imrortant tate odds and - library of congress · imrortant news items condenseo interesting...

IMrORTANT NEWS ITEMS CONDENSEO Interesting Happenings Boiler Down For tho Busy Ilemlcr FOREIGN ANn DOMESTIC NOTES What Our Government Officials Are DoingCrimes and Casualties A Summary of Prominent Events Througout the Globe Congressional Proceedings Iho assembling of Clio GOth congres n the ith for the first session was without unusual features Hpoako < winon and other onicore of the hous WITO reeleotod A brluf session wa 1111 by tho senate which odjournoi ml of respect to the memory ot the alt tfennior Platt SCt attar nsw sen ttiors had been sworn In A large uum c r of bills were Introduced In thY iiouse covering a large variety ot tUb JrtaHojialor Newlands Inlrnrtuced a rei lutlon providing for national Incor lr ration of railroads An appropriation of 11JDOOOOO wai nand toward the construction ot thr IMiamo canal by the house on the 71 h It was a rampromlH betwser hi lGJ ioooo celled In the bill U- Rer KJMlderatloa and an oetlmato ol niMlitRg ovr tl6009000 reoom mended by Mr Williams the demo raUc tende- rftepreautaUw Utttaflakl of Maine introduced a bill providing a dealt fishy fur an nseaaeln ot the p- rInt Ice president or any M1batm tr or minister of a foreign country i the fnlteil States Kcjiro ntittiTf Hardwlck rolntrc ell a j int rototaUon declaring thai- s tare policy of Uio United States nS grant lad wndeDce to the Philip UIfls as won u a liable gorarnnienl Aiiohlmbed In the islands itenatar fnll > rson Introduced a joist T iltiuon setting aside o e balf of the prarrla d pubIC lauds in the Phil pplns belonging to the Unllod State crralv a permanent public tree tool flKlJ Miscellaneous fhv rItL tiio of ganator Cuban rrv M > pw us a director of the VjuitaWi flff AKsurane society was shad iy Prf ldent Morton Mr 11toII ixiidtiu the reMifnatloB would to IMinaker Z7 S1upooa directed to the pool action growing out r the In vrn jai Ion of life Insurance i < lla ojir a rash iW by District nonet Jetonw to the legislative mmltto while n WMt hoMing Its baring in the city man Mr Jerome Hd tbs Be waatedin tad out when h cnnki get pocsceckHi of a copy of i i agar of the committee Chair inn Aniii RMa already has said that I bops n have It ready for the leg shire fhen it mods next January ITio ir < itiativi romralltee which is nv iuciing life tneuranoe condlttons terwhi I It pond to DIstrict Altar i y Joroiio the rpqueet tbat the lash HIt pf i > ilng + agalnet Tbomae F Ryan tsnd r and owner ot Ute ma nty of iho stock of the liqwltahle Life AiMnraace eottel7 to punish Mr Hyan tor refusing to answer questions Th nMiKnatlon of Robert II Mo r < rdy giunral manager of the Mutual Ifn iMtiranc Co was preeentad to tin bar i of trustees anti noeeplod Iho tvalffnatloa takes effect Oeoem br 51 A report Win published that John A Me all of the New York Life In xiratoe Co would resign In an In tofrlcw Mr McCall denied the roport The controversy between tho pow rH nnd tho aultati regarding intorna moat control of Macedonian flnancoa I1 rrf7jnietl by the French foreign of iro mt eh sed Tho International fleet 0 remaining inactive ItoMea ogRS wero thrown at Mad ame Sarah Rernhardt attar the per fnrrotnce at the Auditorium Quobec iwAuf oho dtopleasod a number ot rHBopw to that city on account ot an interview she gave to a number of rwlllupr men Tho restoration of pensions to re marred widows after their socond huubind has died or the woman has oon divorced through no fault of her oleIC IH provided for in a bill intro duce ta tho sebato by Senator Bur rowsThe nhons of tho Union Dry Docks u and Uio Erie transfer and freight roust Buffalo were destroyed by fire causing a loss estimated at 131000 Charlie E Elder who was some i yoap ago said to have oecn an impor ant witness la tho trials arising out of the killing ot Gov Uoebol In Ken ¬ tucky and who has been a merchant at Nome Alaska Fort Worth and clamp MaKlnlcy was shot in the breast by an unknown assailant In front of tho Southern hotel Dakurs fiord Cal henry nates a negro was hanged at Columbus Tex for having commit tcd a murderous assault upon Mr and Mrs Fred Kuhlee whose home ho robbed Orland C Pot general auditor of tho DvMawnre Lackawanna Western Railroad Co died at his homo In East Orange N J He wall born in Colum but O- Tho first legal execuUon in tho his- tory of Fulton county Georgia for the rlmo ot criminal assault took place in Atlanta whet Jim Wlllcor the self ronfMed nopro avsallaat ot Mrs Al io Mare VflJ handed i + Ywa p w r TJio situation In St Petersburg III visibly growing worse The critic moment for Ccnnt Witte is cdmln when the liberal elements will doman his resignation A rosolutlfln by tho nRrlciiHiirlHta at Moscow dcmandln the Immediate dismissal of tho V tutor cabinet denotes the beginning of tho movement away from Count Wllto and signs Indicate that this movement will gain in Intensity soon Mutineers have seized the arsenal at Hyalorlnotlar and secur l lfl000 rifle which havo been dlntrlhitlal at Ekr tnrlnodar and Norvorossyult It Is alco said that a revolt has broken out nt BIlMbotbuol Agrarian disturbances havo bogu In some parts of Poland In the SOY ornmcnt of Lublin the peasants or- dered the landlords to leavo their oe totes telling them that tho muds bOo longed to the people Father Capon leader of the work Ingmon on lied Sunday January 21 was condemned to doath by a centra revolutionary tribunal Two omlssf ties o1 tho committee woro uamed to carry nut the sentence The torment among tho troops If In creasing at Wnrsuw A hundred 101 dlers of tho koxboim roglmunt heat cd a proeueslon singing ruvolullonar songsMany officers arc beIng killed by re bollloiis troop at Harbin ItecHrv ofilcura ore not permitted to retur homo All messages item Manehurt ore censored The French senate after a tang de- bate adopted the bill for the Mpan tlon ot church cud state by a vote of 181 against 108 The vote was an- nounced amid enthusiastic scenoi The law becomes operative at once Pat Crowe who IMS been on trial on a charge of shooting with Iniont to ktll Officer Albert Jackson on tho nigh of September C was acquitted Jle was remanded to Jail whore he will be held until he can be tried on t1M charge of highway robbery in cnnnsc lion with the kidnapping of IMwari Cudahy at Ombha Neb Commander Cameron Men Wlni low formerly naval aide to the pre dent nnd now In tho command of the Mayflower has been selected to com nand the new proteoud cruise Charleston Fugitives who have arrived at VI eDna state that the condHlont in Odes so and UeMerabla are desperate Dm lag tho rioting of Uie lest few day they aanort 8000 persons Inolndlni many students hue been killed 01 ended A secret meeting at Ohlnampho of the leaden of a ooMpIracy to assat slBAte all the Korean ministers all signed the treaty with Japan was set prised by Japanese troupe who attest od tea of the