inertial electrodynamic fusion - is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?

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  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?



    Is this the answer toIs this the answer to

    n erp ane ary space raven erp ane ary space raveEMC2 Fusion


  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    Energy/Matter Conversion CorpsEnergy/Matter Conversion CorpsMain PlayersMain Players


    Dr. Robert W. BussardDr. Robert W. Bussard

    r. c o as rar. c o as ra

    Lorin JamesonLorin Jameson Michael WrayMichael Wray

    ,,Ray Hulsman, Noli CasamaRay Hulsman, Noli Casama

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    Subscale device, not a net power demoSubscale device, not a net power demo

    our es runs rep ca e e us on ra eour es runs rep ca e e us on ra e

    Runs agreed with rate predicted by theoryRuns agreed with rate predicted by theory Theory projects a very strong scaling withTheory projects a very strong scaling with

    increased size Bincreased size B44RR33 RR77

    Net power predicted at 1.5 to 2 m radiusNet power predicted at 1.5 to 2 m radius


  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    multiple gigawattsmultiple gigawatts

    ,, -- ,,

    conversion of fusion energy to highconversion of fusion energy to high..

    Lightweight, high density electrical sourceLightweight, high density electrical source

    or var ous e ec r c rus ers.or var ous e ec r c rus ers.

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    electrostatic particle acceleratorselectrostatic particle accelerators

    . .. .

    accelerators as practical fusion reactorsaccelerators as practical fusion reactors o er rsc , wor ng or arnswor ,o er rsc , wor ng or arnswor ,

    demonstrated practical devices in thedemonstrated practical devices in the

    s.s. DOE never funded the research.DOE never funded the research.

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    factor, and temperature does not appear infactor, and temperature does not appear inthe fusion rate e uationthe fusion rate e uation

    = n= n11 nn22 ffvv

    acceleration. All particles reach center atacceleration. All particles reach center atfusion energy instead of a Maxwellian mix.fusion energy instead of a Maxwellian mix.

    May calculate temperature: 11604 KelvinsMay calculate temperature: 11604 Kelvinsper electron voltper electron volt

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    -- --

    amateurs ( (


    have achieved fusion. Michael Li won 2have achieved fusion. Michael Li won 2ndnd

    ,,2003, and a $75k scholarship.2003, and a $75k scholarship.

    u e arnswor usor cannou e arnswor usor cannobreakeven due to grid limitations.breakeven due to grid limitations.

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    "Inertial-Electrostatic Confinement of Ionized Fusion Gases", Robert L.Hirsch, Journal of Applied Physics, v. 38, no. 11, October 1967.

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    -- ,,

    limit probably 98%. Thus, unlikely alimit probably 98%. Thus, unlikely a

    center of the of the machine.


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    Electron potential well accelerates the ions.Electron potential well accelerates the ions.


    But the electrons experience high grid losses.But the electrons experience high grid losses.e power s ope ess.e power s ope ess.

    Both electron and ion confinement isBoth electron and ion confinement is

    ynam c, so s s ner a ec ro ynam cynam c, so s s ner a ec ro ynam cfusion, (IEF)fusion, (IEF)

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    "On the Inertial-Electrostatic Confinement of a Plasma", William C. Elmore, James L.

    Tuck, Kenneth M. Watson, The Physics of Fluids, v. 2, no. 3, May-June 1959.

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    with magneticallywith magnetically--insulated magridinsulated magrid

    than fusion fuel ions fields that cantthan fusion fuel ions fields that cant..

    Remember, this isRemember, this is dynamicdynamic confinement,confinement,

    an o e ec rons an ons are nan o e ec rons an ons are nconstant, vigorous motion.constant, vigorous motion.

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    childs toy ballchilds toy ball

    flux exhibiting diamagnetic behaviorflux exhibiting diamagnetic behavior

    --down to small effective diameterdown to small effective diameter

    transits of center, but retained bytransits of center, but retained byfundamental magrid recirculation behaviorfundamental magrid recirculation behavior

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    Forming a wiffleballForming a wiffleballOne look at these, and the nickname was obvious

    The enormous flux of electrons at the center exhibits diamagnetic properties(it excludes magnetic fields). This pushes back the magnetic field andconstricts the cusp holes.

    With apologies to the Wiffle Ball Corporation the resemblance of thisphenomenon to their marvelous toy is apparent, and we hope they dont

    mind the association with a project to save the world.

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    Truncated cube (6 magnets, open faces andTruncated cube (6 magnets, open faces andcornerscorners

    Magnets spaced slightly apart to avoid funnyMagnets spaced slightly apart to avoid funny

    cus losses.cus losses. Magnets are simple copper solenoid coils, allMagnets are simple copper solenoid coils, all

    with the same pole pointed in.with the same pole pointed in.

    Wiffleball trapping plus MaGrid factor givesWiffleball trapping plus MaGrid factor giveselectron lifetimes of around 100,000 transitselectron lifetimes of around 100,000 transits

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    models said it should.models said it should.

    details of magrid constructions that priordetails of magrid constructions that prior..

