icmn-tv media kit 2013 cycle

InnerCityMedicine Networks TV A Digital-Out-of-Home Public Health IPTV Network Accelerating The Affordable Care Act’s Preventative and Chronic Disease Management Informational Resources to Socioeconomic and Ethnic-Diverse Communities The Business Case | Media Sales Brief 2013-2015 Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

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Page 1: ICMN-TV Media Kit  2013 Cycle

InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

A Digital-Out-of-Home Public Health IPTV Network

Accelerating The Affordable Care Act’s

Preventative and Chronic Disease Management Informational Resources

to Socioeconomic and Ethnic-Diverse Communities

The Business Case | Media Sales Brief


Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

Page 2: ICMN-TV Media Kit  2013 Cycle

InnerCityMedicine Networks TV


ICMN-TV is requesting your charter advertising-sponsorship

partnership for 2013 - 2015 across the first nationwide Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) Public Health IPTV Network.

ICMN-TV leverages traditional and digital, open-source

media platforms to deliver targeted news and edutainment-based preventative and disease

management content to socioeconomic and ethnic-diverse consumers and their practitioners. We provide

corporate socially-responsible brand marketers and their

agencies an innovative narrowcast vehicle to effectively

promote their wellness products and programs with

cultural acuity.

ICMN-TV's core mission parallels the U.S. healthcare and

broadband agenda outlined in the Affordable Care Act. ICMN-TV will “brand” its IPTV networks for local and

regional “channel partners” such as federally-qualified

health centers (FQHCs), charitable & free clinics,

community medical schools, ethnic-racial medical

societies, and critical access hospitals (CAH). ICMN-TV will

capitalize on the critical needs of these safety-net

providers to educate their patients on improving health

behaviors and becoming better informed & educated

health consumers.

PQ Media (www.pqmedia.com) was the first market

research firm to define the overall DOOH media industry.

PQ Media categorizes ICMN-TV as an in-

office/entertainment video advertising network (VAN). In-

office/entertainment VANs have been among the fastest

growing and most-measurable DOOH segments, as

consumer-patients and caregivers are often stationary when

viewing the content (e.g., sitting in the waiting-room), resulting in longer dwell time and higher content and

advertising engagement.

The next several pages detail our IPTV Network business case

including a brief overview of our patient and health care

provider (HCP) demographics, model electronic programming guide, and rate card formula whereby we give

you an “example” of our annual costs.

Again, with your charter support today, ICMN-TV will have a

unique window of opportunity to transform U.S. minority

health care disparities and inequalities, as well as overall U.S.

domestic spending on health care in qualitative and

quantitative terms.

A member of our media sales team will follow up with you

within a few business days to discuss your brand-specific

and/or corporate (wellness) strategies for 2013-2015.

Thank you for your initial desire to launch with ICMN-TV.

Darin Gilstrap, ScM

Managing Director | Founder

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

Page 3: ICMN-TV Media Kit  2013 Cycle

InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

OverviewThe success or failure of any government in the final analysis must be measured by the well-being of its citizens. Nothing can

be more important to a state than its public health; the state’s paramount concern should be the health of its people—

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

Page 4: ICMN-TV Media Kit  2013 Cycle

InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

DOOH Value Proposition

ICMN-TV INCREASES the national public health media ecosystem.

ICMN-TV INCREASES national health literacy.

ICMN-TV INCREASES timely, credible, culturally relevant health content.

ICMN-TV INCREASES minority clinical trials trust, recruitment and retention.

ICMN-TV INCREASES therapeutic compliance-adherence.

ICMN-TV INCREASES patient & physician knowledge on comparative effectiveness.

ICMN-TV INCREASES brand marketers' responsiveness to the public health interests.

ICMN-TV INCREASES national, state, local and personal health savings.

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

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InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

What We KnowPoor communication or “low health literacy” with health care providers results in a host of problems including less access to

preventative care and higher rates of re-hospitalization. Asian-, African-, and Hispanic- Americans all reported having poor

communications with their doctor more often than Whites. Narrowcasting “What Questions to Ask Your Health Provider”

would improve patient-doctor communications, reduce re-hospitalization and improve national health outcomes.

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

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InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

What We DoICMN-TV leverages Health 2.0 and Internet 2.0 platforms to deliver news and edutainment-based health content to

socioeconomic and ethnic-diverse communities faced with the disproportionate burden of health care disparities and

health care inequalities.

Why We ExistICMN-TV recognizes that despite an increasing 900+ HDTV multichannel universe (Google®, Facebook®, Twitter®,

Android®, iPhone®, etc.), there are limited to no dedicated direct-to-consumer (DTC) public health TV channel(s) or

networks; limited to no radio outlets; and insufficient targeted print media speaking to 100-million health at-risk Americans.

