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The Magazine of the Thames Ditton and Weston GreenResidents’ Association

Published quarterly since Spring 1970

EditorKeith Evetts6 Church WalkThames Ditton KT7 0NW020 8398 [email protected]

Magazine DesignGuy Holman24 Angel Road,Thames Ditton020 8398 1770

DistributionGeorge Cammack19 Riversdale Road,Thames Ditton020 8398 8727

Advertisement ManagerVerity Park20 Portsmouth AvenueThames Ditton KT7 0RT020 8398 5926

ContributorsYou are welcome to submitarticles or images. Please contactthe Editor in advance. Next deadline 7 September.AdvertisersThames Ditton Today isdelivered to an influential4000 households throughoutThames Ditton and Weston Green.Call for rates for full page, half andquarter page advertising.

In this Issue:Chairman’s Address to the AGM………………………… 7

News from the Residents’ Association ……………… 13

Blue Plaques for Red-Letter days …………………… 19

Let There Be Light …………………………………… 23

Where the Bee Sucks …………………………………… 24

Speaking of Councils …………………………………… 27

Residents Protest Against Phone Mast…………………… 31

Summer Days ………………………………………… 35

Summer Crossword …………………………………… 41

Solution to Spring Crossword ………………………… 43

Services, Groups, Clubs and Societies…………………… 44

By Hook or Crook …………………………………… 46

Cover photo: Time Waits for no Man St Nicholas’ Church 2009 – Editor

www.residents-association.comOfficers and staff of the Association are volunteers, but we must fund costs of this magazine,administrative and election expenses, and other expenses such as spring bulb-planting and thevillage Christmas tree. The subscription is only £3 per household. If you can contribute more,please do so. Subscriptions (in an envelope please) may be left at Moss Chemist, 14 High Street,or Thorkill Road Pharmacy, 94 Thorkill Road, Thames Ditton. Or mail to Membership SecretaryPeter Haynes at 6 Onslow Gardens, Thames Ditton KT7 0JJ. Thank you.

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the next residents’ association open meetings are




Thames Ditton & Weston Green

Residents’ Association

About the Association

Founded in 1934 our Association is astrong, locally based non-party-politicalorganisation concerned with protecting theamenities and furthering the interests of theinhabitants of Thames Ditton and WestonGreen. We work to preserve and enhance thebest in our attractive environment and thequality of life of everyone in our community.

Through regular meetings, social activities,our magazine and website we keep in touchwith residents’ views and we raise and spendfunds for the benefit of the community, fromtree and bulb planting to contestingunacceptable development projects.

With five Residents’ Councillors we have astrong voice on Elmbridge Council workingwith other residents’ councillors to ensure thatdecisions are based on the needs of localcommunities and on good management ratherthan on party politics.

Our Residents’ County Councillor PeterHickman represents our views at SurreyCounty Council.

President: Ann Levick,8 Basing Close, Thames Ditton

Vice-President: Edward Rowe,23 Portsmouth Avenue, Thames Ditton

Vice-President: Maureen Sheldrick,34 The Woodlands, Esher

Thames Ditton Councillors

David Lowe,8 Embercourt Road, Thames Ditton 020 8398 4957

Ruth Lyon,11 Riversdale Road, Thames Ditton 020 8398 3396

Karen Randolph, Deepfield, Giggs Hill Road,Thames Ditton 020 8398 5005

Weston Green Councillors

Lorraine Sharp,168 Ember Lane, Esher 07970 874 925

Tannia Shipley, ‘Clinton House’27 Lower Green Road, Esher 020 8398 2484

Surrey County Councillor:

Peter Hickman, Little Lodge,Watts Road, Thames Ditton 020 8339 0931


Chairman: Libby MacIntyre,24, High Street, Thames Ditton 020 8398 5534

Vice-Chairman: Alan Brauner,11 Speer Road, Thames Ditton 020 8398 0870

Vice-Chairman: Martin Wilberforce,7 River Avenue, Thames Ditton 020 8398 4732

Hon. Treasurer: Bob Huxster,5 Station Road, Thames Ditton 020 8398 3489

Hon. Secretary: Tricia Bland,29 Station Rd., Thames Ditton 020 8339 0485

Membership Secretary: Peter Haynes6 Onslow Gardens, Thames Ditton 020 8398 6019

Conveners of Sub-Committees:

Health and Community:

Karen Randolph (see above for details)

Planning: Graham Cooke 23 Ashley Road, Thames Ditton 020 8398 8509

Highways, Drainage: Andrew Roberts1 Boyle Farm Road, Thames Ditton 020 8786 6882


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Chairman’s Report to the AGM

It is hard to believe a year has gone bysince the last AGM and I am called onagain to deliver the Chairman’s report andlet you know how we have got on againstour objectives; namely to protect theamenities and further the interests ofpeople who live in the area and encouragea community spirit.

The RA continues to appeal to localpeople and currently over 30% of thehouseholds in the area subscribe. I wouldlike to thank Peter Haynes our member -ship secretary for all his work in this area.

We retain 5 RA Borough Councillorsafter Borough elections in May last yearand, following Maureen Sheldrick’sretirement after 16 years committedservice, Lorraine Sharp was elected to servealongside Tannia Shipley in Weston GreenWard and Ruth Lyon was again returned toserve alongside Karen Randolph and DavidLowe in Thames Ditton. Peter Hickmancontinues to serve as the Dittonsrepresentation on Surrey County Council.

We continue to work to keep you bothinformed and involved through our OpenMeetings, our website and Thames DittonToday. The Open Meetings are held everycouple of months and provide theopportunity for people to hear directlyfrom RA councillors and officers, as wellas ask questions and to provide input. Thewebsite continues to attract a high numberof regular visitors including regional newsmedia. It is an effective, low cost means ofcommunication both ways with residents,

providing opportunity for you to makeyour views known or engage in discussionthrough the forum. The facility to emailthose members who have given us theiremail addresses will continue to be usedvery sparingly to avoid adding to yourinbox. The web address is in the magazine– or just Google ‘Thames Dittonresidents’ or ‘Weston Green residents’ andyou’ll find it.

As a result of a merger at the printers themagazine is now being printed at higherquality. We have been able to hold the costssteady partly because more processing isdone before material is taken to the printers.Advertising has held up well so far duringthe recession and there is still a waiting list:I would like to thank Verity Park ouradvertising manager for her sterling work.Advertising does not defray all costs of themagazine, and member subscriptions andcontributions are essential to ensure itscontinuance. We thank members for thosecontributions, and the willing team ofvolunteers who distribute the magazine.

Keith Evetts has played a pivotal rolein keeping residents informed, currentlyfilling the role of editor of TDT andwebmaster. I would like to record mythanks to him for all his hard work. It hasbecome clear that while there isconsiderable synergy between magazineand website, the task of attending to bothof them has grown to the point where weneed to divide the work. We will thereforebe looking to play in a new editor over the

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next few issues of TD Today, and Keithwill then focus on overhauling andupdating the website.

As we do report regularly through theyear I intend to just highlight a fewexamples of the work of the past year.

ParkingIn January Elmbridge Borough Council

imposed significant increases of between100% and a 150% on daily and termlyparking charges at the Ashley Road CarPark. This hit office and shop employeesas well as residents who need to park formore than a couple of hours. It emptiedthe car park as people chose to park onour overcrowded streets instead. Wesupported a petition organized by HelenPeters of Axos, and following a very coldSaturday morning outside the shops we,together with local traders, collectedaround 500 signatures from residents

requesting that the council roll back theincreases. That has been presented to theEBC Cabinet and the council is currentlyreviewing the position.

It is worth reminding ourselves that,whilst EBC have responsibility for theAshley Road Car Park, Surrey CountyCouncil has responsibility for on roadparking. We are still awaiting a schemefrom SCC regarding how best to manageon-street parking. SCC had insufficientfunds to complete the consultation workand work up final proposals in the FY08-09. That work is now due to becompleted in this next year ’09-’10 andany work would not start until 10-11.Peter Hickman will continue lobbying thecouncil to complete this work.

Ember Centre It seems to have been a bit of a year for

petitions as we have also been active inpetitioning EBC to maintain the Emberday centre for the elderly held twice aweek here at the Vera Fletcher Hall withan active core of volunteers who help out.This enables older people to get out oftheir homes, socialise, have a hot mealand participate in a number of activitieswhether physical, educational orentertaining. As part of cost cuttingmeasures (to save less than £17,000) theCabinet at EBC had proposed to close thecentre at the Hall and offer inferiorfacilities at St Helens down the road.

The Association joined with localchurch groups, local shops and others toraise a petition to the council to keep theCentre open. It was a measure of localrejection of the Council’s proposals thatwithin 10 days we had gathered a recordbreaking 2152 signatures. ResidentsLibby collects another signature

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Association members & officers attendedboth the EBC cabinet meeting and the fullcouncil meeting to make sure thecouncillors were in no doubt of thestrength of feeling locally. The Cabinetinstructed officials once again to look atthe whole question of the Ember Centre.

On that note, the Association’s executivealso proposed to make small donation of£500 towards the purchase of computers toenable the Ember Centre to extend itsactivities and provide computer classes andaccess as part of the activities on offer.

Winters Bridge We made a similar donation made last

year towards improvement of parking atWinters Bridge to enable people to use theshops there. Traders and shoppers led byChris Bachmann of the well-knownpatisserie had organised a petition askingfor a lay-by for short-stay shoppers, aschanges to the bus stop and the intro -duction of parking wardens was makinglife difficult. Councillor Peter Hickman’spersistence steered the proposal throughthe Area Committee and with some fundsfrom his council allocation, contributionsfrom Bachmann’s and from us sufficientmoney was secured to put in place the newlayby which has proved a great success.

From time to time we look to donatesmall sums to enhance some aspect of thelocal community. These are only madeonce other costs are covered and afterensuring we maintain a healthycontingency fund. I trust that you arehappy for the executive to continue thesesmall contributions to our local area.

PlanningYour Association is not against

development (no community can stand

still) but we do want to make sure it isappropriate for the area. The overallnumber of planning applications forThames Ditton & Weston Green fell from250 for the period March 2007/2008 to210 for period March 2008 to March2009. Whilst this reduction in numbers isnot substantial, most applications were forextensions and minor changes such as treesurgery in the Conservation Areas. Thenumber of new build applications for flatsand the like has been very much lowerclearly reflecting economic conditions.

Unfortunately, the fact that we may beseeing less development does not mean thatwe need to be less vigilant since currenteconomic conditions will mean thatdevelopers are more tempted to cut corners.The work of the Association has morerecently concentrated on ensuring that theCouncil enforce planning conditions.

You will have seen that after aconsiderable period of inactivity work hasnow started again in the High Street, onnumber 29 and the houses behind.However, once again it appears that thework does not comply with planningconditions. In the last few days, whatappears to be no more than a plywoodcovering has been applied to the front ofthe building and this is in course of beingpainted. Councillors and AssociationOfficers have been chasing EBC to comeand take a look and make sure that theworks will be compliant. Frankly we arevery frustrated by the response from theCouncil planning staff but we continue tokeep up the pressure. On the plus side wedid succeed in having the proposal rejectedto create five flats in the office building,that now houses Hawes Estate Agents, andthat rejection was upheld on appeal.

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Turning to Weston Green, there arethree significant areas of potentialdevelopment, the Olde Harrow, Newlandsand the former Cottage Hospital.

The application to build on the OldeHarrow site that was rejected byElmbridge has gone to appeal and we aresupporting local residents in fighting theappeal. An entirely inappropriatedevelopment proposal for theNewlands, in Weston Green Road waswithdrawn after considerable objectionshad been raised however a freshapplication will no doubt be forthcoming.

The fate of the former Cottage Hospitalbuilding, again in Weston Green Road, isuncertain. We will resist any applicationthat seeks to change use of the propertyaway from a public amenity.

As in previous years, we have foundthat getting inappropriate planningapplications rejected relies on gettinggood local support in the form ofobjection letters and, where cases go toAppeal, getting people to turn up atHearings when these are held.

CHIPLast year I said I found it disappointing

that there is no overall plan fordevelopment of this important part of thevillage. The number of individualapplications tests planning officers,residents and ourselves when looking tokeep on top of what is actually going onand the overall impact of the plans.

This year as part of the CommunityHeritage Initiative Project (or CHIP)Elmbridge Borough Council have beenreappraising the conservation areas ofThames Ditton and Giggs Hill Green inorder to complete a comprehensive

character appraisal and proposals formanaging the areas. Along with otherbodies and individuals the ResidentsAssociation have taken an active roleworking with the consultants to articulatewhat gives these areas their character. Wehave sought to keep residents up to datewith the project via TDT and the website.As the project progressed all householdsin the area have received an outline of theproposals and EBC staged an exhibitionin the library. I hope you have all taken theopportunity to make your views known.

The final document will be used inpreparation of the local developmentframework and as a basis for informingdecision making. It will be a materialconsideration when it comes to consideringplanning applications. Our hope is, as aresult of this work, there will be muchtighter management of the conservationareas and help us to make sure anydevelopment enhances the local character.

