ieee karachi section’s september 2013 newsletter · ieee karachi section ieee karachi section...

NEWS LETTER Inside News Introduction 2 Executive Committee 3 New Openings 5 SAC Meeting - March 2013 9 SSR Report 10 Training Session for SB Officers 12 IEEE Technical Seminars 13 IEEE - HIIT SB 18 IEEE IBA Sukkur SB 20 IEEE - Isra SB 21 IEEE - MUET SB 22 IEEE - NED SB 23 IEEE - NUCES SB 24 IEEE - SZABIST SB 25 Newsletter Team 2013 26 Message Read More ... Karachi Section has been in a development phase over the last few years and the office bearers and Excom has created fiscal space to provide the foundations for it to provide IEEE members value as members. Over the last few years the Section was rebuilding its students, GOLD and WIE structure and this year activities are picking up. Our plans for this year are: Today we have 600 active members and 22 student chapters ‘with regular events being undertaken by all the Branches, Chapters and Affinity Groups. It is a proud moment for IEEE Karachi Section that its e-Newsletter is being restarted subsequent to the activation of our website last year. I wish you all the best and assure you of our full support and encourage you to keep up the good work. Sheikh Imran-ul-Haque Chair - IEEE Karachi Section IEEE Karachi Section’s September 2013 -IEEE Region 10 - Highlights 6 -IEEE WIE 7 -IEEE GOLD 8 -Pakistan SAC 14 -Upcoming Events 15 -IEEE Chapters 16 #2

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Inside NewsIntroduction 2

Executive Committee 3

New Openings 5

SAC Meeting - March 2013 9

SSR Report 10

Training Session for SB Officers 12

IEEE Technical Seminars 13


IEEE IBA Sukkur SB 20

IEEE - Isra SB 21





Newsletter Team 2013 26


Read More ...

Karachi Section has been in a development phase over the last few years and the office bearers and Excom has created fiscal space to provide the foundations for it to provide IEEE members value as members.

Over the last few years the Section was rebuilding its students, GOLD and WIE structure and this year activities are picking up.

Our plans for this year are:

Today we have 600 active members and 22 student chapters ‘with regular events being undertaken by all the Branches, Chapters and Affinity Groups.

It is a proud moment for IEEE Karachi Section that its e-Newsletter is being restarted subsequent to the activation of

our website last year.

I wish you all the best and assure you of our full support and encourage you to keep up the good work.

Sheikh Imran-ul-HaqueChair - IEEE Karachi Section

IEEE Karachi Section’s September 2013

-IEEE Region 10 - Highlights 6



-Pakistan SAC 14

-Upcoming Events 15

-IEEE Chapters 16


IEEE Karachi Section

IEEE Karachi Section aims to set the vision to serve IEEE, the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology. IEEE Karachi Section strives to be univer-sally recognized for the contributions of technology and to ‘helping professionals improve their local and global strata.

IEEE Karachi Section promotes the IEEE society, its many entities, the initiatives taken at all levels from Regional to Branch. The Section is a major player in the Region for collabo-ration, communication, dissemination of information, with her members always at par with technological breakthroughs, both nationally and internationally. At Section, we are at an important focal position where we bridge from New Jersey IEEE Headquarters to the very basic level, with every member a volunteer and proponent of the many benefits and facilities which are provided by IEEE at student and professional levels.

IEEE Karachi Section has 36 entities which include 21 IEEE Student Branches, 6 IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Groups, 9 IEEE Student Chapters and IEEE Region 10 GINI Project in the cities of Karachi, Jamshoro, Nawabshah, Sukkur and Quetta.

IEEE Karachi Section supports many of the IEEE seminars and workshops to organize at branch level as well as for section level. Besides these, IEEE Karachi Section has some its annual events and conferences. These are as follows:

1. IEEE INMIC - International Multi topic Conference 2. IEEE SCONEST - Student Conference on Engineering Sciences and Technology 3. IEEE Pakistan Congresss - Pakistan Student Congress 4. IEEE KSSC - Karachi Section Student Congress.

In addition, IEEE Karachi Section helps IEEE to promote its following intitiatives.

1. EPICS – Engineering Projects In Community Service; 2. TISP- Teacher In Service Program; 3. GHN- Global Humanitarian Network Project;

Besides these, IEEE Karachi Section’s Executive Committee Members are associated with Industry and Academic institutions.

Old Website:

More about IEEE Karachi Section: History:

Some Facts About IEEE Karachi Section

IEEE Karachi Section is one of the three IEEE Sections in Pakistan. It dates back to 1978 when the Karachi Sub-Section was formed on May 22, 1978, and was upgraded to the Karachi Section on July 12, 1982 with 76 members.

The IEEE Karachi Section also has Chapters of IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Communications Society and a Joint Chapter of Control Society with IEEE Islamabad Section.

IEEE Karachi Section has seen many ups and downs. The IEEE Karachi Section was very active till December 2004 and then reactivated in May 2008 under the leadership of S. Imranul Haque, Chair, IEEE Karachi Section.

IEEE Karachi Section got three prestigious awards in 2009 - R10 Larry K. Wilson Award and Richard E. Merwin Scholarship were achieved by Ravendar Lal, Student Volunteer of NUCES, Karachi Campus.

IEEE Karachi Secton won Bronze Honours in Green Technology - an Innovative Idea Competition sponsored by IEEE Singapore Section Power and Energy Society Chapter in IEEE 125th Anniversary Asia-Pacific Congress. The team comprises of student volunteers from Bangladesh, China, India, Korea and Pakistan.



IEEE Karachi SectionPast Volunteers Of IEEE Karachi Section

Om PerkashOm Perkash is the past Executive Member of IEEE Karachi Section. He started to work in IEEE in his university IEEE NUCES student branch. Om Perkash is now the Regional SAC Chair of IEEE Region 10.

Ravendar BhojwaniRavendar Bhojwani is the past student volunteer of IEEE Karachi Section and representative of IEEE GINI IR. He started IEEE Computer Society and was made Chair at IEEE NUCES student branch.Ravendar Bhojwani is now the Regional Student Representative of IEEE Computer Society.

Muhammad SaadMuhammad Saad is the past SAC Chair of IEEE Karachi Section. He was also the past chair of IEEE COMSOC Chapter at IEEE NUCES student branch.Muhammad Saad is now the IEEE volunteer in IEEE Chicago Section, IEEE Region 4.

Sohaib Qamar ShaikhSohaib Qamar Shaikh was the IEEE R10 GINI Industry Relations Representative for Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad sections. He is now the Chair of Pre-University Works Committee in IEEE Region 8.

Sheikh Imran Ul HaqueSection Chair - IEEE Karachi Section [email protected]

Parkash LohanaVice Chair - IEEE Karachi [email protected] Lohana is an Associate Professor of at Usman Institute of Technology. He is an IEEE Senior Member and the recipient of out-standing Performance Award in 1994 by NESPAK Lahore.

Dr. Muhammad Shahab SiddiquiSecretary & Treasurer - IEEE Karachi [email protected] for IEEE since 1998, helped IEEE Karachi Section and its different entities since 2002 including SAC, GOLD, Computer So-ciety Chapter.

Syed Ahmed FuadGOLD Chair - IEEE Karachi [email protected]

Dr. B.S ChowdhryCommunication Society Chair - IEEE Karachi [email protected] B.S. Chowdhry is presently serving as a Dean Faculty of Electri-cal Electronics and Computer Engineering MUET. He is the founder Counselor of IEEE MUET Student Branch.

Dr. Shakeel A. KhojaComputer Society Chair - IEEE Karachi SectionConference Coordinator - IEEE Karachi [email protected]

Ashab MirzaElection Committee Chair - IEEE Karachi [email protected] is Associate Professor at Institute of Industrial Electronics Engi-neering (IIEE). He is also a Senior Member IEEE, Member IEEE CSS, Member IES and IEEE Student Branch Counselor at IIEE.



IEEE Karachi SectionPast Volunteers Of IEEE Karachi Section

Syed Ali Asad Rizvi

Saqib MunawwarSaqib Munawwar was the first Section Student Representative of IEEE Karachi Section. He started to work in IEEE in his university IEEE HIIT student branch. Saqib Munawwar is now working at Air Technique Engineers.

Rabia KhalidRabia Khalid was the active IEEE Volunteer Chair of IEEE PNEC SB. She is also an active member of IEEE WIE Region 10, and was past chair of IEEE Pakistan WIE Forum and Representative of IEEE Region 10 WIE.Rabia Khalid is now the Executive Member of IEEE Pakistan WIE Forum and IEEE GOLD South Asia,

Syed Ammar FaheemSyed Ammar Faheem was the past chair of IEEE NUCES SB. He activlely organized first IEEE Pakistan Student Congress at IEEE NUCES SB in 2007.Syed Ammar Faheem is now working at TPS.

Hassaan IdreesSAC Chair & GOLD Vice Chair - IEEE Karachi [email protected] works an Electrical Engineer at United Energy Pakistan. He is also selected in the MGA Global Onboarding Pilot Program called VOLT to train emerging IEEE leaders around the world.

Muhammad Rabeet SagriSection Student Representative - IEEE Karachi Section [email protected] Sagri is currently the student of Computer Science at FAST NUCES Karachi Campus. He is involved in IEEE activities since 2010 and started working in IEEE NUCES Student Branch.

Dr. Muhammad MohiuddinProfessional Committee Chair - IEEE Karachi Section

Dr. Shahid ShaikhExecutive Committee Member - IEEE Karachi Section

Dr. ValiuddinExecutive Committee Member - IEEE Karachi Section

Tahir SaleemExecutive Committee Member - IEEE Karachi Section

Kelash Kumar BatraWebMaster - IEEE Karachi [email protected] Kumar is currently the student of Computer Science at FAST NUCES Karachi Campus and a Chair of IEEE Computer Society Chapter of IEEE NUCES Student Branch.



New OpeningsDid You Know ?In Pakistan, 3 IEEE Sections (Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad) and one IEEE Sub-Section (Peshawar)are working to get invlove students, young professionals and experts for the betterment of the society at all levels by organizing some awareness programs, conferences, congresses and other student activities.The Universities (IEEE Student Branches) are playing important role in it.

