· 2011-04-19 ·...

36 Imagine a giant vault with a 1,000 foot high pile of metal bricks. These bricks of metal have actually no practical use. But they are hoarded & all the world's supplies of this particular metal are under the control of a mizerly coterie of crowned Heads of State & Dictators. The metal is bulldozed out the ground by African workers who are maltreated like modern day slaves. The scarcity of this metal is promoted - and yet it is everywhere - the Elite releasing just a small amount of it onto the world market each day. GOLD... And it's sister metals; Silver, Platinum & Uranium - are markets almost exclusively owned & managed by the Bavarian- British Elite and their fawning traders in Hatton Gardens, Antwerp & Amsterdam. Many millions of lives and great destruction to the planet has happened in the name of these 'precious' metals. Emperor Rudolph of Prague employed and even conferred noble titles to anyone who could transform less attractive (though almost equally dense) metals into gold or platinum. This arcane science of transmutation of elements inspired all the later branches of modern science... Welcome to the world of Alchemy... by CHRIS EVERARD British Film Director & Editor of Feed Your Brain Magazine www.FeedYourBrain your mind is a muscle... use it or lose it FYB & the KILLER QUEENS of EV i L ATOMIC ALC H EM Y This article is dedicated to ELENA FILATOVA Ukranian Photo-Journalist T h e R O Y A L N U C L E A R N I G H T M A R E : FYB feed your brain CHERNOBYL T h e R O Y A L N U C L E A R N I G H T M A R E : CHERNOBYL T h e R O Y A L N U C L E A R N I G H T M A R E :

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    Imagine a giant vault with a 1,000 foot high pile of metal bricks. These bricks of metal have actually no practical use. But they are hoarded & all the world's supplies of this particular metal are under the control of a mizerly coterie of crowned Heads of State & Dictators. The metal is bulldozed out the ground by African workers who are maltreated like modern day slaves. The scarcity of this metal is promoted - and yet it is everywhere - the Elite releasing just a small amount of it onto the world market each day. GOLD... And it's sister metals; Silver, Platinum & Uranium - are markets almost exclusively owned & managed by the Bavarian-British Elite and their fawning traders in Hatton Gardens, Antwerp & Amsterdam. Many millions of lives and great destruction to the planet has happened in the name of these 'precious' metals. Emperor Rudolph of Prague employed and even conferred noble titles to anyone who could transform less attractive (though almost equally dense) metals into gold or platinum. This arcane science of transmutation of elements inspired all the later branches of modern science... Welcome to the world of Alchemy...

    by CHRIS EVERARDBritish Film Director & Editor of Feed Your Brain



    & the KILLER QUEENS of


    This article is dedicated to ELENA FILATOVA Ukranian Photo-Journalist





  • page 002 Alchemy incorporates disciplines of physics, chemistry, Astrology and Magick. Being able to own and therefore control the world's supply of precious metals has been one of the central fascinations of the Royal-Elite... that, and destruction, slavery, mayhem, chaos and murder... In short, this article condenses several years of my research which confirms and proves beyond all reasonable doubt that the Bavarian-British royal dynasty have developed technologies which can simultaneously toxically contaminate and kill billions of people, and at the same time potentially finance this evil agenda with an inexhaustible supply of precious gold and platinum to fund their nihilistic plan of total planetary destruction. Sounds impossible to believe? Judge me after you have seen my research. Read on...

    The Psychology of Royal Genocide... What normal person could slaughter another human, for the sheer pleasure of it? Or to gain a further ounce of Gold? The most chilling fact about serial killers is that they are usually intelligent, rational and calculating. As British serial killer Dennis Nilsen put it, "a mind can be evil without being abnormal". And now, I ask, what kind of calculating cold-hearted mind must we be dealing with that makes investments in technologies which knowingly put the entire human population at risk of being killed? For that is what the British-Bavarian Royal Elite have done. For fifty years, they have invested in a modern form of Atomic Alchemy. Many millions of people have already been adversely affected by this evil, toxic and dangerous business. And in this article, I name the names of the Royals, aristocratic Barons and their minion servants in governments around the world who have constructed Nuclear Facilities which shall stay dangerously radioactive for at least the next 1,000 years... The saying goes that to kill a single person is 'murder', but to commit genocide is 'foreign policy'. But what about a lust to poison and endanger - if not commit outright assassination - on all of humankind and all living creatures? A ‘Global Kill’. Researching this madness has led me to some interesting information about the brain hormones of killers - and doctors at Kings College Hospital in London have concluded that once a person has killed and enjoyed the sick pleasure of the event, then androgen hormones remain in the brain's chemistry, and, surprisingly, as revealed on the Roger Cook Report television programme broadcast on ITV in the United Kingdom, some British doctors are suggesting the children of killers will in fact inherit the increased levels of androgen hormones that inevitably lead to anti-social behaviour, which in turn leads to the child following in their parent's footsteps and becoming a malicious police officer, or a mercenary, murderer, assassin, dictator or government minion who sends out orders for the slaying of millions of people. The researchers concluded in the Cook Report that androgen hormones may have a direct influence on physiological mechanisms governing behavior or organise the developing human brain to make particular anti-social behavioural responses more likely. Now imagine that you are from a Royal Bloodline; with crazed crowned killers like Ivan The Terrible in your family tree...

    Females exposed to excess androgenic activity show male characteristics such as increased aggression. Serial killer Carl Panzram himself wrote: "All of my family are as the average human beings are. They are honest and hard working people. All except myself. I have been a human-animile (sic) ever since I was born. When I was very young at 5 or 6 years of age I was a thief and a liar and a mean despisable one at that. The older I got, the meaner I got." German child killer Peter Kurten had drowned two playmates by the tender age of nine. Clinical analysis of these killers suggests that psychopathic criminals might be different from birth. Perhaps this explains the sordid despicable demeanour of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Grand Duke Dimitri, Himmler, and British-Bavarian Prince Charlie Coburg who funded and managed the NAZI killing machine. Indifferent, distant parents, who are absent for long periods (such as we see with aristocratic families), and a schooling regime which is based on competition rather than co-operation (such as we see in the Briitish public school system), may very well exasperate the anti-social mentality of these children of the Elite. Some psychiatrists suggest that the effects of androgen hormones on the organisation of the child's brain could create a tendency for psychopaths to use the left hemisphere of the brain. It is the 'left hand path' of Magick which attracts evil doers such as former part-time British intelligence agent and Freemason Aleister Crowley. Clinical case studies of imprisoned killers have greatly increased our understanding of psychotic tendencies which seem to be linked to inherited abnormalities in the human brain.

    Bush. Stalin. Himmler. Hitler. Each and everyone of them related

    genealogically to the Bavarian-British royal elite.

    Welcome, to the sick world of the Royal Killers - the mass murderers who have carefully cultivated their Blue Blood, seeding subsequent in-bred generations with an anti-social antipathy for humanity. Welcome to the world of the Killer Queens, and the evil atomic alchemy which now threatens all humans on the face of planet Earth.


    Royal Alchemists... Dr. John Dee and his criminal sidekick Edward Kelley were allowed to practice magic during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1st - when peasants were likely to have been strung up and executed for merely drawing a horoscope. We know from the diaries of John Dee which were recently discovered scribbled in English-Latin doggerrel in the margins of his books which are now curated at the Ashmole Museum in Oxford, that Queen Elizabeth 1st actually visited Dee's house (she did not enter, as Dee's first wife had recently died - possibly due to a contagion such as beubonic plague). Queen Elizabeth bade Dee that he shall not be molested or restricted from his magickal research and even gave Dee a sizeable stipend of £100 - which in the 1500s was sufficient to purchase a grand house.

    Why? Why was Dee in the favour of Queen Elizabeth when across Europe peasant herbal healers and magicians were being persecuted? The answer is Dee's claimed abilities with the science of Alchemy. Dee teamed up with a former criminal - Edward Kelley - who had actually had his ears cropped due to a former fraud felony. Together, Dee and Kelley claimed that they could transmute heavy metals, such as lead, into more precious metals - such as gold. If there is one thing that fascinates the psychotic royal elite as much as mass murder, torture and taxes, then it is the alluring spectre of being eternally and impressively wealthy - to master Nature, create wealth out of nothing, and forever rule the known nations with a vast, inexhaustible supply of gems, gold, silver and platinum.

    Throughout the ages - even still to this day - from the Byzantine empire, through to the court of Emperor Rudolph in Prague, alchemists attempted to transmute one metal into another. Their research and endeavours, financed by the Royal Elite, advanced our knowledge of metallurgy, furnaces, chemistry and eventually spawned nuclear physics and understanding how sub-atomic structures of metals and substances were formed. Alchemy is the 'mother' of all modern sciences. It spawned the generation of Einstein and Heisenberg. Alchemy, with it's quest to rearrange the structure and properties of elements, resulted in the disciplines of sub-atomic physics which we see today. We now know - because of the legacy of the alchemists - that it is theoretically possible to transmute platinum into gold by adding a proton, neutron, and electron. New atom-penetrating electron microscopes have been developed that can actually dissect and arrange individual atoms.

