ieee karachi newsletter · ieee sconest 2011, to be held in mehran university of engineer-ing &...

1 Inside This Issue: - Message from Chair IEEE Karachi Section 1 - SSR’11 Report 2-3 - Connect 2011 4-5 - First Student Activities (SAC) Meeting 5-6 - GINI Pakistan brings Nokia Workshop 7 - IEEE-PNEC 8 - WIE-PNEC 9 - IEEE-SZABIST 10-12 - IEEE-UIT 13-14 - IEEE-NED 14-17 - WIE-NED 18-22 - IEEE-HIIT 23 - IEEE Karachi Section Ex-Com 24 - Newsletter Team 24 “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart.” The quote is from Helen Keller, the American Author and Educator who was blind and deaf. It gives me great pleasure to write a greeting for this e-Newsletter for IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer- ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con- ference for several reasons. The event is being organized here in Jamshoro is a unique one, where the participation is mainly from undergraduate, graduate engi- neering students, technologist, and faculty in engineering domain throughout the country. This provides a platform for all future engi- neers who are eager to share their knowledge and ready to learn from their peers in the domain of engineering which will ultimately transform their abstract ideas into concrete ones. Being the alumni of this great institution, I am feeling pride to write these lines and congratulate the IEEE Mehran University of Engineer- ing & Technology Student Branch and their editorial board for putting their sincere efforts to bring out this e-Newsletter for such a high cali- ber on this special occasion. It is also expected to formulate a Jam- shoro declaration of the conference. It is a proud moment for IEEE Karachi Section and I wish you all the best and assure you of full support on my behalf and of the IEEE Ka- rachi Section and wish to encourage you to keep up the good work. Parkash Lohana Chair IEEE Karachi Section ISSUE 2011 01 Message from Chair IEEE Karachi Section IEEE Karachi Section Newsletter

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Page 1: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several


Inside This Issue:

- Message from Chair

IEEE Karachi Section 1

- SSR’11 Report 2-3

- Connect 2011 4-5

- First Student Activities

(SAC) Meeting 5-6

- GINI Pakistan brings

Nokia Workshop 7




- IEEE-UIT 13-14

- IEEE-NED 14-17

- WIE-NED 18-22


- IEEE Karachi Section

Ex-Com 24

- Newsletter Team 24

“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart.” The quote is from Helen Keller, the American Author and Educator who was blind and deaf. It gives me great pleasure to write a greeting for this e-Newsletter for IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27th—28th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several reasons. The event is being organized here in Jamshoro is a unique one, where the participation is mainly from undergraduate, graduate engi-neering students, technologist, and faculty in engineering domain throughout the country. This provides a platform for all future engi-neers who are eager to share their knowledge and ready to learn from their peers in the domain of engineering which will ultimately transform their abstract ideas into concrete ones. Being the alumni of this great institution, I am feeling pride to write these lines and congratulate the IEEE Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology Student Branch and their editorial board for putting their sincere efforts to bring out this e-Newsletter for such a high cali-ber on this special occasion. It is also expected to formulate a Jam-shoro declaration of the conference. It is a proud moment for IEEE Karachi Section and I wish you all the best and assure you of full support on my behalf and of the IEEE Ka-rachi Section and wish to encourage you to keep up the good work. Parkash Lohana Chair IEEE Karachi Section


2011 01

Message from Chair IEEE Karachi Section

IEEE Karachi Section Newsletter

Page 2: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several


SSR’11 Repor t

Year 2011 came with the excitement and enthusiasm of RSC, 2011 and hence the year started off at a pleasant note. Section received many applications and out of which Hassan Idrees [PNEC] and Abdul Hai [UIT] got selected on the basis of their involvement and activities. Moreover M.Saad [SAC Chair] and Ravendar Lal [VC-IEEE GOLD] will be accompanying the students as well to New Zealand. The Karachi Section wishes its shining stars best of luck for their endeavourers at the RSC, 2011. Moreover, a membership drive was held at NEDUET where Mr.M.Saad, Ms.Dania Hanif, Ms.Anum Kam-ran shared their valuable experiences as the guest speakers and motivated the students for IEEE Mem-berships. The outcome of the seminar was tremendous, with an influx of eager students coming in for memberships.

Page 3: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several


The event was followed by the 1st Karachi Section WIE AG meeting same day at NED with Ms.Anum Kamran presiding the meeting along with Mr.M.Saad. The attendees were the Ex‐Com mem-bers of WIE NED, WIE PNEC, WIE UIT and WIE Bahria. There were two additions in the IEEE Karachi Sec-tion family namely; PAF KIET and BIZTEK Univer-sity. An IEEE Awareness Seminar was held at BIZ-TEK University where Mr.Parkash Lohana was the chief guest and Mr.Ravendar Lal, Mr. M Saad, Ms.Nimrah Hashmi and Mr.Hassan Idress served as speakers, enlightening the attendees with IEEE Membership benefits and answering their general queries about IEEE. There was an immense follow‐

up of the entire seminar. The Section is also in talks with Computer Science Deptt of Karachi University for the initiation of an IEEE Student branch there as well. Tough still half yearly, yet this year has proved to be a fruitful one for IEEE Karachi Section so far.