conspirator The third IntemnUoMl Qosgreee 01 American ItepohUca will nest In Inc Janeiro Jensen It IHO Joseph W PalrteJiha one of the foandere of the refMbMcstn party dle4 at KarmltiBtoa Vt aged 94 year Secretary of War TaU trabtnittai ills annunj report to the preeldent showing the operathm of the r for the poet year The army durbar tu past year has remained vtr o8ll as oriraalxvd in 1M2 Its maximal etreeath not Including the hospital corps as now flxe1 by executive or der la 80475 enlisted men Durlnj i he year ended June So 1905 there were 1M seeoad Neuteemnto appoint In the army The aggregate strengt of the orgaHlaed znlllUo of the state and territories Deeember 31 1804 as ihown by the annual returns was 121 SOS OAMtetlBg ot 914 offlcers am 11274 nonoommliwkined officers mil sloians privates etc Tho valuable presents and trophies of Miss Alice RoosoveU trip to thi Orient wore placed in her poageMlon Tboy arrived about Rye weeks ago but wore given their turn in osamina lion and appraisement The University of Michigan Athletic utcoolation netted JIGOOO profit on the 1005 football season Wm It Hearst announces that he Is not a candidate for govcrnorot Now York Dtulncss failures in the United States for tbo week ending December 7 numbered 203 against 188 tho proP vious1 week 231 In the like week of 1904 241 In 1903 and 247 in 1902 Elsie Parker colored was stabbed and almost Instantly killed in tho cor- ridor of tho West Side pollco court Now York William Williams a ne- gro who had boon summoned to court by the woman to answer to a charge at assault waa arrested for the mur ior GOY Samuel W Pcnnypaoker ac opted on behalf of tho state the nonument to the 109th Pennsylvania roluntecra on Orchard Knob and turned it over to tho national govern ¬ mont Tho American ambassador Mr Meyer arrived at St Petersburg from Berlin by rail Mystery surrounds the ease of W D Johnson a resident of North Blnn ngham Ala who was found dead near his homo with a bullet wound In ils right side It was on tho testl nony of Johnson that Harry Scrog glnl Is now In Jail charged with tho murder of D W West whose body vas found near tho same place Gon Manuel Sangullly independent In politics resigned tho presidency of the Cuban senate thus opining tho way for tho selection as his successor ot a member of tho moderato or adI nlnlstratlon patty Herbert Squires may bo given a now lost After his conference with See etary Root It was semiofficially an- nounced that tho former minister to Cuba will not leave tho diplomatic crvlco Tho funeral services of the lato Jos nus Ion Parsons United States consul enoral took place at Christ church Itrilco City Senator John H Mitchell died a Portland Ore Tho end was peaceful An hour before tho patients heart IUld ceased to boat ho was In a profoun coma Every effort known to sclcnc was made to prolong his life but wit out success Senator Mitchell wa seized with a hemorrhage after hav- Ing a tooth extracted Vice President Fairbanks wHl Dot appoint a committee of senators to att- end the funeral ot Senator John 11 Mitchell ot Oregon and It Is tho TIB drrstandlng that the senate will DOt fallow tho custom of setting aaldo II dRY for eulogies on tho dead senator Without a tremor and without a word Mrs Mary Mabel Rogers mivrub od to hrr death on the gallows at Lbe state prison at Windsor VL and pall the penalty of murdering her nusband Marcus Rogers at Uonntngton on Au gust IS 1002 To all appearances Mrs Rogora was the calmest person In tho chamber of death With very simple ceremony tho body of Mrs Mary M Rogers who was hanged at Windsor Vt for thi murder of her husband was burled In St Marys cemetery Ilootlc Falls N Y r would resign my position how- ever high it might bo before I would fco the ono to execute a death son tenoe whether the condemned person were a tuna or a woman said Gov B W iioah of Kansas In talking or the exMutlon at V1iMl or Vt of Mrs Mary Rogers TIll secret service has announced the discovery of a new oounterfol ten dollar United States Buffalo note series JW1 Lyons register Rob arts treasurer The old frigate Nlptic at ono tlmi the crown of the American navy and tie only American warship to oscapi the typhoon at Apia Samoa In 1S89 is to go into commission at tho Pugel Sound navy yard as a prison ship Rev N R Torrey an ovangellst who has boon conducting a four years worldxvido revival returned with hit family to New York on tho Baltic Ills feUowworkor the singing olIn gellst Alexander will soon Join him Two men are dead one Is dying sad two others are In a serious condition as the result of being overcome bj the fumes of coal gas in the tar paper mill Of W 11 Rankln at Elisabeth N JH Is staled that the Ryan syndicate ef New York has closed a 16000000 deal hy which It secure possession of ooal Iron and railway property la the TieinUy ot nhiefieU Town Dr Zndoo Kohn grand rabbi of the Central Coneietory of Israelites In France died in Park lie occupied the highest odlce among the hebrews of France stay T Vanettieoh state service ed- Itor of the Pnbelo Col Chieftain broke the worlds typewriting record for both Us M minutes and one bout jeets laWog 24Q0 wordn during the tint M minotee and flnfebln the hour with 4 J12 words Mrs Louir RWrldso the ncrow who retired tram the stage eight years tyro dim at the home of her area In New York She was 76 years old and west on the stage in 1844 Attorney Gettera Mayer with the aneletaaee of Superintendent of hue Clone Morgan has unearthed nearly 1000 case of fraud at the last sloe loft in New York city The marital troubles of William El lie Corey president of the billion dol- lar steel corporation presented a now feature when tho story gained cur- rency that the retirement of Mr Co rey was decided on six months ago and was peremptorily demanded at that time The meeting of the board of govern ¬ ors of the American Cotton Manufac tuners aaeooiation to consider coop oration with cotton growers was call od for Charlotte N C December 19 Instead ot the 9th as at first stated By the breaking out of smallpox on tho naval yacht Sylph assigned for the use of President Roosevelt and family the vessel Is practically quar ¬ antlned and tho crow put under closo observation by the health authorities Only ono case has developed that of Clarence Marlow a nogro sailor Tho body of Miss Etta n lilacs head nurse of tho Grundy sanitarium at Relay Md who disappeared some days ago was found In tho water at Petapsco Dam There wore no marks ot violence on tho body Primo Minister Sir Henry Camp bellBannerman has succeeded in form ing a new British cabinet Kid McCoy sent a challenge to Jas J Corbett for a fight tho terms of which are to be arranged Inter It be ¬ ing understood that a new club In Del awjire formed by Tom ORourke will offer a purse of 20000 Provision for construction of a dry dock at Pensacola Flo capable of accommodating tho largest ships In tho