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Page 1: Index [] · Index 1840 Page numbers for figures, tables and boxed material are shown in italic A Abandoned land 1485–1486 , Abiogenic gas theory 458–459 , Above-market



Page 2: Index [] · Index 1840 Page numbers for figures, tables and boxed material are shown in italic A Abandoned land 1485–1486 , Abiogenic gas theory 458–459 , Above-market



Page numbers for figures, tables and boxed material are shown in italic

A Abandoned land , 1485–1486

Abiogenic gas theory , 458–459

Above-market rates , 1585

Abu Dhabi , 1577–1578 , 1781–1782 , 1784 , 1788 ,


Acceptability, public. See Public acceptance

Access to energy , 1403–1408 , 1412 , 1415 ,

1445–1447 , 1446 , 1607–1610 , 1654–1657 , 1655

Africa, 1626 , 1627 , 1627–1637 , 1628 , 1630 , 1632 ,


Asia, 1637–1646 , 1640 , 1642 , 1643 , 1644 , 1645

agriculture, 172 , 172–175 , 173 , 174

challenges, 1411–1413 , 1422–1423 , 1423 ,


climate change, 1624

and consumption, 164

cooking and heating fuels, 1418–1421 , 1419

cooking stove projects, 1448–1452

data availability, 1612–1614 , 1613 , 1614

decision-making, 1624–1625

economic development, 36–37 , 37 , 160–165

educational services, 175–177 , 176

electricity, 19–23 , 21 , 22 , 35 , 163 , 1413–1418 ,

1414 , 1415 , 1416

and energy security, 333

environmental issues, 183 , 183–184

financial investment, 1265–1266 , 1266 , 1425–1427 ,

1426 , 1619–1621 , 1620 , 1621

funding gaps, 1621–1623 , 1622

GEA pathways analysis, 41 , 75 , 1210 , 1211 ,

1260–1267 , 1261–1267

gender equality, 1623–1624

health services, 177 , 177–178 , 178

historical trends, 1413–1415 , 1414 , 1415

income generation, 1421–1423 , 1422 , 1423 , 1426

institutional capacity, 1623

Latin America, 1646–1654 , 1647 , 1648 , 1649 , 1650 ,

1651 , 1652

multitrack approach, 1416–1418

necessity of, 1657

oil prices, 1625

policy frameworks, 77 , 78–81 , 79 , 1558–1561 ,

1559 , 1560–1561 , 1587 , 1657–1660

political failure, 1612–1616 , 1613 , 1614 , 1615

and poverty, 157 , 160–165 , 161 , 162 , 163 , 165 , 172 ,

172 , 185 , 186 , 1408–1411 , 1409 , 1410 , 1411 ,

1610–1611 , 1613 , 1615–1617 , 1618 , 1629 , 1630 ,

1644–1647 , 1647 , 1648

production processes, 169–172 , 170 , 171

and transport, 174 , 174–175 , 175

regional analyses, 1427 , 1427–1445 , 1626–1627 .

See also specific regions

rural areas, 1617–1619

social benefits, 1415–1416 , 1416

targets, 1219

technological development, 1423–1425

urban areas, 1341 , 1341–1344 , 1342 , 1344 , 1362 ,

1616–1617 , 1618

universal access, 19–23 , 21 , 22 , 35 , 75 , 78–79 , 79

water and sanitation, 179 , 179–180 , 180 , 181

Access to knowledge , 1787 , 1788

Access to transport , 594 , 621–622 , 623 , 1536 , 1758

Accidents , nuclear, 196 , 1085 . See also Chernobyl ;

Fukushima ; Three Mile Island

Accounting , energy, 136–139 , 137 , 138 , 141–144 ,

143 , 1327–1332 , 1360

Acid rain , 402

Acidification, ecosystems, 208

Africa, 224

Americas, 217–219 , 220

Asia, 227 , 228 , 229

Europe, 213 , 215

ocean, 39

See also Nitrogen Oxides ; Sulfur Dioxide

Adaptation to change

buildings technology, 742–743

energy transitions, 1179–1180 , 1787

and health risks, 293 , 294

policy frameworks, 1193 , 1658 , 1712

solar home systems, 1764

sustainability goals, 76

technology, 1712 , 1754

urban infrastructures, 1314

Adaptive Thermal Comfort , 695 , 696

Additional Protocol Treaty on non-proliferation of

nuclear weapons, 1104 , 1110

Advanced biomass stoves , 686–687 , 687

Advanced buildings , 305 , 689 , 691 , 1010–1011

Advanced coal-based power

generation , 1155

Advanced nuclear reactors , 1093–1097 , 1094

Advanced transportation , 1215 , 1229 , 1232–1233 ,

1233 , 1235 , 1236 , 1244–1245 , 1257 , 1284 , 1289

Advisory Group on Energy and Climate Change

(UN AGECC), 1407

Advocacy coalitions , 1689

Aerodynamic drag , 606 . See also Aviation


and diet, 1533–1534

and energy demand, 1223 , 1224

and well-being, 1530 , 1542–1544 , 1543

See also GDP ; Income ; Poverty


access to energy, 1414 , 1427 , 1427–1435 , 1428 ,

1429 , 1431–1432 , 1434–1435 , 1449–1450 , 1559

brain drain, 1778

buildings, 658 , 714

CCS, 1044–1045

climate change, 220–226 , 223 , 224

co-provision, fuels, 954–956

demographic changes, 391

energy security, 349 , 356–360

high-temperature solar thermal technologies, 836

hydroelectric power, 349

industrial sector, 522

irrigation, 1410

land use, 1485 , 1486

liquid fuels, 926

policy frameworks, 1626 , 1627 , 1627–1637

poverty, 1409

renewable energy investment, 17 , 55 , 871

solid fuel use, 22

See also AREED network

AGECC (Advisory Group on Energy and Climate

Change), 1407

Agent-activity model , 1376


by-products, 1512–1513

crop drying, 844–845 , 850

crop residues, 482 , 483 , 486–487

energy efficiency, 1597

harvest/storage/transport, 173 , 174

land use, 1472–1476 , 1473 , 1474 , 1485 , 1491 ,

1491–1494 , 1492–1493

mechanical power, 1423

policy frameworks, 881

supply cost curves, 486–487

water use, 1466 , 1497–1499 , 1498 , 1503–1504 ,

1505 , 1507 , 1507–1508 , 1508

yields, 228 , 230 , 282–283 , 289–290 , 1473 , 1476 ,


Agriculture-based economies , 153

Air conditioning , 1154

buildings, 663 , 681 , 682–683

and lifestyles, 1537

seawater, 856

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solar, 849–850

vehicles, 1541

Air pollution , 5 , 35 , 132–134

buildings, 278

and CCS, 1015–1017 , 1016 , 1017

climate interactions, 285

co-benefit analysis, 718 , 720

community effects, 275–280 , 279

and energy systems, 207 , 207–210

GEA transformational pathways, 1276–1283 ,

1277–1282 , 1292 , 1293

health risks, 7 , 25 , 41 , 65 , 260 , 262 , 263 , 312 ,

921–925 , 923 , 924 , 925 , 1280–1283 , 1281 , 1282

indoor, 260 , 267 , 670–671 , 720 , 1282–1283

intake fractions, 263 , 278

mitigation, 310

particulate matter, 905

planetary boundaries concept, 241–242

policy frameworks, 77 , 907–908 , 1276–1280 , 1277 ,


regional impacts, 210 , 279 , 280 , 280–286 , 281 ,

283–285 , 1219

transport, 279 , 595 , 596

urban, 1379–1385 , 1380–1385 , 1389–1390

Albedo effect , 304 , 1483

Algae , 1772

Algeria , 1026

Alignment , policy, 1670–1671 , 1676–1677 , 1678 ,

1689–1690 , 1701 , 1703 , 1705–1706 , 1709 ,

1711–1713 , 1712 , 1722

Alliances , energy, 370–373

Allergies , 671 , 721

Aluminum , 518 , 518–519 , 520 , 527–529 , 528 , 532

Amine carbon capture , 1006 , 1009


CCS, 1000 , 1003 , 1006–1009 , 1016 , 1016

energy efficiency, 523 , 523–524

Anaerobic digestion , 1153

Animal manure , 264 , 271 , 483 , 484

Anthropocene , 196

Anthropogenic pressures , 242

Appliances , 685

electricity demand, 718 , 719

energy efficiency, 727 , 733–734 , 1594–1595

labeling schemes, 1542

Aquatic biomass , 484–485 , 487

Aquifer gas , 454–455

Arab states , 1781–1782

Arabian Gulf University , 1793–1794

Arctic haze , 231–232

AREED network (African Rural Energy Enterprise

Development), 1196 , 1765 , 1766 , 1769

Argentina , 1105–1106 , 1652–1653


buildings, 658

climate change, 226–229

energy access, 1414 , 1435–1440 , 1448–1449 ,

1637–1646 , 1640 , 1642

energy security, 349 , 362

liquid fuels, 926

renewable energy, 17 , 55 , 349 , 796 , 836 , 871

rural electrification, 1641–1644 , 1642 ,

1643 , 1644

solid fuel use, 22

See also countries by name

Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and

Climate Change, 884

Assessment case study , 1690–1695 , 1692 , 1694 ,

1695 , 1727

Assessment frameworks , energy security, 334 ,

334–336 , 335 , 337


aerosol loading, 39

energy systems, 196–232

See also Air pollution ; Climate change

Atmospheric brown clouds (ABCs), 205–206

Audits , energy, 1594 , 1595

Australia , 1046–1049 , 1055 , 1180 , 1540 ,

1567 , 1775

Austria , 1195 , 1372

Automobiles . See Cars

Aviation , 581

economic incentives, 633–634

energy efficiency, 609–611 , 610

energy end-use, 589–591 , 590–592

Avoid-shift-improve framework, 14 , 600

B Backstop technologies , 403 , 403

Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation

(BMTC), 1758 , 1758

Bangladesh , 1638 , 1640

microfinance, 1640

off-grid programs, 1619

Power Development

Board, 1640

rural electrification, 1639

solar home systems, 1764–1765 , 1765 , 1790

Barbados , 1561

Baseline impact assessment , 299–301 , 300

Batteries , 1162 , 1186–1187 , 1653

Behavioral drivers

buildings, 661–663

consumption, 1538–1542 , 1539 , 1540 , 1541

energy efficiency, 661–663 , 695–698 , 696–697 ,

702–703 , 736–737

energy intensity improvements, 1222

transitions, 1195

Beijing Declaration , 886

Belgium , 868–869 , 1093

Benchmarking , industrial, 529 , 530–534 , 532 , 533

Benzene , 262

Bhutan , 1774 , 1791–1792

Bicycle parking , 627

Bioclimatic zones , 1613

Biodiesel , 1759 , 1759 , 1770–1771

Biodiversity, 39 , 212 , 213 , 226 , 228 , 1513–1514

Bioeconomy , 1770

Bioenergy , 10 , 18 , 194 , 601–602 , 602 , 620 ,

631 , 1146

aviation, 610

choices, 1248 , 1248–1249 , 1769–1773

conversion technologies, 782 , 782–787 , 783 , 784 ,


economics, 787–791 , 788–791

energy security, 1284–1287 , 1284 , 1285 , 1286

financial investment, 869

and fossil fuels, 1490

GEA pathways, 75 , 1237

GHG emissions, 686–687 , 687 , 688

health risks, 260 , 271 , 274 , 301–303 , 302 , 303

implementation issues, 794

invisibility, 1612 , 1631

and land/water use, 70 , 233–236 , 234 , 236 ,

1462–1466 , 1468 , 1476–1480 , 1499–1502 , 1507 ,

1507–1513 , 1508 , 1770

mandates, 1584

market developments, 779 , 779–781

opportunity cost, 1625

policy frameworks, 77

potential, 778–779 , 780 , 781

regional analyses, 1252

resources/potentials, 478–489 , 479–487 ,

1140–1141 , 1141

sustainability, 791–793 , 792

water use, 1499 , 1501

Biogas . See Gas


flow pathways, 481–482

fuels. See Bioenergy

production, 1468 , 1471

Biomethane , 600–601

BIOS Project , 1775

Bitumen , 929

Black carbon (BC), 194 , 200 , 284 , 285 , 286 , 310

BLUE Map scenario, 776 , 777 , 812 , 813

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Bolivia , 1653–1654

Botswana , 1631

Bottom-up approaches

air pollution, 1219

health risks, 300

hydropower, 1773–1774 , 1791–1792

investment funding, 409

projecting demand, 395

transport, 1196

Bottom-Up Energy Analysis System (BUENAS),


Boundaries, planetary , 38–39 , 39 , 40 , 194 , 240 ,

240–242 , 241

Brain drain , 1778

Braking losses , 606

Branching points , 1213 , 1214–1215 , 1215 , 1216 ,



Akatu Institute, 1539

buildings, 658

energy capacity development, 92

environmental zoning, 1513

ethanol case study, 1683 , 1689 , 1694 , 1695 , 1718 ,


fuel subsidies, 1651

industrial sector, 528 , 557

international participation, 1784–1785

land use/bioenergy, 1484

LPG, 1443

nuclear energy, 1105

policy frameworks, 552–553 , 1577

R&D case study, 1694 , 1728–1729 , 1729

solar water heaters, 1561

sugarcane/biofuels, 1465 , 1466 , 1473 , 1484 , 1485 ,

1486 , 1490 , 1491 , 1513 , 1770

University-industry linkages, 1776

Breeder reactors , 1087 , 1090–1091 , 1094

BRIMCS (Brazil, Russian Federation, India, Mexico,

China, and South Africa), 1694 , 1728–1729 , 1729

British Cast Iron Research Association (BCIRA), 1197

British Petroleum (BP), 143 , 932 , 1003

Building integrated solar photovoltaics (BiPV), 13 , 688

Buildings sector

air pollution, 278

and climate change, 669–670

co-benefit analysis, 718–722 , 719 , 720 , 723

codes of practice, 583 , 733 , 735–736

cultural drivers, 661–663

design challenges, 702 , 702–703

energy efficiency, 13 , 14 , 83 , 675–703 , 719 , 1595

energy end-use, 51–53 , 52 , 653–664

energy services, 106 , 107

energy systems, 1364–1366

financial investments, 715

future scenarios, 654 , 655 , 703–718 , 707–718

integrated systems, 62

life cycle assessment, 657 , 664–669 , 666 , 667

passive, 1760–1761

policy frameworks, 719 , 724–743 , 726 , 728–733 ,

737 , 739 , 741

roofing, 674 , 674 , 850

standards, 1585

sustainability, 69 , 670–675 , 674

zero-energy, 689–690 , 690 , 691–692

See also Residential sector


Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), 555–556

Burning embers diagram , 203 , 204

Bus rapid transit (BRT), 624 , 757 , 1759

Bush Administration , US, 1105

Business models , energy service, 1191 , 1191–1193 ,


Business-as-usual (BAU), 35 , 564–565 , 598 , 966 ,

1239 , 1474

Butane , 950 . See also Fluid hydrocarbon fuels

By-products , bioenergy, 1512–1513

C C40 Cities , 1761

CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standard,

1678 , 1694 , 1695 , 1705 , 1732

Callide oxyfuel project , 1048

Calorific value , 141–142 , 145

Cambodia , 1440

Canada , 361–362 , 1026 , 1055 , 1106

Cancer, thyroid , 1101 , 1102

Cancun Agreement , 414

Capacity , energy , 1748–1757 , 1754

building, 883 , 1753–1754

case studies, 1790–1794

definitions, 1750 , 1754 , 1757

dialogues, 1761–1763 , 1771 , 1787

diffusion of technology, 1766–1769

distributed energy systems, 1769–1774

energy transitions, 1751–1752 , 1752

factor, PVS, 829

funding, 1785–1786

industrial sector, 563–564

innovation systems, 1754–1757 , 1774–1780 , 1779

institutional capacity, 1658

international participation, 1784–1786

management, 1780–1784 , 1783

market building, 1763–1766 , 1765 , 1766

nuclear energy, 1076–1077 , 1077

passive buildings, 1760–1761

path dependency, 1748 , 1751 , 1755 , 1756 ,

1757–1761 , 1758 , 1759

policy frameworks, 90–92 , 1755 , 1792–1793

principles, 1786–1790

smart grids, 1759–1760

sustainability, 1754

Cap-and-trade schemes , 77 , 1575–1576 , 1584 ,

1585 , 1591

Capillary trapping , 1022–1023 , 1023

Capital intensiveness , 1674

Capital learning , 1682

Capital stocks , 1674 , 1675

Carbon capture and storage (CCS ), 10 , 18–19 ,

930–931 , 979–984 , 997–1001 , 1059–1060 , 1230 ,

1234–1237 , 1243 , 1268–1270

acceptability, 1053–1059 , 1056 , 1057 , 1059

capture and compression technology, 1002–1018 ,

1005 , 1015 , 1016

carbon mitigation, 904 , 1001–1002

choices, 1247–1248 , 1248

coal-steam power, 914 , 915 , 916 , 917

co-production, 904–908 , 905 , 975–976

costs, 137 , 138 , 1012–1014 , 1018–1019 , 1020 ,

1035 , 1035–1036 , 1039–1041 , 1044–1047 ,

1050–1052 , 1060

energy supply, 58–59

GEA pathways, 72 , 75 , 1236–1237 , 1254

life cycle analysis, 1036–1037 , 1037

policy frameworks, 957 , 1032–1035 , 1039 ,

1041–1046 , 1048 , 1050 , 1051 , 1053 , 1577–1578 ,

1585–1586 , 1591–1592

R&D, 1041 , 1043 , 1045 , 1047–1048 , 1051 ,


ready plants, 1005–1006

regional analyses, 1038–1053 , 1252

safety, 1020 , 1024 , 1029–1032

storage capacity, 1027–1028 , 1028

storage options, 1021–1026 , 1022 , 1023 , 1025

technology, 1020–1036 , 1039 , 1040

transport of carbon dioxide, 997 , 999 , 1000 , 1001 ,

1002 , 1010 , 1017 , 1018–1020 , 1020

vehicle emissions, 948 , 1037–1038 , 1038

Carbon dioxide , 198

avoidance costs, 1002 , 1013–1014

capture/compression, 1002–1018 , 1005 ,

1015 , 1016

equivalent, 201

geological storage, 304 , 305 , 1021–1027 , 1022 ,


ocean storage, 1021

pricing, 1271

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transport, 997 , 999 , 1000 , 1001 , 1002 , 1010 ,

1017–1020 , 1020

See also Greenhouse gasses

Carbon flow , 57

Carbon mitigation . See Mitigation strategies

Carbon monoxide , 194 , 196 , 199 , 262 , 284 , 307

CarbonNet project, 1048

Carbon pricing , 631–632

Carbon sequestration , soils, 1510 , 1510–1512 , 1511

Carbon sinks , 1230 , 1236–1237 , 1483

Carbon taxes , 77 , 1575–1576 , 1584 , 1585 , 1591

Carbon trading , 726

Carcinogenic compounds , 266 , 267 , 295–298 ,


Caribbean , 1445 , 1445

Carriers , energy, 42 , 376

Cars , private, 14–15 , 563 , 1531–1532 , 1542 , 1758 .

