idyou ever the value of good i ceo...

THE DAILY SUN ttAJNK VlLlE FLORIDA AUWST 1IIt k L pmt a GAINESVILLE SHOWS WILL BE CUT OFF SOME TWENTYODD BOOKINGS WILL DE TRANSFERRED Louis Kalbfield of Southern Man agers Association Declares That No Shows Will Come Louis Kalbfleld former manager ot tbe Ualrd Theatre was here yester- day for the purpose of looking after the opera house business and effect some settlement- He states that he inns some twenty- or more productions booked for tho Dalrd for the coming season and that he Is now In a position to got other attractions but everything that was placed for Gainesville will be trans- ferred to other points As district manager for the South- ern Managers Association he says he naturally got in touch with that was coming South and had something to about the at- tractions from Texas to Key would most certainly let his In- fluence be known Everything that can be gotten out side of Jacksonville and the huger places comes through the abo e bookings he ayi and while It would be all right for the new umumor to try and get attractions lit would rind that he was up against the real thln and nothing could b dune except- to secure souse straggling conimnl that pass through He stated that owing to his sick- ness which lasted fur over tour weeks he was unavnldnttly detained from attending to ome personal mai- lers but that everything HO far n he was concerned would tn satisfac- torily adjusted HIM lit hind nothing but tin wishes for the people Ht was In fceblo condition and was scarcely to sit up when siut foi the roportor but stated tint h will return here soon and explain mat- ters more satisfactorily Woman loves a clear rosy com- plexion Burdock lllood Hitters puri- fies the blood dears the skin re- stores ruddy round 4unilth The best place to buy your gK J is at the store which mites you come through an ad In The Sun Makes Two solid cars of the H WETTER STOVES Mi RANGES just received With our five years experience and con stant use and sale of these goods we do not hesitate in giving you a Five lines B ar- anteo with each Range you purchase from us Wetim longer Gooks enum1 loob nicer ihnn- uiy oilmr makti mn- nuUliElYllLE HARDWARE CO the best lit t Cook- ing Easy f it ocl n t t every- thing say 1Vt st- and able tt 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Id You Ever II Did you ever try it Today cannot do I Ice crsaa if you so ICE CREAM Powder CM Into of milk and freeze it absolutely nothing el o to do and you two quart- of delicious ico cream at a cost about ono ceat a dish 2 iMctoom 25 seals t MM ra Ilhutrated Recipe Book Free The CcMsee fwe Dk Le N Y ARNOW CATCHES NEGRO Stole Horse and muggy from Mica nopy Some Time Since Harry White the negro who stole a horse and buggy from Thus Carl ton at Mlcanopy some four months since has been located by Policeman Arnow and ordered arrested at Val Josta Following the arrest It was teamed that the negro was also want- ed for some minor offense there and he will have to serve this time be- fore turning him over to the authori- ties here The Marshal Is also satisfied that he can locate and buggy and will probably du this within the next few days UfId to be aawful wk to sake Ice cream p yon fit CEO uwe ISUII- JM art the hor l It t IKts isles t tie a lied lay ¬ ¬ + FOR SILVER SERVICE Board of Trade Takes Action to Se- cure Funds At the suggestion of Mayor l vK the Gainesville Hoard of Trade have taken up the matter of lalslng funds for till purpose of a silver service for the battleship Florida Parties desiring to contribute to the turn can notify H Hampton who is secretary and the amounts will credited Following is the list ft contributions up to last nigh- tit F Hampton OFF FOR STATE SHOOT Half Dozen of Gainesville Guards Leave for St Augustine Captain J W Hlandlng on Monday sent over a half dozen men from the l jti of the Guards to represent this company in the State shoot to be- held in the Ancient City for three JttVH Those who left were Sergeant Ralph Chupln