ib chemistry 1 sl questions

IB Chemistry SL Topic1 Questions and Answers 1. What amount of oxygen, O 2 , (in moles) contains 1.8×10 22  molecules? A. 0.0030 . 0.030 !. 0.30 ". 3.0 (Total 1 mark) . Which com#oun$ has the em#i%ical fo%mula &ith the g%eatest mass? A. ! 2 ' . ! ' 10 !. ! * ' 10 ". ! ' (Total 1 mark) !.  ++! 2 ' 2 (g) ++O 2 (g) - ++ !O 2 (g) ++ ' 2 O(g) When the euation a/oe is /alance$, &hat is the coecient fo% oxygen? A. 2 . 3 !. ". * (Total 1 mark) ". 3.0 $m 3  of sulfu% $ioxi$e is %eacte$ &ith 2.0 $m 3  of oxygen acco%$ing to the euation /elo&. 2O 2 (g) O 2 (g) - 2O 3 (g) What olume of sulfu% t%ioxi$e (in $m 3 ) is fo%me$? (Assume the %eaction goes to com#letion an$ all gases a%e measu%e$ at the same tem#e%atu%e an$ #%essu%e.) A. *.0 . .0 !. 3.0 ". 2.0 (Total 1 mark)

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IB Chemistry SLTopic1 Questions and Answers

1. What amount of oxygen, O2, (in moles) contains 1.8×1022


A. 0.0030

. 0.030

!. 0.30

". 3.0(Total 1 mark)

. Which com#oun$ has the em#i%ical fo%mula &ith the g%eatest mass?

A. !2'

. !'10

!. !*'10

". !'

(Total 1 mark)

!.  ++!2'2(g) ++O2(g) - ++ !O2(g) ++ '2O(g)

When the euation a/oe is /alance$, &hat is the coecient fo% oxygen?

A. 2

. 3


". *(Total 1 mark)

". 3.0 $m3 of sulfu% $ioxi$e is %eacte$ &ith 2.0 $m

3 of oxygen acco%$ing to the

euation /elo&.

2O2(g) O2(g) - 2O3(g)

What olume of sulfu% t%ioxi$e (in $m3) is fo%me$? (Assume the %eaction

goes to com#letion an$ all gases a%e measu%e$ at the same tem#e%atu%ean$ #%essu%e.)

A. *.0

. .0

!. 3.0

". 2.0 (Total 1 mark)

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#. What &ill ha##en to the olume of a xe$ mass of gas &hen its #%essu%e an$tem#e%atu%e (in 4elin) a%e /oth $ou/le$?

A. 5t &ill not change.

. 5t &ill inc%ease.

!. 5t &ill $ec%ease.

". 6he change cannot /e #%e$icte$.(Total 1 mark)

$. What amount (in moles) is #%esent in 2.0 g of so$ium hy$%oxi$e, 7aO'?

A. 0.0*0

. 0.10

!. 20

". 80(Total 1 mark)

%. A hy$%oca%/on contains 09 /y mass of ca%/on. What is its em#i%icalfo%mula?

A. !'2

. !3'

!. !:'10

". !'10

(Total 1 mark)

&. !o##e% can %eact &ith nit%ic aci$ as follo&s.

3!u +'7O3 → +!u(7O3)2 +'2O +7O

What is the coecient fo% '7O3 &hen the euation is /alance$?



!. 8

". 10(Total 1 mark)

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'. ;ithium hy$%oxi$e %eacts &ith ca%/on $ioxi$e as follo&s.

2;iO' !O2 - ;i2 !O3  '2O

What mass (in g%ams) of lithium hy$%oxi$e is nee$e$ to %eact &ith 11 g ofca%/on $ioxi$e?


. 12

!. 2

". 8(Total 1 mark)

1. Which change in con$itions &oul$ inc%ease the olume of a xe$ mass ofgas?

ressure *ka Temperature *+  

A. "ou/le$ "ou/le$

. 'ale$ 'ale$

!. "ou/le$ 'ale$

". 'ale$ "ou/le$

(Total 1 mark)

11. 'o& many hy$%ogen atoms a%e containe$ in one mole of ethanol, !2'*O'?

A. *


!. 1.0×1023

". 3.×102

(Total 1 mark)

1.  6he #e%centage /y mass of the elements in a com#oun$ is

! < :29, ' < 129, O < 19.

What is the mole %atio of !=' in the em#i%ical fo%mula of this com#oun$?

A. 1 = 1

. 1 = 2

!. 1 =

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". = 1(Total 1 mark)

1!. What is the coecient fo% O2(g) &hen the euation /elo& is /alance$?

