information age


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Information AgeSix Networks that changed our world

Our messages from the mundane to the memorable_ can be counted, compressed and reduced to fundamental ‘bits’. This is information.

Information Age tells the story of 200 years of information and telecommunication networks.

Across six networks, it reveals the hidden infrastructure and devices that have allowed us to send more information further and faster than ever before.

Through 21 transforming moments, it presents the extraordinary people who have created, used and been affected by each new wave of technology

oThe CABLE networkoThe BROADCAST network o The EXCHANGE networkoThe CONSTELLATION networkoThe CELL networkoThe WEB network

The table of contents

I. The cable network

by Joris and Arthur

What’s it ?

- a computer ?

- a sewing machine under a glass dome ?

- a projector ?

No it’s the telegraph!

It was created in 1835. Telegraph networks send information from point to point in the form of electrical pulses.

Pulses sent from Morse keys travel throught cables and are received by Morse sounders.

The science museum think this object is important because this one began the era of the network.

CommunicationThe telegraph is the transmitter in the communication network :




People’s Lives:This invention has changed people’s lives

because this one enable to send a message and receive it quite quickly.

… And to communicate faster on long distances.

3 words:Morse code (with energy pulses)(.. / .-.. --- ...- .

/ .--. --- - .- - --- . ...)

A telegraph line

Stop:.-. --- -.-- .- .-.. / -... .- -... -.-- / -... --- .-. -. / ... -

--- .--. / -.-. .... .- .-. .-.. --- - - . / ... - --- .--.

A summaryThe limits on our messages are the way we

communicate because we must give the essential information.

But we can’t make or maintain human relationships.

II. The broadcast network

by Mathis and Virgile



The broadcast

Information is carried by

electromagnetic signals.

The broadcast network

Signals sent out from transmitters travel through the air and are picked

up by many different receivers

What was it used for?

TransmitterReceiver: lke TV

It’s a very important object because …

… today, pupils can know piece of news just in some minutes.

Before After

Before After

Changed people’s lives?

People get very


The broadcast network in 3 words




What do you think are the best and worst things about TV and radio?

People became…….





III. The exchange network

by Jennyfer and Milaan

Was it used to speak with others?

The wooden thing to speak …

Numbers …

Manual 50-line switchboard / Jones Bros / 1879.

- System used to connect telephone calls with many separate phone.

- One of the oldest switchboards still in existence

- Beginning of the exchange network and people being connected together.

CommunicationCommunication networks need three





Explanations Transmitter


IV. The constellation network

by Bertille and Mathilde

The constellation Network : first Impressions

-A satellite ?

- a model ?

- a UFO ?

The satellite Telsar 1

Used to share the television between Europe and the USA.

It is the first time a television program could be directly transmitted in Europe and in the United States at the same time.



Transmitter Receiver

Teslar 1 is a Receiver and a Transmitter.

People’s lives

Telsar has changed people’s lives because the information can go faster with it and they can receive the pictures.

Now the whole planet could distribute pictures everywhere in real time.


Satellites like NASA satellites are used for the phone or GPS and TV transmissions.Communication-Modernity-International

If all the satellites disappeared…?

The world will plunges into a total black, nobody being able to communicate with nobody.

GPS, television, telephones , the maritime radars and the control towers of airports would not be usable, engendering numerous dangers.

V. The cell network

by Sacha, Lothaire and Gautier

A cactus ? With something inside ? It seems to be old and it should be used to protect the thing inside and to look nice

An old antenna ?

It was used to

transmit radio waves ?Because the thing inside seems to be used for it and because it was located in the cell network

InvestigateThis objet is an antenna like I thoughtIt was used to transmit radio waves like I

thoughtIt is important because it’s beautiful to see

and difficult to differentiate from other cactus and it allows peoples to phone.


I think this is both an transmitter and a receiver

People’s lives

This object has changed people’s life because they could phone to other people, even if they were in very foreign countries. All the very interessant things that happens in town could be transmited to them.


Three words could be picked up : phone, transmittion, cact

3 Words to describe this Network




DiscussWe don’t think that communication technology spoils the environnement because communication is the base of the human society.

We must consider gradualy the environnement

VI. The web network

by Eulalie, Alexandre, Simon


a printer

sound waves emitter strong-box

What was it used for ?

In 1973, perter Kirstein connected University college Londo to the ARPANET, the world’s first packet-switched computer network. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s Kirstein helped move sprawing and incompatible computer networks onto the protocols that gave rise to the global internet as know it today.


It is a transmitter and a receiver


Information was transmitted faster






The Internet can make us smarter because it can be useful to learn more and more things about life and lessons.