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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTONOMOUS MENTAL DEVELOPMENT 1 Intrinsically Motivated Reinforcement Learning: An Evolutionary Perspective Satinder Singh, Richard L. Lewis, Andrew G. Barto, Fellow, IEEE, and Jonathan Sorg Abstract—There is great interest in building intrinsic moti- vation into artificial systems using the reinforcement learning framework. Yet, what intrinsic motivation may mean compu- tationally, and how it may differ from extrinsic motivation, remains a murky and controversial subject. In this article, we adopt an evolutionary perspective and define a new optimal reward framework that captures the pressure to design good primary reward functions that lead to evolutionary success across environments. The results of two computational experiments show that optimal primary reward signals may yield both emergent intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The evolutionary perspective and the associated optimal reward framework thus lead to the conclusion that there are no hard and fast features distinguishing intrinsic and extrinsic reward computationally. Rather, the directness of the relationship between rewarding behavior and evolutionary success varies along a continuum. Index Terms—intrinsic motivation, reinforcement learning I. I NTRODUCTION The term “intrinsically motivated” first appeared (according to Deci and Ryan [9]) in a 1950 paper by Harlow [12] on the manipulation behavior of rhesus monkeys. Harlow argued that an intrinsic manipulation drive is needed to explain why monkeys will energetically and persistently work for hours to solve complicated mechanical puzzles without any extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic motivation plays a wide role in human development and learning, and researchers in many areas of cognitive science have emphasized that intrinsically motivated behavior is vital for intellectual growth. This article addresses the question of how processes anal- ogous to intrinsic motivation can be implemented in artificial systems, with specific attention to the factors that may or may not distinguish intrinsic motivation from extrinsic motivation, where the latter refers to motivation generated by specific re- warding consequences of behavior, rather than by the behavior itself. There is a substantial history of research directed toward creating artificial systems that employ processes analogous to intrinsic motivation. Lenat’s AM system [18], for exam- ple, focused on heuristic definitions of “interestingness,” and Schmidhuber [32]–[37] introduced methods for implementing forms of curiosity using the framework of computational Satinder Singh is with the Division of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, email: [email protected]. Richard Lewis is with the Department of Psychology, University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, email: [email protected]. Andrew G. Barto is with the Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, email: [email protected]. Jonathan Sorg is with the Division of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, email: [email protected]. reinforcement learning (RL) 1 [47]. More recently, research in this tradition has expanded, with contributions based on a variety of more-or-less formal conceptions of how intrinsic motivation might be rendered in computational terms. Reviews of much of this literature are provided by Oudeyer and Kaplan [25], [26] and Merrick and Maher [22]. Despite this recent attention, what intrinsic motivation may mean computationally, and how it may differ from extrinsic motivation, remains a murky and controversial subject. Singh et al. [41] introduced an evolutionary framework for address- ing these questions, along with the results of computational experiments that help to clarify some of these issues. They formulated a notion of an optimal reward function given a fitness function, where the latter is analogous to what in nature represents the degree of an animal’s reproductive success. The present article describes this framework and some of those experimental results, while discussing more fully the notions of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards and presenting other experimental results that involve model-based learning and non-Markovian environments. In addition to emphasizing the generality of the approach, these results illuminate some additional issues surrounding the intrinsic/extrinsic reward dichotomy. In our opinion, the evolutionary perspective we adopt resolves what have been some of the most problematic issues surrounding the topic of intrinsic motivation, including the relationship of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to primary and secondary reward signals, and the ultimate source of both forms of motivation. Other researchers have reported interesting results of com- putational experiments involving evolutionary search for RL reward functions [1], [8], [19], [31], [43], but they did not directly address the motivational issues on which we focus. Uchibe and Doya [51] do address intrinsic reward in an evolutionary context, but their aim and approach differ sig- nificantly from ours. Following their earlier work [50], these authors treat extrinsic rewards as constraints on learning, while intrinsic rewards set the learning objective. This concept of the relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards is technically interesting, but its relationship to the meanings of these terms in psychology is not clear. The study closest to ours is that of Elfwing et al. [11] in which a genetic algorithm is used to search for shaping rewards [23] and other learning algorithm parameters that improve an RL learning system’s performance. We discuss how our approach is related to this 1 We use the phrase computational RL because this framework is not a theory of biological RL despite what it borrows from, and suggests about, biological RL. However, in the following text we use just RL to refer to computational RL.

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Intrinsically Motivated Reinforcement Learning:An Evolutionary Perspective

Satinder Singh, Richard L. Lewis, Andrew G. Barto, Fellow, IEEE, and Jonathan Sorg

Abstract—There is great interest in building intrinsic moti-vation into artificial systems using the reinforcement learningframework. Yet, what intrinsic motivation may mean compu-tationally, and how it may differ from extrinsic motivation,remains a murky and controversial subject. In this article, weadopt an evolutionary perspective and define a new optimalreward framework that captures the pressure to design goodprimary reward functions that lead to evolutionary success acrossenvironments. The results of two computational experimentsshow that optimal primary reward signals may yield bothemergent intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The evolutionaryperspective and the associated optimal reward framework thuslead to the conclusion that there are no hard and fast featuresdistinguishing intrinsic and extrinsic reward computationally.Rather, the directness of the relationship between rewardingbehavior and evolutionary success varies along a continuum.

Index Terms—intrinsic motivation, reinforcement learning


The term “intrinsically motivated” first appeared (accordingto Deci and Ryan [9]) in a 1950 paper by Harlow [12] onthe manipulation behavior of rhesus monkeys. Harlow arguedthat an intrinsic manipulation drive is needed to explain whymonkeys will energetically and persistently work for hours tosolve complicated mechanical puzzles without any extrinsicrewards. Intrinsic motivation plays a wide role in humandevelopment and learning, and researchers in many areas ofcognitive science have emphasized that intrinsically motivatedbehavior is vital for intellectual growth.

This article addresses the question of how processes anal-ogous to intrinsic motivation can be implemented in artificialsystems, with specific attention to the factors that may or maynot distinguish intrinsic motivation from extrinsic motivation,where the latter refers to motivation generated by specific re-warding consequences of behavior, rather than by the behavioritself.

There is a substantial history of research directed towardcreating artificial systems that employ processes analogousto intrinsic motivation. Lenat’s AM system [18], for exam-ple, focused on heuristic definitions of “interestingness,” andSchmidhuber [32]–[37] introduced methods for implementingforms of curiosity using the framework of computational

Satinder Singh is with the Division of Computer Science & Engineering,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, email: [email protected].

Richard Lewis is with the Department of Psychology, University of Michi-gan, Ann Arbor, email: [email protected].

Andrew G. Barto is with the Department of Computer Science, Universityof Massachusetts, Amherst, email: [email protected].

Jonathan Sorg is with the Division of Computer Science & Engineering,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, email: [email protected].

reinforcement learning (RL)1 [47]. More recently, researchin this tradition has expanded, with contributions based ona variety of more-or-less formal conceptions of how intrinsicmotivation might be rendered in computational terms. Reviewsof much of this literature are provided by Oudeyer and Kaplan[25], [26] and Merrick and Maher [22].

Despite this recent attention, what intrinsic motivation maymean computationally, and how it may differ from extrinsicmotivation, remains a murky and controversial subject. Singhet al. [41] introduced an evolutionary framework for address-ing these questions, along with the results of computationalexperiments that help to clarify some of these issues. Theyformulated a notion of an optimal reward function given afitness function, where the latter is analogous to what in naturerepresents the degree of an animal’s reproductive success.The present article describes this framework and some ofthose experimental results, while discussing more fully thenotions of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards and presenting otherexperimental results that involve model-based learning andnon-Markovian environments. In addition to emphasizing thegenerality of the approach, these results illuminate someadditional issues surrounding the intrinsic/extrinsic rewarddichotomy. In our opinion, the evolutionary perspective weadopt resolves what have been some of the most problematicissues surrounding the topic of intrinsic motivation, includingthe relationship of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to primaryand secondary reward signals, and the ultimate source of bothforms of motivation.