PolicingWe continue to have a good

relationship with the police locally andour local beat officer Andy Grapsasusually holds a police panel meeting prior

the Swan and Ferry Works – part of ourconservation area

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to our regular open meetings so do comealong and meet him and stay on to discusslocal issues.

Highways & DrainageWhilst there have been no headline-

grabbing floods this year drainagecontinues to take up a great deal of timefrom our councillors and Andrew Robertsour Highways & Drainage convener. Lastyear when Tannia Shipley and PeterHickman succeeded in getting network railand SCC to clear the drains and culvertsaround Esher Station to alleviate floodingthey warned that routine maintenance andclearance would be required to keep thisproblem under control. Unfortunately thathas not happened and as a result we havehad further flooding problems. As alwaysTannia and Peter are keeping up thepressure but take no pleasure in beingproved right.

Andrew also took action to removegraffiti at Thames Ditton Station when itseemed impossible to get the responsiblebodies to act.

Peter Hickman our SCC Councillorcontinues to keep the pressure onregarding highways whether in relation togetting lights fixed or verges cut. He hasalso gained agreement from SCC to makeimprovements to the school crossing nearthe station, we are now waiting for thatwork to start.

Our Weston Green Councillors had toact when once again antique tiles werestolen from the pavements at WestonGreen and SCC refused to purchase 200replacements. With residents theymanaged to gather together the tilesneeded from spares that people had putaside.

Public HealthOur Elmbridge Borough Councillors

and County Councillor continue to pressfor the NHS to make use of the beds at theEmberbrook hospital which we see as akey part of ensuring better healthcarelocal to home. Community Spirit

The Christmas Fair was once again agreat success and it is lovely to seeresidents out and about celebrating theChristmas spirit together. We organisedthe Christmas party for residents,provided the Christmas tree for the villageand as we head into spring we have onceagain provided a number of bulbs tobrighten us up:

Finally, Ladies and Gentlemen, ourAssociation can only prosper with theparticipation and support of its membersand on behalf of the Officers andCommittee I would like to thank you all.Thank you.

Libby MacIntyre, Chairman


John Lyon planted another 500 bulbs for us

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The period since our AGM has beensomewhat less frenetic than the fourmonths over Winter and early Spring, thatsaw several major planning and otherissues vigorously contested by residentsand their Association, now in its 75thyear. Villagers have turned with somerelief to the many community pursuits ofsummertime.

Ember CentreWe are delighted to report that with the

rallying of all who care about the elderlymembers of our community, we drove theElmbridge Cabinet, out of touch with theviews of residents and churches alike, towithdraw its plans to close the EmberCentre at the Vera Fletcher Hall. Indeed,the coming together of the community tosee off this threat has re-invigorated theEmber Centre, boosted the work of itsmany volunteers and its membership, andattracted additional support. To go withthe £500 pledged by the Residents’Association towards laptops for computerand internet lessons, Andrew Roberts(our Highways convenor) has donated afurther £500.

ConservationThe final documents of Elmbridge’s

Community Heritage Initiative Project(CHIP) report on the Conservation Areasof Thames Ditton and Giggs hill Greenshould be published on EBC’s websitethis month. They should provide an

essential baseline of information andprinciples to be applied to planningapplications in those areas. At our well-attended Open Meeting on 28 April theleading outside consultant for CHIP,James Webb, gave a useful roundup of theprinciples applied during the project.Meanwhile following the address to ourAGM by Chairman of the Royal Societyof Arts, conservationist Gerry ArcherCBE LVO, the Association is exploringthe idea of blue plaques for some of thebuildings in these wards (not just theconservation areas) that have historicconnotations for Thames Ditton andWeston Green. An article by Libbyelsewhere in this issue expands upon this.

Meanwhile in Weston Green, whereCHIP will look at the conservation area indue course, a new Conservation StreetSign has been installed with advice fromElmbridge’s Heritage officer Clare Smithto mark the small line of houses known asAdmiral’s Row.

TreesThe CHIP project underscored how

important to this flat and built-up area arethe mature trees we enjoy. Having notedsome trees being felled or severelydamaged by owners in the area, theAssociation has renewed efforts tomonitor significant trees, to urgesympathetic treatment by their owners andwhere appropriate seek further TreePreservation Orders.

News From the Residents’ Association

24 March (AGM) to 22 May

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The ancient Holm oak at Harvest Lanewas given attention early in May toremove one of its three trunks, re-bracethe remaining two, and thin out the crown.The crack in the diseased trunk hadopened perceptibly over the previous fewmonths. The owners decided to put intoeffect the works agreed in planningapplication (2008/1616) (and thoughtfullyinformed us so that the situation could beproperly explained to concerned visitorsto our website). This much-loved treeshould recover given time. It’s an asset tothe village skyline.

A horse chestnut at the Guy Salmonshowroom was also found byarboricultural specialists to be badlydiseased, so there was no option but forEBC to agree to it being felled. GuySalmon are required to plant areplacement - preferably a red chestnut,more resistant to the disease that isafflicting the white chestnuts. The

location of the new young tree will not bein exactly the same place but close to it.

Residents have been concerned aboutthe magnificent copper beech felled in aproperty in Weston Park near MilbournePond. There was a preservation order onthe tree, but it had meripilus giganteusand it had to be felled. The owners werevery upset and consulted threearboriculturalists and the RHS. Thecouncil were also involved in the sad butinevitable decision.

Another horse chestnut, to be felled atWeston Green School, will also bereplaced.

A question was asked at our last OpenMeeting about the work done on thecommon near Newlands Avenue, in orderto reinstate the original path. The path hadbecome wider and wider because thedrainage was very poor, and walkers werewalking around the puddles in order toavoid them. Opening up the area shouldhelp dry out the path and the growth willthen be reinstated on the edges - makingthe path narrower again. This area waslong overdue for some maintenance. Thelast time it was done was in 1996. TheSenior Countryside Ranger has confirmedthat the trees removed along that sectionof Ditton Common consisted solely ofconifers and holly trees, plus a number ofdead elm trees, an elder bush, stragglyhawthorns and one sycamore with squirreldamage. Ash trees of good form havebeen retained and these will become thenext generation.

In order to preserve the edge of thecommon from erosion, wooden posts havebeen installed opposite The Newlands.What had become a muddy mess shouldswiftly green over.


the Holm oak after its haircut

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FlowersWe love it when residents take a pride

in their streets. Pamela Bannister hasorganised a hanging basket/window boxcompetition among the residents inQueens Road. Pam writes: “Squires willjudge the entries during the week of 29June and the winner/runner-up will beannounced during the week of HamptonCourt Flower Show in July. The AlbanyPub, situated at the end of Queens Road,runs a little daily ferry to and from theFlower Show and many local people walkdown our road to make use of this. Ithought it would be nice to support theAlbany and generally enhance theappearance of the road by encouragingresidents to show off their floral skills!The Albany chipped in with a meal fortwo, and Squires are giving a £50 voucherto the winner to support this initiative.”Excellent.

