induction course for new laboratory technicians 4 october 2008 sophia cheng science education...

Induction Course for New Laboratory Technicians 4 October 2008 Sophia CHENG Science Education Section, EDB

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Induction Course for New Laboratory Technicians

4 October 2008

Sophia CHENG

Science Education Section, EDB

Job Description for Lab Tech II/III To prepare, construct, operate and maintain

laboratory apparatus and equipment. To assist in class demonstration in a laboratory

or in a demonstration room. To assist teachers to supervise the pupils in

performing experiments. To assist teachers in planning and trying out


To keep stores and inventory in laboratories. To carry out annual stocktaking of all stores

and equipment in laboratories. To purchase laboratory apparatus, equipment

and other items necessary for laboratories. To prepare annual estimates of consumables,

stores and additional items for laboratories.

To conduct routine laboratory tests. To be responsible for all the normal safeguards

in a laboratory. To instruct and supervise laboratory attendants

in the maintenance of the laboratories and preparation of rooms.

Science Safety Resource Manual (2003), British Columbia

What is your role as a LT?

Manage for good laboratory service Manage for safety Manage for smooth operation

Support learning and teaching of Science

Procurement and Management of Laboratory Equipment/Chemicals

Storing / Organising


Write-off / Disposal

Record Keeping

Composite Furniture & Equipment Grant (CFEG) Cover the costs and maintenance/repair fees

for F/E items, insurance premium for non-standard F&E items

$14,714 per class for 2008/09 For Incorporated Management Committee (I

MC) schools, CFEG has been included in Expanded Operating Expenses Block Grant (EOEBG).


Science Subject Grants For purchase of consumables S1-3 Science, AL Biology and ASL/AL Chemistr

y Aided Schools

Expanded / Operating Expenses Block Grant(E/OEBG) (擴大 /營辦開支整筆津貼 )

Govt. Schools Subject & Curriculum Block Grant

(科目及課程整筆津貼 )

Reference Lists of F/E

Consider safety and need before purchase Specifications of the EDB Reference List of F&E



Microscale Chemistry Equipment

Universal Indicator Chart

Glass Combustion tube

Electrolysis of dilute sodium hydroxide

0.4 M NaOH0.4 M NaOH


Shampoo Shampoo SolutionSolution

Reduction of CuO

GalvanizedGalvanizediron coiliron coil

5M HCl5M HClMicroburnerMicroburner

Reactions of Chlorine



Bleach + HClBleach + HCl

Microscale Organic Reactions

Microscale Organic Reactions

Laboratory Equipment

Bunsen Burner Screen

Spectacle Cabinet Flexicam

Laboratory Equipment

Hand Protector 隔熱護手墊

Laboratory Equipment

• Protecting students from chemical spillage

How to reduce glass breakage and cut accidents?

Laboratory Equipment

Reduce breakage of glassware Plasticware (e.g. dro

pper, beaker, funnel) polypropylene (PP),

polymethylpentene (PMP, TPX))

Laboratory Equipment Thermometers

Non-mercury filled Short vs long (150mm / 300mm) Plastic coated / Reinforced bulb Digital (-50 - 150oC)

Asbestos Asbestos-containing products should not be us

ed in schools Beware of equipment with heat insulating mate

rials e.g. wire gauzes, bench mats, ovens Bench mats should be made of glass reinforce

d cement. Wire gauzes should be with ceramic centres.

Add “Asbestos free” requirement when purchasing

Do not dispose of asbestos-containing products as common garbage

Procurement of Chemicals Before purchase, assess the hazardous nature of chemical

s, check your inventory, whether it will be used in experiments in the near future

Acquire safer alternatives e.g. Volasil 244 instead of CCl4 Avoid over-stocking of chemicals Keep quantities to a minimum especially for water-reactive

chemicals e.g. Na, K, CaC2, SiCl4, hazardous chemicals e.g. Br2 (ampoule package), conc. acids and alkalis and flammable chemicals e.g. P, ether, ethanol, etc