Other researchers have reported interesting results of com-putational experiments involving evolutionary search for RLreward functions [1], [8], [19], [31], [43], but they did notdirectly address the motivational issues on which we focus.Uchibe and Doya [51] do address intrinsic reward in anevolutionary context, but their aim and approach differ sig-nificantly from ours. Following their earlier work [50], theseauthors treat extrinsic rewards as constraints on learning, whileintrinsic rewards set the learning objective. This concept ofthe relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards istechnically interesting, but its relationship to the meanings ofthese terms in psychology is not clear. The study closest toours is that of Elfwing et al. [11] in which a genetic algorithmis used to search for shaping rewards [23] and other learningalgorithm parameters that improve an RL learning system’sperformance. We discuss how our approach is related to this

1We use the phrase computational RL because this framework is not atheory of biological RL despite what it borrows from, and suggests about,biological RL. However, in the following text we use just RL to refer tocomputational RL.


study and others in Section VII.


Rewards—more specifically, reward functions—in RL de-termine the problem the learning agent is trying to solve. RLalgorithms address the problem of how a behaving agent canlearn to approximate an optimal behavioral strategy, calleda policy, while interacting directly with its environment.Roughly speaking, an optimal policy is one that maximizesa measure of the total amount of reward the agent expects toaccumulate over its lifetime, where reward is delivered to theagent over time via a scalar-valued signal.

In RL, rewards are thought of as the output of a “critic” thatevaluates the RL agent’s behavior. In the usual view of an RLagent interacting with its environment (left panel of Figure 1),rewards come from the agent’s environment, where the criticresides. Some RL systems form value functions using, forexample, Temporal Difference (TD) algorithms [45], to assigna value to each state that is an estimate of the amount of rewardexpected over the future after that state is visited. For someRL systems that use value functions, such as systems in theform of an “actor-critic architecture” [4], the phrase “adaptivecritic” has been used to refer to the component that estimatesvalues for evaluating on-going behavior. It is important notto confuse the adaptive critic with the critic in Figure 1. Theformer resides within the RL agent and is not shown in thefigure.

The following correspondences to animal reward processesunderly the RL framework. Rewards in an RL system cor-respond to primary rewards, i.e., rewards that for animalsexert their effects through processes hard-wired by evolutiondue to their relevance to reproductive success. Value functionsare the basis of secondary (or conditoned or higher-order)rewards, whereby learned predictions of reward act as rewardthemselves. The value function implemented by an adaptivecritic therefore corresponds to a secondary, or learned, rewardfunction. As we shall see, one should not equate this withan intrinsic reward function. The local landscape of a valuefunction gives direction to an RL agent’s preferred behavior:decisions are made to cause transitions to higher-valued states.A close parallel can be drawn between the gradient of a valuefunction and incentive salience [20].


How is intrinsic motivation currently thought to fit intothe standard RL framework?2 Barto et al. [3] used the termintrinsic reward to refer to rewards that produce analogs ofintrinsic motivation in RL agents, and extrinsic reward to referto rewards that define a specific task or rewarding outcome asin standard RL applications. Most of the current approaches tocreating intrinsically motivated agents are based on defining

2While we acknowledge the limitation of the RL approach in dealing withmany aspects of motivation, this article nevertheless focuses on the sourcesand nature of reward functions for RL systems. We believe this focus allowsus to clarify issues facing not only the computational community but othercommunities as well that are concerned with motivation in biological systems.

special types of reward functions and then employing stan-dard RL learning procedures, an approach first suggested bySchmidhuber [32] as a way to create an artificial analog ofcuriosity.










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Fig. 1. Agent-environment interactions in reinforcement learning; adaptedfrom [3]. Left panel: Primary reward is supplied to the agent from itsenvironment. Right panel: A refinement in which the environment is factoredinto and internal and external environment, with all reward coming form theformer. See text for further discussion

But let us step back and reconsider how intrinsic motivationand RL might be related. As Sutton and Barto [47] pointout (also see [3], [40]), the standard view of the RL agent,and its associated terminology—as represented in the leftpanel of Figure 1—is seriously misleading if one wishesto relate this framework to animal reward systems and tothe psychologist’s notions of reward and motivation. First,psychologists distinguish between rewards and reward signals.For example, Schultz [38], [39] writes that “Rewards areobjects or events that make us come back for more” whereasreward signals are produced by reward neurons in the brain.What in RL are called rewards would better be called rewardsignals. Rewards in RL are abstract signals whose source andmeaning are irrelevant to RL theory and algorithms; they arenot objects or events, though they can sometimes be the resultof perceiving objects or events.

Second, the environment of an RL agent should not beidentified with the external environment of an animal. A lessmisleading view requires dividing the environment into anexternal environment and an internal environment. In termsof animals, the internal environment consists of the systemsthat are internal to the animal while still being parts ofthe RL agent’s environment. The right panel of Figure 1refines the usual RL picture by showing the environment’stwo components and adjusting terminology by using the labels“RL Agent” and “Reward Signals.” Further, we label the RLAgent’s output “Decisions” instead of “Actions,” reflectingthe fact that actions that effect the external environment aregenerated by an animal’s internal environment, for example,by its muscles, while the RL Agent makes decisions, such asthe decision to move in a certain way. In this article, however,we retain the usual RL terms agent, reward, and action, butit is important not to interpret them incorrectly. Similarly,an “environment” in what follows should be understood toconsist of internal and external components. Note that theserefinements do not materially change the RL framework; theymerely make it less abstract and less likely to encouragemisunderstanding.

This refined view better reflects the fact that the sources of


all of an animal’s reward signals are internal to the animal.Therefore, the distinction between the internal and externalenvironments is not useful for distinguishing between rewardsthat underlie intrinsically and extrinsically motivated behavior,a point also emphasized by Oudeyer and Kaplan [25]. It isclear that rewards underlying both intrinsically and extrinsi-cally motivated behavior depend in essential ways on informa-tion originating in both the internal and external environments.For example, the motivational valence of the manipulationexperiences of Harlow’s monkeys was clearly derived, at leastin part, from properties of the monkeys’ external environments,and the motivational influence of extrinsic food reward de-pends on an animal’s internal state of satiety.

If the distinction between internal and external environ-ments is not useful for distinguishing intrinsic and extrinsicmotivation, we are still left with the question: What does itmean in the computational RL framework to do something“for its own sake” or because “it is inherently interesting orenjoyable” [28]? One possibility, which has a long historyin psychology, is that extrinsic and intrinsic motivation maponto primary and secondary reward signals, respectively. Weconsider this view next, before introducing our alternativeevolutionary perspective.


Among the most influential theories of motivation in psy-chology is the drive theory of Hull [13]–[15]. According toHull’s theory, all behavior is motivated either by an organism’ssurvival and reproductive needs giving rise to primary drives(such as hunger, thirst, sex, and the avoidance of pain) orby derivative drives that have acquired their motivationalsignificance through learning. Primary drives are the resultof physiological deficits—“tissue needs”—, and they energizebehavior whose result is to reduce the deficit. A key additionalfeature of Hull’s theory is that a need reduction, and hencea drive reduction, acts as a primary reinforcer for learning:behavior that reduces a primary drive is reinforced. Addi-tionally, through the process of secondary reinforcement inwhich a neutral stimulus is paired with a primary reinforcer,the formerly neutral stimulus becomes a secondary reinforcer,i.e., acquires the reinforcing power of the primary reinforcer.In this way, stimuli that predict primary reward, i.e., predicta reduction in a primary drive, become rewarding themselves.According to this influential theory (in its several variants), allbehavior is energized and directed by its relevance to primaldrives, either directly or as the result of learning throughsecondary reinforcement.

