innovación para la gestión de la infraestructura

SAP Fórum MX 2014 Innovación para la gestión de la infraestructura Victor Yee SAP Ingeniería, Construcción & Operaciones (EC&O) Global Industry Business Solutions México, D.F., 6 de Marzo del 2014

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nnovación Para La Gestión de La Infraestructura


SAP Frum MX 2014Innovacin para la gestin de la infraestructura Victor Yee SAP Ingeniera, Construccin & Operaciones (EC&O) Global Industry Business Solutions Mxico, D.F.,6 de Marzo del 2014 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.2 Contenido Innovaciones a travs de las Soluciones SAP para EC&O para la gestin de proyectos VE como espacio de trabajo (BIM) Caso de xito Commercial Project Managament CPM 1.0 CPM 2.0 ( Fiori ) Movilidad Aplicaciones Casos de xito 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.3 Mapa de Valor para la Industria EC&O 2014 Crecimiento de tu empresamediante una solucin centrada en proyectos Revenue Optimization and Project Profitability Bid to ContractawardAsset and Facility Operations Opportunity and proposal management Collaborative 5D Design and Construction Commercial Real EstateOptimized Asset Maintenance andFacility Operations Invoice to Cash Subcontractor, Owner, Engineer and Architect CollaborationEquipment and Tools Management Performance Analytics for Construction Projects and Portfolios

Finance Accounting and Financial Close Financial Planning and Analysis Treasury and Financial Risk Management Collaborative Finance Operations Enterprise Risk and Compliance Management

Technology and platform Bid Data Enterprise Information Management Real-Time EnterpriseReal-Time AnalyticsEnterprise Mobility Information Technology Application Lifecycle Management IT Infrastructure Management IT Portfolio and Project Management IT Services management

Procurement Strategic Sourcing and Supplier Management ( On Premise) Procure to Pay ( On Premise) with Business Network Collaboration Commodity Management

