indy news guild e-inkling from july 2010

THE, INKLING TNGLocal 34o7o I lndianapolisNewspaperGuild tl [email protected] <} GUIID OFFICTRS: TomSpalding President Business reporter 444-6zaz AdamYates Vire president unltne Ldttor 444-8:r8 Tania Lopez Vice president WestZone reporter 444-6a44 Emily Kuzniar 5ecretary Page Designer 444-6319 GeoffOoley Treasurer Sports copy editor 444-6o9's, GUII-D STEWARDS: Daniel Bradley Paraprofessional 444-6agr Fujuan Carp€nter Building services 444-t+tlLz Michael Pointer SOUtn ZOne Keponer 444-2709 Vic Ryckaert News reporter 444-a7b3- JohnTuohy News Reporter 444-5526 \{e're monitorirg Kronos activity The Guild is nronitorins the usc of the Kronos limekeeoi*s r""r,.. ,.r-fr.i" Bas*ball Bash 2010 TheGuild invites members and theirfami- lies to enjoy a day at the ballpark an 5unday, Aug. zz, when the lndianapo- lis lndianstake on the Louisville Bats, The guild will buy tickets for members and theirfamily members. Everyone who attends gets $ro in "Baseball Bucks" to spend at the park. The game $tarts at 2 p.m.; gates open at 12:3o p.m.The first r,5oofans get a Souvenrr messen* ger bag. Reservations required. RSVP toVic Ryckaert at [email protected]. mernbers with any issues they might en- counter. Be sure to check,vour onlinc paycheck to make sure you are being paid for the 80 hours you work each pay period. Be- cause of the rounding method used by Kronos, it is possible that employees might not be credited for all the tirne they work during a shift. If you [hink you have not been paid tbr all the hours you have worked dur- ing a pay period, contact a Guild officer or steward. Also, the {iuild notilied Star editor Dennis Ryerson and human resources over pa,vcheck shortabes. These arc' relatively small amounts - l5-minutes of pay tbr sorne, a halt--hour for others, hut the net result is that some staffers are not receiving a paycheck that reflects 80 hours of work. Other employees unin- tentkrna.llv lvere overpaid. This no doubt rvi.1l be a cold-splash of water in the face for all of our members to babysit the punch-clock. Money talks rnore than e-mail re- minders. However, the Guild was prom- ised during our sitdowns wilh HR over Kronos irnplernentation that because headaches were prediclecl to occur as emplo.lces get used to this new time- See Kronos on Page 3 IG,EP NE1ATSPAPERS LO CAt Less than a week removed frorn thc onc-year anniversary of thc la1'o{Is of 21 of out'cowr'rrkets came a bombshell from corporate regarding the "mov- ing" olpage design to five hubs, a cost- L:utting neasure that will eventually lead to la)'offs at'Ihe Star. L)esign work here will be done by a do-it-all (nnd presunably bottom-of-the-pay-sca1e) design hub based i:i Louisville, K1'. Editors Dennis Rverson, |enny (ireen and Scott Goldman briefed the clesigncrs on July 13. Guild President 'tbrn Spaldilg ;urd secretary Emily Kuzniar (ltho is one ofthe afibcted de- signers) attended the meeting. Ryerson said his goal was to keep as much of a design "presence" here as he could. He also said he thought our newspaper woul,lrr't be impactecl unti,l late in the process - a year or lwo awav. Hot- ever some jobs would probably be lost. 'Ihe designers were encouraged to con- tinue c|ring thekind ofhigh-qualiry', one- of-a-kind award-winning work they've been doing despite proposed changes. \Ve hope to show Gannett that a cookie- cutter approach to cost savings wonl work here, is short-sighted, and illogical. Hopcfuily', the move tow:ucl con- solidated centers at other papers flops miserably'and theygive up on the idea, or: they learn we are too big of a metro nervspaper for the consnlidated hub to wor-k for us. Our corltract DOES NO'I'ALLOW outsourcing ,and the company CAN- NOT lay off staff as a result of using non-union personnel to get design done. \A/e will negotiate ihat right ivith the company afler the current contract expires, Sept. 1,2011 at the earliest.. Ganneit tried to get the right to out, source certain t)?es ofStar nervsroorn/ building services jobs during negotia- tiots in 2009 ancl we rejected and re- sisted that, and the,v relented. We end- ed r.rp lvith a wage freeze and 109/o pay cut, but rve at least kept the contract in place that gives us power to fight. Guild leaders have reachcd out to Jay Schmitz, our Indi;ura-baseri ad- viser, Bernie Lunzer, president of The Newspaper Guild, and D.C. attorney Kathy l!{ulvey, who helps hcals like Indy determine lvhen our contract has been vkrlated and helps us process any grievances. O1ficially the Guild I-IAS NOT BEEN NOTIFIED by the com- pany about the company's outsourcing plans, but we are being proactive. trVe are teaming r,vith ol.her Gannett media that have unions and lve will collectively campaign to get (iannett to not touch papers are size. "Keep News- papers Local" is the the general therne.

