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    Build dynamic user interfaces with Android and XML Page 1 of 42

    Build dynamic user interfaces with Android and


    Collect data using an Android forms engine

    Frank Ableson


    MSI Services, Inc.

    Skill Level: Intermediate

    Date: 07 Sep 2010

    A number of websites cater to non-profits that provide easily set-up and used

    forms for taking polls and collecting data. This tutorial introduces a simple

    architecture for designing similar applications for Androiddynamic user

    interfaces that allow non-programmers to collect data from mobile users. You will

    create an example forms engine in this tutorial with both server and mobile sides.

    Section 1. Before you start

    You should be comfortable constructing Android applications with the Android SDK to

    get the most from this tutorial. After completion, you will have learned how to perform

    application-to-web server communications with HTTP(S) and how to parse XML with

    the DOM parser. Along the way, you will create custom and dynamic user interface

    layouts, multi-threaded communications, message handlers, and progress dialogs. To

    a lesser degree, you will learn about AndroidManifest.xml and server side scripting.

    About this tutorial

    Frequently used acronyms

    API: Application Programming Interface

    DOM: Document Object Model

    HTML: HyperText Markup Language

    HTTP(S): Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

    IDE: Integrated development environment

    SAX: Simple API for XML

    SDK: Software Development Kit

    UI: User Interface
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    URL: Uniform Resource Locator

    XML: Extensible Markup Language

    This tutorial introduces an architecture for dynamic forms for mobile data collection

    on Android devices. I will begin with a high level architecture and discussion of where

    such an application fits in the larger context of data collection. A sneak peak at thecompleted project, including every source file, provides a road map to where the

    tutorial is taking you. In cooking-show fashion, you build the application from the

    ground up with each Java class carefully introduced and related to other aspects

    of the application, most notably the data model upon which this forms engine is

    constructed. To conclude, you save form data to the server and look briefly at the

    server side of the application.


    Table 1 shows the tools required for this project.

    Table 1. The necessary tools for the job

    Tool Comment

    Eclipse and ADT Primary code editor and Android Developer Tools Plugin.

    Android SDK Android Software Developer Kit.

    Web server Any variety that supports PHP. You can easily port the script

    to another server environment.

    I created the code samples for this tutorial on a MacBook with Eclipse 3.4.2 and

    Android SDK version 8, which supports the Android release labeled 2.2. The tutorialcode is not leveraging any specific features of this SDK and the application should

    run just fine in Android versions dating back as far as 1.5. See Resources for links to

    all the tools.

    Section 2. Data collection

    Let's begin with a short discussion about data collection, and how it can be easy toimplement when using an Android mobile device.

    An Android data collection framework

    Collecting data is a task that pre-dates the computer era. Computers have become

    a daily staple and have revolutionized the way you think about, find, and consume

    information. Companies with billion dollar market-caps exist thanks to their

    effectiveness in storing, retrieving, and managing vast amounts of information. The

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    databases in use today are fed by systems of varying architectures including the

    main frame, client server, web applications, and now mobile applications.

    Physical inventory and cycle counting applications were some of the early practical

    applications of mobile computing. These applications were often batch data

    collection, where the hardware required a docking station to upload the collectedinformation.

    The market for mobile applications has come a long way since those early days,

    and wireless connectivity and devices are nearly ubiquitous in many cultures and

    markets, invading virtually every aspect of daily life.

    While the means of collecting data may have become more mobile, the core

    aspect of data collection has not changed significantly. The user must be presented

    a collection of questions and have a simple means of responding. This tutorial

    demonstrates the construction of a simple data collection framework for Android-

    powered mobile phones, leveraging a dynamic metadata structure enabled by XML.

    Section 3. The application architecture

    Before diving into the code, examine the application setting from a very high level.

    Forms Engine at a glance

    Take a walk through all of the aspects of the Forms Engine application. Figure 1

    depicts the relation of the application to one or more servers that provide data entry

    forms of varying content.

    Figure 1. Application architecture

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    In Figure 1, Form 1 provides registration for Robotics Competition and Form 2 asks

    the user for information about his auto maintenance habit. Using HTTP(S), the forms

    and Android application communicate to:

    Download the form data.

    Present form data to the user and optional collect device-specific data, such ascamera images, sound recordings, GPS location, or compass readings.

    Collect user-supplied data.

    Submit data to the appropriate server.

    The server side of this tutorial is implemented as a pair of files: an XML document

    describing the form and a PHP document responsible for recording the submission

    of the form. The Android application is a native application written in Java code using

    the Android SDK and coded in Eclipse.

    Table 2 shows the application source files for the complete application. You candownload the zipped file containing all of these source files (see Downloads). You will

    go through each of these files in detail in this tutorial.

