inhouse spring 2013 edition

INHOUSE SPRING 2013 THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PROPERTY MAGAZINE IN YOUR AREA Featuring properties in Chigwell, Loughton, Buckhurst Hill, Woodford Green, Epping, Theydon Bois, Abridge and surrounding areas

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Lawlors Property Services magazine for properties with a value up to £1,000,000. Featuring properties in Chigwell, Loughton, Buckhurst Hill, Woodford Green, Epping, Theydon Bois, Abridge & surrounding areas.


Page 1: Inhouse Spring 2013 Edition

inHOUSEspring 2013

the most successFul propertY magaZine in Your areafeaturing properties in Chigwell, loughton, buckhurst hill, woodford Green,

epping, theydon bois, abridge and surrounding areas

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Page 2: Inhouse Spring 2013 Edition

For Further inFormation please contact Jimi epps on 020 8418 1894 or email [email protected]

would you like to advertise

here?37,000 copies

of iNhouse aNd elite priNted aNd distributed iN aNd arouNd your area

LawlorsInhouse-Cover-Singles-Spring13.indd 2 02/04/2013 12:06

Page 3: Inhouse Spring 2013 Edition

cHIgWell | lOugHTOn | WOODFORD | elITe HOMes

At last…

…the season for buying and selling property

has offi cially started.

The emergence of sunshine will have vendors throughout the land prepping their properties ready to sell.

Our offi ces are bustling to the trill of mobiles confi rming fresh valuations throughout the group. Forget the gloom and doom of the winter, the property market is up and running and promises to be very busy for the rest of the year. The government has set out its stall in the recent budget with a defi nite emphasis on encouraging the housing market and whatever form this may take the general feeling is that this is the time to get moving. We have also taken this opportunity to spring clean our entire image throughout the company with our fresh new boards and stunning window displays which are just part of our grand design.

We intend to make this spring a memorable one by selling more properties than ever.

ELLIOTT LAWLORMnaea and MaRlaDirector

doom of the winter, the property market is up and running and promises to be very busy for the rest of the year. The government has set out its stall in the recent budget with a defi nite emphasis on encouraging the housing market and whatever form this may take the general feeling is that this is the time to get moving. We have also taken this opportunity to spring clean our entire image throughout the company with our fresh new boards and stunning window displays which

We intend to make this spring a memorable one

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Page 4: Inhouse Spring 2013 Edition

With mortgage rates at an all time low, we can prove that quality advice and cost are not related when it comes to your next mortgage.

In fact, we think you will be pleasantly surprised at what we can do for you.

At Fitch & Fitch, we have excellent relationships with a portfolio of private lenders amongst all of the usual High Street lenders. We often offer exclusive rates that are not available direct and can negotiate the rate and fee on behalf of the client. We can arrange funding on a fixed-rate basis,linked to Bank Base Rate or Libor (London Interbank Offered Rate), depending on your preference. Offshore funding and complicated tax structures can also be catered for, as well as multi-currency lending and deals without early repayment charges.

We are specialist mortgage brokers that can help you with your next purchase or remortgage irrespective of how large or small.

We recommend you call ourselves today to see what we can do for you.

Call 0845 680 9019 [email protected]

Finest Mortgages...


Should you help your children buy a home? New research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation says afurther 1.5 million people aged 18-30 will be forced intorenting in the next eight years. The number who can’t affordto leave their parents’ home is expected to rise by half amillion to 3.7 million over the same period.

It makes grim reading for both generations and it is littlewonder that many parents feel compelled to help, but theyneed to think carefully before going ahead.

Everyone’s circumstances will differ but, as a general rule,parents should avoid dipping into their retirement funds tohelp their children. A lot of things can go wrong. If you arehanding over money, even as a loan, you should be ableto stand losing it if the worst comes to the worst.

You should also be certain that you are helping for the rightreasons. If your children are financially responsible and canafford to repay a mortgage but just can’t raise a depositthen it may make good sense to help them.

However, if they haven’t been sensible with money then youmay need to make some checks.

For example, if your children can’t get a mortgage then youneed to find out why. Get them to check their credit ratingand show it to you. Ask to see pay cheques and bankaccounts if necessary. This may seem severe but there’s alot at stake. Think of it as tough love.

After all, if they’re struggling financially already, giving themthe responsibility of a mortgage they can’t afford will onlyadd to their problems. It may be that helping them to payoff credit card debt may be more of a priority.

Once you decide to go ahead, there are various ways youcan help. Most parents do so by making a contributiontowards the deposit for a mortgage.

You could simply give them the money, but if you want it tobe repaid at some point in the future, you should draw upa written agreement so everyone knows where they stand.This is important because memories get blurred over time.

The agreement should include details of the repaymentschedule, preferably with a ‘promissory note’ so it’s aproper formal arrangement. You may also want to draw upa deed of trust outlining how much you have contributedto the purchase so you can get your money back whenyour child sells the property in the future.

If you are buying a home and renting it back to yourchildren, make sure you can meet the repayments if theycan’t. Otherwise, you may have to sell at a loss. If you don’thave enough money to help, you could borrow moneyusing your own home as security, but this carriesconsiderable risks as you could lose your home if youcannot meet the repayments.

You could consider a guarantor mortgage. This wouldenable your income to be taken into account whenassessing your child’s mortgage. However, you would beliable for the repayments if your child defaulted. The samewould apply to joint mortgages.

It’s only natural that parents should wish to help but theymust do so for the right reasons and in the rightcircumstances. If you get it right it could help your childrenbuild a brighter future; if you get it wrong, it could lead tofinancial hardship and even family splits in years to come.

For further information contact:

Peter Westbrook Residential Property Partner01279 638819 [email protected]

Loughton 020 8508 2111 | Hertford 01992 554881

Harlow 01279 638888 | Ware 01920 460531

[email protected]

Whatever happens in life, you can depend on

Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors

For information and advice, contact us at one or our four locations:


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AJH IN HOUSE AD:Layout 1 25/01/2013 14:54 Page 1

Designing in a Conservation Area or on a Listed Building

architectureinteriorsTel +44 (0)20 8502 5585 [email protected]

Properties that are situated within a conservation area or indeed listed can still be extended and refurbished. Some public perception is that perhaps you cannot; the key to any such project is too understand the parameters that you have to work within.

Conservation areas are created to conserve the built fabric and all its merits. That does not mean that properties cannot be altered, it’s a question of how. An architect with good design and negotiation skills is key. There are many factors that have to be taken into account in a conservation area; the context of the building in question, the type of proposals and the extent of conservation. Sometimes this can be the look of a street, a hedgerow or sometimes, the very eclectic local architecture!

A listed building is slightly more complex. There are different grades of listing; Grade 1, Grade 2 *, Grade 2, locally listed and curtilidge listed. Grade 1 properties are very unlikely to be able to have works completed, Grade 2* and Grade 2 can have works undertaken but will be limited, locally listed is the lesser of the listings and curtilidge, means within, such as the grounds of a building. All listed buildings are extremely scrutinised by the local planning authority, County Councils and indeed, English Heritage, dependent on the significance of the building in question.

The project photographs are two examples of refurbishments that have been undertaken by clear. in the last few years. The first image is that of a church in Highgate that was converted to 14 apartments, with a great deal of significant work undertaken with the conservation team of Camden Council. The second image is an old factory building in the heart of Bow, in its life this had had many different uses but was transformed by us, from drab offices to two luxury houses, all in conjunction with the planning team of Tower Hamlets. On both projects the significance was how to transform each building, whilst retaining or exposing the features of the original building fabric. This tested our design, technical and negotiations skills to the limit.

To surmise; buildings in a conservation area or those that are listed, can have development works undertaken but it does take time to propose, negotiate and finalise with the relevant statutory bodies to achieve the relevant permissions.



Friendly, Family Schools in North Chingford, Epping and Loughton

Spring is a key time for decision making for parents looking for schooling in September 2013, and the Oak-Tree Schools have been busy with Open Mornings, requests for tours, additional entrance exams and taster sessions over recent weeks. This has been evident at Normanhurst in North Chingford, Oaklands in Loughton and Epping’s Coopersale Hall.

Parents commented in the recent surveys that there are many opportunities to talk to their Heads and Principal, with the Oak-Tree Schools clearly valuing the relationships with parents and acting on many of the practical suggestions for further development.

Recent informal coffee mornings have enabled Headmistresses Kaye Lovejoy, Cheryl Macnair and Claire Osborn, together with Managing Principal Matthew Hagger, to chat and listen to the very people whose opinions count. This close working relationship is not easily replicated at larger schools.

Matthew Hagger, Managing Principal of the Oak-Tree Group, commented “I am always pleasantly surprised by the number of parents who take the time out of their busy days to come and talk to us. We’ve met parents yeargroup by yeargroup and have been overwhelmed by how positive their experiences of our schools

Oaklands’ pupilsenjoying outdoor lessons

have been. Some have been with us for many years, others have recently joined. The vast majority have been delighted with our education and where suggestions have been made for further development, we’ve been able to make changes quickly.

Our parents make financial sacrifices to ensure their children get the best academic and all-round education at our schools and are always looking for opportunities to add to the service we provide.

Coopersale Hall and Oaklands parents are very interested in the move to senior education at 11+ and are keen to hear our advice about which senior schools are most appropriate when the time comes. As impartial preparatory schools we advise them without bias.

Normanhurst parents have been making sure that their children are ready for the start of the GCSE preparation and are very interested to hear what they can do to help at home. Parents of our younger children have been delighted with the excellent start to school in the Early Years, and are looking forward to their move into the Juniors.”

The communication between home and school is very important to the Oak-Tree Schools. The ‘open door’ policy across the Group allows parents to make daily contact with their children’s keyworkers or teachers either in person before or after school, or by email.

All three of the Oak-Tree Schools recognise that involving parents in their child’s education is fundamental to effective progress and academic achievement. Parents and families are at the heart of the education, and in these relatively small schools each family and child is known well.

Learn more about The Oak-Tree Schools’ unique relationships with parents at

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FRONT COVER The front cover of this edition features one of our beautiful properties, taken by our own professional photographer.

EPC RATINGWhat is this? An EPC Rating gives a property an Energy Effi ciency Rating from A (most effi cient) to G (least effi cient) and it is valid for 10 years. Lawlors have included the accurate EPC Rating for all properties featured.

© Leycol Publishing 2013. All rights reserved. Reproduction is forbidden except by express permission of the Publishers. Leycol Printers Limited/Leycol Publishing5 Hancock Road London E3 3DA Tel: 020 8880 6000. For all publishing and print sales enquiries please contact Elizabeth Baxendale on 07715 496 853 or [email protected].

