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Mrs. Wa lter Krafl t ol Broo klyn , Is spen ding the month * a ' t the Elms on Can dee avenue. ... . . T he members ' of the Brandt family enjoyed a- picnic on the " - beach near Cherr y Orove test . Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Donovan ; of Brooklyn , spent last week-en d here , as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Cable. Mr " , an d . . . "Mrs. Alfred Ctaeiser and family will " be week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs . Waited Gnelser -of < Candee avenue. ' : >)..^;; ' " * : ' . '"' ' ' ¦ ' : Mrs. Fra flfc^Zemanj bf West New York , N. J.! ; ar r ived " on Wednesday to stay until tomorrow with her •mother , Mrs. Julia Marek. Beer ' s home-made ' chocolate bars with rais ins. Brazil nuts , cashews, or peanuts , at five, cents ' -alx for 25c. Beer ' s Main street. T ' 99tf Mrs . Roger b. Lanerrandre left to- day , for West Edmes ton to join her dau gher . Mi ss Audre y, for a visit with Mrs. Laff err andre ' s sister , Mrs. Stuart Shatze l.. ' " .. . ' ¦ ' Mrs. Rob ert Marran of Washington , D. C and Alfred Kennedy of New Ro- chelle, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. - George W. Kenned y. Miss Lena Foth opened for business on ; Saturda y the ; Sayville Art Shop with a line of att ractive handmade articles ' and knitting ' and crochetin g materials. ' a Mrs. Esther .©"Mara of Trenton . Mrs. Helen Overbeck of Freeport , an d Mrs. Helen Morrlsse y- r ol Brooklyn , are spendin g a week ' here with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vaczy. ' Emll J. Polak , ;soh of . .Mr. and Mrs. Eml l Polak , celebrated his third birth- day on Wednesday by entertaining at a .party for friends and playmates. His name was announced over the ra dio by Uncle.Don. Cap t. . ' Stein ' s Cherry Grove ferry leaves River street dock , Sayville , at 9:30 a. m.; leaves Cherr y ' Grove dock a t 12. Leaves River street at 2:30 p. m., return at 5 p. m. Regular summer schedule week-ends. Tel. " Sayville 1080. 39tf Mrs. William Schneider , .who recent- ly underwent an operation for the re- moval of a goitre in Dr. King ' s Hospi- tal. Bay Shore , returne d to- her home In St. Albans on Tuesday after spend- ing a few days at the' home of tier , son- in-law and dau ghter , Mr . and Mrs. Erich . Tlctze. ' •' ' Mr . and Mrs. Joseph Kelly and their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sice ot Philadelphia , left on Sunday for a mo tor trip to Canada , expecting to be away about a week. Miss Nancy Sice of Phlla dclrHila , came u p with her par- ents and Is spending the - week here at the Kelly home. Mrs. C. P. Fisher came to Sayville on Tuesday to visit at the home of Mrs. Ella Johnson, Mrs , Fisher has been spending some time in Brooklyn an d with her son and dnughter-ln-law , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fisher in Lyn- brook , since her return from Baton Rouge , La about a month ago. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Schultz have been at the World' s Fair for the last few da ys, where Mr. Schujtz Is attending t he firemen ' s convent ion. He acted as a Jud ge at yesterday ' s contest and today Is to 'be marshal! of tho 6th division In the parade which will con- elude the convention. Thoy are stay- ing at the Sanford Hotel In Flushing. Mrs. John W. Rocmmelo entertained at bridge and cocktails yesterda y a fternoon . Her guests were Mrs, Hot- bert Brunson , Mrs. Owen Ever s ,- Mrs, Albert Arndt , Mrs, Robert L. Mac- Intyr e, Mrs, Carl Mueller, Mrs. Charles Hagan , Mra. Charles Bogol , Mrs, John Bauer , Mrs, Carol Rcld, Mra. Henry Erlcso n, Mra. Philip Oohl and Mrs. Haro ld O. Williams. Among the younger set at the Junior Leap Year dance Wednesday In the Mar ine Grill were ' the Misses Mn ry Jane Murnnne , Jo yce Mason , Mar ilyn Merkt , Marlon Harris , " Carol Skolton, Ruth Anderson, Barbara Brunso n, Joan Doyle, Betty Anderson , Joan and Ann Mead , -Barbara Wh ite , ¦ Nancy Palme r, and George Palmer , Robert Lane , Bruce Anderson, James Palmer , Milton Hans, -Jr., Frank Pletr owski , Robert , John and Dan O'Connor, Don- ald Geory, Charles Hagan, . Buddy Ha gan and Herbert Line. Marek ' s 20% discount , tale lasts until Saturda y, Au gust 28th. ' . , It Miss Lolita . Rpem ' mele Is .. to . spend this week-end on staten 'Island with her fian ce . Victor Backlund. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymon d Oakley Jr. have as their guests this week-end Mr. and Mrs. Richard - 8. Corwin of Brooklyn and Mattlt uck. - Mrs. A. Plcone of Chicag o , is visiting for abou t three -weeks with her mother , Mrs. Mari a Helzmann , at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Markus . Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Oehl , of Yon- kers , are spending about three weeks here as the guests of Mr . and Mrs. J." C. Rclu , of Gre ene avenue. Robert Falk , who Is ' employed in New York , is ' leaving today for Fort Myers , Fla., where he is to spend his two weeks ' vacation with friends. Mrs. Mai LeCampt e Bason went to Newark , N. J. on Wednesday to spend the rest ot the week with her brother- in-law and sister , Mr. and Mrs. Tru- man Fowler. H arold Smith entertaine d on Mon - day and Tuesday Clevelan d Reld and Ray Mills of Arlington , Va., fellow students with him at Randolph-Maco n College at Ashland , Va. Miss Frances L. Young and her uncle , George J. McManus , left last Friday for a tri p 'to the West Coast and Canada. They are to visit the San Francisco World' s Fair. Mrs. Joseph " A. Shanley has been in Amityvllle for two days because of the illness of her little granddaughter , Joan Caryll , Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Hoost. Mrs. Sewell Thornhill , who has been ill for nearly six weeks, four weeks of which she spent in the Southside Hos- pital , Is continuing to improve. She is able to be downstairs for a part of each day and is gradually regaining her strength. Metlakhatla Chapter , O. E. S., Is to hold a card parly at Yerk' s Beach , Lake Ronkonkoma. on Tuesday after- noon. Plans are . being made also for the annual food sale to be held on September 2nd on the lawn of Mrs . Dona ld Mac Kenzie. ' . It Miss Jeannette Rocmmele entertain- ed at bridge on Wednesday evenin g. Her guests were ' the Misses Betty Snedecor . Berna dptbe McNally, Marjorio Vorback , Dorothy Vorback , Ali ce Raf- ferty, Eileen Alford , Dorothea Mueller , and Lolita Roemmcle. " ' ¦ £ Dr. an d Mrs. Merlin Treadwell Ry- man of Chatham , If. J„ are being con- gratulated upon the birth of twins , Linda and- Lois Rymmv at. the Mem- orial Hospital , Morrlstown , on Thurs- day. Mrs ; Ryman is the former Miss Ruth Sparks and tvns a frequent vis- itor to Sayville bctorc her marria ge. Edward Whalen , Jr.. Buddy Vaczy and Gregory Halplu have organized a J unior baseball team which is prac- tising daily for tho third annual Far ther vs. Son game to be played at 4 o' clock tomorrow aftern oon at the lot at the comer of Candee avenue and Elm street. The Father ' s team won last year and a keen contest Is expected tomorrow. Miss Eleanor Jcschko Is entertain- ing a number of her friends from Mld- dlebury College at a housepnrty over t his week-end at her home on Cand ee avenue. The guests are the Misses Ruth Coleswort hy and Edith Egbert , of Westflcld , N, J .. Mnrjor le Kohr , of Maplewood ; N. J., Betty Ora ce Hcld- man, of Yonkcrs , and Betty Anne Dun- ning, of Upper Darby, Pa. Miss Evelyn Hicks , daug hter of Dr. and Mrs. LcRoy Etlwavds , entertained last week-en d, Mr. and Mrs , Charles A. Davey of Brookl yn, an d Francis Matthews of Highland Falls , N. Y, Miss Hicks enterta ined several other guests on, Sunday at o teac h party. The ot hers beside s her house guests were Mrs. Edna R. Moyer. Miss Doris Far- rcn , John Plunkett , Dr, John Brlorton , Carl Btoye , John FlUgernld , and Mr. and Mrs , Thomas Farrcl l, Mr. and Mrs. Fred a, - Burgoyne en- ter ta ined over last.week -end Mr. and Mrs. James B. Allen, of Brooklyn. Miss, Nonie Conno r and Miss Ann Durkln , of Manhattan , are spending this week her e as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Loughlin. Capt. Pagels ' ferry leaves SayvHle for Cherry Grov e daily at fl:30 , 2:3 0 and 6:15 p. m. Also on Friday at 8 p. m., and Sunday at U a. m. 43tt Mr. and Mrs. Willia m Blssell, of Val- ley Strea m and Mrs. Louise Thomp- son , of Brooklyn , spent the first of the week at th e home of Mr . an d Mrs. William Thompson . Mr. and Mrs. Emll P. Antos and their sons , Robert and David , spent the week-end in Troy, where they vis- ited Renssela er Polytechnic Institute. Robert Antos will enter there in Sep- tember . Miss Betty Myers went to Babylon on Saturday to visit her uncle and aunt , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiebelhuth and her cousin , Miss Eleanor. On Sun- day they ali drove to Haverstraw to spend the day . Mr , and Mrs. Ludwig Battermann and Mr. and Mrs. I. Howard Snedecor left on Wedn esday with Mark Crosier for Hunter , N. Y., where they are spending the week-en d at the Crosltr camp with Mrs. Crosier and their children. The card party which was to have been given by the Sayville Garden Club at the Milestone on August 23rd has been postponed un til September 6th out of respect to the memory of Mrs. W. Kintzing Pest , late president of the organization. ' The Rev. and Mrs. Allyn P. Robinson and daughter , Sarah , of Raleigh , N. C, have been guests for the past two weeks at the home of Mr. Robinson ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs , Allyn P. Robinson. They are lea ving tomorrow for Reading, Pa., where they will' visit Mrs. Robinson ' s parents . Dr. and Mrs. Archibald ochenk. Mr. and Mrs. G. Schenck Van Slclen are to be guests at the wed- ding of Miss Stella Houghtoi and John Allco which will ta ke place tomorrow altcinoon in the West Hampton Meth- odist Church. The reception will be at the home ' of . the bride ' s mother. Mrs. E. Otis Houghton , on Beach Lane, West Hampton. The Rev. Cornelius Piggott officiated at a mass at 7 o' clock ' oh Wednesday morning at St. Lawren ce' s Chu rch for the late Mrs . Elizabeth Vaczy, who died on August 15, 1938. Mrs. Vaczy spent many summers here at the home of her son, Edward Vaczy, former Dep- uty Tenement House Commissioner of Now . York City; at 15 Elm-street, ' About 50 friends and relatives from Sayville , Ccdarhurst and Inwood at- tended a clambake on Wednesday eve- ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joh n H. Weeks on Hlddlnk street In celebra - tion of Mr. Wceks 's birthday. Don Gor- don ' s orchestra provided music for dancin g, which took place in the gar- age. The affair is an annual one and i s always much enj oyed. Mr. . and- Mrs. , Jo hn . Ma fthies and their - children , Bernard rand Barbara , of Manhattan , spent ' a ' few days this week with Mrs. Marinus ' Buys. Wil liam Howard Corwlh , oldest resi- dent , of Hampton Bays and one of its most respected citizens , died at the age of 91 years on Saturday " He was the grandfather of Harry Palmer, of Smith street , Sayville. The friends here . of. Mrs. Harold Brandt will be glad to know that she is - continuing to Improve at Ocean Beach arid that the doctors have given her family every assurance of her com- plete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McEvo y enter- tained at a dinner party at Island Hills Country Club ' last Saturday evening. The guests were Mr. . and Mrs. R. I. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs ' . Herbert Lane , Mr. and Mrs. Charles . Van Nort , Miss Loretto ' McEvoy, Miss ' Loretto Kelly, Edward Bruce McEvoy, Jr., and Robert McE voy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Jones went to 'Brooklyh on Tuesda y to see their son . . Gerald, sail aboard the U. S. Army transport ,' Republic , for Hawaii. The young man is now a member of the U.IS. Air Corps and Will ie stationed in Hawaii for two years. On the way out he will stop over in the Canal Zone and in San Francisco. Joan ' McRae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . Malcolm McRae , entertained a group of . her little friends on Tuesday in ' celebration of her fifth birthday. Her guests wore Sarah Robinson , of Ralelght , N. O, Lucille Gillette of Bay- port ? Marcla Berger , Deborah Dooling, Barbara and Rosemar y White. Joan Holmes and Priscilla Edwards. The marria ge of Miss Jean W. Ter- ry, -, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett R. Terry , qf Isllp, and Robert R. Ka- sln , son of Mrs. Emma Kasin. also of I slip, will take place at the home of tho bride at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon . Both bride and groom . arc graduates of Islip High School. Miss Terry was graduated from Maryland College for Women and Mr. Kasin fr om Ohio State University. Miss Mary Jane Murnanc entertained at a supper party and dance la-st Friday evening at her home on Greene ave- nu e. Her . guests were the Misses Irene Stanley, of Massapequa , Joyce Mason , Marjoric Wolsard , Jean.McGIynn , Lor - ctta McEvoy, Marilyn . Mcrkt , Betty An derson' . Marjorle Vaczy, and Joan Mead, , and Herbert '" Lane , Eugene Br own , John Lou ghlin, Thomas and Charles Hagan , Robert Buck, George Young, William Healy; Eugene Quig- ley, ' an d William Mur nanc . .Mrs. Fran k Sweeney entertained a group- of her frie nds at luncheon on Tuesday before the bridge party at the Cedarshore for the benefit of St. Law- rence ' s R. C. Church. Cutler Silliman , who has been 111 all week suffering with pneumonia , is showing an improvement today. X-ray pictures were ta ken yesterday and more will be taken today. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Smith of Buff- alo , and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockwood of Arcade , N. Y., have been spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Novotny in Oakdale. Miss May Herring, of East Orange , N. J ., spent last week-end here as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Grover A. Silli- man after a trip to Virginia. She left on Wednesday with a party of friends for Nova Scotia. Mrs. F. H. Stoye and Miss Eileen Alford went to Flushing last Friday to attend the wedding of Miss Kath- erlne Webb, daughter of Mrs. Dorothy Pratt of Flushing, and William Par- enteau , son of Mr . and Mrs. Barth , also of Flushin g. The bride was at- tended by her sister , Miss Dorothy Webb. The bridegroom attended Dartmouth College. Mr. and Mrs. Par- enteau are to make their home at Woodville, Miss. Grover A. Silliman , retur ne d , h ome on Wednesday from ihe Stevens *' Institute Engin eering ,Camp at John- sonburg. N. J., where he has .been for the past six weeks. " - Continued on page eight- J. M. Lednum and his daughter , Miss Ethel , left on Wednesday for Balti- more , Md., where they are spending about a week. Mrs. John Van Weele , Mrs . August •Hubal and Mrs. Albertine Kreyc r are chairmen of committees in charge of the Eastern Star card party to be held next week. ' s ¦ ' ii * ' r i -. ... CLOS ING OUT! Lawn Mowers PRICES ! GREATLY REDUCED R.P JE SGr if l$ Ma ft S t. v /, V '^Sayy ille; 1 ' ¦ ' '' ¦ ' Camera Fans Get Your . CAMER AS and Photographic Supplies at this store BROW NIES $1 .00 »nd up KODAK S $3.9S and up Developing , . " . Movie Ca meras , and S upp lied, also color film. Hi L.T er^&S p|M l| ; Main>it . Sayvili© v S WIFT'S ' * ; , FRESH KILLED SMOKED HAMS l b 25c B R 01L E R S lb 29 c 1939 SPRING SKINLESS LEGS OF LAMB lb 37c Frankfurters lb 25c TOP GRADE l BEST FANCY FOWL l b 25c ROLL BUTTER lb 2»c PRIME BREAST an d NECK RIB ROAST lb 29c VEAL lb 13c Skinner ' s Communit y Market i . . ' .. . '• ¦ ¦ ¦; . . ¦ PRIME MEA ^^ ¦¦ ¦• / . ITS . RAILR OAD AVBNUB .' , ' * , :;' ; ; .. '¦V ' v , . . . *r;: WE. - DBUVBIt ', :- >;¦ TEL. SAYVIM.E.,, Oil : - ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦- . - ' ¦ ¦ ~ K '¦"- - - - - EMHHBBb VHHB The Hobby Shop Original Women' s Exchange 18 Candee Ave., Sayvill e end-of ' season S A LE! of our ART GOODS and GIFTS Man y, beautiful things to select from for your own use or ns gi fts. HOME BAKED GOODS EVERY WED. AND SAT, " i_f^f ill l ..^^ "f l^ ' i. \ | ©I place ' Serv ice |S| Six Pieces ite. 9 * Sri J H Let the resplendent jj H IBS beauty of Sterling Kn H j 3 glorify your table and SB Hi bes peak ro your guest |m| Kfi| your exquisite good |B| H taste. See the fa- uffil EH mousWilliam&M ary I Knll mR pattern , and learn HnM nH how easil y a complete nKDSI koI act may be acquired |B$K' hb | on our I'lace Service . RJ ^ KaJfer s mf " A«Bu *' ewc ' fy Store I ' - lll i 3I> t,ttSi Mnln st ' ' WLm^mJ PATCI10OUE C jM^ \ f FOR SMART j '39 »*! IT'S th» faihton JOT$^Gj fl l pioneer ol Piggy ^HfitLj S^n Sogo ' i n«w Stn- mJ^J " -JLjj [ t lmtnlal Trio Goldruih , Heartbrea k , Noiegoy... Oolden-loned lo ma le your handl look di pped In Junli g ht...lo Mend with your goldt , hennat , btowni. SIXTY CENTS . ffnV^ MANICURE POL ISH Me Pollth Tha t "Wtm Lilt Iron " THORNHILL'S : PHARM ACY 2 W. Main St. Sayville ( IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM I OBTAIN SAFE CER TAIN RELIEF from Summer "MISERIES" Such As FLIES. ANTS MOSQUITOES, etc. or SUNB U RN PLANT POISONING and OTHER SKIN IRRITATIONS Say vil l e Pharmac y Over 50 years In same location . E. TIETZE , Ph. G., Pr op Prescription Specialist "The Store of Reliable . Service " THE CAR OF TOMORROW -ClVO^tHE ^ AIR COOLED! UTMOST ECO NOMY! ON SALE AT BROWN'S Storage Warehouse 185 Maple St. , Islip. N. Y. FREE DEMONSTRATION! EASY TE RMS! Vacation Service FW \ ^i^JS^Si \ / ^M -i/^A &v '^V °V^o*$$c i* mWll'i ir (VpX W\ V t * t,,: o*- ^ * S^ s % wBazJ GOODRICH \ ri>v A^ \ TIRES \ *&%' ^ ^ Guar antee your safety on va- \ ^ - 0 *>^^ cat ion . . C heek ami chan ge \ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ worn ' tires at their lowest \ __^^ ^^ pri ce In histor y. \^ 0 ^ Mobilgas and Mobilubricants . Used Tires 50c up Home Tow n Service GEORGE nt ul CHARLIE NORMAN Main Street and Greene Avenue Sayville 1233 LONG ISLAND'S MOST POPULAR SUMMER RESORT MARINE GRILL OVER-THE-WATER Hotel Cedarshore , Sayville , L . I. Toni ght Favorite Pastime Ni g ht Come in the clothes you ' re happiest in, keyed to your pet hobby: gardening, sailing, golf , tenn i s, fishing, etc. Pr ize for the most novel costume ! Dance exh ibition by GERTRUDE DUTTON and W. C. CROOK Make reservations now for Old Erin Night Friday, August 25th in the Grill IRISH DANCES AND SONGS IRISH MENU SERVED AT MIDNIGHT NO COVER CHARGE NO MINIMUM NO ADMISSION CHARGE Phone Sayville 1200 for reservation! Music by L £ E K U H N and hi» ° "? KMtr * , ' ^^^^^ BftB ^B^^^ Bw fcj i fr ^P'BBW M rei BPBWW .(. - ¦ - ; .I j ^i^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ Sm ' ' , '' ¦ ¦ ¦ > . . / ' ;- " ' , . ' ' -v. -; ; ?y . \/ Mf # ? M ^gs^p SALES SERVICE We are always Interested In advising on new car purchases , and our servi ce on cars is con- tinually efficient and depend- able. Sec us first! ARTHUR A. H0EFLER Main Street and Cedar Ave. ISLIP Telephone Islip 170 11A LAS PAINT STORE > 22 Rail road Avenue, Sayville Tel. Sayville 949 / PHONE US FOR Roof paints Shellac Pure putty Den. Alcohol Turpentine Brashes Whi te lead Sprayers Murcsco Stencils Craftex Wall paper Bronze Shingle Stain Enamel in colors Guaranteed pure linseed oil Deodorized cleaning .naphtha j

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Mrs. Walter Krafl t ol Brooklyn, Isspending the month * a't the Elms onCan dee avenue. . . . ..

The members' of the Brandt familyenjoyed a- picnic on the" -beach nearCherr y Orove test .Sunday.

Mrs. Thomas Donovan ; of Brooklyn ,spent last week-en d here , as the guestof Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Cable.

Mr", and... "Mrs. Alfred Ctaeiser andfamily will "be week-end guests of Mr.and Mrs . Waited Gnelser -of < Candeeavenue. ' :>)..^;;' " *: ' .'"' •' '¦':

Mrs. Fra flfc^Zemanj bf West NewYork , N. J.!; ar rived "on Wednesday tostay until tomorrow with her •mother ,Mrs. Julia Marek.

Beer 's home-made ' chocolate barswith rais ins. Brazil nuts , cashews, orpeanuts , at five, cents '-alx for 25c.Beer 's Main street. T ' 99tf

Mrs . Roger b. Lanerrandre left to-day , for West Edmeston to join herdaugher . Miss Audre y, for a visit withMrs. Lafferr andre 's sister , Mrs. StuartShatze l.. • ' " .. . ' ¦ • '

Mrs. Robert Marran of Washington ,D. C and Alfred Kennedy of New Ro-chelle, were week-end guests at thehome of Mr. and Mrs.- George W.Kenned y.

Miss Lena Foth opened for businesson ; Saturda y the ; Sayville Art Shopwith a line of att ractive handmadearticles ' and knitting' and crochetin gmaterials. ' a

Mrs. Esther .©"Mara of Trenton . Mrs.Helen Overbeck of Freeport , and Mrs.Helen Morrlsse y-r ol Brooklyn , arespending a week ' here with Mr. andMrs. Edward Vaczy. '

Emll J. Polak , ;soh of. .Mr. and Mrs.Emll Polak , celebrated his third birth-day on Wednesday by entertaining ata .party for friends and playmates.His name was announced over thera dio by Uncle.Don.

Cap t..' Stein's Cherry Grove ferryleaves River street dock , Sayville , at9:30 a. m.; leaves Cherr y' Grove dockat 12. Leaves River street at 2:30 p. m.,return at 5 p. m. Regular summerschedule week-ends. Tel." Sayville 1080.

39tfMrs. William Schneider , .who recent-

ly underwent an operation for the re-moval of a goitre in Dr. King 's Hospi-tal. Bay Shore , returne d to- her homeIn St. Albans on Tuesday after spend-ing a few days at the' home of tier , son-in-law and dau ghter , Mr . and Mrs.Erich . Tlctze. ' •' '

Mr . and Mrs. Joseph Kelly and theircousins, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sice otPhiladelphia , left on Sunday for amotor trip to Canada , expecting to beaway about a week. Miss Nancy Siceof Phlla dclrHila , came up with her par-ents and Is spending the - week hereat the Kelly home.

Mrs. C. P. Fisher came to Sayvilleon Tuesday to visit at the home ofMrs. Ella Johnson, Mrs , Fisher hasbeen spending some time in Brooklynan d with her son and dnughter-ln-law ,Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fisher in Lyn-brook , since her return from BatonRouge , La „ about a month ago.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Schultz have beenat the World' s Fair for the last fewdays, where Mr. Schujtz Is attendingthe firemen 's convent ion. He actedas a J udge at yesterday 's contest andtoday Is to 'be marshal! of tho 6thdivision In the parade which will con-elude the convention. Thoy are stay-ing at the Sanford Hotel In Flushing.

Mrs. John W. Rocmmelo entertainedat b r i d g e and cocktails yesterda yafternoon . Her guests were Mrs, Hot-bert Brunson, Mrs. Owen Ever s,- Mrs,Albert Arndt , Mrs, Robert L. Mac-Intyr e, Mrs, Carl Mueller, Mrs. CharlesHagan , Mra. Charles Bogol, Mrs, JohnBauer, Mrs, Carol Rcld, Mra. HenryErlcso n, Mra. Philip Oohl and Mrs.Haro ld O. Williams.

Among the younger set at the JuniorLeap Year dance Wednesday In theMar ine Grill were ' the Misses MnryJane Murnnne , Joyce Mason , Mar ilynMerkt , Marlon Harris ," Carol Skolton,Ruth Anderson, Barbara Brunso n,Joan Doyle, Betty Anderson , Joan andAnn Mead , -Barbara White, ¦ NancyPalme r, and George Palmer , RobertLane, Bruce Anderson, James Palmer ,Milton Hans, -Jr., Frank Pletr owski,Robert , John and Dan O'Connor, Don-ald Geory, Charles Ha gan, . BuddyHagan and Herbert Line.

Marek 's 20% discount , tale lasts untilSaturda y, August 28th. ' . , It

Miss Lolita . Rpem'mele Is ..to . spendthis week-end on staten 'Island withher fiance. Victor Backlund. '

Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymon d Oakley Jr.have as their guests this week-endMr. and Mrs. Richard - 8. Corwin ofBrooklyn and Mattlt uck.-

Mrs. A. Plcone of Chicag o, is visitingfor abou t three -weeks with her mother ,Mrs. Mari a Helzmann , at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Theo Markus .

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Oehl , of Yon-kers , are spending about three weekshere as the guests of Mr . and Mrs.J." C. Rclu, of Gre ene avenue.

Robert Falk , who Is ' employed inNew York , is' leaving today for FortMyers , Fla., where he is to spend histwo weeks' vacation with friends.

Mrs. Mai LeCampt e Bason went toNewark , N. J. on Wednesday to spendthe rest ot the week with her brother-in-law and sister , Mr. and Mrs. Tru-man Fowler.

Harold Smith entertaine d on Mon -day and Tuesday Clevelan d Reld andRay Mills of Arlington , Va., fellowstudents with him at Randolph-Maco nCollege at Ashland , Va.

Miss Frances L. Young and heruncle , George J. McManus , left lastFriday for a tri p ' to the West Coastand Canada. They are to visit the SanFrancisco World' s Fair.

Mrs. Joseph " A. Shanley has beenin Amityvllle for two days because ofthe illness of her little granddaughter ,Joan Caryll , Infant daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Allen J. Hoost.

Mrs. Sewell Thornhill , who has beenill for nearly six weeks, four weeks ofwhich she spent in the Southside Hos-pital , Is continuing to improve. She isable to be downstairs for a part ofeach day and is gradually regainingher strength.

