informative letter for global capital raise

STRATEGY CONSULTING & EXECUTIVE ADVISORY AGENCY 1 INFORMATIVE LETTER OUR K E Y W O R D S Core Business: Acquisitions and Private Investments Sectoral Focus: Private Companies/ Private Projects Revenue Model: Primarily Success fees Geography: SE Europe & East Mediterranean Region Mission: Regional Expertise, Global Transactions CORE BUSINESS Our primary focus is on corporate acquisitions under a mandate from either the vendor or the acquirer. We also source and arrange minority equity investments, mezzanine debt, bank loans and project finance. On the sell-side our clients are always private enterprises, while on the buy-side we deal with individual, corporate or institutional investors. ADVISORY & SUPPORT SERVICES We offer in-house the advisory services needed to evaluate and execute any private investment; post-investment control and monitoring services; and full-scope advisory on the establishment of private, closed-end Investment Funds. Scope of Services: Our main business is the facilitation of Private Investment in Private Enterprise. We offer a wide range of services in-house, ranging from plain business brokerage to highly specialized advisory services for Enterprises (Sell- side) and Investors (buy-side). Professional or Regulated Services are facilitated by us through select, highly qualified associates. We make sure our clients can obtain from us, or through us, a comprehensive package of high quality services: a one- stop shop service. BUY A BUSINESS: Our services to buyers of businesses are free. Find out how we operate in more detail, get guidance on buying an established business and Search our database of businesses for sale

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Post on 18-Jan-2017




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Core Business: Acquisitions and Private Investments

Sectoral Focus: Private Companies/ Private Projects

Revenue Model: Primarily Success fees

Geography: SE Europe & East Mediterranean Region

Mission: Regional Expertise, Global Transactions


Our primary focus is on corporate acquisitions under a mandate from either the vendor or the acquirer. We also source and arrange minority

equity investments, mezzanine debt, bank loans and project finance. On the

sell-side our clients are always private enterprises, while on the buy-side we deal with individual, corporate or institutional investors.


We offer in-house the advisory services needed to evaluate and execute any

private investment; post-investment control and monitoring services; and full-scope

advisory on the establishment of private, closed-end Investment Funds.

Scope of Services: Our main business is the facilitation of Private Investment in Private Enterprise. We offer a wide range of services in-house, ranging from plain business brokerage to highly specialized advisory services for Enterprises (Sell-side) and Investors (buy-side). Professional or Regulated Services are facilitated by us through select, highly qualified associates. We make sure our clients can obtain from us, or through us, a comprehensive package of high quality services: a one-stop shop service.

BUY A BUSINESS: Our services to buyers of businesses are free. Find out how we operate in more detail, get guidance on buying an established business and Search our database of businesses for sale




We are business sales specialists, committed to maintaining the highest professional standards, while offering you a wide selection of businesses for sale. We operate on very strict pricing and fee policies and all Asking Prices quoted include our fees. We do not charge Buyers with any fees or expenses.

Please note that we have engagements to sell businesses which, for confidentiality reasons, are not listed publicly. If you cannot find the business you want on our web-site, click here to SEND AN EQUIRY, or email us and we will do our best to assist you with your search.

Benefits of Registration: By Registering and filling in the online Buyer’s Preferences Form, you enable us to perform targeted market research at no cost to you, to source the type of business you are looking for – even if it is not listed by us yet. Note that in order to release details of a specific business we will need you to sign a Confidentiality Agreement.

If you are in the market for an Acquisition over €5 million, such a Hotel, Industry or other large company, go to the Mid - Market Page.

SELL A BUSINESS: Selling a business requires consistent and targeted effort over a long period of time. Read on about how we can assist you achieve your business sale goals

As business sales specialists we manage business sales in a highly systematic, professional and confidential manner. We certainly save you time and effort and, in many cases, can also save you money. Our job requires knowhow and international networking that most business owners do not have. You are better off with us than without us!

Whether we are dealing with a small business or a large multinational company, the main stages in a business sale are the same:

1. Fact-finding, Understanding Value Drivers, Making Projections, Performing a Valuation

2. Performing Market Research to identify likely Buyers

3. Preparing promotional material (e.g. No-Name Executive Summary, Information Memorandum)

4. Making preliminary approaches & short-listing interested Buyers

5. Conducting Negotiations/ Deal Structuring

6. Closing (coordinate advisors/professionals, iron out problems, etc.)

The table below outlines in more detail the above steps. It may seem long, but we suggest you study it carefully. It is the minimum you need to know if you are considering a business sale.