Nimrah Hashmi IEEE Karachi Section Student Representative, 2011

Page 4: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several


Connect 2011

Connect2011, the 6th Information and Communications Technology Exhibition and Conference, was held on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of May 2011 at Expo Centre, Karachi. More than 100 companies from around 14 countries participated in Con-nect2011, which is one of the largest source of insight to the Information and Communications Technology industry. This year too, IEEE Karachi Section exhibited a pavilion for GINI Indus-trial Relations Pakistan and IEEE Communications Society to estab-lish student-industry liaison and in-form the public in general of the net-working of IEEE and its benefits. Student members of many IEEE Karachi Section Student Branches actively volunteered for the IEEE Karachi Section Stall, skilfully man-aging the pavilion and served as IEEE presenters throughout the three days of the exhibition. Student Branches were NED, FAST-NUCES, PNEC, HIIT, PAF-KIET and IIEE. At the end of the three-day event, a memento was presented to IEEE Karachi Section by the Connect2011 organisers. Some student members had the following to share: Awais Iqbal from IIEE, ‘I’m proud to be the part of the crew that repre-sented their respective Institutions at IEEE-Karachi Section’s stall at Con-nect 2011. More importantly it was the spreading of IEEE word to the general public, students and people from industry that gave great sense of pride.’ Ahmed Hasan from FAST-NUCES, ‘I was able to answer the queries asked by visitors in a professional manner or what kind of attitude I have to attain in front of the IT indus-try and engineering professionals comparing with the students and general public. Actually I have im-proved my communication skills by conversing with professionals and with general public.’ Hammad Khalid from PNEC, ‘Like last year, this time too representing the IEEE stall was a lot of responsi-

bility but with the right amount of fun. It’s always a good experience to have conversations with industrial personnel and interact with people from diverse parts of the society. From telling students about the ad-vantages of joining IEEE to influenc-ing professionals to take member-ships for a leading edge in their ca-reers, our tasks were many.’ Syed Muhammad Ali from PNEC, ‘IEEE's position as a New York-based professional organisation pro-moting research and development, and providing a collaborative plat-form for all people involved in such activities throughout the world. I guided people about the member-ship fee and process, informed them about various societies of IEEE that they could join according to their interest. Furthermore I told them about the benefits of being an IEEE member and that they could be part of various IEEE events that take place in Karachi and other parts of the world under the umbrella of the society. The response received was overwhelming and I would like to congratulate IEEE Karachi Section in this regard.’ Abdul Haseeb from IIEE, ‘Connect2011 provided the partici-pants with innovative solutions and techniques for decision making in their businesses.’ Kanwar Arsalan from HIIT, ‘I learnt that IEEE not only provides ad-vancement in technology to human-ity but also gives the platform for research work, and opportunities to network with creative and innovative minds.’ Rabeet Sagri from FAST-NUCES said, ‘The Provincial IT Minister vis-ited our IEEE stall and asked us to meet them so that they could help us in our goals. I had a good experi-ence on the second and third days of exhibition, where I also came to know about the GINI Industry Rela-tions and I decided to take active part for supporting this activity in the future.’ Bilal Shaikh from FAST-NUCES

said, ‘Over all it was a great experi-ence meeting professionals, stu-dents and leaders from various or-ganizations from around the coun-try.’ Shah Mohammad Ahmed from HIIT said, ‘I thank IEEE Karachi Section for such an informative event and I hope more events like this are at-tended and its been my pleasure to represent IEEE in this event!’ Zenab Ali from WIE PNEC said, ‘It was a great networking opportunity! It's not every day that you’re able to speak with professionals and stu-dents from a huge selection of com-panies and universities. I entertained the queries of the people who ap-proached me, helped in clearing the misconception about IEEE being a degree awarding institute and pro-vided information about the scholar-ships and awards offered. I, along with my fellow volunteers guided people looking for assistance about the membership fee and process, informed them about various socie-ties of IEEE that they could join, and especially mentioned the Women in Engineering affinity group, being the IEEE WIE Chairperson at PNEC.’

Page 5: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several


Fi rs t Student Act iv i t ies Commi t tee (SAC) Meet ing

First meeting of the 2011 IEEE Ka-

rachi Section Student Activities

Committee Chairman and IEEE Stu-

dent Branches was held on Mon-

day, January 24, 2011 1515 hrs

(PST) at Usman Institute of Tech-

nology, Karachi, Pakistan.

