
Immigration What if conditions in your country made it imperative to flee to someone else’s?

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What if conditions in your country made it imperative to flee to someone else’s?


Page 1: Immigration

Immigration What if conditions in your country made it imperative to flee

to someone else’s?

Page 2: Immigration

IMMIGRATION Why should we care about immigration?

Illegal immigration is a genuinely national issue, and resolving it requires a national

commitment not just on health care but also border control, law enforcement and other

resources. -Jon Kyl

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Every country in the World

has problems with

immigration. Over

populating, can’t keep up

with the rising demand of

food, and jobs are being

taken away from citizens are

just a few of the many

problems being created by


Immigration’s Definition is the action of coming to

live permanently in a foreign country. Every state, every

country, every continent deals with immigration; whether it

be illegal or legal.

Immigrants from all over the world may have

problems coming to a new country, even if it’s only to visit.

There are many steps that must be done to leave a country

and to enter another. Passports and ID’s are required and

must be correct.

Some countries frown upon any immigration and

especially focus on illegal immigrants. They punish illegal

immigrants by taking them hostage or even killing them.

All along the countries are borders you must get

through to leave and come in through. Every border has

guards that are supposed to keep an eye on it at all times, and

yet illegal immigrants still get through. People’s money goes

into these borders and yet there are immigrants coming in

and stealing jobs from the people of that country.

Illegal immigration problems started when people

started fighting for the rights they should have. Which

include birth rights, or fighting in an American war with

American soldiers. Many problems still are faced today and

are increasingly getting worse.

Did you know:

o The United States has a

total of 38,355,000


o China has 3,852,000


o The country with the least

amount of immigrants is

Niue, with only 100


Page 3: Immigration

Where does this happen?

Unfortunately, immigration happens all over the world. The picture below shows the amount of

immigrant population from darkest (being the most amount of people) to lightest (being the least


Did you know that…

The United States has more than 20% of

all immigration that occurs in the world?

The US is deemed a country that brings

change upon a person’s life. People

around the world have moved here for a

better chance at life. The nick-name

“Melting Pot” was given to the US

because of the large amount of

immigration. Next leading is Russia with

a much lower 6%. A list created by the

World Population Policies showed that

there are 186,579,300 immigrants in

different countries throughout the world.

The truth is…

This happens in almost every country. It

isn't just the United States that constantly

attains immigrants. It’s unfortunate that

people in the world need to move just to

feed their families. Most immigration

occurs because of poor living. This is

because the government in their home

country does not act upon giving their

citizens a proper life. These people want to

feed their families and provide a better life

for them in their country. Wouldn’t you do

the same thing if you were in their


Page 4: Immigration

Did you Know?

Mexico is number 5 in world oil production

Largest population in all Latin America

Mexico’s debt is 34 billion dollars

Within the next year 70 billion people will retire



Total area-1,972,550

Capitol-Mexico City


Religion-97% Roman


Location-located in North

America bordered by U.S

to the North, Belize and


Mortality rate-17%

Life expectancy-Male-73

yrs female-79

Access to clean water-

Mexican government

wants to invest 21 billion

dollars into making sure

97% of population has


Literacy rate-93%

Doctor to patient ratio-1 to


8.2 % of population living

on fewer than 2 dollars a


How bad do living conditions have to be for people to

leave their homes and families know for something better?


Mexican workers immigrated to the U.S to work in

fields where the immigrants worked. The immigrant

population in the U.S grew dramatically in 1880-1890.

After the Mexican revolution in 1910 the government

was not successful in improving Mexicans lives. In 1924

U.S border control was created and immigrants were

defined as illegal immigrants. As American government

felt the need such as World War II migrant workers

could still cross the border. The government resisted

putting restrictions and regulations on border control.

Page 5: Immigration

Francisco’s Story

Francisco is an undocumented Mexican immigrant

bright to the United States at the age of five. He

works hard and hopes to become a schoolteacher

someday, but conservative politicians and big

businesses would like to see otherwise. Francisco

had no choice in moving to the United States, but

he is here and all he knows of the world is

American culture. If he were to “Go back to

Mexico” he would be an outcast in an alien society.

He has lived his entire life in a different culture and

for all intents and purposes, this 24 year-old is as

American as you or I. He is quoted saying, “What

is the difference between race and being a

magician?” Francisco asked. “They both create

illusions.” He is noting that illegal immigrants are

scapegoats for politicians to look like heroes to a

society of ignorant isolationists. The American

people are unaware of the hardworking individuals

behind the smokescreen name of “Illegal

Immigrant.” Modern day Americans only hear the

negative stereotype, instead of the troubled, hard-

working individuals just trying to get by. If

Francisco was brought to America at such a young

age that he was unable to make decisions for

himself, he should not be responsible for the

adverse complications of his arrival. Instead he

should be granted the same liberties that a

normal American is. If he were able to go to

school, get a degree, and becomes successful; he

could then pay taxes on that income and become a

member of American society.

What is the current climate in Mexico? Right now, Mexican emigration rates are as high as ever. Poverty, governmental corruption, and

violence have all but severed the hopes of happiness in Mexico. The emigrants choose to come

to America to help their children have better lives, or to pursue the “American dream.” However,

even today Mexican immigrants either find themselves working for far less than minimum wage,

or facing discrimination for showing national pride. They left their countries, came to American

seeking refuge and prosperity, and now they are treated as if they were diseased. It is downright

disgraceful to think that a man is worth less than another man just based upon his location at

birth. For an immigrant to choose to lose their heritage just to give their children a better life is

an ultimate sacrifice and a most commendable deed. And yet, even now there are men and

women that would have them charged and deported.

How do we solve the immigration issue?

The Mexican government should reform,

restructure, and revive their system so that the

corruption and poverty that run madly throughout

the country can be solved. They should also create

more security for employment in their country so

that the opportunity for Mexican citizens will be

equal to all, and then they will have their very

own, “Mexican dream.”

Page 6: Immigration

2004: Number of Immigrants coming

to the United States

Origin of Country Total

Total 946,142

Mexico 175,364

India 70,116

Philippines 57,827

China, People’s Republic 51,156

Vietnam 31,514

Dominican Republic 30,492

El Salvador 29,795

Cuba 20,488

Korea 19,766

Colombia 18,678

Other Countries 440,946

The Issue

Over population

o The whole world is experiencing over population. Hurts America even more with

immigrants flooding in.


o Citizens struggle to compete for jobs with immigrants.

Threat of terrorism and crime from illegal immigrants

o Illegal immigrants are not allowed to work due to strict policies and requirements.

o They are pressured into crimes due to lack of income from no job.

o Since America is known for the “Land of Opportunity” some immigrants expect

an easier life. Finding out life in America is still difficult or possibly even harder

than before. The frustration and disappointment may lead to violence and crime.

Issues Immigrant Families Face

Immigrant parents may experience unemployment, discrimination, and social isolation,

and may fear that their children will lose their cultural heritage.

Immigrant families living in poverty may lack adequate housing and/or access to

healthcare and education.

Immigrant parents often face language barriers.

What the Government could to do

More security along the borders.

Fine countries for allowing citizens to

migrate illegally.

Allow more immigrants a legal citizenship so

it is easier to keep track of all the


American Culture.

The United States is a nation of immigrants.

The country is open to a very diverse population in

culture, religion, and social structure. The country has

seen rich culture and civilization expand due to

talented, ambitious, and hard working foreigners.

Unfortunately, illegal and disruptive outsiders have

endangered nation security.

Page 7: Immigration


What should you do? You decide! Take action to stand for it or against it.