Human Resources Core Human Resources and Payroll Talent ManagementWorkforce Planning and Analytics Time and Attendance Management IT Strategy and Governance Cloud SolutionsApplication Integration Environmental Health and Safety Commercial Project Management for EC&O Subcontractor Management Project Issue and Change Management for EC&O Project Delivery 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.4 Estimaciones Design / Engineering (CAD System) IngenieraProcuraConstruccin Cierre-entrega MantenimientoVentas Mobility Mobile ApplicationsMobile Application PlatformMobile Device Management Project Management Procurement / Subcontracting / Materials Mgmt HR / Payroll Success FactorsHCM Equipment & Tools Management Facility Operations/ EAM CRM SRM / Sourcing (Supplier Self-Service) Planning & Forecasting Receivables / Payables Contract Management / Billing (ARIBA) 3D Visualization & Process Integration Employee Self-Service Change Management Project Financials Customer Self-Service Managerial Accounting Planning and Consolidation Financial Management Corporate Governance Financial Accounting Financials Business & Operational AnalyticsMaster Data Management and GovernanceBusiness Warehouse Analytics & Reporting SAP cubre toda la cadena de valor de tu compaa Engineering, Construction & Operations SAP Database & Technology Platform SAP HANA / SAP Netweaver Non-SAP. SAP Partner SAP ECM / Document Collaboration Commercial Project Management ( CPM) 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.5 Estimaciones Design / Engineering (CAD System) IngenieraProcuraConstruccin Cierre-entrega MantenimientoVentas Mobility Mobile ApplicationsMobile Application PlatformMobile Device Management Project Management Procurement / Subcontracting / Materials Mgmt HR / Payroll Success FactorsHCM Equipment & Tools Management Facility Operations/ EAM CRM SRM / Sourcing (Supplier Self-Service) Planning & Forecasting Receivables / Payables Contract Management / Billing (ARIBA) 3D Visualization & Process Integration Employee Self-Service Change Management Project Financials Customer Self-Service Managerial Accounting Planning and Consolidation Financial Management Corporate Governance Financial Accounting Financials Business & Operational AnalyticsMaster Data Management and GovernanceBusiness Warehouse Analytics & Reporting SAP cubre toda la cadena de valor de tu compaa Engineering, Construction & Operations SAP Database & Technology Platform SAP HANA / SAP Netweaver Non-SAP. SAP Partner SAP ECM / Document Collaboration Commercial Project Management ( CPM) 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.6 SAP Visual Enterprise Modelo Co- innovacin ( Cliente y SAP) Visual Enterprise Construction Planner SAP ECC/DMS/Other Platforms Visual Enterprise Enabled Reporting Visual Enterprise Mobile Issue and Document Management (R.2) Capacidad de desplegar IFC formats dentro de VE ejemplo: ISO/PAS 16739 Interaccin con Mapas 2D Capacidad de visualizar 3D en reportes Animaciones de operaciones comunes o de alto riesgo Leer QR Code / Control y Modelacin de versiones Tipo de datos a manejar: Datos de Materiales Datos Programacin y/o Planeacin Datos de Costes y Compras Datos y costos de Inventarios y faltantes Gestin de Cambios y incidentes Datos de facilidades Documentos La solucin mvil desplegara el modelo, comentarios, fotos, documentacin y o contratos (PDF) asociada con ciertas partes del modelo. 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.7 Visualization Adds Value to Solutions in Operational Integrity1 2 3 4 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.8 Powerful 120 Support for the display and manipulation of more than 120 - 2D and 3D engineering and business integrated formats. SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Supports: Advanced visual displays for understanding business data, making decisions, and acting on those decisions directly from 2D and 3D models. Authoring manufacturing, repair and service instructions using language independent animated steps and procedures. Publishing HTML5 / PDF / Flex Apps NetWeaver integrated IP protection / security Rich content: 3D plus analytics Embedded rendering engine Animated work instructions Flexibility Integration SAP dashboards Web data services Access to Bill of Material Access to schedules, planning, forecasts Real time monitoring of assets Runs on Android, iOS, and PCs Dynamic control of 3D content and data presentation Edit textures, billboards, and motion pathways High performance query Model driven spatial analysis 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.9 Estimaciones Design / Engineering (CAD System) IngenieraProcuraConstruccin Cierre-entrega MantenimientoVentas Mobility Mobile ApplicationsMobile Application PlatformMobile Device Management Project Management Procurement / Subcontracting / Materials Mgmt HR / Payroll Success FactorsHCM Equipment & Tools Management Facility Operations/ EAM CRM SRM / Sourcing (Supplier Self-Service) Planning & Forecasting Receivables / Payables Contract Management / Billing (ARIBA) 3D Visualization & Process Integration Employee Self-Service Change Management Project Financials Customer Self-Service Managerial Accounting Planning and Consolidation Financial Management Corporate Governance