in a startup people make a difference

In a start-up, people make difference. When I started building my own product, I only had one challenge in-front of me - "how to build a responsible team?" I have always believed that brands are built not by money but by people. Skills with an organisation in form of a dedicated team are the USP possessed by the organisation. The concept is not well understood in our country where employees are treated more as a resource. As a result, the organisations fail to prosper even if they become successful temporarily. Why People Matter? It is a proven fact that companies with highly engaged people outperform firms with the most disengaged. There is this HBR study that discusses this very fact in more depth. Actually it is not very difficult to understand you know. When we build a business, we center it around

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Page 1: In a startup   people make a difference

In a start-up, people make difference.

When I started building my own product, I only had one challenge in-front of

me - "how to build a responsible team?" I have always believed that brands

are built not by money but by people. Skills with an organisation in form of a

dedicated team are the USP possessed by the organisation. The concept is

not well understood in our country where employees are treated more as a

resource. As a result, the organisations fail to prosper even if they become

successful temporarily.

Why People Matter?

It is a proven fact that companies with highly engaged people outperform

firms with the most disengaged. There is this HBR study that discusses this

very fact in more depth. Actually it is not very difficult to understand you know.

When we build a business, we center it around customers. Thing to

understand is that people who are responsible to build the business - the

employees -are the first customers! If they will love the process of making the

product, they will surely love the product and will recommend it further. That is

how you build the very first trust with customers. If your very first customers

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will be happy, they will not just propagate the same further but will even enjoy

the process of making it bigger!

Team @ Fashionove

At Fashionove, I have tried to implement the very same concept. We value

people and their ideas. We are very very small today but aspire to be big

really soon. These people, team fashionove, will play a huge role in the same.

That's the only strategy we have at fashionove and I sincerely believe it will

work. Let time decide the same!

In the meantime, know more about fashionove by this coverage we recently

received by