IEEE Student BranchesIEEE Student Branch is consider as the main body in forming IEEE at Sectional or Reginal level.IEEE Karachi Section is closely working with IEEE Student branches and appreciate students to carry out different activities. IEEE Karachi Section is currently having 21 IEEE Student Branches and encourage more universities to have their IEEE Student Branch.

IEEE SIGHTIEEE SIGHT (Special Interest Group for Humanitarian Technology) is actively working to overcome the humanitarian challenges across the world.Recently, IEEE Karachi Section’s group IEEE SIGHT is established with the aim to resolve social, humanitarian and other issues in Pakistan.

Sarang Ahmend Shaikh, Member IEEE SIGHT, got his project, called ‘Telemedicine’ is accepted for funding from IEEE SIGHT. Sarang is now working on his project to overcome the hospital problems and the patient disease daignosis and treatment in the remote areas of Sindh, Pakistan.

IEEE IBA Sukkur Student Branch was established on June 19, 2012 with the existence of 16 members. Mr. Waliullah Panhwar was the first chair of IEEE IBA Sukkur SB and now new chairperson is Ali Raza with the SB counselor Engr. Bilal Hussain Memon. IEEE Sukkur IBA SB organized an inauguration ceremony on September 1, 2012 in which guest speak-ers were Mr. Sheikh Imran ul Haque, Engr. Parkash Lohana and others.

Isra University established its IEEE Isra University Student brach on Marh 12, 2012. Mr. Saad Baloch is SB Counselor and Muhammad Hanan Daudpota is the SB Chairperson, while Muazzam Memon, Pirah Akber and Shahbaz Ali are the other SB Officers. Now there are 50 IEEE Student Members in IEEE Isra University SB.

University of Karachi’s department BCIT established its student branch on July 23, 2013 with a name ‘IEEE University of Karachi Student Branch’. Mr. Farhan is the SB Counselor and Salman Noor is the SB Chairperson. There are total 22 IEEE Members including stu-dents and professionals. IEEE University of Karachi SB organized the inaugration cer-emony on August 27, 2013.

IEEE MUET SB organised the inaugral ceremony of IEEE MUET PES Chapter on Febru-ary 6, 2013, at Department Electrical Engineering, MUET, attended by over 600 students and faculty. Moreover, IEEE PES Chapter was also established in IEEE NED SB on April 17, 2013 and was inaugrated on July 9, 2013 by IEEE NED SB at NEDUET Auditorium.

EEE COMSOC Chapter at Sukkur IBA was established with the SB on June 19, 2012. A technical session on ‘Information Dissemination in Internet of Smart Things – A WSN Perspective’ was arranged which was conducted by Dr. Faisal Karim Shaikh (Associate Professor, MUET, Jamshoro) in the inauguration ceremony of IEEE SB. Currently, Prof. Dr. Madad Ali Shah is the COMSOC Chapter’s Advisor.

IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Chapter is recently established at MUET Jamshoro with IEEE MUET SB.IEEE Computer Society Chapter was also established in IEEE MUET SB. Dr. Imran Jokhio is the advisor and Hassaam Mughal is the chair of IEEE MUET Compter Society.




COLLABORATION BETWEEN IEEE KARACHI SECTION & KESCKarachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) collaborated with IEEE Karachi Section to have a professional development of KESC Engineers and young professionals. This collabration carried out different technical awareness seminars and workshops for the young engineers and KESC Employees. Through this collaboration, KESC and IEEE karachi Section is ex-pecting more to have academia-industry program and IEEE Certifications in future.





IEEE Region 10Did You Know ?The world is divided into ten IEEE Regions. The Region territories are not necessarily confined to a state or country boundaries. When such boundaries are crossed, the state or country is listed under the Region that contains most of its area.

IEEE Regions IEEE Region 1 (Northeastern US)IEEE Region 2 (Eastern US)IEEE Region 3 (Southeastern US)IEEE Region 4 (Central US)IEEE Region 5 (Southwestern US)IEEE Region 6 (Western US)IEEE Region 7 (Canada)IEEE Region 8 (Europe & Africa)IEEE Region 9 (Latin America)IEEE Region 10 (Asia & Pacific)

IEEE Elections 2013Dear IEEE Asia Pacific region (Region 10) members,

The Elections are upon us again. Time to cast your votes for our leaders to the Board of Directors. Those of you with higher grade membership active as of 30 June 2013 should have received your ballot materials.Please make an effort to vote so that our elected candidates can represent our voices at the Board of Directors.

You can vote online at < > using your IEEE web account to authenticate access, or send in your ballot by postal mail.

Please cast your vote early before 1 Oct 2013.

Best regards,Toshio FukudaRegion 10 Director, 2013-2014

HIGHLIGHTSThe IEEE Region 10, also sometimes referred as the Asia Pacific Region, comprises of 57 Sections, 6 Councils, 17 Sub-sections, 515 Chapters, 60 Affinity Groups and 958 Student Branches. It covers a geographical area stretching from South Korea and Japan in the north-east to New Zealand in the south, and Pakistan in the west. With a membership of 107,154, it is one of the largest regions in IEEE.

Visit more information.

IEEE Region 10 Annual Meeting was organised at Le Meridien Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand on Saturday March 2 - 3, 2013.

R10 Annual Meeting discussed the plans, initiatives and their agneda for the year 2013. It was followed by the welcome address of Region 10 Director.

Dr. Toshio Fukuda launches new IEEE Region 10 website at R10 Annual meeting.

R10 Annual Meeting announced IEEE Volunteer Awards and presented them R10 Annual Meeting.

The IEEE Region 10 Student/GOLD/WIE Congress is biennial event of IEEE Region 10, which provides an opportunity for young IEEE professionals from Asia-Pacific to network with like-minded volunteers, learn from IEEE experienced volunteers and enhance their technical knowledge. The 2013 congress focuses on empowering Student, GOLD (Graduates Of the Last Decade), and the WIE (Women In Engineering) entities of IEEE. This Congress is hosted by IEEE Hyderabad Section this year at Hotel Taj Krishna, Hyderabad, India on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th of July 2013.

Visit for more details.

Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2013 held on August 26 - 29 2013 at Tohoku University Kawauchi-North Campus.

Region 10 HTC 2013 was organized with cooperation of R10-HTC2013 Organizing Committee, co-sponsored by IEEE Humanitarian AdHoc Committee, Region10, and Japan Council on behalf of nine IEEE Sections all Japan (Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Kansai, Nagoya, Sapporo, Sendai, Shikoku, Shinetsu, Tokyo).

The conference lead with the theme “Lessons learned from Japan’s 2011 earthquake and other natural disasters”.

Visit for more information.

TENCON is a premier international technical conference of IEEE Region 10, also referred as the Asia Pacific Region, one of the largest reginoal organizations of the IEEE. Held annually since 1980, TENCON provides an important forum for researchers and engineers from the industries, and professors and graduate students from the academia to network and to discuss new ideas and development in emerging areas of electrical and electronic engineering, computers science and related fields. The TENCON 2013 will be held in Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, in October 22-25, 2013.

Visit for more information



REGION 10 HTC 2013




IEEE WIE-NEDUET AG Makes In Public SpeakingNED Parliamentary Debating Championship 2.0 (NPDC 2.0), an extension to NPDC 1.0.The team went into a huddle and came up with idea to simulate a debating forum for the engineering spectrum; as for a resoundingly successful engineering origin, one must not forget the essentials to level up with the global challenge.

The essence of public speaking.The platform of debates not only gives opportunities to house one’s thoughts and skills to groom their eloquence but also to contrive a convincing strategy to get their ideas across the arena. In this regard, Parliamentary Debates give the chance to stand up and argue with someone in public, in a stimulating and organized dispute about real issues and current affairs.

IEEE WIE Region 10 Volunteer From IEEE Karachi SectionRabia Khalid is an active IEEE WIE Region 10 Volunteer from IEEE Karachi Section. She received the best WIE Volunteer Award 2012 in IEEE Region 10 at R10 Annual meeting , Chiang Mai, Thailand.

WOMEN IN ENGINEERINGThe Women In Engineering aims to integrate the Women In Engineering Affinity Groups and to provide them a platform where they could get recognized for their con-tributions to IEEE and WIE. We intend to play our role in reducing the gap between the industry and students through innovative programs and projects and strengthen the female engineers of IEEE Karachi Section socially, ethically and technically. Our goal is to Inspire, engage, encourage, and empower women in IEEE Karachi Section, to pro-mote the importance of female involvement in engineering to business, academia, government and the wider community, to increase career opportunities and develop-ment for women in engineering, provide a professional, social, and support network for women in engineering and associated industries, facilitate the development of programs and activities that promote the entry into and retention of women in engi-neering programs, promote IEEE membership and retention of IEEE women members, enhance the career advancement of women in the professional world.The Mission of IEEE WIE is to inspire, engage, encourage, and empower IEEE women worldwide. IEEE WIE envisions a vibrant community.

The IEEE-WIE NED University of Engineering and Technology (NEDUET) Student Branch Affinity Group heartily welcomed its new committee members and with a word of indebtedness and a whole lot of memories bid farewell to the older ones in a one-on-one interactive mentoring session, ‘Get WIE-ered Up!’ held on March 18, 2013 at the university’s Lecture Hall.

The first ever event organized by WIE-NEDUET in the year 2013, with Hiba Ovais Latifee as the WIE Chairperson, focused on getting the new team acquainted with IEEE Women in Engineering, its aims and benefits catering to the aspiring female engineers everywhere. With Dr. Shoaib Zaidi, Dean of Electrical and Computer Engineering NEDUET, Dr. Ghous Najero, the ex-Branch Counselor IEEE-NEDUET, Ms. Sundus Ali, a senior IEEE member and the ex-WIE NEDUET team guided the newly recruited members of WIE.

It was then successfully followed by Chair’s motto and her new plans, Dean’s appreciation speech , Ex-Chair Speech over the memories and a membership development drive.

IEEE WIE NEDUET SB AG celebrated Environment Day in their 3-day Mega event titled, ‘REBOOT THE EARTH – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ from May 25-27 May 2013. The event revolved around the idea of engineers making a difference in this world by reducing, reusing and recycling: to ‘Reduce’ the usage of resources in the first place then to “Reuse” the things that we already have that are generally deemed as useless material, trying to extract its absolute potential before ‘Recycling’ it, which is the last step to covert seemingly waste material into potentially useful material.




IEEE GOLDDid You Know ?The first ten years after graduation from university can be challenging for young professionals. Employment searches, new jobs, professional growth, career development, and life status changes are common experiences for many recent graduates. Going through these challenges can be daunting but IEEE members never have to go through these experiences alone or uninformed.

IEEE GOLD Member Benefits and OpportunitiesYoung professionals have a wide variety of member benefits and opportunities available to them through IEEE membership. These highlighted benefits are geared towards the needs and interests of young professionals and revolve around professional growth, community, and technical development.

1. Career Resources2. Community Programs3. Technical Knowledge

Visit for more information.

GRADUATES OF LAST DECADEIEEE GOLD Karachi Affinity Group, a group focusing on nurturing and providing a plat-form for fresh engineering graduates and young professionals on the first steps of the ladder to a satisfying and rewarding careers. This group of young engineering profes-sionals is a rallying call for all the members to unite under one platform, to network, collaborate, and fuel constructive discussion. Our members bring experience from many disciplines including electrical, computer, and software engineering. We aim to stimulate the exchange of ideas and experience among young practicing engineers and provide a platform and safety anchor for these young engineers to avoid the has-sles and saturation of the current job market and have ease of access to potential em-ployers and peers for guidance and vice versa. IEEE GOLD Karachi AG plans events that are of interest to someone who is building a career and a financial portfolio, and wants to have a network to rely on, meet people related to his/her industry in an informal environment leaving behind the hassles of unnecessary red tape. The event includes recruitment events, technology seminars and professional & social networking events on a regular basis to ensure that our main priority. Our members are always connected to the latest in the ever changing market. We invite Pakistan’s young engineering com-munity to unite for a fresh new perspective on the engineering life, after graduation.


IEEE GOLDIEEE Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) was created in 1996 as a membership program to help students transition to young professionals within the larger IEEE community. IEEE young professionals are automatically added to the GOLD member community as they graduate. IEEE GOLD is a vibrant community of engineers, scientists, and technical experts with member representation across the globe and throughout IEEE societies.


SAC MeetingStudent Activities Committee (SAC)SAC is the IEEE committee responsible for student programs and benefits and making recommendations to the Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) board. These volunteer members provide important viewpoints and information and represent the voice of the over 100,000 IEEE Student and Graduate Student members worldwide. The mission of IEEE SAC is ‘To deliver a common, high quality IEEE Student member experience globally, for lifelong, professional success through IEEE membership’.

Goals Of SAC Strategy -> Strengthen partnership between student activities and all other IEEE entities.

-> Interactive training program and resource for repository for volunteer leadership development;create student-friendly information management system;

-> Diversify the IEEE Student membership to reflect IEEE’s technical fields of interests and interdependent professions;

-> Operational excellence: provide SAC with training and measurable internal feedback.

-> Create activities that students are interested in.

-> Develop and deploy a strategy and plan for first-year Student members.

IEEE Karachi Section’s Student Activities Committee (SAC) Meeting was held on March 22, 2013 at FAST NUCES City Campus.

The meeting was conducted by Rabeet Sagri (SSR) and was attended by IEEE SB Chairpersons which shows their interest to learn, work and share within IEEE.

IEEE SB Officers were inquired about the IEEE vtools reporting and then learned the process for updating their SB Officers and how to make SB reporting on IEEE vtools. Attendees were also informed how to submit events and activities news reports to be published in IEEE Region 10 Newsletter.

IEEE Karachi Section’s SAC alloted funds for all IEEE SBs for the events and activities for the year 2013. IEEE SB Officers were also told the funds requesting criteria from IEEE Karachi Section for their IEEE SB activities.

SSR, IEEE Karachi Section briefly discussed the upcoming IEEE Karachi Section’s Events & Activities which includes IEEE Region 10 Student/GOLD/ WIE Congress 2013, IEEE Day, IEEE Xtreme 7.0, IEEE Pakistan Student Congress 2013, IEEE Karachi Section’s 35 years celebrations, IEEE INMIC 2013, IEEE ICICT 2013 and many more.

Further he discussed the future plans and responsibilities in making the IEEE SBs active and to collaborate with them at all levels. The initiatives or activities planned for the year 2013 includes IEEE EPICS, IEEE Ethics Competition, Membership Campaigns and Mentorship Programs and more.

Moreover, IEEE SB officers were told about IEEE Karachi Section’s Newsletter for the year 2013. SSR asked all officers to submit their respective SB events and activities news for the Newsletter 2013.

In addition, IEEE Computer Society Karachi Chapter supports the collaboration of IEEE NUCES Computer Society Chapter and IEEE MUET Computer Society Chapter as IEEE TechWeek. This collaboration will bring up the complete technology week for the students as well as for professionals to polish their skills as well as to interact with the professionals.

IEEE Karachi Section announced to support IEEE Active Volunteers of IEEE karachi Section to participate in IEEE Region 10 Student Congress 2013. The deadline was announced to submit the nominations to get funds from IEEE karachi Section.

IEEE Global Integrated Network Industry Relations (GINI IR) is now changed to Pakistan SAC. Activities of the Pakistan Sac are the same as of IEEE GINI IR. IEEE SB Officers were asked to propose one IEEE volunteer as a Collaboration Coordinator for Pakistan SAC. The collaboration coordinator will be responsible for the communicationation between IEEE SB and Pakistan SAC.

Rabeet Sagri introduced IEEE Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) to the officers and encouraged them to work on IEEE EPICS with an NGOs.

Existing IEEE SB Officers congratulate new IEEE SBs which are IEEE IBA Sukkur SB and IEEE Isra University SB and wish them a good luck ahead.

Report by: Rabeet Sagri (SSR)SAC Officers Mr. Om Perkash Batra is SAC Chair of IEEE Region 10. (2012 to present)

Mr. Hassaan Idress is SAC Chair of IEEE Karachi Section. (2013)

MARCH 2013


SSR ReportSection Student Representative (SSR)Working with the Section Student Activities Committee (SAC), the SSR is the link between the Section and all of its Student Branches. The SSR keeps students connected with the Section and its organizational units while providing them with networking opportunities and learning opportunities in the technical, professional leadership, and teamwork skills areas.

Collaborative Work With SAC Chair Section Student Representative (SSR) is responsible to collaborate with all IEEE Student Branches of Section and to work closely with IEEE Section, to help the SAC Chair in updating, reporting, promoting and all other matters related to IEEE Student Branches.

IEEE Karachi Section started its year 2013 with the new initiatives that are planned and in process to be scheduled to benefit IEEE Members lying under IEEE Karachi Section.

IEEE Karachi Section setting the vision to serve the IEEE – World’s largest association, providing a platform for technical professionals everywhere in his surroundings. IEEE Karachi Section strives to be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and helping professionals for improving global conditions.

IEEE Karachi Section promotes IEEE and introduces its prime aims and objectives to the audience of its Section. It tells the mem-bers that how IEEE works internationally and in Pakistan. By giving the concept of IEEE Regions and IEEE Sections and IEEE Student Branches, it explains the benefits and facilities which are provided by IEEE at student and professional levels.

IEEE Karachi Section has 36 entities which include 21 IEEE Student Branches, 6 IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Groups, 9 IEEE Student Chapters and IEEE Region 10 GINI Project in the cities of Ka-rachi, Jamshoro, Nawabshah, Sukkur and Quetta.

IEEE Karachi Section organised ‘Karachi Section Student Congress 2012’ hosted by IEEE PNEC SB.

IEEE Karachi Section’s Student Congress ‘12 comprises of several competitions for IEEE Student Members. The competitions are followed by series of workshops and seminars, which includes leardship workshop, career counselling, Entrepeneurship workshop and more.

IEEE KSSC ‘12 leads to a closig ceremony with the price distribution of different IEEE Outstanding awards at sectional level.

Most of the IEEE SBs of IEEE karachi Sec-tion participated in IEEE KSSC ‘12 and ex-perienced the good networking with each other.

IEEE Membership Campaign was carried out at IEEE Jinnah University for Wom-en SB by Muhammad Rabeet Sagri and Sarang Ahmed Shaikh. Before 2011, IEEE JUW SB was actively working with IEEE karachi Section. But due to certain conditions, it was inactive for last 2 years, and now again become ac-tive IEEE SB.



SSRs IEEE Karachi Section1. Saqib Munawwar (2009)2. Hassaan Idrees (2010)3. Nimrah Hashmi (2011)4. Zohaib ullah Khan (2012)5. Rabeet Sagri (2013)

SAC Chairs IEEE Karachi Section 1. (2008)2. (2009)3. Muhammad Saad (2010)4. (2011)5. (2012)6. Hassaan Idrees (2013)


SSR ReportResponsibilities Of SSR1. To assist the Section Student Activities Committee Chairperson in achieving the projects and goals set forth by the SAC such as increasing student membership, increasing the retention rate of graduating students, and increasing student involvement in the institute.

2. To keep student branches mailing list up-to-date and be in continualcommunication with all the sectional SAC, branch counselors and branch chairperson so that information at the sectional level pertaining to students will flow effectively top-down to the students.

3. To ensure student branches are reporting properly twice a year and any form of subsidies given out to student branches are received and verified.

4. To be part of the GOLD and WIE committees and contribute positively to see that students are bridged smoothly into GOLD and WIE categories.

5. To be pro-active in making recommendations to SAC concerning student programs and policies based on involvement and experiences with sectional programs and branch activities.

6. To help the organizers of national and sectional student congresses’ organizers for quality and successful events.

7. To guide newly formed student branches and ensure that they understand the purpose, values and benefits of IEEE.

8. To setup the goals at the start of the year and presently bi-yearly report to Student Activities Committee Chairperson and Section Chair.

9. To aid in recognizing effective student branches.

IEEE Karachi Section organize sevral meetngs for its Executive Members, IEEE Student Members and IEEE GOLD Members.

The main objective of these meet-ups are to get members updated about the current working projects of IEEE karachi Section and the upcoming plannings for it.

IEEE Student Activities Committee (SAC) regulalrly organize SAC Meetings to monitor IEEE SB events and activites as well to make the IEEE Student members updated about upcoming initiatives and some announcements. SAC Karachi is also having meeting hangouts with SAC - IEEE Region 10 to be notified with all work tasks and plans for future.

IEEE GOLD Karachi AG also organize some informal meetings to get thier members informed.

IEEE Karachi Section regularly participates in the regional activities including IEEE Region 10 meetings, conferences and congresses. This time, IEEE R10SGWC 2013 was organized by University of Hyderabad, IEEE Hyderabad Section, India. The congress was attended by many delegates from around the world wide IEEE Community which includes 20+ countries (including Asia, Pacific and other countries). From IEEE Karachi Section, 9 delegates participated in the congress including organizing members, sponsored delegates (by IEEE Karachi Section and IEEE Region 10 SAC) and other student members to represent their IEEE student branches and universities. The group of delegates includes student, GOLD and WIE members from the Section.

IEEE R10SGWC 2013 was a great platform for the delegates to represent IEEE Karachi Section. Muhammad Rabeet Sagri presented the complete IEEE Karachi Section in congress which includes its activities, benefits, collaborations, achievements and future plans to operate IEEE Karachi Section as well as to ensure the quality benefits to its members. Ms. Fariha Majeed and Sarang Shaikh participated in IEEE GOLD activities from IEEE Karachi Section. Delegates had a good networking opportunity to make interaction with all other congress delegates which they fulfilled in the best of their capacities and invited in their Section.

Once again, IEEE Karachi Section volunteers mark their positions at the regional level. IEEE WIE Region 10 presented the Best WIE volunteer award to Ms. Rabia Khalid (from IEEE Karachi Section), received by Ms. Fariha Majeed.

Delegates took different gifts for the IEEE Presidents, IEEE Officials, speakers and congress organizers which were given on the multi-cultural night - Day 3.

IEEE Karachi Section experienced a lot from the congress which showed them the environment, activities and management skills, and motivate them to make many different initiatives in their Section. The activities include EPICS, TISP, GHN Project, SIGHT, AYEIHUM, EMBS, HKN SB, IEEE Day and other more. The delegates are now capable to work in Section as well as in Region. Beyond this, the delegates also seeks a help from IEEE Karachi Section and its members to help them in making their Section as most active, largest and widest Section in the society.




Training SessionIEEE e-learning LibraryThe IEEE eLearning Library is a series of engaging and highly interactive online learning tutorials based on the best IEEE educational content from IEEE conferences around the world and unique materials developed specifically for inclusion in this eLearning Library.

The tutorials have been developed by recognized experts in a wide range of engineering and research technologies.

Innovative and Engaging Learning Anytime, Anywhere Delivered right to your desktop to enhance rapid, self-paced learning, the innovative IEEE eLearning Library Web-based service offers highly engaging tutorials that incorporate instructional design and interactive tools to make your learning experience as flexible and effective as possible.

Visit for more information is an internet broadcasting network that produces and delivers special-interest programming about technology and engineering. The IEEE recently introduced this offering as a benefit to the public, who may enjoy public access programming at no charge, as well as to members, who receive the Member/Basic subscription as a benefit of membership. is limited to active IEEE members. Public Access is free to the general public.

Visit to access

On Friday 12, 2013 IEEE Karachi Section has organized a training session for all Of-fice bearers of IEEE Student Branches which comes in IEEE Karachi Section which was successfully attended by most of the IEEE SB Officers and was conducted by Hassaan Idrees, SAC Chair - IEEE Karachi Section, Rabia Khalid, Representative - IEEE WIE Karachi, and by Nimrah Hashmi, Member – IEEE GOLD Karachi. The first training session for this year was held at National University of Computer and Emerging Sci-ences (NUCES) City Campus in Karachi.

The first part of the training was conducted by Hassaan Idrees., started with an activity to plan an effective plan for their SB activi-ties for this year and to highlight prior goal of the year. Then, IEEE Organization was described to the audience and the knowl-edge about the Regions, Sections, Student Branch Units and Sub-Units. Further, the organizing body of Student Branches is defined which includes the Role and Re-sponsibilities were explained of each Of-ficer. Secondly, the tools used by Hassaan Idrees to operate IEEE Student Branch were highlighted which includes SB Calen-dar, SB Operations, SB Regular Planning, S-PAC, S-PAVe and Time Management. It was then followed by an activity to prepare a SB Planning for their respective Student Branches.

Secondly, Rabia Khalid, Representative – IEEE WIE Karachi helps out SB Offi-cers to have their records updated which includes helping in IEEE Reporting and IEEE Officers (on vtools). Further she told to submit event & activity reports in dif-ferent newsletters like R10, Section, and WIE Newsletters. Also she helps in figur-ing out the FUNDS as the biggest problem for organizing any IEEE activity. For this, she provides different solutions for get-ting funds as well as for utilizing IEEE re-sources for their events & activities which includes Sponsored Competitions and Projects like President Change the Word, Ethics Competition, IEEE Xtreme, IEEE SB Website Competition, HTC, STEP and WIE AG funding. She also asked students to nominate themselves for the IEEE Stu-dent Awards.

Finally, being as an Entrepreneur, Nimrah Hasmi, Member - IEEE GOLD Karachi focused on the main necessities which are required to be done while execution of any activity. For this, she conducted an IEEE SB Leadership Training in which the real tasks were assigned to the groups which are asked to provide their solutions which can execute the event plan smoothly. She told to organize several activities other than technical activities such as Social Excur-sions, Career Building, Mentoring/Meet-Ups, Workshops and Competitions. She also emphasized to market their activities through social media which can lead to the success of it and get to know about other student branches. The Work flow is also be maintained regularly during the complete year.

The IEEE SB Officer Training Session was successfully conducted by IEEE Karachi Section which motivated the students to achieve goals in their certain domains to promote IEEE in their SB and to contribute their volunteerism for others to help them. IEEE Karachi Section thanks to all the au-dience and the trainers for making this ses-sion a success which gives a hope to New IEEE Officers to work actively to raise their IEEE Student Branches.



IEEE Technical SeminarsIn 2013, IEEE Karachi Section has taken an initiative of conducting monthly

technical seminars by reputed industrial and academic experts for the benefits of its members. This initiative lead as the individual of IEEE Karachi Section as

well as with the collaboraton Karachi Electric Suply Company (KESC).

Engineering Projects In Community ServiceEducational Activities is developing the Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) program in IEEE. EPICS, which was conceived and championed by IEEE 2007 President Leah Jamieson, is a program that organizes university and high-school students to work on engineering-related projects for local humanitarian organizations.

The purpose of the EPICS in IEEE program is to further incorporate EPICS into IEEE worldwide, by empowering student branches and IEEE GOLD groups to work with high school students on EPICS community service-related engineering projects, and by institutionalizing the program within IEEE. Through this worldwide expansion, Educational Activities will build a mechanism for sustaining and disseminating the EPICS model to other sections.

Teacher In-Service ProgramThe Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) provides a forum for IEEE volunteers to demonstrate the application of engineering, science and mathematics concepts by sharing their real-world experiences with local pre-university educators.IEEE offers training workshops for its volunteers on how to provide in-service programs to local pre-university educators.

TISP functions essentially as a professional development workshop aimed at helping teachers bring exciting hands-on engineering lessons into their classrooms. Once trained, IEEE volunteers can connect with pre-university schools in their local communities to deliver the hands-on program.

The first seminar of this series was held at National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES) City Campus in Karachi on March 1, 2013, titled Electrical Safety Requirements for Workplaces to Avoid Fire Hazards.

The presenter Engineer Tahir Saleem, a seasoned engineer working in the power engineering field for a good many years and CEO of United Engineering Services, started off with the unfortunate incident of a factory fire which happened in a thickly industrialised area of Karachi in September 2012. This incident, purportedly caused by an electric short-circuit, resulted in the death of 289 workers by severe-degree burns, smoke inhalation and the subsequent stamped. Eng. Saleem outlined the necessity of awareness to the workforce about the hazards and controls of safety, both directly and indirectly involved in an industry. The standards for electric safety have been clearly laid out by international and local institutions but very rarely followed in private sector organisations and quite little in public sector. The Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Services (OHSAS) Regulations Applied for Electrical Safety give a guideline in this regard, and Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA), the local regulatory authority, have stringent rules for electrical safety in all workplace environments, and especially on manufacturing/production floors, which are directly in contact with safety risks.

Pakistan has the world’s tenth largest labour population according to the

CIA World Factbook, and this number places a huge responsibility on the HSE stakeholders to ensure promulgation and adherence from those at the highest rung of an organisation to those at the bottom. Personal safety and protection is another aspect which was highlighted in the seminar, which includes equipment like gloves, hard hat and boots, to training and regular drills which trigger automatic responses in case of actual emergencies. In addition, it is essential to regularly check electrical safety devices, including fuses of appropriate ratings, circuit breakers of the correct make and size, relays and magnetic contactors. Earthing (grounding) as a practical concept, especially for power plants and transmission and distribution houses, was delineated as an ingrained habit in all workers, for which the NEC has outlined codes to be followed. Focus was also laid on separate neutral and ground conducting, as well as on flash protection boundaries. He briefed the audience about temperature effects on PVC cables, the importance of residual circuit devices, and following the proper code for changing lighting and fixtures.

Eng. Saleem concluded his seminar by expressing his sincerest hope that more workplaces should become vigilant and exercise their focus on electric and general safety, because more often than not, the focus is on production and manufacturing, and indifference towards safety causes much more harm in the end.

Report by: Hassaan Idress (SAC Chair)




Pakistan SACDid You Know ?In April 2011, IEEE was named one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey by NJBIZ, a weekly New Jersey business journal.

In November 2011, IEEE Spectrum® published a special report on “Fukushima and the Future of Nuclear Power,” including a detailed account of the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. The multimedia report won the 2011 Jesse H. Neal Award for Best News Coverage.

Did you know that there are 10 MGA Directors and 10 TAB Directors on the IEEE Board of Directors (BoD). These Directors are elected for two year terms. The even number Regions and Divisions (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) take office starting in odd years.

In December 2011, IEEE membership exceeded 415,000 with approximately 50 percent of all members residing outside of North America.