 ++!3'8(g) ++O2(g) - ++!O2(g) ++'2O(g)

A. 2

. 3

!. *

". :(Total 1 mark)

1". What amount of 7a!l (in moles) is %eui%e$ to #%e#a%e 2*0 cm3 of a 0.200

mol $m>3


A. *0.0

. 1.2*

!. 0.800

". 0.0*00(Total 1 mark)

1#. o% &hich set of con$itions $oes a xe$ mass of an i$eal gas hae theg%eatest olume?

Temperature ressure

A. lo& lo&

. lo& high

!. high high

". high lo&

(Total 1 mark)

1$. Which of the follo&ing contains the g%eatest num/e% of molecules?

A. 1 g of !'3!l

. 1 g of !'2!l2

!. 1 g of !'!l3

". 1 g of !!l(Total 1 mark)

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1%. Which of the follo&ing com#oun$s has@hae the em#i%ical fo%mula !'2O?

5. !'3!OO'

55. !'12O

555. !12'22O11

A. 55 only

. 555 only

!. 5 an$ 55 only

". 55 an$ 555 only(Total 1 mark)

1&. Assuming com#lete %eaction, &hat olume of 0.200 mol $m>3

 '!l(a) is

%eui%e$ to neut%alie 2*.0 cm3 of 0.200 mol $m>3 a(O')2(a)?

A. 12.* cm3

. 2*.0 cm3

!. *0.0 cm3

". :*.0 cm3

(Total 1 mark)

1'. Bn$e% &hat con$itions &oul$ one mole of methane gas, !', occu#y the

smallest olume?

A. 2:3 4 an$ 1.01×10* Ca

. 2:3 4 an$ 2.02×10* Ca

!. * 4 an$ 1.01×10* Ca

". * 4 an$ 2.02×10* Ca

(Total 1 mark)

.  6he tem#e%atu%e in 4elin of 2.0 $m3 of an i$eal gas is $ou/le$ an$ its

#%essu%e is inc%ease$ /y a facto% of fou%. What is the nal olume of the gas?

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A. 1.0 $m3

. 2.0 $m3

!. 3.0 $m3

". .0 $m3

(Total 1 mark)

1. Which is a co%%ect $enition of the te%m empirical formula?

A. fo%mula sho&ing the num/e%s of atoms #%esent in a com#oun$

. fo%mula sho&ing the num/e%s of elements #%esent in a com#oun$

!. fo%mula sho&ing the actual num/e%s of atoms of each element in acom#oun$

". fo%mula sho&ing the sim#lest %atio of num/e%s of atoms of eachelement in a com#oun$

(Total 1 mark)

.  6he %eaction of ethanal an$ oxygen can /e %e#%esente$ /y the un/alance$euation /elo&.

 ++ !'3!'O ++ O2 - ++ !O2 ++ '2O

When the euation is /alance$ using the smallest #ossi/le intege%s, &hat isthe coecient fo% O2?

A. 3


!. *

". (Total 1 mark)

!.  6he euation fo% the com#lete com/ustion of /utane is

2!'10 13O2 - 8!O2 10'2O

What is the amount (in mol) of ca%/on $ioxi$e fo%me$ /y the com#letecom/ustion of th%ee moles of /utane?


. 8

!. 12

". 2

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(Total 1 mark)

". Which solution contains the g%eatest amount (in mol) of solute?

A. 10.0 cm3 of 0.*00 mol $m

>3 7a!l

. 20.0 cm


of 0.00 mol $m



!. 30.0 cm3

of 0.300 mol $m>3


". 0.0 cm3

of 0.200 mol $m>3

 7a!l(Total 1 mark)

#. A xe$ mass of an i$eal gas has a olume of 800 cm3

un$e% ce%tain

con$itions. 6he #%essu%e (in DCa) an$ tem#e%atu%e (in 4) a%e /oth $ou/le$.What is the olume of the gas afte% these changes &ith othe% con$itions%emaining the same?

A. 200 cm3

. 800 cm3

!. 100 cm3

". 3200 cm3

(Total 1 mark)

$.  6he com#lete oxi$ation of #%o#ane #%o$uces ca%/on $ioxi$e an$ &ate% assho&n /elo&.

!3'8  ++O2 → ++!O2  ++'2O

What is the total of the coecients fo% the products in the /alance$euation fo% 1 mole of #%o#ane?


. :

!. 12

". 13(Total 1 mark)

%.  6he %elatie molecula% mass (M%) of a com#oun$ is 0. Which fo%mulas a%e

#ossi/le fo% this com#oun$?

5. !'3!'2!'27'2

55. !'3!'2!'2O'

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555. !'3!'(O')!'3

A. 5 an$ 55 only

. 5 an$ 555 only

!. 55 an$ 555 only

". 5, 55 an$ 555(Total 1 mark) 

&. Which sam#le has the least num/e% of atoms?

