in-plant guidelines (1)

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in plant bdt college mba


Bapuji Educational Association (R) Bapuji Academy of Management and Research (Affiliated to Davangere University and Approved by AICTE, New Delhi)

Lake View Campus, S S Layout, Davangere 577004, KARNATAKA, INDIA

Ph: 08192-223347/220501, Fax: 08192-220987 _____________________________________________________________________FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMEMBA III Semester (2014-2016 Batch) In plant Training Guidelines and Guide List

All the Third semester MBA students are directed to follow the guidelines as given below.

i) Period of the study for In- plant Training is 4 weeks.

ii) The date of commencement of the In- plant Training will be 29th June 2015 to 25th

July 2015iii) The last date for the submission of the permission letter from the organization 1st July 2015. Soft Copies to be sent to respective faculties without fail.

The permission letter should contain:

1. Name & Complete address of the organization.

2. Reporting to the company should be submitted along with Weekly progress report to the concerned guide.

3. The students should compulsorily attend all the review meetings as per the following schedule.

- First review will be conducted on 22nd Aug, 2015.

- Second review will be conducted on 12th Sep, 2015.- Date of submission of the draft final report will be 3rd Oct, 2015.

- Submission of Final Report (3 copies) will be 17th Oct 2015.

The submission date will not be extended under any circumstances.

The In- Plant Training report along with certificate should be submitted to the Institute on 17th Oct 2015.The Company certificate shall contain:

(i) Name & address of the organization (Letter Head)

(ii) Name of the student with REG.No.

iii) The In- Plant Training period for a period of 4 weeks.


(In-plant Training Report should not exceed Maximum of 50 pages)

Title page

Certificate (from the guide)

Certificate (from the organization)



Table of contents

List of tables

List of figures

List of appendixes

Executive summary of the project (Max: 2 pages)


INDUSTRY PROFILE (Max: 10 pages)

I Sector Performance:

a. Local / State / Regional Scenario - Historical, - Current, - Future

b. National Scenario Historical, - Current, - Future

c. Global Scenario Historical, - Current, - Future

II Sector PolicyLegal, Economic and Technology.

III Industry Structure:

a. Organized and Un organized

b. Small, Large and Medium Scale

c. Investment Breakup.


COMPANY PROFILE (Max: 5 pages)

a. Background and inception of the company

b. Nature and business carried

c. Vision, Mission and quality policy

d. Product/Services Profile

e. Area of operation-Global/National/Regional

f. Ownership Pattern

g. Competitors Information

h. Infrastructural Facilities

i. Achievement/Award if any

j. Work Flow model (End to End)

k. Future growth and prospectus.

McKinseys 7S Framework (Max: 5 pages)

The 7-S model is better known as McKinsey 7-S model. The name McKinsey is associated with the 7-S model this is because it is named after two persons who developed this model, Tom Peters and Robert Waterman. They were the consultants at Mckinsey & co., at that time; they published their 7-S model in their article STRUCTURE IS NOT ORGANISATION (1980) and in their books THE ART OF JAPANESE MANAGEMENT (1981) and IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE (1982).

The model starts on the premise that an organization is not just structure, but consists of seven elements:

CHAPTER- 3 (Max: 5 pages)

SWOT Analysis of the company (Each point should be explained with application)

CHAPTER- 4 (Max: 5 pages)

Summary of latest annual report of the company:

Analyze briefly the following ratios: Liquidity, Profitability, Solvency, Debt Equity and Return on Investment.

CHAPTER- 5 (Max: 2 pages)

Learning experience gained by the student during In-plant Training.

BIBLIOGRAPHY (Max: 1 page)

The bibliographical note for Periodicals / Journals, Books, Reports, Thesis is different in

Presentation and complete details of the reference must be given in order. This would be clear from the following examples:

Periodicals / Journals:

Manjunatha.T and Mallikarjunappa. T, 2009. Bivariate Analysis of Capital Asset

Pricing Model in Indian Capital Market, Vikalpa, Vol.34, No.1,pp 47-59.


William Emory, C., Business Research Methods, Sulthan Chand Publishers, New

Delhi, 1998, pp 23-29.

Websites: Last accessed on December 31, 2008.APPENDIX

While writing a project, there are a few practices which should be followed without fail.

Cover page:

The outer cover should contain all the details on the Title page of the In-plant Training report. So it is advisable to follow the approved format by the guide.

Paper Size & Quality:

When the final draft is prepared it should be printed on A-4 Executive

Bond paper and The page set-up should be Left margin 1.5, Top margin, Right and

Bottom margin 1

Font Size: While using the Font for the body text, it should be Times New Roman 12.

Paragraph Space: The project body text should have sufficient space i.e., 1.5-line space for each and every paragraph must be provided.Headings:

While using the headings & subheadings, appropriate distinction should be given.

For example, if the main heading is in bold capital letters, the sub headings may be bold, italic and under scored.

Use of tables:

Tables should all be numbered, properly titled and placed before the

discussion. On no account, the tables should be split.


As regards graphs or diagrams, they should be neatly drawn either with Black

Indian Ink or Computer printed (either black & white or colour). But the graphs or diagrams

should fit in A-4 size paper. Each figure should be numbered and titled.

The In-plant Training Report will be summarily rejected

_ If the work is not carried out minimum of 3 weeks.

_ If the organization varies from the organization name stated in Weekly report.

_ If the certificate is not enclosed in the In-plant Training Report with the necessary


_ If the student does not present himself for two reviews in the scheduled date &


_ If the student absent himself in the organization when the concerned authorities

makes the surprise inspection.

Note: During the time of inplant training report submission, the inplant training report soft copy also should be submitted to the project guide along with the projects.