See also Light-duty vehicles

Case studies

capacity development, 1790–1794

R&D, 1694 , 1728–1729 , 1729

innovation, 1792–1793

technological development, 1673–1674 , 1676 ,

1681–1685 , 1688–1690 , 1692–1695 , 1705 , 1706 ,

1709 , 1725–1737

Catalytic converters , 1752

CCS . See Carbon capture and storage

Cellulosic ethanol , 973

CEMAC Action Plan , 1635 , 1636

Cement , 518 , 518–520 , 519 , 520 , 525–527 , 527 , 528 ,


Central America . See Latin America

Central-receiver system , 838

CEPCI (Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index), 913 ,


Chain-linked model of innovation, 1675 , 1675


access to energy, 1411–1413 , 1422–1423 , 1423 ,


buildings, 695 , 736–737

opportunity, 92–93

projecting energy demand, 395

renewable energy, 93 , 767–769 , 774–775 , 817

resource endowments, 1555

sustainability, 93 , 670–675 , 674

understanding, 1786–1787

urban, 93 , 1339–1354

water use, 1514–1515

windpower, 817

Change . See GEA transformational ; pathways ;


Charcoal , 264

Chemical industry , 518 , 518–519 , 520 , 522 , 523 ,

523–524 , 1473 , 1475

Chemical pollution , 39

Chernobyl nuclear accident, 1072 , 1073 , 1100–1103 ,

1101 , 1102 , 1108 , 1109

Chilled ammonia , 1009


buildings, 658 , 663 , 664

CCS, 1042–1044

CO 2 emissions, 183

coal use, 345

co-production, 953–954 , 965–967 , 966

demographic changes, 391

direct coal liquefaction, 935

energy access, 1436 , 1436–1437 , 1644–1646 ,


energy efficiency policies, 553–555

energy intensity, 120 , 120–121

energy management, 557

health issues, 923–924 , 924

household energy, 1180

hydropower, 1773–1774

industrial sector, 518–519 , 521 , 526 , 527 , 528

integrated systems, 1185

nuclear energy, 1072 , 1085–1087

R&D case study, 1694 , 1728–1729 , 1728 , 1729

urban energy systems, 1359 , 1360–1361

wind energy, 821

zero-energy buildings, 690

China Rural Energy Enterprise Development (CREED),



biofuels, 1769–1773

energy transitions, 1242–1249 , 1787–1789

lifestyles, 1537–1538

CHP (combined heat and power), 540 , 542 , 781–784 ,

788 , 789 , 909 , 1153–1154

Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) combustion, 912 ,


Cities , economic role, 1360–1361 , 1361 .

See also Urban


Clean development mechanism (CDM), 562 , 883 ,

1773 , 1784 , 1785–1786

Clean energy systems , 1780–1781

Cleaner cooking . See C ooking fuels

Climate change , 36 , 198 , 200–207

and access to energy, 1624

agricultural yields, 228 , 230 , 282–283 , 289–290 ,

1473 , 1476 , 1482

and air pollution, 285

buildings, 669–670

committed warming, 202

and energy security, 333

GEA pathways, 75 , 1210 , 1211 , 1267–1276 , 1292 ,

1293 , 1294–1299

health issues, 40 , 261 , 307–308

historical trends, 203

and hydropower, 796 , 796

and land use systems, 70

limits, 194

mitigation. See Mitigation

planetary boundaries, 39 , 39–40 , 40 , 241

regional impacts, 210 . See also specific regions

temperature extremes, 288

targets, 1220

transport, 597 , 597 , 598 , 599

urban energy systems, 1358–1359 .

See also Greenhouse gasses

Climate guardrail , 203 , 243

Climate sensitivity , 201

Cloud-seeding , 305

CO2CRC Otway project , 1048–1049

Coal , 10

energy resources, 461 , 461–467 , 462–467 , 1139 ,


energy security, 344–345 , 377

health issues, 264 , 271–273 , 274

mining, 260 , 271–273 , 274 , 465–466

transporting, 1143

See also Fossil Energy

Coal-bed methane (CMB), 454

Coal-steam power , 911–914 , 912 , 913 , 915 , 916 ,


Coal-to-liquid (CTL) fuels, 914–919 , 937–944 ,


Co-benefit analysis

bioenergy, 481 , 481

buildings, 718–722 , 720

economic evaluation, 310

energy security, 375

GEA pathways, 1290–1300

health and environment, 1537

industrial sector, 559

land-use changes, 216

mitigation, 309 , 310 , 311

non-energy/energy service delivery, 1183–1185 ,


sustainability, 25–26

technical summary, 65

transport, 1196

Co-combustion , biomass energy, 781

Codes of Practice , 733 , 735–736 , 1583

Codification of knowledge , 1680–1682

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energy efficiency, 1596

industrial sector, 539–540

Mauritius, 1560–1561

Cognitive dissonance , 1539

Coherence, strategies , 1614–1616

Collective expectations , 1689

Collie South West Hub project, 1048

Colombia, 1652

Combined heat and power

(CHP), 540 , 542 , 781–784 , 788 , 789 , 909 ,


Combi-Plant , 865–866 , 866

Commensurability , ETIS, 1690

Commercial sector

buildings, 689–690 , 690 , 691–692 , 694–695

energy security, 355–356

GEA pathways, 1224–1225 , 1225 , 1227

Commission for Regional Electricity Integration,


Commissioning systems , 684–685

Commitment , policy, 1704 , 1704

Committed warming , 202 . See also Climate change

Commonalities , GEA pathways, 1242–1249

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research

Organisation (CSIRO), 1049 , 1539 , 1540

Communaut é Economique et Monétaire de

l’Afrique Centrale (CEMAC), 1432 , 1432 , 1635 ,


Communication , hierarchical patterns, 1748 ,

1761–1762 . See also Information

Communication technology , 627 , 1225 , 1530


design, 622

energy management, 1583

impacts, 275–280 , 279

Compact cities , 1365–1366 , 1373

Comparative Risk Assessment , 263 , 264

Complexity theory , 1322–1324

Compound annual growth rates , 1719

Compressed air systems , 535 , 537 , 1187

Compressed natural gas , 1382

Concentrated solar power (CSP).

See High-temperature solar thermal technologies

Concentrator modules , PVS, 827

Confidence-building , 1748

Conservation , energy, 740–741 , 741 .

See also Efficiency, energy

Consistency, policy frameworks, 1556 , 1677 , 1704 ,

1704 , 1711 , 1712

Consortium for Continuous Low Energy,

Emissions, and Noise (CLEEN), 609

Consumer uptake and societal acceptance , theory

of, 1539

Consumption patterns , 70–71

accounting, 1329–1330 , 1330

and electricity access, 164

and energy use, 1529 , 1530 , 1531

influencing/changing, 1538–1542 , 1539 , 1540 , 1541

and well-being, 1542–1544 , 1543

See also Lifestyles

Contraction and convergence schemes, 1274–1276 ,

1275 , 1276

Control systems , 684–685

Conversion , energy, 127–130 , 130

Conversion tables , 145

Conversion technologies

biomass energy, 782 , 782–787 , 783 , 784 , 786

electricity, 1155–1156

gaseous fuel applications, 1148

hydrogen, 1164–1165

integrated conversion and end-use systems, 1185

liquid fuel applications, 1146

renewable energy, 773–774 , 775 , 778 , 782

solid fuel, 1142–1143

Cooking fuels , 36–37 , 63 , 157 , 163 , 165–169 , 166 ,

168 , 169 , 949

access to energy, 1418–1421

Africa, 1428–1429 , 1429 , 1431–1432 , 1432 ,

1434–1435 , 1435 , 1449–1450

Asia, 1436–1437 , 1437 , 1438–1440 , 1439–1440 ,

1440 , 1448–1449

CCS, 905

costs, 138–139 , 139 , 1625

educational services, 176

energy access, 154 , 1412 , 1412–1413 , 1418–1421 ,


GEA pathways, 75 , 1261 , 1261–1264 , 1262 , 1263 ,


gender equality, 181 , 182 , 182 , 183

health issues, 263–270 , 264 , 265 , 266 , 671

Latin America, 1441–1443 , 1442 , 1443 , 1444 ,

1444–1445 , 1450–1452

non-petroleum, 948–958 , 949 , 950 , 951 , 952

policy frameworks, 79–80 , 81

technological development, 686–687

thermal biomass gasification, 776

universal access, 19–23 , 21 , 22

urban energy systems, 1342 , 1342–1343 .

See also Fluid hydrocarbon fuels

Cooking stoves , 850 , 1411 , 1448–1452 , 1768–1769

Coolimba Project , 1049

Cooling systems , 236 , 681 , 849–850 , 880 , 1153–

1154 . See also Air conditioning ; Heat recovery


international, 1659 , 1793–1794

technology, 726 , 1763

Copenhagen Accord , 1785

Co-production , 18–20 , 19

carbon mitigation, 952–958

CCS, 904–908 , 905

fossil energy, 958–978

and GHG emissions, 65

integrated energy conversion and end-use systems,


non-petroleum feedstocks, 981–984 , 983 , 984

technical summary, 58

Corporate Average Fuel

Economy (CAFE)

standards, 1678 , 1694 , 1695 , 1705 , 1732

Corporate citizenship , 1542

Corridor cities , 1365–1366

Corrosion , CO 2 transport, 1019

Cost-benefits , cooking fuels, 1625


buildings, 726 , 726 , 727

transport, 1373 , 1374

See also Economics ; Pricing

Cost indices , 913

Cost-sharing formulas, 1759

Counterfactual , definition, 1213 .

See also Business-as-usual (BAU)

CRA (comparative risk assessment), 263 , 264

Crop drying , 844–845 , 850

Crop residues , 482 , 483 , 486–487

Crude oil , 926–927 , 952 . See also Oil

CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial

Research Organisation), 1049 , 1539 , 1540

Cultural drivers , buildings, 661–663

Currents, ocean , 502 , 853 , 855 , 856 , 858

Customs tariffs , 412

Customs, traditional , 90

Cyber-security , 1160

Cycling , 585 , 587 , 625–627 , 1374

Cyprus , 845

D Dakota Gasification , 1003

DALYs . See Disability adjusted life years

Dampness , buildings, 307 , 720 , 721

Dams /reservoirs, 237 , 794 , 798–799


availability, 1333 , 1612–1614 , 1613 , 1614

needs, 1710–1711

sources, 143–144 , 144

Databases , GEA, 1219

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DCC (development cost charge), 1598

De-alignment/ re-alignment

pathways, 1178

Debt finance , industrial sector, 560

Decarbonization , energy systems, 114 , 114 , 1211

Decentralised systems . See Distributed energy


Decision-making , 1373 , 1575 , 1624–1625 .

See also Policy frameworks

Decommissioning , nuclear, 297

Deep reservoirs , natural gas, 454

Deep Water Horizon , 448


bioenergy, 1465

branching points, 1213

capacity, 1750 , 1754–1755

capacity development, 1757

carbon dioxide avoidance costs, 1013–1014

comfort, 1541

commissioning, 684

counterfactual, 1213

economies of scale, 1684–1685

energy, 105

energy access, 157 , 1405–1406

energy density, 124

energy efficiency, 116

energy resources/potentials, 430 , 433 , 433–435 , 439

energy sector, 42

energy security, 330

energy services, 42

energy system, 42

energy transitions, 1750

ETIS, 1673

extreme event risks, 1570

feedstocks, 107

GEA scenario, 1213

GEA-Efficiency, 1213

GEA-Mix, 1213

GEA-Supply, 1213

heat load, 678

illustrative pathway, 1213

land-use changes, 232

land-use intensity, 233

ongoing impacts/risks, 1571

pathway, 1213

pathway groups, 1213

poverty, 163 , 671

public perceptions, 1054

renewable energy, 773

repowering, 967

reserves, resources, occurrences, 122

smart grid, 861

SMEs, 529

sustainable energy, 1718

sustainable production, 809

technological development policies, 1673

Deforestation , 1486–1487 , 1487

Degraded lands , 1486

Delayed participation , 1274

Delhi International Action Program , 886

Demand , energy

energy security, 38 , 351 , 352 , 354 , 355 , 356

GEA pathways analysis, 1221–1229 , 1227–1229 ,

1229 , 1241

indicators, 351 , 352 , 354 , 355 , 356 , 409–410 , 1239

investment, 409–410 , 1669 , 1677 , 1678 , 1723 ,

1724 , 1734

regional analyses, 1249–1251 , 1250 , 1251

supply-side options, 1231 , 1231–1232

urban energy systems, 1346 , 1346–1350 , 1347 ,

1349 , 1352 , 1353

Demand drivers

economics, energy, 390–396 , 391 , 393 ,

395 , 396

energy resources, 433

growth and demand, 396–400 , 397 , 398 , 400

long/short-term, 405 , 405–406

sustainability criteria, 1516

technological development, 1675 , 1693

transformational pathways, 72

Demand-side management (DSM) , 727 , 1168 ,


energy supply systems, 1169

industrial sector, 558–559

Dematerialization , industrial, 562–563 , 563

Demographic perspectives . See Population

Demolition , buildings, 668

Demonstrated resources , 433

Denmark , 818

Density, energy , 124–125 , 125 , 1346 , 1346–1350 ,

1352 , 1353

Density, urban , 1365–1366

energy systems, 1376 , 1377 , 1387–1388

transport, 1370 , 1371

Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), India,


Depreciation of knowledge , 1683–1684

Desiccant c ooling and dehumidification, 682

Design challenges , buildings, 702 , 702–703

Developing economies

capacity development, 1784

case study, 1694 , 1728–1729 , 1729

economics, energy, 399–400

electricity, 1154

energy access, 1409–1411 , 1410 , 1411

energy efficiency, 703

environmental issues, 183 , 183–184

financial investment, 560

foreign aid, 1753

household energy, 264 , 264–266 , 265

investment funding, 28

non-motorized transportation, 585 , 587

policy frameworks, 80 , 741–743 , 883

technological development policies, 1702 , 1703

technology transfer, 1756–1757

urban environments, 1180

urban mobility, 588

vulnerable populations, 293–294 . See also Economic


Development permit area guidelines, 1598

Dialogues , 1748 , 1761–1763 , 1771 , 1787


future scenarios, 1481–1482 , 1483

lifestyles, 1533–1536 , 1533 , 1534 , 1535 , 1536 .

See also Agriculture ; Food

Diffuse Irradiation Potential , 495

Diffusion of new technology

capacity development, 1766–1769

energy transitions, 1790

investments, 1720–1724

Dimethyl ether (DME), 905 , 949–950 , 950 , 951 .

See also Fluid hydrocarbon fuels

Direct coal liquefaction , 935 , 935–937 , 936

Direct energy flows , 125–126 , 142 , 143

Direct final energy, 1327

Direct normal irradiance (DNI), 494 , 495 , 495

Direct reduced iron (DRI), 524

Disability adjusted life years (DALYs),

air pollution, 25–26 , 65 , 277 , 1281

co-benefit analysis, 311

and energy systems, 292

Discount rates , 404–405

Discussion groups , internet, 1775

Disease burdens , 7 , 40–41 , 41 , 263 , 264 , 290–293 ,

292 , 313 , 314 . See also Health

Dish systems , solar thermal, 838

Dispatchable renewable energy , 860

Display Techno efficiency, 685

Distributed energy systems , 861–862 , 882 , 1156 ,

1161–1162 , 1187–1191 , 1189 , 1190 , 1424

capacity development, 1769–1774

case study, 1790–1791

efficiency portfolios, 1597–1598

rural areas, 1196

United Kingdom, 1760

See also Micro-grids ; Off-grid electrification

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Distributed innovation , 1775–1776


electricity, 1156–1162 , 1157 , 1159

gaseous fuel, 1148–1151 , 1148 , 1149

hydrogen, 1165

liquid fuel, 1146

solid fuel, 1143

District heating and cooling

integrated systems, 866–867 , 867 , 868

energy efficiency, 677

urban density, 1365–1366

Diversity , energy systems

and energy security, 1289 , 1290

technological innovation policies, 1710 .