PlanningA relatively quiet period, although the

29 High Street saga continues to giveplanning enforcement problems. There isno sign yet of a renewed application forThe Newlands. The rejected proposals forthe Harrow will be considered by thePlanning Inspector on appeal on 2 June,after this is written but before it ispublished.

Surrey County Council’s Executivefailed to plan in good time for predictabledemographic changes at both infants andsecondary school level, despite pressurefrom our Councillors over the past twoyears to do so. To meet the shortfall, SCCproposed to erect a temporary“Portacabin” in the Conservation Area atThames Ditton Infants School. The needfor infant places in the Dittons is pressing;the school is excellent. But the Countyauthorities must not be led to think thatthis temporary structure might de factobecome ‘permanent.’ In grantingpermission, therefore, the Elmbridge areaplanning subcommittee has attached afirm condition limiting the cabin to fiveyears.

DoingsThe Scout Fair, Regatta and Guides’

activities are reported on later pages inthis issue.

Young Charlotte Fraser, who livesalong Giggs Hill Green, recently receiveda Diana award from the Princess Dianafoundation for her charitable fundraisingwork for The Back Up Trust, a nationalSpinal Injuries charity. In 2008 sheattended a week long Back Up YouthCourse for spinally injured teenagers inthe Lake District. To help contribute toone of the baskets in Queens Road

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the cost of the course the charityencourage ‘Buddies’ to fundraisethrough activities. Charlotte came upwith the idea of doing three rounds ofthe Harry Hawkes 8, one on a pushbike,one on a hand-bike specificallydesigned for paraplegics, and one in awheelchair. She raised over £1,400receiving sponsorship from allcontinents.

Photographer Keith Hern, a ThamesDitton resident who survived throatcancer in 2007, has been raising moneyfor the Royal Marsden Hospital with aquiz night and other appeals to includea trek to the Arctic this summer. One ofKeith’s photographs recently placedfirst in a Kingston First competitionand has been exhibited at the BentallCentre. Thames Ditton residentMichael Tagg was one of several localfundraisers to complete the LondonMarathon today (his first marathon):he raised more than £2500 for the SuzyLamplugh Trust. Michael was a lateentrant with just 6 weeks to go, whichmakes his time (3 hr 50 mins) all the moreimpressive.

In mid-May Colet’s awesome squashclub retained the Men’s national club titlein what is becoming almost an annualritual! They also won the national Men’sOver 35 and Over 45 titles .

Please note that the local Probus Clubwhich had been meeting at The Angel hasnow moved to the Imber Court(Metropolitan Police Sports & SocialClub) Esher Suite 1, where they meet onthe third Tuesday of each month.

Belgian owners of AC Cobra carsvisited Thames Ditton in early May with

8 cars, 2 support vehicles and somepartners. to meet with local fans of themarque, the best-known product of thevillage’s motor industry in its hey-day,and enjoy lunch at the Swan near to AC’sold factory.

Moss Pharmacy in the High Street isto be refurbished from 25th July to 3rdAugust. During this time it will be openfor prescriptions, but closed for over-the-counter purchases. On reopening it willbe known as Your Local Boots Pharmacy.The Moss pharmacy was actually ownedby Alliance which merged with Boots afew years ago. The rebranding is part of aprogramme already carried out in many oftheir other pharmacies.


an AC Cobra from Belgium visits its birthplacephoto provided by Martin Steel from the visitors

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Crime and policingThe past few months have seen a

modest increase in the crime rate, withburglaries on the rise . There has beensome antisocial behaviour and criminaldamage, the most mindless of whichhappened on the night of Good Fridaywhen the old lamp fitting on top of theFountain monument was ripped off itsmounting. Councillor Peter Hickman hadthe fitting removed to Surrey’s depots andit is hoped that it will be restored andreplaced soon.

At the neighbourhood police panel on28 April our local police added the HighStreet to the priority areas for monitoring.There have been a number of thefts andincidents there in recent months. Police

will also step up again their coverage ofhotspots for antisocial behaviour now thatthe weather is warming up and youths areout in those places.

Weston Green has a newneighbourhood constable, PC Pete Bazley,and the Dittons and Hinchley Wood willimminently be back up to strength withthe recruitment and training of a newPCSO, Nigel Oates.

FinallyWe welcome Sally Stronge as our new

Minutes Secretary, replacing EmmaBarton whom we thank for doing asterling job: her husband has now beenposted East of the Urals. Sally lives in thepart of Thames Ditton which is ‘the otherside’ of the Portsmouth Road; she addsrepresentational balance to the committee.Also, meetings will be fun.

Sally Stronge, new Minutes Secretary

fountain vandalised

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Have you ever walked aroundLondon and looked at some of theblue plaques in the city which givea little slice of history or insightinto a street or a square? Perhaps ithas surprised you to see that BorisKarloff (aka William Henry Pratt)was born in East Dulwich, or had alittle shiver down your spine whenyou walk past the site where thefirst flying bomb hit London(Tower Hamlets). When you find ablue plaque on your walk, whetheras part of your daily commute oron a sightseeing afternoon, youfeel that you know a little morethan when you started your day.

Have you ever thought that ourlittle corner of the world, here inThames Ditton or Weston Green,has a wealth of history that couldgive some parts of London a runfor their money? Wouldn’t it be asinteresting for passers by to knowthat Marie Lloyd sang at theAlbany Music Hall, a site near theDittons Skiff & Punt club, or thatthe house boats of the time thatwere moored along that side of theriver were the scene of many aparty for the theatrical set of thetime. The industrially-minded among usmight like to know that in the 1870s thebrilliant engineers Peter Williams andMark Robinson originally manufacturedengines at Ferry Works.

When Gerry Acher from CobhamConservation & Heritage Trust came totalk to the Residents Association AGM atthe end of March he told us about a blueplaque scheme the Trust runs in Cobhamto identify places of historic interest.


Blue Plaques for Red-Letter Days?

Could this building be a good candidate for a blueplaque? In the same family of butchers for many

years, and opposite the former village slaughterhouseat Stagʼs Court – one of the oldest surviving buildings

here. In Victorian times was it the butcherʼs shop inthe High Street run by Dick Porter, keeper of the

Royal Deer at Hampton Court? Would someone liketo do the research?