DECISION TO SELL: Apart from the emotional issue, selling your business is a long and complicated process (see below). You cannot just “test the waters” to see what happens, or start the selling process without being thoroughly prepared and committed.

We need to be convinced that you are committed to sell your business. If the commitment is not there, we cannot accept an engagement from you.

TIMING: If you have a choice with regard to timing, the best time to sell your business is when it is mature and profitable but still growing - and the general market conditions favourable. It is possible to sell a business which has started to decline (even one which is losing money) and in unfavourable market conditions, but in such conditions the buyer has the upper hand. Keep in mind that there is no such thing as a “quick sale” when it comes to businesses – so, start planning an exit strategy early, preferably when you still do not need to sell your business. Take into account your personal circumstances, the stage in your business’s life cycle (yes, businesses too have ageing problems) and the general economic climate. Think strategically, think two to three years ahead!

Timing is often imposed by succession, family, financial or health issues. For others, it’s just time to move on, change lifestyle, may be start another business. We cannot determine the timing of your decision, but we do advise you to make the decision before it’s imposed upon you, as a sale may take from a few months to a couple of years.

REASON TO SELL: What’s your motivation for selling and how do you explain this to prospective Buyers? This is the first question buyers will ask! A wrong phrase at this stage, may alienate an otherwise willing buyer.

We advise you on how to communicate your motivation in a straightforward manner; how you present your case is just as important as being truthful

THE DAY AFTER: What do you want to do after the business is sold? Are you willing to stay on for a reasonable hand-over period? Stay on long-term as a Manager or Director? Are

We will explain your options, the pro’s and con’s in each case and help you finalize your decision. Buyers are suspicious of Vendors who just want to cash-out and then go on holiday!




you willing to retain a minority stake in the business? Are you willing to sign a Non-Compete? Will you want to start or buy a new business?

DEAL STRUCTURING: Determine what type of deal you will accept. Most sellers prefer an all-cash-upfront sale, but you must be ready to negotiate, because such a sale is the last thing buyers want! Will you accept an Earn-out or Deferred payments? Part payment in kind? Are you willing to sell a majority instead of 100%? If the business operates out of its own premises, do you want the real estate to be sold together with the business, rent it to the new owners, or take it out of the business and sell it separately?

We will advise you throughout the negotiation process and explain the implications of each choice; even when there is agreement on the value of the business, closing the deal may not be achieved if there are big differences in deal structuring.

TARGET BUYERS: Do you know what type of Buyers are most likely to be interested in your business? For example, an individual who wants a small business to own, manage and make a living, has different requirements from a wealthy investor who does not want to manage the business personally. Then, there are lifestyle investors, strategic/corporate buyers and institutional investors. All these may be locals, from another region in your country, from a foreign country, or emigres who want to repatriate. An international promotion is usually advisable, as it enlarges the list of target buyers substantially and reaches buyers in countries where the economy may be in a much better shape than your region.

If you do not know who to target, you may waste a lot of time and effort going in the wrong direction – or sell your business for less. With our knowledge of business sales, corporate acquisitions and international network, we can advise on what type Buyers to target and in which countries.

PROMOTION: Based on the type and country of Buyers targeted, plan your promotional campaign – different target buyers require different strategies. The main challenge is what media to choose, especially if you plan to promote abroad, where the biggest market may be. You may also be

We will devise promotional strategies, discuss with you and finalize. We can cast a very wide net, through all channels and methods, locally and internationally (e.g. database of buyers, our website, internet ads, print ads, our network of associates). Or, we can focus on




handicapped by the fact that, especially in the case of corporate buyers, the only way to “open doors” and make a direct approach is through professionals or agents who have access to the decision-makers. You also have to decide at this stage, whether to approach competitors, clients or suppliers. In many cases, these are the most likely buyers; but on the other hand, it is a very sensitive issue. Overall, the “do-it-yourself“ approach works best if you already know who the likely buyers are and have direct access to them. Even then, it may be advisable to retain an agent to make the first approach.

specific targets and orchestrate a direct and discrete approach to them. Or, a combination of both. We promote continuously and for an indefinite period, through the channels and methods agreed, until your business is sold. Finally, note that we can approach any prospect and keep your identity confidential – something you cannot do if you approach prospects personally.

FINANCIALS & OPERATIONAL DETAILS: Prepare Accounts of your business for at least the last three years. This is a must. No business can be sold without up-to-date financials. Also, any other operational information that will help present an accurate and favourable picture of your business, especially information which shows that your business has growth potential (e.g. excess capacity, market growth, repeat clients, etc.).

