ik fifalliilliiery informationb-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/03272/00428.pdf · i 71o t...

i 71o t JI J- y < U I S I l- rC S I I OCALA EVENING WEDNESDAY EPTEMBeR1S 1909 It p I k I MRS JEMIE HAYCRAFT MRS ELMER DeCAMP fiFALlIILLIIERY g Our Mrs Haycraft has bought our splendid line of handsome and stylish r I fall millinery and the new goods are arriving dally We have an especially pretty line of imported and domestic trimmed hats in the most beautiful hapeg Also all styles and a great range of prices In untrimmed shapes Our stock of plumes bought early before the recent advance In price will be the finest ever shown here Also the new style willow plumes the new- est ¬ thing Velvets and silks for trimmings Feathers and ornaments of all kinds Mrs Haycraft spent three weeks In the markets of the east study- Ing the styles and making the selections in person and we feel safe In say- Ing we have this fall just what the people of Ocala and Marion county will appreciate Come in and see the new goods Haycraft DeCamp J 1 UTOMO- BILEPISftTIRZS TO FIT ANY RIMS LTIDON CLINCHER 4 D CLINCHER I WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FISK TIRE8 AS WELL AS OTHER AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AUTO < REPAIRING AND TIRE VULCANIZING DONE PROMPTLY AT REASONABLE PRICES OCALA IRON WORKS OCALA FLA I k MONTEZUMA HOTEL 1 I GUY W TOPH OPEN THE YEAR ROUND JOHN R DEWEY lea Cwnerdal Mel Rates S2 Per lay kaI Hrtda THE FLORIDA CONCRETE AND PAYING CO- Wi H are prepared to fill ycur orders for cement work of whatever kind Manufacturers of cement brick bu ildinjj blocks hexagon and octagon block and all kinds of paving material We employ skilled workmen and I our nfatto Is Hto please Temporary quarters phone 256 JAMES R MOORHEAD MGR ICE ICE i II y let FrIM Red Wigtis They say but if you will examine carefully the Ice which melts so rap ily yoa will note that there seems to be holes In it that the center Is what is called snow Ice which being por ¬ ous allows it to melt quickly 1 Crystal Ice < The kind we turn out is as clear and perfect as it is possible to make Ice and is the most economical Ice to ase Ask the man on the Red- Wagon to stop and see you FLORIDA PACKING ICE COMPANY rbwe Pkoe- SCJPHILLIPS r Contractor and Sadder Plan and Specifications Furnished Upon Request x 129 South Third St H McIYER MAcKAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Uriertikers and Embalmers- D K Mclver Alfred E Owes Undertakers HM Caskets ml Burial Robes All work done by licensed embalm- ers and fully guaranteed FRESH FIS- HI I dally snipmcnts of choice fresh and salt water fish of the best varieties I handle nothing but fish and handle them right WM TUCKER I Pn 21i City Mark x FOLEYSH- ONEYDTAR > The original LAXATIVE cough remedy- for cibS cola throat ad 1- j weitbiss Xo opiates Nonalcoholic afrevbedy Sold everywhere The gw uln- ffOLfcVS HONEY anti TAR te ta- nly sYIIwpsckageRcfeseaubstitte- sPrs < srd by aruOhloI- V V fOt fALi ALL DEALER 1 fl r SEEDS New crop of garden and flower seeds just received Wm Anderson druggist and seeasman Ocala Fla HEALTH AND VITALITY Cosmetics and lotions will not clear your complexion of pimples and blotches like Foleys Orino Laxative- for indigestion stomach and liver trouble and habitual constipation Cleanses the system and is pleasant- to take Sold by all druggists SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE- A 40 scholarship in the Stanley Business College of Thomasvllle Ga for sale for 10 Apply at the Star office I KILLS WOULDBE SLAYER A merciless murderer Is appendicitis- with many victims But Dr Kings New Life Pills kill It by prevention They gently stimulate stomach liver and bowels preventing that clogging- that invites appendicitis curing con- stipation ¬ biliousness chills malaria headache and Indigestion 25c at all druggists 3 CENTS FOR 10 HOURS RUNNING How is that This is not an auto ¬ mobile but one of those new 8inch Westinghouse electric fins that 1 have Just recelved Let me place one or two of them In your home or on your desk H W Tucker the elec ¬ trical upnly man NBAR DEATH IN fiG POND- It was a thrilling experience to Mrs Ida Soper to face death For years- a severe lung trouble gave me intense suffering she writes and several times nearly caused my death All remedies failed and doctors said I was incurable Then Dr Kings New Dis- covery ¬ brought quick relief and a cure so permanent that I have not been troubled in twelve years Mrs So ¬ per lives In Big Pond Pa It works wonders In coughs and colds sore lungs hemorrhages Ia grippe asth ¬ ma croup whooping cough and all bronchial affections 50c and n Trial bottle free Guaranteed by all drug ¬ gists THE BEST PROTECTION- Not a single phone has burned In a house In Ocala A telephone is better than insurance In case of burglars or fire you need quick action You get that day or night with 4 telephone Residence rates 6 per quarter In ad- vance ¬ Ocala Telephone Co HEALTH AND VITALITY Cosmetics and lotions will not clear your complexion of pimples and blotches like Foleys Orlno Laxative for indigestion stomach and liver trouble and habitual constipation Cleanses the system and is pleasant to take Sold by alf druggists- Are you troubled with dandruff Then try a bottle of Dikes Hair Tonic- at the Court Pharmacy Vaudeville at the Air Dome tonight Prices 10 and 20 cents Do not be deceived by unscrupulous imitators who would have you believe that the imitation pills are as good as DeWItts Kidney and Bladder Pills There Isnt anything Just as good as these wonderfajjpnis for the relief of Weak Back inflammation of the bladder urinary disorders and all kidney complaints Any one can take DeWitts Kttfney and Bladder Pills as directed in perfect confidence of good results Sold by all druggists OCALA OCCURRENCES Eagles meet this evening Masons meet tomorrow night Rebekahs meet Friday evening Waukesha Ginger Ale at Bollards Mr Will Jeffcoat Is on the sick list Filing cases at the Ocala News Co Dr Walter Day Is on the sick list Vaudeville at the Air Dome tonight Prices 10 and 20 cents Ms H C Mills is quite ill at her home on Oklawaha avenue Have you seen the picture puzzle post cards at the Ocala News Co There were 29 arrivals at the Ocala House yesterday Peroxide Cream for the complexion- at the Court