infrared absorption spectra of some experimental glasses ... · infrared absorption spectra of some...

U. S. Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards Research Paper RP1761 Vo lume 38, Januar y 1947 Part of the Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards Infrared Absorption Spectra of Some Experimental Glasses Containing Rare Earth and Other Oxides By Ralph Stair and Conrad A. F aick Thi s pap er g iv es specLral Lra nsmi ion data on soda lime glass containing rare ear th (Y, PI', Nd, Sm, Cd , E r) or oLher co loring oxi l es (V, Cr, Mn , Co, Ni, U) in the spectral region of 0.7 to 4.5 microns. 1. Introduction In conn ect ion with exp erim ent s upon glass sp ectral filters and upon the physi cal prop erti e of cer tain other glasses as a fun ction of their com- position, infrared transmi ssions were measur ed upon a numb er of soda-lime-silica glasse con tain- in g som e rar e earth and other coloring oxides. All glasses were mad e with the same basic compo ition, namely: S i02, 7l.4 percent ; Na20 , 18 .4 p er cent ; and CaO, 10 .2 p er cent , as compu te d from the bat ch mat erials. Calcium and anhydrous so dium carbona te of reagent quality and powd ered crystal- line quartz were employ ed for the base glass. Th e other mat erials were added in the form of oxides. These glasses wer e mel ted in a 25-ml platinum crucible, in a platinum-resi sta nce furna ce. Th e melting pro cedur e followed very closely t hat used in previous experime ntal work [1] * and all glasses received the same tr eatment. Data on the spe- cifi c r efraction and dispersion of some of these glasses hav e been published elsewhere [12] . Th e sampl es obtained oft en con tain ed a few seeds and a small amount of striation whi ch may have caused small error s in absorption measm e- m en ts. However , as the compl ete infrar ed ab- sorption curv e was obtained through the sam e ' Fi gures in brackets indicate tbe literature references at the end of t h is pape r. Rare Earth Oxide Glasses 724217--47--7 area of the sampl e, r el ative valu es b etween the differ ent wav elengths should be ad equat e. Th e rare-earth oxid es used in the produ ction of th ese glasses were from the Jam e coll ect ion that had b een acq uired by the B ur ea Ll . 1 According to tests mad e by the Spectroscopy Section of thi Bur eau, these rar e-earth oxide contained varying amount of impuri ti es , es pecially other rare-earth mat erial s, bu t their purity was judged to be adequat e for the purpo es.of t hi s report. Th e pra seody mium oxid e co n ta ined small amou.nts of lanthanium a nd yttrium in a ddi tion to traces of calcium, copp er , iron, magn esium, and silicon . Th e n eodymium oxide was of high puri ty, containing only traces of calcium, copp er , iron , magnesium , and silicon. Th e sama rium oxide was especially good, containing , in addition to small amounts of calcium and silicon , only traces of magn esium and lead , with prase odymium doub t- ful. The gadolinium oxide conta ined abo ut 10 percent of europium , about 1 p er cen t each of bismuth and magn esium, in addition to a small amount of calcium , trac es of erbium , silicon, and samarium , and possibly traces of potassium and lead . The erbium oxide was not subj ected to as thorough sp ectrochemi cal st udy, bu t it con tained I Coll ection of rare-earth materials prepared by the late Professor James of tbe UniverSity of New Harnl)shi re and subsequently purchased from tbe University by th e National Bureau of St andards. 95

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Page 1: Infrared absorption spectra of some experimental glasses ... · Infrared Absorption Spectra of Some ... magnesium, and silicon. The neodymium oxide was ... Infrared absorption spectra

U. S. Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards

Research Paper RP1761 Volume 38, January 1947

Part of the Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards

Infrared Absorption Spectra of Some Experimental

Glasses Containing Rare Earth and Other Oxides

By Ralph Stair and Conrad A. F aick

This paper g ives specLral Lransmi ion data on soda lime glass containin g ra re ear th

(Y, PI', Nd, Sm, Cd , E r) or oLher coloring oxi les (V, Cr, Mn , Co, Ni, U) in the spectral

region of 0.7 to 4.5 microns.