We will want to go over your accounts from the first visit and understand the value drivers and growth potential of your business, so we may advise on what operational details must be emphasized.

DOCUMENTATION FOLDER: It’s best if you prepare a folder with all business documents: This should include ata minimum the following: First, an one-page Profile with a brief business history, its management/principals, short descriptions of the main lines of business, offices and/or facilities locations, market share, main clients, main competitors, competitive advantages and growth prospects. Then copies of Company Registrar Certificates, Financial Statements, Rent/Lease Agreements, List of major assets (property, equipment, machinery, vehicles), Property Titles, Licenses, Permits, Standards certificates (ISO, HACCP and the such) and, if you have them, Property Valuations and a Business Valuation.

The success of our promotional effort will depend, to a large extent, on the quality and amount of information available. This is especially true for overseas buyers who will not bother to make the trip to view your business, unless they are satisfied that all that could be done from a distance, i.e. by phone, e-mail or mail, has been done. If you have not prepared a folder with all business documentation we will ask you to prepare one. We do not release any information unless a Confidentiality Agreement is signed first and (where possible) the recipients’ background checked.




VALUATION: The question “How much is my Business worth?” is usually the first one asked. Each business is different and for the same business the value to the owner is one thing and the value to the buyer another – and again, this depends on the type of buyer. So, because Valuation is not an exact science, it is always advisable to have a negotiating range in mind. There are many different valuation approaches but the three main ones are: The income approach, which is based on the future cash flows of the business; the asset approach, which is based on the value of the business assets; and the market approach, which is based on the sale prices of comparable business. There are many other valuation methods, but at the end of the day it’s matter of how much you are willing to accept and how much the buyer is willing to pay.

First, we cannot address the question of Valuation before going through most of the steps above – especially the “Target Buyer” and “Financials & Operational Details” issues. If you own a large business it is advisable to engage a qualified Financial Analyst to perform a formal Valuation, always using at least three different methods. We do not provide formal Valuations, but we can advise on what is a reasonable price range based on the information provided by you and our knowledge of the market.

RE-CASTING OF FINANCIALS: Standard format (IFRS) accounts are a must, but depending on the type of Buyer and the size/type of your business, you may need to provide additional and more detailed financial reports. You may also need to re-cast your accounts so they are suitable for a buyer or investor and not just the taxman.

We will advise on the format of any additional financial reports, but a qualified accountant (or your in-house accountant) should prepare these for you.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/INVESTMENT MEMORANDUM: Corporate sellers will need to prepare a professional Investment Memorandum and Executive Summary, which we will distribute in private to targeted buyers, our associates and select placement agents abroad.

We can advise on the structure, content and size. We can also refer clients to suitably qualified professionals and supervise their work on your behalf.

CONFIDENTIALITY IN PROMOTION: This is always a balancing act: the less information you make publicly available, the less likely it is that a prospective

We always aim to provide sufficient information to attract the right kind of buyer without disclosing the identity of the business. We also screen all inquiries and only notify you when we have real interest for a




buyer will take interest in your proposal, simply because it is not clear to him/her. On the other hand, you may not want your staff, competitors, clients, or even friends & relatives, to know that you are selling the business. You also do not want to be flooded with inquiries from people who are just curious, but have no intention of buying (“time-wasters”).

sale. We discuss confidentiality issues at a very early stage with our clients and mutually agree on the suitable balance.

CONFIDENTIALITY IN FURTHER DISCLOSURES: Once you made contact with a possible buyer, then the process of disclosures begins. How much information you give and at what stage, is always a difficult question. On one hand, a bona fide buyer needs detailed information based on which to make a decision – often sensitive and confidential information. On the other hand, you do not want to make any unnecessary disclosures before you are reasonably assured that the sale will be achieved. Fortunately, there are well established and commonly accepted procedures which address this issue. They entail the use of Confidentiality Agreements, Letters of Intent, Term Sheets (or Heads of Agreement), Representations, Escrow Accounts, Due Diligence procedures and other “tools of the trade” which are best left to professionals.

Once we have screened an interested buyer, we always request he/she signs a Confidentiality Agreement (at this stage, most of the “time-wasters” disappear!). Only then do we disclose names and financials. If there is serious interest, we arrange for a first meeting between buyer and you. After that, if detailed negotiations proceed, we will advise on procedures depending on the size and complexity of the transaction. At this stage, clients should retain the services of a Legal Advisor, preferably one who specializes in corporate law.

