in ompanj the address kmwulmligl...oisoo oal siil j o a t i honolulu thursday novembek foe phangisc6...

f tKm - f m r i if y ii E m fej ii- - t- - I i TTTTP Vol XIX xS EfiAfa in n i s UCJUWi KMWUlMLigl w T H i j The If iaa Passenger Staamor of This Line Will and Leave Thij port aa Hereunder mm SMI PBAKCISCO 1904 ompanj TIME TABLE Arrive SM SONOMA OOT 5 VENTURA- - OCT 4 ALAMEDA ODT 14 ALAMEDA OOT 19 VENTDRA OOT 26 SIERRA OOT 25 ALAMEDA NOV 4 ALAMEDA NOV 9 SIERRA NOV 16 SONOMA v NOV 15 ALAMEDA NOV 26 ALAMEDA NOV SO SONOMA DEO 7 VENTURA DEO 6 ALAMEDA DEO 16 ALAMEDA - DEO 21 Tv 7 j H In oonnootion with the sailing of the above stoamero tha Agents are prepared to issue to intending pssnenftara coupon through by any iilcoad from San Franoiaob to all point in the United States and from Kev7 York by any atsmihip linoto nil European porta JLor imthor partioalars apply to WJ3t Irwin Co G ozxoral Agents pceanic S S Company SSaM F H lllf IPS o til V- - Vi i r pGAJBrfACTOiB jrtiaors ysaas u - j- - pSFOBIBfiS OF TA i VI v r - Igonta tot hloydr Claaadiaj3 Aurtsaliin Steamslnp Luie Britieh Iovcagai Marino Insurance Co Northern Acsuranca Oo andIafe Canadian Pabific ilaih7ay Co Fionppv Lhin of Packets from Liverpool tttlRIMfl LIUITBD AQ BNTS FOK r Westsbh SoaAAREimNa Oo Sam Pbawoisoo Oal BAiDWiNtocoi OTiVK WonE3 Fuv ftl fli DELPHI PAi Nnwnui Universal Mill Co Mttnufftoturerfl of National Caue Shredder Ney York N Y Pasappuib Paimt Company San Fbauoisoo CAr Ohlamdt and Company San Fbau oisoo Oal l Sii J o A T i HONOLULU THURSDAY NO VEMBEK FOE PHANGISC6 tioket3 JQLCUSe y ocna spceokles wu a ibwui QasiBSir96l8l8 A 6s utHjoiiULtr Sm MancUoo Agentt -T- 21E NEVA HANT NATIONAL BANK 0 BAN FJiANOIBCO DB1W SXOnAHOB OB JAJJ iKAHOIBOO The NevQ Hntiou Bsut ot Ban Franolsoo ONDON The Union oJ London in Smiths Bank Hd HEVr JOKK AqoiIocu jJichrnif8 K tlonnl Bank QEuOA00 Corn ExohageNaUonel Cant PABIQ Oradit Iiyonnaln B1JBMH DisrdnBrBank HOim KONG AND YOKOHAMA Hunf Kouk tSUanahaiBanklnnCorpoitttlon ITEW ZBALANP AND AflBTKALIA I3enkR o New Zcolnnd and AuatralRU VIOXOKIA AND VAN00UV3B BanJr ot Ililtlch North Amorloa Vramaot Qtniral Banking and JBtca a a Butineti SepoilUKseclvcd Loans made on A o ofid HcourlW OommsrolalandTravw CradH Isonea BI1U o kciishl and told Paoipio Oil Tbahspohtatioh Co ois6tlouu roiiiTJU iuUi V gn vvi wm 3 wn tta THE DEIOuRiTIO PLATFOBM OF 1901 Priacipies Adopted For The Patty To Stand On In This Campaign Adopted in Tcrntorial Convention on Monday August 22 1904 Reaffirm Allegiance to Democracy We the Democratic Party of the Territory of Hawaii in convention assembled do reaffirm our alleg- iance ¬ to the Democracy of the Main- land ¬ and to the fundamental prin- ciples ¬ upon which the Democratic party was foundedj and which have been consistently emphasized by that party ever since Pieclncd to Mainland Principles Wc pledge our hearty support to the platform of principles adopted by the St Lotjis Convention and to the National standard bearers of the party in the coming campaign Judge Alton B Parker and Henry G Davis Centralization of Power In dealing with Territorial mat- ters ¬ we first and foremost enter our protest against the centralization of power in the Executive branch of the Territorial government and the means adopted to secure that end The executive is an appointive one in this Territory and not responsi- ble ¬ to the electorate and is already clothed with inordinate powers un- der ¬ the Organic Act Exaction of Resignations Not content with this however it seeks to own and control the Leg- islature ¬ dominating the primaries with office holders and henchmen for that purpose Though profess- ing ¬ a desire for clean government it has by the exaction of undated resignations from the heads of all Departments The refusing of goycrnment em ¬ ployment to the citizens and tax ¬ payers of the Territory unless they sign a pledge of fealty to the Re ¬ publican Party Tlic forced levies of assessments from office holders for political pur- poses ¬ creating fear of dismissal from office for supposed disloyalty to the Executive and its henchmen Hunting down and defeating Re ¬ publican candidates for office whose independence might be a bar to the consummation of its ambitions Established graft and machine methods never before attempted in the history of these Islands AH of which we maintain is dilated to undermine political inde ¬ pendence and the right to open cri- ticism ¬ so necessary to maintain honest government Control of Legislation We charge that the manifest de- sire ¬ of the Executive Department of the Territorial government to dominate the Legislature is particu- larly ¬ unfortunate as it means be- fore ¬ long the elimination of that body of intelligent independent and fair minded legislators whp have always been found in the legisla- tive ¬ assemblies of these Islands in the past and who have done so much to preserve good government and the balance of pqwer between Continued to 4th page WALLiRS ADDRESS TO THE ELECTORS Red Hot Shot From Ono Of Democracys Strongest Candidate Delivered nt tho Orpheura Saturday evening Oetobor 22 19043 Fellow Citiscns I am not an Auto crat I am a Democrat I haVc identi fied myself with what I cot dor to be the peoples party the Democratic party a party that embraces all classes of so- ciety ¬ and believes in the doctrine of tin supreme power of the government being exercised directly by the nconle and not by any particular class or individual llnsi doctrine derives its origin from the Declaration of Independence where 1ik it is enunciated We hold these truths to be nt that all men are created equal that they are endowedby their Creator with certain inalienable rights that among these arc life liberty and the pursmt of happiness That to secure these rights governments arc instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed that whenever any form of government be- comes ¬ destructive to these ends it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute a new government lay- ing ¬ its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to cfIcct their safety and happiness Hence we sec that the form of gov- ernment ¬ conceived by the sturdy chai actcrs whose genius brought into being the great American Commonwealth was based upon the principle of common consent The medium through which this consent is expressed today is Hit ballot box This box is the peoples law giver It is as much the expression of the will of God as that of man for Gods hand lias been displayed in no un- certain ¬ manner in the affairs of our great nation during all its past history It controls the destiny of the American government and of the American peo pic British statesmen like OConnell Grotc Macauley Cobdcn and Gladstone championed the cause of the ballot box in England until finally in 1872 Glad- stone ¬ secured the full introduction of the suffrage This is the instrument by which the sunrcme nower of the Govern ment is exercised dircctlv by the people and the people should guard and cherish this sacred right as jealously as the gov- ernment ¬ does the specie in the vaults of the national Treasury A man who barters his vote is not fit for American citizenship It matters not whether the commodity received m exchange for the vote is money or offi- cial ¬ position it is barter and it is brib ¬ ery and it is a crime against liberty and