See also GEA-mix

DME (dimethyl ether), 905 , 949–950 ,

950 , 951

See also Fluid hydrocarbon fuels

DNI (direct normal irradiance), 494 , 495 , 495


hot water, 683–684 , 1429 , 1429

refrigeration, 685–686

water use, 1498

Downstream activities ,

energy systems, 103 , 125

DRI (direct reduced iron), 524

Drivetrain losses , 606

DSM . See Demand-side management

Dung , 264 , 271 , 483 , 484

E E&CO Inc ., 1769

EAC energy access strategy, 1636

Eco Design , 562–563 , 563

Ecogas , 1652

Ecological impacts . See Environmental impacts

Ecological footprint index , 71

Economic Community of West African States

(ECOWAS), 1620 , 1634 , 1635 , 1636 , 1753

Economic Development

and energy, 160–165

gap, 155–156 , 1610 , 1610–1611 , 1611

and poverty, 158 , 158–160 , 159

See also Developing economies

Economic growth

Asia, 1640

buildings sector, 660

and demand, 396–400 , 397 , 398 , 400

energy access, 22–23 , 35 , 36 , 36–37

energy efficiency, 548–549

energy intensity, 120

energy use, global, 114–116 , 115

GEA energy transition pathways, 1221 , 1221 , 1221 ,


policy frameworks, 882

transport sector, 594–595 , 613

and well-being, 1542–1544 , 1543 . See also GDP

Economic potential , 123

photovoltaic solar power, 822

hydropower, 477 , 477

wind energy, 811 , 813

Economic vision , 1781–1782

Economics, energy , 136–139 , 137–139 , 388–390 ,

400–407 , 410–413 , 411 , 413 , 416–417

access to energy, 1425–1427 , 1426

biomass energy, 787–791 , 788 , 789 , 790 , 791

bioenergy, 485–487 , 486 , 487

buildings efficiency, 721

CCS, 1012–1014 , 1018 , 1019 , 1020 , 1035 , 1035–

1036 , 1039–1041 , 1043–1047 , 1050–1052 , 1060

challenges, 93

CO 2 avoidance costs, 1002 , 1013–1014

coal mining, 465–466

coal-steam power, 913–914

co-benefits, 310

coproduction, 961 , 961–972 , 962 , 963 , 965 , 969 ,

970 , 972

demand drivers, 390–396 , 391 , 393 , 395 , 396

direct coal liquefaction, 936–937

geothermal energy, 499–500 , 500 , 807–809 , 1426

growth and demand, 396–400 , 397 , 398 , 400

high-temperature solar thermal technologies, 840 ,

840–841 , 841

hydropower, 797 , 797

institutional change, 416

investment funding, 407–410 , 409

liquid transportation fuels, 934

low-temperature solar energy technologies, 851

non-fossil energy, 63 , 64 , 1697

nuclear energy, 1082 , 1082–1085 , 1084 , 1088 , 1118

ocean energy, 857–859 , 859

oil prices, 1625

photovoltaic solar power, 830 , 830–832 , 831 , 833

policy frameworks, 1556

price/costs, 400–407 , 402 , 403 , 405

projecting energy demand, 395–396

solar energy, 495–496

sustainability, 65–69 , 66–68

technological innovation, 414 , 414–416

urban energy systems, 1316 , 1343 , 1344 , 1346

wind energy, 817–820 , 818 , 819 , 821

See also Pricing

Economics , land use, 1487–1491 , 1488 , 1489

Economies of scale , 1684–1687 , 1685 , 1686

Economies of scope , 1687–1688

Econophysics , 1325

Ecopetrol , 1652

Ecosystem impacts . See Environmental impacts

ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African

States), 1432 , 1432 , 1620 , 1634 , 1635 , 1636 ,


EDI (Energy Development Index), 160 , 162

Educational services , and energy access, 154 , 157 ,

175–177 , 176

Efficiency, energy , 8 , 9 , 116–121 , 117 , 119

benchmarking, 529

buildings, 667–668 , 675–703 , 719

challenges, 93

coal-steam power, 913

cooking fuels, 22 , 1768

definitions, 116

demand-side management, 1168

and economic growth, 548

electricity access, 1415–1416 , 1416

financial investment, 89–90

financing, 411–412

GEA transition pathways, 1223–1227 , 1224

and health, 261 , 305–309 , 307

industrial sector, 15 , 84–85 , 522 , 523 , 524 , 525 ,

527 , 527 , 528 , 530 , 534 , 534–544 , 548–549 ,

559–564 , 1594

integrated systems, 62–63

investment constraints, 410–411 , 411 , 417

key findings, 11–15 , 13 , 14

and lifestyles, 1538

photovoltaic solar power, 825–827 , 828 , 829 , 830

policy frameworks, 78 , 83–85 , 84 , 1583 , 1593–

1598 , 1789

and poverty, 163

R&D investment, 1719

standards, 629–630 , 630 , 727 , 733–734

supply cost curves, 1168 , 1168–1169

sustainability, 26

transport, 604–613 , 629–630 , 630

urban energy systems, 1389 , 1648–1649

wood pulp and paper, 530

See also GEA-efficiency

Efficiency, land use , 234

Egypt , 1429

EISA (Energy Independence and Security Act), 361

Electric arc furnaces , 524 , 525

Electric vehicles , 608 , 620–621 , 1770

Electricity , 130 , 130–131

access, 19–23 , 21 , 22 , 35 , 163 , 1413–1418 , 1414 ,

1415 , 1416

Asia, 1639 , 1641–1644 , 1642 , 1643 , 1644

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appliances. See Appliances

aviation, 609

biomass energy, 782–784

Bolivia, 1653–1654

CO 2 capture and compression technology,

1003–1004 , 1007–1010

commonalities/choices, 1242–1243 , 1243

coproduction, 963–972 , 964 , 965

distribution, 1156–1162 , 1157 , 1159

economics, 393–394

energy efficiency, 743

energy security, 351–354 , 352 , 353–354 , 378 , 1283 ,


energy supply systems, 1136 , 1154–1163 , 1157 ,


financial investment, 1655

future scenarios, 375

geothermal energy, 806–807 , 807 , 808

global supply and demand, 910–911

industrial sector, 567

integrated systems, 860–866 , 862 , 863 , 864 , 865

market power, 743 , 1565–1566 , 1567–1568

rural areas, 1617–1619

storage, 1186–1187

transmission, 864 , 865

transport, 602–603 , 605

United States, 279

and water use, 1500

Electricity grids . See Intelligent ; energy systems ;

Micro-grids ; Smart grids ; Super grids

Embodied energy , 125 , 126–127 , 127

buildings, 665–666 , 666 , 667 , 667 , 668–669

food, 1535 , 1536

urban, 1328–1329 , 1329

Emerging Economies R&D case study, 1694 , 1728–

1729 , 1729 . See also Developing economies

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research

(EDGAR), 196 , 198 , 199 . See also Greenhouse gas


Employment , 153 , 172 , 721 , 882–883

End-use, energy , 46 , 47–51 , 52 , 62 , 103

bioclimatic zones, 1613

CCS, 1017

economic growth, 114–116 , 115 , 1137

global, 110 , 113 , 114–116 , 115 , 1613

historical perspectives, 113

and income, 1359 , 1359–1360

and lifestyles, 1530–1533 , 1531

multiple, 1181–1183

R&D, 1722 , 1722–1724 , 1723

urban energy systems, 1386 . See also Buildings ;


Transport sectors


chain efficiency, 116 , 117

definition, 105

ladder model, 664

poverty nexus, 1408

prices and costs, 400–406

sector, definition, 42

wars, 368–373

entries relating to energy are

indexed under more specific

headings where possible

Energy Base building , Vienna, 690

Energy Development Index (EDI), 160 , 162

Energy Efficiency Strategy of the Republic of South

Africa (EEDSM), 557

Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA), 361

Energy Information Administration (EIA), 143

Energy Modeling Forum , 1274

Energy Performance Contracting (EPC), 726 , 727 ,


Energy Plus houses, 13

Energy Policy Act , US, 1092

Energy Regions , 1195

Energy Research Institute (TERI), 1197 , 1485

Energy [R]evolution , 778

Energy Sector Assistance Programme (ESAP), 1638

Energy Service Companies (ESCOs)

business models, 1191–1193 , 1192–1193

financing, 412–413

industrial sector, 734 , 737–738

solar home systems, 1764

Energy Star endorsement labels, 733 , 1542

Energymark initiative (CSIRO), 1539 , 1540

Energyplexes , 1185

Energy Technology Innovation System (ETIS), 1672 ,

1672–1673 , 1677–1679 , 1678 , 1679

assessment/measurement, 1690–1695 , 1692 , 1694 ,


case studies, 1673–1674 , 1676 , 1678 , 1679 , 1681–

1685 , 1688–1690 , 1692–1695 , 1694–1697 , 1705 ,

1706 , 1709 , 1725 , 1725–1737 , 1727 , 1728 , 1729

economies of scale/scope, 1684–1688 , 1685 , 1686

financial investment, 1713–1724

institutions/actors, 1688–1689

key processes, 1689–1690 , 1690

knowledge generation, 1679–1684

policy frameworks, 1695–1710 , 1711–1712

timescales of outcomes, 1712

Engine losses , 606

Enhanced geothermal systems, 804–805

Enhanced oil recovery, 1577–1578

Entrepreneurs , 414 , 1688–1689 , 1768

Envirofit cooking stove projects, 1769


certification, 1515–1517

costs, 401 , 402

goals, 6 , 42

movement, 1539

policy frameworks, 77

risk transition, 314 , 315

zoning, 1513

Environmental impacts , 38–40 , 39

bioenergy, 487–488

buildings, 721

CCS, 1030–1032 , 1034 , 1036 , 1050 , 1052 , 1056 ,

1057 , 1058 , 1059 , 1060

coal, 466–467

developing economies, 183 , 183–184

and energy security, 333

geothermal energy, 500–501 , 810–811

great acceleration, 196 , 197 , 389

hydropower, 477–478

I-PAT framework, 1530

liquid transportation fuels, 933–934

natural gas, 460

nuclear energy, 474–475

ocean energy, 503

oil, 445–448

policy frameworks, 1555–1556 , 1570–1578 ,

1575–1578 , 1590–1592

renewable energy, 775

solar energy, 496

transport, 595–597 , 596

urban energy systems, 1358–1359

water use, 1515–1517

wind energy, 491–492 , 820–821 , 821–822 .

See also Acidification ; Air pollution ; Greenhouse

gas emissions

EPC (Energy Performance Contracting), 726 ,

727 , 734

Equity financing , 412 . See also Gender equality ;


ESAP (Energy Sector Assistance Programme), 1638

ESCOs . See Energy Service Companies

Estimated ultimate recoverable oil (EUR), 434

Ethanol , 973 , 1516 , 1749

Brazilian case study, 1683 , 1689 , 1694 , 1695 , 1718 ,

1736–1737 , 1749 , 1770

economics, 790

stoves, 686–687 . See also Cooking fuels

sustainability, 791–792 , 792

Ethylene , 523

ETIS . See Energy Technology Innovation System

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EURODIF (European Gaseous Diffusion Uranium

Enrichment), 1106


aviation targets, 609

biofuels directive, 1486

buildings, 658 , 711 , 712

climate change/air pollution, 210–214 , 211

CCS, 1038–1040 , 1057–1058

demographic changes, 391

distributed generation, 1189–1190 , 1190

energy security, 349 , 360

fuel quality directive, 1516

health, 924–925 , 925

hydroelectric power, 349

industrial sector, 520 , 522

liquid fuels, 926

Micro-grids, 1191

nuclear energy, 1092–1093 , 1099

Renewable Energy Directive (RED), 1516

renewable energy investment, 17 , 55

solar energy, 834 , 836 , 844

wind energy, 821

Eurostat (Statistical Office of the European

Communities), 143

Eutrophication , 208–209

Americas, 217

Asia, 227

Europe, 212 , 212–213 , 213 , 214

Evaporative cooling, 681

Evapotranspiration , 1483

Exergy perspective , 548–549

industrial sector, 545 , 546–548 , 547

urban energy systems, 1362–1363

Expectations, collective , 1689

Experience curves , 1682 , 1693


policy frameworks, 1193

system configuration, 1185–1193

technological, 1181–1185 , 1182 , 1707–1708

timescales, 1674

See also Knowledge ; Learning

Expert views , 1748 , 1762

Exports, energy , 356 , 357–358 , 1283

Exposure vs. emissions , 263 , 278

Externality costs , 401–404 , 402 , 416

ExternE study , 300 , 301

Extreme event risks , definition, 1570

Extreme weather events , 202 , 215 , 288

F Fact-based decision-making, 1373

Factor 4 , 1250

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), 1482 ,


Fast-neutron reactors , 1094 , 1094 , 1095

Feedback loops

air pollution/climate, 285

energy use, 697

Feedbacks , knowledge, 1669 , 1670 , 1672 ,

1675–1677 , 1678 , 1679 , 1680 , 1682 ,

1688 , 1702

Feed-in tariff (FIT) , 85 , 877 , 1584 , 1762

Feedstocks , CCS, 1004

definitions, 107

FEMA (Forum of Energy Ministers of Africa Position

Paper, 1635

Fertilization, ocean, 304

Final energy , 103

energy accounting, 1327

global assessment, 107 , 108

Financial aspects . See Economics, Incentives:


FINEX process technology , 525

Finland , 1099 , 1195

Firewood , 1471. See also Biofuels

First Assessment Report (IPCC), 202

First law of thermodynamics , 116 , 117 , 117

First-generation biofuels , 784 , 784 , 785

Fiscal Policies , 877. See also Tax measures

Fischer-Tropsch technology, 931–934 , 950 , 967 , 1185

Flat-plate modules , PVS, 827

Flexible mechanisms , 726 . See also Adaptation

Flows, energy , 125–127 , 126 , 127 , 128

biomass pathways, 481–482

global, 45 , 47 , 104 , 109 , 126

primary energy sources, 125

renewable energy, 124 , 431

trading energy, 127–130 , 129

urban energy, 1328

Fluid hydrocarbon fuels , 948–958 , 949 , 950 , 951 ,

952 . See also Dimethyl ether ; Synthetic liquid

transportation fuels


and energy access, 153

price index, 1489

security, 153 , 289–290 , 1485

sustainability, 69–70 . See also Agriculture ; Diet

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 1482 ,


Food-first approach, 1477

Fordism , 1685

Forecasting , renewable energy, 862 .

See also Scenarios

Foreign aid , 741 , 1753 , 1754

Forestry . See Wood pulp and paper

Formaldehyde , 262

Former Soviet Union

buildings, 658 , 713

CCS, 1045–1046

G8 Summits, 885

industrial sector, 520–521 , 522

natural gas, 458

nuclear energy, 1085 , 1090–1091 , 1091 , 1097 ,

1099 , 1106

R&D case study, 1694 , 1728–1729 , 1729

Forum of Energy Ministers of Africa Position Paper

(FEMA), 1635

Fossil energy , 4 , 5 , 904–910 , 970 , 971

Arctic, 232

and biofuels, 1490

CCS, 930–931 , 979–980 , 981–984 , 984

commonalities and choices, 1245

co-production, 904–908 , 952–978 , 981–984 , 983 ,


economics, 11 , 906 , 907

energy density, 125

energy security, 327 , 377 , 1284–1287 , 1284 , 1285 ,


energy supply, 56–59 , 57

future scenarios, 953–956 , 965–967 , 966 , 970–972 ,

976–978 , 977 , 978–984 , 983 , 984 , 985

GHG emissions, 65 , 929–931 , 930 , 942 , 944 , 983

household fuels, non-petroleum, 948–958 , 949 , 950 ,

951 , 952

liquid transportation fuels, non-petroleum, 931–948 ,

979–984 , 983

oil technological changes, 925–931 , 926 , 927 , 928

policy frameworks, 86–87 , 907–908 , 957–958 ,

984–987 , 1585–1586

reserves/resources, 18 , 45–47 , 123 , 123 , 430–431 ,


technology options, 909 , 909–925 , 912

transport, 1143 , 1373–1374

water use, 1499 , 1501 . See also Coal

Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC), 287

FQD (Fuel Quality Directive), 1516


CCS, 1055

Elithis Tower, 1761

nuclear case study, 1681 , 1683 , 1685 , 1694 , 1709 ,


nuclear energy, 1083–1085 , 1084 , 1092–1093 ,

1097 , 1106

Free Basic Electricity (FBE)

South Africa, 1559

Freight movement

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economic incentives, 633

energy use, 586

global perspectives, 584 , 585–586

Fringe cities , 1365–1366

Frontrunners desk , Netherlands, 1783 , 1783

Fuel cells , 607 , 609 , 620 , 1164 , 1183

Fuel cycles

China, 1086–1087

nuclear energy, 1079–1081 , 1081

Fuel economy , 606 , 615 , 615–616 , 629–630 , 630

Fuel Quality Directive (FQD), 1516

Fuel subsidies , 1608 , 1649–1653 , 1651

Fuel taxation , 631–632

Fukushima nuclear accident, 60 , 1072 , 1103

Functional perspective , urban energy systems, 1314


access to energy, 1621–1623 , 1622

buildings efficiency, 742d

capacity development, 785–1786

Fusion , nuclear energy, 473–474 , 474 , 1114–1121

Future scenarios . See Scenarios

G GAEZ (global agro-ecological zoning), 1468 , 1469 ,


Galilee Power , 1049

Gas , 10 , 18 , 458 , 781

application programs, 1652

aviation, 609

combined cycle technology, 919–921 , 921 , 922

commonalities and choices, 1243–1244 , 1244

compressed, 1382

energy security, 327 , 339 , 341–344 , 1283

energy supply systems, 1147–1153 , 1148 , 1149 ,

1151 , 1152 , 1153

fuel cells, 1183

geopolitics, 368 , 369

occupational health, 273 , 274

resources/potentials, 45–47 , 123 , 123 , 450–461 ,

973 , 1139

storage options, 1152

transport, 600–601

Gas centrifuge enrichment , 1080 , 1081

Gas combined cycle , 137

Gas hydrate , 455–458 , 456 , 457 , 458

Gas-to-liquid (GTL)

fuels, 931–935 , 933

Gaseous diffusion , 1080

Gasification-based liquid fuels from coal, 914–919 ,

937–944 , 1145

Gasifier stoves , 686

Gasoline See Petroleum


demand drivers, 393

and energy access, 163 , 1610 , 1610–1611 , 1611

and energy supply, 171

and energy use, 1137

and GHG emissions, 1137 , 1166–1167

global, 5

growth and demand, 396–400 , 397 , 398 , 400

transport energy end-use, 614–615 , 615

United Kingdom, 111

and well-being, 1542–1544 , 1543

See also Economic growth ; Inequality ; Poverty

GEA City energy data , 1335–1339 , 1336 , 1337 , 1338

GEA-efficiency , 71–75 , 83–85 , 1223–1227 , 1228 ,


buildings, 654

commercial sector, 1224–1225 , 1225

definitions, 1213

energy end-use, 48

energy intensity, 1223

energy supply, 1226–1227 , 1228 , 1231

energy transformation, 35

GEA scenario logic, 1214

global dominance, 72

industrial sector, 1226

portfolio restrictions, 1235

residential sector, 1224–1225 , 1225

transport, 51 , 619 , 1225 , 1225–1226

See also Efficiency

GEA (partial) substitution method, 142 , 143

GEA scenario logic , 1213 , 1213–1220 , 1214–1219

GEA transformational pathways , 9 , 71–75 , 92 ,

1134 , 1135 , 1137 , 1138 , 1178 , 1208–1212 ,


access to energy, 1260–1267 , 1607 , 1609 , 1610

air pollution, 1276–1283 , 1277 , 1278 , 1279 , 1280 ,

1281 , 1282

buildings, 653 , 703–718 , 744

choices, 1787–1789

climate change, 1267–1276

counterfactual scenarios, 238 , 239

development, 1221 , 1221

economic growth, 1221 , 1221 , 1224

energy demand, 1221–1229 , 1229 , 1241

energy security, 376 , 1283–1290

energy service indicators, 1225 , 1226 , 1228

energy systems, 1176 , 1238–1252

ETIS, 1677

fossil energy, 984–987

investment, 1252–1258 , 1264

key features, 1258–1260

nuclear energy, 60

policy frameworks, 1193 , 1257–1258 , 1262–1264 ,


regional analyses, 1249–1252 , 1272–1276

renewable energy, 56

resources/technology, 639

sustainability, 35 , 238–239

synergistic effects/co-benefits, 1290–1300

transport, 578–582 , 593–594 , 598 , 613–614 ,

616–618 , 619 , 620–621 , 634–641

urbanization, 1319

See also GEA-efficiency ; GEA-mix ; GEA-supply ;