FINANCING: What can you do if the buyer has agreed to buy your business and needs to finance part of the acquisition cost but is having difficulties obtaining a Bank loan or other type financing?

This is the only case where we may accept an engagement by the buyer. Our ability to source financing for the buyer will help you close the deal and also maximize cash you receive upfront.

CLOSURE: Defined as the signing of final and irrevocable sale agreements (not necessarily the day that you collect all the sales proceeds). All agreements should be drafted and/or reviewed by your Legal Advisor.

After several months work involving hundreds of telephone calls, emails, meetings, brainstorming, market research, false leads, failed approaches, etc. etc., we would definitely not miss such a happy event. Plus this is pay day for us!




COST: If the question of Valuation comes first, then the second question is usually “How much is your commission?” Wrong question! What needs to be compared is the cost of:

1. The Do-it-Yourself approach:

How much shall I pay for advertising? How effective will my promotion strategy be? Can I identify the right potential buyers? Will I be able to identify and approach overseas buyers? How much time shall I spend on “time wasters”? How much time shall I spend on preliminary discussions that lead nowhere? What is the cost of spending more time to sell my business, instead of managing my business? What is my cost if suppliers, clients or employees find out that I am selling the business? What is my cost if I make mistakes in negotiations? What is my cost if I do not present my business in the best possible manner? What is the cost of not achieving the best possible price? Ultimately, what is the cost of failure?

VERSUS, the cost of:

2.The “let the specialists do it” approach (see right column):

Results are not guaranteed, but the chances of achieving a sale faster and at a higher price, are much higher. We firmly believe that these faster and better results also come at a lower overall cost to you, than the Do-it-Yourself approach.

STRATEGY CONSULTING & EXECUTIVE ADVISORY AGENCY provides all the services outlined above (and sometimes more) at a nominal, front-end, once-off Registration Fee and a back-end Success Fee (commonly: commission). The Registration Fee covers only a small fraction of our cost and is much less than what a consultant (or several consultants) would charge for the services we offer our clients from the day we have the first conversation to the day the business is sold. There are no other fees or charges until the business is sold, even if our engagement is renewed.

The Success Fee varies according to several parameters, mainly the type of engagement (Non-Exclusive engagements command higher Success Fees), degree of Confidentiality in Promotion (more Confidentiality means higher Success Fees, since promotion is more difficult) and Asking Price (unrealistic Asking Prices command higher Success Fees, simply because our task is much more difficult).




MID-MARKET: Any investor, even one with a great deal of sophistication and experience, can always benefit from local expertise: to identify targets, assist in due diligence, put a team of local experts together or monitor investments post-closing.

Definition of Mid-Market: There is no generally accepted definition of what constitutes a Mid-Market transaction. For major international Investment Banks and Private Equity firms, Mid Market companies have Enterprise Values between €50M and €500M. For Boutique Investment Banks and Venture Capital firms, the range is more like €10M to €50M. At STRATEGY CONSULTING & EXECUTIVE ADVISORY AGENCY , we have our own definition which is in line with the characteristics of our region, primarily the small domestic markets in which most companies operate.

For our purposes, Mid-Market transactions satisfy at least one of the following criteria:

Sales or Assets of target company over €1M, or Sales or Assets of Acquiring company over €5M, or Transaction value in excess of €2M, in case of an Asset Sale

Mid-Market transactions require much more than just a match-making service. Whether we are engaged by the sell-side or the buy-side, our mission is to provide the customized support needed by our clients to achieve their objectives - before, during or after a transaction.

In order to provide this support effectively, a full understanding of our clients objectives is essential. Our preliminary needs and objectives analysis is free of charge and often reveals alternative strategies and solutions that had never been considered by our clients.

Therefore, it pays to get us involved at an as early stage as possible.

Note that, for confidentiality reasons, most of our Mid-Market clients are not listed on this page.

Contact us to discuss your acquisition objectives in strict confidence, as we may have a non-listed vendor that fits your requirements.

Expertise: Principals & Prime movers have collectively over 120 years experience in Corporate Acquisitions, Financial Services, Banking, Management, Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital. Business Ethics: Our reputation is the foundation of our success and we always strive to maintain the highest ethical standards, both in policy matters and in everyday business practice. Fair Dealing - Fair Representation, Confidentiality, Transparency and avoidance of Conflicts of Interest, are the main principles we apply.