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  • THE, INKLINGTNGLocal 34o7o I lndianapolisNewspaperGuild tl [email protected]
  • THEII'KLIlrrG ItiLY20ro 1 PAGE2

    lN OTHER NEWSrThanks Gary!

    Gary Moore recentlyretired after 37 years shootingpictures for the lndianapolisnewspaper. Gary was a greatfriend to the Guild and wasa dedicated duespayer. TheGuild wentto batfor him evenup to his second-to-last day,sending an e-mailto HumanResources because theyhad not calculated what hisretirement pension would be.Even though pensions are notcontrolled by the Guild, whenwe get involved, our presenceadds an element of urgencythat can spur action by theStarto get important ques-tions resolved.

    Gannett doubles profitGannett's second-quarter

    profit released July 16 morethan doubled, thanks to taxgains and strong gains at itsbroadcast and digital divi*ions.Gannett repo*ed a pro,fit of$195.5 million, or 8r cents ashare, up from $7o.5 miilion, or30 cents a share, in the sameperiod rn zoo9.

    Paywall here?There's been nc mention of

    a paywall like the ones goingup at papers in Tallahassee,Fla.; 6reenville, 5.C., and5t. George, Utah, corporatespokeswoman Robin Pencetold Poynter Online that Gan-nett has not yet deoded onthe approach for its other mar-kets. but that the company willuse what it learns from the testsites "to help i:s develop ourlong-term strategy for paidcontent."

    Source: Gannett Blog.

    TNG-CWA budgetcut 14 percent

    The effects of the rapidlyshrinking newspaper industryon Guild finances were under-scored in May in a messagefromTNG-CWA PresidentBernie Lunzerto local officers,in which he disclosed that neriyear's budget is being cut r3.9percent. The $ cutfollows a rz-cent reduction inmonthly percapita dues paidby locals toTNG-CWA, the firstper capita redr.rction rn Gurldhistory. {lndy is also payingless.)

    s)urce: I fie butld Re0orter.

    I\EWOFFICERS ffiilARE,S\,VORI{IN ffi^l

    congratulations to the new slate of .lliccrs of the In- ryretdianapolis Newspaper Guild, who were elected al thc end Yates::l:ii,#::-|;:#;:*n#",",iposed rhe I'orunteer ffi,'?ru':ilH::'tl;i,,ru:ni:ffi:ii:il"ilii"sa ;il wwffil $i.1:.?';;'i,"'-:;::Lii::IlJi'tr :11 Tii, ffir,artor. ruug.. lost last vear ivhen (under duress lrom Gan- LoPez

    -nett) the tinion votedto accept a two-year contract that ffiincluded a 10 percent pay cut and pa,v frceze. ffiryW

    'lhc r,llicchold.r's arr: W *dffirTomspalding,president ffi;1ffiI Adarn Yates, First vice president ffiWr Tania Lopez, Second vice president Kuzniar::?i*:ffi;:?.:::::?" ffiffiThe ollicers want to thank outgoing vice presidents Vic reffi Sgffi

    Rl,ckaert and Duluan Carpenter for thcir Lerms of servicc, WH;ffiM2007to2010. ffiOolei,

    New ofiicers and stewards, abote, were elected. and namedlune 30,24tr0.

    Grievance over use ofUSA'lbtlay baseball pageu,'ithdrawn for nor,v

    The Guild notified editor Den-nis \'erson that it is withdrawingits grievance, n'ithout prejudice,rclated to the use by'Ihe Star o1'theGannettlUSA T'oday version of thesports baseball page.

    The companl" rejected the Guild'sgrievance that the use of this page-

    work that was pre't'iously doneby page dcsigncrs, copy cditors anclparaprofcssionals employcd b,v'IhcStar


    violates our contract. fhcGuild believes that the companytmoves to outsource work will even-rually lead to rnore ia1'of1.s.

    !\re sti-ll reserve the right trl lileanother grievancr' siroulcl there be areduction in staff size in the futurerelated to usage ofany kind ofout-sourced rnaterial.