Financial Accounting Financials Business & Operational AnalyticsMaster Data Management and GovernanceBusiness Warehouse Analytics & Reporting SAP cubre toda la cadena de valor de tu compaa Engineering, Construction & Operations SAP Database & Technology Platform SAP HANA / SAP Netweaver Non-SAP. SAP Partner SAP ECM / Document Collaboration Commercial Project Management ( CPM) 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.10 La Gestin Comercial de proyectosenvuelve varios aspectos y roles dentro del ciclo de vida PlaneacinExecuccion Monitoring & Control Recursos Cambios e incidentes Desarrollo de Negocio Finanzas Cliente Proveedores Subcontratistas Gerente de Proyectos Recursos Grupo de Interes Director de Proyecto Ventas Controller de Proyecto Back Office 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.11 SAP Commercial Project Management 1.0 Project Workspace ( Espacio de trabajo) Project Financial Planning ( Planeacin Financiera de Proyectos) Issue and Change Management ( Gestin del cambio e incidentes) Se libero recientemente la versin SAP CPM 1.0 . CPM es una extensin de la SAP Business Suite donde se aprovecha la funcionalidad existente y se ha aumentado funcionalidad; por ejemplo el contar con una visibilidad total de la gestin de oportunidades, gestin de contratos, facturacin, estructura de proyectos, compras, etc SAP Gestin Comercial de Proyectos 1.0 (CPM) Panorama General 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.12 SAP Commercial Project Management 1.0SAP Gestin Comercial de Proyectos 1.0 (CPM) SAP CPM1.0 Project Workspace Project Financial Planning Issue and Change Management Ambiente de trabajo Amigable y flexible que provee un panorama general de la informacin proveniente de los sistemas y aplicaciones Planeacin consolidada y control de cantidades, costes e ingresos a travs del ciclo de vida del proyecto (ejemplo: licitacin, plan, pronostico, ejecucin) Registro y seguimiento de los incidentes y cambios dentro del proyecto, as como los costes e impactos en la rentabilidad SAP Despliegue de Solucin Rpida (RDS) para CPM esta lista. Paquete pre-configurado 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.13 This presentation and SAPs strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This documentis providedwithout awarranty of anykind, either express orimplied,including but notlimited to, theimpliedwarranties ofmerchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement Project Workspace Unificado, Simplificado y extendido Cross Project Project Specific Engagement / Master Project Setup Project Financial Plan and ForecastIssue & Change ProcessingMultiple Layouts Views based onrole/contextin a Project Workspace Object/ Fn. Specific Access existing UIs and transactions 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.14 Project Workspace Espacio de Trabajo Provee una visin integrada del proyecto Anlisis integrados (costes, ingresos, WIP, etc) Vistas Configurables dependiendo el perfil del usuario Mejora en la Gestin de Proyectos ( estatus, alertas, tendencias) Mejora en los escenarios de facturacin. 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.15 Project Financial Planning PlaneacinFinanciera delProyecto Planeacin y pronostico de cantidades, costes, flujos de efectivo Estimacin de alto nivel basada en estructura pasadas o determinadas Detalle de costos y planes de flujos en base referencias Procesos de pronsticos durante la ejecucin del proyecto Soporte para la planeacin de recursos, materiales y gastos / terceros Interfaces flexibles y amigables (ejemplo:Excel frontend) 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.16 Project Issue and Change Management Gestin de Cambios e Incidentes Registro y seguimiento de los incidentes del proyectos y los requerimientos de cambios Proceso de clarificacin de incidentes Planeacin de flujos y costes en base a los cambios Soporte a los procesos de autorizacin Integracin de las capacidades dela gestin de documentos 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.17 Arquitectura para CPM Workspace y PICM Componentes y FuncionalidadComponent Architecture SAP Netweaver 7.31 SAP ERP EhP6 CPM - Workspace SAP Netweaver 7.31 Open architecture that supports different SAP ERP solution architectures at the customer, e.g. Usage of SD & PS (for full functionality) Usage of SD only Usage of cProjects Usage of SAP CRM or 3rd party CRM Usage of 3rd party scheduling solutions SAP Netweaver CPM - Workspace ERPEhP6 SD & PS for full functionality PPMcPro MRS CRM On-Demand solutions Res. 3rd CRM 3rd Doc. Mgmt. Optional 3rd Party Mandatory Optional SAP (pre-built integration) New solutions Proj. Scheduling IAM 1.0 PICM New Add-On 1 (CPM) Workspace and Financial Planning Based on SAP ERP 6.0 EhP6 New Add-On 2 (PICM) Project Issue and Change Management Based on SAP Netweaver 7.31 and IAM (Issue and Activity Management) Can be deployed on same system or separately Functional Architecture PICM 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.18 Mobile Project Inspection by Mindtree Based on SAP Commercial Project Management 1.0 Business Value Eliminate paperwork related to project inspections Capture progress information accurately with Digital media (Photos/Video) Manages supervisor schedule and calendar.

