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  • 8/9/2019 Implementation Plan - Marketing IIIB



    PlanPrepared for:

    Hannah Robinson0863482

    Lecturer: Diane LeeDue: 18th June, 2010.

    Word Count: 2,032 words

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    ExecutiveSummaryIn 1936, Helmit Schoen and his family settled in Adelaide and purchased two hundred acres of land in

    McLaren Vale. South Oz Winery had developed as a small business and then eventually developed on

    the land, a 12 unit bed and breakfast, a restaurant and a small arts and crafts shop in the tasting area. All

    these developments have been very successful; however the winery was the major growth and profits

    provider. In 2004 and 2006, the Shiraz red variety received the Jimmy Watson trophy and by receiving

    this award, it provided a significant boost to the brand awareness and the demand of wine.

    Our vision for the future is Traditional winery. Modern outlook. Sophisticated wines.

    We will strive to uphold the following values that represent our organisational culture.

    Communication: practice open, accurate and timely communication with employees,customers and external clients.

    Collaboration: pull together collective information to perform at our best. Passion: commited to the company, customers and clients in our heart and in our mind. Diversity: Offer diversity as inclusive as our products. Quality: ensure whatever we do, we do it well.

    At South Oz Winery, we are committed into:

    Entering strategic alliances to benefit our company and those we are in alliance with. Extending our product line with creating ros wines for charity benefits. Create more modern promotions so that that we can reach our target market effectively. By

    focusing strongly on customers and their needs will maximise profits and build a strong

    reputation which can be recognised by new customers as well as existing ones.

    At South Oz Wines, there are two Key Performance Indicators which will help them measure the

    effectiveness of their implementation plan.

    1. The percentage of revenue received from the new Rose product.2. The percentage of revenue received from Melbas Confectionary store.

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    The CEOs key result areas is approving plans and budgetsto ensure that South Oz Wines are making

    effective decisions and leadership and communicationto keep the culture and corporate structure together

    by informing employees and clients and ensuring all communication is understood.

    The Marketing Managers key result areas is managing advertisements and lead marketing teamto ensure that

    what South Oz Wines is putting out to the public is correct and delivering correct informationby holding

    meetings with clients and partners. One other KRA for the marketing manager is measuring effectivenessto

    ensure that our marketing plan has been implemented correctly and our advertising and reached our

    target audiences.

    We have many advantages from our current quality assurance are as follows;

    Increasing customer confidence in our product and services.

    Encouraging and improving staff performance with benefits. Finding and fixing any problems which have/could occur. Understanding risks and how to manage them.

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    General Assignment Checklist 2

    Executive Summary 3-4

    Contents 5

    1 Introduction 6

    2 Company Overview 7

    2.1 Background Information 7

    2.2 Mission, Vision and Values 7

    2.2.1 Mission 7

    2.2.2 Vision

    2.2.3 Values

    2.3 Strategies, Aims and Objectives 8

    2.3.1 Objectives 8

    2.3.2 Strategies 8

    2.4 Marketing Tactics 8

    2.4.1 Target Market Segments

    2.4.2 Product Strategies 9

    2.4.3 Pricing Strategies 9

    2.4.4 Distribution Strategies. 9

    2.5 Budget Allocation 9

    3 Implementation Schedule 10

    3.1 KPIs 103.2 KRAs 10

    3.3 Timeline

    4 Measurement and Control 11

    4.1 Quality Assurance 11

    4.2 Risk Management 11

    5 Conclusion 12

    6 References 13

    Appendix A:Timeline 14

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    According to Thorpe and Morgan (2006) it is stated that the critical determinant in the success and

    survival of a corporation is the successful implementation of a strategic marketing plan. In this report,

    you will find an overview of South Oz Winery including the mission, vision and values. You will also

    find the implementation plan which South Oz Winery will follow in order to implement their strategic

    plan effectively.

    The implementation plan outlines the responsibilities and accountabilities of the employees when it

    comes to the tasks in implementing the strategic marketing plan which was published previously. It will

    also show the duration of the tasks and when they will take place within 2010.

    In order to complete this report, information was taken from previous assignments and research of

    Gantt charts; KPIs and KRAs were undertaken to ensure the correct information was inputted.

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    CompanyOverview2.1 Background Information

    In 1936, Helmit Schoen and his family settled in Adelaide and purchased two hundred acres of land in

    McLaren Vale. South Oz Winery had developed as a small business and then eventually developed on

    the land, a 12 unit bed and breakfast, a restaurant and a small arts and crafts shop in the tasting area. All

    these developments have been very successful; however the winery was the major growth and profits

    provider. In 2004 and 2006, the Shiraz red variety received the Jimmy Watson trophy and by receiving

    this award, it provided a significant boost to the brand awareness and the demand of wine.

    2.2 Mission, Vision and Values

    2.2.1 Mission

    We are committed to promote quality and excellence in South Australian wine making and to enhance

    consumer awareness of the quality and diversity of the wines made at South Oz Winery. We produce

    premium, unique wines of good flavour, colour and value to provide consumers with an exceptional

    wine-drinking experience.

    2.2.2 Vision

    Our vision for the future is Traditional winery. Modern outlook. Sophisticated wines.

    This is our vision statement as we begin with a traditional winery, and we want to keep our winery

    traditional but with our own modern twist and outlook while keeping and improving on our

    sophisticated wine.

    2.2.3 ValuesThe employees of South Oz Wineryare dedicated to fulfilling the companys mission and they commit

    their abilities and energy to continue the history. In doing so, we will strive to uphold the following

    values that represent our organisational culture.

    Communication: practice open, accurate and timely communication with employees,customers and external clients.

    Collaboration: pull together collective information to perform at our best. Passion: commited to the company, customers and clients in our heart and in our mind. Diversity: Offer diversity as inclusive as our products. Quality: ensure whatever we do, we do it well.

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    2.3 Objectives and Strategies

    At South Oz Winery we have determined our objectives and strategies which will help our business

    strive with excellence, exceptional customer service and great quality wine. These objectives and

    strategies have been put into place so that our staff and customers are satisfied and our reputation is

    kept at a high standard. At South Oz Winery, all of our goals are specific, measurable, attainable,

    relevant and time-bound.

    2.3.1 Objectives

    At South Oz Winery, we are committed into:

    Entering strategic alliances to benefit our company and those we are in alliance with. Extending our product line with creating ros wines for charity benefits. Create more modern promotions so that that we can reach our target market effectively. By

    focusing strongly on customers and their needs will maximise profits and build a strong

    reputation which can be recognised by new customers as well as existing ones.

    2.3.2 Strategies

    By partnering with Melbas chocolate and confectionary, South Oz Winery believe it will increase

    profits and also produce more awareness towards the Winery as it will be locally recognised and will

    also become a greater tourist attraction. At South Oz Winery we feel that by employing friendly,

    hardworking and ambitious staff who is committed to the company and who fit in with our corporate

    culture and those who will share their opinions and ideas towards improving our business. They will

    provide exceptional customer service and will look after all customers and clients to make sure they

    receive the best of the best. We at South Oz Winery appreciate all customer feedback.

    2.4 Marketing Tactics

    Our marketing tactics are based on our marketing mix in order to implement our strategies.

    2.4.1 Target Market Segments

    Even though South Oz Wines target markets are separated into two segments, South Oz Wines have

    adopted a mass marketing strategy as all markets are able to be reached with one direct marketing

    campaign. The first segment is generation X male and females, who are young professionals with

    middle to high income. The second segment is baby boomers male and females, who are corporate

    professionals with middle to high income. Both segments are generally located in McLaren Vale,Mitcham, Burnside and Unley.

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    2.4.2 Product Strategies

    South Oz Wines wishes to use an augmented product strategy, as South Oz Wines offers fantastic after

    sales service and warranty etc. South Oz Wines bases their product strategy on serviceability, customer

    service and the relationship we have with the customers to give them what they want.

    2.4.3 Pricing Strategies

    There are many factors which determine which pricing strategy to use. These factors are: your

    competitors, your suppliers, the availability of other products and your customers (Kyle, 2008). South

    Oz Wines uses a competitive pricing strategy when it comes to pricing the wines. They based their

    prices between what competitors are pricing their wines.

