ikat fabric comp

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  • 7/29/2019 Ikat Fabric Comp


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    The History of Ikat

    Ikat, or Ikkat, is a dyeing technique used to pattern textiles that employs a resist dyeing

    process similar to tie-dye on either the warp or weft fibres prior to dyeing. The word ikatderives from the Malay word mengikat 'to tie'. As woven fabric rarely survives for more than

    a few centuries it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to determine where the technique

    of ikat originated. It probably developed in several different locations independently. Ikat was

    known to be produced in several pre-Columbian Central and South American cultures.

    Ikat is an Indonesian language word, which depending on

    context, can be the nouns: cord, thread,knot and the finished

    ikat fabric as well as the verbs "to tie" or "to bind". It has a

    direct etymological relation to Javanese language of the same

    word. Thus, the name of the finished ikat woven fabric

    originates from the tali (threads, ropes) being ikat (tied, bound,

    knotted) before they are being put in celupan (dyed by way of

    dipping), then berjalin (woven, intertwined) resulting in a

    berjalin ikat- reduced to ikat.


    Ikat is a near universal weaving style common to many world cultures. Likely, it is one of

    the oldest forms of textile decoration. In Central and South America, what is labeled as ikat is

    still common in Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador,

    Guatemala and Mexico. In the 19th century, the Silk

    Road desert oases of Bukhara, Samarkand, Hotan

    and Kashgar (in what is now Uzbekistan and

    Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous in Central Asia)

    were famous for their fine silk Uzbek/Uyghur ikat.

    India, Japan and many South-East Asian nations

    such as Cambodia, Myanmar, Philippines and

    Thailand have weaving cultures with long histories

    of Ikat production.

    Double Ikat

    Double Ikat is created by tying both the warp and weftprior to weaving, more specifically,

    employs a variety of tie-dye resist techniques. This form of weaving requires the most skill

    for precise patterns to be woven and is considered the premiere form of ikat. The amount of

    labour and skill required also make it the most expensive, and many poor quality imitations

    flood the tourist markets. Indian and Indonesian examples typify highly precise double ikat.

    Double Ikat is created by tying both the warp and weftprior to weaving, more specifically,

    employs a variety of tie-dye resist techniques. This form of weaving requires the most skillfor precise patterns to be woven and is considered the premiere form of ikat.


    source:" wordpress.com "

  • 7/29/2019 Ikat Fabric Comp


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