acainst conscience and anainst one of the grandest institutions of the Re public and it is a direct attacK upon one of the leading forces in the van- guard ¬ of civilization I need only cite the law on elections from the Penal Code of this Territory 11 support of these assertions Par 1491 The following persons shall be deemed guilty of an election fraud Section i Every person who shall directly or indirectly personally or through another give procure or lend or agree or offer to give procure pr lend or who shall endeavor to procure any money or office or place of employ- ment ¬ of valuable consideration to or for any elector or to or for any person for an elector or to or lor any person 111 order to induce any elector to vote or refrain from voting or to vote or r frain from voting for any particular person or party or who shall do any such act on account ot any person hav ¬ ing voted or refrained from voting for any particular person at any election Section 4 Every elector who shall before cji r after any election di ¬ rectly or indirectly personally or through another receive agree or con ¬ tract for any money cift loan or vain able consideration office place or em ¬ ployment for himself or any other per- son ¬ for voting or agreeing to vote or for refraining to vote or agreeing to re- frain ¬ from voting or for voting or re ¬ fraining to vole for any particular per ¬ son or party Section 6 Every perscjn who shall directly or indirectly personally ot through another niake use of or Uneat ¬ en to make use of any force violence or restraint or inflict or threaten to in- flict ¬ any injury damtmc or loss in any manner or in any way puctice intimi- dation ¬ upon or against any person in order to induce or compel such person to vote or refrain from voting or to ote or refrain from voting for any par ¬ ticular person or party at any election or on account of such person having voted or refrained from voting or vptecl or refrained from voting for any par ticular person or party or who shall No 2960 abduction distress or any device or con- trivance ¬ impede prevent 6r otherwise interfere with the free exercise of th elective franchise Deprive the people of the liberal exercise of the suffraec and they will have the swor- d- tamper with the franchise of the indi udual and suppress the popular will and it will seek relief in open violence It is therefore highly essential that the department of the government com ¬ missioned with the grave duty of en- forcing ¬ the laws for the protection of civil rights especially those governing elections already cited should be en- tirely ¬ free from political bias in order to insure fair and impartial treatment o the riirhts of tlfr nnnirs nt icsni in th present campaign and to prevent any outrage of the hillnt hnv nt tin rnm ing election t Lord Chief Justice Holt of Encland thu exnresseshis sentiments nn thei i suffraue Let tlip nronln fiflm - Interference with a mans vote is ht behalf of this or the other party If- - such cases come before mc to be tried5- - shall charge the jury to make the ofr fender pay well for it i My fellow citizens I chanre vou tovJ permit no unlawful influence and no dis A honorable inducemrnl tn stnnrl Vitnn i1 niri 1d4MA mi I jwu uiiu vuui nuiicsi cuiivicuons on election day Dont stifle vour-m-inho-nrf by allowing yourself to be browbeaten iii Y aituai1 iiinv- - ty LIU 11 11 til I yriUCipiCS which arc repugnant to your best judg ¬ ment and dontJbeaparty to making- - nni mm n niclnrliin rf a - to whom you would never think of comV M nutting sven the smallest of your oivb private interests Dont do it Votei for the man of your choice and favor hi election solely on the grounds of his personal merits and the merits of his party platform Dont put men in power who will stjgmatize themselves their party and the Legislature as well 1 tell you cantiidly that I purpose asking no man to give me his vote unless he feels morally certain that I will not be- - tray the trust he thereby reposes in me a iic uanui uux is aksancuiarvanatsneeas to be cleansed it has been degraded in me past to tne low level of Unpolitical spoilsman and it remains for the meii ff of moral courage in T this community- - f men who are neither theadvocates nqr the tools of party servility to elevate1 and dignify it at the corning election One of the factors that confnblttes largely to the selection of sound timbers for legislative bodies is education and I am proud to stand upon a platform that advocates the extension of the public school system so as to embrace afri t comprehensive course of manua andjy J agricultural training and an elementarySi course in uivu government tnus yj g stilling into the youth of this Territory the principles of industry and good citi- - zenship upon which the future welfare of this Territory so muci depends An Associated Press cablegram to the1 Pacific Commercial Advertiser pub- - J lished in its issue of October 21 19045 reads as follows Lake Mohonk Oct 2 1 St Hawaii H i was the text of several addresses atthe Indian conference yesterday GorhaniY i D Gilman of Boston a former rpsMenr1 01 t iawaii said that the extension bt the suffrage to the native people vvasaJft1 great error Recent legislative acts of Jt il IT 1 1 -- j OlS uie iinvaiians supwea a lacK ootn qt in Ji telligencc and morals Tv Now I consider this an unqualified sianuer ot uie nawaiian people It is as uijtti uiium iu every man 111 mis iCf 1 ritojy with a drop of Hawaiian bloodt in his veins If I were a Hawaiian It would not feel like calling upon the peof nc m uiy Lite lur u voic OI inailKS M this gentleman who has so freely and - so publicly traduced their character V Just as though this community had p never known such excellent Hawaiians - as Henry Smith Mark Robinson Johnt una nuraijam rcrnanuez rainier r Woods Jas F Woods A N Keppikai 5 Eben P Low J S Low Curtis Pf Iaukea Frank Harvev Tnhn C Ijin k and a host of others whose intelligenceA integrity and moral worth are unqnerH rioned It behooves the Hawaiians to stimti Vj late in their ranks an earnest desire fqr the very best representation in the leais- - lative chambers of this Territory NLetn1 them select their best talent at thesb V rniiciie ntlrl lur fcr rlninrr 1icKn itia rXiUf ln less set who after the close of the jwj uawti t Hit illlUillLU UT M Grand Jury You cannot afford Ut allow the reputation of your race tojirTr1 compromised by the deportment of nKj terly irresponsible men Remember Jj9fJ U1V Ull hlllll flllli Ulll U lift UllJiailllllK l4i witnesses has charged you with havinjg the franchise unlawfully in npssession The Democratic partv is anxious to be your advocate and all it asks as a re- - tainer fee is a vote of confidence at the coming election Will you give it I am not here to extol the virtues of the Hawaiians nor to capture their votes with a flattering tongue but I am here to protest agajnst charges which re manifestly unfair to them It has been unfortunate for the Hawaiians that iheir education in Civil Government has b en left hitherto to the tender mercies o the political desperado wjti the re- - ult that an element which is in no wise i uahlied to represent the race has been raitated into the Legislature through the mcdhih1 of the suborned and rowdy c incus Then why censure the race for tiie deeds of the ew when in our oyyn - HI J Continued to