corporal Marvin Ma- son Corporal C C Simpson Musician Davis Douglass Private Chins LOT Will Lay Corner Stone C J Grace of Kvlnston was In the city yesterday Ho says they are making grinu preparations for tilt of the corner stone of the new church then on Auiu l 2 Mh A grand picnic dinner be tturvud- rvfreahmenU will be old fur tilt Lone Hi of the church and tine speaker have liven lukml to Iw present Th MilMiUlic Itt H anketl to pttrttvipntv und they will rnuiK a- prtitirnm wkHh IM l Hl4H hed nt- D 4gr 4bl t Home 41 h M U Mttt 4U i n ilw If w imi In u r i IH4I- i t bit u4 MH 4 U- H T Wrest M UN- H4 t I hit itlO tlltl hotly lilt I Idler tleU I tth 1It1hf t U I I I I Iti u IU It I I I I I Nt t h- It It MIl M I w y tit lay will has a 141 N IMMl1 at wwt w w ish q l w- dit4l1k N gt l rttlakt nit tit iM I i At lillrtt the huM ho t- 1Ittu b NMir PUM 4 hMtle- U tlaiknf s UWv4tNM u Is- t u tist etNl 14 444 t ht l tlti t is tt I d te N sal tait t 1i- iI n tttstNh- Martis4 s1 dent1 r 1 4t- UI Me- s4144i w pMpMIM lwtlt pt eVl w- Ii4 ktis 4 t5I1 rlst t iwd et- Ittr 1H11 iiMti w t1Il11tt si I d- be t4 wN 1l11M tMtiN tlwl ftta- Mihtsleb Miff r b b4t w 1111 as hrev eltltM d1M tt ethi cut Mh 44 1- I b ltnil rye Mitr- I l Ileili ll et- iwm w w lb that 4 444 tl 1l tie 1iwM1el t sW- w 4t i4e iiMa 1MIle MtM1ir1 w lilt N I ll I IMrt fjnltl a N M t ¬ > ¬ < + + + PALATKA IS COMING FOUR HUNDRED IN NUMBER EX PECTED BY MR KAUBFIELD Says Everyone Is Talking of the Game and Great Interest Is Being Manifested Private advices received from Man- ager Kulbtleld state that Iulutku is coming here next Thursday with the largest and jollllest crowd of root- ers that has ever left that city They will have n train consisting of- ten coaches and he says that every- one that can will be here for the first days game on Thursday afternoon The excursion train leaves that city M 1230 which will give all the clerks and proprietors an opportunity to come over No less than 400 tick eta will bo sold out of lalatka alone for this event lie did not add that she had again loaded up with the Sacred Ox and other OUt players for the event but this Is nil known and n pretty game is expected on this occasion The Oak Halls can play ball when they want to and something should bo done to make them tunt to on this occasion WOODMEN TO CELEBRATE WITH LARGE CROWD ¬ ¬ Ten Lodges Invited to Participate in Nineteenth Anniversary Wednesday August 4th will be the nineteenth anniversary of the Wood- men of the World soil ten of the camps in this territory hate arranged for n grand time at Worthington Springs Special rules hove been given they expect one of the largest gather- ings ever assembled at the springs with plenty of music and speaking to pass away the time I F hung proprietor of the huh there is one of the managers and Is stow godly engaged arranging fur tilt event Notice Wo the trustees of Ml Ileasant XI- K church du hereby agree stilt to be responsible for nay debts except Inch dental expenses contracted or made against said church until after ttu- llroome debt is paid In full Davis llenj Chills 11 Itichardson Jonas Wallace Milton Stewart M Itryunt J A Delude A IkHose Baby Morphine Fiends Are ninth by nil soothing nyrupd and itahy medicine that contain opium and narcotics Mvlieea Uaby Kllxlr contains no injurious or narcotic drug of any kind A sure and wife euro for dlftordtrvd stomachs bowels and fret fuliiens splendid for teething Infants Soul bj W M Johnson Meet to Hear Complaints The Hoard of Iouuly CommUslon writ met In cial t lon Monday fur the purpose of huiirlng the com Iplalutti of Hirll whoe lave hut I Unm rubitl by tin tMuialUliiK hoard Fir HEADACHE Hlctet CAPUDINE Whether Irom testis bwttt tumaeh- ur uurvou troubtes C pudluu wtli- tfutlvtt you Us liquid pli tt ant l- taktt laid Try It Itic Ike nit t trwa stum ELECTRIC ThEATRE H r All Week MATHEUS I I AIM M w J AIR DOME Mill 1 DUO and Acts Mil It anti bi tau edtatsiy all htl4ale4 s sf s ikilUlltud DanciM The Value of Good IB easy to figure