    Table 2. The required application source files

    Filename Comment Entry point for Android Activity High level data model and methods for a form Represents a form field and holds the metadata for each field

    of a form Implements a text box type user interface element Implements a drop-down list type user interface element Processes a form, using the above classes

    main.xml Home page of application user interface

    AndroidManifest.xml Deployment descriptor for the Android application

    xmlgui1.xml Sample form for collecting Robotics competition registration

    xmlgui1-post.php PHP script for processing form submissions

    xmlgui2.xml Sample form for taking survey of automotive maintenance


    Figure 2 shows the project structure in Eclipse for the complete application as it will

    look at the end of this tutorial. (View a text-only version of Figure 2.)

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    Figure 2. Project in Eclipse

    If you do not have a working Android development environment, now is a great

    time to install the Android tools. For more information on how to setup an Android

    development environment, look in Resources for links to both of the required tools,

    plus some introductory articles and tutorials on developing applications for Android.

    Having a familiarity with Android is helpful in understanding this tutorial.

    Now that you have an overview of the architecture and the application, you can get


    Section 4. The project and data model

    We are now ready to start the Android project in Eclipse, creating the data model

    and the class that will allow you to store and manage metadata for the Forms Engine


    Creating the project

    Creating Android applications starts in the familiar place: Open Eclipse and select

    File > New as in Figure 3.

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    Figure 3. Creating a new Android application

    This step launches the Eclipse New project wizard. Select Android Project (the

    specialized Java environment for Android). Be sure to give the project a valid

    identifier (I used XMLGUI). To match the solution as described in this tutorial, under

    Properties, specify XML GUI as the application name and as the

    package name. Select the Create Activity check box and specify XmlGui for the

    Activity name as in Figure 4.

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    Figure 4. Setting up a new project

    Once the project is created, it should look very similar to the image in Figure 5. (View

    a text-only version of Figure 5.)

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    Figure 5. Android project directly upon completion of the new project wizard

    With the project now created, it is good practice to ensure that the application builds

    cleanly and runs in the Android Emulator. Note that sometimes the application does

    not build until you edit and save the Java source file. This causes the Android SDK

    tools to automatically generate the files in the gen folder. This causes the files in

    the gen folder to be automatically generated by the Android SDK tools. You can test

    the application if there are no entries showing up in the Problems tab of the Eclipse


    To test the application, create a Run Configuration, as in Figure 6. In the Android

    Application list, select XmlGui. Ensure the following values are present: XmlGui

    in the Name field, XMLGUI in the Project field, and in theLaunch field. Click Run.

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    Figure 6. Run Configuration setup

    Now that the project is created, is configured, and starts properly in the Android

    emulator, it is time to create the XML driven data collection tool for Android.

    The data model

    The nuts and bolts of this application require it to present input elements to a user,

    collect data, validate the data, and then submit that data to a specified server

    location. It is worth noting that this application is set up for new records only. There

    are no provisions to look up an existing record for editing or deleting.

    To provide enough direction to the application on how to present the data entry forms,

    a set of information (commonly referred to as metadata) is required. Metadata is data

    about data. In general terms, this application must understand a few data elements


    Form NameHuman readable name of the form

    Form IdentifierUnique identifier for this metadata collection

    Submission URLWhere to send the collected data

    One or more fieldsThese can be text, numeric, or "choose from a list" kind of


    Virtually all kinds of questions map to one of these three types of user interface

    elements. For example, you can implement a check box as a Yes or No choice field.

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    You can implement multi-select as multiple choice fields. Of course, you can extend

    the code shown in this tutorial as desired.

    For your application, the usage scenario is as follows: You are at an event where you

    can register for one or more activities. You could fill out a piece of paper, or you could

    wait until you get home and hope that you remember to sign onto the organization'swebsite to register. In this case, you will assume that a user will fill out a simple

    form on the spot from his phone by pulling up a dynamic form on an Android device,

    providing the entrant's first name, last name, gender, and age.

    Listing 1 shows the contents of xmlgui1.xml, which represents a registration form for

    a Robotics club event.

    Listing 1. xmlgui1.xml

    Note the following things about this XML document:

    The XML is very simple to parse thanks to extensive use of element attributes.

    This approach is used because it makes extracting the data easier than

    multiple child elements and tags. Using attributes in this manner also keeps thedownload size small and aids in keeping the parse time low.

    The submitTo attribute tells the application where to send the data once it is


    Each field element provides attributes for both a field name and a label. While

    these values are related, you want to keep the value of each name attribute

    unique from the other name attribute values so the receiving application can

    properly parse and process them. You must also provide an informative label

    value to the user as a cue to what kind of data should go into a particular field.

    You can readily expand this approach to include default values for each field, a

    regex expression for validation, or a link for more information about a particular


    The options field is used as a delimited list for the choice field.

    With a basic familiarity with the data model, now look at the code responsible for

    turning this XML data into a useful application.

    Representing the dataParsing the data is a rather mechanical exercise shown later in this tutorial. Before

    examining the parsing process, the application needs some place to store and

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    manage the metadata in memory. For this purpose, you have two Java classes, one

    for the form and one to represent the form field. Start by looking at

    in Listing 2.