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    t- -




    xS EfiAfa in n is

    UCJUWi KMWUlMLigl w

    T H

    i j The If iaa Passenger Staamor of This Line Will and LeaveThij port aa Hereundermm SMI PBAKCISCO


    ompanjTIME TABLE



    Tv7 j H

    In oonnootion with the sailing of the above stoamero tha Agents areprepared to issue to intending pssnenftara coupon through by anyiilcoad from San Franoiaob to all point in the United States and fromKev7 York by any atsmihip linoto nil European porta

    JLor imthor partioalars apply to

    WJ3t Irwin CoG ozxoral Agents pceanic S S Company


    F H lllf IPS o tilV- - Vi i r



    u -

    j- -



    i VI

    v r -

    Igonta tot hloydrClaaadiaj3 Aurtsaliin Steamslnp Luie

    Britieh Iovcagai Marino Insurance CoNorthern Acsuranca Oo andIafe

    Canadian Pabific ilaih7ay CoFionppv Lhin of Packets from Liverpool


    AQ BNTS FOKrWestsbh SoaAAREimNa Oo Sam

    Pbawoisoo Oal

    BAiDWiNtocoi OTiVK WonE3 Fuvftl fli DELPHI PAi

    Nnwnui Universal Mill CoMttnufftoturerfl of National Caue

    Shredder Ney York N Y

    Pasappuib Paimt Company SanFbauoisoo CAr

    Ohlamdt and Company San Fbauoisoo Oal


    Sii J oA T







    ocna spceokles wu a ibwui

    QasiBSir96l8l8 A 6s




    JAJJ iKAHOIBOO The NevQ HntiouBsut ot Ban Franolsoo

    ONDON The Union oJ London in SmithsBank Hd

    HEVr JOKK AqoiIocu jJichrnif8 Ktlonnl Bank

    QEuOA00 Corn ExohageNaUonel CantPABIQ Oradit IiyonnalnB1JBMH DisrdnBrBankHOim KONG AND YOKOHAMA Hunf

    Kouk tSUanahaiBanklnnCorpoitttlonITEW ZBALANP AND AflBTKALIA

    I3enkR o New Zcolnnd and AuatralRUVIOXOKIA AND VAN00UV3B BanJr

    ot Ililtlch North Amorloa

    Vramaot Qtniral Banking and JBtca a aButineti

    SepoilUKseclvcd Loans made on Ao ofid HcourlW OommsrolalandTravw

    CradH Isonea BI1U okciishl and told

    Paoipio Oil Tbahspohtatioh Co ois6tlouu roiiiTJU iuUi Vgn vvi wm


    wn tta


    PLATFOBM OF 1901

    Priacipies Adopted For The

    Patty To Stand On In

    This Campaign

    Adopted in Tcrntorial Convention onMonday August 22 1904

    Reaffirm Allegiance to Democracy

    We the Democratic Party of theTerritory of Hawaii in conventionassembled do reaffirm our alleg-iance


    to the Democracy of the Main-land


    and to the fundamental prin-ciples


    upon which the Democraticparty was foundedj and which havebeen consistently emphasized bythat party ever sincePieclncd to Mainland Principles

    Wc pledge our hearty support tothe platform of principles adoptedby the St Lotjis Convention and tothe National standard bearers ofthe party in the coming campaignJudge Alton B Parker and HenryG DavisCentralization of Power

    In dealing with Territorial mat-ters


    we first and foremost enter ourprotest against the centralization ofpower in the Executive branch ofthe Territorial government and themeans adopted to secure that endThe executive is an appointive onein this Territory and not responsi-ble


    to the electorate and is alreadyclothed with inordinate powers un-der


    the Organic Act

    Exaction of Resignations

    Not content with this howeverit seeks to own and control the Leg-islature


    dominating the primarieswith office holders and henchmenfor that purpose Though profess-ing


    a desire for clean governmentit has by the exaction of undatedresignations from the heads of allDepartments

    The refusing of goycrnment em ¬

    ployment to the citizens and tax¬payers of the Territory unless theysign a pledge of fealty to the Re ¬

    publican PartyTlic forced levies of assessments

    from office holders for political pur-poses


    creating fear of dismissalfrom office for supposed disloyaltyto the Executive and its henchmen

    Hunting down and defeating Re ¬publican candidates for office whoseindependence might be a bar to theconsummation of its ambitions

    Established graft and machinemethods never before attempted inthe history of these Islands

    AH of which we maintain isdilated to undermine political inde ¬

    pendence and the right to open cri-ticism


    so necessary to maintainhonest government

    Control of Legislation

    We charge that the manifest de-sire


    of the Executive Departmentof the Territorial government todominate the Legislature is particu-larly


    unfortunate as it means be-fore


    long the elimination of thatbody of intelligent independent andfair minded legislators whp havealways been found in the legisla-tive


    assemblies of these Islands inthe past and who have done somuch to preserve good governmentand the balance of pqwer between

    Continued to 4th page



    Red Hot Shot From Ono Of

    Democracys Strongest


    Delivered nt tho Orpheura Saturdayevening Oetobor 22 19043

    Fellow Citiscns I am not an Autocrat I am a Democrat I haVc identified myself with what I cot dor to bethe peoples party the Democratic partya party that embraces all classes of so-ciety


    and believes in the doctrine of tinsupreme power of the government beingexercised directly by the nconle and

    not by any particular class or individualllnsi doctrine derives its origin from

    the Declaration of Independence where1ik it is enunciated

    We hold these truths to be ntthat all men are created equal

    that they are endowedby their Creatorwith certain inalienable rights thatamong these arc life liberty and thepursmt of happiness That to securethese rights governments arc institutedamong men deriving their just powers

    from the consent of the governed thatwhenever any form of government be-comes


    destructive to these ends it is theright of the people to alter or abolish itand to institute a new government lay-ing


    its foundations on such principlesand organizing its powers in such formas to them shall seem most likely tocfIcct their safety and happiness

    Hence we sec that the form of gov-ernment


    conceived by the sturdy chaiactcrs whose genius brought into beingthe great American Commonwealth wasbased upon the principle of commonconsent The medium through whichthis consent is expressed today is Hitballot box This box is the peopleslaw giver It is as much the expressionof the will of God as that of man forGods hand lias been displayed in no un-certain


    manner in the affairs of ourgreat nation during all its past historyIt controls the destiny of the Americangovernment and of the American peopic British statesmen like OConnellGrotc Macauley Cobdcn and Gladstonechampioned the cause of the ballot boxin England until finally in 1872 Glad-stone


    secured the full introduction ofthe suffrage This is the instrument bywhich the sunrcme nower of the Government is exercised dircctlv by the peopleand the people should guard and cherishthis sacred right as jealously as the gov-ernment


    does the specie in the vaultsof the national Treasury

    A man who barters his vote is not fitfor American citizenship It mattersnot whether the commodity received mexchange for the vote is money or offi-cial


    position it is barter and it is brib ¬ery and it is a crime against libertyand acainst conscience and anainst one

    of the grandest institutions of the Republic and it is a direct attacK uponone of the leading forces in the van-guard


    of civilizationI need only cite the law on elections

    from the Penal Code of this Territory11 support of these assertions

    Par 1491 The following personsshall be deemed guilty of an electionfraud

    Section i Every person who shalldirectly or indirectly personally orthrough another give procure or lendor agree or offer to give procure prlend or who shall endeavor to procureany money or office or place of employ-ment


    of valuable consideration to or forany elector or to or for any person foran elector or to or lor any person 111order to induce any elector to vote orrefrain from voting or to vote or rfrain from voting for any particularperson or party or who shall do anysuch act on account ot any person hav ¬ing voted or refrained from voting forany particular person at any election

    Section 4 Every elector who shallbefore cji r after any election di ¬rectly or indirectly personally orthrough another receive agree or con¬tract for any money cift loan or vainable consideration office place or em ¬ployment for himself or any other per-son


    for voting or agreeing to vote orfor refraining to vote or agreeing to re-frain


    from voting or for voting or re ¬fraining to vole for any particular per ¬son or party

    Section 6 Every perscjn who shalldirectly or indirectly personally otthrough another niake use of or Uneat ¬en to make use of any force violenceor restraint or inflict or threaten to in-flict


    any injury damtmc or loss in anymanner or in any way puctice intimi-dation


    upon or against any person inorder to induce or compel such personto vote or refrain from voting or to

    ote or refrain from voting for any par ¬ticular person or party at any electionor on account of such person havingvoted or refrained from voting or vpteclor refrained from voting for any particular person or party or who shall