A. 1 mol of '2O

. 1 mol of !'3!OO'

!. 2 mol of '2O2

". 2 mol of 7'3

(Total 1 mark)

'. Aoga$%oEs constant has the same alue as the num/e% of 

A. molecules in 1 mol of soli$ io$ine.

. atoms in 1 mol of chlo%ine gas.

!. ions in 1 mol of soli$ #otassium /%omi$e.

". #%otons in 1 mol of helium gas. (Total 1 mark)

!. What is the total of all the coecients in the /alance$ euation fo% the

%e$uction of 1 mol of FnO>?

 ++ FnO> ++'

  ++ e

> → ++Fn

2  ++'2O

A. *


!. 1:

". 1(Total 1 mark) 

!1. Which contains the same num/e% of ions as the alue of Aoga$%oEsconstant?

A. 0.* mol 7a!l

. 0.* mol Fg!l2

!. 1.0 mol 7a2O

". 1.0 mol FgO

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(Total 1 mark)

!. A %eaction occu%%ing in the ext%action of lea$ f%om its o%e can /e %e#%esente$/y this un/alance$ euation=

 ++ C/ ++O2 → ++ C/O ++ O2

When the euation is /alance$ using the smallest #ossi/le &hole num/e%s,&hat is the coecient fo% O2?

A. 1

. 2

!. 3

". (Total 1 mark)

!!.  6he euation fo% a %eaction occu%%ing in the synthesis of methanol is

!O2  3'2 →!'3O' '2O

What is the maximum amount of methanol that can /e fo%me$ f%om 2 mol of 

ca%/on $ioxi$e an$ 3 mol of hy$%ogen?

A. 1 mol

. 2 mol

!. 3 mol

". * mol(Total 1 mark)

!". Which solution contains 0.1 mol of so$ium hy$%oxi$e?

A. 1 cm3 of 0.1 mol $m

>3 7aO'

. 10 cm3 of 0.1 mol $m

>3 7aO'

!. 100 cm3 of 1.0 mol $m

>3 7aO'

". 1000 cm3 of 1.0 mol $m

>3 7aO'

(Total 1 mark)

!#. A cylin$e% of gas is at a #%essu%e of 0 DCa. 6he olume an$ tem#e%atu%e (in

4) a%e /oth $ou/le$. What is the #%essu%e of the gas afte% these changes?

A. 10 DCa

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. 20 DCa

!. 0 DCa

". 80 DCa(Total 1 mark)

!$. Which of the follo&ing uantities has units?

A. Gelatie atomic mass

. Gelatie molecula% mass

!. Fola% mass

". Fass num/e%(Total 1 mark)

!%.  6he em#i%ical fo%mula of a com#oun$ is !2'O. Which molecula% fo%mulas

a%e #ossi/le fo% this com#oun$?

5. !'3!OO'

55. !'3!'2!'2!OO'

555. !'3!OO!'2!'3

A. 5 an$ 55 only

. 5 an$ 555 only

!. 55 an$ 555 only

". 5, 55 an$ 555

(Total 1 mark)

!&. !alcium ca%/onate $ecom#oses on heating as sho&n /elo&.

!a!O3 →!aO !O2

When *0 g of calcium ca%/onate a%e $ecom#ose$, : g of calcium oxi$e a%efo%me$. What is the #e%centage yiel$ of calcium oxi$e?

A. :%

. 2*%

!. *0%

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". :*%(Total 1 mark)

!'. o$ium %eacts &ith &ate% as sho&n /elo&.

 ++ 7a ++ '2O → ++ 7aO' ++ '2

What is the total of all the coecients &hen the euation is /alance$ usingthe smallest #ossi/le &hole num/e%s?

A. 3



". :(Total 1 mark)

". What is the total num/e% of ions #%esent in the fo%mula, Al2(O)3?

A. 2

. 3

!. *

". (Total 1 mark)

"1. A g sam#le of so$ium hy$%oxi$e, 7aO', is $issole$ in &ate% an$ ma$e u#

to *00 cm3 of aueous solution. What is the concent%ation of the %esulting


A. 0.1 mol $m>3

. 0.2 mol $m>3

!. 0.* mol $m>3

". 1.0 mol $m>3

(Total 1 mark)

". Fethane, !', /u%ns in oxygen gas to fo%m ca%/on $ioxi$e an$ &ate%. 'o&

many moles of ca%/on $ioxi$e &ill /e fo%me$ f%om 8.0 g of methane?

A. 0.2*

. 0.*0

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!. 1.0

". 2.0(Total 1 mark)

"!. What is the em#i%ical fo%mula of a com#oun$ containing *0% /y mass of

element H ( A% < 20) an$ *0% /y mass of element I ( A% < 2*)?