Use Cases Carry out project inspections, audit and checklists on mobile Access project inspections, audit & checklists offline Report deviations from inspections digitally View, search & organize assigned inspections 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.19 Mobile Project Inspection by Mindtree Based on SAP Commercial Project Management 1.0 Use Cases Carry out project inspections, audit and checklists on mobile Access project inspections, audit & checklists offline Report deviations from inspections digitally Business Value Provides Project managers and Execs real time data of key project parameters Draws manager attention to any critical project related event providing alerts and trends and take actions on them. Access pre-built analytics for costs & revenue, Work in Progress, Earned Value etc

Use Cases Browse all management related information of multiple projects Get KPI values, alerts & trends of your projects Act on alerts & trends Deep dive into project analytics 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.20 Punch List by Wipro Based on SAP Commercial Project Management 1.0 Use Cases Carry out project inspections, audit and checklists on mobile Access project inspections, audit & checklists offline Report deviations from inspections digitally Business Value A punch list is a basic checklist of activities that need to take place on a given day.Other lists could include safety checklists and quality assurance checklists The application has three major components: list creation, list maintenance, list use, and notifications.We will address the functionality of the four components separately.

Use Cases Create, maintain, and use user created checklists that could be utilized to track a simple task list, a safety checklist, a quality assurance checklist, or any other custom checklist that a field user may need. 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.21 Estimaciones Design / Engineering (CAD System) IngenieraProcuraConstruccin Cierre-entrega MantenimientoVentas Mobility Mobile ApplicationsMobile Application PlatformMobile Device Management Project Management Procurement / Subcontracting / Materials Mgmt HR / Payroll Success FactorsHCM Equipment & Tools Management Facility Operations/ EAM CRM SRM / Sourcing (Supplier Self-Service) Planning & Forecasting Receivables / Payables Contract Management / Billing (ARIBA) 3D Visualization & Process Integration Employee Self-Service Change Management Project Financials Customer Self-Service Managerial Accounting Planning and Consolidation Financial Management Corporate Governance Financial Accounting Financials Business & Operational AnalyticsMaster Data Management and GovernanceBusiness Warehouse Analytics & Reporting SAP cubre toda la cadena de valor de tu compaa Engineering, Construction & Operations SAP Database & Technology Platform SAP HANA / SAP Netweaver Non-SAP. SAP Partner SAP ECM / Document Collaboration Commercial Project Management ( CPM) 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.22 EC&O Partners Project DashboardProject Issue Management Superintendent Daily Log (Planned) Punch List Mobile apps offered by SAP FinanceHR EC&O Supply Chain and Procurement Service SAP Apps InformationTechnology Sales Analytics SAP Employee Lookup SAP HR Approvals SAP Interview Assistant SAP Learning Assistant SAP Leave Request SAP Manager Insight SAP Timesheet SAP Travel Receipt Capture* SAP Travel ExpenseApproval* SAP Travel ExpenseReport* SAP CRMSales SAP Customer and Contacts SAP Customer Briefing SAP Customer FinancialFact Sheet*SAP ERP Order Status SAP Material Availability SAP SalesOrder Notification SAP Cart Approval SAP Sanctioned-Party List SAP Transport Notification and Status SAP Transport Tendering SAP ERP Quality Issue SAP EHS Safety Issue SAP Inventory Manager SAP Visual Enterprise ViewerSAP Work Manager* SAP Rounds Manager SAP CRM Service Manager* SAP Work Manager* SAP CRMServiceManager* SAP Customer Financial Fact Sheet*SAP GRC Access Approver*SAP GRC Policy Survey SAP Payment Approvals SAP Real- Spend SAP Travel Expense Approval* SAP Travel Expense Report* SAP Travel Receipt Capture* SAP Replication Manager SAP TDMS Manager SAP User ExperienceMonitor SAP IT Change Approval SAP IT Incident Management SAP System Monitoring SAP WorkDeck SAP Sales Diary SAP Inventory Manager* SAPBusinessObjects ExplorerSAPBusinessObjects MobileSAP Strategy Management 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.23 7:00am Asignacin de Personal y equipos 9:00am Recepcin de Materiales y Ordenes de Compra 4:00pm Avance en obra y cantidades 12:00pm Gestin de Incidentes 2:00pm Seguimiento de Avances de Proyecto(ejem: cantidades) 6:00am Definicin de Actividades 6:00pm Anlisis de Portafolio de ProyectosAplicaciones en Industria IC&O Mejorando la productividad y procesos de construccin 10:00am Colaboracin 8:00am Inspeccin 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.24 Aplicaciones mviles de SAP para una excelencia en la entrega y servicio completo en el ciclo de vida Mantenimiento( Asset Management) Inspecciones basadas rdenes de trabajo, reparaciones y tareas de mantenimiento Ver localizacin de activos, historial de reparaciones, detalles de la orden de trabajo, los materiales necesarios WOs completas, capturar todos los datos relevantes, Crear notificaciones o WOs sobre el terreno, flujo de trabajo SAP Work Manager Construccin (Schematics) Visualice e interacte grandes esquemas 3Dcomplejos Ver instrucciones de trabajos interactivas paso a paso 3D Seleccionar piezas o ensamblajes para ver la CAD y SAP informacin comercial SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Viewer Project Dashboard (by Mindtree) Mobile Project Inspection(by Mindtree) Construccin(Seguimiento en Proyectos) Examinar toda la informacin relacionada con la gestin de mltiples proyectos Obtener valores de KPI, alertas y tendencias de sus proyectos Desplegar alertas y tendencias de los proyectos e incidentes Profundizar en anlisis de proyectos Construccin(Control de actividades-calidad) Realizar inspecciones de proyectos, auditoras y listas de incidentes en el mvil Inspecciones de proyectos de acceso, auditora y listas de comprobacin fuera de lnea Informar sobre las desviaciones de las inspecciones Ver, buscar y organizar inspecciones asignadas 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.25 Aplicaciones mviles para la fuerza laboral e incrementar la productividad SAP BusinessObjects Mobile SAP EHS Workforce Safety Real-time Analysis(Operational Excellence) Anlisis Predictivo frente informes reactivos y/o obsoletos Generar y ver anlisis inteligentes sobre la marcha Acceso y ver datos tiempo real Ver los anlisis proveedores y clientes Ver los anlisis de operaciones, la red y el desempeo del personal Workforce Safety (EHS Inspections) Enviar cuestiones de seguridad en un dispositivo mvil, directamente despus de la deteccin Manejo de incidentes con fotos, videos, audio con los detalles de la observacin Realizar el seguimiento del estado de las observaciones SAP Multiresource Scheduling Resources (Workforce Mgmt.) Manejo de recursos, Calendarios de actividades de recursos Manejo de fuerza laboral como despachos, asignaciones de recursos, materiales e informacin de OWs SAP Fiori - Approvals Real-time Approvals(Operational Excellence) Reciba notificaciones en tiempo real de las solicitudes criticas Revisin, negar, aprobar y modificar las peticiones Powered by SAP Workflow para movilizar cualquier tipo de aprobacin con diversos niveles y de varias grupos de inters 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.26 Adaptndonos al presente? 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.27 El da de hoy Muchas Gracias! Contact information: VictorYee email: [email protected]