navy is urged by Rr Adm WL CaPPS chief constructor of tho navy In his annual report To convicts In the Cuban peniten ¬ tinny mutinied and a fierce fight be- tween them and tho guards followed In which two of the prisoners wore mortally wounded 16 more or less ser- iously woundM and three of tho guards badly Injured Baroness Sodwltz sister ot Marquise DeMontlers both of whom were rear- ed as wards of Bishop John Lancaster Spalding of tho diocese of Peoria ill ind created a sensation over tho world tiy renouncing Catholicism a year ago Is In Peoria to see Bishop Spaldlng ind effect a reconciliation with tho noted prelate It is announced semi jlficlally that tho famous woman will mo for readmission to tho Roman hurch William MoWllllams who ploadod jullly to tho murder of his wife and bye children a week ago was sentenc- ed to death at Independence Ia J awateu w POST OFFICE AFFAIRS The Annual Report Postnmstei General Cortclyou At the End of the Year There Were In Operation 08131 Post Offices The Number of Employee Is About 280000 Washington Dec 11 Postraastci General Cortolyou In his annual re- port for the past fiscal year says that while a selfsustaining condition of the post office department would be gratl tying ho Is loss concerned about the doOcIt than the efficiency of admlnlfi tratlon For the fiscal year 1905 the total receipts from all sources wen 152820085 and total expenditure 107181960 leaving a deficit of 11 572684 In connection with these fig uros tho postmaster general direct attention to the Increased amount of free matter handled which he says nvoragod 1268 per cent of the entlrt weight carried or a loss in revenui of 119822000 Manifestly he says had tho matter now earned free been roqulral to have been prepaid not withstanding tho largo expenditure for the rural free delivery service there would have Neon no deficit Governmental control of the pncu matlt tube service and mall wagon service Is recommended and la tho lat- ter cdse an appropriation Is asked to purchase wagons of approved patters for carrying the walls An Increase of 577 per cent in the amount of ordinary mall bandied as compared with 1804 Is noted In th railway mall sorvlco which tho post matter general shows a normal growtt with gratifying maintenance of effl clew During tho year 12 clerks were killed while on duty and 125 so rioualy injured At tho end of the fiscal year June 30 there wero in operation CS131 post number of employes In om1The at largo is stated to be 1169 are In the de- partment at Washington A GENERAL STRIKE Probable That It Will Be Called In Russia After Christmas St Petersburg Dec 9 via Edytkuh non Dec 11 There are many dlsor era In this city M Krustaloff lender of the movement baa been arrested This has created an immense sensn ton among the workmen All the so cintlst labor and kindred organlza lions are holding a meeting at which sweat Inflammatory speeches are be- Ing made in denuBdalkra of the gov eminent end all are talking of a gen oral strike In order to save weir Matter In j a Istervlow M Krueteloft sold Il1 If1 probable that a general strike will be doctarert Just after Christmas Delegate who wore sent to all parts of the country report that the pro pool for a strike has been welcomed with enthusiasm and in fact that the whole country Is ripe for revolution A vast majority of the workmen are true revolutionaries though Mamma ton some times compels them to sub ordlaate their political alms Prepa- ration for an armed rising is well ad- vanced but it can not hope to sue teed unkM Joined by a considerable body of troops DEATH LIST ON THE LAKES A Total of 215 Lives Lost During the Past Season Chicago Dec 11 According to fig uroe compiled by the Lake Marin News Bureau tho death list on the great lakes during the season now closing has been the heaviest of any year since big steel vessels began to be used on the lakes A total of 215 lives wero lost Of these 116 were lost during the three great storms of this fall The remaining 99 wero lost by falling overboard and like causes During the season of 1904 only 49 lives were lost on the great lakes this be- Ing the smallest loss on record and only two of these were due to ship wrecks Anticipates Interest Washlngtsn Dec HTho secretary of the treasury announced that ho has authorized the payment of the inter Oct on United States government bonds hue January 1 1906 on Decem- ber 16 1905 The total interest pay- ment anticipated will aggregate about J4SOOOOO Called on King Haakon Stockholm Dec 11charles H Graves United States minister to Swe don and Norway returned hero from Christiana where on Saturday he had an audience with King Haakon and presented the felicitations of President Roosevelt Presidents Long TrIpI Washington Doc 11 Information has been given out that President Roosevelt has announced privately to some of his close personal friends at Washington that at the end of his term as president ho will take a trip round tho world The First Time In History El Paso Tex Dec llFor the first time In the history of tho local wcath er bureau snowballing and sleighing ire possible in El Paso beforo Christ mos Snow has been falling all day north and oast for several hundred Mlles On Leave of Absence Washington Dec ItMr Takahlra thu Japanese minister has left Wash cgtoa for tho Pacific coast by way of ChIcago and will sail in about ten lays for homo on an extended leave of absence r r TATE ODDS AND ENDSH HE CAME BUT SHE WILL DIE With Her Dying Breath She Begged For Her Divorced Husband Louisville Ky Dec 9 Dogging pit oounly fur her divorced husband to 811 by nor bed and hold her hand In we lust hours ot her sad life Mm Daisy Boone Botta former wife ot Dual Bolts of Mt Sterling Ky lien on her deathbed In St Josephs hospital tl1le city awaiting tho ond which her pby slctans say Is ouly a matter ot a fee hours Tho appeals fur her husband the assurances undo by her that chic would not recall any ot her past llti to him and the troubles leading up to the divorce were answered whet Botts in response to a meeeage troir the womans mother Mm W 11 Boono arrived In this city and went at mice to tho hospital to comfort the dying woman Botts and the woman wore married two yours ago but otto living togulher for a year ho loft har and silt returned to the borne ot her parents In this city A few days later Botts wa granted a divorce Short- ly after the divorce was grouted Mrs Dolts created a sensation at the Cope In ML swallowjIng Cal treatment After a few vrualis Chic was woll again but tho attempt to commit suicide Old not soften lici husband WITHOUT PRECEDENT The United States Attorney General To Plead For a Judge Frankfort Ky Dec BAllorney General Hays has been notified by United Slates Circuit Judge Cochran that Judgo Cochran has called upon Attorney General Moody to represent him In tho mandamus proceeding pending hnforo tho United States court to compel