1. Introduction

In connection with experiments upon glass spectral filters and upon the physical propertie of cer tain other glasses as a function of their com­position, infrared transmissions were measured upon a number of soda-lime-silica glasse contain­ing som e rare earth and other coloring oxides . All glasses were made with the sam e basic compo ition, namely: Si02, 7l.4 percent ; Na20 , 18.4 percent ; and CaO, 10.2 per cent, as computed from the batch materials. Calcium and anhydrous sodium carbonate of reagent quality and powdered crystal­line quartz were employed for the base glass . The other materials were added in the form of oxides.

These glasses wer e m elted in a 25-ml platinum crucible, in a platinum-resistance furnace. The melting procedure followed very closely that used in previous experimental work [1] * and all glasses received the sam e t reatm ent. Data on the spe­cific refraction and dispersion of some of these glasses have been published elsewhere [12] .

The samples obtained often con tained a few seeds and a small amount of striation which may have caused small errors in absorption measm e­m en ts. However , as the complete infrared ab­sorp tion curve was obtained through the same

' Figures in brackets indicate tbe literature references at the end of this paper.

Rare Earth Oxide Glasses 724217--47-- 7

area of the sample, r elative values between the different wavelengths should be adequate.

The r are-earth oxides used in the production of these glasses were from the Jam e collection that had been acq uired by the B ureaLl . 1 According to tests mad e by the Spectroscopy Section of thi Bureau , these rare-earth oxide contained varying amount of impurities, especially other rare-earth materials, but their purity was judged to be adequate for the purpo es.of this r eport.

The praseodymium oxide con tained small amou.nts of lanthanium and yttrium in addition to traces of calcium, copper , iron, magnesium, and silicon. The neodymium oxide was of high puri ty, containing only traces of calcium, copper , iron, magnesium, and silicon. The samarium oxide was especially good, containing, in addition to small amounts of calcium and silicon, only traces of magnesium and lead, with praseodymium doub t­ful. The gadolinium oxide contained about 10 percent of europium, about 1 per cen t each of bismuth and magnesium, in addition to a small amount of calcium, traces of erbium, silicon, and samarium, and possibly traces of potassium and lead. The erbium oxide was no t subj ected to as thorough spectrochemical study, but it con tained

I Collection of rare-earth materials prepared by the late Professor Jam es of tbe UniverSity of New Harnl)shire and subsequently purchased from tbe Uni versity by the National Bureau of Standards.


Page 2: Infrared absorption spectra of some experimental glasses ... · Infrared Absorption Spectra of Some ... magnesium, and silicon. The neodymium oxide was ... Infrared absorption spectra

about 1 percent of yttrium, smaller amounts of holmium and thulium, and traces of scandium and ytterbium. The purity of the yttrium oxide is not known.

An examination of the different absorption curves shows no significant bands for yttrium (see fig. 2) or for europium (see curve 6 for gado­linium, which contains Eu as an impurity) nor the presence of overlapping of absorption bands that might be expected in mixed materials, where the same impurities are present for a number of the glasses. Hence, in most cases, at least, these impurities were in very small amount or else of a type that is known to produce relatively weak absorption within the region of 0.7 to 4.5 J..I. .

Reagent quality oxides were used for the other coloring materials.

All glasses having a silica base show a high absorption in the region of 2.8 to 4.5 J..I., which is caused by some combination of silica with water and other base materials of which the glass is composed. Because this silica absorption may be made to vary between wide limits [9] in the region of 2.9 J..I. simply by controlling the amount of water within the glass, it is impossible to at­tempt to make accurate calculations on compar­ative transmissions within this silica absorption region. Furthermore, analysis of the oxide ab­sorption in the region of 2.8 to 4.5 J..I. is greatly




I- 70 z 1&1

~ 60 1&1 Q.

Z 50

~ 40 III en i 30 III Z

: 20 I-



o o


..... . 1, ~t' 5i 28mn


"" \ \




Figure 1.

\ 5

complicated as the result of the high absorption in the base glass. Either because of this high and variable absorption in the base glass or because the oxides studied have no characteristic bands in this region, no absorption bands between 2.8 and 4.5 J..I. were discovered that could positively be attributed to the oxides added.

The transmission of the base glass is given in figure 1. This glass shows no absorption bands at wavelengths shorter than about 2.8 J..I.. Beyond this wavelength the silica absorption increases rapidly with increase in wayelength.