TITLE OF THE IN-PLANT TRAINING REPORT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Submitted by

xxxxxxxxxxReg. No. xxxxxxxxx

In partial fulfillments of the requirements for the award of the degree of



Internal External



Designation xxxxxxxxxxx


Bapuji Academy of Management and Research

Lake View Campus, S. S. Layout, Davangere 577 004


(On college Letter Head)

CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ----------------- is a bonafide student of this college bearing Reg. No. -----------------, studying in 3rd Semester MBA, has undergone In-plant Training at ----------------------------------- under the guidance of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Designation, Bapuji Academy of Management and Research, towards the partial fulfillment of the award of the Master of Business Administration during the academic year 2013-2015.


(Guide name)(Designation)

Bapuji Academy of Management and Research

Lake View Campus, S.S. Layout, Davangere



Bapuji Academy of Management and Research

Lake View Campus, S.S.Layout, Davangere


Company letterhead



This is to certify that Mr./Ms._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a MBA student of Bapuji Academy of Management & Research - MBA Program, Davangere, has undergone 'In-plant training' for a period of three weeks in our company/organization under the guidance of Mr./Mrs.____________________ (Designation).

During the above Period, performance and conduct of Mr./Ms. ___________________ has been satisfactory/good.

Organization Seal

Signature & Designation


I hereby declare that this In- plant Training report is prepared by me, based on original study conducted by me at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Company name) under the guidance of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Name & designation), Bapuji Academy of Management and Research, Lakeview Camus, S.S.layout, Davangere during the period of 3 weeks.

Further I declare that this In- plant Training report is my original work and has not been submitted to any other university or Institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma.

(Student name)

Reg No: xxxxxxxxx








McKinseys 7S Framework

3 SWOT Analysis

4 Summary of Latest Annual Report

5 Learning Experience


Weekly reports


Human Resource Dept. Organization Structure

Total number of employees in the organization Technical / Non- Technical / Managerial

Human Resource Planning (Technical)

Recruitment / Selection / Induction Methods

Employee Interview Types

Labour Turnover in last 5 years

Labour Absenteeism in last 5 years

Accidents Details

Welfare Provisions

Data on

Housing Facilities




Sanitary Conditions, etc.

Dispute Settlement in Company

Number of strikes in last 5 years


Employee Record Keeping / Time Keeping

Wage Structure + Incentive Schemes

Job Evaluation Methods

Performance Appraisal Method Followed

Employee Motivation

Retirement Benefits

(Gather proforma of application blanks / performance appraisal reports / order / memo / wage / DA / Calculation / Employee Handbook / Work Diary, etc.)

Marketing Dept. Organization Structure

Number of Staff Manager Operative

Product Lines

Package Design

Brand Policy

Distributors Policy, Terms / Conditions

Price Policy Methods

Pricing Strategy

Details on sales promotion undertaken in last 3 years

New Product Development Approach, Procedures

Sales Staff

Sales Budget

Training on sales staff

Remuneration to sales staff

Invoice Procedures


Methods of selling

Sales figures in last 5-10 years

Market Research

Marketing Information System

Sales Procedures / Sales Records

(Collect all data / proforma of quotation / invoice / bill / delivery channel / agreement bond of distribution / transport owners)

(It is not compulsory to collect all)

Production Dept. Organization Structure

Plant capacity and utilisation in last 5 years / methods of production

Number of employees with classification

Material Requirements

Inspection Procedure

Quality Control Standards, etc.

Routing Scheduling

Various Techniques used

Inventory Levels / Replenishment Policies

Machine / equipment maintenance

Material handling system

Safety standards / norms

Purchase Dept. Stores Dept.

Nature of Purchase policy

Credit system followed

Types of items purchased

Methods of purchasing Procedure

Issuing of material Procedure

(Proforma of intend / Delivery Channel / Issuing of, etc.)

Finance dept. Organization Structure

Number of employees

Financial statements for last 5 years

Methods of depreciation followed. Any change in method in last 5 years

Source of capital Capital Structure

Working Capital Management

Cash Management

Credit Management

Risk Policy

Interpretation of Financial Statement

Capital budgeting process

Note: The checklist is not final. Students can gather as much information given by the company.

Bapuji Educational Association (Regd.)Bapuji Academy of Management & Research

Lake View Campus, S S Layout, Davangere-4


In-plant Training Weekly Progress Report

Students Name


Regd. No


Name of the Organization


For The Period of


Area Covered


Signature of the Student

Signature of the External Guide


With company Seal and date

Signature of the Internal Guide

Note: To be submitted to Internal Guide every week

Bapuji Educational Association(Regd.)

Bapuji Academy of Management & Research, Davangere

In-plant Training Report Guides for Second Semester MBA Batch 2013-2015

Sl. NoUniversity Reg. NoStudent NameInternal Guide

114MBA301Amrita SureshProf. Navin Nagaraj

214MBA302Ashwini C H

314MBA303Chinda Jyothirmayi

414MBA304Dattatreya P

514MBA305Ershad Hussain

614MBA306Manikantha M T

714MBA307Manjunath B MProf. Veeranna H S

814MBA308Manjunath S N

914MBA309Mohammed Shoib

1014MBA310Naveen P V

1114MBA311Ningappa Kalaji

1214MBA312Parshuram G S

1314MBA313Prabhu KProf. Chaitra K S

1414MBA314Rasheed H P

1514MBA315Saddam Husen K

1614MBA316Siddaramesh Patil

1714MBA317Smitha K B

1814MBA318Soumya Ashok Patil

1914MBA320Srikanth RProf. Rakesh D

2014MBA321Subramanya K

2114MBA322Sujatha D Jagannatha

2214MBA323Sushma Chavadi

2314MBA324Vaishnavi B

2414MBA325Umashankar H V

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