him Judgo Cochran to re- mand the case ot Calob Powers to the state courts on the ground that the United States circuit court dorm not hove jurisdiction Attorney Genera hays will argue tho case before the supreme court Monday und says that it Is without precedent for the alter ney general of Uie Drilled Status court to appear as counsel for a federal Judge In such proceedings The Rues tlon will bo argued as to jurisdiction of Judge Cochran HAS A RIGHT TO LAND Decision In Favor of the Loulsvlll and Cincinnati Packet Co Frankfort Ky Dee 8Judgo Par- ker of tho court of appeal after con- ferring with his associates rOil dared a decision dissolving the Injunction against the Uoulevllle and Cincinnati Packet Co which required it to land Its boats at the regular wharf In War ¬ saw GallaUu county The packet corn pony and tho wharf Owners had some disagreement and the company began landing Its boat do half mile below the town toward Warsaw An Injunction bad boon secured In the circuit court compelling the boats to land at the Old wharf LAWYERS SUDDEN DEATH It Followed That of T E Dudley a Bosom Friend Smlthland Ky Dec 7It was learned that Chas W Watts a prom- Inent lawyer of this place died sud denly In Denver Col A few days ago his bosom friend T Everett Dudley died In this place When Mr Butler the democratic nominee for county at ¬ torney resigned recently because ot ill health Mr Watts mado the race to cuclecd him Dead Body Found Georgetown Ky Dec 7lho body of an unknown man aged about 40 was found on the Q C tracks near Kinkaid with one leg cut ort and die ¬ emboweled In his memorandum book wero the names SUvle Taylor and Sis ter Mirage St Josephs hospital Seven Foot Vein of Coal Campion Ky Dec 7Tho drillers for Salom Welsh who are drilling an oil well on tho farm of JT Coons drilled through a vein of coal seven feet thick The coal was found at a depth of about SO feet Swindled Out of 1375 Jit Sterling Ky Dec 7C L Ter- till a mountain trader of Wolf county states that he was swindled out ot SI 720 worth of stock here by two strang- ers who gave him worthless checks on two Mt Sterling banks Death of John McQulnn Campton Ky Dec 7John Me Quinn one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of this county died lit his residence on Lacy creek ot pa ¬ ralysis He had been unable to leave bis room for the last six months For Assistant Clerk Frankfort Ky Doc 9Fox nos- peB of Maysvllle announced his can lldacy for assistant clerk of tho sen tie He has been prominent in demo ratio meetings for years and comes from a section that has not had a leg dative clerkship for many years Farmer Hangs Himself Burksville Ky Dec 9J M Skip orlh a prosperous farmer near here committed suicide by hanging himself usualihe next mornlnz he was missing r AGAINST MINE WORKERS Serious Allegations Are Contained In i a Petition For a Restraining Orderf 3 Louisville Ky Doc 9 Sensational allegations are contained In a petition t for a restraining order which was 1 granted against members of the Unit ed Mine Workers In Webster and r Union uountlos naked for by the Ken f lucky Coal Co Tho bill was flied la Owensburo and sent to this city in or¬ der thnt United Status Judge Evans I might take prompt action Judge Evi inns granted the order which shall bo effective until the next term of the xdefendants I bers of the United Mine Workers but u d not all residents of Kentucky The y complulnnnta allege that the union ml ¬ ners have threatened to blow up tho mines and assassinate tho operators They ask that tho union miners be re ¬ strained from Importing k Illinois or any other state to ovorpowt er the present workmen in the mines or from establishing pickets about the mines or In any way interfering with the operation ot the complainants InJ tercets FOR KILLING A NEGRO Court of Appeals Affirmed An Unusuat Judgment For Damages Frankfort Ky Dec 8The court ot appeals affirmed a most unusual Judgment for damages in tho case ot the Loulsvlllo waterworks againstIf Charles Phillips administrator Young Long son ot the president of the watert company while driving in one of tho companys buggies or wagonettes ran over Phillips who was a negro and who was on a bicycle and killed him Ills administrator sued the water com pany for damages and got Judgment for = 5000 The water company offi dais claimed that Long was not doing their work when ho was driving and that the company should not be held liable CIRCUIT COURTSI Thse In Larger Towns Than County Seats Are Legal + Frankfort Ky Dec 9The court ot appeals upheld tho constitutional ¬ ity of tho legislative act passed last t year through the efforts ot Col Mott Ayers providing that circuit courtl might he hold In tho town of In Pulton county as well as in Hick man the county seat Of course the act did not say that in so many words but in order to make It a general law it provided that in counties contain lag a town lurger than the county sent circuit court should be held also in tho larger town This Ingenious bill Vas trained up by Col Ayers First Regiment Election CalledI Frankfort Ky Dec 8 ham through Adjt Gon Percy Halyi ordered an election in certain comI ponies of the First Kentucky Infantry to fill vacancies In tho list of commis ¬ stoned officers Tho election is to bo held by each comapny upon tho first drill night following tho receipt ot the order 0Remembered i Mt Sterling Ky Dee 9A wilt made 25 years ago by AJ HUt who died a few weeks ago in Bourbon vcounty his estate to Miss Beltle Vemont a former sweetheart and relatives will contest The estato is valued at15Jt 000 f 4 r Married In a Buggy I t t Wllliamstown Ky Dec 8SmlUi Redd drove to Wll ¬ Iot J D Redd 1 standing la their buggy Two farmers were witnesses Christmas Beef Paris Ky Dec 7Probably the finest lot of export cattle over sold t from Kentucky was a bunch ot 15 head sold by J B Kennedy to Simoni c ODonnell of Plltsburg Pa They I eraged 1760 pounds and one ot lot weighed 2000 Tho price paid 540 per 100 avoI 1 Found Frozen To Death Kuttawa Ky Dec 7W J formerly of this city a dry goods mer ¬ F chant of Sikeston Mo was frozen to k death near Kuttawa Springs about one i mile from here He had been vlslUngJ in this county several days I New Publishing Companyt Frankfort Ky Dec 8 Articles wero filed here with the secretary ot I state incorporating tho Borea Publish ¬ ing Co of Bereo Ky The purpose 1 Is to publish a newspaper and do Job printing at Berca S E Welch is ont of the largest stockholders Hunter Accidentally Shot Cave City Ky Dec 9 Charles lade of Cole while hunting near i hore accidentally discharged his gun r fIng gun was an I or heavily loaded f Kentucky Pioneer Deada Beatiyvllle Ky Dec 9John G IcGulre aged SO died of old ago nt his homo hero He had been a rosl lent of this vicinity before Lee cxrjn ty was formed and was the firs man to mine and ship cool from this place LA- MIA fir 1M YI1f FVLY11MMNi Y- y