For all advertising sales enquiries please contact Jimi Epps on [email protected] or on 020 8418 1894.





116 High Road, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 5BJSales: 020 8281 0123 | [email protected]: 020 8502 3388 | [email protected]

165 High Road, Loughton, Essex, IG10 4LFSales: 020 8502 5588 | [email protected]: 020 8502 3388 | [email protected]

457 High Road, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 OXESales: 020 8506 0828 | [email protected]: 020 8506 9109 | [email protected]

1st Floor, 165 High Road, Loughton, Essex, IG10 4LFTel: 020 8418 1896 | [email protected]



EXCESS OF £1,000,000



CALL 020 8418 1890

CALL 020 8418 1890



Spring 2013

3 Out with the old, in with the new All of our offi ces have had an extensive makeover.

4-12 Woodford Sales A selection of the fi nest homes currently available through our Woodford offi ce.

14-15 The Oak-Tree Group of Schools Putting parents and children fi rst at the Oak-Tree Schools.

16-29 Chigwell Sales A selection of the fi nest homes currently available through our Chigwell offi ce.

20-21 Clear Designing in a conservation area or on a listed building.

30-31 Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors Home sales up as fi rst-timers hit fi ve-year high.

32-35 Repton Park A selection of the fi nest homes currently available in this exclusive development.

36-37 Fitch & Fitch Mortgage rates at an all time low, we prove that quality advice and cost are not related.

38-47 Loughton Sales A selection of the fi nest homes currently available through our Loughton offi ce.

48-49 Foskett Marr Gadsby & Head LLP Lasting Powers of Attorney.

50-57 Loughton Lettings A selection of the fi nest homes to let currently available through our Loughton offi ce.

58-63 Woodford Lettings A selection of the fi nest homes to let currently available through our Woodford offi ce.

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Page 5: Inhouse Spring 2013 Edition


We are all very excited at Lawlors

because our brand new window

displays and spectacular signage have

fi nally arrived. All of our offi ces have

had an extensive makeover in line with

our rebranding of boards and imagery.

We believe that it is important to constantly innovate and improve our

image as it shows to all of our customers that we take our business very

seriously. In spite of diffi cult trading conditions it is vital that any healthy

business reviews all operational systems and rejuvenates its approach to

be successful.

We believe we have the best staff in the area who are committed to provide an excellent service so it is only right that we use the best tools available to achieve our goals for being the best agent in the area.

We have reinvented the way we look at property details and now provide high quality brochures for each and every property. As we are a no sale no fee agent we provide our professional details and our superior marketing free of charge.

We know from the fantastic response we receive from our magazines, high quality marketing and our strong board presence that we are giving people exactly what they want when they are selling. We always deliver the kind of service that we would expect ourselves and as one of the established estate agents in the area with a management team of proven success we believe we can offer well rounded and sensible advice at all levels of the market.

We are looking forward to inviting all our new customers to take advantage of our suite of changes which we know will greatly enhance the whole moving experience with Lawlors.



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Green shoots: “With spring on our doorstep and

a positive vibe around the property market and

in our offi ce, we are experiencing a higher infl ux

of buyers than in previous months at Woodford”

says Thomas Cann, Senior Negotiator at Lawlors

Woodford branch.

The optimism in the area is palpable with a steady return of fi rst time

buyers eagerly purchasing a wide range of fl ats and apartments, which

we are now starting to receive in abundance. There is no doubt that

demand is outstripping the supply and we obviously urge anyone who

is wondering whether this is a good time to buy, to jump in now and get

moving, as the team here is certainly hungry for more stock.

It’s worth noting that this is a perfect time to start moving, especially if

you want your children settled in school in september, you obviously

need to allow suffi cient time to take the move smoothly and steadily. The

Monkhams and knightons estates are always in demand and we have

a really good selection of buyers that are chain free, ready to make



WOODFORD | 020 8506 0828 | [email protected] |

JAN KAYsenior negotiator

THOMAS CANNsenior negotiator






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WOODFORD | 020 8506 0828 | [email protected] |


carnarvon Road, london

£499,999 sOle agency EPC - E

On a prominent road in South Woodford, this stunning four bedroom family home is in the Churchfields catchment area.

Through lounge and newly fitted kitchen, three bedrooms and family bathroom plus a loft conversion with a further bedroom and en suite shower room.


cedar close, Buckhurst Hill

£250,000 sOle agency EPC - D

Situated in a favourable position in the development overlooking communal grounds. Offered chain free.

This spacious two bedroom ground floor flat is located within convenient walking distance of Buckhurst Hill station and Queens Road.


Princes avenue, Woodford green

£695,000 sOle agency EPC - E

A refurbished three bedroom, two reception room, semi-detached home in the heart of the Monkhams Estate.

ample bedroom space, modern kitchen, spacious reception rooms and ground floor Wc. an 80ft rear garden, front garden and off-street parking.


Parkmore close, Woodford green

£290,000 sOle agency

A spacious two bedroom apartment with stunning views overlooking Woodford Golf Course and communal gardens.

Internally the property boasts two double bedrooms, spacious living area with balcony, kitchen and family bathroom. chain free.


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eton Heights, Woodford green

£750,000 OIeO sOle agency

This luxurious three bedroom penthouse has been finished to an exceptionally high specification.

The spacious open plan kitchen/lounge leads to a large private terrace. The bathrooms are contemporary in style and the bedrooms are fitted with ample wardrobes. The apartment complex is serviced by a concierge and the property enjoys use of the gym, sauna and swimming pool located in the basement of the complex. There is underground secure parking.




WOODFORD | 020 8506 0828 | [email protected] |

Harts grove, Woodford green

£950,000 OIeO sOle agency

This is a stunning four bedroom detached family home.

The accommodation boasts a spacious conservatory with under floor heating, stunning fitted kitchen, reception room and ground floor study and utility. To the first floor there are four double bedrooms, two with en suite shower rooms and a family bathroom. The property benefits from a detached double garage and secluded landscaped garden. Planning permission has been obtained for a loft extension and two storey side extension.



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WOODFORD | 020 8506 0828 | [email protected] |


Buckhurst Way, Buckhurst Hill

£389,999 sOle agency EPC - D

A delightful refurbished three bedroom mid-terrace property.

The property offers through lounge, newly fitted kitchen and dining area, utility room and downstairs cloakroom. The first floor consists of three bedrooms plus family bathroom. There is off-street parking for two cars.


Waterhall avenue, chingford

£575,000 EPC - D

A refurbished and extended semi-detached property.

The property consists of a lovely dual aspect sitting room, dining room, extended kitchen/diner and a utility room leading to shower room/Wc. There are four double bedrooms, a wet room and a family bathroom.


epping new Road, Buckhurst Hill

£450,000 sOle agency EPC - B

A rare opportunity has arisen to acquire this immaculately presented spacious three bedroom apartment set within the popular gated development of Forest Heights.

situated on the second floor with a large balcony. share of freehold.


Higham Road, Woodford green

£655,000 sOle agency EPC - C

A well-presented Victorian home with original features and high ceilings in the heart of Woodford Green.

With lounge, dining room, downstairs cloakroom/Wc, modern fitted kitchen/breakfast room, family bathroom, cellar and off-street parking.


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Bridle Path, Woodford green

£209,999 sOle agency EPC - C

This well presented two bedroom first floor apartment, in a peaceful location in Woodford Green, would make an ideal first time buy or investment purchase.

set within communal gardens and bordered by epping Forest.



WOODFORD | 020 8506 0828 | [email protected] |

Mornington Road, Woodford green

£475,000 sOle agency EPC - D

A well presented three/four bedroom townhouse in a desirable location close to St. Anthony’s School.

There is off-street parking to the front and an attractive courtyard paved garden to the rear.


High Road, Woodford green

£235,000 sOle agency This two bedroom second floor apartment is situated in a popular location overlooking the green.

Offering two bedrooms, lounge, fitted kitchen and family bathroom. With well maintained communal grounds and a garage. share of freehold.


Forest view, north chingford

£315,000 sOle agency EPC - B

This well presented two bedroom, two bathroom ground floor apartment benefits from an open-plan kitchen/diner and has views over woodland and the golf course.

The apartment has a secure allocated parking space and is chain free.


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Honeysuckle court, Buckhurst Hill

£375,000 sOle agency EPC - C

An immaculatele three bedroom top floor apartment.

Within walking distance of Roding Valley tube station, the apartment comes complete with two allocated secure parking spaces, video entry and communal gardens.


Rosslyn avenue, chingford

£339,950 EPC - E

A refurbished two bedroom semi-detached bungalow.

Offers off-street parking to the front and a garage. kitchen, reception and a sun lounge. The garden is beautifully presented and there is potential to extend over the garage stpp. chain free.


Forest Heights, Buckhurst Hill

£334,995 OIeO EPC - C

This two bedroom first floor apartment is set within this luxury gated development of Forest Heights.

The property offers two double bedrooms, en suite, large reception room and fitted kitchen. allocated parking and landscaped gardens.


Farthings close, chingford

£155,500 sOle agency EPC - D

A ground floor apartment set within a quiet cul-de-sac.

The property offers a large reception, separate fitted kitchen, bathroom and bedroom and is within easy reach of Woodford green golf course. Ideal first time buy or investment purchase


WOODFORD | 020 8506 0828 | [email protected] |

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WOODFORD | 020 8506 0828 | [email protected] |

High Road, Woodford green

£1,025,000 sOle agency

This delightful and spacious mock-Tudor style four bedroom detached residence is situated in Woodford Green facing onto Epping Forest.

The accommodation comprises of a kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, dining room, lounge, study, cloakroom/Wc, master bedroom with en suite bathroom, family bathroom, off-street parking, single garage and an attractive rear garden. This home is very well presented throughout with potential to extend to the back and loft (stpp).



Mellish gardens, Woodford green

£1,075,000 sOle agency

This five bedroom detached family home has been well maintained by the current owners who have lived here for 21 years.

The property offers a large refurbished kitchen/breakfast room and utility. There is a TV room/playroom, dining room and large reception room, both of which overlook the attractive rear garden. To the first floor there is a family bathroom and five good size bedrooms, two of which have en suite bathrooms.



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WOODFORD | 020 8506 0828 | [email protected] |

Whitehall Road, Woodford green

£749,999 sOle agency EPC - E

An immaculate detached family home providing spacious accommodation with a bright and airy feel throughout.

With an attractive mature landscaped south facing garden, self-contained outbuilding being used as an office and a carriage driveway to the front.