    This research, which was trumpeted by the publication of a circular 'crown' of atoms having been arranged for a photo opportunity, marks the culmination of several centuries of alchemical-transmutable scientific research. Now, it will soon be possible to remove protons, neutrons and electrons and make lead into gold or platinum. In fact, there may be more than one method to do it even. If it can be done economically, then the Elite who have funded this research for nearly a millennia will be able to hoard alchemically created gold and platinum - bolstering their grip on the world's population and economy. Of course, there is a danger that should this process become common knowledge, then it will increase the availability of precious metals and thus destroy the fake illusion of the scarcity of these metals. Alchemy - in all it's guises - has always, therefore, been - and shall always remain - the secret arcane science of the Royal Elite.

    Atomic Alchemy... At the ancient historic village of Rennes Les Chateaux, there stands a tower called 'The Alchemists Tower'. I contacted a modern alchemist who lives in Toledo, Spain, and there, in the narrow medieval streets of this famous village - a place where a priest became inexplicably wealthy overnight during the 1800s - we discussed the modern advances in nuclear alchemy. My contact refused to be named in this article. When I asked why, they answered "I get paid by people to do my research who I do not know myself. I am instructed to transmute one element into the other. I receive instructions via an intermediary. My work involves my laboratory - which is also a magickal temple. I invoke non-physical entities, who have joined into a team and it is they who assist and guide my work... Yes, I am attempting to transmute Tungsten into more valuable commodities. And therefore, my patrons want the process to be utterly secret - they do not want the end product to be categorised as anything less valuable than the real material... I have agreed to speak to you because I have recently been threatened by a rival alchemist - my laboratory was robbed - and at the moment I am relocating. I am changing my name. I am embarking on a new set of experiments using super-powerful magnets and a particle accelerator...". My meeting left me in no doubt that 'alchemy' in the modern context is still taking place - and it is now a proven certainty that transmutation of elements has been achieved. In fact, it goes on at hundreds of nuclear facilities worldwide - when Uranium is transformed into Plutonium - it's name being derived from the ancient God of Destruction and war. My contact said that the idea of creating a metal which emanates energy by it's own mere existence was rumoured since the heyday of Dr. John Dee - & it was referred to by alchemists as 'Evil Platinum', or sometimes equated with the Philosophers Stone.

    The Quest for Evil Platinum... I decided to research as far as I could into the depth of sub-atomic manipulation of precious metals and discovered a treatise written anonomously which describes the complicated - though achievable - method of transmuting gold and platinum using modern technologies. Apparently, modern alchemical lore suggests that when certain chemicals are combined with super-heated platinum, they can add an extra proton, neutron, and electron and transmute it into gold. The same should be possible in the opposite direction. If an ionized molecule is combined with lead that needs extra protons, electrons, and neutrons, the molecule may strip away at least one or two of any or each of the particles to eventually make lead into gold or platinum. Modern alchemists, such as the person I interviewed, believe that more than one atom or molecule may be needed or it may be needed over and over in a bombardment chamber until the 82 protons and neutrons and electrons become 79 for gold or 78 for platinum. Isotopes of certain atoms may have to be used that will require the extra particles to become stable. My alchemist friend told me that if a nuclear reactor is used, spent fuel might possibly be used since the newly transmuted metal needs extra protons, neutrons, and electrons to become stable and to retain it's newly transmuted state. Modern alchemists postulate that spent nuclear fuel rods and lead could be superheated into plasmas and jetisoned into a particle/plasma accelerator and in the course of flux, super-magnets could rearrange the particles to produce gold or platinum and less radioactive waste products which ultimately do not need to be disposed of or reprocessed - in fact, if this modern alchemy is successful, then the already valuable uranium and plutonium (which is used in multi-million dollar warheads) would in fact create potentially vast amounts of valuable precious metals - the exact same metals which underpinned currencies before the Gold Standard was abandoned.

    My alchemist friend referred to this process as Vaporization Alchemy. Apparently, for many decades, alchemists have experimented with heating lead to a high enough temperature attempting to make it transmute into gold when certain chemicals were used. It is only in recent decades that heating lead sufficiently has been achievable. Lead melts at 327.4 degrees Centigrade. Gold melts at 1063 degrees while Platinum melts at 1768 degrees. But melting lead isn’t enough. It has to reach 1749 degrees Centigrade to actually boil and then vapourize. Platinum has to reach at least 3825 degrees Centigrade to boil while gold boils at 2856 degrees Centigrade. The stumbling block for many years was that lead needs to be superheated beyond the temperature platinum reaches to be boiled. If the lead is turned into a plasma, it may be possible to electro-magnetically remove protons and electrons and cause a nuclear chain reaction to remove excess neutrons at the same time. The plasma may need to be circulated through a particle accelerator several times to transmute/transform the lead into either gold or platinum. When metals are vapourized, the atoms are further apart so that they

    can be manipulated easier and more completely.

    As I wrote down my notes during this meeting, the hitherto insane building of nuclear reactors, which is a business controlled and dominated by the Bavarian-British royal Elite and their subsidiaries in the USA came into sharp focus. I immediately concluded that the reason - even with a third of the planet having been contaminated by the 1986 Chernobyl disaster - the Royal elite were giving the green light to build yet more reactors, is because they believe (and have done for many centuries) that spent fuel rods could be possibly transformed into precious metals. The economic factors are astounding; firstly the Uranium ore itself is a source of income for the RTZ conglomerate whose most high profile shareholder is Her Majesty the Queen. Secondly, the uranium enrichment process is also a profitable business, where nuclear reactor owners (usually nation state governments) pay to have the ore purified in centrifugal apparatus. Thirdly, electricity (though not as much electricity as one is told by the media) is produced in the reactors and sold onto the national grids of countries. Fourthly, the resulting plutonium and enriched uranium are loaded into cruise missiles and warheads which are sold on the international arms market - it is not unusual for the price tag of a single cruise missile to exceed $1.2million dollars. And then the fifth - and as yet - unrealised profit centre in this toxic and dangerous nuclear industry - is the transmutation of spent fuel rods and other metallic nuclear waste being converted into gigantic stocks of precious metals.

    My alchemist friend explained that the research of Professor Penrose and Stephen Hawkings were crucial right now in the field of modern alchemy, as once Mankind learns how to accelerate particles and plasmas at, or near to, the speed of light, a controlled nuclear expansion and implosion system will be possible (presumably resembling a version of the CERN particle accelerator, with several nuclear reactors in the course of the speeding plasmoid particles), because the reaction time needed to blend or split atoms into stable elements and the steps required to do it will be achievable. Reading from my discretely scribbled notes, and not being a physicist myself, the general gist of the conversation concluded that lead would first be transformed into a plasma and then bombarded by charged particles to force particles from the lead atoms. Neutrons will cause a chain reaction that will make the atoms unstable. Protons will leave the nucleus and electrons will follow. They will either be combined with other atoms or removed from the exploded plasma by way of a 'fork bend' in the particle accelerator and the lightspeed activation of super-magnets surrounding the path of the plasma.

    Potentially, it was explained, that once the excess particles are

    removed, the atoms will be either super-cooled using liquid nitrogen, atomically

    imploded or somehow compressed to regain solidity. The result would be that

    plasmoid lead, as a gas, would cool, and fall into a collecting vessel as a fine dust

    of gold or platinum - and the unstable electrons (which give rise to the

    dangerous qualities of radioactive substances) would be disapated. I deliberately drove the long way home in the Pyrenees mountains and stopped off at the Chateau of Puivert where the final apocalyptic scene from Roman Polanski's film THE NINTH GATE was filmed. I needed time to absorb the information. If what I was told was true - then it would explain the determined, hellbent attitude of Her Majesty's government in deliberately forcing through the plans to build yet another 11 'Chernobyls' in Britain. One of these newly proposed nuclear facilities would even be on Prince Charles' doorstep in Gloucestershire. I could not understand - up until this meeting - how an organic farmer like Prince Charles who sells his produce in supermarkets worldwide was standing by and allowing the building of a nuclear facility so close to his land holdings. Obviously, the royals have a different view of nuclear installations. They see them as some monolithic profit system which not only creates wealth from the uranium business, arms business and flogging over-priced electricity - but potentially could also be edifices which create unlimited amounts of precious metals at the flick of a switch! Where did all this come from? How did the Royals get involved in a business which is potentially the most profitable - but also potentially and provably the most toxic scumbag industry the world has ever known? I retired into my library and immediately started to read the Rosicrucian Manifestos which were published in Cassel - one of the hometowns of the Bavarian side of the British Royal Elite - it was these Rosicrucian documents which kicked off a European craze for Alchemy... A craze which saw independent researchers arrested, tortured and murdered in the medieval witch hunts, whilst alchemists within the royal courts of Emperor Rudolph in Prague and Queen Elizabeth in England were protected and even financed from the royal purse.