International Reach: A critical success factor in our business is the ability to approach investors that our clients cannot. We cast a wide net and promote intensively, but discretely, through suitable international media and our network of investors. In addition, we leverage the local network of our trusted associates in Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Gulf States, U.S.A.,U.K.Russia and Lebanon. Private Enterprises located in our Region and seeking Investors,Buyers, Partners or Financiers Investors globally, seeking to acquire, invest in, or finance Private Enterprises in our Region One-Stop Shop Services: In any transaction our clients may need supplementary services, such as Audit, Accounting, Legal or Corporate Administration. As expert intermediaries we act as Project Leaders and Lead Advisors, to select and co-ordinate all the professionals that may be needed to offer a comprehensive and integrated package of services

to our clients.

CORPORATE SERVICES : Many of our local -International clients choose to invest through a tax-advantaged Dutch holding company or move their Head Office to other countrie (Ireland, Luxemburg, Malta . We pool our investment management knowhow with select tax accountants and corporate lawyers to offer you advice on the structure...

We offer in-house the core advisory services pertaining to corporate acquisitions and private investments.

Supplementary support services are outsourced to select professionals, as needed. When it comes to investing in Greece or from Greece we offer our clients an one-

stop shop service

In addition, before, during or after a private investment, our clients may need supplementary support services - such as Legal, Audit, Tax Advisory, or Corporate Administration. Whatever the services needed, we are the natural choice to act as Lead Advisors or Project Leaders in any transaction:

First, because we already offer in-house the main and most crucial knowhow needed by our clients. Mainly the fund-raising, investment analysis, deal structuring and post-investment monitoring knowhow.

Second, because we have the experience to determine what supplementary services are needed

Third, because we have no conflict of interest, since our main income is generated from success fees - not from manhours or services rendered. In that respect, we outsource supplementary services only when and if they are necessary to the successful conclusion of a transaction.

Below is a summary of services we outsource and the types of service providers.

Our main tasks as Lead Advisors are to:




advise on what additional services are needed recommend suitable firms, or professionals negotiate their scope & terms of reference monitor their performance and quality of service co-ordinate activities between them ensure our clients get value for money

SERVICES OFFERED BY Strategy Consulting & Executive Advisory Agency in collaboration of VIE FINANCE S.A,

. 01- We resolve Loans:

Business Loans serviced or not Guarantee Loans with Mortgages or not

. 02-Establishment of companies in the Netherlands, England, Switzerland,

Luxembourg, etc. aiming your tax relief

. 03-Establishment entity for tax relief of Franchiseroyalties

. 04-High level Tax Services (International tax planning, tax advice, etc.)

. 05-Establishment, organization and management of targeted investment schemes

established in Luxembourg or Malta and depositary of the Deutche Bank, auditor company Deloitte, and capital management the Altarious Switzerland.

. 06-Find venture capital from private and institutional ventures.

. 07-Open Bank Account in the Netherlands. With or without establishing a branch

. 08-The Branch can evolve and grow with your sales development services at

country level or neighbors.

. 09-Develop Export sales (only Food and Beverage) in China & Korea

. 10-Developing Export Sales in Foods & Drinks or no Food in other countries

. 11-Securing & insured credit offered to your customers

. 12 -Ability as guarantee obtaining the credit to customers. For the money you

owe you can get working capital and guaranteed debt

. 13-Financing type loans, equity, intermediate Development capital for existing

companies and for Start Up Companies




. 14-Sales of Commercial Properties with annual income performance of 10% to

interesting investors

. 15-Business Development activities with developing and promoting sales network

Geographic Focus: Based in Greece member of the European Union and where the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa meet, we are centrally located in the Region of our focus: South Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. We facilitate transactions within the Region, either local or cross-border, but we also facilitate inward investment from outside the Region

Size of Businesses: Our clients size range from “Main Street” (Micro-to-Small Enterprises) to “Mid-Market” (Corporate or Medium-sized Enterprises). We cover a wide range of business sizes to help our clients cross over from one sector to another - whether it’s a major Corporation seeking to acquire a chain of Main Street businesses, or a successful Main Street Business which requires funding to grow into a Regional Corporation.

PRACTICAL TIPS: Venture Capital or innovative funds or venture capital is a way of investing in small businesses that were founded relatively recently (start-up companies) or are in a mature stage. Our involvement for each investment is preparing all the necessary documents to assess the marketability of the investment proposal, advising you on how the investment promotion can be made more attractive (and more marketable) and existing investors or potential (private and institutional) in which we are fully and closely in cooperation..