    No 2960

    abduction distress or any device or con-trivance


    impede prevent 6r otherwiseinterfere with the free exercise of thelective franchise

    Deprive the people of the liberalexercise of the suffraec andthey will have the swor- d-tamper with the franchise of the indiudual and suppress the popular willand it will seek relief in open violence

    It is therefore highly essential thatthe department of the government com ¬missioned with the grave duty of en-forcing


    the laws for the protection ofcivil rights especially those governingelections already cited should be en-tirely

    ¬free from political bias in order

    to insure fair and impartial treatment othe riirhts of tlfr nnnirs nt icsni in thpresent campaign and to prevent anyoutrage of the hillnt hnv nt tin rnming election t

    Lord Chief Justice Holt of Enclandthu exnresseshis sentiments nn thei isuffraue Let tlip nronln fiflm -Interference with a mans vote is htbehalf of this or the other party If- -such cases come before mc to be tried5- -

    shall charge the jury to make the ofrfender pay well for it i

    My fellow citizens I chanre vou tovJpermit no unlawful influence and no dis Ahonorable inducemrnl tn stnnrl Vitnni1 niri 1d4MA mi Ijwu uiiu vuui nuiicsi cuiivicuons onelection day Dont stifle vour-m-inho-nrf

    by allowing yourself to be browbeateniii Y aituai1 iiinv- - ty LIU 11 11 til I yriUCipiCS

    which arc repugnant to your best judg ¬ment and dontJbeaparty to making- -nni mm n niclnrliin rf a -to whom you would never think of comV Mnutting sven the smallest of your oivbprivate interests Dont do it Voteifor the man of your choice and favorhi election solely on the grounds of hispersonal merits and the merits of hisparty platform Dont put men in powerwho will stjgmatize themselves theirparty and the Legislature as well 1tell you cantiidly that I purpose askingno man to give me his vote unless hefeels morally certain that I will not be--tray the trust he thereby reposes in mea iic uanui uux is aksancuiarvanatsneeasto be cleansed it has been degraded inme past to tne low level of Unpoliticalspoilsman and it remains for the meii ffof moral courage in T this community- - fmen who are neither theadvocates nqrthe tools of party servility to elevate1and dignify it at the corning election

    One of the factors that confnbltteslargely to the selection of sound timbersfor legislative bodies is education andI am proud to stand upon a platformthat advocates the extension of thepublic school system so as to embrace afri tcomprehensive course of manua andjy Jagricultural training and an elementarySicourse in uivu government tnus yj g

    stilling into the youth of this Territorythe principles of industry and good citi--

    zenship upon which the future welfareof this Territory so muci depends

    An Associated Press cablegram to the1Pacific Commercial Advertiser pub-- J

    lished in its issue of October 21 19045reads as follows

    Lake Mohonk Oct 2 1 St Hawaii H iwas the text of several addresses attheIndian conference yesterday GorhaniY iD Gilman of Boston a former rpsMenr101 t iawaii said that the extension btthe suffrage to the native people vvasaJft1great error Recent legislative acts of Jt

    il IT 1 1 -- j OlSuie iinvaiians supwea a lacK ootn qt in Jitelligencc and morals Tv

    Now I consider this an unqualifiedsianuer ot uie nawaiian people It is asuijtti uiium iu every man 111 mis iCf 1ritojy with a drop of Hawaiian bloodtin his veins If I were a Hawaiian Itwould not feel like calling upon the peofnc m uiy Lite lur u voic OI inailKS M

    this gentleman who has so freely and -so publicly traduced their character V

    Just as though this community had pnever known such excellent Hawaiians -as Henry Smith Mark Robinson Johntuna nuraijam rcrnanuez rainier rWoods Jas F Woods A N Keppikai 5Eben P Low J S Low Curtis PfIaukea Frank Harvev Tnhn C Ijin kand a host of others whose intelligenceAintegrity and moral worth are unqnerHrioned

    It behooves the Hawaiians to stimti Vjlate in their ranks an earnest desire fqrthe very best representation in the leais- -

    lative chambers of this Territory NLetn1them select their best talent at thesb Vrniiciie ntlrl lur fcr rlninrr 1icKn itia rXiUf lnless set who after the close of the jwjuawti t Hit illlUillLU UT M

    Grand Jury You cannot afford Utallow the reputation of your race tojirTr1compromised by the deportment of nKjterly irresponsible men Remember Jj9fJU1V Ull hlllll flllli Ulll U lift UllJiailllllK l4iwitnesses has charged you with havinjgthe franchise unlawfully in npssession

    The Democratic partv is anxious to beyour advocate and all it asks as a re--tainer fee is a vote of confidence at thecoming election Will you give it

    I am not here to extol the virtues ofthe Hawaiians nor to capture theirvotes with a flattering tongue but I amhere to protest agajnst charges which

    re manifestly unfair to them It hasbeen unfortunate for the Hawaiians thatiheir education in Civil Government has

    b en left hitherto to the tender mercieso the political desperado wjti the re- -

    ult that an element which is in no wisei uahlied to represent the race has beenraitated into the Legislature through

    the mcdhih1 of the suborned and rowdyc incus Then why censure the race fortiie deeds of the ew when in our oyyn

    - HI JContinued to

  • l J

    the Offloe





    Entered Honolulu

    Beoond olais mall

    uBsoansiow iambi

    IY Per Montn anywnefes Islands





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    lor YearJer Year postpaid Foreign Com

    KIM MIMVw- - h

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    FyaWo XnwMMy In Advance

    If Va ii


    Rroprletos and Fab


    BssIdlnR HonoItUn

    8 THURSDAY NOV 1904



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    DelBQate to Congress

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    RepresentativesUrillWIM IIINI1KII1IIWUMiM


    ih0 UADjliJBi--J-- -ij FJ ANGSTONfiM- - Pi JAERETTTI NAUHA


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    To all appearances and aa a mat- -

    Ur of ftthe entire work now being4one by the government meets the

    - ii i jMMiOl inis peoifiaiioD anit woioMigovsrament to attempt letting

    iontraot of this size on auahs Q there wouldQiiKAT Indiqna- -1 1 The Merebants Aisoeiation

    is Ubamber oi uommerae meBuilders and Traders Exchange and

    JJdndred associations would pais rsoylutions protesting against such evi- -

    deuoes of Qraftl Ghaft II GRAFTbut by their silence they give cou- -sent to such methods of looting theTerritorial Treasury

    The Governor says he is loo busyto diseuss personal matters buthimself creates the fjsksonai equa ¬

    tion by eliminating departmentalresponsibility under the law other

    LtMtk-t-iilpC- - iunulfi

    that Rroia dliroRord of the publicsinterest tjjatiaishown in the testingup of newly maoatlamizad atteotafor the patpoto of laying pipesthereioi s- -

    On the mainland the coat wearand tear of road and aireet bakinsia reduoed to a minimum by icoorporating all poatlble utility requitementi auoh as water lower gasoleottioal tolophone ondother oon- -duits for generations to oome oonnectiona boing brought to the eurbline so that onoe down a streetneeds no further attention thanoccasional surface repairs Thiswould be the eoonomioal procedurehere

    What applies to this also appliesto many other expenditures of whioh

    the Governor has assumed personalaontrol The economies introduoadthrough the pruning of salaries aremore than offset by the finanaialleaks in the pipe lines -

    Road and garbage departmentoarts doing serious- - stunts is carrying Republioan rostrump etc fromplaoe to place posting Repubiioan

    bill etc while licensed express menare sucking their thumbs waitingfor something to turn up are doingtheir full chare toward a politicalland slide after which will oome aninquiry into the siouroe of author-ization


    for the wanton waste ofpublic funds in improving privateproperty as evidenced in part by thefilling of the Biahop Estate lotfaoingthe Young hotel