    Cassel & The Royal Alchemy of Medieval Europe... Publication of the Alchemical Rosicrucian texts took place near Cassel in Germany. The provenance of these texts which are at once philisophical, magical and technological are undoubtedly taken from Arabian treatise (the word 'Alchemy' is derived from Arabic), and is also in part related to the epic texts of the Himalayas and Indian sub-continent, in which we see nuclear weapons and flying craft described. The so called Rosy Cross Society was established in the 1300s by a legendary friar called Christian Rosenkreutz. He was supposed to have travelled widely in the Eastern lands and to have acquired secret alchemical knowledge from Islamic initiates. His teachings were condensed into 'Manifestos' that were the product of German cliques linked to the various mini kingdoms which make up today's modern united German Reich. Johann Valentin Andreae, the author of the Chemical Wedding, is thought to be one of the major European leaders within the alchemical cults during the 1600s. The manifestos refer to Germany as a 'blessed land'. While Rosicrucianism began as a purely German movement, it soon spread to England, France, Sweden, Russia and other lands, and became an internationalist quasi-occult-scientific phenomenon. The Rosicrucian Manifestos portray a mystical and ardent form of Christianity. Nevertheless, the authors of the Fama and Confessio portions of these manifestos must have been aware of the historical truth that esoteric knowledge came through the infusion of Islam and Himalayan teachings. The Manifestos refer to Theophrastus Paracelsus as an important precursor of the Rosicrucian revelation; however, they say, he did not belong to the Rosicrucian lineage per se. Paracelsian language and ideas pervade both the Fama and Confessio tracts: they talk about universal medicine, the religious value of knowledge, the nature of gold-making and other ideas traceable to Paracelsian followers. The Paracelsians, it must be remembered, were interested in medical alchemy rather than gold-making and often disparaged the latter as an inferior pursuit. They were also fervent knowledge-seekers, both in nature and in the Bible. In short, alchemy, via the Manifestos, became an omnipresent teaching, suggesting that if one was to become a master at the transmutation of elements, then it is first necessary to transmute one's own personality via the esoteric teachings of the Rosicrucians.

    When published, the Manifestos sparked a misty eyed and confused, though

    fascinated audience amongst the slave-trading aristocracy of Europe. The mere

    title of the frontispiece was enough to discern that the manifestos were

    something out of the ordinary;

    Natural and Theological Lightby a Brother of the Fraternity of the Rose Cross Christi P.F.

    For the first time made publicand

    with several figures of similar content added by P.S.Altona. Printed and Published by Joh. Ad. Eckhardt, Book-Printer to H.M. the

    King of Denmark.

    The Royal Danish aspect to the provenance of modern nuclear alchemy is not to be ignored. It is from the independent mini kingdom on the border between Denmark and Germany - Schleisweg Holstein - that we see one of the aristocratic relatives of the present Duke of Edinburgh take up his role as the 'Nuclear-Fuhrer' - for it is the Danish-German Schleisweg-Holstein family dynasties which developed the basic scientific and technological framework for the atomic weapons that Hitler was developing before and during the second world war. Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh's real Name is Philip Schliesweg-Holstein Glocksburg-Sonndersburg. The text begins;

    Look well for the golden Magnet. If thou findest it thou wouldest get rid of thy sorrows. Study well the law 'Know thyself', that thou may not be deceived any more. Unum sunt omnia, per quod omnia. Make known to thee the Terra Sancta, so that thou mayest not go astray.

    The above paragraph alludes to a magnetic system which will produce Gold. The attainment of this gold would - obviously - make the alchemist wealthy and erase his 'sorrows'. The next line warns that one must be strict in his scientific observations and not be foolhardy in his endeavours. The 'Terra Sancta' suggests that this alchemical process may indeed produce a dangerous zone, for which it would be necessary for the alchemist to protect himself in a toxic-free area known as the 'Terra Sancta'. The Manifesto continues;

    Figurative Image of how within this world three Worlds in each other, namely this earth Sun-World, and also the Heavenly and the Hellish world have their effects. And the darkness cannot conquer the light. It also shows that the land of the dead, the entrance to Hell or superficial darkness, where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth, as well as the land of the living, the heavenly paradise or third heaven are from this world. And that the human being has all these things in his heart; heaven and hell, light and darkness, life and death.

    This philisophical paragraph (see above) summarises that both the toxic hellish domain produced by alchemical experimentation, and Heavenly Union with Mother Nature are to be found on this planet alluding that this is a matter which can be influenced by Mankind - as it is. It alludes to the fact that the alchemist may have to succumb to liasons with hellish demonic entities if he is to accomplish the manufacture of Gold. The allusions in the first line of worlds within worlds also parallels the first concepts of how atoms are arranged as mini solar systems... And introduces us to the idea of healing using a kind of Metallic substance or stone...

    The soul of men everywhere was lost through a fall, and the health of the body suffered through a fall, Salvation came to the human soul through Iehova, Jesus Christ. The bodily health is brought back through a thing not good to look at. It is hidden in this painting, the highest treasure in this world, in which is the highest medicine and the greatest parts of the riches of nature, given to us by the Lord Iehova. It is called Pator Metallorum, well known to the philosopher sitting in front of the mountain-cave, easy to obtain for anybody.

    Several of the alchemical commentaries I have in my library which date from the early 19th century suggest that 'Pator metallorum' refers to 'mercurius', or liquid mercury. However, as I delved deeper into the origins of these Rosicrucian teachings, I kept getting magnetically attracted back to histories of the sacred caves of the Himalayas - and came to the conclusion that the Pator metallorum is actually a reference to uranium which is found in mountainous regions across Africa, Canada and Australia... and most notably, in TIBET. Many explorers from the 19th century fell ill with a mysterious disease after entering caves which the locals had said were 'cursed' for anyone who entered and disturbed the shrines therein. Several of the books I have from the era of Madame Blavatsky's explorations in Ladakh and Tibet suggest that this ailment was due to radiation sickness contracted after touching and moving rocks at the entrance of caves by curious 19th century explorers. It is fascinating that radioactive materials are capable of both killing someone due to over-exposure - but also are capable of thwarting tumours and cancers. This fact is most definitely alluded to in the opening sentences of the above extract from the Manifestos. The texts go on to reveal that there is a special STONE to be made or discovered...

    One can see freely what the right Clavis artis is; one cannot be too subtle with it, like a hen hatching a chicken. In the midst of the mountain, before the door stands a courageous Lion in all its pride, whose noble blood the monster-dragon is going to shed; throwing him into a deep grave, out of it comes forth a black raven, then called Ianua artis, out of that comes Aquila alba. Even the crystal refined in the furnace will quickly show you on inspection Servum fugitivum, a wonder-child to many artists. The one effecting this all is Principium laboris. On the right hand in the barrel are Sol and Luna, the intelligence of the firmament. The Senior plants in it Rad. Rubeam and albam. Now you proceed with constancy and Arbor artis appears to you, with its blossoms it announces now Lapidem Philosophorum. Over all, the crown of the glory, ruling over all treasures. ...And if thou attain, never forget the poor.

    The last sentence at least shows some compassion for the peasants of the day -

    advising that if the alchemist attains the ability to create unlimited amounts of gold, he/she should at least make some contribution to the poor!

    Curse of the Uranium Caves... Recent official Chinese pronouncements have confirmed the existence in Tibet of the biggest uranium reserves in the world. Reports say that uranium is processed in Tibet itself and that many local Tibetans died after drinking contaminated water near a uranium mine in Ngapa, Amdo. The local Tibetans have also reported the birth of deformed humans and animals. Since 1976, uranium has been mined and processed in the Thewo and Zorge regions of Kham. In 1991, Greenpeace exposed plans to ship toxic municipal sludge from the USA to China for use as "fertilizer" in Tibet. The use of similar toxic waste as fertilizer in the USA has been linked to outbreaks of diseases.

    Knowledge of Tibetan rocks which made people sick first came to light with the publication of a book in Norwegian called 'Himalayan Mysteries'. Annecdotal reports were collected from German climbers near Amdo in 1937. Some of these climbers had sought refuge in caves which were considered sacred because in the dim distant past they had been blessed by Guru Rinpoche.

    No study of Tibet’s sacred geography would be complete without an introduction to the legend of Guru Rinpoche - also known as 'Padmasambhava'. The most important pilgrimage sites in the Tibetan natural landscape are associated with Padhmasambhava, and of his sacred sites, the most important are caves. He was a nomadic holy man apparently from Northwest India, in what is now considered the Swat Valley in Pakistan, who brought Tantric Buddhist teachings to Tibet in the 8th century. Rinpoche specialised in Mahayoga, a tantric practice that included the violent exorcism of demons and evil spirits. He subsequently defeated and tamed Tibet’s indigenous demons and turned them into protectors of Buddhism. Padmasambhava’s name means “the Lotus-born.” Trisong Detsing, the first emperor of Tibet, hired Guru Rinpoche to rid the kingdom of demons. Most of these exorcisms took place inside caves in the Tibetan hinterlands. Legends say that some of these caves were packed with offerings in order to placate the demons who had defected and were now protectors of Tibet. In order to stop these caves from being looted and poachers desecrating the sacred caves, stones were piled up at the entrance - but these were no ordinary stones - by all accounts from the German climbers interviewed in the early 20th century, these stones were a kind of metallic globular ore. Local residents forebade and gave grave warnings of a vomiting sickness which befell anyone who even just went near these piles of rock at the cave entrances. We now know, with the recent confirmation by the Communist Chinese impostor government, that Tibet is one of the world's biggest sources of uranium - and that stacks of uranium ore can indeed irradiate harmful radiation. In fact, the first nuclear facilities were known as 'piles' - where purified uranium was merely stacked up - and the unstable atomic particles would be released in a steady stream which would actually heat up the 'pile'. It seems that knowledge of this Himalayan ore found it's way into the Rosicrucian Alchemical lore - and from the publication in Cassel in the mid 1600s, we see a kind of 'gold rush' ensue amongst the Bavarian-British Elite. Their greed, right up to the present day, is focussed on uranium - which, as modern science has proven, can be transmuted into another element. It is resulting Plutonium which is most likely to be the 'evil platinum' whispered about in hushed tones amongst alchemists at high society soirees all over Europe in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.