Oak Hill gardens, Woodford green

£330,000 sOle agency EPC - D

Lawlors are pleased to offer this three bedroom townhouse, situated in a quiet cul-de-sac surrounded by woodland.

The property offers a modern kitchen diner, reception room, family bathroom, well maintained rear garden and off-street parking.


Derby Road, south Woodford

£799,999 sOle agency EPC - D

This large seven bedroom Victorian family home is located in the heart of South Woodford.

The property is well maintained throughout and has a host of character features including coving and fireplaces.


Prospect Road, Woodford green

£430,000 EPC - E

This five bedroom, three bathroom semi-detached chalet-bungalow is offered to the market chain free.

The property has been fully refurbished to a high standard internally and also benefits from off-street parking and an attractive rear garden.


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Getting fit, feeling confident. Whatever your ‘YES’ moment, achieve it with help from David Lloyd Chigwell.

Find out more, come into club, call 0845 129 6783 or visit

*Terms and Conditions apply. Facilities, fees, classes and membership contracts vary by club. Certain activities may incur additional fees.

YES! Finished my first 10k

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Friendly, Family Schools in North Chingford, Epping and Loughton

Spring is a key time for decision making for parents looking for schooling in September 2013, and the Oak-Tree Schools have been busy with Open Mornings, requests for tours, additional entrance exams and taster sessions over recent weeks. This has been evident at Normanhurst in North Chingford, Oaklands in Loughton and Epping’s Coopersale Hall.

Parents commented in the recent surveys that there are many opportunities to talk to their Heads and Principal, with the Oak-Tree Schools clearly valuing the relationships with parents and acting on many of the practical suggestions for further development.

Recent informal coffee mornings have enabled Headmistresses Kaye Lovejoy, Cheryl Macnair and Claire Osborn, together with Managing Principal Matthew Hagger, to chat and listen to the very people whose opinions count. This close working relationship is not easily replicated at larger schools.

Matthew Hagger, Managing Principal of the Oak-Tree Group, commented “I am always pleasantly surprised by the number of parents who take the time out of their busy days to come and talk to us. We’ve met parents yeargroup by yeargroup and have been overwhelmed by how positive their experiences of our schools

Oaklands’ pupilsenjoying outdoor lessons

have been. Some have been with us for many years, others have recently joined. The vast majority have been delighted with our education and where suggestions have been made for further development, we’ve been able to make changes quickly.

Our parents make financial sacrifices to ensure their children get the best academic and all-round education at our schools and are always looking for opportunities to add to the service we provide.

Coopersale Hall and Oaklands parents are very interested in the move to senior education at 11+ and are keen to hear our advice about which senior schools are most appropriate when the time comes. As impartial preparatory schools we advise them without bias.

Normanhurst parents have been making sure that their children are ready for the start of the GCSE preparation and are very interested to hear what they can do to help at home. Parents of our younger children have been delighted with the excellent start to school in the Early Years, and are looking forward to their move into the Juniors.”

The communication between home and school is very important to the Oak-Tree Schools. The ‘open door’ policy across the Group allows parents to make daily contact with their children’s keyworkers or teachers either in person before or after school, or by email.

All three of the Oak-Tree Schools recognise that involving parents in their child’s education is fundamental to effective progress and academic achievement. Parents and families are at the heart of the education, and in these relatively small schools each family and child is known well.

Learn more about The Oak-Tree Schools’ unique relationships with parents at

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for more information visit: @oaktreesch

the oak-tree group of SchoolsThree privately owned popular Independent Schools in the Epping Forest area, each with a strong emphasis on:

• Friendly, family atmospheres •• High academic standards •

• Self-confidence and discipline •

• Before and after-school care •• Small class sizes •

• Excellent success rates at all levels •

• Impressive Inspection Reports •• Excellent partnership with parents •

• Many extra-curricular activities •

Coopersale hall SchoolEppiNgBoys & Girls 2 1/2 - 11

headmistress: Miss Kaye LovejoyFlux’s Lane, Epping, Essex CM16 7PEtel: 01992


oaklands SchoolLoughtoNBoys & Girls 2 1/2 - 11

headmistress: Mrs Cheryl Macnair8 Albion Hill, Loughton, Essex IG10 4RAtel: 020 8508


Normanhurst SchoolNorth ChiNgfordBoys & Girls 2 1/2 - 16

headmistress: Mrs Claire Osborn68-74 Station Road, North Chingford, London E4 7BAtel: 020 8529


Choose a better school for your child

Oaktree Group A4 Choose A..._Layout 1 14/03/2013 09:14 Page 1

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We’ve had a sparkling start to the year

with many completed sales and happy new

homeowners. Like everybody else we are

eagerly awaiting the better weather which

spring normally brings, to encourage further

viewings and to fi nally get all those lovely

properties we have valued over the last few

months onto the market. We have noticed that

many of those properties that had a slow start

to the year are fi nally receiving reasonable

offers which we expect to tie up in the very

near future.

We are also eagerly awaiting the commencement of marketing on

ashbee lodge, High Road chigwell, which is a luxury development of

apartments developed by the Higgins group, of which we have been

favoured with instructions. We already have a growing list of people

registering their interest and awaiting the long-anticipated show home


Repton Park is going well for us, with plenty of new properties being

registered with us and demand is still as high as ever.

There is a good fl ow of activity through

chigwell at all levels of the market

and we expect a fl urry of activity

in the coming months.


KEVIN HASSANsenior negotiator


cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |






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cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |


chigwell Park, chigwell

£699,995 sOle agency EPC - D

Situated within a sought-after location is this beautifully presented four bedroom semi-detached family home.

spacious entrance hallway, guest cloakroom, living and dining room, fitted kitchen, southerly aspect rear garden, parking for several cars and garage.


karina close, chigwell

£299,995 sOle agency EPC - D

This well presented three bedroom end of terrace property has been maintained to a very high standard.

The accommodation offers living room, kitchen/diner, guest cloakroom, southerly aspect garden and off-street parking for two cars.


Orchard Way, chigwell Row

£429,995 sOle agency EPC - C

A delightful four double bedroom semi-detached family home within a semi-rural location, close to Hainault Country Park.

Two reception room, fitted kitchen, utility room, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, southerly aspect garden, detached garage and parking space.


chigwell Rise, chigwell

£739,995 sOle agency EPC - D

This detached four bedroom property is offered chain free and is ideally located for the Central Line and local shops.

lounge/diner, sitting room, kitchen/breakfast room, guest cloakroom, two bathrooms, southerly aspect garden, potential to extend stpp.


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cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |

High Road, chigwell

£989,898 sOle agency EPC - F

An extended Georgian Grade II Listed five bedroom cottage which is full of character and quirkiness.

Four receptions, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, three bathrooms, basement, southerly aspect garden and outbuilding being used as an office.


gainsborough Place, chigwell

£974,995 sOle agency EPC - C

A five bedroom detached property situated within a gated development with a 70ft garden (approx).

kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, three reception rooms, study, two en suites, family bathroom, double garage and off-street parking for two cars.


lambourne Road, chigwell Row

£650,000 EPC - D

An extended detached home within a semi-rural village.

lounge, dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, guest cloakroom, family bathroom, and en suite to the master bedroom. There is a secluded rear garden with a heated swimming pool which is fenced off.


Murtwell Drive, chigwell

£449,995 sOle agency EPC - E

A beautifully presented three bedroom semi-detached house which offers an open-plan living area.

a spacious fitted kitchen, guest cloakroom, modern family bathroom, landscaped southerly aspect garden, off-street parking and a garage.


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Dacre gardens, chigwell

£509,995 EPC - D

A chain free, three bedroom detached bungalow with planning permission to convert the loft space and garage.

lounge, kitchen/diner, white three piece bathroom suite, landscaped rear garden, off-street parking with sweeping steps and a garage.


cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |


st Winifreds close, chigwell

£249,995 EPC - D

A two bedroom first floor apartment, close to both Chigwell and Grange Hill Central Line stations.

This well presented property includes a lounge, kitchen, dining area white bathroom suite, fabulous views, garage en-bloc and communal parking.


Brook Rise, chigwell

£724,995 sOle agency EPC - D

A short walk to Chigwell’s Central Line station and local shops is this stunning four double bedroom detached property.

Beautifully presented with modern lounge/diner, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, study, cloakroom/Wc, family bathroom, southerly aspect garden.


st Marys Way, chigwell

£495,000 sOle agency EPC - D

Offered chain free and set within a cul-de-sac location is this spacious four bedroom detached house.

lounge, dining room, fitted kitchen, guest cloakroom, en suite to master, family bathroom, landscaped garden, off-road parking and a garage.


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Page 22: Inhouse Spring 2013 Edition

Designing in a Conservation Area or on a Listed Building

architectureinteriorsTel +44 (0)20 8502 5585 [email protected]

Properties that are situated within a conservation area or indeed listed can still be extended and refurbished. Some public perception is that perhaps you cannot; the key to any such project is to understand the parameters that you have to work within.

Conservation areas are created to conserve the built fabric and all its merits. That does not mean that properties cannot be altered, it’s a question of how. An architect with good design and negotiation skills is key. There are many factors that have to be taken into account in a conservation area; the context of the building in question, the type of proposals and the extent of conservation. Sometimes this can be the look of a street, a hedgerow or sometimes, the very eclectic local architecture!

A listed building is slightly more complex. There are different grades of listing; Grade 1, Grade 2 *, Grade 2, locally listed and curtilage listed. Grade 1 properties are very unlikely to be able to have works completed, Grade 2* and Grade 2 can have works undertaken but will be limited, locally listed is the lesser of the listings and curtilage, means within, such as the grounds of a building. All listed buildings are extremely closely scrutinised by the local planning authority, County Councils and indeed, English Heritage, dependent on the significance of the building in question.

The project photographs are two examples of refurbishments that have been undertaken by clear. in the last few years. The first image is that of a church in Highgate that was converted to 14 apartments, with a great deal of significant work undertaken with the conservation team of Camden Council. The second image is an old factory building in the heart of Bow. In its life this had had many different uses but was transformed by us, from drab offices to two luxury houses, all in conjunction with the planning team of Tower Hamlets. On both projects the significance was how to transform each building, whilst retaining or exposing the features of the original building fabric. This tested our design, technical and negotiation skills to the limit.

To summarise; buildings in a conservation area or those that are listed can have development works undertaken but it does take time to propose, negotiate and finalise with the relevant statutory bodies to achieve the appropriate permissions.

Page 23: Inhouse Spring 2013 Edition

Designing in a Conservation Area or on a Listed Building

architectureinteriorsTel +44 (0)20 8502 5585 [email protected]

Properties that are situated within a conservation area or indeed listed can still be extended and refurbished. Some public perception is that perhaps you cannot; the key to any such project is to understand the parameters that you have to work within.

Conservation areas are created to conserve the built fabric and all its merits. That does not mean that properties cannot be altered, it’s a question of how. An architect with good design and negotiation skills is key. There are many factors that have to be taken into account in a conservation area; the context of the building in question, the type of proposals and the extent of conservation. Sometimes this can be the look of a street, a hedgerow or sometimes, the very eclectic local architecture!

A listed building is slightly more complex. There are different grades of listing; Grade 1, Grade 2 *, Grade 2, locally listed and curtilage listed. Grade 1 properties are very unlikely to be able to have works completed, Grade 2* and Grade 2 can have works undertaken but will be limited, locally listed is the lesser of the listings and curtilage, means within, such as the grounds of a building. All listed buildings are extremely closely scrutinised by the local planning authority, County Councils and indeed, English Heritage, dependent on the significance of the building in question.

The project photographs are two examples of refurbishments that have been undertaken by clear. in the last few years. The first image is that of a church in Highgate that was converted to 14 apartments, with a great deal of significant work undertaken with the conservation team of Camden Council. The second image is an old factory building in the heart of Bow. In its life this had had many different uses but was transformed by us, from drab offices to two luxury houses, all in conjunction with the planning team of Tower Hamlets. On both projects the significance was how to transform each building, whilst retaining or exposing the features of the original building fabric. This tested our design, technical and negotiation skills to the limit.

To summarise; buildings in a conservation area or those that are listed can have development works undertaken but it does take time to propose, negotiate and finalise with the relevant statutory bodies to achieve the appropriate permissions.

Page 24: Inhouse Spring 2013 Edition

new Barns Way, chigwell

£824,995 sOle agency EPC - F

A spacious and beautifully presented four bedroom detached home ideally situated being close to Chigwell station.

The accommodation offers a living room, guest cloakroom, study, family room, luxury kitchen, conservatory/dining room, utility room, bathroom.



cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |

Fencepiece Road, chigwell

£649,995 sOle agency EPC - C

This beautifully presented detached house is arranged over three floors with under-floor heating on the ground floor.

lounge, fitted kitchen, dining room, utility room, conservatory, two guest cloakrooms, two en suite shower rooms, dressing room and family bathroom.


ludham close, Oakwood gate

£344,995 sOle agency EPC - C

Located within a popular development is this well presented three bedroom end-of-terrace house.

lounge, dining room, kitchen, guest cloakroom, family bathroom, an approximate 50ft rear garden and two allocated parking space.


Montpellier House, Manor Road, chigwell

£389,995 sOle agency EPC - B

A chain free two bedroom second floor apartment which offers an abundance of natural light and benefits from a lift.

living room, fitted kitchen/breakfast room, two bathrooms, balcony, communal landscaped garden, two underground parking spaces.


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cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |


grovewood Place, Woodford green

£539,995 sOle agency EPC - D

This attractive detached family residence is set within a cul-de-sac and offers excellent living accommodation throughout.

Two reception rooms, fitted kitchen, guest cloakroom, en suite shower room, family bathroom, southerly aspect garden, offered chain free.


Manor Road, chigwell

£999,999 sOle agency EPC - D

Located on one of Chigwell’s sought-after roads is this gated detached house with planning permission to extend.

Impressive hallway, three receptions, kitchen/dining room, utility room, guest cloakroom, three bathrooms, garden (over 100ft), swimming pool.


The shrubberies, chigwell

£465,000 sOle agency EPC - D

A truly exceptional four bedroom semi-detached house, close to both Chigwell and Grange Hill stations.

Boasting a spacious through lounge/diner, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, guest cloakroom, en suite plus a family bathroom, offered chain free.


Fencepiece Road, chigwell

£380,000 OIeO EPC - D

A delightful three bedroom end-of-terrace house situated in a popular location close to schools, shops and amenities.

The property offers a fitted kitchen, two reception rooms, guest cloakroom, white bathrooms suite, secluded block paved rear garden.


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Orchard Way, chigwell

£384,995 EPC - C

An extended three bedroom end of terrace house. Planning is approved for a first floor rear and side extension.

spacious kitchen/breakfast room, lounge, study, dining room, guest cloakroom, en suite, family bathroom, offered chain free.



cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |

Roding lane north, Woodford green

£619,995 sOle agency EPC - C

Having been totally refurbished throughout to a high standard is this five/six bedroom semi-detached house.

a beautifully crafted fitted kitchen/dining room, spacious lounge, family room, en suite, family bathroom plus a ground floor shower room.


The Bowls, chigwell

£569,995 sOle agency EPC - C

This exceptionally spacious three bedroom first floor apartment, with lift, is maintained to a very high standard.

Includes a lounge with balcony, dining room, kitchen, guest cloakroom, bathroom, en suite, dressing area, garage en-bloc, communal gardens.


stradbroke Park, Tomswood Road, chigwell

£999,995 sOle agency EPC - E

Set within a popular gated development is this substantial five bedroom detached family residence.

lounge, family room, dining room, study, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, guest cloakroom, two bathrooms, southerly aspect garden.


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cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |


chigwell Rise, chigwell

£934,995 sOle agency EPC - D

Attractive, chain free, gated four bedroom detached residence within walking distance of Chigwell’s Central Line station.

Three reception rooms, conservatory, modern kitchen, utility room, guest cloakroom, en suite, family bathroom, 130ft approx. southerly aspect garden.


Fontayne avenue, chigwell

£624,995 sOle agency EPC - D

A delightful house situated within a popular location, close to local shopping and Chigwell’s Central Line station.

Two reception rooms, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, conservatory, guest cloakroom, en suite, dressing room plus a family bathroom.


Woolhampton Way, chigwell Row

£444,995 sOle agency EPC - E

Situated on a substantial plot, close to Hainault Forest, this four bedroom link-detached house is offered chain free.

lounge/diner, guest cloakroom, kitchen, family bathroom, double length garage. excellent potential to develop to the side stpp.


Murtwell Drive, chigwell

£399,995 sOle agency EPC - D

Offered chain free, this three bedroom semi-detached house has lots of potential to develop stpp.

lounge/second reception/dining room being open plan, fitted kitchen, a further reception room, downstairs shower room, family bathroom.


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The Bowls, chigwell

£484,995 sOle agency EPC - C

Offered chain free is this well presented three bedroom third floor apartment with a lift, benefiting from stunning views.

spacious lounge with a balcony, dining room, fitted kitchen, guest cloakroom, bathroom, garage en-bloc plus parking for visitors.



cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |

love lane, Woodford green

£159,995 sOle agency EPC - C

Benefiting from no on-going chain is this one bedroom first floor flat.

The property offers a kitchen, lounge/dining room a separate bathroom and communal garden.


lee grove, chigwell

£800,000 OIeO EPC - D

An immaculate three double bedroom house in a sought-after area, close to Chigwell’s Central Line station.

lounge, dining room, study/family room, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, guest cloakroom, two bathrooms, 100ft garden with garage used as a gym.


Hoe lane, abridge

£749,995 sOle agency EPC - E

An immaculate three double bedroom detached bungalow, in a semi-rural location boasting fabulous farmland views.

kitchen/breakfast room, lounge, dining room, bathroom, shower room, 186ft garden, ample parking, car port and garage.


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cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |


great Owl Road, chigwell

£800,000 OIeO sOle agency EPC - D

A spacious four bedroom extended detached house situated within a cul-de-sac location being close to Chigwell station.

Four reception rooms, fitted kitchen, utility room, guest cloakroom, three bathrooms, dressing room, balcony overlooking the 140ft southerly garden.


Manor Road, chigwell

£925,000 EPC - D

A delightful detached residence situated on this ever-popular residential road having been recently redecorated throughout.

Fitted kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, guest cloakroom, drawing room, dining room, three bathrooms, off-street parking, garage, chain free.


Hoveton Way, Oakwood gate

£475,000 OIeO sOle agency EPC - C

A modern four bedroom detached house, within this popular development with planning permission to extend further.

Two reception rooms, kitchen/diner, utility room, guest cloakroom, en suite, family bathroom, detached garage and off-street parking.


lambourne Road, chigwell Row

£479,995 sOle agency EPC - D

A spacious chain free five bedroom semi-detached home, in a semi-rural location close to Hainault Forest Country Park.

living room, dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, guest cloakroom, family bathroom, double length integral garage/workshop.


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cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |


Tomswood Road, chigwell

£1,150,000 EPC - F

Situated on a substantial plot of approximately quarter of an acre is this four bedroom detached house.

Two reception rooms, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, guest cloakroom, three bathrooms, 140ft southerly aspect garden with swimming pool.


Martham close, Oakwood gate

£499,995 sOle agency EPC - C

This beautifully presented four bedroom detached home is situated within this ever-popular development.

Three reception rooms, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, guest cloakroom, master bedroom with en suite shower room and family bathroom.


chigwell Rise, chigwell

£799,995 sOle agency EPC - E

A four bedroom detached home, offered chain free with ample potential to develop, subject to planning.

Through lounge, dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, guest cloakroom, bathroom, separate Wc and a rear garden in excess of 180ft.


Bracken Drive, chigwell

£1,125,000 sOle agency EPC - C

This attractive three/four bedroom detached chalet-style bungalow is recently refurbished and is disabled compliant.

spacious hallway, two/three reception rooms, kitchen/diner, en suite and dressing area, garage housing a utility area.


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cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |

glenside, chigwell

£874,995 sOle agency EPC - F

A two bedroom detached chalet bungalow which has ample opportunity to develop, subject to planning.

lounge, sitting room, kitchen/diner, guest cloakroom, two double bedrooms, shower room, 95ft rear garden, double garage, chain free.


Fernside, Buckhurst Hill

£795,000 EPC - D

A delightful four bedroom extended detached house, close to a sought-after school and amazing countryside views.

Three reception rooms, kitchen/breakfast room, en suite dressing room to the master bedroom and bathroom, garden in excess of 100ft.


lodge close, chigwell

£679,995 sOle agency EPC - E

A double fronted four/five bedroom detached family home is within security gates and borders Chigwell and Hainault Forest.

Open-plan lounge/dining room, conservatory, family room/study, kitchen with utility area, guest cloakroom, self-contained bedroom and bathroom.


courtland Drive, chigwell

£994,995 sOle agency EPC - F

Situated in a sought-after location, this four/five bedroom detached house is in need of modernisation.

excellent potential to develop into a larger home, subject to planning permission, being on a substantial plot. Offered chain free.


