now Jo i soy wore reported front the Itepubllcao National hoadiitiartorii as having gone Repub- lican ¬ When Mr lllalno left his library to BO up- stairs for the night ho had nothing to give him a doubt his election Soon after he lied gone to bed bad reports begun to cone In from Now York Thomas Sherman Mr Dlalnus private secretary who Is a telegraphs opetator hail at tIlls time relieved tile regular operator Ho sat at the key In tho library without moving Inim his chair piling up discouraging despatches- Ho sent up ijulellr to Mr lllaliion room nnd found that tho latter wai sleeping found r so ho lid not disturb him lloforu G oelook reports catuo saying that Connecticut and VTJ- orxey had gone Democratic vvhllo the tlonnl Committee I tl had sort ou S doubts of New York At C oclock the limes traIn New York wits again reassuring Soon nflur 7 oclock Ml- Hlnlnu canto nnd Ill rIled the rop3m be tip I to I Mr I hltI tie and nliei1 she hind road them to him I ho I turned over for another nap I I Ho did not como down to thin l lower part ot the luutiu during tho day as his throat was folu and huvva M o hoarse that It was utccodingly tiotibleMomu lo I talk Tho diispiitelms vvere eti I rich up to him I as fast as they came All day thorn was gloat nx tnmi nt In thn Illnln housuhuld owing to I Iho tonlllctlnc I opinions about New loik tIle Hist luitllv good despatches eiiino ft0111 Jlr Siniorvlllii of tile Wuttern Union olllo who said New York hits gone I Mirel I laiti It llciin by from 10000- to IlOO Then oveiy onu asked Viir In- Mr NItllt sill Sonio onu pietent explained who Mr l r SotnurvlUn wi and t this gave grent VIII Ito to his ron t ills Whenever vvenkkneeil- tuports cUlls I In Ito Ill I tho hendiuarteio ot till Nntlonal C immilteu ever ono would ciy- ilvn UK nnollur dnoiritolrfrorn Somervilli I Ho Is I tho only man who appears to have any accurate souiies of news llouirt after the Nmiervlllo dnsiatch mes sages kept coming from FocHunden of tile Na- tional ¬ Committee that were not veiy oneour agIng At ono tlmo ho thought HID mujnrltr would not bu I looo either vvuv Tho second despatch of a tolld chniacter from Now Yoik clone fiom I reneh I Ihn NHVV Yoik ugcnt I of I tho Associated IIOHS lIe said I Unit he would stnko hU reputation upon lutiiin Hepuhllcan major- ity ¬ I I lu Now York riiisonaliloiliil t t proiont to hear Mary eliit lIly tile mixed toports front the polllkil I inanauers- In thu nelghboi hood of noon n despatch was reiolvod fiom I henitor Mnhiin I saving that Vuglnla I had gone I Hepiilillenn t by nt loait 7000- mnjorlty Senator Mnhonn hail sent no wont vesterday This despatch VMS credited as at least Indicating n 111011 probability It was a great surprise About noon the repoi ts from New iork licgan to come from all I KOIUCUS 1Iegi n his of eon gratulntlons began to pour In homu of them Worn fiom peopli who had gone i Insane De- sinuolu with poutiy nnd gush struggled tot Iliioo with regular rapotth All suclidDspalchtiv- vuio liiowu aside with u more t ciancu while tilt demand ISIS ontlnunly for hind hIltS AllI day the telephone bell I I In the hall I near thin lllniiy wis kent ringing for calls Irons filnndii- in Augusti nnd nolliboiinn towns 1ost- nni Mnnloy wns tit till telephono nearly all day atinvvorinu demnndi for nuvvs When tills ilO lot Ii fiiiu Now ark b2Cl ChIn Ill Ito positive I conio of tins Vugiutn fiipndx who vvoio sItting dovvn upon n tegular powder nilim of un- tliuiasm I would 1 ask I If t I the IIUVVH VVIK poultlvo- iinonuh f r ll em to btoak IOOMI- N Mnnliv would uniwur dont you do ono thlnj dont > oit milo n piop until wu ato- uhiiilutui 3 bine I Vim will Imvo tlmu I onongh to shout The most denurtllzd memhor of the llhtlno- honsuhold wasljlauk Viedeilck I ono ot I the old hoiiKo horvant ti Hnsat uinill I latt t night Ho had vowed Unit he would not eat or sloop until Mr Illilno wai ooitd Ho stood nbont vvltli eyes ami outs opyn liopim to got a ehaneo luterinthodlv I t > cat t at Ifint without bleak Inghlsvow Th ico who showed I the most In- terest ¬ wen Miss Maitaret Illalnn limit her little sister Ilvle The two vvero nuver far away from the telegraph Inttrument Walker anti Emulous Illalnn took the news after the fash- Ion of men of the world anti scintiod the rp harts without niuehnhov of oxeltetnonl Mrs lllaino wasunivtsvHilda1inii tIll 1110 tuosseit sidendld selfeonttol altln uili iIuo couhl not holii f liln I tluu lu ei power couhl- pompeiisiln oiu lor the illS ml5 trials of i- v1rosldentlnl ennpa 741 Mr i lliif i vva thu cool and eunlldent one I Ilil Her loporth fioni New Voil L so eliiiiiid up no numI m that ho was nl tkt to iela at In IMIH All day Indini n iv S rttiited fl ertnlnlvH- eiuibllean hilt iter in Ito Ills ll uis ulifctil- by I John I Nuvvni dmibtftil SIb ii Hie pussllil- Ity of an olllelul emint bnuii reiiMied in nttlo- it This win tIlt iigil hd in doptesinc for Nuvv Yoik was I In eai Ii I tepmt t t niidc iiMieaml more Citlln ind I ih Nmv I nk vlitory was eettaln t tdoVhud I a dipneii was recelvetl from Cyi ii1 F tld i mn that New Yoik was Miiinly I iMihlionn I h 1111 vvhero limn ilnoo to 1 liiiiuo iniijorilv I Atll I id I tlo Noitlmuatutu and WoRtoin States wei tejiorlid all rlghr with tho ojeeptlon f Indiana Thoi eamo lu- tho report that Wit V iginhi sell suiuly lie puhlleun I Ilvvan uiun I thN e lice ri lli lIds that thn lImbo family sat town to their dinner During the evenlm I report 4 lund Leon lecelvnil from ovary Statu nbotitI vvhleli i I Iheiohnd beetS any iinostion Iho eiltor ot tIle Chicago Ifilxinf reported that every State in thin est anti Northwest hud tin cairied hv tile llennb- licnns with thn cM iitlon of liidlnim nnd that till votnvriiH I so eloo t then t t that I It would re mire the olllelil count to ictcrhl hoc the re- sult ¬ Thl eliminated Indiana from tho calcu- lation ¬ of tin evening I I From retort received i from various olllcinl sources the Hnpubllcari majority In New York will coitalnlyhi 11100- 0Tho loports from Vlrulnla mid West Virginia still continued I 1 to i Indicate tho capturo of thosa Stat < by the Iepihlltnns At iiin Ihn National Comniltteu reported to Mr Hindu Hint tho lollIng nf thIn Henulilleaii suites In Ness Vat lo ha I ninid Clevidand and that the Siito would givii n majority of lllOoi Ch I ala lIt In iiusod was j joyfully erie ttu ri nigh I tho telephonn d ivvn tn n ciowd ot anxious Heiiubiienns tri till lIllian malt of thu town Mr I lila on was satlsllod nt hist with tho roporH film Neve York Ho did not corns down fiom lilt room however us he wishes to snvo hlnMilcu until tomorrow Then he wilt beobllLod to npimnr befcio tile Angiuta poo pli who aio tonlcht I preparing for a ratifica- tion I ¬ tilOlit I tIC ill 0 I latest i despatch from Indl- anagavu the roporti from 021 I ptoclncls giving a net lioimbllcan gala of 4UUO insuring the Stato 11rJr4v IETS THIS xiirsK- rivlvlnir rifrllnii Ilrlurne ID be JHxccntlv- Cktunlier In AlliHiiy- AIIIASY Nov 1Gus Clovoland was nt tile Exocutlvo Chamber all day with tho excep- tion ¬ of the time spent In lunching Ho was ac- cessible ¬ to few visitors spending mot of the morning and afternoon In his private consulta- tion ¬ room with Cal Lamont Messages poured In upon him tIll tiny Many ol thorn anticipat- ing ¬ his election wore of n congratulatory nature Tho Oovoruors self possession never loft him for an Instant When ho retired nt tIle Ixocutlvo Mansion last night It was getting toward daylight At that time the content gave evidences of being uncomfort- ably ¬ close for both sides Theta was doubt and uncertainty everywhere The Governor took tblnga easy and good naturedly and comment- ed ¬ on the relume as locolved whether favor ¬ able or otherwise This morufng tile Governor wu up butlmen nndwa oirh at the Exceutlvn- Chumber where ho moot and consulted with Ills private secretary and a few trusted political and personal friends Tim situation was looked over carefully and was rogardmt at- 6ntlnfactor > In till highest dojros Thudov- rnoi nnd Ills private ecietnry seers confldnnt that Now Yoik had Ilitucn lowland electors and I I lu order i to lotnovo all doubt i nrrinKo Ili OIl to WIl mu rsi ale at onee toseeiiretruitwoiihr I t lelnrns fiom each county In the State frotn the Chairmen ot tIle reipnotlvo county com mlltnnn Those linvo lOIn comlni In till day This afteinoon tile Oovernui wits eloseted with hIts mlvate secretary and bIt at 7 oclock for thu Kxeoutlve Mansion After dinner Ill splintI an houi I I lu the main parlor chattfnif- iileanantly I anti goodniituiodly vvltli this niein tiers of ills houaohold Thnre was no trace of petulance or neivonsnoss about him and In ¬ deed ho boemudtn be remarkably uneonceined whillo nsisnsn tIers In thn city were being wit nested scones of wild exeleinnnt Nigssl UWc IreUlclloa- Talr weather In Boutlorn port ton moat tin UK fun nrllv rlfiily wtatlur In u i t C t uriliw nt to itoutliMtii Hiiil hi r luuiintf AllI Ihn dn say HIM lr Dull i lv 211 Sli i I It net Tf CIII5UI vitliVUI HtHalJIll I