Hull’s theory followed the principles of physiological home-ostasis that maintains bodily conditions in approximate equi-librium despite external perturbations. Homeostasis is achievedby processes that trigger compensatory reactions when thevalue of a critical physiological variable departs from the rangerequired to keep the animal alive [6]. Many other theories ofmotivation also incorporate the idea that behavior is motivatedto counteract disturbances to an equilibrium condition. Thesetheories have been influential in the design of motivational

systems for artificial agents, as discussed in Savage’s reviewof artificial motivational systems [30]. Hull’s idea that rewardis generated by drive reduction is commonly used to connectRL to a motivational system. Often this mechanism consists ofmonitoring a collection of important variables, such as poweror fuel level, temperature, etc., and triggering appropriatebehavior when certain thresholds are reached. Drive reductionis directly translated into a reward signal delivered to an RLalgorithm.

Among other motivational theories are those based on theeveryday experience that we engage in activities because weenjoy doing them: we seek pleasurable experiences and avoidunpleasant ones. This is the ancient principle of hedonism.These theories of motivation hold that it is necessary torefer to affective mental states to explain behavior, such as a“feeling” of pleasantness or unpleasantness. Hedonic theoriesare supported by many observations about food preferenceswhich suggest that “palatability” might offer a more parsi-monious account of food preferences than tissue needs [55].Animals will enthusiastically eat food that has no apparentpositive influence on tissue needs; characteristics of food suchas temperature and texture influence how much is eaten;animals that are not hungry still have preferences for differentfoods; animals have taste preferences from early infancy [7].In addition, non-deprived animals will work enthusiasticallyfor electrical brain stimulation [24]. Although it is clear thatbiologically-primal needs have motivational significance, factssuch as these showed that factors other than primary biologicalneeds exert strong motivational effects, and that these factorsdo not derive their motivational potency as a result of learningprocesses involving secondary reinforcement.

In addition to observations about animal food preferencesand responses to electrical brain stimulation, other observa-tions showed that something important was missing fromdrive-reduction theories of motivation. Under certain condi-tions, for example, hungry rats would rather explore unfamiliarspaces than eat; they will endure the pain of crossing electrifiedgrids to explore novel spaces; monkeys will bar-press for achance to look out of a window. Moreover, the opportunityto explore can be used to reinforce other behavior. Deci andRyan [9] chronicle these and a collection of similar findingsunder the heading of intrinsic motivation.

Why did most psychologists reject the view that exploration,manipulation, and other curiosity-related behaviors derivedtheir motivational potency only through secondary reinforce-ment, as would be required by a theory like Hull’s? Thereare clear experimental results showing that such behavior ismotivationally energizing and rewarding on its own and notbecause it predicts the satisfaction of a primary biologicalneed. Children spontaneously explore very soon after birth, sothere is little opportunity for them to experience the extensivepairing of this behavior with the reduction of a biologicallyprimary drive that would be required to account for theirzeal for exploratory behavior. In addition, experimental resultsshow that the opportunity to explore retains its energizingeffect without needing to be re-paired with a primary rein-forcer, whereas a secondary reinforcer will extinguish, that is,will lose its reinforcing quality, unless often re-paired with


the primary reinforcer it predicts. Berlyne summarized thesituation as follows:

As knowledge accumulated about the conditions thatgovern exploratory behavior and about how quicklyit appears after birth, it seemed less and less likelythat this behavior could be a derivative of hunger,thirst, sexual appetite, pain, fear of pain, and thelike, or that stimuli sought through exploration arewelcomed because they have previously accompa-nied satisfaction of these drives. (p. 26, Berlyne [5])

Note that the issue was not whether exploration, manipula-tion, and other curiosity-related behaviors are important for ananimal’s survival and reproductive success. Clearly they are ifdeployed in the right way. Appropriately cautious exploration,for example, clearly has survival value because it can enableefficient foraging and successful escape when those needsarise. The issue was whether an animal is motivated to performthese behaviors because previously in its own lifetime behavingthis way predicted decreases in biologically-primary drives, orwhether this motivation is built-in by the evolutionary process.The preponderance of evidence supports the view that themotivational forces driving these behaviors are built-in by theevolutionary process.


It is therefore natural to investigate what an evolutionaryperspective might tell us about the nature of intrinsic rewardsignals and how they might differ from extrinsic rewardsignals. We adopt the view discussed above that intrinsicreward is not the same as secondary reward. It is likely thatthe evolutionary process gave exploration, play, discovery, etc.,positive hedonic valence because these behaviors contributedto reproductive success throughout evolution. Consequently,we regard intrinsic rewards in the RL framework as primaryrewards, hard-wired from the start of the agent’s life. Likeany other primary reward in RL, they come to be predictedby the value-function learning system. These predictions cansupport secondary reinforcement so that predictors of intrinsi-cally rewarding events can acquire rewarding qualities throughlearning just as predictors of extrinsically rewarding eventscan.

The evolutionary perspective thus leads to an approach inwhich adaptive agents, and therefore their reward functions,are evaluated according to their expected fitness given anexplicit fitness function and some distribution of environmentsof interest. The fitness function maps trajectories of agent-environment interactions to scalar fitness values, and maytake any form (including functions that are similar in formto discounted sums of extrinsic rewards). In our approach,we search a space of primary reward functions for the onethat maximizes the expected fitness of an RL agent that learnsusing that reward function. Features of such an optimal reward

function3 and how these features relate to the environmentsin which agent lifetimes are evaluated provide insight intothe relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards (asdiscussed in Section VI and thereafter).

We turn next to a formal framework that captures the req-uisite abstract properties of agents, environments, and fitnessfunctions and defines the evolutionary search for good rewardfunctions as an optimization problem.

A. Optimal Reward Functions

As shown in the right panel of Figure 1, an agent A insome (external) environment E receives an observation andtakes an action at each time step. The agent has an internalenvironment that computes a state, a summary of history,at every time step (e.g., in Markovian environments the lastobservation is a perfect summary of history and thus state canbe just the last observation). The agent’s action is contingenton the state. The reward function can in general depend on theentire history of states or equivalently on the entire history ofobservations and actions. Agent A’s goal or objective is toattempt to maximize the cumulative reward it receives overits lifetime. In general, defining agent A includes makingvery specific commitments to particular learning architectures,representations, and algorithms as well as all parameters. Ourevolutionary framework abstracts away from these details todefine a notion of optimal reward function as follows.

For every agent A, there is a space of reward functions RAthat maps features of the history of observation-action pairs toscalar primary reward values (the specific choice of features isdetermined in defining A). There is a distribution P over se-quential decision making environments in some set E in whichwe want our agent to perform well. A specific reward functionrA ∈ RA and a sampled environment E ∼ P (E) produces h,the history of agent A adapting to environment E over itslifetime using the reward function rA, i.e., h ∼ 〈A(rA), E〉,where 〈A(rA), E〉 makes explicit that agent A is using rewardfunction rA to interact with environment E and h ∼ 〈·〉makes explicit that history h is sampled from the distributionproduced by the interaction 〈·〉. A given fitness function Fproduces a scalar evaluation F(h) for each such history h.An optimal reward function r∗A ∈ RA is the reward functionthat maximizes the expected fitness over the distribution ofenvironments, i.e.,

r∗A = arg maxrA∈RA

EE∼P (E)Eh∼〈A(rA),E〉{F(h)}, (1)

where E denotes the expectation operator. A special rewardfunction in RA is the fitness-based reward function, denotedrF , that most directly translates fitness F into an RL rewardfunction, i.e., the fitness value of a lifetime-length history is thecumulative fitness-based reward for that history. For example,if the fitness value of a history was the number of children

3We use this term despite the fact that none of our arguments depend onour search procedure finding true globally-optimal reward functions. We areconcerned with reward functions that confer advantages over others and notwith absolute optimality. Similarly, the fact that optimization is at the core ofthe RL framework does not imply that what an RL system learns is optimal.What matters is the process of improving, not the final result.


produced, then a corresponding fitness-based reward functioncould assign unit reward to the state resulting from the birthof a child and zero otherwise (additional concrete examplesare in our experimental results reported below).

Our formulation of optimal rewards is very general becausethe constraints on A, RA, F , and E are minimal. Agent A isconstrained only to be an agent that uses a reward functionrA ∈ RA to drive its search for good behavior policies. Thespace RA is constrained to be representable by the internalarchitecture of agent A as well as to contain the fitness-basedreward rF . Fitness F is constrained only to be a function thatmaps (lifetime-length) histories of agent-environment interac-tions to scalar fitness values. The space E is constrained onlyto be a (finite or infinite) set of discrete-time decision makingenvironments (Markovian or non-Markovian4, and indeed ourempirical results will use both). Finally, the evolutionary orfitness pressure that defines optimal rewards is represented byan optimization or search problem (Equation 1) unconstrainedby a commitment to any specific evolutionary process.5

Note an immediate consequence of Equation 1: in termsof the expected fitness achieved, the agent with the optimalreward function will by definition outperform (in general,and never do worse than) the same agent with the fitness-based reward function. Crucially, it is this possibility ofoutperforming the fitness-based reward in the amount offitness achieved that produces the evolutionary pressure toreward not just actions that directly enhance fitness— whatmight be termed extrinsically motivated behavior—but actionsthat intermediate evolutionary success—what might be termedintrinsically motivated behaviors.

B. Regularities Within and Across Environments

The above formulation of Equation 1 defines a searchproblem—the search for r∗A. This search is for a primaryreward function and is to be contrasted with the searchproblem faced by an agent during its lifetime, that of learninga good value function (and hence a good policy) specificto its environment leading to history h ∼ 〈A(rA), E〉 (cf.Equation 1). These two (nested) searches are at the heart of ourevolutionary perspective on reward in this article. Specifically,our concrete hypotheses are (1) the optimal reward r∗A derivedfrom search will capture regularities across environments inE as well as complex interactions between E and specificstructural properties of the agent A (note that the agent Ais part of its environment and is constant across all environ-ments in E), and (2) the value functions learned by an agentduring its lifetime will capture regularities present within itsspecific environment that are not necessarily shared acrossenvironments. It is the first hypothesis, that of the primaryreward capturing regularities across environments and between

4Specifically, we allow both for Markov decision processes, or MDPs, aswell as for partially observable MDPs, or POMDPs. See Sutton and Barto [47]and Kaelbling [16] for a discussion of the different mathematicalformalisms of RL problems.

5However, in many cases the space of reward functions will have structurethat can be exploited to gain computational efficiency, and many classes ofoptimization algorithms might prove useful in a practical methodology forcreating reward functions for artificial agents.

environments and agents, that should lead to the emergence ofboth extrinsic and intrinsic rewards, the former from objectsor other sources of primal needs present across environmentsand the latter from behaviors such as play and exploration thatserve the agents well across environments in terms of expectedfitness.

Next we describe experiments designed to test our hypothe-ses as well as to illustrate the emergence of both extrinsic andintrinsic rewards in agents through search for optimal rewardfunctions.


We now describe two sets of computational experiments inwhich we directly specify the agent A with associated spaceof reward functions RA, a fitness function F , and a set ofenvironments E , and derive r∗A via (approximately) exhaus-tive search. These experiments are designed to serve threepurposes. First, they will provide concrete and transparentillustrations of the basic optimal reward framework above.Second, they will demonstrate the emergence of interestingreward function properties that are not direct reflections of thefitness function—including features that might be intuitivelyrecognizable as candidates for plausible intrinsic and extrin-sic rewards in natural agents. Third, they will demonstratethe emergence of interesting reward functions that captureregularities across environments, and similarly demonstratethat value function learning by the agent captures regularitieswithin single environments.

A. Experiment 1: Emergent Intrinsic Reward for Play andManipulation

This first experiment was designed to illustrate how ouroptimal reward framework can lead to the emergence ofan intrinsic reward for actions such as playing with andmanipulating objects in the external environment, actions thatdo not directly meet any primal needs (i.e., are not fitnessinducing) and thus are not extrinsically motivating.Greedy Policy at Step 1000000

when Not Hungry, Box1 open, Box2 openFig. 2. Boxes environments used in Experiment 1. Each boxes environmentis a 6× 6 grid with two boxes that can contain food. The two boxes can bein any two of the four corners of the grid; the locations are chosen randomlyfor each environment. The agent has four (stochastic) movement actions inthe four cardinal directions, as well actions to open closed boxes and eat foodfrom the boxes when available. See text for further details.

(Boxes) Environments. We use a simulated physical spaceshown by the 6 × 6 grid in Figure 2. It consists of four


subspaces (of size 3 × 3). There are four movement actions,North, South, East and West, that if successful move theagent probabilistically in the direction implied, and if they failleave the agent in place. Actions fail if they would move theagent into an outer bound of the grid or across a barrier, whichare represented by the thick black lines in the figure. Conse-quently, the agent has to navigate through gaps in the barriersto move to adjacent subspaces. In each sampled environmenttwo boxes are placed in randomly chosen special locations(from among the four corners and held fixed throughout thelifetime of the agent). This makes a uniform distribution overa space of six environments (the six possible locations of twoindistinguishable boxes in the four corners). In addition to theusual movement actions, the agent has two special actions:open, which opens a box if it is closed and the agent is atthe location of the box and has no effect otherwise (when aclosed box is opened it transitions first to a half-open statefor one time step and then automatically to an open state atthe next time step regardless of the action by the agent), andeat, which has no effect unless the agent is at a box location,the box at that location is half-open, and there happens to befood (prey) in that box, in which case the agent consumes thatfood.

An open box closes with probability 0.1 at every time step.6

A closed box always contains food. The prey always escapeswhen the box is open. Thus to consume food, the agent hasto find a closed box, open it, and eat immediately in the nexttime step when the box is half-open. When the agent consumesfood it feels satiated for one time step. The agent is hungry atall other time steps. The agent-environment interaction is notdivided into trials or episodes. The agent’s observation is 6dimensional: the x and y coordinates of the agent’s location,the agent’s hunger-status, the open/half-open/closed status ofboth boxes, as well the presence/absence of food in the squarewhere the agent is located. These environments are Markovianbecause the agent senses the status of both boxes regardless oflocation and because closed boxes always contain food; henceeach immediate observation is a state.

Fitness. Each time the agent eats food its fitness is incre-mented by one. This is a surrogate for what in biology wouldbe reproductive success (we could just as well have replacedthe consumption of food event with a procreation event in ourabstract problem description). The fitness objective, then, is tomaximize the amount of food eaten over the agent’s lifetime.Recall that when the agent eats it becomes satiated for onetime step, and thus a direct translation of fitness into rewardwould assign a reward of c > 0 to all states in which the agentis satiated and a reward of d < c to all other states. Thus, thereis a space of fitness-based reward functions. We will refer tofitness-based reward functions in which d is constrained to beexactly 0 as simple fitness-based reward functions. Note thatour definition of fitness is incremental or cumulative and thuswe can talk about the cumulative fitness of even a partial (lessthan lifetime) history.

6A memoryless distribution for box-closing was chosen to keep the en-vironment Markovian for the agent; otherwise, there would be informationabout the probability of a box closing from the history of observations basedon the amount of time the box had been open.

Agent. Our agent (A) uses the lookup-table ε-greedy Q-learning [52] algorithm with the following choices for itsparameters: 1) Q0, the initial Q-function (we use small valueschosen uniformly randomly for each state-action pair fromthe range [−0.001, 0.001]) that maps state-action pairs to theirexpected discounted sum of future rewards, 2) α, the step-size,or learning-rate parameter, and 3) ε, the exploration parameter(at each time step the agent executes a random action withprobability ε and the greedy action with respect to the currentQ-function with probability (1− ε)).

For each time step t, the current state is denoted st, thecurrent Q-function is denoted Qt, the agent executes an actionat, and the Q-learning update is as follows:Qt+1(st, at) = (1−α)Qt(st, at)+α[rt+γmaxb(Qt(st+1, b)],where rt is the reward specified by reward function rA forthe state st, and γ is a discount factor that makes immediatereward more valuable than later reward (we use γ = 0.99throughout).

We emphasize that the discount factor is an agent parameterthat does not enter into the fitness calculation. That is, thefitness measure of a history remains the total amount of foodeaten in that history for any value of γ the agent uses inits learning algorithm. It is well known that the form ofQ-learning used above will converge asymptotically to theoptimal Q-function7 and hence the optimal policy [53]. Thus,our agent uses its experience to continually adapt its actionselection policy to improve the discounted sum of rewards, asspecified by rA, that it will obtain over its future (remainingin its lifetime). Note that the reward function is distinct fromthe fitness function F .

Space of Possible Rewards Functions. To make the searchfor an optimal reward function tractable, each reward functionin the search space maps abstract features of each immediateobservation to a scalar value. Specifically, we consideredreward functions that ignore agent location and map eachpossible combination of the status of the two boxes and theagent’s hunger-status to values chosen in the range [−1.0, 1.0].This range does not unduly restrict generality because onecan always add a constant to any reward function withoutchanging optimal behavior. Including the box-status featuresallows the reward function to potentially encourage “playingwith” boxes while the hunger-status feature is required toexpress the fitness-based reward functions that differentiateonly between states in which the agent is satiated from allother states (disregarding box-status and agent location).

Finding a Good Reward Function. The psuedo-code below describes how we use simulation to estimatethe mean cumulative fitness for a reward function rAgiven a particular setting of agent (Q-learning) parameters(α, ε).

set (α, ε)for i = 1 to N do

Sample an environment Ei from EIn A, intialize Q-function

7Strictly speaking, convergence with probability one requires the step-sizeparameter α to decrease appropriately over time, but for our purposes itsuffices to keep it fixed at a small value.


Generate a history hi over lifetime for A and Ei

Compute fitness F (hi)end forreturn average of {F (h1), . . . , F (hN )}In the experiments we report below, we estimate the mean

cumulative fitness of rA as the maximum estimate obtained(using the pseudo-code above) over a coarse discretizationof the space of feasible (α, ε) pairs. Finding good rewardfunctions for a given fitness function thus amounts to a largesearch problem. We discretized the range [−1.0, 1.0] for eachfeasible setting of the three reward features such that weevaluated 54, 000 reward functions in the reward functionspace. We chose the discretized values based on experimentalexperience with the boxes environments with various rewardfunctions.

Note that our focus is on demonstrating the generality ofour framework and the nature of the reward functions foundrather than on developing efficient algorithms for finding goodreward functions. Thus, we attempt to find a good rewardfunction r∗A instead of attempting the usually intractable taskof finding the optimal reward function r∗A, and we are notconcerned with the efficiency of the search process.

Results. Recall the importance of regularities within andacross environments to our hypotheses. In this experiment,what is unchanged across environments is the presence oftwo boxes and the rules governing food. What changes acrossenvironments—but held fixed within a single environment—are the locations of the boxes.

We ran this experiment under two conditions. In the first,called the constant condition, the food always appears inclosed boxes throughout each agent’s lifetime of 10, 000 steps.In the second, called the step condition, each agent’s lifetimeis 20, 000 steps, and food appears only in the second halfof the agent’s lifetime, i.e., there is never food in any of theboxes for the first half of the agent’s lifetime, after which foodalways appears in a closed box. Thus in the step condition,it is impossible to increase fitness above zero until after the10, 000th time step.

The step condition simulates (in extreme form) a develop-mental process in which the agent is allowed to “play” inits environment for a period of time in the absence of anyfitness-inducing events (in this case, the fitness-inducing eventsare positive, but in general there could also be negative onesthat risk physical harm). Thus, a reward function that confersadvantage through exposure to this first phase must rewardevents that have only a distal relationship to fitness. Throughthe agent’s learning processes, these rewards give rise to theagent’s intrinsic motivation. Notice that this should happen inboth the step and constant conditions; we simply expect it tobe more striking in the step condition.

The left and middle panels of Figure 3 show the mean (over200 sampled environments) cumulative fitness as a function oftime within an agent’s lifetime under the two conditions. Asexpected, in the step condition, fitness remains zero under anyreward function for the first 10, 000 steps. Also as expected,the best reward function outperforms the best fitness-basedreward function over the agent’s lifetime. The best fitness-based reward function is the best reward function in the reward

function space that satisfies the definition of a fitness-basedreward function for this class of environments. We note thatthe best fitness-based reward function assigns a negative valueto states in which the agent is hungry (this makes the agent’sinitial Q-values optimistic and leads to efficient exploration;see Sutton and Barto [47] for an explanation of this effect).The best reward function outperforms the best simple fitness-based reward by a large margin (presumably because the lattercannot make the initial Q-values optimistic).

Table I shows the best reward functions and best fitness-based reward functions for the two conditions of the experi-ment (e.g., the best reward function for the Step condition isas follows: being satiated has a positive reward of 0.5 whenboth boxes are open and 0.3 when one box is open, beinghungry with one box half-open has a small negative rewardof −0.01, and otherwise being hungry has a reward of −0.05.Note that the agent will spend most of its time in this lastsituation.) Of course, as expected and like the best fitness-based reward function, the best reward function has a highpositive reward for states in which the agent is satiated. Moreinterestingly, the best reward function in our reward functionspace rewards opening boxes (by making their half-open staterewarding relative to other states when the agent is hungry).This makes the agent “play” with the boxes and as a resultlearn the environment-specific policy to optimally navigate tothe location of the boxes and then open them during the firsthalf of the step condition so that when food appears in thesecond half, the agent is immediately ready to exploit thatsituation.

The policy learned under the best reward function has aninteresting subtle aspect: it makes the agent run back and forthbetween the two boxes, eating from both boxes, because thisleads to higher fitness (in most environments)8 than stayingat, and taking food from, only one box. This can be seenindirectly in the rightmost panel where the mean cumulativenumber of times both boxes are open is plotted as a functionof time. It is clear that an agent learning with the overallbest reward function keeps both boxes open far more oftenthan one learning from the best fitness-based reward function.Indeed the behavior in the latter case is mainly to loiter near(an arbitrary) one of the boxes and repeatedly wait for it toclose and then eat.

Finally, it is also noteworthy that there are other rewardfunctions that keep both boxes open even more often than thebest reward function (this is seen in the rightmost panel), butthis occurs at the expense of the agent not taking the time toactually eat the food after opening a box. This suggests thatthere is a fine balance in the best reward function betweenintrinsically motivating “playing” with and manipulating theboxes and extrinsically motivating eating.

Summary. This experiment demonstrates that the evolution-ary pressure to optimize fitness captured in the optimal reward

8The agent could hang out at one box and repeatedly wait for it to closerandomly and then open it to eat, but the probability of an open box closingwas specifically (experimentally) chosen so that it is better for the agent inthe distribution over environments to repeatedly move between boxes to eatfrom both. Specifically, an open box closes with probability 0.1 and thus onaverage in 10 time steps, while the average number of time steps to optimallytravel between boxes across the 6 environments is less than 10 time steps.


0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000








Mean Fitness Growth (CONSTANT)

Time Step in an Agent Lifetime


n Cu





Best rewardBest fitness−based rewardBest simple fitness based rewardOther rewards

0 5000 10000 15000 20000








Mean Fitness Growth (STEP)

Time Step in an Agent Lifetime


n Cu





Best rewardBest fitness−based rewardBest simple fitness based rewardOther rewards

0 5000 10000 15000 20000








Mean Growth in Both Boxes Open (STEP)

Time Step in an Agent Lifetime


n Cu




h Bo



n Best rewardBest fitness−based rewardBest simple fitness based rewardOther rewards

Fig. 3. Results from Boxes environments. The leftmost panel shows for the constant condition the mean cumulative (over agent lifetime) fitness achieved byall the reward functions sampled in our search for good reward functions. The middle panel shows the same results but for the step condition. The rightmostpanel shows for the step condition the mean cumulative growth in the number of time steps both boxes were open for all the reward functions explored.In each panel, the curves for the best reward function, for the best fitness-based reward function, and for the best simple fitness-based reward functions aredistingusihed. See text for further details.




Satiated Hungry

o/o o/not-o o/o o/not-o o/half-o not-o/half-o not-o/not-o

Constant Best 0.7 0.3 −0.01 −0.05 0.2 0.1 −0.02Best fitness-based 0.7 0.7 −0.005 −0.005 −0.005 −0.005 −0.005

Step Best 0.5 0.3 −0.05 −0.05 −0.01 −0.01 −0.05Best fitness-based 0.5 0.5 −0.01 −0.01 −0.01 −0.01 −0.01

framework can lead to the emergence of reward functions thatassign positive primary reward to activities that are not directlyassociated with fitness. This was especially evident in the stepcondition of the Boxes experiment: during the first half of theagent’s lifetime, no fitness-producing activities are possible,but intrinsically rewarding activities (running between boxesto keep both boxes open) are pursued that have fitness payofflater. The best (primary) reward captures the regularity ofneeding to open boxes to eat across all environments, whileleaving the learning of the environment-specific navigationpolicy for the agent to accomplish within its lifetime bylearning the (secondary reward) Q-value function.

B. Experiment 2: Emergent Intrinsic Reward Based on Inter-nal Environment State

This second experiment was designed with two aims inmind. The first is to emphasize the generality of our optimalreward framework by using a model-based learning agent innon-Markovian environments instead of the model-free Q-learning agent in the Markovian environments of Experiment1. The second is to demonstrate the emergence of optimalreward functions that are contingent on features of the internalenvironment (cf. Figure 1) of the agent rather than features ofthe external environment (as, for example, boxes and theirstatus in Experiment 1).

(Foraging) Environments. We use the foraging environ-ment illustrated in Figure 4. It consists of a 3 × 3 grid withthree dead-end corridors (as rows) separated by impassablewalls. The agent, represented by the bird, has four movementactions available in every location which deterministicallymove the agent in each of the cardinal directions. If theintended direction is blocked by a wall or the boundary,the action results in no movement. There is a food source,represented by the worm, randomly located in one of thethree right-most locations at the end of each corridor. Theagent has an eat action, which consumes the worm when theagent is at the worm’s location. The agent is hungry exceptwhen it consumes a worm, which causes the agent to becomesatiated for one time step. Immediately, the consumed wormdisappears and a new worm appears randomly in one of theother two potential worm locations. This creates a distributionover foraging environments based on random sequences ofworm appearances.

The agent observations are four-dimensional: the agent’sx and y coordinates and whether it is hungry (binary), andwhether or not it is co-located with the worm (binary). Theagent cannot see the worm unless it is co-located with it. In theenvironments of Experiment 1 the agent could also not see thefood unless it was co-located with it, but the food locationswere fixed throughout an agent’s lifetime. Crucially, in the


foraging environments here, the location of every new wormwithin an agent’s lifetime is chosen randomly. Thus, unlikethe environments of Experiment 1, the foraging environmentshere are non-Markovian because the agent’s past observationspredict where the worm cannot be (specifically, the wormcannot be at any end-of-corridor location that the agent hasvisited since the last time it ate the worm), and this informationis not available from just the current observation.

Fig. 4. Foraging environments used in Experiment 2. Each foragingenvironment is a 3×3 grid arranged in (row) corridors. The food representedby a worm appears at the rightmost end of a corridor. The agent represented bya bird has the usual movement actions in the four cardinal directions as wellas an eat action when co-located with the worm. Crucially, once the agent eatsa worm, a new worm appears at a random corridor-end location and the agentcannot see the worm unless co-located with it. These foraging environmentsare non-Markovian unlike the boxes environments of Experiment 1. See textfor further details.

Fitness. Each time the agent eats a worm, its fitness isincremented by one. The fitness objective is to maximize thenumber of worms eaten over an agent lifetime of 10, 000 timesteps. When the agent eats, it becomes satiated for one timestep, and thus a direct translation of fitness into reward wouldassign a positive reward to all states in which the agent issatiated and a strictly lower reward to all other states. InExperiment 1, because of the interaction of the choice ofreward values with the initial Q-value function, we neededto consider a space of possible fitness-based rewards. In thisexperiment the agent does complete estimated-model-basedplanning via dynamic programming at each time step and itis easily seen that all fitness-based rewards yield exactly thesame policy, and thus we define rF to map all satiated statesto 1.0 and all other states to 0.0.

Agent. We used a standard model-based learning agent forthis experiment. Specifically, the agent updates an estimatedmodel of its environment after each time step and always actsgreedily according to a (certainty equivalent) policy optimalwith respect to its latest estimated model. The transition-dynamics of the environment are estimated assuming that theagent’s observations (x and y coordinates, hunger-status, co-located-with-worm-status) are Markovian, i.e., assuming thatthese observations comprise a state.

Specifically, let ns,a be the number of times that action awas taken in state s. Let ns,a,s′ be the number of times atransition to state s′ occurred after action a was taken in states. The agent models the probability of a transition to s′ after

taking a in state s as T (s′|s, a) = ns,a,s′

ns,a.9 The optimal policy

with respect to the current model is computed at every timestep via repeated Q-value iteration: for all (s, a),

Qd(s, a) = rA(s, a) + γ∑s′∈S

T (s′|s, a) maxa′

Qd−1(s′, a′),

where Q0(s, a)def= 0, γ = 0.99 is the discount factor,10 and

iteration is performed until the maximal (across state-actionpairs) absolute change in Q-values is less than a very smallthreshold. If, after convergence, the Q-values of multipleactions in a current state are equal, the agent selects randomlyamong those equal-valued actions.

Space of Reward Functions. We selected a reward functionspace consisting of linear combinations of the features ofthe state of the internal environment, i.e., of the history, h,of the observations and actions. This is another departurefrom Experiment 1, where we used a tabular representation ofreward functions with features based solely on the immediateobservations from the external environment.

Our choice of reward-features for this domain is driven bythe following intuition. With a fitness-based reward functionthat only distinguishes satiated states from hungry states, eventhe policy found via infinite Q-value iteration on the estimatedmodel cannot, from most locations, take the agent to theworm (and make it eat). This is because the agent cannotsee the worm’s location when it is not co-located with it.Indeed there is little guidance from a fitness-based rewardunless the agent is co-located with the worm. Reward functionsthat encourage systematic exploration of the grid locationscould be far more effective in expected fitness than the fitness-based reward function. In fact, unlike most applications of RLwherein exploration serves a transient purpose to be eliminatedas soon as possible, here it is essential that the agent explorepersistently throughout its lifetime.

What kind of reward function could generate systematicand persistent exploration? We consider the reward functionspace rA(s, a) = βFφF (s) + βcφc(s, a, h), where βF andβc are parameters of a linear reward function, feature φF (s)is 1 when the agent is satiated in state s and 0 otherwise,and feature φc(s, a, h) = 1 − 1

c(s,a,h) , where c(s, a, h) isthe number of time steps since the agent previously executedaction a in state s within current history h11 (see Sutton [46]for an earlier use of a similar feature with the similar goal ofencouraging exploration). Feature φc(s, a, h) captures inverse-recency: the feature’s value is high when the agent has notexperienced the indicated state-action pair recently in historyh, and is low when the agent has experienced it recently. Notethat it is a feature of the history of the agent’s interactionwith the external environment and not a feature of the stateof the external environment. It can be thought of as a feature

9Before an observation-action pair is experienced (i.e., when ns,a = 0)the transition model is initialized to the identity function: T (s′|s, a) = 1 iffs′ = s.

10A discount factor is used to ensure convergence of Q-value iteration usedfor planning. As for Experiment 1, we emphasize that the discount factor isan agent parameter and does not effect the calculation of fitness for a history.

11We encoded the feature in this way to normalize its value in the range(0, 1].


maintained by the internal environment of the agent. Whenthe parameter βc is positive, the agent is rewarded for takingactions that it has not taken recently from the current state.Such a reward is not a stationary function of the externalenvironment’s state. Finally, feature φF (s) is a hunger-statusfeature, and thus when βF = 1 and βc = 0, the rewardfunction is the fitness-based reward function.

Finding a Good Reward Function. Our optimizationprocedure adaptively samples reward vectors on the unitsphere, as it can be shown that for the (linear) form of thereward functions and for the agent presented here, searchingthis subset is equivalent to searching the entire space. Morespecifically, multiplying the linear reward function parametersby a positive scalar preserves the relative magnitude and signsof the rewards and thus we only need to search over thepossible directions of the parameter vector (βF and βc as a2d vector) and not its magnitude. Our optimization proceduresamples reward vectors on the unit sphere using an adaptiveapproach that samples more finely where needed; we test theorigin βc = βF = 0 separately (for the agents presented here,this reward function results in random behavior).






reward function βF βc mean cumulativetype fitnessRandom 0 0 60.51 ± 0.868Fitness-based 1 0 1.086 ± 0.037Best 0.147 0.989 408.70 ± 13.685

Results. In this experiment, unchanged across foragingenvironments are the motion dynamics and the action neededto consume food when the agent is co-located with it. Chang-ing across environments is the sequence of food-appearancelocations.

In Table II, we compare the agent using the fitness-basedreward function rF with the agent using the (approximately)best reward function r∗A. The fitness in the rightmost columnof the table is cumulative over agent lifetimes of 10, 000 timesteps and averaged over 200 randomly sampled environments.The table also shows the specific values of reward parameters.Noteworthy is the relatively large coefficient for the inverse-recency feature relative to the coefficient for the hunger-statusfeature in the best reward. Clearly, an intrinsic reward forexecuting state-action pairs not experienced recently emergesin the best reward function.

As can be seen in the table, the best reward function signif-icantly outperforms the fitness-based reward function; indeed,with the latter the agent gets stuck and fails to accumulatefitness in most of the sampled environments. Agents using thebest reward function, on the other hand, manage to achieveseveral orders of magnitude improvement in the amount of

fitness obtained despite being coupled with a model that iswholly inadequate at predicting the food location (the partialobservability causes the Markovian model to “hallucinate”about food at locations where the agent has experienced foodbefore). Indeed, the advantage conferred by the best rewardfunction is the (depth-first search like) systematic and persis-tent exploration that results from rewarding the experiencingof state-action pairs not experienced recently. Of course, thebest reward function also has a positive reward value for theactivity of eating (which leads to satiation), for otherwise theagent would not eat the worm even when co-located with it(except as an exploration effect).

To provide a reference point for the effect of exploration, wealso implemented an agent that acts purely randomly and thusexplores persistently though not systematically. As can beenseen from the results in the table, the random agent does muchbetter than the agent with the fitness-based reward (which getsstuck because the model hallucinates about food and thus theagent does not explore systematically or persistently). Theagent with the best reward function, however, again outper-forms the random agent (the former’s model also hallucinatesabout food but the high positive coefficient associated with theinverse-recency feature overcomes this effect).

Summary. As in the results for Experiment 1, the bestreward function positively rewards the activity of eating. Whatis most interesting about this experiment is that the agent’sinternal environment—which is of course invariant across thedistribution over external environments—provides an inverse-recency feature. The best reward function exploits this featureto intrinsically reward activities that lead to the agent expe-riencing state-action pairs it has not visited recently, leadingto systematic and persistent exploration. This exploration, inturn, distally produces much greater fitness than achievedby an agent using the fitness-based reward. Of course, theenvironment-specific movements to explore and find foodare the result of the agent’s planning processes executedthroughout its lifetime.


The study most closely related to ours is that of Elfwing etal. [11] in which a genetic algorithm is used to search for“shaping rewards” and other learning algorithm parametersthat improve an RL learning system’s performance. Like ours,this work uses an evolutionary framework to demonstratethat performance can be improved by a suitable choice ofreward function. However, its focus on shaping rewards re-veals important differences. The key fact about what Ng etal. [23] called shaping rewards is that adding them to anRL agent’s primary reward function does not change whatpolicies are optimal.12 In other words, shaping rewards donot alter the learning problem the agent is facing in thesense that the optimal solution remains the same, but theydo offer the possibility—if suitably selected—of providingmore informative performance feedback which can acceleratelearning. Wiewiora [54] showed that adding shaping rewards

12This use of the term shaping differs from its original meaning due toSkinner [42].


is equivalent to initializing the agent’s Q-function to non-zerovalues. Since these initial values are eventually “learned away,”the problem reverts asymptotically to the problem initially setby the agent’s primary reward function.

Although some shaping rewards might be considered to beintrinsic rewards, the fact that their influence disappears withcontinued learning is at odds with what psychologists callintrinsic rewards, which are as primary and as long-lived as ananimal’s more biologically-relevant primary rewards. From atheoretical perspective, since shaping rewards disappear withcontinued learning, they tend not to be useful in non-stationaryenvironments. For example, the Boxes environment of ourExperiment 1 with the step condition is non-stationary. Here, ashaping reward for manipulating boxes would only be useful ifit lasted long enough to prevent the box-manipulating behaviorfrom extinguishing before it became useful for incrementingfitness in the second half of the agent’t life.

A more fundamental limitation of shaping rewards is thattheir property of leaving optimal policies unaltered is oflimited use in situations where optimal policies cannot beattained due to limitations of the agent’s learning algorithmor of the circumstances under which the agent must operate.For example, in our Experiment 1, agents’ lives are generallynot long enough to allow convergence to an optimal policy.If they could learn over a long enough period of time in astationary environment, and with a learning algorithm andstate representation that ensured convergence to an optimalpolicy, then a simple fitness-based reward function wouldallow convergence to a fitness-maximizing policy. Even if thiswere possible, though, the fitness of the entire lifetime is themost important factor, and this usually depends on learningefficiency more than the asymptotic result. Sutton et al. [48]make related observations about the limitations of asymptoticoptimality.

The need for a departure from shaping rewards is even moreclear in our Experiment 2 in which the agent cannot sensethe location of food and the planning algorithm uses a learnedmodel that makes the assumption that the environment is fullyobservable. With these limitations, the optimal policy withrespect to the best fitness-based reward function gets stuckand is unable to systematically find food via planning. Thus,the best reward function should significantly alter behavioras achieved in our experiments by encouraging persistentand systematic exploration; such an alteration—or indeedany persistent alteration—can not be achieved via shapingrewards. In general, a major function of intrinsic rewards isto compensate for agent limitations, such as the short agentlifetimes in Experiment 1 or the non-Markovian nature of theenvironments in Experiment 2 (see [44] for further explorationof such compensation).