. H3 I2

!. H I*

". H* I

(Total 1 mark)

"". Assuming com#lete %eaction, &hat olume of 0.200 mol $m>3


hy$%oxi$e solution (4O'(a)), is %eui%e$ to neut%alie 2*.0 cm3 of 0.200 mol



 aueous sulfu%ic aci$, ('2O(a))?

A. 12.* cm3

. 2*.0 cm3

!. *0.0 cm3

". :*.0 cm3

(Total 1 mark)

"#. !onsi$e% the follo&ing %eaction.

72(g) 3'2(g)  27'3(g)

5f the %eaction is ma$e to go to com#letion, &hat olume of ammonia (in

$m3) can /e #%e#a%e$ f%om 2* $m

3 of nit%ogen an$ 0 $m

3 of hy$%ogen? All

olumes a%e measu%e$ at the same tem#e%atu%e an$ #%essu%e.

A. 0

. *0

!. 8*

". 120

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(Total 1 mark)

"$.  6he tem#e%atu%e in 4elin of 1.0 $m3 of an i$eal gas is $ou/le$ an$ its

#%essu%e is t%i#le$. What is the nal olume of the gas in $m3?




".(Total 1 mark)

"%. On com#lete com/ustion, a sam#le of a hy$%oca%/on com#oun$ #%o$uces1.* mol of ca%/on $ioxi$e an$ 2.0 mol of &ate%. What is the molecula%fo%mula of this hy$%oca%/on?

A. !2'2

. !2'

!. !3'

". !3'8

(Total 1 mark)

"&. When excess a!l2(a) &as a$$e$ to a sam#le of e(7')2(O)2(a) to

$ete%mine the amount in moles of sulfate #%esent, *.02×10>3

 mol of aO 

&as o/taine$. 'o& many moles of sulfate ions an$ i%on ions &e%e in thesam#le of e(7')2(O)2?

Amount of sulfate ions @moles

Amount of i%on ions @moles

A. *.02×10>3


. 10.0×10>3


!. 2.*1×10>3


". 10.0×10>3


(Total 1 mark)

"'. What olume of 0.*00 mol $m>3

 sulfu%ic aci$ solution is %eui%e$ to %eactcom#letely &ith 10.0 g of calcium ca%/onate acco%$ing to the euation

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!a!O3(s) '2O(a) →!aO(a) '2O(l) !O2(g)

A. 100 cm3

. 200 cm3

!. 300 cm3

". 00 cm3

(Total 1 mark)

#. Which ex#%ession gies the amount (in mol) of a su/stance, if the mass isgien in g%ams?




". mass × mola% mass(Total 1 mark)

#1. What is the total num/e% of atoms in 0.20 mol of #%o#anone, !'3!O!'3?

A. 1.2×10


. .0×1023

!. 1.2×102

". .0×102

(Total 1 mark)

#. When the euation /elo& is /alance$ fo% 1 mol of !3', &hat is the

coecient fo% O2?

!3!   _O2 →_!O2   _'2O

A. 2

. 3


". *(Total 1 mark)

#!. Jthyne, !2'2, %eacts &ith oxygen acco%$ing to the euation /elo&. Whatolume of oxygen (in $m

3) %eacts &ith 0.0 $m

3 of !2'2?

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2!2'2(g) *O2(g) →!O2(g) 2'2O(g)

A. 0.0

. 0.80

!. 1.0

". 2.0(Total 1 mark)

#". Jthyne, !2'2, %eacts &ith oxygen acco%$ing to the euation /elo&. What

olume of oxygen (in $m3) %eacts &ith 0.0 $m

3 of !2'2?

2!2'2(g) *O2(g) →!O2(g) 2'2O(g)

A. 0.0

. 0.80

!. 1.0

". 2.0(Total 1 mark)

##. What is the coecient fo% ' &hen the %e$ox euation /elo& is /alance$?

 __Ag(s)  __7O3>(a)  __'

(a) →__Ag

(a)  __7O(g)  __'2O(l)

A. 1

. 2

!. 3

". (Total 1 mark)

#$. 'o& many hy$%ogen atoms a%e in one mole of ethanol, !2'*O'?

A. 1.00×1023

. 3.1×102

!. *.00

". .00(Total 1 mark)

#%. What is the coecient fo% '2O(a) &hen the follo&ing euation is/alance$, using the smallest #ossi/le intege%s?

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 ++Fg372(s) ++'2O(a) - ++FgO(a) ++(7')2O(a)

A. 1

. 3


". :(Total 1 mark)

#&. Ai% /ags in ca%s inKate &hen so$ium ai$e $ecom#oses to fo%m so$ium an$nit%ogen=

27a73(s) - 27a(s) 372(g)

!alculate the amount, in moles, of nit%ogen gas #%o$uce$ /y the$ecom#osition of 2.*2 mol of 7a73(s).

A. 1.8

. 2.*2

!. 3.:8

". :.*(Total 1 mark)

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*. ,hat -olume in cm! o/ . mol dm

0! Cl(a2) is re2uired to neutrali3e

#. cm! o/ . mol dm

0! Ba(4)(a2)5

A. 12.*

. 2*.0

!. *0.0

". :*.0(Total 1 mark)

$.  6he %elatie molecula% mass of aluminium chlo%i$e is 2: an$ itscom#osition /y mass is 20.39 Al an$ :.:9 chlo%ine. "ete%mine theem#i%ical an$ molecula% fo%mulas of aluminium chlo%i$e.











$1. o$ium %eacts &ith &ate% as follo&s.

27a(s) 2'2O(l) →27aO'(a) '2(g)

1.1* g of so$ium is allo&e$ to %eact com#letely &ith &ate%. 6he %esulting

solution is $ilute$ to 2*0 cm3. !alculate the concent%ation, in mol $m>3, ofthe %esulting so$ium hy$%oxi$e solution.







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$. (i) !alcium ca%/onate is a$$e$ to se#a%ate solutions of hy$%ochlo%ic aci$an$ ethanoic aci$ of the same concent%ation. tate one simila%ity an$one $iMe%ence in the o/se%ations you coul$ maDe.





(ii) W%ite an euation fo% the %eaction /et&een hy$%ochlo%ic aci$ an$calcium ca%/onate.



(iii) "ete%mine the olume of 1.*0 mol $m>3

 hy$%ochlo%ic aci$ that &oul$%eact &ith exactly 1.2* g of calcium ca%/onate.







(i) !alculate the olume of ca%/on $ioxi$e, measu%e$ at 2:3 4 an$

1.01×10* Ca, &hich &oul$ /e #%o$uce$ &hen 1.2* g of calcium

ca%/onate %eacts com#letely &ith the hy$%ochlo%ic aci$.







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$!. An o%ganic com#oun$, A, containing only the elements ca%/on, hy$%ogenan$ oxygen &as analyse$.

(a) A &as foun$ to contain *.*% ! an$ .1% ' /y mass, the %emain$e%/eing oxygen. "ete%mine the em#i%ical fo%mula of the com#oun$.


(/) A 0.230 g sam#le of A, &hen a#o%ie$, ha$ a olume of 0.0:8* $m3 at*°! an$ 102 DCa. "ete%mine the %elatie molecula% mass of A.


(c) "ete%mine the molecula% fo%mula of A using you% ans&e%s f%om #a%ts(a) an$ (/).



(1)(Total % marks)

$". An o%ganic com#oun$ A contains 2.0% /y mass of ca%/on, 2.1% /y massof nit%ogen, the %emain$e% /eing hy$%ogen.

(i) "ete%mine the #e%centage /y mass of hy$%ogen an$ the em#i%icalfo%mula of A.




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(ii) "ene the te%m %elatie molecula% mass.







(iii) 6he %elatie molecula% mass of A is 11. "ete%mine the molecula%fo%mula of A.



(1)(Total $ marks)

$#. An o%ganic com#oun$ A contains 2.0% /y mass of ca%/on, 2.1% /y mass

of nit%ogen, the %emain$e% /eing hy$%ogen.

(i) "ete%mine the #e%centage /y mass of hy$%ogen an$ the em#i%icalfo%mula of A.







(ii) "ene the te%m relative molecular mass.



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(iii) 6he %elatie molecula% mass of A is 11. "ete%mine the molecula%

fo%mula of A.



(1)(Total $ marks)

$$. C%o#ane an$ oxygen %eact acco%$ing to the follo&ing euation.

!3'8(g) *O2(g) →3!O2(g) '2O(g)

!alculate the olume of ca%/on $ioxi$e an$ &ate% a#ou% #%o$uce$ an$ the

olume of oxygen %emaining, &hen 20.0 $m3 of #%o#ane %eacts &ith 120.0

$m3 of oxygen. All gas olumes a%e measu%e$ at the same tem#e%atu%e an$








(Total ! marks)

$%. tate an$ ex#lain &hat &oul$ ha##en to the #%essu%e of a gien mass of gas&hen its a/solute tem#e%atu%e an$ olume a%e /oth $ou/le$.





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(Total ! marks)

$&. (i) !%ocetin consists of the elements ca%/on, hy$%ogen an$ oxygen."ete%mine the em#i%ical fo%mula of c%ocetin, if 1.00 g of c%ocetin fo%ms2.8 g of ca%/on $ioxi$e an$ 0.*: g of &ate% &hen it un$e%goescom#lete com/ustion.














(ii) "ete%mine the molecula% fo%mula of c%ocetin gien that 0.300 mole ofc%ocetin has a mass of 8.* g



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(Total & marks)

$'. A solution containing ammonia %eui%es 2*.0 cm3 of 0.100 mol $m


hy$%ochlo%ic aci$ to %each the euialence #oint of a tit%ation.

(i) W%ite an euation fo% the %eaction of ammonia &ith hy$%ochlo%ic aci$(1)

(ii) !alculate the amount (in mol) of hy$%ochlo%ic aci$ an$ ammonia that%eact.


(iii) !alculate the mass of ammonia in the solution.()

(Total # marks)

%. A toxic gas, A, consists of *3.89 nit%ogen an$ .29 ca%/on /y mass. At 2:3

4 an$1.01×10* Ca, 1.08 g of A occu#ies 2 cm

3. "ete%mine the em#i%ical

fo%mula of A.!alculate the mola% mass of the com#oun$ an$ $ete%mine itsmolecula% st%uctu%e.

(Total ! marks)

%1. An oxi$e of co##e% &as %e$uce$ in a st%eam of hy$%ogen as sho&n /elo&.


Afte% heating, the st%eam of hy$%ogen gas &as maintaine$ until thea##a%atus ha$ coole$.

 6he follo&ing %esults &e%e o/taine$.

Fass of em#ty $ish < 13.80 g Fass of $ish an$ contents /efo%e heating <21.:* g Fass of $ish an$ contents afte% heating an$ leaing to cool < 20.1*g

(a) Jx#lain &hy the st%eam of hy$%ogen gas &as maintaine$ until thea##a%atus coole$.




(/) !alculate the em#i%ical fo%mula of the oxi$e of co##e% using the $ataa/oe, assuming com#lete %e$uction of the oxi$e.

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(c) W%ite an euation fo% the %eaction that occu%%e$.



($) tate two changes that &oul$ /e o/se%e$ insi$e the tu/e as it &asheate$.






(Total % marks)

%. !o##e% metal may /e #%o$uce$ /y the %eaction of co##e%(5) oxi$e an$co##e%(5) sul$e acco%$ing to the /elo& euation.

2!u2O !u2 →!u O2

A mixtu%e of 10.0 Dg of co##e%(5) oxi$e an$ *.00 Dg of co##e%(5) sul$e &asheate$ until no fu%the% %eaction occu%%e$.

(a) "ete%mine the limiting %eagent in this %eaction, sho&ing you% &o%Ding.






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(/) !alculate the maximum mass of co##e% that coul$ /e o/taine$ f%omthese masses of %eactants.






(Total # marks)

%!.  6he %eaction /elo& %e#%esents the %e$uction of i%on o%e to #%o$uce i%on.

2e2O3  3! →e 3!O2

A mixtu%e of 30 Dg of e2O3 an$ *.0 Dg of ! &as heate$ until no fu%the%

%eaction occu%%e$.!alculate the maximum mass of i%on that can /e o/taine$ f%om these

masses of %eactants.









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(Total # marks)

%". 0.*02 g of an alDali metal sulfate is $issole$ in &ate% an$ excess /a%iumchlo%i$e solution, a!l2(a) is a$$e$ to #%eci#itate all the sulfate ions as

/a%ium sulfate, aO(s). 6he #%eci#itate is lte%e$ an$ $%ie$ an$ &eighs

0.:2 g.

(a) !alculate the amount (in mol) of /a%ium sulfate fo%me$.






(/) "ete%mine the amount (in mol) of the alDali metal sulfate #%esent.




(c) "ete%mine the mola% mass of the alDali metal sulfate an$ state itsunits.





($) "e$uce the i$entity of the alDali metal, sho&ing you% &o%Dings.



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(e) W%ite an euation fo% the #%eci#itation %eaction, inclu$ing statesym/ols.



()(Total ' marks)

 %#. 0.00 mol of aluminium hy$%oxi$e is mixe$ &ith 0.00 mol of sulfu%ic aci$,

an$ the follo&ing %eaction occu%s=

2Al(O')3(s) 3'2O(a) - Al2(O)3(a) '2O(l)

(a) "ete%mine the limiting %eactant.






(/) !alculate the mass of Al2(O)3 #%o$uce$.






(c) "ete%mine the amount (in mol) of excess %eactant that %emains.


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($) "ene a Brønsted-Lowry  aci$ an$ a Lewis base.

%Nnste$;o&%y aci$


;e&is /ase



(e) '2O(a) is a st%ong aci$. tate the name an$ the fo%mula of any

&eaD aci$.



(1)(Total & marks)

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. !. "

". !

#. A

$. A


&. !


1. "

11.  D

12.  B

13.  C

14.  D

15.  D

1$. A

1%. !

1&. !


. A

21.  D

22.  C

23.  C

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24.  C

25.  B

26.  B

27.  C

28.  A

29.  A

30.  D

!1. A

!. !

!!. A

!". !

!#. !

!$. !

!%. !


!'. "

". !



"!. "

"". !

"#. A


"%. "

"&. A


#. A

#1. !

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#. !

#!. !

#". !

##. "


#%. !

#&. !

#'. !

$. Al!l o% simila% &o%Ding (no penalty for use of 27 or 355!P

em#i%ical fo%mula Al!l3P

molecula% fo%mula= n < < 2P


"ull credit can be obtained if t#e calculations arecarried out by anot#er valid met#od $wo correctformulas but no valid met#od scores [2 max]


$1. moles of 7a < < 0.0*P

moles of 7aO' < 0.0*P Accept %same as moles of &a' 

concent%ation < < 0.20 (mol $m>3

) 3 Allow )" from moles of &a*+


$. (i) /u//ling@eMe%escence@$issoling of !a!O3@gas gien oM (do not

accept !O2 produced)Pmo%e igo%ous %eaction &ith '!l@*,$$P 2

(ii) 2'!l(a) !a!O3(s) →!a!l2(a) !O2(g) '2O(1)P 2

 [1] for correct formulas [1] for balanced statesymbols not

(iii) amount of !a!O3 < (no penalty for use of .//)Pamount of '!l <

2×0.012* < 0.02*0 mol (allow )" )Polume of '!l < 0.01: $m3@1.:

cm3 (allow )" )P 3

(i) 1=1 %atio of !a!O3 to !O2 @use 0.012* moles !O2 (allow )" )P

(0.012*×22.) < 0.28 $m3@280 cm

[email protected]×10

> m

3 (allow )" )P 1

 Accept calculation usin0 p1n$


$!. (a) 9 of oxygen < 3.P

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4o not penalie if .2 . and .6 are used

!2'OP 3

f atomic numbers or incorrect Ar  values used only 

8rst mar9 can be scored

 Award [3] for correct formula wit#out wor9in0

(/)  p1 nG6@ p1  < @co%%ect %ea%%angementP

 Award [1] for 36: even if incorrect e;pression0iven

F% < 8:.8P 3

 Accept answer in ran0e :7: to ::

4o not allow )"

 Award [3]

 for correct 8nal answer 

(c) !'8O2P 1

 Answer does not need to s#ow wor9in0 to receivet#e mar9

4o not allow )"


$". (i) ! 7 '

 Award [2] for above

&o penalty for use of w#ole number atomicmasses

f atomic numbers used t#en only mar9 for < of +can be awarded

f + < and calculation missin0 award [1] and last mar9 cannot be scored

f + < calculation incorrect apply )"

!37'8P 3

)orrect empirical formula scores [3]

(ii) the ae%age mass of a moleculeP

com#a%e$ to 1@12 of (the mass of) one atom of12

!@com#a%e$ to!12taDen as 12P


2 Award [2] for t#e e=uation above

(iii) !72'1P 1


$#. (i) ! 7 '

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 Award [2] for above

&o penalty for use of w#ole number atomicmasses

f atomic numbers used t#en only mar9 for < of +can be awarded

f + < and calculation missin0 award [1] and last mar9 cannot be scored

f + < calculation incorrect apply )"

!37'8P 3

)orrect empirical formula scores [3]

(ii) the ae%age mass of a moleculePcom#a%e$ to 1@12 of (the mass of) one

atom of12

!@com#a%e$ to!12 taDen as 12P


2 Award [2] for t#e e=uation above

(iii) !72'1P 16$7 

$$. 0.0 $m3 !O2P

80.0 $m3 '2OP

20.0 $m3

 O2P 3 Apply −.(>!


$%. oe%all the%e &ill /e no change to the #%essu%eP$ou/le a/solute tem#e%atu%e an$ the #%essu%e $ou/lesP$ou/le olume an$ the #%essu%e halesP

 Apply )" if points 2 and 3 are incorrect

OGBse CQ < nG6, ince n an$ G a%e constantP

Q an$ 6 a%e /oth $ou/le$PC &ill %emain unchange$P

OGOW66J for mat#ematical interpretation

e.g. 6 α C, the%efo%e 2CP

Q α 1@C, the%efo%e RCP7o change to C, RC×2C < CP 3

$&. (i) n(!)(< n(!O2) < 2.8 gS.01 g mol−1

) < 0.00 molP

n(')(< 2×n('2O) < 0.*: gS18.02 g mol−1

) < 0.0:2 molP

m(!) < 0.00 mol×12.01 g mol−1 < 0.:31 g

and m(') < 0.0:2 mol×1.01 g mol−1

 < 0.0:3 gPm(O) < (1.00 − 0.:31 − 0.0:3)g < 0.1*gP

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n(!) n(') n(O)0.00 0.0:30 0.1*

1.000.00 0.0:30 0.01220.00 0.0:30 0.01220.0122 0.0122 0.0122

. *.8 1.00P

em#i%ical fo%mula= !*'OP

"or )5+6 award [4 max]

?teps used to arrive at t#e correct amounts (inmoles! are re=uired for full mar9s

(ii) F(c%ocetin) < 8.* gS0.300 mol < 328 (g mol−1


molecula% fo%mula= !20'2OP 2)" from (i!