The meeting was presided by IEEE

Karachi Section Student Activities

Committee Chairman, Mr. Muham-

mad Saad.

30 IEEE Karachi Section Members

attended the meeting. Branches/

entitites which were present in-







1. The second issue of the newslet-

ter for the year 2010 was released

by IEEE UIT Student Branch. IEEE

Karachi Section appreciates the

efforts of IEEE UIT SB for producing

the issue after having been done

with the successful mega event of

IEEE Pakistan Student Congress


2. For bi-annual newsletter issues


and MUET showed interest in re-

leasing the issues. However, after

some considerations and keeping

in view FAST has already been

given the chance in 2009, MUET

now has the duties for the first bi-

annual issue of 2011 to be released

in June and IIEE has the duties for

the second bi-annual issue of 2011.

3. Concerned student branches will

form their own editorial commit-

tees, collect articles from Section

and Student Branches, complete it

and submit it for the approval to

IEEE Karachi Section. Moreover,

SAC Chair asked MUET and IIEE to

follow/have the same layout so as

to incur uniformity in the newslet-


4. Hassan Idrees SSR 2010, gave a

complete roundup of his successful

and eventful tenure and concluded

with his vision for 2011 i.e. more

collaboration among branches and

incurring of versatile activities to

pull membership. Following the

progress report presented by Has-

san Idrees, SAC Chair introduced

Ms. Nimrah Hashmi (SSR 2011) to

the attendees of the meeting and

was given the chance to exchange

her plans and vision with the audi-


5. SAC Chair inquired SBs regarding

the status of reporting and asked

all the SBs to submit Annual online

(digital) Activity report using and offi-

cer reporting using http://

interactofficerform.php to report

newly appointed officers. The im-

portance of annual reporting was

highlighted in terms of rebate and

allotment as that would support

the activities of students.

6. SAC Chair informed that the re-

bate for 2009 of IIEE and HIIT were

given and of FAST and NEDUET will

be released as soon as the fund

becomes available and NEDUET

finds a branch counselor.

7. For the revival of inactive

branches the SB are advised to

contact the SSR for support and

assistance. The sponsorship issue

was raised by one of the branch

which was well addressed by Fuad

[GINI coordinator] as he pointed

the role of GINI and GINI-IR in help-

ing the SBs in getting sponsorships

and financial assistance.

8. SAC Chair asked the SBs to plan

out an event’s calendar for the

running year and coordinate with

SAC members Nimrah Hashmi and

Hammad Ansari.

Page 6: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several


9. Qasim Pasta, [Branch Councilor

PAK-KIET] updated at the status of

their SB that they have submitted

their petition for a SB and soon we

will have the 16th SB at Karachi


10. PAF-KIET presented a proposal

forwarded for KSSC (Karachi Sec-

tion Student Congress)and out of 3

proposed dates; 27th June 2011

was unanimously agreed upon by

the attendees.

11. MUET updated on the status of

SCONEST that it would be held in

between 10th-16th April, 2011

(tentative). They have yet to up-

date about the proceedings to the

SAC Chair.

12. Anum Kamran [WIE Coordina-

tor] then informed about the peti-

tion to be sent for WIE AG at Kara-

chi Section level and that WIE Paki-

stan Forum would be forming its

new committee very soon to which

SAC Chair is requested to send

nominations from Karachi section

to WIE Pakistan Forum.

13. Student chapters and WIE AGs

are holding internal events such as

competitions, seminars and work-

shops. To the extent, ComSoc,

Computer and RAS* of NUCES FAST

shared their future plans and gave

a roundup of the last year activi-

ties. NUCES FAST (RAS) chapter is

in a process of filing the petition

and will soon be submitting.

14. SAC Chair mentioned that for

membership campaigns the SBs

should coordinate with SSR for as-

sistance. If any branch wants SAC

members to deliver or conduct ses-

sions, one should inform prior to

the event and email the complete

outline of the program if possible.

15. SAC Chair then asked the

branch chairs to go through the

membership statistics of their unit

via SAMIEEE which can be accessed

at in order

to keep track of the members.

16. All the SBs were notified that

they should send the complete

contact info of the office bearers as

soon as possible to the SSR so as to

increase the coordination and to

update Karachi section students

mailing list.

17. SAC Chair informed the SBs

about the awards and upcoming

competition deadlines. To the ex-

tent, IEEE Presidents change the

world competition (Deadline: Janu-

ary 31, 2011) and IEEE Student

Branch Website Competition were

mainly discussed.