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Page 1: IMrORTANT TATE ODDS AND - Library of Congress · IMrORTANT NEWS ITEMS CONDENSEO Interesting Happenings Boiler Down For tho Busy Ilemlcr FOREIGN ANn DOMESTIC NOTES What Our Government



Interesting Happenings BoilerDown For tho Busy



What Our Government Officials AreDoingCrimes and Casualties A

Summary of Prominent EventsThrougout the Globe

Congressional ProceedingsIho assembling of Clio GOth congres

n the ith for the first session waswithout unusual features Hpoako

< winon and other onicore of the housWITO reeleotod A brluf session wa1111 by tho senate which odjournoiml of respect to the memory ot thealt tfennior Platt SCt attar nsw sen

ttiors had been sworn In A large uumc r of bills were Introduced In thY

iiouse covering a large variety ot tUb

JrtaHojialorNewlands Inlrnrtuced a rei

lutlon providing for national Incorlr ration of railroads

An appropriation of 11JDOOOOO wainand toward the construction ot thrIMiamo canal by the house on the71 h It was a rampromlH betwserhi lGJ ioooo celled In the bill U-

Rer KJMlderatloa and an oetlmato olniMlitRg ovr tl6009000 reoom

mended by Mr Williams the demoraUc tende-

rftepreautaUw Utttaflakl of Maineintroduced a bill providing a dealt

fishy fur an nseaaeln ot the p-rInt Ice president or any M1batmtr or minister of a foreign country

i the fnlteil StatesKcjiro ntittiTf Hardwlck rolntrc

ell a j int rototaUon declaring thai-s tare policy of Uio United States

nS grant lad wndeDce to the PhilipUIfls as won u a liable gorarnnienl

Aiiohlmbed In the islandsitenatar fnll > rson Introduced a joist

T iltiuon setting aside oe balf of theprarrla d pubIC lauds in the Phil

pplns belonging to the Unllod Statecrralv a permanent public tree

tool flKlJ

Miscellaneousfhv rItL tiio of ganator Cuban

rrv M > pw us a director of theVjuitaWi flff AKsurane society was

shad iy Prf ldent Morton Mr11toII ixiidtiu the reMifnatloB would

to IMinaker Z7

S1upooa directed to the poolaction growing out

r the In vrn jai Ion of life Insurancei < llaojir a rash iW by District

nonet Jetonw to the legislativemmltto while n WMt hoMing Its

baring in the city man Mr JeromeHd tbs Be waatedin tad out when

h cnnki get pocsceckHi of a copy ofi i agar of the committee Chair

inn Aniii RMa already has said thatI bops n have It ready for the leg

shire fhen it mods next JanuaryITio ir < itiativi romralltee which is

nv iuciing life tneuranoe condlttonsterwhi I It pond to DIstrict Altar

i y Joroiio the rpqueet tbat the lashHIt pf i >ilng + agalnet Tbomae F

Ryan tsnd r and owner ot Ute manty of iho stock of the liqwltahle

Life AiMnraace eottel7 to punish MrHyan tor refusing to answer questions

Th nMiKnatlon of Robert II Mor <rdy giunral manager of the MutualIfn iMtiranc Co was preeentad totin bar i of trustees anti noeeplodIho tvalffnatloa takes effect Oeoembr 51

A report Win published that JohnA Me all of the New York Life Inxiratoe Co would resign In an Intofrlcw Mr McCall denied the roport

The controversy between tho powrH nnd tho aultati regarding intornamoat control of Macedonian flnancoa

I1 rrf7jnietl by the French foreign ofiro mt eh sed Tho International fleet

0 remaining inactiveItoMea ogRS wero thrown at Mad

ame Sarah Rernhardt attar the perfnrrotnce at the Auditorium QuobeciwAuf oho dtopleasod a number otrHBopw to that city on account ot aninterview she gave to a number ofrwlllupr men

Tho restoration of pensions to remarred widows after their socondhuubind has died or the woman has

oon divorced through no fault of heroleIC IH provided for in a bill introduce ta tho sebato by Senator BurrowsThe

nhons of tho Union Dry Docksu and Uio Erie transfer and freightroust Buffalo were destroyed by fire

causing a loss estimated at 131000Charlie E Elder who was some

i yoap ago said to have oecn an imporant witness la tho trials arising outof the killing ot Gov Uoebol In Ken ¬

tucky and who has been a merchantat Nome Alaska Fort Worth andclamp MaKlnlcy was shot in thebreast by an unknown assailant Infront of tho Southern hotel Dakursfiord Cal

henry nates a negro was hangedat Columbus Tex for having committcd a murderous assault upon Mr andMrs Fred Kuhlee whose home horobbed

Orland C Pot general auditor oftho DvMawnre Lackawanna WesternRailroad Co died at his homo In EastOrange N J He wall born in Columbut O-

Tho first legal execuUon in tho his-tory of Fulton county Georgia for the

rlmo ot criminal assault took placein Atlanta whet Jim Wlllcor the selfronfMed nopro avsallaat ot Mrs Al

io Mare VflJ handed

i + Ywap w


TJio situation In St Petersburg III

visibly growing worse The criticmoment for Ccnnt Witte is cdmlnwhen the liberal elements will domanhis resignation A rosolutlfln by thonRrlciiHiirlHta at Moscow dcmandlnthe Immediate dismissal of tho V tutorcabinet denotes the beginning of thomovement away from Count Wllto andsigns Indicate that this movement willgain in Intensity soon

Mutineers have seized the arsenal atHyalorlnotlar and secur l lfl000 riflewhich havo been dlntrlhitlal at Ekrtnrlnodar and Norvorossyult It Is alcosaid that a revolt has broken out ntBIlMbotbuol

Agrarian disturbances havo boguIn some parts of Poland In the SOYornmcnt of Lublin the peasants or-

dered the landlords to leavo their oetotes telling them that tho muds bOo

longed to the peopleFather Capon leader of the work

Ingmon on lied Sunday January 21

was condemned to doath by a centrarevolutionary tribunal Two omlssfties o1 tho committee woro uamed tocarry nut the sentence

The torment among tho troops If Increasing at Wnrsuw A hundred 101

dlers of tho koxboim roglmunt heatcd a proeueslon singing ruvolullonarsongsMany

officers arc beIng killed by rebollloiis troop at Harbin ItecHrvofilcura ore not permitted to returhomo All messages item Manehurtore censored

The French senate after a tang de-

bate adopted the bill for the Mpantlon ot church cud state by a vote of181 against 108 The vote was an-

nounced amid enthusiastic scenoiThe law becomes operative at once

Pat Crowe who IMS been on trial ona charge of shooting with Iniont to ktllOfficer Albert Jackson on tho nighof September C was acquitted Jlewas remanded to Jail whore he willbe held until he can be tried on t1Mcharge of highway robbery in cnnnsclion with the kidnapping of IMwariCudahy at Ombha Neb

Commander Cameron Men Wlnilow formerly naval aide to the predent nnd now In tho command of theMayflower has been selected to comnand the new proteoud cruiseCharleston