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And all Hinging on the Vote

of New York State


An Apparent Plurality of 1643for Cleveland


Westt Virginia DoiiMful but Slant

ing Toward Blaine


qtdaii ttli Jet tlll Vote uf Virginia Sew

Jersey and Connecticut

The Halite In ftew York Blulc ALMa M-

IrunOne Net of Flcar Shut IMeeU-

IlliOn Thc Republican mists he Hlatrand lriruuk In Mr lllalna Ihat ke thisNiirely C rrlrilll omo Ilrpnbllcan Talkof a Itepubllciiti Ilurallly In FlolldiiGrace Circled Muyar by More than 1OOO-OrlnralllyOkrr Otr Candidate rtecled-Tk Vote In Kina Quern und ICIckmoud

The election for the Presidency now lilncoson the vote of New York State Tho battle hOIbeen evenly contested and tlio result Is Almosta draw Tim rural districts Imvo almost If notQuito overcome the bin majorities for Clovolaud In Now York anti Kings and the result utthis writing II In doubt

THK SUNS lieu res given bolow Imvoboon collected with unusual carp Ourcptclal correspondent have tulogrnphudtho vote complete from 54 of tlio CO countiesand the remainIng counties have bon veryclosely estimated by oxperlencod newsers and politicians on the spot They Indicatea plurality of 1G43 for tlio Democratic candldato On tho other hand llgntes gathered bytbo Aftsoolatod Trees Indicate a blight pluralityfor Mr Dial no

Doth tho Itopubltcan nnd Democratic lend-

ers eom confident that their party tins boonsuccessful The Republicans have tologiaphedto Mr lllnlno that ho las surely earned thoState by from 5000 to luOOO plurality whilethe friends of Oov Cleveland assure him thatthe figures they have collected elect 111 by1000 or 5010

rite returns collected1 liy tlio A cltlPress give tbo results by election dlllrlclThoro are 11Jl election districts outside ofthe citIes of Now York and Brooklyn Up tomidnight lust nIght 1743 of those dis-


had boon hoard from and thygave Ulaino an aggregate plurality of7295 The plurality of Cleveland InNow York and Brooklyn la SH80 loavlnlillume 1514 bohlnd The 252 61

trlets yet to bo heard from gave Oarllcid In1880 pluralities aggregating 7301 nnd Han ¬

cock pluralities aggregating 3118 leaving ablanco of 4143 In favor of the Republicans

to Blaino a loss of onehalf of this hewould yet bo elected by G07 plurality upon thereturns of the Associated Press

Now Jersey Connecticut Indiana anti VIiglnla nro no longer doubtful States Theyhave been carried by tin Democrats Wlsconsin has Leon can led by the Itopublionnu Timresult In Went Vlrulnla remains In doubt butthe chances thieve Incline In favor of lllalne

Butlers total vole In the Stato will bo ISniiOto 20000 and St Johns 22000 to 24000 Inmany of the Republican slrollllllli of theState whom a largo vote waitlooked for tho returns Indicate that Mr StJohns supporters dasertod him for 1lllnoVery few votes for Duller conicpublicim counties In AlleKany county MJohns vote was 1100 antI llutlers 500 In StLawrence Ht John got 267 and liutlur 19 InErie county St John gn 015 and Bailor 2VVotes CnrtlKauuuulyimeiicit John uUJ votesand DuLler 420

All the counties whoIl tho Stalwart Republi-cans worn Mr lllalno antI Unvldncounty where Mr Conkllngs followers are nu-merous


turned u Kopubllcan plurality of near-ly


2000 in 1880 Into Ismall plurality for Cleve-land


Cleveland carries only eleven counties outside of Now York nnd Klnea

Yesterdays leturns gave the Republicanstwo moro Assemblymen in close districts inlluffalo The nOt Assembly wl611nd seventyfour llonubllcans to

Cloy Cleveland had returns telegraphed tohim from ovary Democratic county committee-man In the State last night and on their flituros concluded that he had carried the Stnteby 42UO plurality

rks t eIO1 Vole by Slaips-1o ClelIIU1 For llie-AIb 10 aIlrOola S

Arkn olod-o1neelI


a Illinois 22-Uslswr I Iwsi HIuYloridii fKUI00 I Chalno-JMdhisa I Uisscbueiis 14Kenlucky Its 5Ilcb5su 13-

Jnusliis M MInnesota tMaryland INebrisk-allsIslipl


C Xd 1Iou 18 Jew hSaiphlrc 1-


N Jrrsey DOlls 23-

Vart Carolina ll1orrgnu I1c uol C luaSIlnlTnuirssr 12 Ild-T4

II Vermont 4-

ItVlrglnlii 12 Wiseonsln

TuhI ItI Tolnl IPIe

IM1 NilesNew York IU Wct VirgInia 1trceeeary to choice IfiOl

Kixas covxTfs UlrTk Hevliel PliurciTke Menialmil MnUe

an AIIUOM laU Pwrei-The coi roctcul election returns fioni Klujn

county show thin following rellYON rii Iii r Cliitlaiid lilni tic Mxil-Uiillcr I I I M Julin 1401 Cleveland iluralli-157U 111

POH roMHr eiond IH trlel Kllx lphol iilI1i74t0 Tluinm I Shcrlltillln and1 Mori 17 thCIIIbelUinuJnrllv ft 7llt

Chin lCtrIt0irwlO II IniiirKR I 300M1 Caleb Ifcmlth I111 VI Junui > iiinlirlliI IU >

Vnurlh tlUlrlclIVtrrI II Mnlinnct NjI I IIXIkVlI H lul

IIHIIiICi l illi IJ kk Miolutll Inil I iI vlalioiicyi-ihir il > ri Mr

Fifth nutrlMArcMMM M HUM ID I II iwll J > ruli-Wnrtliilt I llnj lllul lcll liii I rllI Him 5lLI

rlyIU nrIlrn Ullrlct Wafer 47l i-Lalniheer IIII 4U I mil Mini 117-

lerund Illillricl Nuklo IID 7d3 OidenterX illI7ti0-

Talr1 lllilrlrlMlailliD c 21P It I 4154Vnnrih liiitiletllMirKcriy iln 47JS iiurnn Hi

SUM Illld iC-ilIliCrLetCtTey


Kirth IdI I 24 IJ Oonuvan IIhd J

1IIIItnl In 54I l> e Hi 2 M-

Cvrteleventh rutrlt tlinUav ll0 I 3 bIT ItllJd IK 271W1-

SEighth Ulitrlcl ffinnuli I t U2M Mutiny I I I

Mnth DlHrlit VMermRI ni157 Iielnne 1H 4717Tenth IlKlrlrt Tailor II I tlSli ile iillI a UUfV-Klevenih



DlitrlctlleaihI I111 H4J Ink CI i

lllolrldI1 I1 ft Krt IMillI H 5ISIfor MiCtJlflrIy

I3i7ill uiivj Tar I I eCIt-

oFarIyeThilorIuFor Oily Ju Uv in > ok 11I > 11

kHI Oilran lir l32M Van j rk i ninlorm Int 1-7tr CniuplrnllrrHrinkrlion IIII i IKI> 31 llfrirtn-

MM2S Hrlnkirliin iiujnrnv471-fur


AuilllorVr II J il2 Itllld II S77IH-Vovgtt majority 2I4-

t Iisi biqrJ suIe Cl Lrc ILd 4 Ioultlj1 I S

fnt want Iifkln IV Fnnrlli wardt Onrl n I Rltthwirdi i OKtilo I Lliihtlij nartli i lCsIlgIlrI WiI T iuliWfirli i lltmirlt liijl Twflrih ill Fnurfiriitn wantil i Maurcr IH KlxtI CIIrIIhlUlauclilfldIID Ilnlilruntli nardl i W U illellliein H Twentiethninli Hnktrlll Twcnt peelll vmnliTwenty fniirili nanlt1 t 11101 IIII YII lorrlOI IIill I Nsw Itrrrliti ill ilravtmiili I II 101ilinlI Ncv lim itfiitr7I K tlatlanili ulr

lel XOltK HTATK-


INH4llniKiirk unritld rlryMii ninlnr

1011 PL Ihi j itttl 5 CNIIAIIniiy d11iI 7i9Allgini-yllroiie

3 rti ri UUIattaranxim lirt jm-Cayima llfm JIK-ILhautaintna 11l 4 7-

riiernntic 170 ij-Clitmanro 1210 I no-fllntin ijoo 7

Columbia f91 K-

Iorllamt IV3 I2JDelaware vt I

nmoiiiu Nluro liasErie MJI hrino iu imi-rranklln lavt 111-rnllnn and llainl Slid IHJlllellllee IJ34 Wf-

lllrtene UD I-VIlirkhner lfl HIS

J ITroii SBEI 6-

MllKl 29311 IMIT-

OICMln TOJ 7-4IUInirliii USD Ml-Uadlliu 3110 anu-

MoilKomiTMonroe C3Hj 62

> 2 211New York IliJ 4TO-3Mvara Ml mi-Onella 10K 19

OnulidaKa 4IM rOntario 11 7B-iDrauito 4li 1U-

llrleani 1177 tills

lwtfii JIO 244-

1rmnam11tC20 25 BJ


QUI WO lJ3-Itvliltdacr Ml 3-

Ilkliinonil I31 IiA-lincklainl 77 IM-

Mr Lawrence 7913 74

Haratoita 2eti AAfolienntaj G 14-6Mluihurle IloliiI IIW-7fUiujtor 4H7 Mi-stiifca 4M sa-MmUfli 12M W6-