The glasses vary somewhat in thickness. For several of them two thicknesses were available. This is often useful in infrared studies, because a proper selection of thickness of the specimen per­mits the structure of the absorption spectrum to be exhibited to best adyantage. In this work the more suitable sample was chosen.

II. Instruments and Methods

For a detailed discussion of the experimental procedure, reference is made to previous publica­tions [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. The spectroradiometer consisted of a mirror spectrometer, with mirrors 50 cm in focal length. A small fluorite prism on a Wadsworth mounting was employed.

The observations were made by the "point by point" method. A portable vacuum thermopile of bismuth-silyer, comlected with an iron-clad Thomson galvanometer, was used for measuring the radiation. The source of radiation was a N ernst glower, focused upon the entrance slit of the spectrometer by means of a large concave mirror of I-m focal length. The galvanometer readings were read visually and recorded. The sample was placed in front of the entrance slit of the spectrometer by means of a mechanical car­riage which placed it in the same position for each wavelength. The effective spectral slit width varied from about 0.17 at 2 to 0.07 at 4.5 J..I..

III. Spectral-Transmission Data

A brief description is given of the glass and its special transmission characteristics. A general summary covering the kinds and amounts of oxides added is given in table 1. The glass numbers correspond to the same samples examined in the visible spectrum and reported on elsewhere [2].

Journal of Research

Page 3: Infrared absorption spectra of some experimental glasses ... · Infrared Absorption Spectra of Some ... magnesium, and silicon. The neodymium oxide was ... Infrared absorption spectra

TABLE I. -Amount oj oxide added to the base glass

Glass No.

6a 6

13 15 18 19 20 23

Index of rc-Thick- fraction

ness wavelength, Weight of oxid e added 5893 A

Percent mm Base gl~ss _______ __ _ . ______ ---- 5.28 1. 5224

3.0 V,O, ___ _________________ 4.73 1.5285

1.0 C"O, _______________ ____ 4.21 1. 5255

1.0 Mn 0 2. _________________ 4.40 1.5237

0.04 Co 0 _____ __ ____ ________ 4.22 1.5216

. 05 Ni 0 _______ ____________ 4.22

. 50 Ni 0 ___________________ 4.47

10.0 y ,O, _______ ____ _____ __ _ 6.81 1. 5439

10.0 Pr,Ou __________ ____ ____ 7.13

10.0 N d' O' __________________ 7. 27

10.0 Sm,O' _____________ __ ___ 6.80

10.0 Gd ,O, __________________ 6.28 1. 5343

10.0 EnO' ___________________ 6. 52

3.0 U,O, ___________________ 2. 52

L Yttrium Oxide Glass

No appreciable absorption in the near infrared is caused by yttrium oxide (Y20 3) when added in an amount of 10 percent (see fig _ 2) _ Neither was

10 0


... 7 z ....



~ 6 ~




24 CI'l

0 CI'l

~ 3 Ul z «


~ 2


0 o

~ I-... y --""'" ... 1 ' 6.slmm


t \

.... V 1\ \



any absorption observed within the visible spec­trum (see reference [2]).

A comparison of the absorption curve for yttrium oxide glass with those for the base glass

Rare Earth Oxide Glasses

and the erbium and gadolinium oxide glasses (see figs. 1, 6, and 7) indicates the possibility of some general absorption in the region of 2.7 to 4.2 J.L.

However, differences in thickness and amounts of water within the glass may account for the greater absorption in this region.

2. Praseodymium Oxide Glass

Two strong absorption maxima occur at about 1.45 and 1. 90 J.L as the result of the addition of praseodymium (Pr6011) in the amount of 10 per­cent_ Weak bands occur at about 0.76 and 1.0 J.L

(see fig. 3). The general shape of the transmission



70 f--z w

60 U a: w 0..

~ 50

z Q 40 VI VI

~ 30 z « a: t- 20


o o

~ l..-, Pr

~t : 7.13mm

I 7


"\ -'\ \ ~

2 3 4



curve indicates the possibility of additional bands in the region of 2.4 and 4.0 J.L- Absorption in the visible spectrum gives this glass a light yellowish green color.