    Worked about a thousand times betterWorked about a thousand times better

    an prev ous mo e prev ous mo e s. Four replicate fusion runs before it friedFour replicate fusion runs before it fried

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    Pulsed due rimaril to limitations of availablePulsed due rimaril to limitations of available

    power supplies. Ran on capacitors for highpower supplies. Ran on capacitors for highvoltage.voltage.

    e us on was pro uce n su m secone us on was pro uce n su m seconbursts just when a deep potential well wasbursts just when a deep potential well was


    Deuterium, 2Deuterium, 2--3 neutrons counted per test,3 neutrons counted per test,1.3x101.3x1044 neutrons/count, 2 fusions per neutron.neutrons/count, 2 fusions per neutron.

    Resulting rate between 1e8 and 1e9 fusions perResulting rate between 1e8 and 1e9 fusions persecond at a potential well depth of only 10 kV!second at a potential well depth of only 10 kV!

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    DT running at 150 kV.DT running at 150 kV.

    kV and above.kV and above.

    u a usor a are y ma esu a usor a are y ma esdetectable fusion. WB6 wasdetectable fusion. WB6 was screamingscreaming,,

    runn ng a a very g ra e or suc a owrunn ng a a very g ra e or suc a owvoltage.voltage.

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    (neon sign glow discharge) that drained(neon sign glow discharge) that drainedthe ca acitors. This was due to excessthe ca acitors. This was due to excessgas, not some intrinsic limit of the concept.gas, not some intrinsic limit of the concept.

    This does demonstrate what happens ifThis does demonstrate what happens ifexcess fuel is introduced: the machine willexcess fuel is introduced: the machine willchoke. This is an intrinsic safety feature.choke. This is an intrinsic safety feature.

    Further work should incorporate anFurther work should incorporate animproved ion source.improved ion source.

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    metering rather than a carburetormetering rather than a carburetor

    waste of good booze?waste of good booze?

    ou a crac e p s on a er our es sou a crac e p s on a er our es smean the technology was doomed?mean the technology was doomed?

    Or would you build an improved engineOr would you build an improved enginewith fuel metering, cooling, oil system?with fuel metering, cooling, oil system?

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    .... ,,

    runs, better endurance, better fuelruns, better endurance, better fuelmeterin .meterin .

    WB8: Truncated dodecahedron, sameWB8: Truncated dodecahedron, same

    size as WB7, to see if lesssize as WB7, to see if less--quasi, morequasi, morespherical geometry improves performancespherical geometry improves performanceas expected.

    Aim for much betterAim for much better--quality data, quasiquality data, quasi--continuous operation.continuous operation.

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    Why?Less quasi,


    Artwork by Tony Rusiand Skip Baker

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    Sure is ambitious even audaciousSure is ambitious even audacious

    You could aim for a series of intermediate sizesYou could aim for a series of intermediate sizesas a risk mitigation measureas a risk mitigation measure

    Dr. Bussard thinks intermediate sizes are aDr. Bussard thinks intermediate sizes are a

    waste of time and money. The scaling stronglywaste of time and money. The scaling strongly. .. .

    And there appears to be no reason why a pAnd there appears to be no reason why a p--BB1111

    reactor could not be built 2 m 200 Mreactor could not be built 2 m 200 M

    If the pIf the p--BB1111 reaction proved impractical, thatreaction proved impractical, thatreactor would still run DT or DD.reactor would still run DT or DD.

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    energy far too highenergy far too high

    machine circa 100 kV potential wellmachine circa 100 kV potential well

    depthdepthAlmost all reaction energy comes off in 3Almost all reaction energy comes off in 3

    alpha particles. No neutrons, noalpha particles. No neutrons, no

    radioactive byproducts, allows directradioactive byproducts, allows directconversionconversion

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    energy of charged particles, especiallyenergy of charged particles, especially

    The opposite of putting kinetic energy inThe opposite of putting kinetic energy in..

    Decelerate against electric fields to makeDecelerate against electric fields to make

    g vo age .g vo age . pp--BB1111 may allow close to 95% recoverymay allow close to 95% recovery

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    requirements, reduces costsrequirements, reduces costs --

    existing technologyexisting technology

    -- 1111fuel abundant and cheapfuel abundant and cheap

    market, contribute to fuel production,market, contribute to fuel production,market maybemarket maybe $5 T per year$5 T per year??

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    NSTAR/DS1: 2.3 kW, 93 mN,NSTAR/DS1: 2.3 kW, 93 mN,

    spsp -- secsec

    ESEX 27 kW arcjet,ESEX 27 kW arcjet,

    IIspsp 500500--1200 sec1200 sec

    180 HP light aircraft: 134 kW180 HP light aircraft: 134 kW

    SSMEs : 18 GW, 1.7 MN, ISSMEs : 18 GW, 1.7 MN, Iss 460460secsec

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    use relativistic electron beam heating ofuse relativistic electron beam heating of..

    IIspsp, higher thrust, for shorter missions., higher thrust, for shorter missions.

