in march of this year, we founded the amms decision to ride without a helmet. this also adds to the...


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Post on 16-May-2018




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Maringá, a town in the northern state of Paraná, southern Brazil is privileged because

we have one of the largest green areas of our country. Also located here is the ad-

ministrative headquarter Adventist and the Adventist Radio.

In March of this year, we founded the AMM-Maringá, which started with 16 members

and today, six months later, we have 63 members. Among these members there are

16 non-Adventist and 5 pastors.

Every Monday meetings are held in the chapel of North Paraná Headquarters of SDA,

and they focus on communion with God and one's fellows.

In August, we had our first baptism of member - Raísa. In October Elton and Patricia

were baptized and on November 30th, we will have another baptism of Marcos; a

total of five baptisms in 7 months.

We started a Bible study group with five members who have not yet been baptized.

We have developed missionary and social activities, offering humanitarian aid during


We praise God for the privilege of participating in AMM, where we can fortify our

faith and help others know our friend Jesus.

Pictures on next few pages

AMM Florida Biker camp meeting 2014

What a year we have had so far, God has indeed blessed us. We had a great

time at Rev it up Motorcycle Camp meeting in Ohio in June. We also had the Northwest Motorcycle Camp meeting in Oregon on August. We then topped it off with the SDA Riders Retreat in North Carolina. In September we were blessed in Florida with Staying Vertical Motorcycle camp meeting; WOW! God has been good. My friends we have a lot more to do in the coming year. In 2015, we are taking it all to the next level. We will not only continue to have these four camp meetings, but we will add two huge events.

In July, AMM will have a booth at the general conference meeting in San Antonio Texas, (which will also be the destination for the SDA Riders Retreat Motorcycle camp meeting in 2015).

In the past three years, AMM has been going to Daytona Beach bike week for what we have called Mission Daytona. During this time, we would go and distribute Steps to Christ books and witness to motorcycle enthusiast. In 2015, we are taking AMM to South Dakota (Sturgis). This is the largest motorcycle event in the world. Thanks to a couple of members, AMM will have a double booth at this event where we will be at the front and center to minister and witness during this event which will be held in August.

For both events (San Antonio, Texas & South Dakota) we need you. Please volunteer to help us man these booths. We are currently working in accommodations for South Da-kota and will let you know as soon as we have them.

Another big announcement is that AMM is partnering with Adventist Mission on a pro-ject called Pioneer on Wheels. We are planning to have a huge fundraiser to purchase motorcycles for missionaries in remote areas in a distant country where God’s word needs to reached. By doing this, we are true to our moto “where every ride is a mis-sion.” It will be a challenge for all of us to achieve this goal but it is reachable in the name of God! I believe that we can do this if we all take an active role. Details will fol-low.

As you can see, 2015 will be AMM’s biggest year. It is full of events, challenges and goals to achieve with God’s help. He will make all of this happen for His glory and hon-or. There are no excuses for you not to be involved my friends. Catch the spirit. Get in-volved and ride, gather and worship. Our Lord Christ is coming soon. What are you doing to hasten His coming?


Juan Santos

My dear friends, We are partnering with Adventist Mission to purchase mo-

torcycles for missionaries in distant lands. Right now there are missionaries

who walk literally for days to get to a home to give a Bible study or a service.

Sometimes these missionaries are chased by animals and their lives are in

constant danger. We have been given an awesome opportunity to help

spread the word of God by helping these missionaries by providing the means

for them to go a lot further, faster and safer. We will be helping them reach

many people who do not know of our Savior’s love and hope. Please join us

in donating for the purchase of a motorcycle for these missionaries. You can

send your tax deductible donation via our website through Paypal. Just type

in the message box “Pioneers on Wheels” or POW. This may be a joint effort

with other ministries or churches. Let's unite to make this a reality. Post pic-

tures and send us emails on what you or your chapter is doing to collect for

this mission program.


This story/testimony began when I was returning to Spokane from Monroe, Washington. I had just purchased my new (used) motorcycle, a 2009 Yamaha Raider, and I was riding home. I was still some distance away from home, in El-lensburg, when it started to rain. I then noticed that the needle fuel light started to flash, so I quickly tried looking for a gas station.

At the Thorpe Road Exit, just on the western outskirts of Ellensburg, I rode uphill on a road. When I applied my breaks to stop, I noticed the wet road was oil slick. The motorcycle slipped on the oily road and the bike fell on the right side pinning my right leg under it.

A pickup truck driver saw me go down and stopped and asked if I was alright. I told him that I was fine but my leg was caught under the bike. He immediately lifted up the motorcycle high enough so that I was able to extract my leg and jumped to assist him in bringing the motorcycle completely upright.

Upon inspecting my new motorcycle, I noticed that the rear brake pedal was trashed and I had lost my rear brakes. I thank God that I had not a scratch, bruise or discomfort, from the ordeal. I was cold and soaking wet but that was it.

I got the gas at this location and quickly filed a claim with Geico. I then took a leap of faith and rode the wounded bike home in the dark and rain with cars and truck spraying water and wind as they drove pass me. I traveled 209 miles and arrived home at 11pm.

As I rode home that night with no rear break, I began to ponder about what had just happened. I felt that the Lord was teaching me a lesson. After the accident and while I was pinned, I found myself helpless needing someone to help me get up. If it wasn’t for that truck driver, I don’t know how long I would have been there. Thought to myself, when I am held down by the things of this world, only God can lift me up. Praise The Lord! Gerry

A motorcyclist asked the following questions: How can the government tell me I

have to wear a helmet? Don't I have a Constitutional Right to make that decision

myself? What business is it of the legislature whether or not I choose to protect my


Let's address the Constitutional question first. Nowhere in the Constitutional

does it give citizens the right to drive unfettered on the highway. Hence we have

age limits, driving tests, seat belt us-

age, and driving rules of the road.

Now lets look at the helmet ques-

tion. This relates to my subtitle

above: "No man is an island." The

concern of the legislature is not par-

ticularly related to the well-being of

the motorcyclist. It arises more from

the fact that everyone else has to pay

the costs when a motorcyclist suffers

a "preventable" catastrophic brain

injury. (Death is much cheaper.) Typically the injured biker, even when insured,

has insufficient resources to deal with the long-term costs of a brain injury.

In such cases, the medical and long-term care costs are essentially shifted to tax-

payers-effectively causing the residents of the state to pay the consequences of the

rider's decision to ride without a helmet. This also adds to the cost of insurance to

the responsible motorcyclists that chooses to buy motorcycle insurance.

Although our State gives us the choice as to wearing a helmet or not, wear one

anyway. I hope you never have an unfortunate incident to find out why.

Ride safe, Dominick

Let us pray for all the members

For future AMM events (Sturgis &

General conference in

San Antonio Texas)

A special prayer for the Pioneers

On Wheels

Nanci Mosca, Alabama

Maria Valentin, Miami

Julie Cruz-Allen, Florida

Randy Freitas, Idaho

Nicholas Shashi, Kentucky

William Ricket, Ohio

Larry Michelsen, Oregon

Donna Pancoast, Oregon

Sharon Holbert, Georgia

Paul Dettlaff , Florida

Ronald Miller California Chapter