Although they did not directly touch on the issue of intrinsicversus extrinsic reward, Samuelson and Swinkels [29] putforward a related view regarding the nature of peoples’ utilityfunctions. They argue that their analysis shows

. . . that if the agent fully understands the causal andstatistical structure of the world, the utility function“maximize the expected number of your descen-dants” does strictly better than one that puts weight

on intermediate actions like eating and having sex.In the absence of such a perfect prior understandingof the world, however, there is evolutionary valuein placing utility on intermediate actions. (p. 120,Samuelson and Swinkels [29])

Also related is research on transfer learning [49], whichfocuses on how learning to perform one task is useful inhelping an agent learn to perform a different task. Multi-task learning, also reviewed in [49], explores transfer acrossmultiple tasks dawn from a task distribution. Because ourmethodology assesses agent fitness over a task distribution,it has implications for transfer learning, especially multi-tasklearning, which remain to be explored. Good reward functionsfound by searching reward-function space tap into common as-pects of these tasks to facilitate learning across the distribution.We are not aware of approaches to multi-task learning thatrely on such searches. Although the variable-reward approachof Mehta et al. [21] involves multiple reward functions, it isquite different in that the tasks in the distribution differ intheir reward functions rather than in other features, and noreward-function search is involved. However, the distinctionbetween agent-space and problem-space in Konidaris andBarto’s [17] approach to transfer learning is closely related toour observations because agent-space is determined by featuresassociated with the agent that remain constant across multipletasks. Thus, in Experiment 2, for example, we could say thatthe inverse-recency feature given significant weight in the bestreward function is a feature of agent-space, suggesting thatthe agent-space/problem-space distinction may be a naturaloutcome of an evolutionary process.

The present paper used simple learning and planning agentsand thus does not address hierarchical RL [2] and its implica-tions for transfer learning, but our approach sets the stage forfurther examination of the claim made by Barto et al. [3] andSingh et al. [40] that intrinsic rewards facilitate the acquisitionof skills that can form reusable building blocks for behavioralhierarchies. Evolutionary approaches to discovering usefulhierarchical structure for RL, such as the work of Elfwing etal. [10], suggest that progress can be made in this direction.


We believe that the new optimal reward framework pre-sented by Singh et al. [41] and elaborated here clarifies thecomputational role and origin of intrinsic and extrinsic moti-vation. More specifically, the experimental results support twoclaims about the implications of the framework for intrinsicand extrinsic motivation.

First, both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be under-stood as emergent properties of reward functions selected be-cause they increase the fitness of learning agents across somedistribution of environments. When coupled with learning, aprimary reward function that rewards behavior that is usefulacross many environments can produce greater evolutionaryfitness than a function exclusively rewarding behavior directlyrelated to fitness. For example, in both experiments above,eating is necessary for evolutionary success in all environ-ments, so we see primary rewards generated by (satiated)


states resulting immediately from eating-related behavior. Butoptimal primary reward functions can also motivate richerkinds of behavior less directly related to basic needs, such asplay and manipulation of the boxes in Experiment 1, that canconfer significantly greater evolutionary fitness to an agent.This is because what is learned as a result of being intrinsicallymotivated to play with and manipulate objects contributes,within the lifetime of an agent, to that agent’s ability to surviveand reproduce.

Second, the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic moti-vation is one of degree—there are no hard and fast features thatdistinguish them. A stimulus or activity comes to elicit rewardto the extent that it helps the agent attain evolutionary successbased on whatever the agent does to translate primary rewardto learned secondary reward, and through that to behaviorduring its lifetime. What we call intrinsically rewarding stimulior activities are those that bear only a distal relationship toevolutionary success. Extrinsically rewarding stimuli or events,on the other hand, are those that have a more immediate anddirect relationship to evolutionary success. In fact, in a strictsense, all stimuli or activities that elicit primary reward canbe considered intrinsically motivated because they bear onlya distal relationship to evolutionary success. Having sex ismore directly related to evolutionary success (e.g., as measuredby the longevity of one’s genes in the population) than ischildhood play, but both are merely predictors of evolutionarysuccess, not that success itself. Crucially, however, all acrossthis continuum the evolved (optimal) reward function has tobe ubiquitously useful across many different environments inthat the behavior learned from the reward function in eachenvironment has to be good for that environment.

The experiments also clearly demonstrate that learning(specifically RL) exploits regularities within a single agent’slifetime, while the (evolutionary) reward function optimiza-tion exploits regularities across environments and agents. Forexample, in Experiment 1 the location of the boxes did notchange within a single agent’s lifetime (though they variedacross environments) and so the value function learned viaRL captured those within-environment regularities. Even morepotentially significant and interesting is the role of the internalenvironment (cf. right panel in Figure 1) that remains relativelyunchanged across individuals (whether within or across gener-ations). This can lead the optimal primary reward function toencourage behaviors that involve features from this part of theagent’s environment. In general, this might include behaviorsthat we think of as involving curiosity, novelty, surprise,and other internally-mediated features usually associated withintrinsic reward. Specifically, in Experiment 2 this led theprimary reward to encourage the behavior of experiencingstate-action pairs that had not been experienced recently.This in turn led to systematic and persistent explorationbehavior by the agent which was beneficial across foragingenvironments. Although our observations do not support theview that dependence on internal environment states is adefining characteristic of intrinsic motivation, they nonethelessprovide an explanation for why the archetypical examples ofintrinsically rewarding behavior often exhibit this dependency.Prominent among the environmental features that are shared

across populations of evolving agents are features of theagents’ internal environments.

Our optimal reward framework and experimental resultsthus explain why evolution would give exploration, manip-ulation, play, etc. positive hedonic valence, i.e., make themrewarding, along with stimuli and activities that are moredirectly related to evolutionary success. The distinction be-tween intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is therefore a matter ofdegree, but their source and role is computationally clear: bothintrinsic and extrinsic motivation are emergent properties of aprocess that adjusts reward functions in pursuit of improvedevolutionary success.

Finally, our optimal reward framework also has implicationsfor a basic tenet of RL:

. . . the reward signal is not the place to impart to theagent prior knowledge about how to achieve whatwe want it to do. ... The reward signal is your wayof communicating to the robot what you want it toachieve, not how you want it achieved. (p. 56, Suttonand Barto [47])

This remains good cautionary advice for the agent designerattempting to impart prior knowledge through the rewardfunction heuristically. The limitations of this approach is illus-trated by many examples in which the agent learns to achieverewarded subgoals without learning to achieve a problem’sultimate goal (e.g., [27]). However, our results demonstratethat reward functions do exist that incorporate prior knowledgein a way that produces significant gains in performance towardthe ultimate goal of maximizing fitness. That these rewardfunctions are the result of extensive search supports the essen-tial role that evolution has in making biological reinforcementlearning a useful component of adaptive natural intelligence.


Satinder Singh and Jonathan Sorg were supported byAFOSR grant FA9550-08-1-0418 and by NSF grant IIS0905146. Richard Lewis was supported by ONR grantN000140310087 and by NSF grant IIS 0905146. AndrewBarto was supported by AFOSR grant FA9550-08-1-0418.Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations ex-pressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the sponsors.


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Satinder Singh is a Professor of Computer Scienceand Engineering at the University of Michigan, AnnArbor. He received a B.Tech in electrical engineeringfrom the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhiin 1987, and a PhD in Computer Science from theUniversity of Massachusetts, Amherst in 1993. Heis director of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratoryat the University of Michigan.

Richard Lewis is a Professor of Psychology andLinguistics at the University of Michigan, Ann Ar-bor. He received a B.S. with honors in computerscience from the University of Central Florida in1987, and a PhD in Computer Science from CarnegieMellon University in 1993. He is director of theLanguage and Cognitive Architecture Laboratory,and a core member of the Cognition and CognitiveNeuroscience Program at the University of Michi-gan.

Andrew Barto is a Professor of Computer Science,University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He receiveda B.S. with distinction in mathematics from theUniversity of Michigan in 1970, and a Ph.D. inComputer Science in 1975, also from the Univer-sity of Michigan. He Co-Directs the AutonomousLearning Laboratory and is a core faculty memberof the Neuroscience and Behavior Program of theUniversity of Massachusetts.

Jonathan Sorg is a Ph.D. candidate in ComputerScience at the University of Michigan. He receiveda B.S. in Computer Science from NorthwesternUniversity in 2005 and a M.S. in Computer Sciencefrom the University of Michigan in 2008.