In the same analysis, there are limited to no traditional and digital platforms helping America’s nearly one million safety-

net providers assimilate to the new clinical, regulatory, and health information technology landscapes.

Who We TargetOur IPTV health media network “channel partners” and stakeholders span community & minority medical schools,

multicultural medical societies, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), charitable & free clinics, government health

agencies, and nonprofit patient advocacy groups historically committed to providing critical public health and clinical

health services to a growing 100-plus million underserved, underinsured, uninsured, and ethnic consumer-patient.

Who We Sell ToOur IPTV media network “customers” (e.g., brand advertisers & sponsors) span the biopharmaceutical, medical device,

health payor, fast-mover consumer package good (FMCG), healthy-focused fast-casual & quick service retail (QSR),

nutraceutical & cosmeceutical, sport-fitness & recreation, and consumer media technology sectors, among many others.

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

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InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

What We Also KnowChronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are the leading cause of disability and death in the U.S.,

causing major limitations in daily living for about 25 million people, and 70% of all deaths, or 1.7 million per year. Although

chronic diseases are among the most common and costly problems, they are also among the most preventable. Narrow-

casting consumer-friendly tips and solutions towards adoption of healthy behaviors such as eating nutritious foods, being

physically active, and avoiding tobacco use can prevent or control the devastating effects of these diseases.

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

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InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

Multicultural DTC EffectivenessA 2002 and follow up 2007 study conducted by the National Medical Association found that direct to consumer (DTC) ad-

vertising was beneficial to underserved and minority communities. Real ethnic patients and physician testimonials that ap-

pear frequently across “minority owned & operated” media outlets genuinely stimulated patient-health provider conversa-

tion. As a result, patients filled prescriptions earlier, were more compliant-adherent to physician’s therapeutic regimens,

and experienced overall improved health outcomes.

Brand Advertiser ROI OutlookA March 2010 Nielsen Company study noted that the increasing percentage of the United States (U.S.) ethnic minorities

presents a tremendous opportunity to marketers and retailers of discount Rx, OTC, and CPG brands. Recent Census data

shows that 48% of all newborns in the U.S. are now non-white (African American, Hispanic, and Asian). This represents a

prescription and wellness-services market targeting multicultural parents and families of these infants, toddlers, and ad-

olescents. In the same analysis, this represents a tremendous opportunity to capture the brand-efficacy and wellness ser-

vices loyalty of prescribing pediatricians and family medicine providers of these growing families. Nielsen notes the eco-

nomic opportunity for brands in the multicultural CPG space is projected to grow from $270B to over $500B.

The New Rx and Wellness-Services MarketBarriers to health care reach beyond the insurance card; in many cases, traditional office-based physicians limit the

number of patients they will see or choose not to practice in areas with few health care resources. Research shows that

ICMN-TV “channel partners” have a higher rate of accepting new patients, particularly publicly insured and uninsured

patients. The acceptance rate for new Medicaid patients is 31 percentage points higher in health centers (97% vs. 66%),

and acceptance rate for new Medicare patients is 20 percentage points higher in health centers, compared to

traditional primary care providers (96% vs. 76%).

In order to remain brand competitive to prescribing HCPs practicing in expanding medically underserved, underinsured,

uninsured, and ethnic-diverse communities, product managers and their agencies of record (AORs) must look “initially” to

target their brands and wellness services to these socioeconomic and ethnic-diverse communities. These communities are

the New America.

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

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InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

Timely, Credible, Culturally RelevantICMN-TVs “branded” point-of-care IPTV networks feature nationally renowned clinical, research and public health leaders

speaking on socioeconomic and ethnic-diverse health epidemics such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cancer, asthma,

and lupus.

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

“MSM-TV will offer consumers the latest health care news, facts, and discussions on disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment---giving MSM another opportunity to close the gap on health disparities in the communities we serve.”

John E. Maupin, Jr., DDS, President

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InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

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InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

Health IPTV Content StrategyICMN-TV will produce content categorized into primary care, specialty care, and video-on-demand (VOD) networks.

Primary care programming narrowcast to family medicine, general internal medicine, pediatrics, and Ob-Gyn type clinics

and feature the broadest preventative and chronic disease self-management topics. Specialty care channels display in

cardiology, rheumatology, neurology, and oncology-type practices with daily content divided 50% specialty content and

50% primary-care. Our VOD channels target critical access hospitals (CAH) patients aimed at pre-post procedure

education, care transition, and reducing 30-day readmission rates. Our professional VOD networks target HCP staff lounges

and private offices with Affordable Care Act policy news and content such as comparative effectiveness, evidence-based

medicine, health I.T. and CME/CE content.