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Page 32: Inhouse Spring 2013 Edition

Home sales up as first-timers hit five-year high The number of first-time buyers in the property market hasreached a five-year high, according to the Council ofMortgage Lenders (CML). Following this encouragingnews, housing market sentiment has been lifted further bythe Chancellor’s launch of a two-pronged ‘Help to Buy’scheme in his Budget on 20 March.

The CML figures showed that there were 216,200 first-timebuyers in 2012. That was the first time the annual totalexceeded 200,000 since 2007. It was also a 12% increaseon the 2011 figure of 193,000. Another notable feature ofthe UK mortgage market in 2012 was a rise in buy-to-letlending which, at £16.4 billion gross, was up 19% on theprevious year.

In further good news for the housing market, the RoyalInstitution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) reported that thenumber of sales continued to grow in January for the fourthmonth in a row. Although the growth was quite small, RICS spokesman Peter Bolton King said it was a sign thatthe worst might be over for the property market.

Although some reports suggest that its positive impact hasfallen short of expectations, a number of property marketexperts believe that the Funding for Lending scheme, whichwas introduced by the Bank of England to encouragebanks and building societies to expand lending, has helpedmortgage approvals and home sales.

Mr Bolton King said: “Price falls across the UK have graduallystemmed in recent months and it is interesting to see that theamount of completed transactions are on the rise, asconfidence returns to the marketplace. While it is still very earlydays to talk about a comprehensive market recovery, activitylevels are still encouraging and there is some optimism outthere that things could continue to improve.”

After Mr Bolton King commented, homebuyers andhousebuilders alike were given further grounds foroptimism by Chancellor George Osborne’s Budget Day

announcement about a ‘Help to Buy’ scheme. The newscheme, designed to aid both the housing market and thewider economy, will have two elements. One takes the formof a shared-equity loan to provide finance of up to 20% formany new-build purchases. The other will be a mortgageguarantee scheme to help those with small deposits toqualify for a mortgage.

Under the shared-equity loan element, government fundingof up to £3.5 billion will be made available for qualifyingpurchases where the purchaser can provide a 5% depositto buy a brand-new house costing up to £600,000 with acapital repayment mortgage. The loan of up to £120,000will be interest-free for five years. ‘Help to Buy: equity loan’becomes available from April 2013.

The mortgage guarantee element of the ‘Help to Buy’scheme could, over a three-year period, see thegovernment provide guarantees to cover up to £130 billionof loans to enable mortgage providers to offer a higher‘loan to value’ than would normally apply. ‘Help to Buy:mortgage guarantee’ will be available from January 2014.

These new schemes, not available for buy-to-let, are inaddition to Funding for Lending and NewBuy, so there areclear signs that getting the housing market fully back on itsfeet is a major government priority, not just to helpindividuals’ personal lives but also to support businessesthat depend on a vibrant construction sector. A resumptionof more sustained growth in activity and prices could resultfrom this concerted action.

Please contact me if you would like legal advice on buying or selling a home.

Peter Westbrook Residential Property Partner01279 638819 [email protected]

Loughton 020 8508 2111 | Hertford 01992 554881

Harlow 01279 638888 | Ware 01920 460531

[email protected]

Whatever happens in life, you can depend on

Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors

For information and advice, contact us at one or our four locations:


Commercial • Civil Litigation • Commercial Property

Employment • Residential Property • Education

Town & Country Planning • Family • Road Traffic Offences

Wills, Trusts & Probate • Elderly Client Services

Personal Injury • Medical Negligence

Our ful l range of legal services includes:

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Page 33: Inhouse Spring 2013 Edition

Home sales up as first-timers hit five-year high The number of first-time buyers in the property market hasreached a five-year high, according to the Council ofMortgage Lenders (CML). Following this encouragingnews, housing market sentiment has been lifted further bythe Chancellor’s launch of a two-pronged ‘Help to Buy’scheme in his Budget on 20 March.

The CML figures showed that there were 216,200 first-timebuyers in 2012. That was the first time the annual totalexceeded 200,000 since 2007. It was also a 12% increaseon the 2011 figure of 193,000. Another notable feature ofthe UK mortgage market in 2012 was a rise in buy-to-letlending which, at £16.4 billion gross, was up 19% on theprevious year.

In further good news for the housing market, the RoyalInstitution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) reported that thenumber of sales continued to grow in January for the fourthmonth in a row. Although the growth was quite small, RICS spokesman Peter Bolton King said it was a sign thatthe worst might be over for the property market.

Although some reports suggest that its positive impact hasfallen short of expectations, a number of property marketexperts believe that the Funding for Lending scheme, whichwas introduced by the Bank of England to encouragebanks and building societies to expand lending, has helpedmortgage approvals and home sales.

Mr Bolton King said: “Price falls across the UK have graduallystemmed in recent months and it is interesting to see that theamount of completed transactions are on the rise, asconfidence returns to the marketplace. While it is still very earlydays to talk about a comprehensive market recovery, activitylevels are still encouraging and there is some optimism outthere that things could continue to improve.”

After Mr Bolton King commented, homebuyers andhousebuilders alike were given further grounds foroptimism by Chancellor George Osborne’s Budget Day

announcement about a ‘Help to Buy’ scheme. The newscheme, designed to aid both the housing market and thewider economy, will have two elements. One takes the formof a shared-equity loan to provide finance of up to 20% formany new-build purchases. The other will be a mortgageguarantee scheme to help those with small deposits toqualify for a mortgage.

Under the shared-equity loan element, government fundingof up to £3.5 billion will be made available for qualifyingpurchases where the purchaser can provide a 5% depositto buy a brand-new house costing up to £600,000 with acapital repayment mortgage. The loan of up to £120,000will be interest-free for five years. ‘Help to Buy: equity loan’becomes available from April 2013.

The mortgage guarantee element of the ‘Help to Buy’scheme could, over a three-year period, see thegovernment provide guarantees to cover up to £130 billionof loans to enable mortgage providers to offer a higher‘loan to value’ than would normally apply. ‘Help to Buy:mortgage guarantee’ will be available from January 2014.

These new schemes, not available for buy-to-let, are inaddition to Funding for Lending and NewBuy, so there areclear signs that getting the housing market fully back on itsfeet is a major government priority, not just to helpindividuals’ personal lives but also to support businessesthat depend on a vibrant construction sector. A resumptionof more sustained growth in activity and prices could resultfrom this concerted action.

Please contact me if you would like legal advice on buying or selling a home.

Peter Westbrook Residential Property Partner01279 638819 [email protected]

Loughton 020 8508 2111 | Hertford 01992 554881

Harlow 01279 638888 | Ware 01920 460531

[email protected]

Whatever happens in life, you can depend on

Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors

For information and advice, contact us at one or our four locations:


Commercial • Civil Litigation • Commercial Property

Employment • Residential Property • Education

Town & Country Planning • Family • Road Traffic Offences

Wills, Trusts & Probate • Elderly Client Services

Personal Injury • Medical Negligence

Our ful l range of legal services includes:

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Page 34: Inhouse Spring 2013 Edition

Regents Drive, Repton Park

£829,995 sOle agency

This immaculate five double bedroom family residence is set within this fabulous gated development with panoramic views over the communal manicured grounds.

arranged over three floors this beautifully presented home includes an open plan lounge/dining room, a Miele kitchen/breakfast room, study, guest cloakroom, utility room, three bathrooms and two dressing areas. The exterior has a low maintenance landscaped garden and parking for two vehicles to the front.



Tavistock House, Repton Park

£387,500 sOle agency

A well presented two bedroom first floor apartment set within the vast scenic grounds of this popular development.

The benefits include a lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen, guest cloakroom, Jack and Jill bathroom, double glazed sash windows and high ceilings. The exterior offers one allocated parking space as well as visitors parking.




cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |

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Page 35: Inhouse Spring 2013 Edition

arlington House, Repton Park

£624,995 sOle agency

Situated within the highly prestigious Arlington House is this spacious two bedroom ground floor apartment set behind its own private gates.

This home provides exclusivity and tranquillity which benefits from a secluded southerly aspect communal garden. The accommodation boasts a large lounge/diner, a fitted kitchen/breakfast room, master bedroom with en suite shower room and dressing area, a separate bathroom and an additional guest cloakroom. There is one allocated parking space plus parking for visitors.



Brandesbury square, Repton Park

£799,995 sOle agency

Beautifully presented four bedroom end-of-terrace townhouse with views over the communal grounds.

The accommodation is arranged over three floors and benefits from a spacious entrance hallway, large lounge, kitchen/diner, utility room, guest cloakroom, two en suites and a family bathroom. There is a southerly aspect rear garden and to the front there is off-road parking and an integral garage.




cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |

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Page 36: Inhouse Spring 2013 Edition

amber lane, The avenue, Repton Park

£589,995 sOle agency EPC - C

An exceptional four bedroom detached house situated within this popular development.

lounge, dining room, kitchen/breakfast room with utility area, study, en suite shower room, bathroom, off-street parking, double garage.



Douglas close, The avenue, Repton Park

£799,995 sOle agency EPC - C

Arranged over three floors, this well presented five bedroom extended detached house sits behind its own private gates.

Three reception rooms, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, guest cloakroom, games room (formally the garage), three bathrooms, ample off-street parking.


northumberland House, Repton Park

£439,995 EPC - E

A charming two bedroom mews house with lots of natural light, high ceilings and own private southerly aspect garden.

spacious hallway, lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen, guest cloakroom , Jack and Jill bathroom, two underground parking spaces and parking for visitors.


cadogan House, Repton Park

£594,995 sOle agency EPC - D

A chain free three bedroom ground floor apartment with high ceilings and double glazed sash windows.

lounge/dining room with doors opening onto its own patio area, kitchen/breakfast room, two bathrooms, two parking spaces.


cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |

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The Manor, Repton Park

£695,000 EPC - B

This spectacular two/three bedroom duplex penthouse sits behind its own private gates and is arranged over two floors.

Impressive hall, open-plan lounge/dining room/ kitchen, two bathrooms, dressing room, under-floor heating, two allocated parking spaces.


Brandesbury square, Repton Park

£724,995 EPC - C

Offered chain free is this spacious and well presented four bedroom townhouse.

kitchen/dining area, utility room, lounge with a balcony, dressing room, two en suites and a family bathroom, integral garage, off-street parking.


Regents Drive, Repton Park

£759,995 sOle agency EPC - C

This chain free end-of-terrace townhouse has stunning views over the communal grounds and cricket pavilion.