    2.4.4 Distribution Strategies

    South Oz Wines has three distribution channels to distribute their wine and winery merchandise to

    consumers. The primary channel is retail (on-premises) sales which is the sale of wine directly to

    customers at the winery. The second distribution channel is retail (off-premises) sales which are the

    sales of wine to liquor stores then to customers. The third and last distribution channel is internet sales

    because South Oz Wines are hoping to eventually target global consumers as well as our younger

    generation of target market who are tech-savvy.

    2.5 Budget Allocation

    Our budget for 2010 was based on the revenue of $15,000,000 earned in 2009. This years budget of

    $10,000,000 has been allocated in the following way:


    $2,000 (to provide and pay for market research)

    Implement Plan:

    $100,160 (Rose wine-making process inc. bottling, labelling and distribution)

    $5,500 (Shipping order & Melbas inventory)

    $275,000 (Advertising)


    $401,882 (for the year)

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    3.1 KPIs

    At South Oz Wines, there are two Key Performance Indicators which will help them measure the

    effectiveness of their implementation plan.

    3. The percentage of revenue received from the new Rose product.4. The percentage of revenue received from Melbas Confectionary store.

    These KPIs rely on the advertising by South Oz Wines to generate awareness. If the advertising is not

    effective, then South Oz Wines will struggle to reach their objectives and have effective KPIs.

    3.2 KRAs

    The Key Result Area for employees accountabilities of the implementation plan is important to ensure

    that all of the responsibilities are completed.We have outlined the KRAs for the two most important

    roles in the Implementation Plan. The KRAs were determined by using the process outlined in Life-

    Role Development Groups (2001) KRA article.

    The CEOs key result areas is approving plans and budgetsto ensure that South Oz Wines are making

    effective decisions and leadership and communicationto keep the culture and corporate structure together

    by informing employees and clients and ensuring all communication is understood.

    The Marketing Managers key result areas is managing advertisements and lead marketing teamto ensure that

    what South Oz Wines is putting out to the public is correct and delivering correct informationby holding

    meetings with clients and partners. One other KRA for the marketing manager is measuring effectivenessto

    ensure that our marketing plan has been implemented correctly and our advertising and reached our

    target audiences.

    3.5 Timeline

    See Appendix A.

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    4.1 Quality Assurance

    South Oz Winery aims to maintain their quality assurance by ensuring that all systems within the

    company are keeping the product and services so that the customers and South Oz Winery are satisfied

    with the quality and consistency. We have many advantages from our current quality assurance are as


    Increasing customer confidence in our product and services. Encouraging and improving staff performance with benefits. Finding and fixing any problems which have/could occur. Understanding risks and how to manage them.

    4.2 Risk Management

    Risks Management

    Unpredictable weather (shortages in product dueto soiled grapes.)

    Insurance or knowledge of wholesaler grapes.

    Workplace incidents Liability InsuranceGuest accidents Communicate safety procedures; ensure safety

    (OHS&W) signs are visible. Liability insurance.Owner/Manager/Employee sickness Ensure other managers and employees are trained

    in other employees roles to back up. Make rostersto ensure employees know when they are working.

    Excessive alcohol consumption Responsible Service of Alcohol is in place.Security when festivals are on.

    Thefts Security system installed. Security companyassigned to monitor premises.

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    After South Oz Winery has implemented their strategic marketing plan, management will get together

    and communicate the issues that may have occurred while the implementation plan was being

    performed and determined how they would fix this in the coming years.

    South Oz Wines will then continue to strongly look back on their objectives and also their strategies

    into developing customer communication so that they can then improve their business and also

    develop reasons of improvement. South Oz Wines need to make sure that this plan is looked at

    frequently so that they can then determine if the implementation plan has been used effectively.

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    Kyle, J. (2008) Product Strategies Learning Marketing.Accessed 15 June, 2010.

    Life Role Development Group (2001) Highlight: Key Result Areas. Accessed 15 June, 2010.

    Thorpe, E.R. & Morgan, R.E (2006) In pursuit of the ideal approach to successful marketingstrategy implementation European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 42. No. 5/6. Pp 659-677. Accessed 15 June,2010.
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