Goals ; Scenarios

GEA-mix , 35 , 71–75 , 73 , 74 , 1241

definitions, 1213

energy supply, 1231

synergistic effects, 1290–1300

transport, 51 , 1233

GEA-supply , 35 , 71–75 , 1229–1238 , 1240 , 1241 ,

1243 , 1246 , 1247

definitions, 1213

energy efficiency, 1226–1227 , 1228 , 1231

energy intensity, 1223

flexibility of supply, 76

GEA scenario logic, 1214

global dominance, 72

transport, 51 , 619 , 1233

See also Transitions

GEF (Global Environment Facility), 884 , 1764 , 1784

Gender equality , 176

access to energy, 154 , 1623–1624

land use/bioenergy, 1486

poverty, 180–183 , 181 , 182 , 183

Generic technological development policies,

1709–1710 , 1710

Geneva , 1363

Genuine progress indicator (GPI), 1544

Geochemical monitoring, CCS, 1032

Geo-engineering , 304–305

Geographical perspectives

electricity access, 1418

urbanization, 1316 , 1358–1359

Geological Storage , CO2, 1021–1027 , 1022 , 1023 ,


Geophysical monitoring , CCS, 1032

Geopolitics , 368–373 , 369–370 , 372–373

Geothermal energy , 801 , 801–809

financial investment, 869

integrated systems, 867

resources/potentials, 496–501 , 498 , 499 , 500

training programme, 1779

German Advisory Council on Global Change

(WBGU), 1478

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German Renewable Energy Combined Power Plant

Demonstration Project, 865–866 , 866


direct coal liquefaction, 935

G8 Summits, 885

nuclear energy, 60 , 1093

photovoltaic industry, 1180

transport, 1372

wind energy, 1762–1763

Getting the Numbers Right

(Cement Sustainability Initiative), 1760

Ghana , 1431

GHGs. See Greenhouse gasses

Gini coefficient , 136 , 159

Glacial melting , 206 , 216

Gleneagles Summit , 885

Global issues/policies

access to electricity, 21

agro-ecological zoning, 1468 , 1469 , 1470

burden of disease, 7 , 40–41 , 41 , 263 , 264 , 290–293 ,

313 , 314

capacity development, 1784–1786

carbon storage areas, 59

CCS, 1049

climate change, 198

CO 2 emissions, 6

co-operation, 1659 , 1793–1794

development agencies, 1655

electricity supply, 910–911

energy end-use, 110 , 113 , 114–116 , 115 , 1613

energy flows, 45 , 47 , 104 , 109 , 126

energy management standards, 550–552 , 551 , 554 ,


energy options, 72

energy security, 334–365

energy sources, 4 , 4–5 , 9 , 43 , 44

energy systems, 104

health risks, 286–294

industrial sector, 545 , 545–548 , 547 , 560

integrated systems, 1659

land use, 1468

liquid fuel demand, 925–926 , 926 , 927

nuclear energy, 1076–1077 , 1077 , 1088 , 1108–1110

policy frameworks, 883–885 , 1581–1582 ,

1592–1593 , 1702–1703 , 1703

regional definitions, 147

renewable energy, 47 , 55

technological development

policies, 885–886 , 1699–1703 , 1700

tourism, 1532

trading in fuels, 337–345 , 339 , 340

transport energy end-use, 581–586 , 582 , 583 , 584

water use, 1495 , 1497

Global CSP Outlook 2009 , 834

Global Environment Facility (GEF), 884 , 1764 , 1784

Global Network on Energy for Sustainable

Development (GNESD), 1778

Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP), 1098

Global Rural Electrification Program (PERG), 1428

Goals, GEA , 5–10 , 41–42 , 61 , 1215–1220 , 1217

policy frameworks, 1193

renewable energy, 877 , 879–880

sustainability, 76

Golden carrot policies , 1594 , 1595

Gorgon Project , CCS, 1049

Governance paradox , urban energy systems, 1313

Government action . See Policy frameworks

Government subsidies , nuclear energy, 1085 .

See also Incentives

GPI (Genuine Progress Indicator), 1544

Grameen Shakti Microfinance Scheme, 1640

Grand Designs case study, 1673–1674 , 1694 , 1725 ,


Grants , financing, 412 , 1596 , 1760 .

See also Incentives ; Subsidies

Granularity , technological development policies,

1707 , 1709 , 1713 , 1726

Great acceleration , 196 , 197 , 389

Greece , 1538

Green labeling , 877 , 1541–1542

Greenpeace International , 834

Green roofs , 674 , 674

Greenhouse gas emissions , 6 , 40 , 131–132 , 132 ,

194 , 983

access to energy, 1266–1267 , 1267 , 1331

biomass energy, 792 , 793

buildings, 668 , 668 , 686–687

co-production, 958–961 , 964 , 964 , 966 , 969 , 970 ,

971 , 972–975

and costs, 921

crude oil, 952

dams and reservoirs, 237

direct coal liquefaction, 937

environmental impacts, 131 , 131–134 , 132 , 133

financial investment, 873 , 1166–1167

and GDP, 1137

future scenarios, 203 , 204 , 205 , 618 , 618–620 , 619

GEA pathways analysis, 1210 , 1268–1271

health risks, 284 , 312

hydropower, 798–799

industrial sector, 567

land use, 1473

liquid transportation fuels, 942 , 944

nuclear energy, 1075

oil, 929–931 , 930 , 944

policy frameworks, 881 , 1575–1576

pricing, 25 , 77–78 , 81 , 1572 , 1583 , 1584 , 1585 ,

1591 , 1594

standards, 630–631 , 1586

synthetic liquid fuels, 942

technical summary, 64 , 64 , 65

transport energy end-use, 597 , 597 , 598 , 599 ,

618–620 .

See also specific gases

Greenhouses , heating, 1536

Grid parity , PVS, 831–832

Gross domestic product . See GDP

Ground-level ozone . See Tropospheric ozone

Group for Energy Efficient Appliances , 1542

Group of 8 (G8) Summits , 885

Growth stunting , 292

Guardrail , climate, 203 , 243

Guidelines , ILO/WHO, 267 , 270 , 275 , 313

Gulf War , 1104

H Happiness index , 1542

Hazelwood Power Station , 1049

H-Coal and Hydrocarbon Technology , 935

Health goals , 6 , 7 , 42

Health impacts , 40–41 , 260–263 , 299–301 , 300 , 313 ,

314 , 401 , 402

air pollution, 7 , 25 , 41 , 65 , 260 , 262 , 263 , 312 ,

921–925 , 923 , 924 , 925 , 1280–1283 ,

1281 , 1282

atmospheric brown clouds, 206

buildings, 670–671 , 673 , 674 , 718–721

causal pathways, 287 , 288

community effects, 275–280 , 279

energy access, 155

energy efficiency, 305–309 , 307

global burden of disease, 7 , 40–41 , 41 , 263 , 264 ,

290–293 , 313 , 314

global impacts, 286–294 , 287 , 291 , 292 , 293

household energy, 168 , 263–270 , 264 , 265 , 266 ,

267 , 268 , 270 , 308 , 671

I-PAT framework, 1530

lifestyles, 1537–1538

major impact pathways, 287 , 288 , 291

mental health, 292 , 308 , 721

mitigation, 294–295 , 309–312 , 310 , 311

nuclear energy, 40 , 60 , 261 , 273 , 294 , 295–298 ,

312 , 1075 , 1097 , 1100–1103 , 1108 , 1112–1113 ,

1116 , 1118

occupational health, 270–275 , 274 , 288

physical activity, 1531–1532

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policy frameworks, 77 , 1555–1556 , 1570–1578 ,


poverty, 177 , 177–178 , 178

power plants, 921–925 , 923 , 924 , 925

regional/transboundary impacts, 279 , 280 , 280–286 ,

281 , 283 , 284–285 , 285

renewable energy, 298–305 , 299 , 301 , 302 , 303 ,


transport energy, 595–597 , 596

wind energy, 820

Heat Islands, urban , 673–674 , 1350–1353 , 1351 ,


Heat load reductions , 678–680

Heat pumps

buildings energy end-use, 682

case study, 1694 , 1731–1732

geothermal energy, 806

industrial sector, 539–540 , 542–545 , 544

Heat recovery, industrial , 539 , 540 , 542

Heated greenhouses , 1536

Heating systems , 1153–1154

industrial sector, 536

renewable energy, 848–850 , 880

Heating Values (HHV), 141–142

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC),


Heavy duty vehicles , 633

Heavy oils , 929

Heavy rail transit , 624–625

Heiligendamm Summit , 885

Heterogeneity , energy use, 134–136 , 135 , 163 .

See also Inequality

Hidden costs of energy, 301

Hierarchical patterns of communication, 761–1762 ,


High-level radioactive waste , 1089

High-temperature solar thermal technologies ,


Abu Dhabi, 1782

economics, 840 , 840–841 , 841

growth, 834

implementation, 842 , 843

integrated systems, 842

land access, 842

market developments, 834–836 , 835 , 836

policy frameworks, 842

potential, 834

sustainability, 841–842

technological development, 837 , 837–840 , 838 ,

839 , 840

transmission, 842 , 843

High-voltage direct current (HVDC) cables, 18 , 56

Hinterlands , urban, 1326–1332

Historical perspectives

access to energy, 1413–1415 , 1414 , 1415

energy security, 329

energy services, 108–116 , 110

energy supply, 102 , 1137

energy systems, 111

energy transitions, 1674 , 1752

energy use, global, 113

global assessment, 110

photovoltaic solar power, 827–828 , 828

primary energy sources, 34 , 35

solar electricity, 89

sulfur dioxide emissions, 211

temperature, 203

uranium production, 468–469 , 469

United Kingdom, 108–111 , 110 , 111

urbanization, 1317 , 1320

HIV/Aids , 1784

Holistic retrofitting , 1761

Holland . See Netherlands

Hot water, buildings, 683–684

Hotelling’s Rule , 403

House dust mites , 307 , 720

Household air pollution , 260

Household appliances . See Appliances

Household energy , 165–169 , 166 , 167 , 168 , 169

energy efficiency, 306–308

health risks, 263–270 , 671

micro-generation grants, 1760 . See also Cooking fuels

Housing quality , 1340–1341 . See also Buildings

Human Development Index (HDI), 160 , 948 , 1542

Human Development Report (HDR), 1754

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning),


HVDC (high-voltage direct current ) , 18 , 56

Hybrid cars , 1538 , 1689 , 1694 , 1705 , 1730

Hybrid-electric drive trains, 606–607

Hybrid energy systems , 1181–1185 , 1182 , 1189

Hydrate formation , 1019

Hydrocarbons . See Fossil energy


bottom-up solutions, 1773–1774 , 1791–1792

and climate change, 216 , 796 , 796

costs, 1426

economics, 797 , 797

energy resources, 475–478 , 476 , 477

energy security, 348–349 , 377–378

financial investment, 869 , 870 , 870

fuel cells, 607 , 909

generation, 237

GHG emissions, 798–799

high-temperature solar thermal technologies,


hydrokinetic, 794

implementation issues, 799–801

installed capacity, 795 , 795

integrated systems, 796

market developments, 795–797

occupational health, 271 , 273

potential, 795

sustainability, 797–799 , 799 , 800

Hydrogen , 1162

aviation, 609

CCS, 1049

energy supply, 1162 , 1164–1166 , 1165

fossil energy sources, 944 , 944–948 , 945 , 946 , 947 ,


transport, 603–604 , 607

I IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), 143 , 1104 ,

1108–1109 , 1110

Iceland , 805 , 809

ICT (Information and communications technologies),

14 , 1155

Identified resources , definition, 433

Idle land , 1485–1486

Idling losses , transport, 606

IDRC (International Development Research Centre),


IEA (International Energy Agency), 143–144 , 390 , 776 ,

777 , 846 , 884 , 1333 , 1563

IGCC (integrated gasification combined-cycle) technol-

ogy, 906 , 910 , 914 , 915 , 916 , 917 , 918 , 918–919 ,

919 , 920 , 1155

IGOR (integrated gross oil refining), 935

Illustrative pathways , definition, 1213

IMAGE integrated assessment modeling f

ramework, 1218 , 1235 , 1240 , 1242 , 1247 , 1265 ,

1477 , 1478

Impact assessment . See Environmental impacts ;

Health ; impacts ; Social impacts

Implementation issues

ocean energy, 860

solar energy, 851–852

Import dependency , 38 , 38 , 1289 , 1290

In Salah Project , 1026

Incentives, financial

alignments, 1705

energy efficiency, 12 , 733–734 , 1597

energy systems change, 11 , 24 , 24–25

fossil energy, 87 , 908

nuclear energy, 1085

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policy frameworks, 79

renewable energy, 17 , 879

stability, 1712

sustainability, 26

transport, 631–633 , 636–637 , 637

See also Grants ; Tax policies


access to energy, 1421–1423 , 1422 , 1423 , 1426

biofuels, 1769–1773

buildings, 661 , 663

demand drivers, 390–393 , 393 , 1224

and energy use, 135 , 1359 , 1359–1360 , 1530

urban energy systems, 1337–1338 , 1338

Incremental solutions , 72 , 1239

Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW),

1543 , 1544


access to energy, 1437 , 1437–1439 , 1438 , 1638

air pollution, 279

barriers to efficiency, 703

buildings, 658 , 662 , 663

energy intensity, 120 , 120–121

energy management, 555–557

Energy Research Institute, 1197

energy service companies (ESCOs), 1192–1193

Energy Star labels, 1542

household energy, 1180

industrial sector, 522 , 526 , 527 , 531 , 534

irrigation/water pumping technologies, 1409–1410

Jyotigram, 1410

land use/bioenergy, 1485

nuclear energy, 1087–1088

nuclear weapon, 1073

R&D case study, 1694 , 1728–1729 , 1729

rural electrification, 1641–1644 , 1642 ,

1643 , 1644

transport, 279 , 1196 , 1758

wind energy, 821

Indirect . See Embodied energy

Individualistic lifestyles , 1537

Indonesia , 1486–1487 , 1487 , 1641

Indoor air pollution , 260 , 267 , 670–671 , 720 ,


Industrial Revolution , 108 , 124

Industrial sector , 516–518 , 568–569

benchmarking, 529 , 530–534 , 532 , 533

capacity-building, 563–564

CCS, 1003 , 1006–1010

co-benefit analysis, 559

collaboration, 958

economic growth, 548–549

energy efficiency, 15 , 84–85 , 522 , 523 , 524 , 525 ,

527 , 527 , 528 , 530 , 534 , 534–544 , 548–549 ,

559–564 , 1594

energy end-use, 48–49 , 49 , 521 , 522–534

energy management, 550–559 , 551 , 554 , 555 , 556 ,

557 , 558–559 , 559

energy security, 355 , 378 , 1288

energy services, 106 , 107

energy use, 518–534

financing, 559–562 , 560

future scenarios, 564–568 , 565 , 566 , 567 , 568

GEA-pathways, 1226 , 1226 , 1227

global, 545 , 545–548 , 547

integrated systems, 62

policy frameworks, 549–564 , 958

renewable energy, 544–545

sustainability benefits, 69

technological development, 562–563

University linkages, 1768 , 1769 , 1772 , 1775 ,


water use, 1498 , 1499

Industrialized nations , 153 , 397–399 , 398


and energy access, 155–156

policy frameworks, 412 , 1556

transport, 594–595 , 613 . See also Gender equality ;