    Laid-offempl:yees haveFriority for new postings

    Our contract gualantces that Starcmploycr's lost to la1',..rfli have prror-ity for two years lrhen new jobs areannounced.

    This came into play in Mar.-. Thecompany decided to create a 10-we ek [cmporari'pagc dcsigncr posi-l-ion. Even though this wasnt a full-time or permanent job, it contactedeach ofthe page designers who havebeen laid off to determine if theywould be interested.

    Altcr it was detcrrnined that nonewantecl 1o apply, the company post-ed the position and filled the tempo-rary posifion fiorn outside.

    Ilowever, without the protr'ctionol' the (iuildls contraci, therc is noguarantee laid off employecs rvouldbe considered 161 ng11' posil-irlns.

    We still say no to advertorials'lhc Indy Nervs {luild oficers and

    stewards have askerl Star editorialNOT to allow any of our journalists'work 1o be reused'withoul lheir au-thorization as part of ant' in-housemarkcling r)r advertising carnpaigtt.

    Ileat-ures rcportcr 'I'J Banes wroteon sumrler camps ir January 2007-

    only to har,'e the siory "repur-posed" and used with her b,r'line aspart of a lnetro section "summercamp guicli' that rvas labeled a "spe-cial arivcrtising feature" in dre printStar metro scction on trlarch 23.

    the stor,v and hvo photos wereused without t-he writer's or pholog-

    rapher'.s knowledge and rhe contenlrvas manipiJated to make it appearto be currenl.

    This wasni a case of an article be-ing simplv reprlnted. It was alteredto mislead readers in a way thatcould damage this reporler'.s cred-itrilit.v wi'th the sources of the oligi-nal story Il rvas an emlrarrassmentto the elhical standards the Indl,Nervs Guild has been pushing Starmanagement to uphold since 2006,rvhen dre conpany 6rst prescntedthc idea o1'havi-ng journalists pro-duce and edit so-called "advertorial"c0ntent.

    'lhe summer camp article is anexample of rvhy the Guilci has raisedobjectlons to the unit's work beingrepurposcd in this manner. 11 can al-low departrnents to use our work insuch a careless and unprofessionaliashion that it reflects batlly uponthc journalism prr:duced by the Starnewsroom.

    -Io their credit, newsroom leader-ship has heen cognizant to not putCluild mernbers in an alvkward po-sition when it cornes 1o ad relers oradvertorial, doing that work thern-selves.

  • THEII'fiCLING lur.Y20r0l PAGE3

    "I'm back. And I'm a duespryer"I {rrmly believe that iittlc

    things matter.'Ihe stuff thatalters your perception just asmidge can be incredibly irn-portant. That's why during thelayoffs, I wore a brand new suitjacket and dined on chocolatetrullles and gelato beforemy shift began. I endedon a high note.

    \A/hen I returned to TheStar a fblv weeks ago as apart-time online editor, I


    again turned lo the litde Petrinathings. I proudly wear mvred Guild larryard. And I madesure our stewards had a Guildduespa,ver lbrrn ready for me onDay C)ne. I rnarched it up to HRand handed it over to the verysane person whod given me myseverance papefs.

    It lblt good"I rejoined as a Guild

    duespayer trecause I see cor-porate values that dont matchour news values.

    I rejoined the Guild becausethe red fliers are snaazry,

    I rejoined the Guild becauseCEOs in Mcl-ean, Va., got rnil-lions while I got tbe boot.

    And I rejoined because de-spite a pay cut, the loss ofsolidcoworkers and other morale-killing obstacles, the remain-ing Guild mernbers still suedGannett. For me. Now that'ssomething I can get behind.

    In the past year, Ite had toexplain a lot about the mood ofthe newsroon.

    Even bef


    Weprotested Gannett CEOt raiseOur parent comparry paid Chair-

    rnan and CEO Craig lluborv $4.7nrillion last vcar, a sharp incrcaseover the $3.1 million he took homein 2008.

    And his 2{t09 pay included a bo-nus of $1.5 rnillion thal carne alierhe engineered record lavoffs andother cost cutting across the compa,ny Other execs got similar bonuses.

    The lirdy News Guild sent cor-

    Here is what our letterAs shareholdss and stakelnlclers af

    (;anneft Co. btt., A'e take c.veptiiln tothe bonus providtd CtO, Presid.ent nndChairman Craig.\. DuBour. Plen:erescindtlrc award and pay il stipendrommensurate.fitr tm individual whr,wns out oJ the ofiice r*uperatinBftantsurgery Jar a large sharc of 20Ae.

    Saytng a banus equal to 50 percmt oJ'the 5942.0AU base salary is nn egregiousahuse of our atmpanv\ restturcu andsltows a cullous ,lisrcgard jLr slurehald-en. Corrr esslcrrs p rcvail Jbr employeese1/en as the str{tteg/ ertEloyed alil4t kun, lh., is srill un{olrling end may

    prove insulfident !o tutrtl ,yf Jirwnt'inldangerfor otr conpnry.

    Yes, GCI's shcre price. rallied in 2009,bal so did the DIIA, andby a witlermargin. Our sharc price l,rrs rcturualtu only hatJ ils vulue oJ,\4urch 2tt0l,while DJL4 is about 20 percent of themarlg *nd t:he S(tP 5AA has perJarmedr'ror lr. tfir:

    A $1.5 million honus in this mscseerns excessive anri prunature, as

    respondence' to all the directors ofGannett protestinc these perks. Westrongly beliere in capitalism andearning/keeping the fiuits of one'slabor


    but not earning it by (toborrow an expression) climbingover l-hc bkrodicd bodies of our ern-pioyees


    and to the ultimate det-riment of the company. The execu-tives instead should set thls moneyaside for, among other purposes,

    said:are tht atAlitional penluisitts,[or N[r.DuBou, nalcd in tlr- iurrcnl Prox1.s:tatement. Thlle inclu de membe/-ship in a country club anrl ust of {}CIaircrnfi for tlree vears after kwinglhe ampanS, the Jttnomott oJ C,CIhome ofiice e4uiptficnt, payiltent oJMedkare supplentents, and accas tanmp*ny p*id secretarial and terihnitalassistance.

    Had thc GCI st,rk prirc rtnuincJin the range of the S?8-per-share piceprevailing when it{l', DuBaw betnmepresidtnt oJ thc canrpany, this banusand pe rqui s LE r a mpensufion st ht' n pmight hate been rlwwed satisJ'a*sr,uI n thc co n qu nS'

    "s currcn t,6 nnncialstruits, hov,ver, !his is exccssrve gt:tterosit)r on lha pttrt of the boartl an,l isahu sive t a sl nrehol tie rc.

    Wt might not the ;ompensation Jor!lr. DilJow is clearly erod{ng emplal.eetnt)rclL herc in lntlianapo[is, Lhe No.4newspaperin GCI in terms af dailycin'ulaLion. At the Star newspaperand indystdr.iaftt, Icu,lership lttts been

    to help pay off Gannerr debt. Wereceived a letter lrom the Securi-tics and Exchange Cornmission ac-knorvledging our complaint.

    Guild members also questionedDubow in person during his visit toIndianapolis. Prcsident -Ibm Spald-ing hopes Dubow


    rvho called histotal-pay increase "verv fair"


    hasa better understanding ofhow therank-and-fl le feel about sacrifi ce.

    t akn ry manclrtted unp aid Jurlot ryhs.The Indy News CuiM, which reprcsentsabout 180 newsrt'tomworkers, hssheenforced to nttelstfurlou,gfts and npemurrnt l}oto pny cut. Tk etnployment base is some 40 pertent of thebvel in plncc when thc newEaper n'asacquintl by GCI a dectuh ago. NLttshole hrts been lntmtionnl\t reduced"cin:ulation outlets shwnk and em-pk'vet headrount trturmt,d. 7iw digitatittilidtivcs nnildaled by

    '\4cLtun Inv,,ttot ,;fset tlv rcycnte sliJe on the printside. CIearIy. the comparyhas *ied to.ut its wa)) td rrosleril)"()n nn enJ nnte, pleax hu)ulge us andil obsefl'dtioil particulnrl,v relevant tothe wot*force in Intli*napolis. We havenumenus postirs in place iderttifyingour corc talue:


    Lertd, lunavate,lncludc, Rupet{. Thc cxctssive btnru>flies in tlrc face of thzse ttalues. Pleaserusinrl the rttirement ]jeftluki t ?sLtnd thc bonus, and ptw the et:rru-tiv|l, a stiWnd cotnmensunlle to lkeiri0n!ribntion."

    Say ho'to committees'Ihe Indy News Guild recom-

    mencls that its mernbers say "no" toany workplace related volunteer HR(i.e. outside-the-newsroorn) initia-tive now through August 201 1.

    The Guild asks its members, forexarnple, to not serve on anv Ern-ploy'ee Nerrsletter Task Force or theEngagernent Teanr or any other typeol extracurricuiar activity that is de-velopcd that yru spot and that you1et us know atrout.

    Oficers would irnmediatelv recon-sider this'non-involvement stancd ifthe company clianges its rnird aboutthe wage freeze being lifted firr all.The exception: trltu:n our menrbersare arvardcd 'Star of the Quartcr' furgreal- journalisrn. A1so, arry commit,tees arising lrorn the nervsrr:om haveour blessing.

    Unpaid intemships opposedThe Indy Ner'vs Guild and our

    rnembership should be proud rveadamantly opposed a joint planlrom Ihe Star and the IU journal-ism proglam for a year-round un-paid internship program at the Stardespite pressure trorn editor DennisRyerson and IUt Tim Franklin.

    Other schools have expressed in-trrrest in having a studcnt work for"no chargei'lVe have poinled to thefact that Pulliam Fellows are rvell-paid (The,v recel'"e third-year pay onour contract scale.) 'firev have calledus shortsighted hr forcing them trlabandon this pl;ur to use lree labcr inthe Star newsrrxrm.

    Recent national coverage showsthe Guild did the right thing. A re-cent NY Times article even reportsthat the use of unpaid interns isprobably illegal under current larv.

    Givcn the economy, students areencouraged to lr,ork at any cost, andJ-schools cornpete rvith each other tohave their students in good internships. Unpaid interr.rships are dis-criminatory and they are elirninatingstildents who can t allbrd [o do these-

    Good actions for conrpanvWe have sproken to one of our PPC

    i3uilding Service cmplo,vees coveredLrnder our contract. He took somevacation days tr{ay 20-21 to tend tohis aunl-'.s uncxpccled funeral.

    The contract does not call ftir paidgrief-leave/tlays off for an aunt, butin this case, his tlr'o vacation dayswere converted to bereavement.

    Thanks, to the supervisor whohandled this sil,uation. 'Ihc Guildlikes good moves like yoursl

    Qpestions andQ: Does the guild pay lbr renew-

    al of Costco mernbership or justthe initial startup?

    A: It's renelrcd a.nnuallyl fustsend it by intcrolice mail to trea-surer Gcoff Ooley in sports ... Vru'llget $50 back rvilhin a lcw days. 14/echoose Costco because nationallylhev arc knuhn J\ ltaving uni,'n-liiendiy policies.

    Q: A bunch of the laid-off folkshave been getting calls about aone-day-a-week editing job at tbeStar. Details are fuzzy, thoughwe've heard it's Saturday or Sun-day night. They get a call from HRand are told they have 72 hours torespond. Then when they call, noone calls them back. It's all veryfishy. From our discussions, we'reguessing this is their way of gettingaround the two-year rehire clause:They dangle a yague offer of a

    answers ...crappy part-time gig, just to see ifthey can catch somebody not re-sponding, so they can write themo#" Does the Guild know aboutthis, and if so what can you share?

    A: 'Ihe deal is this: Yes, thcv arecalling people to see if they haveinlerest in a job. They'll call you asmany as two times lbr part-time.r.'s.tull-time gigs, so even if r,-ou "reject"the part-time gig yolr i,vould still berecalled lor the t-ull-time gig. Makesense? \Arhether they rehire is thestickv- point. l!'e iiave argued untilour face was blue lhat the Julv 09iayoffs were economic-drir,en, notperformance driven, so lrre are ptl-sitioned to gricve if lhey puli anystunts. But they arc going by senior-it1'. so that's a good thing.

    Q: I've been asked to do guestappearirnces on local radio showsbut I am not sure whether I am al-

    lowed. And can I write for a corn-petit0r?

    A: 'Ihe Guild has intervenecl onmembers' behalf rnuitiple tirnesregarding when stafers can g0 onlhe air. Editor Dennis Ryerson, hasagreed rvith us that, although it doesgive these radio stations iree exper-tise, the Star does get lree advertis-ing in that a beat reporter gets iden,tified in the comrnuni$r as to hal'ingexper[ise on a topic. But befrrre do-ing any lreelance rvork, contact yoursupervisor Ernplo_r,'ees must seekand receive permission fiorn [reexecutive editrrr beibre freelancing.Also, when il comrs to anv ry'pe {)irvriting lur a puh)ication. givc y,'ur^employ'er the right of first refusal asis the cornpan,v's right as outlinedin the contract. And rernember, doNOT use company equipment toil'rite such a piece, and do not usecompany c-mail to senri il out.