18. Every branch was asked to

strive to make the pages so to par-

ticipate in IEEE Student Website

competition. For Free web hosting

space visit:

19. It was worthwhile to note that

MUET won the section website

competition, stood 2nd in overall

Pakistan and 7th in Asia-Pacific Re-

gion-10 which was well appreci-

ated by the attendees.

20. Fuad [GINI Coordinator] then

discussed about role of GINI and

explained its structure. Couple of

students branches were revitalized

and opportunities were made

available in terms of job/internship

placements and industry spon-

sored projects via IEEE GINI IR

(Industry Relations).

21. Finally the IEEE Student Ethics

competition certificates were dis-

tributed among the participants by

Engr. Parkash Lohana (Branch


and HIIT were the recipient of

these certificates signed by the

President IEEE. IEEE Karachi Section

SAC congratulates FAST NUCES for

being the runner-up of the compe-

tition and so have received $200 as

the runner-up prize money.

The meeting summed up with a

concluding speech by SAC Chair,

announcement by SZABIST SB

about their latest event to be held

followed by the hi-tea. The meet-

ing was adjourned at 1700 hrs


Page 7: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several


GINI Pakistan brings Nokia Workshop

The Global Integrated Network of IEEE, GINI Pakistan, used their Collaboration Platform and Indus-trial Relations wings to give a wonderful opportunity to the top programmers and volunteers of IEEE Karachi Section by helping them participate in a top-notch workshop by Nokia Ovi Developers, in col-laboration with CIO Pakistan. The streamlined event course, held from 31 January 2011 to 3 February 2011 at Sheraton Hotel Karachi, followed on the four-day hands-on workshop with every participant going through several tasks and exercises based on Java SE JDK 6 Update 22, Netbeans 6.9.1 IDE, Nokia Ovi Suite, Nokia S40 6th Edition SDK FP 1 for Windows, and several Nokia X3-02 devices for hands-on work for the participants. The workshop was excellently conducted by professionals of Nokia Ovi and was very well-received by the participants. FAST-NUCES and HIIT SBs sent their ac-tive IEEE volunteers and good programmers for this workshop.

“If you want to reach the highest, begin at the lowest” because “Success doesn’t come to you, you have to go to it”

Page 8: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several



Handing\Taking over Ceremony

IEEE PNEC Student Branch holds its annual elections for the formation of the new executive com-mittee. This year, the handing-taking over ceremony was held on February 14, 2011. The ex-com 2010 transferred power to the new ex-com with the prayer and hope that they will carry the society and its work with the same vigor and passion. Official funds and records transfer agreement was signed between Syed Ahmed Fuad, Chairperson IEEE (2010) and Ms. Rabia Khalid, Chairperson IEEE (2011) while Dr. Sameer Qazi, Branch Counselor and Lt. Cdr Dr. Attaullah Memon, the Branch Mentor were the witnesses. The ceremony was presided over by Cdre. Jawwad Hussain SI(M), Commandant PNEC who gave away the certificates of commandment to the previous of-fice holders on the successful completion of their tenure. The committee also received their cer-tificates from headquarters IEEE, New York. The ceremony ended up with a very delicious lunch by the Executive committee 2010 for the new Executive Committee 2011.

Page 9: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several



WIE PNEC girls celebrates a day long party PNEC- NUST holds a very small amount of percentage of female students. Due to this reason it is of-ten mind boggling for us to come up with ways to give enough exposure to them about the professional world, therefore when something of such magnitude arises we believe in making the most of it. Trip to Nathia Gali Beach: An all female students trip to Nathia Gali Beach was held on 1st April 2011, Friday. By tremendous ef-forts made by WIE, the trip was successfully planned and finalized. Musical Night: Later the girls had a full rock on music night with hot sizzling barbecue and snacks. All in all, the full day long party was a remarkable effort by WIE AG PNEC so that our hardworking individuals can get a well deserved break.

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Book Bazaar 2 After the huge success of Book Bazaar in August 2010, IEEE SZABIST once again arranged the second Book Bazaar to facilitate students with re-quired course books; hence, once again taking the lead in being the first society to cater to the needs of students of all the programs. The bazaar was conducted on the 14th and 15th of January 2011 at the SZABIST 100 Garden. It not only provided stu-dents with all the required course books at their disposal but also ensured them in cost effective prices. Various book stalls were setup along with few food stalls of popular eat-outs such as KFC and Subway to attract students. Besides, few other companies also setup their stalls such as Berlitz and Wi-Tribe to provide students with the latest up-dates and happenings. All in all, it was an event on a large scale which was pulled off with great suc-cess.

Objective Oriented Programming Work-shop

The objective oriented programming workshop was the second among the events in line for the semester and was conducted on the 2nd of March 2011. The basic purpose of arranging this work-shop was to provide the first year students a clear understanding of basic concepts that later helped them in their midterms with sophomore acting as their mentors. Many students took use of this op-portunity and attended this event with great zeal.