Inertial confinement fusion , 1115 , 1119 , 1119–

1120 , 1120–1121

Infant mortality , 177 , 177

Infectious diseases , 290–291

Inferred resources , definition, 433

Information and communications technologies

(ICT), 14 , 1155

buildings efficiency, 697–698 , 722 , 726 , 733–734 ,

741–742 , 744

CCS, 1055 , 1058–1059

consumption patterns, 1541 , 1542

environmental/health impacts, 1571–1572 ,


flow, 1775

policy frameworks, 1583 , 1585 , 1657

sustainability, 71

technological development, 1710–1711

transport, 627 , 637 , 638 , 638

See also Knowledge ; Learning

Public acceptance


access to energy, 1423–1425

grants, 1596

health and environment, 1537

pedestrian, 627

planning, 1585

policy frameworks, 882 , 958

InnoCentive Open Innovation Systems, 1792

Innovation. See R&D ; Technological innovation

INSAG (International Nuclear Safety Group),


Installed capacity

geothermal energy, 803

hydroelectric power, 795 , 795

solar energy, 823 , 824 , 844 , 845 , 846


capacity, 1623 , 1658

change, 416

requirements, 1108–1110

See also Policy frameworks

Institutionalization , 1193

Insulation , buildings, 679 , 680

Insurance industry , 737

Intake fractions, air pollution, 263 , 278

Integrated design , buildings, 675 , 678

Integrated energy systems , 23–25 , 35 , 62–63 , 102 ,

243 , 1750

case study, 868–869

district heating and cooling, 866–867 , 867 , 868

electricity transmission, 864 , 865

energy conversion and end-use systems, 1185

energy storage, 863 , 863 , 864

gasification combined-cycle

technology, 906 , 910 , 914 , 915 , 916 , 917 , 918 ,

918–919 , 919 , 920 , 1155

hydropower, 796

international, 1659

modeling frameworks, 71

oil refining, 372–373 , 935

policy frameworks, 1214

process integration, 539–540 , 541–542 ,


renewable energy, 769–770 , 860–869

solar technologies, 842


development, 1677

thermal storage, 867–868

transport, 622 , 623 , 637–638

vehicle-to-grid options, 864

wind energy, 819–820 , 821

See also Distributed ; generation ; IMAGE


Intellectual property rights (IPRs) 415 , 417 , 1702 ,

1703 , 1784

Intelligent energy system s, 861 , 1157 , 1159 , 1159 ,

1190–1191 . See also Micro-grids ; Smart grids

Intelligent traffic Systems , 629

Incentives (continued)

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Intensity, energy , 119–121 , 120

GEA pathways, 1222–1223 , 1223

policy frameworks, 1582–1584

Interactions , air pollution/climate change, 210 , 216 ,

285 , 288 . See also Co-benefits

Interactive dialogues , 1748 , 1761–1763

Interconnectedness , 243

Interdisciplinary perspectives , 1658 , 1749 ,


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

(IPCC), 202 , 287 , 414 , 767 , 1002 , 1031

Internalization , costs, 1373 , 1375

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 143 ,

1104 , 1108–1109 , 1110

International Development Research Centre

(IDRC), 1753

International Energy Agency (IEA), 143–144 , 390 ,

776 , 777 , 846 , 884 , 1333 , 1563

International Iceland Deep Drilling Project , 805

International issues. See Global issues/policies

International Monetary Fund , 1615

International Nuclear Safety Group (INSAG),


International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA),


International System of Units (SI), 437 , 437–438

Internet discussion groups , 1775

Investment and Financial Flows to Address

Climate Change (Secretariat of the United

Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Change), 874


access to energy, 1265–1266 , 1266 , 1425–1427 ,

1426 , 1619–1621 , 1620 , 1621

challenges, 93

economics, 407–410 , 409

energy efficiency, 410–411 , 411 , 698–699

energy supply systems, 1143–1144 , 1145 ,

1152–1153 , 1162–1163 , 1166 , 1166

energy systems change, 27 , 28–30 , 29

ETIS, 1713–1724

funding, 35 , 409–410

future scenarios, 1255–1258 , 1256 , 1257 , 1258 ,


GEA pathways, 75 , 1209 , 1264

and GHG emissions, 1166–1167

industrial sector, 559–562 , 560

innovation, 90 , 1658 , 1674 , 1691–1692 , 1692 , 1693

policy frameworks, 88–90 , 89 , 91 , 1598–1600 , 1599

renewable energy, 770–771 , 869 , 869–874 , 876 ,


rural electrification, 1655

I-O accounting , 1328 , 1329–1330 , 1330

IOCs (integrated oil companies), 372–373

I-PAT impact framework , 1530

IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change),

202 , 287 , 414 , 767 , 1002 , 1031

Intellectual property rights (IPRs) 415 , 417 , 1702 ,

1703 , 1784

Intellectual property rights (IPRs) 415 , 417 , 1702 ,

1703 , 1784

Iran , 1104 , 1105 , 1106

Iraq , 1104

Ireland , 1538

IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency),


Iron and steel , 518 , 518–519 , 519 , 520 , 524 ,

524–525 , 526

Irrigation , 172 , 172 , 173 , 409–1410 , 1506

ISEW (Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare), 1543 ,


Italy , 60

J Japan

adaptive thermal comfort, 695

buildings, 658 , 664 , 673

CCS, 1051–1053 , 1055

direct coal liquefaction, 935

efficiency case study, 1689 , 1694 , 1706 , 1732–1733

Fukushima accident, 60 , 1072 , 1103

G8 Summits, 885

heterogeneity, energy use, 135

lifestyles, 1538

nuclear energy, 60 , 1085 , 1088–1089 , 1105 , 1107

photovoltaic industry, 1180

Top Runner approach, 733

transport, 589

Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited (JNFL), 1088–1089

Jatropha , 1771–1772

Jiko stove , 168 , 1768

Johannesburg, 884 , 886

Justa Stove , 1444

Jyotigram , India, 1410

K Karachi , 1345


jiko stove, 168 , 1768

PV case study, 1688 , 1694 , 1702 , 1709 , 1734–1735

solar home systems, 1763–1764

technological development, 1681 , 1682

Kerogen , 443

Kerosene , 168

Knowledge , 1679–1684

access to, 1787 , 1788

creation policies, 1701

depreciation, 1683 , 1684 , 1694 , 1726 , 1727 ,


feedbacks, 1669 , 1670 , 1672 , 1675–1677 , 1678 ,

1679 , 1680 , 1682 , 1688 , 1702

flows, 1775

gaps, 744

networking, 92 , 1777–1780 , 1779 , 1788–1789

role of, 1755

spillovers, 1702


Kraft process , 544

Kyoto Protocol , 202 , 726 , 885 , 1784

L Labeling schemes , 733–734 , 877 , 1541–1542

Labor learning , 1682

Ladder model , 664

Land balance approach, 1467

Land use , 232–234 , 233 , 234 , 243 , 1248–1249 , 1249 ,

1462–1467 , 1466–1467

bioenergy crops, 234 , 1476–1480 , 1478 , 1479 ,

1480 , 1770

bioenergy scenarios, 1480–1483 , 1481 , 1482 , 1483

and climate change, 70

changes, 39 , 1483–1487 , 1487

competing future demands, 1471 , 1471–1476 ,

1472 , 1473 , 1474 , 1475 , 1487–1491 , 1488

current use and availability, 1467–1471 , 1468 , 1469

economics, 1487–1491 , 1488 , 1489

efficiency, 234

electricity systems, 233

food security, 1491 , 1491–1494 , 1492–1493

GEA pathways analysis, 1253

intensity, 233 , 234

models, 1482

planetary boundaries concept, 242

planning, 1585 , 1586

policy frameworks, 87 , 1517–1518

regional analyses, 1252

solar thermal technologies, 842

water use, 1508 , 1508–1514 , 1510 , 1511 , 1513

zoning, 1596

Land-based wind turbines , 815–816 , 818

Laser enrichment , 1080 , 1081

Latin America

access to energy, 1414 , 1440–1445 , 1450–1452 ,


buildings, 658

CCS, 1049–1050

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climate change/air pollution, 214–221

energy security, 349 , 362–364

financial investment, 17 , 55 , 871

hydroelectric power, 349 , 796

land use/bioenergy, 1484

R&D case study, 1694 , 1728–1729 , 1729

transition to clean energy systems, 1780–1781

Latrobe Valley post combustion capture project

(LVPCC), 1049

Layout model , urban energy systems, 1376

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

(LEED), 1761


curves, 1015 , 1015 , 1682–1683 , 1693

by-doing, 1682–1683

innovation policies, 1701

technological, 1754

timescales, 1674

by-using, 1682–1683

See also Experiments


Leasing, 412

Levelized cost of energy (LCOE), 136 , 137 , 138 , 775 ,

964–965 , 965

Liability , legal, 1032–1033

Licenses , patent, 1775

Life cycle analyses (LCA)

biofuel production, 303

biomass energy, 792 , 792–793 , 793

buildings, 657 , 664–669 , 666 , 667

carbon fuel, 1586

CCS, 1034 , 1036–1037 , 1037

consumption, 1530

diets, 1536 , 1536

economics, energy, 402 , 416

health risks, 298 , 299 , 313

hidden costs of energy, 301

innovation systems, 1676

oil, 929–930 , 930

transport, 49 , 604 , 604–606 , 605

water use, 1509

Lifestyles , 1529–1530 , 1541

buildings, 695–696

choice determinants, 1537–1538

diets, 1533 , 1533–1536 , 1534 , 1535 , 1536

and energy use, 1529–1533 , 1530–1533 , 1531

influencing, 1538–1542 , 1539 , 1540 , 1541

mobility, 1536–1537

policy frameworks, 1540–1541

well-being, 1542–1544 , 1543 .

See also Consumption

Light-duty vehicles (LDVs), 584–586 , 596 , 597 , 607 ,

614 , 615 , 616 , 617 , 618 , 620 . See also Cars

Light rail transit (LRT), 624

Light-water reactors (LWR), 1073 , 1082 , 1093

See also Nuclear energy


access to, 1416 , 1416

buildings energy end-use, 684

low-energy, 1184 , 1184

rural, 958

urban, 1344

Linear Fresnel reflectors (LFR), 838

Linear model , innovation, 1675 , 1675–1676

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), 905

Africa, 1432 , 1432–1433

Brazil, 1443

cooking fuels, 182

fuel subsidies, 1651

household energy, 168

policy frameworks, 81

Senegal, 1633

sustainability benefits, 69

urban access, 1616–1617

Liquid fuels

biomass energy, 784 , 784–787 , 785 , 786 , 787

commonalities and choices, 1243–1244 , 1244

energy supply systems, 1145 , 1145–1147 , 1147

global demand, 925–926 , 926 , 927

See also Bioenergy ; Gasoline ; Oil ; Synthetic

liquid transportation fuels

Literature review , buildings energy efficiency, 722 ,


Load shape curves , 1168 , 1169 , 1186

Loans , 412 . See also Incentives ; Subsidies

Lockheed L1011 Tri-Star , 1684

Lock-in, technological , 116 , 121 , 1311 , 1674

buildings, 706 , 709–710

capacity development, 1748 , 1751 , 1755 , 1756 ,


case study, 1790–1791

energy intensity, 121

fossil energy sources, 1760

urban systems, 1390

Long-distance electricity transmission, 864 , 865

Long-range transboundary air pollutants (LRTAP),



energy demand, 405 , 405–406

energy resources/potentials, 434

Lorenz curves , energy inequality, 136 , 136

Low carbon energy shares , 1245–1247

Low carbon fuel standards , 631

Low-power /transportable reactors, 1096–1097

Low-temperature solar energy

technologies , 843

economics, energy, 851

implementation issues, 851–852

markets, 845–846 , 847

potential, 843–845 , 844 , 845 , 846

sustainability, 851

technological development, 846–851 , 848 , 849

Loy Yang Project , 1049

LPG . See Liquified petroleum gas

LRTAP (long-range transboundary air pollutants),


LUI (land-use intensity), 233 , 234

LVPCC (Latrobe Valley post combustion capture pro-

ject), 1049

LWR . See Light-water reactors

M MAGICC (Model for Greenhouse Gas Induced Climate

Change), 1218

Magnetic confinement fusion, 1115 , 1115 ,

1118–1119 , 1119 , 1120

Malaysia , 1487 , 1487

Management , energy transitions, 1179–1180 , 1751

capacity, 1780–1784 , 1783

industrial sector, 550–558 , 551 , 554 , 555 , 556 , 557 ,


subsidy systems, 1657

Manufacturing value added (MVA), 520

Manure , 264 , 271 , 483 , 484

Market development , 1790

access to energy, 1657

capacity, 91 , 1763–1766 , 1765 , 1766

electricity supply, 1163

energy efficiency, 699 , 700–701

geothermal energy, 801–802 , 802 , 803

land use, 1473

ocean energy, 854–855

policy frameworks, 77 , 85 , 1564–1568 , 1567–1568 ,


price/costs, 400–401 , 406–407

PVS, 823–825 , 825 , 826

R&D, 1717–1719 , 1719

renewable energy, 875

solar energy, 834–836 , 835 , 836 ,

845–846 , 847

wind energy, 813–814

Market exchange rates (MER), 115 , 120

Market motors , 1690

Market share mandates , 1584

Marrakesh Accords , 884

Latin America (continued)

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Masdar initiative , 1577–1578 , 1782 , 1784 , 1788 ,


Mauritius , 1560–1561

MDGs (Millennium development goals), 70 , 157 , 160 ,

161 , 264 , 1176 , 1408 , 1607 , 1778

Measurement issues

access to energy, 1424

ETIS, 1690–1695 , 1692 , 1694 , 1695

urban energy systems, 1333

Meat consumption , 1533–1534 , 1534 , 1535 , 1537 ,


Mechanical power , access to, 154 , 160 , 164 , 165 ,

165 , 169 , 170 , 180 , 1409

irrigation, 172 , 172 , 173 , 409–1410 , 1506

ladder, 1423

Mediterranean renewable energy program , 884

Mental health , 292 , 308 , 721

MEPS program , 733

MER (market exchange rates), 115 , 120

Mercury emissions , 283

Mesoamerican integration and development

project , 364

MESSAGE (model for energy supply strategy alterna-

tives and their general environmental impact),

1218 , 1235 , 1240 , 1242 , 1246 , 1247 , 1265

Mesures d’Utilisation Rationnelle de l’Energie

(MURE) database, 727

Metabolism, urban energy, 1328

Methane (CH 4 ) , 132 , 198 , 284 , 454 , 934–935 , 1152

Metrics case study , 1690–1695 , 1692 , 1694 , 1695 ,


Mexico , 361 , 1694 , 1728–1729 , 1729 , 1780–1781

MFPs ( multifunctional platforms ), 1466 ,


Microalgae , 1772

Micro-CHP systems , 1183

Microfinance , 1640 , 1768

Micro-generation , household energy, 1760

Microgrids , 861 , 1160–1162 , 1190–1191 , 1417

Micro-hydropower , 1427 , 1773–1775 , 1791–1792

Middle East

buildings, 658 , 714

CCS, 1050–1051

demographic changes, 391

liquid fuels, 926

renewable energy investment, 17 , 55 , 871


development goals, 70 , 157 , 160 , 161 , 264 , 1176 ,

1408 , 1607 , 1778

ecosystem assessment, 1509

Mineral extraction , regulations, 77

Mineral trapping , CO 2 , 1023 , 1023

Minimum dispatch cost (MDC), co-production, 965 ,


Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE),

India, 1642

Mirrors, space , 304

Mitigation strategies , 904

buildings, 686–687

CCS, 1001–1002

co-benefits, 309 , 310 , 311

co-production, 952–958

energy security, 1297–1299 , 1298 , 1299

GEA pathways, 7 , 42 , 1271–1272

goals, 6

health risks, 293 , 309–312 , 310 , 311

heat islands, 1353

transport energy, 582 , 621

Mobility , 581 , 622–623 , 1374 , 1536–1537 .

See also Cars ; Public


Modal split , cities, 1367–1369 , 1368 , 1369 ,


Mold, household , 307 , 720

Monetary costs , 401 , 416


access to energy, 1424

acidification, 219

buildings efficiency, 684–685 , 742

CCS, 1031–1032 , 1034

nuclear energy, 1586

Monitors , computer, 685

Monopoly regulators , 1589

Moral hazard , 1556

Morocco , 1428 , 1429

Mortality rates , 268

infant, 177 , 177

occupational health, 274

particulates, 277

poverty, 672 , 673

Motor systems , industrial, 534–536 , 535 , 565

Motorized transport , 174–175 , 581 , 582–585 , 584

See also Bus rapid transit ; Cars

MOX (plutonium–uranium) fuels, 1089 , 1091 , 1098

Multi-cropping , 1749


access to energy, 1611

urban energy, 1316–1317 , 1317

Multifunctional platforms

(MFPs), 1465–1466 , 1766–1768

Multi-goal perspectives , 1749 , 1769–1774 ,


Multilevel transition model , 1176–1178 , 1177 ,

1178 , 1752

Multiple fuel model , 664

Multitrack approach , electricity access, 1416–1418

Multi-unit buildings , 676–677

Municipal Bonds , 412

Municipal solid wastes (MSW), 482 , 483 , 486–487

Munmorah PCC Project , 1049

MURE (Mesures d’Utilisation Rationnelle de l’Energie)

database, 727

MVA (manufacturing value added), 520

N Nanotechnology , 305 , 1160


awards schemes, 555

energy security, 334–368 , 338–341 , 339 , 344–349 ,

352–354 , 365–368

National Ambient Air Quality (NAAQs), 219

National energy security assessment framework,

334 , 334–336 , 335 , 337

National mission on enhanced energy efficiency

(NMEEE), India, 556

National oil companies (NOCs), 372–373

National Research Council (NRC), 301

National township electrification program (NTEP),

China, 1645

Nationalism , resource, 365 , 378 . See also Sovereignty

Natural gas . See Gas

Nepal , 799 , 1440 , 1638

Net negative emissions , 57

Netherlands , 1748 , 1751

CCS, 1054 , 1055

energy use, 135 , 135

frontrunners desk, 1783 , 1783

nuclear energy, 1097

transition platforms, 1195 , 1748 , 1751 , 1782–1784 ,


wind energy, 1763

Networking , 92 , 1194 , 1777–1780 , 1779 ,


capacity, 1774–1780 , 1779

knowledge, 1777–1780 , 1779 , 1788–1789

Net-zero - energy buildings , 688–692 , 738–740 , 739

New community design , 622

New Partnership for Africa’s Development

(NEPAD), 884 , 1432 , 1634

New renewable energy sources (NRES).

See Renewable energy

New Zealand , 809

Niche management , 1179 , 1185–1194 , 1194

Niche markets , 1595 , 1702

Nigeria , 370

Nitrogen cycle , 39

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Nitrogen Oxides , 133 , 133–134 , 194 , 199 , 218 , 228

CCS, 1016 , 1016

eutrophication, 208–209

health risks, 284–285

household energy, 307

NOCs (National oil companies), 372–373

Noise pollution , 595 , 820

Non-energy benefits . See Co-benefit analysis

Non-methane volatile organic compounds

(NMVOCs), 194 , 200 , 284

Non-motorized transportation (NMT), 585 , 587 ,

625–627 , 1374

Non-OECD countries , transport, 582–583 , 583 , 926

Non-petroleum transportation fuels , 931–948

Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)

Treaty, 1103 , 1104 , 1110

North America

buildings, 711 , 712

CCS, 1040–1042

climate change/air pollution, 214–221

energy security, 360–362

gaseous fuel applications, 1147

liquid fuels, 926

renewable energy investment, 17 , 55

wind energy, 821

See also Canada ; United States

North-South knowledge networking, 1777–1780

Norway , 1026 , 1538

Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY), 1054

Novelty , 1690 . See also Technological innovation

NPT (Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) Treaty,

1104 , 1110

Nuclear accidents , 196 , 1085 . See also Chernobyl ;


Three Mile Island

Nuclear energy , 10 , 1072 , 1072–1076 , 1073 , 1075 ,


advanced reactors, 1093–1097 , 1094

challenges, 93

costs, 63 , 137 , 1082 , 1082–1085 , 1084 , 1088 , 1118

energy resources/potentials, 430–431 , 431 , 468 ,


energy security, 38 , 327 , 345–348 , 347 , 377

energy sources, 1140

energy supply, 59–60 , 63

fission/fusion comparison, 1116 , 1116–1118 , 1118

fuel cycles, 1079–1081 , 1081

fusion, 473–474 , 474 , 1114–1121

future scenarios, 374 , 375 , 1077–1079 , 1078 , 1079 ,


GEA pathways, 1237–1238 , 1238

global/regional capacity, 1076–1077 , 1077 , 1088

health issues, 40 , 60 , 261 , 273 , 294 , 295–298 , 312 ,

1075 , 1097 , 1100–1103 , 1108 , 1112–1113 , 1116 ,


institutional requirements, 1108–1110

knowledge depreciation, 1683

nuclear fuel chain, 296–297

plutonium recycling, 1097–1100

policy frameworks, 87 , 1091–1092 , 1112–1113 ,

1121 , 1586

public acceptance, 1111 , 1111–1112

R&D, 1085 , 1089 , 1118–1121 , 1119 , 1120 ,


radioactive waste, 1098–1100 , 1100 , 1118

reactor technology, 1081–1082 , 1082

regional developments, 1085–1093 , 1091

technological development, 1115

transformational pathways, 75

See also Spent-fuel reprocessing


Nuclear weapons , 1073 , 1103–1108 , 1113 ,


NMVOCs ( non-methane volatile organic com-

pounds ), 194 , 200 , 284

O Occupational health , 7 , 40 , 42 , 260 , 270–275 , 274 , 288

Occurrences , definitions, 122 , 434 .

See also Unconventional


Ocean acidification , 39

Ocean energy , 852–853

economics, 857–859 , 859

energy resources/potentials, 501–503 , 502

financial investment, 869

future scenarios, 855

implementation issues, 860

market developments, 854–855

ocean currents, 502 , 853 , 855 , 856 , 858

potential, 853–854

sustainability, 859–860

technological development, 855 , 855–857 , 856 , 857

wave energy, 502 , 853 , 856 , 858

Ocean storage of CO 2 , 1021

Ocean thermal energy technology (OTEC),

501–502 , 502 , 853 , 856 , 858 , 858 , 858

OECD. See Organisation for Economic Co-operation

and Development

Off-grid electrification , 1619 , 1652–1653 .

See also Distributed energy systems

Office equipment , 685

Offshore wind turbines , 816–817 , 818 , 820


CCS, 925–931 , 926 , 927 , 928

energy resources/potentials, 366 , 430 , 431 , 438 ,

438–450 , 1139

energy security, 37–38 , 327 , 338–341 , 339 , 340 ,

377 , 378 , 1564

funds, 1569–1570

geopolitics, 368–373 , 369–370 , 372–373

GHG emissions, 929–931 , 930 , 944

market power, 1566

occupational health, 273 , 274

prices, 1625

refining, 927–931 , 928

spills, 196

transition, 1780–1781

Oil sands mining , 449

Oil shales (Kerogen), 443

OLADE (Latin America Energy Organization), 143 , 363

Ongoing impacts and risks , definitions, 1571

Onshore wind energy , 814–815 , 818 , 820 ,


OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting

Countries), 143 , 1563

Open innovation , 1775–1776 , 1792

Opportunity costs , 401 , 1625

Options , technical summary, 63–71

Organic carbon (OC), 200 , 285 , 286

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

Development (OECD)

buildings, 711 , 712

electricity supply/demand, 910

energy security, 1563

financial investment, 560

heterogeneity in energy use, 134–135

land use/bioenergy, 1489

liquid fuels, 926

Principles for Evaluation of Development Assistance ,


transport, 582–583 , 583 , 584

Organización Latinoamericana de Energía

(OLADE), 143 , 363

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting

Countries (OPEC), 143 , 1563

Organizational learning , 1682

Osmotic energy , 502–503

OTEC (ocean thermal energy technology), 501–502 ,

502 , 853 , 856 , 858 , 858 , 858

Outcome mapping , 1753

Overheating, buildings , 307–308

Oxyfuel combustion , 1009–1010


agricultural yields, 282–283

depletion, 39

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health risks, 277 , 285

regional/transboundary impacts, 280

See also Tropospheric ozone

P Palm oil , 1770–1771

Paper making . See Wood pulp and paper

Parabolic trough system , 837

Paris declaration on aid effectiveness, 1753

Parking management , 628–629 , 1373

Particulate matter (PM), 132–134 , 133 , 194 , 905

CCS, 1016 , 1016–1017

health risks, 267 , 277

regional/transboundary, 281

transport, 596

urban, 1380 , 1381

Parties of the UN Framework Convention on

Climate Change, 414


foreign aid, 1753

renewable energy, 884–885

Passive buildings , 12–13 , 680–682 , 689 , 1760–1761

Passive solar energy , 850–851

Patents , 1775

Path dependency . See Lock in

Pathway groups , definitions, 1213

Patience , 1839

Peak debate , 435 , 435–437 , 436

Peak oil , 549

Peat , 1139

Pedestrian infrastructure , 627

Per capita energy use , 1336 , 1337

Perceptions . See Public acceptance

Performance standards , 1584–1585 , 1594

PERG (global rural electrification program), 1428

Permafrost thawing , 226

Persian Gulf War , 1104

Peru , 1648 , 1653–1654

Petrobras , 933 , 1776

Petroleum , 137 , 138 , 1146 , 1147 . See also Liquefied

petroleum gas ; Oil ; Synthetic liquid

transportation fuels

Phantom power , 1537

Phase change materials (PCM), 679

Phased subsidies , 1657

Phasor measurement units (PMUs), 1160

Phosphorus cycle , 39

Photovoltaic solar power , 822 , 827

case study, 1683 , 1694 , 1696 , 1709 , 1733–1735

economics, 830 , 830–832 , 831 , 833

energy efficiency, 825–827 , 828 , 829 , 830

implementation issues, 833

installed capacity, 823 , 824

market developments, 823–825 , 825 , 826

module types, 827–828

occupational health, 271 , 273

operational principles, 825 , 826

potential, 822–823

sustainability, 832–833

systems/terminology, 828–830

technological development, 825

technology roadmap, 822

transitions management, 1180

Physical activity , 1531–1532

Physical energy content method , 142–143 , 143

Pinch analysis , 540–541

Pipelines , gas , 1148–1151 , 1148 , 1149

Planetary boundaries , 38–39 , 39 , 40 , 194 , 240 ,

240–242 , 241

Planned behavior, theory of , 1539


land use systems, 1585

renewable energy, 880

transport, 635 , 635 , 1373

urban, 1375–1379 , 1376 , 1377 , 1378

Plug-in electric hybrid vehicles (PHEV), 1183–1184 ,


Plutonium , 1088 , 1089 , 1091 , 1094 , 1097–1100

Pneumonia , 177

Polar regions , 229–232

Policy frameworks , 4–30 , 75–83 , 81 , 1553–1558

access to energy, 1558–1561 , 1559 , 1560–1561 ,

1587 , 1657–1660

air pollution, 1276–1280 , 1277 , 1278

buildings, 719 , 724–743 , 726 , 728–732 , 733 , 737 ,

739 , 741

capacity development, 90–92 , 1755 , 1792–1793

CCS, 1032–1035 , 1039 , 1041–1042 , 1043–1044 ,

1045 , 1045–1046 , 1048 , 1050 , 1051 , 1053 ,

1577–1578 , 1585–1586 , 1591–1592

challenges, 93

effectiveness, 1556

energy efficiency, 83–85 , 84 , 1593–1598 , 1789

energy focused, 1582–1586

energy security, 1562–1564 , 1564 , 1587–1588

energy supply systems, 1143–1145 , 1152–1153 ,

1162–1163 , 1166

energy transitions, 1562 , 1587

environmental/health impacts, 1555–1556 ,

1570–1578 , 1575–1578 , 1590–1592

financial investment, 88–90 , 89 , 91 , 1257–1258 ,

1598–1600 , 1599

fossil energy, 86–87 , 907–908 , 957–958 , 984–987

GEA pathways, 1262–1264 , 1263

high-temperature solar thermal technologies, 842

industrial sector, 549–564 , 551 , 554 , 555 , 556 , 557 ,

559 , 560 , 561 , 562 , 563

innovation/technological change, 87–88 , 90

integrated systems, 1214

international, 1581–1582 , 1592–1593 , 1702–1703 ,


land use, 1517–1518

market power, 1564–1568 , 1567–1568 , 1589–1590

nuclear energy, 87 , 1091–1092 , 1112–1113 , 1121 ,


renewable energy, 85–86 , 86 , 771 , 875–886 , 877 ,

878 , 885

resource endowments, 1568–1570 , 1569–1570 ,


solid fuel applications, 1143–1145

sustainability, 69 , 1586–1593

technological development, 1578–1581 , 1579 ,

1592 , 1695–1710

transitions, 71 , 1193–1197 , 1194

transport, 621–638

urban, 1311–1313 , 1356–1358 , 1361–1362 ,

1372–1373 , 1381–1385 , 1390–1391

water use, 1517–1518

wind energy, 822

Politics , 1590 , 1612–1616 , 1613 , 1614 , 1615

See also Policy



soil, 280

transformational pathways, 75 , 1210 , 1211

urban, 1350 , 1350 , 1351

water, 280 . See also Air pollution

Pollution control and abatement fund , 1197

Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 262

Population , 5 , 36 , 36

buildings, 660

demand drivers, 390–393 , 391 , 393

diets, 1534

displacement, 291

dynamics, 1616 , 1616–1617

GEA pathways, 1221 , 1221 , 1323

and land/water use, 1466

transport scenarios, 614–615 , 615

urban, 1316 , 1318 , 1321 , 1322

Pore space, subsurface , 1033–1034


energy efficiency, 1593–1598

R&D, 1716

sensitivity analysis, 1234 , 1234–1236

sustainability, 1586–1593

technological, 1708–1709 , 1710

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Post-combustion CCS , 1008–1009

Post harvest losses , 173 , 174

Poverty , 153–155 , 157 , 184–186

access to energy, 157 , 160–165 , 161 , 162 , 163 , 165 ,

172 , 172 , 185 , 186 , 672 , 1408–1411 , 1409 , 1410 ,

1411 , 1610–1611 , 1613 , 1615–1617 , 1618 , 1629 ,

1630 , 1644–1647 , 1647 , 1648

agriculture, 172 , 172–175

alleviation, 5 , 36–37 , 881

buildings, 671–673 , 710–715 , 722

and development, 158 , 158–160 , 159

educational services, 175–177 , 176

environmental issues, 183 , 183–184

gender equality, 176 , 180–183 , 181 , 182 , 183

health risks, 262 , 286–287 , 292 , 312

health services, 177 , 177–178 , 178

household energy, 165–169 , 166 , 167

production processes, 169–172 , 170 , 171

transport, 174 , 174–175 , 175

urban, 1339–1346 , 1340 , 1341 , 1342 , 1345 , 1387

vulnerable populations, 293–294

water and sanitation, 179 , 179–180 , 180 , 181

See also Inequality

Power cycles , solar thermal technologies, 839

Power density , 233–234

Power stations

CCS, 1014–1015

cooling, 236

health damage, 921–925 , 923 , 924 , 925

price/costs, 913 , 914

Power towers , 838 , 839

Powerspan ammonia

CO 2 capture, 1009

Precipitation , 201 , 216 . See also Climate change

Pre-combustion CCS , 1006–1008

Prediction , renewable energy, 862 . See also Scenarios

Preference drivers , 1530

Pressure drop , CO 2 transport, 1018–1019

Pressurized LWR , 1073 , 1082 , 1093 . See also Nuclear


Pricing energy , 400–407 , 402 , 403 , 405

buildings, 722 , 736 , 737 , 737

developing economies, 741

distributed generation, 1188–1189

emissions, 25 , 77–78 , 81 , 1572 , 1583 , 1584 , 1585 ,


power plant, 913 , 914

renewable energy, 878

See also Economics

Primary energy , 9 , 103 , 107–108 , 125

accounting, 142–143 , 143 , 144

energy flows, 125

energy security, 336–351 , 340 , 342 , 343 , 345 , 347

historical trends, 34 , 35

Primary particulate matter , 194 . See also Particulate


Primary pollutants , 276

Private equity , 560 , 1718–1719 , 1720

Private sector , 185

R& D, 1695–1698 , 1714–1717

Production accounting , 1329–1330 , 1330

Projections . See Scenarios

PROMASOL Solar Water Heaters, 1429

Propane , 950 . See also Fluid hydrocarbon fuels

PROSOL Solar Water Heaters, 1429

Provincial Electricity Authority , Thailand, 1639

Public acceptance

CCS, 1053–1059 , 1056 , 1057 , 1059

environmental/health impacts, 1571–1572

nuclear energy, 1111–1112 , 1111

policy frameworks, 1556

transport systems, 638 , 640 , 1375

willingness approach, 402 , 1625

Public funds

industrial sector, 560

renewable energy, 874

Public interest litigations , 1196

Public leadership programs , 734

Public procurement , 1583

Public sector R&D, 1695–1698 , 1713–1714 , 1714 ,

1715 , 1717

Public transport , 174 , 585 , 623 , 623–625 , 1374 ,

1375 , 1758

Pumped storage , 794 , 797 , 1187

Pumping systems , 535 , 536 , 539

Purchasing power parity (PPP), 115 , 120 , 392

PV . See Photovoltaic solar power

Q Qualitative assessment , innovation systems, 1693 .

See also Case studies

Quality of life , 1542 , 1544

Quality-driven renewable energy policies, 879

Quality standards , nuclear energy, 1083

Quantitative assessments , innovation

systems, 1693

Quota systems , 877 , 878–879


CCS, 1041 , 1043 , 1045 , 1047–1048 , 1051 ,


case study, 1694 , 1728–1729 , 1728 , 1729

expenditure, 1680

experiments, 1181–1185 , 1182

financial investment, 1713–1717 , 1714 , 1715 , 1716 ,


managing transitions, 1180 , 1182

nuclear energy, 1075 , 1076 , 1085 , 1089 , 1118–

1121 , 1119 , 1120

policy frameworks, 1583

See also Technological


Radiative forcing (RF), 196 , 200 , 201 , 206 ,

206 , 207

air pollution, 283

short-term consequences, 205–207

tropospheric ozone, 210

Radioactive waste , 7 , 1098–1100 , 1100 , 1118

Radioactivity , health issues, 40 , 294 , 295–298 , 312 ,

1100–1103 , 1112–1113 , 1116 , 1118

Radon , 306–307 , 720

Rail transport , 175 , 624–625

economic incentives, 633

energy efficiency, 612

energy use, 587–589 , 589

Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidhyutikaran Yojana

(RGGVY), 1438 , 1641–1644

Rankine cycle , 911

Rates of change , 72 . See also Transitions

Raw materials

industrial sector, 518 , 518–520 , 519 , 520

solid fuel, 1143–1144

Reasoned action, theory of , 1539

Reasons for concern (RFC)

IPCC, 203 , 204

Rebound effect , 111

buildings, 710–715 , 740–741 , 741

energy efficiency, 1593

lifestyles, 1532

transport energy end-use, 634

RECLAIM (Regional Clean Air Incentives Market),

1382 , 1384

Recycling, materials and energy, 539

REED model . See also AREED network

Refrigeration , 262 , 685–686

Regime-shifting change , 1752

Regional analyses

access to energy, 1427 , 1427–1445 , 1626–1627

air pollution, 279 , 280 , 280–286 , 281 , 283 ,

284–285 , 285

energy efficiency, 1180

energy security, 1288–1289 , 1289

GEA pathways, 72 , 1249–1252 , 1250 , 1251 ,

1272–1276 , 1273 , 1275

land use/bioenergy, 1483–1487 , 1487

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urban, 1328 , 1332–1335 , 1335 , 1338 .

See also specific regions

Regional Economic Communities. See ECOWAS


energy efficiency, 12

energy systems change, 24–25 , 27 , 28–30 , 29

environmental/health impacts, 1574

mineral extraction, 77

reform, 1658

transport energy, 635–636 , 636

See also Policy frameworks

Reliability , energy supply, 171 . See also Security

Religion , and diet, 1537–1538

Renewable energy , 9 , 10 , 15–18 , 16 , 767–778 ,


capacity/generation, 56

challenges, 93 , 767–769 , 774–775 , 817

conversion technologies, 773–774 , 775 , 778 , 782 ,


economic incentives, 11

and energy access, 155–156 , 1417–1418

energy density, 125

energy end-use, 53

energy flows, 47 , 47 , 431 , 432

energy resources, 123–124 , 124 , 431–432 , 432 , 434 ,

767–769 , 770 , 773 , 773 , 774 , 1139–1140

energy security, 350

energy supply, 53–56 , 54 , 55 , 56 , 775–778 , 776 ,


financial incentives, 879

financial investment, 55 , 770–771 , 869 , 869–874 ,

870 , 871 , 872 , 873 , 876 , 1655

future scenarios, 771–772 , 777 , 778

GEA pathways, 72 , 73 , 1238

health risks, 275 , 298–305 , 299 , 301 , 302 , 303 , 312

hybrid systems, 1181

industrial sector, 49 , 544–545

integrated systems, 769–770 , 860–869

key findings

partnerships, 884–885

policy frameworks, 85–86 , 86 , 771 , 873–874 ,

875–886 , 877 , 878 , 885 , 1584–1585

regional analyses, 1251–1252

technological development, 870–871 , 872

transport energy end-use, 631

urban energy systems, 1348

See also specific technologies

Renewable Energy Directive (RED), 1516

Renewable Energy House , 868–869

Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change


(IPCC), 841

Renovation . See Retrofitting

Reorientation pathways, 1178

Repowering , 967–972

Reprocessing plants, nuclear . See Spent-fuel


Reserves , 122–123

coal, 461 , 461–464 , 464

definitions, 122 , 434

fusion power, 1114–1115 . See also Resources

Reservoirs , 237 , 794 , 798–799

Residential sector

energy security, 355–356 , 1288

GEA pathways, 1224–1225 , 1225 , 1227

See also Buildings ; Retrofitting

Residual gas trapping , 1022–1023 , 1023

Residues . See Waste


energy security, 330 , 331 , 332 , 335–338 , 341 , 342 ,

343 , 348 , 350 , 1564

future scenarios, 375 , 375–377

regional, 356 , 362 , 364 , 365

strategies, 366–367

Resources, energy , 43–47 , 122–125 , 336–351 , 366 ,

376 , 430–433

biomass-based, 478–489

coal, 461 , 461–467

curse, 356 , 357–358

definitions/classification, 122 , 433 , 433–435 ,

438–439 , 439

economics, 403–404

fusion power, 1114–1115

geothermal energy, 496–501 , 498 , 499 , 500

hydropower, 475–478 , 476 , 477

natural gas, 450–461

nuclear energy, 468 , 468–475

ocean energy, 501–503 , 502

oil, 438 , 438–450

peak debate, 435 , 435–437 , 436

policy frameworks, 77 , 1555 , 1568–1570 ,

1569–1570 , 1590

potentials, 1235

renewables, 767–769 , 770 , 773 , 773 , 774

solar, 492–496 , 495 , 496 , 497

units of measurement, 437 , 437–438

urban, 1358–1359 , 1376

wind, 489–492 , 491 , 492 , 493

See also Reserves

Resource nationalism , 365 , 378 .

See also Sovereignty

Resource technology network (RTN) model, 1376

Restricted portfolio pathways, 1234 , 1234–1236

Retail prices , 1583–1584

Retrofitting , 668 , 673 , 692–695 , 693 ,

734–735 , 1761

Reversed electrodialysis , 857

Revolving funds , 412

Ring fencing , 1615

Risk management

CCS, 1031–1032

nuclear energy, 1072 . See also Health impacts

River ecosystems , 1466 , 1500

Road pricing , 632–633 , 1373 , 1597

Road traffic injuries , 595

Road transportation

energy use, 586 , 586–587 , 587

Roadmaps , technology, 822 , 852

Robustness , 350

electricity systems, 351

energy security, 330 , 331 , 332 , 334 , 334–338 , 341 ,

342 , 343 , 346–348 , 1564

future scenarios, 375 , 375–377

policy frameworks, 1556

regional, 356 , 362 , 364 , 365

strategies, 366–367

Rolling resistance , 606

Run of river hydropower, 794

Rural areas

access to energy, 1617–1619 , 1645 , 1647–1649 ,


Asia, 1639 , 1641–1644 , 1642 , 1643 , 1644

Bolivia, 1653–1654

financial investment, 1655

lifestyles, 1538

lighting, 958

policy frameworks, 881 , 958

transitions, 1195–1196

Rural Electrification Agency (REA), Zimbabwe, 1631

Rural Electrification Collective Scheme (RCS),

Botswana, 1631

Rural Energy Development Program (REDP), Asia,


Russia . See Former Soviet Union

Rwanda , 1774

S Safety

CCS, 1020 , 1024 , 1029–1032 , 1057

nuclear energy, 1075 , 1097 , 1108 , 1116

transport energy end-use, 627

See also Health impacts ; Public ; acceptance ; Risk


Sahara Forest Project , 1184–1185

Salah facility , Algeria, 1003

Salinity gradient energy , 853–854 , 856–857 , 858

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Sanitation , 155 , 177 , 179 , 179–180 , 180 , 181

Saturation effects , 402

Scales, energy , 105 , 141–142

Scaling Dynamics case study, 1676 , 1689 , 1694 ,

1695 , 1725–1726

Scaling up/scaling out , 1766–1769


access to energy, 1619–1621 , 1620 , 1621

air pollution, 1276–1280 , 1277 , 1279 , 1280 , 1282

bioenergy, 1476–1483 , 1481 , 1482 , 1483

buildings, 654 , 655 , 703–718

CCS, 1014–1015

co-production, 953–956 , 970 , 970–972 , 971

delayed participation, 1274

development process, 1217–1218

economics, energy, 395–396 , 396

energy [R]evolution, 778

energy supply, 911 , 1167 , 1230

financial investment, 1255–1258 , 1259

fossil energy, 965–967 , 966 , 976–984 , 983 , 984 ,


industrial sector, 564–568 , 565 , 566 , 567 , 568

land use, 1471–1476 , 1473 , 1474 , 1475

nuclear energy, 1077–1079 , 1078 , 1079 , 1121

ocean energy, 855

population growth, 1321

poverty, 1618

renewable energy, 771–772 , 777 , 778

taxonomy, 1213–1214 , 1214

technological development, 1269–1270

transition to clean

energy, 1781–1782

transport, 599 , 613–621 , 976–978 , 977

urbanization, 1318–1320 , 1319 , 1320 , 1321

wind energy, 812 , 813

See also GEA pathways

Science/technology push , 1689

Sea level rise , 202 , 226 , 288–289


air-conditioning systems, 856

greenhouses, 1184

Second Assessment Report (IPCC), 202

Second law of thermodynamics , 117–119 , 121

Secondary energy , 1137

Secondary pollutants , 276–277 , 286 . See also Ozone


biofuels, 784–786 , 787 , 790

cooking stoves, 1768–1769

Secondhand tobacco smoke , 307 , 720

Security, energy , 26 , 35 , 37–38 , 38 , 327–334 , 336 ,

337 , 338 , 376–379

actors/institutions, 365–373

assessment frameworks, 334–336 , 337

buildings energy end-use, 718

cyber-security solutions, 1160

definitions, 330

electricity systems, 351–354 , 352 , 353–354

end-use sectors, 335 , 354 , 376

export/resource curse, 356 , 357–358

future scenarios, 373–376 , 374 , 375 , 379

GEA pathways, 41 , 75 , 1210 , 1283–1290 , 1292 ,


geopolitics, 368–373 , 369–370 , 372–373

goals, 6

historical trends, 329

industrial sector, 355

microgrids, 1161

mitigation, 1297–1299 , 1298 , 1299

nuclear energy, 1109

policy frameworks, 77 , 881–882 , 1562–1564 ,


primary energy sources, 336–351 , 366 , 376

regional, 356–365

residential/commercial sector, 355–356

targets, 1220

transport, 354–355 , 597–600

urban energy systems, 1353–1354

Sedimentary rocks , 1021

Sediments , in water, 237

Self-sufficiency , 70 , 1540–1541 , 1544 , 1563

Senegal , 1633

Sensitivity analysis , 1208 , 1218 , 1230 , 1231 , 1268 ,


land use, 1478

portfolio restrictions, 1234 , 1234–1236

Services, energy , 106 , 1639

business models, 1191 , 1191–1193

co-benefit analysis, 721

definitions, 42

GEA pathways, 1221–1222 , 1224 , 1225 , 1226 , 1228

global assessment, 106 , 107

historical perspectives, 108–116 , 110 , 111

Service area bylaws , 1598

Shadow flicker , wind energy, 820

Shale gas , 343 , 361 , 453–454

Shared expectations , 1689

Shenhua Group , 935 , 936

Shipping , 591–593 , 593 , 611 , 611–612 , 633

Short-term energy demand drivers , 405 ,


Shrinking cities , 1323

Sick building syndrome (SBS), 670 , 671 , 720

Singapore , 125–126 , 1356 , 1360 , 1360

Sinks , carbon, 1230 , 1236–1237 , 1483

Sliepner offshore gas platform , 1003 , 1026

Slow-neutron reactors , 1075 . See also nuclear


Small and medium enterprises (SMEs), 529–530 ,

530 , 531 , 534

AREED network, 1765

economics, energy, 400 , 400

transitions, energy systems, 1196–1197

Small Island Developing States , 884

Small scale renewables , 872–873 , 873

Smart grids , 10 , 17 , 35 , 61 , 61 , 1157 , 1158–1162 ,


capacity development, 1759–1760

definitions, 861

energy security, 375

policy frameworks, 882

renewable energy, 770

transformational pathways, 72

See also Intelligent energy systems ; Micro-grids ;

Super grids

Smart metering , 697

Snøhvit Project , 1003 , 1026

Social class . See Socioeconomics

Social drivers . See Behavioral drivers

Social impacts

bioenergy, 487–488

buildings, 661–663 , 722

coal, 466–467

electricity access, 1415–1416 , 1416

and energy security, 333

geothermal energy, 500–501

hydropower, 477–478

natural gas, 460

nuclear energy, 474–475

ocean energy, 503

oil, 445–448

solar energy, 496

sustainability, 65–69 , 66–68

wind energy, 491–492 , 821–822

Social networks . See Networking

Socio-cognitive evolution , 1194

Socio-cultural changes , 27

Socioeconomics , 5 , 168 , 1359–1360 , 1532 .

See also Inequality


Sociologist’s perspectives , urbanization, 1316

Sociopolitical costs , 401

Socio-technical systems , 1178


carbon sequestration, 1510 , 1510–1512 , 1511

pollution, 280

Sol de Vida solar oven, 1411

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SOLANOVA (Solar-supported, integrated eco-efficient

renovation of large residential buildings and

heat-supply-systems) project, 693

Solar Cookers International , 845

Solar energy , 773

buildings, 687–688

case study, 1688 , 1694 , 1696 , 1735

cooking, 850 , 1411

economics, 495–496 , 1685

energy resources, 492–496 , 497

financial investment, 869

forecasting, 862

health risks, 273 , 304

historical trends, 89

innovation policies, 1682

pool heating, 850

space cooling/heating, 848–850

See also High-temperature solar thermal

technologies ; Low-temperature solar energy

technologies ; Photovoltaic solar power

Solar heating and cooling programme (IEA), 846 ,


Solar home systems (SHSs), 1764–1766 , 1790

Solar radiation , 47 , 431–432 , 432 , 494 , 495 , 497

Solar water disinfection (SODIS), 179–180 , 180

Solar water heating (SWH), 271 , 847–848 , 849 ,

1429 , 1561 , 1694 , 1731

Solid fuel , 22

access, 1412 , 1412–1413

energy supply, 1140–1145 , 1141 , 1145

See also Bioenergy ; Coal ; Uranium

Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs)., 978 , 979

Solid waste management, 482 , 483 , 486–487 ,


Solubility trapping ,, 1023 , 1023

Source-sink matching , CCS, 1038–1039 , 1040 , 1044 ,


South Africa

access to energy, 1633–1634

electrification programme, 1434

energy management, 557–558

Free Basic Electricity, 1559

innovation, 1792–1793

market power, 1567–1568

R&D case study, 1694 , 1728–1729 , 1729

University-industry linkages, 1777

South America . See Latin America

South Korea , 1089–1090

Southern African Power Pool , 1635

South-South knowledge networks, 1777–1780


buildings energy end-use, 718

electricity systems, 351

energy security, 330 , 331 , 332 , 334 , 334–337 , 341 ,

342 , 342 , 343 , 346 , 348 , 350 , 1588

future scenarios, 375 , 375–377

regional, 356 , 362 , 364 , 365

strategies, 365–366 , 367

Soviet Union , former. See Former Soviet Union

Space cooling/heating , 848–850 , 1343–1344 .

See also Air ; conditioning ; Cooling systems ;