    The Discovery of Uranium... The discovery of uranium is commonly credited to Martin H. Klaproth, who in 1789, while investigating a brown/black globular mineral, came to a hunch that it contained a wholly new element, which he named after the planet Uranus, discovered only eight years earlier. The substance that Klaproth identified was not pure uranium but an oxide, which is sometimes known as uraninite or 'pitchblende'.

    It was Eugene M. Péligot who first isolated the element in 1841. But it was another 55 years before Antoine H. Becquerel discovered its radioactivity in 1896. Before the discovery of nuclear fission by Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in 1939, the principal use of uranium oxides were as pigments, ceramic glazes, and in the production of a yellow-green fluorescent glass. Uranium has also been added to steels to increase their strength and toughness. It's high toxicity (both chemical and radiological) was unknown during it's earlier uses. Uranium gained considerable value with the development of nuclear theories - where scientists searched our planet for elements which had an unstable sub atomic structure that would fling-off the odd electron (a process known, as I previously mentioned, as 'radio activity') and could be used to create a self-powered chain reaction that would produce heat with no external source. As such, Uranium-235 is the only naturally occurring nuclear fission fuel which has so far been discovered - although there are isotope derivatives which can be coaxed into a radioactive chain reaction via dilution in strong acids. Adventurous and open minded geologists have postulated that by drilling about 4 miles into the earth's crust we may indeed one day discover inner earth crystals which are capable of exceeding Uranium's natural radioactivity. Uranium-235 is an isotope and about 1 part in 140 of natural uranium; the balance is mostly uranium-238. It is the Uranium-235 which is the most sought after version, as it's atomic structure is far less stable than the more common U-238. It was not long before physicists on HM Government's payroll at Aldermaston started to develop concepts of 'fast breeder reactors' that could convert (ie: compromise the sub atomic structure) of Uranium-238 into U-235... and then, grab the holy grail of nuclear alchemy - to further transform this U-235 into U-239 - which was actually given the name 'Plutonium' - a wholly man-made element, so toxic that just 9lb of plutonium dust scattered into the atmosphere would kill all living creatures on planet earth. That almost happened in 1986 - when a 1,000 ton concrete lid blew off the top of a reactor at Chernobyl as the result of a fire in one of the four reactor cores. The uranium fuel rods actually melted and fused into plutonium, igniting graphite blocks that were meant to control the heat form the core. The entire core melted into a toxic, globular, radioactive jelly and started to melt through the floor of the building. It continued to melt it's way through to the lower basement area, where, after being doused in powdered dolomite and hundreds of tons of sand it cooled just enough to gain solidity. This molten glob of toxic materials fused steel stairways and concrete floors in it's wake and a new element was actually created from this disaster which has been called "Chernobylite". The mound is now stable - and has taken on the form of an 'elephant's foot'. It is the most radioactive place on the planet.

    I suggest that all members of parliament and senators who support nuclear power are forced to go on a tour of Chernobyl and eat lunch sitting next to the elephant's foot. That day in 1986, a third of the world was polluted by Chernobyl fallout - but it could have been worse. If the elephant's foot had not cooled, then it may have eaten it's way through the earth's crust and into the geothermic layers of magma, exploding as it went, coming into contact with ground water and spewing radioactive ash and steam... Eventually melting-tunnelling it's way through to the Earth's core. This disastrous meltdown is known by nuclear physicists as the China Syndrome - as the molten core might eat it's way through the entire planet and come out in China. In fact, it should be called the Core Syndrome, as it is likely that 20 miles down into the magma-like sub strata, gravity from the earth's core would begin to attract the exploding, spewing molten radioactive core closer and closer to the centre of our planet. Meeting new inflammable minerals and ground water as it went, the core would conceivably dissipate into the natural flows of sub-strata lava and eventually the radioactivity would penetrate all ground water supplies, and all volcanoes - thence onwards all volcanoes would become potential megaton atomic bombs - the crust of the earth would itself become a conduit for radioactivity and Doomsday would not be far off.

    Madame Nano-Curie... Turning back the clock 114 years, back to that day when natural radioactivity was discovered by Antoine Henri Becquerel, we should remember that it took 50 years before the discovery of radioactivity attracted attention. The Nuclear Nigthmare really only started to gather steam (and radioactivity) when penetrating X rays were discovered by the German physicist Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen in 1895. In fact, Nikola Tesla had discovered X-Rays before Rontgen - but had not registered his patent - Tesla sent Rontgen an x-ray with Rontgen's name written on it using a radium crayon. Rontgen received the 1901 Nobel Prize and in 1903 and Becquerel was also awarded the Nobel Prize for physics, which he shared with Pierre Curie and Marie Skoldowska Curie, who were honoured for their research on the radiation phenomenon reported by Becquerel. I visited the tomb of Madame Curie at the Pantheon in Paris during March 2010 - she died a horrible death after working with uranium and radium...

    Madame Curie was not French. She was Polish. But the French are lacking somewhat in modern day heroes, so Madame Curie's non Frenchness has been overlooked (rather like they have done with their favourite singing star Jane Birkin - who is actually British). Born Maria Sklodowski in Warsaw, Poland in 1867, the youngest of five children, Marie studied physics and mathematics and quickly received her masters' degrees in both subjects. She remained in Paris after graduation and started research on magnetism.For the research she wanted to do, she needed more space than her small lab. A friend introduced her to another young scientist, Pierre Curie, who had some extra room. Not only did Marie move her equipment into his lab, but Marie and Pierre fell in love and married. A friend of the Curies was the aforementioned Henri Becquerel, who had discovered the radioactive properties of Uranium. Marie Curie set about investigating the effect, which she named "radio-activity". Marie Curie checked many other elements to determine whether they too were radioactive. She found one, Thorium, and also came across a source of radiation in a globular rocky ore - the aforementioned - "pitchblende," which was much more powerful than either thorium or uranium. Working together, it took Marie and Pierre four years to isolate the radioactive source in the pitchblende. Marie named it Radium. For the discovery of radium, Marie and Pierre won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903, which they shared with their friend A. Henri Becquerel. Shortly, Marie found that what she had discovered was not pure radium, but she was able to isolate the element itself after quite a struggle. For this work, she was given the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911. During her work, Marie discovered radiation could kill human cells. She reasoned that if it could kill healthy human cells, it could kill diseased human cells and went about isolating radium for use in killing tumours. this was the birth of the cancer industry.

    During the first World War, Marie Curie went to work for the French government building and designing X-ray machines. Knowing that moving soldiers to a hospital before they needed surgery was not always possible, she designed the first mobile X-ray machine and traveled with it along the front lines during the war. In fact, x-rays are pretty useless for the diagnosis of tissue wounds - and can only be relied on to show fractures. In all probability, the doses of x-rays that young soldiers were subjected to probably did more harm than good! But then again, we must always remember that Medical History is not taught to Medical students as it is just too damn embarrasing - being full of misdiagnosis and Quack cures and unnecessary surgical procedures - aome of which are still carried out to this day. On July 4, 1934, Marie Curie shrivelled and died in Paris, killed by her own toxic and radioactive experiments. She died of radiation poisoning... quickly followed, of course, by all the sad and hapless cancer victims who were later to be misdiagnosed and mis-dosed various radioactive isotopes in the ridiculously unnecessary and cruel (but spectacularly profitable) cancer racket. In addition to the many people who have been sold the lie that radio-therapy will 'cure' cancer (it doesn't - it just 'burns' away growths and tumours - the actual reason why the tumour grew in the first place is not solved or cured), we owe Madame Curie another big Thank You - Monsieur Curie-Joliot was her son-in-law and this young man headed up the French atomic bomb program. His contribution to modern science was about as destructive as anything his mother-in-law had achieved, for it was this young Monsieur who devised the use of so called 'HEAVY WATER' to increase the likelihood of atomic FISSION... And Fission, in a nutshell, is the chain reaction of radioactive materials - a reaction which sustains and builds it's own heat - because the sub atomic strata of the Uranium is unstable. By concentrating the Uranium into a purer and purer (toxic and more toxic) form, so the radioactivity is increased, leading eventually to the ability to just pile up the stuff and leave it alone - it'll get hot all of it's own accord...