    In view of the statement by theGovernor that the reservoir capacitywill be increased two years henoewhat is the natural presumption onthe part of any candid business manrelative to the indiscriminate rush-ing


    underground of the new mainsThe oity is as well supplied withwater as it eatlL be for two years tocome The contention that the wortcisboing done to make available theold mains now down for extentionoin distriotsat present unprovidedfalls flat by reason of the methodspursued Thousands of faet of pipethat could hare been economicallyremoved while the new pipes weregoing down will never repay theexpense of a subsequent

    to remove them Better evid ¬ence of this can not be desired bythe enquiring taxpayer than toglance at the condition of some oftjiesB old mains now already re-moved


    It is for the Governor to justifythe course that is being pursuedand to disabuse the minds of thevoters that the pipe laying has nopolitical motive behind it

    Tli 8 Democratic Campaign

    The Democrats in the Territorybase their claim for the support ofthe voters at the ooming eleetion onthe grounds that they hare present ¬ed a platform whloh embraces ques ¬

    tions whioh will be of great import ¬

    ance to the welfare of the Territory

    and which will be solved by thepolioy to whioh the Democraticcandidates stand pledged

    The Dbt-ocrt- t- if in the majorityin the Legislature will assure thevoters that county government willb established here as tho peoplewIbIi it in spite qf the intrigues ofthe governor who js using desperate

    fl8riaIu rtiWvnt4ajauw8WB


    a centralized eprornment under hiimmediate and poraonal control

    Tho Demdorats will not waste thetime of the Legislature by psBiifagridiculous and impossible measuresbut they will through a brief andbuailaeBBliW session5 atteM to theimmediate wants of tho Territoryand they will among other thingsteach the Executiue that he cannotride roughshod over the

    branoheB of the local govern-ment


    Tho Democrats will insist on athorough investigation of the Terri-torial


    administration and repudiateany compromise with those whohave introduced methods and systenia whioh are contrary to theOrganio Act and oppressive to thepeoplo

    The voters oro determined thatthe attempted dictatorship of theGovernor shall ba ended and thoyrealize that tho only manner inwhich this can be done is by elect-ing


    a Logialaturewhich will not besubservient to him and whichcanneither booojoled or bullied intoblind obedience to the arrogant gov-ernor


    Every independent in-telligent


    and honorable voter shouldvote the Democratic ticket and ifOahu is carried for the party theresults from the other islands willgiye us an intelligent uprightDemocratic LeRialature

    Thosfi Warrants

    The Democrat io platform containsthe following paragraph Warrantsin place of cash extrava ¬gant administration resulting inthe isBuanoe of government warrantsto employees and supply men apreposterous course whereby thetaxpayers are being doily mulctedin the amount of interest paid onunproductive loans on the one handand the loss incidental to discount-ing


    warrants on the other

    No remedy has yet been proposedby the Carter administration where ¬by this illegal system of paying ob-ligations


    with paper ftnoney thatthe banks will not accept at parcan be abontloned The financialpolioy of Carter is that of an irre-sponsible gambler or spendthriftwho simply ories fa banquet apresnous la deluge The kicgB of Franceused to Bay that and it cost one ofthem his erown and hoad but inthose days suoh a polioy was naturalBut horo in an American Territoryin the year 1904 we see the remark-able


    speotaole of a Territory of theUnited States committing daily anaet of bankruptcy by being unableto pay its creditors in the legaltender of the land

    iiA Republican financier who

    Swears by Carter as a politician andfinancier ssid that the warrant sys ¬tem was frequently used in somelocal governments on the mainlandand be added it is really no bardship to any body as the banks diecount the warrants at a trifliuR per ¬centage tThat man expressedexaetly Carters views He likepatter look at the morale of thematter ho ctrp not for the danger-ous


    precedent evtblished by thepolioy all he os well as Carteroan see is that the discount is sosmall that the loss doesnt hurt any ¬body

    punlly ebmmlU Illegal act in flu jegerLCe 111direction what is there to preventhim from doing it in others TThrough his infamous polioy of unloted resignations he set astdo thespirit of the Organic Aot and usurp-ed


    a power whioh it was not intend ¬ed he Bhould possess The warrantpolioy is just as illegal The Ltglslaturo provided that certain sumsshould be paid for servioes to in-cumbents


    of aortain officer and nogovernor has the right or power toeheot tho Lagislaturo by filling

    the officeB provided by law and pay ¬ing the officials in base coin of lesBvalue than the1 Legislature intendedthey should receive

    Let the voters understaodthst wearo not making a mountain out of amolehill that the matters of war ¬rants may be in itself of minor im-portance


    but that the question withwhioh wo have to deal on electionday is whether we oan in honor andreason support an administrationwho after the adjournment of theLegislature will take the bit in themouth and devise some other moanswhereby the expressed will of therepresentatives of the people oan beset at naught and the intentions ofour representatives fraudulentlyfrustrated

    That is why the warrant polioy isan issue in this eleotion and whytho Governor who fathered itshould be rebuked at the comingeledtion by the defeat ofhis politicalparty

    mS THE DAI



    But tho people will decido

    The Republicans can with advan ¬tage take a leaf out of the book ofthe Japanese Frinoe who when askek as to the outcome of tha waranswered No battle Is won untilit has been fought No election iisoon dear friends until the ballotshave been counted

    The Advertiser representing theRepublican party is otill advocatingthat Molokai be used as a nationalleper lazaretto to the detriment ofcommercial interests hers Thatthe turning loose at the ettlemen tof a number of white persons moreor less desperate through beingafllioted with an incurable diseasewould make tho Settlement a hellon earth and the discipline whiohnow keeps affairs there within de-cent


    boundaries would soon becomea thing of the past and riotousliving and disorder beoome theorder of the day Hawaii is wealthyenough to carry its own burdensand nek for no support in lookingafter her wards but Hawaii deesobjeot to be stamped in the civiliz-ed


    world as a public leper lazarettoand the suUiriog Hawaiians objeo tto the appearance in their midst ofnondescript lepers from the mainland who never could assimilatewith the Hawaiians and could onlybring strife and discontent into thepeaceful community on MolokaiTo hell with the Hawaiians is theproper slogan for the Republicanshero

    ITOit UAX2- -

    gJQfJ HOUSE AND LOT ONLilihn Street near King Only smallor payment reoeived Apply to

    WILLIAM 0AV1DGE ft CO803 MsrohiBt 8Um

    Manoa Valley

    ForRent or Lease

    The residence of Jaa HBoyd at Manoa Valley is of-fered


    for Kent or LeaBoPossession can be given im-mediately


    BJor further particulars ap-- VfjjLolv ta Jas H Boyd

    Z7 17

    a mm PROPOSITIONWell now thorea the


    Yon know youll noed ioe youknow its a necessity in hot weatherWe bolieve you are npxious to gethat inn whin will mvn nn nnfia

    faotion and vrod like to supplyyou uraor irora

    kU io Piatt Ci

    Telophono 8151 Blue FostofSaeBox em



    Dealers in- -



    luluiAJfcTID Mil


    Dot Merohont Alakea StreetHAIN-492-JI- AIN

    Sanitary Stflam Laundry

    Co Ltd


    Haying made large additions toour maohinery we are now able tolaunder SPREADS SHEETS PILLOWSLIPS TABLE OLOTH8TABLE NAPKINS and TOWELSat the rate of 25 cents per dozencash

    Satisfactory work and promptdelivery quaranteed

    No feor of olothing being lostfrom strikes

    We invite inspeotion of our laun-dry and methods at any time dur-ing business hours

    Mg 09 lia 73and our wagons will call for your



    i i




    i ji




    mrfvVlr ii

    V IB





  • J










    I- -



    Views of T J Ryan

    As to The Future

    of Hawaiians

    In a speech reoently delirered byT J Ryan of Olaa at Waiakes inHilo ho ss in part as followi

    Already Japaneaa hare commenc ¬ed to register and will rote at thecoming olootion For proof I referyou to the list of registered voterspouted in Hilo as required by law

    It is true there is only one regis-tered


    thin year but it plainly shoveswhat ia ooming I have no deBireio confuse your minds with whathas happened in the past Whtjt- -ever our suoseis failure or regretsmay hare been in the paBt theopportunity has vanished and wehavo only added to oiiV stock ofexperience

    But T feel it to be my duty iopoint out to you as beBt I can thoprincipal issues we are called uponto deoide by ballot at presont andthe principal issuoB that will inevit-ably


    confront ua in the near fu-ture


    I have nothing to nay againBt oneindividual Jap nor againBt 100 noragainst 500 but against one hun ¬dred thousandin this little Territory I enter a deoided protest

    Who brought them here WaBit the democrats No- - Was it theHawaiian people No Was it thomalihini from the mainland NoWho then brought them here insuch vast numbers Most assuredlyit was the cane planters corpora-tions


    And where do the caneplanters stand today on the issuesnow bsfore the peoplet No onecan deny thatthey stand with tbprepublican party In fapt theylmake up the very vitals of therepublican party in tnis Territory

    No doubt this Jap will be cor-dially


    greeted by and enrolled inthe young mens repnblioan olubNo donbthe will be given someposition in the publio service toencourage others of his race At thenext election we may look to seeone hundred or two hundred morcior less registered and in a shorttime we may look to see SakamotoRoad Supervisor Yamamoto Tanaka Nakahara and others on tho1polios force and so on indefinitelyever increasing Then where willyou Hawaiians and Portuguese bp

    who are now so foolish as to votethe republican ticket under thothreat of the present publio offioialsthat you will be discharged fromwork on the public roads and themean wages you now receivs notexceeding one dollar per day will beout off

    I fanoy that not many yearshence I will see you applying toSakanoto for work on the road atfifty dents a day and being refusedAlthough I have sympathy for younow if then It see the Jap refuseyou work and even kick you offthe road I mBy be tempted to sajIt serves you right

    Only a few days ago we were

    3k all shooked by hearing the news

    that one of our promising youngcitizens born in Hawaii was foullymurdred on the street of Honolulu

    The murder of young Mr Damonflashed the horrible inquiry intomy mind Had the elder Mr Dam-



    or he plantations in which nodeubt he is heavily interested auytfting to do with bringing thismurderous dsgo olement to Hawaii

    If so his consojenoe alone would besufficient accuser

    The uaerlfiee of this young man anative of these Islands on the slUrof Mammon must be a lesion to thethoughtful citizen And for whatSuoart SuqarII SUGAR

    IITU ranri fmill til ft tfi9 tllllnil VV produced before the Mitohell Com- -

    mission Part 2 pages 208 to 211Among other things Bhowing that

    thaio poor Wrolohos tho produel ofSpanish tyranny wero broughtaotoea the American continentguarded by plantation agents armedwith shot gunti Draw your bwuconclusions and plaoa the blamewhere it properly belongs

    Our form of governmont mustsurvive througn intelligence itcan not exist through ignoranooIt was built upon the foundationthat all governments derive their

    just powers from the oonBont of thegoverned The falsehood threatsand intimidation used by republisauofficials and their hirelings in tbielooality is subversive of the spirit ofour institutions and contrary to thewritten charter of our liberty

    By the vote of every good citizenwho loves his country suoh politi-cal


    taotios should moot the rebukethey deserve and those who reiortto them



    Isaac H Sherwood elerk in theAuditors office died at 845 oolookthis morning at his residence belowtho pumping station in FlamaTho remains will lay in state at theresidence of Solomon Mahelonatonicht and the fuuoral will takeplaoe at 8 p m tomorrow

    Mr Sherwood turned out at thefalse alarm of the steamer bearingthe Japanese Prince two days agoAfter leaving tho watorfront hestopped at the drill shed until lateat night having a good time withthe men About 4 oclock in themorning he was discovered in oneof the side rooms in a dying condi-tion


    He was taken home but wastoo far gone to do anything withAn autopsy was held and the exactosuso ot aeain win prooaoiy usknown during the day

    Deceased was born in Kona about42 years ago but was educated inHonolulu and spent most of bis lifehero He leaves a widow and oneson David His wife was a MissMahelona sisterlioanture


    the Beputithe LiBgiala- -

    Political Uoetinea

    Democrats will meet tonight atI Nnuhaa place in Kakaako and atthe Kalihi pumping station To-morrow


    uicht the meetings will boat Pauoa Eohool house and at thecorner of School and Liliba street

    Republicans of the Fourth dis-trict


    will meet at Kauakauuls resi ¬

    dence in Waikiki tonightNo meeting of the Fifth on ac ¬

    count of the death of Isato Sher-wood


    Tomorrow night FourthDistrict Republicans will hold arally in Emma square No meetingin the Fifth

    v- - m

    District Court Doings

    Judge Lindsay this forenooncommitted Wm Hoopii to the Cir-cuit


    Court for burglary in the firstdegree Of seven gamblors includ- -ingtke five boyB arrested nt IwileijeBtorday one forfeited bail of 12two were nolla prossed one fined

    26 and three 18 eaeh Thos Jopeshad two charges of assault andbattery against Uim He was raprimandod and discharged on one andfined 15 on the other Kolohe wwas reprimanded and dischargedfor profanity Three drunks wereassessed as usual All other caseswent over

    The Prince Bails

    The Japanese Prince was given animmense send off upon the departure of the Mauohuria at noon todayAn immense orowd of Japanetenatives and whites was at the wharfThe band went out in the tug Fear ¬less and serenade the ehjp fprseveral miles

    -- IIH

    The office of The independent isin the brick building next to theHawaiian hotel grounds on Beretania street Waikiki of AlakeaDrat lloor


    But tho pobplo will docidoi t

    The Independent 5U cents permonth

    The Manchuria sailed at noontoday for San Francisco

    The Iroquois let ycetotday aftoi- -noon for a oruiBB to Molokal

    The Likeliko will siil at 5 oclockthis afternoon for heir usual pottr

    The Manchuria brorg t nearly400 Japanese laborers to Honolulu

    Oolonel W Maefarlane will notleave far Ouba until the sailing ofthe Korea

    Copies of Tub Independent ofOctober 14 15 and27 are wanttedat this office

    Passengers DopsrtacJ

    Per S ft Manchuria November 8for San Francisco Mr and Mrs EDTenney Miss Sullivan and maidMrs W Everett Miss Mullen RBosenberg Mrs Cullen Miss M AThayer and sister Miss E ColemanJ D 0 Townoand wife Mrs M Mit-chell Mrs L M Doe F J Amweg WWaterhouse Mrs J Bosenberg oad2children C M Lovested F L Rich ¬mond A M R Fitzimmans anddaughter W S Bartlett J MitchrielaF J Moffmann E P Dow D HoneyMrs E A Mott Smith Mrs AnnaBorges and 5 children CarmenMurphy Mrs W A Meyers Mrs BBogi and son Bev F Komura