if you know what your U worth Kodol keeps the stomach at par value by insuring good digestion Kodol CUTM Dyspaptia Digestion store car Kodol Insures good digestion by absolutely duplicating Natures normal process In perfectly digest- ing all food taken into the tom achWhile Kodol la doing this the stomach Is becoming strong and healthy A strong and healthy stomach guarantees a sound and active brain The man with a sound stomach a stomach that Is doing for the body just what Nature Intended It to the man who Is always prepared for any emergency He is there with tho goods The man with a sick stomach Is a man sick all over Whoa the stomach Is Irritated by undigested food the blood and heart are di- rectly affected Then dullness ua natural sleepiness vertigo and fainting spells and ven serious brain trouble develop Kodol will prevent these Spurring the atoaack and brain restingand doIs slck headaches ¬ ¬ ¬ DBTT ACL 33XlT7GhG3 SALE FOR TS = CHARMING HOUSE PARTY AT KING8LEY LAKE STAUKK Aug L A Urge house tatty chaperoned by Rev anti Mrs T C Edwards tf Starke are now en- joying themselves at the bungn low of J F Klckllter at Klngsley TIlt charming Miss Ruby hellner- jf Itartuw the lovely Miss Freddie VYalnxvright of Starke the genial Miss Itilla Hunch of Calnesviilo and the ry Mls Kilzuheth Mat ih Mvt of Tarotun and Messrs Hen and Frank Matthews of Taronia J K TlmihhiT of Mlcanotiy lamea VI day of CalnisvllI hucien- VinvilKht of Stink and Master Notary lMwardh of Starke comprise the party proper while other Irleads Imp in oftactonally to add enjoy- ment Our own Ml Freddie Vnln by her sirightllm and love- liness Is the leading spirit of the Iarty and all guts merry an the mar- riage bell A Weakling IH till only way to describe the ioor child that U atlllctvd with worms No matter how touch or how often It the worms get all the nourish- ment front the food the child practically none Whites Cream Vermifuge gets rid of the wormx quickly easily and with no bad after- effect Trlre So cents a bottle i y v M Johnson Sotto article that U simply In tilt at yuur hou tuiitUu If advwr hard be sold to someone who Is aui IcMtklnc for t tug Jli Int Kits nUll Charley aright I eats Rcpt ray < ¬ ¬ to special elort by toalcs i 4 fiUmulants doesat care aaythl or accomplish good does dletiag iQdlgcstkm serious ailments which It IB C can bo averted sad corrected e ly by natural means Kodol supplies this aalural means It performs the tock work for It Jiut the oteMMk should perform U whlte the Me ach takes a little rest 1er Uw stomachs sake Ut tw the TbUt lT r ppll Kodol la prepared at tile tatertf torlesof ACe Nel sad L Our Guut Go to u4 tar bottle fee ancr oil cadre If I lIos M7 that ttet MUle to druily ties apt t tlnalata know tll a u lie I tasty tarp fOhialaa Ute tattle any the as drv gtl witty a tfsh geed the tuateats of the bottle tea eaa 11 has dens say good return the Ike ssd rfuaJ our sea or dtts 5t thes pat lks Das silt o anti to but one is The tap ile d as asc4 as II cent > > DR OED S WALDO DENTIST The lilts Mettwk tf Praeiiet- nm The Uwcst Owq fi ii Witt FirstdMC Wtfk OFFICE m GRAHAM UNLMNi M DAVIS FANCY Extra Nlw k to 5 kct TOW l Horn for F Uy IV TUB UVERYMAN tile rlllSt MIte riIII Wit ltHf n y I f ra- t w- III M i S t k iwifait lit s Ores tw i Si LIVE I4V ktI tarot n at t opt AVZu Schwl Ml Grammar School Bmhalts Hud W H Wit IM- ft MI She It HIM art tm te J tilt frWl W IfwW Wanted High c k soite4 h M IItIM4H- I h I Mt 111111110- f t Ill I t TRIIUNE IUREAU Of IGMIGt 511 c II tt8- i i t I T n- t1O III i UUu1t ltnltlltu is o4IIt it It N 1i11 reetYti la ttit41- Nd Schoolfart a kt k thM Tributta tuubtltltatt tht- 4w1 I IwNAtiufl ahiatt art tlw lwildtNlt- tallwt Utrr a ff i M tiilbe rr rii lly Mal of the 1411tet sit ei 4 tiI1N s- It P1tJ1 u 3 4 be euM- tNr M t ttrMtlelll M 1tt1ANIt 441 5 hats ewtt ibis Nhails i list Wwltl WI1iM- tl M 51455 111 iab ebia4ti M Rvae tN Ills a t i eitMNeM w 1tlu11fey Tit t R4si1 4l v l 44liI- 1sMtrssl 4 R a 4- t 0 tiM 1- whM O444 itt r +