    What is Heavy Water? In 1938, the next chapter of the Nuclear Nightmare began, when it was discovered that uranium atoms could be split using slow neutrons, releasing energy (and more neutrons)... thus stoking the radioactivity which led to more heat being expelled. The only problem was once the chain reaction had started, the piles of uranium would just continue to get hotter and hotter and hotter. Clearly, some kind of moderating material was necessary - both to enhance the radioactivity and to encourage the controlled and even dispersal of particles. D2O - a special 'heavy water' which had had it's atomic structure modified by way of electrolysis came to the attention of French physicists. D2O, known as Heavy Water, was identified as a possible moderator substance and was soon in high demand by physicists in Germany and Britain. Heavy Water was made at just one factory in Norway by a company owned partly by a French bank and partly by the NAZI IG FARBEN Cartel - this is a conglomerate who made gas crystals that murdered many people in the Nazi gas chambers and was partly managed by Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands - who was one of the senior IG Farben executives in Paris. They all wore black Nazi SS Uniforms whilst they had their board meetings. The Royals managing and funding the extermination of millions of people during the second world war (see my previous articles on the subject of the NAZIs being managed and funded by the same Bavarian-British household) immediately bought up the world's entire supply of Heavy Water. Thus, Japan, India, China and any other country which would potentially challenge the superiority of the British-Bavarian-Romanov Royal households would have to develop their nuclear devices without D2O. The Heavy Water was brought from Norway aboard the SS Broompark. The world's supply of heavy water arrived in England on June 21 1940, and was stored at Windsor Castle. If ever you wanted an example of how important nuclear-alchemy is to the British-Bavarian royal elite, then there you have it. From this moment on, the Nuclear Genie was totally out of it's bottle - and the Saxe-Coburg and Schleisweg-Holsten Germanic-British royal dynasty had all the raw materials and puppet scientists at their disposal to create devastating inhumane weapons of mass destruction and potentially a key to transmuting one element into another - making - finally, as proscibed in the Rosicrucian texts, the 'Evil Platinum'.

    Their evil glee and sinister work paid off when one bright sunny morning tens of thousands of innocent Japanese people were melted and crisp-fried with the explosion of two atomic bombs. The uranium used in the Los Alamos research facility led by Robert Oppenheimer was controlled by a cartel-committee who met at the Northern Californian Kabalistic Disneyland known as Bohemian Grove to discuss the use of uranium in the new era of nuclear nightmares. Whilst grown men urinated against redwood trees, and male prostitutes were shipped around in jeeps for the sadistic amusement of 'Grovers', the uranium committee of Los Alamos scientists planned the Cold War and how to pack 30 x Hiroshima sized warheads into ballistic missiles which would leave the Earth's atmosphere, divide into dozens of mini-nukes and be sent to wreak total toxic devastation on many capital cities simultaneously. The monstrous Hydrogen bomb was soon developed, which ignites human flesh and buildings at an even more higher temperature. The TITAN rocket-delivery system chosen by the Pentagon used solid fuel rocket propellent which had been developed by Jack Parsons - the leader os a Satanic hedonistic Agape Logde affiliated with Aleister Crowley's OTO secret society. All these events can be viewed in my film THE ANTICHRIST CONSPIRACY available from the Enigma Channel Cyberstore

    The Royal NAZI NUCLEAR NIGHTMARE... Now, as promised, I reveal the actual aristocrats and royals who we are to thank for inflicting the Cold War, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl upon the human population. During WW2, German scientists, under the ultimate command of Prince Charlie Coburg, who was Queen Victoria's favourite grandson, had been following developments in nuclear chemistry. Mr Werner Heisenberg (who won the 1932 Nobel prize for Physics aged 31, "for the creation of quantum mechanics") was one of the leading scientists developing the Royal-German-Nazi nuclear project. He had reasoned that since Germany could not separate the uranium isotopes to obtain enrichment in 235U, a reactor employing natural uranium would require a moderator of graphite blocks - unfortunately - as we learnt earlier - Chernobyl used graphite blocks as a moderator - and once on fire it is almost impossible to extinguish the flame - even powdered dolomite in tons cannot dissipate the heat of burning graphite... not least before millions of people have been contaminated... Nevertheless, knowing full well that the China Syndrome was a pertinent possibility, the Nazis not only developed reactor technologies, but also developed a 'dirty' atom bomb nicknamed The Bell which contained centrifuges that splattered enemies with the products of flying nuclear core - The Bell could devastate an enormous area with deadly poisonous toxic globules of exploding nuclear matter. Sick. Now it's time to start naming names... All this evil Nazi nuclear research was conducted under the management of Carl Friedrich von Weizsaecker who was the grandson of Karl Hugo von Weizsäcker, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Württemberg. Where's that? Well, the Kingdom of Württemberg was a sovereign nation state that existed between 1806 to 1918, located in present-day Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Ruled over by one King Frederick - a relative of the Saxe-Altenburg and Saxe-Gotha royal dynasty of Great Britain. In 1806, King Frederick joined the Royal Confederation of the Rhine and received further additions of territory containing 160,000 inhabitants. In October 1809, about 110,000 more persons came under the rule of this German micro-state.

    King Frederick, like all his cousins, pruned the population by way of sending the

    fittest and strongest men to battle. He joined Napoleon Bonaparte in his

    genocidal and nutty campaigns against Prussia and attempted the invasion and

    occupation of Austria (which was eventually achieved). Of the 16,000 of King

    Frederick's subjects who marched to Moscow only a few hundred returned.

    What a surprise!

    Then, after the Battle of Leipzig (October 1813), King Frederick deserted the waning fortunes of the French emperor, and by a treaty made with Klemens Wenzel von Metternich at Fulda in November 1813, he secured the confirmation of his royal title and of his recent acquisitions of territory, while his troops marched with those of the allies into France. In a nutshell, he was a mass murderer - a serial killer who had upped the stakes by a factor of 10,000. King Frederick did not care whose side he was on - just as long as the end result was total carnage, bloodshed and war. This family trait was eventually handed down to Carl Friedrich Weizsäcker who became Baron Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker at the age of four. Weizsäcker was the son of the diplomat Ernst von Weizsäcker, the elder brother of the former German President Richard von Weizsäcker, father of the physicist and environmental researcher Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker and father-in-law of the former General Secretary of the World Council of Churches Konrad Raiser - and together they all sat at the dinner table munching Bratwurser sausages, drinking beer and planning how to rid the world of anyone who didn't have white skin... Yes, you've guessed it, they were NAZIs - and part of the Royal-Aristocratic elite who funded and managed the two world wars which devastated Europe and destroyed the homes and lives of tens of millions of people. The Nazi Weizsäcker family lived in the home county of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh - Schleisweg Holstein. Their conversations revolved around how to make atomic weapons which would destroy entire countries with just one bomb. Nice family. No, really... During the Second World War, Baron Weizsäcker joined the German nuclear energy project, participating in efforts to construct the 'Bell' Nazi atomic bomb. As a protégé of Werner Heisenberg, he was present at a crucial meeting at the Army Ordnance headquarters in Berlin on 17th September 1939, at which the German atomic weapons program was launched. In July 1940, he was co-author of a report for the Army on the possibility of "energy production" created from refined uranium, and which also predicted the possibility of using plutonium for the same purpose - including the production of a new type of explosive. this aristocratic Baron Weizsäcker - more than Robert Oppenheimer - is for sure, the true 'father' of the Nuclear Nightmare.

    As early as August 1939, the Jewish physicist, Albert Einstein warned U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt about the catastrophic Nazi-atomic research being conducted by Baron Weizsäcker - Einstein wrote; "... the son of the German Under-Secretary of State, Baron von Weizsäcker, is attached to the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut in Berlin where some of the American work on uranium is now being repeated...". Of course, Einstein had no idea that the Nazi atomic program was all managed by the same Bavarian-British Royals who also controlled (and still to this day control) the Pentagon. Einstein should have sent his letter to the Emperor of Japan - that would have changed world history! The reason it was not the evil Weizsäcker Nuclear Clan who dropped the first A Bomb but the US Forces is the same reason why Hitler never invaded Great Britain. The answer is simple. The US Forces, British & Commonwealth Allied Forces and Nazis all had the same controllers - the British-Bavarian Royals - led by Prince Charlie Coburg (who Hitler described as ‘intrepid’ and ‘cruel’). During the second world war, some of the Royals sported stiff upper lip British naval uniforms (like the German Lord Mountbatten), and some royals strutted in their fastidiously, perfectly creased jet black Nazi SS uniforms (like Prince Berhardt of the Netherlands). Their prime objective was death, destruction and annihilation - in accordance with instructions which had been dictated in the 1500s to the royal elite. The pay-off would be the formation of a new SUPERSTATE with one leader, one flag, one nation and one currency... (if the previous paragraph is overwhelming and confusing, then please refer to my article The Royal Bavarian Illuminati for the historical evidence that justifies the previous paragraph -

    After Hiroshima & Nagasaki... After the Los Alamos project had successfully proven that an Atomic bomb could devastate an entire city the size of Nagasaki, the Romanov 'White Russian' Royal family set up shop on the fifth floor of the old Thames-side MI5 building in London and directed operations which led to a phoney arms race, and phoney war known as the Cold War. The Saxe-Coburg-Gothas headed by the newly crowned Queen Elizabeth II headed up the other side of the Nuclear Nightmare - that is the evil alchemical transmutation of the world's uranium supplies into vast amounts of lethal plutonium which was sold and packed into warheads by tyrannical regimes the world over. This took place at Calder Hall and Aldermaston. In Germany, cartels formed from the IG Farben corporation organised the other strand of the Royal Nuclear business by challenging Westinghouse's monopoly on supplying Nuclear Reactors to members of Her Majesty's Commonwealth nations.

    The Royal Lie... At Calder Hall, a concrete monstrosity which was to engulf a huge part of the northern English landscape - later referred to as Windscale - was built in the 1950s and the British Media set about selling the greatest Lie ever put before the peoples of planet Earth; that is, that Nuclear generated electricity was 'clean' and so economical that we would all soon enjoy "Electricity TOO CHEAP TO METER!". Where, then, did the phrase "too cheap to meter" originate? It was used by Lewis L. Strauss in an address to the Ntl. Assn. of Science Writers in New York on the 16th September 1954. The fact that he was Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and not a member of the nuclear industry is a technicality, which would not in itself make the statement a lie. What makes it a lie is that he used it in connection with the eradication of disease and other scientific marvels that he expected to occur at some time in the faraway future. He first reviewed some of the breakthroughs that had taken place in the 15 years before his speech in 1954, including unlimited power and the ability to investigate the working of living cells using tracer atoms. The bare TRUTH of the matter is that even before the era of Calder Hall and Windscale, the British-Bavarian Royal Nuclear Barons were instigating a RACE - not a race for Nuclear generated electricity - but a race to create nuclear BOMBS. A race to monopolise all the uranium and Heavy Water supplies in the world... A race which caused CANADA to become a banana republic of France and Britain (because it has uranium deposits in the Canadian hinterland)... And, a race to ultimate transmute radioactive ore and isotopes into precious metals... Everything went spiffingly well until a massive leak happened in northern England and children began to be born badly deformed and die after contracting blood cancer in their dozens... HM Queen Elizabeth was accordingly advised that any red carpet visit further north than Hendon (part of north London) would be ill advised as the "lower working classes of Windscale were dumbasses, but, er..a'hem, Ma'am, they aren't that stupid...". The queen swiftly went on a holiday to far away Royal South Africa leaving the BBC to allay any fears of the northern English families who were dumbed down to the point where it took years of effort by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament to actually educate people that Windscale was a bomb factory and that it should be closed down. Following the birth of many deformed babies, smear stories pasted into the northern editions of tabloids by Her Majesty's Intelligence Service, MI5, luridly remarked that the parents of kids dying of blood cancer near Windscale (which was soon given a PR make-over and renamed 'Sellafield') were 'benefit scoungers' and ridiculously opaque reports commissioned by HM Gov. tried to convince bribed journalists that 'leukemia clusters' existed EVERYWHERE - not just in the towns around Sellafield...

    The French Nuclear Nightmare... The ruse seemed to work - until it was discovered by French anti-nuclear activists and Greenpeace that the exact same phenomenon of childhood leukemia was happening at La Hague... The La Hague reprocessing plant in France is the largest facility of its kind in the world, with a capacity of 1,650 tons of spent fuel per year. A study, published in January 1997, in the British Medical Journal by two French scientists, showed a potential link between an increased incidence of childhood leukemia in the area around La Hague and discharges from the plant. Dominique Pobel and Jean-Francois Viel conducted a case-control study, covering a 35-kilometer radius around the plant. Their study considered 27 cases of leukemia diagnosed in people under 25 years of age between 1978 and 1993 and 192 controls matched for such factors as gender, age, place of birth, and place of residence. The parents of these subjects were also studied, for factors such as lifestyle, radiation exposure, and occupational exposure. Pobel and Viel found that children who had spent time at local beaches more than once a month were almost three times more likely than the controls to develop leukemia. They also found an increased risk when mothers went regularly to these beaches during pregnancy. A similarly increased risk to children was shown from eating local fish and shellfish. Monitoring in June 1997 of the area around the drainage pipe from the reprocessing plant by Greenpeace, followed by an independent analysis on samples conducted by the Department of Labor, Health and Social Service of the Federal State of Hamburg (Germany) showed levels of tritium of up to 160 million becquerels per liter and sediments that could be classified as "waste containing nuclear fuel." In July, 1997, French Environmental Minister Dominique Voynet called an indefinite ban on fishing and bathing near the La Hague facility. All this nuclear waste has, of course, mixed with the untreated sewage pumped into the English Channel by privatised water companies during the Thatcher era and we now have a kind of radioactive Bovril soup surrounding the British isles - instead of clean blue sea water... it's a murky, smelly brown. I investigated this situation nearly 20 years ago when I decided to write an article about nuclear pollution for the Environmental Investigation Agency. I visited a lonely pub in Dungeness on the south coast of England - just a stone's throw from one of Europe's largest nuclear plants. I lowered my voice, pretending to be 19 years old, marched in and tried to engage the landlord in a conversation by saying "...half of snakebite and a packet of cheese'n'onion..." I left the word 'crisps' off the end of my sentence as I thought it sounded more grown up...

    The landlord was more than happy to pass the time of day muttering monosylabic answers to my warm-up questions... But as soon as I broached the subject of local Dungeness people working at the plant having deformed babies and cancer in the family he called me closer and said "Look son, that place employs everyone 'ere. You fuckin' Londoners should stay away from 'ere. 'course I fuckin' know the sea is full of radioactive shit. I'm not fuckin' stupid. But I own the caravan park as well - and where all the people that live 'ere going to fuckin' live if we're all moved away because that fuckin' nuclear plant starts leaking? Everyone round 'ere knows it's a fuckin' disgrace... But I got a living to make, and as long as I'm alright I'll keep my trap shut about it. I think you've had a bit to much to fuckin' drink son - so on yer bike back to London... Before I call the fuckin' police...". I concluded from my investigation that day that a/. local people had been bribed by way of injections of cash into the local community NOT to tolerate outsiders like me asking awkward questions... and b/. that Fosters Lager mixed with Autumn Gold cider forms a kind of core of jelly if not drunk within a few minutes. I never did manage to meet any leukemia whistleblowers - but if any Dungeoness residents would like to collaborate in the making of a documentary about these nuclear facilities, they should contact me via The Enigma Channel

    Morroccan Passports Feud & the Drugs of Marseilles... The recently deceased king of Morrocco was, if the tabloids are to be believed, the eighth richest Monarch in the world - his wealth is, surprisingly, intrinsically linked to that of France. If you cast your mind back, there was a humorous event at a London train station when the late King of Morrocco kept the Queen waiting for about an hour (tut tut) - his vast fortune was allegedly earned from Kif crops in the Rift Valley (a plant which is related to Hashish), a modicum of French homo-sex-tourism and allowing the French government to dump Nuclear Waste in the Western Sahara - which is now a toxic No Man's land between Morrocco and Mauritania. In 1984, I travelled as close as I could right down to a place called Tan Tan - the town where the then King of Morrocco had been born. It was a strange and eerie seaside village which inspired me to begin writing a novel about the soldiers walking hand-in-hand and transvestite hookers that marauded the streets at night... Tan Tan is about as far removed from normal society as one can get. The nearby military garrison town where I ended up sleeping one night was packed with weird people - all soldiers (some dressed as women). Just a short distance from my bed there were snipers on the beach fighting over a barren and completely empty patch of desert bordering the Atlantic - this has become known as 'Western Sahara'. The military operations were being planned and conducted by the French government. Why? Why were there garrisons firing at eachother from Morrocco and Mauritania - fighting over a bit of land which had no intrinsic value - a completely uninhabitated stretch of dunes? I learned the answer several years later when I met Green Party members at the White Rock Theatre in Hastings. They told me that the reason why France was now home to millions of Morroccans is that every year the former President, Jaques Chirac, was giving BLANK French passports to the Morroccan royal family who then SOLD these passports to friends of friends! This allegation at first seemed ridiculous. Why would the French head of state (who I later met) want to instigate a gigantic influx of Morroccan immigrants? The French Green Party members continued their allegation that the passports were in exchange for allowing the French military to deliver and dump tons and tons of nuclear waste into the Western Sahara.

    After several years of investigation, I have not been able to corroborate this allegation - but i must conclude from the streets of Marseilles which is now unrecognizable to the streets of Tangiers, that there must be something afoot. I saw a bit of Graffitti on the Paris metro which said "If the population of Morrocco is only 10 million people... How come there are THREE MILLION Morroccans claiming the French Dole?" - it's a viewpoint which has been greatly capitalized upon by LePenn and the ultra-right racist political movement in France. Hatred and racism for Morroccan people is running rife in France - clearly there is some leniency in the French immigration policy which is out of step with public sentiment... Could the Sahara really be used as a nuclear dump by EDF and the French nuclear companies? It's a question which remains to be answered.

    Karen Silkwood R.I.P. Karen Silkwood was an employee at the Kerr-McGee's plutonium fuels production plant in Crescent, Oklahoma. She was murdered on November 13th, 1974, in an assassination dressed up as a fatal car crash. Karen had been an anti-nuclear activist and a mother. She had raised the issue of trades union representation of nuclear plant workers. Since then, her story has achieved worldwide fame as the subject of many books, magazine and newspaper articles, and even a major motion picture in which the actress playing Silkwood's character (Meryl Streep) alleges that the nuclear facility which employed Karen Silkwood deliberately provided her with urine sample bottles which had been previously contaminated - deliberately - with plutonium. In the evening of November 5th, plutonium-239 was found on Karen Silkwood's hands. Karen had been working in a glovebox in the metallography laboratory where she was grinding and polishing plutonium pellets that would be used in fuel rods. At 6:30 P.M., she decided to monitor herself for alpha activity with the detector that was mounted on the glove box. The right side of her body read 20,000 disintegrations per minute, or about 9 nanocuries, mostly on the right sleeve and shoulder of her coveralls. Between October 22nd and November 6th, high levels of activity had been found in four of the urine samples that Silkwood had collected at her home (33,000 to 1,600,000 dpm), whereas those that were collected at the Kerr-McGee plant contained very small amounts of plutonium - if any at all. Tests revealed that Karen Silkwood, inexplicably, had 0.34 nanocuries of americicium-241 (a gamma-emitting daughter of plutonium-241) in her lungs. Based on the amount of americium, Dr. Voelz (payrolled by the American nuclear association) estimated that Karen Silkwood had about 6 or 7 nanocuries of plutonium-239 in her lungs. Dr. Voelz reassured Silkwood that, based upon his experience with workers that had much larger amounts of plutonium in their bodies (!), she should not be concerned about developing cancer or dying from radiation poisoning. Silkwood wondered whether the plutonium would affect her ability to have children or cause her children to be deformed. Dr. Voelz reassured her that she could have normal children. Yeah, right. Karen Silkwood, and her room mate & boyfriend returned to Oklahoma City on November 12th. Silkwood and Ellis reported for work the next day, but they were restricted from further radiation work. After work that night, Karen Silkwood went to a trades union meeting in Crescent, Oklahoma. At the end of the meeting, at about 7 P.M., she left to drive home alone in her car. At 8:05PM, the Oklahoma State Highway Patrol was notified of a car accident 7 miles south of Crescent. The driver, Karen Silkwood, was dead at the scene from multiple injuries. No other vehicle was involved and to date no witness has come forward.

    The motion picture made about Karen Silkwood is essential viewing for those of us who need to understand what working in a nuclear facility is like. The handling of highly toxic materials becomes, inevitably, mundane. The decontamination scrubbing removed the top layer of her skin. The decontamination team probe every orifice on the human body and scrub the hairs and nails down. It is a degrading and terrifying experience. The motion picture entitled SILKWOOD shows that the argument over whether nuclear plants are safe or not is actually a red herring argument. The safety factor is only one part of the story. What the media need to concentrate on is the RISK FACTOR. Regardless of exemplary safety records, just one small mistake can lead to a major contamination of several employees, equipment and potentially be released into the environment. The question which is not asked enough when debating nuclear power is; Is The Risk Worth It? In the 21st century, we now have a plethora of alternative and clean eco-friendly electricity generating systems available which can be installed far away from the public and do not contribute to the carbon cycle. Another factor which is overlooked in typical press coverage is that

    the COST of cleaning up a former site runs into the BILLIONS of dollars range.

    Right now, pools of waste created 40 years ago are rotting and rusting away at

    sites all over the world. Every day, tons of radioactive waste is created - and this

    clean-up operation will cost trillions of pounds to effect. Some of this waste will

    stay radioactive for at least 1,000 years or more.

    Three Mile Island: Shortly after the alleged murder of Karen Silkwood, the USA woke up to a new nuclear nightmare. In 1979, at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, Pensylvania, a cooling malfunction caused part of the nuclear core to melt in the #2 reactor. The TMI-2 reactor was effectively deformed and destroyed. Radioactive gas was released into the environment. The plant operated two pressurized water reactors. One PWR was of 800 MWe (775 MWe net) and entered service in 1974. Unit 2 was of 906 MWe (880 MWe net) and almost brand new when the malfunction happened. In response to the 3MI disaster, Her Majesty's Atomic Energy Authority in the UK did a 'makeover' on Windscale which had been so obviously 'patched up' and renamed the site 'Sellafield'.

    The Magic Woods of Chernobyl... In the Ukraine, in the spring of 1986, one of the notorious Biblical prophecies in the Book of Revelations came true: On the Friday evening of April 25th, 1986, the reactor crew at Chernobyl-4 (one of four active reactors at the plant), prepared to run a test to see how long the turbines would keep spinning and producing power if the electrical power supply went off line. This was a dangerous test, but it had been done before. As a part of the preparation, they disabled some critical control systems - including the automatic shutdown safety mechanisms. At this juncture I should point out that nuclear reactors use enormous amounts of diesel fuel and coal in order to run their air conditioning and cooling plants - not a single nuclear generator in the world can accurately be described as 'environmentally clean' once these additional fuels are factored into the equation. I suggest to the residents opposing the new wave of Chernobyls being constructed in the United Kingdom, that they insist that the nuclear plants NEVER EVER add carbon pollution to the local atmosphere.

    This argument is rarely debated in the media and has, as far as I am aware, been rather conveniently side-stepped by the French EDF corporation who will be the 'fall guys' in Her Majesty's latest Nuclear roll-out... or, sorry, should I say Fall Out! At Chernobyl, shortly after 1:00 AM on April 26th, the flow of coolant water dramatically dropped and the power began to increase. The core began to boil all water into steam which turned the laughingly called 'containment building' into a giant pressure cooker. At 1:23 AM, the operator moved to shut down the reactor in it's low power mode and a sudden domino effect of previous errors caused a power surge, triggering a tremendous steam explosion which blew the 1,000 ton cap on the nuclear containment vessel and blew it into the air.

    Some of the 211 control rods melted and then a second explosion, whose cause is still the subject of disagreement among experts, threw out fragments of the burning radioactive fuel core and allowed air to rush in - igniting several tons of graphite insulating blocks. Once graphite starts to burn, its almost impossible to extinguish. It took 9 days and 5000 tons of sand, boron, powdered dolomite, clay and lead dropped from helicopters to put it out. The radiation was so intense that many of those brave pilots died. The helicopters after a few minutes hovering over the reactor also became so radioactive they had to be dumped in the forest. It was this graphite fire that released most of the radiation into the atmosphere and troubling spikes in atmospheric radiation were measured thousands of miles away. Twenty-five of the workers on that shift died from radiation sickness almost immediately. The legacy of Chernobyl has rarely ever been written about. Radiation will stay in the Chernobyl area for tens of thousand years, but Ukranian scientists assure us that humans may begin repopulating the area in about 600 years - give or take three or four centuries. So that's alright, then. The experts predict that, by then, the most dangerous elements will have disappeared - or been sufficiently diluted into the rest of the world's air, soil and water. Our distant ancestors will have to wait until the radiation diminishes to a tolerable level before any farming or habitation of a vast area (a Dead Zone measuring 300km radius) surrounding the Chernobyl plant can continue. The disaster could have been a lot worse. Three reactor cores in the same plant had to be tended regardless of the disaster at reactor number 4. Luckily the catastrophe did not cause them to overheat and blow up too. While the army cleared the local towns and villages, enforcing people who had pets, furniture, mothers, fathers, children, bank accounts, antiques and a whole life to FLEE IMMEDIATELY, the Kremlin invoked a foreign news blackout - right in the middle of Gorbechev's 'Glasnost'. Thousands of soldiers and bulldozers were sent to Chernobyl from all over Russia. They were ordered to bury the entire forest. Cemetaries for the hugely radioactive bodies from the plant were scraped into hillsides. A Ukranian student told me later that three cemeteries were built especially for journalists who made the mistake of informing foreign news services about the disaster.

    Everyone and everything which came within 3km of the Chernobyl

    Ground Zero became lethally contaminated. Giant graveyards of rotting

    bulldozers, tanks, helicopters and even ships are now decomposing in The Dead


    Elena Filatova is a Ukranian lady photo-journalist who rides at extreme speed on a Kawasaki Ninja motorbike. As the Speed Demon carries her deeper and deeper into the Dead Zone, she monitors the local radioactivity, photographing everything as she goes. Her excellent book Pluto's Realm shows the utter devastation of the Chernobyl disaster. It shows us what we can all look forward to if such a mistake happens again. Shortly after the blast, hundreds of miles away in Scandinavia and elsewhere in Europe, radiation meters began bleeping warning signs to university and government departments. Greece was particularly contaminated. The only European countries to be relatively unharmed are Portugal and Spain. Contaminated radioactive winds swept the toxic plume across north-eastern Russia, across into Alaska, Japan, Scotland and Wales - where vast numbers of farms are still blighted by the decaying toxic granules which the mutton herds still graze upon. Thousands of Welsh sheep were murdered. Dozens of Welsh valleys polluted. Clearly, the Welsh people deserve monetary compensation in it's billions. If the tabloid newspapers are to be believed, Russia is now brimming with millionaires. So, Mr Putin, PAY UP! More than two decades after Chernobyl, hundreds of farms are blighted by the Fall Out. Instead of publicly kissing children's nipples in bizarre photo opportunities, we need Mr Putin to liquidate some of that Russian uluvian gold and pay out some compensation to Welsh and Scottish farmers - and, indeed everyone in Europe who is now suffering the after-effects of the Chernobyl contamination. The invisible toxic wind from the burning graphite also flowed north-west toward Sweden, Finland and eastern Europe, exposing the public to levels of up to 1,000 times the normal background radiation. A very serious concern with this type of disaster is the contamination of grain and dairy products from fallout. Agricultural contamination presents the chance for permanent internal contamination of any human or animal who then eats the grain. We will all become Karen Silkwoods. Both Strontium Sr-90 and I-131 migrate to vital organs in the body where they are impossible to remove, serving as a constant source of unnecessary radiation and as a cause of cancer or other diseases. French residents also suffered in Alsace-Lorraine from Chernobyl's toxic plume. Even to this day, thyroid cancer is rearing it's ugly head amongst people living on the Alsace German-Franco border.

    Greenpeace... It is said that the first casualty of War is the TRUTH. The same can be said of nuclear disasters. Why? Why do we rarely ever hear about nuclear leaks and accidents anymore? The answer is that the nuclear reactor manufacturers have bribed and funded enormous numbers of politicians. The nuclear lobby, remember, is ultimately protecting the reputation of a business which earns their majesty's and barons worldwide billions of pounds. The best source of information in this case scenario is Greenpeace - as there are too many brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash and vested interests at the Houses of Parliament for there to be any honest debate about nuclear power. Greenpeace have postulated that there is an ongoing, unfolding medical catastrophe involving potentially 270,000 cases of cancer that can be directly and indirectly attributed to Chernobyl fallout, and that 93,000 of these cases will probably be fatal. Greenpeace say "The most recently published figures indicate that in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine alone, the accident could have resulted in an estimated 200,000 additional deaths in the period between 1990 and 2004". Blake Lee-Harwood, campaigns director at Greenpeace, believes that cancer was likely to be the most common cause of less than half of the final fatalities and that "intestinal problems, heart and circulation problems, respiratory problems, endocrine problems, and particularly effects on the immune system" will also cause fatalities due to the Chernobyl disaster. According to an April 2006 report by the German affiliate of the International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear Warfare (IPPNW), entitled "Health Effects of Chernobyl", more than 10,000 people are today affected by thyroid cancer and 50,000 cases are expected. The report projected tens of thousands dead among the 'liquidators' - these are the soldiers and volunteers who were airlifted onto the roof of the exploded reactor to throw radioactive debris back down into the glowing mass of the core. Even though their exposure time was limited, many of these bio-robot 'liquidators' shrivelled and died at the scene. Rest In Peace. In central Europe, the IPPNW alleges that 10,000 deformities have been observed in newborns because of Chernobyl's radioactive discharge, with 5000 further infant mortalities. There is, to this date no studies or statistics available which confirm or investigate deformities in Alaska or Japan - which were also contaminated by the toxic winds from Chernobyl. It is now clear, amalgamating the data from several ecological and scientific groups, that around 600,000 people who worked within 450km radius of Chernobyl are now sick because of radiation, and at least 22,000 are dead. That is for sure. If the same kind of steam explosion took place at Dengeoness in the United Kingdom, we would have to evacuate almost the entire population of England up to and including greater Manchester. SAFETY is not the issue. Public debates must concern themselves from the publication of this article date - to the RISK - for we would have to move millions of Britons into the forests of Scotland if a Chernobyl happened at Dungeness on the south Coast. If the same catastrophe befell one of the new-build reactors, say, in Gloucestershire, then the entire population of central England and eastern Wales would have to be immediately evacuated. Of course, with their own underground train station underneath the streets surrounding Downing Street and Buckingham Palace, and their enormous offshore land holdings in Ascension Island, the Falklands, Bahamas, Caribbean, Tonga, Cocos Islands, Australia and New Zealand, the Royal Elite would be able to escape unscathed.

    The Chernobyl Sarcophagus - what does it hide? Robot controlled cameras were the first to reveal the 'miracle' of the elephant's foot. It could have melted deep into the earth's crust and exploded the ground water table of the whole of north of central Europe - but instead - miraculously - it just stopped and solidified. Buddhists chanted in temples across the Himalayas when the news seeped across from the Mongolian-Russian-Chinese news networks. Perhaps it was all the monks chanting across the mountains which stopped a catastrophe which would have been an on-going magma-volcanic-nuclear holocaust? Whatever the cause, the cooling of the elephant's foot is a modern miracle. A sarcophagus of solid concrete was constructed to hide the elephants foot. More than a ton of Chernobylite, Plutonium, radioactive graphite and uranium debris is now under this sarcophagus. It needs to stay in place for 100,000 years before the elephants foot is safe. One Hundred Thousand years. At the most, the pyramids have stood for 6,100 - 10,320 years. The greatest wonders of the ancient world have all crumbled away. The great library of Alexandria, the hanging gardens of Babylon, the Samurai temples, the temples of Guetemala and Mexico, the palace of Angkhor Wat in Cambodia - all now mostly swallowed by forest, disrupted by earthquakes... Nothing has ever stood the test of time for 100,000 years. Russian and Ukranian fires of 2010... It is clearly obvious that the Chernobyl Sarcophagus will NOT last 100,000 years without being engulfed in some kind of natural disaster. The first is happening right now with wildfires spreading across the Ukraine. After fourteen years of total anarchy and madness since the disaster first happened, the remaining three reactors were finally closed down on Friday, 15th of December, 2000. At 11:22AM that morning, Chernobyl would become what everyone has always known it would become - the capital of a giant, uninhabited, deathly silent toxic nuclear wasteland which will cost TRILLIONS of dollars to maintain for the next 100,000 years. The official closing ceremony went unreported by the mainstream newsfeeds. Too embarrassing for Mandleson, Blair, Brown, Bush et al to attend... Chernobyl's photo opportunity dissolved - like the bodies of the firemen who staunched the nuclear fires - into dust. Today, you will only read about Chernobyl in specialist magazines such as mine, you will rarely see it mentioned on news reports. There is STILL a palpable foreign news blackout on the subject of the sarcophagus. Tourist parties are even being invited to visit the sarcophagus and view the elephants foot. It is the most hideous form of sadistic PR I have ever seen the nuclear industry perform - even worse than the coach parties of lower working class British school children which are taken to Windscale/Sellafield opn outings. I notice that Eton children have never visited Sellafield.

    Amongst the many bribed members of parliament and senators and congressmen and Lords who advocate the building of yet another 11 Chernobyls in Britain, I urge them all to take their children on a tour of Chernobyl - and camp out for a week in Chernobyl's Magic Forest which glows in the dark, and feed the contaminated and diseased wolves their caviar toasties. This expedition, perhaps headed by Queen Elizabeth herself (a keen BBQ'er by all accounts), would, perhaps, be the only foreign trip the tax payers' would like to see their money spent on. If Her Majesty's government criminal-lacky-lords think nuclear power is a 'RISK WORTH TAKING' then they can take the risk of camping for a week - let's make it a fortnight. Ukranian Prime Minister Viktor Yushchenko received limited BBC airtime when he told reporters "Today Ukraine must understand that Chernobyl is a big tragedy for the whole world". And it is. Even to the last minute of the official shutdown of the final Chernobyl reactor, bribed journalists and Russian spin doctors smudged and fudged a parliamentary vote to postpone the closure until April 2001. Fuckers.

    Chernobyl and the EU Superstate... With more than 700 bribed and lazy members of the European parliament sucumbing to the recent wave of EDF fois gras cocktail parties heralding the nuclear reactor new-builds in Britain, we, the informed and awoken People can now see Sarkozy and EDF for what they truly are. The public can now finally see that 'nuclear power' has little or nothing to do with the generation of 'economic', 'clean' electricity. At the Chernobyl shutdown ceremony, Ukranian President Kuchma stated "...Chernobyl stands as a negative symbol that should have no place upon the Earth... I want to reaffirm once again that we've taken the only right decision, from all points of view and first of all the moral one". Embarased dignitaries and bribed journalists did their best to smooth-over his words as the button to finally shut down the remaining nuclear plant at Chernobyl was pressed - fourteen years after it poisoned a third of the world's surface. The most cynical response came from the EU bribed beaureucrats who stated that the European Union would provide nearly $1,000,000,000 billion of OUR MONEY to build two new replacement nuclear reactors in the Ukraine. If ever I have it within my power, if ever I have the ability to stand for election and take part in this dressage illusion of Democracy in Brussels or Britain, I very very much look forward to punching the slick sadistic low-lives who issued this facetious press release. Nuclear Nightmare Continues... Common Sense dictates that we have learned a most sombre lesson from Hiroshima, Nagasaki, the vapourization of Pacific atolls, Three Mile Island, the assassination of Karen Silkwood, Windscale child leukemia, the toxic beaches of La Hague and Chernobyl. But common sense has nothing to do with the overriding plan of Evil Alchemy which is being - now so obviously - pushed through by Her Majesty's British government, commissioning the French EDF conglomerate (formerly headed by a French bastrad-born aristocrat Baron), to build yet another batch of toxic time bombs on the green and once pleasant land of Great Britain.

    Imagine a 1,000 foot pile of shining gold bars... now imagine a mini mountain of radioactive fuel rods and plutonium pellets... which, as the alchemists have convinced the Royal Elite, will fuel the world and keep revenues streaming in from the missile manufacturers, Depleted Uranium bullet factories and Electricity generating utilities which they have stolen by stealth from the People via share/privatisation scams managed by NM Rothschild in recent years. It is this enduring alchemical idea that the mountain of radioactive waste is not 'waste' at all - potentially, by linking nearby reactors to an underground particle accelerator, nuclear-physicist-alchemists have promised their Majesties that this toxic mountain will one day all be Gold and Platinum.

    At the risk of incinerating the world... They continue this barberous

    and thoroughly