increasing the perceived value of business analysis activities (mar 2012, laura brandenberg))


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Do you find yourself investing a lot of effort in requirements only to be asked “why is this taking so long”? Maybe you are hearing “let’s skip that and just get the requirements”? Do you feel there is a tension between producing quality deliverables and meeting employer demands? Do your stakeholders skip meetings, bypass reviews, and otherwise make it difficult to do quality work? Business analysis, at its core, is about creating alignment and clarity to drive positive change in our organizations. If you are having the troubles above, it may be that your definition of successful business analysis and your employer’s perception of value are out of sync. After this presentation, you’ll be better prepared to frame your business analyst activities in value terms your stakeholders understand – and will act on. We’ll help you compare your principles of success to those of your employer and stakeholders. We will provide practical ways you can increase your perceived value of common BA practices such as templates, meetings, and reviews. Prepare for the session and leave comments here: Attendees will learn: • Models for evaluating how your organization and stakeholders perceive value and how to frame business analysis activities within that framework; • Techniques for increasing the value generated from your business analyst activities and, just as importantly, the perception of value by your organization; • Tactics for delivering on the core principles of business analysis when practices are challenged. Meet the speaker: Laura Brandenburg is a business analyst consultant, author, and mentor. She has 9 years of experience across technology leadership, analysis, project management, and QA. She volunteers for IIBA as Career Center Product Manager and VP, Marketing of the Denver Chapter. She hosts Bridging the Gap, a blog about business analyst practices. She authored How to Start a Business Analyst Career and Professional Development for Business Analysts. Visit her blog at


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My 2012 Goal

Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

We build our profession one BA at a time.

Check out our Registry:

Page 3: Increasing the Perceived Value of Business Analysis Activities (Mar 2012, Laura Brandenberg))

Key Learning Objectives

1.  Models for evaluating how your organization and stakeholders perceive value and how to frame business analysis activities within that framework;

2.  Techniques for increasing the actual value generated from your business analyst activities;

3.  Tactics for increasing your perceived value.

Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

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Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

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“I deal with the customers!”

¨  The problem Ø Focus is on

“communication” and “spec delivery”

¨  Surviving the dilemma Ø What goes into

creating the spec?

Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

Read more and view the video at

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Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

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Being valued is a two-sided coin

Being Valuable

Being Aware of Our Value

Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

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ROI Model

Reduce Costs

•  Reduce Rework •  Reduce Scoping

Costs •  Find cost-

effective solutions

Increase Benefits

•  Discover new needs

•  Leverage new solutions

•  Prioritize by value

Increased ROI

Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

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Reduce Rework

$45 billion was spent on rework due to poor requirements in the United States in 2008, adding up to $180K each for the 250,000 US business analysts on LinkedIn.

Ø  Kathleen Barrett. “Evaluating BA Credibility”. BA

Connection. IIBA. April 2010. p2.

Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

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Reduce Costs to Scope Solution

Stakeholder Time = $$$

Ineffective meetings

Rehashing old issues

Incomplete understanding

of the problem Forgotten

issues crop up late

Right people not involved

Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

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Discover More Cost-Effective Solutions

“I became a business analyst when I no longer saw technology

as the only solution.”

-Steve Blais, Solutions Architect Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

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Discover new needs or requirements

“There are … unconscious and/or undreamed of requirements, that may remain forgotten, overlooked, or simply unimagined until stakeholders start to use the system and experience the need–unless a skilled business analyst is successful in identifying them during the requirements process.”

Ø Adriana Beal, “Beyond gathering, eliciting and trawling for requirements” §


Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

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Focus on the valuable requirements

Most valuable set of requirements

Gotta haves

Real business needs

Wish list features

Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

ü  Do you help the business focus on benefits? ü  Do you prioritize early and often?

OR Do you invest time in requirements that are never implemented? (EEK!)

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Stop projects that do not achieve ROI

Transform the ambiguous hole of muck •  Understand “why” •  Discover unknown requirements

Analyze the requirements •  Prioritize often •  Find alternative solutions

Unexpected project scope •  Does the project still have a positive


Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

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More fully leverage new solutions

IT buys new solution

IT implements lacking value

Business doesn’t get it

Business does work-arounds

BA understands the possibilities

IT implements valuable project

Business trained on new system

Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

Positive ROI

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Career Habit: Ask WHY?

And then… Is there a better way to accomplish this goal?

Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

Page 17: Increasing the Perceived Value of Business Analysis Activities (Mar 2012, Laura Brandenberg))

Career Habit: Self-Confidence

“Be your own best friend and believe in yourself. …Cheer yourself on. Write your own pep talk. It works.”

Ø Ken Blanchard, Heart of a Leader (67)

Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

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Career Habit: Toot Your Own Horn

Copyright © 2010 Laura Brandenburg

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Copyright © 201 Laura Brandenburg

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