Furthermore, after your own consent we support your proposal in seeking Strategic Investor or Buyer through:

.Electronic investor attracting Sites supported by EU .You must fill out the

Investment Project Teaser

. Expression of your intention seeking funding from for investment banks. You

must complete and sign your intention for this.

. For Technological products complete the special form for a strategic investor


. In the case of start ups, we turn to in order of priority Jewish Funds and Business

Angels through specialized electronic platforms and corresponding lists supported by the European Union.




. Search Partner / or Investor by the European cross-border cooperation


. Our accession to the European warmers programs (European Union Business

Incubators) in search of investors - business angels, seed capital, venture capital.

. Also supporting your access to funding opportunities such as community grants,

subsidies for SMEs and subsidized loans through the European network of BICs (European Business & Innovation Centers Network)

You are looking at finding investors, right? The best way we have found out to do this, is by making a website or at least an online presentation somewhere for example on LinkedIn with some minimum information. You may not want to reveal all kind of information before you start, but in order to attract someone to invest in you and your project you have to give some kind of information. Just asking a question like you did with a lot of questions marks does not attract too many. After you have presented what you are planning to do, you have to convince someone that you are able to carry out the business. You might have even done a market research, or at least have a thought and idea why you think that this business is so brilliant. An important thing is to state clearly what kind of amounts you are trying to attract, but most important of all is HOW you are going to spend this money, and what the return of investment you can anticipate to the lender / investor. Even with all of these plans and presentations you might still struggle finding a lender / investor just because people are sceptic. Especially if you seek 100% finance or loan it's very difficult. If you have some funding yourself it's a bit easier. It's not impossible of course as people get funded every day, but in either case it needs to be a really good business idea. You also have to set in mind that you are willing to share your success with the lender / investor or anyone cooperating with you. I am just stating this because I have been asked several times to contribute with finding funding for projects for individuals and companies and have experienced on several occasions that the clients who have been asking me to help me raise finds have been a bit or even severely greedy, and they have therefore not managed to get any funding from anyone.

Sharing and dividing is the first key to a successful business.

Every success with your venture.





In Strategy Consulting & Executive Advisory Agency our business advisors are consultants who provide business owners with information that will help them run their businesses more effectively. Our advisors can be consulted on a one-time occasion to assist with streamlining or improving a business, or they can play a more active role, offering recurrent advice sessions to our clients. Our Business advisors have business experience that they can apply to solving problems, identifying potential areas of concern, and helping businesses expand and grow. When a company hires Strategy Consulting & Executive Advisory Agency our consultants may spend some time reviewing records, visiting the premises, meeting with employees, and talking with the business owners about their goals and the history of the business. If there is a specific area of concern, the business advisor can focus on that. Our Services

. Business & Real Estate Investments

.Valuation (due diligence) of PROPERTIES for acquisitions and dispositions


.BILATERAL TRADE (Import-Export)





BUSINESS & CAPITAL ADVISORS Strategy Consulting & Executive Advisory Agency is a Capital Raising Firm | Private Equity Consulting Firm | Hedge Fund Consulting Firm | Venture Capital Consulting Firm that has headquarters in Athens We provide Capital Raises, along with other services to emerging and established, Hedge Funds, VC Funds and Private Equity Funds.




Our Services


. Develop & Implement Exit Strategies

. Capital Raising


. BUSINESS EVALUATION & ORGANIZATION REVIEWS As an Agency we can offer companies acquisitions through Leverage (Leveraged Buyout), others which are in the "mature" level of development seeking Growth capital or experiencing strong economic hardship seeking Hedge funds or start up companies needed Venture capital and also companies seeking Interim Financing (Mezzanine capital). OUR VISION & GOALS. In 30 years of existence we have managed in our business a lot. We feel proud that we won the appreciation and trust of those we knew and / or worked . It is our goal with our choices and daily practice to extend this confidence. We have a multi-lingual personnel for servicing our partners within an international discipline CONTACT PERSON: Mr Dimitrios Shistohilis M.B.A.

C.E.O. & President

Strategy Consulting & Executive Advisory Agency

Email: [email protected] [email protected], [email protected]

Tel.: 0030 217 0001463 Cell: 0030 693 8138279 (private) 0044 770 0004124 (International) Skype ID: Shistohilis Address: VIE FINANCE S.A. 28th Oktovriou str. No 4, 15124, MAROUSI, ATHENS

Website hyperlink: Website hyperlink: