ijui t^kjd^t)nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1914-02-12/ed... · 2009-09-29 ·...

».<w!£^MyMa4HHM>**ti£-i$*! J .' , ''Jy?Wf g^Tw^fs^p^f^^ «f'j?3^3«p^ j I" %t. E-''^H K-^H I^B^^H [-• ||''-:^B &r^Ii^^H 'V^.^^^1 "'t4f s^^^l %^^H •f^> •fe^ ^K*-**$ •*** ^ K ^ , **«** •M -»„- He BK * ^ » - ' > •"* ^H? ! : ^ ^^^K^ II •r •%" 0 >'I pltvvlfl JLr/\IJui t^KJD^T) "For Plattsburgh and Clinton Co*, First, Last and Always." VOL XVn-NO. 160 ^tifiito.g^tfiji.hit.. SIGN «i*»^i<i^Mir^fcte^ iwkt**&m***s*mmt*mm)m0i*&*i*frii**i*iii*}i" HM CSBGEOHN* Y., raUBSBAY F£BBtIAE¥ 12 im HUERTA TO SEND ARMY OF 5 0 , 0 0 0 mimmgmmtmmakm •HKifWmti'mai**' HmfUfu m v GLDMQM COtJNfY, FKjtCfi two to^^S^pS^^. LEADERS OF TRADE 1NC0NF FlatstoHave Big Force Laandud General Villa G0VERNMFHT FORCES TO TAKE AGGRESSIVE 500 EMBRACING : COUNTRY BdSBirt >S WILL COXSIWElt ^AKIOtJS PKOBLEMS Wa AUJ OP UAMTM. POLICE OTIIlKRS SVSP*rTKD OF BK 1X« INVOLVED IX AL- H&gssb pi*oT u HJL Bp FORCED TO SOIX THE ARMY and 11—F'r«ssk tent '^ th at nton, ©. C, Feb. ll^R*!?' resenjtatlves of 500 trade oTg&aiza- tiom i embracing she entire ceqpgsy-: and pgresentins every line of fift- dustry, registered at the New WiHard Hotell ^ d a y , for the opening of .*i»0 secosji a^aaS me'eSif of the N#t* io&al' Chajjjeber of Coxmrieree, To&ay w^as :&ev#ii to the 3»re&mi»aries o* the jgattejngt T&e regular : $roggai$ AND Of Pspe*^ addresses aad dScassloas wan ', be takestaptomorrow morning and continued over Sapfta^, / The Sherman anti-trus* \law, with parthiajar ref#e£be to P^&dept WM- sori'a ppseeaft'. message op coirj<omte t esemroi, fcis iJ6fea s e l e c t e d leading s»b|ect for diseussSOn toteettitgl; &$&¥& Hie pwmin- who„£4pe to be heard on •jeet' are' l^&^$mi:'V'm.'.M^ University of ^scoBsin* Prof. 3& Ssagaaj.sf CoJam^M tlniver* ILouis '3D*j Brandei» oftBoston, and Frederick $.; F0¥> : 40mit Pre&denl of tb<i American ^etepfto^ aftd Ifele- grscphi Co^^aay,;; , , .\.'\ .• *•'- u n i e aWaM« pesaraMME ©J > jt*a$e<» as w hettffir ; heitiag''«om&ai^3" a ^ 4a%rf- loc&inki^lr«^mtes'.>li»liW -&ev*f©' m net the of •« Hearjl sity, Mexico Ca^. Feb Huorta' Suiamossad the Minuter of •^r, ,<§|«eroi Blanquet and the lead- ing officers of'.the army ii«o a con- foren* e M tho NaAtoiuaa P a l a c e latt last... i&gtA. Tte un-wtsag adjp^irned eqiriy taitay attea" lasting several hour?. No effj^ar^ta^eiraiena as to the mat- ters dSeassed was driven out, b>i; «>n» of the men who o*ter.-d«id intimated tt>at a ^eoin^ieJe plan of earm)a1§n a^raii^t ths refesls tea<d b^en a'dop**d and tili&t the 0*ve<rr.an4nt forces t?6uld take .Hie a®srf/?Ktve, pflrficj- WJjy in tfcb k&rihj xvh&re th-o Conati- tatlfj^JSIs Hav-e ©wespt ateosi every-' this?; oe^>ne;_th€an.^ '' . Tt was «3bs8QaeTi1!y learned that t h e i>|a» aJiOJstea teahifi.es the,_ sa»-l- . liiC of 5<MMM) men nowfhwacrd to at- tack tat* CoHSWtutJonar^te h?d Wiing of t*»® FaaaStta canal Charles flftmT&i ynmL Tins fc«ner bandit Ss! A. Prcluty o f f b s I n ^ r s j a f e l5©minerCfe the only rehei leader, w&o has bean C c m s i ^ I o n spfil' 4jm ^i© delegates of corssiste-Ttiij; eaceessfal, ^ad tJenetal Huerta bel'teves that if he ; -f^> orss-heti the overnjtjeat caa re^aia Its gu- pr«*:»jsajcy. : - '.,-'• •'.;'" ".•-'•' The government fta*^&&- make this campaign s&rere another purp;oSe. ( AH of the Ht&um'•piltep*fT&n& others ssqspect^d t«f bein^r tiwplved In a plot ixP^^'.&^sov&ev^ [ Sere «^1 b# foi% ^ *& j o i n Uis away aha go to tJte frosa^., .;-. , ; ; M—w^fewfc imii11 Tim mii JIJ TII IIII^IM? ' ^ * »S»ii9i& t^.lhe.**wst'-©roMi?ift Ua^ r e n c y l a n d .!4ieoi»e 'xetsc ',fe«!»"4iEMl % ' th*?" develdpmeat. *rf." : Qjse; i s ^ a g n teadt of Unjited Sabtes'•fotlowfag. t|»e ,o#en .WKW^IEB^ ^ gaasa^ft Sift' .««a^. '<a«asf«d /IB*** .^^it^^^^j^^'jioiffjla- wriEwsC;;-'••' •_•» y •''• T .' r : .•?'.•;. •:-'•" •".'.. the »5f& a*vdived || teaklns A pkf steal uaiuafSo» «f Ae railroads aad Socmiry Wilson of the Department of la.! JOT fe dowh for aa address on the n toaoas «f Ms dopaniifteat to indi3St ?aes aad c$i»ift©re©. HtRRTA BTJl r S 10,000 itlFLEfi SOO.PO > Komids of Aintmutitinn AIsiv t> Be Sent from Alahama Moh J^ Ak, Fefe. It—-Roberto Oa- yoo. S exlcan C^i»ul here, purchased yesteriay from the Todd Ounn Com- pany ?f >TonfeBomwy, Ala*, .10,600 JS$E| I iEd R^e^OO rounds «f «»«*«• S^hJch' «P'.|»%''(B^tt>i!fl6d'.,t»' ^0|?»i: C&isz for. t h e K a # « i f o w e s , ' . : ' fl Jd at lie WilkrillfionseUsl MRE. J.E. MEAD TOASTMISIRESS DRLTA ALPHA mCOOK OF THti M. K. CHUItCH HOl/D fc3SUOir- ' ABLfe SOOAIJ GAfJlI&R* I.VC COVEIIS I*AU» "ThO banquet : <Kt«he J&elta, Alpha fio. eiety school eiass, number three, ot|.cai toniek #6ftttsyli?anS:& Km seen in the Methodust church was hrfd -in thf' m^n dining room of the WitliBril? House last ©veiling: at Whtoh a&out s-'jay 'hiain1bej53 of' Qie ©oatety, |js^r<» present. !l^e 'de*orait&>»s et the^in* mq room xrete in.mSfesskt ro*es «rtd earnationa - ^h* toasiaiistress -©f tho hanquet was SirP..Jnn*asJi|b Mead* t«ache-r o- the *lass, w^o ; <(^|fci^ prealded «t»i IJte ftinetioa. At the ^tose 4 of an aj> | i ^ p « $ distner, the foliowin^ toasK ys&se; resnaas|e4. to: i ; primu '- \-.;. .._-.,"•• --~s£' ; *iqa»o Solo-t*3S£ss % 3te* Wa,tsoh, Oar Memhers«*aps» Wiaia Sell* VotsU; .fetid^-'Mlsegs Holejt Mitebell. Irfen^- dlffordi '• . - ; -'..' '.WlM?ft jay- SJ0» Comes In—Mis . Mildr>Kl' W$$t 'del •' ,. Vo«al fe^lo--aflss Muwel Bettengfer '• $1to&aetwr*&®ss. 3£«iafeei» <Sfobe "IV> Oiaar'* PSSenaC Ctapid—SKss Sars ^©ed; •,•'.' ' ( ; --.' •*_. ^ "^IPtsasa. 1>»e***MIfc!es. SlarSon Turnei n«d Mafeel Dotaicy. '. .lPh^"6ia^;erfj©ex«,i#?6as-*&Howi; > ' T«a^fe»-i?ei%(i '£&$$$ % M«aa. . in*il*i%^ss».jasia .w&e4. •Vl^e. P r ^ 3 o « t ^ ^ Staawfe Ctaj Tfeaa«!*i^IBW Ji4«^'' Mitchel!. shbnld not why yon ««tf Pi'ovldwl yoa REt have been and you « m 0 plsnninff. 1-here i : Buildin f a i l l . D FATAJXY BL-KXKD Infant toaoghter of Uonatoio X»eck of TuiJpcr take Victim ©jr Sad Ac- '-''!',•'., ^|(§tt',.'" •San^t^'If'lir,"' iilrd ^m. JJpninfc fe«sr©U^ ' ?&' 1<*fc ft) I«a3 ejf- at IJ^V home ajLlSlUfc ^"^mi i«, or shouldfee,no reason ;|&e; .-process o construtition— J«jontractor s nd t«'o hm«w Jater. Mi*. .^t th«. hou» to go for * '"" |.l«avi8»feerfitemee'.s^eur T _i v fJS© tittle. ^Sft-.-fflaMi^- h^pri^d- file moS&sr baxiE-to- «toe.3iisw»« .^•^ " !l Tht«5 Is not an tnf* BtellabiHtj SP: Imonr jtt. if not, ask «m mmomem m self*prai*e. bit rather an invitation to yon to investigate^ ;f0$r»e8f, a*%wee' Bnilding 1$ pays to he carefnl. Ifc « . * Come in Is onr watx'lhword. If yon e-firae event t» the average man. Ste It villials6;pay y o n w l l to ^*^"- tl Okrer W i t * W This Pots ?^T to No »y»#^>>>»»<^»*>»#»#»#»»»#»»l»»|»»^ r++*+*+f++0+**++*+*+*+0* -A. Obllgaflm j«5»'*«f assab Japl! tspwar, »arta "|«i«t Jjterajly «cso«ikoa and hangius' in 4gl "P»# ? itei-.JtU -% -^|» .iwwer -a» aapo 4% .*hf' *p^ieic»^%* '-iwpe®qai .a®8fcv<jf; ft '.In, Tt^iSiiEin. wjhere the t » . ©hai-. |%^"i^30»?ei%t. 1 s^fch ^m^ a ,sw»od. fire . ^ 3 :«a* w«h»- «$"*fhe, *«aspsi|. an*9; Either a. •*&$&.tajSflsffc dresi-.a^t'e ^or, «»*me part'<8r.*er'*<rftepi2ne was #^wn into ^3e-".*»o* by' ta» .draiSt. ?"" '" ik SONS Lumber and Building Material Peru and Platts burgh Phone VhUsbwrgh 21-F-3 or P< ; ru 25 AN 11-PtNKOSE r M i T IN PENNSYLVAWA STROXG EPl^OHT \v1tLL BE MADIC *0 PBEVKXT WEHSfa^U«:03f TO ei-lXATE—ROOSEAELT 5K» H.\V« ItAND IK W*Ete[ifl«ton, Feb. iij—J3fhd flg'htt ^«ti*yjv»ntft, asainet the reflection of So5«3> F^nrose^ito the Unit** States <Soaat* ia efcoeetod; to dieVelop into a campaign of natiotovid*' intere«l, * Tim tTnd^Wood tartit «ct «a*a>tfc:Sr, ?policit^is of t3x«- WU^ott Admitttetmioa will be kept to the tttau/t sseiies and a t l e t s t ttire% dr the candidates for tne-^nAtorghiis, are «on£$ic$ous figures- m ajattonal ^pltecss, * k t % ' th& outcotoe Is aJsd expected to affect djre^t^ the political fui«.¥e m" •QoY. RooioveJt as 'vrdti as> t h a i of Sen ator Vtsntosc: $ho tiglit on Feni'ossi; probably wil be-th&,yao*t bitter iioJit- recent yea«e. s - ip^aroaeftiUS'^eonposed'in 4he Uri nuarles as well as a* the eio0tioto. B&p i$s&a&tiw W. I>. B.'Jiine»* of Mna- trose baa aan^u«oed tltat he wtU bos a confiidaio &» t^e ^epubjiwm ft>«w- inatjoa and ha$ |>Jcinned a statewide "jt^nxp-ina iour, ^llaoy wa 1 ? eiecfod a« a, ^ro^res&ive *iit itas stood wttlt ttie regular Stowblioans fn the :Hoase. S*ei«sjsfe experts to have aasy &u itvg in the primaries, iffcisnom jlon is assure* tha IJneup for Sen' will'to ho.^s rmiKi'e Rfpttblicap; <3Attoe4 Heclict^ T>td|pre&*h#; «sna -V iliteheft Pahn^r* Democrat in ths prisnji«c$ Pinohot *91 not bo opposed aa awe ca»3h!*tei«f the- Ptftgre^KVcat*' 1'he Ir&der* of the anti- f^ttier faetion In th* Democratic pan say-that they iviH havii a candidate asalnst PaKafer" and 1 t h a i JLTiey eaa ^of«at 'hint' AS Balmer became a candidate at tli> instance of PfcsEiacat Wilson and th* 5U»port of the National Adsalajstra fen '* (Kspeot*4 «> a*s»i!ft feis %oiit* inatloa. «. *»*•" IS WANTED IN CANADA MOVE TO POSTPONE . IMMIGRATION BILL #* \.1MA*ERS O F 1 « E ADMINISTRA^ hi Who Robbed Home ^Q lakt Sfaore Read Came Frwa Dominion CirTJSlOV ^itESTION HEH> tJI-JFOR THIS SESSIO^y & «*MNMriRHUiMMNiWtai^l«M* ;«! ttMMtfjta «ut«wiaM#Mi IS N0W.CONF1NED »•/•* - IN PEMTENTIARV WftehlAgto% F^>. ' i | : « ^ move* nieait to diapose. of the dilonnhd, pre- aeiatted *yfc»llterjaiey* tfesE br *ost* 3D>o»^ti^ ooasld<eMtion ot the, lanilg- ratl0iaJE$f$ durittg ifte preiseiit *e3?Ion j-af Congress <wa« i»een i:e!iMtely Set ! an foot by admiawtrntiott leaders to *hfr-*lenare* wS'bofta,v&the" confidence Uf tha Kr«Wd*Ht ' *4'he pieteu Aor delaying imftiigfa- ', ioit Jeijtsiauon 15 the desire- to aro^ JftU'tfctt'diajmsaea of A&Tafcic fttdu-: 3iift\ it is as.ser*ed by KepuWiCu 4 bjarthg real mow* & *ho dt s-i * .he atfeninis^^ttaitt to a%A»id -tfca eon» Jllcatmns. lint Jru'jfht ari?e nntfi after ,he cohHug: Congress. «iec"aen)s ; ^ho^imivi'i'^i-ijan nrevaJled ajuongr Slates 1 i»w.bjKSSE»n ofifice in Mapi* I' «mbw* -of ih« Senate Immigi*. Committee a inv uu..s ago that the President «i»vhl not v€to 4hfe &Sl' NPM&Oi *TO B l ? S£A»ie TO GOV FftsoB <^rai^K FOB Imn IL1CS »J? -31033313^ Ctftmty Jud?e> ArtJ^r S. Hog^w» h in tecelpt of a lottos fpoan tj^e IJMi^r teeal as«ag M n«? w^i asiot use his h\iu&°&s to sc-c»i* £be tSkrASQ from the Albiny^ i|je-nfltentiary at =U»e- yo'jsner lad who on tfoo asftwaoon ot SA*ur« d^y Jamisny ?, eatsr^d the home oar Cunt»n Jfyofts at SBhilf Point a«id tiole a. <|uatitJty si Jewefty. At the tjstte of his arrest the lad esav<* hil3 ¥r,ttne as ^bighorn Sfyd^y atna hfe asre as 17. Ho *a3d ib?t h& home war in jfeow York* ifeirt that he had bee* fe ^r^ntreal w&reft of worlt, l^jtas Irs had b w in Jlostreal Trai" WKtvn' t o tH attt^rHiM, frr et* Sh» ^?eht before the i>»4r^s.ry h* l>rOki» oitt o| t^e det^nl^n ftoim aj feeiiser t»o1nt whore he havt beisn 4>!aJC*d <«' Officer Ta^le of the JnnwJjSta^dn d«e- l*4tJtnie»t Tvhen $n?&sr ""asft«call* e^ himself, haa been t a ^ t t info. *us? ^., ^ , to«ly*for entering the trailed ifettea i« Montreal 'bsunJ^fatfon *rffkwr *«» ,<«ti<?A Hofoe Js oa* jh*on»ftf,W. O Sfethew*. sni>erfntende«r $t Tb* Boy? v'arm and Tmli'ln^r Sehooi a* ^haw* «..««».„*. ^*«»*«««, ;'>t*idge» % <5» teliinp 0* «te la&s »!«» WORLl>S GREATEST ^ J ^ The b»y»« nasn*,ls A^aban; C;ItOP OF , W^** 1 KP|^^ <trt atM j u G ift^stg aft Inwatp of tTtat It eontaintid "* be Uleraey "tefct. It Is pr*ba!bK5 that Ute BejmibKti&n ifti&m- hOEsjfcSl feeek eojne deflnlte espre^-; idon ftoitt 2sir Wilson. ^Itey.^ro will- ing to abandon the teteraoy te*t h- soniothin*? teati be* sfebstffcuted for it» bat thty d«9ir« io^ know whetlj^r the administiatfot* will *>pp&$$ any re~, Not all the &eauttrafcroiTiJtte. fmnife ration Comtamee are convinced, m Ute ^ecd tjf n&S5:aonftni*nlr> ^.nd' livel> "dkcfla&iott t*nroarJsfed for ths- ^nes, aiscti&bion in put-mis^dfe*the n%\i said iliafhe- tbousht lih>6 bill wouiu be ure«5oa -to Its nassage and thai thi tifegr&cy tosHdattld *e fetainsed. "T ranhot «ay what others are thin* ihgTf * ^said^enater O r Gowoaa, a mem- ber of mm committee, *'bnt n*y own oirftt^n, whi^h I certalaly BhaB^giVv to tho- trotfthiittee, is tJrat nb% iegla- taticm alons InunigratfOtt llnea ottgat to sle 6,ii>etnpted at *1fji& tlnse* whet. t»er|i iar so mnch that Cs aeJ&ite- *jr ourfcefcttioiasVit^ fo¥Ak^ eoiiinV'' tWtero l* no £*e<& Jw&y for fmmisra. rctal IToittitfifoii far l)*st Tear Store |1MJK 4F*otw BlUioa Busheltf vra5b:n E ton„ Feb. n^-^H^wwld^ wheat tt-on- fasiid, the <»0»iMrOO»*^ bashel mark for tto first |i»ne last v'«ari ^whesa Jt 4 reached * «rJe»d tota* |«c» »taa*e |«*blfe~*y *ha »ep»nnigm ot Ajgricalture.- 2*1* *te ^SjS^ood b«t§el£inj«vei|»?.ii« ipr^vlouryear* . whiat p^«e^||»- rl^en to the j?rade of moj^tor in the ip«sta;n»dn> Whiles W^m bat posi- tion s^nj* imitate «rf 4lt* acliool ^am- per*d mth a <toclf ud>l«h t?a» * in SStee<d«ir»» charge assa h*'was aecaned of the matter anfl a» * «snlt 1»>s %i no£4Uon. Ho then rjt» Iwpay *i*^ sli-tfrilj^ »ft^j'*hj««i 41»^*»JSt«§fc **(* hoy ^?ho had twmnerM with, thfc cl^^lt #»w JEBgm^^;Jj|^| : *m..„. , _ •ata|fe«*^ |h%^Hiiafr uwt-tti crops, 4t% :fel«ii r |iaa|j|f*|pli»g %^it«$ li-wor^-' ^an ; §^|flft^04 y&mM «8pder"«satap 'IM^(& B i l a o ^ a e w ^ f e , #hjfe, 'H®m& j*ota» Indiana, M^wnri, I'enn'cylvanla, .jMM^'tte S^tt^ liw..fta!v<«R»gftiMt: K«br»&, -^iSsfe'af ^#i9cb«^n»^%rtl» CarolJaa* 'ISfew Y^te*.Suni&-.-Ca^o»»a, l>arsnsf 'iaio-S^ -as»ist*Bsteamsmy to KMflSndfefP;)u&- * ^ % S 1 n®a«ds «f b«ttSi*#lHje' bfttip on ,; #l0ti&' i^od^bt w«9 reSooe^ t« ^^^'Kfe-eii^'lrr©^ tftftf • ' »f • «e%r* "p* s . t«$fc tip ^*e, aB^ter 'the -aatiaig'" ^tf: coj tos^ "h» *^i ai^y* i|^nn^fo^' ; ..h^ pardon. *. 1o £ censfe "a poc&a, # a s ^«a$iorted. This-was wa&h n»©^'th|i*-i#'^ri J e^i- %<& psreviouo Rseai -yeaasT-'aS^s* 'i^tJS2»» ^SS poraids l^#«taS^lft ; 'I»l"'"*' " ; '' 1|i»^"«^^N»^f|^^,«^'I»e;wia a&.«n«& fee s^iml J».WEX»¥ C^INVWNTIOX |ff STEW Y O R K CITY New York, Feb. 11:—Ma&ers of great imntxrtance to the jewelry trade arc bein* discussed at flh« first anmual convention of the National Jewelers* Board of Trade* which met at the Hotel Astor todav. The convention wOi conclude Friday night with a banquet Hear Ye, Hear Ye !!! The Great L I B R A R Y CONTEST Is now on and ours w the place where votes are given on COAL-FEED-GRAIN "It's a good Thing Push It Along" DOCK 8i GOAL Wk ' S l u e MAG, 4»B0Btf BlfifcS • : ' "*'*'""• . ,'.,--. ^ I ^ e a s e ^ " . .* '" "sT. KoV YorlE, Feb. II:—The Si&g Sing investigation, ,s^«*ting In theI.indiBt» meni of forn?«r warden #. S. Ken- Kedy "and aev^il keepers cost $12,- 2ft.S6. The bnis'wore presented- to fehe Weetchoster Board of Supervisors yesterday. / Jamee W. Osborne, as special de- puty ahhoraey general, a&ks f2$& a day and $1l7.S^'as expenses. Amon,s the ^tema on Mr. Osborne's expense blil are the Hotel Corleyon Arms, $102.60; Hosenfhie. a witness, $5; carfare, luncheon and Telephone calls for Inea MilhoWand, now Mrs. BoIsscvaJn, $16,43; carfare, meals and telephone for Arthur T. Warner, a-u assistant Investigator, 1302.67; the &rantatan Hotel, 3258.64, iincluding wiaesi cigars, papers, laundry and valet, and a garage, $109.59. >HSSOUBI REPUBLICANS HOLI> HARMONY OONF^RENOE SL^Isasla, Mo., Feb. ll.-t-A "set- fcos^f6her" conference of Missouri Re- prabljcaas was held in this city todao as a "preliminary to the Usooln Day banquet to be-vheld tomorrow night under tlie anepJces of the Association of Young Republicans of Missouri. Party leaders frftm ail over the State were 4n attendance. Speakers at th<» banquet will intolude former Governor Herbert S. Badley and Ohasrles Nagel, former ®ecretairy of Cotmanerce and Labor. ' WATEHTOWIf VW^V COI4> WaJbsint'Oiwn Fejb. 11—leathern New Yorli experleajeed $*e e&csoad cxyld snaco-of t3ie -.- vig^mr laiSt nsl^ht, the raemiry jaros^nfj *o %ttosAms&m l» thS' .oifif^ai thecBW>S*e%r dsaa&a^ tion le^iaiio^ a*»# Ibo $ttb^eet s^h in»tltu«»n ami has %y s»da' wwlm a» *«n So ~ove| until a mote p*$~ mn '§£:,:. Me iffilii s -Jastify^ s^sfh to '*•' Governor .If ©ai#itte4 % officials wiR,be'^m»» •bjpac" tp.C4»ad-s, ito&mc *s a^l^teal Wftt-'i^hoatna,' ft^^hjfaeg*'- §£ . the eVfes,-*o*'- vrt^eh hte : ic^|t. be excluded fr*tf»th<» VpisS i^aW <&*& kha if hjs should,be opufaad fo"vr<|tur«3n^ to ^s : a«Sj{pion'iae «&n*'be^Pw^a t* ..ffo l sA»u»de'r"*hje> l a w . " piiiOUS titttV* vowmssm* tmx^ KILLEB jtor P^iiadeishhi, PJU F«^.^ flU^nce ota. custom / a ^eftfury s^o, the s:vn,^wjjdcb v te»t8 the QQimj J|a|«4 j£la$e& to determita r t n ^ ara lift to 0** rt*&&t s bf.ffitteneaa* and weight, Sniivd Stmtea litnt in tula «w» ^Mtn* Iten «* $t. AlbW Owu *£&**&*. their atmaal s % to Havinf -Jtfordcred- Chin lUte, * Chinese Merchant 4 ^na*eoa&t cftrvfes^on wf the ^»fes*ad Ws gtf«t. *&**> Officess ? Jiwwj^pjg!5«Mft Khn, a ph'in*** *i?re^ th> school f**l 4hat they have done tt waa "tho &«t duty of th«, T»4»ioaet; to etajnine the were ^ be a*ed by them la" thoi«oi4Sj v The standard of;. wftjch Is specified la th# &^«r 3n St--Albam oy *w>H&ua.f *«latittr4l>v work of the © . , . .., P^^^SI,' 'abi^t -fiiejia^^BS'*^ ap•#$£.«&, : *p|ws!t- %£m* - of } i^»a^^c^4m^aied ; tb'^t arrest of %^ifl>iy : ain^v^a^ '"^*he"Solte9 • *Mm : €fcw Jft.Jl|^v«ojftf .'fe?^oo. iSiofcwjj;,?®a^; niett' «l ; ^d. ShM t&ejy j'e'jiBa^ri&d -Mntfl 2 'mtXBSJ&Q'V&A'S HAS '3|b»toIat? ^aftor Wenitl Often A.U Cfinrches *t» Sfcliool CbiliS-en Montclair, N. J., Feb.. tl:— : The Rev. Dr. Herbert F, R"aaid<6%h, ^ s t o r of the First Mefihodtet Church here, hass asked the educational authorities and die residents of fee town to, Consider the adoption of a>laa.eimllay; to that adopted by the* Roman .^Catiw' 10 ohurch in New Yorlk.la reseat 2 to the religious education df yolufa^'feaple- 1^!. Rapdolph wants the Board of Education and all the cbulches of Monits6!a'h{ without regard fb diCfer- en^Jes of beiJe<f or i>»lity, to enter Into a plan whereby in every church at a iixed hour on certain dai's the child- ren may be gathered for definite ln» atmctlon "fit whatever religion their parents choose, ^m^vcB>&r< of -•is, ^..^hey believed felta to bs* &^i$m$ *ihj?y had no IntentSon of string the Hfe-jef;t4ie oriental. _ ,- . ~' : ~ '• "' TJ10 dtevshjpmein^ of the easesfebe? ii^ ff»H»5PwNJ wjfh - int-ensse- . interest throughout noPthern V e r m o n t ' . -- Jersey Man DrlnTss Mpwnry Befosse ^Cj^wd hi Saloon * SIX HTNBRISB 0BJVEJT INTO STREET BY FUXE I NvW Yortc, Fe|j, 11—-Six hundred nton, woon-Mi and cbiDdrext—150 fan*l- lies—were driven to the' street in the snaiw by a four-alarm fire which wrecked a five story factsery building In East Thirty-fonorth street early to- fventaon -will comtinue three daiys, dor diay. The budldins; is in the heart of "Corcoran's Roost" and surrounded by'tenements, a88 of which were e^np- tied. The toss was aibout_ $100,000. TEACHERS IN EMPOKIA Ennporia, Kan., Fe'b. .11;—Many •weil Known Kansasr edai'caEors gath~ ered here today fW the ^SKUB| Found- era' day exercise^.'hfe.^Bfe"^!©--Nbr- nial School, and - the -«il$u^r&tion of Dr. T. W. Buii^iea' as president o? the instituUoB, ! «4-!- Sprins^eid, N. J., Fe*. U:—Mai-, good hk; threat that his friends would nwesrsee him a^ain tttat be would do the *-'trieli," Herbert G. Bodwell swalowed six bichloride of mercur> - tablets and is in a dying condition at his home here, after floudshingj-irl|0|£le contain- ing the poison in ASs'faBei-of Thoma? Mullins, a friend. Bodwell said he w a s sofir-i? to en-d it all because hi? .wife refused to "sigin off" on some lots owned by him. He then went tG a saloon and put two tablet® inito a glass of soda. Just as he was about to drain the glass he shouted sood-by to a crowd lined up at the bar. Before the men could stop him he dranS the poison. SOTBAY SCHOOL WORKERS MEET IN THE SOtTTH Anderson, g. C- Feb. 11:—An army of Sunday school workers was on hand here today at the opening of the an- nual contention of the South Carolina Sunday School association. The co»r ing whidh, time religious leaders will deliver addresses and all phases of (gugi-diay s e h o o ^ w o r f c and methods will be discussed. '• -i BIG BJEPUBUCAXS TO SPEAK iVT COIiBWATISR SUFFMCE' Have woo out at store Vote for the ii yo« de*Ire to vrtm Library -#fm MYERS & BE! {series and M Margaret Street CAREFUL Ti OF Ci Assay Commi don Heels W Peifona Aaw»l HBJT WJG8 FROM ALL THE *&8&* LAW m "TOUUtAX JlifGHT I>£V£HGKX4 ^SIOM V6331CI1 «JB JfO |>EFARTC1 TOBY OF 1H&( - - «^02l - n fi a . . H • 1 tj" 1 ^' •i3" a^is?at8ff'troisr^tifa^w«ifrh.t, tha. ftiinmejit beihff in poftjabionrJ^t *>< TUOatbOf ^tW b^jgsaartroy p' -' .-) 7S'o plains made in London rite^tipiicate is kejit w«th |trea»U >£i3i&Mi&fypj8ual"*hir«e of thtj* 'Ct s «^ o^tbs'-Mlatiraintd tiaa ^eh^>'<ojf**to, i*hllad«!lph!a, E^&fr <,>f;eiat- t bas & Key to oae two locto,og;aiie box, makitut it Dpgsifole to>'opIen^t.-n.n?ea» }w$h-$ coniunfetton. Inside of ibis b<gx, another 0Ji«.-coja&lnlB.« a «M|' whlcA-tnev.sknaa»il "pound ii ^t^*he^ bfenib«ra-'j^P(«s«6. i sion ha\Vaib©rl^n«*C5ttiat lhe|r: for wefehinig^ are *in«.Ar»t-cl««a thte work Vf 40sgn9' the »c&I begins. Th^jLes^aa&jLppjIed-tos^ t i o m -aflt of the s XQmis^ba«**c-f are forwarded* to..{raa\ jE$a{a n*axt fo? ipsti^r^^Steite^r «egt oiciced lndzserf!B£tiaV^*irom ^fi%4 aients - In ihfe eJtamJiuttJPWi' o£^ th^ eontm^saontirs, i ^S?^ ot wS| % k*ioi« n of "a. "tolfe^cce » yo& ** -lowing dufferencev-lof ^ef^tsf" *nd beTcw the sta•n;da.TQ 3 ' , ^; ^£qi| ?e^& The i'Tiit of oiver^eBev^ ^AUowedT^ lav/ is one and a hatf gjia^ns^^or'silfvef^ and hato a HTSMX for gold? t ft'4& cgSe " of the prinrrpi' ^oHp^, ^f ti^'caaB- missaon to see that these BJ5ait& r b..j.%r not been exceeded. :-^'^ ' ''> T*~~ Tomorrow o^ts eonimfeslcirfe?s 'j^^ invostigste the fineness of Jh^ilgoia- and silver found in the coins. ^Tt;tsL expected that the tesjj'wtfll ^oniUhil* until the end of the weefc, . - ji . The history of th.e -aBs^iy *qdtRml4 < s slon deftes back ^o •fh^ *cataWisha!|entl of the first United" States "mint in '"thaj city in lSt'3. Its ex-ofticio»o^fce>t^- were the j-udge and the district A|-}' torney for the eastern dfsttrict of FenSt' 4 sylvania, the collector of the ^ait'ot tffi\ Philadelphia and the appodnteei pf>_ the President. "'J i ^Thope appointed mentbers of JHMT 1 commirsion by President Wilson thi? r ll year include Senator Shaxroth ef Cpv%-* oradc^ Representative F B. Le^Ss ' of Pennsylvania, Prof. WHIiain ~<?l^X Brown, of the University of Missouri? Prof. Francis H. Smith, of the Untvef->;. sity of Virginia.; Miller S. Belt, of Mill- -~ edgeville, Ga,; F. L. Shup, of New-5^ ton,-III.; Prof. O. L. Sh^mu of fhfr^'j Un.versity of Penn'syh'anla, Pi-of. A.* \ E. Vinson, of the Unlveristy of Arl»-%- zona; Leonard Morgan, of PhUadej\ 4 's pha; Prof. L. B. Si>in,ny, of die Iowa-' State College, and Frank P Braile, 5 . of Charlotte. N T . C. WOMEN PL.W GOLF .AT P1NEI1UKST TOURXAMKiWi C0ld*watea-, W$^.' J S^i' 111:--Ar- ranigenxents have A nfe^^-^pap)leted for elie annual., baflqpgfeof the Litneoln Plnehurit, X. C , F&b. U:—TKa Republican Ctoib here tomorrow night tiirMh annual St Valentine's solf tour- ' Senator Charles Townsend* "Will be toastwasrtaa: and among the leading apeairerg'wijl b^ Senator 'VP^s^ Jone? ot"'lSieihlnf^jn},a<EBdi ex-CBd^ressm^i nament tor wotnen w^»^tart«di «©flos.«,. f$vorabie conditions tioday a.* (he Pine*-^/, h»rat Country Ciu^ Flajf will COS-;/ tliltte tlhro'us We«ac .. the remainder of'thft fir u «- +*%% ^ 4t »^H7" .w •^' # '«••«»• # t^ 'mi .1' jTmwfe r^.i^~vf» «yM^ygti^mnm0n

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Page 1: IJui t^KJD^T)nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1914-02-12/ed... · 2009-09-29 · 11—F'r«ssk tent '^ th at nton, ©. C, Feb. ll^R*!?' resenjtatlves of 500 trade oTg&aiza-tiom


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pltvvlfl JLr/\IJui t^KJD^T) " F o r Plattsburgh and Clinton Co*, First , Last and A l w a y s . "

VOL XVn-NO. 160 ^tifiito.g^tfiji.hit..

SIGN «i*»^i<i^Mir^fcte^




mimmgmmtmmakm •HKifWmti'mai**'


mvGLDMQM COtJNfY, FKjtCfi t w o to^^S^pS^^.


Flats to Have Big Force Laandud General Villa






1 X « INVOLVED IX AL-H&gssb pi*oT u HJL


and 11—F'r«ssk tent ' ^ t h


nton, ©. C, Feb. l l^R*!? ' resenjtatlves of 500 trade oTg&aiza-tiom i embracing she entire ceqpgsy-: and pgresentins every line of fift-dustry, registered at the New WiHard Hotell ^day, for the opening of .*i»0 secosji a^aaS me'eSif of the N#t* io&al' Chajjjeber of Coxmrieree, To&ay w as :&ev#ii to the 3»re&mi»aries o* the jgattejngt T&e regular : $roggai$

AND Of Pspe*^ addresses aad dScassloas wan ', be takes tap tomorrow morning and continued over Sapfta^, /

The Sherman anti-trus* \ law, with parthiajar r e f # e £ b e to P ^ & d e p t WM-sori'a ppseeaft'. message op coirj<omte

t esemroi, fcis iJ6fea se lected leading s » b | e c t for diseussSOn

toteettitgl; &$&¥& Hie p w m i n -who„£4pe to be heard on

•jeet' are ' l^&^$mi:'V'm.'.M^ Univers i ty of ^ s c o B s i n * Prof. 3& Ssagaaj.sf CoJam^M tlniver*

ILouis '3D*j Brandei» oftBoston, a n d Frederick $.; F0¥> :40mit Pre&denl of tb<i American ^ e t e p f t o ^ aftd Ifele-grscphi Co^^aay, ; ; , , . \ . ' \ .• *•'-

u n i e a W a M « pesaraMME ©J > jt*a$e<» a s t« w hettffir; heit iag''«om&ai^3" a ^ 4a%rf- • l o c & i n k i ^ l r « ^ m t e s ' . > l i » l i W -&ev*f©'

m net the of •« Hearjl sity,

Mexico Ca^. Feb Huorta' Suiamossad the Minuter of • ^ r , ,<§|«eroi Blanquet and the lead­i n g officers of' .the army i i«o a con-foren* e M t h o NaAtoiuaa Palace latt last... i&gtA. T t e un-wtsag adjp^irned eqiriy taitay attea" last ing several hour?.

No effj^ar^ta^eiraiena as to the mat­ters dSeassed was driven out, b>i; «>n» of the men who o*ter.-d«id intimated tt>at a ^eoin^ieJe plan of earm)a1§n a^raii^t t h s refesls tea<d b^en a'dop**d and tili&t the 0*ve<rr.an4nt forces t?6uld t a k e .Hie a®srf/?Ktve, pflrficj-WJjy in tfcb k&rihj xvh&re th-o Conati-ta t l f j^JSIs Hav-e ©wespt a t e o s i every-' t h i s ? ; oe^>ne;_th€an.^ '' .

Tt was «3bs8QaeTi1!y learned that the i>|a» aJiOJstea teahifi.es the,_ sa»-l-

. liiC o f 5<MMM) men nowfhwacrd to at­tack tat* CoHSWtutJonar^te h?d Wiing of t*»® FaaaStta c a n a l Charles flftmT&i ynmL Tins f c « n e r bandit Ss! A . Prcluty o f f b s In^rs ja fe l5©minerCfe the only rehei leader, w&o has bean C c m s i ^ I o n spfil' 4jm ^i© delegates of corssiste-Ttiij; eaceessfal , ^ a d tJenetal Huerta bel'teves that i f he;-f^> orss-heti the o v e r n j t j e a t c a a re^aia Its gu-pr«*:»jsajcy.:- '.,-'• • ' . ; ' " ".•-'•'

The government fta*^&&- t« make th is campaign s&rere another purp;oSe.( AH of the Ht&um '• piltep*fT&n& others ssqspect^d t«f bein^r tiwplved In a plot ixP^^'.&^sov&ev^ [ Sere « ^ 1 b# fo i% ^ *& j o i n Uis a w a y a h a g o to tJte frosa^., .;-.

, ; ; M—w^fewfc imii11 Tim mii JIJ TII I I I I^IM? ' ^ *

»S»ii9i& t^.lhe.**wst'-©roMi?ift Ua^

rency land .!4ieoi»e 'xetsc ',fe«!»"4iEMl%' th*?" • deve ldpmeat . *rf.":Qjse; i s ^ a g n teadt of Unjited Sabtes'•fotlowfag. t|»e ,o#en

.WKW^IEB^ gaasa^ft Sift' .««a^. '<a«asf«d /IB*** . ^ ^ i t ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ' j i o i f f j l a -

wriEwsC;;-'••' •_•» y •''•T.'r: .•?'.•;. •:-'•" •".'..

the »5f& a*vdived | | teaklns A pkf steal uaiuafSo» «f Ae railroads aad Socmiry Wilson of the Department of la.! JOT fe dowh for aa address on the n toaoas «f Ms dopaniifteat to indi3St ?aes aad c$i»ift©re©.

HtRRTA BTJlrS 10,000 itlFLEfi

SOO.PO > Komids of Aintmutitinn AIsiv t> Be Sent from Alahama

Moh J ^ A k , Fefe. It—-Roberto O a -y o o . S exlcan C^i»ul here, purchased y e s t e r i a y from the Todd Ounn Com­pany ?f >TonfeBomwy, Ala*, . 1 0 , 6 0 0 J S $ E | I iEd R^e^OO rounds «f « » « * « •

S^hJch' «P'.|»%''(B^tt>i!fl6d'.,t»' ^0|?»i: C&isz for. t h e K a # « i f o w e s , ' • . : '

fl Jd at lie Wilkrill fionse Usl




"ThO banquet:<Kt«he J&elta, A l p h a fio.

eiety schoo l e iass , number three, o t | . c a i toniek #6ftttsyli?anS:& Km s een in t h e Methodust church w a s hrfd -in thf' m ^ n dining room of t h e WitliBril? House last ©veiling: a t Whtoh a&out s-'jay 'hiain1bej53 of' Qie ©oatety, |js r<» present. !l^e 'de*orait&>»s et the^in* mq room xrete in.mSfesskt ro*es «rtd earnationa -

^h* toasiaiistress -©f tho hanquet was SirP..Jnn*asJi|b Mead* t«ache-r o-the *lass, w^o ;<(^|fci^ prealded «t»i IJte ftinetioa. At the ^tose 4of an aj> | i ^p«$ distner, the foliowin^ toasK ys&se; resnaas|e4. to: i ;

primu • '- \-.;. .._-.,"•• --~s£' ;*iqa»o Solo-t*3S£ss %3te* Wa,tsoh,

Oar Memhers«*aps» Wiaia Sell* VotsU; .fetid^-'Mlsegs Holejt Mitebell.

Irfen - dlffordi '• . - ;-'..' '.WlM?ft jay- SJ0» Comes In—Mis .

Mildr>Kl' W$$t 'del • •' ,. Vo«al fe^lo--aflss Muwel Bettengfer '• $1to&aetwr*&®ss. 3£«iafeei» <Sfobe

"IV> Oiaar'* PSSenaC Ctapid—SKss Sars ^©ed; •,•'.' '(

;--.' •*_. • ^ " IPtsasa. 1>»e***MIfc!es. SlarSon Turnei n«d Mafeel Dotaicy. '. .lPh^"6ia ;erfj©ex«,i#?6as-*&Howi; >' T«a fe»-i?ei%(i '£&$$$ % M«aa. . in*il*i%^ss».jasia .w&e4.

•Vl e. P r ^ 3 o « t ^ ^ Staawfe Ctaj Tfeaa«!*i^IBW Ji4«^'' Mitchel!.

shbnld not w h y y o n ««tf

Pi'ovldwl y o a

REt h a v e been a n d you « m

0 plsnninff. 1-here

i: Buildin f


Infant toaoghter of Uonatoio X»eck of TuiJpcr take Victim ©jr Sad Ac-

' - ' ' ! ' , • ' . , ^|(§tt',.'"

•San^t^'If 'lir,"' iilrd ^ m . JJpninfc

fe«sr©U^ '

?&' 1<*fc ft) I«a3 ejf-

at IJ^V home ajLlSlUfc ^"^mi

i«, or should fee, no reason ;|&e; .-process o construtition—

J«jontractor s nd

t«'o hm«w Jater. Mi*. . ^ t th«. hou» to go for * '"" |.l«avi8» feer fitemee'.s^eur

T_ivfJS© ti t t le. ^Sft-.-fflaMi^-

h^pri^d- file moS&sr baxiE-to- «toe.3iisw»«

. ^ • ^ " ! l

Tht«5 Is not a n

tnf* BtellabiHtj


Imonr jtt. if not, ask «m mmomem

m self*prai*e. bit rather an invitation to yon to i n v e s t i g a t e ^ ;f0$r»e8f,

a*%wee' Bnilding 1$ pays t o he carefnl. Ifc

« . *

Come in

Is onr watx'lhword. I f yon

e-firae event t» the average man. Ste It vi l l ia l s6;pay yon w l l to

^ * ^ " - tl Okrer Wi t * W This Pots ?^T to No

» y » # ^ > > > » » < ^ » * > » # » # » # » » » # » » l » » | » » ^ r++*+*+f++0+**++*+*+*+0*



j«5»'*«f assab Japl! tspwar, »arta "|«i«t Jjterajly «cso«ikoa and hangius' in

4gl "P»#? itei-.JtU -% - |» .iwwer -a» aapo 4 % .*hf' *p^ieic»^%* '-iwpe®qai .a®8fcv<jf;

ft '.In, Tt^iSiiEin. wjhere the t » . ©hai-.

|%^"i^30»?ei%t.1s^fch ^m^ a ,sw»od. fire

. ^ 3 :«a* w«h»- «$"*fhe, *«aspsi|. an*9; Either a. •*&$&.tajSflsffc dresi-.a^t'e or, «»*me part'<8r.*er'*<rftepi2ne was #^wn into 3e-".*»o* by' ta» .draiSt. ?"" ' "

ik SONS Lumber and Building Material

Peru and Platts burgh Phone VhUsbwrgh 21-F-3 or P<;ru 25


STROXG EPl^OHT \v1tLL B E MADIC * 0 P B E V K X T W® WEHSfa^U«:03f

TO ei - lXATE—ROOSEAELT 5K» H . \ V « I t AND IK M»

W*Ete[ifl«ton, F e b . iij—J3fhd flg'htt i» ^«ti*yjv»ntft, asainet the reflection of So5«3> F^nrose^ito the Unit** States <Soaat* ia efcoeetod; to dieVelop into a campaign of natiotovid*' intere«l, * Tim tTnd^Wood tartit «ct «a*a>tfc:Sr,

?policit is of t3x«- WU ott Admitttetmioa will b e kept t o the tttau/t a » sseiies and a t l e t s t ttire% d r the candidates for

tne-^nAtorghiis, are «on£$ic$ous figures-m ajattonal ^pltecss, * k t % '

t h & outcotoe Is aJsd expected to affect d j r e ^ t ^ t h e political fui«.¥e m" •QoY. RooioveJt a s 'vrdti as> tha i o f Sen ator Vtsntosc: $ h o tigl it o n Feni'ossi; probably wil be-th&,yao*t bitter iioJit-

recent yea«e. s-ip^aroae ftiUS'^e onposed'in 4he Uri

nuarles as well as a* the eio0tioto. B&p i$s&a&tiw W. I>. B.'Jiine»* of Mna-trose baa aan^u«oed tltat h e wtU bos a confiidaio &» t^e epubjiwm ft>«w-inatjoa and ha$ |>Jcinned a statewide "jt nxp-ina iour, ^llaoy wa1? eiecfod a« a, ^ro^res&ive *iit itas stood wttlt ttie regular Stowblioans fn the :Hoase.

S*ei«sjsfe experts to have aasy &u itvg in the primaries, if fcis nom jlon is assure* tha IJneup for Sen' will ' to ho.^s rmiKi'e Rfpttblicap; <3Attoe4 Heclict^ T>td|pre&*h#; «sna -V iliteheft Pahn^r* Democrat

in ths prisnji«c$ Pinohot *91 not bo opposed aa awe ca»3h!*tei«f the-Ptftgre KVcat*' 1'he Ir&der* of the anti-f^ttier faetion In th* Democratic pan say-that they iviH havii a candidate a s a l n s t PaKafer" and1 t h a i JLTiey e a a ^of«at 'hint' AS Balmer became a candidate at tli> instance of PfcsEiacat Wilson and th* 5U»port of the National Adsalajstra fen '* (Kspeot*4 «> a*s»i!ft feis %oiit*

inatloa. «. * » * • "





h i Who Robbed Home ^Q lakt Sfaore Read Came Frwa Dominion







I S N0W.CONF1NED »• / • * -


WftehlAgto% F^>. ' i | : « ^ move* nieait to diapose. of the dilonnhd, pre-aeiatted *y fc» llterjaiey* tfesE br *ost* 3D>o» ti ooasld<eMtion ot the, lanilg-ratl0iaJE$f$ durittg ifte preiseiit *e3?Ion

j-af Congress <wa« i»een i:e!iMtely Set ! an foot by admiawtrntiott leaders to *hfr-*lenare* wS'bo fta,v& the" confidence

Uf tha Kr«Wd*Ht ' *4'he pieteu Aor delaying imftiigfa-

', ioit Jeijtsiauon 15 the desire- to aro^ J ftU'tfctt' diajmsaea of A&Tafcic fttdu-:

3iift\ it i s as.ser*ed b y KepuWiCu 4 bjarthg real mow* & *ho dt s-i * . he atfeninis^^ttaitt t o a%A»id -tfca eon»

Jllcatmns. l i n t Jru'jfht ari?e nntfi after ,he cohHug: Congress. «iec"aen)s

; ^ho^imivi'i'^i-ijan nrevaJled ajuongr S la te s 1 i»w.bjKSSE»n ofifice in Mapi* I' « m b w * -of ih« S e n a t e Immigi*.

Committee a inv uu..s a g o that the Pres ident «i»vhl n o t v€to 4hfe &Sl'

NPM&Oi *TO Bl? S£A»ie TO GOV

FftsoB < rai K FOB Imn

IL1CS »J? -31033313^

Ctftmty Jud?e> ArtJ^r S. Hog^w» h

in tecelpt of a lottos fpoan tj e IJMi^r

teeal as«ag M n«? w^i asiot use his h\iu&°&s to sc-c»i* £be tSkrASQ from t h e Albiny^ i|je-nfltentiary at =U»e- yo'jsner lad who on tfoo asftwaoon ot SA*ur« d^y Jamisny ?, eatsr^d the home oar Cunt»n Jfyofts at SBhilf Point a«id tiole a. <|uatitJty si Jewefty. At the tjstte of his arrest the lad esav<* hil3 ¥r,ttne as ^bighorn Sfyd^y atna hfe asre as 17. Ho *a3d ib?t h& home war in jfeow York* ifeirt that he had bee* fe ^r^ntreal t» w&reft of worlt,

l jtas Irs had b w in Jlostreal Trai" WKtvn' to t H attt^rHiM, frr et* Sh» ^?eht before the i>»4r s.ry h* l>rOki» oitt o | t^e det^nl^n ftoim aj feeiiser t»o1nt whore he havt beisn 4>!aJC*d <«' Officer Ta le of the JnnwJjSta^dn d«e-l*4tJtnie»t Tvhen $n?&sr ""as ft« call* e^ himself, haa been ta^tt info. *us?

^ . , ^ , to«ly*for entering the trailed ifettea i«

Montreal 'bsunJ^fatfon *rffkwr *«» ,<«ti<?A Hofoe Js oa* jh*on» ftf, W. O Sfethew*. sni>erfntende«r $t Tb* Boy? v'arm and Tmli'ln^r Sehooi a* ^haw*

«..««».„*. ^*«»*«««, ;'>t*idge» % <5» teliinp 0* «te la&s »!«» WORLl>S GREATEST ^ J ^ The b»y»« nasn*,ls A^aban;

C;ItOP OF ,W^**1KP|^^<trt atMj uG ift stg af t Inwatp of tTtat

It eontaintid "* be Uleraey "tefct. It Is pr*ba!bK5 that Ute BejmibKti&n ifti&m-hOEsjfcSl feeek eojne deflnlte espre^-; idon ftoitt 2sir Wilson. ^Itey.^ro will-ing to abandon the teteraoy te*t h-soniothin*? teati be* sfebstffcuted for it» bat thty d«9ir« io^ know whetlj^r the administiatfot* will *>pp&$$ any re~,

Not all the &eauttrafcroiTiJtte. fmnife ration Comtamee are convinced, m Ute ^ecd tjf n&S5:aonftni*nlr> .nd' livel> "dkcfla&iott t*nroarJsfed for ths- ^nes, aiscti&bion in put-mis^d fe* the n%\i said iliafhe- tbousht lih>6 bill wouiu be ure«5oa -to Its nassage and thai thi tifegr&cy tosHdattld *e fetainsed.

"T ranhot «ay what others are thin* ihgTf * said^enater OrGowoaa, a mem­ber of mm committee, *'bnt n*y own oirftt^n, whi^h I certalaly BhaB giVv to tho- trotfthiittee, is tJrat nb% iegla-taticm alons InunigratfOtt llnea ottgat to sle 6,ii>etnpted at *1fji& tlnse* whet. t»er|i iar so mnch that Cs aeJ&ite- *jr our fcefcttioias Vit^ fo¥Ak^ eoiiinV'' tWtero l* no £*e<& Jw&y for fmmisra.

rctal IToittitfifoii far l)*st Tear Store |1MJK 4F*otw BlUioa Busheltf

vra5b:nEton„ Feb. n^-^H^wwld^ wheat tt-on- fasiid, the <»0»iMrOO»* bashel mark for t to first |i»ne last v'«ari whesa Jt4 reached * «rJe»d tota*

|«c» »taa*e |«*blfe~*y *ha »ep»nnigm ot Ajgricalture.- 2*1* *te ^SjS^ood b«t§el£inj«vei|»?.ii« ipr^vlouryear* . whiat p^«e^ | | » -

rl^en to the j?rade of moj^tor in the ip«sta;n»dn> Whiles W^m bat posi­tion s^nj* imitate «rf 4lt* acliool ^am-per*d mth a <toclf ud>l«h t?a» * in SStee<d«ir»» charge assa h*'was aecaned of the matter anfl a» * «snlt 1»>s %i no£4Uon. Ho then rjt» Iwpay *i*^ sli-tfrilj »ft j'*hj««i 41»^*»JSt«§fc **(* hoy ^?ho had twmnerM with, thfc cl^^lt

#»w JEBgm^^ ;J j | ^ |

: *m..„. , _ •ata|fe«*^ |h%^Hiiafr uwt-tti crops, 4t% :fel«iir|iaa|j|f*|pli»g %^it«$ li-wor^-' ^an ;§^|flft^04 y&mM «8pder"«satap 'IM (& Bilao^aew^fe, #hjfe, 'H®m& j*ota» Indiana, M^wnri, I'enn'cylvanla,

.jMM^'tte S^tt^ liw..fta!v<«R»gftiMt: K«br»&, -^iSsfe'af ^#i9cb«^n»^%rtl» CarolJaa* 'ISfew Y te*.Suni&-.-Ca^o»»a,

l>arsnsf 'iaio-S^ -as»ist*Bs team smy to KMflSndfefP;)u&- * ^ % S 1 n®a«ds «f b«ttSi*#lHje' bfttip on ,;#l0ti&' i^od^bt w«9 reSooe^

t« ^ ^ ^ ' K f e - e i i ^ ' l r r © ^

tftftf •' » f • «e%r* "p*s.

t«$fc tip ^*e, aB^ter

'the -aatiaig'" tf: coj

tos^ "h» *^ i ai^y* i|^nn^fo^';..h^ pardon.

*. 1o £ censfe "a poc&a, #as ^«a$iorted. This-was wa&h n»©^'th|i*-i#'^riJe^i-%<& psreviouo Rseai -yeaasT-'aS^s* 'i tJS2»» ^SS poraids l^#«taS^lft;'I»l"'"*' ";'' •

1 | i » ^ " « ^ ^ N » ^ f | ^ ^ , « ^ ' I » e ; w i a a&.«n«& fee s ^ i m l


N e w York, Feb . 11:—Ma&ers of great imntxrtance to the jewelry trade arc be in* discussed a t flh« first anmual convention of t h e National Jewelers* Board of Trade* which met at the Hotel Astor todav. The convention wOi conclude Friday night with a banquet

Hear Ye, Hear Ye !!! The Great

L I B R A R Y C O N T E S T Is now on and ours w the place where votes are given on

COAL-FEED-GRAIN "It's a good Thing Push It Along"



' Slue MAG, 4»B0Btf BlfifcS • : '

"*'*'""• . ,'.,--. ^ I ^ e a s e ^ " . .* '" "sT.

K o V YorlE, Feb . I I : — T h e Si&g Sing investigation, , s^«*t ing In theI.indiBt» m e n i o f forn?«r w a r d e n # . S. Ken-Kedy "and a e v ^ i l keepers cost $12,-2ft .S6. The b n i s ' w o r e presented- to fehe Weetchoster Board of Supervisors yesterday. /

Jamee W. Osborne, as special de­puty ahhoraey genera l , a&ks f2$& a day and $ 1 l 7 . S ^ ' a s expenses.

Amon,s the ^tema on Mr. Osborne's expense blil are the Hotel Corleyon Arms, $102.60; Hosenfhie. a witness, $5; carfare, luncheon a n d Telephone cal ls f or Inea MilhoWand, now Mrs. BoIsscvaJn, $16,43; carfare, mea l s and telephone for Arthur T. Warner, a-u assistant Investigator, 1302.67; the &rantatan Hotel, 3258.64, iincluding wiaesi cigars, papers, laundry and valet, and a garage, $109.59.


SL^Isasla, Mo., Feb. l l . - t - A "set-fcos^f6her" conference of Missouri Re-prabljcaas was held in th is city todao a s a "preliminary to the U s o o l n Day banquet to be-vheld tomorrow night under tlie anepJces of the Association of Young Republicans of Missouri. Party leaders frftm ail over the State were 4n attendance. Speakers at th<» banquet will intolude former Governor Herbert S. B a d l e y and Ohasrles Nagel , former ®ecretairy of Cotmanerce and Labor.

' WATEHTOWIf VW^V COI4> WaJbsint'Oiwn Fejb. 11—leathern New

Yorli experleajeed $*e e&csoad cxyld snaco-of t3ie -.- vig^mr laiSt nsl ht, the raemiry jaros^nfj *o %t tosAm s&m l» thS' .oifif^ai thecBW>S*e%r dsaa&a

tion le^ia i io^ a*»# Ibo $ttb^eet s ^ h in»tltu«»n ami has %y s»da' wwlm a» *«n So ~ove| until a mote p*$~

mn '§£:,:. Me

iffilii s -Jastify^ s sfh to '*•' Governor

.If ©ai#itte4 % officials wiR,be' m»»

•bjpac" tp.C4»ad-s, ito&mc *s a^l^teal Wftt - ' i^hoatna , ' ft^^hjfaeg*'- §£ . t h e eVfes,-*o*'- vrt^eh hte:ic^|t. b e excluded fr* tf» th<» VpisS i^aW <&*& kha if hjs shou ld ,be opufaad fo"vr<|tur«3n^ to ^ s :a«Sj{pion'iae «&n*'be^Pw^a t * ..ffo lsA»u»de'r"*hje> law."

piiiOUS titttV*

vowmssm* tmx^ KILLEB jtor

P^iiadeishhi, PJU F « ^ . ^ flU^nce ota. custom / a eftfury s^o, the

s:vn,^wjjdcb vte»t8 the QQimj J|a|«4 j£la$e& to determita

r t n ^ ara lift to 0** rt*&&ts

bf.ffitteneaa* and weight, Sniivd Stmtea litnt in tula

«w» ^Mtn* Iten «* $t. AlbW Owu *£&**&*. their atmaal


% to Havinf -Jtfordcred- Chin lUte, * Chinese Merchant

4 ^na*eoa&t cftrvfes^on wf the ^»fes*ad Ws gtf«t. *&**> Officess ? Jiwwj^pjg!5«Mft Khn, a ph'in*** *i?re^ th> school f**l 4hat they have done

t t waa "tho &«t duty of th«, T»4»ioaet; to etajnine the were ^ be a*ed by them la" thoi«oi4Sj v The standard of;. wftjch Is specified la th#

&^«r 3n St--Albam oy *w>H&ua.f *«latittr4l>v work of the ©

. , . .., P ^ ^ ^ S I , '

'abi^t - f i ie j ia^^BS'*^ ap•#$£.«&,

:*p|ws!t- %£m* - of } i^»a^^c^4m^aied ;

t b ' ^ t arrest of %^ifl>iy: a i n ^ v ^ a ^ '"^*he"Solte9 • *Mm:€fcw Jft.Jl| v«ojftf

.'fe?^oo. iSio fcwjj; ,?®a^; niett' «l ;^d. ShM t&ejy

j'e'jiBa ri&d -Mntf l 2


'3|b»toIat? ^ a f t o r Wenitl Often A.U Cfinrches *t» Sfcliool CbiliS-en

Montclair, N . J., Feb.. t l :— : The Rev. Dr. Herbert F, R"aaid<6%h, ^ s t o r of the First Mefihodtet Church here, hass asked the educational authorities and die residents of f e e town to, Consider the adoption of a>laa .e iml lay; to that adopted by the* Roman .^Catiw'1 0

ohurch in N e w Yorlk.la r e s e a t 2 t o the religious education df yolufa^'feaple-

1^!. Rapdolph wants t h e Board of Education and all the cbulches of Monits6!a'h{ without regard fb diCfer-en^Jes of beiJe<f or i>»lity, to enter Into a plan whereby in every church at a iixed hour on certain dai's the child­ren may be gathered for definite ln» atmct lon "fit whatever religion their parents choose,

^m^vcB>&r< of

-• i s , ^ . . ^ h e y believed felta to bs* &^i$m$ *ihj?y had no IntentSon o f s t r i n g t h e Hfe-jef;t4ie oriental. _ ,- . ~': • ~ '• "' TJ10 dtevshjpmein^ of the eases fe be? i i ^ ff»H»5PwNJ wjfh - int-ensse- . interest throughout noPthern Vermont ' . --

Jersey Man DrlnTss Mpwnry Befosse ^Cj wd hi Saloon *


I NvW Yortc, Fe | j , 11—-Six hundred nton, woon-Mi and cbiDdrext—150 fan*l-lies—were driven to the' street in the snaiw by a four-alarm fire which wrecked a f ive s tory factsery building In East Thirty-fonorth street early to- fventaon -will comtinue three daiys, dor diay. T h e budldins; is in the heart of "Corcoran's Roost" and surrounded by' tenements , a88 of wh ich were e^np-tied. The toss was aibout_ $100,000.

T E A C H E R S I N EMPOKIA Ennporia, Kan. , Fe'b. . 11 ;—Many

•weil Known Kansasr edai'caEors gath~ ered here today f W t h e ^ S K U B | Found-era' day exercise^.'hfe.^Bfe"^!©--Nbr-nial School , a n d - t h e -«il$u^r&tion of Dr. T. W. Buii^iea' a s president o? the instituUoB, !


Sprins^eid, N. J., Fe*. U : — M a i - , good hk; threat that h i s friends would nwesrsee him a^ain tttat b e would do the *-'trieli," Herbert G. Bodwell swalowed six bichloride of mercur>-

tablets and is in a dying condition at his home here,

after floudshingj-irl|0|£le contain­ing the poison in ASs'faBei-of Thoma? Mullins, a friend. Bodwell said he was sofir-i? to en-d it all because hi? .wife refused to "sigin off" on some lots owned by him. H e then went tG a saloon and put two tablet® inito a glass of soda.

Just as he was about to drain the glass he shouted sood-by to a crowd lined up at the bar. Before the men could stop him he dranS the poison.


Anderson, g. C- Feb. 11:—An army of Sunday school workers was on hand here today at t h e opening of the an­nual content ion of the South Carolina Sunday School association. The co»r

ing whidh, time religious leaders will deliver addresses and all phases of (gugi-diay sehoo^worfc and methods will be discussed. '•-i


SUFFMCE' Have woo out at

store Vote for the ii yo« de*Ire to vrtm

Library -#fm

MYERS & BE! {series and

M Margaret Street


Assay Commi don Heels W Peifona Aaw»l





T O B Y O F 1 H & ( - - «^02l

- n fi a . . H • 1 tj"1^' •i3"

a^is?at8ff'troisr^tifa^w«ifrh.t, tha. ftiinmejit beihff in poftjabionrJ t *><

TUOatbOf ^tW b^jgsaartroy p' -' .-) 7S'o plains made in London rite^tipiicate is kejit w«th |trea»U >£i3i&Mi& fyp j8ual"*hir«e of thtj* 'Cts«^ o^tbs'-Mlatiraintd tiaa ^eh^>'<ojf**to, i*hllad«!lph!a, E &fr <,>f;eiat-tbas & Key to oae two locto,og;aiie box, makitut it Dpgsifole to>'opIen t.-n.n?ea» }w$h-$ coniunfetton. Inside of ibis b<gx, another 0Ji«.-coja&lnlB.« a «M|' whlcA-tnev.sknaa»il "pound ii

^ t ^ * h e ^ bfenib«ra-'j P(«s«6. i sion ha\Vaib©rl^n«*C5ttiat lhe|r: for wefehinig^ are *in«.Ar»t-cl««a thte work Vf 40sgn9' the »c&I begins. Th^jLes^aa&jLppjIed-tos^ t iom -aflt of the sXQmis^ba«**c-f are forwarded* to..{raa\ jE$a{a n*axt fo? i p s t i ^ r ^ ^ S t e i t e ^ r «egt oiciced lndzserf!B£tiaV^*irom ^fi%4 aients - In ihfe eJtamJiuttJPWi' o £ ^ th^ eontm^saontirs, i ^ S ? ^ o t wS | % k*ioi« n of "a. "tolfe^cce » yo& **

-lowing dufferencev-lof ^ e f ^ t s f " *nd beTcw the sta•n;da.TQ3',^; £qi| ?e^& The i'Tiit of oiver^eBev^ ^AUowedT^ lav/ is one and a hatf gjia^ns^^or'silfvef^ and hato a HTSMX for gold? t ft '4& cgSe " of the prinrrpi' ^oHp^, ^ f t i ^ ' c a a B -missaon to see that these BJ5ait&rb..j.%r not been exceeded. : - ^ ' ^ ' ''> T*~~

Tomorrow o^ts eonimfeslcirfe?s ' j^^ invostigste the fineness of Jh^ i lgo ia -and silver found in the coins. ^Tt;tsL expected that the tesjj'wtfll ^oniUhil* until the end of the weefc, . - • j i .

The history of th.e -aBs^iy *qdtRml4<s slon deftes back ^o •fh^ *cataWisha!|entl of the first United" States "mint i n '"thaj city in lSt'3. I t s ex-ofticio»o^fce>t^-were the j-udge and the district A|-}' torney for the eastern dfsttrict of FenSt'4

sylvania, the collector of the ^ a i t ' o t tffi\ Philadelphia and the appodnteei pf>_ the President. "'J i

^Thope appointed mentbers o f JHMT1

commirsion by President Wilson th i? r l l year include Senator Shaxroth e f Cpv%-* oradc^ Representative F B. Le^Ss ' of Pennsylvania, Prof. WHIiain ~<?l^X Brown, of the University of Missouri? Prof. Francis H. Smith, of the Untvef ->; . sity of Virginia.; Miller S. Belt, of Mill- -~ edgeville, Ga,; F. L. Shup, of N e w - 5 ^ ton,-III.; Prof. O. L. Sh^mu of f h f r ^ ' j Un.versity of Penn'syh'anla, Pi-of. A.* \ • E. Vinson, of the Unlveristy of Arl»-%-zona; Leonard Morgan, of PhUadej\4's p h a ; Prof. L. B. Si>in,ny, of die Iowa- ' State College, and Frank P Braile,5 . of Charlotte. NT. C.

WOMEN P L . W GOLF .AT P1NEI1UKST TOURXAMKiWi C0ld*watea-, W$^.'JS^i' 111:--Ar-

ranigenxents have Anfe^^-^pap)leted for elie annual., baf lqpgfeof t h e Litneoln Plnehurit, X. C , F&b. U:—TKa Republican Ctoib here tomorrow night tiirMh annual S t Valentine's so l f tour- ' Senator Charles Townsend* "Will be toastwasrtaa: and a m o n g the leading apeairerg'wijl b ^ Senator ' V P ^ s ^ Jone? ot"'lSieihlnf^jn},a<EBdi ex-CBd^ressm^i

nament tor wotnen w^»^tart«di «©flos.«,. f$vorabie conditions tioday a.* (he Pine*-^/, h»rat Country C i u ^ Flajf will COS-;/ tliltte tlhro'us We«ac ..

the remainder of ' thft

fir u «- v»

+*%% ^ 4t

»^H7" .w * «

• ^ '


'«••«»• # t ^

'mi .1' jTmwfe r^.i^~vf» «yM^ygti^mnm0n