    Listing 2.

    package;import java.util.Vector;

    import java.util.ListIterator;


    public class XmlGuiForm {

    private String formNumber;

    private String formName;

    private String submitTo;

    public Vector fields;

    public XmlGuiForm()


    this.fields = new Vector();

    formNumber = "";

    formName = "";

    submitTo = "loopback"; // do nothing but display the results


    // getters & setters

    public String getFormNumber() {

    return formNumber;


    public void setFormNumber(String formNumber) {

    this.formNumber = formNumber;


    public String getFormName() {

    return formName;}

    public void setFormName(String formName) {

    this.formName = formName;


    public String getSubmitTo() {

    return submitTo;


    public void setSubmitTo(String submitTo) {

    this.submitTo = submitTo;


    public Vector getFields() {

    return fields;}

    public void setFields(Vector fields) {

    this.fields = fields;


    public String toString()


    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


    sb.append("Form Number: " + this.formNumber + "\n");

    sb.append("Form Name: " + this.formName + "\n");

    sb.append("Submit To: " + this.submitTo + "\n");

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    if (this.fields == null) return sb.toString();

    ListIterator li = this.fields.listIterator();

    while (li.hasNext()) {



    return sb.toString();


    public String getFormattedResults()


    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


    if (this.fields == null) return sb.toString();

    ListIterator li = this.fields.listIterator();

    while (li.hasNext()) {

    sb.append( + "\n");


    return sb.toString();


    public String getFormEncodedData()

    {try {

    int i = 0;

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


    if (this.fields == null) return sb.toString();

    ListIterator li = this.fields.listIterator();

    while (li.hasNext()) {

    if (i != 0) sb.append("&");

    XmlGuiFormField thisField =;

    sb.append( + "=");

    String encstring = new String();

    URLEncoder.encode((String) thisField.getData(),encstring);



    return sb.toString();


    catch (Exception e) {

    return "ErrorEncoding";




    Here are some important items to note about the XmlGuiForm class.

    1. There are four member variables:

    formNumber: This is the unique identifier for the server side form

    distribution mechanism. formName: This becomes the title of the form, providing context and

    confirmation for the user.

    submitTo: This is the URL for the application to submit the data entered

    (after validation). Alternatively this value can be a loopback. In the

    loopback scenario, the data is displayed to the user rather than submitted

    to the server. This is useful for testing purposes.

    fields: This is a Vector class templated to hold the form's field data.

    Listing 3 shows the details for .

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    2. A series of getters and setters for each of these variables.

    3. The toString() and getFormattedResults()methods are responsible for

    generating human readable summarizations of the XmlGuiForm class.

    4. The getFormEncodedData() method is used when preparing data for submission

    to the URL indicated in the submitTo attribute.

    5. Rather than using strictly concatenated java.lang.String classes, the codeemploys a StringBuilder as a more memory efficient means of building the

    desired data strings.

    6. The URLEncoder class is leveraged to prepare data for submission to the server.

    This makes the data look like it was actually created by a traditional HTML form.

    7. Some potential expansions of this application include:

    Local storage or caching of metadata to make repetitive tasks run more


    Local storage to record data over a period of time prior to submission.

    GPS recordingstamp each record with location data.

    Now look at the construction of the XmlGuiFormField class in Listing 3.

    Listing 3. XmlGuiFormField.javapackage;

    // class to handle each individual form

    public class XmlGuiFormField {

    String name;

    String label;

    String type;

    boolean required;

    String options;

    Object obj; // holds the ui implementation

    // or the EditText for example

    // getters & setters

    public String getName() {

    return name;


    public void setName(String name) { = name;


    public String getLabel() {

    return label;


    public void setLabel(String label) {

    this.label = label;


    public String getType() {

    return type;}

    public void setType(String type) {

    this.type = type;


    public boolean isRequired() {

    return required;


    public void setRequired(boolean required) {

    this.required = required;


    public String getOptions() {

    return options;


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    public void setOptions(String options) {

    this.options = options;


    public String toString()


    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    sb.append("Field Name: " + + "\n");

    sb.append("Field Label: " + this.label + "\n");sb.append("Field Type: " + this.type + "\n");

    sb.append("Required? : " + this.required + "\n");

    sb.append("Options : " + this.options + "\n");

    sb.append("Value : " + (String) this.getData() + "\n");

    return sb.toString();


    public String getFormattedResult()


    return + "= [" + (String) this.getData() + "]";


    public Object getData()

    {if (type.equals("text") || type.equals("numeric"))


    if (obj != null) {

    XmlGuiEditBox b = (XmlGuiEditBox) obj;

    return b.getValue();



    if (type.equals("choice")) {

    if (obj != null) {

    XmlGuiPickOne po = (XmlGuiPickOne) obj;

    return po.getValue();



    // You could add logic for other UI elements here

    return null;



    Look more closely at the XmlGuiFormField class.

    There are six class level members:

    1. name holds the name of the fieldthis is the field name of the data value,

    analogous to a form field name in HTML or a database column name.