Metlakhatla Chapter , O. E. S., Is tohold a card parly at Yerk' s Beach ,Lake Ronkonkoma. on Tuesday after-noon. Plans are .being made also forthe annual food sale to be held onSeptember 2nd on the lawn of Mrs .Donald Mac Kenzie. ' . It

Miss Jeannette Rocmmele entertain-ed at bridge on Wednesday evenin g.Her guests were ' the Misses BettySnedecor . Berna dptbe McNally, MarjorioVorback , Dorothy Vorback , Ali ce Raf-ferty, Eileen Alford , Dorothea Mueller ,and Lolita Roemmcle. " '¦ £

Dr. and Mrs. Merlin Treadwell Ry-man of Chatham , If. J „ are being con-gratulated upon the birth of twins ,Linda and- Lois Rymmv at. the Mem-orial Hospital , Morrlstown , on Thurs-day. Mrs ; Ryman is the former MissRuth Sparks and tvns a frequent vis-itor to Sayville bctorc her marria ge.

Edward Whalen , Jr.. Buddy Vaczyand Gregory Halplu have organized aJ unior baseball team which is prac-tising daily for tho third annual Farther vs. Son game to be played at 4o'clock tomorrow aftern oon at the lotat the comer of Candee avenue andElm street. The Father 's team won lastyear and a keen contest Is expectedtomorrow.

Miss Eleanor Jcschko Is entertain-ing a number of her friends from Mld-dlebury College at a housepnrty overthis week-end at her home on Cand eeavenue. The guests are the MissesRuth Coleswort hy and Edith Egbert ,of Westflcld , N, J .. Mnrjor le Kohr , ofMaplewood ; N. J., Betty Ora ce Hcld-man, of Yonkcrs , and Bett y Anne Dun-ning, of Upper Darby, Pa.

Miss Evelyn Hicks, daug hter of Dr.and Mrs. LcRoy Etlwavds , entertainedlast week-end, Mr. and Mrs , CharlesA. Davey of Brookl yn, an d FrancisMatthews of Highland Falls , N. Y, MissHicks enterta ined several other guestson , Sunday at o teach party. Theothers besides her house guests wereMrs. Edna R. Moyer. Miss Doris Far-rcn , John Plunkett , Dr, John Brlorton ,Carl Btoye, John FlUgernld , and Mr.and Mrs , Thomas Farrcl l,

Mr. and Mrs. Fred a,- Burgoyne en-ter ta ined over last.week -end Mr. andMrs. James B. Allen, of Brooklyn.

Miss, Nonie Conno r and Miss AnnDurkln , of Manhattan , are spendingthis week her e as the guests of Mr. andMrs. Michael Loughlin.

Capt. Pagels' ferry leaves SayvHle forCherry Grove daily at fl:30 , 2:30 and6:15 p. m. Also on Friday at 8 p. m.,and Sunday at U a. m. 43tt

Mr. and Mrs. William Blssell, of Val-ley Strea m and Mrs. Louise Thomp-son, of Brooklyn , spent the first of theweek at the home of Mr . and Mrs.William Thompson .

Mr. and Mrs. Emll P. Antos andtheir sons, Robert and David , spentthe week-end in Troy, where they vis-ited Renssela er Polytechnic Institute.Robert Antos will enter there in Sep-tember .

Miss Betty Myers went to Babylonon Saturday to visit her uncle andaunt , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiebelhuthand her cousin , Miss Eleanor. On Sun-day they ali drove to Haverstraw tospend the day.

Mr , and Mrs. Ludwig Battermannand Mr. and Mrs. I. Howard Snedecorleft on Wedn esday with Mark Crosierfor Hunter , N. Y., where they arespending the week-en d at the Crosltrcamp with Mrs. Crosier and theirchildren.

The card party which was to havebeen given by the Sayville GardenClub at the Milestone on August 23rdhas been postponed until September6th out of respect to the memory ofMrs. W. Kintzing Pest , late presidentof the organization. '

The Rev. and Mrs. Allyn P. Robinsonand daughter , Sarah , of Raleigh , N. C,have been guests for the past two weeksat the home of Mr. Robinson 's parents ,Mr. and Mrs , Allyn P. Robinson. Theyare lea ving tomorrow for Reading, Pa.,where they will' visit Mrs. Robinson 'sparents . Dr. and Mrs. Archibaldochenk.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Schenck VanSlclen are to be guests at the wed-ding of Miss Stella Houghtoi and JohnAllco which will ta ke place tomorrowaltcinoon in the West Hampton Meth-odist Church. The reception will beat the home ' of. the bride 's mother.Mrs. E. Otis Houghton , on Beach Lane,West Hampton.