Two reception rooms, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, guest cloakroom, three bathrooms, garden, off-street parking, integral garage.


Devonshire House, Repton Park

£464,995 EPC - D

Benefiting from no on-going chain is this two bedroom top floor apartment with stunning views.

a grand hallway, high ceilings, master bedroom with en suite, separate bathroom, spacious reception room, two allocated parking spaces.


cHIgWell | 020 8281 0123 | [email protected] |

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With mortgage rates at an all time low, we can prove that quality advice and cost are not related when it comes to your next mortgage.

In fact, we think you will be pleasantly surprised at what we can do for you.

At Fitch & Fitch, we have excellent relationships with a portfolio of private lenders amongst all of the usual High Street lenders. We often offer exclusive rates that are not available direct and can negotiate the rate and fee on behalf of the client. We can arrange funding on a fixed-rate basis,linked to Bank Base Rate or Libor (London Interbank Offered Rate), depending on your preference. Offshore funding and complicated tax structures can also be catered for, as well as multi-currency lending and deals without early repayment charges.

We are specialist mortgage brokers that can help you with your next purchase or remortgage irrespective of how large or small.

We recommend you call ourselves today to see what we can do for you.

Call 0845 680 9019 [email protected]

Finest Mortgages...


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Fitch & Fitch is a Trading Style of JLM Mortgage Services which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority for advising on and arranging d by the Financial Services Authority for advising omortgages and insurance. Financial Services Authority Registration Number 300629. 37th Floor, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AAr, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, Lo

Don’t turn another page without taking part in our rate challenge. Simply tell us who you are, how much you want to borrow and the value of the property and we will do the rest...It takes less than 15 seconds!


4.69% (4.70%APR)2 Year Fixed 4.69% until 30/06/2016 then Tracker Plus 3.99%. Family Springboard Mortgages come in 2 parts. The borrower takes out a Family Springboard Mortgage, while their helpers open a Helpful Start Account, into which they put 10% of the house price. 3 years later they get


4.09% (5.90%APR)2 Year Fixed until 31/05/2015 then SVR. No extended early redemption penalties.

0845 680 9019

0845 680 9019


2.29% (4.80%APR)2 Year Fixed rate 2.29% until 30/06/2015. No extended early redemption penalties. Valuation fee is refunded on completion on properties up to a value of £500,000 for a standard valuation.

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1.99% (4.44%APR)2 Year Fixed rate 1.99% until 02/05/2015. No extended early redemption penalties. Free Valuation. A Cashback of £250 is payable on completion.

2 year fixed rate mortgage 0845 680 9019

2 year fixed rate mortgage

2 year fixed rate mortgage

2 year fixed rate mortgage

* All mortgage calculations and APRs are based on a purchase price of £250,000 repayment mortgage over 25 years. Should you require different mortgage calculations then please call one of our independent mortgage advisers.

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We have already seen a substantial and

noteworthy rise of interest within the market

compared with last year’s fi gures and since

the turn of the New Year we have seen a 57%

rise in the number of buyers registering in

2013 and a 30% rise in the number of vendors

placing their property with us. These fi gures

demonstrate that the fi rst quarter has indicated

a return of confi dence in the moving process.

With the base rate and mortgage rates still very low, we have seen

a massive rise of chain free buyers mainly wishing to step out of the

rental market and back in to home purchase. so why not call us today,

whether you have a one bedroom fl at or a fi ve bedroom detached

house, we can assist all your buying and selling needs, as our

loughton team has a wealth of experience.

MATTHEW SUTTONsenior negotiator

lOugHTOn | 020 8502 5588 | [email protected] |







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lOugHTOn | 020 8502 5588 | [email protected] |

stradbroke grove, Buckhurst Hill

£975,000 sOle agency

A delightful four bedroom detached property situated within this highly regarded residential road in Buckhurst Hill.

The property has been exceptionally well maintained by the current vendor. Property benefits include: fitted kitchen, cloakroom, living room, dining room, conservatory, four bedrooms arranged over two floors and family bathroom. There is a detached garage with separate utility room. The delightful rear garden is beautifully landscaped and a major feature of this attractive home.



The lindens, loughton

£589,995 sOle agency

This well-appointed detached family home is situated in a great location close to Loughton High Road and local schools.

This immaculate residence comprises of four bedrooms, two bathrooms including en suite to master, two good size reception rooms, fitted kitchen, a utility room, a guest cloakroom, plus double garage and off-street parking for two vehicles. The rear garden is mainly laid to lawn, with mature shrubs and trees and a patio area for entertaining.



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campions, loughton

£900,000 sOle agency

This well presented fFour bedroom detached property is located in the quiet cul-de-sac location of the Golding’s Manor Estate.

Offering: lounge, dining room, kitchen/morning room and integral garage. First floor: offering four double bedrooms with an extra study room, family bathroom. externally there is a well maintained garden with off-street parking for several vehicles; the property also offers potential to extend both into the loft and to the rear of the property stpp.



Roebuck Heights, Buckhurst Hill

£639,999 sOle agency

This spacious two bedroom second floor apartment, set within this prestigious gated development of Roebuck Heights.

The property offers: impressive entrance hall, lounge/diner, separate kitchen, and en suite to master bedroom with built in TV above the bath. Whilst externally the property benefits further from having panoramic views and east facing balcony, with two allocated parking spaces, both underground and to the front. The property has the added benefit of being freehold.




lOugHTOn | 020 8502 5588 | [email protected] |

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lOugHTOn | 020 8502 5588 | [email protected] |


ardmore lane, Buckhurst Hill

£999,999 EPC - D

a completely refurbished and extended substancial detached family home, ideally located for St Johns Primary School.

Three reception areas, bespoke fitted kitchen/morning room, single garage and beautiful landscaped gardens.


Thrift Hall Mews, Theydon Bois

£675,000 OIeO EPC - C

This stunning three double bedroom detached converted barn is set within this small development of Thrift Hall Farm.

kitchen, reception room, en suite, two rear gardens, garage and off-street parking, just a short walk to Theydon Bois High Road and station.


Honey lane, Waltham abbey

£185,000 sOle agency EPC - B

An opportunity has arisen to purchase this chain free newly built two bedroom apartment, set within easy access of the town centre with share of freehold.

Open-plan lounge/kitchen, bathroom, allocated parking space at the rear.


Regents Place, loughton

£475,000 sOle agency EPC - C

Renovated to a high standard this property is set within the popular gated development of Great Woodcote Park.

Reception/dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, en suite, garden and off-street parking to the front of the property for two vehicles.


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lOugHTOn | 020 8502 5588 | [email protected] |

Russell Road, Buckhurst Hill

£990,000 sOle agency EPC - D

An opportunity has arisen to purchase this spectacular interior designed early 1900’s property, situated in one of Buckhurst Hill’s premier tree-lined roads.

Three receptions, double bedrooms, driveway and 120ft landscaped garden.


Brooklyn avenue, loughton

£550,000 sOle agency EPC - E

This three bedroom detached chalet style bungalow is in the heart of Loughton, just a Stone’s throw from Loughton High Street and Central Line station.

lounge, open-plan kitchen/diner, conservatory, en suites to all bedrooms.


The Broadway, loughton

£230,000 sOle agency EPC - C

This spacious four bedroom first floor maisonette is ideally located for Debden High Street and Central Line station.

kitchen, sitting room/dining room, family bathroom and terrace. This is an ideal first time purchase or great for any investment buyer.


Meadow Road, loughton

£435,000 OIeO sOle agency EPC - D

A three bedroom end-of-terrace property, in the heart of Loughton and close to Staples Road Primary School.

Two receptions, off-street parking and garage en-bloc, with potential to extend (stpp), both into the loft and to the rear of the property.


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lOugHTOn | 020 8502 5588 | [email protected] |


High Road, loughton

£930,000 sOle agency EPC - E

A rare opportunity has arisen to acquire this substantial late Victorian semi-detached property located in Central Loughton.

seven bedrooms, two receptions, kitchen, cellar. separate one bedroom annex, off-street parking for three vehicles, attractive rear garden with patio.


Theydon garnon, epping

£650,000 sOle agency

This two bedroom detached converted barn is presented to a very high standard and set within five acres of land.

Three receptions, kitchen and utility room, cloakroom and en suite to master. exclusive parking and landscaped gardens.


Boleyn court, Buckhurst Hill

£575,000 EPC - D

A four bedroom penthouse apartment, set within the luxury gated development of Boleyn Court, with concierge.

lounge/diner, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, en suite, private parking, landscaped communal gardens, tennis court and BBQ area.


Roebuck Heights, Buckhurst Hill

£625,000 sOle agency EPC - B

A spacious two bedroom second floor apartment, set within this prestigious gated development of Roebuck Heights.

Impressive entrance hall, lounge/diner, separate kitchen, en suite and a balcony. lift, security entry system and underground parking space.


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Beaulieu Drive, Waltham abbey

£400,000 OIeO sOle agency EPC - D

Four bedroom detached property situated on this popular development, in a cul-de-sac position behind private gates.

Three receptions, fitted kitchen, utility room, cloakroom, en suite shower, rear garden and off-street parking for two vehicles.


Hillcrest Road, loughton

£875,000 sOle agency EPC - E

Located in the heart of Loughton on Hillcrest Road is this four bedroom detached property.

Two receptions, cellar, garage, spacious driveway, 130ft approx. rear garden. Ideally located for loughton High street and central line station.



lOugHTOn | 020 8502 5588 | [email protected] |

Fairmeads, loughton

£290,000This three bedroom end-of-terrace house is ideally located in a cul-de-sac and is well presented throughout.

Two receptions, kitchen, cloakroom, three good size bedrooms, gardens to the front and rear with ample parking and single garage for one vehicle.


Brook Road, Buckhurst Hill

£649,995 sOle agency EPC - D

This delightful three bedroom detached property is walking distance from Buckhurst Hill high street Central Line station.

lounge, dining room, kitchen, utility room, a pretty well stocked garden, attached garage and spacious driveway


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lOugHTOn | 020 8502 5588 | [email protected] |


Baldwins Hill, loughton

£850,000 sOle agency EPC - E

Situated on one of Loughton’s premier roads, this detached executive family home set behind private gates.

Renovated to a very high standard offering: living room, kitchen/diner, study, two en suites, off-street parking and garage.


Roebuck lane, Buckhurst Hill

£550,000 OIRO sOle agency EPC - C

Chain free, three bedroom detached chalet style bungalow, close to Buckhurst Hill Station and the popular Queens Road.

