information about five elements


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CONTENT INTRODUCTION Krypton Aluminum Curium Mercury Lutetium About bibilography conclusion

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INTRODUCTION ABOUT CHEMISTRY Chemistry is a branch of physical science that studies the

composition, structure, properties and change of matter Chemistry deals with such topics as the properties of individual atoms how atoms form chemical bonds to create chemical compounds the interactions of substances through intermolecular forces that give matter its general properties, and the interactions between substances through chemical reactions to form different substances.Chemistry is sometimes called the centra science because it bridges other natural sciences including physics, geology and biology For the differences between chemistry and physics see Comparison of chemistry and physicsScholars disagree about the etymology of the word chemistry The history of chemistry can be traced to alchemy which had been practiced for several millennia in various parts of the world.

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INFORMATION ABOUT KRYPTON Krypton (Kr) isn’t just the element that makes Superman weak. Krypton

is an actual element on the chart and it is even in the air that we breathe. It is in miniscule amounts – about 1 part per million – but it is still there. On Mars, krypton is also existent in a much smaller amount – about 0.3 parts per million.

Krypton is odorless and colorless as a gas. But as a solid, krypton looks like a white crystalline substance. It is classified as a gas at room temperature and its atomic number is 36 with an atomic weight of 83.798. Its name derives from the Greek word for hidden, which is kryptos.

Krypton was discovered in 1898 by two chemists – a Scottish chemist named Sir William Ramsay and an English chemist named Morris M. Travers. They were studying liquefied air and noticed that some small amounts of krypton were left behind once the liquid air was boiled away.

This element is often found in some photographic flashes in photography and some fluorescent light bulbs contain a mixture of krypton and argon gases. It can also be used to make signs that have a yellowish- green glow to them.

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INFORMATION ABOUT ALUMINUM Aluminum has a wide variety of uses in everyday life.

Aluminum can be used to create cans for soft drinks, but it is also used for manufacturing kitchen utensils, siding for houses and so much more. It’s great for using in industrial materials when a lightweight yet durable material is needed and it also used for purpose of conductivity. It has been used in everything ranging from a thin foil used for wrapping foods to being part of today’s airplanes and rockets.

Aluminum’s atomic number is 13 and its atomic weight is 26.9815386. It is classified as a metal and it is a solid when it is at room temperature. Its name comes from the Latin for alum, which is alumen. It is the most plentiful metal in the crust of the earth and all of the world’s aluminum has formed other compounds by combining with other elements.

The metal has been known about since 1787, but Hans Christian Oersted, a Danish chemist, becamse the first person to create small amounts of it. Friedrich Wohler, a German chemist found a way to obtain it. Because of the advancements in technology for commercially producing aluminum, the price per kilogram dropped from $1200 in 1852 down to $40 in 1859. However, it was still too expensive for widespread use.

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INFORMATION ABOUT CURINUM The element curium (Cm) is created by adding many helium ions to

plutonium. It is named after Marie Curie, a physicist who is credited with discovering and working with radioactivity. One of the reasons it was named after Marie Curie is because this element is so radioactive that it actually glows in the dark! It has the atomic number of 96 and an atomic weight of 247. At room temperature, it is a solid and it is classified as a metal.

Curium was created by a team of scientists working at UC-Berkeley in 1944. They were Glenn Seaborg, Ralph James, and Albert Ghiorso. The element has a half-life of 163 days and it can decay through spontaneous fission or through alpha decay.

There are only a few uses for curium. In fact, only a few milligrams of curium have been produced, so there is no commercial use for this element. It is mainly used for scientific research purposes. One time, however, it was used was during a mission to Mars with the Alpha Proton X-Ray Spectrometer.

Since curium is not created in nature and it is only manufactured in very small quantities, most people will never encounter this element.

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INFORMATION ABOUT MERCURY Also known as quicksilver, the element mercury (Hg) is a heavy and silvery

metal. When mercury is at room temperature, it is in liquid form. That is why it is often used in barometer, thermometers and other apparatuses.

However, mercury can be highly toxic and it can be lethal if a person comes into contact with it. It can cause bodily harm if inhaled, ingested through the digestive tract, or even absorbed into the skin. It can then accumulate and cause severe sickness or even death. As a result, many manufacturers have moved away from using the substance in many of their products. Many thermometers and barometers are now made with an alcohol filling or they are digital.

Mercury’s atomic number is 80 and its atomic weight is 200.59. It was named after the planet Mercury. It has been found in Egyptian tombs dating back more than 3,000 years and about half of the world’s supply of mercury is produced by Italy and Spain.

The element mercury can combine with other elements to make various compounds. For instance, mercuric chloride is a poisonous salt that was once commonly used for disinfecting wounds. Mercurous chloride is a compound used as an antiseptic for killing bacteria.

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Lutetium (Lu) was discovered by Georges Urbain in 1907. As a result for discovering it, he was given the right to name it. He named it lutecium, but chemists later changed the named to lutetium.

This element is difficult to prepare and it does not have many practical uses. Its atomic number is 71 and its atomic weight is 174.9668. It is a solid metal and the name for it comes from the ancient name for the city of Paris – Lutetia.

Urbain received credit for discovering lutetium when he determined that the element ytterbium was actually composed of two elements – neoytterbium and the element he named luteicum. Another scientist – Carl Auer von Welsbach of Germany, reached a similar conclusion around the time as Urbain’s findings, although they were both working independently. He named the two elements albebaraium and cassiopium.

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INFORMATION ABOUT BIBILOGRAPHY Bibliography (from Greekβιβλιογραφία bibliographia, literally "book writing"), as a discipline, is traditionally the academic study of books as physical, cultural objects; in this sense, it is also known as bibliology[1] (from Greek -λογία, -logia). Carter and Barker (2010) describe bibliography as a twofold scholarly discipline—the organized listing of books (enumerative bibliography) and the systematic description of books as physical objects (descriptive bibliography).

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CONCLUSION Krypton, Aluminum, Curium ,

Mercury, Lutetium this all elements are present in periodic table

Krypton, Aluminum, Curium , Mercury, Lutetium this all elements are usefull in daily life

Some are hazardous and some are non hazardous

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Presented by :K.RAGH