3 . Neodymium Oxide Glass

The addition of neodymium (N d20 a) 111 the amount of 10 percent results in tluee strong absorption bands at about 0.77 , 1.63, and 2.43 J.L

(see fig. 4). It is to be expected that this material would produce a number of absorption bands in the near infrared judging from the number and intensity of the bands in the visible spectrum [2], which give this glass its bright-purple hue.


Page 4: Infrared absorption spectra of some experimental glasses ... · Infrared Absorption Spectra of Some ... magnesium, and silicon. The neodymium oxide was ... Infrared absorption spectra

10 0

9 0

8 0

I- 7 z



~ 6 III "-


Z 5

:z 24 <J1 ~

~ 3 Z < ~ 2





o o



~( r\' 07.27m ~

~ 11 15


~ r\ \

'~ \

2 3 4 5



4 . Samarium Oxide Glass

The addition of samarium oxide (Sm20g) in an amount of 10 percent gives rise to a very strong absorption band at about 1.47 fJ. , and weaker bands at about 1.1, 1.92, 2.62, and 4.1 fJ. (see fig . 5). The strong band at 1.47 fJ. almost completely



7 0


~60 ~ t.J "- 5 z z 04 iii Vl

~ 3 Z < ~ 2







o o


f\ 1\ f\ s'"

.." \ t o 6-rO mm

\ "I 1\ , \ \18

\ ~

\ '... 1\ \ ~

K 234




masks the one in the neighborhood of 1.1 fJ.. The presence of so many bands within this part of the infrared spectrum suggests the possibility of other bands at longer wavelengths. Hence it would be interesting to study this material incorporated into a special infrared transmitting glass. Absorp­tion in the visible spectrum gives this glass a light yellowish hue.

5 . Gadolinium Oxide Glass

No appreciable absorption occurs in the near infrared (or in the visible spectrum) because of the addition of gadolinium oxide (Gd20 g) (see fig. 6).






~ 60 t.J II.

~ 50

z Q 40 Vl Vl

1 30

~ ~ 20


0 o


.... 1"\. 6. 28 mm

... 19

\ \ ~

\ 234



6 . Erbium O xide Glass

\ 5 !

The addition of erbium oxide (Er20g) in an amount of 10 percent gives rise to one strong absorption band at about 1.52 fJ. and two weaker bands at about 0.80 and 0.95 fJ. , respectively (see fig . 7). A comparison with the transmission curve for gadolinium (fig. 6), which probably produces but little or no absorption in the infrared between 0.6 and 4.5 fJ., indicates no other important absorp­tion bands shorter than 4.5 fJ.. Absorption in the visible spectrum gives this glass a light-pink color.

Journal of Research

Page 5: Infrared absorption spectra of some experimental glasses ... · Infrared Absorption Spectra of Some ... magnesium, and silicon. The neodymium oxide was ... Infrared absorption spectra

10 0

9 0

8 0


~ ... v 6 II:




~ 50

z o 4

~ ~ 3 If)

z < ~ 2




0 o


tA ,....., r ....... r,"S_52mm


\ 20

"' \ \ -\

\ \

2 3 4 5



7. Other Oxide Glasses

The addit ion of vanadium (V20 5), cobalt (CoO), nickel (NiO), or uranium (U 30 8) oxide in small amounts (see table 1) produce strong absorption bands in the spectral region between 1 and 4/L (see figs. 8, 11 , 12, and 13 ). It is to be noted that much smaller concentrations of these metals were




f- 70 Z ... ~ 60 w CL

~ 50 z o iii 40 If)

a 30 z < ~ 20


o o


I ......,


! I \ I \ I

I ~ 1.,2

\ \




Rare Earth Oxide Galsses


\ \


required to produce absorption of magnitude similar to that resulting from the addition of 10 percen t of some of the rare-earth oxides . In the case of the addition of chromium (Cr20 3) and manganese (Mn0 2) oxides, little change in ab­sorption occurs within the near infrared regIOn (see figs. 9 and 10) .




f- 70 Z ... U

" eo ... CL

~ 70

Z Q 40

'" C/I

~ 30 Z < II: ....

f-Z ... V a: w a.



o o






z 50

z ~ 40 U1

~ 30 :z <{

a: f- 20


o o


/ I


Cr ...... ~"4~21 mm


~ ~


'\ \

2 3 4


F lGUHE 9.


"\" 4.4 0 mm

-- -


~ \ .,-..

1\ \




Page 6: Infrared absorption spectra of some experimental glasses ... · Infrared Absorption Spectra of Some ... magnesium, and silicon. The neodymium oxide was ... Infrared absorption spectra






tl 60 a: ~ Z 50

z Q 40 <1'1 <1'1

~ 30 Z -< ~ 20

f­z IoJ v a: IoJ Go


Z o <1'1 <1'1

~ <1'1 Z -< a: I-


o o









0 o


[ \ / ,",1=4.22 mn

~ ...


\ io' \ 1 '. V


\\ \5

" r---. \




... ~ Ni

..... V 1"\=4.22 mm

\ \,

1'\ 6A r 1\ \ I \ .I h6 'It-"-~ , V' l 1 = 4. 47mm .....

1 \

\ ..... V r\\

.~ 2 3 4


FIGU R E 12.


.. -


Accor ing to the work of Kiess, Humphreys, and La n upon its atomic spectrum, uranium is a rare-earth type elem en t and is the homologue of neodymium [10]. It has the same valence electron structure and we would expect, therefore, its behavior would be similar to neodymium. A comparison of figures 4 and 13 is interesting.

Each of the metal oxides also produces a large amount of absorption in the visible spectrum resulting in a distinct color for each glass. The





~ ~~ u

..... ~ \ j \1=2 .52mm

I- 70 z IoJ v a: 60 IoJ Go

~ 50

\. 23

I'". z 0 iii 40 ~

~ <1'1

~ <II Z -< a: f-




o o

\ \ \

2 3 4




5 I


colors resulting in the glasses of this group are as follows for the different oxides: Cobalt, pale blue; nickel, light to dark smoke to dark purple ; vanadium, light yellow to yellow green (similar to novial B); uranium, light yellow (near novial 0) ; chromium, green to yellowish green; and manga­nese, amethyst.


[1] C. A. Faick and A. N. Finn, The index of refraction of some soda-lime-silica glasses as a func tion of the composition, BS J . Research 6, 993 (1931) RP320; J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 7, 518 (1931).

[2] C. A. Faick, The visible absorption spect ra of glasses containing rare earth and other coloring oxides. Publication pending.

l3] R . Stair and W. W. Coblentz , Infrared absorption spectra of som e plant pigments, BS J. Research 11, 703 (1933) RP617.

[4] W. W. Coblent z, Constants of spectral radiat ion of a uniformly heated inclosure, or so-called black body, BS Bul. 10, 1 (1913) S204.

[5] W. W . Coblentz , Sensitivity and magnetic shielding test s of a Thomson galvanometer for use in radi­ometry, BS Bu!. 13, 423 (1916) S282.

l6] W. W . Coblentz, A portable vacuum thermopile, BS Sci. Pap. 17, 187 (1 921) S413.

[7] W. W. Coblen tz, Infrared transmission and refract ion data on standard lens a nd prism material, BS Sci. Pap. 16,701 (1920) S401.

[8] R. Stair and W . W. Coblen tz, Infrared absorption spectra of plan t and a nimal tissue and of various other substances, J. R esearch NBS 15, 295 (1935) RP830 .

J oUInal of Research

Page 7: Infrared absorption spectra of some experimental glasses ... · Infrared Absorption Spectra of Some ... magnesium, and silicon. The neodymium oxide was ... Infrared absorption spectra

[9] Anna J. Harrison, Effect of water content on infrared t ransmission of simple gla se. Paper given before t he Glass Divisio n at t he Buffalo m eeting of t he Amer. Ceram. Soc. , May 1, H)46.

[10] C. C. Kiess, C. J . Humphreys, a nd D. D . Laun, Prelimina ry repo rt on t he descrip tion and analysis of t he first spectrum of uranium, J . Research N BS 37, 57 (1946) RP1729.

Rare Earth Oxide Glasses

[11] Woldema n A. Weyl, Colored glasses, J. Soc. Gla T ech . 28, 158 (19«4).

[12] John C. Young and Alfred N. F inn, E ffect of com­posit ion and other fac tors on t he specific refraction and dispersion of glasses, J. Research N BS 25, 759 (1940) RP1352.

WASHING'l.' ON, June 5, 1946.