Open-plan lounge/kitchen, three bedrooms, off-street parking for two vehicles and well-presented rear garden.


aragon lodge, Buckhurst Hill

£310,000 OIRO sOle agency EPC - C

Set within this prestigious gated development, this chain free second floor apartment sits behind secure gates.

spacious lounge/diner, modern fully fitted kitchen, two double bedrooms, en suite shower room, allocated parking and landscaped grounds.


sunnyside Road, epping

£385,000 sOle agency EPC - E

Detached two bedroom bungalow a short distance of Epping Central Line station.

Modernised kitchen, shower room,off-street parking, approx. 64ft rear garden laid to lawn with mature shrubs and garden shed for storage.


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lOugHTOn | 020 8502 5588 | [email protected] |

Hill Hall, Theydon Mount

£799,000 EPC - E

A three bedroom duplex apartment, within Hill Hall which is an historic Grade I Listed Elizabethan mansion.

Featuring floor to ceiling sash windows, a newly fitted kitchen and wet room set in 20 acres of communal grounds.


smiths court, Thornwood

£499,995 sOle agency EPC - D

A detached family home situated in a cul-de-sac on the outskirts of Epping in the popular village of Thornwood.

Three receptions, fitted kitchen, cloakroom and en suite, a southerly facing garden mainly laid to lawn along with a double garage en-bloc.


Rous Road, Buckhurst Hill

£429,995 sOle agency EPC - D

A three bedroom end-of-terrace house, a short distance from Buckhurst Hill Central Line station and Queens Road.

spacious lounge, kitchen/diner, approx. 87ft rear garden with patio area and off-street parking to the front for two vehicles.


Fallow Fields, loughton

£449,000 sOle agency EPC - D

This three bedroom semi-detached property is set within the popular gated development of Great Woodcote Park.

Two receptions, kitchen/breakfast room, cloakroom and en suite, garage and rear garden, offering a blank canvas for garden enthusiasts.


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st nicholas Place, loughton

£409,995 sOle agency

An extremely well-presented three bedroom property, situated on this modern development overlooking the green.

kitchen, sitting room, cloakroom, en suite shower room, private garden laid to lawn, a linked garage and parking in the carport.



lOugHTOn | 020 8502 5588 | [email protected] |

glenmead, Buckhurst Hill

£249,995 sOle agency EPC - E

A well-located ground floor apartment with communal parking, a short distance from the popular Queens Road.

Two double bedrooms, large double reception, fitted kitchen, communal parking and landscaped communal grounds.


Fallow Fields, loughton

£415,000 OIeO sOle agency EPC - C

A chain free semi-detached residence within the secure and sought-after gated development of Great Woodcote Park.

kitchen, lounge/dining room, guest cloakroom, master bedroom with en suite and family bathroom, off-street parking and single garage.


The square, loughton

£360,000 OIeO sOle agency EPC - B

An immaculate three bedroom mid-terraced townhouse, ideally located for local amenities and the Central Line station.

lounge, fitted kitchen, en suite to master, immaculate rear garden, with the added benefit of the property being nHBc guaranteed.


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Whilst you are soberly leaping around at boot camp you may like to ponder on the following…

A ‘Lasting Power of Attorney’ (LPA) provides a formal authority to look after a person’s affairs when they are not in a position to do so. This can include a situation where you are physically unable to manage your affairs, such as cruising around the Caribbean until further notice, or if you are mentally incapable of dealing with your affairs through illness or old age.

There are two different types of LPA, the first dealing with property and financial affairs, the second dealing with health and welfare. The LPA dealing with health and welfare only comes into effect when someone has lost mental capacity.

The time to put these documents in place is now, when you are fit and healthy and are capable of understanding the process and procedure. You never know when you or your family may need them.

Without setting up LPAs it can mean a situation where

say a husband has lost capacity through ill-health or an accident and his wife will have to apply to the Court to access his bank accounts because she has no authority in place. This could cause difficulties in meeting responsibilities such as mortgage payments, school fees, utility bills or other essentials that traditionally her husband was paying for.

Couples may have their accounts in joint names. This will allow one person to access the accounts. However, this is not necessarily the solution particularly if a spouse needed to go into residential care as technically each person owns half the value of the accounts.

If you do not have an LPA in place and lose mental capacity, your relatives may need to make an application to the Court in order to deal with your property and finances. This can be expensive and could take several months to put in place.

You can choose anyone you trust to be your attorney. They must however be over 18 and not bankrupt. It is important to discuss this with them first. An LPA will

Lasting Powers of AttorneyYour new year resolutions may have included such things as more exercise and less alcohol but I wonder how many of you thought about setting up Lasting Powers of Attorney?

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give your attorney authority to make decisions about your property and finances when you are not able to. This can include your day-to-day banking, selling your property and dealing with your finances.

An attorney appointed under a health and welfare LPA will have authority to make decisions about where you live, who visits you and the type of care you receive. As the person making the LPA you will be able to consent to give or refuse life-sustaining treatment.

The health and welfare LPA is considered to be more effective than a living Will as it is less open to interpretation and should have been registered with the Court.

Putting these documents in place gives peace of mind and ensures less disruption should someone need to start acting on your behalf.

If you would like more information please contact either me or any one of my colleagues, Lauren Wershof, Rachel Butler, Emma Thorpe and Owen Thomas, who between us comprise the Private Client Department at Foskett Marr Gadsby & Head LLP.

We have offices in Epping and Loughton (details below) but, if you cannot get to our office, we shall happily visit you at your home.

John M E JonesPartner

Foskett Marr Gadsby & Head LLPRachel Butler, Emma Thorpe and Owen Thomas181 High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BQ (Offices above the Barclays Bank)

Lauren Wershof 106-108 High Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 4HN(Offices above the Nationwide Building Society)

Whichever office you would like to use please call 01992 578 642.

Resolving your legal problemsOur legal services include


Wills and TrustsMatrimonial



For further details please contact: John Worby John Jones181 High Street, Epping 106-108 High Road, LoughtonEssex CM16 4BQ Essex IG10 4HN

[email protected] [email protected]

01992 578 642

become the innocent victim of fraud and suffer afinancial loss you may be compensated.

Make sure your contact details are up-to-date

Did you know that if your land is registered at the LandRegistry you can provide up to three different contactaddresses, including an email address and an addressabroad? When the Land Registry receives an applicationregarding your property it will write to you about it. So ifyour details are not up-to-date you might not receivetheir letter or email.

You can download a form from the Land Registry websiteto add an address or update your existing contact details.

Please note that if the Land Registry receives anapplication to change your contact details it will send aletter to both your old and new addresses to check thatthe application is genuine.

Complete and lodge Land Registry Form RQ

For owners who do not live at the registered property anadditional security measure has recently been devised.You or your solicitor can enter a restriction, free ofcharge, on your title. Again this is a form that can bedownloaded from the Land Registry website.

If you are not eligible for this service, perhaps becauseyou are an owner-occupier, you can neverthelessregister a similar restriction on your title if you believeyou may be at risk. This is known as a Form LL

restriction and ensures that the Land Registry will notregister a sale or mortgage unless a solicitor orconveyancer has certified that the person who signedthe deed is a registered owner. This would certainlydeter a fraudster from trying to forge your signature orcopy your identity. There is a fee of £50 payable to theLand Registry for this service.

Finally, without wishing to sound like that chap offCrimewatch, please don’t lose too much sleep worryingabout these matters. Instead I suggest you discuss yourfears with one of the solicitors in our PropertyDepartment at Foskett Marr Gadsby & Head LLP. We haveoffices in Epping and Loughton and we are available tohelp you take the necessary steps to protect your home.

John M E Jones Partner

Foskett Marr Gadsby & Head LLPFoskett Marr Gadbsy & Head LLP

106 – 108 High Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 4HN(Offices above the Nationwide Building Society)

Tel: 01992 578642

Foskett Marr Gadbsy & Head LLP181 High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BQ

(Offices above Barclays Bank)Tel: 01992 578642

Lawlors Inhouse Autumn/Winter 2012 Edition 21/09/2012 19:27 Page 17

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I have been working at our Loughton branch

for over three years and have seen some huge

changes through the years. The department has

grown from strength to strength and from only

having three members of staff we now have six

and another lettings branch in Woodford.

The success of this department is down to having the right team. We take pride in the way we deal with both tenants and landlords. Our management department has expanded both in staff and volume of property that we are currently managing. Please see below some testimonials from just a couple of our happy customers…

“I have been a landlord on and off for the past twelve years and over the last fi ve years lawlors letting have looked after my property in loughton. The professional manner in the way they secure, manage and maintain tenant’s expectations is 110%. From an owners perspective they treat your property as their own and their maintenance team are equally effi cient. Their approach is balanced to maintaining parity for both tenant and client. an outstanding company with true professionalism.” Martin Scanlon, landlord (25/02/2013)

“I think lawlors operate a fi rst class professional service, they get the balance just right between landlords and tenants. I have dealt with Tina and lindsey in Property Management and they have always been friendly and courteous, they mean what they say and do it!, which is so important when you already have both a hectic working and social life. I would recommend them to anyone, no hesitation.” Paul Dorant, tenant (22/02/2013)




lOugHTOn | 020 8502 3388 | [email protected] |






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lOugHTOn | 020 8502 3388 | [email protected] |

Manor Road, chigwell

£2,750 – £3,750 PcM

These splendid two bedroom apartments have been furnished to the highest standard.

The exceptional interiors include bespoke beds and furniture and beautiful bathrooms fitted with integrated TVs. The apartments feature state-of-the-art entertainment systems provided by BOse. some with access to their own private, large terrace. There is ccTV fitted throughout the development with intercom system.


albion Park, loughton

£2,850 PcM

We are pleased to offer this attractive five bedroom detached property situated within this peaceful cul-de-sac location.

currently the property comprises of five bedrooms, three receptions, fitted kitchen with adjoining utility room, ground floor shower room in addition to first floor bathroom. To the front of the property there is a double garage and the rear garden measures in excess of 100ft and is ideally located within a short walking distance to Oakland school.



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arlington House, Repton Park, Woodford green

£2,200 PcM

We are delighted to welcome to the rental market, this first floor spacious and luxurious two bedroom duplex apartment.

The ground floor benefits from a large reception room with high ceilings, a modern fitted kitchen with granite work surfaces and a ground floor cloakroom/Wc. To the first floor there are two double bedrooms and a contemporary bathroom suite including a fitted shower. externally, the property offers two allocated parking spaces and use of the well maintained grounds of Repton Park.



Rowans Way, loughton

£2,699 PcM

We are pleased to offer this delightful, four double bedroom family home.

The property benefits from a modern kitchen, dining room, conservatory and a spacious living room which overlooks a well maintained garden, master bedroom benefits from a en suite and ample storage. This spacious family home is located in a peaceful cul-de-sac, a stones throw of both loughton High street shops and central line station and has plenty of off-street parking.




lOugHTOn | 020 8502 3388 | [email protected] |

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lOugHTOn | 020 8502 3388 | [email protected] |


High Road, loughton

£750 PcM EPC - D

A newly refurbished top floor studio flat close to Loughton Central Line station and all High Road amenities and shops.

newly laid laminate flooring throughout, ample storage, modern appliance fitted kitchen, bathroom/Wc shower and decorated to a high standard.


Foxwood chase, Waltham abbey

£815 PcM

Modern one bedroom, ground floor flat in the stylish development of Meridian Park.

large lounge/diner, modern fully fitted kitchen, double bedroom and plenty of storage and an allocated parking space.


Valley Hill, loughton

£1,250 PcM EPC - B

Modern two bedroom apartment, ideally located for Loughton High Street shops and Loughton Central Line station.

kitchen with integrated appliances, master bedroom with fitted wardrobes, secure parking, bathroom with shower.


The Broadway, loughton

£1,200 PcM EPC - D

First floor, three bedroom split level apartment close to Debden underground station and shops.

Modern kitchen and bathroom, good size lounge and three double bedrooms.


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Pancroft, abridge

£1,375 PcM EPC - D

Set within a semi rural location a newly redecorated three bedroom semi detached property in the heart of Abridge.

large reception, kitchen with appliances, utility room, downstairs Wc, two double bedrooms, single bedroom, bathroom and large garden.


Borders lane, loughton

£1,275 PcM EPC - D

Two bedroom house, located within a short walk to Loughton and Debden Central Line stations.

This property has recently undergone extensive refurbishment, benefiting from a new kitchen, new bathroom and new flooring throughout.



lOugHTOn | 020 8502 3388 | [email protected] |

Palmerston Road, Buckhurst Hill

£1,295 PcM EPC - C

Modern two bedroom apartment, located in an ideal position for all commuters.

This property benefits from a large lounge/diner, very modern kitchen with fitted appliances and two double bedrooms.


Retreat Way, chigwell

£1,250 PcM A well presented first floor apartment situated within a semi-rural location being close to Hainault forest.

This apartment offers a very good sized lounge/diner, fitted kitchen, two double bedrooms, lovely fitted bathroom and allocated parking space.


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lOugHTOn | 020 8502 3388 | [email protected] |


kensington House, Woodford green

£1,700 PcM EPC - C

First floor two double bedroom apartment, security gated, onsite health and sports club.

Modern fitted kitchen/diner and a spacious reception room, one family bathroom, an en suite shower and two allocated parking spaces.


coopersale lane, epping

£1,850 PcM EPC - F

Immaculate three double bedroom cottage located within grounds of The Manor House, Theydon Bois.

Beautiful views across the grounds, the property boasts lounge area, fully fitted modern kitchen, three double bedrooms and ample parking.


chigwell Rise, chigwell

£2,095 PcM EPC - D

Ideally located, detached family home, walking distance to the Central Line station and local shops at Brook Parade.

Four bedrooms, lounge/diner, sitting room, kitchen/breakfast room, cloakroom, family bathroom, garden, integral garage, off-street parking.


Deer Park Way, Waltham abbey

£1,950 PcM EPC - D

Spacious detached house on the popular Meridian Park Development, enjoying an open aspect to the front.

large lounge, dining room, integrated kitchen, utility room, ground floor cloakroom, two en suite shower rooms, garden, double garage, drive.


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lOugHTOn | 020 8502 3388 | [email protected] |

Regents Drive, Repton Park

£2,200 PcM EPC - C

A spacious two bedroom ground floor apartment in The Manor which benefits from having its own gated entrance.

large lounge, kitchen/diner, balcony, master bedroom with en suite plus a second bathroom, two underground parking spaces.


Repton Park, Woodford green

£2,300 PcM EPC - C

Luxury 3 bedroom apartment within Repton Park featuring a large exquisite lounge with natural light and beautiful views.

Fitted kitchen/diner, washer/dryer, dishwasher, master bedroom with en suite, family bathroom, video phone entry and private parking.


nupers Hatch, Romford

£2,200 PcM EPC - C

Three bedroom detached bungalow in Stapleford Abbotts situated within a gated estate in a semi rural location.

Three double bedrooms, family bathroom, large lounge with an open fire place, kitchen/diner, large decked area and utility room.


Tawney common, Theydon Mount, epping

£2,650 PcM EPC - D

Great sized detached four bedroom farm house on Tawney Farm.

Four double bedrooms, three en suites, one single bedroom, three reception rooms and utility room. set in two acres of private garden.


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Brandesbury square, Woodford green

£2,300 PcM EPC - C

Large three bedroom apartment with neutral decor throughout in the sought after development Repton Park.

Two double bedrooms both with en suites, large single, large lounge/diner, kitchen with appliances, high ceilings and two parking spaces.


lOugHTOn | 020 8502 3388 | [email protected] |


Wellfields, loughton

£2,650 PcM EPC - E

Four bedroom semi-detached house located on one of Loughton’s premiere roads.

The property boasts four good size bedrooms, two reception room, a beautiful kitchen dinner and a large, mature garden.


Theydon Bois, epping

£2,650 PcM EPC - D

Four bedroom semi-detached house in a quiet location in Theydon Bois.

Four great size bedrooms, large modern kitchen, separate lounge, beautiful garden, garage and off-street parking for three cars.


station Road, loughton

£2,600 PcM EPC - E

Spacious semi-detached property ideally situated for Loughton Central Line station and local shops.

Two reception rooms, conservatory, downstairs Wc and shower room, bespoke handmade kitchen, four double bedrooms and a family bathroom.


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Over the past few years we’ve noticed a vast

change in the rental market and none more

so than over the past twelve months. We are

noticing a change in people’s life plans, be this a

job opportunity abroad or plans to move closer

to family in other parts of the country or just a

general downsizing and with these life changing

decisions we are fi nding ourselves with more

and more ‘accidental landlords’ .

By ‘accidental landlords’ we mean owners of properties that have never

contemplated the rental market, who, instead of committing to the selling

of their property they adopt a ‘try before you buy’ policy. They are

putting themselves in a situation where if there decision isn’t quite what

they thought it would be they can come back to their family home and

if all goes to plan they can then make the decision to sell the property.

We are fi nding that the latter seems to be the case, this (at lawlors) puts

us in a unique position where we can then pass the property and the

landlord (that we have already built up a relationship with and a tenant

who trusts us) to enable us to sell the property with ease, making the

whole process simple and stress free.

If you feel that you may be in a situation

like this please call and we can

discuss it further.

DANIEL FROSTnegotiator


WOODFORD | 020 8506 9109 | [email protected] |






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WOODFORD | 020 8506 9109 | [email protected] |

Boleyn court, Buckhurst Hill

£1,800 PcM

We are very pleased to offer this immaculately presented ground floor apartment.

The accommodation comprises; private entrance hall, lounge/diner, fully fitted kitchen, three double bedrooms with en suite to master bedroom with bedrooms two and three having the added benefit of fitted wardrobes. With two allocated parking spaces and garage the property is set in communal private gardens behind security gates. close to local amenities and transport links. an early viewing is highly recommended.



goldhaze close, Woodford green

£1,200 PcM

We are pleased to offer this two bedroom house.

This property is within easy reach of all local amenities and local transport, this property benefits from two bedrooms, modern kitchen with appliances, modern bathroom with shower and easy to maintain garden. This property is available now, and has recently been refurbished.



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Hills Road, Buckhurst Hill

£1,250 PcM

We are pleased to offer this recently refurbished two double bedroom first floor apartment.

This property is ideally located for all local transport and is within close proximity to Queens Road. This property benefits from two double bedrooms, a large living area with a dining area, separate modern kitchen and modern bathroom and has the luxury of parking.



Highfield Road, Woodford green

£1,375 PcM

We are pleased to offer this recently refurbished three bedroom home.

This property benefits from two reception rooms, conservatry area, three large bedrooms and a separate study. This property is ideally located to shops and transport links.




WOODFORD | 020 8506 9109 | [email protected] |

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WOODFORD | 020 8506 9109 | [email protected] |

greenway, Woodford green

£2,000 PcM

Lawlors are pleased to offer you this four bedroom family property in Woodford Green.

This large four bedroom property has been tastefully decorated and has a fantastic kitchen/dinner. Other benefits to this property are a large through lounge, four bedrooms including en suite to the master bedroom, walk-in wardrobe/dressing room, Downstairs Wc, large rear garden and also off-street parking.

This property is sure to go quick so call now to avoid disappointment.



Woodcote Road, london

£2,500 PcM

We are pleased to offer this three/four bedroom family home. Located within easy reach of Wanstead High Street and Wanstead Central Line station.

This property has been decorated and furnished to a very high standard and benefits from two reception rooms, conservatory with under floor heating, kitchen with breakfast area, downstairs Wc, three bedrooms all with built-in wardrobes, family bathroom with bath and separate shower and his and hers basins and laundry room. This property also boasts a modern annexe with its own kitchenette and en suite bathroom.



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Forest Way, Woodford green

£2,600 PcM

Lawlorsis pleased to offer you this large four bedroom detached house situated on the very sought after Monkhams Estate.

The property is set behind electric gates and with off-street parking and a garage. There are three good size reception rooms, conservatory, kitchen with appliances, downstairs Wc and a large rear garden. upstairs offers three double bedrooms with ample storage, single bedroom, en suite to master bedroom, family bathroom with separate shower.



sewardstone Road, london

£2,900 PcM

We are pleased to offer this executive family home.

This property benefits from four bedrooms, with en suite to master, family bathroom, two reception rooms, conservatory, ample parking, garden and is available now.




WOODFORD | 020 8506 9109 | [email protected] |

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WOODFORD | 020 8506 9109 | [email protected] |

snaresbrook Road, london

£4,500 PcM

An exquisite five bedroom family home in Snaresbrook. This property is set within a gated community and offers a vast amount of living space.

set within a few minute’s walk to the central line station and boasting many benefits such as three reception rooms, five bedrooms all with fitted wardrobes, three bathrooms, kitchen with fitted appliances and a well kept landscape garden.




£2,200 PcM

Lawlors is pleased to offer new onto the market a four bedroom detached property in modern development situated in cul-de-sac.

Own garage and two additional parking spaces. The property benefits from having two reception rooms with conservatory looking onto rear garden.



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