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All Furniture Pre 1920, Silver and Silver Plate,Brass and Copper, All Clocks, Porcelain, Bronze

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David Taylor, a local historian ofCobham, has researched much of thehistory of the village and working withresidents and members of the trust theyhave three blue plaques in place withmore coming this year. It makes apleasant and informative addition to awalk around Cobham and gives people achance to consider the past and the peoplethat have helped shape what is theretoday.

Gerry’s talk got us thinking that therecould be real potential for a blue plaquescheme here in Thames Ditton andWeston Green – and this coincided withour plans for marking the 75thanniversary this year of the ResidentsAssociation. The more we thought, themore it seemed that there may be a naturalaffinity between the two ideas. What if wewere to mark this milestone by starting asimilar local scheme here? Wouldn’t it benice when walking around the villagethere were some blue plaques giving alittle bit of the history of this specialplace?

There is a lot of work involved to setup such a scheme but we think it wouldrepay the effort. We would need to findsponsors – whether individuals orcompanies – prepared to contribute to theplaques and people prepared to do someof the research to make sure that facts are

accurate. But we do believe it couldenhance our environment and perhapsdraw people to visit the village.

Which places in Thames Ditton orWeston Green do you think should bemarked by a blue plaque, perhaps becauseof the historic nature of the site or thepeople who have lived there? If youwould like to get involved in this excitingproject, whether helping with research orperhaps sponsoring a plaque, contact ourHon Sec Tricia Bland or email our editorand webmaster Keith Evetts: theircontacting particulars appear on pages 3and 5 of this issue, and the contacts pageof our website.

Please have your say and let us know:if you were choosing to mark a specialspot, what would it be and why? Let usknow in two or three paragraphs thebuilding or place you think would beworthy of a blue plaque, including somehistorical facts and the reason you think itis worthy of note. Please send yournominations to Tricia Bland, preferablyby the end of July.

In the next edition of Thames DittonToday we’ll let you know what hascaptured peoples’ imagination and whatmight happen next.

Libby MacIntyreChairman

Village voices…

In theory there’s no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.

How long a minute is depends on what side of the bathroom door you’re on.

I told her she was the worst wife in the world but she thought that was too much ofa coincidence.

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Let There Be Light

St Nicholas’ Church, the historic parishchurch of Thames Ditton, is launching a£200,000 appeal for major renovations tothe church. We have had no choice. Thechurch electrics failed our most recentfive-yearly inspection and we must takesteps to replace them. 80% of the churchelectrics are to do with lighting. A newlighting system has been designed for usby Bruce Kirk of ‘Light Perceptions’. Adisplay in the church showing theproposed fittings, specifically designedfor St Nicholas’, has been very wellreceived. Their traditional appearancesuits the character of the church but thescheme takes full advantage oftechnology to provide an economical andflexible system.

It soon became clear to us that to fundthis scheme we should need to launch anappeal. But we also realised that there areother works we shall need to tackle in thevery near future and that the only sensibleoption was to launch a comprehensiveappeal rather than a series of smallappeals.

What are these other works?

• To replace the heating boiler, whichhas become very unreliable andexpensive, and which hassometimes failed when we mostneeded it.

• To improve access to the church for all,whatever their particular needs.

• To improve the landscaping andlighting of the churchyard, which werecognise is a key element of theThames Ditton conservation area.

We have some funds available, and weare exploring possible grants, but in orderto carry out these necessary plans we shallneed the generous support of the localcommunity. We shall be a launching aformal appeal shortly and we trust that allwho value St Nicholas’ Church and itssurroundings will want to play their partin ensuring its success. Thank you.

John Silk, Vicar

by day, John sheds light on infants ̓questions

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Where The Bee Sucks

We haven’t counted them butthere seem to be lots of bees inThames Ditton and Weston Green.We do mean the buzzy variety!Yet beekeepers and naturaliststhroughout England have becomeincreasingly worried about a fall-off in the bee population. Broadly,there are two kinds of bees.Honeybees live in large coloniesof up to 50,000, generally caredfor by beekeepers. Bumblebeeslive in much smaller familygroups of an hundred or so in thewild. Their numbers aredeclining, but researchers are notsure why.

The drowsy sound of beesfumbling the flowers is a keynoteof summer that we would not bewithout. So how can we helpthem? Michael Evans, who when he isnot dragooned by wife Sharon intoserving in the Lime Tree deli is Chairmanof Kingston Beekeepers, writes:

“Bumblebees live under the groundand in nooks and crannies, and feed onmany garden flowers. You can stack oldlogs to provide shelter. There are manyflowers you can plant to attract andnourish bees, and a quick search of theinternet will furnish you with a list thatincludes bluebells, cotoneaster, lupins,honeysuckle and geraniums, as well asfoxgloves and clover that not everyonewants in the garden. However, there’s a

wealth of flowers for bees to feed on in allthe gardens of this area, and in any casetheir main source of nectar is trees, so thatdoesn’t seem to be the problem.

“Please don’t spray flowers in bloomwith insecticide. It can kill the bees aswell as damaging the appearance of theflowers’ petals. A bee will take poisonednectar back to its nest. And don’t let beesfeed on honey you get from shops! A lotof imported honey is contaminated withAmerican Foul Brood, which is verydangerous to our native honeybees: if acolony is found to be infected with AFBthen by law it has to be destroyed.


bumblebee pollinating in Church Walk

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“Unlike wasps, bees are nothing to beafraid of: if you stay calm they will staycalm too, and you won’t be stung. Thebee will die if it stings you. Bee stingscan be beneficial for arthritis, but a verysmall number of people can have a severeallergenic reaction to a sting that needsimmediate medical treatment. If you arestung, scrape the sting off immediately toremove the venom and reduce the pain,and look for an antihistamine cream.

“Try to leave bumblebee nestsundisturbed. It’s very sad when we getcalls from gardeners wishing to kill offbumblebees to make way for their next bitof garden decking.”

And – support your local beekeepersby buying their honey! It may cost a bitmore, but it’s worth every penny. Youknow where it’s been, and it’s full ofgoodness, with many medicinal benefitsclaimed for local honey.

Good websites are www.bumblebee.organd, for information on honeybees, – the website ofthe British Beekeepers Association.

Michael Evans and Michael Jackson


busy bumblebee on cotoneaster andcampanula

crocuses are an early attractor for bees

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We read everywhere of confidentialdocuments going astray – left on the bus,or in a pub or passed to a reporter by anunknown hand or embarrassing emailsthat mysteriously end up at the Daily Mailor the Express. Now it seems that evenElmbridge is not immune - ourmagazine’s very own anonymousinvestigative reporter, sitting one night ina dark corner in a local pub in WestonGreen, has “acquired” a memorandumsent to colleagues by an official in a

council not a hundred miles from ThamesDitton. We should emphasise that nomoney changed hands and we publish itin solely in the public interest, particularlyin the light of recent comments in thePress on how councils and councillorstalk to the people about the work they do.We have checked carefully with oursources and can assure readers that everyphrase is genuine.