    It is perfootly pure and alwaysgives satisfaction We deliver it ineat pasteboard boxes -

    iatropolltei Meat 60Tolophone Main 45



    On the premisos of the SanitaiSteam Laundry Co Ltd betweenSouth and Queen streets

    Tho buildings are supplied withhot and cold water and oleotriolights Artesian wate Perf6otcanitatloBi

    For partioulaxs apply to

    umwmvOn tho premlsei or at tho oflloe oJ A Uokood 88 tf

    Counsellob-at-La- w

    D S Supreme Court RegisteredAttorney J S Patent Office Unitod Statei and Foreign PatentsCaveats 1 ado Marks and Copyrights

    Wo 700 7th Street N WWashington D G

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    It spread s firtlierCovers most STJLrfaoeLast longestIV I NV -- Ta rf --1 -- T lJ 1 t V X -J- L UKJJOt JUV lPi lunaiKsor ruos orxThe m- - Iff JS Tfl turminm nrnwsv in 1111w raWaaW wo w wm v WWB CMiawa



    English BloateibElndon HaddofikFancy Cheesa


    w IB Bbf Ki M Mn ft m ti irk fea w w mTk F t a

    FORTP O BOX 386

    Sualneasi Card


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    All KniE3

    Queen Street Honolulu


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    Southwest corner Fort and Eiug SteHonolulu T H


    Rial Estate AoehvdBSTDAOTOIt AMD SEAEOHEB 07 T1LZi

    Loams NegotiatedRents Colleoted

    Oampbell Block Merchant QtraevUW U

    Hillister Drag Co Ltd

    Dnuas and Medical Sdpplies

    No 1056 FortSt Tel Main 49

    3F J TESTANotary FuiTpllo




    nn LOTS at Kalihi iCOxlGO ftuU back of Kamehamoha Sohcoland Kalihi Boad

    For full particulars inquire per ¬sonally of f

    ABRAHAM FERNANDEZat the office of N Fernandez Mer ¬chant St or to N Fernandez

    eWR EiSiT



    Wm 6 Irwin Co

    Win 0 Irwin --John 1 SrreckelsW It Glffaru - --II M Whituey JrKlchanl IversA C Lovekiu






    ft-- m




    wfcFirst Vice President Ji- -- iBecond Vice President V i- Treasurer avjfl


    Iiih- - - Auar


    GoEamKisftQD Ageiats




    Qceiolo StasmsMp Vmffor Ban ifrancisco uai


    yDiicount I

    V I







    One Week Ojily

    Extra Heavy




    RdWGreen inaibltized outeidtf white



    insid Tea BerlinPudding Pans Pie Plates Jelly

    Pans Dish CollandersWash Ba8inBLadle8Bssting SpoonsPails Covered Buokete Tea andCoffee Pots Coffee Biggans


    Kettles Kettles

    LewigllCOjLtd169 EINt bt Lowers Oooke bldg

    240- - Telephone 20it II BOYD

    SunVBXOB AMD Bhal JCwatb AaiMt

    OAset BsthslSuetn




    -- rr


    j iiimn

    fini W

    Cake Pans


  • 5ri-- -- JL jamiiRaetrsa M - j3towq5SiWKirVh



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    Kife -IWS




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    r4 fr0



    4 Democratice









    It Upholds the Eight and isFearless Against All Comers


    Its Expressions are Outspoken

    Subscription tialj Fifty Gents a Month



    Continued from pagenfr

    r aW 4


    lptp Executive and Legislativeffbrandies of the governmentA Reduction of Salaries

    rf Wc declare against the mctnouf and means used recently by the Executive of thfe Territory to re adjust

    its finances and cut down its ex- -

    rwmrlittiriisaiHSuch retrenchment was brought

    - - aT about by cutting down tlie salaries

    lvof employees beyond the livingpoint and by dismissing other em-



    to the detriment of the

    nubHc serviceVwhereas -

    Tc IncorfjeiTo the Wealthytit llV- - 1 11r Hinf fVif

    ldepfelS condition of the Territorial

    f Treasury would have been moreWf-- nU A r H1MjBtiymet Dy laxuuuu mjjuu tvcafur fW in this connection we believe

    and declare that an increase in thev rate of the income tax would have


    i-- I - iepn more jair auu cyiuaytuua ouuJore democratic than the method

    adoptedIn connection with the rctrencn- -

    ment policy in qviestion we paripvilarly condemn the discriminationexercised against the non voting

    npjoyees of the government in thecutting of salaries

    National Legislation Neglected

    We denounce the policy of theRepublican party in the NationalCongress whereby private Hawaiianlegislation was submitted in com-mittee


    and received attention in ad-



    of pressing public matterwith the result that after the pass- -

    agepf private bills the remaining


    Hawaiian measures were1 absolutelyneglected and refused further cop- -sidcration during this session ofCongress to the detriment ancagainst the interests of the entireTerritoryTo Apply American Land Lawe

    We declare the policy of the Re-publican


    party in this Territorywhereby large areas of land andvaluable water rights are still beingalienated from the public domainfor the sole use and benefit of cor-porations


    or persons already pos-sessed


    of large tracts of land andprivileges a positive menace to theupbuilding of an untrammeledelectorate in these Islands andpledge our delegate to Congress tosecure local application of the spir- -it of American land laws prefer- -encc being given the landless elec-torate


    in our Territory in any divis

    r 1rJtki 4a

    ion of the public domain

    The Delegate Pledged

    We further pledge our delegateto Congress to keep constant vigil-ance


    over matters affecting the Ter-ritory


    Untiring effort to secure liberalappropriations for public improvements tluoughout the Territory

    vfhe withdrawal of House Reso-lution


    Np 14672 granting arbitrarypower of rpmoyal q the Governor

    - The passage of a measure pro ¬viding for the sale in fee on easyterms of lands in Punchbowl andelsewhere in the Territory nowprincipally occupied by citizen ten-ants


    preference being given the ac-tual


    occupantsAnd to careful dissemination of

    correct infoimation among themembers of Congress and in theDepartments at Washington 1 da ¬tive to local affairs

    Local Self Government

    Having full faith in the abilityof the people of this Territory togpvernthemselvest ye denouttcethe


    IB ALL



    j M



    iri n




    i V





    Republican Party for its duplicityand breach of faith with the votersof this Territory in the miscarriageof that partys measure for Countygoyernment passed by the last Leg-islature


    and pledge our earnest ef-fort


    to secure the passage and en-actment


    of a County law providingfor complete local self governmentLoan Fund Expenditures

    We deplore the present distresse-d- financial condition of the Terri-tory


    brought about by the Repub-lican


    element in part by withholdingxfrom circulation large sums ofloan fund moneys that might

    heretofore have been made availablehad the departments used due dili-gence


    in prosecuting the severalworks comprised in loan fund ap-propriations


    Warrants In Place of Cash

    And in extravagant administration resulting in the issuance ofgovernment warrants to employeesand supply jnen a preposterouscourse whereby the taxpayers arcbeing daily mulcted in the amountof interest paid on unproductiveloans on the one hand and the lossincidental to discounting warrantson the other

    Productive WorksOnly

    In this connection we favor thepolicy of making loan appropria-tions


    for productive works only andwithin these restrictions advocate acomprehensive system of publicworks throughout the Territory

    To Revise Tax Lawe

    We pledge our candidates to theLegislature to a revision of our TaxLaws

    An adjustment of our othersources of revenue including theExcise Laws and providing for thesubstitution of a Toll Bill for wharfdues thus doing away with thepresent conditions whereby the government pays exclusively for the

    expense of maintaining the harborand private wharf owncrsrcap thefees

    Forced Sales for Taxes

    An enactment covering forcedsales of property for taxes so asto provide for redemption of thqsame