MlXutk IM Ml

IIul 179 I3U-


TiMliklni 940 IO-Iliter Ul I-

IWnrrm 712 7M-

vviiniiinxtnn iat jus-Wajne SJJJ V1-UWeMrlinter 481 1249-

W onilliz IV6-Vulii


UV 12V

Totals CI7U WJ6 12 rWWI

iletliiinr > rlurallty liUa


llililiii from Viiiloii < alaEC anil-lUtlnuiletl XliOurlllci-

lu Hudson count which includes IprfrpyCity tho Democratic majority Is about 6200-Forillmind Ilulntre for SlierilT fouls McLouch-lln fur County Clerk nnd George 11 Fielder forItiirhtur all UmnociatH nro electedfcln KSSOJC counl which Include Xovirkillumes was 12W or 1500 loss tluin-iardolds Iohlbacli the lloiiubllciu nominee

for Concrie wits elocted by 325 plurality overhauler Democrat whoso majority two yonrsnao WIts over 1000 Tim Itopubllcan candulutofur Sheriff Wi Stalnsby1 was Hcratcheil I beoauso of record ho made as Aldormll of Xovrnrk antI was beaten liy

DomoLTiulo candidate William 11

Drown ruin plurality ol the latter Is lf 70Alt the other llupubllcan candldatps woioelected ns followv V S Fish State Senator1100 plurality JouIh U Munn SurrogateHOO Emi Lonrfnff Illlltor 2300 throe Coro-ners 150 Tho Buler In the county was500 750 The total voto wathe largest ever poled In EAex and the molof the return midnight

Morris county gave Pholns for CongressmaJoriVlnll elmted Charles A flllhn Sheriff

Tho Independent and Irohl ¬

bltlon voto was very IlKhjKll nbeth olocted drier for Mayor by U22 ma-


nnil Democratic rrrilioldcrHby SOD ma-jority Thu CityI Council stands U Itupiibllciiusto 7 UcmoiratB

There wan a large lYolilbitlon nnd Independ-ent


vote In SOlnrset countyVail i vvns elected Shcrll of Unioncounty by 217 majority overThoSonato lands Itoitubllcans 11 Demo

irats 10 Tho Assembly I Itupublicans 1 5Uumornl 25

CoevluI Jlurlly 3200-CltntfrI olcI varfll ClrII1 ZlILfA-

1141Ce oGUen IJ IHurllIOU IG1211-



0 I 2H-JiUflliIrIitllI 1 lIt


10Ieuler b

ludn 494 621Inntrlon 1tJ 675 6C-MTI5ddIe5 131 71-1lolI01Ih I IO-

Jrl est Ill24-

4I41slc 11 I4S-ftlelll 13 11-5141ltetet 1 131SLIHICA 1 I12I

isbn I 0-

Wrrn 211J 111

Toll 53331 II 1221 PUlorll 210


levelonil PluralIty 1IIO4 aid Ma T-1Uolfor llnte OfflcerHAUTIOIlI Nov 5Tue returns for Con-


are now all lu with the exception ofone back country town Cleveland has Ct952-lllalne C5734 Ht John 2205 and Duller1033 Clevelands plurality Is 1304 Tliovotofor Governor and other State officers Is pracUeally the samn which throw the choice Intothe Ixjclalature both branches of which wi boHepublican by good majoritlus Tho for1rohldent by counties was

lilaiuf Cfwniiil st fete liuttrr-llartfnra U bOll IDHil 4nK a71New llaren Illu4 1HH 447 310-

e> London lim Bini 27 23fi-VVInlliam 4141 A7M1 IS 44hatrnelcl 1 2 IJWW 27 2444Iltrlillrlil 6 inU4 147SIIldIemex HHllTi 34n 227 12JTollaild J710 aJOl 117 1-

4Totalt BJ7S8 17012 22IJ5 11U3

illliSt fllVNKTT-

SIllaluoa 1llliallly Over Z1O OA Olin orTwo Rvpubllcua CoDKr imen

BOSTON NovTlse vote of nil tho cRiesand towns In this State with the exception offive small towns foot up flame 141DOI

Cleveland 117550 Duller 2331 St John79B6 Illatnntt plurality 23 1880 Ourfield bldlllllrlily of tiJ240 cud a majority of

nl vote which donnnot IInclude Ito live slll towns mentionedI

foots up lobllaol 152812 KnillcottI Item 3IcCIrl 1OjI10122993Hpnlyellrohlb I 1 hl1tOOt holier 15022S AlinydVohlb

follovvlnir ConLnmsmon are lutedTlrHt district 11 T Davit Sicond Joh-nII loiiir iriupl Thlra IOIfllannny llnpFourth I1 A Collins Horn Fifth U I Haydoll tlnli Sixth H 11olorlnl lllciiil SoyCOt ii 1 I Stalin i 1Ihlh Cit aml o II

IIIn HnpXlnth Fred 1H Hop TenthW 110 IIhol bnvflith VII halo WhllnlI I i

IHop IF Wlfckwollol IIopublican ualnof1 two lonlrtHsmonIICVIi ILJ4N14-

15letns IMuiiillly slut lc Iknn OOOO-OlCitilIUani 42aln Fu Conwrevtmen

111DrJIUI Nov 5Almost completefroll of C7 counties In the State

hhovra net galls for lllalno of 23300 over Oarlleldi vote of 1S80 This would Indlcnto thatlllalnes plurality over Cleveland will not Iholess than iooiu file four counties to boarfrom gave IHancock a inajnilty of 07 butlllnlntt lies calnod almost uniformly overthin Stats They will te more apt to Increasethan decrenso his plurality

Jlunnell leI I Is eloolo111 thio I ifteonthi ConcroKN Cut i i In tim Twentiethand Scott I Dom In the Twentyseventh Thedelegation will stand 20 HepubllcRiis anti 8

ppocrlt a Hepublican ualn of i TAU Logic

In turn will bo docldedly Republican In bothbranched thumjocurlnit the election of a Hepublican united Htatos Senator to succeed JJJonuldCttinoroii

Illalnen plurality In Alleuhony county Isliloiji The full Ilcpubllcan county and Iculilathe ticket been elocted James IIt Hop ¬

IRSkins letn defeated by James H Noifloy-In tile TvvnntyKocomt CoiiLrim district by3tiKNl majority ThnmAft M llayno Ilnp Inthe Twentythird district has bon reflectedby C1000 mnjorltyI

Ncniiylklli county which has been reliablyDemocratic for twonlV years Inlll t8HO gaveHancock all majority ulvo tt plu-rality


The lUpubllcans oloct all but two oftheir louSIly ticket gain four Aa < emblrnicu-roiloot their Senator and Urumtn the Green ¬

back CongressmanComplete returns from all the legislative dis-


In the State incept Wayne county showthat tho Senate will have 31 Itctmbtlcani and19 Democrats and this House 140 Uopnbllcanriand 69 Democrnt with two doubtful districtsWayne This will ulvo tho Itopubll

cans III majority on joint ballot oven shouldthe Democrat In Wayne county elect theirtwo candidates In the present Ipglslituto theDemocrats have a majority of 15 on joint ballot


cmoerallc tialna nnl1 Few IniraIka MlaltthumId for tle rlnnri by HO4IO-

HiciiMONi Nov 0 Nearly nil returns re-


show Democratic gains nnd few IOH < OS

The Democratic majority may roach 8000The DflinocratN claim eight of tho ten Con-gressmen


WihitiNOTON Nov 5Thu lIon John S Har ¬

boor Chairman of tho Democratic State Cen-tral


ommlttoo ot VirgInia says ho estimateon the basIs of despatuhes received by him to-day


from all parts of the State that Vliulnlahas given tho Democratic electoral ticket a ma-jority


of at least HOOOIII ho thinks It nuivreach 10000 At lieadiiuarlurRIIn Alexandria Ithu majority Is est I 11111 ted atfrom S ono to 810-

0Orclallnd returns tiom liftSand all the cltloiof Virginia ulvo

Cleveland 11784 majorlt Thoio lotnrns mbrats many of thn luntc Itipnblli countlofand Indicate that tho Statot will ulvo Iloveland 1

from 15005 to 10001 majority H IH now iiultocertain that thin Democrat have elected ultiht01 tile ten ConurcxHmcn

551sr lIUIIUu > HviMililUiiii 4 > Hln < Tkc Slnle Clntmeil

for Illnlnr-WlIKELINd NOV 4IIJ IMIUtltIrri Ofll

clal gIve n not Iall of 1000 Thesame ratio wi carry tho Stato for lllalno by201111 HOILlcllllln8 are reportedthu Interior the Stalewas Itopubiioan fill that two Itopubllcnn ConirrcHsmrn mo elected

Mulnitllil Via halo returns from eighteenconntloK exactly onethlid ot the State andthey give a net Itnpiibllcan cnln off luiK overtile October emotion liter are tlltyfourcoo 51 t hIs IIn Ithu Ill liCe ThU ratio would ulvethe FissIon ticket Illalno nnd llutlnr 1JUU ma-jority


The thrpo strong Domocmtlc countiesuhovv no material chanup The close countleHand thoso which give small majorities givetreat HOluhlclllllld Wood cOll olllchil