Pharmacy Mr D A Clark of Martel is a guest- of the Ocala House- RoseViolet Talcum 25c the bottle at the Postoffice Drugstore- Mr E R Bliss of Orlando is at the Montezuma- Mr John Gamble of Dunnellon is a guest of the Montezuma Nathan Mayo of Summerfield was- a business caller in town today Mr Robert Thagard of Dunnellon was in town yesterday- A I new shipment of peroxide cream Just In at the Court Pharmacy- The first brick were laid this morn Ing on the new opera house building Vaudeville at the Air Dome tonight Prices 10 and 20 centsi Mr Will Marlow and family have returned from High Springs- Mrs Jake Brown and children will reach home from St Louis Sept 23rd Mrs H G McDavId has returned from her visit to Dunnellon- Dr and Mrs Carswell made a visit- to friends at Citra today Mrs Frank Wetherbee and children- are expected home from Shell Island Friday Phone the Court Pharmacy We send for fill and deliver your pre ¬ scriptions promptly Marshal Dinkins loft for Tampa last night to attend to business and Mr A J Brigance is acting marshal today FOR RENTHouse on Fort King avenue formerly occupied by Mr Lee Miller Apply to J P Phillips- A fresh supply of the celebrated holeproof hosiery for women has been received at Fishels- Mr Henry Barnett left yesterday for Oxford Ga to resume his studies- at i Emory College R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms if desired- Mr Ed Tucker made a business visit to Inverness and Dunnellon yes- terday ¬ Do not forget tnat you can find any thing you want In crockery and glass ¬ ware at the Ocala News Co I Mrs Haskell and niece of South Lake Weir were in town today shop- ping ¬ R C Davis co or Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c each 750 per dozen Mrs Senders of Brooksville who has been visiting friends in Ocala re ¬ turned home today Three cents will tan you for ten hours Get one of those 8Inch Wes tlnghousa fans from H W Tucker Mr William Hocker returned yes ¬ terday from Daytona where he visited- his wife and children Have you seen the new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis Co general agents Mrs James W Sanders of Early Bird was in town yesterday the guest- of her sister Miss Lillie Frost Marshal Dinkins was received into Tulula Lodge I O O F last night on a transfer card from his home lodge- at Oxford Bear In mind we carry a full line of Staffords and Carters Inks also fountain pens from 51 up at the Ocala News Company c I The Pr of is in the BREAD If you are not using it now its a good time to begin We sell it exclusively in Ocala MARTIN CARN AN ATTEMPTED HOSIERY Last night at 1030 Mr Gus Haley- was returning to the Ed Carmichael home when looking over to the Ray sor place be saw suspicious characters around the house He summoned Mr Carmichael and together they went to investigate They got within a few few of the men when the supposed housebreakers broke and ran Messrs Carmichael and Haley having no arms called in Sheriff Galloway who put bloodhounds on the trail but the dogs became confused and nothing came of the search AT THE AIR DOME The Steadmans are delighting the visitors to the Air Dome by their splendid singing They had a good crowd and frequent applause last ev ¬ ening Go around this evening and hear them and see the pictures Miss Faust will be a new one on you EAGLES MEET THIS EVENING Regular meeting Aerie 1814 F O E to be held this evening Important business and initiation Let all mem ¬ bers be present SPORT AND RECREATION- In a postcard to Tex Martin Mr E H Mote who has been spending- the last few weeks at Eastport Me describes his success In catching fish First day 62 second day 83 third day 95 total 240 1840 pounds cod ¬ fish halibut haddock flounder and pollock some weighing 25 pounds- Mr Mote also writes of the bracing I sea breezes which mikes overcoats necessary on summer mornings East por is on Passamaquoddy Bay an arm of the Bay of Fundy where the tide sometimes rises sixty feet Messrs Tompkins Cobb purchas- ed ¬ five very fine horses yesterday at Wildwood for their livery business I also a pair of good mules for S L Griggs of Oxford and sold a pair of mules to Mr J W Crosby for his logging camp at Martin Misses Cora and Ossie Griffin of Anthony daughters of Mr and Mrs- A R Griffin were in town this morn ¬ ing shopping Mrs D C Clifton from Holly Hill who have been visaing Mrs Cliftons parents Mr and Mrs Norman Fort- at Lynne left for home yesterday be ¬ ing called there by an accident to her husband- Mr John W Sylvester went to St Petersburg this afternoon to visit his mother and sister for a few days Mr and Mrs T T Munroe will leave in a short time for their former home in the highlands of New York state where they will spend a month- or six weeks tarrying until the weath- er ¬ gets cold enough to freeze the malaria out of their systems- Mr I C K Kreger of the Ocala TimesUnion Bureau went to Gaines- ville ¬ this afternoon to remain over till tomorrow There is a lady In this village who thinks so much of her husband that she dresses in black whenever he goes away even for a day Mrs Chas E Culbreath and little daughter are visiting Mrs Culbreaths parents at Winter Haven Mr Frank Drake who has been spending some time north returned yesterday He was met in Jackson- ville ¬ by his wife and daughter DeWItts Little Early Risers the safe sure easy gentle little liver pills The original Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve Is DeWitts The name Is plainly stamped on every box It is good for cuts burns bruises sores bolls and sunburnbut ft Is especially good for piles Sold by all druggists James T Carswell and Will T Henderson from across the river are in town today the latter being super ¬ visor of the Key Pond school inter ¬ viewed Supt J H Brinson- Dr l Abernethy the great Englhh physician said Watch your kidneys When they are affected life Is In dan ¬ ger Foley Kidney Remedy makes healthy kidneys corrects urinary ir- regularities ¬ and tones up the whole system Sold by all druggists- We want your prescription work and are prepared to offer you the most skilled pharmacists and the purest of drugs to compound them Tydings company Mr Sanford Jewett has moved from one of the Hilburn cottages in the second ward to the cottage near James Carlisle on South Third street owned by Miss Pauline Sullivan Mr W H Thompson and family who came here from Wyoming Sun ¬ day have rented the Padgett cottage near the Jewish synagogue which has been furnished for them and will keep house there until they find some place suitable to their needs which they will purchase I SPECIAL tARLY BREAKFASTS Those wishing extra early break- fasts ¬ can get same at the Elk Cafe as TESTIFIES AFTER FOUR YEARS Carlisle Center N Y G B Burhan writes About four years ago I wrote you that I had been entirely cured of kidney trouble by taking two bottles- of Foleys Kidney Remedy and after four years I am again pleased to stae that I have never had any return of those symptoms and I am evidently cured to stay cured Foleys Kidney Remedy will do the same for you Sold by all druggists HAIR WORK DONE- All kinds of hair work done Satis- faction ¬ guaranteed Harriet H ll 212 North Magnolia street HOUSE TO RENT- On Fort King avenue one of the most modern and convenient residences In the city Apply to 139 Fort King av ¬ enue ICE MAN WANTED I Wanted an engertlc man to drive Ice wagon deliver and collect Apply to Florida Packing << Ice Co city I SECONDHAND BAGS WANTED- At the plant of the Florida Packing and Ice Co Ocala Fla Im LOOSE LEAF LEDGER AND BILLS < Let the Star office print and perfor- ate ¬ 4 your loose leaf sheets for your In voice ledgers and bill head systems We are prepared to do the work 1 InformationB- uy Cream Flour true to its name You pay no more for it than other I High grade Flour Ev ¬ ery pound of it guaran ¬ teed to be the best that can be made from soft winter wheat Sold ex clusively b- yTEAPOT GROCERY WOODMAR fOR RENT GOODWIN BUNGALOWFurnish- ed ¬ modern plumbing running water acetylene gas 510 per week ARGYLE COTTAGEFurnished- running water 55 per week BLAIR VILLATo rent on October 1 for the winter furnished running water modern plumbing acetylene- gas Z25 per month David S Woodrow Holder Block Ocala Fla HANDLEY HOUSE FOR RENT The A E Handle house one of the most convenient and best built houses lage lot and all conveniences in the house located in third ward near high school building for rent or sale Ap- ply ¬ to David S Woodrow Holder Block Ocala Fla- FRESH SEEDS- We have in our fresh supply of re ¬ liable garden and flower seeds for fall planting Tydings Co AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE- A five passenger automobile two cylinder chain drive in firstclass condition and everything complete for sale cheap for cash Apply to C R Tydings HARNESS MENDED Harness of all kinds mended or new parts made where desired Also saw filing done Apply to J T Simmons at Tompkins Cobbs stables DONT NEED GLASSES Many people do no need glasses but most people do You may be one of the majority There are two ways of finding out Oneawait for time and disease to drive you to It- TwoConsult us about It We Can Tell You whether or not you need them DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fla Office hour 9 to 10 a m and 130- to 430 p m Optical office and lab ¬ oratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block CORD WOOD FOR SALE- I will sell 400 to 500 cords of best quality wood at Montague station for J150 a cord at devot Address C E Foglestrom Montague Fla GOOD THINGS TO EAT POTATO CHIPS I MUSHROOMS SARDINES IN TOMATO SAUCE SARDINES TRUFFLED WHITE ROSE PEACHES WHITE ROSE CHERRIES WHITE ROSE APRICOTS oil K GROCERY 2 Planes 174 ARVEY CLARK Preprle- lrEqiitab1e T Life Assurance Society 01 He Uiited States STRONGEST IN THE WORLD MISS FLORIDA CONDON 4 Resident Agent WE MUST ALL DIE- IT IS MY TIME TO DIE YOUR FALL GARMENTS Work Guaranteed and Prices Right OCALA PRESSING CLUB- W F Marlow Proprie- torAMLANSFORD J RESIDENT PIANO- TUNER Work GuaranteedA- GENT FOR KNABE Phone + PIANJ t ENGINEER STILL HURT Engineer Still of the northbound local freight which Is due In Ocala at 920 but arrived at noon today fell from the top of his engine In the yards after arriving here and hurt his back quite severely He was working- on the sand dome when the jacket slipped and he fell backwards He had to be assisted to the caboose Prof Karl J Welhe has returned to Jacksonville after a pleasant visit of two weeks to his parents Mr and Mrs Fred G B Welhe Mr W H Arnold a candy sales ¬ man who makes his headquarters in- Lecsburg Is a guest of the Ocala House- Mr M A Reich manager for the Dunnellon Supply Co came up from that city last night on the Sunny Jim train and went on to Jacksonville this morning to look after some busi ¬ ness matters F Mr A R Toph of the Montezuma hotel returned last night from Jack- sonville ¬ where he was called on busi ¬ ness Mr Otto Lohrlg has returned from- a visit to his parents at Macon Miss Mrs Lohrig will return to Ocala this winter and Mr Lohrig will spent part- of the lime with them Mr George B Stein has bought a Buick touring car He bought the car In Jacksonville and will run it through the country as soon as the water re ¬ cedes a little Mr C C Stevens of Berlin came- in this morning to meet Mrs Stevens who returned today from Jacksonville where she visited her grandson Mr Ernest Rawls and family The Elks held a session last night The attendance was light and but lit- tle ¬ business was transacted- Mr D A Castleburry of Richmond- Va is among last nights arrivals a the Montezuma- Mr C A Tremere of Bellevlew who came up yesterday to attend the meet ing of the Elks was a guest of the Montezuma last night Mrs Charles Gates postmistress at South Lake Weir was in town today She said her husband was In St Pe- tersburg ¬ repairing Mr E S Uphams house Mr J D Odom Is back from his trip of Inspection in West Florida He said he saw some very fine turpentine property If the glare of the sun hurts your eyes get a pair of smoked glasses from us for 25c The Postofflce Drug ¬ store Wilbur Counts who for some time has been assisting Mr T W Troxler will transfer his services In a few I days to the Ocala News Co Miss Mary Bell and little nephew William Mcllwaine returned this aft ¬ ernoon from a few days visit to Mrs R R Carroll at Woodmar- Mr Beal and daughter of MarIn were pleasant visitors to our city to ¬ day w HEN YOUR JOINTS ARE STIFF and your muscles sore from cold or rheumatism when you slip or sprain- a Joint strain your side or bruise yourself Painkiller will take out the soreness and fix you right in a Jiffy Always save it with you and use 1 freely The oldest the cheapest and tlje best medicine for internal and ex- ternal ¬ aches and pains In man Is Per- ry ¬ Davis Painkiller and for over sev ¬ enty years it has been the great standby for emergencies In thousands- of families all over the world Dont go home without a COc or one of the new size 35c bottles 3 Messrs T J McRae and R BI Bos tick of Gainesville are guests of the Montezuma Messrs Harry Peter and John Gam- ble ¬ of Dunnellon came to Ocala yes- terday ¬ in Mr Peters Buick car WANTEDAn Intelligent boy 12 to 1C years old to act as office boy and learn the business Apply at once to Ocala Lumber and Supply company Clyatt building- Dr H C Mills Is In from traversing- the western counties While absent- he purchased a pair of fine horses to drive on his travels- IT SAVED HIS LEG All thought Id lose my leg writes- J A Swenson Watertown WIs Ten years of eczema that 15 doctors could not cure had at last laid me up Then Bucklens Arnica Salve cured it sound and well Infallible for skin eruptions eczema salt rheum boils fever sores burns scalds cuts and plies 25c at all druggists FURNISHED COTTAGE AT LAKE WEIR For rent a completely furnished small cottage on east side of Lake Weir Apply at Star office- WARNING Do not be persuaded into taking anything but Foleys Honey and Tar for chronic coughs bronchitis hay stops the cough and heals the lungs fever asthma and lung trouble as it Sold by all druggists ONCE A FAINT DREAM BUT NOW A THRILLING REALITY- You I can positively have your shoes resoled and finished off to look like new by an electric stitching and fin ¬ ishing machine D W GoodwInxShoe maker Ocala Fla next door east to Montezuma HoteL Many people delude themselves by saying It will wear aVay when they notice symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble This Is a mistake Take Foleys Kidney Remedy and stop the drain on the vitality It cures backache rheumatism kidney and bladder trouble and makes every trace- of pain weakness and urinary trouble disappear Sold by all druggists- We are showing the best 25c box of writing paper that we have ever had and if you want the entire value of your quarter dont fall to buy this from the Postoffice Drugstore Vaudeville at the Air Dome tonight Prices 10 and 20 cents 4- L j I IAdILI4R4- IAAaSffaSfuI v IWt 8L- XaXabelSIItll DlIeswes Feb PAHALA has beSMSyCtid F PJ of Malaria Chills awl Pcgr aIOIitMputIY81ftd it tto cwavpa of S a I Beyer aen dayforlUS- OIitht Malaria aaa held BMiaite grip aad for the put wreB weds Ikara feeee- coained S i to bed ThankatoFaaAklataa- oweatirelywell again PAMALAConta- ins u no Quinine All Druggists ILIO bottles W s C BLANCHARD Y CONTRACTOR lOuDER f PLANS FURNISHED- ON fr APPLICATION POUox4C OCATaAFLA- OCALA 4 AEB- INO1S14POE I Meets every flrstant- birdWednesdaytvea > vfe Ing at 815 oclock Visiting bretferea 1 always welcome F W Ditto resldent W C Moore Secretary r I SKILLED PAINTING- I I am prepared to take any Job of painting no matter how large or how small or how flne the work desired 1 2 may be I have the material bruahe and knowledge paint and do It f right Houses painted Inside and out < Graining gilding hard oil finishing << varnishing and lettering and alga painting Taste and skill guaranteed Ii Address P O Box 135 or leave word- at < the Star office K W Filiyaw Ocala Fin tf f S J I A NARROW ESCAPE Edgar N Bayllss a merchant of s RoblnEonville Del wrote About two years ago I was thin and sick and 1 coughed all the time and if I did not have consumption It was near to IL I commenced using Foleys Honey and Tar and it stopped my cough and nOw1 am entirely well and have gained twentyeight pounds all due to good results from taking Foleys Honey and Tar Sold by all drug- gists I I J M Boring who for years has been in the phosphate mines around Dunnellon was in town today but Jr will leave tomorrow with his family for Fort Myers near which place he > has an orange grove and will in fu v ture look after this property Success to him 1 Mrs C C Stevens of Berlin who j J has been visiting her grandson Mr I J 1 Ernest C Rawls In Jacksonville and the little greatgrandson ot Mr and Mrs Rawls returned home today She had a delightful visit There Is no game law against any one hunting for PLANKS CHILL 7 TONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma- laria ¬ chills and fever Price 25 cents per bottle Ask your dealer hell probably know p INCREASE YOUR LIGHTS r 1 I have Just received a lot of the celebrated Halophane glass shades for electric lights These shades increase your light power 75 per cent Try them H W Tucker the electric sup ply man HIPPITY HOP t- Are you Just barely getting around by the aid of crutches or a cane Un ¬ t less you have lost a limb or have a i deformity your trouble Is rheuma- tism ¬ lumbago sprain stiff Joints or anything of like nature use Ballards y Snow Liniment and In no time you can throwaway your crutches and be as well as anyone Price 25c 50c and f i Sold by all druggists Accuracy a characteristic Is the motto of the Court Pharmacys pro ¬ scription department Phone us We send for fill and deliver your pre- scriptions ¬ promptly 1 HOUSE FOR RENT- A K M splendidly located sixroom house C near high school In good condition I bath and electric lights Apply at Star office- ELECTRIC I SMOOTHING IRONS ON TRIAL- I will place an electric smoothing- Iron in your home on a few days trial upon request at my office or by card- or r phone They are the greatest little thing In the home especially In hot weather Connect the cord with one of your light drops and Ina few Si minutes the iron is hot No smoke- or dirt and hat only where it is 5 wanted H W DOCKER 4 CLUBBING RATES The Ocala Weekly Star and the New York Produce News S150 II LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA ATLANTIC COAST LIN- E8390410465Los Angefes and San Francisco on sale various dates Limit October 31 Variable routes and stopovers 9540 Seattle Washington Variable routes and stopovers Limit Octo- ber ¬ 31 For further Information call on or write FJ Huber C P T A or J K Kirkland D P A Tampa Pta TI- ECOMMERCIAL MESSING lOa t J C BA1IM Prtp ifetor Next Door to the Western Union j Telegraph Office P t Work Called for and Delivered Prompt- ly ¬ All Work Guaranteed White I Trade Only f NIGHT I r <

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Page 1: Ik fiFALlIILLIIERY InformationB-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03272/00428.pdf · i 71o t JI J-y U < I S I l-rC I S I OCALA EVENING WEDNESDAY EPTEMBeR1S 1909 It p Ik I MRS

i 71o t JIJ-


<U I








Our Mrs Haycraft has bought our splendid line of handsome and stylishr I fall millinery and the new goods are arriving dally We have an especially

pretty line of imported and domestic trimmed hats in the most beautifulhapeg Also all styles and a great range of prices In untrimmed shapes

Our stock of plumes bought early before the recent advance In price will

be the finest ever shown here Also the new style willow plumes the new-



thing Velvets and silks for trimmings Feathers and ornaments of allkinds Mrs Haycraft spent three weeks In the markets of the east study-

Ing the styles and making the selections in person and we feel safe In say-

Ing we have this fall just what the people of Ocala and Marion county will

appreciate Come in and see the new goods

Haycraft DeCampJ











lea Cwnerdal Mel Rates S2 Per lay kaI Hrtda




are prepared to fill ycur orders for cement work of whatever kindManufacturers of cement brick bu ildinjj blocks hexagon and octagon

block and all kinds of paving material We employ skilled workmen andI our nfatto Is Hto please

Temporary quarters phone 256


ICE ICEi IIy let FrIM Red Wigtis

They say but if you will examinecarefully the Ice which melts so rapily yoa will note that there seems tobe holes In it that the center Is whatis called snow Ice which being por ¬

ous allows it to melt quickly1

Crystal Ice<

The kind we turn out is as clearand perfect as it is possible to makeIce and is the most economical Iceto ase Ask the man on the Red-Wagon to stop and see you



rbwe Pkoe-

SCJPHILLIPSr Contractor and Sadder

Plan and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request


129 South Third StH



Uriertikers and Embalmers-

D K Mclver Alfred E OwesUndertakers

HM Caskets ml Burial Robes

All work done by licensed embalm-ers and fully guaranteed

FRESH FIS-HII dally snipmcnts of choice

fresh and salt water fish of the bestvarieties I handle nothing but fishand handle them right

WM TUCKERI Pn 21i City Mark



The original

LAXATIVE cough remedy-

for cibS cola throat ad 1-

j weitbiss Xo opiates Nonalcoholicafrevbedy Sold everywhereThe gw uln-

ffOLfcVS HONEY anti TAR te ta-



srd byaruOhloI-VV fOt fALi ALL DEALER




New crop of garden and flowerseeds just received Wm Andersondruggist and seeasman Ocala Fla


Cosmetics and lotions will not clearyour complexion of pimples andblotches like Foleys Orino Laxative-for indigestion stomach and livertrouble and habitual constipationCleanses the system and is pleasant-to take Sold by all druggists


A 40 scholarship in the StanleyBusiness College of Thomasvllle Gafor sale for 10 Apply at the StarofficeI


A merciless murderer Is appendicitis-with many victims But Dr KingsNew Life Pills kill It by preventionThey gently stimulate stomach liverand bowels preventing that clogging-that invites appendicitis curing con-stipation


biliousness chills malariaheadache and Indigestion 25c at alldruggists

3 CENTS FOR 10 HOURS RUNNINGHow is that This is not an auto ¬

mobile but one of those new 8inchWestinghouse electric fins that 1have Just recelved Let me place oneor two of them In your home or onyour desk H W Tucker the elec ¬

trical upnly man


It was a thrilling experience to MrsIda Soper to face death For years-a severe lung trouble gave me intensesuffering she writes and severaltimes nearly caused my death Allremedies failed and doctors said I wasincurable Then Dr Kings New Dis-covery


brought quick relief and a cureso permanent that I have not beentroubled in twelve years Mrs So¬

per lives In Big Pond Pa It workswonders In coughs and colds sorelungs hemorrhages Ia grippe asth ¬

ma croup whooping cough and allbronchial affections 50c and n Trialbottle free Guaranteed by all drug ¬


THE BEST PROTECTION-Not a single phone has burned In a

house In Ocala A telephone is betterthan insurance In case of burglars orfire you need quick action You getthat day or night with 4 telephoneResidence rates 6 per quarter In ad-vance


Ocala Telephone Co

HEALTH AND VITALITYCosmetics and lotions will not clear

your complexion of pimples andblotches like Foleys Orlno Laxativefor indigestion stomach and livertrouble and habitual constipationCleanses the system and is pleasant totake Sold by alf druggists-

Are you troubled with dandruffThen try a bottle of Dikes Hair Tonic-at the Court Pharmacy

Vaudeville at the Air Dome tonightPrices 10 and 20 cents

Do not be deceived by unscrupulousimitators who would have you believethat the imitation pills are as good asDeWItts Kidney and Bladder PillsThere Isnt anything Just as good asthese wonderfajjpnis for the relief of

Weak Back inflammation ofthe bladder urinary disorders and allkidney complaints Any one can takeDeWitts Kttfney and Bladder Pills asdirected in perfect confidence of goodresults Sold by all druggists


Eagles meet this evening

Masons meet tomorrow night

Rebekahs meet Friday evening

Waukesha Ginger Ale at Bollards

Mr Will Jeffcoat Is on the sick list

Filing cases at the Ocala News Co

Dr Walter Day Is on the sick list

Vaudeville at the Air Dome tonightPrices 10 and 20 cents

Ms H C Mills is quite ill at herhome on Oklawaha avenue

Have you seen the picture puzzlepost cards at the Ocala News Co

There were 29 arrivals at the OcalaHouse yesterday

Peroxide Cream for the complexion-at the Court Pharmacy

Mr D A Clark of Martel is a guest-of the Ocala House-

RoseViolet Talcum 25c the bottleat the Postoffice Drugstore-

Mr E R Bliss of Orlando is at theMontezuma-

Mr John Gamble of Dunnellon is aguest of the Montezuma

Nathan Mayo of Summerfield was-a business caller in town today

Mr Robert Thagard of Dunnellonwas in town yesterday-

AI new shipment of peroxide creamJust In at the Court Pharmacy-

The first brick were laid this mornIng on the new opera house building

Vaudeville at the Air Dome tonightPrices 10 and 20 centsi

Mr Will Marlow and family havereturned from High Springs-

Mrs Jake Brown and children willreach home from St Louis Sept 23rd

Mrs H G McDavId has returnedfrom her visit to Dunnellon-

Dr and Mrs Carswell made a visit-to friends at Citra today

Mrs Frank Wetherbee and children-are expected home from Shell IslandFriday

Phone the Court Pharmacy Wesend for fill and deliver your pre ¬

scriptions promptly

Marshal Dinkins loft for Tampa lastnight to attend to business and Mr AJ Brigance is acting marshal today

FOR RENTHouse on Fort Kingavenue formerly occupied by Mr LeeMiller Apply to J P Phillips-

A fresh supply of the celebratedholeproof hosiery for women hasbeen received at Fishels-

Mr Henry Barnett left yesterdayfor Oxford Ga to resume his studies-at


Emory College

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if desired-

Mr Ed Tucker made a businessvisit to Inverness and Dunnellon yes-terday


Do not forget tnat you can find anything you want In crockery and glass ¬

ware at the Ocala News Co

IMrs Haskell and niece of South

Lake Weir were in town today shop-ping


R C Davis co or Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75ceach 750 per dozen

Mrs Senders of Brooksville whohas been visiting friends in Ocala re ¬

turned home today

Three cents will tan you for tenhours Get one of those 8Inch Westlnghousa fans from H W Tucker

Mr William Hocker returned yes ¬

terday from Daytona where he visited-his wife and children

Have you seen the new visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents

Mrs James W Sanders of EarlyBird was in town yesterday the guest-of her sister Miss Lillie Frost

Marshal Dinkins was received intoTulula Lodge I O O F last night ona transfer card from his home lodge-

at Oxford

Bear In mind we carry a full line ofStaffords and Carters Inks alsofountain pens from 51 up at the OcalaNews Company

c I

The Pr of is in theBREAD

If you are not usingit now its a goodtime to begin Wesell it exclusively inOcala



Last night at 1030 Mr Gus Haley-was returning to the Ed Carmichaelhome when looking over to the Raysor place be saw suspicious charactersaround the house He summoned MrCarmichael and together they went toinvestigate They got within a fewfew of the men when the supposedhousebreakers broke and ran MessrsCarmichael and Haley having noarms called in Sheriff Galloway whoput bloodhounds on the trail but thedogs became confused and nothingcame of the search


The Steadmans are delighting thevisitors to the Air Dome by theirsplendid singing They had a goodcrowd and frequent applause last ev ¬

ening Go around this evening andhear them and see the pictures MissFaust will be a new one on you


Regular meeting Aerie 1814 F O Eto be held this evening Importantbusiness and initiation Let all mem ¬

bers be present


In a postcard to Tex Martin MrE H Mote who has been spending-the last few weeks at Eastport Medescribes his success In catching fishFirst day 62 second day 83 third

day 95 total 240 1840 pounds cod ¬

fish halibut haddock flounder andpollock some weighing 25 pounds-

Mr Mote also writes of the bracing I

sea breezes which mikes overcoatsnecessary on summer mornings Eastpor is on Passamaquoddy Bay anarm of the Bay of Fundy where thetide sometimes rises sixty feet

Messrs Tompkins Cobb purchas-ed


five very fine horses yesterday atWildwood for their livery business


also a pair of good mules for S LGriggs of Oxford and sold a pair ofmules to Mr J W Crosby for hislogging camp at Martin

Misses Cora and Ossie Griffin ofAnthony daughters of Mr and Mrs-A R Griffin were in town this morn ¬

ing shopping

Mrs D C Clifton from Holly Hillwho have been visaing Mrs Cliftonsparents Mr and Mrs Norman Fort-at Lynne left for home yesterday be ¬

ing called there by an accident to herhusband-

Mr John W Sylvester went to StPetersburg this afternoon to visit hismother and sister for a few days

Mr and Mrs T T Munroe willleave in a short time for their formerhome in the highlands of New Yorkstate where they will spend a month-or six weeks tarrying until the weath-er


gets cold enough to freeze themalaria out of their systems-


C K Kreger of the OcalaTimesUnion Bureau went to Gaines-ville


this afternoon to remain overtill tomorrow

There is a lady In this village whothinks so much of her husband thatshe dresses in black whenever he goesaway even for a day

Mrs Chas E Culbreath and littledaughter are visiting Mrs Culbreathsparents at Winter Haven

Mr Frank Drake who has beenspending some time north returnedyesterday He was met in Jackson-ville


by his wife and daughter

DeWItts Little Early Risers thesafe sure easy gentle little liverpills The original Carbolized WitchHazel Salve Is DeWitts The name Isplainly stamped on every box It isgood for cuts burns bruises soresbolls and sunburnbut ft Is especiallygood for piles Sold by all druggists

James T Carswell and Will THenderson from across the river arein town today the latter being super ¬

visor of the Key Pond school inter ¬

viewed Supt J H Brinson-



Abernethy the great Englhhphysician said Watch your kidneysWhen they are affected life Is In dan ¬

ger Foley Kidney Remedy makeshealthy kidneys corrects urinary ir-regularities


and tones up the wholesystem Sold by all druggists-

We want your prescription workand are prepared to offer you the mostskilled pharmacists and the purest ofdrugs to compound them Tydingscompany

Mr Sanford Jewett has moved fromone of the Hilburn cottages in thesecond ward to the cottage nearJames Carlisle on South Third streetowned by Miss Pauline Sullivan

Mr W H Thompson and familywho came here from Wyoming Sun ¬

day have rented the Padgett cottagenear the Jewish synagogue which hasbeen furnished for them and willkeep house there until they find someplace suitable to their needs whichthey will purchase I

SPECIAL tARLY BREAKFASTSThose wishing extra early break-


can get same at the Elk Cafe as


writes About four years ago I wroteyou that I had been entirely cured ofkidney trouble by taking two bottles-of Foleys Kidney Remedy and afterfour years I am again pleased to staethat I have never had any return ofthose symptoms and I am evidentlycured to stay cured Foleys KidneyRemedy will do the same for you Soldby all druggists

HAIR WORK DONE-All kinds of hair work done Satis-


guaranteed Harriet H ll 212North Magnolia street

HOUSE TO RENT-On Fort King avenue one of the mostmodern and convenient residences Inthe city Apply to 139 Fort King av ¬



Wanted an engertlc man to driveIce wagon deliver and collect Applyto Florida Packing << Ice Co city I

SECONDHAND BAGS WANTED-At the plant of the Florida Packingand Ice Co Ocala Fla Im


Let the Star office print and perfor-ate

¬ 4

your loose leaf sheets for your Invoice ledgers and bill head systemsWe are prepared to do the work



uy Cream Flour trueto its name You payno more for it than other

IHigh grade Flour Ev¬

ery pound of it guaran ¬

teed to be the best thatcan be made from softwinter wheat Sold exclusively b-





modern plumbing running wateracetylene gas 510 per week

ARGYLE COTTAGEFurnished-running water 55 per week

BLAIR VILLATo rent on October1 for the winter furnished runningwater modern plumbing acetylene-gas Z25 per month

David S WoodrowHolder Block Ocala Fla


The A E Handle house one of themost convenient and best built houseslage lot and all conveniences in thehouse located in third ward near highschool building for rent or sale Ap-ply


to David S Woodrow HolderBlock Ocala Fla-

FRESH SEEDS-We have in our fresh supply of re¬

liable garden and flower seeds for fallplanting Tydings Co


A five passenger automobile twocylinder chain drive in firstclasscondition and everything complete forsale cheap for cash Apply to C RTydings

HARNESS MENDEDHarness of all kinds mended or new

parts made where desired Also sawfiling done Apply to J T Simmons atTompkins Cobbs stables

DONT NEED GLASSESMany people do no need glasses but

most people doYou may be one of the majority

There are two ways of finding outOneawait for time and disease to

drive you to It-

TwoConsult us about ItWe Can Tell You whether or not you

need them DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala FlaOffice hour 9 to 10 a m and 130-

to 430 p m Optical office and lab ¬

oratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block


I will sell 400 to 500 cords of bestquality wood at Montague station forJ150 a cord at devot Address C EFoglestrom Montague Fla










oil K GROCERY2 Planes 174



Life Assurance Society

01 He Uiited States



Resident Agent




Work Guaranteed and Prices Right


W F Marlow Proprie-



Work GuaranteedA-






Engineer Still of the northboundlocal freight which Is due In Ocala at920 but arrived at noon today fellfrom the top of his engine In theyards after arriving here and hurt hisback quite severely He was working-on the sand dome when the jacketslipped and he fell backwards Hehad to be assisted to the caboose

Prof Karl J Welhe has returned toJacksonville after a pleasant visit oftwo weeks to his parents Mr and MrsFred G B Welhe

Mr W H Arnold a candy sales ¬

man who makes his headquarters in-Lecsburg Is a guest of the OcalaHouse-

Mr M A Reich manager for theDunnellon Supply Co came up fromthat city last night on the Sunny Jimtrain and went on to Jacksonvillethis morning to look after some busi ¬

ness matters F

Mr A R Toph of the Montezumahotel returned last night from Jack-sonville


where he was called on busi ¬


Mr Otto Lohrlg has returned from-a visit to his parents at Macon MissMrs Lohrig will return to Ocala thiswinter and Mr Lohrig will spent part-of the lime with them

Mr George B Stein has bought aBuick touring car He bought the carIn Jacksonville and will run it throughthe country as soon as the water re¬

cedes a little

Mr C C Stevens of Berlin came-in this morning to meet Mrs Stevenswho returned today from Jacksonvillewhere she visited her grandson MrErnest Rawls and family

The Elks held a session last nightThe attendance was light and but lit-tle


business was transacted-

Mr D A Castleburry of Richmond-Va is among last nights arrivals athe Montezuma-

Mr C A Tremere of Bellevlew whocame up yesterday to attend the meeting of the Elks was a guest of theMontezuma last night

Mrs Charles Gates postmistress atSouth Lake Weir was in town todayShe said her husband was In St Pe-tersburg


repairing Mr E S Uphamshouse

Mr J D Odom Is back from his tripof Inspection in West Florida He saidhe saw some very fine turpentineproperty

If the glare of the sun hurts youreyes get a pair of smoked glassesfrom us for 25c The Postofflce Drug¬


Wilbur Counts who for some timehas been assisting Mr T W Troxlerwill transfer his services In a few

Idays to the Ocala News Co

Miss Mary Bell and little nephewWilliam Mcllwaine returned this aft¬

ernoon from a few days visit to MrsR R Carroll at Woodmar-

Mr Beal and daughter of MarInwere pleasant visitors to our city to ¬


w HEN YOUR JOINTS ARE STIFFand your muscles sore from cold orrheumatism when you slip or sprain-a Joint strain your side or bruiseyourself Painkiller will take out thesoreness and fix you right in a JiffyAlways save it with you and use 1

freely The oldest the cheapest andtlje best medicine for internal and ex-


aches and pains In man Is Per-ry


Davis Painkiller and for over sev ¬

enty years it has been the greatstandby for emergencies In thousands-of families all over the world Dontgo home without a COc or one of thenew size 35c bottles 3

Messrs T J McRae and R BI Bostick of Gainesville are guests of theMontezuma

Messrs Harry Peter and John Gam-ble


of Dunnellon came to Ocala yes-terday


in Mr Peters Buick car

WANTEDAn Intelligent boy 12 to1C years old to act as office boy andlearn the business Apply at once toOcala Lumber and Supply companyClyatt building-

Dr H C Mills Is In from traversing-the western counties While absent-he purchased a pair of fine horses todrive on his travels-


All thought Id lose my leg writes-J A Swenson Watertown WIs Tenyears of eczema that 15 doctors couldnot cure had at last laid me up ThenBucklens Arnica Salve cured it soundand well Infallible for skin eruptionseczema salt rheum boils fever soresburns scalds cuts and plies 25c atall druggists


For rent a completely furnishedsmall cottage on east side of LakeWeir Apply at Star office-


Do not be persuaded into takinganything but Foleys Honey and Tarfor chronic coughs bronchitis haystops the cough and heals the lungsfever asthma and lung trouble as itSold by all druggists



can positively have your shoesresoled and finished off to look likenew by an electric stitching and fin¬

ishing machine D W GoodwInxShoemaker Ocala Fla next door east toMontezuma HoteL

Many people delude themselves bysaying It will wear aVay whenthey notice symptoms of kidney andbladder trouble This Is a mistakeTake Foleys Kidney Remedy andstop the drain on the vitality It curesbackache rheumatism kidney andbladder trouble and makes every trace-of pain weakness and urinary troubledisappear Sold by all druggists-

We are showing the best 25c box ofwriting paper that we have ever hadand if you want the entire value ofyour quarter dont fall to buy this fromthe Postoffice Drugstore

Vaudeville at the Air Dome tonightPrices 10 and 20 cents







8L-XaXabelSIItll DlIeswes Feb

PAHALA has beSMSyCtid F PJof Malaria Chills awl PcgraIOIitMputIY81ftd it tto cwavpa of S a

I Beyer aen dayforlUS-OIitht Malaria aaa held BMiaite gripaad for the put wreB weds Ikara feeee-coained S ito bed ThankatoFaaAklataa-oweatirelywell again

PAMALAConta-ins u no Quinine

All Druggists ILIO bottles









Meets every flrstant-birdWednesdaytvea

> vfeIng at 815 oclock Visiting bretferea 1always welcome

F W Ditto resldentW C Moore Secretary r




am prepared to take any Job ofpainting no matter how large or howsmall or how flne the work desired 1 2may be I have the material bruaheand knowledge paint and do It fright Houses painted Inside and out <

Graining gilding hard oil finishing <<varnishing and lettering and algapainting Taste and skill guaranteed IiAddress P O Box 135 or leave word-at


the Star office K W FiliyawOcala Fin tff S

JI A NARROW ESCAPEEdgar N Bayllss a merchant of

sRoblnEonville Del wrote About twoyears ago I was thin and sick and


coughed all the time and if I did nothave consumption It was near to ILI commenced using Foleys Honey andTar and it stopped my cough andnOw1 am entirely well and havegained twentyeight pounds all due togood results from taking FoleysHoney and Tar Sold by all drug-gists I


J M Boring who for years hasbeen in the phosphate mines aroundDunnellon was in town today but


will leave tomorrow with his familyfor Fort Myers near which place he >

has an orange grove and will in fu v

ture look after this property Successto him 1

Mrs C C Stevens of Berlin who j J

has been visiting her grandson Mr I J 1

Ernest C Rawls In Jacksonville andthe little greatgrandson ot Mr andMrs Rawls returned home today Shehad a delightful visit

There Is no game law against anyone hunting for PLANKS CHILL 7TONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma-laria


chills and fever Price 25 centsper bottle Ask your dealer hellprobably know


INCREASE YOUR LIGHTS r 1I have Just received a lot of the

celebrated Halophane glass shades forelectric lights These shades increaseyour light power 75 per cent Trythem H W Tucker the electric supply man


Are you Just barely getting aroundby the aid of crutches or a cane Un ¬ t

less you have lost a limb or have a ideformity your trouble Is rheuma-tism


lumbago sprain stiff Joints oranything of like nature use Ballards ySnow Liniment and In no time you canthrowaway your crutches and be aswell as anyone Price 25c 50c and f iSold by all druggists

Accuracy a characteristic Is themotto of the Court Pharmacys pro ¬

scription department Phone us Wesend for fill and deliver your pre-scriptions





splendidly located sixroom house C

near high school In good condition Ibath and electric lights Apply atStar office-




I will place an electric smoothing-Iron in your home on a few days trialupon request at my office or by card-or


phone They are the greatestlittle thing In the home especially Inhot weather Connect the cord withone of your light drops and Ina few Si

minutes the iron is hot No smoke-or dirt and hat only where it is 5

wanted H W DOCKER4

CLUBBING RATESThe Ocala Weekly Star and the

New York Produce News S150 II


E8390410465Los Angefes and SanFrancisco on sale various datesLimit October 31 Variable routesand stopovers

9540 Seattle Washington Variableroutes and stopovers Limit Octo-ber


31For further Information call on or

write F J Huber C P T A orJ K Kirkland D P A Tampa Pta



J C BA1IM Prtp ifetor

Next Door to the Western Union jTelegraph Office P

tWork Called for and Delivered Prompt-


All Work Guaranteed White I

Trade Onlyf