Did you know IEEE recently launched GoogleApps@IEEE, where members can select a personal mail address and can choose to set-up a Gmail in-box to receive mail or forward mail to another account? Each member is allotted 30GB of storage space for mail and documents stored on Google Drive? Members also have access to calendar, contacts, Google+ and Picasa. To sign up you can go to

The Student Network Council Level Executive Team is undergoing major structural changes with these team members:

1. Council Lead and Chair of Executive Committee as a Professional/GOLD member with sufficient time to spare.

2. Industrial Collaboration Vice Chair as Professional/GOLD member.

3. Collaboration Platform Vice Chair as Professional/GOLD member.

4. SB Networking Vice Chair, as a Professional/GOLD member.

5. Industrial Collaboration Secretary, as Student member or an SSR.

6. Webinars Secretary as Student member or an SSR.

7. Online Collaboration Secretary as Student member or an SSR.

8. Newsletter and Reporting Secretary as Student member or an SSR.

9. SB Networking Secretary as Student member or an SSR.

10. Council General Body which would consist of all the SSRs and SACs in Council.

In order to join IEEE Pakistan Student Activities Committee (SAC) Group of Region 10 Asia Pacific, reach out to [email protected], which is a one-stop-shop for all the buzz in IEEE in Pakistan and is linked to, focusing on IEEE Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore Sections. Here you can post news of your Student Branch, Affinity Group, Chapter, view latest updates to keep informed, make everyone active, collaborative and systematic, and build better industry-academia links - all through IEEE!




As IEEE Isra Student Branch is heading towards its first anniversary, the branch and its members decided to organize a national event under the banner of IEEE. It is a protracted step taken in order to facilitate the students to showcase best of their innovations and ingenuity from across the nation. The competition is named as iCube 2013. It consists of 16 different competitions to be held at the premises of Isra University Hyderabad. iCube 2013 is a Competition which gives the opportunity to the young innovators to Invent an Innovative Idea as defined in its Tag Line i.e ‘IDEA | INNOVATION | INVENTION’ and these three I’s collectively merge together to form ‘iCube 2013’.

The event will be organized on October 21, 2013 at Isra University , Hyderabad .

E-INDUS 2013Energizing the IndustryVision of Future Pakistan

‘e-Indus’, The annual technical event of Institute of industrial electronics engineering (IIEE), that is organized under the supervision of IEEE, where student from all the engineering and science universities gather on a platform to share and exhibit their innovative ideas. E-indus is being organized annually for more than a decade, annual mega event of IEEE-IIEE Student branch, a golden decade of student projects, papers, seminars and competitions.‘e-Indus’ provides a platform for the young and innovative minds of the country. This gives the students and learners a broad view of the practical world of engineering and science and helps them in strengthening the world for a better future.

IEEE Pakistan STUDENT | GOLD | WIE Congress (PSGWC) is held annually, with every IEEE section in the country hosting it once over a period of three years. Previously it was called Pakistan Student Congress (PSC). This time, IEEE PSGWC 2013 will be organised by IEEE Karachi Section on October 23 - 25, 2013 at IEEE MUET Student Branch, MUET Jamshoro. This will be the 7th Pakistan Student/ GOLD/ WIE Congress overall and the 3rd to be organized by the IEEE Karachi Section. Registrations and other details will be provided soon to all.

IEEE Day is a global event to be held on the first Tuesday of October, annually. It celebrates the anniversary of the first time IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. While the world benefits from what’s new, IEEE is focused on what’s next. Thus, this year the theme of the IEEE Day will be “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow”. IEEE Karachi Section will also celebrate the IEEE Day 2013 at sectional level with a collabora-tion of any IEEE SB. Interested IEEE SBs are requested to submit their request to host IEEE Day 2013 in IEEE Karachi Section. Email the requests at [email protected]

IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of student members compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems. This year is the seventh continuation of IEEE Xtreme 7.0 programming competition. IEEEXtreme 7.0 will take place on October 26, 2013 at 00:00:00 UTC. Registration will open early Septem-ber. As every year, IEEE NUCES Computer Society Chapter will host IEEE Xtreme 7.0 in IEEE Karachi Section. For information and registration details, please feel free to email at [email protected]


Faculty of Computer Science, Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Karachi orga-nizing 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies 2013 (ICICT 2013) at IBA Karachi on December 14-15, 2013. The conference is leading with a theme of ‘Using Technology to Create a Better World’.Deadline of paper submission was July 30, 2013. Organizing committee invites you to attend ICICT 2013.

Visit for more information.






IEEE ChaptersIEEE Societies and CommunitiesAs the world’s largest technical association, IEEE is comprised of a variety of groups, active in publications, conferences, and building technical communities. These units involve member outreach at both, the local and global level.

IEEE has 38 technical Societies that provide benefits to members within specialized fields of interest. Society memberships enable you stay current within your chosen technology profession, keep in touch with your peers, and invest in your career.

Join an IEEE Society today and start connecting to breakthrough technical information in your technology field.

Knowledge GroupsIEEE knowledge groups are member- and volunteer-driven communities, providing cutting-edge research and knowledge sharing on various topics.

Virtual Networks A virtual network is a Web-based community of individuals that have a shared purpose or common interests. IEEE bridges geographical boundaries and provides additional opportunities for IEEE members, volunteers, staff, and governance to communicate and collaborate through use of online communities.

The IEEE Communications Society is a community comprised of a diverse group of indus-try professionals with a common interest in advancing all communications technologies. To that end, the Society sponsors publications, conferences, educational programs, local activities, and technical committees that: Foster original work in all aspects of communi-cations science, engineering, and technology.

IEEE Communication Society Karachi Chapter organised several activities which in-cludes ‘World Telecommunication & Information Society Day’ celebration at Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET), Jamshoro on May 17, 2013, Accorded technical collaboration for ‘International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks for Developing Countries’ to MUET, Jamshoro which has held between April 24-26, 2013, ‘IEEE Day 2012’ celebration as well as seminars on ‘Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks’ & ‘Blogging & Creative Writing’ at MUET, Jamshoro on 6th October 2012, a workshop on ‘Antenna Design and Fabrication Using HFSS’, at MUET, Jamshoro on September 3-4, 2012, a workshop on ‘Proteus VSM & PIC Microcontrollers’ at Usman Institute of Technology (UIT), Karachi between July 17-20, 2012 and many more.

The IEEE Computer Society is the computing professional’s single, unmatched source for technology information, inspiration and collaboration. By making the most up-to-date and advanced information in the computing world easily accessible, we are the source that computing professionals trust to provide high quality, state-of-the-art information on an on-demand basis.

The IEEE Computer Society is the world’s leading computing membership organization and the trusted information and career-development source for a global workforce of technology leaders including: professors, researchers, software engineers, IT profession-als, employers, and students –our future technology leaders. Members have endless op-portunities to network with the world’s foremost technology professionals, to lead the community by volunteering and mentoring, and to both gain exposure and contribute to the field as authors and reviewers.

In IEEE Karachi Section, IEEE Computer Society Chapter is present in IEEE NUCES SB and IEEE MUET SB. These chapters are working with IEEE Computer Society Karachi Chapter for arranging student competitions, hackathons, workshops, sessions and confer-ences.



Technical Committees Technology is constantly evolving. In order to quickly respond to new innovations, IEEE has a variety of technical committees and activities.


IEEE ChaptersIEEE Member and Geographic Activities IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) is focused on supporting and meeting the members’ needs and IEEE membership recruitment and retention strategies and implementation. IEEE local geographic organizational units (Sections, Chapters, Affinity Groups, and Student Branches) provide unique opportunities for members to attend technical presentations, create strong peer-to-peer connections, and participate in leadership opportunities that can make a positive distinction in IEEE members’ jobs and careers.

The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGA Board) is responsible to the IEEE Board of Directors, has oversight of IEEE geographic organizational units, and is responsible for IEEE membership and member development.

IEEE Career AlertCareer Alert is a weekly email newsletter which contains career advice plus the job of the week from the IEEE Job Site. It provides members with links to news about engineering careers, education, and professional issues.

IEEE JobSiteIEEE Members who post their profile and resumes on the IEEE Job Site receive an e-mail when an employer posts an opening that matches their requirements. This service is available exclusively to IEEE Members.


The Power & Energy Society (PES) provides the world’s largest forum for sharing the lat-est in technological developments in the electric power industry, for developing standards that guide the development and construction of equipment and systems, and for educating members of the industry and the general public. Members of the Power & Energy Society are leaders in this field, and they — and their employers — derive substantial benefits from involvement with this unique and outstanding association.

The scope of the Society embraces research, development, planning, design, construction, maintenance, installation and operation of equipment, structures, materials and power systems for the safe, sustainable, economic and reliable conversion, generation, transmis-sion, distribution, storage and usage of electric energy, including its measurement and control.

Two IEEE PES Society Chapters are now working in IEEE Karachi Section at IEEE NED SB and IEEE MUET SB.


IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION SOCIETYThe IEEE Robotics and Automation Society’s objectives are scientific, literary and educa-tional in character. The Society strives for the advancement of the theory and practice of robotics and automation engineering and science and of the allied arts and sciences, and for the maintenance of high professional standards among its members, all in consonance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the IEEE and with special attention to such aims within the Field of Interest of the Society.

IEEE RAS Chapter is only present in IEEE NUCES SB which is working on promoting robotics to all over the country by organising different workshops, competitions such as ‘National Roboleague’.


The IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society is dedicated to the development and use of electrical and electronic instruments and equipment to measure, monitor and/or record physical phenomena. The fields of interest include metrology, analog and digital electronic instruments, systems and standards for measuring and recording elec-trical quantities (in both frequency and time domains), instrumentation and transducers for measurement of non-electrical variables, calibration and uncertainty, instruments with automated control and analysis functions, safety instrumentation, and new technol-ogy applications.

IEEE IMS Society Chapter is now established at IEEE MUET SB.

IEEE HIIT SBDid You Know ?IEEE HIIT SB was formed in March 2001 and it was very active for participating in various events organized by IEEE Karachi Section. The major event was SCONEST [Student Conference on Engineering Sciences and Technology] 2003, organised by IEEE HIIT SB during October 9-11, 2003.

After remaining inactive for two years, IEEE HIIT SB become reactive in 2007 to support research and engineering activities among students at Hamdard Institute of Information Technology (HIIT). It organizes seminars, workshops, tutorials and industrial tours for encouragement and training.

IEEE HIIT SB is mainly focusing on development and enhancement for technical skills of students and introducing research & innovation culture at HIIT.

ParticipationsFrom 7-9 Sept 2012, IEEE HIIT SB members participated in different activities of IEEE PSC 2012, at GIK Institute.

On Thursday 18th Sept 2012, IEEE HIIT SB office bearers attended IEEE Karachi Section Annual Meeting at Sunset Club, Karachi.

On 4th Oct 2012, IEEE HIIT Student branch participated in IEEE KSSC Event 2012 at PNEC NUST. It was one day event in which students participated in different activities including ethics competition & poster design competition, seminars & workshops.

In today’s scenario Multi core processing becomes a sign of rapid growing on the map of the world. As it is the key of success of most of the technology creator countries. So for informing IEEE HIIT student branch arranges a highly qualified professor of NED University to get some information about multi core processing & its architecture. The guest of honor was Dr. M. Ali Ismail, (Assistant Professor) NED UET KARACHI.. Other significant attendees included Dean A.R. Memon, Director HIIT DR. Vali Uddin , Deputy Director HIIT Engr. Rashid Hussain, Head of Department (BE/BS-Computer Systems) Engr. Azhar Dilshad & Engr.Aqeel-ur-Rehman and others.

Dr. M. Ismail delivered the lecture to the students about how technology revolution of multi core processors from single core processors. He discussed all the details, giving students a clear picture of using multi core and its architectures insides. Engr. Hyder abbas musvai (Head of Department – Electronics Engineering / HIIT IEEE Branch Counselor) also enlightened the students with his thoughts about this seminar. Around 200 attendees were present in the HIIT auditorium where the event took place, and these included students, faculty members, Heads of different Departments, staff members and other officials.

Moreover, Chair IEEE - HIIT Student Branch, Sohail Sarang addresses the attendees all about using multi core processors instead of single core processors as multi cores are the best resource of time and money management . Further

he highlights the branch activities and their future goals. In last Director Dr. Vali Uddin gave honorable shield to the invited guest. . All the members of IEEE played their part in making this event successful.

The first event after general election procedure of “IEEE - HIIT Student Branch” of the year 2013 took place on April 12th, 2013. As the final year project is the most important part of any engineering program, Team IEEE HIIT organized an event on ‘How to make a good FYP’. The guest of honor was chairman FYP committee, HIIT himself: Engr. Syed Wasif Ali Shah. Other significant attendees included Director HIIT Engr. Rashid Hussain, Dean A.R. Memon, Head of Department (BE-Computer Systems) Engr. Azhar Dilshad and others.

Engr.Syed Wasif Ali shah delivered the lecture to the students about how to make a good FYP, its basics and prerequisites. He discussed all the details, giving students a clear picture of what they have got to do. Engr. Azhar Dilshad (Head of Department – Computer-Systems Engineering) also enlightened the students with his thoughts about this seminar. Around 300 attendees were present in the HIIT auditorium where the event took place, and these included students, faculty members, Heads of different Departments, staff members and others.




IEEE HIIT SBDid You Know ?IEEE HIIT SB was formed in March 2001 and it was very active for participating in various events organized by IEEE Karachi Section. The major event was SCONEST [Student Conference on Engineering Sciences and Technology] 2003, organised by IEEE HIIT SB during October 9-11, 2003.

After remaining inactive for two years, IEEE HIIT SB become reactive in 2007 to support research and engineering activities among students at Hamdard Institute of Information Technology (HIIT). It organizes seminars, workshops, tutorials and industrial tours for encouragement and training.

IEEE HIIT SB is mainly focusing on development and enhancement for technical skills of students and introducing research & innovation culture at HIIT.

On 2nd Oct 2012, IEEE HIIT Student Branch Celebrated IEEE DAY at HIIT and organized Skype Conference. The topic was “Working in 21st Century A Few Tips to Survive & Thrive”.

Conference Speaker was “Bala Prasanna” IEEE Region1 Executive committee member/IBM program manager. He shared his experiences in Professional Skills. Moreover he discussed students Professional Skills and Around 100 students including Faculty members attended this Conference.

Some key points of his speech were professional skills developments, life management skills for success, communication skills, networking, responsible students, conflict holds creative potential and more.

IEEE HIIT SB Members also attended Exhibitions, seminars in different IEEE SB as well as international exhibitions in Karachi.

1. 27th IEEEP Students Seminar 2012 Organized BY HIIT (Hamdard Institute of Information & Technology) in which our IEEE members served as volunteers

2. Attended 12th ITCN ASIA International Exhibition & Conference 18-20 Sep 2012 @ Expo centre Karachi.

3. Four students participated in Connect 2012(7th information & communication Technology Exhibition & Conference) 22-24 May 2012 @ Expo Centre Karachi.

4. Our 03 IEEE Memebrs attended conference on “computing “at Marriot Hotel Karachi by Institute of economics and communication (Newport).

5. Contribution in facilitating organized NCEAC Accreditation VISIT (Held from Feb. 1, till March 16,2012).

6. our 18 members (6 teams) participated in “IEEE Xtreme Programming Competition 6.0” on 20th Oct 2012.

IEEE Officers at IEEE HIIT Student Branch

Sayed HyderAbbas Counselor

Sohail SarangChairperson

Waseem SaeedVice Chairperson

Sumera SiddiquiGeneral Secretary

Akhtar HamidTreasurer



IEEE IBA Sukkur SBDid You Know ?IEEE Sukkur IBA Student Branch was established on June 19th, 2012 by a faculty member of Electrical Engineering Department and Student Branch Counselor Engr. Bilal Hussain Memon. IEEE Student Branch, SIBA aims to provide an interactive platform for students to develop professional and technical abilities.

We keep on organizing different events, competitions, technical sessions and also discussion panel for our students and our future progress. Since its establishment, a number of events have been arranged such as a documentary session on “How we invented the world”, IEEE Xtreme 6.0 global programming competition, Meetings, & SemPro S13 (Semester Project for Spring (Semester) 2013) Competition.

Meetings are the best way to have eye on the current progress of student branch as well as planning a strategy for future. During the last Spring Semester of 2013 a meeting was organized by IEEE SB on March 5th, 2013. The agenda of the meeting was organized in such a way that directly relate to the professional development of the student. A team comprising on 7 members to work on EPIC projects was also formed in the meeting.

A documentary session was organized on March 12th , 2013. The objective of this session was to focus at the four inventions that have had the most influence on our life: mobile phones, skyscrapers, cars and aero-planes. It was praised by all participants and feedback was really good.

The website of IEEE Sukkur IBA SB has recently been launched. It contains information about our SB such as office barriers, past & upcoming events and competitions. The website provides a facility to the students to register online for any upcoming competition. The link can be accessed via access. Mr. Hyder-e-Karar Noonari is the creator and administrator of the website.

On May 2nd, 2013 IEEE Sukkur IBA SB organized SEMPRO-13 (Semesters Project for Spring Semester 2013) Competition in Sukkur IBA.

The goal of this competition is to provide a chance to students to come up with new and innovative ideas and work on software and hardware both simultaneously and to prove themselves as a team of professional engineers and circuit designers.

This competition aims to speed up the processing power of mind and the storage capacity of students. For appreciation of students, cash prizes sponsored by Sukkur IBA were distributed at the ending ceremony of the event. Students of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department decorated their desks with their unique projects. The Honorable Director of Sukkur IBA, Mr. Nisar Ahmed Siddique along with Registrar, Mr. Zahid Hussain Khand and HOD Electrical Engineering department Prof. Dr. Madad Ali Shah visited and took demonstration from student about their projects. After a tough competition, the winner teams were awarded certificates and cash prizes.





IEEE Officers at IEEE IBA Sukkur Student Branch

Engr. Bilal Hussain Memon Counselor

Ali RazaChairperson

Hyder e KararVice Chairperson

Waqas AhmadGeneral Secretary

Nabeel Ahmad MemonTreasurer


IEEE Isra SBDid You Know ?Isra University established its IEEE Isra University Student brach on 12/03/2012. Mr. Saad Baloch is SB Counselor and Muhammad Hanan Daudpota is the SB Chairperson, while Muazzam Memon, Pirah Ak-ber and Shahbaz Ali are the other SB Officers. Now there are 50 IEEE Student Members in IEEE Isra Uni-versity SB.

A Seminar on “IEEE Mentoring & Cloud Computing “ was organized by IEEE Isra Student Branch on 15th February 2013 at Asadullah Kazi Auditorium . This seminar was the maiden seminar of IEEE Isra student Branch in which the formal inauguration of the branch took place.

The inauguration was done by Chancellor, Prof. Dr– Asadullah kazi , who was the chief gust at the occasion . The note able dignitaries included Dr. Hameedullah Kazi, Pro-vice Chancellor (E&MS) and Dr. Rafiq Abro, Chairperson, Department of Electrical Engineering.

The speaker on the occasion were Engr. Saqib Munnawaer, IEEE Mentor, Karachi Section, Engr. Sarang Shaikh, Chairperson of IEEE MUET Chapter and Dr. Shahzad Nizamani, Assistant Prof. Software Engineering Department, MUET Jamshoro.

Both the IEEE external representatives gave an insight of the IEEE, its benefits & while Dr Shahzad Nizamani gave an excellent briefing and lecture on an innovative technology cloud computing in which the audiences were briefed about how to do networking based on clouding .This seminar was a huge success as nearly 280 participants attended the seminar which included participants from various university that is Quaid-e-Azam Nawabshah, Mehran Univeristy of Engineering Technology Jamshoro , Sindh University Jamshoro and many other universities . In the end shields, certificates were distributed to Speakers, organizers of the event.

The welcome speech was given by IEEE Isra student Branch president Muhammad Hanan Daudpota and Vote of Thanks was given by IEEE Isra Student Branch Counselor, Engr. Saad Khan Baloch,

who thanked the Chief gust, Dignitaries speakers and Participants for gracing the seminar.

A Seminar on IEEE Research Development Program was held on Wednesday, 17th April 2013 at Asadullah Kazi Auditorium, Isra University. This Seminar was organized by IEEE Isra Student Branch.

Prof. Dr. Asadullah Kazi, Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ghulam Qadir Kazi, Vice Chancellor, Engr. Prof. Dr. Hameedullah Kazi, Pro Vice Chancellor, Engineering & Management Sciences, Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Bhatti, Dean, FEST & FCEMS, Engr. Prof. Dr. M. Rafiq Abro, Faculty Members and a huge number of Students attended the Seminar.

Prof. Dr. Asadullah Kazi, Chancellor, Isra University also addressed the participants and shared his views about the seminar and discussed the topics on which the speakers spoke on. Prof. Dr. Asadullah Kazi, the first Pakistani to teach in AIT also shared his experiences and encouraged the students to participate in these sorts of Seminars and Competitions and talked about grabbing the opportunities and not to miss them and accept them with open hands.

The Seminar concluded with Shields and Certificates Distribution among the Speakers and Organizers of IEEE Isra Student Branch.



IEEE Officers at IEEE Isra Student Branch

Engr. Saad Khan Baloch Counselor

Muhammad Hanan DaudpotaChairperson

Muazzam MemonVice Chairperson

Pirah AkbarGeneral Secretary

Shebaz AliTreasurer


IEEE MUET SBDid You Know ?IEEE MUET Student Branch is the only IEEE Student Branch in IEEE Karachi Section having 4 IEEE Society Chapters. IEEE Society Chapters in IEEE MUET SB are IEEE Computer Society Chapter, IEEE Communaication Society Chapter, IEEE Power and Energy Society Chapter and IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society.

Beside all, IEEE MUET SB is also having IEEE MUET WIE Affinity Group.

Smart Grid LectureA technical seminar was arranged alongside the inaugural ceremony and was conducted in the end. This seminar was primarily focusing “The Smart Grid and its applications”. It was delivered by PhD. Scholar, Engr. Irfan Ahmed Halepto. This seminar was primarily meant for the advertisement of IEEE-PES and also to reflect the basic objective of PES i.e. to be prime providers of any/all knowledge related to power and energy. His seminar included all the necessary knowledge regarding smart grids. Its importance, applicable criterion and the positive changes that it might produce etc.

Over twenty-six students from the Department of Software Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro stepped away from their studies on March 27, 2013, to take part in a groundbreaking event “IEEECS MUET’s HORIZON- HARMONIZING TECHNOLOGY AND NATURE. “IEEECS-MUET’s HORIZON” was just a glimmer in IEEECS-MUET chairperson’s eye last year, but after the unprecedented success of the IEEECS-MUET inaugural, he felt compelled to make it a reality.

The event was a joint effort by the members of IEEECS-MUET studying at Department of Software Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro and was the second event organized by IEEECS-MUET members at Software Engineering department. The event was carried on with the full support of Chairman of the Department of Software Engineering, Prof. Tahseen Hafiz and Asst: Prof. and Chapter Advisor Dr. Imran Ali Jokhio. Other notable dignitaries included all the teachers of department and most importantly the Dean FEECE & IEEE-MUET Branch Counselor Prof. Dr. Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry, VC NUST & Chairperson PEC.

The event stood unique among all the other organized events since the members came up with a different yet exciting idea of harmonizing technology with nature. The event was divided in three segments: Plantation, Cleaning and Painting.

The event was raised to full hype with the presence of our faculty’s Dean & Branch Counselor Prof. Dr. Bhawani Shankar

Chowdhry as he inaugurated the event. He was so delighted to see the presence of each and every student of the department. Following this, all the notable dignitaries and IEEECS-MUET members ploughed plants to make their enclosing look fresh.

Regarding the cleanliness of the surroundings and environment, IEEECS-MUET provided dustbins for the use inside the department and imparted the knowledge about the importance of cleaning. With the core concept of organizing the event, members enthusiastically encouraged their fellows to keep the environment clean. The campus was decorated by the banners spreading the message of spotless environment.

Apart from cleaning and plantation, members were encouraged to sketch and paint the pictures that depicted the combination of technology and nature. The paintings comprised of ideas that how the nature and its inhabitants can benefit from the evolution of technology.

With the motivation from all the teachers, a chance to work for betterment of the environment, and an eye catching and a captivating sunset, it was truly a day to remember.

Report by: Rubeea Jaffri


IEEE Officers at IEEE MUET Student BranchDr. Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry Counselor

Sarang ShaikhChairperson

HVice Chairperson

WGeneral Secretary



IEEE NED SBDid You Know ?NEDUET is one the accredited Engineering Institute running in Pakistan having skilled students who just need a platform to showcase their skills as Engineers and that is where IEEE NEDUET Student Branch helps them.IEEE-NEDUET Student Branch has been a dignified and inspiring podium for innovative artisans to flourish and articulate their intellect. It has very arrogantly schematized seminars, workshops and techniques for inquisitive scholars.

IEEE NEDUET SB team 2013 efficiently pulled off the ground with its new president Ms. Bint-e- Zohra and gave a perfect start to this year by hosting a multi-speaker informative seminar which successfully introduced IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer) amongst the students of NEDUET. The Session revolved against the benefits of being an IEEE member and the helpful services provided by IEEE and that by the Student Branch of IEEE NEDUET.

The noble idea came off as a huge success with a house full of interested people attending the seminar to broaden their knowledge about IEEE. The event was also hosted to compliment all the voluntary and loyal services of team 2012 and give them tokens of appreciation for helping build this Student Body Organization and making it the largest and strongest organization yet running in NEDUET.

The Session started with a panel discussion which was done under Mr. Imran Aslam( Co-chairman Telecommunications Department), Miss Faiza Zafar( Research Analyst EDC), Miss Sundus Ali( Lecturer Telecommunications Department) and Junaid Qureshi (lecturer Electrical Department). The discussion started with introducing IEEE and its services like IEEE Xplore, Spectrum Magazine and the countless benefits attained by these members in their student as well as professional lives while in NED University of Engineering & technology. The audience was enlightened with the authenticity of the services and information provided by IEEE to its members and how they can avail it subjected to their needs.

It was time for the guest of honor, Dr Shoaib Zaidi, Dean ECE, to address the young minds and illuminate their minds over professional environment and how to deal with it efficiently and mark their names in the Hallmark of Engineering. A

brief speech which covered the job tirade nowadays and the methodology of the job seekers to pick up students from amongst many and the advantage of being an IEEE member in this situation. A short award ceremony preceded his speech where the members of EXCom and Core Team members of IEEE NEDUET SB 2012 were given awards for their notable services to this Organization.

“IEEE ENVISION 2013”, a project pitch competition was held for the very first time by IEEE NEDUET SB 2013. The sole initiative for such a mega-event was the need of equipping students with technical and presentation skills. The brainchild of this event was the chairperson Bint-e-Zohra.

IEEE Envision was organized for four days at NEDUET from June 20 - 26 2013. These four days include the launch and training sessions for participants on June 20th, Elevator Pitch on June 24th, Creative Endorsement on June 25th, Perceptive Presentation on June 26th 2013.

The event results in helping out students of departments in their academics as well as in their professional carreers.

IEEE-SB NEDUET has truly marked history through this successful event and have proved once again as the pioneers of hosting multi-dimensional activities.



IEEE Officers at IEEE NED Student Branch

Dr. Muhammad Khurram Counselor


Khwaja Nabeel AhmedVice Chairperson

Samina BarwaniGeneral Secretary

Umair AsgharTreasurer


IEEE NUCES SBDid You Know ?The IEEE NUCES aims to integrate the students and provide them a platform where they could get recognized for their contributions for the development and for the advancement of technology for humanity. IEEE NUCES plays important role in reducing the gap between the industry and students through innovative programs and projects.

IEEE NUCES student branch has been working closely with IEEE Karachi Section in conducting activities and hosting events at Section level. IEEE Karachi Section was inactive for five years until volunteers from IEEE NUCES student branch contacted IEEE Region 10 and gathered few other members to re-activate IEEE Karachi Section. Our student branch strives to represent at all regional congresses. IEEE NUCES Student Branch currently having 40 IEEE student members and 8 IEEE professional members.

Achievements1. Organized first International conference at university named INMIC 2005.

2. Organized second international conference at university named IEEE ICIET 2007.

3. Initiated first ever IEEE Pakistan Student Congress 2007.

4. Ravendar Lal received IEEE Computer Society Richard.E.Merwin Scholarship.

The IEEE Day was internationally celebrated in all over the world but here IEEE NUCES successfully celebrated IEEE Day on Oct 8th 2012 with complete dedication for IEEE. The celebrations started with the cake cutting ceremony of IEEE on the great success of the last year of IEEE events.

The IEEE volunteers, students and faculty took big part in making IEEE Day in their student branch. A welcome note is given by the Director, FAST NUCES to the new IEEE members of his university. IEEE Day is then followed by the three sessions given by the industry people. The session were on “Process Safety Management of Chemical / Process Plants” by Mr. Abid Hussain (HSE Engineer, Pakistan Petroleum Limited), “Contributions to Decisional Human‐Robot Interaction: Towards Collaborative Robot Companions” by Dr Muhammad Ali Nizamani (PhD Researcher/Explorer), and ‘’Engineers role in technological environment’’ by Arsalan Hamid Siddiqui (Deputy Executive Engineer, K.E.S.C). In last, certificates to the Office Bearers of IEEE NUCES 2011 were distributed by the Director of FAST National University and also he encouraged their efforts as a voluntarily work for IEEE NUCES.

IEEE Day tells the importance not just for being an IEEE member but also tells the importance of science & technology in the modern era.


Since 2009, IEEE NUCES is hosting IEEE Xtreme in IEEE Karachi Section. Similarly, this year IEEE Xtreme 6.0 is hosted by IEEE NUCES in IEEE Karachi Section. In this regard, the accommodation, competition facilities and other necessities

were provided to the participants and proctors by IEEE NUCES.

The participants and proctors from different IEEE Student Chapters came to compete from IEEE NUCES. The staff and faculty cooperated with IEEE NUCES for the success of the event. The participants actively participated in IEEE Xtreme 6.0. Beside the competition, the IEEE volunteers had a volley ball match and a basketball match during IEEE Xtreme 6.0.

The all credit for arranging the IEEE Xtreme 6.0 goes to IEEE NUCES Computer Society who worked a lot and promoted it in the students and professionals of IEEE Karachi Section. The struggle of IEEE NUCES Computer Society for promoting IEEE Xtreme 6.0 results many of the new memberships of IEEE by making interest in students to compete in IEEE Xtreme 6.0. IEEE NUCES accommodated about 40 students and their proctors from different student chapters and rest 30 students from the home (IEEE NUCES student chapter). “IEEE Xtreme’s problems are really extreme. It is a good competition that helps the students to understand the things beyond their studies and to broader their way of thinking for solving any real world problem. We thank to the IEEE Xtreme 6.0’s team and wish a good luck for IEEE Xtreme 7.0”, Rabeet Sagri, Chair IEEE NUCES Computer Society.

On Thursday, November 1, 2012. IEEE NUCES Coomunication Society Chapter organised one day workshop on Arduino. The wrokshop was attained by students of Electrical Engineering as well as Computer Science student, ans was conducted by Asad Memon (CS Student, FAST NUCES). Workshop comprises the introduction of different technologies, learning of Arduino and practical implementation of Arduino





IEEE NUCES SBDid You Know ?The IEEE NUCES aims to integrate the students and provide them a platform where they could get recognized for their contributions for the development and for the advancement of technology for humanity. IEEE NUCES plays important role in reducing the gap between the industry and students through innovative programs and projects.

IEEE NUCES student branch has been working closely with IEEE Karachi Section in conducting activities and hosting events at Section level. IEEE Karachi Section was inactive for five years until volunteers from IEEE NUCES student branch contacted IEEE Region 10 and gathered few other members to re-activate IEEE Karachi Section. Our student branch strives to represent at all regional congresses. IEEE NUCES Student Branch currently having 40 IEEE student members and 8 IEEE professional members.

in real world. Trainer also discussed the construction of Arduino circuits and its adaptibility and working in different devices which includes the learning of hardware and programming learning.

After the successful workshop on Aduino, the trainer received the honorary shield, presented by Faraz Sohail, Chair IEEE NUCES on behalf of IEEE NUCES, and students received the certificates for attending the workshop.

IEEE NUCES Student Branch organised a webinar on “Skills Development” by Bala Prasanna (Treasurer IEEE Region 1), on Wednesday, December 5, 2012. The webinar was attended by the student and faculty members of FAST NUCES, Karachi.

As manager, Bala Prasanna is active in many employees counseling and support organizations. He is IEEE Region 1 Treasurer, and past chair of the IEEE Jersey Coast section among many volunteer positions.

On Friday, Febuary 22, 2013, IEEE NUCES organized a seminar on “Research Paper writing & Benefits” and was led by the IEEE NUCES Computer Society. Dr. Shakeel Khoja, Chair - IEEE Computer Society at IEEE Karachi Section was the speaker of the seminar. The seminar includes the importance of doing research for the advancement in the global world and the

benefits by which researcher gets way to do their research work. The honorable speaker highlighted the research activities required to perform before starting your own research. This includes survey, idea generation, gathering information and references to support your research work. Since the research is done globally, therefore the speaker highlighted different international platforms for gathering the information for research in which IEEE Computer Society Digital library (CSDL) and IEEE Xplore were focused.

IEEE Strategic Research & Planning provides research services to the entire IEEE. Typical research projects examine the needs and opinions of specific groups, assess satisfaction levels, investigate new ideas, evaluate outcomes, or measure the effectiveness of products and services. This doesn’t tell us the importance not just for being an IEEE member but also tells the importance of research in the modern era. is a step towards further enforcing the commitment of FAST for the development of Information Technology and Engineering Science related fields in Pakistan. It is an initiative to bring out the capabilities of the students and provide them a platform for competition to nurture their expertise. It is the place where Academia meets Industry and vice versa - the bridge that bridges the 2013 was organised on April 10-11, 2013. It comprises of 44 competitions including university level competitions, school level competitions, artisistic, literature and personal interest competitons. It is annually organised with the cooperation of IEEE NUCES.



PROCOM.NET 2013IEEE Officers at IEEE NUCES Student Branch

Dr. Asim ur Rehman Counselor

Murtaza HanifChairperson

Faraz AhmedVice Chairperson

SGeneral Secretary


Kelash Kumar BatraChair - IEEE NUCES CS


IEEE SZABIST SBIEEE TechnoVate ‘13TechnoVate is a national level event that is a result of collaboration between the Egypt and Pakistan and is an initiative of IEEE WIE and GOLD Pakistan. The aim of this initiative was to select and promote the finest engineering and innovation based projects and to sponsor them for competing in EED, Egypt. IEEE Technovate is the Latest and One of the highest profiled events of IEEE Pakistan.

On 8th of July 2013, Technovate ’13 was simultaneously organized in all the 3 sections. AIR University from Islamabad Section, FAST National University from Lahore Section and SZABIST from Karachi Section were given the chance to host this prestigious event. Projects ranging from Software and core electronics to mechanical systems and even aerodynamics, participated in the event.

The judges, when asked about the feedback, congratulated the organizers for hosting an innovative event like TechnoVate’ 13 and were impressed by the creativity of the participants.

From the 22nd to the 24th of March 2013, IEEE-SSB organized a 48-Hour application development event, HACKATHON at SZABIST 154, Clifton, Karachi. This event provided a forum for the students of Pakistan to collectively come up with creative ideas and provide technological solutions to real life problems. The theme that we selected for the HACKATHON this year was ‘To Automate Any Manual Process of Pakistan’. IEEE-SSB molded this event to fit best at national level. It was platform and technology independent; the teams comprised of 2-4 participants and were allowed to work on web, mobile or desktop applications. There were a total of 26 teams and overall 118 students that registered for the event from 7 different universities all over Pakistan (SZABIST, FAST-NUCES, University of Karachi, ISRA University Hyderabad, DHA-SUFFA, SSUET, MAJU) who stayed at SZABIST 154 Campus for 3days. Participants were provided with all the necessities to make their stay as comfortable as possible.

At the end, all the participants were awarded with a certificate of participation. The top 3 teams, all from FAST-NUCES received shields and cash prizes.

For accomplishing all expected objects we have with us ICT R&D Funds & KMC, Thank you everyone for everything.

The IEEE SZABIST Student Branch is one of the best and the most dynamic societies of the Institute that organizes multiple events each semester, catering to the students of SZABIST as well as other universities from all over Karachi. The basic purpose of the events is to inform and update students about new trends in technology and professional market, regardless of their core subjects. The events also target the masses by facilitating them

and providing them with some extra-curricular activities. The society owns its own Newsletter ‘Milestone’ and Website under the domain name which caters our blog comprising of complete details of events falling under IEEE-SSB’s domain. Even further, it is worth mentioning that IEEE SZABIST Student Branch has currently taken the status of the most active student branch by the Karachi section and has been approached by the same for hosting certain competitions and seminars. The society is involved in organizing back-to-back events this year, ranging from different seminars, workshops and conference to fun-filled events for the students.

In his tenure, IEEE SSB has a great timeline with alot of events and activities organised back to back. These activities include recruitment drives, Google IO Extended Developer Conference, Software Quality Assurance Workshop, Programming and Calculus Help Sessions, IBM/IEEE Smarter Planet Challenge, Technoweek (Robotics, Project Management Workshop, Photoshop Workshop), BS Computing FYP Expo, Web Development Workshop, 48-Hour Hackathon, CIO Campus Conversation,

IEEE-SSB deserves ample amount of appreciation for catering numerous events back to back without failing in putting forth SZABIST’s good name. IEEE-SSB gracefully shook hands with other societies while organizing a few events and played its part well. Being the most established technology oriented society of SZABIST, IEEE-SSB has always provided students with opportunities to experience technology outside the typical boxed environment; promoting job offers and competitions by Google and external programs.

IEEE-SSB truly boosted SZABIST’s image by procuring along with other sponsors The Ministry of I.T. as Gold Sponsors for Hackathon. Apart from financial benefactors, Hackathon also received much encouragement in terms of advert from print media such as Tribune and The News Tribe.



IEEE Officers at IEEE SZABIST Student Branch

Sameen Raza Counselor

Saffwan Ummar ButtChairperson

Zain SakraniVice Chairperson

Bilal PabalGeneral Secretary

Mawis AnisTreasurer




Newsletter TeamAcknowledgementsPlease acknowledge here Sheikh Imran Ul Haque, Parkash Lohana and Muhammad Shahab Siddiqui.


IEEE Karachi Section Old Website

IEEE Karachi Section New Website

FeedbackWe will love to hear from you.Please provide us your feedback about our e-newsletter [email protected]

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Contact Please feel free to contact us regarding related to IEEE and IEEE Karachi Section.

Please visit IEEE Karachi Section’s website for contact details.

Hassaan Idrees Rabeet Sagri

Anas AminEditor

Raja DharminderDesigner

Dear Colleagues,

The initiation of IEEE Karachi Section’s Newsletter was a major undertaking and had it not been for the enduring efforts of the Newsletter Team, especially those of Rabeet Sagri, and the patronage of Vice Chair Parkash Lohana, this edition would have been impossible to bring about.

For the past many years, the Section has played a critical role in developing the activities and programs at various levels and reporting them in a professional manner has not been its boastful consistencies. Excelling in advancement and transfer of knowledge is only possible through maintaining a strong reporting culture. A society like ours thrives on publications as these volumes propel us to a competitive status in the strata of professional associations. The aim of our News-letter will be to keep its readers widely interested in the many different, vibrant and highly interesting initiatives our volunteers are involved in. Our volunteers, who are our strongest assets, hail from all levels of seniority and professional circles: high-school students, undergraduates and postgraduates, young profes-sionals, women engineers and senior members. Reporting these productive ac-tivities in a publication like ours, helps to promote interaction and collaboration between volunteers from different geographical areas. We are seeking to move away from the more ordinary presentation of news to a more informative and en-joyable read by providing our volunteers an opportunity to actively contribute to the Newsletter.

You must have noticed by now that starting with this issue, the newsletter has got a new ‘look’ as well as a new ‘inside’. We have continued the old traditions of reporting from the front of Student Branch, Affinity Groups, Chapters news, and these varied reports are robustly aided by insightful snippets of information, communicating other significant research-related activities in Did You Know sec-tions and information about past volunteers who have made it big in the world of IEEE and beyond. We hope to include many more such individuals in order to keep the readers updated on the high level of volunteerism output that IEEE de-livers!

We hope you will enjoy reading this issue and we welcome your feedback on any aspect of the newsletter to help keep it entertaining and informative. Do visit our website and you can find many engaging news to sustain your interest there too!

With best regards,

The Newsletter Team