    And an appropriation bill Soframed that the annual expendit-ures


    of the Territory shall not ex-ceed


    its income believing that anyadministration incapable of so limit ¬ing its expenditures is unworthy ofthe support of the people

    Pension the Queen

    We pledge our candidates to theLcgislaturc to a renewal of the usual appropriations for Lihuokalaniand our Delegate to Congress tothe introduction and support of ameasure looking to a permanent ap-propriation


    for the same purpose

    Labor To Be Protected

    -- We favor all reasonable measureslooking to the amelioration of laborconditions among the citizens ofthis Territory andito jthevupbuilding oFpdrmanent homes within ourborders

    We favor a more strict enforce-ment


    of the citizen labor and eighthour laws coupled with a minimumwage on public works and an extension of this provision along lea--suuauu mies 10 cmuract juuui ic- -quired under valuable franchises orother special privileges granted bythe Legislature of this Territoryr We favor also dispensing withthe employment of prisoners onwork in competition with free-citi-ze-

    Open Fishing Rights

    We condemn- - the procrastinatingpolicy pursued by thct TerritorialExecutive in relation to securingcontrol of the private fishing rightsin this Territory and pledge ourcandidates to the Legislature tosuch a course as shall most prompt-ly


    open these fishing rights to thegeneral public

    Extend School System

    We favor the extension of thepublic school system so as to cm- -

    brace a comprehensive course ofmanual and agricultural trainingand an elementary course in civilgovernment thuslustilling into theyouth of this Territory the principles of industry and good citizen-ship


    upon which the future welfareof this Territory so much depends

    Republicans Shirked Sworn Duty

    We charge that the Republicanmajority in the last Legislatureavoided its sworn duty by abstain-ing


    from a reapportionment of Ter-ritorial


    Senators and Representa-tives


    as required by Chapter 2 Sec-



    55 of the Organic Act

    Money for Molokal

    We favor establishing under Fed ¬

    eral control and at Federal expenseappliances at the Leper Settlementin this Territory

    The employment of scientists forthe put pose of careful inquiry intothe nature cause and possible cureof the disease oMcpiosy

    And for the treatment of thoseafflicted With that disease and theredetained

    Active Support Invoked of All

    Relying implicitly upon thesoundness and integrity of the prin-ciples


    above set forth and upon thejustice and intelligence of the mas-ses


    we present this platform to thepeople of the Territory and earnest-ly


    invoke the active support of all inits vindication and success cordial-ly


    inviting to a full and equal com-munion


    all those of whatever poli-tical


    creed who recognize the jus-



    of our causq in the doctrineswe profess and who desire to par

    ticipate in tuetr triumph


    Continued fromJst page

    diyv and by oilr own boasted civilicdrace there lws been sent a Tweed tothe New York Legislature a Burtonand a John Mornsscy to the Microncan Congress

    Education is one of the fastnesses ofthe American nation It is one of thesurest guarantees of the permanence ofjts institutions and the maintenance ofits prestige among the nations of theearth A course in Civil Governmentfor the youths of this Territory ouldprovide a larger number of citizens tdiscuss the issues of the day intelligent-ly


    and enable them to approach theon elcctibn day with a proper

    comprehension of the mission of thesuffrage It uould foster and maturethe latent qualifications for

    that the native element of the Ter ¬ritory assuredly possesses Theso ele ¬ments of self government can be health- -

    ily propagated and disseminated if the fyproper educational methods arc pursuedand a recurrence of the chapter of fol-lies


    enacted during the session of the gblast legislature will thereby be foreverprecluded

    Hawaiis chances for Statehood willnecr be prejudiced by the spectacle ofan intelligent and impartial local legisla ¬tive body

    One important fact that I am anxiousto sec instilled into the minds of theHawaiian voting population is the exlstence in American politics of only two ureally rcfi csculalive parlies viz theDemocratic and Republican and I wantto point oiit the futility of affiliation Wwith a paky Jikc that of the HomeRule which has no national existence

    And I also want to impress upon themthe fact that the Democratic Party isand always has been a formidable andnot infrequently a successful rival ofthe Republican party and it is obstinately disputing the honors of the presentcampaign with the latter in both na-tional


    and locatjoljt I feel confi ¬dent tjlatihe6utcoWftf the presentlocaUcontCstifthot 6j5g national con itcstjilldi abliBeT jhiuds of those

    who have been ind4ctrin3d with theCreeS ofj One Party Dnry R

    Imagine the nredicamcnt of this com- -munity if the complexion of the admin- -istration should be chanced at the coming national election with our reputa-tion

    ¬of being a ol Re ¬

    publican stronghold All the favorablelegislation wc bhould secure under suchconditioris would be about as tangibleas the ignis fatuus

    Now appeal especially to you Hawaiiin vAiorjs not tg pillow these spellliirtdeS to create in your minds a beliefii sUteh palpable absurdities I appealto you tq do your own thinking in thiscampaign Rnd L ask - you not to beprejudiced agaiifsr the Democratic can-didate


    for Delegate to Congress MrC P Iaukea simply because lie Jias notgot the superscription of the Republicanparty on his credentials If he has in-tegrity


    and intelligence and a properconception of the Territorys real needs

    which are the qualifications requiredfor the place he w ill command recog- -njtion and can accomplish the object of Iphis mission to the satisfaction of hisconstituents and all concerned I wantyou to apply the same principle in yourestimation of thcDcniocratic candidatesfor the local legislative body and if the

    I personncl of the ticket is acceptable toyou 1 asKybu to stand uelund it 011election day Never mind if the Demo- -prdfi taiUiufatcs have not pledged them- - 3sell Cs tQfiilbrii life proposed measures

    of fc IixecHllve atihe comma sessionsq lpng a they hav etjiledged themselvesto protect the public interests and to 4favor no fclass legislation their inde ¬pendence otfght tb furbish you ai guar ¬antee of their good faith anil they areentitled to jwr ljparty support

    I cannot overlook in this connectionthe commendable attitude of the inde ¬pendent Republican Senatorial candi¬date Mr Cecil Brown The fact thathe is not a creature of the caucusshould in no way militate against hisprospectb B0U1 lw and hib numerousfriends dfjvill parties have recognizedthe fact that the caucus is not the courtOyf last report in politics ami he hastherefore appealed his case to theelectors or the Tcrritbrv an acknowledgement of the true spirit of Pcmocracy and of the principles of the uDeclaration of Independence requir

    ing that governments shall derive theirjust Rowers from the consent of tlics

    governed If you are a friend togpodmen a believer in the freedom ofAmerican institutions and a foe to the Vpolitical machine yd 11 will accord himyour cordial support

    Dont be afraid to express your hon-est


    convictions in the ballot box on elec--tion day Walk into the booth withouttrepidation and cast vour volp for themen of jour choice Dont let anybodydo your llnnktiii for you then Doyour visit thinking Dont swallow any ¬thing that is cujilradicttd by your rea ¬son and at variance with the testimonyof your senses If joti want to registera protest against unlawful trespass Jayour franchise or if you want to utteryour rebuke against any coercivemethods that have been employed to thedetriment of the full and fice exerciseof the suffrage you can make thenmanifest ii the sanctuary of the pollingbooth Dont be intimidated Remem ¬ber that To fear the foe since fear on- -prcsscth strength gives in your weakness strength unto your foe and so yourfollies fight against yourself Bevaliant in th fight for the establishmentof right jirinciples of government for AAmericanism in Hawaii and the issue vfof this campaign will abundantly justifythe wisdom of your conduct in sp doing