IPV-6 Seminar A Shift in Paradigm The third event in line was the IPV-6 Seminar- a shift in paradigm. It was held on the 15th of March 2011 at 100 Campus. The basic idea and purpose of the seminar was to give information to students about the latest developments in the internet, a leap from IPV-4 to IPV-6 towards the betterment of the technology. The Internet Protocol Version 6 is also sometimes referred to as the next generation internet designed by the IETF to replace the current version 4. The seminar basically provided details as to why IPV 4 addresses are now extinct and why there is a need to shift to IPV 6. It was a huge success and students from various universities attended it. The speaker, Mr. Aftab Siddiqui even offered help to SZABIST by install-ing IPV 6 and training for free.

Page 11: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several


Adobe Photo Workshop IEEESSB has always taken an initiative in serving the students with advancements in technology and thus, is always on the hunt to avail this opportunity. Once again this was proven by the Adobe Photoshop Workshop which was the fourth event conducted by the society in a semester. It was conducted on the 26th of March 2011 at 90 campus in computer Lab 1 and 2. A total of 50 students participated, who got the opportunity to learn Photoshop from an Industry expert, Mr. Mujtaba Zia. The students who availed the opportunity had positive feedback for the event. Due to such an overwhelming response, IEEESSB plans to host similar workshops in next tenure, too.

Movie Thon The next and perhaps the most exciting event, was the Movie Thon, an event conducted on mutual co-ordination between ASME SZABIST Branch and IEEESSB. The purpose of the event was to provide stu-dents with entertainment and give them a break from their busy semester schedules and classes. An in-flux of registrations was received. The important thing to note here is that all the movies shown were interlinked with engineering and technology so as to develop an interest in the minds of students for this field. A week filled with adrenaline rush movies was enjoyed by all.

CIO Campus Conversations

The event was hosted by the IEEESSB on the 31st of March in 90 Campus Auditorium was the CIO Cam-pus Conversations. The event was hosted in collaboration with CIO Pakistan where different CIO’s from various well reputed firms had a one-on-one session with students and answered all their queries regard-ing jobs, internships recruitment opportunities and a lot more. This time the theme was Packaging Inno-vators for the industry and was attended by the CIO’s of top firms like Dubai Islamic Bank, Folio 3 and others. The target audience was students from computing program but other interested candidates also showed up.

IEEESSB, 2nd Best Society of SZABIST

They say “Hard work never goes unrewarded”. This, indeed, proved to be true when IEEESSB was an-nounced to be the 2nd Best Society of SZABIST and the hard work and team efforts of every individual of the society paid off. Under the leadership of Miss Fariha Majeed, the Chairperson of IEEESSB for the year 2010-2011, the society was able to carry out various successful events including seminars and work-shops by various industry professionals which proved to enhance the student knowledge on various sub-jects. The chairperson was the backbone of IEEESSB, who was the main person to revive IEEE at SZABIST and whose contributions cannot be forgotten. She worked tirelessly day in and day out to make IEEESSB what it is today.

IEEE Executive Body Elections The annual executive body elections were an internal event in which only the mem-bers of the society participated. It was a much awaited event for both the existing executive body and the new potential can-didates who applied for the posts. The election criteria required the candidates to really prove their worth. After the voting from the members ended, Hadi Khan be-came the President, Syed Sohaib Ul Has-san Vice President and Komal Lakhani be-came the General Secretary. Muhammad Murad was selected as the Treasurer by the Branch Counselor Mr. Naveed Dilbar.

Page 12: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several


Appreciation Night All year round IEEE conducts events that try to meet the student requirements in every way possible. But, in addition, IEEE also made sure that the members are rewarded for their hard work and commit-ment throughout the year. Thus, IEEESSB pulled off the Appreciation Night. The ceremony was organ-ized by Komal Gopi (the Human Resource Head IEEESSB) and Farjad Feroz (the Auditor IEEESSB) and hosted by the HR Head herself. The awards were divided in three categories. Firstly, the appreciation awards for best member from each department and best head. Then, we had some titles for the heads and assistant heads. Lastly, there were some random nominations for the general members. Apart from that, the society also honored the old Executive body and the branch counselors followed by dancers and singers from within the society. Members were awarded and heads were bestowed upon with titles as a mark of appreciation. At the end of the awards ceremony food was served which was a treat for all the members. With the ending of appreciation night the IEEE event calendar came to an end once again leaving its mark in the eyes of many.

Page 13: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several



USMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY in collaboration with IEEE Communication Society organized a seminar on “MOBILE ADHOC NETWORK AND ITS CHALLENGE” on Thursday, 19th May 2011 at UIT Auditorium from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. The program included three topics to be presented. The details of the even are as under: TOPIC 1:

“An Introduction to Adhoc Networks” Presenter: Engr. Shiraz Latif. Vice Chairman, IEEE Communication Society. Assistant Professor, UIT.

He gave an overview on ADHOC NETWORKS. He also talked on MANET (Mobile Adhoc Network). The session was highly informative and interactive. The audience highly admired the concepts and the brief-ings by the presenter. Show casing the latest technology and its incentives were the main focus of this

presentation. TOPIC 2:

“Emerging Wireless Networks and an intrusion detection and prevention mechanism for securing Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”

Presenter: Dr. Adnan Nadeem. Assistant Professor, Federal Urdu University.

He briefly defined ADHOC NETWORK. He also elaborated MANET (Mobile Adhoc Network) and VANET (Vehicle Adhoc Network) & its security issues. Discussing details about the topic, presenter also shared

his research experiences. He gave a proper guideline for the interested students to use wireless net-works and mobile ad hoc networks.


“Research Issues in Mobile Adhoc Network”

Presenter: Mr. Noman Islam. Research Fellow, NU-FAST. He gave presentation on application of Mobile and Adhoc Network (Military Application, Ubiquitous Com-puting, and Disaster Recovery). He also talked on Adhoc Gamming, Smart Agriculture, Animal Monitor-

ing. He discussed research issues in MANET (like Power Management, Data Management issues, Secu-rity Issues etc).


Page 14: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several


Recently Usman Institute of Technology IEEE branch has conducted an election process to select the new office bearers. The election was held under the super vision of Mr. Parkash Lohana (Chairman IEEE Karachi Section and Head of the Department of Computer Science). The election process was conducted by the previous office bearers of IEEE at UIT. There were four positions (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary and Treasure) for which the candidates have submitted their papers and profiles. After the election results and with the consent of passing out office bearers the following names are announced for the IEEE UIT branch for 2011-2012: Mr. S M Furqan Shah (Chairman) , Mr. Khurram Shehzad (Vice-Chairman) , Ms. Sania Shah (General Secretary) , Mr. Abdur Rehman (Treasurer).

UIT Elections 2011-12


Seminar on Booming Media:

The seminar was arranged at main auditorium with the collaboration of Broadcast Engineers Society Of

Pakistan (BESPAK), the only organization affiliated with the Society Of Broadcast Engineers, USA.

The Vice Chancellor of NED, Engr: Abdul Kalam, Dean Dr. Talat Altaf, Chairman Shoib Zaidi and Coun-

selor Attaullah Khuwaja were the guests. Speakers namely Shiraz Adil, Bilal Hassan and Imran Anwar

were from BESPAK. The prime objective of that seminar was to educate engineers about the future

scope of Broadcast Engineering.

Page 15: IEEE Karachi Newsletter · IEEE SCONEST 2011, to be held in Mehran University of Engineer-ing & Technology on 27 th— 28 th July, 2011, a very unique student con-ference for several



Broadcast Engineers Society of Pakistan in collaboration with IEEE Student Branch and NED Univer-

sity of Engineering and Technology organized a brainstorming session with the students.

Student members were updated with the upcoming plans and events of BESPAK. Bilal Hasan and

Sheeraz Adil focused on guiding the students about their projects as it was emphasized that the pro-

jects should be industry related and specially to broadcast industry. Students should now be doing the

research on the needs of the broadcast industry and design their projects based on that.

Students were also told about the upcoming workshops and short courses under the banner of BE-

SPAK. Student members were concerned about their internships from the platform of BESPAK, on that

they were assured that maximum opportunity will be given to the members. Students also requested

the visits to different TV channels and BESPAK promised that activities like these will also be arranged


In the end, detailed question and answers session was carried out in order to clear the scope of broad-

cast industry in Pakistan.

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Workshop On

Fourth Dimension-Personification

The workshop was first of its kind to take place in any educational institution of Pakistan. It took place at the Auditorium of NED University on March 31st, 2011. The fourth Dimension is a most powerful form of learning practice, it is an application of your past ex-perience on all portion of everyday life, an implement which let you discover optimum potential and creativity within you, that you had lost some time back in your life, it let you experience inner happiness, and assist you to design your life as you desire and you will master your emotions and make the wisest decisions in tough situations, will take the best possible care of yourself (physically, emotionally and fi-nancially), maximize your management and leadership potential it let you speak powerfully and authen-tically in front of groups, experience the full power of your mind, use these skills in examination or any academic professional test you will see outstanding results.

In workshop /practical learning, following areas were discussed.

Self Identity. . Exploring possibilities. . Understanding Humans. . Thought Clotting. . Fear of unknown. . Self Expression. . Anger Control. . Logical Levels. . Situation Analysis. . Master your emotions. . Leader Ship Strategies. . Limiting Decision. . Improving Self Image. . Top Management. . Turbo Motivation.