Our network programming rationale is a composite of positive balance of healthy-lifestyle promotion; proactive chronic

disease management; enhancement of health literacy, patient-doctor dialogue, therapeutic compliance-adherence,

clinical trials education and recruitment, medical practice branding, and HCP-targeted health policy news and education.

ICMN-TV will produce seven (7) to (10) dynamic :20 min loops played daily across our primary care, specialty, and VOD

nets. Content will be refreshed monthly.

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

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InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

Media Technology Special Know-HowICMN-TV will publish True High-Definition (HD) content across popular Internet 2.0 open-source platforms. Our content will be

strategically optimized to hit every major consumer electronic device genre: that is, Smartphone, Tablet, iTV e-Reader, and

iDVD, over any type of network, using one single content production work process. By leveraging open source technologies

such as Java, JavaFX and HTML5, we will be able to additionally offer our health content to prolific non-captive (mobile)

platforms such as Android as well as in all desktop and mobile browsers. This unique strategy allows our health conscious

viewers the utmost in flexibility regarding when, where, and how they consume our content. Our strategy gives advertisers

the ultimate in flexibility when it comes to deciding which Internet 2.0 consumer electronic (CE) device they wish to have

their message narrowcast into.

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

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InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

Page 14: ICMN-TV Media Kit  2013 Cycle

InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

IPTV Network Viewership Demographics

Venue Background Consumer-Patients Healthcare Providers

Number Organizations 1,125

Number of Clinic Sites 8,150 (as of 4/12)

Number Patients 19.5 million

Number Seasonal Farmworkers 863, 000Number Homeless Patients 1.05 million

Percentage <100% Federal Poverty 72%

Percentage <200 Federal Poverty 93%

Uninsured 36%

Medicaid 39%Medicare 8%

Hispanic/Latino 34%

African American/Black 26%

Asian/Pacific Islander 4%

American Indian/Alaskan Native 1%

White 64%

Patient Visits and # Patients By Medical Dx

Hypertension 4.1M and 1.9MDiabetes 3.7M and 1.3M

Heart Disease 650K and 270K

Asthma 930K and 550K

Depression + Mood Disorders 2.3M and 725K

Other Mental Health + Substance Abuse 4.1M & 1.3 M

Preventive Services 4M and 2.4M

Health Supervision 0-11 yrs 3.7M and 2.7M

Immunizations 3.7M and 2.8MPap Tests 320K and 300K

Mammogram 860K and 781K

HIV Tests 4.2M and 1.9M

HCP Staff and Patient Visits

Physicians 9.5K and 35MPA/NPs/CNMs 6.3K and 18.4M

Mental HCPs 4.2K and 4.3K

Pharmacy 2.7K

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

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InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

Point-of-Care IPTV Networks--“That Something New”

InnerCityMedicine’s IPTV or Internet Protocol Television is

“That Something New” that your brands should be asking for

2013 and beyond. ICMN-TV can enhance your portfolio of

multichannel-targeted and interactive digital brand

communications. ICMN-TV offers a media sales model that

can be simply implemented in your current 2013 media plan.

Brand managers and AORs can purchase a :30-second, :60-

second, or :90-second video ad across our waiting-room TV

networks. Display opportunities also exist across our Web 2.0,

Mobile, Print, Linear TV, and Health I.T. platforms. The average

number of video advertising showings per brand will be

500x/waiting-room TV/month, or 250,000x across our 500 site

pilot IPTV network. Monthly consumer-patient viewership per

waiting-room averages 1,200-1,500 patients. The network will

operate Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 7:00pm.

Socially responsible corporations or brands can

alternatively purchase a network sponsorship across an

entire clinical specialty (e.g., Pediatrics-TV,

Rheumatology-TV, Cardiology-TV) or a block of

programming based on a therapeutic category such as

Hypertension, Diabetes, Lupus, or Mental Health. Please

call ICMN-TV today to discuss custom network


The simplified advertising rate card is calculated on a

$Cost/Spot (:30s-:90s) (x) # of Waiting-Room TV Venues

Showing Ad (x) Length of Campaign in Weeks. Our pilot

network will launch in latter 4Q'12 with up to 500 TV

venues. ICMN-TV plans to expand the network by 250 to

500 sites per quarter and ~2,000x clinical sites yearly.

Below is our sample rate card based on quarterly

network expansion.

