improving the wider social determinants of health in sunderland through food in schools

Improving the wider social determinants of health in Sunderland through Food in Schools

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Post on 01-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Improving the wider social determinants of health in Sunderland through Food in Schools

Improving the wider social determinants of health in

Sunderland through Food in Schools

Page 2: Improving the wider social determinants of health in Sunderland through Food in Schools

Objectives• Sunderland has high levels of deprivation and

obesity compared to Britain as a whole

• 27.8% of 5 year olds are overweight or obese rising to 38.4% by age 11

• The Food in Schools programme uses fun and interactive games and activities to teach children, families and the wider community the practical skills and knowledge needed to lead healthier lives

• The Food in Schools programme aims to:

– Challenge cultural barriers to healthy lifestyle choices

– Increase take up of healthy school meals

– Support the city wide strategy for challenging obesity

Page 3: Improving the wider social determinants of health in Sunderland through Food in Schools

Results• 50,000 children from 98 schools across

Sunderland have benefited from the programme

• Primary school meal uptake is 11% above the national average

• Excellent partnership working has been developed with Sunderland Football Club to promote healthy eating and exercise

• 88 schools have whole school food policies•35 schools have achieved national Healthy Schools status

•150 people have received accredited nutrition training

•20,000 free recipe books have been given out to encourage healthy cooking at home

Page 4: Improving the wider social determinants of health in Sunderland through Food in Schools


• The programme has continued to evolve to promote physical activity alongside healthy eating to help combat obesity

• Feedback on the programme has been extremely positive.

“When are you coming back to do more cookery with us because I really enjoyed cooking with my Mam.” (St Bede’s Primary School)

•A strong partnership approach has ensured the programme complements the broader health agendas in Sunderland

•Interactive and ‘hands on’ sessions ensure fun and memorable lessons to positively impact on lifestyle choices

•Involving families and the wider community has helped ensure lasting change and reinforced lessons taught in schools