Heating systems

Space mirrors , 304

Spain , 839 , 1093

Spatially explicit energy-use studies , 1331–1332

Special Reports, IPCC , 202 , 767 , 1002 , 1031

Specific electricity yields , PVS, 829

Spent-fuel reprocessing , 1080–1081 , 1083 , 1098 ,


phasing-out, 1113

regional analyses, 1087–1089 , 1091

Spillovers , knowledge, 1680–1682 , 1702

Sri Lanka , 1440 , 1619 , 1638 , 1639 , 1764


financial incentives, 1712

policy frameworks, 1670 , 1677 , 1704 , 1704


influence, consumption, 1541

multistakeholder approach, 1658

perceptions, CCS, 1057–1058


air quality, 219

buildings, 689 , 691 , 1585

CAFE, 1678 , 1694 , 1695 , 1705 , 1732

emissions, 630–631 , 1385 , 1586 , 1592

energy management, 550–552 , 551 , 554 , 555

fuel efficiency, 629–630

low carbon fuel, 631

household appliances, 727 , 733–734

nuclear energy, 1083

passive house, 689 , 691

performance, 1584–1585 , 1594

sustainability, 1515–1517

top runner approach, 1732–1733

voluntary, 742 , 1516

wind energy, 814

Standby power , 1537 , 1583

Stanwell , 1049

State bonds , 412

State-of-the-art buildings , 706 , 709 , 711 , 712 , 713 ,


Steam systems

energy efficiency, 536 , 540

pulverized coal, 911–914 , 912 , 913

Steel , 518 , 518–519 , 519 , 520 , 524 ,

524–525 , 526

Stochastic energy modeling , 1180

Storage, energy , 10

electricity, 375 , 1162

energy security, 375

gaseous fuel, 1151 , 1151–1152

hydrogen, 1165–1166

integrated systems, 863 , 863 , 864

liquid fuel, 1146–1147

nuclear energy, 1586

solid fuel, 1143

system configuration, 1186 , 1186–1187

Storage , CO 2 , 304 , 1001–1002 , 1586

Storm-surge flooding , 215

Stoves Discussion Group , 1775 . See also Cooking


Street plans , 676

Sub-optimal efficiency scenarios, 706 , 711 , 712 ,

713 , 714


appliances, 1595

buildings, 1595

fossil energy sources, 11 , 26

impacts, 1572–1574

phased, 1657

policy frameworks, 80 , 1583 , 1585

reform, 1657–1658 . See also Grants ; Loans ; Tax



industrial sector, 562–563 , 563

resources, 1529

Sufficiency , , 70 , 1540–1541 , 1544 , 1563

Sugar Sector Package Deal Act (1985),


Sugarcane , 1465 , 1466 , 1473 , 1484 , 1485 , 1486 ,

1490 , 1491 , 1505 , 1513 , 1770

Sulfate , 284

Sulfur oxides/dioxides , 194 , 198–199

albedo effect, 304

Americas, 218

CCS, 1016 , 1016

emissions, 132–133 , 133

health risks, 285

historical trends, 211

mitigation, 310

urban energy systems, 1351 , 1380

Summaries, GEA

policymakers, 4–30

technical, 34–93

Super grids , 375 , 882

Supercritical pulverized coal , 1155

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Supply cost curves , 433

bioenergy, 485–487 , 486 , 487

coal, 464 , 466 , 467

energy efficiency, 1168–1169

natural gas, 459

oil, 444–445 , 447

Supply, energy , 103 , 1135–1140 , 1136 , 1139–1140 ,


demand-side management, 1168 , 1168–1169 , 1169

electricity, 1136 , 1154–1163 , 1157 , 1159

energy demand, 1231 , 1231–1232

energy security, 351 , 352 , 354 , 355 , 356

energy sources, 1139–1140

future scenarios, 1167

gaseous fuel applications, 1147–1153 , 1148 , 1149 ,

1151 , 1152 , 1153

GEA pathways, 240 , 1229–1238 , 1243 , 1246 , 1247

heating and cooling systems, 1153–1154

historical trends, 102 , 1137

hydrogen, 1162 , 1164–1166 , 1165

indicators, 351 , 352 , 354 , 355 , 356 , 409–410 , 1239

innovation policies, 1675

investment, 89–90 , 408–410 , 409 , 1720–1722 ,


liquid fuel applications, 1145 , 1145–1147 , 1147

policy frameworks, 1143–1145 , 1152–1153 ,

1162–1163 , 1166

renewable energy, 775–778 , 776 , 777

solid fuel applications, 1140–1145 , 1141 , 1145

sustainability criteria, 1516

technical summary, 53–60 , 54 , 55 , 56 , 57 , 59

transport, 1232–1238 , 1233 , 1236 , 1373

Surveys, CCS , 1054–1055

Sustainability , 9 , 237–242

alternative frameworks, 239–242

benefits, 25–26 , 65–69 , 66–68

bioenergy, 791–793 , 792 , 957

buildings, 670–675 , 674 , 703–718

capacity development, 1754

challenges, 93 , 670–675 , 674

consumption, 70–71

constraints, 69–70

economic incentives, 634–637

and energy security, 376

geothermal energy, 809–811

goals, 76

hydropower, 797–799 , 799 , 800

land/water use, 1465–1466 , 1506–1514 , 1507 ,

1508 , 1510 , 1511 , 1513

ocean energy, 859–860

policy frameworks, 1586–1593

R&D investment, 1717–1719 , 1718 , 1719

solar power, 832–833 , 841–842 , 851

standards, 1515–1517

transport, 595 , 621 , 634–638 , 1195

urban systems, 1354–1356

wind energy, 820–821

Sustainable mobility project (SMP), 613 ,


Sustainable net benefit index (SNBI), 1544

Swan label , 1542

Sweden , 1055 , 1099 , 1195 , 1516

Switzerland , 60 , 1055 , 1195

SynCity model , 1375 , 1376

Synergies . See Co-benefit analysis ; Interactions

Syngas , 1185

Synthetic liquid transportation fuels , 81 , 950–952 ,


aviation, 609–610

fossil energy, 931–948

future scenarios, 980–981

GHG emissions, 942 , 944

health risks, 303–304 . See also Fluid hydrocarbon


Syntroleum , 933

Systems, energy , 102 , 103–108 , 104

and air pollution, 207 , 207–210

decarbonization, 114 , 114

definition, 42

diagram, 43


historical perspectives, 111

technical summary, 60–63 , 61

urban, 1326–1332

See also Transitions, energy

System impact algorithms , 1160

Systematic innovation policies , 1705–1706

Systems approaches , 1311 , 1313 , 1314 , 1315 , 1788

T Take-back . See Rebound effect

Tanzania , 1759 , 1759

Tar sands , 274

Targeted subsidies , 1657

Targets, GEA. See Goals


appliances, 1594 , 1595

customs, 412

reform, 1657–1658

Tata Mundra project , 1756

Tax measures , 412 , 877

buildings, 726 , 727 , 743–744

carbon, 77 , 1575–1576 , 1584 , 1585 , 1591

energy efficiency, 1598

fuel, 631–632

renewable energy, 877

Taxonomies, scenario, 1213–1214 , 1214

Technical aid , 741

Technical potential

PVS, 822

wind energy, 811

Technological innovation , 855–857 , 857 , 1579 ,

1669–1673 , 1672 , 1709

access to energy, 1423–1425

capacity development, 1754–1757 , 1774–1780 ,


case study, 1792–1793

characterizing, 1675 , 1675–1679 , 1676 , 1678 , 1679

CCS, 1020–1036 , 1040

cooking technologies, 686–687

data needs, 1710–1711

definitions, 1673

economics, energy, 414–416 , 414

economies of scale/scope, 1684–1688 , 1685 , 1686

energy security, 373–375

energy systems change, 8 , 42–71

experiments, 1181–1185 , 1182

financial investment, 90 , 1658

fusion power, 1115

future scenarios, 1269–1270

geothermal energy, 805–806

industrial sector, 562–563

intellectual property rights, 417

key processes, 1689–1690 , 1690

knowledge generation, 1679–1684

ocean energy, 855 , 856

photovoltaic solar power, 825

policy frameworks, 78 , 87–88 , 90 , 875–876 , 878 ,

883 , 1578–1581 , 1592 , 1675 , 1675–1677

renewable energy, 870–871 , 872

solar thermal technologies, 837 , 837–840 , 838 ,

839 , 840

transport, 600–613 , 637 , 639

wind energy, 814–817 , 815 , 816

See also Energy Technology ; Innovation System ;


Technological learning , 1754

Technological substitution , 1178

Technology gap , 1155

Technology portfolios case study , 1694 , 1726

Technology push , 1689 , 1693

Technology transfer , 884 , 1756–1757

industrial sector, 562–563

policy frameworks, 883

Telecommuting , 14 , 627 , 1222 , 1225 , 1530

Televisions , energy efficiency, 685

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Temperature extremes , 288

Temperature increase , 6 , 194 , 198 , 203 .

See also Climate change

TERI (The Energy Research Institute (TERI, 1197 , 1485

Thailand , 1639 , 1640

Thermal biomass gasification , 776

Thermal energy use model , GEA Buildings, 704–716

Thermal mass , buildings, 679

Thermal (slow)-neutron reactors , 1096

Thermal storage systems

integrated systems, 867–868

solar technologies, 839 , 839 , 840

Thermodynamics , laws of, 116 , 117 , 117–119 , 121

Thin-film technologies , PVS, 827

Third-generation biofuels , 786–787 , 787

Thorium , 472–473 , 473 , 1141–1142

Three Mile Island nuclear accident, 60 , 1072 , 1073 ,

1084 , 1102

Threshold effects

acid precipitation, 402

air pollution, 282 , 286

Thyroid cancer , 1101 , 1102

Tidal energy , 502 , 853 , 855 , 856 , 858

Tight sands reservoirs , 454


capacity development, 1748

experiments, 1674

ETIS, 1712

urban energy, 1324–1325 , 1367

Tipping points , 196 , 203

Tobacco smoke , 307 , 720

Top Runner approach , 733 , 1732–1733

Top-down approaches , transport, 1196

Tourism , 581 , 1532 , 1536

Trading in energy , 127–130

Asia, 362

global, 125 , 126 , 127 , 127 , 128 , 129

Singapore, 1356

See also Flows, energy

Trading in fuels

gaseous fuel, 1149

global, 337–345 , 339 , 340

Traditional biomass , 166 , 166 , 183

cooking and heating fuels, 1418–1421 , 1419

energy security, 349–350

health risks, 264 , 671

Traditional habits/customs , 90

Traffic calming , 627 , 629

Training programs

buildings energy efficiency, 741

foreign aid, 1754

knowledge networking, 1779

policy frameworks, 1583

Transitions, energy systems , 4 , 5 , 62 , 1175–1180 ,


capacity development, 1751–1752 , 1752

choices, 1787–1789

definitions, 1750

experiments, 1181–1185

fear of, 1539

feasibility, 18–20

historical trends, 1674 , 1752

integrated systems, 23–25

key findings, 8–10

management, 1751 , 1780–1784 , 1783

multi-goal approach, 1749

need for change, 10–11 , 35–42

oil, 1780–1781

policy frameworks, 1193–1197 , 1194 , 1562 , 1587

rates of, 72

regime-shifting, 1752

socio-cultural changes, 27

system configuration, 1185–1193

technological requirements, 8 , 42–71

See also GEA transformational


Transition platforms , 1748 , 1751 , 1782–1784 , 1783

Transmission, electricity , 842 , 843 , 864 , 865 ,

1156–1162 , 1157 , 1159

See also Intelligent energy ; systems ; Micro-grids ;

Smart ; grids ; Super grids

Transport sector , 578–580 , 638–641

energy access, 155 , 174 , 174–175 , 175

energy efficiency, 13–15 , 83–84 , 630 , 1225 ,

1225–1226 , 1596–1597

energy end-use, 49–51 , 50 , 51

energy security, 354–355 , 378 , 1288

energy services, 106 , 107

energy use in different modes of transport, 586 ,

586–593 , 587 , 588 , 589 , 590 , 591–592 , 593

fossil energy sources, 1373–1374

fuels, 905 , 931–948 , 985 , 1164

future scenarios, 599 , 613–621 , 976–978 , 977 , 985

GEA pathways, 1225 , 1225–1227

global perspectives, 581–586 , 582 , 583 , 584

health risks, 279

heterogeneity in energy use, 134

nuclear energy, 298

path dependency, 1757–1759 , 1759

policy frameworks, 621–638 , 1584

poverty, 174 , 174–175 , 175

renewable energy, 880–881

supply-side options, 1232–1238 , 1233 , 1236

sustainability, 69 , 1195

technological options, 600–613 , 637 , 639

transitions, 1196

trends relative to global issues, 593–600 , 596 , 597 ,

598 , 599

urban energy systems, 1313 , 1365 , 1367–1375 ,

1368 , 1369 , 1370 , 1371 , 1372 , 1388–1389

See also specific types of transport ; Vehicles

Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear

Weapons (NPT), 1103 , 1104 , 1110

Triple-point economics , 1002 , 1014–1015

Tropospheric ozone , 209 , 209 , 210 , 216

Africa, 224–226 , 225

Americas, 219–220 , 220

Asia, 228–229

Europe, 213–214

Tuberculosis , 177 , 178

Tunisia , 742 , 1429

U UN . See United Nations

Unconventional occurrences

definition, 434

natural gas, 450–455 , 452 , 453 , 455 , 458 , 458

oil, 438–444 , 440 , 441 , 442 , 444 , 445 , 446

uranium, 469–472 , 470 , 471 , 472

Underground storage , CO 2 , 304 , 1001–1002 , 1586

Undiscovered resources , definition, 433

Unemployment , 153 , 172 , 721 , 882–883

United Arab Emirates (UAE), 1577

United Kingdom

CCS, 1055

centralization, infrastructure, 1760 ,


distributed generation, 1189

energy security, 352

historical perspectives, 108–111 , 110 , 111

nuclear energy, 1093 , 1098

smoke control areas, 1381–1382

transitions, energy, 1195

wind energy, 1762–1763

United Nations (UN), 143–144

Department of Economic and

Social Affairs, 1512

Development Programme, 1754

Environment Programme, 202 , 1196

Framework Convention on

Climate Change, 883 , 885 , 885 , 1784

Programs and Initiatives, 885

Security Council Resolution, 1109

University Geothermal Training

Programme, 1779

World Urbanization Prospects, 1319

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United States

buildings, 658 , 660 , 737

CCS, 1034 , 1054–1055t

co-production, 970 , 970–972 , 971

direct coal liquefaction, 935

electricity usage, 279

energy information, 143

energy management, 558

energy security, 360–362

health impacts, 922–923 , 923

heterogeneity in energy use, 135

microgrids, 1161 , 1190–1191

natural gas supplies, 973

nuclear energy, 1083–1085 , 1084 , 1091–1092

RECLAIM (regional clean air incentives market),

1382 , 1384

renewable fuel program, 1517

solar energy, 836 , 844

synthetic fuels, 1688 , 1694 , 1709 , 1735–1736

tropospheric ozone, 219–220 , 220

vehicle efficiency, 1694 , 1695 , 1705 , 1732

wind energy, 816 , 818

Units of measurement , 437 , 437–438

Universal access . See Access

University-industry linkages , 1768 , 1769 , 1772 ,

1775 , 1776–1777 , 1779 , 1793–1794

Upstream energy use , 125

energy accounting, 1327

energy systems, 103


energy reserves/resources, 18 , 123 , 468 , 468–472 ,

1086 , 1087–1088 , 1090–1091 , 1094–1095 , 1095 ,


enrichment, 1080 , 1080 , 1081 , 1088 , 1104–1107 ,


mining/processing, 295–296

MOX fuels, 1089 , 1091 , 1098

Urban environments , 36 , 1310–1316 , 1325–1326 ,


access to energy, 1341 , 1341–1344 , 1362 , 1616–

1617 , 1618 , 1644–1645 , 1647–1649 , 1649

air pollution, 1379–1385 , 1389–1390

buildings, 660 , 663 , 664 , 664 , 676–677 , 1340–1341 ,


challenges, 93 , 1339–1354

density, 1376 , 1377 , 1387–1388

developing economies, 1180

drivers, energy use, 1358–1367 , 1386

dynamics, 1320–1325

embodied/direct, 1328–1329

energy accounting, 1327–1332 , 1360

energy demand, 1346 , 1346–1350 , 1352 , 1353

energy density, 124–125

energy efficiency, 1389 , 1596 , 1648–1649

energy flows, 1328

energy security, 1353–1354

energy use, 1332–1339 , 1386

future scenarios, 1318–1320 , 1321 , 1325

GEA city energy data, 1335–1339

GHG emissions, 1331

heat islands, 673–674 , 1350–1353 , 1351 , 1352

historical trends, 1317 , 1320

indicators, 1317

integrated systems, 62–63

lifestyles, 1538

multidimensionality, 1316–1317 , 1317

occupational health, 271

path dependency, 1757–1759 , 1758 , 1759

planning, 1375–1379

policy frameworks, 78 , 81–83 , 82 , 1311–1313 ,

1356–1358 , 1361–1362 , 1372–1373 , 1381–

1385 , 1390–1391

pollution, 1350 , 1350 , 1351

population totals, 1318

poverty, 1339–1346 , 1387

regional analyses, 1332–1335 , 1335 , 1338

renewable energy, 222 , 227 , 822–823 , 1348

size distribution, cities, 1324

sustainability, 1354–1356 , 1355–1356

System Boundaries, 1326–1332

transport, 84 , 581 , 583 , 588 , 1344–1345 , 1367–

1375 , 1388–1389

transitions, 11

water use, 1496–1497

Use of energy . See End-use, energy

Used vehicle emissions , 630–631

Useful energy , 103 , 106–107

flows, 125

global assessment, 107

Utility demand-side management , 1583

Utility tariffs , 1594

Uttam Urja project , 1196

V Validated molecular models , cement, 1760

Valley of death , 1676 , 1703

Variable renewable energy , 860


air-conditioning systems, 1541

efficiency, 1597

electric, 608 , 620–621 , 1770

emissions, 630–631 , 948 , 1037–1038 , 1038 , 1385 ,


integrated systems, 864

taxation, 632

weight, 606

See also specific vehicle types


Ventilation , 680–683

air tightness, 670–671

sick building syndrome, 670 , 671 , 720

See also Air conditioning

Venture capital , 412–413

case study, 1694 , 1729–1730

industrial sector, 560

R&D investment, 1718–1719 , 1720

renewable energy, 870

Vicious cycles , energy poverty, 1408

Village energy security programme , 1642–1643 ,


Virtual mobility , 14 , 627 , 1222 , 1225 , 1530

Viscous oil , 441–443 , 442 , 449

Visibility reduction , 217

Vital energy systems/services , 331

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 134 , 307 , 720

CCS, 1016 , 1017

Voluntary programs

buildings energy efficiency, 742

travel behavior, 1374

sustainability, 1516

Vulnerable populations , 293–294 . See also Poverty

W Wafer-based technologies , PVS, 827

Walking , 585 , 587 , 625–627 , 1374

Wandoan Project , 1049

Warming , committed. 202 . See also Climate change

War, Gulf , 1104

Wars, energy , 368–373

Washington International Action Program , 886


agricultural, 482 , 483 , 486–487

bioenergy, 1512–1513

CCS, 1017

food, 1534

forestry, 484 , 484 , 487

nuclear, 297 , 1098–1100 , 1100 , 1118

solid, 482 , 483 , 486–487 , 1185

to-energy projects, 1185

Water budget , 206

Water use/resources , 70 , 235 , 235–237 , 236 , 242 ,

243 , 1462–1466 , 1494 , 1497–1499

biodiversity, 1513–1514

buildings, 668–669

CCS, 1017

challenges, 1514–1515

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cooling, power stations, 236

and energy production, 1499–1502 , 1507 , 1508

environmental certification, 1515–1517

food/bioenergy, 1503–1504 , 1507–1513

footprints, 236

global, 1495 , 1497

heating, solar, 271 , 847–848 , 849 , 1429 , 1561 ,

1694 , 1731

land-use issues, 1508 , 1508–1514 , 1510 , 1511 ,


planetary boundaries concept, 242

policy frameworks, 881 , 1517–1518

pollution, 280

sanitation, 155 , 177 , 179 , 179–180 ,

180 , 181

sustainability, 1506–1514

urban, 1496–1497

water security, 289 , 1502–1505

withdrawal levels, 1495–1496 , 1496 , 1498

Waterborne diseases , 177

Water-dissolved gas , 454–455

Wave energy , 502 , 853 , 856 , 858

Weapons, nuclear , 1073 , 1103–1108 , 1113 ,



CCS, 1006

GEA scenario analysis, 1249

internet discussion groups, 1775

Well-being , 1531

and affluence, 1530

and energy use, 1529

index, 1544

lifestyles, 1542–1544 , 1543

West African gas pipeline (WAGP), 1430

West African power pool (WAPP), 1430

Weyburn Project , CCS, 1026

White Book on Science, Technology and

Innovation , Brazil, 1776

Wildlife impacts, wind energy, 820–821

Willingness to pay (WTP), 402 , 1625

Win-win situations 1208 , 1465–1466

Wind energy , 1155–1156

case study, 1688 , 1689 , 1694 , 1706 , 1733

challenges, 817

dialogues, 1762–1763

economics, 817–820 , 818 , 819 , 821

economies of scale, 1685

energy resources, 489–492 , 491 , 492 , 493

financial investment, 869

forecasting short-term availability, 862

future scenarios, 812 , 813

health risks, 271 , 273 , 304

implementation, 821–822

innovation policies, 1682

integrated systems, 819–820 , 821

market developments, 813–814

policy frameworks, 822

potential, 811–813 , 812

social impacts, 821–822

sustainability, 820–821

technological development, 814–817 , 815 , 816

wildlife impacts, 820–821

Women’s rights . See Gender equality

Wood pulp and paper

CCS, 781

energy efficiency, 530

health risks, 264 , 267 , 271–272

industrial sector, 518 , 518–519 , 520 , 529 ,

530 , 544

residues, 484 , 484 , 487

World issues. See Global issues/policies

World Agriculture: towards 2030/2050 (FAO), 1482

World Bank , 164 , 1489 , 1491 , 1622 , 1764

World Business Council for Sustainable

Development/Energy Efficiency in Buildings

(WBCSD/EEB), 662 , 695 , 698 , 736 , 737 ,

738 , 1760

World Energy Council (WEC), 121

World Energy Outlook (IEA), 390 , 1333 , 2008

World Gas to Liquid , 933

World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 202

World Summit on Sustainable Development

(WSSD), 1778

World Trade Organization (WTO), 1784

X Xstrata Coal , 1049

Z Zero emissions

buildings, 688–692 , 738–740 , 739 , 1179

standards, 1585

transport, 449–450 , 985

urban, 82 , 1312 , 1355–1356

Zimbabwe , 1631

Zoning , land-use, 1596