Fugitives who have arrived at VI

eDna state that the condHlont in Odesso and UeMerabla are desperate Dmlag tho rioting of Uie lest few daythey aanort 8000 persons Inolndlnimany students hue been killed 01

endedA secret meeting at Ohlnampho of

the leaden of a ooMpIracy to assatslBAte all the Korean ministers allsigned the treaty with Japan was setprised by Japanese troupe who attestod tea of the conspirator

The third IntemnUoMl Qosgreee 01

American ItepohUca will nest In IncJaneiro Jensen It IHO

Joseph W PalrteJiha one of the

foandere of the refMbMcstn party dle4at KarmltiBtoa Vt aged 94 year

Secretary of War TaU trabtnittaiills annunj report to the preeldentshowing the operathm of the rfor the poet year The army durbartu past year has remained vtro8llas oriraalxvd in 1M2 Its maximaletreeath not Including the hospitalcorps as now flxe1 by executive order la 80475 enlisted men Durlnji he year ended June So 1905 therewere 1M seeoad Neuteemnto appointIn the army The aggregate strengtof the orgaHlaed znlllUo of the stateand territories Deeember 31 1804 asihown by the annual returns was 121SOS OAMtetlBg ot 914 offlcers am11274 nonoommliwkined officers milsloians privates etc

Tho valuable presents and trophiesof Miss Alice RoosoveU trip to thiOrient wore placed in her poageMlonTboy arrived about Rye weeks agobut wore given their turn in osaminalion and appraisement

The University of Michigan Athleticutcoolation netted JIGOOO profit on the1005 football season

Wm It Hearst announces that he Isnot a candidate for govcrnorot NowYork

Dtulncss failures in the UnitedStates for tbo week ending December7 numbered 203 against 188 tho proPvious1 week 231 In the like week of1904 241 In 1903 and 247 in 1902

Elsie Parker colored was stabbedand almost Instantly killed in tho cor-ridor of tho West Side pollco courtNow York William Williams a ne-gro who had boon summoned to courtby the woman to answer to a chargeat assault waa arrested for the murior

GOY Samuel W Pcnnypaoker acopted on behalf of tho state thenonument to the 109th Pennsylvaniaroluntecra on Orchard Knob andturned it over to tho national govern ¬

montTho American ambassador Mr

Meyer arrived at St Petersburg fromBerlin by rail

Mystery surrounds the ease of WD Johnson a resident of North Blnnngham Ala who was found deadnear his homo with a bullet wound Inils right side It was on tho testlnony of Johnson that Harry Scrogglnl Is now In Jail charged with thomurder of D W West whose bodyvas found near tho same place

Gon Manuel Sangullly independentIn politics resigned tho presidency ofthe Cuban senate thus opining thoway for tho selection as his successorot a member of tho moderato or adInlnlstratlon patty

Herbert Squires may bo given a nowlost After his conference with See

etary Root It was semiofficially an-

nounced that tho former minister toCuba will not leave tho diplomaticcrvlco

Tho funeral services of the lato Josnus Ion Parsons United States consul

enoral took place at Christ churchItrilco City

Senator John H Mitchell died a

Portland Ore Tho end was peacefulAn hour before tho patients heart IUld

ceased to boat ho was In a profouncoma Every effort known to sclcncwas made to prolong his life but witout success Senator Mitchell waseized with a hemorrhage after hav-Ing a tooth extracted

Vice President Fairbanks wHl Dotappoint a committee of senators to att-

end the funeral ot Senator John 11

Mitchell ot Oregon and It Is tho TIB

drrstandlng that the senate will DOt

fallow tho custom of setting aaldo II

dRY for eulogies on tho dead senatorWithout a tremor and without a

word Mrs Mary Mabel Rogers mivrubod to hrr death on the gallows at Lbestate prison at Windsor VL and pallthe penalty of murdering her nusbandMarcus Rogers at Uonntngton on August IS 1002 To all appearances MrsRogora was the calmest person In thochamber of death

With very simple ceremony thobody of Mrs Mary M Rogers whowas hanged at Windsor Vt for thimurder of her husband was burled InSt Marys cemetery Ilootlc FallsN Y

r would resign my position how-

ever high it might bo before I wouldfco the ono to execute a death sontenoe whether the condemned personwere a tuna or a woman said GovB W iioah of Kansas In talking orthe exMutlon at V1iMl or Vt of MrsMary Rogers

TIll secret service has announcedthe discovery of a new oounterfolten dollar United States Buffalonote series JW1 Lyons register Robarts treasurer

The old frigate Nlptic at ono tlmithe crown of the American navy andtie only American warship to oscapithe typhoon at Apia Samoa In 1S89is to go into commission at tho PugelSound navy yard as a prison ship

Rev N R Torrey an ovangellstwho has boon conducting a four yearsworldxvido revival returned with hitfamily to New York on tho BalticIlls feUowworkor the singing olIngellst Alexander will soon Join him

Two men are dead one Is dying sadtwo others are In a serious conditionas the result of being overcome bjthe fumes of coal gas in the tar papermill Of W 11 Rankln at ElisabethN

JHIs staled that the Ryan syndicate

ef New York has closed a 16000000deal hy which It secure possession ofooal Iron and railway property la theTieinUy ot nhiefieU Town

Dr Zndoo Kohn grand rabbi of theCentral Coneietory of Israelites InFrance died in Park lie occupiedthe highest odlce among the hebrewsof France

stay T Vanettieoh state service ed-

Itor of the Pnbelo Col Chieftainbroke the worlds typewriting recordfor both Us M minutes and one boutjeets laWog 24Q0 wordn during thetint M minotee and flnfebln the hourwith 4J12 words

Mrs Louir RWrldso the ncrowwho retired tram the stage eight yearstyro dim at the home of her area InNew York She was 76 years old andwest on the stage in 1844

Attorney Gettera Mayer with theaneletaaee of Superintendent of hueClone Morgan has unearthed nearly1000 case of fraud at the last sloeloft in New York city

The marital troubles of William Ellie Corey president of the billion dol-

lar steel corporation presented a nowfeature when tho story gained cur-rency that the retirement of Mr Corey was decided on six months agoand was peremptorily demanded atthat time

The meeting of the board of govern ¬

ors of the American Cotton Manufactuners aaeooiation to consider cooporation with cotton growers was callod for Charlotte N C December 19Instead ot the 9th as at first stated

By the breaking out of smallpox ontho naval yacht Sylph assigned forthe use of President Roosevelt andfamily the vessel Is practically quar ¬

antlned and tho crow put under closoobservation by the health authoritiesOnly ono case has developed that ofClarence Marlow a nogro sailor

Tho body of Miss Etta n lilacshead nurse of tho Grundy sanitariumat Relay Md who disappeared somedays ago was found In tho water atPetapsco Dam There wore no marksot violence on tho body