    ..reaction mass added to fusion productreaction mass added to fusion product

    .. spsp,,thrust, for longthrust, for long--range missions.range missions.

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?



    Reaction mass used as the coolant, soReaction mass used as the coolant, so.. spsp,,

    thrust. Good for launches, landers, shortthrust. Good for launches, landers, short


    CSR: Controlled Space Radiation.CSR: Controlled Space Radiation.

    .. spsp,,thrust and more junk in the trunk.thrust and more junk in the trunk.

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    Relative PerformanceRelative Performance

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  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    -- ,,

    REB heating of reaction mass, typicallyREB heating of reaction mass, typically--.. ,,

    lower Ilower Ispsp and higher thrust.and higher thrust.

    -- ,,larger heat radiators required. High Ilarger heat radiators required. High Ispsp,,

    ..accelerator rather than REB heating.accelerator rather than REB heating.

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    (DFP)(DFP) Low thrust hi h ILow thrust hi h I ::

    50,000 sec to > 1050,000 sec to > 1066

    secsec Radiators requiredRadiators required

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    Spacecraft Based on TheseSpacecraft Based on These


    an ersan ers

    Short rangeShort range

    Intermediate rangeIntermediate range

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?



    AirAir--breathing at lowbreathing at lowaltitude (like scramjet)altitude (like scramjet)

    Hydrogen reaction massHydrogen reaction massat high altitudeat high altitude


    Thrust 208.6Thrust 208.6--83.2 T83.2 T

    Wet 250 T Dr 155 TWet 250 T Dr 155 T

    System Technical and Economic Features of QED-Engine-Driven SpaceTransportation, Robert W. Bussard

    33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit

    Payload 35 TPayload 35 T $27/kg to LEO$27/kg to LEO

    Inertial-Electrostatic-Fusion Propulsion Spectrum: Air-Breathingto Interstellar Flight, R. W. Bussard and L. W. Jameson, Journal ofPropulsion and Power, v. 11, no. 2, pps 365-372.

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    reaction massreaction mass II 15901590--2760 sec2760 sec

    Thrust 75.5Thrust 75.5--43.5 T43.5 T

    ,, Payload 35 TPayload 35 T

    System Technical and Economic Features of QED-Engine-Driven SpaceTransportation, Robert W. Bussard



    33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit

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    Water reaction massWater reaction mass

    IIspsp 7800 sec7800 sec


    Payload 78 TPayload 78 T


    - -

    Transportation, Robert W. Bussard

    33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    DFP preferred, CSRDFP preferred, CSR--B usableB usable

    IIspsp 70,000 sec (almost continuous thrust)70,000 sec (almost continuous thrust) Wet 400T, Dry 148 TWet 400T, Dry 148 T

    Payload 45 TPayload 45 T

    V 354.5 km/secV 354.5 km/sec $331.20/kg$331.20/kg

    R. W. Bussard and L. W. Jameson, "From SSTO to Saturn'sMoons: Superperformance Fusion Propulsion for PracticalSpaceflight," 30th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint PropulsionConference, 27-29 June, 1994, AIAA 94-3269.

    Emc2fusion.orgystem ec n ca an conom c eatures o - ng ne- r ven pace

    Transportation, Robert W. Bussard

    33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit

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    Estimates include transportation costs of theEstimates include transportation costs of the

    peop e, a generous a owance o equ pmen anpeop e, a generous a owance o equ pmen an

    supplies for each, and regular trips for each, and regular trips home. s ma es o no nc u e e cos o es ma es o no nc u e e cos o e

    equipment and supplies, just the transportequipment and supplies, just the transport

    .. Estimates expect 10 years, many trips.Estimates expect 10 years, many trips.

    ,,life cycle costs cycle costs included.

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    25 tons of stuff each25 tons of stuff each ..

    . . ussar , ystem ec n ca an conom c eatures o - ng ne- r ven pace

    Transportation," 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 6-9July, 1997, AIAA 97-3071.

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    50 tons stuff each50 tons stuff each ..

    . . ussar , ystem ec n ca an conom c eatures o - ng ne- r ven pace

    Transportation," 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 6-9July, 1997, AIAA 97-3071.

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    60 tons stuff each60 tons stuff each ..

    . . ussar , ystem ec n ca an conom c eatures o - ng ne- r ven pace

    Transportation," 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 6-9July, 1997, AIAA 97-3071.

    1200 l M f th t f1200 l M f th t f

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?


    1200 people on Mars for the cost of1200 people on Mars for the cost of

    a few Apollo landings?!!a few Apollo landings?!!

    High payload fractionsHigh payload fractions,,

    Craft highly reusableCraft highly reusable

    Reaction mass from native materials whereverReaction mass from native materials wherever

    Each part of the system improves the economicsEach part of the system improves the economics..

  • 8/22/2019 Inertial Electrodynamic Fusion - Is this the answer to interplanetary space travel?




    Many earlier papers referenced, available at AskmarMany earlier papers referenced, available at Askmar ( (originalAnalogAnalog article, many refs)article, many refs)


    but these websites above should contain all.but these websites above should contain all.