Clearly labelled and date-stamped the date of arrival Keep a clear and updated record of chemical stocks (locati


Safety Information of Chemicals International Chemical Safety Cards

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Developed by the Faculty Laboratory Centre of Cit



Labeling of Chemical

Printing labels for chemicals


Printing labels for chemicals

Controlled Chemicals Prevent diversion of chemicals to illicit (違法 ) manufa

cture of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances e.g. heroin (海洛因 )

Control of Chemicals Ordinance (Cap. 145) List of Controlled Chemicals

Acetylating Substances (乙酰化物) Ethanoyl chloride (乙酰氯 ), ethanoic anhydride (乙酰酐 )

Potassium Permanganate (高錳酸鉀 ) Storage approval (Form CED 360)

Chemical Weapon Precursors List of chemical weapon precursors controlled under the Import and Export Ordinance (Annex A of STCC No.16/04) Schools wishing to purchase chemicals e.g. NaF, KF, PCl3 or PCl5 for experiments should first sign the chemical end-user undertaking. Strategic Trade Controls Brance, Trade and Industry Department ( 工 業 貿 易 署 ) Enquiry: 2398 5587 (Tel), [email protected] (email)

Do you think school laboratories are safe?

464 schools responded (response rate : 93.4% )

Statistics 296 schools without accident (64%) 554 cases in 168 schools (36%)

500 students and 8 staffs injured; most injuries were minor cuts or scalds

Cause of accidents: Carelessness (students: 91.7%; teachers: 0.5%; LTs: 1.8%)

Survey on laboratory accidents in secondary schools (05/06)









Phy Chem Bio/H Bio IS ES/S&T


Bites by animals

Substances catching fire


Discomfort arising frominhalation of gases

Heat burns or scalds

Chemicals spillage

Eye accidents

Chemicals on skin

18 (3%)

134 (24%)

92 (17%)

309 (56%)

1 (~0%)

Subjects involved (05/06)

Accident Records

Keep record of all accidents (including minor accidents) in each lab

Send detailed accident report for serious laboratory accident to REO

Science Education – Laboratory Safety and Management( > References & Resources)

Resources on laboratory safety and management Information about approved gas tubing for Bunsen B

urners Handbook on Safety in Science Laboratories (2002) Posters on laboratory safety Laboratory safety inspection checklist Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Use of Sealed Radioactive Sources for Teaching Pu

rposes in Schools Risk assessment form List of university centres and facilities supplying rats

for school use

Handbook on Safety in Science Laboratories

Safety management Hazardous chemicals and

their storage Disposal of chemical wastes Handling of glassware,

plants, microorganisms, animals, radioactive substances, etc.

First aid in the laboratory Laboratory accidents and



Additional resources or information in appendices: Risk assessment form Some plants known to contain irritants Report form on laboratory accident Chemistry experiments requiring particular care

Handbook on Safety in Science Laboratories

Curriculum reform in science educationYear Curriculum revised

1998 S1-3 Science

2002 S4-5 Bio, Chem, Phy

AL Bio

2005 AL Chem, AL Phy

2009 NSS Bio, Chem, Phy

NSS Integrated Science

NSS Combined Science

Emphasis on Scientific Investigation Inquiry-based experiments and simple

investigation Encourage students to design their own

experiments Develop skills of problem solving,

collaboration, critical thinking, creativity… Scientific investigation as part of curriculum in

NSS science subjects

Risk Assessment

An analysis of a practical activity to identify hazards and to take precautions to minimise the risk

Procedures: Identifying hazards

(Materials / Procedures / Equipment) Deciding what control measures to

reduce risk to acceptable level Finding how to dispose of hazardous


More roles and duties contribute in departmental meetings display signs alerting students to take proper safet

y precautions familiarise with the curriculum content to facilitate t

he preparation of materials for practical lessons familiarise with new trends of curriculum developm

ent – purchase necessary equipment maximise the use of resources and minimise wast

age of materials by recycling and reuse label drawers and cabinets to facilitate easy acces

s update professional knowledge

Manage a Safe Environment for

Learning and Working