Primo Minister Sir Henry CampbellBannerman has succeeded in forming a new British cabinet

Kid McCoy sent a challenge to JasJ Corbett for a fight tho terms ofwhich are to be arranged Inter It be¬

ing understood that a new club In Delawjire formed by Tom ORourke willoffer a purse of 20000

Provision for construction of a drydock at Pensacola Flo capable ofaccommodating tho largest ships Intho navy is urged by Rr Adm W LCaPPS chief constructor of tho navyIn his annual report

To convicts In the Cuban peniten¬

tinny mutinied and a fierce fight be-

tween them and tho guards followedIn which two of the prisoners woremortally wounded 16 more or less ser-

iously woundM and three of thoguards badly Injured

Baroness Sodwltz sister ot MarquiseDeMontlers both of whom were rear-ed as wards of Bishop John LancasterSpalding of tho diocese of Peoria illind created a sensation over tho worldtiy renouncing Catholicism a year agoIs In Peoria to see Bishop Spaldlngind effect a reconciliation with thonoted prelate It is announced semijlficlally that tho famous woman willmo for readmission to tho Romanhurch

William MoWllllams who ploadodjullly to tho murder of his wife andbye children a week ago was sentenc-ed to death at Independence Ia

Jawateu w


The Annual Report PostnmsteiGeneral Cortclyou

At the End of the Year There Were InOperation 08131 Post Offices

The Number of EmployeeIs About 280000

Washington Dec 11 PostraastciGeneral Cortolyou In his annual re-port for the past fiscal year says thatwhile a selfsustaining condition of thepost office department would be gratltying ho Is loss concerned about thedoOcIt than the efficiency of admlnlfitratlon For the fiscal year 1905 thetotal receipts from all sources wen

152820085 and total expenditure107181960 leaving a deficit of 11

572684 In connection with these figuros tho postmaster general directattention to the Increased amount offree matter handled which he saysnvoragod 1268 per cent of the entlrtweight carried or a loss in revenuiof 119822000 Manifestly he says

had tho matter now earned free beenroqulral to have been prepaid notwithstanding tho largo expenditurefor the rural free delivery servicethere would have Neon no deficit

Governmental control of the pncumatlt tube service and mall wagonservice Is recommended and la tho lat-

ter cdse an appropriation Is asked topurchase wagons of approved pattersfor carrying the walls

An Increase of 577 per cent in theamount of ordinary mall bandied ascompared with 1804 Is noted In thrailway mall sorvlco which tho postmatter general shows a normal growttwith gratifying maintenance of effl

clew During tho year 12 clerkswere killed while on duty and 125 sorioualy injured

At tho end of the fiscal year June30 there wero in operation CS131 post

number of employes Inom1The at largo is stated to be

1169 are In the de-

partment at Washington


Probable That It Will Be Called InRussia After Christmas

St Petersburg Dec 9 via Edytkuhnon Dec 11 There are many dlsorera In this city M Krustaloff lenderof the movement baa been arrestedThis has created an immense sensnton among the workmen All the socintlst labor and kindred organlzalions are holding a meeting at whichsweat Inflammatory speeches are be-

Ing made in denuBdalkra of the goveminent end all are talking of a genoral strike In order to save weirMatter

In j a Istervlow M Krueteloft soldIl1 If1 probable that a general strike

will be doctarert Just after ChristmasDelegate who wore sent to all partsof the country report that the propool for a strike has been welcomedwith enthusiasm and in fact that thewhole country Is ripe for revolutionA vast majority of the workmen aretrue revolutionaries though Mamma

ton some times compels them to subordlaate their political alms Prepa-ration for an armed rising is well ad-

vanced but it can not hope to sueteed unkM Joined by a considerablebody of troops


A Total of 215 Lives Lost During thePast Season

Chicago Dec 11 According to figuroe compiled by the Lake MarinNews Bureau tho death list on thegreat lakes during the season nowclosing has been the heaviest of anyyear since big steel vessels began tobe used on the lakes A total of 215lives wero lost Of these 116 werelost during the three great storms ofthis fall The remaining 99 wero lostby falling overboard and like causesDuring the season of 1904 only 49 liveswere lost on the great lakes this be-Ing the smallest loss on record andonly two of these were due to shipwrecks

Anticipates InterestWashlngtsn Dec HTho secretary

of the treasury announced that ho hasauthorized the payment of the interOct on United States governmentbonds hue January 1 1906 on Decem-ber 16 1905 The total interest pay-

ment anticipated will aggregate aboutJ4SOOOOO

Called on King HaakonStockholm Dec 11charles H

Graves United States minister to Swedon and Norway returned hero fromChristiana where on Saturday he hadan audience with King Haakon andpresented the felicitations of PresidentRoosevelt

Presidents Long TrIpIWashington Doc 11 Information

has been given out that PresidentRoosevelt has announced privately tosome of his close personal friends atWashington that at the end of histerm as president ho will take a tripround tho world

The First Time In HistoryEl Paso Tex Dec llFor the first

time In the history of tho local wcather bureau snowballing and sleighing

ire possible in El Paso beforo Christmos Snow has been falling all daynorth and oast for several hundredMlles

On Leave of AbsenceWashington Dec ItMr Takahlra

thu Japanese minister has left Washcgtoa for tho Pacific coast by way of

ChIcago and will sail in about tenlays for homo on an extended leave

of absence




With Her Dying Breath She BeggedFor Her Divorced Husband

Louisville Ky Dec 9 Dogging pitoounly fur her divorced husband to 811

by nor bed and hold her hand In welust hours ot her sad life Mm DaisyBoone Botta former wife ot DualBolts of Mt Sterling Ky lien on herdeathbed In St Josephs hospital tl1lecity awaiting tho ond which her pbyslctans say Is ouly a matter ot a feehours Tho appeals fur her husbandthe assurances undo by her that chic

would not recall any ot her past lltito him and the troubles leading up tothe divorce were answered whetBotts in response to a meeeage troirthe womans mother Mm W 11

Boono arrived In this city and went atmice to tho hospital to comfort thedying woman Botts and the womanwore married two yours ago but ottoliving togulher for a year ho loft harand silt returned to the borne ot herparents In this city A few days laterBotts wa granted a divorce Short-ly after the divorce was grouted MrsDolts created a sensation at the CopeIn ML

swallowjIngCal treatment After a few vrualis Chic

was woll again but tho attempt tocommit suicide Old not soften licihusband


The United States Attorney GeneralTo Plead For a Judge

Frankfort Ky Dec BAllorneyGeneral Hays has been notified byUnited Slates Circuit Judge Cochranthat Judgo Cochran has called uponAttorney General Moody to representhim In tho mandamus proceedingpending hnforo tho United States courtto compel him Judgo Cochran to re-mand the case ot Calob Powers to thestate courts on the ground that theUnited States circuit court dorm nothove jurisdiction Attorney Generahays will argue tho case before thesupreme court Monday und says thatit Is without precedent for the alterney general of Uie Drilled Status courtto appear as counsel for a federalJudge In such proceedings The Ruestlon will bo argued as to jurisdictionof Judge Cochran


Decision In Favor of the Loulsvllland Cincinnati Packet Co

Frankfort Ky Dee 8Judgo Par-ker of tho court of appeal after con-

ferring with his associates rOil dareda decision dissolving the Injunctionagainst the Uoulevllle and CincinnatiPacket Co which required it to landIts boats at the regular wharf In War ¬

saw GallaUu county The packet cornpony and tho wharf Owners had somedisagreement and the company beganlanding Its boat do half mile below thetown toward Warsaw An Injunctionbad boon secured In the circuit courtcompelling the boats to land at theOld wharf


It Followed That of T E Dudley aBosom Friend

Smlthland Ky Dec 7It waslearned that Chas W Watts a prom-Inent lawyer of this place died suddenly In Denver Col A few days agohis bosom friend T Everett Dudleydied In this place When Mr Butlerthe democratic nominee for county at¬

torney resigned recently because otill health Mr Watts mado the raceto cuclecd him

Dead Body FoundGeorgetown Ky Dec 7lho body

of an unknown man aged about 40

was found on the Q C tracks nearKinkaid with one leg cut ort and die ¬

emboweled In his memorandum bookwero the names SUvle Taylor and Sister Mirage St Josephs hospital

Seven Foot Vein of CoalCampion Ky Dec 7Tho drillers

for Salom Welsh who are drillingan oil well on tho farm of J T Coonsdrilled through a vein of coal sevenfeet thick The coal was found at adepth of about SO feet

Swindled Out of 1375

Jit Sterling Ky Dec 7C L Ter-till a mountain trader of Wolf countystates that he was swindled out ot SI720 worth of stock here by two strang-ers who gave him worthless checks ontwo Mt Sterling banks

Death of John McQulnnCampton Ky Dec 7John Me

Quinn one of the oldest and mostprominent citizens of this county diedlit his residence on Lacy creek ot pa ¬

ralysis He had been unable to leavebis room for the last six months

For Assistant ClerkFrankfort Ky Doc 9Fox nos-

peB of Maysvllle announced his canlldacy for assistant clerk of tho sentie He has been prominent in demo

ratio meetings for years and comesfrom a section that has not had a legdative clerkship for many years

Farmer Hangs HimselfBurksville Ky Dec 9J M Skiporlh a prosperous farmer near here

committed suicide by hanging himself

usualihenext mornlnz he was missing



Serious Allegations Are Contained In i

a Petition For a Restraining Orderf 3

Louisville Ky Doc 9 Sensationalallegations are contained In a petition tfor a restraining order which was 1granted against members of the United Mine Workers In Webster and rUnion uountlos naked for by the Ken f

lucky Coal Co Tho bill was flied laOwensburo and sent to this city in or¬

der thnt United Status Judge Evans I

might take prompt action Judge Eviinns granted the order which shall boeffective until the next term of thexdefendants I

bers of the United Mine Workers but udnot all residents of Kentucky The y

complulnnnta allege that the union ml¬

ners have threatened to blow up thomines and assassinate tho operatorsThey ask that tho union miners be re¬

strained from Importing k

Illinois or any other state to ovorpowter the present workmen in the minesor from establishing pickets about themines or In any way interfering withthe operation ot the complainants InJtercets


Court of Appeals Affirmed An UnusuatJudgment For Damages

Frankfort Ky Dec 8The courtot appeals affirmed a most unusualJudgment for damages in tho case otthe Loulsvlllo waterworks againstIfCharles Phillips administrator YoungLong son ot the president of the watertcompany while driving in one of thocompanys buggies or wagonettes ranover Phillips who was a negro andwho was on a bicycle and killed himIlls administrator sued the water company for damages and got Judgmentfor = 5000 The water company offidais claimed that Long was not doingtheir work when ho was driving andthat the company should not be heldliable

CIRCUIT COURTSIThse In Larger Towns Than County

Seats Are Legal +

Frankfort Ky Dec 9The courtot appeals upheld tho constitutional ¬

ity of tho legislative act passed last tyear through the efforts ot Col MottAyers providing that circuit courtlmight he hold In tho town ofIn Pulton county as well as in Hickman the county seat Of course theact did not say that in so many wordsbut in order to make It a general lawit provided that in counties containlag a town lurger than the county sentcircuit court should be held also intho larger town This Ingenious billVas trained up by Col Ayers

First Regiment Election CalledIFrankfort Ky Dec 8

ham through Adjt Gon Percy Halyiordered an election in certain comIponies of the First Kentucky Infantryto fill vacancies In tho list of commis ¬

stoned officers Tho election is to boheld by each comapny upon tho firstdrill night following tho receipt ot theorder

0Remembered i

Mt Sterling Ky Dee 9A wiltmade 25 years ago by A J HUt whodied a few weeks ago in Bourbonvcountyhis estate to Miss Beltle Vemont aformer sweetheart and relatives willcontest The estato is valued at15Jt000 f 4


Married In a Buggy It

tWllliamstown Ky Dec 8SmlUiRedd drove to Wll ¬IotJ D Redd 1

standing la their buggy Two farmerswere witnesses

Christmas BeefParis Ky Dec 7Probably the

finest lot of export cattle over soldt

from Kentucky was a bunch ot 15 headsold by J B Kennedy to SimonicODonnell of Plltsburg Pa They I

eraged 1760 pounds and one otlot weighed 2000 Tho price paid

540 per 100 avoI 1

Found Frozen To DeathKuttawa Ky Dec 7W J

formerly of this city a dry goods mer ¬ F

chant of Sikeston Mo was frozen to k

death near Kuttawa Springs about one imile from here He had been vlslUngJin this county several days I

New Publishing CompanytFrankfort Ky Dec 8 Articles

wero filed here with the secretary ot I

state incorporating tho Borea Publish ¬

ing Co of Bereo Ky The purpose 1Is to publish a newspaper and do Jobprinting at Berca S E Welch is ontof the largest stockholders

Hunter Accidentally ShotCave City Ky Dec 9 Charles

lade of Cole while hunting near ihore accidentally discharged his gun

rfInggun was an I

or heavily loadedfKentucky Pioneer DeadaBeatiyvllle Ky Dec 9John G

IcGulre aged SO died of old ago nthis homo hero He had been a rosllent of this vicinity before Lee cxrjnty was formed and was the firs manto mine and ship cool from this place


MIA fir1M YI1f FVLY11MMNi Y-y