    2. label holds the description of the field or the value shown to the user.

    3. type indicates the flavor of user interface field to construct. text means this is field is implemented with an EditText field for

    alphanumeric entries. This is the most common value.

    numeric is also an EditText, but it is constrained to a numeric entry


    choice makes the field a drop-down list.

    4. required is a Boolean value marking the field as required or not. If the field

    is required and not populated, an error message is displayed to the user

    when the user attempts to submit the form.

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    5. options is a string value used to convey the list of available selections for

    a choice field. This field is available for other fields to be used as perhaps

    a regex expression for validation or it can be overridden to specify a

    default value.

    6. obj represents the user interface widget. For example, this variable holds

    an EditText for a text or numeric field. For a choice field, the obj membercontains a spinner widget. This approach is further explained later in this


    As expected, these variables have a number of getters and setters.

    The toString() and getFormattedResult() methods both leverage the

    getData() method, explained next.

    In the XmlGuiFormField class, you need to manage more than one type of data,

    so the code needs to be explicit about how data is stored and accessed. The

    getData() method examines the type field and performs a type-cast on the obj

    field to properly interact with the stored object. If you wish to add new field types

    to this framework, you can expand the getData() method to support the newfield type (see the comment near the end of Listing 3.

    You now have a way to store and manage metadata. It is time to look at the

    application in action and then tie the various pieces together.

    Section 5. Assemble a user interface

    Start by creating a form for a mobile user to enter data into.

    Taking it from the top

    The entry point of the application resides in, as in Listing 4.

    Listing 4. The application entry point: XmlGui



    import android.os.Bundle;

    import android.view.View;

    import android.widget.EditText;

    import android.widget.Button;

    import android.widget.TextView;

    import android.content.Intent;import android.util.Log;

    public class XmlGui extends Activity {

    final String tag = XmlGui.class.getName();

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */


    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



    Button btnRunForm = (Button) this.findViewById(;

    btnRunForm.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener()


    public void onClick(View v)

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    EditText formNumber = (EditText) findViewById(;

    Log.i(tag,"Attempting to process Form #

    [" + formNumber.getText().toString() + "]");

    Intent newFormInfo = new Intent(XmlGui.this,RunForm.class);







    The user interface for the main Activity is very simple, consisting of only:

    A label (TextView)

    An entry box (EditText)

    A button (Button)

    The code for XmlGui Activity is very standard in nature. You inflate a layout createdat design time and then define and create a button handler to implement the desired

    functionality (which is explained further below).

    You define the user interface in the file main.xml (found in the layout subfolder of the

    res folder). Listing 5 shows main.xml.

    Listing 5. main.xml

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    As a reminder, you can modify layouts by editing the XML directly or by using the

    Layout tool contained in the Android Developer Tools as in Figure 7.

    Figure 7. Layout tool

    To run the application, click on the home screen icon that launches the XmlGui

    Activity seen in Figure 8.

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    Figure 8. Application in action

    When the user enters a form number and taps the Run Form button, a series of

    events is kicked off. Let's go through the onClick() method, line by line. Recall that

    the onClick() method is in the XmlGui class in Listing 4.

    You get a reference to the EditText field named formNumber. The

    enumeration is automatically generated by the Android build tools whenever the

    main.xml file is saved:

    EditText formNumber = (EditText) findViewById(;

    Next, you put a line into the log. You can see the output of this log in the Dalvik

    Debug Monitor Service (DDMS) perspective in Eclipse, provided by the Android

    Developer Tools plugin:

    Log.i(tag,"Attempting to process Form # [" + formNumber.getText().toString() + "]");

    The actual implementation of the Form Engine is provided in the RunForm class, which

    extends the Activity class. To launch this Activity, create an Intent, explicitly

    identifying the RunForm class:

    Intent newFormInfo = new Intent(XmlGui.this,RunForm.class);

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    Not only do you want to launch the RunForm Activity, but you also want to specify

    which form to display. To do this, add the form number to the Intent through the

    putExtra method:

    newFormInfo.putExtra("formNumber", formNumber.getText().toString());

    This value is extracted by the RunForm class, shown later.

    Now that you have set up the Intent, you launch the Activity with a call to



    With your application, the user enters the form number and clicks the Run Form

    button. This triggers the events described above, causing the RunForm class to

    process the request. Entering a form number is really just a test tool for the purposes

    of this tutorial. There are other means by which this triggering event can take place.More practical examples include customized links from a web page, a message

    pushed through Short Message Service (SMS), a location-based trigger based on

    proximity, or even a scanned QR code (Quick Response code).

    Running the form

    The RunForm class is the choreographer for this application. It is launched with a form

    number to process. Now examine the onCreate() method in Listing 6.

    Listing 6. The onCreate() method

    public class RunForm extends Activity {

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */

    String tag = RunForm.class.getName();

    XmlGuiForm theForm;

    ProgressDialog progressDialog;

    Handler progressHandler;


    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    String formNumber = "";

    Intent startingIntent = getIntent();

    if(startingIntent == null) {

    Log.e(tag,"No Intent? We're not supposed to be here...");



    formNumber = startingIntent.getStringExtra("formNumber");

    Log.i(tag,"Running Form [" + formNumber + "]");

    if (GetFormData(formNumber)) {





    Log.e(tag,"Couldn't parse the Form.");

    AlertDialog.Builder bd = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);

    AlertDialog ad = bd.create();


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    ad.setMessage("Could not parse the Form data");;



    // other methods omitted and shown later


    As seen in the code in Listing 6, first you extract the formNumber from the Intent that

    triggered the Activity. Without a form number to process, this Activity has nothing

    to perform.

    Once you extract the value, the next requirement is to connect to the server to

    download the form specifications. (Note that an enhancement of this approach might

    be to look for this form's metadata in a local cache prior to fetching the data.) Listing

    7 shows the GetFormData() method.

    Listing 7. The GetFormData() method

    private boolean GetFormData(String formNumber) {

    try {


    URL url = new URL("" + formNumber + ".xml");


    InputStream is = url.openConnection().getInputStream();

    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

    DocumentBuilder db = factory.newDocumentBuilder();

    Document dom = db.parse(is);

    Element root = dom.getDocumentElement();

    NodeList forms = root.getElementsByTagName("form");

    if (forms.getLength() < 1) {

    // nothing here??

    Log.e(tag,"No form, let's bail");

    return false;

    }Node form = forms.item(0);

    theForm = new XmlGuiForm();

    // process form level

    NamedNodeMap map = form.getAttributes();



    if (map.getNamedItem("submitTo") != null)




    // now process the fields

    NodeList fields = root.getElementsByTagName("field");

    for (int i=0;i

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    return true;

    } catch (Exception e) {

    Log.e(tag,"Error occurred in ProcessForm:" + e.getMessage());


    return false;



    This code is responsible for taking data from a metadata repository, in this case by

    downloading an XML file from a Webserver:

    URL url = new URL("" + formNumber + ".xml");

    Manipulate the XML data through a DOM parser, to extract the form and field

    elements plus attributes and store them in instances of the XmlGuiForm and

    XmlGuiFormField classes respectively. The bulk of this method is dedicated to the

    parsing and populating tasks.

    Two main approaches to XML parsing are DOM and SAX. The DOM parser works

    by parsing a document into memory and then the application walks a Document

    Object Model tree to gain access to various elements of data contained in the XML.

    You also could also use the SAX parser model here because you build your own

    representation of the document by populating the two classes.

    The advantage of the DOM approach for this application is that it is somewhat

    procedural and easy to follow the code, whereas the SAX approach requires call-

    back functions where only the desired data is stored. The complexity of the code

    written by the developer to implement the SAX callback functions can be noticeablyhigher than the DOM approach in some instances. Because the XML data is fully

    parsed in the DOM approach, it is a bit more memory intensive. For your purposes in

    this application, the simplicity and easy-to-follow nature of DOM was a bigger driver

    than memory management as the metadata form is quite small.

    See Resources for an excellent reference on coding XML parsers in Android.

    You have transformed the XML metadata form to Java class instances. It is now time

    to display the form to gather data from the user.

    Section 6. Gather user data

    Now that you've created the main Activity screen layout, you can create user

    interface forms for collecting data. Here you'll create a Robotics Club Registration

    form and an Auto Maintenance survey form.

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    Using the metadata

    This application hinges upon the ability of Android programmers to dynamically

    manipulate the user interface. Earlier in the tutorial, you examined the main.xml file,

    the file that defines the screen layout of the XmlGui class (the main Activity). This

    application would be virtually impossible in its current form if you had to always defineuser interface elements at design or compile time.

    Thankfully, you are not constrained in that manner. The DisplayForm() method is

    responsible for converting the metadata into user interface elements for the purposes

    of collecting data. The code is essentially broken into two main functional areas: the

    layout of the user interface elements and then the handling of the submit button.

    First, examine the layout logic. This is the code that turns the XmlGuiForm object into

    a real on-the-screen form. Listing 8 shows this code.

    Listing 8. The layout logicprivate boolean DisplayForm()




    ScrollView sv = new ScrollView(this);

    final LinearLayout ll = new LinearLayout(this);



    // walk through the form elements and dynamically create them,

    // leveraging the mini library of tools.

    int i;

    for (i=0;i

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    btn.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() {

    public void onClick(View v) {

    // check if this form is Valid

    if (!CheckForm())


    AlertDialog.Builder bd = new AlertDialog.Builder(ll.getContext());AlertDialog ad = bd.create();


    ad.setMessage("Please enter all required (*) fields");;



    if (theForm.getSubmitTo().equals("loopback")) {

    // just display the results to the screen

    String formResults = theForm.getFormattedResults();


    AlertDialog.Builder bd = new AlertDialog.Builder(ll.getContext());

    AlertDialog ad = bd.create();




    } else {

    if (!SubmitForm()) {

    AlertDialog.Builder bd = new AlertDialog.Builder(ll.getContext());

    AlertDialog ad = bd.create();


    ad.setMessage("Error submitting form");;





    } );



    return true;

    } catch (Exception e) {

    Log.e(tag,"Error Displaying Form");

    return false;



    You must anticipate the availability of more fields than can fit on a single screen, so

    use a ScrollView as the parent view or container. Within that ScrollView you employa vertical LinearLayout to organize the various user interface widgets into a vertical


    The approach is pretty simple:

    You enumerate through the list of XmlGuiFormField objects contained within the

    fields member of the XmlGuiForm instance.

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    Depending on the type of field requested, a different user interface element is

    instantiated and added to the LinearLayout. You will examine the different UI

    widgets momentarily.

    Once the UI elements are created and added to the linear layout, you assign the


    instance to the content of this screen and assign the form name asthe title of the screen. Figure 9 shows a Robotics club registration screen ready for

    user input. This form is the result of processing the XML data found back in Listing 1.

    Figure 9. Robotics registration form in action

    Let's have a look at the different custom user interface widgets created for this


    Recall that three types of data entry fields are defined for this application: text,

    numeric, and choice. These three types are implemented through two different

    custom widgets: XmlGuiEditBox and XmlGuiPickOne.

    The text and numeric values are so similar you can leverage the same EditView

    approach, but with different input filters to switch between alpha-numeric and numeric

    only. Listing 9 shows the code for the XmlGuiEditBox class.

    Listing 9. The XmlGuiEditBox class


    import android.content.Context;

    import android.util.AttributeSet;

    import android.view.ViewGroup;

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    import android.widget.LinearLayout;

    import android.widget.TextView;

    import android.widget.EditText;

    import android.text.method.DigitsKeyListener;

    public class XmlGuiEditBox extends LinearLayout {

    TextView label;

    EditText txtBox;

    public XmlGuiEditBox(Context context,String labelText,String initialText) {


    label = new TextView(context);


    txtBox = new EditText(context);


    txtBox.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams





    public XmlGuiEditBox(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {

    super(context, attrs);

    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub}

    public void makeNumeric()


    DigitsKeyListener dkl = new DigitsKeyListener(true,true);



    public String getValue()


    return txtBox.getText().toString();


    public void setValue(String v)





    The XmlGuiEditBox class extends the LinearLayout class and contains both a textual

    label to describe the requested input and an EditText to actually collect the entered

    data. All of the object initialization is done in the constructor. This may be considered

    bad form, but this is an exercise left to you if you're uncomfortable with that approach.

    There are three other methods to discuss. The getValue() and setValue() methods

    do just what you would think. They are the getter and setter for interacting with the

    EditText field.

    The third method, makeNumeric() is only called when setting up a form field type of

    numeric. An instance of the DigitsKeyListener is employed to filter out any non-

    numeric keys. The other nice thing that you get for free is the proper keyboard is

    shown depending on which type of XmlGuiEditBox is in usewith or without the

    numeric setting.

    Figure 10 shows the form in action with an alpha keyboard shown because the Last

    Name field is set for alpha entry, in other words text.

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    Figure 10. Alphanumeric key entry

    Figure 11 shows the numeric keyboard in use because the age field is set for the

    data type of numeric.

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    Figure 11. Numeric keyboard

    The choice field, implemented in the user interface through the XmlGuiPickOne

    class, is a little different. The choice field is implemented as an Android Spinner

    widget. This user interface element is analogous to a drop-down list box in other

    programming environments, where the user must select from one of the existingchoices. Figure 12 shows three instances XmlGuiPickOne widget.

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    Figure 12. Auto maintenance survey with three XmlGuiPickOne instances

    In this example, the data being collected is for statistical purposes, so normalizing

    the possible entries makes the data processing cleaner than dealing with free text

    entry fields. Of course, you can define the State field as a choice field if you wanted

    to constrain the survey to a particular geographical region.

    Listing 10 shows the code for the XmlGuiPickOne class.

    Listing 10. The XmlGuiPickOne class


    import android.content.Context;

    import android.util.AttributeSet;

    import android.widget.LinearLayout;

    import android.widget.TextView;

    import android.widget.Spinner;

    import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;

    public class XmlGuiPickOne extends LinearLayout {String tag = XmlGuiPickOne.class.getName();

    TextView label;

    ArrayAdapter aa;

    Spinner spinner;

    public XmlGuiPickOne(Context context,String labelText,String options) {


    label = new TextView(context);


    spinner = new Spinner(context);

    String []opts = options.split("\\|");

    aa = new ArrayAdapter( context,


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    public XmlGuiPickOne(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {

    super(context, attrs);

    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub


    public String getValue()


    return (String) spinner.getSelectedItem().toString();



    This class looks very similar to the XmlGuiEditBox class. The major difference is that

    a Spinner control is employed rather than an EditText control. Also, note that this

    class only implements the getValue() method. An obvious enhancement to this class

    is permit the user to specify a default value.

    Note the use of the options member to populate the list of choices. In this code,

    the String containing the available choices is split into an array using a regex

    expression and then passed to an instance of an ArrayAdapter. The constant

    android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item is built-in to Android. It was not supplied in

    the tutorial application code. Once the adapter is set up, you assign it to the Spinner.

    Figure 13 shows the list of choices displayed on the screen, prompting the user for

    the typical number of miles between oil changes.

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    Figure 13. XmlGuiPickOne asking about oil changes

    Now that the user can enter data into the form, it is time to validate and submit the


    Section 7. Save and submit data

    You must now create a way for users to save the data by validating it and submitting

    it to a server.

    Saving dataIt is time to jump back into the DisplayForm() method of the RunForm class. Recall

    that the first portion of this method is responsible for the drawing of the form. Next,

    you will examine the onClick() handler of the submit button, in Listing 11.

    Listing 11. The onClick() handlerbtn.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() {

    public void onClick(View v) {

    // check if this form is Valid

    if (!CheckForm())


    AlertDialog.Builder bd = new AlertDialog.Builder(ll.getContext());

    AlertDialog ad = bd.create();


    ad.setMessage("Please enter all required (*) fields");;


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    if (theForm.getSubmitTo().equals("loopback")) {

    // just display the results to the screen

    String formResults = theForm.getFormattedResults();


    AlertDialog.Builder bd = new AlertDialog.Builder(ll.getContext());

    AlertDialog ad = bd.create();




    } else {

    if (!SubmitForm()) {

    AlertDialog.Builder bd = new AlertDialog.Builder(ll.getContext());

    AlertDialog ad = bd.create();


    ad.setMessage("Error submitting form");;





    } );

    When the submit button is selected by the user, the form entries are checked to

    make sure that all of the required fields are populated. If not, an AlertDialog reminds

    the user to populate all of the fields. Assuming the data has been entered in a

    satisfactory manner, it is time to submit the data.

    The process of submitting the data falls into one of two camps for this tutorial

    application. If the submitTo field of the form has been set to the value of loopback,

    the values are simply echoed to the screen. This is useful for testing purposes. Once

    you are satisfied that the form tool is collecting data properly, it is time to point it to a

    server page which is responsible for recording the entries.

    Listing 12 shows the CheckForm() method. This code is rather straight-forward.

    Each field is checked to see if it is required. If the field is required but the user has

    not provided the information, a flag is set. You could enhance this to provide more

    specific feedback to the user.

    Listing 12. The CheckForm() method

    private boolean CheckForm()


    try {

    int i;boolean good = true;

    for (i=0;i

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    good = false;





    return good;

    } catch(Exception e) {

    Log.e(tag,"Error in CheckForm()::" + e.getMessage());e.printStackTrace();

    return false;



    Now it is time to submit the collected data to the server. Examine the SubmitForm()

    method in Listing 13.

    Listing 13. The SubmitForm() method

    private boolean SubmitForm()


    try {

    boolean ok = true;

    this.progressDialog =,

    theForm.getFormName(), "Saving Form Data", true,false);

    this.progressHandler = new Handler() {


    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {

    // process incoming messages here

    switch (msg.what) {

    case 0:

    // update progress bar

    progressDialog.setMessage("" + (String) msg.obj);


    case 1:



    case 2:







    Thread workthread = new Thread(new TransmitFormData(theForm));


    return ok;

    } catch (Exception e) {

    Log.e(tag,"Error in SubmitForm()::" + e.getMessage());


    // tell user that the submission failed....

    Message msg = new Message();

    msg.what = 1;


    return false;



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    First, you set up an instance of the android.os.Handler class. The Handler class

    is helpful when an application needs to share data with different threads. Another

    important item to note in the SubmitForm() method is the use of a ProgressDialog.

    Note that the ProgressDialog and Handler are defined as class level variables in

    Listing 14.

    Listing 14. The ProgressDialog and Handler

    public class RunForm extends Activity {

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */

    String tag = RunForm.class.getName();

    XmlGuiForm theForm;

    ProgressDialog progressDialog;

    Handler progressHandler;



    You don't want to unnecessarily block the application while communicating with the

    server, so you employ a background Thread to communicate, but you rely on theHandler to receive notifications from the communications thread in order to provide

    feedback to the user. Note that only the main thread is supposed to interact with the

    user interface. An alternative to the separate thread approach is the AsyncTask class

    found in the android.os package.

    As the application connects to the server to transfer the data, it has the opportunity to

    inform the user of the status of the operation, which is of course good practice. Figure

    14 shows the ProgressDialog in action.

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    Figure 14. The ProgressDialog

    The actual server communications code is found in Listing 15, in the

    TransmitFormData() class, which implements the Runnable interface.

    Listing 15. The TransmitFormData class

    private class TransmitFormData implements Runnable


    XmlGuiForm _form;

    Message msg;

    TransmitFormData(XmlGuiForm form) {

    this._form = form;


    public void run() {

    try {

    msg = new Message();

    msg.what = 0;

    msg.obj = ("Connecting to Server");


    URL url = new URL(_form.getSubmitTo());

    URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();


    BufferedOutputStream wr = new BufferedOutputStream


    String data = _form.getFormEncodedData();




    msg = new Message();

    msg.what = 0;

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    msg.obj = ("Data Sent");


    // Get the response

    BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new


    String line = "";

    Boolean bSuccess = false;

    while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {if (line.indexOf("SUCCESS") != -1) {

    bSuccess = true;


    // Process line...

    Log.v(tag, line);




    if (bSuccess) {

    msg = new Message();

    msg.what = 0;

    msg.obj = ("Form Submitted Successfully");


    msg = new Message();

    msg.what = 1;




    } catch (Exception e) {

    Log.d(tag, "Failed to send form data: " + e.getMessage());

    msg = new Message();

    msg.what = 0;

    msg.obj = ("Error Sending Form Data");



    msg = new Message();

    msg.what = 2;




    The TransmitFormData class is responsible for connecting to the server listed in

    the submitTo member of the XmlGuiForm instance (as taken from the metadata). It

    periodically updates the main application thread by sending an instance of a Message

    class to the handler through the sendMessage() method. Two members are populated

    on the Message class:

    The what value acts as a high-level switch informing the Handler what it shoulddo with the message.

    The obj value specifies an optional java.lang.Object. In this case, a

    java.lang.String instance is passed and used for displaying in the Progress


    The schema used by any given application is arbitrary. This application uses the

    values in Table 3.

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    Table 3. The application values allowed for what

    Value Comment

    0 Obj contains a text string to display to the user.

    1 Successful completion of transmission, you're done!

    2 An error occurred. Tell the user that something is wrong and

    don't throw away the data!

    Figure 15 shows the final message in the ProgressDialog upon a successful

    transmission of Form Data.

    Figure 15. Form submission

    Once the form has been successfully submitted, the application returns to the main

    page. For a production-ready application, what takes place next is highly dependent

    on the motives of the data gathering organization. The screen can simply reset to

    take another entry, as in a physical inventory application. Or perhaps you can directthe user to some other screen.

    For the application to run properly, the AndroidManifest.xml file must contain

    references to all of the used Activity classes and must include the uses-permission

    for Internet access. Listing 16 shows the AndroidManifest.xml file for the tutorial's


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    Listing 16. The AndroidManifest.xml file

    Before wrapping up, take a brief look at the server side script.

    Section 8. Provide a server side script

    For the purposes of this tutorial, you will use a PHP script to gather the required data,

    and append it to a text file.

    On the server

    Exactly what transpires on the server is dependent on the needs of the organization

    collecting the data. A common approach for data collection is to store the form data in

    a relational database such as DB2, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, and so on. Once

    the data is in the database, it can be sliced, diced, and analyzed.

    For this tutorial, the data is gathered by a PHP script and appended to a text file.

    Listing 17 shows the PHP form associated with the Robotics registration form.

    Listing 17. The Robotic's PHP form

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    $f = fopen($filename,"a");

    fprintf($f,"Data received @ ".date(DATE_RFC822));


    fprintf($f,'First Name:['.$_POST['fname'].']');


    fprintf($f,'Last Name:['.$_POST['lname'].']');






    print "SUCCESS";


    If the script returns the string SUCCESS, the RunForm class will reset. Any other value

    will cause an error message to be displayed to the user and permit them to correct

    their entries or otherwise obtain help in submitting the form.

    Section 9. Conclusion

    This tutorial presented a framework for serving dynamic questions to an Android user

    based on a native application approach utilizing the Android SDK. You saw dynamic

    form presentation, validation and processing techniques, and application-to-web

    server communications.

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    Description Name Size Download


    Forms engine source code 78KB HTTP

    Information about download methods
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    Develop Android applications with Eclipse (Frank Ableson, developerWorks,

    February 2008): The easiest way to develop Android applications is to useEclipse. Learn all about this in this developerWorks tutorial.

    Networking with Android (Frank Ableson, developerWorks, June 2009): Explore

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    Working with XML on Android (Michael Galpin, developerWorks, June 2009):

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    Unlocking Android, 2nd Edition (Frank Ableson, Robi Sen, and Chris King;

    Manning Publications; December 2010): Cover all aspects of Android

    development with concise, hands-on instruction for the Android operating

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    About the author

    Frank Ableson

    W. Frank Ableson is an entrepreneur living in northern New Jerseywith his wife Nikki and their children. His professional interests include

    mobile software and embedded design. He is the author of Unlocking

    Android(Manning Publications, 2010), and he is the mobile editor for

    Linux Magazine.

    Copyright IBM Corporation 2010