Period CPS:60s/Week* No. TV Venues MCP/Weeks TAP/Qtr TAC/Qtr

4Q’ 2012 Pilot No Charge** 500 12 720K $0

1Q’ 2013 $7.50 750 12 1.08M $67,500

2Q’ 2013 $7.50 1,000 12 1.45M $90,000

3Q’ 2013 $7.50 1,250 12 1.80M $112,500

4Q’ 2013 $7.50 1,500 12 2.16M $135,000

Total Year 64 ~7.2M $405,000CPS= Cost Per Spot (:30s,:60s,:90s); No. TV Venues = # Sites with a minimum 1 TV 50’ inch LED HDTV screen; MCP = Minimum Campaign Weeks; TAP = Total Network Ad

Plays or Rotations; TAC = Total Advertising Cost Per Quarter. (*) A charge of $4/week will be added to the baseline CPS per additional distribution platform (i.e., Web,

Smartphone, Tablet, iDVD). ** For advertisers-sponsors that commit to a minimum 1-year media buy during 3Q’12 (July 2012-September 2012), ICMN-TV will waive the

first quarter (Pilot Season) of advertising costs.

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

Page 16: ICMN-TV Media Kit  2013 Cycle

InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

Product Sector Categories

Traditional Remedies Brand Name, Generics, Biologics, Over-the-Counter

Pharmacy Retail Chain-Store, Big-Box Warehouse, Supermarket, Independent

Medical Devices Prescriptive, Durable Medical-Surgical Equipment

Nutraceuticals Functional Foods & Beverages, Vitamins & Supplements

Cosmeceuticals Anti-aging, Cosmetics, Dermatologics, Botanicals

Fast Movers Healthy-Diet CPGs, Private-Label, Personal Care Products

Consumer Durables Home Appliances, Automotive, Consumer Electronics

Fitness-Recreation Apparel (Footwear), Equipment, Clubs & Gyms

Insurance Life, Health, Government, Private, Employee-Sponsored

Our Customer TargetsICMN-TV offers captive and demographically targeted audience acquisition and engagement to direct-to-consumer

(DTC/DTP) and health care provider (HCP) marketers representing Fortune-500 brands. ICMN-TV seeks advertisers and

sponsors with a committed portfolio of preventative-wellness and chronic disease self-management lifestyle solutions that

stimulate patient-provider dialogue, positive health outcomes, and reduction in national healthcare disparities and

inequalities. Invited sectors and categories are noted above and include: Rx, generic, and OTC biopharmaceutical;

prescription (-regulated) and home health medical equipment (DME); national-recognized consumer package goods

(CPG) and private label fast-movers (FMPL); consumer durables; health and life insurance; revised-healthy fast-casual and

quick service retail (QSR); functional foods & beverages, vitamins & supplements (nutraceuticals); anti-aging lotions and

dermatologics (cosmeceuticals), sport, fitness & recreation, among others. As in linear TV advertising, will appear pre,

during, and post programming loops, and charged on a cost per :30s-, :60s-, and :90s-spot per TV venue per week.

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

Page 17: ICMN-TV Media Kit  2013 Cycle

InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

IPTV Network Success MetricsICMN-TV is forming strategic partnerships with national renowned media-marketing (Nielsen, IMS/SDI, Kantar) and

government and academia-based public health analysts to measure our corporate-wide mission to effect the qualitative

and quantitative transformation of U.S. healthcare utilization and spending. Respective analysts will track ICMN's ability to

increase consumer and practitioner awareness, access, and usage of point-of-care and community-based diagnostic

screening services (e.g., hypertension, diabetes, cancer, HIV/AIDS, etc); adoption-utilization of electronic health records

(EMR/EHR) and personal health records (PHR); audience’s increase in healthcare literacy; participation in clinical trials;

increase in therapeutic product(s) awareness, recall, intent-to-purchase and repeat purchase (i.e., therapeutic

compliance-adherence) -- all of which will be promoted across our multichannel healthcare media networks.

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective

Page 18: ICMN-TV Media Kit  2013 Cycle

InnerCityMedicine Networks TV

Contact Us

InnerCityMedicine Networks-TV

Suite 2421

2399 Parkland Drive, NE

Atlanta, GA 30324

Darin Gilstrap, ScM

Managing Director |Founder

Ph: 404-447-0295

Em: [email protected]


Debra Hoskins, Esq.

EVP, General Counsel

Media Vendor Relations

Ph: 718-468-2277

Em: [email protected]

Wallace Jackson, MS, MBA

Chief Technology Officer

Mind Taffy Digital

Ph: 805-757-2330

Em: [email protected]

Kara Prawl

Media-Entertainment Sales


Ph: 203-249-9123

Em: kara@p(2)vonline.com

Lee Chaffin

Media Programming-Distribution

365 SDG Ventures

Ph: 310-975-9291

Em: [email protected]

Broadband Healthcare...Your Perspective