Headed “How to Get our MessageAcross” it reads as follows:

Speaking of Councils

Enhanced Bin Collection

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THAMES DITTON UNITED REFORMED CHURCHSpeer Road – close to Thames Ditton Station

Secretary: Mrs Linda LambertTel: 020 8398 1476 Email: [email protected]

Services: 10.45 on SundaysCommunion Service 1st Sunday of each month

WELCOME TO ALLHall Bookings telephone: 020 8224 3578


Biology, Chemistry & Physics

Tel: 020 8398 7365Alan Tucker: 2 Gainsborough Close, Esher KT10 8JR


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Executive Eyes Only

To all staff: How to Get Our Message Across

The Council badly needs to have an image overhaul and our vision and

top priorities need actualising. How do we lock this in? Our direction of

travel must be reoriented so that our residents see that we have a robust

approach to delivering value for money and that we are providing

accessible outreach services through a basket of performance indicators.

We must provide a comprehensive corporate toolkit, explore service

synergies and ensure that our procurement processes and flagship

activities are all showcased , so that they signpost residents and improve

full functionality in our core services.

We will set up a working party partnered with a focus group to think

outside the box and report on how we join up all aspects of our service.

This should include a reduction in the Council’s overall potential risk

management profile, and provide a benchmark for councillor reflection on

community outcomes, not forgett ing our overarching policies on

sustainable licences and reporting on the traffic light system we use in

our Council agenda. The working group needs to look at our skill-sets

and provide a table of elements to enable us to focus on service-specific

criteria such as enhanced bin collection, the operability of amenities,

asset mapping, themed delivery partnerships and, at a time of economic

downturn, on recession busters and business process re-engineering.

The outputs from this group can provide a cornerstone for future external

assessment and then be rolled out to our key stakeholders for evaluation

in the context of our Sustainable Community Partnership.

I believe this gives us an exciting possibility to re-engage with residents

and present a new image for the Council through a clear statement of our

policies in a way which will be easily intelligible to everyone.


I am indebted to Subliminal Perceptions In Neurolinguistics whose lengthy

consultancy report informs this memorandum, providing value-added entirely

commensurate with their not inconsiderable emoluments.

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Residents protest against phone mast

Local residents have united to oppose aplanning appeal by Vodafone to place a14.4m phone mast and huge equipmentcabinets in an area densely populated byfamilies with young children. Theequipment proposed by Vodafone wouldbe along the footpath leading from theplatforms at Esher Station to the part ofLower Green Road close to the turnstilesof Sandown Park Racecourse, onunregistered land.

Lower Green Residents’ Committee, agroup of concerned residents and parents,have joined together to voice theirconcerns over this planning applicationand to raise awareness among thecommunity to ensure that this planningapplication is refused at Appeal.

This footpath is used not just bycommuters but also by school childrentravelling to and from Esher High School.Accordingly, Vodafone’s originalplanning application for the mast(application no. 2008/1951) was refusedby Elmbridge Council last September onnumerous grounds including, mostimportantly, safety. The proposedequipment cabinets are enormous, thelargest of the two cabinets being 6ft 4install, and if Vodafone get their way thecabinets will be placed on the unlitsection of the pathway enclosed on oneside by a 9ft railway embankment and onthe other, by the Sandown ParkRacecourse fence. It is common sense thatthis hiding place would provide

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opportunities to harm vulnerable passers-by, including our school children.

Furthermore, Vodafone would beplacing their equipment up against therailway embankment. Introducing atelecomms “staircase” up onto the railwaytrack (namely a lower cabinet – then pole– then higher cabinet), quite franklybeggars belief! However, as is their legalright, Vodafone have chosen to challengethe grounds of Elmbridge Council’sdecision. That Network Rail failed torespond to Elmbridge Council during thelatter’s consultation on the proposal is, inthe view of local residents, equallyremonstrable.

In order to provide coverage to thisarea, Vodafone were granted permissionin 2006 to place antenna on the rooftop ofSandown Park Racecourse, alongside theequipment of 3 other mobile phoneoperators. Vodafone coverage in the areais felt to be good; thus the purpose of this3G technology is not to improve existingcoverage – rather to push non-essentialTV, entertainment and other leisureservices as a profit-making medium.

Residents are concerned also that ifVodafone’s appeal is successful, it willopen the floodgates for multipleapplications from other mobile phonecompanies; one only has to look at the

cluster of phone masts sited close toHampton Court Station on HamptonCourt Way to see that this a very realpossibility. Indeed, there is alreadyconcern amongst residents about thehealth implications of these phone masts.Just recently, EU MEPs Elizabeth Lynne,Kathy Sinnott and Carl Schlyter havetabled in writing Declaration No. 47/2009on the risks of exposure toelectromagnetic fields resulting from theuse of wireless technology.

Each time a new mast is approved, itbecomes the line of sight for the next newmast potentially only a few hundredsmetres away. It is therefore extremelyimportant that residents with concerns,not only about this application but theinsidious spread of phone masts amongstour homes, attend the forthcoming appeal.

As soon as the date of the appealhearing is announced, all residents locatedwithin a 250m radius of the site willreceive a leaflet from the Lower GreenResidents’ Committee urging them toattend the public hearing. The date willalso be publicised as widely as possible,particularly given the holiday seasoncoming up. For all the cogent reasonsabove, we ask you to support us.

The Lower Green Residents’Committee


Research prizes...The Swiss Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology has beenawarded the annual ‘ig-nobel’ prize for Peace, for adopting the legal principle thatplants have dignity.

The prize for Literature went to Briton David Sims of Cass Business School for hispainstaking study “You Bastard: A Narrative Exploration of the Experience ofIndignation within Organizations.”

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Summer Days

This is a great place to live, but notime is more wonderful than the summerwhen there are so many delightful thingsto do in these villages.

The Cricket Club’s fortunes should betransformed by an injection ofCaribbean vigour and laughter, althoughwe hear that Richie Richardson wasbowled out for two runs in his firstinnings for the Club (can that be true?).Caribbean barbecues and more visitingaces are predicted as senior cricketersrediscover the roots of cricket on our

lovely village green at Giggs Hill.

Also on the green, the Scout Fair on10 May was a huge success, absolutelyseething with happy villagers and raisingnot far short of £10,500 for the DittonsScout Group. A lot of hard work goesinto organising this spiffing fair, withkarate demonstrat ions, andal l the s ta l ls and r ides , cakes andrefreshments. Not only does it keep thefine work of the Scouts going, it addsanother vibrant occasion to the villageand is much appreciated.


the demon bowler

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The Dog Show at the Fair is alwaysabsolutely riveting, with embarrasseddogs dressed in satins, tricks and obstaclecourses, and of course the remarkabledemonstrations of obedience trainingwhere some dogs seem to have theirowners almost perfectly trained:

The Thames Ditton Regatta is anotherremarkable annual event. Now in its61st year, i t was founded after theSecond World War by four oarsmenfriends who wanted a good amateurregatta of high standards. A popularevent in the rowing calendar, it attractscrews from all over the country. On 16May you could see St Johns CollegeOxford, or crews from Eton, dusting upthe river with crews from schools androwing clubs from everywhere. Alwayswell-organised and well-behaved, this isa quintessentially English occasion onour lovely stretch of river.

The Guides and Brownies have alsobeen active to raise funds for their Guide


coconutʼs eye view at the Scout fair

taking your girl for a walk

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David Pointer



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Hut Appeal. A monthago Joe, landlord of theGeorge and Dragon,staged and sponsored ahilarious Race Nightwhere local f irmssponsored horses andrace prizes, and merrypunters took advantageof a Tote for the Guides.Full details of the manywho helped in this areon our website. Theevent raised almost£1800 for the Appeal, togo with the £400 Joeraised with his mulledwine at the ChristmasFair.

The Guides addedanother £280 from theirstall at the Scout Fair.Then on 16 May,Brownies and Guidesagain teamed up withthe staff of Guy Salmonto offer us all aprofessional car washand valeting for aremarkably decent fee while we drankcoffee and ate biscuits. This raised afurther £400 Since the Guy Salmonstaff adopted this local cause, they havehelped to raise about £2000 in all ,including sponsorship for two races atrace Night and for the Christmas Raffle.

The Guides have made steadyprogress. Surveys have been done(inevitably uncovering more that needsto be put right) and the professionalproject manager and architect who havevolunteered to oversee the hut project

are on the case. Meanwhile fundraisingcontinues and the Guides are now in aposition to apply for some major grants.The plan is that all the works can bedone in one go.

In all these activities, the clubs, pubs,organisers and volunteers and localbusinesses pull together to do reallyworthwhile work for our communitywhile also giving us a rattling good timeand bringing life and colour to thesevillages. Bravo!

Keith Evetts


Brownie Lauren washes cars for the Hut Appeal

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Summer CrosswordBy Michael Jackson

A £5 Voucher for spendingin any Thames Ditton orWeston Green shop will beawarded to each of the firstthree correct entries openedafter the closing date of30 August 2009

The completed puzzle (orphotocopy) enclosing yourname and address, with theenvelope clearly marked‘Crossword Competition,’should be sent to:

Thames Ditton TodayCrossword Competition6 Church WalkThames DittonKT7 0NW


ACROSS41. Magnetic Prime Minister (5)44. After a meal a gnu has a dance (9)49. Herb with seed pods pushed under (9)10. Where ships anchor on US railways? (5)11. Use these to report a screed (4,9)14. Animal pants (4)15. Aerial kick (2,3,5)18. Lee chatted to him about ten elements

(10)19. ...and when performing he will be out

on a ...(4)21. Replacement at back of mountain chain

I hear is intended (13)24. This on a cake is a bonus (5)25. Legendary wife and mistress (9)27. Local ‘Wood and Spanner’ renamed by

the Council (9)28. Traps are set for this bait (5)

DOWN41. Plant allergic to moonlight? (10)42. It’s in a curious place (3)43. A letter from a country wanting food (6)44. Miners back here in France, chum are about town (9)45. American liquid measure (5)46. Splendid in appearance (8)47. To calculate speed at mile post you will have to watch

this (7,4)48. In the recess have peas cooked (4)12. Acrid, impure, no but ones heart is in it (11)13. An old London way inhabited by needy authors and

hacks (4,6)16. You won’t hear this about Swiss Railways (3,2,4)17. He won’t know you having a rest, Gran (8)20. Games of rugby played by numbers? (6)22. Stiff, cold but not loud (5)23. Frosty Prince returning from the middle East? (4)26. It’s human to do this (3)

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Solution to the Spring Crossword

Each of the first three correctentries opened, below, wins a £5Voucher for spending in anyThames Ditton or Weston Greenshop. Well done!

David Pascoe1 Burtenshaw RoadThames Ditton KT7 0TP

Christine Dayton51 Angel RoadThames Ditton KT7 0AZ

Mrs. J. Salmon33 Speer RoadThames Ditton KT7 0PJ


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Email: [email protected] Blunden

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Cheer (Concern and Help for East Elmbridge Retired) Trudy O Keefe 01372 474555Dittons and Weston Green Neighbourcare Sue Mayes 020 8398 6714Elmbridge Borough Council Community Support ServicesInformation, Meals Services, CommunityTransport, Bus Permits 01372 474552/4Elmbridge Community Alarm Service 01372 474560Elmbridge Relief Carers Scheme 01372 474547Ember Centre for the Retired Mon & Thurs 020 8398 9870

At other times 01372 474553Esher and District Stroke Club Ann Pollock 020 8398 6132Voluntary Action Elmbridge Mrs Carole Roycroft 01372 463587M.D.H.S. Household Services (& garden tidying) Carolyn Smart (Manager) 01932 248533Surrey Mobile Library Service 01483 517402Surrey Youth and Adult Education Service Elmbridge Area 020 8979 8334


Girl Guiding in TD & WG Mrs K Williams 020 8398 13001st Thames Ditton Brownies Mrs. Bronach Hughes 020 8398 16283rd Thames Ditton Brownies Mrs Heather Horler 020 8398 03642nd Thames Ditton Rainbows Nicki Sutherland 020 8398 42021st Weston Green (All Saints) Scout Group Alan Nolan-Davies 0844 414 28261st Weston Green Guides (All Saints) Mrs. Louise Lewis 020 8398 48432nd Thames Ditton Guides Mrs. Bronach Hughes 020 8398 16281st Weston Green Brownies (All Saints) Mrs K Williams 020 8398 13002nd Weston Green Brownies Linda Hall 020 8941 49131st Weston Green Rainbows Mrs Helen Hill 020 8398 31354th Thames Ditton Ajax Sea Scouts Alison Derrick 020 8398 0041Dittons Scout Group Mr. Keith Berry 020 8398 3447Coffee and chat (United Reformed Church) Mrs. E. Barker 01372 467491Emberbrook Trefoil Guild Mrs. Adrienne Nealing 020 8398 5582Esher Floral Art Group Mrs. M. Dingle 020 8398 3943Friends of Bushey and Home Parks Mrs. Julie Cohen 020 8943 2017Friends of Walsingham Care Miss Valerie Chicken 0208 398 2932Molesey and Dittons Neighbourhood Watch Chairman: Pat Farmiloe 020 8398 2787Parents and Toddlers(St Nicholas church) Information 020 8398 7211Ripieno Choir Nick Harris 020 8399 7231Surrey Bell-ringers Nick Pattenden [email protected]


Albany Motor Yacht Club Secretary 01784466651Arts and Heritage Club Carol Butcher 01932 867511Claremont PROBUS Club Mr. P. Collins 020 8398 3125Claygate Bridge Club Hon. Secretary 020 8398 1710Colets Health & Fitness Giordano Orsini 020 8398 7108Dittons Skiff and Punting Club Hon Secretary 020 8398 1642Dittons & Hinchley Wood Royal British Legion Club Secretary 020 8398 6263Ember Players (Drama) Ember Sports Club Kelly Bradley 07971 839 648



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Ember Sports Club Mrs. Pauline Wareham 020 8979 8977Ember Sports Club: Bowls John Garland 01932 220221Ember Sports Club: Croquet Dr. David Cooke 01932 862841Ember Sports Club: Tennis Margaret Robinson 01372 842401Esher Bowling Club Roger Cooper 01372 468109Esher Bridge Centre Paul Whicker 01372 460157Esher Camera Club Billy Buchanan 020 8398 3169Folk Dance Club Pam Phillips 01372 373745Hinchley Wood / Dittons PROBUS Club Ken Thomas 0208 398 0526Long Ditton Cricket Club Nigel Hardy 020 8398 8361Long Ditton Garden Club Mrs. Ann Allen 020 8398 1718Model Railway Society (Hampton Court) Secretary 01932 241224Mothers Union (All Saints) Val Lomax 01932 860344Old Cranleighan Rugby Club Tony Price 07801 837129Old Cranleighan Hockey Club Eds Copleston (Men) 07775 940703

Helen Hawes (Ladies) 07771 557900River Club (BMYC) David Walker 0870 460 3586Rotary Club, Esher Geoff Morris 01932 868454Rubber Bridge TD Lawn Tennis Club Val 020 8399 9972Surbiton Croquet Club Alec Thomas 020 8398 2391Surbiton Golf Club Secretary 0208 398 3101Surbiton Hockey Club Secretary 020 8398 2401Thames Ditton Lawn Tennis Club Chris Lewis 07770 562569Thames Ditton & Esher Golf Club Mark Rodbard 020 8398 1551Thames Ditton Squash Club (Colets) Dave Peck 020 8398 7108Thames Ditton Cricket Club Howard Frish (Secretary) 07947 561449Thames Ditton Marquetry Group Jasmine Berry 020 8398 4358Yoga for Health Club Mrs. Celia Rowe 020 8398 2700


Ember Choral Society Linda Bridges 020 8399 5402Esher Recorded Music Society Miss S. M. Garrat 020 8398 8541Esher and Molesey Garden Society Mr. B. Andrews 020 8398 5063Hampton Court Way Allotment Association Secretary: Basil Rainbow 020 8398 8471Lynwood Allotment Society Barry Jordan 0776 282 5041Molesey and District Antiques Society Linda Lambert 020 8398 1476NADFAS (Decorative & Fine Arts) Kingston Mrs. Valerie Windsor 020 8549 9967National Trust: Richmond Association Membership Secretary 020 8894 2972Soroptimist International (Kingston District ) Secretary: Pat Harman 020 8390 3507Thames Ditton Women’s Institute (W.I.) Secretary 020 8398 8615Thames Valley Amateur Radio Transmitters Society Chairman 0148328 4279


Cancer Research UK Mrs. Vivienne Harris 020 8398 6787University of the Third Age (U3A) Ken Kingham 0208 979 8053Vera Fletcher Hall Lettings: Helen Mason 08456 528 529

Membership: Sue Morris 020 8224 2536Please contact the Editor to amend these listings


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In the last ‘Hook or Crook’ I wrote ofour failed bankers and politicians, urgedconstitutional reform, doubted that thepresent parties were the right people to doit and suggested they should be sweptaway. One reader - there does alwaysseem to be one, and I like that - wrote tocomplain about the article, but many said“Three cheers!” and some asked to copy itto their friends.

Scandalous developments since thenlead many to share this way of thinking.Politicians of all the national parties havedisgraced the House - not for the first time,but now in wholesale fashion. Thespectacle of their leaders, who have spentthe past eighteen months trying to stop theinformation leaking out, now trying toappear like cleansing reformers is ratherpathetic. A national shame. The future isin your votes.

Closer to home, in this issue we have anappeal from the Lower Green Residents toprevent the inappropriate siting of a phonemast. Our Association comprisesconcerned residents and it supports groupsof residents who otherwise find themselvesalmost without recourse when challenginglarge commercial interests or, sometimes,those of the authorities. We know - I havehad past communications to this effect -that there are other residents who couldwant the increased services more phonemasts might bring. But when askedwhether they and their neighbours want tohave the masts on their street, near theirhome, and we could then support that; whythen somehow the line goes dead! So let’shave understanding, sympathy and realsupport for the residents of the LowerGreen.

Whatever the rotten state of the nation,Thames Ditton and Weston Green aremanifestly thriving. The groups andsocieties, churches, clubs and organisations,volunteers, and individuals who set out toaccomplish something good are astonishingin range and quality. They enrich our lives,providing both entertainment and radiance.

The Cricket Club runs yet anothermajor annual event of quality. The HarryHawkes Eight has raised over £60,000for local charities, schools, andorganisations providing cricket and othersports for youngsters. Over 500 runnerswill take part 10.00 am on Sunday 6September 2009 at Giggs Hill Green(aren’t you glad Tesco was preventedfrom building a supermarket and garagethere!) A flat, fast 8 mile course along theThames by the Palace and back to theGreen. Last year we had an Olympicsilver medallist competing. There’s aparallel, much shorter event for Juniorswho can enter on the day. or contact the Club.

Lastly, a call for support for another,even more ancient institution. The Churchof St. Nicholas, our parish church and thehistoric backbone of the village, must findthe money to renew its electrics andheating. Whatever your religious affiliationor state of grace, you’ve all walked throughthe churchyard, all admired the peace, theclock tower, the old stone and flint; andmost of you have spent time or soughtsolace in its calm and congenial interior.Do give it the means to continue. Why, ifwe all gave a tenner the forthcomingAppeal would be halfway there.

It’s worth it.Editor


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Published by the Thames Ditton and Weston Green Residents ̓Association. Printed by the K&N Press Ltd, Unit 10, 19 Lyon Road, Hersham, Walton on Thames, Surrey.

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