IIs itIst It gave I 10plblcIImajority of 270 On Tuesday Itllan mnjoiityof hlO Tho HopubllciiUH nuiofeel very Fanuulne of tho State but buck connItics may clianirnI IIII Should tthe StI ate co fortile Iftidoit Iticket lllnlnu would have 3 tintS Hul-lo


ri of tho uloctoia votuiThreei additionalI counties Ill Ill II IowU-

ami llraxlon lt IIn show iu nut 1llupubllcnnmajority of 21J


I 111f ITbiiiitnitil fur 4 I ol nil llk a < jntlt of

ln C unirrvtiftniHn

HlillMiiiiI I I I Nov 3 Tho vcitu of IUmSlnto-outnido of the city gIves n net Democratic nm-jorltyof IbO Tho oto In 101t101 city wastho In tgnet 0101 polled 11001 II rIg t 0 582 I

Clevelands pluralityI I IK f 71fi1 majoiltyI 5 3ll-Thn Mote for M John wa lJiiifor liutlor 101

Of till nix Coimrotninnn tile JJiomocrnts olnctlive vvhlh Is a IMII of one delegationstadnn FirstliHtrlct Charles II Olbson Sec-ond


district Frank T Shaw Third dlhtrict-Wra II Colo Fourth district John V I thoUlay Fifth IIRtrlctlarnc Compton Sixth dis-trict


1 011 llunubllcan


The State Ovcrnkelmltixly lleniucrnllcA-Oala of One Congressman

iiMiwnoy Nov 5Tho State ha8lon8so overwhelmingly Democratic thatin thu returns lies ceased to exist Tho Demo-crats


hao carried thin First Third FourthFilth Mth Seventh ElirhthI and Ninth Con-gressional


IAlrlctAln1 tho llopubllcnns car-ne II thn 1 n 1010crnlolall ofono Congressman It IB

till Dumocratb Imvo a twothirds mnjorlty Intho Luklslaturo sllvll rllhtlll1 fear of a ro


workto negro rile In Ih olslorl coutitlea did


CKhONVITiM Nov 5Tho hews 11 1

since midnight confirms that of last nltht thattill Democrats have olectnd thoir entire tickucby 4000 thebes Hep Is defeated In thu Sec-ond


Contrefis district by HOO to lODO TIleuislaturu Is probably Domocratlo in bothbranches by a small majority

lu Madison and Hnmouri precincts In Mad-ison


county negroes or imisked whites It Isnot known which raided tho pjlls ami Cliptttred tho ballots and tally shuetr It IB notknown hero who was tho origInator of thin raidhut the Democrats lay It to 1ope ItopubllcanIndependent candidate for Governor

Tho returns show an increase rather than afalling off In tho Democratic majority ThoDemocratln State Committee claim oooo nun101Iy on Qovnmor and the bathe on FlcctorK

Pope Independent candidate for lov-nrnor claims the State and chaises fraud onthe tart of the Democrats


A llrtaorriitlr Mnjvrlly ol ll OOO nlik P55-

of the Mix CuiiKrvtaMenNew ORPHANS Nov 5LatCI returns ion

Hlderably modify tho result of the election luthis State although still assuring It to theDemocracy Tho vote will bo light not muchexcoedinic 100000 and about the same as InlIMit The Democrats suffer most severelyfrom this apathy and lose one Congressman In-

consequence of It Ofllclal figures from thirtynine parishes and unofficial returns from theother nineteen give a Democratic vote of 02341 and a Republican vote of 42il9a Demo-


loss of 2721 and Hepublican cain of3985 or a not llflpubllcan gain of t701 TheDumocrattc majority In the State wil be 1J717 ThIs may be 811hll reduced returnsfrom tho 1101The New Orleans 1 the llchtostover polled only 18UJ8 ant Democratlnmajority only 55r a loss of 4788 ah comparedwith1881 This light vote oleotallopubllcnn from tho Second Congress districtover W T Houston Democrat 1 lute is largelyduo to tho car drivers strike which preventedmany voters from going to tho polls in thoupper portion ot the city Tho full vote IIsIHalmI 7308 1Houston 0137

In this FlrstCongrcssdlHtrictI the vote standslouIs St MurtlnlDnm 15830 Carleton limItIntopwdont 4132 Joseph Acklun Hon

Later rottirnb from thin Third district assurethe defeat Kellogg i HopI by K J day t Dem-Thlndlntrlctwcnt


Itepuhllinnby I Mind majorityIn IrW The vote stands lay 1352C Knlloeg-127C7 OUJH majority 759 cllstilct giveslllalno 15 1110 Qovcliml 10945 lilalnos miljorlty 4185 Tho neuron laigely broke fromKellogg nnd voted for llnv for CongrosH andIllalnn for 1rvHldent

IIn tIm Fourth strict N C Dlnnclinrd IIs ro-

olectetlllost unanimously only SODMnt vrInl cast agnlnst him

thin Fifth district the voto stands an fol ¬

lows fls far an hoard from J Floyd Ini1017112 Doatner Dem 3253I I

In tile Sixth district this vote stands A 11

IrlonlDcmlI 92870 Swayno lltppl 7IH5rile lonlslunu delegation will stand live

Deinncrats nnd ono Itupubllcnn as II tho pres-ent


oneroKii Tho now memburs Mi LouisSt Martin who sat In Congress In an oldCreole politiciani t Michael I tab Ii tthe Hut liepublican lovornor of Louisiana A H Irlonalso a Creole who hlleil a hlBh position onthe State bench and K J Gay thewealthiest sugnr planter In Louisiana vvtionswealth Is estimated at IGODOOOO Of tile pros-ent delngatlou only IWO King and Illtnchard-arc rotuinod

Nel llttniiklrc tur IllnlneCOSt >l Nov 5Two hundred anti forty-

one towns antI wardt give lllalne 3910ii Cleve-land


149HHSt John 1125 and huller 507Ulalnoa plurality tll ThoHame places giveCurrlir ImiIp I lovornor 38040 huhileifli 35189 Mason Irol and scattering1914 Thu remaining JlI towns in 1882 gave

Italn Hop 3115 Kdaorly Porn llflH and75 scattering Should thn vote bo the snmotitle year Currier majority will bo 719 HoWill Uo sheeted by tho people


An Indicated Plnrnlllr r flOOO tar flIc T-4UmlTeii Uemicralle Cngreianen

Itovlfusl rctuuiH rocijlvvd atTiir SUN ofTIco

from sixteen Democratic nnd fifteen Hopubllcan counties ot Indiana therouro ninetytwocounties In tho State show DemocratIc plural-ities


7002 and Itopubllcan pluralities 10519The same counties gave Hancock only 0380plurality and Gllr old 12229 Clevelands netgain Is 3280 The counties cut about onefourth of the vote of thn Slate and Clevelandhas flarflelH adverse plurality of OC41-to overcome The Indication no far as It IIs-trustsorthy Is that he has 0000 plurality The-same Indication IIs si von by returns from C03 ofthe 800 voting places which Increase the liepubllcan pluralities of 1882 by 5574 votes In1882 tho State wits Domocratlo by 10900 TheDemocratic Committee of Indiana claim theState by ovt r 8 ooo The llopubllcnns claim Itby 3000 but offer no figures

INDIAIOUH Nov 5All but fifteen countieshave reported to the Democratic Htnto Commit-too showing Democratic gains 5537 Kopuh-llcali gains 5503 This on basis of 1882 whentilt Stilt wont Democratic by 10C84 lameand lessen III llftocn counties cannot poshlblyindiico Itho Democratic majority of I1882 morethan 2IKH leaving Cleveland HOOO Associatedpress and Itopiilillcan vstlmatoB are based ongains In lpiibllcm proclncu-

lov Hoinlileks has ten In receipt of tolopnnns front various tourens all day but itemhad nothing front tho National Domocratlo-Coimnlttno sliieo morning Tho followlcg tele-gram


from tho Young Jfens Ind ponil iitoininlttooof Now Yuil covo Mr Hendrlcks con-siderable


personal uiatltlcatlon but it wits notsatisfying ni to the nctual facts

H IUvtnff that tie sr Ulii ers 1111 tiulr-pcnilvnt ll iiMlriini4 nf Nrw York liar BlveiMuii theMHI a nnil vi lril in fnvor of iiilinhiiHtratll i r roriii-

IItlrml > IPDI until Iihi ilitvrrnnr Hint IInillMia-ha Koiie IeiiKKTHllo tivhikrlMUuI inajorlt Htnl am in-

illn I in oteiiil lily 10111451 ot let niKht-uf 5111 l lu 141011 tst Nw Vork Statsof murk I cannot be s cirlaln Ii-IIHie i Biicliinl IrroHH flifiiroB art torrect ilicy nettleNivr S ork Slate DKaliKt Clevranil The itt ipiiIi In ItlioIIIl innrratli 4 ole I lids belnrun ClerelandI and Iliitlir-va > d etiI IllS emplaimciitnl Hi latter 10 work In IIhoIIIerIt jllaliie th rpltinI doubt Hint llutler wanWiTH iiIii fur ttio Keiuitilliaii lltuliaeers

At the Dfinorrattr CHIlI iit te room n lnlni ICs nimlethat Ithe lIe II1ollclI are iloclurliiK tlie return to ile-celve


Itie t te

In Marlon county anti the ltl or Indlnnnnolis returns from seventyfour products out ofeightyfour show a majority fgr lllalno of inu-Tho Democrats elect nil Iho county ticket ex-cept


ono Senator by majorities ranging from150 to 1500-

Figures hero mere that ton Democratic Con-gressmen


are boltovod to be sure two areIn doubt and ono Itopubllcan sun Anotherestimate gives tbo following Concrosamun aselected First district Kleiner IDem lappnrnnllj I Second Cobb Dflin Third HovvaulItem Fourth Holman Uenti Filth MuttonIDrtin Sixtht Drown liep Sovonlh IlyniiniIDom Mlghth Lamb Dom Ninth WardIDom Tenth IOwiin Hop Kuventb SteelItip Twelfth Lowry 1Dem ThirteenthSti tel y I rett hack Ito IlllI a vaeancy nnd FoulPont for fullI I term Domociatu lu itt lluhiicins-


Stnte ticket so far as return are In Isyen with IIho nationalI tleket electingi Isaac Pdray Dent tovurnor over W H Catkin liep

DullerI had I1111 I votes IIn Wabauli 1IllItrllndtSt John1 i121 IDuller 49 In Hush countyI i nnd StJohn 12 Duller 98 In Putnam eoiinty and StJohn 10 neither IL voto in Iiporte county Itwobetween tlmm Iin Jackson county IliutlorI 111 Inllarlholomevv county huller UO iu iiant coun ¬

St JohnIrillo1 Nov 5Tho full vote of tIle countvIs not yet1 in hIlt Ithn Dcinocints havo cnirledtile countv by 1501 n cnlnof iuO over 1IHMISteele IIliop I roll Idigress ran tilt tlih histick Ilt nndI would hivo Loon defeatedI IIn tthisdltikt had not tIle Democrats trailod off Klddtheir l01l r1I1I for Itheir sherllf In Jayeoiintr St John received nlnni votes IIn tthistovnshit Iniludlng Ihn city of Deeatnr Illsvole In theeonnty Is put at 92 lint tirsi ItoIIs pi tend nt 22 IIII tits climtv Tho IDemocratsnro jjubilant OWl lie news fiom Now Toil1k mdIndiana


Laiiitg Inillcullitv Ike1 Klerllnn oTtku Ftitlon-IIerlolnl Tlckcl-

DrTitoiT Nov 5Tho returns rooolvodthis afternoon Indicate the election of tho Stubanti National fusion ticket but later figuresmay alter this The Democrats now claim thoState Tho Republicans claim the Stato by aclear majority Tho upper peninsular SlaMhon heard from III favor of tho Republicansbut tin exact voto is not yet known

Tho latest rcpoits on Congressmen ulvo theFusion ticket six all Democrats Mnvbin > Int Ito Flint districti Comstoek IIn ttho IFifth VInaiis III Ihn SiMh Carluton In the SeventhTuiniioy In tho Kkhth defeating lion andFlshor in tho Tenth Tho Hepublleans oloct10111001111011111I I thin Third district IllurrovssI

In t hun Fourth Cutchoon IIn tIto Ninth andMofTit IIn tho ElevenI FullI ietui us are neededfiom the Second district to doclilu who is elect-ed


as the vote Is very loseIf tho vote of the State IIs decided for the

fusion ticket HHBoeniB probablu at Itblx wiltings I

I17 1 MlI Clovoland will receiveI IIi electoralvotes Duller and 1 goes for Dlaine In YHlug tho Uieenbnckors voted for the lImn menfor twelve electoral places ami for dlflerentmen for tho thirteenth Place which allows achance for one II II I nil elector It was deslrnd-to llnd the relative strength of the Greenbackore and tIle Democrats and iiotie tho veto Issent separately Tho reports so fur In gleevoiy little Information about the upper penin-sula


which Is a I to put leatI stronghold Itt theIndications arc that there urn grout Democraticgains there

Tho Democrats lot the Second and FourthtCongress dlsttlcts mid gained tho Eight nndTenth districts The mil majorities howeverin tho sIc winning districts are vary muchlarger than thoy were two vunrs ago Tholatest returns In the 1tet 1rrss ofllci Indicatethe election of Degolo Fusion over Alger liepuhllcan for Governor Tho ProhibItIon voteIs about 20 000 which was drawn about evenlyf i DIII the two old parties

11 1 Mht Is Impossible to say at this hourhow Michigan has gone It Iis so close that fullreturns will bo necossarv to doeldo it MrDiekensan member of tho National DemocraticCommittee Insists that fusion Is ahead andthe free Venn computation based on tolerablylull returns glvea fusion a majority of about1000 In tho State


Tke MInt K ldeiitly Clone fur lllatnI nndgtllnt llarrlion fur 4iiivernor-

CiiHAiio Nov 5Tho returns horn Illi-


como In slowly and wore of a nature tocause doubt as to tho possible majorities butthe Stab was generally conceded to tho liepubllcnns both on the State and Presidentialtickets The Chairman of SIte Itenubllcnn-Stato Committee claimed thIs afternoon20000 Itopubllcan majority for Oovuinor andII Itnpubllcan majority III both branches of theLegislature

Seven hundred and euvenlyfour precinctsIIniludlng Inil in Chicago for gIveIOglesby mp1I 1GS134I I In OIlIIIOIjI lom I

1579113 llobbs Irohlb 4185 antI HarperlUrrionback 12H4 Ogo by ovur 111 4702ChIcago city gives lllalno 4IOl Loveland4fi48i St John 47 timid Duller 502 lllalnoover all 11119-

Of tho Chicago city Conurocsmon tho Itcpub-llcana oloct jIlt a ha in Iin Itho Flisti district andAdams In the Fourth ami tile Domocials electfjnvlerln tho Second district and Ward In thoThiid The llopubllcnns elect their Congress-men


In the Sixth districtW IF Wort hi ngton Dem lIs elected to Con

c5ess from thn Tenth district instead ot hturr-HepII I as ropoitod lost night

KOilsa S4ronIy 1IIuhl1nATCittsox Nov AtchKon comity ituii

plot except one precInct gives Martin Hoptot Governor 118 majority over Gllok who eairind it by 1300 In 182 Col Martin oxtimatoHhis plurality In tho Statn at from IIOIHXJ to40010 Tim Citiin i claims IIbo State forIllume by over MlUOu plurality The vote forSt John was Insignificant Tho complexion ofthe Loclslnturn will insure the return of u Honubllcnn United States Senator-

At 8 P M1 the llipnbtlcan State Contra Com-mittee


estimated lllalnua majority at 50ODDMartin I hell fur Governor 4UOUU llvoiy Hepublican Conurcnsman elected nnd1 tho LegUlltuioi iS al tao it u n iou tnotlsiy lteIlutl kit U

T he Ilttnlt hi MissouriBT Loom Nov 5Tllt returns from llio

State are very much scattered but It scorns tobo sill to say that the Domoorats will carrytheir Stnto ticket by a round majority andelect tlinlr Congressmen In all the distrIctsexcoptlng the Fifth and Thirteenth which thoItepublliuns claim

foUrittlo for KlalncDENVER Nov lluturim from Ithn in-


of the Htato aro scattering and Incom-plete


None of this large city precincts haveyet reported Fnouab is known however toinsure tbellepubllcnn aatlooA ticket tue usual

majority of about 3000 Eaton tflopt Is prob-ably


elected Governor by a small majoritySyniegdlnjii I for Coiieross willI fall behind thonational ticket but Is probably elocted Withtwo or three exceptions the Hepublleans Inthis county elect the full ticket The Legisla-ture


is lamely Hepublican


The State fur lllalae hj Not Less ban 1-

440A ode af Tar c < ontriaenJ-UciHON Nov Republican figures Im-


as returns como In from rural and lum ¬

boring districts The election of seven Hopub-

lloan Congressmen Is settled Luclen 13 Cnswell In the First district Itobt M Lafolletethe Third Isaac W Van Scblck In the FourthRichard Ouenther In the Sixth Ormsby DThomas In the Seventh Win S Trice In thoEIghth and Isaac Stephonson In the Ninthagain of three Tho Iel lature Is undoubt-edly


Hepublican securing the election of a liepublican United States Senator to succeedAngus Cameron The lIIalne ticket will probably hue not less than 15000 plurAlity

MtrWAUREI Nov 60n the strength of thelatest returns the pllbllCIIIIS now claim tileState by 12000 plurality Thus returns whichwill not all bo In for six daw continue to showDemocratic gains and the Democrats contendthat there IIs ttlll room to carry the Htatn byfrom 3000 to 6000 majority for Cleveland TheDemocratic State ticket which run way behindthe national tlckot Is hopelessly lost Tho Hopublicans claim large gains In tho Legislatureand seven out of nIne Congressmen Tho votoIn thn Sixths and Ninth districts Is so close thatthe ofllelul returns will have to decide tho re-mit


In Milwaukee Cleveland rAn ahead oflllalne nearly 1 000 votes but In the county hofoil behind Thn vote of tho city and countywas lllalno 15323 Clovoland 14907 flutter8j St John 182

Itoturns from 438 towns nnd wards show n notDemocratic gain ot 7778 on this Presidentialticket ascomuaiod with 1880 Should a propitrtionato galls be Khovvn for tile Democratictlckot In thn remaining precincts Dlaine willhave carried the State by 10000mnjorlty Laterreturns are showing smeller average Demo-cratic




ALtsroiv Nov 5Tho First IOUKIOSS dis-


contest Is doubtful The Democrats claimthe election of Drown Fiftytwo precinctshoard from give lllalno 2517 majority whichfurther estimates havo Increased to 1397 TillsIs nearly onethird of tho vote of thin State nndIndicates a majority of about 17000 For Gov01 nor Morton Dem runs ahead of his tlckotand Dawut s majority will be below loouo

Three ICetnlillciiii fJoiiffrvatmea In ienlte ee-

NAHHVILM Nov srhtc following Itepub-llcan Congressmen are elected In this StateTottlbono In the First district Houck In thoSecond and Taylor In the Tenth Tho rest oftill delegation Is Democratic The Demo-cratic


minority In the Legislature Is consld-oiably 1011 lice Bale Ilomt for Governor Iu-

lirobiibly elected by n reduced majorityCnvi rANOoot Nov 5Tue Hepiiblloin ma-


in tIlls county for Blaino IIs 1500 and forKvans Hop for Congress 2100 A coloredman goes to Legislature with 300 majorityNeal Dem will bu elected to CongrebH by 200or 00 majority

littetl IVum the 1nctflc Ioatl StatesSAX IltANcisro Nov 5Four IniudioU

nnd olchtcon precincts end wards In 43 coun-ties


outside of San Francisco glvo lllaino 28-

7H7 loveland 24091 ngnlnst Garfleld 23GOOHancockI 21111-


IIs Itepiibllcanliy front 1600 to 2000Armstrong IWell I IIs elnctud to CongressIn Nnvailn only half tho vole had bean counted

upI I to 3 1 Mr hilt enough to show that 1liablelias eai i led thu Stato by about 1100

IIIIIII All Democratic1IAIi KM J N Nov 5 Nothing lots been hciiul

to change the result already announced Thelatest returns only incicaso tho Democraticmnjorltles Thero 1u an unbroken delegationto Conuinss a giiln of two for the DemocratsTho Chairman of the Democratic Kxecutlv-oloniniltlea cltilms the Stnto by a majority ofiiiHD Thli is llnul until the ofllclal vote Isrucolved

llhln 345005 rr Junio-rtrstnlsI Nov 5Vory little attentIon

has been paid to Ohio today as It was largelyKopubllcan Tile majority wilt probably exceedSOiOOO and may reach 40000 OC8 of the 2017proinets In Ohio who a not Hcpubllcnn gain of12024 over the voto of last month an averngoof 18 per precinct

IU4MI Demonill > ln rllv lu Jiciivi arcWlLMIXOTOXl Nov 5 VllliillijtoU elty

0 111111101011Ii Cleveland 4912 DliUne iOllNewcastle county will give a Democratic ma-jority


of from Inn to 500 SUSMIX will glvo IIIHDomoeratlo majority Tho wholn State willglee about JOW Doinocrallc mnjorlty

Ttie Vole on Mlitlen ItlnntlThe full returns tOm Hlchmond county clvo

tile follnnliuC flkiirci I tteidnnd 0131I Hl > ln iliilI-lllllcr 7i St John tW3 Cleveland pluaralltj IIOlH-Tor ConrtisIrry llehnont iVipsH Jame H 1lat-taan Helnionlii inuj lIlt > Ilt M For Aineniblj M X

Tan lteml lliui 4 541 K A vOore Dnuocrut 3e-TjiumH niJiirltjr 431l Ilor Artoctate Julg 7iW3 forenrti iati tldato lur tltiinty rkrk C A Hart Demo-crat 5TA2 f A Joii n iulllraii 76 i Starts nia-Jorilv 2 SJJ Kor Siitcrinttintent of Die PnmrWltlloimtlli eui iUinmcrat Sinn S ulmli Kiliuhllcan aJJilImo el s innjoriu Ilstii lor HhIIIl CommlilonvrIhrailiire lrean D niorrat 5154 llciiry K rlevelniidlidI iililtoan 3ZH Prt iiis iinijurllv lTnrt FurJuntlcei-C

ISei loli J JKllllinnnI Urlnocrut SOKO VV V-

Vtorli tr Iti iiilitfciin 3222 Kullniani majority IHiH-lor funnier Hr b 4 llerwj lioi VV e CoiinerIIHIt llorvejg nmjoitty I7it4 1or AiiiclKltnvnt 111Tills KBlnat it

Tk Tote In 1sscx County cw JerseyIn Essex county which Includes Newark

ntaiuci phiraUt was 12lIr 111 Iless than iJarfleld-Iehlbacli the Ileinibllcan liuinlnee fur tuiiffreli wai-elfrletl ttiy 525 jliiralfty ovrr Kkdlrr Democrat w holelilalorlty two j ear aifrt va over 3iiOO TIe HepiiMlca-noanilllatc for tlicrlff Illlniii Ktalii > liy wa icratcludl-iecanie nf Its resort lie matte a Aldrrmnn Newarkalitt vvaslifaten by Deinoiratlc candidate Willlmu IIllrown Tho Ilurnllt of the latter l < I070 All the oilierUeiuibticaii tauUldalm ero elrrted is follow IP H

nliMnle Senator lloo IPluralIty Joieph L Munn-Mirnivate NC l EtCh Lorrmr llrftliler 2J lhr e-

1oronerii IIVio IHiel IHiltlT votiiiii tIle riiimtv WA-Il

5141and l lohiia wan 7Vi 11I lie total vole wa I is lrK1-erC ollcil lo KiKex ami the iiioitt of the return wereinaitc after niiUnitflit

5lr <Jni field Sirlmlled lint or IOCiuE1ANn Soy 5A confldonco mass Sins

raitlid hIs art upon SIr Jarltcld end ilefratiiled herout of a leek fur Oil Yesterday he called at the flar-llfll r l Irnrr and after a little delay wu admitted in-

aV MI A joniiir man II o rouirtit II toitrtul loll to tiefund of n it Iniliutlon Mm ilartlrld alIIhl had InUnit dt iliia Miincllilnc lime aCBorlatlon and


H nil ili it tieti ai ruT > ountl innn ccritinned ton liil ho II rote tile clieck slit an cue honed him

lllt he nan 1111 iBlklnir When he had Kone nuciilclo-niok theI ilHC of confidence and ills leleiihoned to the10m1l15 1 Itus vi Ir A this received the reapm040 tiltjio tlflO w ho cond hive called at that Smile had IllS au-tlioritI IM cnlleit ninily for IHie aooilatlon hhe at-

oiue notifleil tile bunk tu refute In cakh tthe check totIt u at too bite U hud tel cashed

tlhlliiurrDowltt Clinton Ilontollo a wellknown Ameri-


SrI lot ho ILlS lived many 3 ear In llethlehetn IIadud tuddeuly Isilt velitnK of iiaralyilt of t he luart urapoplexy in the Cairle Hotel CHIllS Hettileliein whileconterblnif with frtcndi Vlr ilnte Its was a meinir o-

HieI vw York Lademy 111l Ihn contrihiited many flne-workn tn Anierlcun art cijUtclnin lluwaH ahonl i7vcirn nf me nnd wai a nailio of Iroy Ho Cell > twonun nnd u ilniiifhur alt of mature MK-

evlexHiiUrit dte hit itlltz Itie fatuous II insist Inukerand railiwi Hnanclvr Udead

Ilrnik ofijokn II riunniinn-Mr John H Flanagan died yesterday at his

lioin In Ills Horenre aiartment home II va itrh krnwith riaralvili In NannHii itrett on list Iris litit silltaken to llu Oak street police eth ion IHitI ton rtlortcd-at Iullci I tltlarliri tlint tie wa mlninfr lr rlana-Kan wat tthe on of 1 silos riaiiinrnn of ttliti iMtj and va

1 V ISIS itS lln racllird law for tIlls jinn Ille-on

ii ICof thr ohlfPI inemljeri of the liar oclHllon MI

had been rr iMntof ihc IHunk cf North Mnerlin and adlrcior uf Hie r einj third urcct niilroud lltMtlllliI

biirltdoi f <iliuji

filHlilioil her lliiihuud iIth mi 4yter KiilfrChristopher Farley nnd hIs wife Sarah of 07

Cannon aired liad au altercation late set ivenlnir-n lieu the u fe rnatched an nj iler knife and ctahbed h r-

hiiihand IIn the Ml breait Ilie a ailakentoHellVfnI-tiiMilial where hlf InJurleM Arir 5roplol tel ot rlnilii lielilactc hiving It Ill ratei Ithe luni Hie o II < sosloiked tip

No lleenic fur stUU floweryrile 1xelse CommUalonertt have revoked the

lufiue for the iiorim hou at 334 J Howery knonn ui-lh riiniion I Iftil

Ill Fire U t rr-



day morning the Opera House tIle naylitoitd larrlatf actor and tlmTtltcral i Irknllnif om-I anj I tIllS lii turf fa wire burucd J4l0 IJOIMI


Hptrnlatlai Os l rlnnd > rkuncct at tk-

iilltinl> lleiiittimrlAbout twice us ninny iicoplo ns tIm Demo-


national headquarters could hold triedto got Into the building last night Fnrlv In thnday Senator Gorman sent this despatch to theChairman of every County Committee

In order that tin will of Itie people mar not be defeat-ed II ll neceiarj thai an honest count hall tit lecnredlet the canvail Ib cl elj Sc Ill tolzeI In evert I OIl 1a5

district sot correct return nf its halloti obtalne1T-OIH ceraditnture Attend la tills at oiue In each elec-tion district A P llORKAX

Senator McDonald telegraphed early In theevening that the ofllclal figures ot Indianawould not bo known before tomorrow butfrom figure received Clevelands majoritywould not be less than 8000

Cloy Loots Abbett telegraphed that Now Jer-sey


gave Cleveland 7000 majorityChairman Henderson telegraphed that In ¬

diana had given Cleveland and llundilcks 8000majority-

Chairman Eddy of the Michigan State Com-mittee


telegraphed that indIcations pointed tothe probable success of the national and SlateDemocratic tickets

Tho crowd grow wild about Now YorkFinally alter two hours they gave way to aunanimous and nudity yell

Oh give us somothliiB front New Yorkthey shouted Now York Is what wo wantNow York New YorkI Let us hear Irons thoEmpire State

Dot nothing came to relieve their suspenseand the crowd hogan to drift out of the room tomake room for another crowd on the outsideWhen they got outside they shouted

vtn ma whrren mi 11-14GItei to tile W hlte dun llat tIll hat

Dunlil S Lamont the private secretary ofGay Cleveland telogiaphuu from Albany to SS Cox last night

If th reported majorltleH In New VorK and Klnici-icountlet are maintained we have the tile by a lale-majnrlt

At midnight Senator Gorman telegraphed toIndiana

The vote In nearlv ererr I reelect In lime Slate of NewYork a announced In tIle poll Ink I lie nhrru Hi votewai counted tate lteli rfflved iti t fluiua a ninll butCafe mnjorlty for rievuland and tHctilrlck ThtrrwlllIbe coiintlnif out huh time 1 lIe Cyliet lluurtv ulll bogiven ICC oon nfi rrturn nre cninldetc

A despatch from Florida rneolved at mid-night


said that a Domocratlo lovurnor hadbeen elected by IIIOO and thn State hInd cone4000 for Cleveland The despatch camu fromthe Democratic Comuilttco Chairman InFlorida

AT ltliVlllItAN UKtlXitrtllTKHiJ-

lliitue Illrnda Ilnptty nil llnv Ovrr IkeIroaprct or Cnrriluff eeu i rU-

Cxiov rorncll Col I tOlgo Hllns nndother prominent Hepublleanq romnlned at theHopubllean National Headiinatlcrs until 5oclock yesterday morning When tim reportcame that Cleveland hind been beaten In hisown district tile cheers vvoro tremendousThin politicians waved their hats out of tilewindows and tIle crowd yelled itself hoarseSeveral btuiup speeches vvoro made thuio

A dozen Democratic roughs came over fromthe Hoffman House and tried to make troubleThey toro the badges from tho coats of Iholllalne men and n frco light was begun whichended In the expulsion of the Intruding

At H < oclock last uvunlng tlie Hepubltrniimanagers asserted that lllalnus majority In-

thoI countty Ihad reached anti passed Clevelii lIlts city majoritiest and thin lii at rues elec-tion


was an accomplished flier There weiomillI 311 Hetmhlican ii liLt iltil to lIen from

Mr rlklii Theodoio HooMsvelt oxGov Cor-nell


Appraiser Ivotchum Ion JlcCook A-iMinblymanclrct liOlily A lliiniini nnd otherllopublioau politicians Moore nt the hcadiiuar-tnrsI IIn tho afternoon lv ry ono was IIn thohighest spliitsI I and tthu good feelingI increasedns thin reports ol iiiiiensed eonntry majoritieskept 011111012 In I iov I oiiiill telegrajihod tolllalno thaI Non Yoik was StIle to glee himfrom 5 ODD to Iin ion majority

Tho Itnpiilillcnni National Committee elo ndI Ce doors nt I12 andI evorvbodv went homerIse State Will then claimed by 1000 mnjnrityIA llepubllctn victory in Floildi vvas nljoclaimed

iircrnn itirniiIlls PIutaIit IOOOC All ikTiimmnn Ioiin-

ly Tlcket f Lrcitt the Ctroi i llealenThe complete otu for Mayor anti Comp-


Is as follows by Assembly district totalsTilt VOTE roil MAYOR

tllMtf tiraitt Grace titMt-HT

Grant ftrilf-


nut Jinn H lint 1f TI Ii-II 7wl 111111 rut IIJ-

wi l4i 1732 51142 114 154i I1-

1H4i1155 II 2107

1 3u it ui7 is 2413 453 421114 771 41III StIlt III 44 sc 42-

I lii l ii5 VI11-7tn

271 I44S 4123-II snw HK IH-

SWi101 4222 Iilt7 l37t iUllll-

KlilS Sl Ti1712 i77 ii7i jo-

i1171 JLtl 410

iII aii 353 17Jiti 21711 2115 4172III VMul 2 4ISI-ll

22 21211 512 741224 1711i in 2j 5ii SoCI C71

12 Ilti7 10411 ill 24 Siltl 2i4t ISli-

T Cmii 3l 1011-1orsees pturnlltl Itn1102-

l1111l l vorc-


ron CoSiITflOlLtii-Pllil P1111-

ipi I il ill V i0 tltlL1 in-

JOMil1n Ills lIe 2i

II KI4 I 281-

iIwiIT 14il4 3334 2444

2 HJJ 3 VI-iii

1275 I 11147 53711 21711170 i 2711 4t37 1411

4 1017 47S-M

ini7 ti I 114 4215 37li5 1111-


375 4151 322-144 41441 l1731l

7 ltd I Jlil-17ii


II lsi3 4i5 stir3VI 211 2712 i4 1047-I 4JJ-


IIIBI 21 4170 1511 2314-II 4121122 51il 525 3107-II rj7 I7H-


4JJ7Li rilt 51214 5775

12 I ItT 24 271441 33711 21172

TInt l KltOI 71971 H47UI-ILoiW a pluralit > 77 o

This table gives tIm vote for President nf thoHoard of Aldermen and DUlrlct Attorney

Pal T 104 ltD tit illtviti tlI lILT ATt1l1S V

Aid Mimor CDCI vniyr Joer tiitttr irtinut K > I run r i n ttr-pIjl

Till tin i Ii-I 107 JSJ7 J7IM aeto IJH-

27H3 7un niri rui4 1871-iu

SJ3I13 111311 3117 aNs ii 27111 2M7-

I4UJ4 nnj 4IUI 2221 1244 innft 1174 uu 2ul 1SII-

1VWLJU 1JM-Iiinja iut4V-

IKIM3 139 i141iSlIm 4JHJ-

4I7J51411 tinsa t ui 17J-


u tt-an


1O42 7 4417 4-


5411 2t81 4 US tlei 414II Slit I4IH-


2117 3411 1417 244112 SillS 2114 407i-

lUllHMD 2213 4012

II 4141 203 4VI4-


5225 2i-27U14 1442 240 J7JII-

ri4134 21114

lr 23itI

14IF4 4 3104 150

Ill ct2i


5437 3117 537417 isss 4111 Is14 1573 4 lll-


IHH5441 nn in 1021 ir21l i 45511110 4VJJ-

I111i is1 444 3514ISIIH

50 107V-UIHO


J I ll 40I-



177t22 SI u70-


I 21 K-


2 5227 4lll-SI17

ilKI 10354 279 40IU 2fl2 2443 425

Totall jsi3 74 VI STIoT 15011 71121 WHU-pltirnliiv1hirallt 1J537 3ttrlitioi IHIO-



i l MM-


I 6Mdi-

ltlltl111 Ii 44 IC 11111

till Ta i n nut s rn I 14-

II Itll 5540 J7IJ U 422 HH 35s2 laVi-S

5135 tin t11 11 1117-

U17i 210

iri 2113 13linn4 wi i47 2t1t 17 Xl 210-S lliiI-

UMt 210 2211 ir 112


Ii I 21111 I IHV-IJJI

ICO7 4111 7 l72 1111


5 SI I SI- 71 di 13214-

U inn I Jlt IM-




II1411Jici 4141 f t

ml i MII-L1IU

225 Jl Mill Ou1-t2 1777 311 J4 55 2551 30


i 4l 741eiiiel C llurnllly 1315

IIIU 3 DIE ron IllILThe oto oust for fudges of the Common

Ileas wiihDuly i rIm I 771 J I arm i rp nIl 7elll Altrn-

If III I 71 Illl Pattcrum I I 7J 7ij llnlnln Ill i

71077 rule I lit i 77J VViiKtliii H II I 700IS-Mroiulll 7H1U Kliux It l2ui Ilio Hint 111Inamed art I It OldS

hbe lreshsicsuItsl 5liu lii kcv ilk litrollocisig is the cotrcctnI vote for liasi-

delltIl 14111104 III 1115 Lit lj tCailll3 lslrie Ci

lot St jll f llnillfhut I 1 It II-

II 4512 25 tI 44 4001 511 51 4 41sT 21533 Atti 5 117 41514 115 5el SIll 23-

S 4IM 2413 17 1Ill ZS-402 II slS2 3

7 4L2 I I 1l II 12lt tat44 4521 1116 SIll

I 322 44172i l It limOIll t15 4177122 11 5441-II 1442 1s7 91 1ll-to ti 111154 11411 311-

5Tlids ISINI-

i1ei doll IIrtulO er Ill II IC II

The Vote It Queen Count

Full teturna from QueonA County glee loseunit KfH4i iMftlii N443 HtilItr > 7 M John IIK-

nd Lookwoo rjtMlund i IIlreIil3 2V J He-

linont for Congrvn fol lOIJa AIM Ilalt tie HeiniMlritn-cani1idat tt7S4 Pflinnnti in Jorltv In 11505 11514-

II 5 tli FIrst AfletIll V tIIrlel of QISItU 10011 lv ccii-ttitln of the lowlIs of EllStlIllg 417CtaF Hay inS Nurt-hlitlustsd LouIs bClyilrctl 1 flt 33117 aul Itowirl ASperry 8 10241 lilurctl tiiiorly 1145 lii tIi 4CGail hIslrlcl Jaiiiiiea IIellmj414al Newtoii eIll I t

llaiiI City1 TlLUIIft5 A 11111 It cut t II td 1 A-

Vsrr4Jt 5417 IIOSIsilaJvrilj 114



Tndnia ronfltrlttiB Report Stead to bliss hlif-kU Wife Aluilker Ilitv Estdrd si lIb Inoilllmine Rrporia from New York Ntule-

AvittHTA Nov 5Mr lllnlno wont to liedabout 3 oclock thli morning Up to that tunethe reports from Now York wore of such n na-ture


a to make him certain that ho had carned that SimIle Connecticut Indians antiNow Jo i soy wore reported front the ItepubllcaoNational hoadiitiartorii as having gone Repub-lican


When Mr lllalno left his library to BO up-stairs for the night ho had nothing to give hima doubt his election Soon after he lied goneto bed bad reports begun to cone In from NowYork Thomas Sherman Mr Dlalnus privatesecretary who Is a telegraphs opetator hail attIlls time relieved tile regular operator Ho satat the key In tho library without moving Inimhis chair piling up discouraging despatches-Ho sent up ijulellr to Mr lllaliion room nndfound that tho latter wai sleeping found rso ho lid not disturb him lloforu G oelookreports catuo saying that Connecticut and VTJ-orxey had gone Democratic vvhllo thetlonnl CommitteeI t l had sort ou S doubts of NewYork At C oclock the limes traIn New Yorkwits again reassuring Soon nflur 7 oclock Ml-

Hlnlnu canto nnd Ill rIled the rop3m be tipI to IMrI hltI tie and nliei1 she hind road them to himI hoIturned over for another napI IHo did not comodown to thin llower part ot the luutiu during thoday as his throat was folu and huvva Mohoarse that It was utccodingly tiotibleMomu loItalk Tho diispiitelms vvere eti I rich up to himIas fast as they came

All day thorn was gloat nx tnmi nt In thnIllnln housuhuld owing to IIho tonlllctlncI

opinions about New loik tIle Hist luitllvgood despatches eiiino ft0111 Jlr Siniorvlllii oftile Wuttern Union olllo who said NewYork hits gone I Mirel Ilaiti Itllciin by from 10000-to IlOO Then oveiy onu asked Viir In-

Mr NItllt sill Sonio onu pietent explainedwho Mrl r SotnurvlUn wi and tthis gave grentVIII Ito to his ront ills Whenever vvenkkneeil-tuports cUlls IIn Ito Ill Itho hendiuarteio ottill Nntlonal C immilteu ever ono would ciy-

ilvn UK nnollur dnoiritolrfrorn SomervilliIHo Is Itho only man who appears to have anyaccurate souiies of news

llouirt after the Nmiervlllo dnsiatch messages kept coming from FocHunden of tile Na-tional


Committee that were not veiy oneouragIng At ono tlmo ho thought HID mujnrltrwould not bu Ilooo either vvuv Tho seconddespatch of a tolld chniacter from Now Yoikclone fiom I reneh IIhn NHVV Yoik ugcnt I of IthoAssociated IIOHS lIe said IUnit he would stnkohU reputation upon lutiiin Hepuhllcan major-ity


I Ilu Now York riiisonaliloiliilt t proiont tohear Mary eliit lIly tile mixed toports frontthe polllkilI inanauers-

In thu nelghboi hood of noon n despatch wasreiolvod fiomI henitor MnhiinI saving thatVuglnlaI had gone IHepiilillenn tby nt loait 7000-mnjorlty Senator Mnhonn hail sent no wontvesterday This despatch VMS credited as atleast Indicating n 111011 probability It was agreat surprise

About noon the repoi ts from New iork licganto come from allI KOIUCUS 1Iegi n his of eongratulntlons began to pour In homu of themWorn fiom peopli who had gone iInsane De-sinuolu with poutiy nnd gush struggled totIliioo with regular rapotth All suclidDspalchtiv-vuio liiowu aside with u more tciancu whiletilt demand ISIS ontlnunly for hind hIltS

AllI day the telephone bellI IIn the hallI near thinlllniiy wis kent ringing for calls Irons filnndii-in Augusti nnd nolliboiinn towns 1ost-nni Mnnloy wns tit till telephono nearly allday atinvvorinu demnndi for nuvvs When tillsilO lot Ii fiiiu Now ark b2Cl ChIn Ill Ito positiveI

conio of tins Vugiutn fiipndx who vvoio sIttingdovvn upon n tegular powder nilim of un-

tliuiasmI would1 ask IIft Ithe IIUVVH VVIK poultlvo-iinonuh f r ll em to btoak IOOMI-

N Mnnliv would uniwur dont you doono thlnj dont > oit milo n piop until wu ato-uhiiilutui 3 bineI Vim will Imvo tlmuI onongh toshout

The most denurtllzd memhor of the llhtlno-honsuhold wasljlauk ViedeilckI ono otI the oldhoiiKo horvant ti Hnsat uinillI latt tnight Hohad vowed Unit he would not eat or sloop untilMr Illilno wai ooitd Ho stood nbont vvltlieyes ami outs opyn liopim to got a ehaneoluterinthodlvI t > catt at Ifint without bleakInghlsvow Th ico who showed Ithe most In-


wen Miss Maitaret Illalnn limit her littlesister Ilvle The two vvero nuver far awayfrom the telegraph Inttrument Walker antiEmulous Illalnn took the news after the fash-Ion of men of the world anti scintiod the rpharts without niuehnhov of oxeltetnonl Mrslllaino wasunivtsvHilda1inii tIll 1110 tuosseitsidendld selfeonttol altln uili iIuo couhlnot holii f liln Itluu lu ei power couhl-pompeiisiln oiu lor the illS ml5 trials of i-v1rosldentlnl ennpa 741 Mri lliif i vva thucool and eunlldent one IIlil Her loporth fioniNew VoilL so eliiiiiid up no numI m that howas nltkt to iela at In IMIH

All day Indini n iv S rttiited fl ertnlnlvH-eiuibllean hilt iter in Ito Ills ll uis ulifctil-byI John I Nuvvni dmibtftil SIb ii Hie pussllil-Ity of an olllelul emint bnuii reiiMied in nttlo-it This win tIlt iigil hd in doptesinc forNuvv Yoik was IIn eai Ii Itepmtt t niidc iiMieamlmore Citlln ind I ih Nmv I nk vlitory waseettaln ttdoVhudI a dipneii was recelvetlfrom Cyi ii1 F tld imn that New Yoikwas Miiinly I iMihlionn Ih 1111 vvhero limn ilnooto 1liiiiuo iniijorilvI AtllI idI tlo Noitlmuatutuand WoRtoin States wei tejiorlid all rlghrwith tho ojeeptlon f Indiana Thoi eamo lu-tho report that Wit V iginhi sell suiuly liepuhlleun IIlvvan uiunI thN e lice ri lli lIds thatthn lImbo family sat town to their dinner

During the evenlmI report 4 lund Leon lecelvnilfrom ovary Statu nbotitI vvhleli i IIheiohnd beetSany iinostion Iho eiltor ot tIle ChicagoIfilxinf reported that every State in thin estanti Northwest hud tin cairied hv tile llennb-licnns with thn cM iitlon of liidlnim nnd thattill votnvriiHI so eloo tthent tthat IIt would remire the olllelil count to ictcrhl hoc the re-sult


Thl eliminated Indiana from tho calcu-lation

¬of tin eveningI IFrom retort receivedi

from various olllcinl sources the Hnpubllcarimajority In New York will coitalnlyhi 11100-0Tho loports from Vlrulnla mid West Virginiastill continuedI 1 to iIndicate tho capturo of thosaStat < by the Iepihlltnns

At iiin Ihn National Comniltteu reported toMr Hindu Hint tho lollIng nf thIn Henulilleaiisuites In Ness Vat lo ha I ninid Clevidand andthat the Siito would givii n majority of lllOoi

Ch I ala lIt In iiusod was jjoyfully eriettu ri nigh Itho telephonn d ivvn tn n ciowd otanxious Heiiubiienns tri till lIllian malt of thutown MrI lila on was satlsllod nt hist with thoroporH film Neve York Ho did not cornsdown fiom lilt room however us he wishes tosnvo hlnMilcu until tomorrow Then he wiltbeobllLod to npimnr befcio tile Angiuta poopli who aio tonlchtI preparing for a ratifica-tion

I ¬

tilOlit I tIC ill 0 Ilatesti despatch from Indl-anagavu the roporti from 021I ptoclncls givinga net lioimbllcan gala of 4UUO insuring theStato

11rJr4v IETS THIS xiirsK-

rivlvlnir rifrllnii Ilrlurne ID be JHxccntlv-Cktunlier In AlliHiiy-

AIIIASY Nov 1Gus Clovoland was nttile Exocutlvo Chamber all day with tho excep-tion


of the time spent In lunching Ho was ac-


to few visitors spending mot of themorning and afternoon In his private consulta-tion


room with Cal Lamont Messages pouredIn upon him tIll tiny Many ol thorn anticipat-ing


his election wore of n congratulatorynature Tho Oovoruors self possessionnever loft him for an Instant Whenho retired nt tIle Ixocutlvo Mansion last nightIt was getting toward daylight At that timethe content gave evidences of being uncomfort-ably


close for both sides Theta was doubt anduncertainty everywhere The Governor tooktblnga easy and good naturedly and comment-ed


on the relume as locolved whether favor ¬

able or otherwise This morufng tile Governorwu up butlmen nndwa oirh at the Exceutlvn-Chumber where ho moot and consulted withIlls private secretary and a few trustedpolitical and personal friends Tim situationwas looked over carefully and was rogardmt at-6ntlnfactor > In till highest dojros Thudov-

rnoi nnd Ills private ecietnry seers confldnntthat Now Yoik had Ilitucn lowland electorsandI Ilu orderi to lotnovo all doubti nrrinKoIli OIl to WIl mu rsi ale at onee toseeiiretruitwoiihrI t

lelnrns fiom each county In the State frotnthe Chairmen ot tIle reipnotlvo county commlltnnn Those linvo lOIn comlni In till day

This afteinoon tile Oovernui wits elosetedwith hIts mlvate secretary and bIt at 7 oclockfor thu Kxeoutlve Mansion After dinner IllsplintI an houiI Ilu the main parlor chattfnif-iileanantly


anti goodniituiodly vvltli this nieintiers of ills houaohold Thnre was no trace ofpetulance or neivonsnoss about him and In ¬

deed ho boemudtn be remarkably uneonceinedwhillo nsisnsn tIers In thn city were being witnested scones of wild exeleinnnt

Nigssl UWc IreUlclloa-Talr weather In Boutlorn port ton moat

tin UK fun nrllv rlfiily wtatlur In u i tC t uriliw nt to itoutliMtii Hiiil hi r luuiintf

AllI Ihn dn say HIM lr Dull i lv 211 Slii I It netTfCIII5UI vitliVUI HtHalJIllI