$'. (i) 7'3(a) '!l(a) →7'!l(a)  P 1

?tates not re=uired for mar9 

(ii) n('!l) < cQ < 0.100 mol $m−3

×0.02*0 $m3 < 0.002*0 molPn(7'3) <

n('!l) < 0.002*0 molP 2)" 

(iii) (M (7'3) < 1.01 3(1.01) <) 1:.0@1:.0 (g mol−1

)Pm(7'3) < 0.002*0

mol×1:.0g mol−1

 < [email protected]*gP 2)" 


%. em#i%ical fo%mula < !7P,or9in0 must be s#own to 0et point

M% < *1. (g mol>1

)P=7!?!7=P 36!7

%1. (a) to #%eent (%e)oxi$ation of the co##e%@*,$$P 1

(/) num/e% of moles of oxygen < < 0.10Pnum/e% of moles of co##e% < <0.10Pem#i%ical fo%mula < !u (0.10) = O (0.10) < !uOP 3

 Allow )"

 Award [1] for )u* wit# no wor9in0

 Alternate solution

 < :.89 < 20.29

 < 1.2* < 1.2

(c) '2  !uO - !u '2OP 1

 Allow )"

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($) (/lacD co##e% oxi$e) soli$ tu%ns %e$@/%o&nP con$ensation@&ate% a#ou%(on si$es of test tu/e)P 2

 Accept c#an0e colour 4o not  accept reduction ofsample sie


%. (a) n(!u2O) < 10.0×10


S13.1 < . molPn(!u2) < *.00×10

3S1*.1 < 31. molP

@enalise failure to convert 90 → 0 once only

!u2 is the limiting %eagentP 3

)" from above answers

(/) n(!u) < ×n(!u2) < ×31. < 188 molP

m(!u) < 188×3.** < 1100 − 12000 g@11. − 12.0 DgP 2f )u2* 0iven in (a! allow 3n()u2*! and


 Allow )" from (a!


%!. n(e2O3) < 30×103S1*.:@n(e2O3) < 188 molP

n(!) < *.0×103S12.01@n(!) < 1 molP

e2O3 is the limiting %eagent o% im#licit in calculationP

n(e) < 2×n(e2O3) < 2×188 < 3: molP

m(e) < 3:×**.8* < 21 DgP Accept 2 si0 80 or 3 si0 80 ot#erwise use − 


)orrect 8nal answers score [5]

 Allow )"


%". (a) M(aO) (< 13:.3 32.0 (1.00)) < 233.0 (g mol−1


 Accept 233 but not 233

n(aO) < 0.00288 @ 2.88×10−3(mol)P 2)" from M value

(/) n (alDali metal sulfate) < 0.00288 @ 2.88×10−3

(mol)P 1)" 

(c) 1:.31 @ 1:.3 @ 1:P)" 

units= g mol−1

P 2

($) (2( A%) 32 (1) < 1:, thus) A% < 3 @ A% < <3P Accept answer between 3:C and 3C2


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)" from Ar  value


(e) 4  2O(a) a!l2(a) →aO(s) 24!l(a) 2

 Award [1] for balanced e=uation and [1] for statesymbols

)" if anot#er al9ali metal arrived at in (d!

 Accept net ionic e=uation

f no answer arrived at in (d! but correct e=uation0iven involvin0 any al9ali metal t#en award [1



 %#. (a) 0.00 mol Al(O')3 T (1.*)(0.00) mol '[email protected] mol '2Onee$e$,

/ut only 0.00 mol use$P'2O limiting %eactantP 2

?ome wor9in0 must be s#own in order to score t#esecond point

(/) 0.200 mol Al2(O)3P8.(g)P 2

@enalie incorrect units

(c) 0.200 molP 1>se )" from (a!

($) A %Nnste$;o&%y aci$ is a #%oton@' $ono%PA ;e&is /ase is an elect%on

#ai% $ono%P 2

(e) '2!O3 an$ ca%/onic aci$@!'3!OO' an$ ethanoic aci$P 1

 Accept any ot#er wea9 acid and correct formula