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Post on 29-Apr-2018




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Page 1: IdYou Ever The Value of Good I CEO · 2iMctoom 25 seals t MM ra Ilhutrated Recipe Book Free TheCcMsee fwe Dk Le N


1IIt k

L pmt






Louis Kalbfield of Southern Man

agers Association Declares That

No Shows Will Come

Louis Kalbfleld former manager ot

tbe Ualrd Theatre was here yester-

day for the purpose of looking after

the opera house business and effect

some settlement-He states that he inns some twenty-

or more productions booked for tho

Dalrd for the coming season and that

he Is now In a position to got other

attractions but everything that was

placed for Gainesville will be trans-

ferred to other points

As district manager for the South-

ern Managers Association he says he

naturally got in touch withthat was coming South and

had something to about the at-

tractions from Texas to Key

would most certainly let his In-

fluence be knownEverything that can be gotten out

side of Jacksonville and the hugerplaces comes through the abo e

bookings he ayi and while It would

be all right for the new umumor to

try and get attractions lit would rind

that he was up against the real thln

and nothing could b dune except-

to secure souse straggling conimnlthat pass through

He stated that owing to his sick-

ness which lasted fur over tourweeks he was unavnldnttly detainedfrom attending to ome personal mai-

lers but that everything HO far n

he was concerned would tn satisfac-

torily adjusted HIM lit hind nothingbut tin wishes for the people

Ht was In fceblo condition and wasscarcely to sit up when siutfoi the roportor but stated tint h

will return here soon and explain mat-

ters more satisfactorily

Woman loves a clear rosy com-

plexion Burdock lllood Hitters puri-

fies the blood dears the skin re-

stores ruddy round 4unilth

The best place to buy your gK J

is at the store which mites you

come through an ad In The Sun


Two solid cars of theH WETTER STOVES MiRANGES just received

With our five years

experience and constant use and sale of

these goods we do

not hesitate in giving

you a Five lines B ar-

anteo with each Range

you purchase from us

Wetim longer Gooks

enum1 loob nicer ihnn-

uiy oilmr makti mn-








ing Easy

fit ocln





1Vt st-















Id You EverII

Did you ever try itToday cannot do I

Ice crsaa if you so


PowderCM Into of

milk and freeze it absolutely nothingel o to do and you two quart-of delicious ico cream at a costabout ono ceat a dish

2 iMctoom 25 seals t MM raIlhutrated Recipe Book Free

The CcMsee fwe Dk Le N Y


Stole Horse and muggy from Micanopy Some Time Since

Harry White the negro who stolea horse and buggy from Thus Carlton at Mlcanopy some four monthssince has been located by PolicemanArnow and ordered arrested at ValJosta Following the arrest It wasteamed that the negro was also want-

ed for some minor offense there andhe will have to serve this time be-

fore turning him over to the authori-ties here

The Marshal Is also satisfied thathe can locate and buggyand will probably du this within thenext few days

UfId to be aawful wk to sakeIce cream p





the hor l


t IKts


t tie a

lied lay





Board of Trade Takes Action to Se-

cure Funds

At the suggestion of Mayor l vKthe Gainesville Hoard of Trade havetaken up the matter of lalslng fundsfor till purpose of a silver service forthe battleship Florida

Parties desiring to contribute tothe turn can notify H Hamptonwho is secretary and the amountswill credited Following is thelist ft contributions up to last nigh-tit F Hampton


Half Dozen of Gainesville Guards

Leave for St Augustine

Captain J W Hlandlng on Mondaysent over a half dozen men from thel jti of the Guards to represent thiscompany in the State shoot to be-

held in the Ancient City for threeJttVH

Those who left were SergeantRalph Chupln corporal Marvin Ma-

son Corporal C C Simpson MusicianDavis Douglass Private Chins LOT

Will Lay Corner StoneC J Grace of Kvlnston was In the

city yesterday Ho says they aremaking grinu preparations fortilt of the corner stone of the newchurch then on Auiu l 2 Mh A

grand picnic dinner be tturvud-

rvfreahmenU will be old fur tilt LoneHi of the church and tine speakerhave liven lukml to Iw present ThMilMiUlic Itt H anketl topttrttvipntv und they will rnuiK a-

prtitirnm wkHh IM l Hl4H hed nt-

D 4gr 4bl t Home

41 h M U Mttt 4U i n ilwIf w imi In u r



i t bitu4 MH

4 U-

H T Wrest M UN-

H 4 t





hotly lilt


Idler tleU

Itth 1It1hf

t U


II I Iti

u IU It








It It






tit lay




141 N IMMl1 at wwt w w ish q l w-

dit4l1k N gt l rttlaktnit

titiM I i At lillrtt the huM ho t-

1Ittu b NMir PUM 4 hMtle-U tlaiknf s UWv4tNM u Is-

t u tist etNl 14

444 t ht l tlti t is ttI d te N sal tait t 1i-

iI n tttstNh-

Martis4 s1 dent1 r 1 4t-

UI Me-s4144i w pMpMIM lwtlt pt eVl w-

Ii4 ktis 4 t5I1 rlst t iwd et-

Ittr 1H11 iiMti w t1Il11tt si I d-

be t4 wN 1l11M tMtiN tlwl ftta-Mihtsleb Miff r b b4t w

1111 as hreveltltM d1M tt ethi


Mh 44 1-

I b ltnil rye Mitr-

I l Ileili ll et-

iwm w w lb that4 444 tl 1l tie 1iwM1el t sW-

w 4t i4e iiMa 1MIle MtM1ir1 w lilt N I

ll I IMrt fjnltl a N Mt











Says Everyone Is Talking of theGame and Great Interest Is

Being Manifested

Private advices received from Man-ager Kulbtleld state that Iulutku iscoming here next Thursday with thelargest and jollllest crowd of root-ers that has ever left that city

They will have n train consisting of-

ten coaches and he says that every-one that can will be here for the firstdays game on Thursday afternoonThe excursion train leaves that cityM 1230 which will give all theclerks and proprietors an opportunityto come over No less than 400 ticketa will bo sold out of lalatka alonefor this event

lie did not add that she had againloaded up with the Sacred Ox andother OUt players for the event butthis Is nil known and n pretty gameis expected on this occasion

The Oak Halls can play ball whenthey want to and something shouldbo done to make them tunt to onthis occasion





Ten Lodges Invited to Participate inNineteenth Anniversary

Wednesday August 4th will be thenineteenth anniversary of the Wood-

men of the World soil ten of thecamps in this territory hate arrangedfor n grand time at WorthingtonSprings

Special rules hove been giventhey expect one of the largest gather-ings ever assembled at the springswith plenty of music and speaking topass away the time

I F hung proprietor of the huhthere is one of the managers andIs stow godly engaged arranging furtilt event

NoticeWo the trustees of Ml Ileasant XI-

K church du hereby agree stilt to beresponsible for nay debts except Inchdental expenses contracted or madeagainst said church until after ttu-

llroome debt is paid In full Davisllenj Chills 11 Itichardson JonasWallace Milton Stewart M ItryuntJ A Delude A IkHose

Baby Morphine Fiends

Are ninth by nil soothing nyrupd anditahy medicine that contain opiumand narcotics Mvlieea Uaby Kllxlrcontains no injurious or narcotic drugof any kind A sure and wife euro fordlftordtrvd stomachs bowels and fretfuliiens splendid for teething InfantsSoul bj W M Johnson

Meet to Hear Complaints

The Hoard of Iouuly CommUslonwrit met In cial t lon Mondayfur the purpose of huiirlng the com

Iplalutti of Hirll whoe lave hutI Unm rubitl by tin tMuialUliiK hoard

Fir HEADACHE Hlctet CAPUDINEWhether Irom testis bwttt tumaeh-

ur uurvou troubtes C pudluu wtli-

tfutlvtt you Us liquid pli tt ant l-

taktt laid Try It IticIke nit t trwa stum


H r

All Week





M w J






Mil It



tau edtatsiyall

htl4ale4 s sf s



The Value of Good

IB easy to figure if you know what yourU worth Kodol keeps the stomach at par valueby insuring good digestion Kodol CUTM Dyspaptia

Digestionstore car

Kodol Insures good digestion byabsolutely duplicating Naturesnormal process In perfectly digest-ing all food taken into the tomachWhile Kodol la doing this thestomach Is becomingstrong and healthy A strong andhealthy stomach guarantees asound and active brain

The man with a sound stomacha stomach that Is doing for the

body just what Nature IntendedIt to the man who Is alwaysprepared for any emergency Heis there with tho goods

The man with a sick stomach Isa man sick all over Whoa thestomach Is Irritated by undigestedfood the blood and heart are di-rectly affected Then dullness uanatural sleepinessvertigo and fainting spells and

ven serious brain trouble developKodol will prevent these

Spurring the atoaack and brain



slck headaches







STAUKK Aug L A Urge housetatty chaperoned by Rev anti MrsT C Edwards tf Starke are now en-

joying themselves at the bungnlow of J F Klckllter at Klngsley

TIlt charming Miss Ruby hellner-jf Itartuw the lovely Miss FreddieVYalnxvright of Starke the genial MissItilla Hunch of Calnesviilo and the

ry Mls Kilzuheth Matih Mvt of Tarotun and Messrs Henand Frank Matthews of Taronia JK TlmihhiT of Mlcanotiy lamea VI

day of CalnisvllI hucien-VinvilKht of Stink and Master

Notary lMwardh of Starke comprisethe party proper while other IrleadsImp in oftactonally to add enjoy-

ment Our own Ml Freddie Vnlnby her sirightllm and love-

liness Is the leading spirit of theIarty and all guts merry an the mar-

riage bell

A WeaklingIH till only way to describe the

ioor child that U atlllctvd with wormsNo matter how touch or how oftenIt the worms get all the nourish-ment front the food the childpractically none Whites CreamVermifuge gets rid of the wormxquickly easily and with no bad after-effect Trlre So cents a bottlei y v M Johnson

Sotto article that U simply In tiltat yuur hou tuiitUu If advwr

hard be sold to someone who Is auiIcMtklnc for t


Jli Int




aright I







to special elort by toalcs i 4fiUmulants doesat care aaythl

or accomplish gooddoes dletiag iQdlgcstkmserious ailments which It IB C

can bo averted sad corrected e lyby natural means

Kodol supplies this aaluralmeans It performs the tockwork for It Jiut the oteMMkshould perform U whlte the Meach takes a little rest 1er Uwstomachs sake

Ut tw theTbUt lT r ppll

Kodol la prepared at tile tatertftorlesof ACe



Our GuutGo to u4tar bottle fee ancr oilcadre IfI

lIos M7 that ttetMUle to druily

ties aptt

tlnalata know tll au lie Itasty tarp

fOhialaa Utetattle



drv gtl witty a tfshgeed thetuateats of the bottle tea eaa

11 has dens saygood return the Ike ssdrfuaJ our seaor dtts 5t thes pat lksDas silt

oanti to but one is The tapile d as asc4 as IIcent





The lilts Mettwk tf Praeiiet-


The Uwcst Owq fi iiWitt FirstdMC Wtfk




Extra Nlw k to 5 kct TOW lHorn for F Uy IV


tile rlllSt MIte riIII


ltHf n


f ra-






k iwifait lits Ores




I4V ktItarot n at t opt


Schwl MlGrammar School Bmhalts

Hud W H Wit IM-

ft MI She ItHIM art tm te

J tilt

frWl W IfwW

Wanted High


k soite4

h M


I h

I Mt 111111110-


t Ill

I t


511 cII




I T n-


i UUu1t

ltnltlltu is o4IIt it It N 1i11 reetYti la ttit41-

Nd Schoolfart a kt k thM Tributta tuubtltltatt tht-

4w1 I IwNAtiufl ahiatt art tlw lwildtNlt-

tallwt Utrr a ffi M tiilbe rr rii lly Mal of the 1411tet sit ei 4

tiI1N s-

It P1tJ1 u 3

4 be euM-

tNr M t ttrMtlelll M 1tt1ANIt

441 5 hats ewtt ibis Nhails i list Wwltl WI1iM-

tl M 51455 111 iab ebia4ti M Rvae tN Ills

a t i eitMNeM w 1tlu11fey

Tit t R4si1

4l v l44liI-

1sMtrssl 4 R a 4-

t 0 tiM 1-

whM O444 ittr