The Rev. Cornelius Piggott officiatedat a mass at 7 o'clock ' oh Wednesdaymorning at St. Lawren ce's Chu rch forthe late Mrs . Elizabeth Vaczy, whodied on August 15, 1938. Mrs. Vaczyspent many summers here at the homeof her son, Edward Vaczy, former Dep-uty Tenement House Commissioner ofNow .York City; at 15 Elm-street, '

About 50 friends and relatives fromSayville , Ccdarhurst and Inwood at-tended a clambake on Wednesday eve-ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joh nH. Weeks on Hlddlnk street In celebra -tion of Mr. Wceks 's birthday. Don Gor-don 's orchestra provided m u s i c fordancin g, which took place in the gar-age. The affair is an annual one andis always much enjoyed.

Mr. . and- Mrs. , J ohn . Ma fthies andtheir - children , Bernard rand Barbara ,of Manhattan , spent ' a ' few days thisweek with Mrs. Marinus ' Buys.

William Howard Corwlh , oldest resi-dent , of Hampton Bays and one of itsmost respected citizens, died at the ageof 91 years on Saturday " He was thegrandfather of Harry Palmer, of Smithstreet , Sayville.

The friends here . of. Mrs. HaroldBrandt will be glad to know that sheis - continuing to Improve at OceanBeach arid that the doctors have givenher family every assurance of her com-plete recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McEvoy enter-tained at a dinner party at Island HillsCountry Club ' last Saturday evening.The guests were Mr. . and Mrs. R. I.Dawson, Mr. and Mrs '. Herbert Lane ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles . Van Nort , MissLoretto ' McEvoy, Miss ' Loretto Kelly,Edward Bruce McEvoy, Jr., and RobertMcEvoy.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Jones wentto 'Brooklyh on Tuesda y to see theirson.. Gerald, sail aboard the U. S. Armytransport ,' Republic , for Hawaii. Theyoung man is now a member of theU.IS. Air Corps and Will ie stationedin Hawaii for two years. On the wayout he will stop over in the Canal Zoneand in San Francisco.

Joan ' McRae, daughter of Mr. andMrs. . Malcolm McRae , entertained agroup of . her little friends on Tuesdayin ' celebration of her fifth birthday.Her guests wore Sarah Robinson , ofRalelght , N. O, Lucille Gillette of Bay-port ? Marcla Berger , Deborah Dooling,Barbara and Rosemar y White. JoanHolmes and Priscilla Edwards.

The marria ge of Miss Jean W. Ter-ry, -, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EverettR. Terry , qf Isllp, and Robert R. Ka-sln, son of Mrs. Emma Kasin. also ofIslip, will take place at the home oftho bride at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon .Both bride and groom . arc graduatesof Islip High School. Miss Terry wasgraduated from Maryland College forWomen and Mr. Kasin from OhioState University.

Miss Mary Jane Murnanc entertainedat a supper party and dance la-st Fridayevening at her home on Greene ave-nue. Her . guests were the Misses IreneStanley, of Massapequa , Joyce Mason ,Marjoric Wolsard , Jean.McGIynn , Lor -ctta McEvoy, Marilyn . Mcrkt , BettyAnderson' . Marjorle Vaczy, and JoanMead, , and Herbert '" Lane , EugeneBr own , John Loughlin, Thomas andCharles Hagan , Robert Buck, GeorgeYoung, William Healy; Eugene Quig-ley, 'an d William Mur nanc .

.Mrs. Frank Sweeney entertained agroup- of her friends at luncheon onTuesday before the bridge party at theCedarshore for the benefit of St. Law-rence 's R. C. Church.

Cutler Silliman , who has been 111all week suffering with pneumonia , isshowing an improvement today. X-raypictures were ta ken yesterday andmore will be taken today.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Smith of Buff-alo, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockwoodof Arcade , N. Y., have been spending aweek at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos-eph Novotny in Oakdale.

Miss May Herring, of East Orange ,N. J ., spent last week-end here as theguest of Dr. and Mrs. Grover A. Silli-man after a trip to Virginia. She lefton Wednesday with a party of friendsfor Nova Scotia.

Mrs. F. H. Stoye and Miss EileenAlford went to Flushing last Fridayto attend the wedding of Miss Kath-erlne Webb, daughter of Mrs. DorothyPratt of Flushing, and William Par-enteau , son of Mr . and Mrs. Barth ,also of Flushin g. The bride was at-tended by her sister , Miss DorothyWebb. The bridegroom attendedDartmouth College. Mr. and Mrs. Par-enteau are to make their home atWoodville, Miss.

Grover A. Silliman , j£ retur ned ,home on Wednesday from ihe Stevens *'Institute Engin eering ,Camp at John-sonburg. N. J., where he has .been forthe past six weeks. " -

Continued on page eight-

J. M. Lednum and his daughter , MissEthel , left on Wednesday for Balti-more , Md., where they are spendingabout a week.

Mrs. John Van Weele , Mrs . August•Hubal and Mrs. Albertine Kreyc r arechairmen of committees in charge ofthe Eastern Star card party to be heldnext week.

's ¦ ' ii* ' r i -. ...



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