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On Sunday 17th April 2011, IEEE NED STUDENT BRANCH participated in the project exhibition at Jashn-e- Faiz . It was an exhibition where projects related to the environment were presented. Azhar Kazi ( Chairman) , Zaid Alam , Hammad Siddiqui, Engr. Zeeshan , Engr.Ijaz and others pre-sented two projects related to the theme of exhibition , namely “ TEMPERATURE DATA LOGGER (TDL)“ and “LOW SPEED ROTATIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY.“

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Members of IEEE-WIE NED Student Branch visited PNEC Karachi on 3rd March 2011 on account of 26th IEEEP All Pakistan Student Research Seminar. Students from all around Pakistan presented their research papers dur-ing the technical sessions. The sessions were very intellectual and informative. The students had remarkable researches in all engineering fields including, electronics, computer hard-ware and networks, automotives, mobile net-works, wireless technology and mechanical engineering etc. The students proved that with their hard work and sincerity they can take Pakistan towards prosperity and with researchers like these Paki-stan can also stand among the one of the fast developing nations. The visit proved to be a very informative and inspirational experience for all the members of WIE-NED UET

NERC Training Session The first event for IEEE-WIE NED SB for the year 2011 was NERC Training session held in Electronics Department NEDUET Karachi on 9th March 2011 from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. NERC is a national event organized by NUST Islamabad; students from all around Pakistan participate in this event showing their interests and creativity in the field of robotics and artifi-cial intelligence. In the year 2011 many stu-dents from various departments of NED plan to participate in this competition, so to provide them with Guidelines WIE took the initiative. The session was conducted by Adil Iqbal Jalia-wala, Nabeel Khan and Saad Adil who won Best Engineering and design Award in NERC 2010. They helped the new participants with their projects for NERC 2011. Some of the key issues discussed were: Mechanical structure Sensor placement Battery placement Circuit placement Rear drive or front Use to microcontrollers The electronic circuitry

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This session not only provided the students with guideline but also gave their thoughts a new per-spective. Many problems which were faced by the new participants were resolved during the session, the participants discussed their projects in detail with the mentors and they helped them on the ba-sis of their experience. The participants were satis-fied and they promised to bring glory again to NED University by winning this competition.

IEEE-WIE Guide (Mentoring Session) IEEE-WIE NED student branch arranged a men-toring session “WIE GUIDE” for the newly elected WIE Executive Committee on 10th March 2010 at 3:00P.M to 4:00 P.M at Polymer and Petrochemical Department NEDUET. The mentors were Rabia Khalid and Nimrah Kazmi from IEEE PNEC. The session started with a brief introduction of the Mentors. They not only appreciated WIE members but gave them some useful advices for making their events a success. They elucidated that there must be good Coordination among the team members and the members must be appreciated by the leader for any fine work they do towards WIE. They also sug-gested that along with technical and engineer-ing events WIE must arrange some social events for the students. They also guided the members regarding sponsorships for major events, and emphasized on arranging events which could bridge the gap between academia and industry. In the end lunch was served for the guests and the members. WIE executive committee NED thanked the mentors for taking out time from their schedule.

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ASPTECH & SQL Learning ASPTECH and SQL Learning was a 2-day workshop organized by IEEE-WIE NED student branch on 16th and 17th March 2011 in Civil Audio and Visual room NEDUET. The Speaker for the event was Mr. Fareed Nizami, the academic co-ordinator of curriculum and trainings at APTECH CENTER Karachi. On day 1 the session started at 1:45 P.M and contin-ued till 3:45 P.M. Mr. Fareed Nizami after giving his introduction and sharing his thoughts told the students about the ba-sic concepts of application development and databases. He also discussed the SQL Server 2005 and explained its fea-tures with a sample scenario. Mr. Fareed Nizami also shared his ex-periences with the students and he also encouraged students to opt Software en-gineering as a career. On day 2 the session started at 2:00 P.M and continued till 4:00 P.M. Mr. Fareed gave a brief introduction to .NET Frame-work 2.0, 3.5 and 4.0, and gave students a brief introduction to ASP.NET. He also showed students how to create a simple ASP.NET websites with proper linking with the Database created on day-1. In the end he thanked IEEE-WIE for inviting him and expressed his humble feelings that it was one of his very good experi-ences and he wants WIE to invite him again sometime. WIE Executive Committee presented Ap-preciation letter to Mr. Fareed Nizami and thanked him for taking out time from his schedule and accepting their invitation. Certificates of participation were also dis-tributed among the students.

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WIE Hangout After a short yet successful semester of the newly formed team of WIE at NED UET, Karachi, the executive com-mittee decided that the hard working members and they themselves deserved a treat and celebration for the events that they held during the three month period of their term.

The new members got to in-teract with the team and it did not take long for the whole team to get friendly and well acquainted with each other, there were almost ten new members who had not been familiarized with each other. The SSR of Karachi Section, Nimrah Parvez Hashmi and the Vice Chairperson of IEEE-NED UET were also invited to the get together as a ges-ture of friendship. The team discussed the de-tails of each event and pointed out all the important things that they had learned during this experience, a few plans for future events were also vaguely discussed but mainly the point of getting together was to party hard for the hard work put in by the inexperienced team of WIE NED.

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ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES was a 1-day workshop organized by IEEE-WIE NED student branch on the 6th of April, 2011, in BCIT Computer Lab 5 at NEDUET. The Speaker for the event was Mr. Fareed Nizami from AP-TECH Karachi. The session started at 1:45 P.M and contin-ued till 3:45 P.M. Since this session was the sec-ond with the same speaker on demand of the students of the Department of Computer Science and Informa-tion Technology, it wasn’t very long until the speaker got into depth of what he was to deliver. The audience, which consisted of about fifty students, was mostly of Third year stu-dents, and instantly got comfort-able with the speakers style and their wavelengths at once co-hered. The speaker discussed various upcoming technologies, those that are new globally as well as those that have recently been introduced in Pakistan. He started off with C language and

discussed how it grew out of the Structured Programming revolu-tion. Using structural program-ming the code became organ-ized, reliable and easier to man-age. He also discussed limita-tions of C language and how these limitations emerged a new way of programming i.e. the Ob-ject Oriented Programming (C++). After that he discussed the major differences between structural and object oriented programming. Java creation (descended from C and C++) and how it solved the problem of portability, crea-tion of C Sharp and its innova-tive new features, brief introduc-tion of ASP.NET, Mobile Appli-cation Development and the scope of software and mobile applications development. WIE Executive Committee and WIE-SB chair, Injla Khan, pre-sented Appreciation letter to Mr. Fareed Nizami and thanked him for taking out time from his schedule and accepting their invitation. Mr. Fareed Nizami also appreciated WIE’s efforts for putting up such an educa-tional workshop.

He not only emphasized on the technologies themselves but also motivated students to choose wisely amongst the vari-ous options available on which to work. He also discussed mar-ket trends and the industrial ap-proach towards advancements in the field of IT. Later the stu-dents asked the speaker many questions, the interaction be-tween them and the speaker was very friendly

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IEEE Election 2011-2012 Over 35 students participated in the 2010-2011 election campaign for the first time in Hamdard Uni-versity and about 20 including faculty member’s are elected to be in this year Student Body. First time to build Interest Hamdard University HIIT Student branch allowed all the students to cast their votes and about 850 students from HIIT-FEST Department showed interest to be a part of this year’s election and had cast their votes as well. The whole election campaign was held in the supervision of Syed Mohammad Ali Zain and the branch members as well.

IEEE Awareness Seminar And Program For the first time in Hamdard University, a complete aware-ness program and seminar was arranged by IEEE HIIT Stu-dent Branch in supervision of Syed Mohammad Ali Zain and the student branch members where a huge crowd was gath-ered to attain the event. Agenda Points: 1. What’s IEEE? 2. What are there goals? 3. How does IEEE work? 4. How IEEE is beneficial for Engineers, Computer Science students and all other aspects of education?

IEEE 126th Anniversary Celebrations at HIIT IEEE Hamdard Institute of Information Technology SB celebrated IEEE’s 126th Anniversary on 21st Febru-ary 2011.

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IEEE Karachi Section Ex - Com

Parkash Lohana Chair

Shaikh Imran Ul Haque Past Chair

Mohammad Shahab Siddiqui Vice Chair

Qasim Pasta Secretary

Shoaib Feroz Treasurer

Dr. Bhawani S.Chowdhry Chair Communication Society

Dr. Shakeel Khoja Chair Computer Society

Dr. Mohammad Mohiuddin Chair Professional Committee

Muhammad Saad Chair Student Activities Committee

Prof. Shahid Shaikh Member

Prof. Ashab Mirza Member

Jibran Jamshed Member

Dania Hanif Chair GOLD Affinity Group

Nimrah Hashmi Section Student Representative

Ravendar Lal Bhojwani GINI Representative

Newsletter Team

Branch Level

Moiz Rahman Memon Editing/Proof Reading/Content Managing/Co-ordination.

Paras Azmi Shaikh Co-ordination.

Sadullah Kalwar Design & Layout.

Section Level

Nimrah Hashmi Co-ordination.

Muhammad Saad Co-ordination.

For Comments and Suggestions, please contact:

Email: [email protected]

Cell: +92-333-2759331